12011 September 01

Something was moving in the room to the south of me, but i could not quite see what it was. The small square bedroom seemed old and worn, and i tired to focus on what was moving across the floor to the south. My mother was in the eastern side of the room, and she seemed to be chasing after the animal. I stepped into the room from the north, trying to see what it was. Something was moving on the floor, but i could not quite make out what it was. A bed in the center of the room now seemed to be blocking my view, so i moved a little to the west, trying to see it as it came around the end of the bed. As i reached the western end of the bed, a large wasp flew across the floor and then turned to the north, coming at me. I felt panicked and backed up quickly, swatting at the wasp to keep it away from me.

12011 September 02

I walked to the west, into the center of the square room. The furnishings of the room looked shabby, and the spaces between the furnishings seemed cluttered with stored items. $G4 was with me in this place. I owned this area, but i felt that i had not been in this room in a very long time. I moved to the western wall, where windows looked out across the grassy lawn, which seemed to be the lawn of a school. I could hear the sound of music from somewhere to the west. I remembered that Sim Redmond was playing at the school across the field as part of the festival. The sound was distant, and i commented on the music to one of the other people in the room. I turned back into the room, looking over the things here. I had been using this room for a storage area. A couch ran parallel to the western wall, just a few meters from the western wall. It faced east. An accompanying couch was against the northern wall, facing south, toward a low plain square coffee table. The kitchen was on the southern side of the room and separated from the room by a low metal counter. The appliances and sink seemed to be in the southern wall of the room. I had not been in this room in quite a while, and it seemed musty. I looked around at the clutter, thinking that i should clean things up. I then wondered how i got this apartment. I did not remember paying for it, but i knew that i rented the space. I had not been living here, though, and the things here felt like things i had forgotten about. Several boxes of old toys sat on some stacked cardboard boxes, just to the west of the central couch. Both of the couches were dull gray. I looked at the boxes of toys, noticing that my old Shogun Warriors were stored on top of the boxes. I moved around the room, interested in what was here and thinking that i should clean things up. I moved to the east a little, spotting an open bag of pretzels under the counter that was to the east of the couch against the northern wall. I crossed the room and paused in the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. I did not think that i was paying rent for this storage space, and i felt good about having it. I remembered that i had gotten this space through $A589 or $A404. Someone had let me put my things here. I had almost forgotten about the place. It felt good to have this place, but i knew that it was actually an apartment. The corridor outside the doorway was a small rectangular room with a doorway in the southern wall. The doorway seemed to lead into a longer corridor to other apartments in the storage building. I turned around near the southern doorway and turned back to the northwest, heading back toward the doorway to the apartment. As i walked, i noticed a narrow wooden door just to the south of the doorway to my apartment. I could see a toilet just inside the doorway, on the southern wall of the room, and a small bed on the northern wall just beyond. This was part of another apartment, but i knew that we were sharing the bathroom facilities. A doorway on the western end of the small bathroom led into the other apartment, which is where the bed now was. The bathroom was a shared space, and could be reached by either apartment. The person in the other apartment must have enjoyed the fact that i had not been staying in my apartment, giving them more freedom to use the bathroom. I continued through the doorway of my apartment. As i stepped inside, i noticed a small toilet set into the southern wall, just to the north of the other bathroom. I also saw that a bed was set up in my room to the north of the entrance door, against the northern wall. I had both a toilet and a bed in my apartment as well, so i really did not have to share the ones from the small room. I woman was in the middle of the room with me, and i told her about the things that i had been storing here. Everything seemed like old toys or things from my past that i had forgotten i had. The woman suggested that i clean out the apartment. I wondered if she wanted me to consider renting it out. I looked around at the things here, saying that i did not know where i would put all of these things. I walked to the center of the room and then turned to the south. A wide doorway was in the southern wall, and i headed through it with the woman, coming into the large open space of the building. This area seemed like a modern cafeteria, with brown fake-stone surfaces that were lined with metal trimming. We entered into the large kitchen at the northern end of the space and were surrounded by large metal heating units and stoves. The kitchen was empty, and the lights were off, but i could see fairly well. It was a weekend, so the workers here were not running the kitchen today. It seemed like this cafeteria was part of the office building around us. I continued to the south, following $F58 through the gap in the service counter on the southern side of the kitchen. $F58 paused in the middle of the gap, though, so i had to stop suddenly so that i did not run in to her. Jokingly, i hopped onto her back and pretended to ride her like a horse. I slided back down to the floor, suddenly realizing that, even though it was play, i always seemed to be doing sexually suggestive things with her. It seemed strange and uncomfortable, so i moved to one side and passed through the metal counters, coming out into the large dining area. Partial walls extended from the western wall. They had uneven upper surfaces with what appeared to be small terraced flower planters on them. The planters were long and dark gray, forming horizontal bars on the brown polished surface of the stone. The lights were off in the room, but the diffuse sunlight of the cloudy day was lighting the room through the large tall southern multipane glass wall. I liked this place and thought that $G4 could use this place for a meeting area. I felt excited about this idea, but i turned back to the north. As i crossed back through the metal service counters, i noticed that one of the grills in the eastern side of the kitchen was turned on. Large grills ran along the eastern wall, and their ribbed surfaces seemed clean and shiny. The grill that was on was a smaller grill in the center of the room, to the south of a large metal cabinet. The grill faced south, under a fume hood. Hamburgers and frankfurters were cooking on the grill. Someone else must be in the building and using the kitchen for their cooking. The people who rented apartments here used the kitchen when it was not servicing the business people. Several other people then came into the kitchen from the north. I did not know them, so i thought that i should go back to the room that i had rented. A man was talking to a woman on the western side of the room as i entered. I passed them, hopping over the couch and heading to the east. As i hopped over the couch, i suddenly wondered whether the man with the woman was the landlord of this place. I also wondered whether he would want me out of this apartment, since i had not been living here or taking care of the space. I crossed the room and headed out the door in the eastern wall. The others were now standing in a small group on the southern side of the hallway, facing south, watching something. Several of them were crouching down just to the north of the doorway. I walked behind them and stopped to see what they were listening to. Someone was talking in the area to the south, and they were all listening. I could not see the person because the door was not open all the way, and the man seemed to be to the southeast, in the center of the small room to the south. I looked around at the people crouched on the floor in front of me, noticing a man in a sleeveless shirt just to the southwest of me. His arms were nicely detailed, and i thought that he was attractive. He glanced back and up at me as i stood near him. Realizing that i was staring at him, i looked away, pretending not to be looking at him. I focused on the green wooden door to the southeast, a little nervous that the man would think i was stalking him. I could hear a male voice talking to the crowd from outside. I could not see who it was, but everyone here was listening intently to him.

12011 September 04

I moved through the green trees and bushes of the area, which seemed to be on the top of a rounded hill in the middle of an urban area. The city seemed to be to the north and northwest of us. The ground was mostly rocky, and the thin trees and bushes blocked the view of the surrounding area. We seemed to be crossing this area, and there was another group of people doing the same thing. They were just to the southeast of us. I felt nervous about them, thinking that they resented us, and they seemed to be picking on us. Something about them seemed more rural, and i was cautious of them as we walked past each other. I knew that the road to the west of us ran to the north. The diner was also to the east of us. We had just come from there, but we were heading to the west, across the rectangular area. A rock face was to the southeast of us, and we turned to the south, walking into the rectangular area of flattened dry grass and rocky ground. $F45 was with me, but he seemed upset about something. He complained about the walk, and i thought that he did not like to walk across such uneven ground. He did not like being in the wilderness either, even though we were still very close to a city. He complained about the walk and started being rude to me. I was angry with him and tried to ignore him. I wanted to get back to the diner with the others. $F45 became upset with me and spilled the cup of beer he was carrying on me. I felt annoyed, and pushed the cup of beer back toward him, splashing him as i stepped across the dark-gray rocks on the ground. I turned my attention quickly back to the west, not wanting to deal with $F45. The others followed me, and i hoped that they would distract $F45 from acting more petulant. We came to the southern side of the area and were now walking along the southern slope of the hill. A dark rock face was to the north of us now as we started down the southwestern side. The ground was covered with loose dark shale, and there were two men sleeping on the rocks. They must have been sunbathing, and i stepped carefully over them. I watched one of the men as i stopped over him, noticing that he was rather attractive. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that his torso was very nicely detailed. The man woke suddenly as i stepped over him, so i excused myself and continued to the southwest, trying not to stare at his chest. I started stepping down the rocks on the southern side of the area, but realized that i was heading back to the east, along the northern side of the hilltop. I followed the narrow rocky path down the steep hill. The path started out heading to the northeast, but curved to the east. After a few steps, i noticed that the path was descending a set of grassy steps along the northern side of the hill. The land to the south of me seemed to be thick brush, but the ground descended steeply to the north of me, into a forested area. Houses seemed to be on the other side of the forested area. i looked down at the steps and i descended. They had changed from square patches of grass to plastic bins that were filled with wrapped hard candy. I had to be careful as i stepped down them because the stairs were unsteady. The others were following me. The area to the south of the steps then seemed to be a gravel driveway, with a house on a steep hill to the southwest. The plastic bins seemed to be a retaining wall on the northern side of the driveway, though there was no ground on either side of the wall. As i reached the bottom, i noticed that the lower steeps were actually missing. I would have to jump over the gap to get to the pale driveway. The thick black vines on the northern side of the wall hung over the wall, and i tried to push them out of the way so that i could climb the rest of the way down. The black vines had large thorns, though, and they kept catching on my sleeves and arms. I felt annoyed and swatted the vines away suddenly, pulling myself free and jumping to the southeast, onto the driveway. The area around us seemed to be suburban. I turned back to the others and warned them about the vines before turning to the east to continue on.

12011 September 05

I walked down the large open hallway, through the shower room. The walls, floor, and ceiling were covered with greenish-blue tiles, and large stalls were set into the northern wall where people could shower. This seemed like the showering rooms near a public swimming pool. Men and women were walking around this area, so i knew that this was not part of a locker room. I continued down the hall to the west-southwest, following the hall as it turned to the west. The corridor now had a flat wall to the north and a large window to the south. The window looked into a large room with a swimming pool. The walls here were cement, and i thought that the entire building was an old cement structure. I continued down the corridor, noticing that the rooms to the south were separated into areas. The next room had a smaller pool, and i knew that it was the pool where the homosexual men gathered. I was interested in this pool, and i thought that $F45 would be there. I looked through the window at some of the men in the pool. I recognized a small group of four men leaning against the southern rim of the pool. The man i had seen was not actually $F45, but a friend of $F45. Some of the others in the pool were pretending to copulate with each other. I was annoyed by this, thinking that it was inappropriate and a little disgusting. $F45 then came in to my view from the eastern side of the pool area. He stared at me for a moment, surprised that i was here. He did not want me to see him with other men. I backed to the east, moving so that he was just out of my view around the edge of the window. He was standing on the southern end of the room to the south of me, but he seemed to be sitting near the men who had been on the southern edge of the pool. I backed to the north to get out of the center of the corridor. The northern side of the corridor was now open into a small room. The ground rose in steps, forming cement bleachers where people could sit to watch the pool to the south. I looked again to the south, but could not see where $F45 had gone. as i looked for him, i realized that a young man to the west of me was also trying to find someone in the room to the south. He looked very familiar, and i felt that i had known him from somewhere. I said hello to him, and then commented that we were all trying to do the same thing. I shifted a little farther to the west, trying to see $F45. I still could not see were he was in the pool room. I kept moving to the west, looking for him. I came into the next room to the west. As i did, i noticed that the people i had seen in the pool were now walking down the corridor near me, heading to the east. I then noticed $F45 standing near the western wall of the room that i had just entered. He must have come out of the pool with the rest of the people, but stopped to talk to someone. I wandered through the room, glancing around as if not interested in $F45. I did not want the people that he was with to think that i was looking for him. I turned to the north, heading through the darkened part of the building, which now seemed to be a parking garage. The cement floors tipped at strange angles to the north of me. I could not see any cars, but the ramps seemed like places to park.

