12015 September 03

I had been heading to the northwest, across the grassy lawn of the park, but i stopped near the northeastern corner of the pavilion. It seemed late at night, and the park was empty. Only a few people were around. The small cement block house to the west of me had seemed like a swing set, but it now seemed like the toilet house. A man was standing to the north of the building, waiting for the young girl to walk to him from the western side of the building. I approached the northern side of the building, but then decided that i had to head home. I turned around and started across the park to the southeast. I flew over the glass, realizing that the man would think it special that i could fly. I glided over the ground, but then seemed to slow down. I started kicking with my feet to propel myself. I was waving my feet up and down in a dolphin kick. I then started moving my arms out to the side, as though doing a breaststroke. I realized that these were swimming moves, but they seemed to work in the air. I realized that i had been doing swimming movements to fly in the past. They seemed strange, but it worked. I also remembered that it seemed much easier to fly long ago. I could have just moved through the air and did not need to pull myself with my arms and legs. I passed to the north of a bushy willow tree. I came to the eastern edge of the park, and i slowed. I was now standing on the sidewalk on the western side of a street. The park stretched out to the west of me. People were gathered along the wide sidewalk on the eastern side of the park. The sun seemed low in the western sky, and the colors seemed to be getting orange. I watched a group of four people walk from the south, passing to the west of me. One of the men in the group was short and broad. He wore a red T-shirt and seemed somewhat muscular. He did not have sleeves on his shirt, and i watched him as he walked, thinking that he was attractive. As they stopped around a table to the north of me, i realized that the woman in the group was $A275. She stood to the east of a round table on the sidewalk as the others gathered around it. I said hello to her, and she replied, but it seemed awkward. I did not want to interrupt their group, so i continued to the east. I thought about flying again. I was now in the house, walking to the east across the kitchen, which seemed to be my grandmother’s kitchen. My father was to the north of me, sitting on a stool to the west of the counter, which ran along the eastern wall. I wanted to talk to the man that i thought was attractive. $A275 was then standing to the south of me. She had come into the house. She seemed angry, and she told me not to talk to her again. It seemed strange, but i felt bad that she did not want me around her. She left, and i tried to understand why she would be upset with me. I thought that she might not want the other men to know that she had known me. I turned to the west, thinking of heading back to the park. I wanted to travel back to see something. I looked out the doorway of the apartment building, looking across the old pavement of the parking lot at the thin trees and weeds that ran up the chain-link fence on the western side of the lot. Another set of apartment buildings seemed to be to the west of the fence. I thought that they were on a suburban block, and that the other side of the block bordered the park. I started flying to the southwest, across the grassy field. I could see the blue water of the lake in the distance. As i passed over the grass, i realized that i wanted to go to the park, which was on the eastern end of the lake. It seemed like $P62. I realized that i was crossing the grassy field, which sloped gently to the south. I was heading toward the lake, which meant that the eastern shore was somewhere directly to the south of me. I looked to the southwest, noticed a few willow trees blocking some of the view of the lake. I would have to turn to the south to get to the park, but i continued to head toward the lake. I crossed the tree line and passed over the water of the lake. The water was dotted with the tops of weeds, making this area of the lake seem very shallow. I wondered suddenly if i would be able to fly easily over the water. I hoped that i did not lose height and fall into the water. I turned to the east and headed down the shore, hoping to get to the park quickly. I knew that others would see me flying and realize that i was doing something that not everyone could do. A person was standing on the shore near me as i headed east. I came quickly to a stone building, which was at the very edge of the lake. I could hear the music of the concert playing beyond. I had heard the music before, when i was here earlier. I landed on the rooftop of the building, which was actually made of cinder block or cement block. The people were taking notice of me because i could fly. I did not want to have to explain it to people, so i would have to pretend that i was foreign here and did not really understand what was going on. The band to the east seemed very familiar. They seemed to be playing on the roof of the next building. People were watching from the top of a tall cement wall to the north. The wall extended along the shore of the lake, passing the building that i was on. I headed to the northern end of the roof, looking over the edge. A channel of water flowed from somewhere to the east between the wall and the buildings. Some water also flowed between the two buildings. It seemed dark now, but i could see people running through the water below. They were not supposed to be in the water channel, and they seemed to be coming out of a tunnel to the east. Several of them seemed to be covered in white powder. I knew that it was part of the celebration. I thought that the police might arrest them if they found them in the tunnels, but i knew that they were having a good time and did not care. I saw a young girl with curly hair running out of a doorway in the northern wall of the building to the east of me. She was with an adult man, and they both seemed Indian. They paused for a moment as i looked at them. I backed to the west, crossing along the eastern side of the roof. The roof had a low wall around it. I was aware that people were watching me because they had seen me fly. I then realized that a platform of spotlights was just to the west of me. They were turned off at the moment, but they had been shining at the band. Two men were to the northwest of the lights, and they moved suddenly when the noticed me passing in front of the lights. I stopped and headed back to the north, thinking that i would be blocking the stage lights. I then realized that the lights were not on and that the band had stopped playing. The band must have been on break. I started to feel uneasy with the people watching me, but the attention felt good. I moved around on the rooftop, avoiding the people and pretending that everything was a new sensation to me. I smiled and stared at everything as if it were interesting. I then decided that i should fly to the north again. I jumped to the wall of the building. I realized that it was much easier to fly again. My hands had been tired before, so i thought that i might just be out of practice. It was much easier to swoop and soar now that i had been rested. I hoped that i did not get tired again. I stopped on the tall wall to the north. It now had narrow gaps near the top of the wall that i could pass through, but i was being careful not to hit the edges. I stepped through, realizing that the land on the northern side of the wall was fifteen or twenty meters below me. The height felt uneasy, but i carefully passed between two of the barriers and jumped into the air. I knew that i would feel uneasy, but i was still able to fly. I descended to the dirt ground on the other side of the wall and looked to the north. The ceiling to the north was a tall pale-brown dome with indented squares along its surface. A wall ran along the western side of the dirt area, separating it from a small enclosed space, which seemed like a large tool shed. This place was a construction site, and i thought that it had to do with the stage equipment. People were watching me from the west because i knew how to fly. I paced around, still pretending to be foreign to this place. I headed to the west, into the shed. It was very spacious, with a dirt floor and old wooden shelfs on all of the walls. Equipment for the concerts was stored here. Men in heavy tan work clothes watched me as i looked around. I headed back to the east, out of the building. I knew that i did not really belong here, and i started to worry that the men would feel uneasy with me around. I would have to leave soon. I paced around in the parking lot, aware that two of the men were following me, watching me carefully. I thought that they might call security to have me removed. I then realized that a car was backing across the lot from the south. I moved out of its way as it slowly moved to the west of me. It seemed like a limousine. I them moved around the car, heading back to the west. I thought that i should fly again to get back to the northeast. Someone then seemed startled, and said that the person was here. He mentioned a name, which seemed like the name of a villain from Batman. I realized that the man in green was in the black car, which was now driving quickly to the south. I wondered what he had done, and i started to feel worried that he would be doing something destructive here. I thought that something was going to happen. I looked to the east, down a long channel that led toward the city in the distance. A dark cloud with a green tint burst over the city, billowing outward. It was heading toward us. It must be something very destructive. I should fly away before it reached where i was.

