12013 September 01

I had been standing near the house with the other people. We were to the east of the house, which seemed to be on a farm house. I was now walking to the north, heading up the dirt driveway toward the smaller building. I was talking about something that was happening to the south of me. It seemed important, but i could not see it. I was floating over the ground, and that seemed like something special. I floated for a moment over the driveway, talking about the thing that was to the south of me. It seemed like something in the distance, to the south of the people that were still standing to the east of the house, to the south of me. Someone then said something to the west of me. I had not expected anyone to be in the small building, and i felt suddenly nervous, as though i had been caught doing something i should not have been doing. I did not want anyone to know that i could float like i was doing. I looked at the wood building. A long set of steps ran up from the driveway to the deck on the second floor of the small building. I replied to the person as i quickly floated up the steps. As i moved up them, however, i realized that they were not actually steps. The steps had been taken out, and long wooden planks had been put in. The planks ran vertically along the steps, but only three or four planks were lying on the flight of stairs, and they were along the southern side of the slope. They looked like old two-by-four boards, which were dulled with age. I thought about how easily i could make it up the flight because i would not have to step on the boards. I wondered if the person at the top would be surprised about how easily i could make it. I stopped to the northeast of the building, looking at the woman, who was sitting on a large bed in the room. The room had large glass windows on the northern, southern, and eastern sides, with thick vertical wooden beams between the rectangular panes of glass. She was wearing white underwear and a loose medium-shade T-shirt. She had chin-length hair and seemed to be of East Asian descent. She sat awkwardly in the center of the bed, as though she had been awoken suddenly, with her right leg forward and her left leg out to the side of her body. Her left leg faced northwest with her knee slightly bent. She smiled as she spoke to me, and i felt cheerful as i replied back. I told her something about what was happening to the south of us. I then looked to the south. The people were still standing around to the east and northeast of the house, but they were looking to the south now. I could see smoke rising from an area just over a low hill to the south. The land seemed mostly flat, with low rolling hills. The gray smoke formed a puffy cloud that drifted to the east. I pointed out the smoke to the woman. As i did so, a ball of bluish-white light expanded from the place from which the smoke was emanating. I felt tense now, thinking that the shock wave from the explosion would be heading our way. I told the woman to get down, thinking that she might be safe if she hid on the floor. I thought about the glass windows shattering and how the shards might cut us. I then thought that i should hide from the blast. I moved to the west, thinking that i might be able to hide behind the small house. I still did not feel safe there.

I moved through the crowd of people in the old historic area. The houses here were old wood structures and were set very close together. I remembered seeing the large white building before, and i was looking for it again. The building seemed to have some importance. I was with some other people as we returned to this area. I tried to remember where the building was, but everything here seemed crowded now. I could see an old browning photograph to the southwest of me, which showed the large white building sitting on the side of a hill, facing to the east. People in old clothing stood in a group in the foreground of the photograph. This was how the place had been a century ago, when i had last been here. I remembered the place, though it did not seem that long since i had visited. I looked around the area to the west. All of the small buildings seemed crowded into the store. I could see across the large area to the west, which was covered by the ceiling of the modern store. The hill to the west was still covered with trees, and i looked across it to try to find the large white building. People and other white buildings seemed to block my way, so i had to move from one side to another to get a good view. I then realized that a large structure in the southern half of the room and directly to the west of me, was blocking my view. I knew that the dark structure was an escalator, I moved to the northwest, trying to get a better view of the hillside. I knew that the building must still be in this area, and i felt concerned that i could not find it. It was on a hillside, so i thought that it should be higher than the other buildings and easily visible. I turned to the southwest again, looking at the pictures of the older buildings from this village. The old buildings were simple in the photographs. I felt annoyed that i could not find the building that i was looking for, and i continued to look over the tops of the small white buildings to the west of me. The modern version of this place was crowded and cluttered with people and gift shops, so i was having trouble seeing around it.

12013 September 02

I turned to the north to watch the woman walk from the northeast. This was part of the story that i was performing. A glass cabinet with a thin metal brass frame stood against the western wall, to the northwest of me, and the woman was walking toward it. The cabinet had something to do with the goddess. I looked at the woman. She had an oval face with long black hair, and i realized that she was not the actor that would play the goddess for most of the movie. She must be the person that the goddess was living in now. The goddess would have to be transferred to the other object and then to the taller woman with black hair. I liked the plot of this movie, and i thought about it as i turned to the south. I was in the back seat of the car, which was actually two benches on the southern part of the stage. The audience seemed to be to the south of us. The man walked from the north of me to the west of me as i folded the heavy wool coat on the seat to the west of me. I was acting a part in this play. I felt suddenly nervous, wondering if i had all of my lines memorized. I thought that i should know what i was to do in the play, and pretended that i was confident about it. The man to the west of me said something, and i responded. The people in the bench to the south of me sat still, facing south. The man then asked for a pencil. I remembered that i was supposed to pull a pen out of my jacket pocket for the man and started fumbling through the coat for the pen. “Pencil”, i repeated, looking at the man. I then said “pen”, which i thought was my line. I felt through the jacket pocket, feeling a pen in my hand. I told the man that i had a pen as i felt the plastic object in my right hand. I could feel the metal button at the top of the pen as i pulled it from the jacket. As i handed it to the man, though, it did not quite feel right to me. The button on the top had a gap where it entered into the pen. As i handed it over, i thought that it must really be a mechanical pencil. The man took the writing utensil and turned to the west. It would not matter whether it was a pen or a pencil because it was somewhere in between. The object had something to do with the goddess. I thought that it must be a vessel of the deity.

12013 September 05

I stood to the east of the group in the restaurant. The rectangular room had several tables in it, but the rectangular table that we were sitting at seemed to take up much of the center of the room. $A608 was sitting on the western side of the table, and he suddenly focused on me and asked me a question. I had stood up from the table and was about to head to the west, but i stopped to answer the question. He said something about this area, and then asked me when i had been home. I thought about the question a moment, feeling uneasy about answering. I realized that we were somewhere in $P14, so i told him that i was home. I said that i had been living here a long time, so this place had become my home. I moved around the southern side of the table, shuffling between the chairs, which were close together. A man at the table then asked about the rain in Ithaca. He mentioned that he had heard stories about it, and he was asking me what it was like. I smiled as i thought about it, and then said that it pours. I remembered the rains over the summer, thinking that all of the storms had downpours of rain. This was not typical of the rain in Ithaca, though. I knew that, most of the time, it simply drizzled there. I smiled at the man and said that the rain three was mostly “ithacation”. It was a joke from the area. I told the man “If you say it’s ithacating to someone, they’ll know what you mean.” That was my way of letting him know that it was a local term for the mild rain that Ithaca had. The man moved to the north of me, and i continued heading to the western side of the restaurant. Everyone here was leaving, and i was heading out with them.

