12010 September 01

I left the others to the west of me and headed down the street, which seemed like $P1ST. I turned to the north into my grandmother’s house and carried my bags into the small apartment. I felt awkward, feeling that i should be doing something back near the bus to the west. I only had a few small bags in my arms as i walked into the apartment, and i knew that i had left my main bag near the bus. I looked back to the west to see the students gathering their things. They seemed to be from my high school, and i felt tired of being with them. I closed the door to the north of me and begrudgingly walked back to the west to get my luggage. $F45 seemed to be near the bus somewhere. I knew that the bus was a large yellow school bus, and it seemed to be down the street to the south of the curb, but i could not see it. The people were gathering their things on the western curb of the street, in front of the large building, which seemed to be the church near my grandmother’s house. I did not want to be with these people anymore, and i stepped up onto the curb, turning to the north. I spotted my large blue duffel bag on the ground near a woman. She bent over to pick up some of her bags. As i grabbed my duffel bag, she said something to me. I was not very interested, but i replied to her. I then turned to the east, carrying my bag back across the room of the apartment and dropping it on the western side of the large bed. The bed was against the southern wall of the room, in the eastern half of the room. I felt very exhausted and just wanted to sleep some more, so i layed down on the bed and closed my eyes. There was someone else on the bed with me, to the east of me. It seemed like $F45 at first, but i was then aware that he was not back with his bags yet. I hugged the person as i slept, realizing that it was $F43. She was already asleep on her back. The door to the apartment then opened, and i knew that it was $F45 bringing his bags back. The door was in the northern wall, to the north of the bed. I woke up and slowly rolled away from $F43. I could hear that $F45 was simply standing in the doorway. I started to worry that he would be upset that i was sleeping next to $F43. I did not think that he should mind, though, because she and i were not doing anything sexual; we were just holding each other as we slept. I then heard the door close and realized that $F45 did not come back into the room. I got up and went to the door to look for him, worried that he might be upset. Opening the door, i saw his luggage of tan canvas bags on the ground just outside. He seemed to have gone to the west, down the old corridor outside. I reached over to grab his bags and bring them into the apartment. As i stood back up, i noticed a young man to the east. He had come from the south. He seemed to be a student, and i thought that he had just come from the dining hall and was on his way back to his dormitory room. He was wearing a white T-shirt and blue denim pants. He looked up at me and smiled as i took the bags into the room. He seemed interesting, and i stared at him for a moment. I smiled back but tried not to pay too much attention to him. I pulled the bags into the room and closed the door. I then heard $F45 coming from the west. He had been in the bathroom down the corridor.

12010 September 02

I turned back to the south and headed over the rugged trail on the rocky hillside. The other man was walking with me. We were trying to get back to someplace that we had just come from. It seemed as though we had been at an event with many other people, and now we were wandering around the area. I turned to the east, crossing the large open room, which seemed to have a pool in it. We were trying to head to the south, but there was a wooden railing dividing the room. I told the other person to head to the south, but i realized that the doorway on the southern end of the room was blocked with the railing and wooden-slat wall. We would not be able to get through this way. I walked to the east, along the southern side of the pool, looking at the southern side of the room. There did not seem to be a wall to the east of me, and the room was open to the steep gray rocky mountain slope that rose to the east, across a narrow valley from us. We seemed to be on the eastern side of a mountain slope, quite high above the valley floor. I noticed that there was a small cubical entryway to the southeast of me, in the southern end of the eastern wall. There were doors on both the northern and southern sides of the glass cube, and the cube was open to the east. I wondered if the doors were locked, preventing us from getting out. I then asked the lifeguard, who was sitting to the east of me, talking to someone else, if we would be allowed to cross over the wooden barriers to get out of the building to the south. I wanted to get back to the event that was happening there. The man who had been with me was still wandering to the south, but i knew that he would not be able to get out of the doors on the southern side of the room. The southern wall was glass, and i knew that the corridor on the other side led to the area that we wanted to get to. I looked at the glass entryway, noticing the stained wooden deck that led up to it. There was a set of wooden stairs running up to the deck from the pool deck from the north. The deck seemed cubical, and wider than the entryway. It was surrounded by a wooden railing of similar wood, which seemed new and clean. A second set of stairs continued to the south from the eastern side of the deck, running to the northern door of the glass entryway. I motioned to the door as i waited for the lifeguard to respond. He looked at the stairs and considered for a moment what to say. He then shrugged and said that he did not see why i would not be able to go that way. I wanted to call $Z back from the southern part of the room. I called to him, saying that we should try this door. I approached the door, wondering if it would be unlocked. The door seemed to be locked, but i continued down the rocky trail that ran to the south, along the western face of the steep mountain. The trail rose near a small tree and then seemed to turn to the southwest. I said something to the man with me, who now seemed to be someone i had just met. He was interested in me and was following me back to the event. I started to feel that we needed to be somewhere, but i had to get back to the festival to do something. I had been doing work in the kitchen for the festival, and i realized that i would have to get back to helping them. I walked to the south under the large white tent, passing to the east of the long serving table. There was a grill on the other side, and $A404 seemed to be standing in front of it with a white apron on. We had been cooking earlier, but the grill was empty now. I had to bring something to the kitchen so that we would be ready for the next crowd of people. I was still aware of the two people following me; one was the man that i had met and the other was a person who was just walking with us. I felt stressed about making them wait while i dealed with the food. I turned to the west suddenly, stepping up the cement step and into the open door at the southern end of the eastern side of the building. The building was crowded with people, and i knew that there was no way that i would make it through the pub. The bar seemed to be in the center of the room, to the northwest of the door, but i could not squeeze through the people to get to it. I thought that i could bartend again, but knew that i had to get the supplies for the kitchen. I thought about pushing my way through the southern end of the room to get to the door on the other side, but i realized that it was simply too crowded. I was again aware of the people who were waiting on me and did not think that they would follow me through the room. I backed out of the door and decided to head to the south, around the side of the building. As i turned back to the east, i seemed to be on a path on the southern side of the campus. The men were talking behind me, and i realized that the man who had been with me was becoming less interested in me. He was now interested in the man who had joined us. I felt a little disappointed about this, thinking that i was no longer desirable to the younger men anymore. As i continued down the dirt road to the east, with the green leafy shrubs and weeds to the north, i heard the man that i had been with saying something negative about me. He was trying to impress the other man by stating his disillusion in me. I felt hurt, but realized that there was nothing i could do. I was no longer interested in the young man, even though i found him quite attractive. I paused on the trail, motioning to the south and asking the other two if they knew where the cinema was. He had been heading to a show. I knew that they would not wait for me, and i suspected that they would not want me around with them. I no longer cared where they went, and told them that the cinema was to the south. There seemed to be a trail running south. I did not wait for a reply from the two. Instead, i turned to the northwest and headed up the trail toward $P192, which seemed to be to the northwest of me. I turned north, heading down the corridor between the building and the white tent. There was something blocking my path, though. There were tall wooden scaffolds erected on the northern end of a old dilapidated building. The building seemed to be nothing but wooden beams, as if the siding and walls had been removed. I tried to push my way through the bamboo supports of the scaffolding, but i could not get through. The tent that i had to get to was just to the north of me. I was aware that the other two were still to the south of me, but i ignored them and started climbing the scaffolding, trying to get over the obstruction and into the kitchen tent.

12010 September 04

I had been in the apartment, but i had left and was now on the bus, heading to the southeast, toward the college campus. I had been taking graduate classes here, and i was on my way to class. The bus was crowded with people, and i felt rather uneasy. I realized that i had forgotten something at home, and this made me more upset. I was just not prepared fro my classes, and i felt unable to do anything about it. I moved to the south, across the living room of the small house. A group of men were standing on the eastern side of the room as i entered. They were all part of the same family, and i felt uncomfortable around them. The smiled happily as i walked past, watching me. They greeted me, acting very welcoming, which made me even more uncomfortable with them. I continued through the rooms of the house, wondering if these men were members of some Christian organization. They seemed almost like a cult, and that made me uncomfortable here. I continued to the south, down the central aisle of he bus. We were heading to the college campus, driving south down the road between the large stone academic buildings. The bus stopped along the western side of the road and i got out. An old stone building was to the west of me. It was one of the college buildings. I headed into the building and started wandering through the halls. I was still tense about not being prepared for class, but i was also upset because i had come in late. I had to go back for my things, so i had now missed my class. I felt tense with despair, and i tried to focus on what was happening, but i found that i could not concentrate. I could not remember what i was doing. There was something that i was supposed to be doing, but i was missing it. I was upset, and thought that i still had to get back home to get something. $A17 was to the south of me in the hallway. She started talking to me about the class. She wanted me to take her class, but i felt too upset. I felt insecure and thought that i would not be able to do the class. I had failed at completing too many other classes, and i was afraid that i would not be able to take this one either. It upset me to think about it, though, and i remembered that i had to get back to get something. I could not stay here. I did not want to go back, though, because i had missed too much already. If i went back now, i would simply not be at class at all, and this made me upset.

I came into the small bedroom from the doorway in the southern end of the western wall. $F45 or my mother was packing videos into a cardboard box on the northeastern side of the room. I looked at the VHS boxes, noticing that they were Disney videos. As the person packed the videos, i realized that the sound that i was hearing was one of the tapes playing. It sounded like very cheerful music. $F45 ignored me, packing the videos. He was upset about something, so i did not say anything to him. The small bed was on the northern wall, on the western side of the room. A tan bag sat on the floor just to the east of the bed. I focused on it suddenly, wondering what was in the bag. As i bent over to open the bag, $X12 pushed his head out of the bag and stopped out. He moved to the north, toward the chair that was against the northern wall, between the bed and the table with the videos on it. Videos were stacked on the chair, and $X14 was sitting on top of a short stack of videos. As $X12 started rubbing against the lower part of the chair, i walked over and stared petting him and $X14. It was good to see both of them.