I was with the others as we traveled in the car to the south, across the damp gray place. I was sitting in the back seat of the car, just behind the driver’s seat, and someone was sitting on my lap. I realized that $A522 was on my lap. I suddenly realized that i had been sleeping, and i was just waking up. To my surprise, i had my arms wrapped around $A522, and i was rubbing her nipples with the palms of my hands. She woke up suddenly, surprised as well. I stopped rubbing and dropped my hands to her sides, hurriedly explaining that she had been rubbing into my groin. I knew that this was a lie, but i did not want her to think that i had consciously been taking advantage of her. I felt uncomfortable as we pulled into the parking lot of the large cement area. We started walking to the south, with the large crowds that were here. As we entered the stadium, heading through the narrow cement corridors to the south, i could see the large open cement room ahead of us. A sports game, like baseball or hockey, was happening in the center of the arena to the south. I felt a little uncomfortable here, still upset that i had been fondling $A522. A man walking with us then told me that i should help the coach of the team. It was my job as a manager to help the coach, but i did not feel comfortable doing it. I knew that the coach was an angry man. I felt uninterested in helping him as i walked to the south. The coach was in the small room on the southwestern side of the arena. He was yelling at his team because they had lost the game. I watched him as he stood on the northern side of the area, yelling at the people to the south of him. He was wearing a tan baseball uniform with tight pants. I did not really want to deal with him. I moved back to the north, into one of the small areas to the north of the main arena. The areas seemed like private viewing boxes. A family was gathered in the one where i was. They had come here for their child. It seemed that the sporting event was for the children. They were having some kind of tournament, and they had come from different places. I chatted with the family for a moment. They were very friendly toward me, and i felt sympathetic toward them. I knew that the coach did not like the boy from the family, and he would not want me treating him nicely. As i spoke for a moment, i knew that the coach would be coming from the south, along the western wall of the stadium. I thought that he was going to yell at the family about the boy. He would be insulting to them and would simply make the boy feel bad, but i knew that the family was nice. The family continued to sit in the folding chairs to the south of me, staring to the south. The coach would be here to yell at them soon. I glanced upward, noticing that there was no ceiling on the booth and that i could see out to the dark-blue evening sky. The sun had just set, but the sky had not gotten dark yet. As i looked up, i noticed a strange glowing filament to the southwest. It looked like a loose piece of thread blowing on the wind, but it was glimmering with a bright red. In seemed very strange, and i continued to stare at it as it floated higher into the sky, moving to the south of me. It seemed to be very far up, and i wondered if it was a plasma cell or other strange phenomenon. I pointed out the glowing thread to the others. We were standing on the sidewalk southern sidewalk of a road now, in the middle of the town. A tall modern cement apartment building stood to the southwest of us, and the stadium seemed to be to the southeast. Small red objects suddenly started to fall across the sky, speeding from the south-southwest to the north. I felt suddenly fascinated and anxious in the scene. Something very special was happening, but i was uncertain what exactly it was. The red things streaked across the sky like meteors, but, suddenly, they turned into dull-red diamonds. The diamonds hovered in the air for a moment, looking very sharp and distinct, before they too streaked off to the northeast. The diamonds looked like something from a video game. Many of the red dots had changed at once, and the sky was filled with tall diamond-shaped objects, with painted tops and bottoms. Suddenly, they had zoomed away. The sky was then filled with moving objects again. For a moment, the sky seemed to have flickered with white streaks and bright white sparkles, but then returned to fading blue and red dots. I watched the things falling again, thinking that they were flying like a large flock of birds. This was really something special, and i told the family about it again. We were now standing in the corridor on the northern side of the stadium. The family could not see the objects right away because they could not see out the skylight from where they were. The wooden corridor seemed to be a free-standing structure, running to the northwest of the stadium. I tried to climb up the wooden crossbeams to get to the skylight, which was now actually a square opening in the roof. I could only see a few of the red streaks and wanted to see more. I concentrated on flying, trying to float up through the opening as the family watched from below.

12011 September 06

I was with the group of people on the northern side of the rounded grassy hill. The people with me seemed like $G4. We were walking up the slope of the hill, toward the top of the hill, to the southwest of us. I jumped up suddenly, floating on the wind, which was blowing from the west. I used my arms to glide over the wind, climbing high above the ground. I felt a little uneasy as i rose, thinking that i was too far from the ground. I held my arms out to my sides, catching the wind. I thought that i should get more elevation, but i had to be careful not to get too much. I was weary of getting too high in case i started to fall. I turned to the north, gliding on the wind. I then circled to the east, turning slowly back to the south around the eastern side of the rounded hill. I could feel the stain on my arms as they supported my weight on the wind. I tipped my arms down and back, knowing that it would allow me to descend slowly to the ground. I landed on the southeastern side of the hill, and i turned to the west to get back to the others. A rounded stone tower sat on the top of the hill. The others were now sitting on the grass of the hill, to the southeast of the tower. They faced to the south and southeast, looking out over the valley. I headed toward the old stone building, which seemed to be a tourist site. A doorway on the western end of the southern side of the building led to the interior, but a ladder was leaning against the rounded tower on the eastern side of the small building. I climbed the ladder to the top of the tower. The ladder actually seemed to ascend the southern side of the building, stopping on the roof of the lower section, just to the west of the tower. As i reached the top of the ladder and stepped off, i noticed the other man on the tower. He seemed like someone i had worked with. He seemed like $A614. We were standing on the round platform that was the top of the tower, and we started chatting about something. I looked off the tower to the northeast, looking over the low stone parapet. Something metal seemed to run up the side of the building, giving in support. As i spoke to the other man, i felt the building under shake. I thought that someone must be hitting the bottom of the metal thing on the side of the tower. I looked down the northeastern side of the tower, but i could not see anyone below us. I could see down the side of the stone tower all the way to the ground. I felt confused, wondering what was making the tower shake. I headed back across the small round top of the tower to the southeast. The man i had been talking to had already descended the ladder and was on the roof below. I looked over the edge and down the ladder to see another man coming up. I then noticed the rounded metal doors, which looked like bulkhead doors on a ship, just below me. The doors led into the tower. People in the room below me must be doing something to make the tower shake. I stepped out of man’s way as he reached the top of the ladder and then climbed down the ladder myself. I walked into the small round room with the wooden floor. The place seemed like a small shop or museum, and i thought that it was another part of the visitors’ center that i had not been to. Someone seemed to be standing behind a small wooden table near the western wall, just to the north of the entry door. The person seemed to work here. Several other people were in the room. A table stood near the northern wall with some books on it.

I drove my car down the narrow country road, heading to the south. The land around me was flat and filled with trees and farm fields. I came to a stop at the intersection with the small dirt road. The road i was on ended, and i needed to head east. People were walking down the dirt road to the west. They had jackets tossed over their arms, and i thought that they looked like tourists. I thought that they were visiting the farm to the west. I turned to the east on the road, but my car started moving to the west. I was confused by this, watching the filed to the south of me pass. The field looked like a grazing field for farm animals, and a row of pale-green bushes grew between the road and the edge of the pasture. I was traveling backward in the car, and i realized that i must have shifted the car into reverse. The car was traveling rather fast down the dirt road, and i was becoming nervous. I had to slow down the car and be careful so that i did not hit anyone. I realized that the large farm was at the western end of the road. I did not want to drive into the wooden sign at the end of the road, or drive onto the large green lawn to the east of the red barn, which was a tourist stop. I tried to stop the car and turn it around so i could have better control. I shifted the car again, trying to get it out of reverse, and tried to accelerate again. The car turned to the south, still backing up down the dirt road. I had avoided the farm, but i was starting to accelerate again as i moved to the south on the dirt road. The farm was directly to the west of the sharp corner in the dirt road, but people seemed to be gathering to the north and northwest of the corner. A parking lot seemed to be to the north of the corner. I looked at the smaller buildings of the farm to the west of me as i tried to slow the car. I realized that the road ended not too far to the south, so i had to get the car stopped. I felt frustrated with the car. As i looked at the building on the other side of the thin row of thicket bushes to the west of me, i remembered that i had been down this road before. I remembered the wooden barricade at the southern end. I stopped the car and slowly shifted it into the correct gear. I then started moving down the road to the north again. I was now traveling forward, but i was riding a scooter. I looked at the large red barn to the west of the right-angle turn in the road. The large red barn had a wide door in the center, which was closed. The door and the eves of the barn were trimmed in white. Several tourists walked across the lawn to and from the barn. As i approached the corner, i realized that a group of people were now coming down he road from the east. I slowed down a little so that i could more easily pass through the group of people, letting the scooter roll for a short while. A man stood in front of me, and he reached out and put his hands on the handlebar, saying that i should slow down. I was annoyed with him, and i told him that i was trying to do so. I scowled at him as i turned to the east and headed down the dirt road, away from the crowd. I drove the scooter down the long dirt road, noticing that there were some muddy puddles in the ruts of the road. I let go of the right side of the handle bar, allowing the scooter to glide over the muddy areas so that i did not skid. A large body of water seemed to be to the north of me, and it was now dark. I accelerated past the sandy shore, which was very close to the side of the road now. I could hear the high-pitched hum of the engine as the scooter rolled over the rutty road. I focused on the hum suddenly, and was surprised to hear it stop suddenly. The scooter glided to the east, but the engine had shut off. I realized that the scooter had run out of gas. I was annoyed by this. I had traveled very far on the scooter, and i realized that i had not filled the tank yet. I was now in a small town to the southeast of the lake. The land seemed mostly flat and wet all round, but there seemed to be tall mountains to the north and northwest. They formed a ridge that ran east to west along the northern side of the flat area. All of the colors here seemed to be in high contrast, and the sky was gray. I would have to walk all the way home, now. I was now in the town, with the old wooden buildings on the northern side of the street. The building to the north of me seemed to be an old grain store, and it seemed to be on the western edge of town, with no other buildings to the west of it. The store was now closed, and it seemed to be part of a mall now. I pushed the scooter back to the west, starting to head out of town. The scooter was now nothing more than a single black rubber tire with a handlebar attached to it. I passed a small square plain building with faded wood siding. It was a general store. A man stood in front of it. It seemed dark out now, though there was still a faint glow in the sky to the west. The overhead silver-shaded light on the front of the general store cast sharp shadows on the man as he walked slowly toward me, bouncing a little as he stepped. He asked me about money. I told him that i did not have any. I then added that, if i had money, i would have bought gas. The man admitted that he was looking for gas as well. He was then a young boy, and he headed to the north, into the store. I followed him in, thinking that i needed to get gas for my bicycle. The boy was pulling a wire cart behind him. It seemed to be a small shopping basket on a metal stand, with wheels on the bottom of the four legs. The lead at the front of the cart could be folded up along the side of the cart, which the boy started to do as he entered the store. I talked to the boy, realizing that i was speaking with a slight accent. The boy seemed curious about the accent and asked me if i was Russian. I told the boy that i had actually just been to Russia, but that i was actually an American. I repeated my statement, stressing the words with an American accent. I told the boy that i was from Minsk. I then thought about this, thinking that the city was not really in the United States. I tried to remember the name of the city that i had visited in Russia, but could not remember the actual name. All i could remember was “Minsk”. I turned to the east on the inside of the store, which had a pale-green interior. I walked along the southern side of the store. A second door was in the short southwestern wall in the corner of the store. I was pulling the cart now, which had been my scooter. The boy pushed open the wooden swinging door and held it open for me so that i could push the cart through. I headed back out side and started walking to the west, down the sidewalk outside the store.