12015 September 04

We had left the area and were heading to the south, up the hill in the suburban neighborhood. The houses here looked old, and it seemed as though we were heading up the hill from Main Street on $P2. My mother was to the north of me, and i said something to her. She responded, but she turned to the north to leave. She had to go somewhere. My mother’s father was driving the small car, and he sat to the south of me. We started driving up the hill to the south. I thought that we would pick my mother up later, after she was done shopping. I turned my attention to my mother’s father, who drove the golf cart up the hill. He talked about the neighborhood. I had not seen him in a long time. It seemed as though he had been away. He turned to talk to me as he drove. He was looking over his left shoulder, with his left arm resting on the back of the white cushioned seat. He said something about my mother shopping, and then he mentioned our relatives. He said that they lived near here. I wondered if he knew that they had not lived here in a while. I thought that he was talking about $K14 and $K15. I told him that they did not live at the cottage anymore. He seemed not to know this, so i told him that my parents had bought the cottage from them a while ago. I tried to give the details, talking about how my relatives had run out of money so my parents so my parents had to purchase the cottage in order to use it. I thought about telling him that the cottage had been redone. I remembered that he had been to the small cottage that my relatives had owned, so i thought that he would be impressed with the larger cottage that my father had built. We drove through the neighborhood, heading west. I started to feel concerned that he was turning around to speak with me and not watching the road. A white van pulled in front of us from the northern side of the road. I warned my mother’s father about it. We seemed to have stopped, but we still seemed to be heading for the van. Everything was stopped, and i tried to warn my mother’s father about hitting the van.