12010 September 05

I was talking to $F43 about the different foreign places, and i seemed rather happy to spend time with her. I mentioned some places, and then she mentioned Russia. She thought that i had been to Russia. She thought this because i had said that “exciting” things had happened when we were talking about Russia, so she thought that i had been there. I looked to the west, at the large map i was imagining of the country. The country was painted red on the map, and had a generally rounded shape. This was where we were, and i knew that it was not Russia; the shape was not correct. It did seem to be somewhere in Asia, though, so it seemed close to Russia. I tried to think of what it could be, knowing that it had something to do with the words i had used to describe it. A long black line ran down the center of the country. This was a road. I tried to picture more detail on the map as i spoke to $F43. Someone then mentioned the name of the country as a nice place to stop. They said that the man was headed for Turkey, and that this was on the way, stating the name of the other country, which was not Turkey. I said that it was on the way to Turkey, trying to picture the countries in my head. I realized that i was correct. I had guessed that it was on the way to Turkey, but it actually was on the way. I moved to the north, across the large room. This was all part of a play. The stage was to the west of me, and i walked to the north, entering into the space. $A364 was doing something on the throne, which was on the northern end of the stage, to the northwest of me. I walked to the stairs that ascended the front of the stage and stopped to the east of the throne. I pretended to have a tall lance with me, thinking that this was a medieval play. I stopped near the top of the stairs and salute $A364, who was on the throne, putting my right hand over my eyes. I then realized that i was supposed to be Russian. I had done the wrong salute. I quickly raised my arm straight and held it up in front of me. I stood still in this position as the woman on the throne talked to the west of me, doing her lines. The stage was bluish white and very plain. It also seemed rather deep; the throne was a few meters away. The woman called to me, and i quickly started to the west, across the stage. I was suddenly aware of the audience to the southeast of me, watching me. I bowed low to the woman. This let the audience know that she was the queen and i was the servant. I said my lines, discussing some issue with the queen. I was again aware that this was a play, and that everything here was fake. Something then changed, and i was running to the west with the other man. This still seemed like a play, but we were running down the darkened city streets. Others were chasing us. I turned to the north and headed up one of the narrow streets, but turned back to the west on another street. The bad guys almost caught up to us. I turned to the south down the next street. They were very near where i was, but the land dropped off sharply to east of me. The people would not be able to come after me from the east. I ran along the street, looking down of the side of the road to the east, noticing the red corrugated roof below. It seemed like the roof of a large hotel. I imagined the man running after me, and i imagined that he would tackle me. I could push both of us over the edge and roll down the roof of the hotel. I imagined that i could brush the man off as we fell down the roof. This was the way that i would get rid of him. I played the scenario again in my head, trying to get it correct. I was at $P1 as i thought about it again. I seemed to be standing to the southeast of my grandmother’s house, and there were people moving around me on the sidewalk. I could hear someone talking, so i looked to the northeast. There was someone on $A425’s porch. He looked like $A632. A sudden sound from the east then caught my attention. I turned to see a man dragging a pine tree to the south, toward the street. He was in front of the next house down, and the tree seemed to be an old Christmas tree. A car passed down the street, very close to the man, and the man jumped back from the car, raising his arms dramatically. He had not been hit, but he was pretending that he had been. I remembered that he had run into a car earlier. The car drove a little way past him before turning into the driveway. The car drove between the man and me, blocking my view of the man temporarily. The gravel driveway was between $A425’s house and the next house down, but it did not seem to be $A425’s driveway. I wondered if it was a shared driveway between the two houses. As i looked at the driveway more closely, i decided that it actually was $A425’s driveway. The man from the curb moved toward the car, which had stopped between the houses. He complained that his foot had been run over. This did not seem right. I was not standing in the driveway, looking north at the small car. An old man with black hair stepped out of the driver’s side of the car and started toward me. The old man complained to him about his foot getting run over, but the man with the black hair ignored the complaints. Other people were moving around on the sidewalk near me. The man with the dark hair rounded the front corner of the house, turning to the west. He then headed to the north, up the stairs to the porch. I turned to the north and headed up the driveway of my grandmother’s house. I was to the east of the house, near the side door, when i noticed that there were several small metallic objects on the ground. My grandmother was to the north of me, looking down at the objects. She seemed confused about which ones were correct. I told her that some of them were mine. I looked at the objects, noticing that most of them seemed to be tweezers. They were scattered across the asphalt pavement to the north of me. I noticed that some of them were actually geometric compasses. One of them was made of wood, and it was short. This one seemed unfamiliar to me, and i thought that it was not mine. I had thought that i had dropped my things here, but not all of these things were mine. Only some of the things on the ground were mine. I then noticed that my mother and grandmother were gathering some things and putting them in the car, which was in the driveway to the north of me. They must have dropped the metal things on the floor when they were moving some of the boxes. I realized that they must be moving some of my things, but i could not identify anything that belonged to me in what they were putting in the car. I asked them where my things were, but they did not really answer. I looked at the small pile of things near the house to the west of me, realizing that none of it was mine. All of my things were gone now. I asked my relatives where they had gone, but they did not seem concerned. I felt upset, thinking that i had to get my things. My relatives did not seem to care that my things had gone, and this upset me more. I wanted my stuff back, and i told my relatives that i refused to go until i got my things back. I felt very angry now.

$K5 said that she had done something in the living room. She was sitting to the east of the darkened room, in a cushioned chair. I stood to the west of her. She seemed very upset, and i was very concerned. She stood up, and i noticed a bloody kitten on the ground near the southwestern corner of the chair. I was suddenly upset, thinking that she had stepped on the kitten. I then noticed the broken lamp on the floor of the room to the east. $K5 must have fallen over and knocked several things down. A small tortoise-shell kitten wandered out of the room and headed to the west, passing to the north of me. I stepped into the room to the east, looking at the crushed cat on the floor just to the southwest of the wooden table at the western end of the couch on the northern wall. The couch seemed to be covered with black fake leather. The kitten must have been stepped on, and i thought that something bad had happened here. I felt tense and upset as i slowly walked farther into the room. I then noticed other cats lying on the floor around the southeastern part of the room. They were all dead as well. I became very upset. I then noticed part of a cat’s head on the floor to the east of me. It was part of $X14’s head. The head had been broken open, and only the upper left part of the head was on the floor near me. The left eye turned to look at me, focusing on me. I felt concern for the cat, thinking that he was still alive. I crouched down near the head, trying to comfort him because i knew that he was dying. I was very upset with $K5, thinking that the other cats had been chopped up. I then saw $X14’s headless body to the northeast of me, and i started yelling back to the west, at $K5. I was furious, but i suddenly realized that my anger might upset $X14, so i tried to be quiet as i comforted the piece of the head again. I was very sad and wanted to cry.

12010 September 06

We stopped suddenly, noticing the snake on the floor of the room to the west of us. It was still, facing us, but it was watching us. I felt that it was dangerous, so i was cautious. The boy that was standing to the north of me was also scared, and we were not quite sure what we should do. I then noticed that there were now two snakes. We had to get past them, but i was afraid that they would try to attack us. The snakes then started coming toward us, and we became more afraid. I then realized that the snakes were after the white plastic grocery bag that i was holding in my left hand. They had been watching it as they slithered toward us. I had food in the bag, and the snakes must have smelled it. I quickly pulled the apple pieces out of the bag and tossed them on the ground to the west of us. The snakes paused to look at the apples, and we ran away to the east.

12010 September 08

I moved suddenly to the west, along the stone wall on the southern side of the large open room. The other man had been trapped here for a while, and i knew that this was some kind of dungeon. I glanced back to the east, through the open doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall, through which i could see down the arched corridor in the center of the large castle-like structure. This building seemed like some kind of tourist area, and the corridor outside the door seemed like an outside corridor, one that might run through the building. There seemed to be a table to the east, on the southern side of the walkway where a man was sitting. He watched me as i examined the room. The room around me was large and square. The ceiling seemed to be three of floors above me, and there was a huge pit in the center of the room. The man had been hanging over the pit in a metal cage before. This scene had happened before. I felt constrained in here and moved to the north, across the wooden floor of the room. The captive was walking with me. He had long unkempt black hair and was shirtless. I stepped on the old worn boards of the wooden floor, mentioning the pit under them to the man. I remembered that it had been open before, and that the pit was deep enough that we could not see the bottom of it. The blue stain of the floor boards had mostly worn away, leaving the wood with faint traces of blue. I turned back to the south. I was hovering now over the center of the pit. The pit was square and filled most of the room. There was a ledge about three or four meters wide that ran the perimeter of the room. The ledge seemed to be made of dirt ground, and the dark walls were stacked stone. The captive was again hanging on the round black cast-iron cage on the southern side of the room. He had tried to escape before by climbing over the chain to the northern side of the room. To the south of me, i could see the thick metal bars of the cage as it hung from a heavy black chain from the ceiling. The man was hanging on to the eastern side of the cage. He must have been over the pit or quite high. The bars of the cage had strange curled points at the cross points. I could not tell whether they were decorative or part of the design. The man looked up, and i turned to see that the black chain ran up to the ceiling, then to the north across the ceiling, and down the northern wall. The man had tried to climb across the ceiling before, but was stopped when the second smaller cage descended from the ceiling. I looked at the heavy chain running across the ceiling. It had thick black links, which seemed much thicker than the other parts of the chain, and there was a large knot in the center where two sections of the chain must have been connected with some kind of joining bolt. The man started climbing up the chain above the cage. I was above the cage now, looking down at him. The scene focused on him pulling himself up, and i wondered if he was actually strong enough to manage the full climb. I looked across the chain on the ceiling. It seemed quite high and quite long, and i felt uncertain whether i would have the confidence to climb the entire way. I did not think that i would be able to hold on the entire time, but i could tell that the captive was determined. As i hovered close to the captive, though, as we neared the ceiling, the second cage descended from the ceiling. I knew that this would happen. The captive noticed it to the west of him and quickly reached for it, climbing into it. It was the easiest way to get back to the ground. I thought about this for a moment as i grabbed onto the thin metal chain that was descending from the ceiling. The southern wall of the room no longer seemed to be there, and i grabbed the shiny metal chain and flew up to the south, pulling the chain with me. I wanted to confound the people here by pulling on the chain and changing the scene. I then realized that there were power lines running east to west somewhere to the south of the building. I had to be careful not to drag the metal chain over them. I was aware of the people to the west, who were watching the entire situation. They were cheering for me to pull the chain tight. I kept moving to the south. I could not see the power lines, but i thought that i had the chain under them, so i had to make sure that i did not fly too high. I then remembered that i was not touching the ground, so the electric change of the lines should not flow through me. I pulled on the chain again as i drifted to the west a little. The people kept watching me. I looked across the wide yard to the south of the building. There seemed to be scraggly desert palm trees growing brown over the savanna grass. Several people were running through the grass and weeds on the ground, trying to get away from the building. I pulled the chair suddenly to the west, thinking that i could wrap the people up in the chain. This would be a good thing to do, and i knew that the audience would be cheering for it. I pulled the chain in a few different directions, trying to wrap the people up in the trees. There seemed to be several African animals running out of the trees as well. I flew to the east a little, over the heads of the audience, who were sitting i a row of lawn chairs, watching the scene. As i moved to the northeast, back toward the large stone building, i was aware of an animal moving suddenly toward me from behind. One of the audience members yelled out a warning. I thought it was a lion running from the brush, but, as i turned around, i saw a large brown bear reaching for my feet. I was high enough that it could not get me, but it was very close. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that i had to get higher from the ground so that the vicious animals did not attack me.

