12019 September 02

I was on the small boat with the rest of my class, though the other students seemed to be very young. The boat was facing west, and we were learning how to sail. We seemed to be in a wide channel of water. The other students pulled on some ropes, which seemed to lead up to the main mast. I knew how to sail, so i was already familiar with what the students were being taught. I jumped up and grabbed one of the ropes. My weight allowed me to slowly descend. I looked down, noticing that i had been quite a way above the deck, but i was now slowly coming down to the northern side of the deck. I then realized that the children were holding on to the end of a rope that also ran up to the mast. I thought that they might be counterbalancing me. I held on to the rope, but the children let go. I started to rise back up. Without the children, where was not enough weight to counterbalance me, so i was being pulled up. I felt annoyed with the children, but i let myself be pulled up to the top of the mast. I knew enough about ships to know that i was not in any danger, and i knew that the instructor knew what i knew. He trusted me and also knew that i was not in any danger. As i slowed near the top of the mast, i grabbed on to a rope that slanted down to the north. I slided down the rope, landing on the northern section of the boat. As i looked down, i realized that i was actually not on the main deck of the boat. I had ended up on a pontoon that was on the northern side of the boat. I looked back at the main deck of the ship to the south of me. It seemed to be about five meters away. I wondered how i would get back to the main deck. I thought about this. I noticed that $F58 was on the main deck of the boat, and the main deck now seemed a little closer now. I looked to the west, in the direction that we were heading. The dark water had short pointed waves, but the boat did not seem to be rocking too much. We were heading down the center of a wide channel. No the north, the steep rocky mountain peaks rose from the edge of the water. I then noticed a train at the bottom of the hill. The northern shore was very near to me, and the train was only a few meters away, heading in the same direction that we were. The metal train had a pale-yellow stripe across the center of it, and it seemed to be a passenger train. The train was actually a subway car that was on an above-ground section of track. I watched the train for a moment, thinking that it seemed very nice to be moving parallel to the train. The train fascinated me, and i watched it for a moment. I then turned back to the west, noticing that we were following the old set of tracks that ran down the narrow corridor between the sharp rocks. The train tracks ahead of us rolled up and down over low rises, but it ran generally down hill. We were simply rolling down with gravity. $F58 had set a trail for $G4 that ran down the hill. I enjoyed the ride, thinking that this was something special that i had rarely done. I watched the long set of tracks ahead of us. We were now moving over a tan sandy area, with sharp rocks sticking up here and there. I felt excited as the train car, which seemed like a mining bin, rolled down a hill and picked up some speed. I then wondered how we were going to get back up to the top of the hill. We passed through a tunnel or building and started down a steep incline on the other side. I saw that the tracks crossed a roadway. I worried suddenly that we would not have a traffic light to pause the cars as we passed. I felt tense, but we crossed the road quickly and passed into the old wooden house on the western side of the tracks. I again wondered how we were going to get back to the top of the hill. The interior of the house was dark, but we came into a large hallway. This mansion was actually very well kept. I stopped in the middle of the room as the others continued to the west. The peaked ceiling was very high above me, and the ceiling and walls were covered with beautifully polished woodwork. I walked to the north, looking at the details of the room. This place seemed very expensive, and i thought that wealthy people must live here. I headed up a corridor that ran flush with the eastern wall of the room. Ahead of me, i could see another large room. Before i got there, though, i passed a wide doorway with an arced top to the east of me. I looked to the east, into the fancy sitting room. The room was elegantly decorated, and people were sitting around in chairs and couches, conversing with each other. They were well dressed, and i knew that they were wealthy residents of this resort. I also realized that i was still dressed in running clothes and would seem very out of place here. I quickly headed back to the south, back into the large main hall. I then headed to the west, trying to catch up with the others. I could not see where they had gone, though. I headed to the west, through a doorway that was in the center of the western wall. I headed down a set of stairs to the south and turned west again, exiting the building. Several people were standing around in the building as i ran past. I tried to get out quickly so that they did not have time to question me. I ran out into the grassy yard to the west. I did not see the other runners, but i knew that they must still be headed to the west. I felt out of place here, so i started gliding over the ground. I thought that i could fly up above the houses to the west and get a better view of the land. I might be able to see $G4. I watched the children of the wealthy people playing on the northern side of the yard. They seemed to be dressed in blue school uniforms. They glanced at me as i started flying upward, but they did not seem surprised or interested. This seemed strange. Usually, people seemed were surprised that i could fly. I flapped my arms to gain height. I was surprised and disappointed that the children seemed disinterested in my flying ability.

12019 September 04

I was with $G3, and we were moving across the grassy lawn, which was to the north of the house. It seemed dark out, but the area was well lighted. We headed to the east. The house to the south and southeast of us, seemed L-shaped, with a section reaching to the north to the southeast of us. A short pole was sticking about a deci up from the grass of the lawn, and a red laser light shined near the top of it. The laser seemed to be pointing toward us. As we moved, i noticed that laser beams seemed to form a grid pattern across the yard. I thought that the lasers were used for tracking across the yard. I spoke to the man to the north of me, telling him about the lasers. We approached the black plastic pole with the laser on it. I then looked to the south, realizing that the grid of red light crossed over the house to the east of us as well. The design looked very nice, and i felt good in this place. This place seemed special in some way, and i stood watching the light for a moment.

12019 September 05

I was staying in this house again, and the people around me seemed like $G3. It felt very good to be here, though it seemed strange that i was living here with $G3 again. I was chatting with someone, who was walking to the west of me as i headed to the north. I passed through the doorway in the northern wall, which seemed to be near the eastern side of the house. I came into the large cafeteria, entering on the eastern side of the room. The industrial kitchen was to the east of us, and many workers were standing around the large metal appliances. I was impressed with how big the kitchen was in this place, and i thought that they had many workers here. As i walked a little to the north with the other person, i looked at the workers, who were watching us with smiles. I wondered suddenly where $G3 had gotten money to pay for so many workers. It was nice to see the house doing so well, but i did not think that they had the money for this. I turned to the west, to talk to the other person. My vision was then blocked by something white and mottled. I could not quite see the western side of the room. I tried to focus, but all i saw was the discolored surface.

12019 September 06

I was talking to people in the small room as i lay on the soft surface, which seemed to be a mattress. $A608 was sitting to the southeast of me on the mattress. He was sitting very close to me as i spoke to someone. He then leaned on me, saying that his back was bothering him. It felt nice to be close to him, but it felt strange to be so close. I let him lean on me, though. I put my arms around his torso and pulled him over me slowly. I thought that the slow-motion movements would help stretch his spine. The movements seemed like wrestling, though, and i felt good with his weight on me. He was still in very good shape. He had a nice muscle build. I rolled to the west, pulling his torso over mine so that his back was stretched out. His legs were still to the east of me. He was facing up, and i put my left hand on his lower back, which was still on the eastern side of me. I could feel the firmness of his spine and lower-back muscles. I asked him where he felt pain in his spine. I thought that i would push on the part of his back to help him stretch more. I was then aware of $F71 to the southeast of us. I suddenly hoped that he as not upset that i was letting $A608 lie on top of me.