12011 September 08

I was on the western end of the small room, packing my things. $A7 was in the room, to the northwest of me. I had to leave soon, and was putting some of the objects here into a small duffel bag, which was on the floor to the east of me. I had come to this place for a specific reason, but the event that i had come for was now over. I packed the bag and started walking to the west, where a table stood near the western wall of the room. The eastern end of the room was now a long corridor, which was dimly lighted. I thought about the things that i had been packing, and i started to feel bad about putting some of them into my bag. I started to feel that the things from the table were not really mine. I had packed them because i thought they were mine, but i was starting to feel unsure about them. I came to the west side of the room again, stopping near the round wooden table. I suddenly realized that i had a spoon in the back pocket of my pants. I pulled it out and left it on the table in front of me. I was nervous, thinking that the spoon was not really mine, so i should not have taken it. I placed the spoon on the table and left the room. The man would take the spoon back home with him because it was probably his spoon. I packed up the other things i had with me and headed back to the east to leave the room.

12011 September 09

I walked with the other person to the south, on the eastern side of the area. We were trying to get to someplace to the west. We were outside, and we seemed to be on the western end of the suburban block, moving south down $P197. As we reached the end of the road, we turned to the west and started heading down the dirt path that ran across the grassy yard. The yard ran just to the north of the street, and i was surprised to see this narrow driveway here. I had not remembered seeing it from the road before. Pine trees stood to the north of the road, and their lower bows hung over the edges of the dirt path. The other person and i continued to the west. It seemed that we were sneaking into this place. We approached some small dark-brown building, which looked like small stables or sheds. The areas around us were fenced in, and horses were standing quietly near the stables. We sneaked to the west a little, avoiding the horses as we went. I did not want to disturb the horses because i was worried that they would startle and start running around the area. We turned to the north, heading around the western side of one of the small buildings. The other person had been walking ahead of me, but he had turned to the east on the northern side of the building, and i could no longer see where he had gone. I stopped near the northwestern corner of the shed and peeked to the east, trying to see where the man had gone. A small group of people were standing in the open yard to the north of the sheds. They had very little clothing on, and what they were wearing seemed very simple. The other person was standing in the middle of the group of people, chatting with them. The people here seemed well tanned, with dark sagging skin. They seemed primitive. The other person had been explaining something to them. He locals turned toward me and started walking in my direction. I started to feel suddenly uncomfortable, thinking that they might be upset that we had come on to their land. They must have been living here for a very long time, hidden among the trees in this area. I was now inside a house as the people stood before me. I remembered being here before with them, and i felt that my earlier presence explained something about why i was here now. The inside of the building was dark, and the ground seemed to be dirt. The people stood around the sides of the room, staring at me. Some of them were speaking to me, and they stood with hunched shoulders. I was very uncomfortable here, thinking that i did not really belong here. I tried to relax a little, telling myself that the people here would not be hostile toward me. The people then started walking to the southwest, leaving me in the house. I tried to remain calm as i watched them leave through the door in the western end of the southern wall. The scenery outside was gray and moody, and everything seemed dreary now.

12011 September 11

I turned to the south, still looking at the books on the tall gray shelf to the east of me. I was in a library. I had come from the southwest, where i had been doing something with someone else. The books on the gray metal shelfs to the east seemed like old textbooks. Some of them were familiar to me, and i pulled a few out to look at them. I remembered some of them from when i had gone to school. The science book on the upper shelf was one that i had used. I then noticed the psychology textbook with the tan cover and the image on the front from an old painting. This was not the same book that i had used for psychology, but i still recognized it. I had pulled the book out a little to look at it, and, as i pushed it back, i pictured the textbook i had used, which was mostly gray and had a photograph on the front. Turning to the north, i looked as some of the other books on the shelf. I pulled out some of the old textbooks and started looking through the pages. I noticed that the pages of one of the large white books were wrapped with plastic. This was a kind of protective seal, but i noticed that, on several of the pages, the plastic seal had been broken. I turned to the west and headed down the sidewalk, to the south of the storefronts. I thought about the library books that i had been looking at. I then realized that i still had a few CDs in my hand. I had taken the CDs off of the shelf so that i could look at one of the books, but i had not returned the CDs when i had left. I was annoyed by this, and i realized that i would have to return to the library to give the CDs back. I headed back to the west, across the large parking lot that was to the south of the shopping plaza. My car was parked on the western side of the lot, facing west. I had just reached the car when i realized that i still had the CDs in my hand. I had still not returned them to the library, and this annoyed me. I felt that i had to return them, but i was still holding them as i was in my car, traveling to the west. I was actually on a bus, even though i was still driving. We moved to the west, through the lots of the large shopping mall. The mall was to the south of us, and the lot to the north seemed mostly empty. I tried to steer the bus between the different sections of the parking lot. Grass and bushes ran down narrow strips between the lots. The lot was divided into small units, connected by narrow driveways. I felt tense as i tried to control the bus from the driver’s seat, which was on the side of the bus. The people in the bus were crowded around me. I turned the bus to the south to get close to the mall, and then stopped at the bus stop, which was on the sidewalk near the tall tan building. People got on the bus, and i started moving again. I had to turn the bus around and head back to the east. After a moment, though, i realized that i had missed the other bus stop near the mall. I was annoyed about this, and i would have to turn around to head back to the stop. I realized that i could not easily maneuver in the small lot than i was in, so i would have to turn to the north again and make a wider circle in the large lot. I started to do this, but got annoyed that i could not easily see what i was doing. I stood up and moved to the front of the bus so that i could see where the bus was heading. The black control panel at the front of the bus was somewhat complicated, though. I was not as familiar with it, and i could not figure out how to get the bus to move using it. I was annoyed and wondered what i should do now. I needed to be at this control panel to move the bus, but could not use it properly.

12011 September 12

I sat on the northern side of the large room, talking to the young man. It felt very good to chat with the man. We were sitting on couches, which ran along the northern wall of the room. The northern side of the room seemed to have a small area that was recessed into the wall, fitting most of the couch. To the south of us, the room was very large and spacious, with white walls and wooden columns on the southern side. I said something to the man and he replied. The man seemed special, and i was very interested in talking to him. I was with him here because we had been in some group together, like a class, and he had done something in that group that i enjoyed. It seemed like what he did had something to do with artistic criticism. He sat to the west of me on the couch as we spoke. I listened to him talk, very attracted to him, but my attention started to focus on the objects that were arranged on the floor to the south of me. I kept thinking that i could not act too interested in the man, or he might be offended. I looked at one of the rocks in the circular patterns on the floor, noticing the crystals that were growing on the upper end of it. The rock had a rounded knob on the western side where the crystals were growing. I thought that the rock must be a geode. I leaned forward and pried open the rock to see if there were interesting crystals within. I found a nice blue rock inside the larger rock, and i felt excited to have found it. I liked the way the rock looked, and wanted to keep it, but i felt uneasy about it. It seemed that these rocks might have been owned my someone. I took the blue rock anyway and put it in my pocket. I then looked at the other things that had been in the larger rock. I noticed a perfectly round metal ball inside the rock. The ball was about a centimeter wide, and had a long hook attached to it. It was an earring. I felt excited to see it, thinking that it must be made of gold. It was encrusted within a rock, so it must have been very old. I picked up the rock and all of the things that had been hidden within it and carried them to the west. I felt excited about finding these things, thinking that they were old and special. I told my mother about the things in the rock, but she did not believe that they were as old as i had thought. I showed her the earring, telling her that it was old enough that it would have decayed if it were not made of gold. I started to take apart the rock to show her the other things that it contained. I stood to the west of the round table, and my mother stood to the south of it. Other pieces items fell out of the rock and onto the table. I found a second earring and i showed it to my mother. I then noticed the watch. It was obviously made of plastic, and i realized that it could not be that old. I looked at the white face, which had a manufacturing date on it. It said that it was made in “1954”. I felt suddenly disappointed, realizing that these things were not as old as i had thought. I puled apart the rest of the rock, which started to deform like dry clay. It crumbled apart, exposing the contents. I realized that only the tip of the rock was made of composite crystals. My mother suggested that i should break apart the rock to see what was in it, but i simply pulled off the different sections of the brown clay, slowly pealing the rock open. I then looked at the stuff that i had dumped onto the table. I noticed a Christmas trinket, which could have been part of an ornament. It was a double set of bangles with a moon-shaped crescent over the top. The moon faced down so that the bangles could hook to the points on the end of the crescent. My mother and i looked over the trinket, noticing that the small plaque on the bottom showed a date from the 11950s. Everything from the rock was from the same decade. This disappointed me a little, because i realized that it was not really special after all.