12010 September 10

I was in the small room with the other army troops. There was a radio against the eastern wall, and we were listening to the voice. Something special was happening, and i felt partly excited and partly frightened. The voice had told us something about what was happening, and i thought that the voice was an extraterrestrial communication. The rest of the men were standing, facing the radio, and awaiting the next message. They seemed to be wearing brown uniforms that reminded me of the 11940s. The voice was calm and sounded slightly female. It said that the event would happen “in eleven”. We had heard this message before, and the things that happened were upsetting. One of the other people said that it could not be eleven minutes, and i commented that they probably do not measure time in the same units as we do. It seemed to be a much shorter time between events. I thought that the first started at eleven, but the second seemed to start at fourteen. I was standing on the southern side of the room as the voice on the radio stopped, and the silence faded back into a regular radio program. The music seemed to be jazzy. The event was going to happen again. I had to warn some of the others on the train. I ran out of the narrow room through the door in the southern wall. I then turned to the east and ran down the length of the train car. Other troops were standing around in the car. Near the eastern end of the car, i turned to the north and came into a room. I said that i had to speak to the commander. The guard at the door looked to the north, into the darkened room. Three were bunk beds along the northern wall. My commander was standing to the north of me. He was a tall medium-build man wearing greenish-khaki pants and a matching tank top. He had dark skin and short black hair. He did not seem to respond to me, instead turning to look to the north as one of the guards woke someone from the lower bunk of the second bed from the eastern wall. I realized that one of the higher commanders must be here, and i felt very nervous about disturbing him. The man stood up. He was wearing a full uniform of a commander, and he had a pale old face with white wavy hair. I was surprised to see him and quickly tried to salute with my right hand. I realized that i still had my brown flannel vest over my arms, so i could not get my right arm into position quickly. I fumbled with the vest for a moment to free my hand and then gave a proper salute. I felt nervous, and hurriedly told the commander that we had been hearing voices on the radio. I told them that the voices had seemed to be talking specifically to us and were interrupting regular broadcasts. I wondered if he would be annoyed that i was reporting this. As he turned around to grab something on the bed, i said that several people had been disappearing, and the voice on the radio had been talking about them. I then realized that this news might upset some of the other officers in the room. We hurried back to the other room. As we entered, i could hear the voice on the radio talking again. It mentioned the thing happening at eleven again. It was only a short time now, and the voice was calmly giving us instructions on what to do. The general and the other officers had stopped in the hallway. The voice then started telling us to get ready for the event, and i worried that something disturbing was going to happen. We started to move away from the radio. The voice told us to remain calm and to move into more relaxed positions. Another soldier headed to the east, into a small closet in the black eastern wall. Some of the others headed out of the room to the south, preventing the officers from coming in. I felt scared, and followed the other man into the closet, wondering if we could hide from what was coming. The enclosed space seemed to be safer than the open room. The voice told us to expect the change, and i pictured everything in the room turning dull red. When it did turn color, i thought that there would be a feeling of tense pain throughout my body, and i thought that i would have to find a comfortable position in the closet so that i did not fall over. The voice mentioned that people should move to a relaxed position so that they did not fall over and hit their heads on the round table. I leaned back against the western wall of the closet as the color change and the noise filled the room. I thought the colors of everything would turn read and the pain would come, but, instead, everything seemed to turn to a dull dark gray. My body was filled with a sudden relaxing feeling, and i thought that this might be the numbing sedative to prepare us for the next step. The voice started talking about the dog of war, saying that it would be killing people. The door to the closet was closed to the north of me, but i could see a white light out in the room. It moved to the south, passing the door. The illuminated dog was heading out into the hall, and i thought that it would head down the train car and kill most of the soldiers here. The light passed the door, but then came back. I started to worry that it was coming for us. I had my eyes closed, but i glanced down at the door. I saw the small white spaniel with light-brown spots on its coat squeeze under the door and enter the room. I had been able to see it through the vent at the bottom of the black door, but it was now in the room with us. I closed my eyes again, afraid to look at the door because it might kill us. I felt very afraid and nervous. I then opened my eyes again. The yellow eyes of the dog were glancing up at me. They seemed to bulge from the dog’s head like two round orbs. The dog just stared up at me, and i cautiously reached out to let it sniff my hand. It did not seem interested in attacking me, but i thought that it still might. It backed away from my hand a little, but then went back to sniff it. I started petting its head and told the other person in the room with me that the dog was friendly. The dog now looked like a standard poodle, with thick ropy white hair, like a rope mop. The hair was in a tuff over the dog’s nose. I started to relax, and turned to the northwest, heading back out of the closet and into the large room. I told the man with me to follow, and some of the other soldiers started walking out into the room as well. The room was now a large dining room of a nice house. To the northwest, the open room became a living room, with dull-yellow and tan tones. The older women at the dining room table, which was a little to the southwest of the door, stood up to greet us. This place had something to do with one of the troops. The others were showing us things that related to our lives. I was fascinated by the room and walked out slowly, taking in the room as i walked. The man with me turned toward the dining room table, and i realized that he would not be able to see it because he was blind. I grabbed his arms and held his left hand out to feel a brown vase of flowers that was on the table or piano to the southwest of us. I then continued to the northwest, looking around the room. Someone asked where we were, and one of the women said that we were in Kansas. I thought about this, but then one of the women mentioned the name of the town. She then added that they were in Canada. I knew this town and realized that it was in British Columbia, near Vancouver. I was surprised and turned to the southeast, looking out the large windows, which seemed to form the walls of the room. “We’re in Victoria?”, i said with excitement as i moved to the window. I could see the water to the south. I moved to the center of the southern window and looked to the southwest, noticing the long sandy beach on the western side of the land. Across the water i could see one of the islands, and i knew that we were in the island group off shore. To the southwest, though, i could see the open ocean, and i felt excited. I told the others that we could see the ocean, and i started to feel an upwelling of joy. To the southeast i could also see water of the bay. The house was on a peninsula with water on both sides. There were several other houses crowded to the south on the narrow strip of land. I walked back to the north and tried to get a better look at the open ocean, but there was something in the southern window blocking my way. I moved to the west, but could only see the water in the bay. I again muttered that we were able to see the ocean, and i felt tears of joy coming to my eyes. I then turned to the north, noticing a small sandy beach in the yard, to the northeast of the house. Waves rolled in. This house was surrounded by water, which seemed nice. As i reached the northern end of the room, i could feel the house lifting with the waves. I was unaware that it was floating. I looked back to the south, down the length of the room. Then i realized that the house must be chained to the shore to prevent it from floating away. Some of the other people were talking in the room, and i looked out the window on the northern end of the room to see the heavy chain running from the bottom of the house. The chain was to the southwest of me, and it ran to the northwest. It ran over a small cement patio and down into the ground to the northwest. I was surprised to see that the ground just beyond the hole was grass, thinking that it would not be a strong enough ground to anchor the chain in. I then turned back to the south and looked down the length of the bus. The other soldiers had already started getting on the bus. I was facing north, down the length of the bus, and the back of the bus was getting crowded. Someone at the front of the bus had mentioned that they were from Kansas, and someone else mentioned someplace else. These people were not soldiers with us. They had simply gotten on the bus, but i knew that there was a correlation with us because i had seen this event before. Someone to the west of me mentioned that they were from Four Corners. Another person asked if they meant Arizona, and the young girl with the medium skin in the light-blue dress said that she was unsure of the state. Her features seemed occidental. I knew that she was a native to the area and considered the reservation her home. She was related to one of the soldiers as well, but they had not run into each other yet. There was someone on the bus that was related to each one of us, but we had not yet discovered this. I then noticed a medium-skinned man sitting in a cushioned chair to the east of me. He seemed Indian or Central Asian. I wondered if he was related to the young girl. I asked him where he was from, and he told me that he was an illegal alien. He then started describing what that meant. I asked him if he was related to people near Four Corners. The bus was getting crowded now, and i felt that i had to make an announcement about the family relations here. I started to move forward, but the bus driver turned around and told everyone that they would have to be seated. I was fascinated with the event that was happening here and i wanted to point out the relations between people on the bus. Before i could make the announcement, though, the bus driver turned and yelled down the length of the bus for someone to sit down. He referred to the person as the skinny guy, and i thought that he was talking to me. I moved to the north a little as he pushed his way toward me down the front aisle of the bus. The bus seemed to be in two sections. I was in a small compartment in the back, which was a little higher than the front section. I moved to the front of the compartment, where there was a small room with no seats in it. The room connected the two sections of the bus. The driver stopped at the other end of the room and started talking to the skinny man near the western wall. The man was $F16. He was wearing a dark-green sweater with orange and green stripes around the torso. He was leaning against the wall near the black door hinge, hunched a little to the north as he spoke with the shorter man. The driver told him to sit down. I had to announce the relationships on the bus. I felt that the others had to realize what was happening here.

I thought about the voice that we had heard on the radio. I wanted to tell the others about it. The voice had said that the event would happen at eleven, but the time that it happened was eleven minutes and fourteen minutes. I would have to tell the people that it happened every three minutes. I then clarified by saying that we only had two measurements, so we were approximating when we were saying that eleven units of time to the extraterrestrials was three minutes to us. I then imagined that the people i was talking to told me that the difference between the two events was actually three and a half minutes. I was standing on the eastern side of the room, and the man stood to the northwest of me. He asked me about something, and i told him that the piece he was holding was correct. It seemed to be a small piece of wood. He put it in the bin to the south of me and grabbed another piece of wood. He held it up a longer piece of wood, which seemed very roughly hewn, with axe or blade marks along the side. It was shaped roughly like the neck of a guitar, and i knew that the man was building a special guitar for me. He asked me if i was sure that the piece of wood was right, and i looked at the small piece of wood in front of me. It was wider than the other piece that the man had. I looked back and forth between the two pieces of wood. The man said that this was the final piece, and put it somewhere to the south of me. I then started to wonder why i was having a guitar specially made for me. It seemed strange that i would do such a thing, especially since i had not been playing guitar lately. I started to feel that i could not afford the cost of making the guitar, and i asked the man how much it would be. I sat down on the wooden bench on the southern side of the booth table on the eastern wall. The man said that it would be about two thousand. This seemed like the normal price of a regular guitar, so i thought that this guitar might be ever more expensive. I felt bad about having it made, since i did not have a lot of money lately. I asked the man if two thousand was the right amount, stating that it was probably the minimum. He seemed unsure, and paused for a moment, trying to think of what to say. He then told me that he would have to ask the other man. I felt very bad about ordering the custom-made guitar and wondered if i could have the order canceled. I then realized that i could not because the wood had already been ordered. The man walked off to the south, and an older man came back. He stood just to the west of me as i sat at the table. He seemed a little upset as he talked to me about the guitar. He was balding and hand shaved gray hair on his round head. He was wearing a dark suit. I asked him if it was really a good idea, and he seemed somewhat grave. I was nervous about ordering the guitar, and wanted to stop the order, but i worried that we had already gotten the material. The man was not happy that i had asked them to make the guitar, though, and he asked me why i would need a guitar like that. Other people started to mill around the end of the table near the man. The man asked why i wanted the guitar made. I told him that i had a hollow-body guitar by the same maker, and i seemed uncertain about what i was saying. He seemed disappointed with me as we talked, and i wanted to cancel the order. I did not know what to do. He then said something to me, but i was unable to make out what it was. I told him that i could not hear, making the excuse that the people around us were talking loudly. I looked at the young people at the end of the table. They seemed to be in their late twenties. A few of the young men seemed attractive. I noticed one who was standing at the end of the table with dark curly short hair. The older man who was talking to me turned to the younger people and asked them to be quiet, and they quieted down. A young girl was then standing behind us. She was on the bench in the next booth to the south, and she seemed very eager to hear what we were saying. She smiled widely at the older man as we spoke. I tried to listen to the man to figure out what he was trying to tell me.

12010 September 11

I was moving quickly to the east with $G4. We seemed to be moving along the southern edge of a wide field. There were bushes and trees to the south of us. I did not see any white marks on the side of the bushes, but i knew that the person setting trail was still ahead of us. I flew low over the grass, looking for the marks. I wanted to fly high up to see if i could spot the hare, the person setting the running trail. I realized that the others were following me, even though i was not sure that i was on trail. I wanted to discourage them from following me, but i circled to the north, along the eastern edge of the field. The others seemed to catch up with me as i reached the northeastern corner of the field. I felt a little frustrated that we could not find the trail, and i asked someone why i just did not fly up to see if i could spot the hare. I rose suddenly above the field, and i noticed a man in a red T-shirt crouching in the grass to the southwest of us. He was setting trail. I then realized that the large pick-up truck was heading toward the hare. I worried that they would not see him in the tall grass. I had to warn them. I moved toward the hare, but the truck was moving too fast. The person setting only seemed to have his head above the ground, though i could still see his red T-shirt. I reached him, but the truck had already passed over him. As i landed on the ground, the hare was lying in front of me, holding his right leg as though injured. The other $G4 stood to the southwest of us, not noticing what they had done. The hare was $A389. He rolled back and forth on his back, holding his leg to his chest. I moved to his head and tried to comfort him. There seemed to be a line of white kiosks to the east of us, running north to south. We were in the middle of a fare. Most of the fare seemed to be to the west and southwest of us, and the others were looking for the trail near the pavilions. I asked the others if they had found the bicycle yet. It seemed that it had been chained to one of the pavilions. The person setting trail had hidden it here, and we had to follow the trail of white marks to the bicycle. I started to fly to the south-southeast, along the old wooden white kiosks. There did not seem to be people selling things in the kiosks at the moment, but i knew that the fare was still happening. I flew down the edge of the area, but i could not see the bicycle. I then realized that the others were probably not aware that i was able to fly, and would be impressed with my ability. I tried to move swiftly over the side of the field, but i could not seem to move as quickly as i was moving before. I was then back in the northeastern corner of the area, talking to the other $G4. I said that the hare must have put the bicycle here somewhere. I imagined that it was chained up under the bleachers of the stadium. I tried to fly quickly to the south again, but i could not move fast. As i approached the car that was parked on the field, i tried to will myself to go faster, but i could not. The pinkish-orange car seemed to be an old rusted car frame. I passed over it, trying to head faster to the south, but i was having trouble going faster. I knew that i had been moving faster over the field before, and i wondered why i could not do it now. I felt that the others were watching me fly, so i wanted to fly better. I was now heading west, across the southern side of the fare area. I started undulating my body like a dolphin, trying to move faster by pulling against the air as if i was swimming. It did not seem to be working. My attention was then drawn by the objects in the small cubicle to the north of me. The booth was selling old items. The booth had three walls, opened up like a dividing screen, with the side two walls at fourty-five degree angles to the back wall. There were shelfs on the two side walls, which were filled with old phonographs and dusty antique objects. I looked at the phonographs in a box on the lower shelf on the right. The other person was to the east of me, looking over some of the items as well. There was also a long white table in the center of the booth with more items on it. I wanted to head to the west, to keep looking for the bicycle, but i could not pull myself away from the trinkets. Someone said something to the east, and i started moving west again, but was caught looking at a something on one the shelfs again.

