12017 September 01

I was in the northern room of the house, arranging my clothes. It seemed that we had just gotten back from somewhere, and i had just showered. I piled some of the clothing into a closet on the southern side of the rectangular room. I then walked to the west, heading into the bathroom. I still seemed to have a towel wrapped around my waist. The bathroom i had entered was small. I entered through a doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. A pile of blue clothing was just to the north of me, and i tried to move around the crowded room. I reached to the north and flushed the toilet, which was against the eastern wall. As i flushed it, i noticed that the lift was partially open. I could see my white socks and underwear in the bowl. I had tossed them there. I was suddenly aware that they were being flushed down the toilet. I started to reach for them, but then decided that i would not be able to grab them in time. I thought that it really did not matter if i lost them. I turned and headed back across the bedroom to the east. I was now in a larger building. Other people were with me. I moved around the area now. This place seemed like some kind of hospital, and i had been staying here with the others. I walked to the west again and left the room through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. The other patients were here. I had not been in this place for long, and i was not familiar how they did things. The other patients here were young. Someone passed me with a tray of food in his or her hands, and i realized that it was breakfast time. I walked down a short hall to the south, passing a counter on the eastern wall. Someone had put a bagel in a bowl of milk and left it on a tan tray. This seemed wasteful. I wondered what other food was here to eat. A door was in the western wall of the hallway, but the hall opened up to the east into a larger room. Seats seemed to be on the southern side of the room, but i turned to the northeast and headed into the kitchen area. A counter ran along the western wall, and trays of food were put out. I looked for something to eat. I thought that a bagel would be good. A refrigerator with a glass door was against the northern wall. I looked across the counter to the west of me for a bagel. Several people moved around in front of the counter, getting food or waiting for the toaster. I looked for a bagel, but i did not see any. I picked up a bag of breads, thinking that it might have a bagel in it, but it did not. It contained oddly shaped rolls with dark flakes, like garlic or onion, on the top. I moved the bag around on the counter and looked for other things to eat. I asked a man by the toasters if there were any more bagels. I then noticed several curled doughnuts hanging on wooden pegs on the northern side of the wall over the counter. I moved to them, considering having one. I did not really want anything that sweat, though. Disappointed i moved back down the counter looking at the other breads in the plastic bags. The man looked at me, saying that they would not be out of bagels. He thought that they would bring more. I felt disappointed and headed to the southeast, into the other room. The room to the west seemed to be a large cafeteria with many seats. Some people were sitting here eating. I knew some of the people here, and i chatted with them. This place suddenly seemed like a restricted hospital, and i thought that people could not leave when they wanted to. I thought that some people would want to escape. The woman sitting at the table then moved to the south. She seemed to be a relative of mine. She was young, and she talked about the door. I thought that an energy field protected the door. Others in the room started heading to the door. I was then to the south of the door, facing northwest. The door seemed to be covered with a reddish sheet of energy, but something had happened to it. A thin crack ran vertically down the center of the doorway. I small person walked through the crack, escaping from the room. I thought that the woman i had been talking to should leave the ward. Others then started moving through the doorway. I saw a tall woman in an elegant narrow gown with a fur collar step toward the door. She was too far to the west, though, and she was pushing on the red barrier. Other small animated creatures started pushing out the center of the door, walking through the crack. The others would be able to escape. I watched for a moment as several of the smaller creatures walked out of the building. I then wondered why my mother had not tried to leave. She had wanted to escape from the building. I turned my attention to the southwest now. I seemed to be to the north of the building. I raised my arms to the southwest of me and started to fly. I could feel a vibration through my body, and i felt the wind moving past my torso. I was heading away from the building, and i thought that i would be able to fly. I wondered if i was really flying, though. I held my arms up and out, and i focused on the feeling. I tensed, and i started to feel the wind moving faster around me. I thought that i would head for the forested area to the southwest of us. I then noticed the black power lines crossing on the far side of the forest. I thought that i did not have to worry about them, because i would be landing before them. I then decided that i should fly higher and go over them. I focused and started to rise. The black lines became a fuzzy object in my vision, and i was flying over them.

I was in the large room of the house. People were moving around near me, and they seemed to be my family. A young woman asked me a question, and i answered. I then realized that i did not know her name. I should have remembered her name. I walked to the south as we spoke, passing her and entering into the small chamber that was off to the eastern side of the main room. The area was separated from the main room by a wall, but the southern and northern ends of the small area were open to the room. A bed was hidden in the area. I kneeled on the bed, thinking about the woman’s name. She was a daughter of $K1. I thought that the oldest child was $K19, and then there was $K25. I then remembered that the woman’s name was $K37. I turned to the southwest and walked into the kitchen. The others were gathered. An island counter was on the eastern side of the room, and a second counter was on the northern side. I stood to the west of the northern end of the eastern counter. I spoke to the person to the south of me. $K2 was to the southwest of me, in the middle of the room. A small group of people was gathered around him, looking at his chest and back. I wondered what they were talking about. $K2 then said that $K1 had told the people where to put the tape. He then said that they pulled the tape off. I realized that his right arm was very smooth and hairless. He must have had his body waxed. I tried to see what he had done, but others were moving around him. I then felt strange staring at him, and i looked back to the counter near me. He had some chest hair, so i thought that they must have only waxed his back.

