12014 September 02

I headed into the room on the southwestern side of the building. $G4 was gathering there, and i spoke to several of them. The rain outside was very heavy, and the people were talking about the storm. I thought about the heavy rains as i walked to the north along the eastern side of the area. $A9 was to the west of me, and he grabbed me suddenly. Something was wrong. I looked up to the west and i saw the brown funnel cloud. The tornado was very close to us, but this was not real. I was simply imagining this plot. I reached to the south and grabbed on to the bench that was against the southern wall. I was holding on so that the strong wind did not suck me away. I then imagined the scene from before, where my mother was in the room with me, and i was holding her hand to keep her from floating away. I thought about this for a moment before walking back to the north, across the eastern end of the room. I was still speaking to the others in the room about the storm. I then looked out the window to the west. I was looking out over the small pond, which seemed to be $P97. The water had been covered with debris, but the pale debris was now clustered into rounded patches in the center of the lake. I was interested in how this was happening, and i thought that it must be because of the heavy rains, which now seemed to be over. The water seemed to be coming into the pond from the east, and i thought that the water from the rains would still not be in the lake yet. It would be arriving now because it took time to drain from the land. I looked to the south, along the side of the stone building that i as in. The building was on the edge of the water. I realized that water was running over a wall that ran from the southeastern corner of the building. The wall ran to the south and seemed to be part of a dam. I knew that the main dam was to the north of the building, and i wondered if the water was supposed to be flowing over the wall to the south. The water must be very high if it was flowing over the wall to the south. I focused on the wall, noticing that the water suddenly started flowing more swiftly over the stone wall. I told the other person near me to watch the water. A fallen tree must have been on the top of the wall, and it must have fallen over the wall to the west, causing the water to start flowing faster. I cloud see a fallen pine tree now near the top of the wall. I shifted my position to try to get a better view. As i looked at the water again, i heard a grinding sound. A dead floating tree started moving more quickly toward the wall. The grinding sound must have been a wood chipper within the wall. I thought that it was grinding up the trees that got caught on the wall. I then wondered how the chipper would work under the water. I told the other person that the flood gates must have been opened to help drain the water out of the pond before it overflows too much. I wondered if i would be able to see the water level drop along the stone wall. Several of the trees now seemed to be flowing over the top of the wall. I watched the water for the moment to see if the level would drop. I then noticed the metal tube near the southern end of the wall. I could now see a stone pillar near the southern end of the wall. It was about a meter taller than the rest of the wall. A metal pipe ran from under the water, across the northern side of the pillar, and ended just over the western end of the wall. Water was poring out of the pipe. I thought that this must be the normal way that water would flow over the wall, but the water was so high that it was flowing over the wall near the pipe. As i looked along the wall, i noticed several other pipes running over the top of the wall. They seemed to have metal braces holding the ends of them up just above the wall. I realized that they were in a regular pattern along the top of the wall, and i wondered if a mechanical system moved the pipes up and down. As i watched, i wondered if the pipe near the southern end of the wall was actually moving. The wall now seemed to be a metal structure, like the wing of an airplane. The pipes were actually part of the mechanisms within the wing. I focused on the pipe to see if i could watch it moving. I then noticed that they were in a different position again, even though i did not see them moving. I realized that the pipes were cycling though different positions, and i was fascinated by the way they worked. The tubes were now extending over the wing, and i was looking out the window of the airplane, down the span of the wing. The others were sitting in the row to the south of me. I moved to the window to get a better view. I told the others how the tubes on the wing were shifting. I then focused on the man standing near the southern end of the wing. He was wearing a white space suit. I thought that i should take a picture of the man out the window. We seemed to be at a very high altitude, and i could see the black sky above us and the curve of the atmosphere at the horizon. I wanted to take a picture of the scene out the window. It looked very nice. I stood in front of the glass for a moment, wondering if there was too much glare off the window to take a picture. I decided that i would be able to take the picture, so i turned to the north and started across the eastern end of the room. I realized that were on the edge of space, so i knew that the gravity here would be very light. I thought about this as i headed toward the eastern wall, where my camera bag was. I wondered why i was not floating. I crouched down and looked through the camera bag, taking out my camera. I was annoyed to realize that i did not have the correct lens on the camera. I picked up the camera bag, thinking that the other lens should still be attached to the side of the bag. The casing for the lens was on the bag, but the lens was not in the casing. I wondered if it had fallen out. I then heard music from behind me. I realized that the show we had been watching was over and a new show was starting. The music was the theme to I Dream of Jeannie. I felt disappointed that i had missed the picture that i wanted to take. The space show was over. I turned to see Major Nelson and another person standing in a doorway in the southern end of the western wall of the room. He acted nervous, but he was dressed up in a medieval costume. They seemed to be acting in a play, which was part of the plot of the show. They would be stuttering because they were nervous about acting and they did not know their lines well enough. The actor was not doing that great a job, but i knew that the show did not really require much acting ability. $F10, who also seemed like $F45, seemed to be in the room. I thought that he would see how bad an actor the man playing Major Nelson was doing in this show. Major Nelson backed into the room to the west, pushing the tall dark-skinned man back. This was supposed to be funny. I turned back to the east, focusing on where i was going. I had to continue to the east, across the parking lot. I was driving my car, and the large stadium was to the northeast of me. The stadium seemed empty now, and it was late at night. I thought that the show was over, but i had to get to the stadium. I drove my car over the snow-covered parking lot. The snow was very deep, and my car was skidding. I had to park for the show. I started to worry that the snow was too beep. My car seemed to be skidding around the corners. I could see two tire tracks where the road should be as i drove. I headed toward the toll gate, thinking that i had to go through it in order to get into the parking lot. I then realized that a vertical beam ran down the center of the lane between the toll booths. I tried to stop, but ran into the pole, bringing my car to a stop. I hoped that i did not ruin the bumper of my car. The gate was closed, but i heard the sound of a bell as i hit the wooden pole. I waited for a moment, but no one was coming. Everything seemed to be closed. I tried to maneuver my car into a different position, but i hit the gate again. I felt annoyed. I backed the car away from the gates. I felt anxious, wondering where i should go now. The parking garage to the northwest of me seemed to be on the other side of the toll gates. I thought that it would be safe from the snow. I remembered being there before, but i did not know how to get back into the parking garage.

