12020 September 04

I hurried around the room to get my things together. Others were in the room with me, which seemed like an apartment or dormitory room. The room was very long north to south but not that wide east to west. It seemed to be on the western side of the building. I was gathering things on the northern side of the room. We had to get to class. $F4 seemed to be waiting for me. He stood near the western wall at the northern side of the room. I thought about the classes, worrying that i would be too late to make my English class again. I did not want to miss my classes like i had done before. I felt stressed trying to get ready. I said something to $F4, who was still waiting for me. I rushed to the southeast, thinking that i had to get my things from the kitchen area, which was in the center of the eastern section of the room. A long counter ran down the center of the room, separating the kitchen from the living room. $F4 seemed impatient and frustrated with me. He decided to leave, and walked off to the northeast. I could tell that he was disappointed with me, and i felt upset. I had to get my things together. I headed down the western side of the counter and started to the southeast around the southern end. I paused near the southern end of the counter, noticing a small yellow metal container of something on the western edge of the counter. I pushed it back to the east so that it did not get knocked off the counter. It seemed like a small container of twist-ties. I then continued to the southeast. $A119 was to the west of me now, in the room. A number of others were in the room to the west. I felt frustrated. It seemed that i was not able to get my things together, no matter how hard i tried. I was upset, because it seemed that i would miss my classes again.

12020 September 05

I looked at the picture in the small frame to the west of me. It was resting on a table, with the top tipped up so that it faced me a little. The picture looked like a mosaic of inlaid wood of different colors. The background was pale tan, and the main figure in the picture was a man. The man filled up the left side of the image. He was facing right, with his arms out as though in an action pose. His clothing was mostly red, with small patches of darker colors. I thought that this picture was a Russian design. I remembered the picture from before. I had seen a printed version, but this one must have been an original replication. I thought that this one must be rather expensive. I was interested in the artwork, but i did not think that i could buy it. I said something to $Z, who was with me in the room, to the southwest of me. We moved around the room. I thought of the image. I seemed to have a smaller copy of the woodcut. $F16 and i started talking about something. I moved to the northeastern wall of the room, which seemed to be a glass wall separating the main room from a smaller room. I pushed open the door with me right shoulder and entered. $F16 followed me. He said something once we were inside, and i turned to the northeast to see that a display table was set up in the middle of the room. Two men were sitting behind the table, and a number of wooden boxes were set up on the table. $F16 pointed out that the wooden pictures on the table were the same design that we had been talking about. I remembered the design from before. I had a small copy, and there was a larger more expensive copy somewhere else. The table was covered with small boxes, and most of them had the design with the man in red on the left side. I thought that these boxes were probably a lot cheaper than the one that had been in the other place. This pattern must have been popular, and the image must have been reproduced on all of these wooden boxes for general consumers. I started walking to the northwest, along the southwestern edge of the table. $F16 was ahead of me. I said something about the boxes to $F16 as we walked to the north. The man on the northwestern end of the northeastern side of the table responded, saying that the design was Irish. I had thought that it was a Russian design. I asked the man about it, suddenly aware that i was talking with a mild Irish accent. I hoped that he did not think this was too strange. I thought about the image, thinking that the red and dark colors must be from the man’s kilt, which would have been an older over-the-shoulder kilt. He would also have had a matching hat. Something about the image seemed interesting now, and i though about its relation to $F16, who was also Irish.

12020 September 06

I remembered the event that involved the bright star appearing in the middle of the night. I pictured several scenes where people would discover the star. I imagined sitting in the middle of an outdoor area with some other people to the east of me. I was facing west. The bright star would appear to the south. It was already dark, and we could see the stars in the sky, but this star would start shining brightly enough that it would seem like daylight again. I knew that the star was actually a supernova occurring relatively near us. There would be a moment where people would wonder if the light was coming from a comet of meteor. I looked down, aware of the bright light to the south of me, and i thought that a meteor would grow in intensity but would keep moving across the sky. If it was not moving across the sky, then it would be heading toward us. I wondered if the others would think that this star was heading toward us. I pictured the supernova occurring several times. It would surprise those who did not know what was happening. I moved into the large area, which seemed like a gymnasium. Others were doing things here, and i was still thinking about the exploding star that would light up the sky for several weeks. Scientists would want to watch the star to see how it grew and decayed. I wondered if the brightness would increase all at once, as it seemed to happen, or if it would increase slowly until the star seemed almost as bright as the sun. I then wondered if the star would cast any dangerous radiation toward us. I knew that any particle radiation would be caught in the upper atmosphere, as it is when it comes from our sun. I thought about this event in several different circumstances. I wondered if it was happening now. It would be more interesting if it were happening during our night so that we would see it light up the sky. If it happened in the day, the bright spot would not be as noticeable. I said something to the person to the south of me as i sat in the chair, facing west. I started talking about language. We would have to come up with a way of representing language with repetitive sounds. I imagined that the people who created R2-D2 had created a language from beeps and buzzing. I wondered if the language was more like computer commands. I then thought that this did not seem logical, because the language would have to express the dialog of the movie, which was more human.