12013 September 06

I walked around the room, heading to the east to get something. I felt uneasy as i picked up some of my things. I was in a college dormitory, and i was taking classes here. I thought about my classes, which seemed to be in the building to the north. I knew that i had not gone to any of the classes, and i felt very bad about it. I had spent the entire semester here, but i had not actually gone to the classes. I felt very upset about this. I knew that the exams were coming soon, and i started to worry that i would not know what to do about them. I wondered if i could still take the exams after only reading the books. I then started to wonder whether i had really read the books for the class. I passed a small wooden bookcase, which was standing against the northern wall. I thought about the books for my class. Most of them seemed to be literature, but i focused on the dull-yellow book with the name of Satre in thin black letters on the spine. I hoped that i could still take the tests and not do too poorly, but i knew that i would be very unprepared for them. I thought that i would most likely fail them. I wandered to the southeast, thinking about the exams. I knew that i would not be able to take them, and i felt even more upset. I wondered what i should do. $F10 seemed to be somewhere to the north of me. I was anxious, and i wondered why i had not gone to class at all. It seemed very strange that i would not have gone to any of the classes. I got into the car as i thought about the test. I could see the students sitting in the chairs of the large lecture hall to the north of me. They were taking the test, but i felt that i would not be able to join them. I drove the car to the north, imagining that the professor was asking me about the building where the class had been held. He was trying to see if i had actually been there. I had not, but i remembered what the building looked like. I pictured the large brown brick buildings, which were somewhere to the south. They seemed very large and oversized for their purpose. The high ceilings impressed me. I could not remember the name of the building, though. I thought about this as i drove to the north, approaching the bridge to $P73. As i drove over the bridge, i could see the water of the creek below me. The metal structure of the bridge was visible under the road, as if the deck of the bridge was not there. I felt suddenly nervous, and i imagined driving through the beams and under the northern side of the bridge. My car would end up under the water in the metal girders of the bridge. This idea made me feel nervous, so i thought that i should not let the car go under the bridge. As i reached the other side of the bridge, i focused on driving onto the road to the north. It was very dark now, and i could not quite see where i was going. I realized that i had not turned my lights on. I quickly turned the car lights on so that i could see the road around me. As i followed the road around a curve that turned to the west, i looked at the crest of the hill to the north. The rounded hill rose very steeply to the north of the road, with a short field between it and the road. It was daylight again, and an old layer of snow covered patches of the green glass. I remembered this area from long ago. I was heading toward $P19, which seemed to be to the northwest of where i was. I would normally head to the north, but i continued to the west, thinking that i could turn north later. I used to come this way in the past, but it had been a long time since i had driven on this road. I thought it would be interesting to see it again. I looked again at the hill to the north and northwest. Houses ran along the crest, with bushy green trees around them. I then noticed a large gray satellite dish on the western corner of the hill. The hill turned to the south on the western end of the field, and stretched toward the road. I thought that the satellite dish must be new because i did not remember it from before. I then tried to remember what was on the hill. I could see the old large white satellite dishes to the north of the new gray one. They were on the corner where ridge turned to the south. I glanced to the west, looking down the road. I wondered if the road to the north was still ahead of me. I then realized that it would have to be beyond the edge of the hill, because i did not remember the road running over the top of the hill. I spotted a gray clump of snow in the middle of the road, but i turned my attention back to the hill. The road to the north must be to the west of the ridge that the satellite dishes were on. I looked at the large dull-red wood house to the east of the satellite dishes. It seemed very new. I was not sure that it had been there when i used to come this way. I remembered some old houses on the hill, but i could not remember which ones were old and which are new. Many new houses must have been built there. I then turned my attention to the west again, looking at the road. I saw the gray mound of snow in the middle of the road ahead of me. I remembered seeing it before and thought that i must have passed it. It had no effect on my car, so i drove over it again, even though it seemed to be a large bank of snow. The car did not seem affected my the snow, though i heard it struggle a little as it passed through the northern side of the small mound. The road ahead seemed to have several other patches of snow. My car then started skidding, and it spun to the north, off the road. I knew that it must have been because of the snow bank, even though i had passed it without incident. The car came to a rest in the dirt of the field. The car was facing to the northwest. Annoyed, i tried to back it up onto the road. I hoped that it did not get stuck in the soft dirt of the field. The car moved easily from the field, but spun around again, sliding back into the field to the north of the road. It stopped, facing west. I sat for a moment, wondering what i should do. It now seemed dark again, and i noticed a light approaching me from the north. I felt annoyed. The owner of the farm was driving toward me on his four-wheel scooter. I did not want to deal with him. He came up to me and asked if i was okay, and i told him that i was fine. He then walked to the east a little, saying that i was drunk. I was annoyed with him, and i told him that i was not drunk. He said that he was getting something, but i did not want to deal with him, so i went back to my car and tried to get back on the road. He was still very close to me, and he continued to talk to me. He seemed suspicious of me. I turned to look at him as he spoke. His face seemed oddly swollen, and his thick ragged blond hair hung over his eyes. He wore a red farmer’s cap that shaded part of his face. I felt upset with him and i tried to ignore him. I then looked at the bulbous swollen skin that covered the bottom part of his face. It moved up and down as he spoke. His puffy lips were small, and were to the left of the swollen patch of skin. I turned back to the west, getting on the small orange vehicle. I tried to drive away before the man could do anything. The small orange vehicle started moving down the road, which now seemed like a path. The man said something as i left him. I looked at the path under me, realizing that it was formed from flat stones. I wondered suddenly how i could drive the vehicle over the stones. I continued to the west, noticing that the path turned sharply to the north for about a meter before continuing to the west up a steep hill. I knew that the vehicle could not make it over the rocks and up the hill, but i continued going. I was walking now as i started up the stone steps of the steep hill. I adjusted the small vehicle underneath me. The orange vehicle seemed like a saddle, and i adjusted it between my legs. I then wondered how the saddle worked. It would have to float over the ground, and i imagined it carrying me to the west up the hill. I headed up the steep narrow path, but i noticed a horse standing just to the north of me. I felt a little uneasy standing so close to the horse, and i tried to moved to the west. I had a hard time moving, though, because something seemed to be impeding me. I then noticed several horses to the west of me. They were all standing in a row, facing to the north. They all seemed to be white, with pale-black spots. In order to continued to the west, i would have to walk underneath the horses, which also seemed like goats. I did not want to walk near the back legs of the animals as i walked underneath them, so i moved a little to the south and continued up the hill. I stopped on the wooden deck at the top, which was to the north of a large barn. I could see a second large barn to the west of the first, and a third barn to the northwest of me. I would have to continue to the west, but the wooden platform ended just to the west of me. This was some kind of obstacle course. I moved toward the edge of the platform, thinking that this obstacle course was very strange. A pool of water was about twelve meters below me. I then thought that i could simply jump into the water. I knew that it was dangerous, but i felt that i could simply jump over the edge without thinking about it. I then thought that i should be concerned about this. I then felt something warm near my right leg. I thought that it could be a horse, but then i thought that it was probably $X14 sleeping on my bed near me. I thought that i was asleep for a moment, and i wondered where i should go from the platform. I still had to continue to the west.

12013 September 07

I followed the others into the house, walking to the west as i entered through the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. This was a special house in a very nice part of town. We seemed to be in $P14, and i knew that we were very near the lake. I looked to the west, out the large window in the room at the surrounding houses. The entire western wall of the room seemed to be a large multipane window, and i could see the steep rolling hills around the northeastern end of the lake. The view looked picturesque, and i wanted to see it. The red and tan houses dotted the rocky hills. A steep hill rose to the northwest, and i knew that it ran along the opposite side of the lake. I could not see the lake from here, but i knew that it must be in the valley. I seemed to be looking to the northwest now, trying to see over the closest hill to get a glimpse of the lake. The room that we had entered into was large and rectangular, and the floor was a few meters below the level of the entry door. A set of stairs descended into the room from the door. I had started down the stairs, but i backed up now toward the door to see if i could see the lake from a higher perspective. As i reached the door, i spotted the lake over the rounded hill, which seemed to be just across the street from the house. I said that this house had a very nice view. The two people who had entered the house in front of me turned around to look at me. One of them seemed to be the owner of the house. The owner seemed to be special in some way. I thought that he must be wealthy in order to live in a place like this. I walked down the stairs, entering the room, but i was still talking about the houses around the area. I said that this was a wealthy neighborhood as i looked out the window at the houses across the street. A hill rose on the western side of the dirty street. The pavement had a thin layer of sand blown over it, and i realized that the road ended in a cul-de-sac just outside the house. Someone responded to me. I had said something about all of the houses in this area being new and expensive, but then i noticed the house across the street, which seemed to be a crumbling cement structure. The houses on the northeastern end of the cul-de-sac were new. They looked like modern apartments that were covered with red shingles. The apartments stretched around to the western side of the cul-de-sac and started down the northwestern side of the street. The old cement building must be a house that they will be tearing down to build more new apartments. I noticed a few other older structures on the western side of the road. These were the original houses from this area, but they were all being destroyed to make room for the expensive houses. Tattered clear plastic sheeting seemed to hang from some of the old structures, and i focused on a garage to the northwest. An old pink pick-up truck with rounded features that seemed like they were designed in the fifties was under a small cement enclosure. The cement was old and crumbling, and the top part of the structure seemed to have been torn down. This must be one of the old houses. I felt bad that they were kicking the poor people out of their homes so that they could build the reddish-brown modern houses for wealthy people. I talked about this as i walked farther into the room. The others with me continued to the west, and i started to feel out of place here. I was visiting this house, but i felt that i really did not know the people here. I felt strange here as i wandered to the south, down a dimly lighted corridor. The others were having a party to the west, and i had been brought here by $A600. I felt that i knew him in some way, but we did not seem to be that close. I felt awkward in this house because i did not really know most of the people here. $A600 was in a room on the western side of the house with the rest of his teammates. The corridor opened up into a room to the southwest of me, which seemed to have several couches running north to south. I thought that i would be spending the night here, and i wondered if i should sleep on one of the couches. I then realize that some of the couches were really single beds. I thought that i could simply take one of them for the night. I was still hesitant, though, because i did not feel quite comfortable here. I also stated to feel lonely. I put my bag down on one of the beds and started to unpack a few things. $A600 then entered the room from a doorway in the western end of the northern wall. He must have come from the party where everyone else was. I thought that i should join them, but i did not feel comfortable hanging out with the team because i did not know most of them. I was also not on the team, so i thought i would be out of place there. $A600 paused with the door open. He was checking on me to see how i was doing. It was good to see him. He stood to the west of me, and i told him that i would probably sleep on the couch, motioning to the white couch against the western wall with the large floral pattern on it. I really wanted to sleep on one of the beds, but i thought i would be polite and say the couch. $A600 moved to the southern end of the room as i unpacked some of the things in my bag. He seemed to be spending time with me because he did not want me to feel lonely. It felt good to have him pay some attention to me. He then jumped and down a few times and said that i should sleep on the couch. I realized that he was jumping as he counted the beds. The beds were actually for the other team members, and he was counting them to see how many there were. Apparently, there were only enough beds for the team, so i would have to sleep on the couch. I said something to $A600 as i packed up some of my things in my blue backpack, which was on the bench or couch to the west of me. We now seemed to be on a train, which was heading to the north. I turned to the north to look down the length of the train car, which seemed like a bus. The train had just stopped at the station, so we headed to the south, walking down the crowded corridor. I was talking about something with $A600. We seemed to be in the station. I then said something about my cell phone as i stopped and started checking through my things. $A600 seemed to acknowledge what i had said, and he started leading me to the north. He was going to try to find a solution to the problem that i had just mentioned, and he suggested that we should head the other direction to get it. I started following him up the corridor, but i was focusing on the bag that i was holding in my left hand, trying to adjust something in it. We seemed to be in a mall now, and i started lagging behind. I kept glancing up to see where $A600 was. He was getting farther ahead of me, so i hurried to get my bag together. I finally had my bag all set, so i hurried after $A600. I had lost sight of him up the corridor. He must have turned either left or right at the intersection. I hurried to the intersection and looked to the west, but i could not see him in the corridor. I then looked to the east and could not see him. I felt suddenly annoyed, thinking that i had lost him. I felt a little anxious and bad, hoping that i did not lose him for good. I looked around at the stores nearest the intersection of the corridors, trying to see if he might have gone into any of them. I felt a little disappointed that i could not see him. I then tried to remember why we had come in this direction. I had said something about my iPod, and i suddenly realized that we had come this way looking for a cable. I then remembered that i had just past a record store in the corridor to the south. The store was on the western side of the corridor. I hurried back to the south, looking at the large display window of the store as i approached. I thought that he had probably come into this store to look for the cable. As i reached the door, i was suddenly surprised that a record store still existed in the mall. It seemed very old fashioned.