12014 September 04

The others had found me drifting is space. This was part of a story. I thought about the space ship. I was out of time here, but the people had not realized that yet. I thought about how i had gotten out of time. I did not like the idea of regular time travel, so it would have to be time dilation. This is why i thought that i had been traveling in a space ship when they found me. I imagined that i had been in some kind of suspended animation and was unaware of the passage of time. These people had found me. The story would be good if i could say that i had been on a deep-space mission. I acted confused as the others asked me questions. I told them that i did not understand the questions. They were referring to places that i was not familiar with. I then thought that i did not have a recognition chip embedded in me like they did. The chip acted like an ID tag, so each of them could be identified by the systems around us. The doorway that we had passed through would have scanned each of us as we passed, and it would have recognized that i was not from this place. It would know that i was not one of these people. I wanted the plot to go a little further before i would discover that i was in a different time. I then thought that i should be able to recognize the technology here as being more advanced that where i had come from. We were still walking to the north, and the others started to spread out in the large room on the northern side of the building. I paced around the room as a person sat down to the west of me. I asked where we were, still trying to hint that i was not familiar with this place. The man said that we were on Earth. I let out a snort, telling him that i knew this. I said that i was looking for some more specific details. The others to the west did not know that i was from another time yet. The man from the west said that we were in Illinois. I told him that i had not heard of the place. The names of the places would have changed over the years. I thought it was feasible that i might not have heard of the place if i were from another time. I then thought that my character was from Chicago. I was the one who had heard of Illinois, and the others did not recognize it. I thought about this as i headed to the east, across the cement floor of the small pavilion, which really seemed like a garage. This place was somewhere near my grandmother’s house. The other few people were standing on the eastern end of the garage, talking about something. $F1 seemed to be one of them. I talked with them about something that needed to be done. A wasp flew across my path, and i avoided it and continued to the northeast. The others were talking to the east of me. I realized that several wasps were flying around in the area. I did not want to get stung by them, so i tried to move away from where they were. I then looked up, noticing white cone-shaped nests under the bare beams that were holding up the northern edge of the sloped roof. I turned to the southwest and moved across the floor of the garage, trying to find a place where i would not be near the wasps. I then noticed a patch of off-white paste on the floor. It had been spilled in the center of the cement floor, across a crack that ran from the southern wall. Several wasps flew up from the pile as i passed over it. I wondered if they had a nest under the floor. I headed to the west. The western end of the garage seemed open to the grassy lawn beyond. A small white house was on the northern side of the lawn, to the northwest of me. I spotted a hole in the packed dirt at the edge of the garage. Wasps were hovering around the hole. It must have been a nest in the ground. I moved back to the east, telling the others that we did not kill the wasps like we had thought. I thought that we would need to buy more wasp spray. I then wondered whether the wasp spray would really work well. I ran away from the garage and headed to the north, toward the other white building, which was now to the north of the garage. I entered through the large doors in the southern side of the building. This was the main entrance of the building, which seemed like a very large shopping center. It was an old building. I crossed the main entrance, which had raised areas of floor on the eastern and western sides. Looking to the east, i saw green decorations that reminded me of a Christmas tree. The walls were off white, and they seemed yellowed with age. I headed to the north, but turned around to head back to the shops. I now seemed to be in one of the back corridors of the mall. I knew that i had come from the western side of the shopping center, and i would have to go back. I said something to the person with me as i tried to get my bearings. I headed to the north into the alcove, but this did not seem right. I knew that i would have to head back to the south to get to the main corridor of the mall. I told the other person that we would have to get back to the room. I knew that the room was to the west, but i felt lost. I then looked to the north, seeing a small map on a placard. A thin square wooden pole supported the placard. I told the other that i would figure out how to get back by looking at the map. I then wondered where we were on the map. I expected to see a red dot. I finally spotted the red dot in a small square room on the top of the map. I then wondered how i should orient the map. It should be aligned with the building that we were in, but it did not seem to be. I was actually in a room on the southern side of the building, and i was facing south. I realized that the outside of the building was near the top of the map. I looked up to the south to see a window in the wall. The window looked out onto a cement alley and some old brick buildings. The map was aligned with the building, so i told the other person that we would have to travel to the west to get back. I then noticed that we would have to head back to the north to get to the main corridor of the mall. I then noticed that an east-to-west corridor also ran along the southern side of the building. I remembered this hallway. It was plain and very narrow. It seemed to slope downward from where we were to the center of the building. It would end in the center of the building at the lower level and then slope back up to the other square room on the western side of the building. I told the other person that we could go down this passageway to get back rather than heading back to the main part of the building. I started to the west, but noticed that the passage ahead of me was filled with debris. The ceiling and northern wall had a ragged hole in the concrete, exposing metal reinforcement bar. To the west of the hole, the passageway seemed to be completely blocked by rubble. This building was old, and the passageway must have been abandoned. I then stepped to the south a little, realizing that i might be able to walk down the alleyway outside the building. I wondered if it ran all the way to the western side of the building, and i wondered if i would be able to reenter the building near the other square room. A tall metal chain-link fence ran along the southern side of the alley. It seemed that the alley should run the entire length of the building, but i was not sure. For some reason, i could not see that far into the distance. I started walking to the west. After only a little way, i realized that the large brick building, which was the mall, extended to the south, blocking the alley. The alley ran on to a cement terrace at the back of the building, but did not seem to go any further. I would have to go back into the building to get to the west. As i turned back to the east, i continued to look at the tall brick building, which now seemed to be four or five stories tall. The brick wall had no windows, and the building seemed imposing. I then noticed the round white shapes peering over the edge of the roof. They were some kind of instrument or mechanical structure. Something about them seemed ominous. I watched them as i retreated back toward the doorway i had come out of.

12014 September 05

I continued to the south on the road. I was trying to get to a $G4 run, and i knew that it was somewhere nearby. I remembered that $A720 had set a run here before. I remembered that it was to the east on a dirt road. I saw the dirt road crossing the road i was on just to the south of me, about ten or fifteen meters before the road i was on ended on the other main road. I turned to the east onto the dirt road. However, as i did, i noticed a large red X formed of chalk in the road. Someone had marked the road so that we knew not to come this direction. The run did not start down this road this time. I continued down the road for a moment, looking for a good place to turn around. I slowed and pulled off to the southern side of the road, but decided that the road was too narrow to make a complete turn in. I then realized that the road ran for quite a distance to the east. I did not think that it went that far. I thought that the run we had done here before must have been quite a way down the road. I pictured the start in a small field just to the north of the road. Several houses were on the sides of the road. I thought that i would turn around in the driveway of one of them. I passed a few as i thought about this. I passed a house with an old garage very near the road. Just beyond it, i turned to the south into a dirt driveway and headed back to the west. I talked to the other person about the trail, describing the road that i had turned on. I was now with a large group of $G4. I described the road as a few hundred feet before the main road. The other person seemed to know exactly where i was talking about. He seemed like $F10. I spoke as i walked to the southwest with a few other people. I was with $G4, and we were just heading out for a trail run. The trail ran down the western side of the road, which headed to the south, and then turned to the west. I talked with others about the trail as we turned to the west. I was aware of a large group of people who were to the north. They had just started for a run themselves, and they seemed to be following dull-red marks on the ground. I thought that they were also doing the same kind of run that we were, but they were not part of our group. The others headed to the west into a cement park to the north of the road that i was now on. They were looking around for their trail. I wondered if they were following the same marks that we were on. I slowed as i came to the end of the street that i was on. The street was a dead end, ending just to the north of the old large white cement building. Others could not find the trail marks on the western end of the street. I said that a red chalk mark definitely pointed into this street from the intersection of the main road. Other runners were coming back from the west toward me. I wondered where we were supposed to go from here. I walked back to the east. The other group to the north of me seemed lost as well. I paused at the intersection, not sure where i should go from here. I looked at the other group again, noticing that they seemed lost as well. I headed back toward the room to the northeast, where i had come from. The people from the other running group were now sitting on the bench of a cement picnic table in the park to the northwest of me. I stopped and asked them about their trail, still wondering if they were from another group of $G4. I told them that we had lost our trail as well. A woman was sitting to the south of a bar, and she stood up and spoke to me about the trails. She was wearing a dark jacket and had long wavy red hair. We talked about the running groups for a moment, and i noticed that she seemed to be interested in me. I told her that i was going back to my room to get something. I walked to the northeast, grabbing something in the small room. This was the room where $G4 had met before the run. A short set of stairs ran up to the north on the northeastern side of the room, ending in a small platform, which was in the northeastern corner of the room. I had been on the black rectangular platform getting something, but was staring back across the room to the southwest. I then thought that i had forgotten something, so i turned around and started back up the stairs. I had been thinking about something as i walked, so i was not really focusing on what i was doing. It seemed that i had been taking a shower in the small room to the north, and i had to go back to get something from the shower stall. $F10 was in the room with me. I talked to him about the marks on the road that let to the start of the run. I remembered the intersection of the road, which now seemed to be somewhere to the north-northwest of us. I described the intersection of the dirt road as two meters before the intersection of the main road. $F10 knew which road i was talking about. He tried to name the road, but could not. I said the name and then added that it was near the college campus. I grabbed something from the floor near the wall to the northeast and then headed back to the shower room, which was to the south of me. I then looked at the folder that was in my hands. It had the woman’s name on it. She must have left it in my room when we were talking. I though about her, thinking that she was rather nice to chat with.

12014 September 06

I had been talking to the others, but i was now heading to the west. One of the other persons was talking to me as i walked. I wanted to get to the west to grab something. I was walking down a sidewalk, and i short stone wall was to the north of me. I stopped to the west and did something with the object in my hand. I then turned back to return to the others. $A4 was still following me. I asked him about the thing that i had stopped to do when i headed to the west. He joked about it. I told him that he should continue to do the thing, and i asked him why he did not. He seemed hesitant to do it, and he acted shy. I moved the stick over the stone wall to the north, noticing the branches that were stacked along the top of the wall. I had seen them as i walked to the west. I wanted to point them out to $A4, but it did not seem to fit in the conversation. The branches had thin stems and spread out into smaller and smaller twigs. The entire leafless bough was wide because the branches did not all spread out in one direction. The branches also had a dark-blue hue to them, reminding me of the skin of blueberries. They looked special, which was why i wanted to point them out to $A4. I watched some of the rounded boughs as we continued back to the east.