12011 September 13

I moved to the south, along the eastern side of the pub. I was here with the other people for some event, but i did not seem to be engaging with the other people around me. I listened to the music that was playing as i noticed the small 45-RPM phonographs that were stacked on the bar to the southwest of me. I walked up to the bar where the stack was, looking at the black label on the phonograph on the top of the short stack. A female bartender was cleaning something to the southwest of me on the other side of the bar. The music was old jazz or swing, and i liked the way it sounded. I focused on it as i backed away from the bar for a moment. This pub seemed rather clean and new, and i wandered to the south. The bar seemed to be a large square area in the center of the room, and the people gathered on all sides of it. At the southeastern corner of the bar, i looked again at the yellow metal rectangular plates that were stacked on the bar. They had rounded corners and seemed to be the labels from an old jukebox. They were metal tags and had yellow paint on the upper surface, with white or black lettering spelling out the names of the songs. A female bartender in her middle ages was doing something just to the northwest of me, and she reached over and added a tag to the stack as i was reading the labels. This was the actual stack of what was playing at the moment. I thought that the chips had something to do with a jukebox to the east of me. The door to the building also seemed to be to the east of me. I read the tag that was on top. It mentioned two female singers that i had heard of on the top line. The bottom line said “Cocaine”, which was the name of the song. I wondered if it was the same song that Eric Clapton had written. I mentioned the song aloud, saying that i liked it. I thought about this as i wandered to the western side of the room. I could still hear the man singing the jazzy music overhead. The sound then changed, and a voice announced something about the song “Cocaine”. I wondered suddenly if the bartender decided to skip this song in the series. I felt annoyed, thinking that they might be doing it intentionally because i had said something when looking at the tags. The song started out slow, and then i noticed that the strings were being played in a modern style, like a rock guitar. I wandered up the eastern side of the bar as i listened to them, heading north. I liked the way the old jazz songs sounded, but i knew that it was not the common sound of big band or swing music. It was a very specific genre that sounded very good to me because it used the old instruments in a way that sounded like modern rock. A voice then sang the word “cocaine”, and i realized that the woman had not skipped the song at all. I listened to the lyrics, trying to figure out if this was the same version Eric Clapton had done. I could not remember. As i moved to the northern end of the western side of the room, i noticed a man sitting against the western wall. He seemed to be with the group i had come with, but he was standing up to leave. He seemed to be $A614. I did not pay attention to him because i was thinking about the music still. I said the woman’s name that was on the next plate that i had seen on the counter. It would be the next song played. I was then wandering back to the east, across the northern side of the room. I realized suddenly that most of the people had left the pub. As i turned to the south and started down the eastern side of the bar, i noticed that there was no one left in the bar but me. The bartender continued to clean behind the bar, but all of the patrons had gone. I felt suddenly out of place here and headed for the door in the southern end of the eastern wall. I came into to the large public space in the building, which seemed very much like the bar room that i had been in. People were gathered here in the southeastern section of the room. This was my theater group, and we were supposed to do a play reading. I felt a little nervous about it, but looked at the script as i moved to the eastern side of the room with the other man. People had been wandering around the room, but, as we started the reading, i noticed that many of them had left. I felt a little disappointed that we would not have an audience, but i would do the reading with the other man anyway. The man read his lines to the southwest of me as we stood in the southeastern section of the room. The other actors were gathered in a group to the south and southwest of us. I replied to the man, reading my lines in a slight Deutsch accent. $F46, who was standing with the crowd of actors to the sound, interrupted me, chuckling and saying that the accent was a good choice. I was a little annoyed that she had stopped the play, but then i realized that she might be using this time as a rehearsal since there were no audience members here. I was annoyed at the lack of audience, but i felt that we should still read the lines as though it was a real performance. I looked at my sheet, thinking that the Deutsch accent made it seem like i was a Nazi, which had a comical significance to the lines that i was reading. As $F46 described the humor, i looked at the script in my hand. The first line i was reading started with the word “wisdom”, which i had pronounced with a V at the beginning. As $F46 described the lines, i noticed that there was a small picture of a rounded digit keypad following the firs line. It was raised from the rest of the paper, and i did not understand why it was there. I looked down at the other lines that i was supposed to read when i noticed a group of people coming into the room from the door in the eastern end of the northern wall. They moved around us to the east and then stopped on the south and southwestern sides of our small group. They were all dark skinned, and i realized that they were the family of the woman in our group. One of the men in the group was older, wearing a brown trench coat. He was the father, and the other six to eight people were young men and a few young women. They had come to watch the show, and i felt anxious to do the play as a performance rather than as a rehearsal. Someone then asked who all of the people were, and i mentioned that they were the family of the woman with us. I motioned to the dark skinned woman to the southwest of me. She was part of our group. She had turned to the south to look at the men around her, but turned back when i mentioned her. She had a rounded figure and seemed to be wearing a light-blue stretchy long-sleeve shirt. It seemed common that she would have such a large family, though i thought that it was actually rather wasteful.

12011 September 14

I followed the other person to the north, heading into the dimly lighted room of the building. We had come from the outside, and was thinking about the young man with the long blond hair. I remembered him from before, and i remembered that his hair was almost white, but he had very dark roots. I headed toward the reception desk on the northern wall of the room as the two other people followed me. I called across the room before i was halfway from the door to the desk, telling the people that i was looking for the man with long black hair. A man at the desk casually told me that he was dead. The man to the southwest of me already knew this, and he mentioned it again to me quietly. I realized that the man had killed himself, and i started to feel upset. I became angry and asked to no one “What is wrong with the people in this town?” I started to pace back to the south nervously, frustrated about something. As i headed back toward the door, i felt as though i might cry, even though i kept thinking that i did not really know the man with the blond hair that well. It seemed strange that i was so upset.

12011 September 17

I followed the other person to the west, through the streets of the city. I felt somewhat happy, and i was gliding past the buildings above the street. We turned several corners, flying close to the buildings to the north of us. As i passed a large window, i thought about making fun of the person inside. He seemed like a grumpy man. We flew to the west, close to the large brick building, and i continued to think about what i would do as i passed the window of the building. The man would be surprised that people could fly. I said something to $Z about it as i followed him around a corner to the north. The large picture window was in the brick wall to the east of us now. $Z flew past it, and, as i approached it, i thought about pulling down my pants and showing my buttocks to the man. I felt defiant of the old man, who i knew was mean and bitter. As i passed the window, i thought about what i could do to shock the man. I thought about these things as i continued flying to the south, down the street. As i came to the main wide street, which ran east to west, i turned west, staying close to the pale-gray cement building on the northern side of the street. I was very high up now, and i wanted the people below to be surprised by my ability to fly. I flew to the side of the pale-gray building and leaned against it with my back, as if relaxing. I rested my arms on the narrow ledge on the side of the building, letting them stretch out from my sides. Some people were walking on the street below, heading west, and i wanted it to look as though i was relaxing against the side of the building. I then realized how high i was, and i realized how easy it had been to fly. I had been having trouble flying in the past, but i was very easily able to this time. I wondered why it was so easy now. I just seemed to think about where i wanted to go and i was able to get there. I then wondered if i would have trouble getting down from this height. I tried not to think about it as i focused on posing against the wall. I watched the man and woman walking to the west below. They did not seem to notice me as they passed me, but i wanted them to notice. I shifted position a little, still keeping my arms out on the ledge. I realized that it might look like i was crucified against the wall, and i wondered if that would be a shocking image for the people below. I wanted to get their attention, but i was not sure how. The man then looked up at me. He stopped suddenly and motioned toward me so that the woman could see. I stayed still against the wall, looking down at them. They were wearing cold-weather coats; the man seemed to be wearing a blue parka. I could pretend that i was Jesus, which would probably make them nervous. As they watched me, i suddenly realized that there was a sign in front of me. It looked like a green highway sign, but it was made of wood. It was blocking the view of me from the ground. I was now leaning against a ledge on the upper level of a parking garage. I had been leaning against a low cement wall, which was the railing of the level. The cement floor of the level extended out under the wall about a meter, and the low ceiling overhead, which was the floor of the next level up, extended to the same distance. The green sign seemed to be attached to the ends of the levels. I was annoyed with the sign for blocking my view, so i kicked it, breaking the upper-right corner off. I kicked it again, trying to get it out of my way. I noticed a tan rope running horizontally across the edge of the parking garage. This level of the garage was under construction. I should not have been here. I turned to the southeast, heading into the level. I stepped over the tan ropes, which had shorter pieces of rope hanging vertically from it, forming a rough fence. I wondered if i would get in trouble for being on the level that was under construction.

12011 September 18

I was with $F4 in his house. I had been here with him for a little while, but he had wandered off to do something. I seemed to be in a wide room in the center of the house, but i was looking for $F4. His father seemed to be to the southwest of me, in one of the rooms of the house, and one of his brothers was to the northeast, in another room. I moved a little to the west, looking for $F4. I wanted to say something to him. I headed down the wide hall to the west. I seemed to call his name. I then heard him to the north of me. I looked down the length of a very narrow room. $F4 was on the northern end of the room, which was crowded with things. This house was very small for the family, and i remembered how crowded everything was. The walls of the room were pale tan. The room was only a few meters wide, and i could see $F4 moving on the northern end. He had been sitting at a desk, facing east. He must have been doing some homework. I tried to move toward him, but a folded cot with a black metal frame blocked my way. $F4 started to move it as i approached. I remembered how crowded everything was in this house, and it made me feel a little sad for $F4, but i still felt very happy to be here with him again.

I said something to $F45 as we headed out of the building and walked to the south across the large open space. The tall cement building seemed to be an old factory. It was dirty and seemed to have been abandoned. They dirt yard to the south also had the look of abandonment. It seemed to have been a nice place, but now seemed to be the remains of a destroyed city. I passed over the dirt, noticing the columns of debris to the west and southwest. $F45 continued to the south, but i stared to wander to the southeast. Someone then called my name. It was a female voice. I looked to the southeast, noticing a small group of people walking across the field, heading north. They were not looking at me, and i was not sure whether they had actually called my name. I then realized that one of them was $F27. I continued to the south, as though i had not heard anything, trying to figure out what they were doing. I had been walking along the top of the ridge on the eastern end of the open area. The southern and eastern sides of the area had tall dirt cliffs The cliff on the eastern side seemed to get taller as it headed to the south. I looked down at the group as the woman looked up at me. I said hello to them, acknowledging that i had heard the woman call my name. I knew that she was $F27’s wife. She was a tall thin woman with long dark-blond hair. The small group of five to seven people turned suddenly to the northeast as i spoke to them. I asked who had called my name, and then i told them that they were too far away for me to focus fully on them. It was not true, but it would explain my hesitation. I had forgotten the woman’s name. The group turned as a unit to the southeast and walked directly toward me, stopping at the bottom of the cliff under me. As they looked up, i explained that i could not really make out the faces perfectly. I then pointed out $F27 and said that i recognized him, mentioning his name. He had bright blond hair that was short on the sides and long and straight in the back. I said that i recognized his haircut. I chatted with them for a moment, asking them why they were dressed in suits and semiformal attire. They did not answer, and turned back to the north to continue on their way. I watched them move for a moment, aware that $F45 was heading to the east, away from the area. I continued to the south, following the edge of the cliff as it turned to the west across the southern side of the area. The dirt on the edge of the cliff seemed powdery. I could still see the group of people walking to the north as i played with the dirt. An old wooden structure was under the dirt, and it seemed like a railing on the edge of the cliff, which now seemed to be about ten to fifteen meters tall. The wooden frame was made of two-by-four boards and formed a long box shaped area with a small square cross section. The boards had been painted a dull yellow, but the paint had faded and was mostly worn away, leaving the gray weathered boards. Most of the frame was buried in the soft brown powder at the edge of the cliff. I was still aware of $F45 to the east of me as i tapped on the ground to the east of the frame, watching the powdery dirt shift down through the frame. It was falling over the edge of the cliff, and i wondered if the top of the cliff would crumble away. Part of the wood frame extended under where i was, but it seemed more like a flat plank and less like a structure. These wooden structures ran along the edge of the cliff. I tapped on the ground, watching the dirt get lower with each tap. The dirt now seemed like cocoa powder. I watched the small mounds in the center of the frame, which had been mostly buried, start to sift downward. Several spurts of dirt rolled out the side of the structure and fell over the edge of the cliff. I wondered if the entire wooden structure would fall over the side of the cliff. That could be dangerous, but i was interested to see it happen. I tapped the ground some more, watching the dirt filter out of the inside of the wooden structure to the west of me.