12010 September 12

I turned to the east and walked down the hallway of the old building, very close to the pale-yellow northern wall. There were other people crowding in the corridors with me. I wanted to go to the bathroom, which was through a doorway in the northern wall of the corridor. I had been past them before, and i remembered that there were two doorways into two separate bathrooms. I headed to the east, thinking that there were men in the second restroom to the east. I was going to use the first restroom. As i reached the door, though, two men turned into the room before me. I was annoyed, but i followed them into the room. As i turned to the west inside the room, i could see that there were only a few toilets against the northern wall and one against the western wall. All of them were full, and one of the men in the center of the room was waiting for a toilet. He stood with his hands on him hips, smiling around the room. He had shoulder-length bleach blond hair on the sides of his head, but there seemed to be very little hair on top. His long white T-shirt stretched over his protruding belly. I was annoyed that i could not get to one of the urinals right now, so i turned around and walked out of the bathroom. I turned to the east and went to the next door down. As i started to open the door, i wondered if it was really a second men’s room. It seemed strange that there would be more than one, so i looked at the small plastic plaque that was on the door. It had pink rounded sans-serif letters that spelled out something. I glanced to the west, noticing that the men’s room had a similar plaque, but the letters were light blue and larger. The blue letters spelled out “boys”. I looked back at the plaque in front of me, thinking that the six- or seven-letter word that started with an “s” labeled the room as a unisex bathroom for special needs. I pulled the door open and walked in, passing the woman who was on her way out. The room ran to the west, and there was a black counter that ran the length of the northern wall. There were round holes in the counter, which was tipped at a fourty-five degree angle relative to the walls and floor. I walked to the north, toward the open hole at the eastern end of the counter. Glancing to the west, i noticed that there were several women in the rest room. I wondered how they would use the restroom, since there did not seem to be any toilets here. I started urinating in the hole, which had a white cone in the center of it. A woman walked up to the west of me to use the urinal next to me. I wondered if she had ever seen a man urinating into a urinal before.

12010 September 14

I was late for class because i could not find my bag. I wandered around the steps on the southern side of the entry hall of $P7. I felt stressed and wondered what i could do. I had to get to class, so i decided just to head there. I walked to the north, across the main hall and down the hall of the northern wing of the building. I turned to the east, into the classroom. $A48 was sitting at a desk on the southern side of the room, and i noticed that he was crying. I asked him what was wrong, and he said that he could not find the bag. I realized that he knew why i was late to class already. I felt confused but i headed to the south, across the eastern side of the room. Art supplies were set up on the eastern wall for one of the classes. The room was very narrow east to west. The room also sloped down to the north, toward the front of the room. The floor had levels on it so that the small areas where the chairs stood were level. I headed down the eastern end of the room, sitting in one of the rows near the front of the room. $F6 and $F4 were sitting in the chairs to the west of me as i sat. I was still upset about my bag, but i did not know what to do. I then realized that i did not have my notebook or pencil with me. I would not be able to take notes in this class. I was uncomfortable here and started to feel very strange.

I headed to the west, toward the tall brown cement building. The building had wide ledges at regular intervals. There seemed to be one between each floor of the building. A vending machine was on the northern end of the building, facing east, and i noticed that a cat was playing inside it. I watched the black and white fuzzy cat roll through the levels of the vending machine, purposely curling up its body as it rolled down the slanted ramps between the different layers of the machine. I realized that the levels in the machine were like the stairs of this building. The stairwell was a rounded structure on the northern end of the building, which seemed to be at $P52. I quickly passed up the stairs of the building, nearing the top of the structure. I was still looking at the vending machine as i did this. It was now on the western side of the hallway at the top of the stairs. I was standing to the east of the building, it seemed, on a rounded balcony. The balcony was an open part of the corridor between the main building to the south and the stairwell to the north. The eastern wall of the curved balcony was open, with only a short cement railing. I thought that i should open the machine to get the cat out, but, instead, i headed down the hallway to the south. The vending machine was on the western wall of the dirty hallway. The cement of this building was pale brown, and this place seemed like a laboratory building. The cat was playing with the ball in this building, but i did not know exactly where. I thought that the white ball had come out of the other ball cage and not from the vending machine. Another person was in the hallway with me, and i asked this person where the cage would be. He thought that the cage might have been left in the vending machine. I chided the person for playing in the vending machine, which seemed to be at the northern end of the hall. I knew that the machine was all the way at the bottom level of the building, though, and i was now on one of the upper floors. The other people who had been with me were in the hallway behind me as i moved to the edge of the balcony and looked down the side of the building. A bushy pine tree stood just to the east of the northeastern corner of the building, and a cement path seemed to run to the south of the tree, leading from the door at the bottom of the stairwell. I had intended to reach the stairs to the northwest, but i thought that i could jump off of the edge and fly down to the ground more easily. I was nervous about flying, though, thinking that i might be too nervous to stay aloft and that i might fall. I should take off from the balcony first, before jumping. The stairs were to the northwest of me now, and they seemed to be a round ramp that spiraled down to the ground. The stairs were open to the outside air, forming a curved balcony that wound down the side of the building. I jumped toward the stairs, floating over the balcony for a moment. Realizing that i could fly with little effort, i relaxed a little more. I now knew that i could fly, so i let myself drop down to the asphalt path below me, gliding swiftly, but controlled to the ground. I landed near the metal door of the building. The vending machine was standing just to the south of the door, on the outside of the building. It then seemed that the vending machine was actually within the corridor of the building, and that the eastern wall of the corridor was open to the outside. The corridor seemed dark gray. I moved to the north of the vending machine, trying to pull the cardboard side open. A woman stepped out of the metal door from the stairwell, to the northwest of me. She seemed surprised to see me here. A tall tan fence or barrier surrounded the small asphalt space, which was like an enclosed patio. I realized that the woman must have disapproved of me opening the side of the vending machine. I really should not have pulled the cardboard open to get at the balls inside. The machine had several shelfs, which were really racks for the balls. The balls were perforated in long patterns, similar to a whiffle ball. The holes were wide, though, and the space between very narrow, forming a round cage. I noticed the blue and white ball in the machine, so i removed it with my right hand. I had to take it with me because it had something to do with the cat. I headed to the south, into the white adjoining building. The building was connected to the large brown building that i had come from. The lower floor of the white building extended to the brown building, but most of the tall white building was separate from the brown building. The white building was covered mostly with glass windows. I headed to the southeast inside the building. The space between the two buildings now seemed very tall. I looked up, able to see up the entire length of the building. The buildings now seemed to be connected by a cement room that ran from the roofs all the way down to the floor. The brown building on the west and the white building on the east both looked unfinished, surfaced with gray cement. This breezeway probably acted as a circulation vent for the two buildings. I flew up through the space, thinking that i could surprise people by flying. Most people could not fly, so they would be surprised to see that i could. I hovered for a moment in the middle of the shaft, thinking that there was really no place that i could fly to here. The corridor had no openings on the upper levels, so i descended back to the ground. It felt very good to be able to fly. I continued walking to the southeast, passing through a set of double glass doors and into the white building. The room on the bottom floor of the building was open, but there were curved white divider walls to the east that prevented me from heading directly across the room. I headed to the south instead, coming to a large open space on the southern side of the building. The southern wall was rounded and made of glass. It extended all the way up to the ceiling, which was several stories above where i was. The lower floor in this area seemed to be a cafe or lounge. The upper levels of the building had windows that looked down over the lounge, which was to the south of the main tower. I looked up and noticed the curved windows of the offices. The building seemed beautiful, with striated balconies of different shades of off-white. The lounge was actually on an elevated surface of the lower floor, with a drop off curving around the southern side of the room. The drop off seemed to be a ramp, which started near the western wall and curved down to a lower level of the building to the south. I could hear people moving below the balcony. I wanted to fly again, so i flew up the side of the building, between the building and the outside wall around the lounge. I knew that i would impress people with my ability to fly. I moved past the various levels of the building, slowing as i got higher. As i approached one of the upper floors, which seemed to be the fifth floor, i noticed some people in business suits inside one of the windows. A man was sitting behind a desk, facing north, away from the window, but another man in a brown suit was on the other side of the desk, facing toward me. As i came up across the window, i saw the man watching me with a surprised look on his face. He was suddenly concerned and i knew that he would want to arrest me because i could fly. I felt very uneasy and dropped back toward the ground, out of his sight. He started to stand up just as i dropped below the bottom of the floor. He was after me, so i had to get out of the building. There were no open windows on the outside wall of the building, which was to the south of me, so i thought that i could fly around the western side of the lower floor, which was more open than the center. I hurried through the open spaces on the western side of the building, heading north. I noticed the double doors in the center of the western wall. They were the same doors that i had come through when i entered the building. I knew that they did not lead outside, though. I had to find a door that led out of the building so that i did not get trapped here. Just past the door, windows covered the western wall of the room. The northern side of the room had square corners. I flew down the western wall, passing the large windows, which had long dark drapes pulled open on the sides. A person was reclined in a thick cushioned chair near the northern side of the wall. I flew over them, noticing their surprised expression when they noticed me passing over. A tan door was on the western wall, but i knew that the metal door was a fire door. I would not be able to escape out of it. A man was sitting in a chair near the door, reading a book on his lap. His feet were propped up on the ottoman to the east of him, and his knees were bent to lift the book. I headed to the east, down the northern wall. The real entrance to the building was on the eastern end of the northern wall. The eastern end of the room was at a slightly higher elevation than the side that i was currently on, and there was a black curtain hanging along the northern end of the higher level, forming a barrier or railing. I flew along the windows, toward the curtain. Through the spaces between the curtains, i could see a guard standing near the door. I hoped that they had not yet been warned about me. The guard was inspecting several other people coming from the south, trying to leave the building. I quickly passed through the curtains and rushed out the door before the female guard could catch me. She saw me leave, but it was too late for her to do anything. I flew upward to get away, thinking that i should circle around the sides of the building to get out of sight. I started circling around the western side of the building, thinking that i could land somewhere on the southern side where no one could see me. That way, no one would know that i was the one who was flying.

12010 September 15

I jogged to the south, down the street in the suburban area. It was dark out, but i could see clearly because of the orangish city streetlights. I had been with someone else, but they had gotten injured and had to stop. The person was somewhere to the north of me, and i remembered feeling angry with him. I thought that i had made fun of him when he got injured, but i was not quite sure. I started to feel bad about leaving him. He now seemed to be $A337. I decided that i should probably go back to help him, so i turned around and started jogging up the shallow hill to the north. The road rose more steeply near the northern end, and i knew that $A337 would be lying on the ground just over the rise. I thought that i would sneak up on him by staying as low as i could until i was near the crest of the hill. As i came over the top of the hill, though, i could not see him. He was no longer there. I felt a little worse now, wondering what had happened to him. I looked around the area, noticing the old collapsing buildings around me. They were dark, and they looked like old ruins. A dog then started barking at me from the northeast. I realized that the dog was the person that i had left behind. I sat down on the chair, which was now in the center of the paved area between the abandoned buildings. The dog was angry with me for leaving and barked and growled. I tried to act upset, saying that i was sorry. I slouched a little, putting my hands on my knees. The dog looked at me for a moment, and then decided to forgive me. The dog came over to me and started licking my hands.

