12016 September 02

I rode up to the upper floor of the apartment building in the small elevator that was on the southern side of the building. As i stepped out of the elevator and into the large empty room of the apartment, i remembered being in the elevator before. It was a crude elevator, shaped like a round tube. I had been in it when i was in a department store somewhere before. The apartment seemed to be in a city. It had worn wooden floors and brick walls. Others were in the room with me, but i was aware that i was not at the correct place in the building. I would have to take the elevator to a lower floor. I started to feel uneasy, remembering that the elevator did not work properly. I stepped back into the small cage of the elevator and pressed one of the metal buttons on the metal wall to the north of me. The elevator started descending. I only had to go down a few floors, but the elevator kept descending. I felt annoyed and worried. I did not want to get stuck in the elevator again. I pressed the buttons to get the elevator to stop, but i knew that it would go all the way to the bottom floor before stopping. I realized that i was now deep underground. Frustrated, i pressed the button to try to get it to go back up, hoping that it would go to one of the other floors so that i could get off. I did not want to have to go all the way to the top of the building. The booth that i was in now seemed small and unstable. The elevator rose to the top of the building and stopped. Angrily, i pressed the buttons, trying to get the elevator to go back down to a level that i could get off on. It would no longer move. The floor under me tipped a little to the north as i stood on it, so i tried to be careful. I felt scared of being trapped here again. I looked to the north. The light coming in from outside of the building was pale blue, as though it was twilight over the city. I was near the top floor, and an opening in the brick wall to the north of me allowed me to see out over the city. I was very high up. Annoyed at the elevator, i took out my cell phone and dialed emergency. When someone answered, i told the person that i was stuck in an elevator on the 61st floor of a building. I hoped that they could come quickly. The woman asked me for the address of the building. I realized that i did not know what it was. I told her that and hoped that they could trace my call to find out the location.

12016 September 04

I looked over the large map that was to the north of us. It looked like a diagram of a circuit board. The thin lines were drawn in bright red against the dark background. The map tipped down so that it was now flat on the table. A man was sitting on a stool to the northeast of me, facing east. He sat at the lower edge of the map, looking at it with me. Another person, who seemed to be female, sat to the east of the map. I focused in on the lines, trying to relink the chips in the circuit. I put my face close to the board to focus on the lines. I drew a small X just below one of the chips. I was not sure if it was the correct place to put the X, but i thought that we had to test parts of the circuit piece by piece. I then realized that the lines and chips had numbers on them. I looked around the map, telling the others about the numbers. I said that they showed how to plug the different circuits back together. The man said that the numbers were not instructions for what to plug into what. The woman then responded. I looked at the circuit board for a moment, but then i turned my attention to the woman to the northeast of me. She was being choked, and i felt upset about it.

I walked to the west, across the large campground. The daylight here seemed very bright. The camp seemed to be on the top of a cliff that bordered a forested gorge. The rough edges of the shallow gorge were made of layers of shale or limestone. The light from the bright white sky showed all of the details in the gorge. I looked to the east as i walked a little way to the south. The gorge ran north to south along the eastern side of the campground. I noticed people scaling the eastern cliff of the gorger, almost directly below me. I was startled at first, thinking that the people were sneaking into the camp to do some harm. I watched them creep down the creek, and i wanted to tell the others about them. Then i realized that they were actually just climbing along the wall. I pointed them out to the person who was standing to the north of me, on the edge of the cliff. The climbers were heading south, and they seemed to be moving along quickly for people on the steep cliffs. I then realized that several of them were hopping over the rocks that seemed to be covered with water. The water ran in a shallow sheet over the surface of the rocks. The rocks had to be on the bottom of the stream, and the people were jumping across the surface of the water with their arms and legs stretched out. They reminded me of water striders. I watched them climb for a moment to the south, moving in a pack over the rocks and water. I felt interested in them now, fascinated with how they were moving.

I felt very happy to me here with the others as we walked through the crowds of the festival, which seemed like Ithaca Festival. We were in a large field, which seemed to be to the west of Route 13 on the south side of town. I followed a path to the west on the western side of the field. I then turned to the south and walked along the western side. I was taking pictures as i went of different things. I felt very happy here, and i chatted with the others, enjoying the conversations. The path curved to the southwest, and i followed it into the thin forest. I stepped over the boards that were on the ground in the middle of the trail. They ran perpendicular to the trail, allowing a small stream to flow down their lengths. They were here to provide a place for someone to step as he or she crossed the water. The boards seemed to be four-by-four planks with rounded corners. I looked down at them as i tried to push the cart over the stream. I rolled the cart over the boards but jerked to a stop on the trail just beyond. The front wheels of the cart got caught on some small sticks near the boards. I had not been moving quickly enough for the momentum of the cart to carry the wheel over the sticks. I felt frustrated and pushed the cart, trying to get it to move again. I then heard the sound of someone coming down the trail form the south. The person was riding a bicycle. I pushed on the cart, looking at the long boards that now ran along the trail. They ended just to the south of me, so i had to get off of them before the bicker reached the water crossing. I heard the voice of the man to the south of me. I looked up, but could not yet see him in the forest. I remembered him from before, however. Something about him was special. I thought that i had to be cautious of him.