12011 September 19

I was in $P7, walking down the hallway to the east. I had just left the other room where the girls were talking about the books on the wooden desk, which seemed to be the teacher’s desk. The hall was lighted only by the outside light that came in through the windows to the east and west. This hallway seemed familiar, but the building had been redesigned, so i was not quite sure that i recognized exactly where i was. The hallway opened up on the eastern end to the south. The room to the south was large and open, with higher ceilings that the hallway. It looked somewhat like a lounge. The walls to the east and north were brick. New fixtures hung on the wall in spots, making everything look new. I walked to one of the tables in the large open area and sat down with the other people. I sat on the northern side of the table as the others chatted. I felt a little uncomfortable, thinking that i was not really part of this group. After a while, i headed back to the west, through the corridors of the building. I came out the back of the building. A tall dirt cliff stood to the west of me. It seemed that the building had been constructed in a deep pit, and the ground still seemed muddy around the building. The sky was gray, and everything seemed damp from rain. The dirt cliff was very tall, and a brick structure ran up the center of it, making it seem that a building had been removed from part of the cliff, leaving only the dirty brick walls running up the side of the cliff. The brick structure was three of four stories tall. I tried to remember what was there before, but i could only remember that cubical cement cubbyholes had been set into the walls. I moved a little to the east, looking up at the wall. Dull dark-green garage doors were in the center of the wall. The garage doors were on three levels, starting from the lowest level of the building. These must lead into the sub-basements of the school, and they must have been exposed when the rest of the building was removed from the wall. I had not gone down to these levels before, so it was interesting to see them. They seemed fascinating. The top level of the wall was actually at street level. The street, which also seemed to be damp from the rain, ran east to west along the northern side of $P7. This place seemed like something i should explore. I turned to the west instead, and started walking down the hallway. $A550 was with me. We started talking as i thought about the corridors of this school. They seemed unfamiliar now, and i was interested in exploring them.

12011 September 20

We hurried to the north, into the small room. We were trying to get away from something in the building to the south. The white walls were very modern, looking like they were made of plastic. The doors of the elevator were shiny smooth metal. The robots came from the south, heading up the short corridor toward the elevator. We were still waiting for the elevators when they came, so we would not be able to escape using the elevators. The robots moved to attack us. They were metal machines, with solid, vertical bodies and round spheres for heads. Long metal arms with pincers on the end extended from the tops of the spheres. All of the surfaces of the robots seemed plain and featureless, but the robots were able to spot us. They started shooting bullets at us, so we tried to escape by running to the east, down the corridor from the elevators. The metal elevator doors still had not opened. The woman and the other person were helping me escape. I felt panicked as the robots attacked, thinking that i really did not belong in this situation. The other person had a force shield, and he blocked the shots being fired from the robots while the woman led me to the east. He held them back for a moment, and i thought that the robots would not be able to see which corridor we turned down. We ran down the long halls of the building, turning several times. We turned to the north, running down a long straight corridor through the center of the building. I turned east with the woman, running into one of the small classrooms. A few seconds later, the other person continued to the north, down the corridor. He was still emitting a force field to protect himself from the robots. The robots would be able to sense it the force field in the building, and would be tracking him. He was planning on luring them past us and down the hall so that we could sneak back to the elevators and get away. I ran to the center of the room, which had several lab tables set up across the floor. A short half wall extended from the northern wall of the room. I heard the robots coming, so i quickly hid behind the half wall so that the robots could not see be as they passed the glass window in the upper half of the door. The robots sounded now like Daleks as they came down the hall. They passed the door, heading to the north. I could hear them turning to the east, heading through the narrow corridor that ran around the outside of the room. We had to stay very quiet or they would hear us. The man was leading them around the room. As they reached the eastern side of the room, however, i could hear someone saying “Uh oh.” from the corridor. It was one of the robots, and i knew it was because the robots had discovered that they were in a trap. They would set off a bomb in the narrow corridor. The woman with me stood up and looked around the room, making sure that it would be safe for us to run back down the corridor. Everything seemed safe now, so i flew down the corridor, heading to the south. As i moved quickly, i was aware of a small gorge to the west of me. The others turned to the west to head back to the elevators. I saw them move down the maintenance corridor to the west, but i continued moving to the south. I was moving very quickly, and i had to be careful of the things that were in the corridor. I headed down the alley until i came out on the city street, which was on a steep hill. The street ran east to west, but seemed to be end only a few meters to the west, at the edge of the gorge. A line of shrubs ran along the top of the gorge, but a dirt path ran through the green bushes to the west, crossing the gorge. The street sloped steeply up to the east, where the road ran between the tall narrow buildings of the small town. I turned to the west and followed the path down the hill to the bottom of the shallow gorge. I then found myself moving more to the south, heading over the rocks in the center of the water. As i passed over the flat water-worn rocks, i noticed that many of the rocks had strange round spots on them. The dark-gray rocks were red in hue, and the spots were pale. I thought that the spots must be from water dripping onto the stones. The dripping water had worn small indents into the rocks where water collected and evaporated, leaving mineral deposits. I looked at the marks as i passed over them. The gorge now seemed to open up around me, becoming wider. The stream bed was much wider here, though there did not seem to be any more water. The large flat rocks at the base of the water had the same marks as the smaller stones from before. I stopped on the southern end of one of the large rocks, looking back to the north. The pattern was very interesting. I then noticed that the large bedrock stone had a strange wrinkle in it. It had been disturbed by someone. I grabbed the edge of the large stone and pulled. The stone pulled flat, as though it were a blanket. This motion aligned the white dots into what i felt was a better pattern. These white spots fascinated me. I then started to wonder how i had unfolded a stone. It did not make any sense.

12011 September 21

I was in the middle of the large city. Something was special about this city, and i wondered if it was the City. I seemed to be in a part of the city that was higher than the land to the north. I looked to the north, but i could not see the buildings below because a thick stone wall stood in my way. I climbed over the top of the stone wall, standing on the thick upper surface. The wall was thick enough to be a building, but it seemed now more like the terrace on the side of a large stone building. Something about the architecture made me think that the building important to the city, like a citadel or armory. I looked out over the tall building of the city to the north of the white stone wall. As i marveled at the old buildings of the city, which looked like an old part of New York City, i could hear someone explaining the purpose of the wall. The voice pointed out the large stone statue of a lion to the east of me. I looked at it as the voice described it, saying that it had come from the museum in New York City. This place felt like the City. I moved toward the statue, looking at the narrow space between the statue and the vertical surface of the wall to the south of the statue. The statue occupied most of the terrace, so that there was less that a meter between it and the wall, and only a narrow passage between it and the drop-off to the north. I did not think that i would be able to pass the statue. I looked more closely at the statue of the lion. The lion was lying on its side, with its head toward me. I felt cautious of the statue, but also very interested in it. Looking more closely at the head, i could see that individual hairs had been carved into the stone. I pet some of the hair on the lion’s left ear. The hair seemed lifelike, but it was stiff because it was made out of stone. I felt good here. This place felt very comfortable, even though i was a little bit weary of the statue. Something about the things here seemed like memories from the distant past. I wanted to enjoy everything here, but i also felt that i should not really be here. I was out of place on this building, and the authorities would not want me here. I headed back to the south and started climbing back down the chain-link fence that ran along the southern side of the tall wall. As i was near the bottom of the fence, i realized that a police car was sitting to the west of me, on the street of the narrow alley. I pretended that i was just stretching over the fence and not climbing it. I hoped that the police would mistake me for a runner who was stretching out. I held on to the fence with my hands over my head as the police car drove past. Once it was out of sight, i turned to the west and started quickly walking away. The streets here were dingy, and i knew that this was the bad side of town. I walked past the tan buildings, which seemed like run-down apartments. Two men then came from the west, walking past me. I felt cautious of them as they passed, and i glanced behind me to see them head off to the east. I then saw a couple young women ahead of me, walking on the southern sidewalk of the narrow street. They were young enough to be girls. I glanced behind me again, noticing that the men were coming back toward us. I felt nervous about them. I walked casually to the end of the block, trying not to let them know that i was aware of them. I then turned to the north to get out of their line of sight. The girls had been walking north on the other street and were now in front of me. They were afraid of the two men as well, so the three of us headed into a small house to the north. I chatted with the girls inside. They looked like high-school students, and they wore very short pants and baggy T-shirts with no sleeves. The girls hurried to the northern side of the room and climbed out an open window. I felt uncomfortable about walking through the house, knowing that someone owned this house. The old people were sitting in the living room to the east, and this was their house. I felt awkward, and i asked them if i could go through their house to escape. They agreed that i could, so i ran to the north and climbed out the window. I found myself in another narrow alley. The street seemed damp and dark. It was dark here, and a tall chain-link fence ran along the northern side of the alley, separating it from what appeared to be a drop off to a lower level of land.

I was in the long narrow room, which seemed to be a bedroom. I was near the eastern end of the room, facing east as i tried to clean up some things on the desk in front of me. I was looking at the computer screen. Many of the files on the screen were video files. I thought that they were probably old wrestling videos. I opened several of the files to see what they contained. Someone was standing to the north of me as i looked at the videos. The person seemed to be reviewing the videos with me. The screen was now to the south of me, and people were talking in the video. This was not a video of a wrestling match, and i could not figure out what it was. It seemed to be a movie. I watched the scene for a moment, listening to the people talk. Young children then entered the scene from both sides. To my surprise, they were all naked, and the boys were erect. I was displeased by this video and thought that it was a terrible thing to have on a computer. I started to worry about how it had gotten on my machine, and i knew that i should delete because it was illegal. I thought that it must have been a very early video from an erotic wrestling site. It was probably from when the men were very young and fooling around, when some of them were teenagers. I felt uncomfortable with the video, and wondered why it was on my computer. I did not understand why it was there.