12019 September 07

I was on the western end of the large open room. The cement walls were very plain and rough, making this place seem like a utility area. A large jet airplane filled the western section of the room. The airplane looked like a standard passenger airplane, with a pale smooth metal surface. I stood near the southern end of the room, looking at the surface of the airplane as i talked to the person to the south of me. Several other people seemed to be in the room. I walked slowly to the north, looking at the surface of the airplane as i listened to the rock music that was playing. The music had heavily distorted guitars and seemed to be slow punk rock. I mentioned the music to the others, asking about it as i looked over the airplane. The airplane had several patches of dark area where panels of the metal skin had been opened up. The airplane filled the entire end of the room, but it was not a full size airplane. It seemed as tall as a regular airplane, but it was only about fifty meters long. As i reached the northern end of the room, i noticed the square opening in the cement floor that ran along the northern wall. Metal flaps had been opened under the airplane, leaving a gap in the floor. I thought that having a hole in the floor might be dangerous for people. Moving mechanical instruments could be in the hole that might hurt someone. I felt cautious of going near the hole. I then realized that several small flaps were open at various places along the surface of the aircraft. The tail of the craft was against the northern wall, and it hung over the open hole, but a flap had been opened on the tail facing east. I headed back to the south, noticing another open flap in the middle of the airplane. It seemed to be over an engine compartment. The flap was blackened on the inside, and the compartment within was not well lighted, creating an obvious dark rectangle on the surface of the airplane. Another narrower vertical opening was near the southern wall. I felt cautious of these areas. I spoke to the other person about the music again. I liked the way the music sounded. I listened to the beat, realizing that the percussion was not all from drums. I told the other person that the interesting part of the beat is the clicking sound that seemed to be echoing in time with the rhythm. We were now heading to the east, across the empty half of the room. As we left the building and came into the city area in the daylight, i realized that i was carrying the phonographs in my right arm. I had taken them from the room in the building. The door closed to the west of me, and i thought that i would have to return to this place to put the phonographs back. I paused by the door, feeling annoyed that i would have to come back. I hesitated, wondering if i should actually take the records with me. The others continued out into the city, but i stood by the door, contemplating. I thought that i should take the record of the one rock group that i was interested in. I pictured the record cover as mostly black with a large white object in the center. I wanted to record the album so that i could have a copy. I thought that i should not be taking the phonographs out of the building, but i decided that i could return it early in the morning on my way back through, before any one would need it. I headed to the west, back into the building. The room was dark now, and it was hard to see the objects in it. I moved to a tall white dresser that was against the southern wall of the room. I took the phonograph from the dresser. I thought that i would record it on tape to listen to later. I then realized that this seemed strange. No one recorded things on tape anymore. I wondered if there was ever a place to play or record a tape. I wondered if i could record the entire album into MP3 by going directly into the computer. I would have to record it as one long song and then split it into individual songs. I turned and walked north, through the center of the city area. The buildings seemed to be tall apartment buildings, and everything seemed warm and familiar. I thought that i had parked to the northeast of here, and i tried to remember how i had come to the parking lot where i had left my car. I had come down the street from the west, following a road that ran to the south of the river. Just past an intersection, i turned to the southeast and headed into a wide empty lot. The lot was now to the northeast of me. I could not see it, but i knew that it should only be a block or two away, beyond the building. I could not head directly there because of the row of apartment buildings, so i headed to the east, thinking that i would go around the block. I carried the phonographs in my right arm, with the one in the red album cover on top. To the east of me, i could see a square or plaza opening up between the buildings. A man was standing near the entrance to the opening as i approached. I noticed the glass building that was low to the southeast of me. The glass building seemed very interesting. It was recessed into the ground. The near edge of the building looked like a low planter that ran from the south and then turned east, running parallel with the path for a ways. The edges of the planter were glass, and short flowering plants were growing out the windows on the top. I looked over the short wall, noticing the slanted glass roof and various angles of the building. It seemed to be entirely made of glass, and it looked very nice between the tall buildings around us. I told the other man that i liked the building as i looked at the small open garden on the roof, which was at the same level as the ground near me. The eastern end of the roof was square and light gray, and the glass panels sloped from it. Beyond the eastern end of the house, i could see a small patio that ran the length of the house. On the eastern end of the patio was a glass wall, which held back the water of a pond to the east. Green algae grew on the glass as green plants hung over the wall from the surface of the water. I walked along the northern side of the house, admiring the architecture. As i passed the house, i was walking along the northern edge of the square pond. It was set into the gray flat square paving stones of the plaza. The other person was moving with me, to the north of me. I was then floating in the water, still heading east along the northern shore, and the person was moving with me, to the north of me. I seemed to be floating on a small oval raft. I looked ahead of me, noticing that the edge of the pond was not flat. Small rounded islands ran in a row along the northern edge, and the northern edge curved to the north to accommodate the oval shapes of the islands. The small platforms were about a meter wide and two or three meters long. They had curved northern edges that formed three or four bumps. We were moving down the channels between the platforms and the northern wall of the pond. I was careful not to get too wet as i moved. People were stopped in the channel, looking at the items in the market booths, which were along the northern edge of the water. We were floating along the southern side of the market. A tall dark-gray wall seemed to be to the north of us, and only one row of market tents was set up between the wall and the water. The rest of the market seemed to be on the other side of the wall. The market seemed crowded, and i thought that the spaces between the wall and the islands was getting too crowded, so i decided to move around the southern side of one of the islands. I knew that people did not normally do this, and i was aware that the person with me would be surprised that i had, but i wanted to continue moving east. I talked to the people around me as i looked at the items to the north. I then noticed the yellow flowers in the middle of the island that i had gone to the south of. At the eastern end of the market, i was again standing on the ground. I stopped, realizing that a queue of people were standing on the narrow strip of land, waiting to turn north to head through a gate in the tall wall. I stopped in the queue. I would have to wait to enter the market with them. I felt a little impatient, but i waited with the others.