12020 September 07

I felt annoyed with the young girl and moved across the room on the western side of the house, heading southwest. I had planned to block the doorway so that she would not be able to follow. I was then in the small upstairs room. I had entered from the southwest, where i had ascended from the lower floor. The doorway was in the eastern wall of the room. It had several things across it. I remembered that i would have to put the flat piece of wood over the door and then prop the thin strip of wood across it. The thin strip of wood seemed like a yardstick. I started moving the pieces of wood, but i realized that i was on the wrong side of the door this time. The girl would come up the stairs from the southwest, so i would have to be to the east of the door. I turned to the west, now to the east of the door. I hurriedly pushed the large flat piece of white wood over the door. It fit evenly into the door frame. I put the long thin piece of wood diagonally across the first piece of wood, but i had forgotten how i had gotten it to stay. The thin strip of wood could be inserted into a groove of the door frame so that it pressed against the larger white board and would keep the white board up against the door. I felt hurried, and i tired to get the end of the thin strip out from the door frame so that it was on my side of the door. As i secured the door, i noticed that i was standing on the top of a stairwell that led down to the south. This seemed like the stairwell in my parents’ farmhouse. I thought that the girl could go back down to the room on the floor below, which was to the west of the stairs, and then come up these stairs. She did not realize this, though. I turned to the east. I had said something to someone, and they were going to head to the northeast to do something. I was on a street now, but i was surprised to find that the street was flooded. I was standing up to my chest in water. The others were still to the northwest of me as i started moving to the east. I said something to them as i raised my right arm out of the water to swim. The street to the east of me seemed to be in the middle of a city, and the area was flat and open, with short commercial buildings. The road seemed to be just to the north of me, heading east, but i was on a smaller drive that ran parallel to the road, in front of the small businesses. I could see the tops of railings just to the southeast of me, which indicated a median between the drive and a parking lot for a business. An opening in the railings was near me, so i decided that i could swim through the parking lot as if i were driving to the business. The building at the southern side of the lot seemed to be a car dealer. I swimmed into the lot and turned east, swimming through the water. Another set of railings seemed to be just under the water to the southeast of me, and i swimmed near them. As i started between the three sets of railings, i realized that my hand could touch the bottom. I slowed and looked at the three parallel ridges. The northern one seemed to be made of metal, but the southern two were cement walls, which were about half a deci thick with flat tops. I had started swimming between the two cement walls, and i realized that it was part of a counter that sloped upward to the east. I had felt the sharp texture of the stucco surface with my hand. I stopped swimming and looked around. The area to the south of the counter was a McDonalds, and an older woman with a white hairnet was standing to the southeast of me, behind a service counter. A man in a dark suit was sitting at the eastern end of the counter. The business was still open, even though the area was flooded. I moved a little to the north to get clear of the counter that i had hit. I should have continued swimming to the east.

12020 September 08

I moved through corridor to the east, down the southern side of the large space ship. We had discovered the ship floating in space, and i knew that it was one of the ships that had taken colonists from Earth during the evacuation. This was all part of a story, where the colonists had left Earth long ago. I looked at the gray metal wall to the north at the flat wall, which had a few features of pipes along it. The southern wall of the corridor seemed to curve outward in the middle, and i thought that it matched the round outer hull of the ship. I wondered where the colonists had gotten their supplies for the long voyage. It would have taken them centuries to cross the space between solar systems at the speeds they were traveling. I thought that the only place they could get resources was from the interstellar gasses and debris. I then thought that they would have to synthesize their nutrients from basic elements. I wondered if they would be able to create the basic elements from the hydrogen that they collected in space. Another person stopped to the northeast of me and looked down at the tank on the ground. Machinery extended from the west, and stopped at the small tank, which protruded from the side of the other equipment. The tank had flat sides, and the cross section seemed to be trapezoidal, with the eastern end being smaller than the western end. The tank was about a meter long east to west and about three-quarters of a meter wide at the western end. The top was covered with black metal, which extended down the sides about a deci. The lower parts of the sides were made of glass, and i could see the clear water inside. They had been fusing hydrogen in the machinery, and it was collecting into water in the tank. They would then fuse other elements and create the basic nutrients for food. I looked at the water again. It seemed as though we had been gone for a short time. The water was now turning murky brown. This was because the other nutrients were filling the water. The machine had synthesized larger elements and was creating a primordial mud of simple acids and other compounds that could be used to make food. I thought about this as i continued moving to the east, down the corridor of the ship. I decided that refrigeration would be easy to store their nutrients. They would just have to expose part of the cooling element to space to keep it cold. I was then moving along the hull outside the living quarters. A thick outer hull was still to the south of me, and it arced over my head. They kept many of their supplies along the inside of the outer hull. It was separated from the inner hull by a gap, which allowed the cold of space to keep the cargo cool. I imagined that the cargo was stored in small containers that were attached to the inside of the outer hull. A robot would move along the long axis of the ship to grab the cargo containers and move them to a port where they could be opened from inside the ship. I stopped near the other people. We were talking. We were now in a large open room with metal walls. Someone was talking about the captain of our ship, referring to her as “Ruby”. I knew this part of the story. We had found the old colonial ship adrift in space, and we were investigating it. We had discovered the fusion tank where they had created food out of basic elements. This was new technology for us. The captain was to the west of us, in the main part of the room. I turned to the west. We were standing on a platform that was about a meter higher than the rest of the room. I leaned to the west on the metal railing that ran along the western side of the platform. The captain was talking to someone in the room to the west of us, looking down at items on the floor as they spoke. They moved from one section of the room to another. I thought about the captain’s name. Ruby did not seem like the correct name. This should be part of the story that i remembered from long ago. The captain’s name should be Pikyalla. $Z leaned on the railing to the south of me, and i called Pikyalla’s name. I remembered that i always used her formal name when talking to her, and she always used the shortened version of my name when talking to me. She did not answer when i called her name, and i thought that she had not heard me. She indicated something on the ground to the man to the north of her, and then they both moved to the north a little, walking around some low objects. I called her name again, but she did not respond. She started walking to the south, very close to us. I called her name a few more times, but she did not seem to hear us. This seemed very strange. I thought that something was out of place here. I moved to the south to get around the railing, and then i started to the west. I was now outside. The others were still in the eastern end of the large building, which was now to the north of me. The building seemed like an old factory building, with cement and metal walls. The building seemed to be only one story tall. It seemed to have a metal roof. Something felt out of place here. I was standing in the middle of a parking lot, which ran along the southern side of the building. The ground ran flat to the west, but a mound of debris or dirt rose about twenty meters from me. The mound ran from the building to the south. I thought that it was a pile of debris that the machines had pushed across the lot but had not yet smoothed it out. The lot should have been flat, but the machines from the ship had not yet smoothed it yet. Something about the pile seemed strange. I walked toward it, trying to figure out what was strange about this place. Something was bothering me. I could still hear the others talking to the north of me, but i continued to the west. I was trying to figure out something about this story. Something did not seem right to me. I reached the mound of dirt and started climbing it. As i climbed up to the upper level, i realized that the dirt was really small multifaceted blocks of a white substance. They looked like they had hexagonal sides. I realized that they easily formed sturdy surfaces when pushed into a pile. The eastern edge of the mound, which was just to the northwest of me, formed a vertical surface, with a chunk missing from the top edge. I looked at the stacked shapes, which formed easily into stacked planes on the ground. I realized that this pile of dirt might not have been discarded debris. The robots must have pushed it here to form a flat surface to the south of the factory. The white multifaceted blocks, which were less than a deci wide, had been stacked intentionally to build quick structures. Once at the top of the ledge, i looked at the mountain range to the west. The mountains were very close and rose steeply from the western edge of the parking lot. I noticed that the top rim of the ridge had railings running along it. It seemed like a racetrack that curved back and forth along the eastern edge of the ridge. The guardrails were held up by supports that were wrapped with bright red and yellow tape strips. I wondered why a racetrack would be at the top of the hill, and why it would be so close to the edge of the cliff. The track ran from the west to southwest of us, down the length of the ridge. Someone then asked why there was a racetrack at the top of the hill. A woman, who had stepped from the northeast and stopped to the south of me, said that it was built to test the cars. I thought that she was referring to the cars that were developed in the factory to the north of us. I thought it was strange to have a test track along the edge of a cliff, and i asked “Why would you have a test track on the edge of a cliff?” Several of the others chuckled at this, because i had pointed out that cars that did not perform well might end up falling off the cliff rather that crashing in safe places. It seemed a strange place to build a test site for cars, but the woman seemed to think it was a good place for the test facility. I knew that they were secretly testing the cars from the factory there.