12015 September 08

I spoke to the other person as i moved around on the second floor of the office building. This place seemed somewhat like a factory. I felt annoyed and aggravated by something. I told the other person about it. I tried to move the car so that i could leave. I started by driving to the south, but then i backed up to the north. I was aware of the edge of the floor behind me, and i worried that i would drive over it. Something happened, and my back tires were now off the edge of the floor. I stopped the car but could not drive forward. The others were outside the window to the east of the car. I called to them to help me. I would have to get out of the car, but i thought that, as soon as i did, the car would change its balance and fall over the edge. I tried to get the attention of the people to the east. A man stood near the car, doing something with the others. He was facing north. I knocked on the window of the car and he looked at me. He was East Asian and seemed familiar. I opened the door and reached out to him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me as i stepped from the car. Without my weight, the car fell backward over the edge. I said something to the others, and then i moved to the edge of the floor and looked down to the north. The car had fallen three or four stories into the work bay below. I thought that i would get in trouble for dropping the car over the edge. I started pacing again, heading to the south where the stairs to the lower floors were. I thought about the car below me. I then reached the lower bay. The car seemed to be very small now and in pieces. Something was leaking on the floor around the wreck, which was just to the north of me. A man came from the north, talking about something. I picked up the plastic jug of something from the middle of the puddle. The jug seemed to be filled with gasoline. It did not make sense that gasoline was in a jug. Something seemed strange about this scene. I thought that i would have to leave before i got in trouble. I hesitated, not sure what i should do.

I was leaving the factory area. It seemed strange that i was here. I had been talking to the others about something. I said something to the man to the south of me as i started away from the brick building. I was in a small yard to the north of the building. Several tables were set up around the yard. I turned my bicycle to the north and started riding in a wide arc, slowly turning to the west, where the gate was. I felt that i had to get out of here before something happened. I was nervous about being here. I started riding my bicycle to the west. As i reached the western side of the area, the yellow metal gate started to close. I felt nervous that i would be trapped here. The man had something to me about getting out while i could. I headed for the gate, but it was already closing too fast for me to go through. The metal door swinged shut from the south. I turned the bicycle to the east again. A man there asked me a question. I felt very nervous, telling him that i was about to leave. I had to convince him that i belonged here and that i was just leaving. I leaned forward on the handlebars of my bicycle. I felt scared, and i could feel my body shaking. I glanced down at the handlebars, noticing that they were vibrating with my nervousness. I looked up at the man, trying to speak calmly. He seemed stern and asked me some questions. I replied, still noticing that i was shaking. He finally let me go. The gate was open and i headed to the east. I came out on the street. This place seemed like $P23, just to the north of the railroad tracks. A large brick factory building was to the east of me. I thought that i would have to get home quickly, before the people here followed me. I headed to the south, crossing the tracks. I then turned to the east and came into a pub. I crossed the room and said hello to the others. I felt nervous, and i told them about the factory. I was then aware of a man coming into the room from the west. The other two people with me pointed him out, and we worried that he was from the factory. He might have followed me. I glanced back at him. He was tall with dark skin. He wore a red tight pullover shirt, and i could see that his arms were nicely muscled. He opened up a black laptop computer and put in on the table in front of him. I started to feel suspicious of the man, thinking that the computer’s camera was recording us. The other two people with me said that they should leave, and they headed to the north, away from me. They then walked to the west, to the door. I stayed on the western side of the table for a moment. I glanced back at the man but then quickly turned to the east. I did not want the camera to see my face. I tipped my head down, aware that the bill of my black baseball cap would hide part of my face from the camera. I felt nervous again. I thought about how i could leave. If they were following me, i could not go directly to my grandmother’s house, which seemed to be only a few blocks away. I would have to ride my bicycle on some route that they could not follow. I thought about this for a moment.

12015 September 10

I sat in the small restaurant, near the large window at the northern side of the room. The restaurant seemed to be in an old building, and i was looking out the window at the small plaza in the city area. The ground of the plaza was covered with tan paving stones. The small round table was to the east of me, and i still had my menu. I felt impatient, thinking that i had to be somewhere soon, and i had not yet ordered. I got the attention of the waitress and told her that i would take my order to go. I looked out into the plaza again. $F10 was walking to the west in the middle of the plaza. I called to him, but he did not hear me. I felt disappointed that i could not say hello to him. He wandered to the west, leaving the plaza. I then noticed $F45 in the plaza. He was walking from the east, closer to me that $F10 was. I felt uneasy, thinking that i did not really want to talk to him at this point. I then noticed that he had long hair now. This did not seem like him. As the man passed, i realized that he could not be $F45. He looked very much like him, but he also had tattoos on his right arm. I knew that $F45 would never have gotten a tattoo.

