12018 September 02

I walked to the north into the small bathroom of the house. I was getting things ready so that we could do something. My father and my grandfather were standing just inside the door of the room, to the west of the doorway. They were facing west, looking into a small unlighted shower room. The room was covered with white tile. I crouched low to the floor, trying to pick something up. I was aware that my mother was still in the room to the south, somewhere to the southwest of the doorway. My grandfather was standing on the southern side of the shower’s doorway, and my father was standing on the northern side. I noticed a small dark-brown spider on the floor near my father’s feet. I thought that i would ignore it and let it crawl away. I did not want to disturb it while my father and grandfather were working. I picked up something from the shaggy white rug that was on the floor in front of the shower. My grandfather looked down suddenly. He quickly reached for something that was now on the rug. I thought that it must be the spider. The spider must have been attached to the object that i had picked up. The object seemed to be a rag. They must have noticed the spider when i moved it. My grandfather threw the spider into the shower room and tried to stomp on it. My father also tried to step on the spider. I felt upset that they had tried to kill it, and i wondered why they would react in such a way.

12018 September 03

The man to the west of me was telling us terms, and we were writing them down on paper in spiral-bound notebooks. I was sitting on the eastern end of the northern side of the table, looking down at the notebook on the white surface of the table. I had written six or seven lines with a term on each line. I had written the terms in an alphabet that was not Latin, thinking that i was trying to match the sounds of the foreign words more exactly than i could using the Latin alphabet. The man to the west of me was also on the northern side of the table, and he said another term. I wrote down that term on the bottom line in thick links of black ink. The man seemed like $A60. He leaned a little toward me and looked at what i had written. He seemed confused, and he pursed his eyebrows as he looked at me. I explained that i was using a phonetic alphabet for the foreign words. I looked over the list. The shapes were curved, and i knew that the upside-down U shape at the beginning of the last term was the sound of an M. The upside-down U was more curved than a Latin U, with the lower ends pointing slightly inward. I looked back to the top of the list. The first word had two letters. The first was also a downward-facing U for the sound of an M, and the second looked like a number sign or a plus sign. I knew that the shorter second letter was the sound of A as in “father”. I thought about this alphabet for a moment.

The woman picked up the small piece of dog feces, which the dog had just defecated. It was less than a centimeter thick and about three centimeters long. It seemed soft and flakey and had a pale color. She said that someone could eat the fecal matter. I felt a little disturbed by the concept, but i realized that she was trying to promote the medical idea of introducing bacteria from one species to another. She thought that the dog’s fecal mater contained beneficial bacteria that would help the person. I did not think that this was a good idea, and i did not think that anyone should eat dog feces. She moved the small turd in her hand, trying to convince someone by saying that it would really only have to be a small piece of feces. She held up the turd in the palm of her right hand, her fingers facing west. She pointed to the eastern end of the turd with the long nail of her thumb, suggesting that only a few millimeters of feces be removed from the end of the turd and eaten. I was against this idea.

$F71 and i were standing at the intersection of two paths. The main path, which ran east to west, seemed to be a road, but it also seemed to be a wide footpath covered with trampled grass. A second road ran from where we were to the north. The intersection was wide, with low grass around it. The northern path, which seemed to be a narrow dirt road, ran up hill, though the forested area. $F71 and i were running with $G4, and we had come to a point where we had to check the paths to see which was true. I started running up the hill to the north, thinking that i was actually heading the wrong way. I thought that the trail would head to the east, but i wanted to check to see if there was a false trail to the north. $F71 had run to the east, so i did not think that i should go that way as well. I could hear him calling out marks as he went. I did not call out the marks that i was on, thinking that i was going to hit a false trail mark soon. I then realized that i had passed three marks and was still seeing marks. I called that i was on mark three and continued running. I felt somehow uneasy with $F71 at the moment, but i wanted him to know that i was on a trail that seemed to be correct. I then heard a woman calling out to the northwest of me. I looked to the northwest. A narrow gully ran down the hill between the trail i was on and a higher ridge to the west. I could not see anyone through the thin green trees on the hill, but i could hear the woman calling. I wondered if she had run to the west from the intersection and had started up the hill on the western side of the shallow gully. The gully seemed white here, as if the short grass growing along both sides of the hidden stream were covered with fuzzy white tips. I continued running to the north, and i heard the woman calling again. I then heard a man calling, and it sounded like $F47. I thought that they must have been on the upper trail. I then noticed a thick line of flour running up the center of the street that i was running up. I was approaching an intersection with an east-to-west road at the top of the hill. A small village was around the intersection, and the lawns had cut green grass. A small square with a white church was to the west of the intersection. A large mound of flour was in the middle of the intersection, and the north-to-south flour mark ran through it. The mark was enclosed with a wide circle. I slowed to a walk, thinking that others would have to catch up from behind me. I was on the correct trail after all. I looked to the west, down the road, seeing $F47 walking toward me. He was wearing tan pants and walked with a slow careful gate. I was then aware of a car coming from the east. It drove through the intersection, and the young women inside were looking at me and the flour on the ground. The driver had short dark hair and said something about the people that were now gathering in the square to the southwest of the intersection. She referred to us as $G4. I realized that she knew who we were. She looked like $A763. She smiled as she spoke to the other women in the back seat of the car. I thought that they might stop. I wanted to greet them and tell them that we were $G4, but she continued driving to the west. Disappointed, i continued to the north, across the street. I stopped in the wide doorway that led into the shop on the northern side of the street. Several people were standing in the shop. I recognized the woman in the white T-shirt as a member of $G4. She was holding a drink in her right hand as she faced west, looking over her left shoulder at me. She said something to me about the run. I wondered if she had been here from the run, but then i realized that she was not running with us today. She had come here for beer. I looked down the hill to the south to see several people walking up the incline, just reaching the edge of the square where the small wooden church was. $F10 was walking on the left side of the road, near the back of the group of four or five people.