12013 September 08

I walked to the south, stopping in the doorway in the middle of the southern wall. I was visiting my relatives, and most of them were outside to the south of the house. As i stood in the doorway, i noticed the small snake that was sitting on the white plastic chair to the east of the doorway. The chair was on the cement floor, which was a few steps down from the floor that i was standing on. The red snake had yellow and black rings, and it looked like a corn snake. I then realized that a large snake was on the sloped ground just to the east of the chair. The large snake had white and black rings. I knew that the larger snake was wild, and i suddenly worried about the larger snake eating the smaller one. I knew that snakes did eat snakes. I thought that i should do something, but i wanted to see what would happen. The small corn snake them moved from the chair, dropping to the ground under the chair. The large snake then started moving. I knew that it was going after the smaller snake. I called to $K1, who was to the south of me. I ran across the small cement room to the doorway to the south, which led out onto the patio. I stopped in the doorway, telling $K1 about the snakes, but i felt awkward doing so. I asked a question about the snake, pretending on to care about it.

12013 September 09

I was jogging or hiking with the others on the trails in the rocky terrain. The hill sloped up to the south and was covered with a thick pine forest. The trails were cut through the trees, heading west across the slope. I was following the others up a steep part of the trail that curved to the south, heading up the steep rocky mountain. Something changed. It was now a different time, and i was with $F45. A third person was with us, and we were heading up a hill to the northwest, through the forest. We came to a wide intersection of the trails. The trees had been cleared around the area where the two dirt trails crossed. Dry grass grew in the parts of the clearing that was not a trail. I knew that the trail to the north went up the mountain to the peak. We could take it over the mountain to where we were going, but it was getting dark and would be sunset soon. I told the others that we should take the shorter tail. It would lead back to the place sooner. We headed to the west, through the woods. The trail seemed steep, though, and i did not think that it should be. The other trail should have been the one going up the hill. This one should have cut across the slope of the hill and remained relatively flat. I pictured the intersection from above. Route 22 was to the west of us, and this trail should run into it. I could see the map of the land from above. The ground was white and the dirt trail showed as a red line across the white topographic surface. The trail to the west should lead back to the road, and i could see where the road was on the map. The intersection did not look quite right, thought. I looked up to the west to see the road ahead of us. It did not look familiar, but i thought that it was the main road. I came to the intersection and looked around. Others from $G4 were with me now. This was not the intersection with the main road that we should have come out on. We were supposed to come out where we had started, but this was someplace else. I thought about this, trying to picture the forest from overhead. I looked at the map to the north of me. The forest was a yellow rectangular area on the map. The rectangle stretched to the north of the main road and had two minor roads running on either side. I pointed out the two lakes that were in the center of the forested area. They did not look right on the map. I then realized that the map had two sets of lines on it. I tried to orient myself. The lake was in the northeastern corner of the rectangle, as it should have been. I told the others to the east of me that i get lost on the trails around the lake because i could not keep my bearings. I thought that we might have taken one of the wrong trails from the lake. I remembered going to the lake many times before. The had jogged the trails that ran around the perimeter of the small lake. I kept looking at the two lakes on the map. The larger one was in the northeastern part of the rectangle, and the smaller one was just to the southwest of it. The northern one was oval, with a slight bow to the east in the center, and the southern one was more rounded. I kept looking at the lakes, thinking that the park might not be as big as i thought it was. I looked at the red area at the bottom of the map, which was on the main road at the bottom of the yellow rectangular area of the park. It was the main entrance to the forested park. We were on the western side of the park, on Route 22, and i could see where the road ran along the yellow border of the forest. I thought that they must have steep mountains in a small area of the park for the trails to climb so steeply. The mountains would rise and fall abruptly in the park. I pictured the steep hills to the north of me as i stood on the road. I seemed to be to the south of the park, though. I thought that the road on either side of the park would have to go through the mountains if the mountains actually crossed the park. I thought about this, trying to figure out where we were.

I woke up suddenly, realizing that it was 8:24, according to the red numbers on the digital clock to the north of me. I felt suddenly rushed, realizing that i would be late for work. I hurried out of the bedroom, but i realized that my mother was in the bathroom. I was not sure what to do, but i thought that i would just have to rush out of the house to get to work on time.

12013 September 10

I lied on the bed on the southern end of the room. It seemed early in the evening. Other others in the room were getting up to dance. I felt a little annoyed by this, but i knew that some kind of event was going on. I decided that i should join them, so i rolled out of bed to the north. As i sat up, i realized that my underwear was damp. I felt a little embarrassed, thinking that i must have ejaculated in bed. I moved the pillow to cover myself for a moment as the people moved across the room to the north of me. The woman that was near me moved to the north. I wondered what i should do. I could not stand up with an obviously wet spot on my underwear. I then realized that i still had my long pants with me. They were on the floor near the bed. I carefully crouched down to put them on. As i pulled them up, i had difficulty. They were very tight and seemed like gym pants. I got them on and headed into the center of the room to join the party. We had been running with $G4 across the area to the south of us. I walked across the grassy courtyard, which was in the middle of the large urban area. I looked around at the buildings to the north of me. They looked old, and i realized that the modern stone buildings that i had just passed between were designed in a similar style to the old buildings. This area seemed like a college campus. I then remembered that the person setting the running trail for $G4 had told us about a college campus. I thought that we must be running across the campus. I crossed the grassy quadrangle, heading for the gap between the two buildings to the north of me. I wondered where the center of the college campus was. These building looked like they belonged on the campus, but i was not sure. As i came out on the other side of the buildings, i stopped at the road. It was dark out now, and i could see an old classic brick building to the east of me. It was a long low building that looked like a student union. The red brick building had white stone trim in square sections. I headed to the east, looking for the entrance to the campus. I thought that the gap ahead of me, between the brick building and another building, might be another opening to a quadrangle. I crossed the street, still heading east. I looked at the gap between the old brick building and the building to the west of it. The buildings were on the northern side of the street and seemed to be up a hill about three meters from the street. It was daylight again, and i looked at the stairs that entered the corridor on the eastern side of the old stone building to the north of me. The other $G4 started to run past me, toward the corridor. I told them that they were probably running into a set of stairs that led into the building. The acknowledged me but continued running to the north. The person setting the trail was then behind me, on the southern side of the street. He called to us, telling us to take the stairs, so i headed to the north, into the corridor. The old metal stairs headed down in a square spiral inside the old stone tower. The stairs seemed to be taking us to the lower ground that was on the other side of the building. A man was coming up the stairs from the west as i started down a flight. He cautioned that the stairs were old. He also mentioned that everyone was now coming down them. I saw the others as i made the first round of the stairs and started heading back to the west again. The stairs were suspended by metal poles from above. the stairs and the platforms were made of cast iron and seemed very heavy. The man coming up the stairs approached us. He was East Asian, and he was wearing a nice gray suit with a white shirt and thin tie. He said that the women could not go into the lounge area to the west, implying that the lounge was only for men. The women descending the stairs with me said that they were men and giggled. We continued down the stairs, coming into the room area. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs to the lounge, holding open the large wooden doors. The others came in behind me. This place was where the special men were supposed to be. The interior had leather cushioned chairs and wooden walls. It was nicely polished and looked like an old club house. Men were sitting in the chairs, and they seemed rather uncomfortable that we had entered. We were not part of their selective group. I thought that i, at least, was wearing a suit. I would look more natural here. The others were to the north of me now, moving into the room. I wondered where the real lounge was, thought. I then saw a room at the end of the short hall to the west. I started toward it, but looked again around the room that i was in. Young men in suits were playing pool to the north. One was a tall blond man, and the other was a short man with a round face. They watched me skeptically. I felt uncomfortable here. I headed to the north and turned east into the small room. The others had already entered the room, but they were lying on the floor in plastic bags. They were not dead. The plastic bags were used to hide the women in this exclusive club. I looked around at the people no the floor. There did not seem to be many people there, but they were stacked on the floor in bags of many colors. I then heard $A649’s voice come from one of the bags on the northern side of the room. The yellow bag moved as she talked. A man came into the room from the west and offered me a bag. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that they were trying to trap us. I declined the bag. The man then started questioning me. He was trying to determine whether i belonged here. I told him that i wanted a blue bag, which he did not seem to have.