12020 September 09

$A380 was standing to the northwest of me, and he was hunched forward, facing me. He was trying to wrestle with me. I felt interested in the competition, but i also felt cautious. He moved toward me, and i moved my left hand across his face, sliding it around his neck and pushing down across the back of his head and neck. As he lowered his head, i wrapped my arm around his neck and pulled him down to the ground by dropping my weight onto his upper shoulders. He fell on his chest, and i held him there for a few minutes. It felt good to be wrestling again.

I walked cautiously to the east, across the southern side of the Ag Quad. the other man was no loner around, and we were now free to do something. Four or five others were walking with me toward a small building along the southern side of the western end of the quadrangle. The building seemed like a temporary trailer building. I knew that we should not be sneaking around, but we had to find out something about the other man. as we approached the small building, i looked around to see if we were being watched. A man was standing on the western side of the quadrangle, just outside of a narrow passageway between the two buildings on the western side of the open area. He seemed older, with a fuzzy mustache and a gray overcoat. I felt suspicious of him. We could not let the group of people know that we were here. They were a special organization that tried to control others. We moved around inside the small building. The building had only one room, which extended across the entire rectangular space within the small building. We spread out across the room, looking for something. As i was walking to the east, along the northern wall, a man to the west of me said that a large group was gathering. I looked through a window to the west and saw a group of people standing just to the east of the narrow gap between the buildings on the western side of the quadrangle. They were all wearing business suits. I could not see the man that i had seen earlier, but i thought that he must have gone back to the west to get these people. They were the bad guys. I felt uneasy, and i told the others that we had to get out of this place before the people came for us. The door to the building was in the western end of the northern wall, and i realized that there was no way for us to get out without being seen by the people. We could not let the others know that we had been here. I felt that this was dangerous. I looked around the eastern side of the room, wondering where we could go. We had not even had time to search the entire room. The room was empty of furnishings, but cabinets were built into the walls. I said that we might have to escape out the windows on the eastern side of the room. I looked along the narrow eastern wall for the windows, hoping that we would be able to get out. I felt uneasy and trapped. I moved to the east, but then returned along the northern side of the room. I felt very nervous, wondering how we would escape this place. I stopped on the northern side of the room, just before a window. Cabinets were against the northern wall, and the light-colored wooden doors faced the windows. I turned to the east and pulled open the door of the easternmost cabinet. It was a closet, and i it had a dark-purple dress hanging in the center, facing out. I was surprised that the man we were investigating would have a dress. It seemed like a very nice dress, though, and i told the others that it looked elegant. I wondered if i could take it for a dress run. A man moved to the south of me and peeked around the cabinet door, which i was holding open with my right hand. I turned to the west and opened up the cabinet on the other side of the window. It had a nice white gown in it. The gown had knitted lace across the shoulders and down the front, and the bottom puffed out. I thought that the dresses could be used for dress runs, and i wondered if the man used them for a run. One of the people to the west of me then said that the group of people had disappeared. They were no longer visible in the quadrangle. I felt suspicious of this, but i could not see them either. The others started to leave the building through the door that we had come through. I still felt suspicious, but i thought that i should follow them before the bad guys returned. I wondered if we were heading into a trap.