12011 September 22

My parents were driving the car to the south, down the dark road. It seemed to be very early in the morning, before the sun had come up. As we drove, the area around us became very foggy. I was aware of houses off the side of the road, between the bushes and trees. Some of the houses had lights on them. I thought that the fog must be from the river, which seemed to be to the south of us. I mentioned the river, thinking that it was $P201. The road turned sharply to the east, and i looked off to the south. I noticed a white van sitting in a driveway to the south of the corner. The modern gray house to the southwest seemed very familiar to me, and i thought that i had seen the logo for $G3 on the side of the van. I mentioned this to my parents as we headed to the east, down the road. I knew that the house was being used by $G3 for something. The house had originally belonged to my grandfather, and it seemed very familiar to me. I thought about this as we turned to the north again. There was less fog on the road now, but it was still dark out. I walked to the north, through the entryway of the gray stone building. This place had been my grandfather’s house, but it was different. It now seemed like an apartment building, with gray fake-stone walls. The entryway that i was walking through seemed to head through the building, and a corridor ran to the west from the center of it. The apartment was to the north of the western corridor, and i knew that there was another apartment farther down the corridor to the west. Someone seemed to be walking around near the apartment just to the west. I thought that they were members of $G3. I paused near the corner of the building, noticing the large multi-paned window. The window was in one of the rooms of the apartment that was now being used by $G3, and i knew that if i walked past it, the people in side would see me. I was unsure whether i wanted them to know that i was here. I then decided that few people were inside, so they would probably not notice me walking past. A man and a woman now seemed to be in the apartment. They only used the apartment for special events, so there would probably only be a few people there at the moment. I walked quickly past the window, coming to the patio on the northern side of the building. I was still aware of the young man in the apartment. $G3 were inside, and i thought that they might be getting ready for a ceremony. I headed to the west of the area, which seemed to be a very large enclosed area. The area was two stories tall, but there was a stone structure over the eastern side of it that matched the design of the main building. The western wall of the large room seemed to have a fireplace in it. I hopped toward the gray stone wall to the west, floating for a moment in front of it as i turned back to the east. I found myself standing against the wall as another person came through the corridor from the south, from where i had entered. I wanted to float near the western wall of the room, because i thought that it would look impressive to the people entering, but i realized that i was not able to fly at the moment. I thought about floating up a little, trying to rise off of the ground, but i could not do it. Instead, i leaned back against the wall, hoping to see the person entering the large room. I looked to the east, noticing that the stone structure crossing the upper part of the eastern end of the room was actually a walkway. It was surfaced with gray stone. I thought that $G3 would stand along the catwalk to watch the ceremonies that occurred below. I pictured several young men on the walkway, leaning on the railing and wearing dark suits over white shirts.

12011 September 23

I stood at the western edge of the small clearing in the forested area. The area around me was grassy, with short bushes to the south. The leafs of the plants were pale green, as though it was late summer. The ground also seemed rather damp and brown. I was with $G4, but they had started running to the east. I was still speaking with $F58 and $F57, but they were starting off to the east. Bushes enclosed the eastern side of the area on the southern side, but there was an opening on the northern end of the eastern side that seemed to lead to a large open grassy field. I stood still as the others went away because it seemed that there was something that i still had to do here. I suddenly noticed that there was muddy water flowing across the ground near my feet. It seemed to be coming from the northwest, and i thought that it had to do with the creek overflowing. I backed to the south, wondering suddenly why the creek would be overflowing now, since the heavy rains that had flooded the creeks were a few weeks ago. I realized that it was drizzling, so i thought that the ground might simply be saturated with water and the extra rain would have to flood over the forest floor. I looked to the northeast, noticing that the water was becoming rather heavy as it flowed down from the north. It was now flowing around the edge of the trees to the northeast of me, curving to the west and flowing across the northern edge of the clearing. Debris was floating in the water, and i felt suddenly concerned that the flood water was rather high. This would be dangerous. Two birds were floating on the water to the northeast of me, and i watched them float toward me. At first, i thought that they might be ducks, but then i noticed that they were actually rather large. I wondered if they were swans because they were pale enough to have white feathers. The one closest to me lifted its neck straight up and opened its mouth. I wondered if it would try to attack me, but it just squawked at me as it passed by. It was a canadian goose, which i knew was in the area on its way north for the winter. I felt very worried about the rising water and wondered what i should do. I then saw more debris coming from the northeast. It seemed to be large plastic lawn ornaments or patio chairs. I said something to the others about the flood as i backed to the southeast. It had not been raining that much, and i wondered what had happened. I stopped for a moment, talking to the others about it. We were now on the dirt road to the northwest of where i had been. The road ran to the north to south. It seemed to run into the forest to the north, and toward the main road to the south. I felt concerned about the flood, and thought that the water might flood this land again. The water would still come from the stream to the northwest of where we were. It would come down the road from the north. We would have to leave this place of we would be in danger. I expressed my concern to the others, who were to the southeast of me. They seemed to be a couple of $G4 that had stayed behind as the others ran to the east or southeast.

I was driving my car to the west, through $P66. I was aware of the flooding that had occurred in the area, so i would not be able to take the route that i normally drove. Another person was in the car with me, to the north of me. We continued to the west, but the road that we should be on was heading to the southwest. I told the other person that we would turn to the southwest and connect to the other road on the back side of the school. I knew that we were driving to the north of the school, and i knew that there would be a road turning to the south. I pictured the open yard to the west of the tan stone school building. A metal chain-link fence ran along the western side of the wide grassy yard, and i could see the street that ran to the south on the western side of the fence. I would want to take that road to the main road that i needed. I explained this to the other person in the car, but, as we started up the hill to the west, i realized that i did not see any roads turning to the south. The area around us was now dark forest, which seemed to be made of pine trees. It also seemed to be getting dark out, and i was having trouble seeing to the west of us. I did not know where the road turned off to the south, and i thought that i should turn my high beams on. I realized that i could not do this, however, because there was a car ahead of us, approaching us. As i looked at my dashboard, though, i noticed that it was also very dark. I did not have my lights on, which seemed strange. I continued to the top of the hill, aware that there was a parking lot on the southern side of the road. I headed to the south, into the parking lot, toward the small gray building. I came into the office, where there was a large conference table near the eastern wall. I moved to the east of the table as the other people approached the table. This place seemed like $P126, and the people working here were from $P126. They were the people i had used to work with. I felt suddenly uncomfortable here, wondering why i was here. I had come here for a reason, but i was not sure what i was doing here now. The others seemed surprised to see me. One of them was $A463. He held some papers close to her chest as she approached the western side of the table to sit down. $A409 came from the southwest, surprised to see me here. I told them that i had received an e-mail from the computer system at $G2. I knew that it would be probable because i used to run the system when i worked here, and i knew that the others did not understand how the systems worked. $A412 was to the west, in another office. I was not quite sure why i was here and felt very uncomfortable as the other people i used to work with gathered for their meeting. I turned to the southwest and carried some of the things back toward the wall. I had large black soft-cover books in my hand with a few smaller packets of paper. I was returning them to the shelfs. I then realized that the others must think that i had come to the office to use these materials. $A412 then came from the west and joined the others at the table. I not comfortable here, but i ignored the others, thinking that i should leave. I looked at one of the things in my hand, noticing that there was a drawing on the yellowing piece of paper i was holding in my hand. It looked like a tree, drawn with thin black lines, but there were heavy dark shapes within the drawing. The tree had wide roots and a full crown of branches. The figures were of people and animals. It was a representation of the tree of life, and i thought that it looked very nice. A second image very similar to the first was on the right side of the large sheet. I looked at them for a moment, knowing that they had religious significance. They were showing the interconnectedness of life as it had evolved on the planet. I wanted to recreate the drawing myself. I then focused on the diamond-shaped leafs on the top of the drawing. Letters appeared in white inside the black leafs. I could not tell whether the letters were Latin or not, though. I looked closely at the letter in one of the leftmost leafs. It looked like a letter L or J, with a vertical line and something descending in a curve, downward and to the left.

12011 September 24

I was driving to the house with the other person, heading down the road to the east. It was dark, but we seemed to be moving through a treed suburban neighborhood. I knew that we were heading to a specific house in this neighborhood, but i had never been there before, so i was unsure exactly where we were going. Other people were in the car with us. They seemed to be from $G3. I told $Z about the house that we were heading to. I felt tense. There was something about this trip that made me nervous, and i felt a little uneasy about the house. We came to a small bridge metal bridge, which seemed rather old. We were heading to the north as we crossed the bridge. I knew that the bridge crossed the creek in the small town, which seemed like $P10. As we crossed the bridge, though, the car suddenly tipped downward and came to a stop. I felt concerned, wondering what had happened. Everyone seemed tense, and i thought that the people must have driven the car down the stairs on the other side of the bridge. The bridge must not have been meant for car traffic. We got out of the car before the car fell over into the water. The others tried to push the car, and it moved a little to the east. I thought that the car must have slipped over the bridge railing, but then i realized that, if the car had slipped to the side over the railing, it would have tipped to the side and not to the front. I could not figure out what was happening. I looked down at the deck of the bridge, realizing that the bridge below the car was actually made out of wood. The wood must have broken under the weight of the car. This seemed like a very bad thing. We would be able to cross the bridge on foot, but we would not be able to get the car across, and i felt that we had to use the car to continue on our journey. We looked at the car for a moment. One of the men there suggested that we drive the car to the west of the bridge, on the ground. I told the other person that there was a stream there. I had not seen the stream, but i knew that it was there. I then looked around at the area near us. Muddy water was flowing swiftly to the south on the west of us. It looked like flood water, but i did not remember there being a flood. The water was coming from the northeast. It crossed to the north of us and then curved to the west. We were on a grassy peninsula in the middle of the area. The water curved around to the south of us and disappeared to the east. The car was stuck here, and i worried that we would not be able to get it to the land to the north of the creek. The muddy water was moving too fast, and it was too deep. We were near the town, though, and i could see the houses to the east of us. I told $K5 that we should go into the house. I told her that i wanted to show her something in the old building, saying that it was something scary. The others were around us as we headed for the house. I could no longer see the area, but i was describing the house to $K5. I told her about the corridor in the downstairs port of the house as we turned to the east, into a stone stairway. The stone corridor ran to the east, following the narrow stairs down. I knew that the stairs descended in a square spiral, with each corridor getting shorted as it descended. It was intended to give a traveler a claustrophobic feeling as they descended. I knew that there was something special in the room at the bottom, though, and i told this to $K5.