12014 September 07

I stopped in the middle of the crowded area. I had come from the film festival, which was somewhere to the south. It seemed to be in the southern section of the large building, and i was now on the northern side of the building. I stood in a large atrium, which seemed like a shopping area. I had not been attending the events at the film festival, but i was having fun around the town. I wondered if i should go to some of the events for the festival while i was in this town. I knew that $F45 was at the festival, and i thought that he might be annoyed that i was not attending the events. I was having fun doing what i was doing, though, so i did not see the need to go to the movie events. As i headed toward the glass doors in the southern wall of the atrium, i thought that it was near the end of the week, so all of the big events of the festival would be over. I usually went to the marketing events to collect demos, but all of the marketers would have left town already. I passed through a doorway and came into a smaller hall area. Someone was approaching me from the south, and i recognized the person as someone i had known from long ago. The man seemed like someone i had attended high school with, or someone that was on the same floor of my dormitory in college. I said hello to the person, who seemed to have a shabby appearance. His long hair was fuzzy, and he had a round face. I asked him a question, and he reluctantly answered. I then remembered that he knew how to fly small airplanes, and i said something to him about it. He seemed interested in talking, but, when i asked him another question, he started to wander to the north. I thought that he was going to get something. I said hello to someone else who passed by. I then realized that the man was not coming back. He had rounded the corner of the large column that was just to the north of me. I felt disappointed that he had walked off. I walked to the east a little, looking north at where the man had gone. I expected to see him just outside of the cafeteria entrance, but i could not see him. I looked at the men who were standing in the doorway of the cafeteria, waiting in the queue to get food. The man i was talking to must have already gone in. He did not want to talk to me, and i felt upset about this. I turned to the south and headed back to my room. I was then in the room, heading to the southwest. My bed was against the eastern wall of the room, and i again thought about the film festival. I had been carrying the white card in my pocket, which seemed to allow me into the festival. Because i had not gone to any of the festival events, i thought that i had not used it, but i was still carrying it around. I then realized that i did not have all of the keys that i should have had in my packet. I looked though my things, trying to figure out where everything was. I suddenly realized that i did not have my white festival pass with me. The white card i was carrying was something else. I felt annoyed and wondered if i had lost the festival card. I pulled a set of keys out of the left front pocket of my pants. The two house keys were attached to a set of white dice. I put them back in my pocket, but then wondered why i was carrying them. I took them out again and put them in the backpack that was lying on the bed to the southeast of me, against the eastern wall. I then realized that i did not need any of the keys that i had been carrying here, so i took out the other set and put them in my bag as well. I only needed the keys for this area. I still did not have the festival pass, though. I walked to the western side of the room to do something. $F45 came into the roof through the double doors in the southern wall. A woman came in with him. I thought that $F45 had my festival pass, so i said something to him, implying that he had been using it. He seemed smug and admitted that he had taken the pass from me. I felt annoyed with him, but he said that he had purchased the pass for me and he had the right to take it. I thought that he had taken it to give it to someone he was sexually interested in. I was upset about this and wandered back to the bed near the eastern wall. I heard the woman say something to $F45. She was wearing brown and tan clothes, and she talked in a seductive tone. I thought that she was trying to copulate with $F45. I wondered if he would sleep with the woman. I then thought that the woman probably did not know that $F45 was homosexual, but she wanted some favor that he could give her. I felt annoyed with both of them.

12014 September 09

I chatted with the man in the car as i drove to the north. We were heading for a $G4 run. I came down the short steep hill and turned to the east at the intersection. $F73 and $F62 were sitting on a stone wall to the east of the road i was on. The stone wall was curved, following the curve of the intersection. $F62 had stood up and walked to the west as i was approaching the intersection, so i ended up driving to the east of her. I continued chatting with the person in the car with me. As the car turned the corner, i realized that the stone wall was very close to the south of me, and $F73 was still sitting on the wall. I thought that i would be driving very close to him. He made a sound of surprise as i passed, standing up to get out of the way. I drove the car to the end of the short road, parking in the dirt lot to the east. I wanted to say hello to $F73 and $F62, but i continued talking to the other in the car. I felt that i could not simply end the conversation with the other man. I did not want to be rude to him, but i really wanted to see my fiends, and i did not want them to think that i was ignoring them. I then thought that we had to get to the trail. The other person headed to the west to where the trail started. I now seemed to be in the driveway of my parents’ house. $G4 was gathering down the road to the west, but i felt that i had to get something from the house. I tried to hurry because i did not want to keep people waiting. I hurried into the small bedroom on the second floor of my parents’ house. I started to feel that i was delaying too much. I had to get to the start of the run. I had set the trail, so i had to be there with the other. I then started to think that it was too late in the evening to start the run. It was near winter, so it would be dark and cold out soon. I had to get warm clothing. I hoped that i had enough. I did not feel as though i was dressed well enough. I still had a pair of shorts on and a windbreaker vest. I looked around the bedroom. The bed was against the eastern wall, and i put my bags on it. I felt rushed, but i thought that i had to get warmer clothes. I turned to the northwest, noticing the gray sweatpants and jacket handing at the edge of the bed. The hooded sweatshirt had red and white plastic patches on the breasts. I recognized the clothing from a long time ago. I grabbed it, thinking that i could wear it to keep warm. As i pulled the hanged clothing from the closet, i noticed that the gray sweats were worn though on the legs. They looked old and ragged. I wondered if i should really wear them. I then thought about my socks. I realized that my feet felt a little sweaty, so i should take off the socks that i was now wearing. I had to put a warmer pair of socks on. I felt uneasy about going on this run. It was getting very late, and it would be dark while we were in the woods to the north of the road. I pictured the forest where i had set a trail. The trail seemed to go in a large loop with straight sides. I could see the snow on the ground in the forest. It was cold and damp out, and the ground was covered with heavy wet snow. I knew that we would be running the trail after dark, and this was not a good thing. I did not want to run the trail with the others.

12014 September 10

I stopped for a moment, looking down the road to the west. It seemed that i had been traveling in a car, but i was now standing on the dirt shoulder on the southern side of the rural road. I seemed to be somewhere near $P10. I had lived here before, and i remembered walking down these roads. My old apartment seemed to be to the west of me, and i had to head somewhere to the south to get something. I would turn at the corner ahead to start south. As i reached the corner, i noticed a road sign on the road ahead of me. Thick dark-green bushes were to the south of me. I stopped on the corner of the roads and looked to the east. The dirt road that continued to the east seemed to go up hill slightly. Tall pine trees stood very close together on the southern side of the road, very close to the pavement. A large yellow sign stood in front of the trees, showing overhanding trees in black with words that warned of a scary road ahead. I snickered at the sign, thinking that the road to the east probably would look scary. I tried to remember if i had felt anything special about that area when i was here in the past. I remembered feeling something on a forested road near $P52, but i did not remember feeling anything special about this place. I turned to the south and walked down the main road. I still thought about the area, trying to feel anything special here. I felt uneasy, but it was only from the thought of something here that i could not detect. I could not feel things anymore like i used to. I crossed a set of railroad tracks. The bushes grew thickly along the western side of the road. I was looking for a house around here, and i was not quite sure where it was. I then noticed the table on the side of the road. This was where the apartments were. A man stood behind the long rectangular table, which seemed to have something on top of it. I asked the man about the address, saying i was here to see “him”. I told the man the apartment number. I then thought that the person in the apartment might not actually be male. I said “she” and then “he”, shrugging because i was not really sure what the gender of the person i was visiting was. I hoped that the man did not care. I rounded the northern end of the table and walked to the south along the western side of it. The tall racks of cloths ran east to west on the surface of the table. I reached between two racks, looking at the coats that were hanging on the rack to the north. I pulled some of the coats aside and knocked on a tan jacket, which seemed to be leather or suede. I waited for a moment and then knocked again. I wondered if i would recognize the person in the apartment. A woman then stuck her head out of the jacket. She faced southeast, but turned her eyes to the west to look at me. I responded to the woman. I started talking to someone, but i was now seated on the bench to the west of the picnic table. The table was moving to the north, down the road. I rode it across the intersection with the east-to-west road to the north. It was the same road that i had been on before. The table then spinned suddenly around to head back to the south. I held on so that i did not fall off. The seen continued for a moment, and then i was watching myself sit on the picnic table to the west of me. I was in the room now. Someone had said something about the cats. I looked to the east to see them coming into the room. I greeted them as they jogged toward me. I recognized them as cats that i had owned. $X14 was there with me, and i was happy to see him. The other two cats were very friendly and walked close around my legs. It was good to see $X14. It seemed as though it had been a long time since i had been with him, and i missed him. I crouched down to pet the other cats as they approached me. I was waiting for $X14 to come close to me, but he did not show up. $F45 was to the south of me as i pet the cats. I pet the orange tabby cat that was purring to the west of me. I looked around to the east, noticing that $X14 had layed down on the floor out of my reach. He seemed shy and did not want to get near me with the other cats around. I called to him. He seemed pudgy now, which did not seem like him. $X14 stood up and came to me. I picked him up and started petting him. I said something to $F45 about how i had missed him. I then realized that $X14 had died. I thought that this could not really be $X14. I continued petting the cat on my lap as i felt its paws. I could feel claws in its front paws. I knew that this could not be $X14, because $X14 did not have any claws. This cat just looked a lot like $X14. I then looked at the Siamese cat to the west of me. I told $F45 that it was my grandmother’s cat. It too had died a long time ago. The three cats were very friendly, and i missed being with them.