12020 September 10

I had been walking with the woman through the open area, which seemed like a park. We had come from the west, but we had stopped to look at something to the south of us. The paved path that we were walking on spread out around the object to the south of us. The object seemed like a fountain or other display in the center of an intersection of trails. I had noticed the drawings on the ground. They formed a long curving strip, which looked like a film strip. They were actually part of a comic strip. The strip twisted from side to side, making loops and tight curves on the ground. I recognized the people in the comic as members of the New Mutants. The woman that was most featured in the strip was Xi’an. She was dressed in a white suit, which seemed thick. I glanced down at the pictures as i started walking to the north with the woman. I motioned to the comic strip, referring to the woman in the illustration as Rahne. I then realized that she was not Rahne, and i told myself that her real name was Shainne. I looked at the illustrations as the woman with me talked. We had stopped in the middle of the wandering asphalt path. I looked at the images of Xi’an in the white suit before we started moving to the north again. Xi’an was wearing thick goggles in the pictures. The straps on the goggles were white, and the round lenses had a yellow hue to them. I told the woman i was walking with that i had been thinking about New Mutants recently. The woman was wearing a dark jacket that seemed puffy. She looked down across her chest at the drawings, curious. She asked what power the woman in the drawings had. I told her that she had the power of illusion. I then realized that this was not that specific a statement. I was trying to remember more specifically, and i told her that the hero had the power of illusion to one person at a time, no the general power to created illusions for everyone. The woman standing to the west of me then turned a page of the comic book, which she had been holding in her hands near her abdomen. She turned the page of the booklet, and she turned the open spread toward me to see. The entire spread was covered with a single image. The page was yellow, with curved lines radiating from a large letter Q that was in the center of the right-hand page. The Q was in a serif type, with a curved cross-line at the bottom. It seemed like a very noticeable ad, and i thought that it was target to us, because we had been looking at the comic on the ground. I smiled and told the woman that it was good advertising. I thought that it was very effective because it caught our attention and was related to what we were looking at. The woman said something about the ad, and i responded. A man to the west of us then commented on the ad. I looked up to see two men sitting on a bench at the edge of the path that we were on. The side paths seemed to curve around them and head off to the northwest and southwest. The two men seemed older. They wore blue jeans and loose open coats. The man on the northern side seemed to have a floppy hat. He commended the book on having a good ad in it. I smiled and said that i had just been saying that.

I stood to the north of the boat, which was docked on the cement pier. It seemed to be facing east, and it had packages on top of it. I talked about the gifts with my mother, who was to the southwest of me. We seemed to be visiting this place, and the gifts had something to do with our visit. A child was then on the southern side of the narrow boat. He picked up a couple of the packages, which were still stacked in a low pile down the center of the deck. The deck only seemed to be a few meters wide. He showed me one package, saying that it was some kind of video game. I could see that it was designed to be part of a video-game system. It seemed strange that the tan packages were stacked on the boat like they were. The others seemed to be to the northeast of us, and we would have to catch up with them. I bent over the eastern end of the stack, noticing the kitchen pots that were in the stack. I pulled out one of the pots and looked it over. The metal pot had a bronzy coloring on the outside that made it look like porcelain. The scene then continued, and i was talking about the things in the boxes that were on the boat. The things did not seem to be the same as they were a moment though. This seemed strange. I tried to remember what they were like before.

I was talking with the woman, who was standing to the northwest of me. We were talking about the packages, and she was saying something about them. As i listened, i glanced around at the old buildings around us. We seemed to be in the northeastern part of the Arts Quad. The buildings around us were four or five stories tall and rather narrow. They stood with space between them. I could only see the tops of the buildings, though. I looked through the branches of a bushy tree to the north of me to see two buildings. The ends of the building stuck out on either side of the tree. I then realized that the buildings had large letters mounted near the roofs of them. I looked at the buildings down the eastern side of the quadrangle. The woman was still talking to me as i looked. I then noticed the tall red letters atop the building just to the east of us. I realized that all of the buildings were labeled. The one to the east of us said “Alumni Mag”. I pointed this out to the woman, saying that this was where the alumni magazine was. I then talked of the boxes again, mentioning that some of them had certain types of food in them. The woman said that there was no such thing as Mexican cream. I remembered the catchy terms that were used for the food, and i realized that she was saying that the terms were made up for advertising. I thought that there would not really be a Mexican cream because there was nothing special that people in Mexico did with cream, so the ad was just using the term “Mexico” to invoke certain images and sell the product.