I was in the city, walking to the east, down the northern sidewalk of the street. I had to get back to the parking lot where my car was parked. It seemed to be to the northeast of me. I moved through the city, heading north on the road. I then turned to the east again. The road seemed to run to the south of a highway or water channel. As i drove on the road, though, i noticed that it was slippery. I thought that there must be ice on the road. I then thought that it was too warm for ice to be on the road, but the road did seem icy. My car slided a little as i drove. I turned to the south, driving along the western side of the structure. I felt tense and thought that i had to be very careful. I then noticed a person standing on the eastern side of the road ahead of me. The person was standing next to a large yellow ticket dispenser, which looked like a ticket dispenser from a deli. I looked at the yellow rounded ticket machine as i approached, thinking that it was some kind of caution. I wondered if i would have to stop at the machine. I wondered if the road was closed. I tried to slow down, but my car started sliding. I slided past the machine, and i felt nervous. The woman, who had been standing near the machine, told me to be cautious. I was not sure what i should do, but i continued to the south. I had come into the northern end of a large parking lot. This was the lot where i had left my car before. This was when i was leaving my can in the lot. I headed to the southeast, into the lot, but my car was sliding. I started to skid. Another car was driving along the curved northeastern edge of the lot. I was careful to avoid them as i skidded to the southeast and then to the south, into the center of the lot. The lot had no cars in it at the moment, so i felt safer in the open area. A large plain white cement building with no windows was to the southeast of me, set into the lot. It seemed to be a store, with the back side facing west, toward the lot. A cluster of cars was parked to the west of the building in two rows. I drove between the building and the cars, thinking that it might be safer if i parked my car with the others. If i parked in the open space to the north, i thought that others might have a greater probability of sliding into my car. I focused on slowing my car. I was going to turn it to the west and park in the eastern row of cars. As i turned to park, i was aware of the large brown building to the southwest of the lot. It seemed to be a hospital.

12019 September 08

I had been with my parents in the house, but i was now driving to the west down the country dirt road. I came to the western end of the road and stopped. Some kind of structure was to the southeast of me, and a man was now standing just to the south of the car. I was aware of the car that had pulled to a stop behind me. I then noticed a second person in the side mirror of my car as i talked to the person standing to the south of me. The second man moved quickly toward my car, partly crouched as he moved. He grabbed the rear driver’s side door of my car and removed it. He then ran to the east again. I felt upset, and i stepped out of my car to yell at the man. I had seen the man who took the door, but i had to pretend that i did not know who had done it. I asked the people near me where it was, angrily confronting the man who had been standing to the south of me. A group of people was doing something near the structure that was to the south of the road, to the southeast of me. I knew that the car behind me was waiting to go, but i had to inconvenience them as a protest to what had happened. I moved toward the people under the structure. The structure was nothing more than a flat room, which was slanted to the south and supported by four thick black poles. The people were part of a catering group, and they seemed to be sorting things under the roof. They had a long rectangular table on the northern side of the structure, and they had several things stacked on it. They seemed to be separating out plates and plastic utensils. One man was bent over to the east of me, and i saw him throw some tan plastic forks into a bin on the ground to the southwest of him and southeast of me. I knew that the caterers had nothing to do with my door being taken, but i had to make an overly dramatic gesture. I thought that i should pick up the brown plastic bin from the ground and dump the forks out of it in protest. I thought about the man who had taken the door, but i still had to pretend that i did not know who he was. I thought that my actions were not that useful, but i yelled anyway. This was what i was supposed to do. I then told the man about the catering place.

12019 September 09

I felt good here. I had been talking to the others at the gathering. It was late at night now, and it was dark out. I said goodbye to someone who walked off to the east. I then turned and headed toward the small wooden building to the west of me. It was a boathouse. I opened the door on the southern side of the eastern wall and leaned inside. I called out to see if anyone was in the building. I heard a man say something, and then i heard shuffling. I realized that i might be interrupting the man. I thought that he was with a woman in the boathouse. I apologized and stepped back out of the building, closing the door in front of me and feeling a little awkward. I stepped to the south and started walking to the west along the southern face of the building. As i did, a man came out of the building through a doorway in the western end of the southern face of the building. Two women quickly followed him. The man wandered off to the southwest, but the two women started walking toward me. I stopped as they approached. They were both shirtless, and they seemed flustered. One giggled as she said something the other. The second woman paused and leaned against the building, adjusting one of her shoes. Both women were smiling and giggling at the episode. The one walking toward me had shoulder-length straight blond hair that curled out near the bottom. She had a round face and rounded features. Her breasts were relatively small but stuck out from her chest, and she had large areolae.

12019 September 11

I felt nervous as i looked at the gray lot with leafless trees to the west of me. The rectangular lot was on the western end of the northern side of a large golf course. The northern side of the lot ran along the southern side of the road. I stood to the east of the lot, and i was aware of the building to the east of me. The trees in the lot seemed to be alive, but most of their leafs had fallen off. I had buried the body in the forest a long time ago, and i felt upset about it. I hoped that no one would find the body. It seemed to have been wrapped in clear plastic and buried, and i o that i had buried it a while ago. I moved to the north of the wooded lot, feeling worried. I kept thinking about what i had done, trying to remember whom i had killed and buried.

I was in the room with the others. $A682 said something as he walked to the southeast of me, into another room of the house. I turned to say something, but i noticed someone else to the southwest of me, in another room. I wanted to talk to $A682, but i was watching $A777 in the room to the southwest. He was facing away from me, and he removed his shirt. He had red hair, and he seemed fairly nicely muscled, though not well detailed. I felt attracted to him. I then turned my attention away, trying to think of something. I was in the rectangular room on the southern side of the house. I heard a tinny sound. It seemed to be coming from outside, and i thought that it was some kind of speaker. I wondered if someone was making an announcement. I opened the curtain on the window to the south of me and looked out. I could see the short yard in front of the house and a street running east to west. A single leafless tree was in silhouette just of to the west of the center of my view. I focused on a car that was coming from the east, where i thought the sound had come from. The car was rounded, like an old car from the fourties or fifties. It had a large speaker on the front of it. The speaker was a cone shaped object that had been strapped to the front of the car. The wide end of the speaker was facing in to the grill of the car. I could not hear anything else from the speaker, but i guessed that the south i had heard had come from the car. They must have been announcing something. I watched the car drive to the west. The air on the street seemed very gray and foggy, and i could not see much color in the car as it drove away. I then started doing something on the northern side of the street. I started carrying the thing to the west. I had just stepped out of my car, which was now parked on the northern side of the street. I was in an old area of a small quaint town. The air seemed white with snowy mist or fog. I had driven up the eastern side of the lake from the south, and i seemed to be in Seneca Falls. I was carrying the printer to the west, thinking that i had to park my car here and walk back to the south on the western side of the lake. I then heard a yelping noise. It seemed to be coming from the west of me. I stopped, feeling confused. I wondered why i had parked my car on the northern end of the lake. I would have to go to the southern end of the lake anyway, so it did not make sense for me to leave my car here. I thought that i should just drive back to the southern end of the lake. I turned back to the east and headed back to my car. I then realized that the yelping noise sounded like a small dog. I wondered if it was a coyote. It seemed like a strange animal noise. As i walked back to my car, i imagined that there were many coyotes to the west of me. As i hurried into the car, i imagined that they would be coming this way, so i had to get to safety.