12016 September 05

I was hurrying to get the paperwork done. I had to do the billing for the group. I sat at a courter on the western side of the room, facing west. Someone to the south of me mentioned something, and i replied jokingly. I felt pressured to finish the paperwork, but i had to get some things. I looked at the billing, realizing that i did not have everything that i needed. I had a sheet from the bank showing the money from July, but i needed the sheet showing the billing from August. I would have to get it. I knew that my uncle would have it. Other members of my family were around this room. I stood up and walked to the south, into the next room, which was part of an auto-mechanic shop. A long red counter ran along the southern wall. It was clean and plain. The wall behind it was white, but the ceiling was a similar wine-red color. $K4 was standing behind the counter. He had a round face and hair on the sides of his head. I walked up to him as told him that i needed something. He seemed annoyed and he motioned with his right hand to something to the northeast of me. I knew that he was referring to the clock on the wall, indicating that he was still working at the repair shop, which he seemed to run. A young woman came out of a room to the south and moved to the counter to the east of him. I knew that $K4 did not want me to interrupt his business with personal issues, but i told him that i was actually here for business. I told him that i did not yet have the billing statements for this month. I asked if i could get one. He went to the register that was in front of him and typed something. A sheet started printing. He handed it to me.

12016 September 08

I held the small object in my left hand as i walked to the west. The object seemed to be shaped like a frog, but i called it something else. I watched the events to the south. Someone was talking about the organization. The voice, which sounded like the voice of an old radio announcer, said that the organization had been growing in support over the years. I looked to the south, seeing the man in the plain suit coat walking to the east. He had short whitish-blond hair. He seemed to be middle aged, and he had an appearance of being a little out of shape. He stopped, bent over slightly, and shook the hand of someone in the crowd to the northeast of him. He then straightened himself and continued walking through the crowd. The announcer said that the organization of German people had been formed in the United States a little after World War II, and had now set the goal of withdrawing the German people from mainstream American society. This idea concerned me. It seemed strange that a group of people would separate themselves from society, and i felt that they were becoming anti-American.

12016 September 09

The car was parked to the southwest of us, on the northwestern side of the street, which headed to the southwest. I moved toward the car with the other people, listening to the engine of the car as it stopped. My father asked why i had turned the car off. I told him that i did not. I knew that the car was a hybrid, and i explained that the engine shut off when the car was not in use. We were then in the car, and the scene seemed to be different. We drove to the east, and the people driving were making fun of the man. They had taken the car from the man that they were making fun of. I was in the back seat of the car, watching out the front windshield as we drove. We headed down the narrow driveway, which seemed to run through the middle of a golf course. Most of the golf course seemed to be to the south of us. The people turned the car to the north, and we drove along the eastern side of the long low cement-block building. The people continued to job about the man whom they had stolen the car from. The man seemed like Donald Trump. I did not like the man, but i felt that the people should be careful not to ruin the car. I then saw the large mud puddle ahead of us. It was against the building, and the car we were in drove directly through it. I felt the car jump up, as if we had gone over a bump. I felt a little concerned. A gravel path ran from the center of the building, where a corridor seemed to pass through the building. The car was then driving to the southwest of the path. I told the person to be safe as they drove. I then realized that cars could be coming out from the center of the building. We were currently driving on the grass, so a car on the path might not expect us and emerge fro the building quickly. I did not want them to destroy the car with us in it, and i worried that the person driving was being reckless. We crossed the path quickly, and then the car was driving to the southwest, along the white gravel path. We were heading for the large area of the golf course, where a green was. I could see a golfer in red pants and a tan jacket. He stopped to look at us as we drove to the north of him, heading southeast. Others golfers were standing around the green. One seemed to be holding the flag. The car then bounced as it passed through another mud puddle. The people were getting the car dirty as an insult to the man, who seemed like an unlikable person.

12016 September 12

I was sitting on the kayak in the middle of the long hall of the building. The hall ran down the eastern side of the building. I started paddling to the north, noticing that the water in the hallway was shallow enough that the paddles scraped the floor underneath. I concentrated on paddling shallow as i reached the northern end of the hall and turned to the west. The other man followed me down the hallway. The east-to-west halls were shorter. As i reached the western end of the hall, i tried to turn to the south to head down the long north-to-south corridor on the western side of the building, but the nose of the long brown kayak hit the western wall. The kayak or paddle board seemed very long. I would have trouble maneuvering it. I slided backward on the boat, thinking that it would be easier to turn if i were near the tail of the long board. I paddled down the western hall, trying to pick up speed. I wanted to keep ahead of the man behind me. I turned to the east again and then started back up the hallway on the eastern side of the building. I started thinking of the shallow ocean waters that i had imagined. The sandy shoal was in the middle of the vast ocean. I watched the sandy ground below my boat as i paddled. I then wondered if the shoal could be shallow enough to walk on. I then wondered if the sand would be packed down enough or if someone would sink when they stepped on it.

I realized suddenly that $A57 was standing in front of my desk. I was sitting on the eastern side of the classroom, facing west. My desk was near the southern wall of the eastern side of the room, which seemed narrower than the western side of the room. The western side of the room extended farther to the south. $A57 seemed angry with me, and i thought that she must have just asked me a question. I had not been paying attention. I was not sure what i had been focusing on. I looked up at her as she scowled down at me. I then looked down at the open book on my small desk. The teacher moved to the north a little, and i noticed the rest of the class sitting on the western side of the room. They were all facing east. They were all young children, and i did not recognize any of them. I suddenly realized that my class had left the room and a new class had come in. I must have fallen asleep at my desk. I felt upset and quickly started to gather my things.