12013 September 11

12013 September 12

I was living in this dormitory because i was back in college again. I was in a large common room of the house where people were gathered for the event. These events seemed to be the introductory events to a school year. I felt a little uncomfortable here. It seemed strange to be back in school again. I walked to the south, not wanting to be here. I was headed back to my room in this house. I started down the corridor leading to my room, heading south. A man came out of the bathroom ahead of me, stepping into the hallway from the east. He had just come out of the shower and was wearing only a towel around his waist. He was rather attractive. I tried not to watch him as i walked toward him. The hallway now seemed like the hallway of my grandmother’s house. The man started moving to the south down the hall, but he fell over. Another man was in a room to the west, and he started petting the first man’s leg, comforting him. I pretended not to be interested in either of them, but found the comforting nice, and i wished that i had that kind of relationship with someone. I then realized that the two men were homosexual, so their relationship was a little more than casual friends. They looked up at me as i passed, so i smiled at them. I then glanced to the east, into the shower room. A third man was still coming out of the shower. He was also quite attractive. I walked past them in the hall and headed up the stairs to my room. The men were staying in a room to the south of mine. I turned to the east at the top of the stairs and headed into my room, which seemed to be on the third floor of $P19. I had to get my things together for the college orientation. I would have to dress in costume for this event. I looked at my costume, which i had picked up from the bed to the north of me. It was black with many straps wrapped around the torso of the costume. The straps had a hook on each end. It seemed very nice, but i did not know why they were on the costume. I would have to make up a story about why my costume had hooks. I headed to the west, descending the stairs into the crowded room. The people in the room seemed like college people, and this place felt like $P19. As i moved to the west, i was carrying a long bent pole in my right hand, and i was using it as a walking stick. It was part of my costume. The pole was made of metal, and curved like a bow. I headed to the east, into the bathrooms. Several young men watched me as i headed through the doors, and i realized that they found me attractive. It felt good to have the young men interested in me. I wondered if i could meet some tonight and go on a date. I walked to the southern wall of the room and started to urinate into the stalls. The stalls did not have urinals in them; they just had sand pits near the wall. Someone came into the bathroom to the west of me, moving to the northern wall to urinate as well. I moved a little to the east. The next pit over was filled with gravel. The gravel was in a round tray that was suspended on a counter on the wall. I thought that the urine would probably filter through the rocks and drip onto the floor below, where i thought there must be a drain. I looked below the counter, seeing that children’s toys were stacked there. This seemed very strange. The urine would run over the toys. I imagined telling the others i had come with about urinating on toys and how children might play with them after. It seemed rather distasteful. I looked at the toys as i urinated, noticed some matchbox cars near the bottom of the pile. I thought that these cars should be worth some money, but they were being wasted in the bathroom here. I backed to the north, away from the counter and zipped up my pants. Others came into the restroom from the east. I moved to the western wall to wash my hands in the sink. I turned around to see that the people coming in were a young woman and her parents. Thy were talking about the things in the cases that were set into the northern wall. I moved to the east to leave the room, but the people were blocking the way. I tried to squeeze around them on the southern side. I then remembered that i had to get my metal poles, which i had left propped against the northern end of the eastern wall. I worked my way around the small group of people and tried to grab my poles, but one of the women in the room was putting them away in the cases of the northern wall. She must have thought that they were part of the display from the bathroom. Annoyed, i pushed toward her and grabbed the poles, taking them back out of the closet. I did not say anything to her, but instead turned to the south and left the room.

I looked at the paper in front of me. I was trying to figure out the design. I moved the design that was on top so that i could see the older design below. I had drawn several patterns on the stack of paper. The older design was made up of several overlapping squares. It looked very interesting. I wanted to create a design that used a similar pattern, so i tried to focus on the patters so that i could figure out how to use it. I had been focusing on the star-like design that was on the top of the pad, but the older square designs looked very nice, and i wanted to try to emulate them.

12013 September 14

I felt anxious as i moved to the west, toward the printer, which was on the counter of the office. I had to print out several stacks of paper, and i felt rushed. I moved to the printer, where the paper was stacked. I started to reach for the paper, but i realized that a wasp was crawling on it. I was startled and withdrew my hand quickly. As i watched the paper for a moment, i could see several more wasps crawling over it. I moved away from the paper, backing to the east. I then realized that the wasps were on the wall to the west. I looked around the room more, noticing that the wasps were everywhere. I felt suddenly annoyed with them. I would have to get an exterminator to kill them.

12013 September 15

$A645 was playing music in the room of the old house. I had been listening to the classical music on the piano. $A645 then left the room, heading to the north. I looked at the scattered sheet music near me, and i started to gather it up. A man was sitting in the room to the east of me. He was watching me, and i felt uncomfortable with him here. I tried to focus on the music that was on the papers in front of me. I had been trying to write a music piece for piano. I thought of the music in six-eight time and ran a few melodies through my head. The man seemed intimidating in some way. He did not think that i could write music. He was $A645’s father. I was supposed to be writing the music for something that he was doing, but he was skeptical that i could do it. I asked him how long the music would be, and he told me that it should be ten minutes. I looked back at the sheets, thinking that i could write something that length. I kept thinking of repetitive arpeggios, trying to get the rhythm to match what i had thought up. I thought that the tempo would start out slowly and gradually get faster. The notes would also have to get more intense as the song went on. I walked to the south, contemplating this. I told the man that i actually had an older song that i could rewrite for this, but i said that i wanted to think of a new one.

12013 September 16

It was the end of a work day, and i was heading out of the office. The open space that i was in seemed to be on the second floor of a building, and it seemed to be like my job for $G6. I was taking my bicycle to the north, heading for a gap in the wall by the gray metal desk. I thought that i could walk through the gap rather than going around the western end of the hall as i had done before. As i moved to it, i thought that the gap was always here; i just never realized i could walk through it before. I stepped over something at the bottom of the gap, but got stuck. A blue railing ran across the gap. I had not noticed it before. A man was then sitting at the gray desk to the east of the gap. He commented on what i was doing. I told him that a gap used to be in the wall between the desks. I had not expected the blue railing to be there now. I told him that the gap was where the paper shredder used to be. I pushed my bicycle through the gap, but managed to tip it over to the north. Annoyed, i picked up the bicycle and started walking to the west. A woman was with me now as i walked down the main hallway of the building. She mentioned getting out the front door. I said that it was easy to get a bicycle over the obstacle at the front door. I thought that a lower section of obstacle was on the eastern side of the exit door, so it was much easier to take a bicycle over. We walked into the entryway of the building. We were on a landing near the top of the eastern end of the southern wall. A set of wooden stairs descended in font of us, leading into the main hall. We headed down them. The stairs seemed to be part of a tall wooden structure of square darkly stained beams that took up the southern side of the entryway. I told the woman that i remembered the structure, and i talked about the signature on it. A man was looking at us from the white tile floor below as we descended. He was to the north of us. I said that the wooden structure was made by someone famous. I could not remember exactly who, but i thought that it might be Bon Jovi. I looked back to the east at the carvings on the wooden steps to see if i could find the signature. I told the woman that i remembered the structure being refinished a few times when i had worked in this building, so i thought that the signatures might be worn or covered over. I could still see the sharp black signatures on the wood, thought. To my surprise, signatures were everywhere on the structure. I was now on the floor of the entryway, and i walked to the east, admiring the structure and looking at all the names that had been carved into it.

12013 September 17

I was in the small cottage, and it was cold and snowy outside. Everything seemed gray. I had to do something to help clean out the cottage. $F10 was heading to the south to shovel some snow around the outside of the cabin. I tried to get several of my things together so that i could go outside and do something. $X14 was moving around in the room near me. We had to be careful not to let him out. I gathered my things and followed $F45 or $F10 outside. $F45 was standing near the door with a snow shovel. I grabbed the snow shovel and walked to the south to start shoveling. The paths, however, were already shoveled. I looked around the house, trying to figure out what i could do. I was on the northern side of the house, which was the front of the house, and then i moved to the east. All of the paths seemed to be shoveled. I then noticed the cats on the eastern side of the house. they were standing near the southern corner, staring at me. I thought about $F45 as i looked at them. A woman near me said that the cats were old. I moved toward them. The large one near the house was white with gray spots. It had an oddly flat face with a large round head. It seemed strange, and i approached it to pet it.

People were cleaning up the camp area, which was a grassy field between the building. I headed to the northwest. People were scattered around the field, and i walked through them. On the western side of the field, a low stone mound ran north to south. I pushed through the crowd and stated to step over the stones. A man and a woman were standing near the stone mound. We were going to cross the mound at the gap in the trees. The man started over the mound, but started to fall backward. I was stepping carefully on a large rock to the east of the stone wall as he began to fall, so i was not in the best position to catch him. I quickly shifted my stance and tried to catch him. The woman help me catch him and keep him from falling. We then continued to the northwest.

12013 September 19

I walked to the west, crossing the crowded room. The other people were sitting in various places, chatting with each other. They seemed to be $G3, and they were here for some kind of function. I felt out of place and a little uneasy here. I wandered to the southwest, thinking that i should leave and do something, but i was uncertain. I stopped for a moment on the southern side of the room, listening to the others as they talked. I thought about the events that had happened. Many of the people here seemed to be gathered for an alumni event, but i did not seem to relate to many of the alumni. I turned to the east, starting to leave. I then noticed the large board of pictures that was leaning against the eastern wall. It seemed to be resting on a large darkly stained wooden piano. I quickly noticed a picture in the middle of the southern side of the board. It was a picture of something i had done with $G3. I remembered that it had something to do with a party or an event where i had helped $G3. I realized that the younger members of $G3 had enjoyed my participation, and that made me feel a little better. I then realized that they simply liked the fact that i was drunk at the event, which did not seem like something that people should really be proud of. I then noticed the white flags hanging across the tops of the pictures. The flags had purple letters and designs on them. Three words ran across the top, and the first word seemed to be “gamma”. I felt happy that $G3 was treating the event as though it was something special, even though it did not seem that special to me.

12013 September 20

I watched the scene happening in font of me. It took place in the Star Wars universe. Luke Skywalker walked toward the camera on the left side of the screen. He was talking to the woman, saying something special about the place. The background was dark, and they seemed to be in a cave or grotto. As Luke spoke, the rocks around him started to glow. He was talking about the special place, and it was causing the lights to illuminate. I watched the lights light up as the screen panned around at them. They were forming shapes, and i thought that the yellow glow looked like a large hand on the ground and wall. It was very interesting, and i wanted to know more about this special place.