12015 September 16

I was driving across the western side of the region. The landscape was forested, but i knew that houses were among the trees. I thought that i had to get back to the east. I turned to the north as the other person started driving in the other direction. The road made a loop to the west of me. I remembered being on that road before. The dirt road made a small loop around a plot of trees, coming back to where i was. This road had a sign that said that it was a one-way street. I could not turn to the west to use it, so i continued to the north. I then turned to the east and started down the long straight road back to the town. It was dark out, but i could see the trees reaching in over the road on both sides. After a moment, i started to see the buildings of a small town on the southern side of the road. The buildings were next to each other, and seemed like old stores and shops with apartments above them. I remembered this place. It was not the town that i was traveling to, but it was very familiar. I then realized that a car was parked in the center of the street ahead of me. I slowed to a stop. A white car was turned on its side ahead of me, and several other cars were scattered around it in the middle of the street. A police car seemed to be to the east of the accident scene. I wondered what was happening. A car then approached me from the west, passing me. It seemed to be an emergency vehicle. It drove around the northern side of me, but then tipped over in the middle of the road to the east of me. This seemed very strange. I then realized that i would not be able to drive east anymore. I would have to find another way around. I felt disappointed by this. I tried to think of where the roads around were, but i could not really think of any. I then realized that i could not take the road to the south where i had come from because it was now a one-way street. I felt annoyed, wondering what i could do.

12015 September 17

I dug through the pile of clothes to the west of me. I had not worn these shirts in quite a while, and i did not know that i had most of them. I pulled out an old tank top from the pile. It had a brightly colored bottom with black across the top. The straps seemed to be cut with square ends and sewn across the front in a V shape. They met the black band across the top of the shirt. The style looked old, but i had wanted some tank tops to wear around, and i thought that this might be a good shirt. I could wear it as a new shirt, but then i thought that the summer was ending, and i felt a little disappointed that i did not find it earlier. I then noticed the man to the east of me. He was young, and he wore a gray button-up shirt. He turned to the east just as i was looking up. He was short with short choppy blond hair. The shirt seemed familiar. I then realized that he was wearing a pair of dull-blue pants with a dark stripe down the leg. It looked like a uniform that i remembered from high school. I started after him, trying to catch him. I watched the uniform as he moved. He turned to the south just to the east of me to walk through a doorway. As he did, i could see brass insignias on the collar of the shirt. They formed crossed rifles. It was the same insignia i remembered from before. I stopped him as he held the door open and asked about the uniform he was wearing. I told him that i remembered it from $P7. He said that he was from $P7. This seemed strange, and i mentioned that i thought that coats and ties had replaced the uniforms. He said that they had but that people had gone back to wearing the uniforms. I was surprised that people at $P7 were wearing uniforms again. It was nice to meet someone who seemed familiar though.

12015 September 18

I looked at the picture of Superman to the north of me. It was a comic drawing, but it was telling the origin story of Superman. I told the other person that it would be a more interesting story if it reflected what would happen in real life. I thought that having a Superhero in real life would cause many problems. People would be afraid of him because he was different. They would not trust him as they did in the comic book. I also thought that the government should be involved. They would have investigated anyone with special powers. The government would not want anyone with so much power to be free.