12018 September 05

I headed to the east, across the small golf course. The small rolling mounds of the course were covered with bright green grass. I was driving a ball to the east, down the open area in the center of the course. I stopped for a moment. My father was just to the northeast of me now, and he was trying to shoot a ball to the north. I looked to the north, noticing other players on a green or other separated area of the course to the north of us. I did not think that my father was shooting in the correct direction. The green to the north of us was part of another hole, and i told my father as he shot to the south form the northern end of the course. I looked around us, now noticing that the area around us was crowded with many greens. Low bushy weed-like plants ran between the small rounded areas near us, and many of the areas seemed to have people gathered on greens. The people to the northeast were sitting around a small round table on the southwestern side of a green. The golf course was crowded. I told my father that we actually wanted to shoot balls to the east, where our green was. I referred to the greens around me as “the trap”. My father seemed confused by what i was saying. I started walking to the east, saying that the correct hole was in this direction. The land just to the east of us dipped into a narrow channel that was about a half of a meter wide. It seemed to allow water to drain from the south into the swampy pond to the north. The green i was looking at to the east seemed to be quite far away. It was a small area with water around it and small ponds or puddles crossing over it. As we reached the area, other people were gathered there. I felt cautious of them, thinking that something was happening that was not good. I stopped on the eastern side of the people, looking around. Someone to the west was trying to direct the people. The people to the west seemed like bad people. They were trying to dominate us. I tried not to notice them as i looked around the area. We were in a rectangular area where the grass was worn and brittle. Low cement buildings ran to the east, north, and west of us. The buildings to the north and west seemed to be connected, but the eastern building stood by itself. The northern end of the eastern building was to the northeast of me, and a gap of around ten meters separated it from the building to the north. These old cement buildings seemed abandoned. Some of them had graffiti on them. I stood on the eastern side of the area with the group of people, who were generally lined up. I was in the middle of the line, and someone i knew was to the northwest of me. We were facing west as the people to the west tried to organize us. We seemed to be prisoners. I thought that the people to the west were dangerous. I moved a little to the west, paying attention to the man to the north of me. He was special in some way. He had a drawing in red and black on a white background. Something about it was special, and we did not want the bad guys to figure it out. I glanced around the area, suddenly realizing that the large wooden doors on the cubical cement sections of the buildings had similar painted shapes on them. The man to the north of me had been trying to match the pattern on the paper with the pattern on one of the doors. I looked around, but i did not see any symbols on the doors that matched. I realized that they might all be drawn to make the symbols seem less conspicuous to others. With so many symbols, someone might think that they were just gang graffiti. The drawing that the man was holding had a black blob in the lower right corner. The blob looked like a human with an X to the right of it. I did not see any symbols on the doors that looked similar. I glanced at the man’s paper again, noticing the long red strokes on the left side of the paper. I then realized that the symbol might not be in the square where we were. I looked to the east, noticing other rows of buildings beyond the one near us. I was now standing to the north of the building on the eastern side of the square. I looked around, seeing more buildings to the southeast. I had thought that the symbol might be on the eastern side of the building to the south of us, but there were more buildings to the southeast that had symbols on them. I pointed out the other buildings to the man. It was another area that we would need to check. I spotted a large symbol on the faded-green garage door in the northern section of the western side of the buildings to the southeast. It was closer to the drawing, but it was not an exact match. We would have to search this area. I realized that the guards were distracted to the west, so we headed east. I was in a darkened corridor now, which seemed to be a long room. An alcove was in the eastern wall with two doors in it. One door was in the northern end of the eastern wall of the alcove. It was opened to the east, swinging south. I could see a set of stairs ascending to the north on the other side of the door. I stood in the alcove for a moment, trying to think about something. The guards were then here. They moved around the corridor, but did not seem to bother me. I looked down the corridor. The people i had been with were now gone, and the corridor was empty. I thought that they were still looking fro the door, but i felt worried that the bad men would find us. I had to hide while they looked. I then realized that a guard was now to the east of me, coming down the stairs. I moved to the north, moving behind a door that was against the short northern wall of the alcove. The man moved slowly out of the stairwell, but he could not see me behind the black door. I stood very still, watching him move along the southern wall, facing south. I was trying to stay hidden from the guard, who seemed to have a rifle in his hands. The man kicked open the black door, but he was looking to the south. Another person had been hiding in the small room to the southeast. As the black door to the south swinged open, i catched it and brought it to the north of me. I crouched down behind it, aware that the other person in the room could see me hiding. The door to the north of me then opened. I was hiding in a small bathroom in the southern wall of the alcove. I pretended to be near the toilet, hoping that the guard would think i was defecating and not bother me. I stayed still for a moment, but i suddenly realized that many people were eating dinner at tables to the north of me. I was still in the bathroom on the southern side of the alcove. I stayed in a crouched position, hoping that they would think i was defecating and not bother me. I wondered how long i could stay here. I would have to pretend to hide. Something about this scene reminded me of Harry Potter.

I thought about the three people who were trying to save things. They were two men and a woman. One man was older than the other two. The other two seemed to be a young couple. The three of them had teamed up to do something. It was important to this story. I then realized that the older man was actually the child of the other two. It was some kind of a time paradox, but they did not know about it yet. I was experiencing the story with them, and i thought that i should not tell them about the paradox. Someone then told them about the time shift. I wondered why they had said something. The three people seemed confused. The man and the woman don’t like each other yet, so they were not actually a couple at this point in the story. Telling them about their child seemed confusing. This was how the plot would be worked out, though; they would eventually get together.

The other people had left, heading west across the paved lot. I was sitting on the eastern side of the small parking lot, which seemed like the lot between Teagle Hall and Lynah Rink. I stood barefoot on the crumbling asphalt surface. A steep hill descend to the west of me, separating the lot into a driving lane on the western side and the uneven area where i was standing. I started to descend the steep asphalt slope to follow the others to the west. I moved carefully, making sure my footing was firm. As i started, i was aware of a car moving from the north, down the road to the east of me. It was a very small car, and i realized it was too small to be an actual car. It moved below me, and i waited for it to pass before i descended any further, thinking that, if i slipped on the slope, i did not want to fall in front of the car. As the car passed, i realized that it was actually a square robot. I felt cautious of it, and i ran to the north. Other robots were moving across the ground. They were small square things with eyes on top. A set of stone steps descended to the north along the northern end of the western side of the lot. It ran between thick stone walls. I hurried down the steps, thinking that the robots could not easily follow on stairs. The robots were all around me, and i worried about what they might do if they were too near me. I looked over the stone wall on the western side of the stairs. The stairs turned back on themselves, and i could see another flight below me to the west. The white and red robots were coming up the steps. I would have to pass them to get down the steps. The switchback was to the northwest of me now, and i turned down the narrow stairs. It was hard to run between the walls, which were now made of red rubber. The stairs became a chute that was formed of the rubber, which deformed as i stepped on it. The rubber was a lining in the hallway. I tried to run through it, stretching the bottom of it until the top was over my head. It became a narrow passage that ran to the south along the western side of the enclosed room. I tried to push through. I then thought that someone was watching me from the southeast. I pulled the rubber around me as i squeezed through an opening near a hanging support. It was too hard to squeeze through the narrow tunnel, so i thought that i would climb along the underside of the hanging rubber tube. I looked to the south, noticing that the red thing was hanging from supports on the ceiling. It curved to the east on the southern side of the room, and it seemed to get narrower as it went. I dropped to the floor, no longer wanting to try to fit inside the tube. As i stood up, i was aware of others in the room around me.

12018 September 06

I arrived at this house, which i was supposed to be visiting. I had just ended a long trip to get here. I walked to the east, along the southern side of the rectangular room, looking north, down the length of the room. I saw the black cat moving near my feet, and i realized that $X25 was walking near my feet. He should not have been here. He was supposed to be at my house. I felt annoyed, thinking that i must have packed him into the car by mistake. He must have been hiding between the many boxes that i had. I looked to the north, seeing the small hatch-back car. It was a tan car, and it was facing west. I could see stacks of boxes inside the back of the car through the small triangular rear side window of the car. I started to feel frustrated, thinking that i would have to take $X25 back home now, before i could stay here. I called my mother to tell her that i would be taking the cat back. I held the telephone to my left hear, telling my mother that i would have to take the cat back. I noticed that $X25 was playing with another cat in the room to the north of me. The other cat seemed like an orange tabby. My father was here, standing on the western side of the room. I headed north, to the car. I came to the end of the room, and i resized that i would have to climb through the small opening in the northern wall and down to the ground to the north. I stood on a stone wall, which had loose blocks on the ground below it. As i started to climb down, i had to be careful not to let the cat out of the opening behind me. I stepped on the ground, but then i realized that the door to the east of me was open. The man that i was staying with here had left it open when he went out. I felt annoyed, thinking that the cats would get out. I moved toward the door, catching $X25 as he tried to run through the doorway. I then realized that i was in the hallway outside apartment. The wood floor of the hallway ran east to west, and the door to the apartment was down a short corridor to the south. I then realized that i had not actually caught $X25. I had picked up $X24. I was surprised to find that she was here as well. She had been running around the hallway outside the apartment. I felt overwhelmed with trying to catch the cats and keep them safe. I then realized that $X24 had urinated on the wood floor to the east of me. I moved down the short hallway, stopping just before the large open room, which seemed empty of furnishings. It had white walls and double-frame windows in the eastern wall. I would have to wipe up the urine before it stained the floor. I told the man that i would get some paper towels. I crouched down and started wiping up the urine. There now seemed to be a lot of it, forming a wide arc that bowed to the east at the entrance to the room. I wondered how she could have urinated so much liquid. I started wiping it up.

12018 September 08

I moved around the room on the first floor of the house. I felt irritated about something, and i did not really want to do anything. I looked out the large multipane window to the north, seeing my father pushing a lawnmower to the east across the green grass. A wooden fence ran across the northern edge of the yard. I walked to the west, feeling annoyed that my father had started the lawn. I felt impatient, and i did not want to deal with mowing the lawn at the moment, and i did not want my father doing it for me. I was then standing in the room again. It seemed to be much later now. I had not been doing anything, but i was now back in the room. I could still see my father pushing the lawnmower across the lawn to the north of the house. Another man was moving with him, cutting grass closer to the house. I felt bad that my father had done all of the work. He was almost done, and i would not be able to do any of the work for myself. I wondered what i should do. I walked to the west. My mother was now in the room near me.