I came from the room to the east and walked across the northern part of the apartment. I felt upset because i could not seem to find something. I turned to the south and then to the east. A woman was doing something in the kitchen to the east of me. I told her that i did not have some things, and i asked her if she had seen them. I felt that i might have left them in the school. I did not actually seem to have lost anything. I felt as though i was an actor playing a scene. The woman continued doing something on the counter to the east, but she seemed upset with me. She said that we might not be able to go to the place. I did not understand what she had meant. She then said in an angry tone that we would be able to go only if she purchased the tickets. I realized that she was accusing me of losing my wallet so that i could not pay for the tickets. This seemed strange, and i felt upset that she was accusing me of being dishonest. I had actually lost something. I started walking away. I then started to feel annoyed and angry with the woman. I turned back, thinking that i would tell her how disappointed i was in her that she would automatically assume that i had lost my wallet. I would say that i had my wallet in my pants with me. It was not something that i was missing. I thought about how i should say this.

12016 September 14

The others joked about something as i moved to the east across the center of the small room. We were trying to organize something. A plastic chair stood in the center of the room. It had a curved surface and a tall domed back. I sat in the chair, facing east as the others talked about something. The others were to the west of me. The clear-plastic chair that i was in had short round tubes in a grid pattern sticking out of the back. I felt humored by the conversation that the others were having, and i reached around with my right hand and put quarters into the tubes. The people to the west of me seemed to be Hollywood actors, and we were here for some kind of benefit. I placed the five or six quarters into the short tubes so that the quarters filled the tubes: one quarter to each tube. I realized, however, that i could not reach all over the back of the chair, so the quarters i was putting were not evenly spaced across the back of the chair. I stood behind the chair to look at this. The other man sat in the chair now. He seemed like someone i knew. I looked back at some of the actors, who were wearing dinner jackets. I pulled a quarter out of one of the holes and placed it into another, spacing them across the chair. I had two quarters near each other in the upper center of the back of the chair. I took the one on the north out and moved it up and to the left. As i backed away from the chair, i noticed that the pattern of quarters was no longer symmetric, but the cheering people to the west seemed to like it. I then turned my attention to the southeast. People were walking past me from the west, passing me on the south. We were being asked to move somewhere. I felt that the others were ordering us around now. We had been captured, and we were being held hostage here. The man in the chair moved. He seemed to be $A257. I walked to the southeast, watching the Nazis lead the children across the top of the small mountain. The area at the top of the hill was flat and open, with few trees. The land dropped off steeply to the east and northeast of me. The children were moved to the eastern side of the area. A tall chain-link fence surrounded the sides of the hill. The children were being held for ransom. This seemed like a strange situation. I then saw one of the children climbing over the top of the fence. The small child wore a long coat and a pair of shorts. He or she stood atop the fence for a moment before jumping over the side. I realized that the land on the other side of the fence was a cliff, so the child was jumping to his or her death. It was a way to fight back against the Nazis. If the children killed themselves, the captors could not use them as ransom. Other children then started climbing the fences. I felt excited by this, thinking that the good guys were winning. I hoped that the children could get over the fence before the bad guys could stop them. I moved to the northeast, toward the fence, watching one child jump over the fence and land on the ground just on the other side. The child stood near the fence, looking down over the side of the cliff. I felt tense, thinking that the child might be caught. I knew that the plot would build the suspense. The scene zoomed in on the head of the child as it looked down. The child was facing away, and all i could see was the straight chin-length blond hair. The blue school hat then blew backward from the wind, landing on the side of the fence. It had flipped off of the child’s head and was now leaning between the child’s back and the fence. The child lazily reached back with his left hand to grab the hat. I knew that this was going to lead to trouble. As the hand reached behind the child’s head, another hand from inside the fence grabbed it and pulled it through the fence. The child was caught. The Nazi officer would hold the child by the fence so that he could not get away. I felt tense watching the scene, worried that the child had now been recaptured and the plans of escape spoiled.

12016 September 16

$F4 and i walked to the south, into the building. We were at some event, and other people were moving around the area near us. I had just paid the woman at the door for the entrance, and she had given me a small stack of one-dollar bills. I was still sorting them when we walked down the darkened corridor of the building. It seemed gray outside, and the women at the table near the door were wearing heavy winter coats and hats. As we came into the small room, i started pulling the bills apart to count them. I pulled a bill off the top of the pile, but then realized that it felt heavy. It must have been two bills stuck together. I pulled at the paper trying to separate them. I then realized that the bills were actually stamp-like pieces of paper. They were not money at all. I felt annoyed, and i told $F4 about it. I looked at the paper in the pile, noticing that the bottom piece of paper on the pile was part of the tickets that we had purchased at the door. I wondered what i would do with the tickets. I thought someone would have taken them already. I started wandering to the southwest, across the small square room in the darkened building.

I headed to the west down the corridor, stepping carefully over the things that crossed the hallway on the floor. I noticed the twisting roots of the large tree to the south of me as i walked along the road. The trees formed a line on the side of the road, and their twisting roots and branches merged together into a wall. The trees hid a platform to the south. I moved close to the trees and looked at them, fascinated by the twisting shapes. I then looked up at the platform. Thin trunks of trees blocked me from the open platform, which seemed to be part of a room. The southern wall of the room had wallpaper with dull-yellow and off-white vertical stripes. This was $A166’s house. He was somewhere to the southeast of me, to the east of the room. He walked to the road and came toward me, saying hello. I chatted with him as i pulled myself up into the branches of the tree. I told him that we could squeeze through the branches to get into the room. I had difficulty, though. The space between the branches was thin, and several branches seemed to snag my clothing. I stepped up onto a tree to the east of $A166, pulling myself up with my right arm and fighting the tug of something that was catching at my sides. I then realized that one of the branches of the tree was loose. I would not be able to pull on it or it would fall over on me. I had to be careful of it. I finally squeezed through the space and stepped into the house. A young girl was to the southeast of me in the room. She was $A166’s daughter. I remembered her from before. A furry white dog walked from the east to the girl’s south.