12014 September 11

I paced around the room. Other people were standing to the west of me. We were getting ready for a play, but i was not sure of the lines. I flipped through the booklet, trying to read the lines and speak them with the woman. The lines seemed very familiar. I remembered that i had memorized the play at one point in the past. I could not quite remember the lines at the moment, thought. The woman said something, and i flipped the page to find the next line. The page was covered with advertisements, though. I thought that the lines of the play were really extracted from the booklet that i had, so i would have to figure out where the lines were in the advertising. I felt annoyed and frustrated. I asked the people to the west whether we had to memorize the lines for the performance that we would be doing that evening. They said that we would not be using the scripts. I told them that this was not working. I wanted the lines to be marked clearly in the book so that i could see them. I left the room, heading to the northeast. I told them that i would not act in the play if we could not get the lines correctly. I came into the house, which seemed like my house. I sat on the bed in the small bedroom. The single bed was near the southern wall of the room, and i sat on the northern side of the western end, facing east. I started writing out the lines on the writing tablet that i had on the bed. The pen made heavy blue lines on the paper, sinking into it as i wrote. I still felt uncomfortable, however. I started pacing to the north. I did not want to do the play until i had rehearsed the lines, but i did not think that i would be able to do that. I started to feel upset, not sure what i should do, and i moved around in the back room of my parents’ house. My parents seemed to be in one of the rooms to the south. I was not sure what i should do. I then thought that i should finish copying the lines down onto the piece of paper so that i had them all in one place without the advertising. I thought that the pen would write differently on the table in the kitchen because it was a hard surface. I remembered how it had sunk into the paper a little when i wrote on the bed, and i thought that this was so because the bed was a soft surface. I started to feel agitated, not sure what i should do. I would have to do the play, but i did not feel ready for it.

12014 September 14

I followed $G4 into the dining room on the lower floor of the house. This seemed to be $A608’s house. The others moved to the northeastern corner of the room. I looked to the southeast as i passed through the dining room, spotting the man in the kitchen to the south. He was $A608’s father. He had a square face and short white hair. He had been doing something on the stove at the eastern end of the southern wall. He turned when i came in and waved at me, ducking a little to see through the wide opening over the counter between the two rooms. He seemed to have an apron on. I waved back to him. I then looked at the food on the counter between us. I was not really hungry, and i wanted to join the other $G4. They were on the patio to the east. I stood in the dining room for a moment, feeling out of place here. It felt strange to be here, and i looked around the room at the objects here.

I walked to the west along the shoreline. The small fish seemed to be caught behind the white sheet, which stretched along the shore of the ocean. The white sheet bowed out as it held the water to the north of it. I noticed the small silvery long fish swimming in the water. I had to catch three of the fish for something. I was on the eastern end of the shore, and i turned to the east and stepped over the eastern edge of white sheet and started toward the cement steps. The steps were set between the jagged brown rocks of the shoreline. An underground store with a cement edifice was on the northern side of the platform that was at the top of the stairs. I headed up the stairs to get something from the store. Someone then talked about catching the fish with the ducks. I listened to the voice as i looked for my camera. The person described how he would put the crocodile heads onto the ducks to catch the fish. I looked up at the ducks that were floating on the water. I realized that they had small plastic crocodile heads over their own. The plastic heads were held on to the ducks with a toothpick, which was stuck through the top of the plastic heads and into the ducks’ skulls. I looked at one of the ducks, noticing the green plastic scales on the fake head. I then looked at the yellow plastic tassels around wooden toothpick. I wondered how the toothpick was put into the duck without hurting the duck. It seemed that it would be inserted through the ducks’ heads. This did not seem reasonable. I wondered how the toothpicks really held the plastic masks on. I then thought about how the ducks would catch the small fish with the plastic heads. I thought that the plastic heads must hide the ducks’ true identities from the fish, allowing the ducks to get close to the fish. The ducks would then pull the small fish out of the water. I then wondered how we would get the fish from the ducks before the ducks ate them. The ducks were supposed to gather three fish for each of us. I looked down at one of the silver fish swimming in the water. The duck seemed to be to the south of the white sheet. I stepped over the vertical sheet, which was still holding the water onto the beach to the north. The fish must have gotten caught behind the sheet when the tide went out. I saw three small fish swimming in the curve of the sheet. It seemed that we would simply be able to just reach down and grab them. I looked to the west, down the length of the beach. The white sheet stretched for about twenty or thirty meters. My mother was still in the car, which seemed to be in the water to the south of the sheet, to the southwest of me. I told her something about catching the fish, and she replied. I then noticed the larger fish to the northwest of me. It was near the northern side of the beach, where the water seemed deeper. The water must be higher against the northern edge of the beach. I looked at the large silver fish, realizing that it was almost three meters long. It was long and narrow. I pointed it out to my mother, starting to feel a little uneasy in the water with the fish. I thought that it could probably attack me if it was aggressive. The large fish had a round dark spot on the side of its head. The dark spot seemed to fade to a less-dark ring that faded into the silver body of the fish. I said that the fish was beautiful, and i wanted to take a picture of it. I headed back to the east to get my camera. MY father was still in the car to the southeast of me. I looked back down at the small fish, thinking that we really needed a net to catch them. It would make catching them easier. I wondered if we had anything that we could make a net out of. I tried to think of a way to catch them.

12014 September 15

I left the woman and rode by bicycle to the south, across the open area. I was looking for the projector. The large outdoor projector was projecting the movie, but something needed to be changed. The woman had told me what to do, so i was looking for the projector to make the change. I stopped on the southern side of the area, not quite sure where i was going. I turned back to the north, looking at the flat space. The open area seemed to have several cars and campers parked on it. This seemed to be part of a festival. Something flashed to the north, between some of the cars on the ground. I thought that it might be the laser projector, but then i realized that the projector would not be to the north of the main area. It would have to be on the southern side facing north. I must have seen a glimmer of reflected light. I looked to the east, noticing the laser, which was in a long metallic casing that was suspended on a collapsing X-structure support. I started pedaling toward it, suddenly wondering if the security people would let me add the updates to it. I came to the small fenced in area from the south. Two guards in blue uniforms were standing at the top of the stairs in side the fenced-in area. The brown chain-link fence surrounded the small booth and platform. The laser seemed to be over the top of the platform. Someone else was already talking to the guards, so i stepped off of my bicycle and waited. The female guard stood in the doorway to the booth, while the other stood on the platform on the northern side of the booth. I waited for a while until they asked me why i was there. I would have to tell them that i was here from $G6, and that i were running upgrades on the projector. I wondered if they would let me in. I thought that they really had no reason to let me in. I then wondered exactly what kind of upgrade i was supposed to do to the projector.