I ran to the north across the room of the house, and then i turned to the east, exiting the house. The large old wooden gothic house had a shallow porch along the eastern side, with round poles holding up the roof above it. I ran down the two or three wide steps under the porch and stopped abruptly on the cement sidewalk. The white house seemed familiar and comfortable. I felt worried about something, and i looked down the northern side of the house. The wall of the house ran straight, and i could see insects swarming near the northwestern corner of the house. I realized that a wasps nest was is the side wall of the house. The wasps were swarming from somewhere under the wood siding of the house. I realized that they would be spreading out, so i ran back into the house to the west. I felt worried, thinking that they were swarming around the house. We would be trapped in the house. I stood just inside the old wooden doors, which had a large multipane window in the center of it that ran almost all the way to the floor. The window was covered with white curtains. A set of wooden stairs ascended to the west along the northern wall of the hallway to the west of me. Doorways leaded to rooms to the north and south of me. I turned to the west and looked down the hall. The wasps were coming into the house from somewhere down the hall. We had nowhere to run. The wasps were all around us, and now they were coming into the house. They were going to get us.

12018 September 09

I stood at the top of the stairs down to my cellar. A kitten was playing at the top of the stairs. It seemed like $X24. I watched her play, thinking that she was too close to the edge of the top step. She then jumped down the steps, but missed one of the steps and started tumbling. She tumbled head over heels, rolled across the floor of the basement at the bottom o the steps, and hit the cement wall. I felt concerned for her, but i knew that she was very light, so the fall probably did not hurt her. I stayed at the top of the stairs watching her. She seemed stunned at first, but she did not get back up. I suddenly felt worried that she had hit her head on the wall and had gone unconscious. I rushed down the stairs to get her.

12018 September 10

I was inside the encampment with the other people. The fences around us were very tall, and they seemed to be chain link. I moved through the building in the center of the area, trying to do something. I felt unsure of this place. I stopped on the western side of the building, which seemed like a one-level cabin. Others were doing something to the east of me, in the room. I then heard someone enter the cabin from the east. Something seemed wrong. I felt uneasy and thought that something was not right. I then heard a gun shot from the eastern side of the building. People started to panic. Someone had come into the camp and had started shooting people. I thought that we would have to get out of here. I looked to the east, through the hall of the building and out the other side. I could see military troops entering the camp through the large gate in the front of the fence, on the eastern side of the camp. They were shooting people as they came in. I moved to the west, thinking that we had to escape this place. I felt scared, thinking that there was no obvious way to get out of the camp. The only entrance was the front gate. I turned to the west and saw people gathered near the tall fence on the western side of the camp. I was not sure where we could go. I then heard an explosion to the west. I thought that the troops were trying to surround us. I did not think that it would be a good idea to escape into the jungle on the back side of the camp. I then saw a deep hole that had been dug under the tall fence. It was deep enough that people could easily run under the fence. I stood staring at in, thinking that the troops must be to the west as well. I then realized that the fence was humming with a low vibration. Something here was not right. People were running under the fence as i watched it, but i could hear the troops to the west shooting at those trying to escape. I felt upset, thinking that i would be captured. I did not think that there was a way out of this situation. I was then in the house, doing something. I felt uneasy, and i noticed that bees or wasps were in the room.

12018 September 11

I was in the middle bedroom of my parents’ house, and i had been fornicating. I was on the bed, and i looked to the south. I could see through the outer wall of the room, and i realized that someone might see me. I did not want anyone to watch me fornicate. A waterway was to the south of the house, and a gray bridge crossed over it on the western side of the house. I felt horny, but i did not want anyone to see me. I then realized that my mother was to the southeast. I moved to the east to try to get out of her line of sight. I was in the forest now, walking to the east. I headed south and then was walking north. I kept thinking about fornicating, but i worried that someone might see me.

The scene to the north of me was an old television commercial. It was showing scenes from a science-fiction show. I realized that the space ships looked like the ones from Space 1999. One moved from the upper left part of the screen to the foreground in the lower right. The ships looked more modern and sleeker than the original. I wondered why they had done a remake of this television show. The original plot was not that good, and the science in it was foolish. I wondered how they had retold the story to make it interesting. I then thought that the story should really be a time-travel story. I thought about the plot and felt excited. It sounded like a good story. There would actually be a war in 1999, and people from the future would defend the moon base from attack. It would have to be written in a way that the people of Earth would not know what was actually happening. I liked the idea and wanted to see the show.

12018 September 12

I was telling the other person how to get to the house, which was somewhere to the northwest of us. I was standing in a rural area. the land sloped up slightly to the northwest. It was gray out, and it seemed to be the end of the summer or early autumn. The tall grass in the field to the west and northwest of me was old and partially dry. It was filled with weeds and seemed partially matted. We had to get to the house, which was on the road that ran along the northern side of the field. I could see part of the white house among the trees on the northern side of the road. The trees seemed thick with leafs. A dirt road ran uphill to the north of us, running along the eastern side of the field. The road then curved to the west, running along the northern side of the field. The other person was driving the car that i was in. I told the man who was driving that $A550 lived behind the house that we were going to. We were on the dirt road leading west toward the white house. The man was not sure where the house was, so i told him that we should see the law office of $A550’s father first. I knew that it would be just off the road. the car then turned to the north and started driving across the grass to the east of the house. I told the man to look for tracks on the ground, but i was thinking of depressed tire track. The depressed tire tracks should be an old road. The road ran to the northeast. I started to wonder if we were really on a road, but then we came out on a gravel road that ran north to south. I told the driver that this was Pickney Road. I thought that we could follow it because it would have to come out on the main road somewhere. I said something to the man who was driving the car. He sat to the right of me in the front of the car. We headed to the west again, looking for the house on the northern side of the road. We were approaching the old building. This place seemed very familiar and friendly. I moved down the hall of the old school building, and i spoke to someone there. I had created a song, and the other person was talking about it. The song was about education, and i thought that it was a very good song. The teacher to the north of me said something. She seemed like $A57. We moved to the north as we spoke, heading into an empty classroom. I felt nervous about the song, and i talked about it, saying that the song was not quite finished yet. I told her that the song would be mostly voice and bass with only a little melody. The woman considered this, smiling. I felt interested in the song, but i was uncertain how others would like it.

12018 September 13

My parents were driving the car as we approached North Campus. We seemed to be heading toward the North Campus bridge, and i could see the college buildings ahead of us, to the north of us. I could only see the tops of the large dormitories over the trees and other objects in the foreground. The sky was very dark to the north, and the lights from the campus illuminated the underside of the dark clouds. As i turned to look at the sky, the lights from the campus went out. The light had been very bright, and it suddenly faded just after i looked at it. I felt tense, thinking that something was wrong. I wondered if the light was actually from an explosion. We started driving up the hill on Triphammer, and i looked at the buildings to the east. I worried that something was wrong. We were now passing the golf course near campus, and i could see a black plume of smoke to the northwest, where the central part of North Campus was. Something had happened. I thought that we would be in danger here, and i thought that i had to get away. I started moving to the east, across the long open space of the golf course. Cubical houses were along the southern and western sides of the open area. I could see that the black plume of smoke was coming from between two of the houses on the northern end of the western side of the filed. I ran to the east along the southern side of the field. I thought that the houses must have blocked the direct light from the explosion but not the reflection in the clouds. I thought that the plume of smoke would be putting dust into the air, and i worried that the dust would be toxic. I had to get away from this area. I sneaked past the houses on the southern side of the field. I started to think that military people were attacking this place. I was then aware of the helicopter flying low over the filed to the north of me. I tried to stay hidden from it by staying to the south of the houses. I had to get out of sight. I looked around one of the houses to see the helicopter hovering low near one of the houses in the middle of the northern side of the field. I ran across the long stretch of the golf course, moving through the trees in the center. I then realized that people were to the west of me. I looked across the field. They would be able to see me. They seemed to be the residents of some of the house, but i thought that they might tell the others that i was here. I jumped through a row of weeds and moved close to the chain-link fence on the northern side of the golf course. I was then looking down on the golf course from above. I was to the southwest of the patches of weeds that i had jumped through, watching myself crouch against the fence. I knew that something had gone wrong at one of the Cornell laboratories. The government had been doing something here, and they had made a mistake, which had caused an accidental explosion. The government would try to cover up this mistake, and i felt that i should not be here when they came. I thought that Cornell had a huge underground laboratory under the golf course. I looked across the fairway to the east of me, thinking that something in that lab must have exploded. I was running over the top of it, trying to get away.