12010 September 16

I stood at the northern edge of the large field in the flat landscape. The field was filled with tan dry field grass, but something there made me nervous. Something was wrong in the field to the south of me, and it had something to do with the left shoe. I looked down at my shoes, noticing that i was wearing a pair of white walking sneakers. I could see the right shoe, but i was not sure what was wrong with the left. I then turned to the north and walked across the back room of my parents’ house. My parents were sitting on the northern side of the room, with my mother on the couch against the northern wall and my father sitting on the maroon chair against the western wall. My mother said something. I was still worried about something, which now seemed to be to the northeast of me. I could not see anything there, but it was causing a strange feeling in my right shoulder blade. I knew that the danger was near, and i was afraid of the feeling that was tingling in my shoulder blade. I headed to the west, crossing the second floor of my parents’ house, walking through the center bedroom. I kept thinking about the feeling on my shoulder, and i wondered what i should do. I tried to look out the window on the northern side of the room to see if anything was there. I could only see the dry grassy lawn outside. It looked like autumn. The feeling in my shoulder blade flared up again, and i became worried. I ran up to the third floor. I wanted to hide, but, as i reached the top of the stairs, something felt suddenly threatening. I thought that i had to get out of the way quickly. I dropped to the floor quickly on the third floor, rolling to the west a little to get out of the stairwell. A flash of light seemed to blind my vision for a moment, but i could not tell whether it was really a flash of light, or whether my vision had simply gone white. If it was light, it did not seem to come from any specific direction. I stopped for a moment, seeing only bright white around me. I did not know what had happened, and i became very scared.

I walked up the stairs on the eastern side of my parents’ house. My father was working on something near the top of the stairwell, so i slipped past him to get to the second floor. I had been helping him with some of the work, and i had done something on the eastern side of the room at the top of the stairs. I could see a cast-metal grating on the eastern wall of the second floor bedroom. It looked like an old galvanized heater grating. I had been doing something with it earlier, and i could see white foam near the top of it now. I had sprayed it earlier. I walked over to the grating, which was now on the floor near the eastern wall. The round grating looked down into a round metal chamber, which seemed to run down the northern wall of the kitchen below. As i looked down, i could see small puddles at the bottom. The puddles must have been from the spray. I looked at them, though, realizing that there seemed to be more liquid there than i had sprayed. It seemed strange. I moved a way for a moment, and then looked back down through the grating again. The bottom of the metal chamber was now covered with water, which seemed to be few centimeters deep. The water must be leaking from the eastern side of the chamber. This was not good, and i started to worry that the water would leak into the kitchen below. I told my father that the water was leaking, but he did not respond. I felt annoyed that he was not listening to me, and i looked down the chamber again. The water was now almost a meter deep. It was coming in fast. I thought that there must be a broken pipe near the chamber. It could not be drainage water from the kitchen, because the water would not flow upward. I felt very worried, and told my father with more urgency that the water was coming in. I then told him that the new cupboards below would get all wet. I hoped that this would encourage him to listen. When i looked back at the camber, it was almost full of water. I did not know what to do. I moved my head a little, noticing the polished surface of the cherry-wood cupboard doors in the kitchen below, to the east of the hole. I worried that the water would flood the kitchen.

I was in the kitchen of my parents’ house, were many people were gathered for a party. I stood on the western side of the room, near the dining room. I looked out into the dining room, noticing the cats wandering around in the relatively clear space. I then noticed that there was a wet spot on the floor. $X14 had urinated on the dark-red oriental rug that was in the center of the floor. I felt annoyed. He was near the stain, so i grabbed him and pushed him over on top of the stain, rolling his fur in the urine. I then rubbed his face in it, trying to coat him with the smell so that he would know not to urinate on the carpet again. He did not seem to mind, though, and this annoyed me. I walked back into the kitchen to get cleaning stuff. When i came back out, there were many puddles of water on the rug and on the darkly stained wood floor around the rug. I looked to the north, noticing suddenly that the cellar door was closed, so the cats would not be able to go into the basement to use their litter box. I complained about this to the people in the kitchen, but the people from the party were gone now. I moved back into the kitchen, but only my mother was there, on the northern side of the room. She followed me out into the living room, and i pointed out the puddles on the northwestern side of the room. I then noticed that there were puddles on the southeast side as well. There were too many puddles on the floor for the cats to make. I noticed a long one to the on the southeastern side of the room, near the eastern wall. It looked more like water than urine. I realized that water must be leaking from somewhere. Maybe all of the puddles were not cat urine. I walked to the southeast of the room, following the long narrow puddle from the center of the room to the eastern wall. The puddle ran to the outside door in the kitchen, and i thought that there must be water coming in from the rain. I tried to push the old heavy wooden door closed, but it did not move any farther. The door did not quite fit the frame anymore. The door was made of thick old wood, with rounded columns carved into the face. I pulled it open to look at it. The door seemed to have been painted, but the paint had worn off and the wood now seemed dulled and bare. I headed east, finding myself in a small patio in the center of an old building. The building looked very much like out house, but it seemed to surround the patio on all sides. The patio had short grass. Something was wrong here, and i started to feel uneasy.

12010 September 17

I walked back down the gravel driveway and stopped near the barn. I had just returned to this house from somewhere, and i knew that $G4 was somewhere to the northwest of me. This place seemed to be my house, though the land to the west seemed to be both a neighborhood and an open country field. I moved to the garage, which was a large open structure to the west, on the end of the driveway. The road ran along the northern side of the old red garage, heading to the west. I could hear the sounds of $G4 calling out that they were on trail, though i was not exactly sure that it was them. I stopped at the northeastern corner of the garage to listen. The garage was an old wooden building that seemed like it used to be a barn. The eastern side was open, and i was looking down the surface of the northern wall of the faded-red building. There was dull white trim running under the eves of the garage. The northern wall did not seem to join either the eastern or western walls. Instead, the eastern door bordered the wall, and there was a smaller door on the western side, right next to the northern wall. I was looking down the wall on either side, looking at the land to the west. I thought that i heard $F57’s voice somewhere off to the west-northwest. I was supposed to help set this trail, but i had arrived back in town too late to join the run. I wondered if $F57, who had set the trail, knew that they were passing my house. I then wondered if they would be stopping in my back yard for a drink. I looked down the outside of the barn again and noticed two people standing just of the northwestern corner, facing south. They were wearing running clothes. The one in the darker shirt was leaning against the wood rail fence that ran west from the barn, and the other, who was wearing a red stretch shirt and seemed to be $F57, was standing on the bottom rail of the fence. Both were watching the other $G4 run from the west into the yard on the western side of the barn. I moved to the south, looking out the large opening in the southern wall of the barn. Several $G4 came into view in the grassy yard behind my house. They were walking and started circling in the yard as if waiting for the rest to arrive. I then noticed that the man that was walking near the door of the barn was $F10. He glanced in my direction, but did not seem to notice me. He was with his girlfriend, who was a tall thin woman with short black hair and tan skin. She was wearing black long tights and a stretch shirt. She looked my direction as well, but she did notice that i was there. I did not want to say anything, thinking that some of the people running were not aware that this was my back yard. I stood in the doorway of the barn, waiting for someone to point me out. The woman tried to get $F10’s attention as they paced around, catching their breath. I was amused with the crowd, and wanted them to be surprised by my presence. I wondered if they were curious why they had stopped in the yard of someone they did not know, and i wondered if they would be surprised to find out that it was my yard.

I was lying on the ground in the middle of the grass lawn. The grass was dark green, and there were tents set up at various places around me. This seemed to be a special camping event. $F45 was in the small red tent just to the west of me, and i was lying on my back on the ground with my feet facing to the southeast. I reached into the air with my right hand, as though trying to grab something. Everything here seemed strange and intense. $F45 had said something to me, but he seemed frustrated with me and stayed in the tent. I looked to the southeast, noticing the brown houses on the rounded hilltop. I was seeing the houses almost from above, even though i was still lying on my back. The land seemed strangely curved so that the hills to the southeast were fourty-five degrees above me. There was something special about the way the houses looked, and i focused on them for a moment. I wanted to have something to do with them. There were four or five large brown houses, arranged in no particular order on the trimmed top of the rounded hill. They seemed to be related to each other, as if cabins of a campground. Several rocky outcrops of brown rock showed through the green grass of the lawn around the houses, and there was a line of dense pine trees to the east. The trees seemed to be part of the natural forest that had not yet been cut away. I glanced to the east, which also seemed to be the north. The long twisted branches of a willow tree now seemed to be over my head as i lie on the ground. They were green, but there was a strange halo around them, as if i was seeing them through a camera that was slightly out of alignment. The willow was part of the tree line on the northern edge of the field, but the land seemed bent in such a way that i was looking up into the air to see it to the east of me. I then started to wonder about the distorted perception that i had. There was something special about it. I tried to focus, but i felt as though i was actually asleep and dreaming. I tried to get $F45’s attention, but he was still in the tent to the west of me. I breathed deeply, concentrating on relaxing and enjoying the sensation. I then jerked into focus, realizing that i must have fallen asleep. I sat up in the field, wanting to continue the wonderful feeling that i had, but something had changed. My acoustic guitar was still lying on my left side, but the paper that had been in my hand was now gone. I must have let go of it when i fell asleep and let it blow away in the wind. I felt suddenly anxious, and wanted to get the papers back. They had songs on them that i wanted to save. I rolled to the west to stand up. The tent was gone. $F45 must have packed it up while i was sleeping. I felt upset about this, but i wanted to find the rest of the paper. I noticed a piece of paper on the grassy ground to the northwest. I collected the two papers that were near me, but they were not the ones with the song on it. I had to save the song. I looked at the empty ground where the tent had been, feeling abandoned by $F45. I then headed to the north, noticing other tents on the ground, ready to be packed up. Everyone had been leaving while i was still asleep. $F45 was probably annoyed that i had focused on the special feeling and not on him. I then noticed that the crumpled piece of paper i had seen on the ground to the northwest was now blowing to the west. It tumbled over a green sleeping bag, and i frantically ran after it. It seemed very important. As i grabbed the paper, i looked at it to see if it had the song that i needed. The printing was black, and in large thick bold letters at the top of the page, the text said “Black Eyed Susan”. It was one of my songs, but it was not the one that i was looking for. There were chords listed below it. I noticed “Gbm” and “Em” as the first two. I then red the bold caption halfway down the page, noticing that the two-column text underneath it was an article. This was not what i had hoped it was, and i felt disappointed.

12010 September 18

I was drawing a picture on the white piece of paper to the south of me as i sat at the small table. The picture was drawn in crayon, and i was drawing a smile on the brown horse in the center of the picture. I paused and looked at the picture for a moment, thinking that i should trace over the lines with a black crayon to make them more distinct. I then thought that i did not want to do it now, so i would have to do it later.

I followed the two women to the west as we headed down the sidewalk, toward the airport. It was getting late, and we had to hurry to be on time. I was sill dressed in my costume, so i would have to change. I held a short polo mallet in my left hand, and i was wearing a black leather jacket with many straps. I felt tense and knew that we had to hurry. As we reached the long low glass building that was the airport terminal, i could see a long queue standing outside the door. The queue wound through several tall metal structures, which seemed to be book shelves, forming a concentric circle that eventually led to the door. I looked at one of the shelves as we passed, noticing that most of the books on it were the same book. The author of the book must be inside the airport, selling the books. I felt very annoyed that this queue was only for the author and not for the airport. It was in our way. I continued to the west, to the next door of the airport and headed inside. I came into a room, which seemed like an enclosed waiting are. I still had to change my closes, and felt nervous about getting it done in time. Some of my relatives were in the room, waiting for me. They commented on the mallet that i had in my hand, but i did not want to talk to them about it. I felt very frustrated that i had to rush. I then heard someone else tell another person that they thought that i played polo. I tried to ignore them as i folded up the leather clothing that i had taken off. I would not wear a jacket on the airplane, so i would not need to bring the jacket with me either. I started to fold it to put it into my suitcase, which was on the floor to the south of me. The suitcase looked like a blue duffle bag. As i pushed the leather jacket into the bag, i noticed that the front side of the jacket was ripped. I was annoyed by this and felt a little angry. As i opened up the front of the jacket to look at the tear, which seemed to be under the right sleeve, i noticed that one of the leather straps that fastened across the chest on the inside of the jacket was broken as well. I was very annoyed, and wondered what i should do with the jacket. I could no longer wear it or it would get ruined more, but i did not want to just throw it out.