12017 September 02

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as $A687 drove to the north. We seemed to be on a wide highway ramp on the outskirts of a city. We approached an intersection to the north of us. We were crossing another wide multilane road. I started to feel uneasy, noticing that the traffic on the sides of the road was not slowing down. $F71 continued to drive the car to the north, heading across the intersection. I watched the cars coming from the west as we crossed into their lanes. They slowed and stopped at the edge of the intersection. I then focused on a small car coming from the east. A blue car in the near lane to the east was slowing down, but another car in the northern lane seemed to be approaching very fast. I felt nervous that they would hit us. As we crossed farther into the intersection, however, the second car slowed and came to a stop. I looked ahead, noticing that the road continue up a shallow hill, turning to the west about thirty meters up. I thought that this was the entrance to a restricted-access highway. $A687 drove the car onto the grass on the eastern side of the road, however. This seemed strange. I thought that he must have been trying to cut across the grass of this area to get to a different highway. The land sloped up steeply to the west of us, toward the road, and i wondered how we were going to get back onto the road. I then realized that the ground was covered with wet snow. The area looked icy. I thought that the car would get stuck, and it did. We came to an abrupt stop. I talked about this, and the scene changed. I was then in the passenger’s seat of the car, which seemed like an SUV. $A682 was driving the car to the north. I chatted with him as we moved down the road. He then put his hand on my left knee. I thought that this was strange, but i did not react. I wondered if he was trying to be intimate with me. I continued talking for a moment, and i put my left hand down on my thigh. He then took my left hand in his. I felt awkward, and i pulled my hand away. I told him that i was not comfortable with such touching. I was with someone else now, so i did not think that he should be acting close to me. I looked to the north to see that we were now driving up a dirt road. I realized that this road seemed to be the same road that i had traveled on before with $A687. The land sloped up steeply to the west toward the main road, which seemed to head up a hill and turn to the west. The matted grass was covered with melting snow, and the snow looked dirty. An old stump was in the side of the hill, and we drove past it on the narrow path. I realized that others had driven on the grass here. It must be a common route to get around the highway. I did not recognize this part of the road, however, and i wondered if it was really the same road that i had just been on. $A682 continued to drive through the snow on the road. I realized that the SUV could probably drive farther than the other car i had been in. We still seemed to be heading on an unmaintained road, and i wondered if we would get stuck. The car turned a little to the northwest and started up a hill. I then realized that we were in the back yard of a house. The small house was to the west of us, and a man was standing by a small shed to the east. A branch seemed to cross the roadway ahead of us, so we could go no further. I walked to the west, into the room of the house. We were staying here because we had gotten stuck. I knew that $F71 was here as well. He was still asleep in the room to the west. My parents were sitting on the low stone shelf that ran along the northern wall. They looked at me uneasily as i entered the room. $A682 was curled up on the floor on the southern side of the room. I knew that my parents would be uncomfortable having both $A682 and my current boyfriend in the same place. I thought that i would tell them that it was a strange situation. I walked to the west, past $A682. I thought that i would wake up $A687. $A687 was curled up on the floor in the next room. I walked around the northern side of him and tried to wake him up. He looked up at me. His face was wide and flat, and his eyes seemed very small and close together. His mouth also seemed very small, making his face very unattractive. I thought that $A682 would comment that he did not think $A687 was attractive. I spoke to $A687 as he woke up. He rolled over so that his head was to the southeast. I realized that his body had changed as well. He seemed out of shape now, with flabby arms. I continued to talk to him, wondering what $A682 would say.

I walked up the stairs to the north. $F67 followed me to the southwest. As we got onto the porch and headed west, the small dog ran under the widespread limbs of the tomato plant and pulled off one of the red tomatoes. I was annoyed with the animal and yelled at it. The small dog looked back at me, but took the tomato and ran to the west. I reached for the animal, but i could not grab it. I felt angry, and i yelled at it as it ran under the chair to the northwest. $F67 told me that this was why someone could not have tomato plants with a small dog. I was upset with the situation, and i picked up the tomato plant. I would have to bring it back outside. I headed to the south, walking out the door of the large house. The porch was a wide white slab with wide stone steeps leading down to the south. I carried the plant to the east as i walked down the steps. It would go on the cement area to the east of the stairs. A family was sitting on a picnic table just off the southeastern corner of the stairs. Two young children were playing to the north of the table, where i wanted to put the plants. I would have to put the plants there anyway. I put the plants down on the raised cement square that was just off of the stoop. I then headed back to the west. The large tomato plant was against the southern wall of the corridor. I tried to adjust it, but i noticed that two of the larger tomatoes were getting dark. I thought that i should pick them. As i grabbed one, however, i realized that it was very soft. I rolled it over in my hand and saw that it had a puncture mark in the side of it. The area around the puncture was a strange color. The dog must have bitten the tomato, and now it was rotten. Annoyed, i pulled the tomato off the stem and walked to the north with it. $F71 was doing something in the sink that was in the counter against the northern wall. I threw the tomato into the western basin of the sink. When $F71 asked about the tomato, i told him that it had splattered in the sink because it had gone rotten. I then explained that the dog had bitten several of the tomatoes on the plant. I felt upset as i turned to the south to pick the other rotten tomatoes.