12016 September 18

I rode the bus, which was crossing the college campus on the narrow road, heading to the northwest. I had to get back to the place. It seemed to be late at night, and i felt anxious. The bus was now heading to the east, and i felt annoyed that it was not heading directly in the direction that i had wanted. I pressed the stop button near the door of the bus, to the south of me. I hoped that the bus would stop at the next stop and i could get off. I did not want to have to head all the way back to the east; the bus seemed to be going from one campus to the next, but i needed to take the rural bus that headed to the northwest. The bus did not stop when i signaled. I felt annoyed. The bus was in between stops, so it would not stop until it reached the next stop. I was disappointed, thinking that the next stop would be on the next campus to the east. I walked back to the west and sat back down in my seat, which was on the right side of the bus. The bus continued down the dark street. I could see white road signs on the southern side of the road. The bus slowed down near them and came to a stop. A large thick tree seemed to overhand the signs, and a large school-like building was to the south. I got off the bus on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street and started walking to the west. Another person had gotten off of the bus with me and was also walking to the west in front of me. He wore a tan canvas jacket, which was baggy on his frame. As he walked, he dropped something on the sidewalk. I called to him and went to pick it up. It looked like a small gold bird and a round pin catcher. I told the man that he had dropped his earring or cuff-link. I could only tell that the brass-like pin catcher held something in place, so i guessed that the bird was part of some jewelry. The man stopped and looked back at me, but did not seem to understand what i was saying. I motioned to the broken pieces on the ground and asked him about them. He shrugged in indifference. I was surprised at this, and asked him if he really did not want the metal pieces. He turned and walked away without saying anything. I picked up the several pieces of brassy metal. The pieces were now larger and seemed to be part of something made of clay. I looked at the long object, which seemed to fit together to show writing on the side. I thought that the object looked like a double candle holder with a long clay base and two raised ends. I collected the other pieces, looking them over as i picked them up. I turned over one of the pieces in my hand. It looked like a cartoon figure of a dog. I put the pieces into the blue duffel bag that i had been carrying and continued to the west. I thought that the pieces looked nice, and i thought that i would do something with them. I adjusted the bag on my left shoulder, but i started having trouble carrying it. It was not to heavy, but it seemed very bulky. I realized that the pillow that i had in it was now in the way of carrying it. I adjusted the pillow under my left arm and moved the bag to my right. I headed to the west, into the house. My relatives were here, and they greeted me as i entered. I carried the bag to the west, heading into the kitchen of my grandparents’ house. My mother’s father and my grandmother were in the main room of the house, sitting around the round wooden table on the northern side of the room. A short narrow corridor connected the main room to the kitchen. A large platter of food was on the table in the entryway of the kitchen. It seemed to say something about the anniversary. I knew that it was an anniversary platter, and i thought that it was my grandparents’ anniversary. I looked at the plate of food, noticing that it was not quite finished. I remembered seeing it before, and i thought that i had known about the anniversary before. I then remembered the bag that i was carrying, and i thought that i had to take it to my room. I headed to the east, back across the kitchen. When i was in the middle of the room, i realized that the small dog had grabbed the fingers of my right hand in its mouth. It was not biting hard. I lifted my hand up, and the small dog, which seemed to be $X22, was handing from my finger. I watched the dog handing in the air as i continued to walk. I came to a corridor, and a doorway to the north led to a small bathroom. $K3 was coming down the corridor from the east. I held my hand up for her, showing here the dog and commenting negatively about it.

12016 September 21

I was in the room of the house, and i could see out the window to the east and south. A porch seemed to run along the southern side of the house. It was covered by an overhanding roof from the house. The porch was filled with small boxes and items. I thought that i had to get the things in from the porch, and i felt annoyed that they were outside. I thought that $A682 was here and that he had left the things on the porch. I opened the door in the eastern wall and walked around the corner of the house to grab the things on the porch. I remembered to close the door behind me so that the cat did not get out. I grabbed several things from the porch and brought them inside so that no one would take them. As i turned around and walked back outside, the overhang and side of the house seemed to be made of darkly stained wood. I grabbed some more things. I now seemed to be in a cement area between two buildings. I was living in the building to the north, and it matched the building to the south. The ground was now cement, and a set of stairs seemed to ascend the northern side of the building to the south of me. A baby seat and several items for a baby were on the cement porch to the east of me. I did not want to bring them into the house. I thought that $A682 must have left them here. I was annoyed, and i left them outside. I did not care if they were insecure there. I did not want to have to deal with them. I headed to the west, under the overhanding part of the building to the south. I noticed two men to the west, outside of the building. One of them had seen me in the corridor between the buildings as i grabbed a few boxes. A fence of vertical planks was to the west, but the man could see me though the gaps. I felt suspicious of the man, and i pretended to bring the box back into the house. I actually turned to the south a little so that i was out of sight of the men. I moved toward the green fence to listen to what the men were saying. I did not trust them. I then noticed the other men in the room of the house to the south of me. They were gathered for a function, which seemed like a pot-luck dinner. I moved into the room and sat down at a table.