12019 September 12

I was on the eastern end of the large room, and the workers were doing something to the west of me. The room seemed to be on the upper floor of the building, and it was empty. The dark walls seemed unfinished, and the lighting in the room was very poor. My father was to the west of me, on the southern side of the room. I had gotten some things for the workers, and i had carried them up the stairs or ladder to this level. The eastern end of the room seemed open to the floor below. The gap between the eastern wall and the floor to the west of me was about three meters wide. I handed something to a person to the west of me. I moved a little to the west, and the floor of the upper level seemed to be water. The others were floating on small things to do their work. I got my father some objects that had something to do with the work. Some of the objects were small round disks. The disks were about a half deci wide and were bright pale green. I then turned to the west, thinking that it was time to leave this area. I walked to the western side of the area to get my things. I was now in a large rectangular room. People were gathered in the room for the party. The rectangular room was long north to south, and the high ceiling seemed peaked. Some of the people had already started leaving the gathering, heading out the door in the middle of the eastern wall. An opening in the northern end of the eastern wall seemed to lead into a kitchen. I then noticed to people running from the northeast toward the southwestern corner of the room. I stood near the southwestern section of the room, watching them run to the south of me. They were $A775 and $A646. $A775 seemed to be wearing a rust-colored long-sleeve T-shirt. They walked quickly to the southwest, slightly hunched. I knew that they were trying to rob the place by the way that they moved. I felt amused by the idea. They ran into a large walk-in metal safe to the south of me. The entrance to the safe seemed to face east, just behind a short dark-gray wall to the south of me. I thought that they would steal the money from this place and escape. I did not want to stop them, but i thought that i should try to do something. This seemed too amusing to me, and i did not want to stop it. After a moment, $A775 and $A646 ran back to the northeast from the safe. One of them seemed to have a bundle of money in his hands. I wondered if he would drop any off at other places around the room for people to have. I turned back to the desk to the west of me to put something down. I then turned back to the east. $A775 and $A646 were leaning over a xerograph machine, which was against the eastern wall of the room. They seemed to be scanning something. I wondered what they were up to. One of them then signed a paper that a third man was holding. The third man was standing to the east of the xerograph machine, and he smiled deviously as the paper was signed. I realized that they had given the money to the other person. People moved around them at the party, but no one seemed to be paying any attention to them. I wondered if anyone would try to stop them or report them. I then thought that they must have been depositing the money into another account. $A646 signed something. I thought that they had been scanning the forms so that they could give the money to someone else to hide. This way, they could not be caught with the money. $A775 and $A646 then started a fire near the eastern wall of the room. It seemed to either be a distraction or a way to destroy evidence. I was still amused by what they were doing. I turned to the west. Several people were now crowded around the desk that i was standing at. A candle was on the desk in a wide short white metal tube. The people were hunched over the desk, trying to start a fire on the desk. I thought that i would have to leave the house before the fires got going. A man came to the desk from the east, carrying a small burning thing. He held the burning thing to the object, which seemed to be the candle, but could not get it to start burning. The man on the western side of the desk referred to the metal candle, grabbing it with his right hand and tipping it to the north. The person to the north of him then held a brown fuzzy thing over the candle. I turned back to the east to see that the fire along the eastern wall was already burning. The fire on the western wall must have been started as well. The fires would act as a good distraction for the robbery. I walked to the north, thinking that the fires would burn down this part of the house. I would have to leave soon. I thought that this house actually belonged to $K15 and $K14. I remembered that they had some nice things in the house, and i wondered if i should take any of them out before the house started burning. I looked at the items hanging on the northern and western walls of the room. I stood near the northwestern corner. I knew that there was something that i was interested in, but i did not see in at the moment. I thought that it was made of wood and would burn easily, so it should be removed. It seemed strange to me that i would want to take anything, and i wondered if i actually should take something from here. I looked at the items on the wall, thinking about the old wood thing, but i could not remember what it was exactly. A large cast-iron skillet was hanging on the northern wall, directly to the north of me. It had a large crack just to the right of where the handle met the main part of the skillet. The texture of the metal made the skillet look a little like wood, but i knew that the skillet would not burn. To the northwest of me, on the western wall was a long light-blue wooden chair. It seemed flat against the wall and very narrow. None of these items seemed worth saving. I then thought that i should not take things away from the house anyway. I turned to the east, wondering if the fire had started consuming the large room that the party had been in. People were still moving around the room, and i could only see a small amount of flame from the fireplace in the eastern wall. The fire had not really caught on. I knew that the fireplace in the western wall must also have a fire in it. I headed to the northeast, into the kitchen, which as to the east of the northern end of the large room. People were moving around in the kitchen, doing things. $K15 was in the kitchen. He seemed to be taking trays of food out of the oven. He crouched down in the center of the kitchen, near a counter and put a tray down. He looked up at me as i entered. I said hello to him. I wondered if he knew that i knew about the fires. I told him that it was nice that the people had gotten the fires going in the fireplace. I wondered if he knew that they were actually trying to burn down the house to hide the evidence. I thought that i could pretend that i did not know what they were doing so that he did not suspect i knew anything. I did not want him to get upset. I thought that he knew what the others were trying to do, though. I then thought that i should leave the party. I headed to the east, leaving the house and heading down Paden Street. I was on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. I noticed a group of young children to the east of me on the sidewalk. They seemed like a Boy Scout troupe. They were dressed in tan and dark blue costumes that looked like cowboy costumes, and they were talking to someone on the block. I felt annoyed, thinking that they were soliciting for something. I decided that i should avoid them, so i started moving around the southern side