I rode my bicycle through the streets of the large city. I was part of a bicycle race, and i was coming from the southwest, heading into the city from the outside areas. The central part of the city seemed to be to the northeast of me, and an elevated highway seemed to be to the north of me on an earthen embankment. I was riding on a roadway that had a lot of traffic on it, and i was cautious of the traffic to the north of me as i rode on the southern side of the street. Another biker was riding in front of me, but, as we passed the stores on the southern side of the road, he stopped. The stores seemed to be old wooden storefronts. I was annoyed that the man had stopped in the road, and i passed to the outside of him, heading down he hill to the east, toward the bridge over the water channel. The road ended at the bottom of the hill, at an intersection. The light at the intersection was red, so i tried to slow down, pulling the brakes on my bicycle. Someone was riding with me, and i chatted with the person as we started to slow down. Before we reached the intersection, though, the light turned green. I stared to pedal faster, heading across the intersection toward the entrance to the walking bridge, but a woman on a passed me before i could pick up speed. I followed her on to the bridge, but found that she was now unsteady on her bicycle. She wobbled as she slowed over the narrow foot bridge. I wanted to pass her, but there was not enough room on the sides of the bridge to make it safely around her. I felt more annoyed, riding very closely behind her. She finally stopped and pulled over to the southern railing of the bridge, allowing me to pass. I tried to speed up, but i started to feel rather unbalanced with so many people trying to press ahead around her. As i passed, i started to speed up, riding along the right railing of the bridge. I heard a man cheering someone. When i looked at him, he was leaning against the northern railing of the bridge, looking down into the water. The man cheered, “Go whichever way you want! Go whichever way you want!” I glanced over the side of the bridge as i continued to the east, noticing that there were racers in the water between the bridge i was on and the highway bridge to the north. They were swimming to the north along the shoreline. I stopped my bicycle at the eastern end of the bridge, turning north to watch the swimmers for a moment. $A67 was standing on the sidewalk at the end of the bridge, and i started talking to him for a moment. We seemed to be chatting for a while about the race. I then looked to the north. I was supposed to head to the north, over the raised train tracks. The tracks came from the west, but curved to the northeast, just to the east of the path that i was on. $A67 told me that a train was coming, so i should cross the path quickly before i get stuck on this side for a long time. I looked to the north, noticing the rounded hill on the other side of the tracks and a road coming over the center of the hill, heading south, toward me. A green truck with an old curved road plow on the front came over the top of the snow-covered hill. The asphalt path that i was on crossed the train tracks and turned to the west, across the bottom of the hill. This was a running path, but it was being used for the bicycle race. I thought that i would have to bike around the look again, and it seemed to be a long way. I said goodbye to $A67 and started riding my Big Wheel to the north. $A67 giggled at the strange vehicle, but i continued across the train tracks to the north, thinking that it was actually a Big Wheel that had been designed for adults.

12010 September 20

I moved back to the northeast, away from where the others were. The land was open and rounded, like the top of a hill. Most of the people from the event were to the southwest of me, moving south down the path or street. There was a small building to the south of me. The person stood on the western side of the building, watching me as i walked to the northeast. I had been on the side of the small brick building talking with the person. I was now starting to hover over the shallow water of the small pond, which was to the north of the building. The building now seemed like a bank, and the pond was a decorative stream, with wide flat rocks just under the water. I floated in circles over the water, thinking that the person watching me would realize that i could fly. I thought about how i was flying. I seemed to be holding my hands out from my sides. I decided to lower my arms so that they were at fourty-five degree angles from my sides. I was facing south, floating in circles over the water. I thought that i should stay in a more natural position when i fly because it would look better. I knew that the position really did not matter to my flying. I then thought that i was oscillating over the water because of the way i was positioned in the air. I changed my position suddenly to move up and away. As i started moving, i realized that i had thrown my arms over my head into a stereotyped flying pose. This seemed a little embarrassing, but it worked to get me moving.

The child kept trying to point to something the computer screen, but i did not want him to use the computer for just anything. I was trying to show him something on my computer, which was to the south of us, on the counter. The child insisted on doing something different, even though i did not want him to have free use of the computer. I backed away from the computer suddenly as the two women, who had been sitting on either side of me, announced that they were shutting down the computer. I felt relieved that they had made that decision. The woman on the west gave a dull cheer and clapped her hands as the computer started shutting itself down. The young child became very upset and started crying in protest. He stood to the south of me in a white shirt, and he had curly blond hair. I headed to the southwest to leave the area, still thinking about what was on the computer as i moved across the large room.

12010 September 21

I was at the party with a large amount of people, and we seemed to be on the front lawn of the small house. I was to the north of the house, and it was dark outside. A street ran to the north of us, and the area around us seemed to be a residential neighborhood, though the houses seemed to be very far apart. The lawns seemed well trimmed, with short trees here and there. I headed to the east, through the crowd of people. I did not feel comfortable here. I turned to the south and headed into the small building, where the kitchen was. $F58 was managing what was happening in the kitchen area for this event, which seemed to be a reunion. I was not comfortable, and i felt unhappy and unsure what to do. I did not really want to interact with anyone. I looked around at the things in the kitchen, realizing that there was probably food outside. The people in the kitchen were cleaning up on the large metal table that was in the center of the room. I thought that i should eat something. I had been outside with the alumni, but i had not yet had anything to eat. I felt a little apathetic, though. I wondered what i could do to help in the kitchen. I started to feel agitated, not knowing what i should do. I then thought that they might have run out of food before i could get a chance to eat. I knew that they were nearing the end of the event. I started to feel bad about being here, wondering why i had come. I then realized that i should not feel bad, and i tried to be happy, concentrating on feeling happy. I moved to the east, heading for the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. $F12 and $A510 were standing near the eastern wall on the northern side of the room. They were talking about beer and brewing. I wanted to hang around with both of them, but i felt intrusive about interrupting their conversation, so i continued through the doors to the north and back into the party. I did not know what to do, and i moved through the area, watching the people near me. I was heading generally to the east, out across the lawn. The lawn seemed to be a long roughly triangular patch of mowed grass to the east of the large building. The lawn was very long east to west, but only twenty or so meters wide north to south. Streets bordered it on the north and southeastern sides, and the large tan school building was on the west. We now seemed to be closer to the commercial center of a city. A large old tree with a wide leaf-filled crown stood in the center of the yard. It was nighttime as i walked under the northern part of the tree, heading east. A large opaque white sheet of plastic was draped over the northern side of the tree, reaching the round on the eastern side of the tree. I grabbed the edges of the plastic as i passed, holding on as the wind started to blow from the west. The plastic sheet billowed with the air, and i floated up with it. I was able to fly, so i was partly in control of my flight. Other people from the high school were now on the ground near me. They were other alumni from the school who had come back for the event. $A118 was near the base of the tree, to the west of me. I landed on the ground, but let go of the plastic and started flying up over the tree again, floating back to the west. I felt nervous about the people seeing me fly, and i thought that i could stay above the tree to keep out of their sight range. I moved into the room, which seemed to be a small bedroom. It was morning now, and i had to get dressed. I felt hurried. My bed was against the northern wall of the room, in the center of the room. $F12 was still sleeping in a bed to the west. I moved over to my bed, where a blue dress was spread out. It looked like a prom dress or a simplified wedding dress, with a tight upper part and a fluffy lower part. It was not what i had expected. It was not a red dress, but i decided that i would wear it anyway. $F12 suddenly stirred in the bed to the west as i was putting on the dress. I felt bad for not staying with him the previous night. I then realized that he would be surprised that i was wearing a dress, and i realized that i could not really explain it to him. I could have told him that a red dress was for a run that i was doing, but the blue dress just seemed like a dress. I should not really wear the dress for the run that we had to do. I then realized that i did not have any normal running clothes, and i started to worry that people would not like me in the blue dress. I was upset as i turned to the south and started across the parking lot. I walked past the other people who worked here. I felt lost and did not know what i should do now. This place did not seem to make sense.

12010 September 22

I left the others and headed to the southeast, to the side of the old brick or cinderblock building. I was standing in an empty lot to the west of the building when i turned back to the north. $A578 was standing just to the north of me. He was not wearing a shirt, and we seemed to be fooling around with each other. I grabbed him around the torso and tried to squeeze him in my arms. He squirmed, but could not get away from me. I was having fun doing this, but i realized that we were in an area where others might see us. People might think it strange that we were horsing around, so i tried to move to the east, around the southern side of the building so that the people could not see us from the north and northwest. As i came to the southeastern corner of the building, i realized that the person with me was actually $F45. I let him go and continued to the east, stepping off the boat and onto the wooden dock. I tried to act proper, but knew that i was being comical. This was a television show, so i had to act as though i was in a sitcom. The woman to the northeast, who had come down the dock from the north, acted ditzy, pretending that she did not understand what we had been doing on the boat. We acted casual, pretending to cover up something that we had done.

12010 September 23

I headed to the east, talking to the man and woman in the dimly lighted room. This place seemed like a pub or restaurant, and it was decorated with white walls and dark-red furnishings. This place seemed fancy. I had been sitting with $F14 and $F45 on the western side of the room, but i had gotten up and started to talk to the other man and woman. I suddenly wondered why i had left the table that i was on. I felt that i must not have been paying attention and simply wandered away to talk to other people. I felt bad for leaving the table, and i hoped that $F14 and $F45 were not mad with me. I sat down at the small table in the eastern room of the restaurant with the other two people, and we started talking. The small rectangular table was on a track in the floor, and it was moving around the restaurant as we sat. A white tablecloth covered the table. The table then passed to the west, into the room where $F14 was sitting. I did not want her to see me with the other two people, and i hoped that she did not see me. She had not noticed i was here yet. The table we were on started across the northern end of the room, and then circled down the western side and back across the southern side. $F45 and $F14 were sitting on a table in the center of the room, very near the eastern doorway. As the table we were sitting at headed back out the door, we passed very close to where $F45 and $F14 were sitting, and i felt very nervous that they would see me and be upset with me. $F45 glanced up at me, but i was not sure whether he had seen me or not. I felt nervous that he did, and i started to feel bad again. The table moved into the other room, and i started to worry that $F45 had seen me and told $F14 that i was at another table. The doorway in the western wall of the dining room led to a very narrow hallway that sloped steeply upward. I thought that the table must have gone upward when it passed through the door. I stood near the wall, thinking that $F14 and $F45 would come looking for me. I had to get out of the room. I hid against the western wall of the room, blocked by a white stand-alone divider. I had to get out of the room before they came in. I turned to the west, noticing the black door in the wall with the silver swirl pattern on it. I checked the room to the west of me before hurrying through the door and into the narrow passageway beyond. The passageway ran upward at a steep angle. I tried to go up it, but the passage seemed too narrow. I could feel the pressure on my belly as i tried to squeeze up though the narrow space. I felt hurried and tense as i tired to get away. I came into the dormitory room. It was darker here, and bunk beds ran in rows from the northern wall of the room. People were sleeping here already, so i tired to be quiet as i sneaked across the room. $A572 was sleeping on the top bunk of the bed that extended from the center of the northern wall. The others would be after me, so i had to find somewhere to hide. I did not want to wake anyone here up, though, because they might tell the people after me were i had gone or that i had been here. I then noticed people coming from the northeast. A man was on the northeastern side of the room, searching for something with a flashlight. I realized that he was not one of the people after me, and i headed to the northeast with him. He had been working on something here, but he could help me escape. I then noticed that there was something wrong with a finger on my right hand. I looked at the skin on the side of my index finger, noticing that i had a staple in it. It felt uncomfortable, so i tried to pull it out with my teeth. I could no grab the staple, and i realized that it was partly under the skin. I would have to break the skin in order to grab the staple. I talked to the man as i tried to do this. I started to feel annoyed with the staple, and then i realized that there were other shards of metal in my finger. I started to feel stressed and pulled them out. This made me upset. A spot of blood appeared on the side of my finger, and the man referred to it as “pussy blood”, teasing me for being so worried about the staples. I was annoyed, and continued to the northern side of the small room that we had entered. A ladder stood against the northern wall. The northern end of the room was open, and the ladder ran from above the ceiling to somewhere below. The man had been using the ladder before, but i knew that he did not have it in this place. I wondered how the ladder had gotten here. I climbed down, careful not to use my wounded finger. I thought that i would have to clean the finger so that it did not get infected. As i reached the bottom, i was on rocky ground in an area that seemed to be outside but still seemed to be enclosed by dark walls. It was still dark out as i headed to the east. Water ran over the smooth flattened rocks to the east of us. It seemed to flow to the south, though there was no obvious current. A narrow wooden walkway ran across the water, heading east. It had no railings and looked like a walking deck. I started across the walkway, careful of where i was going. As i made my way across, i dropped one of the white socks that i had been carrying. It landed on one of the rocks in the water below me. I could have simply stepped down to pick it up, but i did not want to bother. The platform was only about half a meter above the water, but i felt that the sock was not worth the trouble now that it was wen. The man was still walking behind me. He seemed like $F16 now. I had paused to look at the sock, not sure what i should do. I then dropped the other sock into the water. I was annoyed now that i had lost both socks, and i felt that i did not want to leave them in the water. Frustrated, i bent over to pick them up out of the water. The socks had soaked up water, and had become almost transparent on the brownish-gray rocks. I pulled them out of the water and turned to the north to put them on the edge of the roof to dry. A building had been to the north of us, and it had a low roof, with eves that ran very close to the elevated walkway that we were on. The socks would be able to dry out on the roof, and i would not have to carry wet socks with me.