12014 September 16

I stood to the east of the crowd of people, who were starting to line up on the streets. The group seemed familiar to me, and i seemed to be part of it, but i stood on the outside of the group. I pushed by bicycle to the southwest as someone told the group to line up. They formed two parallel lines down the center of the street, running east to west. I stopped my bicycle near the cars on the southern side of the street. I had a loose-leaf binder in my hand, which i seemed to be reading. I looked up. $F4 was now getting into the lines with the other students. I waved at him, but i was not sure if he saw me. I then realized that i should probably join the group and get in line. I moved toward them, pushing my bicycle on the right side of me. I came close, but i could not push into the rest of the group because i had the bicycle with me. I wanted to join the others, but i still felt out of place. I did not feel as though i belonged with these people.

12014 September 17

I left the large group of people in the room as i exited the building, heading to the south. The building seemed like a hotel, and i thought that i had passed through a crowded lobby or restaurant area on the front of the modern building. I stopped on the northern side of the busy street. I was pushing a small motorcycle to the north of me, and another person seemed to be following me. The street sloped up to the west, and many cars were traveling in both directions on the road. I waited near a crosswalk to get across the street. I had to ride the motorcycle to the east, but i could not easily get out into the traffic. I then noticed that the car coming from the east had stopped for me. It was a small white car. I looked to the west to see if cars were still coming. A blue van was leading a line of cars down the hill, but it stopped suddenly in front of the crosswalk to let me pass. I looked back to the east. The cars traveling up the hill were going slowly, and the white car had stopped waiting for me and continued past me. I looked again at the blue van to see that it was still waiting for me. I looked back to the east to see that the next car had stopped for me, so i pushed the motorcycle out into the crosswalk. The other person followed me. We both jumped onto the motorcycle and started riding down the hill to the east. As i got on, i was aware of a police car to the west. It seemed to have its siren on for a moment, but i continued to the east anyway. I hoped that they were not after me. As i rode the bicycle down the hill, i realized that i did not have my lights on. I reached to turn them on, but could not quite get to them, so i pulled off onto the dirt shoulder on the southern side of the road. As i was reaching for the lights on the southern side of the front of the bicycle, a police officer walked up to the side of me and stopped. He seemed very aggressive and abusive. He sayed that he was going to give me a ticket. I did not argue with him as he continued to verbally degrade me. I was facing west as he teased me, and i looked at the yellow piece of paper that he had given me. The ticket had a list of items down its length, and a list of prices down the right side. The total at the bottom was $184. I felt upset, thinking that i would not pay this ticket because the officer was being unjust. I talked to the other person, who had been on the bicycle with me. We were now in the small building, which seemed like a garage. This was really a court, and i would have to defend my ticket in front of a judge. The judge seemed to be to the west of me. I felt upset about the ticket, thinking that i should not have to pay because the police officer had made the charges up. I looked down at the motorcycle, which was just to the north of me. The lights were still on, so i tried to turn them off using the black switch on the southern side of the bike. The switch was mounted on a rounded rubber surface. I flipped the switch up, but the lights on the front of the motorcycle did not seem affected. The man who had been traveling with me tried as well. We could turn some of the lights off, but could not seem to get them all off. I managed to turn off the main headlights of the motorcycle, but i realized that the yellow lights on the northern side of the bike were still on. I could not see the lights directly, but i could see the yellow light shining on the wall just to the north of the motorcycle. I played with the black switch until the light went off. I started to feel distracted, and i wandered to the northeast. I started jogging across the area, but i realized that i still did not have my shoes on. I thought that it did not matter because i would be across the area soon. I was walking on pavement, but i crossed a small fence on the northern side of the lot and stepped onto a lawn. The ground was covered with snow, so my feet were cold. The snow was wet and heavy. On the other side of the fence, i turned to the west and headed for the end of the parking lot. I had to get to the shower, and i was carrying clothes with me. I had several other things in my hands as well, but i realized that i did not have any clean clothes with me. I decided that i would have to wear the towel that i was carrying. It would be enough to have the towel wrapped around my waist. I did not need to have underwear on as well until i could get to my clean clothes. I came to the end of the lot. A large metal garbage dumpster was on the southern side of the area, and a smaller one was to the west. I had to pass between the two dumpsters to continue. On the other side, i continued to the southwest, toward the showers.

12014 September 18

I was in the darkened room. A dim light illuminated the from the western end of the northern wall. It seemed to be late at night. I started talking to the other person as i headed to the west. $F4 was still in the room on the bed in the northeastern corner of the room. I thought that we would let him sleep there. I felt uncomfortable in this place and had to do something, but i was not sure what. I paced to the west, leaving the room. I then realized that i had let the door to the room close behind me. I did not have a key with me. I could knock on the door to get $F4 to let me in, but i felt uncomfortable doing so. I started to feel anxious, not sure what i should do. I wandered to the south and then to the east, into the main part of the hotel. I thought about finding a manager of the hotel to tell him that i had been locked out of my room. I was not sure what to do, and i paced around the halls thinking. I stopped in a hall on the southern side of the building. A large lobby was to the northeast of me. I seemed to be standing in a doorway on the southern wall of the lobby. The carpeting was dull gold in color, and the walls were pale brown. Several people moved around the corridor, which ran from the eastern end of the lobby. A casino or gambling room seemed to be to the northeast somewhere. I turned back to the west, noticing $F1 near me. I must have woken him up when i was talking to the other person. I then realized that, now that he was out of the hotel room, we had no way of getting back in. We were both locked out now. I would have to find a manager. I felt upset and confused.

12014 September 20

I followed the others to the west, across the paved area. We were close to the southern wall of the area. The wall seemed to be a dam, and i thought about the water that would be flowing over it. I could not see the northern side of the area as i looked to the west, and the area seemed to extend very far to the west. We had to get into the dam to do something, but i felt unsure about getting into the building. I did not think that we would be allowed into it. The man with me passed me on the north and turned into a tunnel in the southern wall. I stopped to look at the square opening of the tunnel. The wall to the south was dull red and looked as though it was made out of granite blocks. The opening about a deci off the ground. A narrow ledge ran over the top of the opening, and water spilled over the ledge, creating a curtain of water over the opening. The water was not running that heavily, though, so the curtain was more of a series of streams. The man ducked as he entered the tunnel. I watched him go, and then i noticed a woman in a skirt walking toward us from the west. She did not seem to pay any attention to what we were doing. I stopped near the entrance to the tunnel, looking down the sloping passageway. The water seemed to be running down the slope, so i thought it would be very slippery to walk down. I could see the man crouching as he followed the gently curving tunnel. A light at the other end illuminated him as he disappeared around the corner to the west. I was nervous about entering the tunnel, thinking that i would slip and fall down the hole. I hesitated by the entrance for a moment. The white door with rounded corners then closed over the entrance. The man was still talking to me, telling me that i should enter the building. I felt scared, but i got ready to push through the door. Someone opened the door, and i leaned forward, pushing through. The passageway now seemed very narrow, and i could feel the rim of the door frame catching on my knees. This did not seem like the thickest part of my body, so i wondered why it would catch in the door frame. I decided that it must be because of the way my knees were together. The sides of them would be wider than the width of the door frame. I squeezed my knees together and pulled my legs through the door. I stood up in the room. The room was furnished like a library or an office. The man was talking to another person near a table on the western wall. I stood and listened. Something felt distracting here. I noticed a man to the southwest doing something. As i listened to the people near me, i felt suspicious of what the other man was doing.