of them. They parted as they saw me coming and they let me pass. The man started following me, however. I tried to ignore him, thinking that he was just trying to sell something to me. He followed me past the group of boys and continued to jog slowly to the east, staying just to the north of me. I felt annoyed with him. After a few minutes, i looked to the north at him. He ran slightly hunched over, and i realized that he was $A241. I stopped my bicycle and said hello to him. It seemed good to see him. I thought that he was collecting things for charity with the boys. We chatted fro a moment, but then i heard the sound of a storm. I had not expected a storm to come at he moment. I turned to the east and noticed low gray clouds churning to the southeast of us. I told $A241 that a storm was coming. I felt nervous about the storm, noticing light gray clouds swirling around one of the houses to the southeast of us. I told the others that it was already raining over the house. I looked along the skyline to the south and southeast of me, noticing several areas of swirling low clouds. The heavy rain had already stared in several places. Different gray clouds rolled around some of the houses, obscuring them. The storm was already very close to us, and i thought that we should find some shelter. I started back to the northwest, wondering if we could find an open garage on the street that all of the children could run into. I then looked around me for the children in the cowboy costumes, but they had disappeared. I ran to the north, noticing a porch with a short overhanging roof. The porch was on the eastern end of the southern side of a small white house. The eastern end of the front of the house was set back from the western end of the house. A driveway ran along the eastern side of the house. A brick archway surrounded the entry door of the house. I stepped into the archway, leaning against the northern wall near the eastern side of the arch. The archway was recessed about half a meter. I thought that $A241 would follow me under the porch, but he was no longer in sight. The rain started just as i reached the porch. I then heard the rain start to pour along the eastern side of the house. I thought that my sneakers would get wet from the splashing rain. I could see rain splashing on my left shoe. I moved to the west and sat on the low cement steps that led up to the doorway. I was still under the roof and seemed to be sheltered. I wondered if people from the house would mind that i was trying to find shelter on their porch. I could hear the rain hitting the street to the south of me. The brick alcove around the doorway now seemed deeper, and i was able to stay here, out of the rain. I then realized that the entryway enclosed me now. Thin white wooden walls extended from the wall to the north of me, surrounding the steps. A thin storm door was to the south of me now. I stood up and looked out we door. I thought that i should leave this place before the owners of the house realized that i was here. I moved toward the window to the south of me and looked out at the rain. I was now in a small kitchen, just inside the entry door of the house. The kitchen seemed to be an entry room. It was very small, but it had counters to the east of me. I had been standing to the north of a small square counter that extended from the southern wall, just to the east of the entry door. I backed away from the window now and moved back to the north of the counter. I then noticed several sprigs of dill on the ground to the west of the counter. I must have knocked them off the counter with the edges of my coat. I thought that the owners of the house might be annoyed that i had messed up their things. I moved to the east, noticing a little bit of dill on top of the counter and more on the ground to the west of the counter. I thought that i should leave this place before the owners came. The owners seemed to be to the west of me, in the main section of the house. I opened the door in the western end of the southern wall and walked out. I was again in a corridor that led from the door. A thin white wooden wall was to the east of me. I stopped at the end of the corridor, realizing that i was not where i had thought that i was. The corridor ended, and a door was to the west of me, leading into he main section of the house. I had come down the corridor that led to the other entrance. I remembered the other entrance from before. Stairs descended to the east of me, exiting on the cement walkway at the bottom of the stairs that i had been sitting on before. Those stairs were to the northeast of me now. I was now standing just to the east of the window in the other entry door, and i was aware that the people in the house should be able to see me easily. They must know that i was here. I left the porch and headed down the street to the east. I had to get out of this area. As i reached the eastern end of the street, i noticed that the buildings around me looked old. They were larger buildings now, and i thought that i was in the old shopping district of Endicott. I then noticed that a few people were wearing old clothing, which seemed like clothing from the fourties. All of the buildings had a brown or sepia hue to them. I wondered if i had traveled back in time. This did not seem right, thought, but something did not seem right about this. I continued to the east, trying to figure out what had changed. The buildings seemed very nice, but it now seemed that i was walking through an inside corridor. The walls were covered with polished wood that had several parallel layers of design. Everything seemed fancy and new. I felt confused and was not sure where i was. I looked to the east again, noticing a street sign. This did seem like a place from the past, and i wondered if i had slipped back in time again. That idea did not make sense, though. I could see a group of shoppers gathered to the northeast of me in one of the recesses of the corridor. They all seemed to be wearing long wool coats from the fourties, but a young girl to the east of me was wearing a modern pink nylon parka. I felt confused. I moved to the east, through the wooden alleys and stairways. I stopped at an intersection, thinking that i had to get to the main road to figure out where i was. I knew that Main Street was to the south of me. I turned to the south and started down a narrow alleyway. As i started into the alley, i noticed that it was actually very narrow. I had to squeeze through it. After a moment, i realized that it was actually too narrow for me to fit through easily. I looked ahead, noticing a handle on the western wall to the south of me. The thick handle seemed to be for a large freezer door. It was about a meter long and pointed down. I could squeeze through the corridor here, but i would not be able to get past the handle. I would have to turn around. As i turned around and started heading back to the north, i wondered how someone would open the freezer door to the south of me. There was not enough room in the alley to actually open a door. Just before i reached the northern end of the corridor, i noticed another freezer handle on the wall to the east. It was outside the corridor. Before i could reach the end of the corridor, though, a man with a fuzzy mustache reached for the handle and started opening the gold-colored door. The door started swinging toward me. It would prevent me from getting out of the alley. I reached out with my right hand and stopped the door from opening. I had to let the man know that i was trying to get out of the corridor.