12020 September 11

I was at the event with the others, but i had walked away from the crowd. My mother seemed to have been at the event as well. The crowd was now to the northwest of me. The area around me seemed very flat, and a road ran east to west just to the south of me. I stepped onto the pavement as i thought about the event. I felt uneasy here, but i knew that we had to do something to get going. I headed to the east on the runway, stopping inside the narrow corridor, which seemed to be the airplane. The door to the small airplane was on the southern side of the cabin, and the cabin faced east. The people would be coming into the airplane soon, and i thought that we had to get the seats ready. I moved down the aisle to the west a little, thinking that we needed a little more room. I would be standing so that i could talk to the others. I moved some of the metal chairs around on the northern side of the cabin. The chairs were in the middle of the cabin. They had round metal frames and nylon cloth stretched across the seats and backs. I decided that we did not need all of the chairs that were in this section, so i started moving some of them to the southeast, placing them on the ground outside the door. Others started coming into the cabin. Some of them seemed to be paying attention to me, but i continued to move the chairs around. I was wearing a white button-up shirt with a narrow black tie. This was part of my costume. I was an actor, and i would be performing in the show that would take place. Some people were to the south of me now, and one of them mentioned something about me. I faced west, continuing to arrange the chairs. The airplane then started moving. The people were sitting in the cabin, and the cabin was full now. I looked to the east as we moved down the runway. The pilot was sitting just to the northeast of me now, and i seemed to be standing near the front of the airplane. I could see the long road ahead of us. I wondered if we would be flying. It did not seem safe to be flying the airplane right now. I felt a little uneasy about it. We moved quickly down the blacktop, and i noticed that the road curved a little to the northeast ahead. We then passed into a large long hanger. I realized that we were not going to fly, but the effects in the hanger would simulate night. I looked out the front window of the airplane, which seemed like the window of a bus. I could see water spraying from openings along the southern side of the corridor. We were passing through the northern side of the open building, and a line of square cement columns ran just to the south of us, separating the corridor from the southern side of the building. The spray was coming from somewhere between the columns. I knew that it simulated the rain that we would be flying through at night. I glanced over my right shoulder, back into the cabin. I realized that it was still too bright outside, so the people would be able to see the sprayers through the small windows of the airplane. They would know that we were not really flying. I looked ahead again. We had come out of the tunnel and were following the road as it curved to the north and then northwest. I had been bending over to see out the window, but i stood up and turned back to the northwest, looking into the cabin, which again seemed to be facing east. The others were talking about something, and someone mentioned the Rastafarian ninjas. I thought that this sounded like a funny idea, but i wondered if it could be made into a story. We joked about the term, but i considered what it would be.

I stood in front of the locker on the northern wall of the room. I was doing something as the others talked in the locker room to the south of me. I fixed the buttons on my button-up shirt, which seemed like a uniform shirt. I seemed to be at $P7, and i had to get ready for something. I closed the locker, but it did not latch properly. It seemed that i had too many clothes in it, and something was catching in the latch on the western side of the door frame. I pushed at the flannel-like cloth that was inside the locker to get it away from the edge of the door and pushed the locker door closed again. It was still having trouble, so i fooled around with it for a while. I then turned to the west and buttoned up my shirt. I was supposed to wear this shirt to be in this place. The shirt was white and black, with narrow vertical stripes. It seemed to have a sharp contrast between the two different colors, and something about the shirt seemed unusual. I then saw $F4 in the locker room to the south of me. He was dressed for running, and he was chatting with some other people as they walked toward the door in the eastern end of the northern wall. They headed out of the locker room. I had been looking for $F4, and i felt upset that he was going running with the others. I wanted to go running with him.

I was talking to the others about the striped shirt. It seemed like a strange shirt. Something about the pattern was significant to this place, though. $A187 was standing to the northeast of us as we spoke. I had to do something, and i felt unsure.

12020 September 12

I was in the dimly lighted bedroom, and it seemed late at night. Others were with me in the room, and i was talking to them. Something seemed wrong, though. I felt tense. I looked around the room. One of the men i was talking to was standing to the west of me as i sat on the low surface, which seemed like a bed. The bed seemed to be against the northern end of the eastern wall. The man was wearing a tan T-shirt, and he blended in with the tans and browns of the room. A red light was shining from his chest, though. It was a laser. I thought that someone must have been pointing a laser at him. I sat up and pointed at the glowing red dot on the man’s chest, warning him to move. He moved to the north, and i could see that the light was coming from a window in the western wall. Blinds were pulled down over the window, but the light was shining on the blinds. Someone outside was watching us. I felt uneasy and cautious. I moved to the southwest, opening a door in the southern end of the western wall. A small wooden porch was outside, with railings along the northern side. To the west, three children were crouched down at the bottom of a short flight of wide steps. They were grinning. I felt annoyed with them, but i did not want to anger them, because i thought that they might do something dangerous. I told the boys that they should not be fooling around outside people’s rooms. I started to turn back, but one of the boys was holding up a small cell phone. They had been listening to our conversations. I felt very nervous about them, thinking that they were dangerous people. I headed south, now outside of the hotel room and heading along the eastern side of one of the hotel rooms. I thought that the boys would be following me, so i would have to dodge them and head back to my room. It was dark, and i headed north along the eastern side of the long low building, which was the building that was to the south of the motel building that our room was in. Cars were parked along the eastern side of the building, facing west. I walked to the east of the cars and came to a sidewalk. The sidewalk continued from the parking areas to the north, heading along the western side of the building i had come from. I felt cautious of the people here, though, and i moved to the west, crouching down just to the north of the northernmost parked car. I thought that one of the people was following me and was now to the south of me. They would have come around the other building. The yellowish lights of the building to the north lighted the path to the north of me, which ran along the western side of the building. I could see cement stoops running down from the doors of the rooms. I had to get back to my motel room, which seemed to be several doors up on the building. I knew that the others were in the room. I worried about heading back to the room, thinking that the men with guns might be following me. A man then ran past me from the south. He had not seen be hiding down the shallow slope from the sidewalk. I felt upset and wondered what i should do.

I was standing to the south of the rectangular table, which had several people seated around it. More people were to the north of me. I had been chosen to be the leader of this group, but i felt very uncomfortable here. These people wanted me to represent them, but i knew that they were only interested in me because i had spoken out. I moved around nervously, not sure what i should be doing. I then turned to the south, saying something to the people near me. I had the roll of paper towels in my hand. The roll was almost empty, and i was writing something along the side of it. I was trying to remember something. The woman was standing to the northwest of me, and she seemed annoyed with me. She took the roll of paper towels and tried to pull several sheets off of it. I felt angry with her, and i grabbed the roll and took it back. I did not want her destroying what i was working on.