12018 September 15

I sat on the northern end of the eastern side of the large square wooden table. I was in the middle of a board meeting for $P19. I felt that we had something important to do, and i was trying to focus on what it was. I had a small clear-plastic object in my right hand, which i positioned on the table. The object seemed to be talking, and i thought that it was a speaker for a phone. The object said something, and the people around the table looked in my direction. I put the object down near the northern edge of the table, trying to position it so that people could hear. The object had a flat back, which was facing the palm of my hand. The base of the object seemed like a half pyramid, and the top was diamond shaped, making the entire object look like a stylized idol from Easter Island. The person to the north of me took the object and put it down on the table. I realized that the sound had diminished, and i looked at the object. The person was holding his fingers over the small flat top of the object, and i thought that must be where the sound came out. I mentioned this to the man. The sound of talking then reappeared.

I got out of the large bed in the room and started to move around. This place seemed like $P19. The bed was against the southern wall of the room, and i had been sleeping on the western half. I looked to the east, thinking that i had to get up and get something. The bedroom i was in seemed very open and empty. $F71 was standing on the southern side of the room, to the southwest of the bed. I said something to him as i looked across the wide square hallway outside the room at a wooden door in the eastern wall of the open area. It seemed to be a bathroom, and i thought that i should go there. As i got up, i was aware of someone in a room to the north of me. This place seemed like $P19, and i wondered why i had come back to this place, even though it felt comfortable to be here. The man to the north of me then moved to the east, and i could see him in the hallway, heading diagonally across the large square space outside the rooms. He seemed to be heading toward the bathroom door, but he went through a doorway in the southern wall of the hallway. I turned to the northwest, thinking that i should gather up my things. I looked around the room for a moment. I then realized that the man had been doing something with the toys that i had lined up against the western wall of the room. The Shogun Warriors were standing along the wall in two rows with several other smaller dolls between them. I realized that the Shogun Warriors were missing pieces. The man who had been in the room had taken them apart. I felt annoyed with him. I did not think that he should have been arranging the toys. I turned to the east and headed out into he hallway. I thought that i had to use the bathroom. As i got close to the bathroom door, though, i realized that the house i was in was different than i had expected. A large opening was to the southeast of me. I seemed to be in the southeastern corner of the hallway, and the opening was in the southern wall and about a meter into the southern end of the eastern wall. A set of stairs descended to the south of me along the western wall of the room to the southeast. A thick white wall ran along the eastern side of the stairs and turned to the east at the top, forming the wall to the section of floor that overlooked the large room below. The room was very modern in design, and i found that it was very beautiful. The house seemed well crafted. I was on the second floor, and the room to the southeast was at least three meters below me. The ceiling was recessed in the center. A brown wooden surface sloped upward slightly from the walls. It was about a meter and a half wide. Where it ended, the ceiling started slanting up more steeply in steps. The steps looked like horizontal bars that ran the length of the ceiling, but i thought that they might cover ventilation of some sort. In the center of the ceiling was a large white square that domed upward in the center slightly. I focused on the large light on the eastern side of the ceiling. It was hung from a support in the middle of the lighter-colored horizontal bars. I started to descend down the stairs, thinking that i would have to remember the details of this place so that i could recognize it when i saw it again in the waking world. I felt excited to see the place, and i looked across the ceiling in amazement as i descended the stair. I realized that the light, which looked like a spotlight from a theater, was only one of four. There was one light on each side of the room. They were pointing in different directions in the room. The light on the northern side of the room was facing south, and i could see a gold-colored arc curving along the side of the black or dark-brows light fixture. The end of the light seemed to have a square frame that was wider than the circular barrel of the fixture. A kitchen area seemed to be on the northern side of the room. It seemed that a counter ran from the northern end of the eastern wall, across the northern wall, and down part of the western wall, ending at a corner where the western wall turned to the west to meet the stairs. An island counter seemed to be to the south of the northern wall. I looked around the large square room. Everything here seemed new, and many of the items seemed polished and well kept. I wanted to live here, and i had to remember it. I moved near the eastern wall, telling the other person with me how nice this place was. I then turned to the south, noticing the pieces of furniture standing in rows and columns on the southern side of the room. I noticed the old Edison record player that was just to the south of me. It had been stripped and was now had a polished wood finish, but i recognized it as the one i had had in my house. I felt excited to see it, and i smiled widely as i jumped in glee. I pointed it out to the woman to the west of me. I felt very happy to see my things here.

12018 September 17

I ran to the south, following the other people down the narrow street that ran just to the west of what seemed to be a canal. The people seemed to be from $G4. $F58 was running with me, just to the southwest of me. I wondered if the others ahead of us were heading in the correct direction. I mentioned this to $F58 as we ran. I had seen a road sign that said that this road was Route 144. I told $F58 that this route ran near my parents’ house, which seemed to be far to the east of us, in another city. I then wondered if it was the same route. I thought that one could be a county route and another a state route. I thought that the one near my parents’ house was a state route. I pictured the sign as a black square with a white shield in the center. I looked ahead of us at the sign on the road. At first, it seemed like a brown square with a white square in the center, but then i noticed that it was a state-route sign. As i got closer, however, i realized that it was pointing out Route 10. This road must have several names. Someone then said that we were looking for the highway. I knew that it was off to the west of us. I thought that we might have missed the entrance to the road. I looked to the west, but i could only see cement structures in the city area. The people ahead of us turned to the west. I stopped at the intersection, noticing the highway going over a bridge to the southwest of us. The highway was not far to the west now. The woman with me now seemed to be $F76. I thought that we would have to cut across to the highway, but the other runners had stayed on a low road that went under the bridges just to the west. Several bridges seemed to cross a narrow valley that ran east to west, just to the south of us. A wide road ran along the edge of a drop off, crossing under several of the bridges. The runners had started to the west down this road, and they had already passed under the first wide bridge, which was much lower than the highway bridge in the distance. A second narrower road ran just to the north of the wide road, rising a little and cutting close to the support of the bridge nearest us. I thought that this was the correct path to take. It did not meet up with the highway, but it stopped just in front of the highway. Because we were running and not driving, it would be easy enough for us to step over the guardrail to get onto the highway. I told this to $F76. A third road ran up hill to the north, just to the west of the way we had come. $F76 called to the others, telling them that the trail ran on the upper road. I could see the people stopped to the west, trying to figure out where the trail went. They came back and started running down the other road. I had already started on the other road, but the runners were now in front of me. I had been talking to someone. I turned my attention back to the west, noticing that the runners had now gone far enough ahead that they were out of sight. The road opened up into a wide parking area, which was empty of cars. It was now darker, and it seemed to be late twilight. The area was roughly triangular. I ran to the southwest along one edge, noticing that a mark was on the ground where a paved path curved off to the south. The path split into two paths, though: one running to the southwest and the other running to the southeast. Both paths ran into the large parking structure that was to the south of us. I could see cars in the gray cement structure to the southeast of me. I could not see where the others had gone, but i could see many marks on the ground around the circle. People had written in many colors of chalk, letting us know where they had gone. The woman running with me asked which way we go. I told her that the direction should be marked, but i could not figure out which marks were good. I knew that an arrow should point in the correct direction. I looked at the many names written to the northeast of the circle. They should have been the people who checked out the trail, but none of them had a mark saying which was the correct trail. I moved to the south of the circle, noticing that many names had been written in a column in the center of the circle. I wondered if everyone on the run had been written in previous to us getting here. I felt confused. I did not know which way to go, and i did not know how to tell the woman where to go. I thought that we should go to the southeast, but i was unsure.