12011 September 25

I was in the bed that was against the northern wall on the western side of the bedroom. I had been staying here with some other people. It was dark in the room, but i could see clearly. Two men came into the room through the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. I felt suddenly nervous and tense. They were bad guys. I imagined that i would have to defend myself against them, and i imagined fighting them. They wanted to kill me, and they were here because of the other people in the house. The other people seemed to be from $P7, and i thought that they were doing illegal things in the house. This attracted bad guys to the house and made it dangerous to stay here. I thought that the others must know that two intruders were in the house. I kicked one of the men, knocking the gun out of his hand. I then threw the gun at the head of the other man. I knew that i could teleport away to escape. The others in the house did not know that i could do this, and they would wonder what had happened to me. I ran out of the room and headed to the east, thinking that the others were probably looking for me. I considered showing them what i could do, but thought that it might not be such a good idea. I ran through the small rooms of the house. I finally jumped through a doorway to the east, coming out into the street outside the house. I was then standing in the doorway on the eastern side of the house, looking out onto the darkened street. To the north of me, i could see the kitchen of the house through a small window. The kitchen seemed to be in a small wing of the house that extended farther to the east than the part that i was in. I thought that i could easily teleport into the kitchen to escape the people following me. They would not know where i had gone and would not suspect that i could transport myself into the kitchen. Several people were near me now, though, so i did not want to let them know what i could do. I moved to the east, into the street where the large crowd was gathered. Looking around, i noticed a woman standing to the south of me, in an open area of the paved square. She seemed to be $F14. I pointed out the woman to my mother, who now seemed to be with me, and i told her that i thought that it was $F14. It looked like her. As i approached, though, i was not quite so sure. I walked past her, not saying anything but watching her. I hoped that she would recognize me, which would let me know that it really was her. I was still not sure. I thought that $F14 should be thinner than she was when i knew her. I came to the southern side of the area and turned back to the north. I started walking back up the street, though the crowd. $F14 was standing with several other people now, chatting with them. The other people seemed to be from $G3. They were in the store on the eastern side of the street. As i got closer to them, the others crossed the street to the west, leaving $F14 at the end of their group. I knew the other people in the group, but they all seemed rather young. They should be much older now, but they seemed to be the same age as they were when i had known them. I followed the group, moving up behind $F14, and i said hello to her. She did not seem to hear me, though. She continued to follow the others as they weaved through the dense crowd. I finally moved a little to the east, tapping her on the shoulder. She turned around to look at me, but it was not actually $F14. It was a tall blond man. He just looked like $F14 because he had been looking backward, over his right shoulder. I then thought that he was riding on someone’s shoulders, but this did not seem logical. After a moment, i noticed that they were ahead of me, so i tried to follow the group again. They were getting too far ahead in the crowd. I felt confused in the crowd, though, and i could not keep track of the people that i knew. I came to the edge of the crowd, on the western side of the street. I moved through the building on the western side of the street, coming to a window above the crowd. I jumped out of the window and floated across the street. I was able to fly. The people in the house to the west seemed to be from $P7. They did not know that i could fly either. I had special powers. When i jumped, i would not fall down to the street like they would think. Instead, i would float out over the crowd. It was dark now, and i realized that the street lights would be below me, making it harder for the people in the crowd to see me. I hovered over the street for a moment, and then i floated back to the western wall. I landed on a wide white stone ledge and started walking along the face of the wall. The wall seemed to be very thin, and i thought that it was the outside wall of a very cheap hotel. I could easily push through the wall. As i landed again on the wall, i pushed against it, trying to push my way though it. I did not want to have to float down to the street because i worried that people would see me flying. I then wondered if the people inside the hotel could see me flying. I imagined them sitting in their beds noticing me out the windows. I then heard something from inside the building. I thought that it must be someone snoring in their sleep. I landed on the wall again, noticed that the thin particle board flexed under my weight. I was inside the hotel at the moment, but i had to be careful of the people here. I was standing on the southern wall, and a bed was directly under me. Blue blankets covered the bed, and someone seemed to be sleeping in it. I felt very nervous, thinking that i had to be careful not to disturb the person in the bed. I could not stay here, so i slowly flew down the eastern side of the bed, heading to the north. As i got further from the bed, i quickly flew low to the ground and landed just to the north of a small mound, out of sight of the bed. My mother was in the bed. I lay on the ground, trying to remain still and pretending that i was asleep, but my mother had seen me. She walked over to be and patted me on the head affectionately. She now knew that i could fly, but she did not seem to be upset about it. This comforted me.

12011 September 26

I sat near the western side of the small room as the others discussed something. This was a meeting of my theatre group, and we were sitting in wooden armchairs, facing to the east. Most of the people in the room seemed to be wearing white long-sleeve shirts. The person standing on the eastern side of the room, who seemed to be $A69 said that they wanted to meet tomorrow morning for the theater thing. Everyone seemed to reply only half-heartedly. This group seemed very disorganized. Someone said that we would be meeting at eleven, and i thought that this would be okay, though i was really disinterested in when they got together. We would have to run through the play again, even though we were not supposed to be meeting on a Sunday morning. I felt annoyed with the people as i headed to the southwest. I stopped, again on the western side of the area. I noticed $F42 to the north of me, standing up a short flight of stairs in the northwestern corner of the area. He seemed upset as he stared at me with his hands on his hips. I realized that i was supposed to be doing something with his play tomorrow morning, and that the schedule of the other thing that i was doing would conflict. I casually told him that i would be at his play, thinking that i was not real interested in going to the other play because they were so disorganized. I told $F42 that i would tell the other theater group that i would not be able to make their rehearsal because i already had something scheduled. I did not care much for the second theater group because they had not been organized enough. I was then sitting on the western side of the room with the theater people. These people seemed to be part of the play that i was doing. I sat in an armchair, facing east as i listened to the others start the reading. They did not quite know what to do, and i felt annoyed because the reading was not going properly.

12011 September 27

I stood on the northern side of the area, which seemed to be a room, though i was unaware of the walls. The area seemed narrow east to west, as though it were a corridor. A room seemed to be to the east of me, and i was doing something here. I felt very focused on what we were doing. The others were to the south of me, in the center of the area, which was pale yellow or pale tan. The woman in the center of the room mentioned the country, but could not remember the name. I tried to remember what it was, and i moved to the south to look at the map that they were focusing on. The country that we were in seemed to be in Africa, and the map had this country in the center of it. The woman had been talking about the country that was just to the south of us. I could see that the country that we were in was inland, surrounded by several other countries. The countries on the map were shaded in a pale orange, with dark red lines separating the regions. The entire orange area of the map seemed roughly oval, with rough edges on all sides. The country that we were in was shaped somewhat like a cross-section of a gem stone, with the bottom point more to the west than centered. I could not remember the name of the country to the south, and i tried to picture it on the map. I started to the south to get a better look at the map, asking the woman if the country was West Africa. The man standing to the south of the map said that this was not correct. I had now walked around to the south of the map and was looking over someone’s shoulder at it, to the north. The map seemed to say that Sudan was the country to the south of us. I said the name aloud, but the man to the southeast of me was not sure that it was correct. I then remembered that Sudan was the capital of the country that we were in. I wondered if it was possible for the country to the south to have the same name as the capital city in this country. It did not seem that they should both have the same name. I thought about it for a moment. I was fairly sure that Sudan was a country, but i was also certain that it was the name of the city as well. I thought about this for a moment, but then tried to focus on what i had been doing. We were doing something here, and i felt very focused on it.

12011 September 28

I had been doing something with the white pieces, trying to assemble them back into the large thing. I then turned to the south, looking down the long wide street in the city area. The buildings around me seemed to be single story, and everything seemed ashen brown. I was not sure where i was headed. I noticed several people on the street to the south of me. I also noticed that one of them was a police officer, who was standing on the sidewalk on the western side of the street. He seemed to be watching for people, and i thought that he was directing people away from the construction zone on the western side of the street. As i approached him by heading down the western sidewalk, i heard the sound of an elephant. This seemed strange, but i realized that there was an elephant to the west of the officer. The police officer must have been watching the elephant and keeping people from getting too close. As i walked past the area where the officer was, i glanced to the west, noticing only a long brownish-gray trunk. The animal seemed to be to the north of the trunk, which curled up to the south. I could not see the animal directly, and was unsure whether it was standing on the street or inside some container. I wondered why there would be an elephant on the street. I was still passing by the animal as i glanced at it again, noticing a large stone or cement block to the west of me. As i came to the southeast of the block, i looked back at it, noticing that it was the foundation of a statue. The elephants must have been part of a monument. I turned to the west and stopped to the south of the statue. I now seemed to be five or six meters from the statue, and there was a man standing to the west of me. I still could not see the elephants clearly, but i could not make out their trunks at the top of the cubical block, which was about four or five meters wide. The eastern end of the block seemed to be taller than the width of the statue, and the top sloped down to the west so that the western side was only three or four meters tall. The block looked like a podium, and thin tall columns seemed to form a structure over the top of the elephants. The large elephant was facing east now, and a smaller elephant was to the north of it, facing west, with its trunk in the air. This seemed very strange, and the structure seemed more and more like a pulpit. The man to the north of me started speaking now, saying something about the animals. The walls of the room around me were creamy-tan, and they enclosed the pedestal structure that was now on the eastern side of the room. A short dividing wall seemed to run through the center of the room from north to south, and i stood directly to the south of the end of it. The people were gathered on the western side of the room, in some kind of booth that was formed by similar short dividing walls. The man was on the northern side of the room, and he said something about the animals. I then noticed the green creature pacing toward me on the western side of the central dividing wall. It looked like a tall thin feline, like a cheetah, but its fur was thick and brownish green. It seemed almost reptilian. It paced halfway across the room and then turned back to the northeast, pausing for a moment as i looked at its fur. The fur seemed more like greased hair, clumped together in thick wavy strands that held their shape on the animal’s body. They seemed like scales, but kept thinking that the animal was a feline. I felt nervous of the animal, worried that it might be aggressive. I wondered if the animals in the room were really safe to be around. The cat-like creature paced back to the north. More people shuffled into the eastern side of the room. We were gathering for a meeting. The green animal paced close to me again, and i wondered if i could pet it. I looked at the strange wiry hair again, thinking that it was some kind of primitive creature. A man was standing to the east of me, and he pointed out the other animal on the eastern side of the room. I shifted to the east a little to see past the man, catching the image of a small brown rhinoceros stepping down from the off-white pedestal that it had been standing on. Its creased skin was shiny and brown, as though the entire animal were made of textured plastic. I felt cautious of the animal, knowing that rhinoceroses tend to charge humans. I cautioned the man and moved back to the west a little. There were so many strange creatures in the room, and i wondered if it was actually safe here. The green creature paced by me again as the man to the north began to talk. He was running the talk here.

I headed to the e, into the large sleeping room of $P19. The room was well lighted, but the walls seemed dark. Bunk beds were arranged on the northern and southern walls, and there were two rows of beds across the center of the room. I moved to the south side of the room, between the beds on the southern wall and the first row. The first row looked like a very long bet, but it was probably two bunk beds set end to end from the eastern wall. I hung something up on a metal bar that supported the top bunk near the center of the bed. I was putting my hat and clothing here for a while. I had to get something from my bed, which was to the north. I moved back to the end of long bed, wondering suddenly if i had put my things in a good place. I looked back at the bed, which again seemed like a single very long bed stretching out from the eastern wall. The mattress was covered with a dark-green sheet, and i could see a dark-orange object sitting in the center of it. The object was under my things, and i felt relieved to see them, thinking that no one would try to sleep in the bed because the things were there. I turned my attention to the north, realizing that there was someone in the double bed to the north of me. This seemed to be my bed, and i was annoyed that someone had taken it while i was not there. There were four double beds against the northern wall, but the two on the eastern side seemed to be turned over. Both of the beds on the western side were occupied. The one to the west had two people under the blue comforter. I moved to the southeast of the second bed from the west, realizing that it was not my bed that the other couple was in. I could see the shapes of their bodies under the off-white comforter, which they had pulled up over their heads. The bed to the east of me was mine, but the bed from the eastern wall had been flipped over on top of mine. I stood there for a moment, looking at my bed, confused. I started to pull the sheets from my bed, and the man to the west of me said something, acknowledging my presence. I ignored him, walking to the east across the southern edge of my bed and pulling the sheets over the bed, trying to fix them.