12020 September 13

The woman to the northeast of me was lecturing on careers. I stood on the southern side of a rectangular wooden table, listening to her talk. I felt uneasy, feeling that i did not really belong here. The woman seemed to be lecturing for people who were interested in making money and getting high-paying jobs. I did not feel comfortable with this type of people. I turned and was heading to the northwest. My father was driving the car. We had to get somewhere, but i felt uneasy. We did not seem to be safe in this place. My father turned the car to the north, merging into a multilane highway. The lanes ran down a slight hill over a flat area. Ahead of us, a tall mountain rose to the north. The road was separated by a wide median in the center, and we were driving down the lanes on the eastern side. Most of the traffic was on the road to the west, with had three or four lanes. Our road only had two lanes. I thought that my father had turned into the wrong lane. I remembered that i had been in the western lanes before to cross the border. We continued driving, and i looked down the lane ahead of us. Cars were parked along the western side of the lane, facing west. I wondered if this was just an entrance to a parking area or if this lane would lead back into the other lane. I could not see the northern end of the parking area, and i wondered if a lane connected it to the road to the west. A building was at the northern side of the lot ahead of us. I knew that it was where the security people were. I thought that we would have to be careful here, and i felt hesitant about continuing any further. A man was coming out of the building, and i pointed this out. We turned the car around in the parking lot and started to head back.

I was lying on the bed, which was against the northern wall of the room. $F71 was lying on the bed to the east of me. I heard the south of a cat growling, and i wondered what it was doing. I rolled over and looked to the north. A cat was crouched in front of a door, which was in the northern wall, to the west of the bed. The wooden door was closed, but there was a wide gap under the door. The cat was trying to grab something that was on the other side of the door. Under the gap, i could see a small animal moving near the door. The cat was trying to catch it. The animal rolled from side to side, and i realized that it had tan plating on its body. It also had long claws. It was an armadillo. I suddenly worried that the armadillo would harm the cat. I moved quickly to grab the cat, but it was already fighting with the armadillo, which had moved to the western side of the gap. I picked up the cat, which seemed like $X24. It was injured. The door seemed to be in the upstairs kitchen at my grandmother’s house. I felt upset that the cat was bleeding, and i turned to take it downstairs. I hurried to the south, calling for my mother to help me. I needed someone to hold the cat while i tried to tend to the wounds.

12020 September 14

I woke up suddenly in the dark area. I was surprised to be in the dark room. I felt strange, and i thought that i had fallen asleep here by accident. Other people were sitting around me in the room, and they were all facing west. I was sitting in the audience on the northern side of the room. I quickly got up and walked down the slope of the northern side of the cinema. When i got to the bottom, i looked up at the screen to the west of me. I was on the balcony of the cinema, and the large screen was showing a black-and-white movie. I felt uneasy here, and i worried about why i had fallen asleep. The exit to the theater was in the middle of the northern wall, just to the west of me. I was on the lower floor of the audience, pushing open the door. I had my bags with me as i walked out of the cinema and into the wide corridor. For a moment, i was unsure where i was. I seemed to have been at a conference, but i had fallen asleep. I turned to the east in the corridor. I remembered that this place was part of a casino. I was in the main corridor, which was near the exit hall of the building. The gambling seemed to be to the west of me on the southern side of the hall. Looking up, i saw a digital clock extending from the southern wall of the corridor. It said that it was 2:00. It was late at night, and i should have left here a while ago. I felt a little embarrassed. I walked to the eastern end of the corridor, where it met the main lobby of the building, which extended to the north of the corridor by several meters and extended to the south by about fifteen meters. I turned to the south, heading for the door at the southern end of the lobby. I knew that the door led to the hotel section of the building. I was pulling my rolling luggage behind me and carrying some article of clothing in my right hand. I was aware that a woman from the registration desk in the western wall of the lobby was watching me as i passed. I knew that the management did not want people leaving the gambling area, so they would be watching me to see why i had left. I came to the glass door in the southern wall. The door was framed in dark metal with square corners. It had a thick bar going across the center of it and a scanning box for a key card just to the west of it. I slided my room key into the slot of the scanner and pulled it back out. I then grabbed the handle of the door and pulled, but it would not open. I tried the card again, but i knew that it would not work. Something was wrong. The woman was standing to the west of me now, and she told me that i had to enter my code on the keypad. I felt confused and annoyed. I told the woman that they did not give me anything else to open the door; they only gave me the key card. She apologized, but i felt angry with her because she was being condescending. I turned around to head back to the desk. She made an excuse for why the receptionist would have forgotten to give me everything i needed to get into the room, and i complained of the inconsistencies of the management. I did not want to talk to her and tried to ignore her. She became angry with me, but tried to stifle her emotions. She threw a water bottle down. It bounced on the ground to the north of her. I could see her forcing a smile back onto her face as i continued on to the west. She was dressed in a knee-length skirt and matching suit coat, both of which seemed to be pink. I walked down the center of the corridor, not sure what to do. I was then aware that the woman had crossed back to the reception desk, which was now to the west of me. She had expected me to go to the desk so that they could check who i was. I felt annoyed with her. I then started to feel strange again. I looked down at the rolling luggage that i had pulled up to my left foot. It was about a half meter tall a little more than a third of a meter wide. It was dull orange and had a long black plastic handle that i had been pulling on. I felt dizzy as i looked down at it. I felt as though i might pass out. I crouched down suddenly, aware that the people at the desk were watching me.