12018 September 21

My father was driving the car as we headed southwest, into the parking lot near the house. A tan adobe wall was to the west of us, and it seemed to be a wall around the neighboring yard. The ground was pale and dry, and it seemed to be sandy or gravely soil. The house was to the south of us, and it too was tan adobe. Everything in this neighborhood seemed to be from the southwest United States. I focused on a door in the western end of the northern wall of the house. It was slightly ajar. I remembered that the doors on my new house did not lock properly, and this one seemed to have blown open. The door was moving slowly in the wind, and i could see something orange on the floor inside the small entryway. The entryway seemed to take up the northwestern corner of the building, and the inside of the building seemed old and run down. My father pointed out the door, and i expressed annoyance that the door had come open. I then realized that the cats had been in the house. I told my father that the cats might have gotten out. I looked to the north, across the large room that we were in. The room was outdoors and did not have a ceiling. It seemed to be my garage, and i knew that we had come in through a large door in the northern end of the eastern wall. That door would now be closed, but i could see that the door out of the garage, which was in the northern end of the western wall, was now open. It was a wooden door with glass panes covering most of its area. I usually leave the door ajar so that the garage could air out, but i knew that the cats would be able to escape from the garage if they had gone out of the house. I worried that $X13 had gotten out of the house, and i mentioned this to my mother, who was in the back seat of the car. I then looked to the northeast again, seeing a gap in the eastern wall where the large door should have been closed. A young fuzzy orange cat walked into view from the east and crouched down in the center of the doorway. It looked scared. I opened the door of the car; i was now sitting in the driver’s seat of the car, even though i knew that i was not driving the car. I called $X13’s name. The cat turned its head suddenly toward me and started running quickly toward the car. I knew that it was scared. I stepped out of the car as the cat came to an abrupt stop to the west of me. I picked it up and started petting it. It seemed happy to see me, but i could tell that it was not feeling well. I turned to the north, laying the cat on its right side with its head facing west as i held it. The cat now looked like a squirrel, and it had a long cut running across the left side of its face and down the side of its body to its hind leg. The fur around the cut seemed short or scraped off. I pet the cat, feeling very concerned for it. It seemed like $X24. The wound did not seem severe. It looked like a scratch on the skin with only a few spots where the cut went deep enough to show red skin. The cat lay still as i pet it, and i felt upset. My mother was now standing outside the car, to the northeast of me. I told her that the cat had been injured, but i made sure not to make it sound bad. I did not want her getting too upset.

I hurried to the west along the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I was trying to meet my friends here. They seemed to be in a loose group to the west of me. I looked at the trunks of the pale-tan trees to the north of me as i walked. They were on the edge of the sidewalk, between the road and i. There were two trees in a row, and the bark looked like the bark of palm trees. The trees seemed oddly plump, though. The trunk had an area of dimpled texture near the bottom, but a thin dark line around my chest level marked a transition where the surface of the tree had thin vertical striations. The area between the thin lines seemed smooth, and it rose up the tree for another meter or so. The smooth area was also more rounded than the rest of the trunk so that it appeared wider. The area near the top of the tree seemed darker and more textured, but i could not see it directly. I chatted with a few of my friends as i approached. I still had something to do so that i could talk to them, so i passed a few, who were gathered on the southern sidewalk. A parking garage or unfinished building seemed to be on the northern side of the road to the west of me. People were moving around in the street to the south of it. They also seemed to be friends of mine. I was aware of a good friend of mine to the west-southwest, on the street. He was moving to the northeast, waving his hands as if he were dancing. I looked over the edge to the north of me, seeing $F4 walking to the northeast on the street below. He was wearing what appeared to be a one-piece pajama. It was bright blue and fuzzy, and it had a light-blue collar and waistline. It seemed to be stuffed with something, making him seem rounder than he was. He continued past me to the northeast. I turned my attention to the south, feeling rushed. I drove my car into the small lot on the southern side of the street, in front of the tan buildings. The lot seemed like a wide driveway. I stopped the car just to the north of the building, aware of the blue tarp that was hanging on the western side of the driveway. IT seemed to have been hung over a tall chain-link fence. As i had pulled in, i noticed people sitting in a crude circle on the western side of the fence. I thought that they were the neighbors, and i did not want to disturb them as i pulled in. A man was sitting on the southern side of the small area to the west of the fence, facing north. He seemed to be at the eastern end of the stoop that ran up to the building. Two young women sat in aluminium yard chairs with white nylon straps. They sat against the fence, facing west, and the one to the south was talking as she leaned her neck forward to eat something that she was holding in her left hand. She seemed to be holding an ear of corn in her left hand over a white paper plate, which she held in her right hand. As i pulled in to the driveway, i could no longer see them, and i wanted to make sure that i did not disturb them, because i did not want to talk to them. I then noticed two women lying on a bed under a blue tent to the southwest of me. The fence had ended before it reached the building, and the tent was set up at a diagonal angle in the opening. One of the women had sat up as i stopped my car. She was on the northeastern side of the tall padded cot, and she had long straight black hair. She seemed Mediterranean, and i thought that the rest of the family did as well. An older woman with chin-length gray hair remained reclined on the cot, a blanket pulled up to her chin. I turned my attention to the east and walked to the northeast across the small room of the house. The family i had come to meet was here. They seemed to be my friends. I chatted with them. I was then aware of the sound of the wind. I remembered that we were supposed to have a windstorm this evening. I looked out the window, noticing one of the large trees with the palm-like trunks. As i moved to the window, i could see two large trees to the northwest. They seemed extremely large, and they were swaying in the wind. The trunk on the right was at least two meters in diameter, and the one to the west was ever larger. I felt nervous about them, thinking that the wind might knock them over. I was then away from the window, and i could see the area of vertical lines on the trunk of the eastern tree. As the tree tipped to the northwest in the wind, i noticed that the dark lines in the tree were opening up slightly. The tree seemed to be hollow, and i could see the sky on the other side through the cracks in the trunk. The trees seemed very fragile. I watched for a moment as the cracks opened a little and then close a few times. The smooth part of the trunk seemed to puff out as the cracks opened. I was afraid that the tree would break. I moved to the window and looked at the massive tree to the northwest. It seemed very tall, and i could not see the crown. It too had a thick section about two meters off the ground where the trunk was wider and had vertical striations. The thicker section puffed out as the tree swayed. The tree then started tipping toward us. I felt afraid, and i backed into the room. I thought that i would have to run to the east, and i told the others that the tree was falling. I then realized that i would not have enough time to do anything. The tree was too big and would fall on the roof of the house near where i was. I would not have enough time to run far enough to the east to get out of its way.