12011 September 29

We started to drive through the urban area, heading east. $F45 was in the car with me, but i was driving. We seemed to be heading someplace to the northeast, but i was not quite sure which roads would take us there. I thought that the road that we were on would intersect with the road that we wanted. We had just passed a road that ran diagonally to the northeast, just as we started moving again. I asked $F45 whether it was Pickney Road. I thought that it went diagonally to where we wanted to go. I should have taken that road, but i had not noticed it as we drove. I then noticed a short road heading off to the north, which i thought would connect to the main diagonal road. I thought that it would be North Road. I turned onto the road, but it was heading to the southeast. The road was dirt, and we had to slow down. I commented to $F45 that i hoped the road got better. I thought that he would be getting annoyed that we did not know exactly where we were. The road curved to the south as we passed an intersection, which seemed to be just to the south of the main highway. A man was standing on the western side of the intersection, watching us. The area to the west of him seemed to be an open lot or parking lot. A delivery truck was parked on the eastern side of the intersection, and elevated roads ran to the east of it. The cement on the elevated roads was tan and looked like sandstone. I felt weary of the man at the intersection. I then noticed that the road we were on was slowly turning back to the west. We had come off of the main highway and were entering a large housing complex. The houses stood on both sides of the road. They were colorful, and they looked like old barns that had been converted into apartments. I followed the road to the northwest, around a few tight corners. The road here was paved with bricks. I hoped that this road would bring us back to the north, to the other side of the east-to-west highway. I realized that $F45 would be stressed by the fact that we were wandering around in an unfamiliar area and did not know exactly which way to go. The road then turned to the north, and then to the northeast. I looked at the houses in this area. The houses to the north were very nice, and looked more like modern structures. However, they were less colorful: shades of brown. I commented on the houses to $F45, but he did not seem interested in talking. He seemed annoyed, and he said that we had been here before. I did not feel like talking to him, and i was disappointed when the road curved back to the east and ended. We were not on the correct road. I looked around the area, wondering what we could do. The buildings to the south looked like large city apartment complexes. A man on the northern side of the road noticed us and walked over. He leaned toward the car and asked us where we were going. I could see the highway that we had started on to the north. A bridge crossed the ravine that separated us from the highway. The bridge ended somewhere to the east of us. I remembered crossing the bridge from the highway to get here. The man said that there was no access to the highway from here. I told him that we were looking for North Pickney Road, hoping that he would know how to get there. He shook his head and said that we would have to go back the way we came. This was not the correct road. As i looked around the area to the west, i noticed a green sign with white letters that mentioned the area to the north. We had missed the turn. I felt very frustrated and annoyed. I started thinking about the road, trying to figure out how i had gotten here. Others started to gather around us now as we stood in the urban area, to the north of the apartment complexes. They seemed to be from $G4. I talked to them as i tried to figure out which road we should have taken to get to the northeast. One of the women in the group had a map of the apartment complex that we were in, and she opened up the white paper. We were in the room of a house now as she put the map down on the small table that was against the northern wall. Everyone leaned toward the table to look at the map as the woman pointed out the roads. I said that the roads near us were probably not on the map yet because the apartment complex was too new. I looked at the cluster of gray squares on the southern edge of the map, and realized that they could be the houses in this area. If they were, then the roads would be on the map. The woman had agreed with my that the roads could not be on the map, though, and she had already stopped looking at the map to try to figure out where we were. I felt annoyed and wandered to the east. I wondered what to do here. The others continued talking to the west, but i wanted to go to the northeast. I felt impatient.

12011 September 30

I turned to the south, thinking that i should be looking for the young man who worked here. I seemed to be working for $G18, and the young man worked here as well. He seemed to be of some relation to the owner of the company, and he was working in the office. The building i was in seemed to be a factory, with old cement walls and a dingy cement floor. The walls had a pale-green hue to them, and the ceilings were rather tall. The man i was looking for was the son of the owner of the company, and i wanted to know if he was actually working here. I felt interested in him for some reason. I was in a small room off the main corridor of the building. The cement corridor ran through the center of the building to the west, and the offices for the company seemed to be on the north of this corridor. I started to pace around the building to the south, not sure what i should do here. The western end of the room was open, and i could see a long open hall beyond. The hall was like a corridor running to the north, but it was one of the working areas of the factory. I walked down the center of the hall, noticing that the factory rooms were not running at the moment. metal bars and racks ran east to west along the ceiling, and structures on the floor seemed to be tracks that ran in the same direction. This was part of the assembly line for the factory, but it was not in operation at the moment. The tiles or blocks that made of the floor and walls were pale green, and parts of the cement floor were gray, and other parts yellow. To the south, the room opened up into a large workshop with a lower ceiling. Many of the products would be made in this workshop, but everything was quiet at the moment. I felt slightly uncomfortable here, thinking that it did not feel right to be here. I came to the western end of the long hall and started up the cement stairs. The stairs led me into a small cement room. The room seemed very open, with tall ceilings and wide spaces to the north and south, but it was small in floor area. Everything here had a greenish hue, and people were moving around in the spaces to the side of the room, wearing full-body dull-gray work suits. I started to feel out of place here, thinking that i probably should not be wandering around this factory. I realized that i was actually here to do work of some kind, so i should probably get back to doing it before someone noticed that i was wandering around. I looked quickly around at the people in the cement room, hoping to see the young man that i had been looking for. I could not see him, so i turned back to the east and headed back into the large hall. At the top of the stairs, i noticed white ropes hanging along the tracks of the ceiling. I thought that they were for sliding products from one of the room to the other. I grabbed one with my right hand, watching how it slid on the metal track. I it would be interesting to hang from the ropes and slide across the room, but i knew that i should not do that. As i headed down the stairs, however, i grabbed the rope anyway. I held on to it as i moved down the stairs and walked down the hall. As i came near the center of the hall, i noticed that something else was sliding along the same rope that i was using, coming from the eastern end of the hall. I could not tell what it was at first, but, as it got closer to me, i decided that i should stop holding on to the rope i was using. I was now hanging from the rope. I grabbed the rope to the south of me to get out of the way of the other object, which turned out to be a person. It was a thin young man, and he was sliding down the rope. I started climbing down the length of the rope, heading to the east. The other man was climbing to the west. I seemed to be moving down the rope rather easily, but i noticed that the other man seemed to be having difficulty. He was struggling to make his way along the rope. He was gripping the rope with both hands, and he had his feet wrapped around it. He seemed upset about something. He had short blond hair, and he was wearing a white tank top. As he got close to me, i asked if he was okay. He said that he was, but i could tell that he was not. He was having too much trouble making his way on the ropes. I felt bad for him, but i felt awkward staying to talk to him when i should be getting to work. I headed to the east, feeling sorry for the young man. I thought that i should have stayed to talk with him, and i felt interested in meeting him, but it seemed awkward. I then thought that i really had to finish the stuff that i was doing in the office. My job in this place was over, and i had to collect my things from the office to the northeast. I was in the small cement room at the eastern end of the hall now. I had left some things on the printer, which was on the eastern side of the small office to the north of me. I walked to the printer and took the papers from the top of it. I recognized the papers that i had worked on, and i threw them into the plastic trash can to the south of the printer. I was cleaning out my things before i left this place. I kept thinking about the young man. I wanted to go back and talk to him, but i was uneasy doing so. I then noticed that several of the pieces of paper on the printer were maps. I looked at the green and red lines on the maps. They were not mine, so i did not have to get rid of them. I headed to the north, thinking again about the son of the owner. I was still not sure if he was here. I wanted to find him. I thought about him, thinking that his last name was Lambert. I wondered if he was related to $A218. I then found myself in the parking lot, to the east of the building. I was on the northern side of the lot, near the row of cars that were parked facing north. I still felt uneasy, and i wanted to go back into the building and ask about a man named Lambert, but i was not sure how i could do it without seeming awkward. My work should be finished here, so i should not even be walking around this building. People would think it strange if i asked about someone that worked here.

I was riding my bicycle across the large room, which seemed to be a living room. The bicycle was rather small, which made sense to me, because i would have to ride it in a building. At the northern end of the room, i turned to the east, heading to the south of the end table that was on the western side of the large white couch. I circled around the table, heading to the west on the northern side of it. Men came into the room from the southwest, walking through the doorway in the southern end of the western wall. I knew that they were here for a meeting. They headed for the large table in the center of the room. One of the men, who was wearing a gray business suit, asked me to join them for the meeting. He was the boss. I told him that i would join the meeting as i turned to the south again, heading down the western side of the table. I was still riding the bicycle as i moved down the side of the table. I did not feel like i was a part of the group, and i told them that i would stay on the bicycle for the meeting. One of the other men said “Sure.” in response. Other people then started coming to the conference table in the center of the room. I moved to the northwestern side of the table. The other people started sitting at the large table, but there did not seem to be a lot of space in the room. I started moving some of the small tables, which were around the larger table, to the west, putting them against the wall to get them out of the way. It would also make more room for me to ride my bicycle. As i moved a table, i suddenly realized that someone had asked me a question. I looked up at the people around the table. They wanted me to comment on the meeting. I looked at the images projected on the large white western wall of the room. I thought this was like being asked to direct. The man who had asked me to comment thought that i was good at reviewing things. I thought that i should clean up as others gathered to the north of me in the room. I moved to the southern side of the room and sat down near the small table where the arts and crafts supplies were scattered. Someone to the north mentioned welcoming the initiates. I was new to this group, so the person could be referring to me. I felt a little uneasy here as i sat near the table. Pencils and other art supplies were hovering near my head, and i started to feel that they were in the way. I hit one of the pencils with something in my hand to keep it from floating up too high. as i did this, i was aware that one of the men from the table to the north was watching me. He seemed important, and i knew that he was watching to see what i would do. I wanted to impress him. He would know what i was doing when he saw me push down the pencils with the cardboard object that was in my hand. I moved slowly, pushing down the pencils that were near me. I then heard a clock chime. The people around the table to the north stood up suddenly. This was all part of the ceremony. The people then started reciting their lines in unison as they moved their bodies in the same synchronized motions. They were standing in a large circle around the room now, wearing long green robes. $A556 was one of them. I thought that he was new to the group as well, and he was doing the movement with them. I moved to the north a little, thinking that i should copy their movements, but i felt unsure of what the group was doing. A woman on the southeastern side of the room, who was very near me, started narrating the movements. She was making jokes as she spoke in a commanding tone. All of the people then turned to the northeast, toward the large grandfather clock that was standing against the eastern wall. I looked at the people, noticing that everyone was facing the clock now. This was a significant part of the ceremony. I knew that certain ranks within the group would have to turn away, though. I saw a woman in long robes on the northeastern side of the room crouch down. She turned to the southwest, away from the clock. The others stopped their movements and everyone stood still. They were standing in a small phalanx in the center of the room, but the one woman was facing away from the clock. A man in a blue robe stood to the west of the group. He was guarding the back of the phalanx. Everyone in the group was now wearing red and yellow silk robes. The people in the green robes had left the room. The woman to the east of me continued to narrate in a loud voice and talking in Elizabethan English. I told her to be quiet, thinking that she was interrupting the ceremony. She did not really understand the ceremony, and she should not have been talking at this point. The man in blue near us told her to be quiet as well. She replied to him, saying that she was reciting Shakespeare. I moved near the eastern wall, where there was a sink. I felt very bad that the woman had interrupted the ceremony. I was almost embarrassed that she had done so. This was an important ceremony to these people, and the woman was part of the group that i had come in with. I did not want the people running the ceremony to think that everyone was as ignorant as she was to their customs.