I was sitting on the floor of the small grocery store, leaning against the western wall, near the northern end of the store. The front counter ran along the northern and western walls, forming an L. The counter seemed green, and a rounded balding man with a white smock stood to the north of me, behind the counter. The door to the store was in the middle of the northern wall, to the east of the small section of counter on the northern wall. A short bin was to the east of me, across a narrow aisle. A man suddenly came in the store. He held out a gun and threatened the owner of the store, who was to the southeast of me. I pretended that i was not concerned, and i pretended to sleep against with my head leaned against the western counter. I wondered how long i could stay here. I thought that i should run out of the store when the gunman was not looking. I would be able to run somewhere for help. I would have to be able to get out of rang of the gun very quickly, though. I pictured the street outside. I seemed to be just to the west of The Commons, in a store that was the third or fourth building in from the corner to the east. I moved quickly to the east, down the southern sidewalk of the street. The street was empty of people and cars, but several cars were parked along the sides of the street. A large modern brick building was to the northeast of me, on the corner of the block to the north. It did not seem to have any windows on the upper floor, and the bottom floor was inset a little and seemed to have sections that were plain cement. A large metal garage or delivery door was on the western end of the southern edifice of the building. I felt that i had to get out of sight of the store, and i looked for places to run behind. A woman had followed me out of the store. I thought that she was the one who had convinced me to run. I ran around the corner to the north. I was then heading east down the corridor. I turned to the south and headed into the office. I would have to hide here.

12020 September 15

I walked to the north, along the eastern side of the road, heading toward the intersection to the north of me. The area seemed rural, with low-cut grass around the edges of the road and trees farther back. The shoulder of the road was gravel, and the intersection was about five meters away from me. A can was heading toward the intersection from the west. I was aware of a car coming from behind me, from the south. It seemed to be moving very fast. I turned to the west to see the small brown sports car drive into the intersection, striking the car that had been coming from the west. The car from the west skidded across the intersection and stopped to the north of me. Four older men got out of the gray car, looking around at their vehicle. I thought that the man in the sports car must have come from the golf course, which was to the south. I thought that he was rich and did not really care if he damaged someone else’s car. I was glad that no one was hurt, and i started to walk to the west as i reached the intersection. The sports car was stopped just in the intersection from the road i was crossing. The man in the brown sports car then drove off to the east, speeding away quickly. I was annoyed by his dismissal of the situation. I thought that the four men must have seen the license-plate number of the sports car, though, so they would be able to report it to the police. I then realized that i would have to stay and wait until the police got there. I stopped walking to the north and turned back around. Several people were now standing on the northern side of the street, just to the northeast of the intersection.

I watched the runners as they ran in the race. They were heading to the west, down the northern side of the area. They had come up from the south along the eastern side. $A46 was then to the north of me. I watched several of the runners go around the corner to the northwest, and then i started talking to $A46. He seemed to be running with the runners. I walked to the east with him as we spoke. He glanced at me and said that i was looking good. I wondered if he was referring to the fact that i was still exercising. I pulled on the bottom of my T-shirt, wondering what he could see. I then realized that i was wearing my underwear, so it would be easy for him to see what kind of shape i was in. I felt a little embarrassed, thinking that i should have worn something more. I wanted to run with the others, but i knew that my knee was bothering me. I wanted to mention this to $A46, but i did not want to sound as though i was making excuses. I felt sad that i could not run.

12020 September 16

I ascended the stairs to the east, coming to the top. The stairs ran up the southern side of a large building, and i seemed to have reached one of the floors in the middle of the building. I seemed to be about seven to ten floors from the ground. The pale corridor at the top of the stairs ran to the north, but i headed to the east, into the small square room in the southeastern corner of the building. I put some of my things down, feeling good to be here. I also felt a little mischievous, knowing that we really were not supposed to be here. The others were gathering in the room with me, though. We had to be quiet so that people did not discover us. I remembered being here earlier, and i knew that $A800 was in another room to the northwest of us. I told the others that i was going to go get her, and i crossed the hall from the northern side of the room that we had been in. I remembered an odd narrow corridor that ran from the western side of the hallway. I could see the corridor from above as i entered it. I thought that its design might hide the other room from visitors. I entered the small square roof from an opening in the southeastern corner. $A800 was standing in the center of the room, watching something on the television, which was mounted on the western wall. $A801 was sitting to the north of her, looking at the television as well. They both turned to look at me. $A800 was standing with her legs apart and seemed excited about something. She smiled as i came into the room, and she said hello. They had rented this hotel room before the others and i had made plans to be in the room to the southeast. I knew that they had been here a while. I then thought that this place seemed more like a hospital.

12020 September 18

We were moving the chairs to the southern side of the room to get them ready for a formal event. I was on the western side of the room., and a table was on the eastern end of the southern side of the room. I felt that we had to hurry, but i did not move quickly. It seemed that a politician or some other important official was coming to the event. The room had darkly a stained wooden floor, and the walls also seemed to be made of wood. The wooden chairs were simple chairs, and i moved a few to the eastern side of the table. I spoke with the others as we moved the chairs from the center of the room, down the step in the floor, to the southern side. The man to the south of me then tipped one of the chairs forward, indicating that one of the legs was broken. I could see that the leg of the chair was missing. The chairs had thick wooden frames of square poles. The backs were curved to match the curve of the seat, which seemed like thin flat pieces of wood. I looked at the square leg of the chair on the back right of the chair as the man tipped it to the west, with the seat facing southeast. The leg looked as though it had been cleanly cut off just below the seat. The break was not flat to the ground; the back part was a few centimeters longer than the front part. The man said that we could not use the chair, but i thought that we would be able to fix it. I told him that he could change the probability of the chair to fix it. He did not seem to understand what i had said, so i moved to the east of the chair and picked it up. It was now fixed. I thought that we could have swapped one of the legs of another broken chair with this one to get a working chair, but i knew that we could simply shift the chair into another probability state where the leg had not broken in the first place. It was like swapping the chair with its unbroken alternate in a parallel universe. The man did not understand how i had done that, but i had fixed the chair. I thought that we could do it with some others, but we would only be able to make a limited amount of swaps before the fix became unstable. A tall thin man came to the center of the room to the north of us. He was the president of something. He wore a nice suit jacket and had a narrow rectangular face. He seemed to have a mustache. His jacket seemed to have some shiny details on the lapels, especially on the left lapel. I showed him the chair, saying that we had fixed it. I thought they would be interested in the way we had fixed it.