12017 September 05

I followed $G4 as we ran along the northern side of the street, heading west. This place seemed like Delmar. We came to an intersection, and some of the people turned to the south. We seemed to be looking for the correct trail. I followed some of the others to the west, not on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. We seemed to be near the high school. The road ahead of me dipped into a shallow narrow valley and then started climbing a steep hill. The road curved a little toward the southwest as it ascended the hill. The others were already running up the hill, so i thought that we must be on the correct trail. $F57 had let the others on the southern trail. They should not have gone that way, and i wondered if $F57 would come back or continue heading in that direction. As i started up the hill, i noticed $F58 heading back down the hill toward me. I realized that we must have really been on a false trail. A group of runners coming back down the hill reached me just before i started to cross a wide driveway. $F58 turned to the south, into the driveway. I thought that maybe she was trying to shortcut to where the others had gone. I followed people down the driveway, realizing that we were entering a golf course. A green was ahead of us, and a few golfers were standing on the eastern side of it. I thought that we should go around the western side of the green and around the golfers. I then noticed white marks on the trees to the northeast of us. At first, i thought that it was our trail, but then i realized that the markers were official trail blazes. I told someone jogging near me that the marks were for the Finger Lakes Trail. I looked to the south, across the golf course. I could see white marks on several trees in a line. They curved around the western side of the golf course. I turned off of the road and followed the trail to the west and then to the south. The trail entered the trees, and thick green pines blocked our view of the golf course to the east. I could see the trail to the south, running between the trees. In a moment, i then saw $F57 on the trail ahead of me. He was wearing a tie-dyed shirt, and he was heading toward me. I slowed to a walk, feeling confused. I wondered if he had found the trail and started running backward on it, or if we had somehow run across a trail that we were not supposed to be on and accidentally followed it backward.

12017 September 06

I was visiting this house, and my parents were here. I was in the small room in the center of the house. My mother came from the east and quickly walked across the room, heading through the doorway in the center of the southern wall. She seemed very upset. My father was then in the room with my mother. He yelled at my mother. This seemed very strange and uncharacteristic. A man and woman were sitting on a small couch, which was against the western wall of the room i was in. They shifted uncomfortably, bothered by the way my parents were acting. I felt upset now. I did not like my parents arguing. I headed to the southeast, entering another room. I did not want to be here anymore, so i put on my jacket to leave. As i pulled on the windbreaker, i felt a breeze running up the right leg of my pants and across my testicles. I must have been wearing light underwear. I wandered, thinking that, at least, i had my phone with me so that i could call someone for a ride if i needed it. I started heading to the east, down the road. I thought that i would walk back home. I then felt unsure about this, thinking that i t was a very long way. I felt agitated and upset. I decided that maybe i could make it to downtown Albany. I walked back into the festival area of the city. I was no longer in the urban area. I walked east, down the walkway between the tents of festival merchants. People were selling crafts and other items in the tent shops. I looked over some of the items as i passed. Several of the people in the tents were gathering up their merchandise. It was dark now, and people were starting to close their shops. I was on the outside of the tent area now. One of the shopkeepers to the north of me was moving the white pop-up tent to the northwest. Several of the other people also seemed to be moving their tents. I watched them to the south of me. I was standing on a grassy lawn, with the row of tents to the south of me. I felt uneasy, not sure where i should go. I felt that i still had a long way to go to get home. I stood focused for a moment. I thought that i should relax and focus myself. I faced southwest and meditated for a moment. I felt light, and i started to feel that i was flying. It felt good. I then moved again. To my disappointment, i found myself back at my parents’ house. I had somehow come back to the house. This did not make sense, and i wondered how i could have returned to this place. It seemed illogical. Annoyed, i started to walk to the west, across the kitchen of my parents’ house. A wooden stool was against the narrow western brick wall of the kitchen. A wasp was flying around the stool. I felt cautious of the wasp as it landed on the top of the old worn stool. My father then came into the kitchen from the west, passing to the north of the stool. He did something on the northern side of the kitchen and then walked back out, passing close to the wasp. The wasp lifted its back defensively as and spanning its wings he passed. I turned to the north and walked into the garage. My mother then hurried into the garage after me. She seemed frightened, and i thought that she was running from the wasp. Others then came into the garage from the house and stated doing things in the room around me. I said that the wasps had a nest under the stone steps. I pictured the stone steps that were at the front of the house, just off the porch. A woman asked about the wasps. She seemed concerned as she stood to the east of me. I told her that i had seen one of the wasps acting defensively in the kitchen.