I was with my friend on the street of the city. It seemed very sunny out, and i thought that the event had ended recently. $F10 and his family seemed to be to the west of me, and it felt good to be here. My friends were moving up the street from the west. Several of them came from the southwest, crossing the street diagonally. I was aware of a large building on the northern side of the street, to the northwest of me. I had known many of these people before, but it seemed that i was not as familiar with many of them now. I thought that some of them were $A682’s friends. $A682 was to the west of me now, and i said something to him. He seemed to be wearing something blue. I thought that i would have to get my things so that i could join the others as they headed to the east, down the street. Someone was talking about how they would get there. The person mentioned taking the tunnels. I knew that the tunnels went under the street and came up somewhere to the east. I thought that $F10’s parents were staying in a house on the northern side of the road, several blocks to the east. We could take the tunnels and come up near their house. The woman, who seemed to be $A507, described the tunnels and a scenic area that few people knew about. I knew that they were appealing to tourists, but that few tourists knew that they existed. They had some special interest to the local people. I turned to the east and started to follow the others. I then realized that most of them were no longer in sight. I wondered where they had gone. I moved to the southern side of the street where the small store was. I knew that the entrance to the tunnel was inside the small store, which was a souvenir shop. The greenish wood building had a large window on the northern side that bowed out slightly from the building. It was formed of many small panes of glass that were held together by thin wooden supports. I looked at some of the things in the window as i passed. The door to the shop was to the west of the window, but i felt somehow hesitant to enter the shop. It seemed cheap and touristy, and i did not want to take part in the selling. I thought that the others must have gone inside, though. I walked around the corner of the building and down the eastern side. A large open lot was to the east of the building, and the eastern side of the building was open. I thought that i could go in the door on this side, and maybe i would not have to pay the tourist entrance fee. A woman was walking ahead of me as i rounded the corner, but she was not in front of me as i opened the gray metal door in the center of the wall and stepped up the steps and into the building. The room inside was dimly lighted and small. A man stood just to the north of the door, and he said something to a person who was leaving. The man seemed to be a guard, and he seemed to be wearing a pale-green shirt and dark uniform pants. This door was the exit to the small tourist museum, so i thought that the man might try to stop me from coming in. I then thought that he might think that i was returning to the building after just coming out. I felt nervous as i walked past him and headed to the southwest. The western wall of the small room was open to another small room. The walls of the rooms were paneled with old horizontal wood planks that were dark from age. Many things seemed to be arranged on the walls or around the room. I reached the southwestern corner of the next room, still afraid that the man would say something to me. I had to act like i knew where i was heading. I reached the top of the stairs. A short wall divided the stairway from the rest of the second room. The stairs descend to the north along the western wall. This was one of the entrances to the tunnel. I followed a few people down the stairs. They seemed to be with me, but they did not seem to be people whom i knew. The stairwell was very narrow, and it ended in a narrow cement corridor. The corridor seemed old, and the upper part of the northern wall was covered with plaster slats. The corridor seemed old and rarely used. I felt uneasy and interested in this place as i followed the woman and man to the east. A second set of steeps descend further, and the wall to the south opened up into a small chamber along the stairs. At the bottom of the steps, i was in a wide corridor with a very high ceiling. I started walking to the east, realizing that the walls to the north and south seemed like buildings. I seemed to be outside, but it was dark. I walked down the street, noticing that i could see low rounded hills of the city to the northeast. I then looked up, noticing stars high above. I knew that this was a tunnel, but it no longer seemed like a tunnel. I stopped, looking back to the west at the sky. The dark sky had a pale glow, and i could see thin wisps of clouds over some of the stars. I thought that this could not really be a tunnel. It seemed too open. I told the others that this view could not be an illusion, and i realized that something strange had happened here. I walked to the east, not convinced that i was on a street in a city. This was not the city that i had started in, though. It was dark. We walked for a few blocks, and i looked at the short apartments and condo-like buildings on both sides. The square condos on the southern side were very close to the road, and the cubical buildings on the northern side had short grassy lawns in front of them. I was interested in this place, but i felt that i had to leave here. I wondered where the exit to the tunnel was. It seemed that we had walked quite a distance. I thought that we might have passed it. I was then aware of a building on the southern side of the road that had a light on in the window. It was a long narrow building with a short northern face. It was set back a little, and it was oddly shaped. The lower meter of the building on the northern end of the building was about a meter wider than the center section of the building. It looked as though the main part of the building had stopped several meters from the street, but a smaller cubical part on a pedestal like section was to the north of it. The lower part of the building seemed to be a downstairs, and a set of stairs ascend from the west to a doorway in the center of the cubical section. Dark evergreen bushes seemed to grow around the northern side of the building. I walked into the door in the center of the building and found myself in the middle of a small guard station. The guards were in tan short-sleeve button-up shirts, and they were talking to several people at several of the service windows. An older man in a brown coat was facing west in the southwestern corner of the room, talking to a man in uniform behind thin metal bars. A booth was in the center of the southern wall, and it had two or three guards in it. They were talking to people around the booth. A corridor seemed to extend to the south on the eastern side of the booth. I asked one of the men if they knew where the other exit to the tunnel was. I thought that we had passed the one that we were supposed to take, so i thought that we should take the closest one just to get back to the surface world. I started to feel a little nervous here, though. This place seemed like someplace that visitors should not be coming to. I was not sure that we should have been here. One of the guards came close to me and put his right arm over my shoulders. He turned me to the west and held me close to him as he stood to the south of me. I felt nervous of him, but i also felt somehow attracted to him. He bent his head forward as he said something to me, and i thought that he wanted to do something to me. I looked down at his shirt as he held me next to him. His dress shirt was unbuttoned, and i could see that he had nice chest muscles. I felt attracted to him, but i did not think that i should stay here any longer.

12018 September 25

I walked to the west, down the dirt path that led along the lake shore. The lake seemed to be to the south of me, and the land around it was densely forested. I was in the Adirondacks, and i seemed to be near my grandfather’s cottage. I followed dirt road to the north of the small old lodge. The building was run down and seemed to be deteriorating from the weather. Something then happened, and things seemed different. I turned back to the east; my grandfather’s cottage seemed to be in that direction. I felt as though i had forgotten something, and i was anxious about it, but i did not want feel that i had to go anywhere to get it. Instead, i turned to north to face the lodge, which was now on southern side of small shallow lake. An old plank ran from the shore where i was standing to the entry door in the center of southern face of the lodge. I walked over the plank, looking down to the east at the swampy ground under plank. The lodge was surrounded by water, though it seemed to be on solid ground. The lodge was the community meeting area. I walked into the main room of building, which seemed empty. The room was rustic, with bare wood on all surfaces. It had few furnishings. Some of the furnishings seemed old, as if they were from the fifties. A metal desk seemed to be against the eastern wall, and something with a pale-green cushion was against the northern wall. A man in a uniform was on the western side of the room. I felt uncomfortable. I had forgotten to bring my clothes with me, and the ones i had on were wet or dirty, and they seemed to be bedclothes. I thought that i was not wearing something that i should be outside in. I would have to go back. I turned to the east and started crawling across the wood floor of the room. I did not want the people here to think something specific about me, so i had to crawl. I seemed to be crawling on the boardwalk that ran along the southern side of the building. I was aware of the man to the north. He was watching me. I thought that he would be suspicious of me crawling across the floor, and i thought that he would say something. I tried to move casually, but it was hard to crawl. My movements were very slow, even though i tried to move at a regular pace. I felt uncomfortable. I thought that i would just have to get to the cottage. I was then in a room on the eastern side of the lodge. I was dressed now in regular clothing. I walked back to the west, into central room of the lodge. I was aware of the man still watching me. He seemed to be a forest warden. I thought that i should pay a fee for something, but i told the man that i did not have any money. I knew that i would have to go back to the cottage for that. The money was in the pocket of my other pants. I felt upset. I headed to the west again and come into the other room. The building now seemed like an inn. I was not sure what i should do here, and i paced around.

I moved around on northern end of large room of the old store, which seemed to be in the Adirondacks. The store was very open, and some of the shelfs against the northern wall seemed empty. I thought that it was out of the tourist season. A large rectangular counter blocked off the center of the room, and an old metal cash register seemed to be on the eastern end of northern surface of the counter. People in the store were eating ice cream, which was being sold from behind the counter. I walked to the south, along western side of the counter area. Old round metal tables were to the west of me in the room. I looked north at a man who was tasting the ice cream from his cone. I wanted to get some ice cream, and i thought that i should have some before i left this area. I turned to the south, again to the north of the counters, and i looked at the white menu board that was leaning up against the eastern end of counter, under the register. I did not see any descriptions of the ice cream on the board. A glass case was set into the western end of the counter. The northern section of the counters was about three meters long. A woman was to the west of me, behind a second counter that blocked the northwestern corner of the room, and another woman was to the southeast of me, behind the counter, which now ran to the eastern wall, just to the south of the entry door. I saw the people eating soft-serve ice cream to the west, and it thought that the hard ice cream was served from counter to the south. Several people were near counter to the west. I did not want anything heavy, so i thought that i should get soft-serve ice cream. I usually get a mix of two flavors when i come here. I looked to the east for the menus again. I then noticed the pinking ice cream in someone’s cone. I knew that it was strawberry. I usually get hard strawberry ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. I wanted that again. I moved to the south and ordered. After i mentioned the sprinkles, i then started to wonder if the woman would put candied sprinkles on ice cream. I did not like them. I wanted chocolate sprinkles. I stopped in the middle of the store. $F12 was just to the south of me. I had been traveling with him. He seemed surprised that i had gotten some ice cream. I told him that i wanted some, and then i walked back to the north with him.