I was in a chair in the large cinema, and $F45 was sitting to the west of me. We were facing the screen to the south. The movie or show had not yet started, and the house lights were still on. The chairs looked like old wooden theater chairs, and the room sloped down to the south. A woman moved around in the row ahead of us, to the southwest of me. She was standing in front of her chair, which had her jacket on it. She smiled at me when she saw me. I smiled back, suddenly wondering if she was attracted to me. Her smile made me think that she was showing interest. I thought that she was rather attractive, but i did not have any romantic interests with her. She headed to the west and then came back toward us in our row. It seemed that she wanted to speak to us. I adjusted $X14 on my lap so that i could let her pass if she wanted to walk in front of us. She stopped just to the west of us and told us that we could not have a cat in the theater. I felt annoyed, and i told her that i would hake the cat outside. I then realized that i would have to get fully dressed to leave the theater again. I was not wearing any pants at the moment. I had a beach wrap on while i was in the building. I tried to put my feet into the legs of my pants, but $X14 seemed to be in the way. I told $F45 to hold $X14 while i got dressed. He seemed disinterested, and i felt upset with him. As i passed $X14 to $F45, i noticed a worn spot on the collar of $F45’s black jacket. I pulled up my pants and stood up from my chair. I then turned back to $F45 but noticed that $X14 was not there. I asked where $X14, but $F45 or $F4 shrugged as if he did not care. I became upset, and i bent down to look for him under the chairs. I could not see him in the rows, and i started to feel worried that he was lost. People were still moving around the theater, so it became very confusing. I worried that $X14 would be frightened of all the commotion, and i started to feel more upset. I moved up the aisle to the north, looking for him among the chairs, but i could not see him. I then turned to the west at the end of the aisle, walking down the aisle that ran across the back of the theater. I started out of the theater, realizing that the door to the rest of the building was open. I looked down the white cement hall to see several utility spaces. I called $X14’s name as i started down the hall, very worried that he would get trapped in one of the mechanical spaces of the building. I then noticed the doorway to the north. It led to the old bowling alley. I remembered this place. I stepped through the door and looked down another hall to the west. This hall was covered with wood paneling and looked old. I called for $X14 again. A man came from a room on the south of the corridor and headed toward me. I let him pass. I was very upset about losing $X14 now. I felt as though i was about to cry, and i started to shake.

12013 September 21

I walked to the west along the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I felt rushed because something had just happened. I had come from the car, which was parked somewhere to the east of me. I felt that the situation was urgent, and i tried to figure out what was going on. It seemed that $A348 and a dark-skinned woman were killing people to the west. I could not believe that it was happening, and i hurried to find out what was going on.

I was on the northern end of the hotel, on the lower floor. I needed to get the elevator to the fifth floor, but i was not sure which elevator was correct. The metal doors were in the brown northern wall of the hallway. I paused in front of them, and then i got into the western door. I looked at the buttons, but was annoyed to find that the elevator did not go up. I must have gone in the other one before. I got out of the elevator, floating over the floor of the hallway, which was covered with dark-red carpeting. I floated to the south, noticing the tall bookshelf against the southern wall. The shelfs were filled with books, which had been labeled with yellow tags. The woman must have put the tags in the books to mark certain pages. I pulled one of the books off of the shelf and opened it to one of the tabbed pages. The tab pointed to a religious quote in the book. Disappointed, i put the book back on the shelf. I then turned to the west. A grassy lawn was now to the west of me. I thought that the woman who had marked the books was a neighborhood woman. I felt annoyed with her and complained to the other person. I then noticed $F10 and his parents in the yard to the east of me. They were having a party. I walked onto the lawn, feeling a little uncomfortable here. I decided that i should help them clean up, so i started gathering some of the white dirty plates to take them inside. The house was to the south of us. I walked across the wooden deck and came into the narrow house. The living room filled up the northern end of the house where i had entered. It was decorated with polished light-colored wood. It seemed to be on the lower level of the house, and the kitchen was on the second floor. The main level of the house was really the second floor, which one could get to from the street. The others had headed up a white plastic tube, which descended from the second floor. They had climbed up the tube, but i was not quite sure how it worked. It seemed too narrow to ascend easily. I stood on the chair with the plates, trying figure out how i could get up the tube, but i was having a hard time climbing. It did not seem that i was doing it correctly, and i felt embarrassed and frustrated. I should have taken the wooden spiral stairs that were to the west. I grabbed the wooden crossbeam to the east of me, trying to pull myself up. The beam was not stable, though, so i could not use it to pull myself up. I was worried that i would break something. $F10’s mother stood at the top of the tube now. She seemed annoyed with me, which made me feel even more uncomfortable. Several people had already climbed up the tube, and they told me what i should do. Someone told me to grab the handles. I looked at the sides of the tube, noticing handles. I pulled myself up, balancing the plates i had with me. As i reached the top, the square wooden hole now seemed very small. I was not sure that i would fit through it. I squeezed myself into the tight space, and, to my surprise, i came out in the kitchen of the house. I still felt very awkward and embarrassed. $F10’s mother then told me that i should have taken the stairs. She seemed annoyed with me, which made me feel bad. I wondered what i should do. I wandered the upstairs main floor of the house. I had to use the toilet, and i thought that i should have gone before. I started to feel wet in my pants. I thought that i should use the bathroom, but i just had. I looked around the upper floor. The floor had a rectangular hole in the center of it where the chute descended. A large glass window covered the western wall, on the opposite site of the chute from where i was. The kitchen was to the east of me, with a small dining area in front of it. The bathroom was a small room to the northwest. I could walk around the northern side of the rectangular opening to get to the bathroom. Instead, i turned to the east and headed back into the kitchen, where $F10 was. I felt nervous here. I had to use a toilet, but i did not want them to know that i was heading into a bathroom again. It would seem strange. I headed to the north a little, coming out onto the driveway, which ran down the northern side of the house. It was getting dark outside, but i could still see the old abandoned buildings to the west. I thought that there might be a toilet in those buildings. I felt anxious, wondering what i should do.

12013 September 22

I looked down at the map as the person to the west of me described the hike that we had gone on. The map was to the north of me, and so was the rectangular area of forest that we had hiked through. I focused on a spot in the upper left corner of the map, noticing a pink area on the map. The area represented a camp ground. I was suddenly interested in the camp ground, noticing the small buildings around the oval driveway. I imagined that we could stop at this area on our hike and stay overnight. I then thought about the hike, thinking that we had started in the small square green area on the lower left corner of the map. We had hiked to the north, along the western side of the rectangular forested area. I wondered if the hike could be done within a day, and i thought that it was not really that far, so we should be able to walk the entire distance within a day. We could stay at the resort overnight. I looked back at the top of the map, thinking about the hike as a large loop that ran from the southwestern corner of the park around the northern edge and then back down the eastern side of the park to the southeastern corner. I looked at the southeastern corner of the park, noticing the large pink area there. If we camped in tents the first night, then we would be able to make it all the way down to the southeastern corner of the park, where a larger cluster of lodging was. I looked at the pink area on the map, noticing that small words in black type labeled a red square building as a “resort”. This seemed like a very nice place to stay, and i was interested in lodging there. I thought about this. I looked to the north again, at the map of Greenland. The rectangular area of the forest now seemed to be a map of the islands that make up Greenland. I looked at the long narrow island that formed the western side of the island. It seemed that we had gone to the north along the island, but i was focusing on the small rounded island to the southeast. The long island ran north to south, and formed the western border of Greenland. A second long curving island ran from the northern end of the first island, running in a gentle arc from the northwest to the south, to the west of the first island. This island was also green, but it had areas of red on it. To the south of the second island was a third island, which was colored yellow. This was the island where the resort was. I looked to the north, seeing the flat white landscape of Greenland. A human in thick brown dress and a parka hood was walking to the east across the scene. I then looked back down at the yellow area on the island. We would have to bring supplies to this resort. I hoped that we would have enough to last. I thought about the others that had been on the barren landscape. Supplies seemed short, and i worried that we would not have enough. I then focused on the yellow again. The small round island had several tendril-like projections around the coast, from the north to the west. I watched the figure in brown walk into the small shack on the resort island. I thought about being in the resort, and i felt a little uncomfortable here. I was not quite sure that this was were i was supposed to be. I then looked at the yellow island on the southeastern corner of the map. I realized that the island had a strange break in the coastlines to the north and south. It looked as though the eastern part of the island had been shifted to the north by quite a way. I realized that this island must be on the border of the two continental plates, and one of the plates was shifting to the north. I remembered that Iceland was also on two plates, and that volcanoes occurred in the middle of the island along the rift. I glanced to the southeast of the island that i had been looking at, thinking that Iceland must be on the same rift somewhere to the southeast of Greenland. I spotted a smaller island in that direction and decided that it must be Iceland. I then glanced back at the resort area, thinking about the volcanoes. I had walked to the north, into the front entrance of the shed, which was actually the resort. People were gathered here. I felt out of place here, thinking that i did not belong with these people. They seemed wealthy, and i knew that i was not as wealthy as they were. I stood near the southern wall of the room, noticing the flashing red lights to the northwest. The lights must have something to do with the volcanic jets coming out of the rift in the center of the island. The interior of the building was dark, and the western wall seemed to be two stories tall. People were sitting at tables on the second level of the western wall. They chatted as they gazed out over the open room. The volcanic rift must be in the center of the room. I then thought that a real rift could not be in the room, so it must be a show that the resort was putting on. I moved to the west a little to get a better look, but i realized that a performer was now moving toward me. I had been standing on a narrow ledge on the black southern wall. the performer had just finished a show and was walking along the ledge toward me. I did not want the others to find me here, so i hurried to the east to get out of sight. I came into a small room, which i realized was a dressing room. I had no place else to go. I turned back to the west just in time to see the performer open the door. She was wearing a short red sequin dress and seemed to have feathers fanning out from her shoulders. She seemed surprised to see me. I had to pretend that i had been doing something in this room. She seemed familiar, and she reminded me of an actor from a movie. I was not sure what i should do, and i felt very uncomfortable here.