12017 September 07

I walked with $F42 to the east, along the southern side of the open area, which seemed like The Commons. I felt frustrated and upset, and i told $F42 that i had been too busy to get anything done. I walked slowly with him, and he was just to the south of me. He complained that i should not be too busy because i have nothing to show. I knew that he was referring to my artwork. I felt bad about this. He added “When you have books to publish . . .” I was not sure what to say, so i continued walking to the east. I then noticed a large mud puddle in the middle of the paving stones ahead of me. The puddles seemed to be set into the stone, and i thought that they looked more like moon craters. I started to the northeast, around the puddles. I then realized that the puddle now to the southeast of me was rather large. It covered most of the ground across the plaza. A rat was swimming in the center of the puddle, heading to the west. It was moving quickly toward a large branch, which had fallen into the water on the southwestern side of the hole. $F42 was then on the western side of the puddle. He had a long stick, and he reached into the puddle and scooped up the rat, saving it from drowning. I thought that he was always saving animals, but i then wondered why he had bothered to save the rat. The rat had almost reached the log in the water and would have been easily able to crawl out. As $F42 dropped the animal on the ground to the southwest of the water, i realized that it was actually a weasel. People had gathered around the southern side of the pond and were looking at the weasel. They seemed fascinated by the animal, as though they had never seen an animal like it before. They called it something, which did not seem quite correct. I told them that it was a ferret. I then turned to the west and started walking away. The ferret started following me. I stopped and turned to look at it. It had stopped at a brass drinking fountain, which was set into a short cement pillar in the middle of the plaza. The animal had a long flat nose and was trying to get a drink. I moved to the fountain and tried squirting water at it from the nozzle, seeing if it would try to drink. I then noticed that the water below the fountain was draining into the yellow sand of the ground. I let go of the fountain and headed to the west, into the building. Something seemed wrong in the building, and i knew that the people here were supposed to be evacuating the building, but no one seemed to be rushing to get out. Something seemed strange about this situation. I looked down the long corridor to the west, noticing that smoke was in the air. To the south of me, people were getting into the glass elevator to go down to the lower level to get out. I did not think that it was a good idea to use the elevator in the fire. I would have to sue the stairs. I knew that they were down he hallway somewhere on the northern side. As i headed down the hallway, i realized that the smoke did not quite seem real. It was white, and smoke from a burning building should have been dark. This did not seem to make sense. I pushed open the metal door to the north of me and started into the stairwell. A man in green overalls was sitting on the ascending set of stairs, which ran up to the west along the northern wall. He had a smoke machine and seemed to be filling the halls with smoke. He seemed surprised to see me. I thought that he was smoking up the stairwell so that people would not use it. I felt annoyed by this, but i ignored him. I started walking to the west, descending the flight of stairs along the southern wall. The man then pushed a long pole through the railing of the stairs, blocking my way. Another man was on the flight of stairs below me and to the north. He pushed another pole across the stairs. They had felt threatened because i had discovered them, and they were trying to intimidate me. I felt more annoyed than scared. I wondered if i would have to defend myself.

12017 September 10

I was watching some event in this large building, which seemed to be an event center. I moved to the south, into the large theater. I had been with others, and we were now sitting in the seats, which formed curved rows that faced north. We seemed to be five or six rows back from the front and somewhere just to the east of the center of the room. The floor sloped upward to the north. Most of the chairs seemed to be empty. I looked to the west as i chatted with some of the people just to the west of me. They were with my group. I then realized that a young girl was to the east of me. She was standing in the aisle with her mother, and she seemed very upset. I thought that she might be upset from the previous event that was here, but then i thought that she might have been trying to find their seats. I thought that i might be in her seat. I asked her if we were in their seats. I knew that we had been here from the last event, so we were not always is the correct seats for the event that was to come. I turned to the west and told $A682 that we should leave. He became upset with me and told me that he did not want to leave. I felt annoyed with him. I stood up and gave my seat to the girl. I did not want to be with $A682 if he was going to act childish. I walked to the back of the audience, looking for another seat. The seats in the small room were now filled with people. I could not see another open seat, and i felt suddenly disappointed. I was not sure what i should do. I wandered to the west, down the corridor of the building. The corridor was a large open hall with a very high ceiling and a wide floor. There were many events that were held in this event center. I wondered why i was now outside of the theater. I should be looking for a seat for the show. I looked at the things that were happening in a small lobby to the north. Some people were gathered, watching a man do something in the crowd. I continued to the west, looking for the theater. A man pushing a cart down the hall from the west appeared in front of me. He passed to the north of me, bumping my elbow as he passed. I apologized and continued to look at the audience to the north. They were not watching a movie; i thought that it was a lecture. I stopped, disappointed that i could not find was i was looking for. I headed back to the east. I could not find the movie theater that i was looking for. I then stopped in a large open area. A field of grass was to the south of me, and people were singing on a stage in front of a small crowd. This seemed like a festival stage. The three men on stage were rapping to the music. A skinny young man with pale skin then came on the stage from the west. The three band members had stopped to talk to the audience. The young man said that he had recordings from his house. I realized that he was claiming that he had created the songs that the rappers were singing to. The people on the stage quickly ushered the boy off to the east. I felt that something was being covered up here. I thought that the man could claim copyright on the music, but this seemed like a very strange situation. I was not sure why he would. I thought that the people would argue about something. I turned to the northeast, looking across the crowd. I saw $F58 approaching with some other $G4. She had just arrived to the concert. I wanted to hang out with her, but i realized that the concert was ending. I felt confused and disappointed. I would not be able to hang with the people i liked. I started to wander back to the west, across the grass. The hallway was now a road to the north of me. The grassy field that i was walking across rose about a meter to meet the road in a steep slope. Large pavilion stages were set up to the north of the road. I wanted to be with some of the other people, but i felt that i did not have the chance to do so.