12014 September 21

I copied information from the original brochure to make the small booklet that i was working on. It had something to do with an arts event. I thought that some of the times and contact information had to do with dance school. I looked at the inside page, flipping through the booklet. I was copying information from a booklet that seemed to be from England. I had to adjust the information for the performance here. I turned to the back cover of the booklet. The lower section had a dark box with white text in it. As i entered the text into the white box, i realized that the information was additional contact information for other schools and societies in the area. I brought the brochure to the man, who was in the kitchen of the house. I stood in the doorway in the middle of the northern wall of the room. I told the man that all of the contact information in the box was from the original brochure, which meant that all of the schools mentioned were in England. He realized the problem and said that we should replace it with American numbers. He walked to the west of me where he opened the door of the white refrigerator. I still felt unsure about the pamphlet, and i flipped back a few pages, telling the man that the other telephone numbers in the beginning of the booklet were also from England. We would have to find schools and dance classes in this country. I thought about this as i looked over the brochure. The others had left the room around me, which now seemed like the dining room of a small restaurant. The room was very narrow north to south, and it ran to the west. The walls were dull red, and a light illuminated the room from the west. I thought about what i could do with the booklet as i turned to the north. I opened the door to the outside and looked out. It was bright outside, so i had to hold my hand up to my eyes to shield them from the glair of the overcast sky. As i focused on the details outside, i saw a man standing across the street from me, on the western side of an old stone building. He wore a brown suit with a white shirt, and i recognized him as someone famous. I glanced up at the roofline of the house that i was in, looking up and to the west, still trying to get my eyes to adjust. I then looked back at the man. He passed his hand in front of him insistently, with sharp distinct movements. He was looking at me, and i realized that he was trying to get me to stop staring at him. He was hiding behind a building, and he did not want someone to the east on the street to know that he was there. He peeked around the corner of the building. I looked back up at the roofline, thinking that it was strangely detailed. The metal roof had spikes with glass bulbs on them at regular intervals along the edge of the roof. I backed away from the house to get a better look. The glass bulbs were round and pill-shaped and were interspersed with thin wooden towers. I realized that a narrow section of house actually ran across the roof from east to west. I remembered seeing the narrow rooms from inside. The roof had several rows of long narrow rooms on it. They ran east to west up, and i could see several rows because the roof sloped up to the south. The structures were no more than three meters wide and three or four meters tall. They had red walls with dark trim and rounded metal roofs. The roofs had dark narrow towers interspersed with rounded bulbs on metal spikes, which seemed like lights. The design seemed very intricate. This was a traditional old building, and i thought that it looked very nice. I started walking to the west, down the sidewalk in front of the building. This area of the city felt nice. It was old, and all of the buildings were stone. It seemed very much like London, but it was a city somewhere near New York City. I looked across the street to the north. The old buildings seemed to be part of a large factory. They were of many different designs, and many of them seemed to be abandoned. A street ran to the south of the street i was on. It ran along the western side of the building i had been in, and it seemed very wide. The land to the south seemed empty, with a vacant lot to the southwest that was covered with tall grass. A rusty metal chain-link fence ran along the western side of the street, separating the road from what seemed to be a cement storm gully. I walked up to the fence and looked to the north again. A small group of people was approaching from the north, where another street ran from the main street. This other street also seemed wide. One of the men in the group was on a skateboard with a woman, and they were talking as they rolled to the south, across the main road. People followed around them. One of the people to the north of them had a video camera and seemed to be filming the conversation. I held on to the fence and watched them for a moment as the rolled toward the southern side of the main street, just to the northwest of me. The man on the skateboard had a tight shirt with wide horizontal stripes. He had fluffy blond hair. He was facing north as he spoke, and i wondered if he knew that he was skating toward the chain-link fence, which ran across the northern side of the gully on the side of the street. He turned to the south as he skated into the fence, but he had slowed suddenly in anticipation of the obstacle. The group came to a stop, and the person with the camera commented on the scene. The director, who was to the northeast of the camera person, started advising the people on what they could do differently. He wore black, and i realized that he was Robert De Niro. It was nice to see famous people doing art projects in this city. I looked up to the north again, seeing the abandoned factory buildings in the distance. One of the buildings that stood out was a tall square brick structure with a square tower on the western side. The tower stretched twice as high as the roof of the main building. The bricks on the building had been painted white, but the white was wearing off. Red letters had been painted on the side of the building as well, but they were now faded too much to read. I turned back to the east and grabbed on to the top of the fence. I realized that i was suspended from something elastic. I let go of the fence and swinged to the east a little. I then started swinging back to the fence. I wanted to grab on to the fence to pull myself farther to the west. I wondered what the people to the north of me thought about what i was doing. I hoped that they would find it interesting. I let go and swinged to the southeast again. As i swinged back to the west, i tried to grab the metal bar at the top of the fence. It would be more stable. The metal fence stretched too much, but the bar would be firmer. I let myself swing again and reached back for the metal bar of the fence. I grabbed it and pulled myself to it, thinking that i could get more stretch from the elastic. As i moved to the west, though, i realized that i was bending the top of the fence to the west as well. The fence was stretching, and it would give me even more force. I thought that i could swing all the way to the east and then jump off of the rope and land on the pavement running. The fence stretched back about two or three meters before i let go. I moved quickly to the east, slowing over the sidewalk as the elastic stretched in the other direction. I wanted to jump off and run, but i realized that the chain-link fence was also still attached to me. I would have to unhook my clothing from it. I reached back to try to pull it off before it pulled me back to the west. I did not want to go speeding back in the other direction.

12014 September 22

I was lying on the western side of the bed, which was on the southern wall of the large room. The room seemed cluttered with things, and the off-white sheets were bunched up on the bed. $F45 was lying on the bed to the west of me. I had been asleep, and was not really paying attention to the room around me. I lay on my right side on the bed, facing east. $F45 moved toward me and put his arm around my shoulder. I felt rather uncomfortable about this, but i did not react for a while. It was strange that he was trying to be intimate with me again, since he had not done it in a very long time. He pulled himself close to me and tried to get me to hug him back, but i did not feel like it would be good for me to do so. $F45 became upset and complained that i was ignoring him. I let out a breath of distaste and told him that he had not touched me affectionately in more than a year, so i was suspicious of him doing so now. He rolled over and faced the other direction, acting hurt. I wandered to the east, into the apartment. Someone was talking to the west of me. It seemed like a man was standing in the room. I had been wandering through the rooms before, and i was looking for something. This apartment was in the middle of a city, and the large room had windows on the northern and western walls. Someone mentioned the hostage situation. I wondered if it was happening on the street outside. I had seen something going on earlier, but i did not know what it was. The news on the television said that the man was holding people with a gun. I walked to the windows to the north and looked out. A red crosswalk ran across the street just under the window, which seemed to be on the second floor of the building. It was wider on the side of the street near me, and narrowed in a horn shape to the other side, where it ended in front of a tall red machine. The machine was about three meters tall. It had a similar flanged shape as the crosswalk, and it had a rounded top, like a clock. It looked somewhat like an old scale, but i thought that it was some kind of game-show device. Thin horizontal white or yellow lines crossed the crosswalk, getting narrower as they approached the red tower. I had expected to see the red cars stopped in the middle of the street, pointing toward a building, like the scene i had seen on the television. I moved to the west and looked out another window. I could see cars pulled off the road, but they were not the same as the cars i had seen. They seemed empty, and their doors were opened. I moved to another window, looking down the street to the west. This seemed to be the street that ran along the southern side of the building i was in. The street seemed busy with activity. It also seemed very narrow, and the buildings seemed to be from the early part of the nineteen hundreds. I was then moving down the street, but i was in the air. I was riding a gondola, and i was looking out the front window at the street passing by. Old cars that looked like Model As with black tops moved under us. The building passing to the south seemed to be an old theater, with a tall tan facade that was taller than the main part of the building. Something was on the street just beyond the movie theater, covering the southern sidewalk. It looked like scaffolding with wood over the top of it. I then noticed the construction worker doing something above the scaffolding. He was facing north, and he wore yellow overalls and a hard hat. We were heading toward him, and i wondered if he knew that the gondola was here. I felt tense as we approached, but the man saw us and leaned back a little as we passed. I worried that the machinery of the gondola might hurt him. I quickly looked ahead to see other structures in the street. One of the building on the southern side of the street had tall scaffolding in front of it. The metal and wood structure stretched out into the center of the street. Welding sparks were spraying out from one of the levels. I felt nervous again as we came close to them. This street had too many dangerous things moving in the path of the gondola. I hoped that the ride would be over soon so that we could get off. The ground then seemed to drop away as we approached the tower on the higher section of land to the west. I was very uneasy and wanted to get off of the gondola. It moved into the metal structure at the western end and jolted as it came to a rest. It swinged a little from side to side as it hung inside a U-shaped metal platform. The man with me moved to get off the northern side of the gondola, but the gondola was still swinging. I was now on the eastern side of the car, and i tried to grab the metal poles to the east of us to stop the car from swinging. The man said that this station “had no tires”. He meant that it had no bumpers on the metal rigging to cushion the gondola and stop the car from rocking. The man tried to get off from the northern side of the open car, but the car swinged to the south, tipping with his weight. The man had a young boy with him, and he was trying to get the young boy off of the cart and to safety. I walked quickly past him to the western side of the car, which was now a metal platform with short metal walls. A railing ran around the top of the wall. I reached between the railing and the top of the wall to grab one of the metal beams on the side of the car. I told the man that i would try to stabilize the car so that he could get his son off. The car rotated a little, so i tried to keep it still. A man on the ground to the north of us then moved toward the car. He was dressed in clothing from the early nineteen hundreds, with a long gray coat. He had chin-length hair and a beard. He offered to help the child off of the cart, extending his hands. The man tried to pass the child to him. I noticed that the man a silver revolver in each of his hands. I could see down the barrel of the one in his right hand, seeing the rounded bullet inside. I felt suddenly afraid of the man, and i warned the man with me not to pass the child to him. The man with the guns pointed the guns on us and started shooting. I tried to back away, but my left arm was still between the railing and the western side of the car. It caught in the narrow space as i tried to pull it out quickly. The man turned his guns at me and started shooting. I finally pulled my arms out and fell backward. I realized that the metal wall on the northern side of the car covered most of my body up to my chest. I did not feel anything, and i wondered if i had been hit or if the bullets had gone into the metal wall and not made it through to me. I fell backward, and the cart moved away from the wall.