The others were still talking in the room to the west. I headed down the front hall of the house on $P12. I was heading to the east when i replied to one of the people to the west of me. The front of the house faced south. I came into the white sun room and turned to the north, walking along the eastern wall. I remembered the patio outside, even though i could not see the patio through the windows to the east of me. I stopped in the middle of the eastern wall, looking at the door. I noticed a puddle of water on the floor near the door. At first, i thought that the water was flowing in from the door, but then i realized that the water outside the door was actually forming a puddle. The water was flowing under the door from the inside. I looked back to the south, noticing that the long puddle of water ran along the eastern wall of the room from the south. I called out to the others to the west, telling them that water was leaking into the house from somewhere. I could see the puddle forming in the southeastern corner of the room. I mentioned this to the other people as i came to the corner and looked down at the water. A white door was in the eastern wall, to the east of me. I wondered if the water was leaking from under the door. I opened the door and looked out onto the patio. I could not quite tell where the water was coming from, but i knew that it was leaking in from the patio though this door. The patio now seemed to be a screened in porch. A white door was in the southern wall of the porch, just to the southeast of me. The door opened suddenly, and i felt suddenly afraid of the people who were coming into the house. I started to run to the west, but realized that i had left the door to the sun room open. I turned back to the east to close the door. I could see the door to the east of me. It was still open, but it slowly swinged back to closed. Someone had opened it, and i thought that they were just out of sight to the south. I felt afraid of them, and i had to escape. I worried that they would kill me. I imagined running back into the house. I knew that they would come after me, so i would have to find a place to hide. I imagined running to the small bedroom on the western side of the second floor. I imagined that i could take $X14 with me and hide under the bed. I wondered if they would be able to find me there. I then thought that i could push open the small window in the northern wall of the room and climb out onto the roof. I wondered if there really was a roof on any of the upper floors of the house that i could climb out on. I would have to break through the screen to get out, and then i would have to tear away the screen so that the invaders did not know that i had broken out of the bedroom window. I thought that they would be blocking the entrances around the house, so i would not be able to escape on the first floor. I would have to escape on the second floor. I thought i could hide on the small roof to the north of the bedroom window.

I had been thinking about the house on $P12, and i mentioned it to the other person, who was with me. I then turned to the west, noticing two young men standing near the house. I had been lying on the ground, on my belly. The other person was to the east of me. We seemed to be just outside the sun room of the house. I could see through a screened wall to the west, where we could see a small area to the north of the house. The two men had come from the northwest, and they turned to the west to face a window on a small section of the white house. The small section protruded to the north of the main part of the house, and it had white siding on it. The man to the south work a red sleeveless T-shirt and blue denim shorts. He was oriental, with black hair. The man to the north was boreal and wore a gray sleeveless T-shirt. Both of the men were tall and skinny. The boreal man had two metal poles in his hands. The poles had triangular heads on the upper ends. I felt suspicious of the two men, thinking that they were trying to break into the house. The boreal man motioned toward the building and then pressed one of the poles against the wall. The triangular end seemed to be a good, and he was using it to grasp the top of the window above him. He was using the poles to scale the side of the house. They were trying to get in. I felt angry with them, and i yelled at them to get their attention. They did not hear me at first, so i shouted at them again. I had sat up, but was still on the ground. The two men looked around at me. They seemed unconcerned as they backed away from the house and started walking back to the west, along the northern side of the house. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”: i scolded them. They stopped and turned to walk back toward me. I realized that they were angered by my comment. I should not have said anything to them. They were now challenging me. They did not intimidate me, and i tried to let them know that i was not concerned by them. They approached the screen between us and started talking to me. I looked up at them, realizing that two other men with now with them. The other men were older, and i thought that they must be the leaders. One old man, who had gray and white hair, must be telling the younger men what to do. One of the boys then told me that the older man with the white hair was Professor Philips. I recognized the name. I looked up at the man, who seemed to be Jonathan Pryce. He had white hair and a short white beard. I remembered Professor Philips as being overweight and short, but i thought that he could have lost a lot of weight, and that this man might be him. It did not seem correct, though. This man looked a little like Professor Philips, but he did not seem to be the person i knew. I told the men that he was not the Professor Philips that i knew. The men were standing very near me now, leaning against the screen. Jonathan Pryce was on the northern side of the group, and he had his left leg in the air, as if ready to stomp on me. I knew that he could not do this through the screen. I was worried that the men might attack me, but i stood up to them. I then realized that i was talking to the two young men again. The older men had walked around the northern side of the wall and had entered the house through the door to the south of me. I felt angry with them. The young men smirked at me as i started running toward the open white door. I ran into the house, thinking that i should lock the door so that the two young men do not get in. I felt very angry now as i headed to the west down the front hall of the house. I could hear the two men talking. They seemed to be in the western room of the house. As i reached the front door of the house, though, i noticed that the cellar door to the north of me was open. The Jonathan character had headed down the stairs to do something. He also seemed like Brent Spiner. I remembered that he had been looking at electrical boxes on the outside of the house. I thought that he must be headed for the electrical box downstairs. I felt very angry now, and i thought that i would tackle and beat him before he could do anything else. I hoped that i could get to him in time.

12013 September 23

I gathered my things in the small bedroom in my parents’ house. I had come up the stairs from the north and was doing something just inside the door of the bedroom. My mother seemed to be to the east of me as i bent over the bed to pick something up. I heard a buzzing sound near my head, and i looked up, noticing the large hole in the plaster. The hole was mostly vertical, but spread to the sides a little along the seam were the sloped ceiling met the short wall on the southern side of the room. I looked into the hole, wondering if the buzzing was from a hornets’ nest. I could not see anything. I thought that the hornets might be under the eves of the house, which would put them a meter or so from the hole. I thought that they could be lower in the wall, near the eves. As i looked into the hole, i realized that i could see quite a distance into the house. It was dark, and my eyes did not adjust right away, but i eventually saw several wood beams through the opening, which was now bigger than it had been before. I moved a little to the west so that i could see to the east. I was looking up a little, and i noticed a large opening on the other side of the wall. A pair of work gloves hung over the side of a horizontal beam. A pair of yellow-handled wire clippers rested on the beam just to the west of the gloves. My father must have left them there from when he was working on the house. I imagined that they had been hidden there for a while, and i mentioned them to my mother. I then looked more to the southeast, noticing a large illuminated room on the other side of the wall. I was surprised to see it. It looked like a small bedroom, but it was hidden behind the wall. I then remembered what Laurie Anderson had said about having dreams about hidden rooms. I glanced to the east, down the wall of the bedroom to make sure that these two rooms did not connect. I then looked back into the hole, seeing a round white globe handing from the ceiling of the room. It slowly started to illuminate. Someone had turned on the light. This could not be an abandoned room. I then remembered that the white room was actually part of the bedroom i had on the third floor of the house. I looked to the southwest, staring into the third-floor bedroom from the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. The bedroom was white, and it had been new when i had moved out of the house. I never got to sleep in the extra parts. I remembered that it had a space for a large bed over the top of the shower room, which was against the western wall of the bedroom. I mentioned sleeping over the bed to the person to the east of me, and they snickered, saying that it was not true. The person knew that i had moved out of the house before the bed was finished. The space i had been looking at through the wall was actually the space over the top of the bed. The room was below, out of view, which was why i could not see it through the crack in the wall.