12016 September 23

My parents were with me as i headed to the north. They were listening to the telephone recording i had left for them earlier. It seemed a long time since i had left the message, but my mother had just gotten it. I could hear my voice talking. I remembered that i had said something funny in the recording. I smiled to myself as i remembered the joke. I headed toward the restaurant, which was to the north of us. I then walked to the north, into the back room of my parents’ house. I came into the middle of the southern side of the room, where i heard a noise. I was talking on my cell phone to my parents, and i mentioned the noise. I looked to the east, out the window of the door. I told y mother that i hear a sound that sounded like a printing press. Out the door, i could see the back end of a pick-up truck in the driveway. The truck was facing north, and it was just fare enough up the driveway that i could no see the front. It was dark outside, but a light illuminated the sides of the truck. I felt uneasy. I stepped out onto the porch and looked at the garage to the north. People were in the garage, doing something. I felt upset and worried. I was not sure what i could do. A man was standing to the east of the truck. I felt scared and moved back into the house. I though that i should call someone. I moved to the western wall and held the phone to my right ear. Someone was then behind me. I turned around to see that a large man in a tight T-shirt had come into the house. I felt very upset now, but was not sure what to do. The man strode casually to the north, into the back room. He turned on the northern side of the room and started heading back toward me. I felt threatened by him, and i felt very upset. He seemed very muscular, and i thought that he had a nice body, but he should not have been in the house. I started saying something into the telephone, even though i was not actually talking to anyone on the cell phone. I pretended to speak in a foreign language, complaining on the phone as the man approached me. I tried to act casually, as though i was not hostile toward him. I spoke harshly into the telephone, though, pretending to talk to someone else in a fake language. I made it clear that i was complaining about something, and i hoped that the man understood that it was about him. I acted insulting toward the man, but he did not seem to notice. I wanted him to think that i was angry about something, but i did not want to confront him directly. He paced near me, and i paced back and forth from the western wall to the center of the room as i spoke, glancing periodically at the man and cursing. I then wandered into the house, heading southwest. I headed across the second floor of the house, thinking that i should go to my bedroom. I hoped that it would be a safe place in the house to talk on the telephone. I walked up the stairs to the north and turned to the west into the large open room. The western wall of the room was rounded, curving out to the west, with a shorter dividing wall curving in on the southern and eastern sides. I thought that the bed was in the rounded area. I headed south across the room. The ceiling seemed very high up, and this room seemed very open. I was aware of the purple cape that i had tied over my shoulders. I jumped forward suddenly, letting the cape trail behind me. I then realized that someone else was in the room. I moved to the eastern edge of the roof and looked north. A young man and young woman were sitting on the northern side of the room. I felt annoyed that they were here. They should not have been in this room. I was standing on the eastern edge of the room, but the area seemed like the driveway of my grandmother’s house, with a garage on the northern end of the driveway, which was the floor of the room. The young couple was sitting on a low wall that ran east from the southeastern corner of the white wooden garage. The man wore a stretchy bright-green shirt, which fit tightly over his chest muscles. He had a nice figure, and i thought that he was very attractive. He had a sharp jaw as he smiled. The woman to the east of him was also very attractive, with long flowing blond hair. The man leaned back over the wall as he spoke, and the woman ran her hand up his chest, pulling his shirt up. He had nicely detailed abdominal muscles. I felt very attracted to him. I then noticed that we were actually on a roof. The low wall that the people were sitting on was the edge of the roof. The wall ran down the eastern side of the driveway as well. I wanted to talk to the young couple, but i felt that they were too young for me to hang out with. The couple then stood up and grabbed the white handle over their heads. They had talked about heading off of the roof to the east. I knew that people came up to this roof to hang-glide. They grabbed the handles of the large green hang glider and jumped off the room. I could see them gliding to the east-northeast, across the green lawns of the neighbors’ yards.