12019 September 14

I was lying in bed, and the other person was on the bed to the north of me. The bed seemed to be against the eastern wall of the bedroom. It was early in the morning, and i was still groggy. The person then commented on the small dog. I looked out the window to the east. I had not seen the dog before, and i wondered what the man was referring to. I saw the man lying under the open tent. A small dog was near him. The man was lying on his right side, and his legs were to the south. He was bend so that his body formed an L shape. The dog was resting against his right thigh. The man seemed somewhat obese, and the small dog was almost tucked under a roll of fat from the man’s thigh. I thought that, if he moved his knee a little, he might burry the small dog and smother it. I hoped that the dog would be okay. I told the person to the north of me that the man could crush the small dog by accident if he rolled over. I chatted with the person with me for a moment. I then looked again at the person out the window. The man rolled over in the tent. He was wearing something red, and the nylon canopy over him was mostly white. As the man lifted himself onto his arms and rolled over onto his stomach, a second small dog ran out from under him. The two small dogs, which looked like small terriers, came together and stopped near the man’s outstretched foot. The two dogs had run toward me and were very close when they had stopped. I thought that the dogs probably noticed me watching them in the window, and that was what had caused them to stop so suddenly. I shifted position again and looked back out the window. I realized that the man was actually with someone else. The other person seemed to be shirtless, and i wondered if he was with another man. I stared at them to try to see, but the large man was moving and obscuring my view. The second person seemed much thinner and smaller. I then saw the other man lying on his back under the first man. He was very skinny, and he was not wearing a shirt. The man on top shifted position again, and i realized that he was not fat at all. He was very muscular, but his muscle was not well defined. He looked like a rugby player. He wore a red sleeveless shirt. He seemed unusually large in proportion, and i thought that he must be very tall and bulky. As he rolled over, i noticed that two women were in the tent as well. This meant that the two men might not have been together; they could have been with the women in the tent together. They were rolling around in the tent, changing positions. I then realized that i was staring, so i tried to pretend that i was not interested in them. I stared blankly to the east. One of the women was now on her back, and she noticed me in the window. She said something to the large man about me. I did not act as though i had noticed. I kept staring blankly out the window. I was looking slightly to the south of them to make it seem that i had not even noticed them. I then blinked slowly, as though falling asleep. I opened my eyes and stared at the wall just under the window. I then turned around and faced north, lying on my side in the bed. I decided that i should start doing something. I had to get out of bed. I had something to do. I headed up the stairs in $P19 and turned around to the west to head into the hallway. I would have to head down the main hallway to the south. As i left the stairwell and entered the hallway, however, i realized that the hallway was still under construction. Sections of the floor were missing to the south of me. Someone had come out of a room on the southern side of the corridor, to the southeast of me, and the man started walking to the south. He was on the other side of the open space in the floor, though he seemed very close to me. I looked down at the beams, wondering if i would be able to cross the opening. I wondered how i would get to my room, which seemed to be in the southern section of the house. I looked down at the hole, noticing a metal I-beam running along the northern wall. It had metal braces that extended away from the wall. I thought that these small metal braces must have held up the old floor. They seemed tipped out of shape, though. I wondered if i could walk along the I-beam and step on the plates. This did not seem safe, though. I decided that i would have to go back to the north and take the stairs down. The stairs descended to the west along the southern side of the stairwell. I thought that i could get back into the second floor of the southern side of the house through the window on the fire escape. I headed back to the east to get to the stairs. I was outside the building now. The building was to the west of me, and i was heading south along the front side. A large bed was against the front of the house, and $A778 was lying on the bed. She was on her back, and she was sprawled out and smiling. She seemed very happy about something. A man was lying on the bed to the north of her, but she seemed to be stretched across most of the bed. She smiled when she saw me, and she joked about something. I told her about the people that i had seen under the tent, mentioning that the one man was very large. I also mentioned the dogs. I then realized that $A778 was shirtless. This seemed strange. Her chest seemed more like a man’s chest than a woman’s. She was very happy, and she was telling me about something. The man to the north of her then leaned in and started fooling around with her. Another woman was to the north of the bed. I was now sitting on the southeastern corner of the mattress, talking to $A778. The man who was fooling around with her then moved over her and sat on her face. This seemed very strange, but $A778 seemed to enjoy it. He was facing west, and he had his knees on the sides of her head. I stood up and continued to the south, thinking that i should not interrupt them. As i turned, i came to the northern side of the buildings. I was in a shopping district now, and the street was crowded with people, who were all heading in and out of the small shops. It was dark out, but the street was well lighted. I had been heading to the east, but i turned to the north, walking along the western side of the street. An opening in the building to the northwest of me seemed to lead into a corridor. The shops seemed to be filled with souvenir trinkets. The people moving around me were in costume. I focused on a man who had just come out of the opening to the northwest. The walls of the shop were white, and the man was carrying a necklace in front of him. As he walked, he carefully lifted it over his head and put it on. He was wearing a costume that made him look like a beach goer from the sixties. He had a white beach hat from the era as well. He walked with a hunch as he placed the necklace around his head. I thought that he looked very familiar. A large man in an orange shirt exited the building behind the first man. They seemed to be walking together. The large man had a rounded hat over his head that made his head look like a ball. The bright orange material extended down over the man’s shoulders. I recognized the large man from someplace before. I thought that i had seen him the night before at a costume event. The large man then tapped the other man on the right shoulder. Once he had gotten his attention, he pointed to me and said that i was the one in the Arab costume. I remembered the medieval Arab costume that i had worn the night before. I continued to the north, heading through the opening in the buildings and entering the store. The store was a long narrow room, with items on the eastern and western walls. Several people were gathered near the southern end of the eastern wall, looking at some items, but i noticed that the white western wall was now blank. All of the holiday things had been purchased already. This surprised me, because i remembered that the wall had been filled the night before. I continued to the northern end of the room, which opened up to the east into another store. I was not sure where i was going at the moment, and i stopped to think. A gray display placard on the floor to the northeast of me had several white or silver necklaces hanging on it. They seemed to be actual jewelry, and they seemed out of place near a costume store. I thought that the store to the east must be a jewelry store. The walls here were at a strange angle. The western wall was flat, but it ended in a wall that faced northeast. The placard was i front of the northeastern wall, and the wall itself was empty of items, making the gray display seem oddly placed. I was aware of two women in the store to the east of me. I started pacing around, wondering where i should go.

12019 September 15

I was at the camp with the other people, who seemed to be $G4. We had come to this camp in the summer time, but we were now here in the winter to stay for a night. I walked to the north, down a path between some trees. The path was about the size of a one-lane road, and it was covered with snow. I could see a pavilion in a clearing ahead of me. We had set up our tents in the pavilion over the summer, but it seemed out of the way at the moment. I thought that it would be too far from the others this time of year. I backed up and headed to the east, down the wide strip of open lawn, which also seemed to be a snow-covered road. I knew that a large pavilion was to the east of me, and i thought that we could set up our tents within it. It was a cement floor, but i thought that it would be better than sleeping on the snowy ground. I then thought that $G4 might be partying in the pavilion, so it would be hard to have a tent inside of it. I also knew that another pavilion was to the north of the large one to the east. Some of the people had walked in that direction. I turned back to the north, looking down the road that i had started down before. Another person came from the east and turned up the road. Maybe people were setting up their tents in this area. It seemed too far to the west from the rest of the campers. I moved to the north a little, noticing a purplish streak on the dull packed snow along the eastern side of the lane. The snow seemed old and packed down. The sky was gray, and it seemed that the sun was low in the sky. I headed back to the east and then turned to the north, heading into the area where the other pavilion was. I came into the city area. We had been staying in the hotel here, and we would have to leave soon. My mother was with me. I headed back to the south, down a corridor on the eastern side of the building. This place seemed welcoming, but i knew that we had to head back. I moved down the city street. This place seemed like Albany.

12019 September 20

I was looking down at the map of the land, which showed the coastline on the northern side. The map seemed to be to the north of me, and the person to the west of me was talking about the colony that had landed on the shore. I thought that we had traveled back in time and had ended up in a colony in New England. An oval bay was in the center of the coastline on the map. The eastern end of the bay extended farther to the south that the western end. The colony was tucked into the eastern end of the bay. I referred to the colony as Williamsport. I thought about the name, noting that it made sense that it was the name of the king followed by a reference to the area. I thought that we could not appear directly in the colony, because we would be recognized as being out of place. I saw myself standing on a sandy beach, facing south. The beach was narrow, with trees to the north of it. I pictured the map, which showed the wide curved shaped of the land to the southeast of the bay. The beach was along the curved southern edge of the land, and it was just around the cope that was at the eastern end of the bay. I tried to picture the rounded shore that i was standing on. I imagined a woman in old-fashioned simple clothing coming around the cape on the beach. The colony was to the northwest of me, across the cape. I thought that the Atlantic Ocean was not that far to the east of me. Something seemed special about the oval shaped section of land that i was on. I thought again about the settlement on the eastern end of the bay to the northwest of me.