I was back at $P7, in the large room where the rest of the students were. I felt out of place here, and i was not sure what i should do. I realized that i was in a gym class. This was not the sport that i was familiar with, but, since i had returned here, i felt that i would have to help out with the gym classes. The young men around me were playing hockey. I stood on the ice with them as they formed two lines. The lines ran east to west and faced each other. I was near the eastern end of the lines, sitting on the ice. A man in a gray T-shirt was sitting near me. He was chatting with his friend, who was to the southwest of him. I stood still as the man backed a little to the east, pushing into me. He turned and nodded at me before wandering off to the south. I then realized that most of the men were heading to the west, into the next room. I started to follow them, coming into a room which seemed like a pool. I looked down at my feet, realizing that i was not wearing any shoes. I decided that i would have to go back to the other room to get something to wear on my feet. I ran back to the east, across the ice of the hockey rink. The ice felt much colder now on my feet, and i thought that it was probably because my feet were wet now. I then wondered if i had actually brought any socks or shoes with me. I felt unprepared for this. When i reached the eastern side of the room, i turned around and headed back to the west. I wondered if the water on my feet would stick to the ice that i was running across. I had grabbed something from my bag, but i was not sure that i had my shoes with me. I stopped part of the way across the room, near the blue couch that was against the northern wall. I sat down on the armrest of the eastern end of the couch. I did not have my socks with me, but two tube socks were sitting on the couch. They had been left there, and they seemed dirty. I picked them up, wondering if i should wear them. I felt awkward because they were someone else’s socks. I sat on the couch for a moment, contemplating what i should do. The couch now seemed to be in the center of the room. Two women walked past me from the east. After a moment, i put down the socks and headed to the west. I came to the area where the team was gathered, but they were heading back to the east. I looked to the west. I was not outside, and i seemed to be between $P7 and the field house. People were talking around me as they walked back to the east, toward $P7. I then noticed the large green tractor riding through the crowd. It hit the corner of the building as it turned to the south, rounding the corner of the field house. The people seemed surprised at the hit, but did not seem concerned. I looked at the field house as i continued to follow the others back to the east. I remembered that the building had been reconstructed. The building was white, but i could see a brick section around the door that we had just come out of. The bricks on the top of the southern side of the section seemed worn. I realized that the addition had been put on the building quite a while ago. The rain must have started to erode the tops of the bricks. I turned my attention back to the east as we walked. I suddenly started to feel that i was really a student here. I had felt like i was myself, which would make me much older than the students, but now i seemed more like a student. I wondered if i had been reborn into a new body here. I walked down the hallway, which had blue lockers on both walls. I was still carrying the things in my arms. I had thought that they were shoes and socks, but, when i looked down at them, i could see that i was carrying three plastic containers, which looked like used cheese containers. I thought that they would be filled with pasta sauce, and i hoped that i did not spill them. I realized that the lid on one was loose, and i tried to secure it. I put the container with the loose lid down on a counter to press the lid down securely. I was aware that men were following me closely. I thought that they were teasing me about something. I did not feel comfortable here, and i wondered if something had been stuck on my back. As i stood up, i pressed my back against one of the lockers on the northern wall, trying to feel if anything was stuck to the back of my shirt. I did not feel anything unusual, so i continued to the east, walking through the science wing of the school. This school seemed like $P7. The woman near me told me that this used to be the astronomy department. I looked to the north, into the large open room, which seemed like the old science lecture room. The walls of the room were covered with yellow tiles. The woman talked about Scoobie Doo. It had something to do with the old classes that used to be taught here. I turned to the west and walked down the hall. I had to get to my class. I felt nervous about being back in this place. I then imagined that i would tell the administrators here about the people that i knew when i was here long ago. I thought that i could mention $A206 and $A186. It would seem strange for me to tell them this because i was not actually old here. I was a young person because i had been born into a new body. This then seemed like a very strange thing, and i thought about it as i continued to the west. I then realized that i was wearing blue jeans and a red shirt. I looked rather ragged, which was not an appropriate way to dress for school. I was uncomfortable in these clothes and thought that i would have to change into something nicer. My home seemed like such a long way away, though, so i imagined teleporting to the house. I continued walking to the west instead, finding myself crossing a large tan field of dry grasses. A river ran to the south of me. This time was in the future from when i had lived before. I imagined that $F4’s child was attending the school that i had been in. I then thought that $F4 was dead now, but $A184 was still alive and was at the school. I continued walking to the west, becoming aware that other people were to the east of me on the dirt road that i was walking along. The river ran very close to the road on the western side of the field. I then spotted the large birds that were standing in the water. The were taller than i was and looked like feathered dinosaurs. I suddenly felt very uneasy as they watched me. I stopped on the road and looked at them. They had red and purple feathers and stood very still in the shallow water on the opposite side of the water. I became afraid of them and turned back to the east. I talked to $A184 about the birds as i headed back down the road toward the school. These bird had evolved since i had been in this place, and i did not know exactly what they were. $A184 agreed that the birds were very large. I approached a large metal street sign, which was on the southern side of the dirt road. I thought that it might say something warning people about the birds. I had not seen it before. I moved over to it to read it, but the sign had been posted in loose soil, which was softened by the rain. As i touched the sign, it fell over to the west, landing on the bank of the river. The river was now rushing to the west. The water was muddy and looked like flood waters. It would be hard for the birds to cross this river, so i felt a little safer. I headed to the northwest with $A184. I talked with him about $F4’s funeral. I then described myself to $A184, trying to convince him that i was the person who had known $F4 in high school.

12013 September 24

I walked to the north a little as the others in the room spoke. We had just entered the apartment from the east. It seemed like we had been doing something to the east, when we were outside of the building. The man in the center of the room mentioned something, and i headed to the west, down one of the corridors. People had been sleeping to the west. I wandered through a hallway, talking to someone to the west of me, and then i was back in the main room with the others. The man i had come to this house with wanted to play poker with the people here. I stood at the northern end of the room, thinking about what i had been doing to the west. The small apartment seemed sparsely furnished. The man who lived here sat in a tall stool on the western side of the room, watching me as i walked to the south, crossing the room. The man i had come with was still by the door, in the northern end of the eastern wall. The man on the stool mentioned the poker game, but i did not feel interested in the game. I walked to the window on the southern end of the room and looked out. I thought about the bedrooms to the west, which seemed very familiar. I had been there with someone who had seemed like a relative. I then turned to the north. I felt weary of the poker game and the people playing. I did not really want to stay here, but i was not sure how i could leave. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and looked at the screen, pretending that i had a message. I started fooling with the screen, and then i headed to the south again. I told my friend that i would be back in a moment, and i wandered outside. I looked at the black cell phone again, seeing a blue hue to the screen. When i turned back around to the north, i was outside, to the south of the large tan brick apartment building. I thought that the others could see me from the window of the upper floor. I held my telephone to my right ear, pretending to talk to someone. I then thought that i should head back to the west. My grandmother’s house seemed to be a few blocks away, and i thought that i should go there to get something. I started wandering to the west, thinking that i would come back to the apartment later. I would have to get something.

12013 September 25

I flew low to the ground, heading to the southwest, toward $P19. It was night, but i could easily see where i was going as i crossed the grassy lawn at the front of the house. I had wanted to come here last weekend, when the house was celebrating homecoming, but i had not. I flew to an upper level of the house and entered from the east, which was now the southern side of the room. I found myself in the small room on the upper floor of the house. I had lived in this room when i was here, but the room was now sealed off from the rest of the house. I moved around the small darkened room, thinking about the person who seemed to be to the west of me, in the next room. They did not know that i was here. I turned to the southwest, looking at the small bed. I remembered that this was actually a bedroom. I then thought that i had to urinate, and i remembered that this was really a bathroom at one point in time. I wondered if the fixtures were still in the room. The rooms to the north and south had been made into bedrooms, so it seemed that it could be convenient to have a bathroom on the third floor. I thought that they could still hook up a sink and toilet, but i was not sure that the water still worked up here. I then realized that a toilet was already in the southwestern corner of the room. I felt that i had just urinated in the toilet, so i flushed it. I wondered what the man in the room to the north would think. I then noticed the old textured brass radiator that was hanging on the southern wall. I remembered that the heat in this room worked very well when i had lived here. The radiator was only a half meter tall, and had only one layer of pipe, which ran from the top of the eastern end, curved down at the western end, and ended at the bottom of the eastern end. A black pipe came up from the floor to meet the eastern end of the radiator. I suddenly felt a little chilly, so i pushed against the radiator. I could feel a small amount of heat coming from it. The utilities in the room still worked. It could still be used as a bedroom. I moved to the north, toward the small square hole that was cut low in the wall. The room had been hidden from the outside and could only be accessed through a small trap door. I opened the panel in the wall and was surprised at how small the opening really was. I knew that i had been through the opening before, but i did not remember it being that small. I pushed my head through the opening, knowing that it had to be wide enough for my shoulders to fit through. I could feel the thin wood paneling scrape against my right shoulder as i exited the room. I was on the third floor, and i would have to make my way to the lower floor. I then turned to the west, finding myself in a wide square stairwell on the second floor of the house. The thick wood bannisters and railings of the stairwell were made of darkly stained wood, and the stairs started on the southwestern side of the stair well, running to the north. They turned to the east, following a landing along the northern wall, before descending down the eastern wall to the lower floor. I could hear a few people to the southwest of me on the lower floor. They seemed to be watching television. They were on the western side of the large white room, just out of my eye sight. I wanted to do something in the house, but i was not sure what i should do, and i felt a little nervous being here. I decided that i did not really want to be here, even though i had come to hang out with people. I felt awkward here. I flew down the stairs and headed to the west. As i jumped, i realized that i was still wearing by blue housecoat and a loose pair of white pajamas on my legs. I knew that the men to the south of me would be able to see me as i crossed the room, and i thought that it might be of interest to them to see me fly, but i felt a little self conscious because of what i was wearing. I hoped that none of them actually recognized me, and i continued across the hall and into the library. I thought that i would simply fly to the west and exit the house. As i reached the eastern wall of the library, i could see a few people sitting to the northwest. They were on the porch outside the room, and i could see them through the screen on the door. Five or six people seemed to be on the porch, talking and smoking cigars. They would definitely see me as i passed to the south of them. I thought it would be interesting to say hello to them as i left the house. I flew to the west. The house had a wing extending to the west on the north of me. I flew along it before rising up into the air. Several $G3 now moved around me, and someone called my name from the east. I turned to see $A223 sitting on the edge of the roof. He was wearing a pale-blue T-shirt. I said hello to him, reaching out with my right arm to shake his outstretched hand. He could not quite reach me from the roof. I thought that he had come the previous weekend for reunion and that he must have stayed over. I wanted to talk to him, but i felt very good, so i flew up into the air. $G3 walked to the west of me. I headed northwest across the grassy lawn, but then turned back to the northeast as i lifted into the air. I focused on my hands, which i was pressing out in front of me. I seemed to be using them to balance my flight. It seemed that i was pushing something out of the palms of my hands, and i imagined it worked like small rocket engines. I waved my hands in and out for a moment to balance my flight as i turned up into the air. The others would realize how i was able to fly because they could see me do this. I then closed my eyes. I was heading down again, but i knew that i was swooping back up. I then wondered how close to the ground i really was. I imagined that i was actually just above the grass and simply did not realize it. My vision was covered with gray, and i thought that something might actually be covering my eyes.