12017 September 11

I was arranging the event in the large house, which seemed to be $P93. I told the man to the north of me that we had to get the dinner going so that we could serve it soon. He smiled and said he was thankful that i was arranging the dinner. He then walked away to the southeast. I felt disappointed that he did not invite me to the dinner. I wandered to the south, across the living room of the house. A large wooden mantel was set into the center of the southern wall of the room. I would have to set up this room for the dinner. I then noticed that the polished wood of the walls had carvings of strange symbols in it. I tried to read some of the language that was carved into the intricate patters of the leafy relief. I then realized that some of the words carved in symbols were written in reverse. I realized that they were probable meant to be viewed from outside the house. The carvings seemed like something special, and i was interested in them.

12017 September 13

I moved quickly through the dark and dirty halls of the old building. A large rusty iron pipe was in the northern wall of the room to the northwest of me. It was hidden in this secret building so that no one could find it. I thought that it had to be hidden in an unused area here so that the workers in this building did not find it. I looked at the map to the west of me. It showed currents that moved under the United States. The map showed a complex branching structure under the land. The water in the hidden channels was marked with wavy lines of gradients from light blue to blue. The water on the western part of the country was tinted darker than the water under the eastern half. I wondered if there was some significance to that. I then turned the page and looked at some of the underwater pictures. The water was better to the east, but i could not understand why. I felt that the map was saying something important, but i could not understand what. I then saw a picture of an elephant swimming in the water. The elephant was underwater, and the picture was shooting up at its head. I flipped through the magazine, trying to figure out what the underwater pictures meant.

12017 September 15

I walked to the west, across the white rectangular living room of the apartment. I had moved back into this apartment in Etna. This time, i was living in the downstairs apartment. I looked to the north, noticing that the kitchen on the lower floor was much larger than the kitchen i had remembered from the upper floor. It had counters on the northern and western walls and an island counter in the center. Everything looked clean and well kept. I looked at the items that were left on the counters. The kitchen had old appliances and jars. Many of them seemed interesting to me. I then realized that the previous tenant must have left these things. I wondered if i would be able to use them, or if i would have to give them back to someone after i moved in. I looked at the tall glass jars and bottles on top of the cupboards along the western wall. The glass was colored brown and green and seemed to be old bottles. I stepped out of the kitchen to the south and came back into the long white room. I headed to the west, wondering what else was here. An old roll-top desk was against the northern wall at the western end of the room. It had a window over the top of it with a set of square cubbies in front of it. The window seemed to be tinted or distorted so that i could not see directly through it. I looked at the small items on the square shelfs. These were not my things, but it was nice to have them here. The wall to the southwest of me was made of square glass tiles. The western wall of the room was now narrower than the rest of the room, and the glass wall curved to the southwest until it reached the full width of the room. I could see features of another room through the glass tiles. I realized that it was a room from the bigger of the two downstairs apartments. I then saw $A16 walking down the hallway on the other side of the glass wall. She still lived in this building. I backed to the east, hoping that she did not see me. I did not want to talk to her at the moment. I then realized that i had already moved in to this place. I would have to get my things from my old house and move them into the apartment. This suddenly seemed wrong to me. I wondered why i would have moved out of my house to live here again. I then realized that i had already moved out of my house two days ago. I had simply left my things there so that i could settle into this new place. I then wondered why i was living in this place.