12018 September 27

I followed the others to the east, around the northern side of the pale-green building. The house seemed old, with cement walls. A short chain-link fence surround a small square swimming pool that ran along the northern side of the house. Pale tiles ran around the outside of the pool. I remembered the pool from before. It had been filled in, and i wondered if it was still filled in. The others started climbing over the fence. I thought that they were going to walk across the dirt that was on the surface of the pool water. The dirt and leafs had collected there over time. I thought that they would have to be careful. I knew that the dirt could collapse into the water. I watched the people step on the frozen dirt on the western side of the pool. Some of the dirt broke free and fell into the open space below. I felt nervous about climbing across the pool. I then wondered how the dirt could have collected on top of the water. I then noticed metal bars running north from the house, running at the level of where the water would be. A metal structure now seemed to be above the pool as well, and the people were holding on to it as they crossed the pool. I looked down into the greenish area of the pool. I remembered that a window was under the water in the western side of the pool. I wondered if people were inside the room on the other side of the glass. They would see the dirt falling into the pool from the people climbing across the surface. I did not want the people here to know that we were climbing across the water. I was then approaching the building from the east. When i reached the pool, i thought that i should be careful again. The others had already crossed the water and were now to the west. I looked down at one of the round crossbeams in the pool, noticing the mound of dirt that was still on top of it. It would make stepping on the bar difficult. I talked to the others and i went around the northern side of the pool. They seemed like $G4. I moved to the western side of the building to find that the others were sitting on a large couch, which was facing east. I sat down on the couch as the others stood and sat nearby, chatting. $A706 sat just to the south of me, and she leaned toward me and put her head on my lap. I felt happy that she had tried to be physically close, so i put my hand on her right shoulder and pulled her toward me as if half hugging her. It felt very nice to be with her.

I had to pack things up and put them back the way they belonged. I had taken things out of the cupboards to the east of me, and i would now have to put everything back. I started stacking boxes and cans on the shelfs. The cupboards were actually over a refrigerator, and i was reaching up to put things back into them. I seemed to be in a kitchen area. The room was very small, and cupboards ran along the eastern and northern walls. A doorway was in the southern end of the eastern wall, and another was in the western end of the northern wall. I packed a bag of grains in the center of the central cupboard. I was able to fit the things back into the cupboards, but i was putting them back in a different order. They did not fit like i had thought they would. I thought that they would be stacked on top of one another to fit, but they all fit without stacking. I was not able to fit everything that i had on the counter, though. I would need more room for that. I picked up a bag of chips, wondering where i could put it. I did not want to stuff it into the cupboard because i thought that i might break them, so i decided that i would leave them on one of the shelfs to the north. I had put some other things there as well. This kitchen seemed old and worn, with mismatched paint here and there.

I moved to the south, into the small bathroom. $F71 was sitting on a toilet that was against the southern end of the western wall. He was sitting facing the wall. I realized that this was strange, and i wondered why he was sitting backward on the toilet. He was naked. He seemed startled by my presence, and he tried to stand up, but he could not get his balance. He moved his feet under him to stand, but the toilet lifted from the floor when his knees caught under the tank on the back. He tried several times, but could not get up. I realized that the toilet should not be lifting from the floor. I then thought that $F71 was probably nervous that i had come into the bathroom while he was naked on the toilet. He probably did not want me to see him naked. I left the bathroom to the north.

12018 September 28

The man had asked me to paint the floors of the building that we were in. I had already painted the cement floors of the rooms to the northwest and southeast. I thought that they should now be dry. The man stood to the west of me, and he suggested that i put on a second coat of paint. I was not really that interested in doing so, but i thought that i would. The rooms seemed like dormitories in this old building. I looked at the window sill in the eastern wall to the southeast of me. The thick coat of green paint seemed dry. I then looked through the doorway into the room to the northwest. To my surprise, the floor seemed to be barely covered with paint. I could still see the grain of the thick wooden planks that ran northwest to southeast in the room. The layers of paint had rippled and were lifting from the surface. I felt annoyed, and i told the man with me that the paint was low quality. I turned to the south, thinking that i would have to paint the room of the floor again. As i reached the southern end of the room, though, i realized that the floor was covered with thick ceramic tiles. I felt confused. I now seemed to be in a different room than i had been in. I turned to the east, looking around the small room, which seemed to be in the basement of the building. It was dimly lighted by a single incandescent bulb that hung over the western side of the room, to the north of the door that i had entered through. The man with me said something about the tiles. He then started telling me how he had made them. I turned to the north, noticing the large oven on the eastern side of the narrow room, to the north of me. It was hard to make out the details of the over in the darkness of the room, but it looked like a tall narrow cement mixer that was tipped upward. A square box under it had a fire going in it, and the light of the fire illuminated the egg-shaped kiln from below. I realized that the man had made the tiles for the floor from scratch. He had poured the basic ingredients in the mixer overhead, and the mix had been flattened inside the machine and dropped into the kiln below. Mechanics in the kiln would shape the tiles from the mixture and cook them until they were ready.

I was in the small room of the house, and i was wrestling the man in the middle of the floor. He seemed athletic, and i enjoyed wrestling with him. I pushed him onto his back and wrapped my right arm around his neck. I pulled him into a headlock and pushed him down to the ground. We rolled on the floor for a moment. I felt excited to wrestle him. I rolled the man back and forth a few times, but i realized that he was not resisting me. I suddenly realized that he seemed to be unconscious. Nothing seemed wrong, but he was not responding to me. I thought that he had slipped out of his body. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that i should not be wrestling with him on the floor if he was unconscious. I loosened my grip on him and looked at him as i leaned against his chest. He seemed nicely muscled, and i thought that he would have been more of a challenge had he not been out of his body. He was wearing a tank top, and i looked at the smooth skin over his shoulder muscle and then at the details along the right side of his neck. I thought that i should put his body in the bed. I moved around, thinking that the man was really out in the hallway now. I would have to clean the room before he came back. I started picking things up. I then thought i should put a second coat of paint on the floor. The floor seemed to be thinly painted again. I felt annoyed, thinking that i should have done the second coat of paint before.