12014 September 23

I slowed my bicycle, looking down the sidewalk to the northwest. The others were following me on their bicycles. We were riding up the sidewalk on the northeastern side of the street. Thick bushes covered the sidewalk in front of me, and an old wooden house sat very close to the bushes. The white porch on the side of the house seemed more like a shed that had been crudely constructed. The white paint on the horizontal siding of the porch was worn and chipping. Something was hanging over the top of the door in the southeastern end of the enclosed porch, which really seemed to be a wall and a roof attached to the house. I could not easily ride my bicycle down the sidewalk anymore, so i thought that i would go around the northeastern side of the house. I pedaled across the grass, noticing the long set of wooden steps that descended from the second floor of the house, coming down the eastern end of the northeastern side. I started to feel uneasy about riding on the grass, thinking that the owners of the house would yell at me for trespassing. I then noticed a white clothes line running from the northern corner of the house to the north. I would have to ride under it, but i thought suddenly that it might actually be a dog run. I did not want the owners to know that i was riding on their property. I worried that they would be mad at me. I hoped that no dog was outside or i would have to ride even further around the house, circling to the west of the other end of the white line. I quickly turned to the west, ducking under the line. I headed back toward the sidewalk where the others were. The grassy yard dropped suddenly down a steep hill. The others were riding on a narrow stone ledge at the bottom of the hill, about a meter above the road. I turned to the north-northwest and descended the hill at an angle so that i was not heading directly down. I came down just in front of the others and started riding on the stone ledge. The ledge seemed very narrow, and i wondered why we had chosen to ride on it. We then swerved to the west again and descend another steep grassy hill toward another narrow ledge.

12014 September 24

I was in the large public room with either my grandfather or $A14. He was standing to the north of me, talking about something. This place seemed to be a rest area, and i was sitting on the southern side of one of the long tables in the room. I told the man something as i glanced around at the northern wall. The open room had a very high ceiling, but the rooms on the north were divided into two floors, with restaurants on both floors. The western end of the lower floor receded to the northwest, opening into a small eating area with round tables. Several restaurants were along the middle and eastern half of the lower wall. Near the center of the wall, a set of stairs ascended to the east to a small landing before turning to the north to reach the balcony above. Restaurants seemed to fill the upper wall. It seemed late at night here, so i thought that the food court would be closed. I watched someone walk up the stairs and head to a service counter on the eastern end of the upper floor. A woman in a white coat served him something. Part of the restaurant was still open. I thought that this restaurant might be a generic cafe that stays open all night. I wondered if $A14 had ordered food already. We stayed in the center of the room for a moment, and then i focused on a woman with a hairnet and a light-brown service uniform on. She brought us glasses of water from the sink in the center of the lower floor of the northern wall. She was not a waitress, but she seemed to want to help us get drinks. $A14 put two twenty-dollar bills on the counter to the north of him. They were for the woman. It seemed suddenly strange because i knew that the water did not cost anything. We could have gotten it ourselves. I then realize that $A14 was actually being very generous. This seemed nice, but it still made me wonder why it should be done. I turned to the southwest and wandered with $A14 across the room. A large store was to the southwest of us. I knew that it was where crafts were done.

12014 September 26

We were in the museum, but it seemed that we were not supposed to be here. We had sneaked into this building from somewhere else. I chatted with $F45 in the hallway. We then headed west, through the doorway. As $F45 held open the gray metal door for me, i was aware of a man behind a service counter on the northern wall of the room. We passed through the door and came into a long corridor. I recognized this place. This corridor was part of another museum. We had sneaked into the larger museum from this place. We simply walked from one building from another without paying the admission fee for the larger museum. I then though that we must have sneaked into this museum as well. $A618 was now with me in the corridor, standing to the south of me. He seemed disappointed in me, and he told me that we should not have sneaked into the museum like we had. I considered this, but i did not feel bad for sneaking in. I continued to the west. $F45 was with me. I wondered if we would be entering the third museum, which seemed to be to the west of us. These corridors connected everything. $F45 had to return to the event, which seemed like a conference. He headed to the west, but i turned to the south and headed up the stairs, which ascended to the east. As i reached the top of the stairs, i saw that the door to the apartment was open. $F45 must have left it open. The door was in the eastern end of the northern wall, just to the northeast of the end of the stairs. I felt annoyed with $F45. I then realized that the cat had probably gotten out of the apartment. I started to feel worried, and i called for $X14. I could not hear anything, and i did not see the cat around. I entered the main room of the apartment. It seemed messy, with things tossed all around. We had just moved into this place, so nothing was put away yet. I called for the cat again, but i could hear nothing. I then felt that we had been away for a few weeks. I suddenly felt bad for leaving the cat here by itself. I moved to the northeast, into the small kitchen. Looking to the east, i could see several bowls of cat food on the ground. I felt bad for leaving the cat, and i started to feel worried about it. I called for it again, but i could not find the cat in the apartment. It must have wandered out the door that $F45 left open. I went back into the main room of the apartment. The main door was open again, and i tried to closed it. I thought that i should keep the cat inside if it was inside. I pulled the door closed, but it did not close all the way. I realized that it would have to be closed firmly in order to stay shut. The latch did not catch unless the door was pulled all the way into the frame. I felt very upset as i started wandering around the apartment. I headed to the west, into another messy room. I called for the cat. This time, i heard a meow. It was coming from somewhere to the northwest of me. A large wooden cabinet stood against the western wall. I thought that the cat must be hiding inside. I stepped over the clothes that were piled on the floor. We had just dumped our stuff here and had not yet unpacked. I opened the large door on the front of the tall cabinet. The cat was lying on top of some bunched-up clothes. I crouched down and called $X14’s name. The cat looked at me. It was still curled up, and it was looking over its left shoulder at me. I called it again. It seemed hesitant to move. I thought that it might be scared of me. The cat was an orange and white calico. It was not $X14. This seemed suddenly strange. I then remembered that $X14 was actually dead. I wandered to the northeast, into the bedroom. Two single beds ran from the eastern wall. The one to the north was against the northern wall as well. The beds were covered with clothes and blankets. I thought that we had moved here quickly and had not had time to unpack our things. I felt suddenly strange being here. Something seemed out of place.