12016 September 24

I headed to the north through the thinly dispersed crowd in the wide gray outside area. I was with $G4, and several people were gathering in costume. I was wearing a red dress as a costume. Other people were gathering for the event. I felt a little uneasy, feeling that i should leave this place. I looked down at the red fishnet stockings that i had in my hand. I had been playing with them. I commented to someone that they were cheaply made because they were intended to be worn as a costume. I tried them on, but they were too small. I told the person to the east of me that they were made for someone much smaller. I had torn a hole in the crotch and inseam of the stockings. I wondered if i should wear them anyway. Something seemed uncomfortable about this situation, however. I moved to the south a little. Others were chatting to the west and southwest of me. A car then pulled up to the east of me, stopping just to the east, facing south. I saw $F57 in the passenger’s seat. $F58 was driving the car, and some other friends of mine seemed to be in the back seat. $F57 was in a short dress that had black stripes running down the front. Everyone was supposed to wear dresses for this run. I still felt uncomfortable. I had removed my red dress already and was now wearing an old pair of blue jeans. I was not comfortable here, and i headed to the south. I thought that i might not run with the others. It was still early, though, so i could do something and then get back here in time. I did not really want to do anything, though, and i thought that i might not make it back for the run. I wondered what the others would say if i did not return. They would probably notice that i was missing. I could just show up after and say that something had happened. I was then at my grandmother’s house. I was in the dining room, and some of my relatives were around. I still had the fishnet stockings with me, but i was dressed normally. I still wore a red top, thought. I moved around, doing something, and then i headed to the south. $X3 was with me. I was taking him for a walk. I felt uneasy, thinking that i should not have abandoned the run, but i felt that i could not stay there. $X3 was on a leash as we walked through the city area, but i dropped the leash for something. I pet him on the head. It seemed good to see him. He then turned and started jogging off to the west. I realized that i did not grab the leash in time. I called to him, but he did not return. I knew that he might run away if i did not have the leash. I started after him, but he ran faster to get away. He wanted to explore the city. I felt annoyed that he was not listening to me. I started running after him, but then realize that this would just be a game to him. I felt upset. The other dog had been running around too, but i was not concerned about it. It was a golden retriever. I stood on the northwestern sidewalk of the street, looking to the southwest. $X3 had run somewhere down the street, but the retriever was in a house at the top of the steps. The buildings here were urban apartment buildings, with tall front steps. I called to the retriever, knowing that it would come home with me. As it came, i then realized that $X3 would be interested in the other dog and might follow me if i pet the retriever. I started petting the golden retriever. I then saw $X3 looking out the doorway of the apartment to the west of me. I pet the other dog, and $X3 came jogging toward me, wagging his tail. He wanted to be pet too. When he got near, i pet him on the head and grabbed his leash. I turned to the north and headed back home. When i reached the water channel, i thought that i could climb over the long pipe that crossed it. The water channel was five to ten meters across. It was down a steep hill from the road that i was standing on. An old metal structure covered the channel, which ran along the road. The metal structure was mostly rusted and seemed abandoned. The thin girders held up the southern side near me, and i seemed to be near the western end of the building. A roof covered the top of the structure, and the northern side was attached to a large building. The wide metal tube ran near the ceiling of the building, but it was level with the road. The top was level with my shoulders, and i climbed up onto it and started crossing. I then felt a tug on the leash behind me. I looked back to see $X3 with his front paws up on the end of the wide pipe. The metal of the pipe was thin, and it bent in a little with my weight. It seemed to be a duct pipe. The pipe would support me, but the top would fold a little as i crossed. $X3 was scared of crossing the pipe though. I then realized that i had crossed under the pipe when i had come to the south. The dogs had not been on leashes at the time, so they ran over the water their own way. I would not be able to take $X3 over the pipe. He would be too afraid and might fall in. I felt annoyed. I would have to find another way across.

12016 September 25

I headed back to the east, along the northern side of the area. The campground to the south of me was filled with people that were here for the event. I had to get my jacket, which i had left on the ground near the eastern end of the northern side of the area. I was walking outside the area at the moment. As i neared the place where i had left my jacket, i noticed $F12 nearby. He said that he had picked up my jacket, and he held it up to show me. I looked at the blue and white running shell. It was not the jacket that i was looking for, but i remembered that i had left the blue and white jacket here earlier. I was looking for my purple, green, and black running shell, which i had just left here a little while ago. I glanced to the southeast, spotting my purple and black jacket on the ground near some people. People were sitting all over the grassy area. I said something to $F12. He stood to the south of me, across the crowded ground. I was now standing within the grassy area where the people were. I had not yet grabbed the jacket that was to the east of me, along the northern edge of the area. $F12 started heading toward me, but he stopped when he realized that something was in his way. A group of people were standing just to the west of my view of $F12. They were watching something to the east. Other people sitting in the area also were all facing east. I thought that something was projected on the eastern side of the area. Two large trees seemed to stand on the eastern side of the area. I could not see them, but i picture a white sheet or screen suspended between them. I thought that the festival here was some kind of music festival. Just to the east of the view i had of $F12, a group of people were sitting on what seemed to be a raised wooden platform. The platform had bamboo rails along the western side. I thought that ropes ran from the vertical supports of the platform to the grass to the west of the platform. $F12 could not cross directly to me because the ropes were in his way. I headed to the south toward him. I looked down at the grass as i ran. The strings reached from the west when i started, but, as i passed the men standing to the west of the grassy aisle, they started coming from the east. They overlapped in the center, but i realized that i could easily step aside the stakes that held them in the ground. I wondered why $F12 did not want to cross the strings. When i reached the southern side of the area, i looked up, but i could not see $F12. I looked around. He must have run to the west to go around the area. I now seemed to be just to the east of Mudd Hall. I passed the building and looked to the west, down the southern side of it. I still could not see $F12. I contemplated how follow him.

12016 September 27

I ascended the stairs on the eastern end of the building, heading north. This place seemed like $P19. When i got to the second floor of the building, i realized that some people were already in the room. Three men were sitting in chairs, staring at a computer screen, which was on the eastern wall. I started to walk around them, thinking that i would head up the next set of stairs to the third floor bedroom. The bottom of the next set of stairs started in the southeastern corner of the room, and the stairs ascended to the north. I stopped in the middle of the room, though. I did not want the others to think that i was heading upstairs. One of the people sitting in a chair was $A109. He sat hunched in the chair, his long black hair falling across his shoulders. He watched me for a moment as i walked southwest into the center of the room. I said hello to them, but continued walking to the west, up the step to the western part of the room, which was narrower. The floor was made of wood. I continued to the west. I wondered if they would think that i was sleeping walking. I opened the door in the center of the western wall and headed into the small bedroom. The room was dark. A large bed took up most of the space. It was against the western wall, more to the north than to the south. I lay down on the bed, thinking that i would have to stay here for a short time before i could sneak up to the third floor of the house. I felt suddenly sexual, and i rubbed my groin on the bed as i lay down. I then felt impatient and wondered what i should do. I did not really want to sleep in this room. I then noticed that a shape was on the northern side of the bed. I thought that someone else might be sleeping here. I felt the bed to see if there was a person on it or if it was a pile of pillows. I could not find anyone. I still felt impatient and contemplated what i should do. I stood up off the southern end of the eastern side of the bed, facing west. I wanted to do something, but i felt that i would not be able to do it right now. I then thought that i had to urinate. I would have to go back out into the main room.