12017 September 16

I had been driving from home, and i was making the long trip to an event. I was not quite sure where i was going, though. I was now traveling south down the steep road that ran along the side of the hill. A wide valley seemed to be to the west of me. I drove carefully, wondering where i should be headed. I was not quite sure how to get to where i wanted to go. I then though of $F4. I had been with him just before i left. The road at the bottom of the hill curved to the east and ended on another road. I turned to the north, but i was not sure if this was the correct direction. I pulled over to the side of the road so that i could look up directions on my cell phone. An old white farmhouse was on the western side of the road, and a large red wooden barn was on the eastern side. The barn was about ten meters from the road. An older man with a rounded belly was walking from the barn to the north of me as i pulled over to the side of the road. I was aware of a road sign nearby, and i made sure not to hit it as i pulled over to the side of the road. I wondered if the farmer would wonder why i was stopping. He paused to look at me, but then nodded his head as if he had decided why i was here, and he turned back to the west and continued walking across the street toward the house. I looked to the north of me, noticing that i did not seem to be far enough off of the road. The road had a very narrow shoulder, and i seemed to be parked mostly in the middle of the northbound lane. I backed up my car, looking over my right shoulder to see where the diamond-shaped sign was. I backed into the road, traveling farther than i had expected to get in the correct position to pull off to the side of the road. I seemed to be going farther than i needed to, however, and i wondered if this seemed strange. I stopped and drove forward again, watching the yellow sign on the side of the road as i pulled in toward the green grass between the road and the barn. I stopped and looked to the north again. The shoulder of the road now seemed a lot wider than it had been before. I would almost park entirely on the shoulder without being in the lane at all. I turned to the south and walked into the apartment. I had parked my car to the north and was now taking my things into this building, which was my new apartment. I walked along the western side of the living room. I had entered the building from the south, but i was arranging things in the large apartment. I was living here with someone else. A fireplace seemed to be in the center of the eastern wall of the living room, protruding about a meter and a half into the room. It was painted white, like the rest of the room, and it seemed to have a large television over the top of it. White couches formed half a square in front of it. I walked behind the long couch on the western side of the square. A corridor ran to the east on the southern side of the fireplace, and i saw $A731 walking toward me from the other room. He lived here as well. I stopped to say something to him. I then noticed other young people gathering in the living room around me. They were arriving for a gathering of some kind. I stood to the north of the couches now. $A732 sat in the center of the western couch, her hair tied back into a braid. I knew that the people were here to watch something on television. They did not seem like sports people, so i thought that they were here to watch a science-fiction or fantasy show. I asked what they were watching, and a woman with long red hair on the western couch said that they were going to watch Game of Thrones. I wanted to mention that i had not seen the beginning of the season, so i could not watch the episode that they were watching. I did not want them to spoil the plot. They continued to talk among themselves, though, so i did not get to mention anything. I headed to the south again, thinking that i still had to get unpacked. I felt anxious and a little uneasy. Something about this situation seemed out of place for me. I moved several things. I then turned back to the north and walked toward the couches in the living room. The others had gone now. A few were just leaving to the south of me. I realized that the show was over, and the time seemed to go by very quickly since they had arrived. I still had to move my things from my old place. I suddenly felt frustrated. I had moved here, but i had not yet taken everything from my old apartment. I felt upset that i had to hurry to move. I also felt worried about the things in my old house. I still had things in my car that i needed to bring to the apartment. I headed to the south, looking to the east at the old wooden door that exited the house. The door was on the eastern side of a small entryway to the east of the room that i was in. The entryway seemed to be connected to the corridor that ran to the east from the living room. It was the door that $A731 used, but it was not the door that i had used. I wondered if there was a difference. I walked to the south farther, to a door that was in the southern end of the eastern wall. I headed out, finding myself on a small recessed porch in the corner of the building. The porch was simple, with a gray flat floor that seemed to be cement. Stairs descended to the north. As i walked down the stair, i looked back at the house, noticing that the other door also came out onto a small recessed porch in the side of the wooden house. The other porch had thin white wooden square columns that supported a narrow wooden overhang, which looked more like molding than a roof. At the bottom of the stairs, i turned to the north and followed the cement walkway to the large parking lot. The brick apartment buildings surrounded the parking lot. The one i had come from had the small side on the southern end of the lot. The building to the east of me also seemed to have its small end facing north, though only part of it seemed to run along the side of the lot. The building to the north of the lot had the long end running the entire length of the lot. A few large trees, which hung like willows, were around the edges of the lot. Their roots seemed to raise the asphalt at the edges of the lot. My car was parked on the eastern side of the northern side of the lot. It was facing north, and it was a dark-gray car. I moved to the eastern side of the car to get some things. I then noticed that i had white socks stuck to the tires of the car. I felt annoyed by this. I had washed the socks before, but i must not have taken them out of the laundry. They were now stuck to the tires of my car, and i had driven the entire way here like that. I bent over and pulled a sweat sock off of the driver’s tire of the red car, which was now facing south in the parking space. Both the front and back tires on the driver’s side were covered with white socks: some long and some short. I bent over to pull them off. I then realized that i had driven down the steep road on the western side of the hill. The road had been muddy, and i was surprised that the tires were not dirtier. I pulled them off, annoyed that i had run over them and gotten them stuck to my tires. I could see the front wheel on the passenger’s side from under the car. It seemed to be turned at a weird angle. A person was standing on the other side of the car from me. I mentioned the socks to him as i pulled them off. The other person seemed to be $F11, and he helped me take a few of the socks off. I headed to the south again. It was now getting dark, and i was walking down the city street. I had parked my car on the northern end of a city black, facing north on the street to the west of the block. I was walking on the eastern sidewalk of the street as i approached the intersection. I crossed the intersection and expected to see my car across the intersection from me, but the parking spaces on the northern end of the block were empty. I then realized that an orange sawhorse blocked the road ahead. A festival was happening, and a woman was standing near the sawhorse, telling people to go around. I felt upset that i could not see my car. I wondered if it had been towed because i had left it near the festival. A young girl was standing to the east of the woman, and she seemed to be helping with entry to the festival. I asked the woman if cars had been towed from the street. I noticed that a few cars were parked on the street to the southwest of us, but trucks and other things that related to the festival blocked them in. A large gray truck seemed to be parked in the street at the southern end of the block. I felt nervous about my car, and i felt angry that i would have to retrieve it. I had not left it here for that long. However, the woman told me that no cars were towed from this area. I wondered if i was on the wrong street. I walked to the southwest, looking for something familiar in the city houses. I felt upset that i could not find my car, and i wondered where it was.