12010 September 24

I watched the large wrestling match that was happening to the north of me. $A117 was standing on the eastern side of the large red mat, and there seemed to be many people standing around the edges, watching the wrestlers. I was interested in what was happening, but i felt distracted by something. I looked to the southwest, thinking that there was something happening. As i looked back to the north, something seemed to have changed. The people were disappearing very quickly from the room. The wrestling match was not over, but everyone seemed to be leaving. It seemed very strange. It was then darker in the room, like it was closing time and everything was shutting down. I felt sad about this and turned to head to the south. I was sad that the wrestling was over. I headed down the short entry hall of the building, heading into the building. This place was a cinema, and i was sneaking in here. I had come from the match and did not really have a ticket to this movie. I stopped in the doorway at the northern end of the theater. $F45 was already in the room. He seemed to be sitting on the western side of the audience, near the front of the room. The room was flat, and there were tall chairs on either side of the central aisle. The doorway that i had come in led me right down the central aisle. I felt nervous about sneaking into the movie, however, thinking that there was someone watching me from the west. I glanced to the west to see someone sitting in a tall chair on the western side of the entry door. The person was just to the west of the small rectangular window where the projector was sitting. I worried that they would realize that i did not belong here. I tried not to act suspicious, and turned to the east, thinking i should sit down in one of the chairs near the door. I could not quite see the large screen from the back seats, and it seemed as though the floor of the cinema was arched upward in the center. There was a large white padded wall just to the east of me what was shaped like a quarter circle. The flat side was facing south. I moved to the east of the wall, hoping to block the view of the man near the projector. I tried to sit in the white cushioned chair on the other side of the wall, but i realized that the wall was too close to the chair, and i could not fit in the space between them. I felt annoyed. I was making myself more noticeable than was necessary. I did not want to draw attention. I wanted to walk down the center aisle and sit with $F45, but i knew people would see me walking down so late in the movie. I backed up to the north. There was an aisle running across the back of the audience, and there were a few seats along the northern wall of the room. I The black fake-leather seats seemed thickly padded, and i moved to sit in one. As i approached the seat, i noticed the person to the west taking an interest in me. I felt nervous and did not know what to do. I sat down. I then noticed that there were other people sitting near me. I hoped that i had not taken one of their spots. It would be more noticeable if i had disturbed them.

12010 September 25

We walked to the west, down the street of the flat open small town. A large fire was burning somewhere in the distance, to the southeast. I felt nervous about the situation, but we did not seem to be in any trouble here. I looked around the horizon, trying to get a view of the black smoke from the fire, but i could only see gray clouds in the sky. Most of the southern view was blocked, though. The buildings on the southern side of the street were two or three stories tall. We seemed to be somewhere in northern New York State. I felt concerned about the fire, and wondered what was burning. I continued down the street to the west with $A607 and $A609. $A607 seemed very interested in me and talked to me excitedly. She seemed to be fawning over me, which i thought was very strange because $A609 was her husband, and he was with us. I told both of them about the fire, and they seemed surprised to hear about it. I motioned to the southwest, and the looked across an wide open lot on the southern side of the street. They were now standing to the east of me, surprise on their faces as they stared to the south at the smoke from the fire. Several other people were standing on the southern sidewalk of the east of us, all facing south. I looked up in the sky over the building to the south of me, noticing that the clouds were suddenly moving to the north. They seemed to be fanning out. The crowd suddenly gasped. Something had happened at the fire. I moved to the east a little so that i could see around the large building to the south of me. I could see a tall pillar of black smoke rising vertically from the horizon to the southeast. The people started to panic. I realized that there had been a large explosion, and this was the bottom of a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion. I mentioned this to on one in particular. The crowd started to disperse in panic, and we started to run to the west. We had to get out of the range of the cloud, but i kept thinking that we needed to get to a television set to see what was happening. The store on the northern side of the street had several televisions in the window, and we move to the window to see. The large television in the center of the window was showing static. This was the one showing ABC, so i knew that the ABC network was out. The smaller television to the left, which was also a cathode-ray television, had a blue NBC symbol on the lower right corner. It was also showing static. I wondered if the third network was still on somewhere. I started to feel stressed, not sure what to do. I then turned to the others and said that we needed a radio. I explained that the television networks were broadcast from the large cities, but the radios stations would be broadcast from the local community. The bomb would have hit the large cities, so the news from the small communities would have a better chance of being available. We headed to the west, across the southern side of the buildings. Most of the apartments to the north of us seemed empty. The people must have abandoned them in panic. A young child was sitting on a stoop in front of one of the apartment buildings. I asked him about a radio, but he seemed hesitant to take us into his house. I said that we needed to listen to the radio to find out what was going on. The boy was hesitant, but he stood up and let us toward his house. The buildings seemed abandoned and run down, with debris in the doorways and on the stoops. The street also seemed abandoned, with trash strewn here and there. The boy led us to the east, toward the intersection with the other road. We came to the corner, and i was worried about the fire to the south or southeast, concerned that danger would come from that direction. We stopped at the corner, and i realized that the bar on the northwestern corner of the intersection would probably have a radio. The houses were on the northern side of the street to the east of us, but i wanted to go into the bar to listen to the radio. I then noticed the queues of people to the east. The people were heading toward the house in ordered formations. This seemed strange, but i thought that they were just following the orders that had been given to the general public. I then realized that the boy should be one of the people from the group of orderly civilians. I realized that he was outside of the pattern that everyone was stuck in, but i also realized that he should be fairly close to the pattern. I thought about this, thinking that the entire pattern of movement seemed very strange. Movement to the south of me then drew my attention. I was with the crowd that was outside the pattern, and one of the people in the crowd was swinging someone else around. They seemed to be playing, but it seemed dangerous. The two men had their hands clasped, and one man was being swinged around so that his feet were in the air. I then noticed the large man in the black leather jacket to the southwest. He was on the edge of the circle that the two men were clearing by swinging each other. I thought that the feet of the man in the air would hit the man in the leather jacket, which might start a fight. I then noticed that the man in the leather jacket was staring to the east, not paying attention to the two men fooling around. As i looked around the crowd, i noticed that everyone in the crowd around me was staring to the east, watching the people move in lines toward the houses. I felt frustrated and wanted to get something done, so i turned back to the west and headed down the street. I now seemed to be in a neighborhood that was similar to the one my grandmother lived in. I turned to the north, heading toward the white house on the northern side of the street, which seemed like the house of my grandmother’s neighbor. I came to the back door on the house, which was on the northern side of the house, and i knocked on the door. I was now standing on the back porch of the house that seemed like $A425’s house. This was the house of the mother of the young boy that we had been following. I turned the door knob, realizing that the door was open. I walked into the kitchen of the house, feeling uneasy because i had entered uninvited. To the west, i could see the dining room through an archway. Everything seemed to be pale-blue or pale-aqua. I was now carrying an electric guitar with me. I looked around the house, not seeing anyone here. I finally felt uncomfortable enough that i decided to head back out onto the porch. I did not want the owner of the house to find out that i had entered uninvited. As i turned around to face south again, i saw a woman coming toward the door. The door was still open, so i said hello and told her why i was here, making up an excuse. I really had no reason to be here, so i told her that i needed to get into the house next door. The house to the west seemed to be my grandmother’s house. She nodded in agreement and grabbed a small white padlock from the eastern wall of the entryway. The wooden wall to the east now formed a short corridor into the house. I took the small padlock, telling the woman that i would bring it right back. I headed to my grandmother’s house and entered. $F45 was already there, and he seemed upset about something. He went into the bedroom on the lower floor as i stood in the kitchen. We had to get ready to go somewhere, and i thought that i would need to take a shower before i got dressed. I headed to the east, into the bedroom after $F45. The bedroom seemed crowded and messy, with clothes on the large bed and on the floor. $F45 was angry because the house was so messy. He moved to the south from the kitchen, and i headed to the east, to go into the bathroom. I stopped in front of the sink on the southern wall and looked into the mirror. My hair seemed nicely combed, and someone said that it looked nice with gel in it. I looked at the full head of brown hair, and i said that it looked greasy. The woman to the east of me then said that i should wash it out. I bent over and rinsed my hair under the faucet of the sink. When i looked down into the white porcelain sink, i could see the water dripping from my hair, and it was colored yellow. I was annoyed, thinking that i would need shampoo to get all of the gel out of my hair. I walked back out of the bathroom and to the bedroom to get the shampoo. $F45 was no longer here. I wondered where he had gone. I realized that he had been angry about the mess in the bedroom, and he had sulked off to the south. I did not want to deal with him at the moment because i had to get ready. Back in the bathroom, i put shampoo in my hair and rinsed it under the sink again. As i rubbed my hands through my hair, i noticed that my head felt strange. Something was odd here. I was standing outside to the southeast of the house now. Something had changed, and i was standing in the driveway near the front porch steps. I could see through the large bedroom window on the front of the house. I knew that $F45 should be in the bedroom because he had run to the southern side of the house. I then remembered that $F4 was in that bedroom reading a book. I wondered if $F45 had interrupted $F4. This seemed strange that they would not be interfering with each other. I then remembered about the bomb to the southeast. I should have been worried about it, and i wondered what was going on. Why had i forgotten about it?