I moved into the center of the weight room at the gym. I had been crouching down, pushing the gray plank up with my legs. I was lying on my back, watching my feet push up against the gray plank, which had been supported between two black stacks of metal weight plates. I was now standing in the middle of the room, trying to do the exercise again. I looked down at the plank, but i could not seem to figure out how to use it. I did not seem to have all of the pieces to the weight machine. It was just not right, and i felt frustrated with it. $F45 was to the southeast of me with the other man. He tried to chat with me, but i felt distracted by the fact that i could not figure out the weights. I then looked around the room to the north. The machines were clustered into the center of the room, and they all had people on them. The gym was full. I felt annoyed and did not know what to do. I would not be able to do the exercises that i was trying to do. I felt frustrated and did not really want to try anymore. I then turned around to see that a man had started using the gray plank that i had been using. I felt annoyed and did not know what to do. I started wandering to the north to leave the room. I knew that $F45 would be concerned about me, but i could not feel relaxed here and had to leave. I turned to the west in the hall and started heading toward the exit to the building. I headed south across the large entry hall of the old academic building. The walls of the hall were stone and plaster. Through the double doors to the south of me, i could see a crowd of people outside. They seemed to be protesting, holding up signs as they moved slowly to the east. The students of the college must be protesting something. The people and signs seemed to be bright red and white. I passed through the doors and stopped on the landing at the top of the wide stone steps of the building. The people were in a parade, which was slowly moving to the east. I wondered what was going on here. Something seemed wrong, though. I could not quite make out what was happening. I sat down on the steps, aware that something was blocking my vision. I had pulled the hood of my jacket over my head, and it was now covering my eyes. I pretended that this was a problem, but my jacket did not really seem to be blocking my vision. I could not see. Something was wrong with my eyes. $F45 was then standing in front of me, to the south. He grabbed my hand and tried to comfort me. I asked him if my eyes were open. He said that they were only open a little. I could see some shapes through my left eye, but i could not see anything through my right. I put my hands over my eyes, thinking that they were stuck shut. I tried to open them and wipe out the crusty material. I was still having trouble seeing. I then stood up, remembering that the furry hood of the parka was pulled over my head. I rubbed my face, trying to get my eyes open, but they did not want to stay open. I then looked to the north at the others sitting on the stairs. A man was wearing a dark red parka with the hood pulled up. The furry ends of the hood covered his face. I looked around for my jacket but did not see it. I wondered if the man was wearing it. I though my jacket was brown, though. I said something about it, and someone corrected me, saying that my jacket was not brown. I said that it was maroon, trying to remember if that was correct. I was confused. I stood for a moment, feeling sad to be here. Something was bothering me.

12015 September 19

The wrestling match was about to start, and i moved to the southern side of the room. The large red mat was in the center of the room, and people would be sitting to the south. I started across the room, but realized that i was walking on the mat. The others were chatting just to the southeast of me. I stopped and headed back to the north to get off of the mat. The others looked at me. One of them seemed to be $A117. He was talking to a few other men in suits. I headed down the eastern side of the mat, thinking that i could sit on the black mat to the south. I started to sit at the southeastern corner of the large red mat, but then decided that the light would be coming from the west. I would be taking pictures of the match and did not want to have the light behind me, so i decided to move to the western side of the audience area. As i repositioned myself near the southwestern corner of the red mat, a man from the north noticed me. He approached me as if he recognized me, and he started talking to me. He was $A738. It was nice to meet him. He seemed very nice, and i was interested in talking to him. Some of the wrestlers were gathering to the north now.