12019 September 22

I entered the auditorium from the south and stood at the back of the eastern section of the audience. A wide aisle down the center of the room separated the eastern and western sections of the seats. The stage was in the northern wall. Many people were already crowding into the seats and were filling the aisle. I thought that i would sit down in the back of the room. I was then aware of $F4 at the front of the room, sitting in the front row on the eastern side of the room. This was the place where we had always sat. I thought that was supposed to be sitting with him, but i looked down the center of the room, noticing that many people were filling the seats. I did not want to push through the crowd, so i stayed at the back of the room. $F4 turned to look to around the room suddenly. I thought that he was looking for me. I felt uneasy, thinking that i was avoiding him. I was not sure what else to do. I did not want to move through the crowd to get to him, so i stayed where i was. I hoped that he did not see me, because i thought that he would think that i was avoiding him. I felt bad for not wanting to sit near him.

The others were moving around, gathering their things and bringing them to the north. I hurriedly packed my bags to the east of the bunk bed, which was against the western wall of the room. This place seemed like a summer camp, and we seemed to be here on a class trip. I put things into my large green duffel bag and carried the bag to the north. I exited the room and put the bag into a car. As i stood in the room again, i realized that i did not have all of my things with me. I was missing something. I thought that it was to the north. I said something to the other person, who was to the west of me, and i exited the room to the north, leaving through the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. I remembered something that i had not seen while packing. I thought that i had left it in the shower, and i hoped that it was still there. I turned to the east and walked across the room, which seemed like a locker room. I could see the lockers to the north of me. I focused on a purple combination lock that was on one of the lockers. The lock seemed to be partly open. I knew that i had had my things with me in the shower, and i thought that i must have left them in the shower room, which seemed to be to the east of me. I thought about the red bag that i carried my toiletries in. I must have left it on the ground near the shower. I hoped that it would still be there. I knew that people had been cleaning up things, and i hoped that they did not throw it out. I came into another room with a gray cement floor. A low table was in the center of the room, and several things were stacked on it. Someone with a yellow object came from the east and placed something on the table. The person then turned to head back to the east. The yellow object seemed to be a vest, but it did not always seem to be on the person. I thought that the objects were found things around camp. I mentioned this to someone as i approached the table, looking for my red bag. I did not see it among the items on the table. I felt annoyed that i could not find it, and i worried that it would get thrown away.

$F4 moved to the east of me. We had been talking about something, and i felt very close to him at the moment. He sat down to the east of me and stared at me for a moment. He seemed nervous and upset about something, and he seemed to be waiting for me to say something. I cared for him, and i wanted to hug him, but i felt uncomfortable doing it. I sat for a moment, wondering what i should do. He finally asked what i thought. I was not sure what to say to him. I knew that he wanted me to comment on something. He then said that he had been getting back into shape. I realized that he was not wearing a shirt. He now looked quite different. He had dark thick hair and his skin was light brown. I looked at his chest, noticing that he still had a slight muscle build, though it was not well detailed. I still thought that he looked nice, and i still felt concern for him. I wanted to kiss him, but i felt awkward about it, so i did not. Something about the situation made me not want to express my feelings physically. I was worried that he would be upset about it or that someone else would be upset.

I moved to the south, into the bedroom on the southern side of the house. We were on the second floor of the house. I felt good here. I was visiting this place with my friends. I had entered the bedroom though the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. $K1 was sitting in a chair on the southern side of the room, facing northeast. Someone else was sitting in a chair to the east of her, and a crib seemed to be against the southern end of the eastern wall. I sat down just to the north of $K1 and started chatting with her. I felt good, and we smiled as we talked. She then referred to her friend, who had just left the room and headed to the northeast. I thought about the woman who had left, and i said something nice about her. $K1 asked if i was interested in the woman sexually. She was amused by the question, and she smiled as she tryed to get me to talk about it. I felt confused, and i told her that i was not interested in the woman. I then said that i would not be interested in her simply because she was a woman. $K1 then asked me if i was interested in the woman’s boyfriend. I thought about him, and i remembered that he was quite attractive. I told $K1 that i thought that the boyfriend was very attractive. She asked me if i wanted to be with the man. I told her that i would not want to be with him. I added that i was dating someone else, so i would not be with him. I then looked to the east. The eastern end of the room was now open, and we were looking down over part of a valley. I could see the buildings of the town to the east of us. A road seemed to run to the south of us and curve around a low rounded hill. The hill was to the southeast of us, and the road curved around the southern side of it. This place seemed very familiar. A large white building on the top of the hill seemed to be a restaurant. I thought that this place was Glendale. It was night, and the lights on the houses and streets were illuminated. We started moving to the east. $K1 asked me something about the man, and i responded, telling her what kinds of sexual activity i was interested in. She had been asking me the questions to understand what interested me. I thought about several things as we moved down the center of the valley. I wanted to respond to her in some way that was honest but did not sound strange to her.

12019 September 23

12019 September 25

I followed the woman to the east, leaving the small hotel and coming into the courtyard outside. It felt good to be here. The woman had been searching for something, and seemed to have found a clue to it. It had something to do with the circular arrangement of objects to the east of us. A man was standing on the southeastern side of the circle, facing the circle. I moved to the southern side of the circle and sat down on top of one of the yellow drums that formed the circle. It was just below my waist level, so it was easy to sit upon. The drum had something to do with the clues that the woman was looking for. The woman was still approaching from the east when the man moved toward me, saying something about the cylinder that i was on. I realized that the cylinder had some significance to the mystery that the woman was working on. I slided off the southern side of the cylinder and turned to look at it. It had a picture of a man’s face on the top of it. The top of the picture was to the north. Two red crescents ran along the northeastern and northwestern sides of the circle, connected at the northern end. They formed almost a right angle in the middle. The man’s face was in the middle of the drum, and the edges of his head seemed to be on top of the flat sides of the crescents. The man had light skin. He seemed to be middle aged, with thinning wavy dark-blond hair. His expression seemed to be both surprise and devious humor. His eyes were open widely, and he was starting down at the lower part of his face, which had several symbols over the top of it. The man’s nose seemed to form an elephant trunk, which pointed down into the man’s mouth. The trunk was wedge shaped, and it also seemed to be a pistol. Several colors of gray and blue were along the sides of the wedge shape. The elephant trunk referred to the Republican Party. This symbol had some significance. The man to the southeast of me then asked the woman about the symbol. He wanted her to guess what it meant. She moved to the western side of the circle, but she seemed indifferent. She asked what it meant, but the man said that she would have to figure it out. She disagreed and started walking back to the west. I was surprised. I had thought that she would want to figure out the mystery that she had been looking into. I followed the woman, telling her that she had been looking into these secrets for a while, and i was surprised that she did not want to know more. She continued to show disinterest in them. I wanted her to find out what the symbols really meant, and i was worried that she just did not care. I was then to the west of her, watching her carry the yellow inflatable cylinder with her. She had picked up the cylinder somewhere. She then turned the cylinder upside down and held it over her head. It was now a wide white kiddie pool. It was about three meters wide and a half meter deep. It was inflatable, and the material was dull white with blue and red flecks. The woman held it on a stick, making it seem like an umbrella. Thin white tassels hung down from the rim of the pool as the woman continued to walk to the west. $F71 then said that a pool umbrella like that would be a good thing for $G4. He seemed to be to the northwest of me. I watched the pool for a moment. I was still carrying the small cylinder in my left hand. The others were then doing something to the northeast of me in the water. They seemed to have rafts and other inflatable things. The inflatable cylinder that i had formed a basket that was about a meter in diameter and a little over a meter tall. I would have to get rid of it, so i stuck a pin in one of the inflated rings. I watched the others do things in the water to the east of me. I felt bad for having to dispose of the cylinder. I did not want to destroy it, but i stuck the pin in several more sections to force the object to deflate. I then held it under the water to press it down. I was not happy.