12017 September 17

I sat on the bench in the outdoor area, facing north. Two men were sitting to the west of me, and we were all leaning to the west, resting on each other. It felt very comfortable here. I was then to the north of myself, watching myself lean against the men. A pale light illuminated us, making the surroundings seem dark and the three of us seem very pale. The light had a blue hue to it. I then stood up. I had to do something, and i was thinking of the other group of people to the west, at the other part of the campsite. I floated up from the sitting position and moved slowly to the north. We seemed to be in a long narrow strip of land where the trees of the surrounding forest had been cleared. The clearing ran east to west. I floated to the edge of the tall thin trees to the north and turned to the west. The other group of people seemed to be at a campfire to the west of us. I started moving to the west, and i felt that something was not quite right. I then noticed that the air in front of me was smoky. At first, i thought that it was smoke from the other campfire, but, as i moved farther to the west, i thought that the white smoke was a little too thick. I started to think that something was wrong. I moved to the west a little further, hoping that the smoke was not too thick for me to breath. The narrow clearing turned to the north at a right angle, and it descended a steep hill. I hurried down the hill, thinking that something was wrong. The white smoke was dense in the air, and i could not see that well around me. I moved down the center of the area, thinking that i had to stay low to the ground so that the smoke went above me. I reached the bottom of the hill and looked to the west. The other site seemed to be in two square areas on the other side of a thin strip of trees from the clearing. Both areas had dark red flames rising from them. The areas seemed to be engulfed in flames. I felt alarmed. The campfire must have gotten out of control. The area between the two patches of fire seemed to be about three meters wide. I turned to the south. The other encampment was to the southwest of me. It was a cleared rectangular area, with a rustic wooden building along the western side and a low wooden fence around the perimeter. The fence was made of darkly stained poles that were pounded into the ground next to each other. Two square fire pits were set into the center of the open area to the east of the building. They seemed to be surrounded by wooden benches, and the pits themselves had stone walls. A few people were moving around near the entrance to the building, which was in the center of the building. I yelled to them, saying “Raid!”. I repeated this word over and over, feeling urgent and worried. People started coming out of the house. I glanced to the north. I could see a circular clearing in the forest with an orange fire burning in a small fire pit. The orange light illuminated people as they sat around the western side of the fire pit. I then looked back to the south. Someone from the encampment asked about the fire, and i said that there were flames in the woods around the fire pits. I was then in the southern end of the long room in the center of the wood building. People were starting to rush outside to deal with the fire. I looked to the north to see $F58 and $F57 sitting on the western side of one of the long picnic tables. They did not seem too alarmed about the situation, but i told them that the fire outside must have gotten out of control. We had to do something. $F58 started to pack up what she was doing. I turned back to the south. I wanted to leave. I started moving, but someone grabbed my left forearm. I ignored the person and started swimming through the air toward the exit door in the center of the southern wall of the room. It was hard pulling myself through the air, but i was able to do it. I reached the door and stepped outside, still using my arms to swim in the air. I looked to the east, noticing that the man who had been holding my arm was $A740. He was wearing a long-sleeve white cotton shirt. I pulled away from him and started moving to the east to head around the corner of the building. I now seemed to be in an urban area, with tall buildings across the street from where i was. I thought that i would be able to fly upward in the air here, which would make it easier for me to get to where the emergency was. I ran to the southeastern corner of the building, where a dumpster stood just off the eastern wall. I stated to push upward, but someone again grabbed my left arm. I felt very annoyed, and i said “Get the fuck off!” I looked to the north of me to see that the man was no $A740. He wore a pale-green tech shirt, and he had short bushy blond hair. I was angry with him, not wanting him to impede me.