12015 September 20

The people moved the large cardboard box to the south, passing to the west of me. The box contained a large television. I was interested in the television, thinking that i needed one. Several other televisions were moved across the room, and i watched them go by. Several other people were standing to the east. I turned to the north, walking a few paces. I felt as though i was supposed to be doing something. The others to the east were part of a play. $A623 was sitting to the southeast of me, and she was watching. I had to read my lines for the play. I felt uncomfortable and not ready to do this. I started reading the lines on the sheet to the south of me. I felt awkward and did not try to act them out. I was not ready to be here, and i felt out of place. I read the black type on the orange nylon surface. The surface was actually part of a small inflatable boat. I read the instructions on how to use the boat. I then started reading the writing on the second boat, which was lying on the ground to the north of the first. The lines sounded the same to me, and i realized that i was reading them without really putting any character into them. I felt frustrated. When i started reading the second part of the small paragraph of text, i realized that i was repeating what i had previously said. I stopped in the middle of the reading, aware of the actors to the east of me. I told $A623 that i was not going to read the next set of lines because they were repeating what had already been said. I felt upset and no longer wanted to be here. $A623 was annoyed with me, but she agreed that the lines should not be read again. She had been sitting in a folding chair, facing north, with here feet up on a second chair. She held a small notebook in her lap. She put the notebook down. I felt relieved that i did not have to do the play. I pushed the long narrow boat back into place to the south of me. The boat now seemed to be very long. It was about ten meters in length, and it seemed like an old wooden sailboat. It was very narrow, and it no longer looked like a kayak as it had when i was reading the writing from it. The boat was propped against something to the south, and two objects were pushed in front of it on the north to hold it in place. I realized that the boat was leaning too far to the south and would not really stand up for long. I tipped the boat back to the north, pulling the easternmost of the two objects away from the boat a little so that it would stand more vertical. I stepped back to the northeast, noticing that the boat now had three tall wooden masts with square-rigged sails on them. I realized that we had placed the two large blocks far enough to the north of the boat that it could tip a little to the north. I thought that this might not be a good idea, because the boat could now start to lean into the blocks and push them even farther out to the north. I said something about this to the woman who was with me as we moved around the area. Something to the south now seemed like an apartment building, and people around us were doing things. I moved to the east, suddenly realizing that people around us had guns. We were being held hostage on the large ship. I felt uneasy, but i was aware that they were not actually after me. They would kill me if i put up resistance, but they were currently ignoring me. The older woman stood to the west of me now. She wore a business dress that seemed to be red or orange. She had chin-length blond hair, and she seemed like a European leader. I tried to think of who she was, but i knew that she was not Angela Merkel. The gunmen were moving around us, and i felt uneasy with them here. I was not sure what we should do. I started to feel angry with them. We moved around the deck of the ship, which seemed to be on the eastern end of the ship. A wall was to the north of us with windows that looked out over an open area. Another wall was to the west. One of the gunmen was walking from the west, along the northern side of the wall. I could see him passing the windows. He had short hair and round glasses. He seemed somewhat attractive, but i felt angry with him because he was holding us hostage. I pointed the gun at him with my right hand and shot him in the head. I felt bad about this, but i also felt justified because he was a terrorist. I wondered if the other gunmen would hear the sound of the shot and come after us. I then thought that the gunmen were shooting people all around the boat, so my shot would not be distinct to them. It still seemed strange that i would shoot the man. I thought that we would need to escape from the ship before the gunmen realized what we had done. I turned to the southeast, seeing a narrow protrusion off the side of the deck. A metal ladder descended from the end of the brown platform. I ran to the end of the platform and looked down the ladder. It reached the water at the side of the ship. I thought that we could get a boat and float away from the ship before the gunmen discovered us. I moved back on to the deck of the ship, talking to the older woman. The young man was then near us. He was fat and stood to the west of us. I thought that he was one of the gunmen, and i worried that he would tell the others what we were up to. I pushed him to the west, pressing him up against one of the windows. He tipped out the window, yelling for me to stop. I held his legs as his upper body hung out the window. I wondered if he was really with the gunmen. I thought that we should kill him as well, but the older woman came to the south of me and did not want me to push him out of the window. I felt conflicted. I angrily asked the man if he was one of the gunmen, but he did not answer me. I was not sure what i should do, so i let him down. The woman said something to me as the fat man ran back to the east and then through a doorway in the northern wall. I wondered if he was going back to tell the gunmen that we were here. He would let them know that we did not support the gunmen, and the gunmen would be after us. I hoped that he was just one of the other passengers, though. I then heard the sound of a light switch being turned on and off. It was the man. He had stopped on the other side of the door. I knew that he was still breathing heavily from the fright of being held out the window, and he was now flipping the switch back and forth. He was signaling the gunmen. We had to get off of the ship. I told the woman that we had to leave, and i ran to the platform on the side of the ship. We hurried down the ladder. As i neared the bottom, i realized that i could simply jump to the metal grating that was just above the water on the southern side of the channel. A tall cement wall blocked the ship. The channel narrowed to the east of the ship, forming an alley that ran to the east. I had originally thought that we could get a boat and ride to the west into the open water to get away, but now i thought that we could run down the alley to the east. The water there did not seem too deep. I landed on the platform and stated running to the east. As i reached the mouth of the alley, i suddenly realized that i had forgotten my shoes. I could not run as easily without them. I turned around and ran back to the base of the ladder. The woman had just reached the platform. I told her to run up the alley, adding that i would catch up. She stood just to the east of the ladder, as if making a point not to leave me. I stared at her for a moment, but then wondered why i was delaying putting on my shoes. We had to get out of here. I quickly puled on a shoe and started running to the east. I felt stressed and suddenly rushed. I thought that we could find a space in the alley to turn to the south, so that we could quickly get out of view of the ship. I hoped that the gunmen could not see where we had gone. It would help our escape.