12018 September 29

I started walking down the old dirt road, heading southeast. I seemed to be walking toward my parents’ house. I pictured the area from above, imagining that someone was asking me why i was walking this way. I could see a road coming from the north. Someone had been driving me down this road, and i thought that the person could easily have driven me to the east down the other road. The north-to-south road curved a little to the south-southwest near the bottom of my view. A second road turned to the east at a sharp intersection and ran a little to the west-northwest before heading east. I knew that my parents’ house was on this second road. I had told the man to drop me off to the north of this intersection, though. I knew that the trails cut diagonally to the southwest from the north-to-south road, heading through the forest and to the back of my parents’ house. I remembered hiking across the large field to the east of the north-to-south road and then coming into the dense forest to the east of the field. I knew that a trail ran almost straight to my parents’ house, and i could see it as a thin double line on the map. I started walking across the field area. I remembered the fields as grazing pastures, with low swampy sections near the edge of the forest. I was now following a narrow dirt road between the tall bushes and young trees at the edges of the road, heading out into the fields. I then saw the orange sign to the northeast of me. I stopped to look at it. It marked the trail that i was on. The sign was about a meter wide and had a picture of what looked like a wide anvil with some kind of mechanical braces around it. The text mentioned that this area was known for industry and leather. This trail somehow commemorated the old industries that used to be here. I looked again at the squat rectangular machine to the left of the title text. It represented the industry. I then turned my attention back to the trail, moving along it quickly. I reached the wooden bridge that passed over the narrow creek. The boards on the short bridge ran across the water. The span was formed by three or four planks, which looked like new lumber. A woman in a frilly dress was lying on the second plank from the east as i started to cross. A man was to the northeast of her, leaning on the wooden railing. The bridge seemed to curve from the northeast to the north. I crossed it and continued to the east, down the path. I then came to a second stream. A group of people were standing on the western shore of the stream, looking at the water. I came to the edge of the stream and realized that there was no bridge for this stream. The hiking trail went through the water to get to the other side. The group of people were sitting on the bank of the steam, wondering what they should do. I did not want to get my feet wet, so i looked around. The bushes ran along the northern side of the narrow dirt road here, but the southern side had cut grass along it. A small yard opened up to the south of the road, and a small white wooden house seemed to be on the eastern side of the yard, to the south of me. The house seemed to border the stream. I looked across the stream, remembering hiking from my parents’ house to the edge of the field at the top of the steep bank on the eastern side of the stream. I moved around as the group of people discussed how they could cross the stream. I walked up to the streambed, looking south. The land on the eastern side of the stream rose sharply to the south of me into a packed-clay mound. Several small trees were growing on the top of the mound. i stopped at the edge of the water, noticing that the eastern side of the clay mound was a cliff. The mound was about three meters tall at the edge of the water, but only seemed a couple meters tall when i was to the northwest of it. I looked down the stream, trying to find a better place to cross. Where the people had gathered, the stream was about four meters across. Along the cliff to the south, though, it seemed to be less than three meters across. Farther down, i could see that the stream seemed very narrow. Rocks from the eastern side extended from the shore a half meter above the water and almost touched the western shore. The water must pass through a narrow channel there. I thought that we could just step across the water there. However, it seemed very difficult getting there. I looked down at the water to the southeast of me, noticing that it was flowing rather quickly down the straight walls of the streambed. The stream here seemed like a cut channel in the ground, with straight vertical walls and a flat bottom. I wondered if we could make it down to the narrow part of the creek to the south. I decided that the cliffs would make it hard to move down the stream. The others to the north and northwest of me were talking about how they could cross the stream. I started moving to the south, holding on to the roots that hung over the top of the cliff. I was surprised at how easily i found footing near the bottom of the dirt cliff. I moved a few meters to the south along the cliff, but i realized that i would not be able to continue for too long. A tree just to the south of me hung out over the cliff a little, making it too difficult to cross under it. I looked at the long thin roots that hung over the top of the cliff. I grabbed a tan one with lightly textured bark as i turned back around. I stopped on the shore near the others, looking across the stream at the weed-covered hill that rose three meters from the edge of the stream. An old rusty barbed-wire fence ran along the top of the hill among the weeds. Old gnarled wood posts that looked like locust wood held it up. I remembered coming to that fence before from the other side and having difficulty getting over it. I then thought that i would have crossed the stream to the south. Looking to the east, i could see a gap in the fence where mowed grass led up from the water to the field on the other side of the fence. I had not known about the gate before, so i had tried to cross the fence. If we did make it to the lower part of the stream where we could cross the narrow part, we would end up trying to get through the barbed-wire fence, which i remembered was not easy. I thought that we could get to the southern part of the creek by walking down the yard of the house to the south of the road, but i thought that the people in the house would not want us trespassing on their property. I decided that we would have to get our feet wet by crossing the stream here. I decided that i would just walk through the water. I started walking to the east, toward the stream. The others had decided that we needed to cross the water as well, and some of them were already in the creek. I could now see a rounded rock sticking up out of the water. The water was a lot lower now than it had been. I crossed through the shallow water, wondering why the creek was lower now. I pictured the farm to the north where the creek started. The creek was fed from a pond, so i thought that the farmer must have used water from the pond for his farm. I then realized that, once the pond refilled, the water in the creek would start rising quickly. The others were sitting in the water now, enjoying the cool water. I had to warn them that the water could rise. $F58 was sitting on a flat rock that was sticking up out of the water to the northeast of me. I walked to the eastern shore and stepped up onto the rocks, turning and starting to talk to the others. Some of them were talking, though, so i could not easily be heard. I tried again, talking loudly to get their attentions. They became quiet, and i told them about the possibility that the water might rise rapidly once it started flowing from the farm again. I then hurried to the east to get away from the stream. I seemed to cross a water channel that was very straight and regular. It seemed like the stream. I remembered that the water came from a farm, and i thought that it as actually runoff from the farm. I thought that it would, therefore, have manure and urine in it because the farm was an industrial farm. I struggled to climb up the dirt embankment on the eastern side, reaching the dirt road that ran parallel to the water channel. I thought that the water channel was dirty from animal feces, and i told the others that it was filled with silage. I did not think that “silage” was the correct word, because i was using it to refer to animal waste. I stopped in the road as the others gathered to the east of me. I thought about the filth we had gone through, and i thought that we should continue on from this place. I turned back to the west. The others were standing around at the western side of the small room that we had entered. I felt that i should leave this place, but the others were doing something here and relaxing. I looked back to the northeast, noticing that my books were still stacked on the ground near me. I would have to take them with me. I felt frustrated and wanted to go, but i had to wait for something. I picked up several of my books from the floor, which was at a higher elevation than where i was standing. I was actually still standing on the steps that led up to the second floor of the building. The narrow stairs ran up to the north, ending in the large open room. A wall ran along the northern side of the stairwell, but the southern side on the second floor had only a railing. People were sitting around small round tables to the south of me. I had to do something with my books. I turned to the west, noticing shelfs and cubbies in the wall above the stairs. I put some books back. I was in a book store. I then turned to look at my book, noticing that one of my books had been taken apart. Only a few pages were sitting on the top of the steps. I felt annoyed by this, but i did not want to be delaying by dealing with the loss. I picked up some of the other books near me and put some of them on the shelfs to the west and southwest of me. I then crouched down to descend the stairs. To my disappointment, people were still sitting at the tables on the stairs to the west of me. I was upset that i had to wait for them, and i sat down on the steps, facing north, to wait for them to finish. I then looked back at my book, trying to figure out what parts of the book were missing. The book seemed like something i had red in middle school, like Catcher in the Rye or To Kill a Mockingbird. The cover was off of the paperback book and i could see the heading of one of the chapters on the top. The pages were in disarray. The people at the table to the west of me were then standing up. The one to the south picked up some of the dishes to help the waiter, who was to the southwest, and the person on the north grabbed the table cloth and moved the table. The people at the table just below them were moving their table as well. I wondered if they had realized that i was trying to get past. I stood up, picking up the clutter of pages that was my book, and headed down the stairs. The small room at the bottom opened up to the south. A young thin man was to the west of a counter along the western wall of the small room. He seemed to be a clerk here. I asked him if anyone had put any books in the lost and found. I mentioned the title of my book, saying that the pieces were taken apart. The man glanced toward a second clerk, who was to the south of me, and then turned back to me. He said that he had not heard of anyone finding pieces of a book. I felt upset about the book, but i did not want it to make me feel bad.

12018 September 30

I mover around the small house, which seemed like a cottage. It had darkly stained wood on the outside of the building. I moved around to the northwestern side of the building, which was the back side of the building, and i saw the family of bears huddled together at the back of the building. There were three or four larger black bears and one or two cubs. They seemed to be hovering around the cabins looking fro something. I thought that they were not dangerous, but that i should not let them see me or they might get nervous and attack me. I ran back to the southeastern side of the building and up onto the porch, which was inset into the center of the southeastern side. Others were around the house, and they were also aware of the bears. I ran into the house before the bears could see me. I did not want them knowing that i was here, or they might try to get into the house to see if i had any food. My mother was standing near the northern wall of the room inside. she seemed very nervous of the bears. I knew that they were no real threat to us, but they scared her. She hurried into a secluded room of the building, through a doorway in the western wall of the room. I thought that i should follower her. I was then aware of one of the cubs coming around the building. I could see a change in light through the curtains of the front windows to the southeast of me. I thought that i should run into the side room, but instead, i moved to the wall just to the west of the entry door of the building. One of the cubs walked across the porch from the west and stopped at the doorway in the southern wall. I pressed myself against the wall to stay out of the cub’s sight, but i worried that the cub would still be able to see me. The cub stopped at the screen door. I stayed as quiet as i could, but i was afraid that the cub could see me just to the side of the door. I could feel the wall behind me as i leaned back into it, and i saw the screen to the east of me bow into the room as the bear leaned against it. I hoped that it could not see me, but i worried that i was not far enough against the wall to be hidden from view. I tried to stay as still as i could. Finally, the cub stepped back from the door. It walked to the west, and i could see the light through the door change as it passed away. I turned to look at the windows in the southern wall to the west of the door. I could see the silhouette of the bear lumbering along the porch and then off around the side of the house. I walked to the north, into the other room, were i thought that i should have gone earlier. I entered the western end of the room and looked to the east. My mother was lying down on a couch that was against the southern wall of the room. Her head was to the east. She seemed sleepy, and i thought that i should have been here doing something.