I was waiting in the bus station, and i moved around, talking to the man to the north of me. I kept looking out the window to the south to see if the bus was coming. The man seemed to be the attendant at the station. He wore a dark blue uniform. I then turned to see a bus pull up in front of the station. It was dark blue, and it looked like a long-distance bus. It stopped in front of the building. The landscape around the bus was very flat and featureless. It seemed to be pale tan. The bus stopped about ten meters from the building, across a bare dirt parking lot. The bus was facing west, and the dark door was near the front, facing north. A small black LED panel above the door had cyan numbers that said “81” or “31”. I remembered this number on the busses before. I felt anxious, thinking that i had to hurry out of the station with my things to catch the bus, but then i wondered if it was the correct bus. While facing the bus, i asked the man to the north of me if this was the correct bus. I then stated that i thought that this bus was heading to Binghamton. The man said that it was the bus to Binghamton. It was heading the wrong way on the route. I wanted to head in the other direction. This bus seemed to be running between Binghamton and Albany. The bus quickly pulled away, and i turned to the north and started to pack my things together. I had a small duffel bag on the table in the center of the room, and i started pushing the flat boxes into it. A second bus then pulled into the space in front of the station. This bus was also blue, looking similar to the first. The man to the north of me said that this was the correct bus. I put my things in my bag. I had wanted to eat the pastry that i had in the box with me, but i thought that i could do that on the bus. I then wondered if i had already eaten the pastry. I thought that i must have had lunch already. I pushed all of my things into my backpack and said something to the man. He seemed very nice to me. He then moved toward me and handed me a ticket. I was surprised that he had purchased a ticket for me. I felt flattered by his kindness. I looked at the ticket as i moved to the north, toward the doorway in the center of the northern wall. The tan ticket was folded over. I started to move through the doorway, and then i looked back to the south at the man. I thanked him for the ticket. He was $A779. He smiled warmly at me. I turned to the east and headed into the next room. I unfolded the ticket. It was only a few centimeters tall and four or five wide, but it unfolded into a ticket that was about twenty centimeters wide. The different sections of the ticket had something to do with the seats in the audience to the south of me. I turned to the south and entered the theater for the show. I thought about the seats. The different colors on the sections of the ticket had something to do with the colors of the seats. One of the sections was bright white. I looked up at the audience, which sloped up to the south of me. It felt good to be here.

12019 September 29

I moved through my old bedroom in my parents’ farmhouse. I was on the third floor of the building, and the room was empty. It had white walls. I moved to the south a little, thinking of the things i had to do. I then realized that i had put on a pair of shorts. I had not wanted to do that yet. I still had to shower before i left the house. I moved to the south to get some clothes. I then looked down at the white floor. I could see the URL in blue text that was printed to the southeast of me. I had seen two URLs on the ground, and i knew that i had to go to those sites for something. There was a third place that i would have to go. I moved to the south some more, now aware that i was near the window in the southern wall. I was still not fully dressed, and i wondered if anyone outside could see me. The light from outside was very bright.

12019 September 30

I was crouching down on the floor of the basement in my parents’ farmhouse, facing south. I was cleaning up some papers from the ground. It seemed that i had taken some things out of the wooden cabinet that was to the south of me, and i was sorting the old things that were in it to see what was there. I found a black picture frame. It had no picture in it, but several other folded pieces of paper were in it. My mother must have put them there a long time ago. I opened up the letter, which seemed to be on a long piece of yellowing paper. A small photograph had been folded in with the paper. The photograph was of my mother holding me when i was a baby. I opened up the letter and looked at it, thinking that it was important in some way. It was written in very neat handwriting in blue ink. The letters seemed tall and regular. I knew that my mother had written the letter, but the handwriting did not look like hers. I thought that the letter must be from when the picture was taken, so my mother was much younger then. Her handwriting must have changed over the years. I was looking at the letter as if someone to the east of me was holding it. I folded the top part of the letter back over and moved to the east, toward the stairs in the middle of the room that descended toward the northern wall. I climbed a few steps up the stairs and called to my mother, telling her about the letter. She seemed to be in the dining room above. I felt that the letter was somehow significant, and i wanted my mother to know that it was here.

I was lying on the bed that was against the northern wall of the small bedroom. $F12 was lying to the east of me, and $F71 seemed to be lying on the bed to the west. I was lying on my back near the eastern side of the bed. It felt good to have $F12 near me. I wondered how i could get him to sleep closer to me. I liked cuddling next to him. I remembered when we had shared a bed long ago. It had seemed nice then as well. I was then facing east, thinking about this, and i rolled over onto my back again, facing the ceiling. $F12 was now closer to me. He seemed to be lying on the southern end of the bed, with his right arm over my right leg. He was facing down. I wanted him to move up closer to the top of the bed so that i could hug him. I was then aware of someone else lying on top of me. This surprised me. The man was thin, with a tanned skin and a brown T-shirt with horizontal stripes. $F71 referred to him as “Harry”. He had his head just to the west of mine as he lay with his chest on mine. I asked him why he was here, thinking that he must be drunk. He lifted himself up, saying something to me. He was $A780. He slided off the southern end of the bed and stood up, smiling as he said something to us. He had to leave, and he continued chatting as he opened the wooden door in the middle of the southern wall. The southern wall seemed old now, with worn wallpaper. The wooden door in the center of it was painted white, and it seemed to be formed from several planks bound together. $A780 backed out the door as he nodded and talked to us. He held up is right hand. He was holding a brass-colored key on a ring. As he backed out the door, i realized that he had a key to my house, and i felt annoyed that someone had given it to him. $A682 was now in the bed to the west of me. I asked him where $A780 had gotten the key, thinking that either $A682 or $A606 had found one of my keys and made copies. I felt very annoyed with them for letting someone else have keys to my house.