12014 September 27

I spoke to the others in the kitchen on the second floor of the house. This seemed like the kitchen in the apartment above my grandmother’s house. Some kind of family event was happening downstairs, and we were up here getting things from the kitchen. A woman stood to the south of me, to the east of a refrigerator that as against the southern wall. I said something about the event downstairs, and some of the people replied. They were getting things from the refrigerator. I looked at the dark-brown cabinets against the northern wall. Something dark was moving over them. The person to the west of me pointed out the spider that was hanging over the top of the cabinets, which now seemed like a refrigerator. The spider seemed rather big, and i felt weary of it. The man moved to the west, heading toward the door. I moved a little closer to the spider. It was suspended in the air in a web, which seemed to be spun between the ceiling and the top of the brown refrigerator. The spider twitched in the web, vibrating a little as it walked. The light reflected off of something shiny on its surface as it turned horizontally in the web. I realized that the body of the spider was actually very thin. It looked almost flat vertically. The body swinged toward me and then swinged to the southwest. As it turned its side to me, i could see a series of reflective surfaces along the top part of the spider’s body. The spider was roughly rectangular, with rounded corners. I then realized that it was really shaped like an elongated van, and the reflective spots were the windows of the van. The van shaped moved a little to the northeast and then stopped. I realized that i could see the narrow body of the spider through the van windows. The spider suddenly got out of the van and ran up and away from me, stopping near the ceiling and curling its legs close over its body as if playing shy. The long thin body of the spider had a reddish hue. I called to the other person to the west of me, telling him that the spider had been driving a car. I started to get a little closer to the web, but i noticed a second spider on the lower part of the web closer to me. I backed away, talking to the other about the spider. I then realized that i had to get something from the refrigerator. I glanced to the northwest at the other brown refrigerator, which was against the northern wall, a meter to the west of the one that i was standing near. I moved to the south of the main refrigerator. I moved to it and opened the door. I then focused on the spider, talking to the other person about it. The spider had a wide flat body now, and it seemed very close to me. I noticed that it had two white eyes, which bulged up and outward from its head. I thought that the white was the orb, so there must be a pupil. A black pupil turned toward me from the eastern side of the right eye. The spider was to the northeast of me, and i felt a little uncomfortable being so close to it. It seemed very large.

12014 September 29

I came into the living room from the west. The room seemed small with few windows. My parents sat on the couch on the western side of the room. The couch was in the center of the room, facing east toward a coffee table. The walls of the room seemed very tall, and seemed to be made of cement. The only windows in the room seemed to be near the top of the northern wall. I sat down on the couch on the eastern side of the room, on the opposite side of the coffee table from the other couch. My mother was saying something from the northern end of the western couch, and i was responding to her. $X13 was on the floor just in front of me as i sat down. He seemed angry and tried to attack me. I pushed him away, but he continued to be aggressive. He tried to claw me, but i kept trying to be friendly to him. I finally tried to hug him, but he lunged toward my face. I realized that he could bite my neck if he wanted to. I tried to put him, but decided that i should just ignore him. He finally curled up on the couch near me. I was now sitting on the northern arm of the couch, looking at the television, which was on the northern wall. I could feel $X13 touching the back side of my left leg as i sat. He still seemed grumpy, and i thought that he might attach me again, but i let myself be near him. I leaned back a little, snuggling against him. He lifted his head, but did not react. I felt that he was getting angry, though. My mother then said something. I looked up to the north. To the east of the television was a long white pipe sticking out from the wall. The pipe was about a deci wide and had a jagged rusted end. It looked as though it had been broken off, and the rusty end came to a long point near the top. Rusted rings of breaking metal were at intervals down the length of the pipe. My mother said something about the pipe, and i thought that someone had pulled it out of the wall a little. When i stood up from the end of the couch, the pipe looked shorter. I moved to the northeast to do something.

12014 September 30

I ran along the shore of the ocean, heading to the east. The ocean was to the south of me, and the shoreline seemed to be curving slowly to the northeast. I was running on a grassy area that was on the top of a short cliff from the water. The others were running with me on the north of me. I enjoyed this area and felt very good running here. This seemed to be a foreign country, and i thought that it was Australia. I wanted to fly along the coast. I pictured the coast of the country curving into a wide shallow bay to the east of us. A city seemed to be on the northern curve of the bay. I wanted to fly to it, thinking that it would be quicker. I thought that i should not fly, though, because the others would not approve. I started to fly anyway. The others quickly protested, but i thought that i could get away from them. The land to the east of me dropped off suddenly. I was looking from the height of the tall cliff over the flat plain to the east. I could see the curve of the seashore. The cliff seemed to be very far above the water now. I did not want to fly off the cliff and be so high above the land, so i turned to the north, following the slope of the land inward. I knew that i could follow the curve of the coast and end up back in the main part of the city, to the northeast. The others would not be able to follow me once i started flying, but i knew that they were chasing after me. I flew quickly over the trees and headed into the small house in the middle of the tan yard of dry grass. I had to get out of sight so that they did not know where i had gone. I was now sitting on something, and i seemed to be traveling on it. I had been flying on it. I speeded through the doorway of the house, which was in the center of the southern side of the small stucco building. As i came into the small room inside, i realized that several snakes were scattered around the floor. Several of them seemed rather small, but i realized that i was not familiar with these snakes. I looked at the dull-red and white one to the northwest of me. Its body was mostly faded red, but it had white stripes down its sides and round white spots along its back. I wondered if the snake was poisonous. I did not know, and i started to feel uneasy with all of the snakes around. I knew that Australia had many dangerous snakes and spiders. I swerved quickly over the floor, making a wide counterclockwise circle around the room. I was afraid to land because i would be too close to the snakes. I flew through a doorway and came into a small laundry room to the east. I was still riding something, which seemed like an overturned trashcan. I hovered on it for a moment in the small room, uncertain what i should do. Some of the snakes i had passed were very large, and i thought that they must be poisonous. I had to get out of this house. The thing that i was riding could not be stopped easily, so i had been moving around in a small circle in the room. The thing seemed a little unstable, and i worried that i might fall off of it. It seemed to be some kind of animal. I looked down, seeing large snakes on the floor near us. The dark-skinned snake to the north of me opened its mouth and bit the arm of the lizard-like animal that i was riding. The front fangs of the snake could not easily puncture the skin of the green animal, thought, so they scraped down the round scales before they were able to dig into flesh. I knew that this was going to happen, and i wanted it to happen, so i had waited for the snake to attack before tried to leave the room. I looked at the long white streak on the animal’s leg where the right fang of the snake had dragged along the scaly skin. We speeded out of the small room and crossed through the larger outside room. I was then in a safe place, and i was standing on the ground. I looked down to the north to see the animal i had been riding on. It was a large turtle. It moved sluggishly, and i knew that it was because of the poison, but i could not let the others know that i knew this. They were to the east of me. They noticed the animal and moved to it to see if something was wrong. I had to pretend that i was surprised by the animal’s drowsy behavior. The others did not seem to realize that the animal had been bitten, and i wondered how i would let them know so that they could treat the animal. I mentioned the animal’s sluggishness as i looked over it. I thought that i would be able to see the bite holes. I could point them out to the others as a way of notifying them of the bite. I looked at the green skin, but i could not easily see where the snake had bitten. The turtle was on its back, and it had a large round shell with yellow splotches across a dark brown and black surface. I looked at the bright-green leg on the northwestern side of the turtle, but could not see the bite marks. I knew that this was the leg that must have been bitten. I then noticed the white drag mark across the scales and the red puncture would. The turtle flipped over onto its back again. It was not feeling well, and i told the others that it was sick.

My mother told me about the book that i had been looking for. She said that it was in the bottom drawer. I was walking to the north, into the back room of my parents’ house. I looked at the large pale wood dresser against the northern wall of the room. I walked to it and pulled open the bottom drawer. As i looked into the empty drawer, i suddenly realized that it could not be the correct dresser. I was looking for something that had just come in the mail, so it should not have been in the drawer of a dresser that was already in the room. I pushed the door closed again and stood back up, looking to the south. What i was looking for should be near the door, which was in the eastern wall of the southern end of the room. As i started back to the south, i noticed the old worn darkly stained wooden chest just to the north of the door. I moved to the west of it and opened the bottom drawer. I then wondered how my mother knew that my things would be in the newly delivered dresser. I was looking for a book, which should have been concealed within the chest. My mother said that the package was unexpected, so i thought that she might have looked in it to see what was there. I stepped to the west a little, looking at the book. I knew that the box was actually a small blimp. It would unfold and the white balloon would inflate above it. The gondola below it would be about the size of an automobile once it was complete. I thought about how it would be constructed from the pieces of the crate that it had come in. It must contain several lengths of small metal girders. I could assemble the blimp to get out of here. I pictured the blimp being assembled from several different angles. I then wondered how it would be propelled. I had always imagined a blimp using electromagnetic field propulsion, but i did not think that the package would have that kind of technology in it. I looked up at the round fan above me. I had imagined that the propellers would be like those on an airplane, but the round plastic frame of the fan looked more like a turbine. I wondered how the propellers would be fixed to the sides of the blimp. The fans seemed to be too close to the gondola. I thought that they would be in the way of the balloon. They were also pointing down. I then thought that it was good that they were pointing down because it would help to stabilize the craft as it landed.