12016 September 28

The bus pulled over on the northern side of the street, and i got out. I was with people from my high school, and we seemed to be on a class trip. I headed to the north, into the small restaurant. The wall to the east of me seemed dull yellow, and other people were moving around the restaurant. I seemed to do something in the building, but then i headed to the south. I had heard the bus starting to move. I walked back out onto the sidewalk. The bus was gone. I turned to the west, hearing someone saying something about going around. The wide street curved to the north, just to the west of me. The restaurant seemed to be the second building in from the corner on the northern side of the block. The street in front of the restaurant ran almost east to west, but it curved northwest to the west and then made a wide turn to the north, where it seemed to meet another intersection. To the northwest, i could see the dark-brown bus turning to the west on the other street. I would not be able to catch it. I thought that i had been sitting near the front of the bus on the driver’s side. They must not have noticed that i was missing when they drove away. I realized that they were trying to head to the south, and i looked to the south. The street i was on curved to the south, just to the southeast of where i was. I thought that the bus would be heading to the large field at the bottom of the hill to the south of me. I started jogging down the eastern sidewalk of the street, hoping to meet the bus before it got too far away. I then wondered if i should have stayed in the same place so that they knew where to find me. I stopped running after a few strides, realizing that it was hard to run with the flip-flops on my feet. I reached down and pulled off the red sandals and started running barefoot, which felt better. I reached the intersection of the main east-to-west road at the bottom of the hill. I looked to the west, hoping to see the bus coming toward me. I saw a small dark-brown bus heading away. It looked like my bus, but it was much smaller. I also thought that it looked like a UPS delivery truck. I then realized that many of the busses in this area looked very similar. I started walking to the west, toward what i thought would be the tourist area. I had to catch up with the bus, though i started to worry that the bus might be heading to another location. I walked past the buildings to the north of me and came to the large open field. I looked to the north, down the eastern side of the field. The filed ran flat for a little way, but then sloped upward on the northern end, meeting the road above. Busses seemed to be stopping on the eastern end of the field. I thought that i should head to the upper end of the filed before the bus from my school arrived. I started to the north, up the hill. The hill became very steep near the northern side, and a small tourist building seemed to be ahead of me. This area seemed to be in Washington, D.C. My class was visiting this place. I had to get back to them, and i felt worried that i would not be able to find them. I hoped that they did not head back to the restaurant to find me. As i struggled to climb the hill, i found myself inside the small building. The room inside was rustic and seemed to be a tourist information center. The floor of the building was wood, and the walls seemed to imitate a log cabin. An information counter was along the center of the back wall, and two people stood behind it. Part of the counter also seemed to be a cash register. I had to get to the north to get to the buses, but i did not see a doorway out to the north. I then realized that a door was in the western wall. It was below ground, but i thought that the stairs must lead to the ground level outside. The woman behind the counter looked up at me. Her head was still facing down as she stared at me, smiling. I said hello and said that i had to get outside. I asked her if it was okay for me to go out the side door of the building. She said that i could, so i headed for the door.

12016 September 29

I stood up and walked to the east with my family. We seemed to be in a mountainous region. The tall rocky mountains were to the northeast and southeast of where we were, and we were walking out of a doorway and down a wooden walkway that led between some buildings. The valley to the east seemed to stretch between the mountains. A policeman was holding the door open as we passed. He held the northern door open, watching us walk out of the building. The other police officers were leading my parents and grandmother to the east, and some were behind us in the room. They wanted to question us about something. I felt a little guilty, thinking that i had done something very bad. I had acted as though nothing was wrong, so no one knew that i had done anything bad. I knew that we would be questioned by the police, and i knew that i would have to pretend that nothing was wrong. I worried a little that someone might find out what i did, but i told myself that i would have to try to convince the police that i knew nothing about what they were talking about.