12017 September 20

I was in the small room on the southern side of the house. I was sitting on the couch, which was against the northern wall of the room, and my mother was sitting to the west of me. My father walked into the room through the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. He said “Say hello to Inky.”, and he held out his left hand. He was holding a large cockroach. The roach was about four or five centimeters long. It seemed to be my father’s new pet. It seemed strange that my father would have an insert as a pet. I then noticed that the insect was chewing on a large seed, which seemed to be a cherry pit. Time had moved, and the cockroach had become larger. I thought that it was growing because it was being fed. It was crawling around on the wooden floor in front of the couch now. It was about a half meter long, and its back was covered with small black feathers that had an oily sheen. I felt uncomfortable around the cockroach. It crawled into my lap as i sat on the couch. I tried not to distract it. I felt very uncomfortable with it, but i did not want it to know that i did not like it. It then stopped moving and looked at me. The cat that was sitting near me clung to my right side. It was scared of the insect. I used this excuse to stand up, telling my parents that the cat was scared. I carried the cat out of the room and to the north. The large roach followed me. It looked fluffy now. I walked to the west to get some of my things ready. The cockroach moved to the eastern side of the room, pacing around near the single bed that extended from the northern wall. I tried not to pay attention to it. My parents were getting ready to leave in the next room, and i thought that i should join them. I felt uneasy around the animal. I walked to the west, where a television was turned on. It was an old television, and it stood on the top of a small desk that was against the western wall. I thought that the television was actually an addictive medium, and i turned it off, thinking that we were leaving. My father was then on the southern side of the room. He said that i should not turn off the television while people are in the room. I realized that the cockroach had been listening to the television. My father also felt nervous around the bug, and he was pretending that it was a human so that it would not get angry. I felt annoyed, but i also felt bad for ignoring the cockroach.

12017 September 21

I had just left my job with $A14, and i was heading to the south, across the large atrium of the building. I seemed to be to the south of the large white laboratory building, but i also seemed to be in the building. The atrium seemed to have a glass wall to the east, and a set of elevators on the western end of the southern wall. I looked back at the tall brown building to the north of me. I was outside no, and i walked to the northwest, across the campus to get back to the white laboratory building that was attached to the tall brown brick building. I had to drop something off in the building. I walked into the large atrium of the white science building, again looking to the north at the tall brown brick wall. The southern wall of the atrium was now open, and it seemed to lead out to the lawn. I was now aware of the place where we had been, which seemed to be to the southeast. It seemed like Alumni Fields at Cornell. I stood for a moment, feeling anxious. I had to do something, but i felt cautious and uncertain. I then dropped one of the things that i had been carrying. It was one of the things that i had to take back to the laboratory. The object bounced and rolled across the floor of the north-to-south hallway to the west. It rolled into the next classroom, which seemed like one of the science rooms on the third floor of $P7. I hurried into the room to pick up the object, feeling embarrassed. As i picked up the object, i was aware of the teacher to the west of me. He greeted me. I said hello, motioning to the object that i had picked up from the floor. It felt good to be back here. I wondered if i could watch one of the classes here. I missed something about this place.

12017 September 22

I was in the large room with many other people. They were chatting and talking to each other at this event. I could hear the sound of a train outside. It seemed to be approaching. I stood on the eastern side of the room watching the people to the west of me. They stopped chatting when the train whistle blew, and they started clearing things out of the center of the room. They moved to the north and south sides of the room, leaving a corridor down the center of the room. I could now hear the train approaching. It sounded very loud as the engine rumbled closer. I turned to the east and opened the double doors in the eastern wall. The train would be coming from the west, and it would cross the room and exit through the doors. This seemed very strange, but it also seemed like something that happened regularly here. As the train came into view on the western side of the room, i realized that it seemed very small.

I was with $G4 in the mall-like area. I was sitting on a short wall to the north of them as they chatted. A woman to the southwest of me asked where we were. I looked around. We seemed to be in the center of a large parking lot, and i started to feel that the woman was joking. I could see the large signs of the stores to the north of us. They were part of an old shopping plaza. After a moment, i realized that the woman was still waiting for an answer to the question, so i told her that we were in the front of a mall. The others around her laughed at the statement. I was stating the obvious, but the others seemed to think that it was a joke. A man to the southeast of me clapped at the joke. I felt confused, not sure why the woman would have asked or why stating the obvious would have seemed like a joke to people.

12017 September 29

I was in the car with my mother, and the car was facing east. The police had stopped us, and they were walking around the car. I felt nervous, thinking that the police officers were actually just harassing us. A police officer stood to the south of the car, on the sidewalk of the city street. He had a cigar in his mouth, and he smiled as he stared at us. Another officer walked around the front of the car, staring at the lower left corner of the windshield. I looked at the inspection stickers on the windshield. I realized that they seemed very far from the bottom of the windshield. I thought that the officer might use that as an excuse to arrest us and charge us with something. The officers started questioning us, pointing out the sticker. I thought that they were bad officers and that they were just here to bully us. I was then in a room, and the police officers were walking to the east of me. I was being held. I felt upset here. I had a plastic vial in my left hand, and i started walking to the east. I wanted to leave this place, but this place was a mental hospital, and the police were holding me here. Other people were talking about “pot”. I wondered suddenly if that was what the officers had put in the vial that they had given me. I dropped the vial, but then i bent over to pick it up, thinking that it was actually empty. I headed back to the west. I wanted to leave this place. I felt upset because i was being held here.