12013 September 26

$A14 was on the eastern side of the room, showing me something. I had come from the north, and was now standing on the western side of the room, facing southeast. $A14 was lifting several large black rolled-up posters from the ground. I had been doing something with the posters, so, when $A14 asked a question about the posters, i talked about them as though i knew something about them. The posters were mostly black, with cartoon figures in boxes across the page. Large thin white sans-serif letters across the bottom of the page displayed the name of the series, which i remembered from before. The name on the poster that i had picked up seemed to be “He el”. This was very familiar. $A14 was rolling up a poster to the southeast of me, and he mentioned the name of the show, calling it “He Al”. That name sounded correct. I told him that the poster i had just picked up had a different name, and i noticed that the poster he was now holding had a third name. Each poster was from a different episode of this show. I referred to the large screen to the north, which was on the northern wall. It was showing the animated series. I should have been watching it because i was supposed to be editing it, but i had not been paying close attention. I moved closer to the screen, trying to get a look at the images. They seemed to be similar shades of red and white against a black background to the poster. I could not get a clear look at the images, though, because the wide white blinds were pulled down over it. I lifted the lower left corner of the blinds to see more of the image as i spoke to the person about them. The images had been projected on the southern wall earlier, and i remembered watching parts of them. I had not been watching consistently, though. I must have been doing something else. I knew that i should have been editing the images, however, so i thought that i was probably supposed to be watching it all the time. I told the person to the east of me about the short breaks in the video, where the video seemed to skip small sections of scene. I told him that the movie was good, but the small spaces would have to be edited out. I then shrugged, telling the person that the commercials would have to be edited out anyway. I remembered watching part of the show on the southern wall. One episode had stopped, and i remembered seeing a commercial before the next started. The commercial seemed to be in faded black and white. I looked back to the north, where a black stage stood on the northern end of the auditorium. I was sitting in the middle of the audience, watching the actors perform. This seemed like a community-theater show. Many actors seemed to be on stage, and they were moving east and west as they spoke. One of the actors seemed to be $A20. He said something on the western end of the stage. Something seemed awkward about the play, and i thought that it was a very messy and quickly produced show. I told the person to the east of me that the show was rather strange. The actors then switched to a different song, and a woman walked toward us from the stage. I now seemed to be sitting only a few seats to the east of the central aisle of the theater. The woman was dressed in dark-purple pants, which had a polyester shine to them. She wore a matching purple tube top, which seemed to be either fuzzy or covered with non-reflective sequins. She had dark skin, and her dark-brown hair formed a fuzzy afro. As she leaned forward over the seats a few rows in front of me, i realized that her tube top only came up to her ribs, and that her breasts were exposed. Her breasts seemed nicely rounded, with large nipples. To me, it seemed to be a very modern play. I mentioned this to the person next to me as i thought about how it should not matter whether a man or woman were shirtless. The older man in the dark trench coat, who was sitting in the row in front of me, shifted to the west, turning his head away from the woman. A man on stage then started to sing the solo. I knew him from somewhere. He seemed very familiar. He looked hispanic, and he had a stocky build. I was interested in his performance and listened to him sing. $A364 was sitting to the east of me. She commented on the man, saying that he should do better. The man finished his song and headed to the east, leaving the stage. The large group of people on the stage then started to head off of the stage. I noticed a man on the western side of the stage who was wearing a red tanktop. He was nicely muscled, and i thought that he looked very attractive. I then realized that the performers were leaving the stage for the end of the show. I must have only seen the second part of the show. I felt disappointed, thinking that the play happened so fast that i missed most of it. $F45 stood up and headed to the northeast to get something. I started to stand, but realized that i had to put my shoes back on. I had been sitting cross-legged in my chair. I bent over to pick up my shoes from the ground, but realized that i had been in the area of the theater where water was running across the floor. The water had frozen around the sides of my shoes, so i had to break the ice off of the shoes before i could put them on. The house lights had come up and people were standing on the stage, talking about the music. I put my shoes on and stood among the chairs of the theater, waiting for $F45 to come back.

12013 September 27

I passed through the small cement storage room, listening to the others talk. They were talking about the shuttle, which had crashed. They complained about, saying that their ship had been hit. I continued down the hall, but the view changed so that i could see the space shuttle floating near the outside of the space ship. I followed the man around the corner, turning to the north. I came into a white room, which had long white metal shelfs covering the northern wall. A small white model of the space shuttle was on the shelf. I watched it for a moment, trying to figure out what was changing. I then turned to the east, noticing that the television was turned on. It was showing something about the shuttle. The large object moving outside the window, which was above the television, in the eastern wall, caught my attention. A large truck was moving to the south, down the driveway. I moved to the window, trying to see what the truck was doing. I then realized that it was following the driveway, which curved around the southern part of the house. I moved to a window in the southern wall of the small living room. I thought that it was here to deliver a package, so i thought that i should go to the front door on the southern side of the house to get the package. I came into the other small room of the house, where two other people were talking. They seemed to be talking about the shuttle. I could see out the windows in this room much better, but i could not see the truck. I wondered where it had gone. I leaned toward the window and looked in both directions. I then spotted two women to the west, helping an old man into the rear end of the white delivery truck. The truck had already delivered the cushioned chair, which i could see sitting on the ground to the rear of the truck. I wondered how they had delivered it so quickly. I backed into the house and started to the west, across the basement, thinking that the chair would be delivered to the large doors in the western wall of the damp cement basement of the house. As i reached the door, the two women were talking about the chair. One of them said that the skirt around the chair was too big, and the other agreed. I looked at the chair’s skirt, noticing that it was ruffled so much that it stuck out like a tutu around the base of the chair. I told them to stop the truck from leaving until i could check to see that it was the correct chair. I looked at the bottom of the chair, noticing a small chain or stick holding the skirt on. The skirt had a large floral pattern. It was somewhat ugly, but it was not unreasonable. Something about the pattern reminded me of a vacuum. I pushed on the bottom of the chair, trying to get the skirt to stay down, but it would not. White seeds fell out from the bottom of the chair as i moved it over the ground. This was not correct. The chair was not supposed to do this. This must be the wrong chair. I looked around for the others to tell them that the man had delivered the wrong chair.

12013 September 28

I descended the stairs to the west, coming into the underground room. The rectangular cement room ran to the north from the stairs. I headed to the north a little, but noticed another set of stairs descending into the floor and eastern wall of the room. This led to another underground corridor. I saw a man coming through the doorway at the bottom of the steps. I felt angry with him. He should not have been there. A man with me told me not to worry about him, but i was angry that he was here. He should not have been in this building. The man turned to the west, ignoring me. I became very upset, and i charged down the stairs after him.

12013 September 29

I headed through the narrow streets of the tan city. I was in a foreign country, and i was walking to the south to get my car. I had parked it on one of the streets on the southern side of the city. I had to leave here. I then remembered that my car had no brakes. It was a problem before. I had tried to press the pedal, but the brakes did not work. I pressed the pedal again as i thought about this. Again, the car did not slow down, and i felt panicked. The car was heading down the hill to the west, and i did not know how to stop it. I was then in my car again, and i was driving up a hill to the east. The man was following me in his car. He had followed me while i was walking. I was suspicious of him, but i tried to ignore him. I was on my way out of the city, and i thought that i could simply head back the way i had come. I pictured the large tan city. It looked picturesque, with a curving river running through the southern side of the town from east to west. The central part of the city was just to the north of the river. I would have to head to the south to go around the center of the city. I wanted to avoid the heavily populated areas so that i could get out of the city more quickly. I then remembered that my car did not have any brakes. I wondered how i was driving so easily now. I must have switched cars. I turned to the north, crossing the metal truss bridge. The bridge ran over the river, and led out of the city.

12013 September 30

I looked down at my right elbow. Something was bothering me, and the elbow felt uncomfortable. I had something stuck to my skin. I could see two red pointy things on the underside of my right elbow. They looked like red pimples. I pulled them off. I thought that they might actually be moles. I rubbed my elbow where i had pulled them from. The skin hurt. I must have created holes in the skin when i pulled them off. I thought that i should disinfect the area, and i thought that i should get alcohol. I started to move around, thinking about the pointy bumps. I wondered if they were some kind of disease. I felt worried about them. I then saw plastic spines over skin. I was looking at something very close. The spines must have grown out of my skin. I then focused on two clear plastic spines that were near skin. I worried about them, thinking that they would be growing out of my skin. I wondered what i should do. I turned to the west to talk to the woman. I suddenly noticed that she had many thin plastic poles sticking out of her chest. She must have been growing the spines as well. Her long blond hair hung around the poles. I wondered suddenly how she could brush her hair with the plastic pieces sticking out. I thought that the many long rods would get in the way.

I looked at the picture frames on the wall to the east. They had words in the center of them. The first word on one of the frames was “Edward”. I looked at the other frame, to the south of the first. It had a longer set of names on it. I tried to focus on the names, but i could not quite read them. I then thought that i had to do something. I was here for a reason. I drove my car to the south, down the country road. I noticed bees swarming around in the area ahead of me. I did not think that i should drive through them. They were swarming out of the trees on the western side of the road. I turned my car to the north, into the dirt parking lot in front of the small store. I was going to turn around and head back. I noticed that a car in the parking lot had been parked oddly. It was facing the southwest, but not quite diagonal to the store. I got the jar of gasoline from the store. I was going to use it to keep the bees away. I walked back to the car with it, but the jar was leaking. It was not a bad leak, so i could just wipe off the extra gas with a paper towel.

$A184 was in the bookstore with me as we looked around at the things there. The store had windows high on the walls, and the floor of the store seemed to be set a few meters below the level of the street outside. The wooden bookcases were filled with books, and i looked around at them. It felt good to be here. This place seemed like a college bookstore, and many of the books had to do with academic topics. I looked at something to the east of me. $A184 joked with me about something, and he started fooling around. He pushed me, challenging me to push back. I liked horseplay like this, but i thought that we should not do this in the book store. It did not feel appropriate. I told $A184 to stop as i bent over to look at the books on the shelf to the east of me. They were childrens’ books. I chatted with $A184 for a moment. I liked fooling around with him, but we could not do it here because it would be disruptive to others. I then noticed the large alarm clock on the shelf to the north. It seemed out of place here. It had a large round bell on the top of it.