We walked west and stopped in the small paved parking lot, which seemed to be on the northern side of the college campus. $A682 had walked to the south to open the tall black iron gate, but he had returned. I thought that the gate was closed and locked. He would have climbed the gate, but i knew that that was not allowed. The gate had square vertical bars between thicker top and bottom bars. It was about three meters tall. I thought that we would have to steal a car, but i felt that this was a joke. I knew that it would be a bad thing. $A682 was then to the northwest of me, near a car that was parked facing north and just to the south of a large building. A security officer in a dark uniform was near the back of the car. HE raised his hands as $A682 tried to steal the car. I felt suddenly uneasy, thinking that i did not want to be involved in the theft of the car. I walked away, heading to the southwest. I thought that i would instead climb over the gate and head to the east. I knew that climbing the gate was not allowed, but i thought that it would be better than stealing the car. As i reached the gate, i realized that it was actually open. The gate was swinged to the north and east. I wondered why $A682 had not simply walked through the gate before. I hurried through the gate, thinking that i should get out of sight before the police came to arrest $A682 for stealing a car. I continued down the narrow driveway to the east, which seemed to run between some low modern brick buildings. I seemed to be in an agricultural area. I noticed a sign just off the southern side of the path that said that the area was restricted. It mentioned the crops that were growing here and said that only certain people were allowed entry. I ignored the sign and continued on, hoping that no one would notice that i was here. After a little while, a drive turned to the north, ending in a small rounded parking space to the east of a small brick building. I thought that the building was one of the research stations for the college. I seemed to be on Cornell’s campus, and the gorge and Beebee Lake seemed to be just to the north of me. As i approached the building, a police car came from the east and passed me on the driveway. I had to make it seem that i was heading for the building. I then realized that many people probably come here to look over the hill to the north at the small lake and gorge. I wondered what they looked like, but i could not make it seem that i had come here for that. I thought that the police officer in the car might be watching me. I had to make it seem that i was heading for the building. I had already walked past the entryway for the building, however. I t was on the western end of the southern side of the building. Two wide pale doors sat in a white metal frame, just under the overhang of the second level of the building. The western side of the building was brick, and was also recessed about two or three decis from the second level of the building. The brick wall was only about five meters long, though. To the north of it, a grassy area cut into the first floor of the building. The western wall in the niche was covered with glass windows on the top and metal paneling on the bottom. I realized that there was no door on the back side of the entryway. I would not be able to pretend that i was walking into the building from here. I would have to head back to the front of the building to pretend to get in. I reached my hand into my right pocket, pulling out a set of keys. I wanted to make it seem that i was getting ready to head into the building. A man walked from around the northern side of the building, passing under the overhang of the small niche, which seemed to be about five meters square. I thought that i could look out over the lake from here, but i could not see it at the moment. I tried to plan what to do next. I did not actually have keys to the building, but i had to make it seem that i belonged here.

12016 September 30

I could hear $A53 approaching from the east. I turned to look at him, but i could not quite see him over the rocks. I was sitting on the top of a small cliff, looking to the west. I had hiked into the gorge, which seemed to have something to do with $A53’s house. It seemed as though i had been here with him at some point. He called to me, and i responded, letting him know where i was. He seemed annoyed and disappointed, and he told me that we had to leave. I thought that he did not want me in the gorge here. I had been reclining on my left side on the smooth warm surface of the rounded rock. I sat up and looked back to the east again. My shirt was still on the ledge above and to the northeast of me. It was a dark-blue shirt, and it sat on ashen-tan rocks. I told $A53 that i would be right there, adding that i would just have to get my shirt. I sat more vertical, pushing away from the tall rock, which was to the south of me. I then caught my balance, realizing that i was lying on my stomach on a small rounded rock that was high in the air. I looked down, seeing that the rock was atop a tall thin tree. I leaned my hands on the tree just to the southeast of me to balance myself. I thought that i could easily climb down the tree, but then i thought that it looked more difficult than i remembered when i climbed up. I grabbed on to the tree with my legs, hoping that i could easily lower myself down the trunk. I reached the ground with greater ease that i thought i would. I then turned to the northeast and headed toward the cliff. I started pulling at the flat rocks, but i realized that the cliff here was mostly clay and loose packed dirt. It pulled free as i tried to climb it. I would have to be careful. I wondered how i had climbed it earlier to get on top of the tall rock. I had come from the ledge of the top of the cliff to the round rock, but i had lowered myself down the tree. I realized that the tan square stones of the ledge were now above my head, so i would not be able to climb up to my shirt from here. I moved to the south a little, wondering how i had so easily climbed up the cliff before. It then seemed that i had retrieved my shirt, and i started heading to the east, along the southern side of the cliff. The main gorge ran east to west, and it was to the south of me. I was still halfway up the northern wall of the gorge. I had to make it back to the east, where $A53 had been. I felt that $A53 wanted me out of the gorge. I had only headed a little to the east, though, before i ran into a small metal enclosure. It seemed to be some kind of utility box. Tall grass grew up around the sides of it. I tried to pass along the southern side of it, but a metal trough was there. I did not want to have to head back and down into the gorge, thinking that it would take much longer. I did not want $A53 to have to wait any longer. I did not want him to think that i was staying in the gorge any longer than i had to. I started walking down the center of the trough, but i realized that it turned into a metal duct. I hoped that it led to the east. I followed the ducts a little way to the east, but they seemed to become too restrictive. I did not seem to be enclosed entirely in the ducts, but i would have to climb down into a lower duct to continue, and it seemed too narrow to let me pass. Annoyed, i stood up and turned back to the west, hoping to hurry back out of the ducts and work my way to the south. I felt that i had to hurry. I tried to pull myself back up to the larger duct, but the metal of the round opening in the bottom of the duct was stuck on my waist. I pulled at it for a moment. The metal of the ducts seemed to bend very easily around me, as though it were very thin. I hoped that did not ruin the ducts. After a few moments, i seemed to be standing along the northern edge of the main gorge. The water was just to the south of me, and i was trying to make my way to the east along a very narrow ledge. A man was then to the east of me. He was older. He had a partially wrinkled face and a fuzzy white and gray beard. He wore a pale shirt over another shirt, and he seemed to be wearing khaki pants. He told me that i should follow him out. I realized that i would not be able to walk to the east after him without walking through the water. I mentioned this to him, asking if we should get our feet wet. He said that we would have to go through the water now. I thought that he meant that the water in the gorge had risen. I stepped into the shallow water, watching the flat rocks underneath the water as i walked. I hurried to the east, finding myself walking down a long wide corridor, which seemed like the basement of a house. The eastern end was crowded with things. It was poorly lighted, and i thought that it was getting dark out.