12010 September 28

We left my grandmother’s house and started walking down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, heading east. I stopped for a moment to do something on the ground. $A425 was standing in her driveway to the east of me, and i was crouching in her front yard to finish what i was doing with the object. She said something and i heard $F1 reply from the house. He must be visiting her. I tried to finish what i was doing so that i could follow my relatives down the street to the east. $A425 said something again, and i heard $F1 reply. I looked at the empty porch and then up to the small bedroom window on the second floor. I could not see $F1, but i could hear his voice. The window on the second floor was open, and i could see the back of a wooden chair inside, but i could still not see $F1. My mother and grandmother were already trying to head down the block to the east. As we turned to the north at the end of the block, there was also an elderly woman with us. My grandmother kept asking me about the run that i was about to do, and i did not know how to answer her. She wanted to know when i was going to get back, but i did not know how long i would be gone for. I was not as familiar with this area, and i did not know how long the run would take. My grandmother wanted an answer, though, and i was becoming frustrated with her. My mother then started telling me to answer the question. She was annoyed with me that i did not know when i would be back. I finally got mad at her and told her that i would not know the answer. I then decided that i was too frustrated with them and said that i would be leaving. I said that i did not want to walk with them if my mother was going to constantly complain. I felt angry with her, but, as i turned to the south and walked away from them, i looked back over my shoulder at my mother. She was walking to the north, and her hair seemed short enough that i could see her ears. I felt bad about yelling at her, and i thought that this might be the last time that i would ever see her. I wondered why i would think this. I turned back to the south, noticing that there was a large body of water to the south of the road that i was on. We had walked to the southern side of the city, and seemed to be just across the river from $P3. I realized that i would have to walk quite a way to get back to my grandmother’s house, and i then wondered where i could go to run. I would have to run at least ten kilometers, and wondered how i could do that here. I looked out over the shallow pond to the south. The road i was on ran east to west, and there seemed to be a highway crossing over the road, just to the west of me. A few tall thin birds stood in the still water of the reedy pond, and i felt that there was something charming in the scene. I tried to think of where i had run here before, and i turned to the west and walked under the overpass on the northern sidewalk of the road. I remembered running somewhere where i had repeated a loop in order to get the mileage up to ten kilometers, but i could not now remember where that would be in the area. I would have to look up the running route in this area, but then i thought that i would actually have to calculate it again from my computer. I had my laptop at my grandmother’s house, and i thought that i would have to go back there to figure out the route before i started running. I glanced behind me again, noticing that two people had started walking under the bridge on the sidewalk behind me. One of them was a tall thin young man with curly red hair and a white T-shirt. The other seemed to be a young woman. I wondered if the man might be following me or might try to attack me. I looked ahead as i reached the other side of the bridge and turned to the south. The road i was on had ended, so i had to turn onto the other. This other road seemed to be the road that ran over the river on the old green arched truss bridge. I realized that i would have to head back to the north to get to my grandmother’s house, and it now seemed like a long way again. I realized that i was on my blue bicycle, however, so it seemed that it would be easier for me to get home. I turned the bicycle to the north, circling to the west across the old pavement of the road. The land to the west seemed flat and empty and covered with grass. I noticed that i seemed to be sitting on the handlebars of the bicycle as i started moving back to the north. The man who had been following me seemed to have passed to the south, but the woman was still to the north of me. The bicycle wobbled a little, so i put my hands back on the handlebars. I was coasting to the north, and it seemed easy to pedal. I tried again to clip my running belt around my waist, but the bicycle started wobbling again, and i had to grab the handlebars. I then noticed that the young woman in the light-blue long-sleeve shirt had started walking on the western side of the road toward me. I thought that she was on the wrong side of the road, and i was annoyed that i would have to go around her. She then crouched down to tie her right shoe. Her long black hair was tied back into a ponytail. I felt uneasy as i steered the bicycle to the east of her, trying to stay out of the center of the road. As i passed her, i was a little tense, trying to control the bicycle. I muttered to her as i passed, saying that she was walking on the wrong side of the road. I then started riding to the north, thinking that i should be back at my grandmother’s house with little effort. I looked down at the pavement, noticing the small holes near the edge of the road where the asphalt had been worn away. I then noticed the open valley to the southwest of me. The smell of the air was suddenly noticeable, and i felt suddenly nostalgic. It smelled like autumn or summer, but i knew that it was the smell of the place where i had been born. I stopped and looked out over the river valley. It seemed very picturesque, with the sun shining low in the western sky, reflecting off of the winding water of the river in the center of the wide valley. I felt upset thinking about this, knowing that the smell was something very special. It was the smell of a place that i had known from birth. I was just outside of the city that i was born in, and the smell was very familiar and comforting. I felt pained thinking about it. This would be the smell i would sense when i was dying, a memory of the place where i was born.

12010 September 30

I moved quickly toward the building on the northern side of the suburban area. It seemed to be across a division, like a railroad track. This area seemed like $P127. The large gray building was rectangular and looked like an old warehouse. It was now an apartment building, and i knew that $F36 had lived there, or i thought that i should say that she had lived there. I felt intrigued by the building. I was on the second floor when i turned to the east and headed into the small square cement room. The cement walls seemed dingy and worn, and the structure seemed very crude. This was one of the apartments, and i thought that i could say that it was where $F36 lived. The other person was in the room with me, and i headed toward the window in the eastern wall. There was a balcony outside the room. I realized that this was the room that we were staying in, so it could not be the apartment where $F36 had lived. I would have to say that she lived in the next apartment to the north. I then looked to the north, out the northern-facing window and along the surface of the brick building. The balcony only extended to the east of the room that we were in, so the apartment to the north would not do. I could not say that it was $F36’s apartment because people would know that it was not true because of the lack of balcony. I thought about this. I could say that the apartment was simply on a different floor of the building, and i wondered whether there were balconies on the floors above. The balcony i was standing on actually seemed to be a small roof over a small extension of the building below. The square balcony was only three or four meters long and wide. I turned back to the east, and i was now on the northern side of the building, in the open space of the fifth floor. This was mostly open attic space. The stairs ran down to the east of me, and i seemed to be standing on one of the upper steps as i looked over the boxes on the wooden floor. The room was dimly lighted. $Z stood just down the steps from me. It was obvious that this floor could have no apartments, so i could not say that her apartment was here. I turned to the northeast. I was now standing on the top of the steps on the southern side of the building. I knew that this was the fourth floor. There was a thin dividing wall to the north of me, which seemed to surround an office. This floor was taken up mostly by machines and offices. It was not a place for an apartment. There was something uncomfortable about this place now, as though people were watching us. I moved through the apartment that we had been in, thinking that i could not use this apartment because we were staying here. I would have to say that $F36 had lived in another apartment. The older woman in the traditional faded dull-red flower skirt and apron moved around on the northern side of the room. She had gray curly hair and seemed like a stereotypical Jewish mother. I was her young child, and i moved suddenly to the southern end of the room. I was still standing on the stairs in the southern side of the attic area when someone from the east asked what i was doing here. Several voices started whispering to me, asking me questions. I could not see anyone there, and i decided that these people were ghosts or spirits. They asked me questions about religion and my beliefs. I was not sure how i should answer them, and i was a little nervous. I tried to be elusive, but i wanted to be honest. One of the voices asked me what i believed in. I thought a moment, remembering that i was a young Jewish boy, and i said that i followed the teachings of the Torah. This seemed like the right answer; it made me sound Jewish without betraying that i was really more of a pantheist. One of the voices said “Good.”. I still felt nervous, and wondered what other questions i would have to answer. I was then moving toward the building again from the south. I could see the large gray building below me as i flew over the short buildings of the suburban area toward the old factory. I had to tell the others about this building, because it was something special. I was going to tell them that it was where $F36 had lived when i knew her. It seemed like a long time ago. I thought about flying across the street on the eastern side of the building and into the large cement entryway. The building seemed mostly open when i thought about it, as though it were more of a stadium, but, as i came into the corridor on the first floor, it seemed more like a factory. A long corridor ran down the eastern side of the building. It had bare cement walls, which had many corners and small protrusions from them. The center of the western wall extended a little into the room. There seemed to be three exits on the eastern side of the building: one in the center and one on each end. I started telling $Z about $F36’s house as i moved to the east, into the small crude cement room. This was an apartment. I had to see if this is where the balcony. I had to remember to choose an apartment that had a balcony on it. To the southeast, there was a doorway that led into a small screened-in porch. This was the balcony of the apartment that we were staying in, so i had to figure out which other apartments had balconies. I looked down the building to the north, but did not see any other balconies on this floor. I then noticed that the floors below had some screened-in porches. I was then on the lower floor, moving to the north and then to the east, into a central room. There was no door on the western side of the room, and i decided that this was just a corridor to a community room. There was a doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall, which led out to a porch. I could hear several people talking one the porch. They seemed like poor tenants, with worn clothing. I felt a little awkward here, and i moved back and forth down he hall, wondering what to do. I started looking for a doorway in the eastern wall that seemed to be an apartment. There seemed to be one to the north, but, as i checked, it also seemed to be a utility room. I would have to say that $F36 lived in one of the apartments down here because it was close to the porch that the people were using. I then spotted a worn dull-red metal door in the southern wall of the hallway. It did not face east, like it should have, but i could say that it was the apartment. An older woman in a dull white dress came from the porch. She stopped in front of me with her feet wide and her shoulders slightly hunched. She had curly graying hair. I asked her if she remembered the nurse who had lived in one of the apartments here. I was aware that the other person was standing to the southwest of me, listening, so i hoped that the woman would remember. If she remembered, that would validate my story that $F36 had lived in this area. The woman said that she did remember the nurse that had lived here, and i felt a little relieved. I clarified that the nurse was the mother of a Norse family who had a young girl. The woman said that she remembered the girl, but then looked strangely at me as if uneasy with me asking. I realized that she might think that i was interested in young girls, but i told her that the girl would now be around my age. The woman seemed to remember the family, so i mentioned that they lived in the room to the south. She seemed a little uncertain about that, but i was glad that she had remembered the family. I looked to the south, down the entryway, toward the dull-red door of the apartment. The entryway now seemed U-shaped, with corridors running to the east from the northern and eastern ends. The corridors ran to the outside of the large building. I was now thinking about the building, remembering it from above, as though i was flying toward it from the southeast. I imagined heading to this place with someone else. I would not intend on going here, but we would stumble across this building by surprise. I would say that i remembered this place as we entered though the doorways on the eastern side. I kept trying to picture the building, trying to make sure that i remembered it.

Someone mentioned the exhibit i had made as i walked to the southwest, away from $P194. I was looking to the southeast, at the line of trees and undergrowth along the side of the paved path that i was on. The exhibit was stretched along the ground at the edge of the tall weeds. Someone had said that the exhibit needed some edits, and i started to worry that i would not be able to change it without recreating it. I looked down at the long chain of plastic creatures and plants on the ground. Many of them seemed bright orange or green. They were flat plastic representations of animals or plants. I looked at something that seemed like a whale, but i knew that it was a dinosaur, or some other ancient animal. All of the plastic pieces were connected together by a long plastic part running down the center of the exhibit. I realized that i would be able to separate the individual pieces and insert additional parts. It would not be too difficult to edit this exhibit. I stopped near the western end of the chain and bent over, grabbing on to several green plants. They pulled away rather easily, and i was worried that i had broken the exhibit. I looked at the remaining ferns, which looked like boston ferns. I knew they were fake, but they looked rather realistic. I wondered why they had separated so easily, and i felt uneasy about pulling the pieces out, but i thought that i would be able to put the pieces back together with no difficulty. This had something to do with paleontology. The different positions on the chain represented different time periods of history. I moved to the southwest a little, near the end of the chain. The red plastic model of a tree stood near the bottom of the chain. I remembered this tree from long ago. I had this tree as part of a model set. It was originally part of the background of the model, but i was using it now to demonstrate the primitive trees of early Earth. The red plastic was some kind of spongy palm. I manipulated the two branches that came off the trunk in a Y. I remembered the dinosaur model that had been part of this exhibit, and then i suddenly wondered what happened to the tops of the trees. I thought that there should be green palm leaves attached to the tops of the trees. I wondered where i had left them. I was then interrupted by the image of an old man. He was to the northeast of me, but i could only see his face, as if it was right next to me. The man seemed very familiar, and someone told me that he was a paleoneurologist. I focused on the old face. The skin was still tight over the cheek bones as the man smiled, but i could see many wrinkles across the tan skin of the face. He was smiling widely at me, and he had a bushy white mustache and matching flowing white hair that covered his ears. There was something unsettling in the vision of the man, but i knew that it was important that i see him.