12015 September 22

I pushed the shopping card along the southern sidewalk of the suburban street. I was heading to the east, moving uphill. It seemed that i had pushed the cart quite a way already, and it was getting harder and harder to push. I remembered that the cart had a special wheel on the front of it, and i thought that the wheel must be providing friction because i had gone farther than the cart was designed to go. The cart was designed to be hard to push if it was being stolen. I was heading up the street toward my house. A man was walking in the street to the north of me. He was heading west, and seemed to be leading a dog on a leash. I was parallel with him when i stopped the cart to rest for a moment. I had only a few blocks to go before i reached my house. As i stood on the sidewalk, the man to the north of me was doing something in the street. I then heard a click from the shopping cart. I realized that the wheels had just released because i had stopped the cart for a while. I quickly pushed the cart to the east again, hoping that i could make it up the shallow hill to my house, which was on the southern side of the road, on the western corner of the road i was on and the main street. The road that i was on seemed to be $P212. I looked down at the cart as i pushed it along the old uneven sidewalk. Dark green bushes moved along the southern side of me. The cart was beginning to get hard to push again. I kept pushing, hoping to get the cart into the house quickly. I did not want to wait too much longer on the street. It seemed that i had to hurry to get the cart inside. I paused, but turned the cart into the driveway on the southern side of the road. The house was now to the north of me, and i was heading east, down the driveway. A car was parked near the southeastern corner of the house. I thought that $F45 was home. He no longer lived here, so i thought that he should not be here. I could see a flickering light in the large window over the garage. The garage was in the western end of the basement wall of the house, facing south. The light in the window above it was gray, and i new that it was from a television. $F45 and the other person he had with him were watching television. I felt frustrated and annoyed by this. I headed toward the door, which was in the center of the basement wall of the house. As i reached it, a man came from the east and entered. He was a tenant in one of the other apartments here. He was young and seemed attractive. I felt annoyed that he was here as well, but i could do nothing about him. It then seemed that $F45 and $A671 were leaving the house through the door in the eastern side. I headed north, into the house, carrying the groceries with me. I came into the kitchen. An island counter separated the main area of the kitchen from the area of the room in which i was standing. The kitchen appliances were along the northern wall, on the other side of the island. I was in an open room with wooden floors. A large living room, which filled the western side of the house, was to the west of me. It was mostly open to the room that i was in. I searched for something in the room. The television was on the northern side of the living room, to the west of me. It was turned off, so i knew that $F45 had stopped the movie that they were watching because he knew that i had come home. This upset me. I took a few steps up the wooden stepladder, which was set up against the southern side of the island counter. The wooden steps seemed like stairs. The counter was surfaced with a black marble counter, and metallic items hung from the ceiling over it. I looked to the west and headed into the western room, feeling upset. A counter was to the west of me now, separating the northern end of the large living room from the kitchen. I looked over the items on it. Several stacks of quarters were near the glass bowls and other things on the counter. I felt very upset, and sweeped the quarters off of the counter with my left arm. I was angry at $F45 for treating me so disrespectfully. Chopped fruit or vegetables were in one of the glass bowls on the counter. I grabbed a hand full and stuffed them in my mouth. As i ate them, i realized that they must have been on the counter for quite some time. I remembered chopping them up a week or so earlier. I should not have been eating it, but it still seemed fresh. I then became frustrated with the fruit as well and threw that across the counter to the south. I then looked around the western end of the area, which now seemed to be part of the kitchen. $F45 had returned with $A671. I felt a little embarrassed that i had thrown the coins around, but i was not sure what i should do. I was still upset with $F45 for ignoring me. $A671 was now sitting to the west of me. He wore shorts and a T-shirt. He would not look at me, and he had been avoiding talking to me. I felt depressed. I moved to the north a little, and looked at the sink that was against the western wall. A plastic cup was sitting on the southern edge of the square metal sink. I realized that the sink was filled with water, and that the water seemed to be draining into a deep basin to the west of the sink. I lifted up the clear plastic cup. Water started to run from the thin metal faucet that arched in square turns over the cup. I quickly turned the faucet off so that the water would not be running. I then thought that someone must have put the cup there to stop the faucet from leaking. I should drain the basin so that the water will not sit in it for too long. I moved a little to the north, noticing the tall metal rods that were sticking out of the surface of the water. I then noticed the large industrial mixer sitting on the ground to the southwest. I had just moved into this house, and i was surprised to see that i still had many things left here by the old tenants. I grabbed one of the rods and pulled the long thin beater from the water, where it had been soaking. I was aware that the others were watching me. I let the beater fall back into the water. I did not notice that these things had been in my new house, but i was happy to have them.

12015 September 25

I moved around the small den of the house. My mother was talking to me from somewhere. She seemed to be on the telephone, but i was not holding a telephone at the time. She asked me if i was going to visit her in October, but i told her that i was not sure. She seemed upset, saying that she had not seen me all September. I felt bad that i could not visit my parents more often, but i always seemed to have something to do.

12015 September 27

I had been setting a run for $G4 in the narrow corridors of the caves. It seemed like a fun place to run, and i was having fun. I ran over the sandy ground, trying to follow the others. I looked at the white chalk marks on the ground. Something was wrong with the marks, though. They were not the same marks that i had set. Someone had changed the trail. I felt annoyed by this, and i felt frustrated that i had to make sure everyone was on the correct trail. I followed the white marks to the other end of the caverns. I came into a large open room with a square pool in the center. I had entered the room from the north. A man was standing on the floor to the south of the pool, on the other end of the room from me. This seemed strange, and i felt uncomfortable here.

I was on the western side of the room of the small cabin. The rustic building was made of unfinished wood and seemed to be very simple. Two doorways were in the northern wall of the room, and they seemed to lead into the shower rooms. Others were staying here, and i could hear a large group of people in the showers. I thought that they must be the sports team that just finished practice. An old man came out of the shower and stopped in the middle of the room when he noticed me. I felt uncomfortable here. I knew that the man would try to talk to me. He was interested in me sexually, and i thought that he was in the shower just to watch the other men there. I tried to ignore him, and i made a comment about my parents being back in a little while. I knew that my parents would not be coming back to the cabin, but i thought that he would not make any advances on me if he thought that they might. I turned to the north and looked into the shower room. I had to get cleaned up, and the sinks were to the west of the showers. I noticed the football players in the showers. They were all athletically built, and they seemed very attractive. I felt attracted to some of them, but i tried not to stare as i walked past. As i came into the bathroom to the east, i could hear the sounds of the people downstairs. They were having a large party. It seemed late at night, and i was getting ready for bed in the sink. I felt disinterested in the party and just wanted to go to bed.

12015 September 30

I felt groggy as i moved around the room of the house. This place seemed to be a cottage that my parents were staying at. I had been sleeping in the room to the west, but i was now moving along the northern side of the large bed in this room. The bedspread was blue, and i started to lie down on it. My mother was to the northeast of me, and she said something about the bed. I looked at the covers as i got close, and i noticed that covers had small black rice-shaped objects on it. I packed up a little, noticing a cluster of several small mouse turds near where i had placed my left hand. I thought that the food that we had been eating must have attracted mice. I felt annoyed. I complained to my mother about the mice. I then realized that i had been lying on the mattress with my face down. I must have been in the filth before. I felt annoyed and walked to the north, into the kitchen. Other people were around, and they seemed to be here for a function. I moved around with the others, still feeling uneasy with the unclean bed. The others moved into the room to the south. It seemed like a chapel, with wooden pews that faced to the north. I felt a little out of place here, and i looked around at the other people. This seemed to be some kind of alumni event. I thought that these people might be from my high school. People came in from all directions, and started sitting in the seats. I moved to the back row of the room, standing on the eastern side of the row of seats. People were sitting in the last row. I did not recognize them. Some seemed old and some were young. I then saw a man come into the room from the double wooden doors to the south. He had a pudgy face and white hair. He looked at me as if he knew me, but i was not sure that i recognized him. He seemed like $A151. I was not really interested in talking to him, so i pretended that i was not sure who he was. I glanced at several other people. I wanted to see someone that i knew here. The event was over now, and they were standing up to leave. Most of the people had left to the north. The people in the row to the west of me stood up and headed to the west before turning to the north. I started to gather my things. I had taken off most of my heavy clothing. I was not sure if i should put it back on or not. I pulled off the fur hat with the earflaps. It seemed strange that i was wearing it, because it was not really that cold here. I thought that i probably looked silly wearing it, so i removed it. I then realized that i still had my head shaved into a mohawk. I was not comfortable letting these people see that, so i put the fuzzy hat back on. The hat was leather on the outside, with yellow wool on the interior. I thought that i could lift the earflaps and wear the hat higher on my head. I then felt disappointed that i had brought this type of clothing. I wanted something that looked better. I felt awkward as i tried to gather my things. Everyone was leaving to the north, and i hurried to follow them. As i pushed open the door on the northern end of the room, a man stopped to the north of me. He was wearing a tan dress coat over a white shirt. He was going to head into the room that i was leaving, but he let me walk though the doors first. He nodded to me and said hello, asking if i was still having trouble. I felt insulted. The man seemed to be implying that there was something wrong with me. I told him that i was not having any trouble and walked past him to the northeast. The others were gathered there. I walked up to them as they spoke to one another in their small group. They all seemed very familiar to me, but i was not sure who they were. I stood to the southeast of the group, watching them. I hoped that i noticed someone that i recognized.