I was lying on the eastern side of the bed in the darkened room. $F10 was sleeping in the bed to the west of me, and $A509 was in the bed between us. It seemed early in the morning, and i was somewhat sleepy. I could feel $A509 leaning against me, though. He felt very warm, and it was nice to be with him. It had been a long time since i had seen him, and i felt comfortable sleeping near him. I then realized that he had his arm over my torso. I let him stay that way. I was lying on my left side, facing east, and i could feel the weight of his arm on my right side, just above my hip. I then realized that the weight was heavier than his arm. I thought that he must have his leg over me. This seemed a little strange. I thought that $A509 must have been trying to hug me. I moved my right hand, feeling his lower leg near my chest. I had been partially asleep, but i became more aware of my surroundings now. I could feel his toes pressing into my upper lip. I was a little annoyed by this, and i pushed his foot away. I then realized that he must have been sleeping with his head at the foot of the bed, under the heavy blankets. His leg was still over my hip, but i pushed his lower leg away from my chest. I rolled a little to the west and asked $F10 if he was really sleeping up side down. $F10 said that it was planned that way. This humored me, and i moved to the south a little. I was now standing with the others in the southeastern corner of the area. $F10 was standing to the northwest of me, and some others were talking to him about a trip. One man to the west of me said that he would like to see the waterfalls to the north. We now seemed to be standing at the bottom of the hill of the college campus. The long grassy hill sloped up to the northwest, and a few old stone academic buildings were scattered it, all facing southeast. I pictured us on the campus, which was just to the southeast of the lake. The other had talked about heading north to see the waterfalls, and i knew he had said that because they would be traveling to the northeast to get somewhere. I knew that they were planning on seeing the waterfalls that were on their way to their destination. I thought about the waterfalls in the area around us. There were many here, but we would not be able to see most of them by traveling north. I thought about the state parks that were in the valley to the south and southwest. They had very nice waterfalls, but they were not on the route to the other city. $F10 mentioned one of the parks that was to the north, between the lakes. I pictured the long strip of land that ran to the east of the long lake. It seemed very green, and i pictured the road running along the eastern shore of the lake. It started out heading north, but curved to the northwest until it met the top of the cliffs that ran along the southern end of the lake. It then headed north again. The land to the east of the road seemed open, and all of the land seemed to slope up gently to the north. I stared walking to the north, passing a large tan rounded boulder on the east. We were walking up a dirt trail that went over rough terrain. The land sloped up steeply to the east of us, and i was walking along it. A rock wall or cliff was just to the east, preventing us from heading east here, but i was heading to the northern end of it so that we could go around it. The others were following me, still talking to one another. I rounded the corner of the tan stone barrier and started up the steep dirt hill toward the rough cliffs ahead. A road seemed to run along the base of the cliff, ascending to the west. The cliffs were painted with many graffiti drawings and markings. A large red circular design was in the center of the tan dry cliffs. The drawings seemed special, and i knew that the others would be impressed with them. It was one of the reasons that people wanted to see the cliffs in this area.

I was in the small office, standing to the north of the table and facing south. I had been doing work here on the small wooden desk. Papers covered most of the desk. $A509 was working on something to the north of me. I was glad that he was here, but i was not paying much attention to him, because i was working. $A509 passed to the east of me and put a box of something on the floor to the east of the desk. He had been moving things from the north and stacking things on the floor to the east of the desk. $F10 seemed to be to the north of me as $A509 moved the boxes. $F67 was to the southwest of me, and i started chatting happily with her. It felt nice to be here. $A509 stood back up from putting one of the boxes down and walked to the north, leaving the room. I hoped that he would come back.

12020 September 19

Something was happening, and i felt anxious about something. A man was standing to the south of me, and i suddenly noticed him. He was older, with a long oval face and short sheared hair. His body was rounded, with a round belly. He scowled seriously, and he asked me about $A682. I felt uneasy, and responded that $A682 would not take things from the store. I felt that the man was accusing $A682 of stealing things from where he worked. This did not seem right. I then remembered that $A682 had done something that seemed bad in the past. I remembered that he had asked me to kill someone for him. I was supposed to do it, but it was a long way into the future when he asked. It now seemed that it was very close to the time that i was supposed to fulfill my promise. I felt upset about this. I did not want to kill anyone. $F9 was standing to the east of me now, and there was a wall to the south of me. The wall separated me from the old man. I had walked to the north, away from the man. I told $F9 that i did not want to kill someone. He remembered when i had agreed to kill someone, and he agreed with me that it did not seem like something i should do now. I felt unsure. I had made a promise to $A682, and i worried that i would be encouraged to keep it. I turned around. We were in an outdoor area, and it seemed very bright, though it was cloudy. Trees grew in a line that ran east to west, just to the north of me. I thought about the old man, who was still to the south of me, now behind the large doors that were in the orangish-red wall. I did not know what i should do. I wanted to walk off to the east and leave this place, but i felt conflicted.

I moved around inside the small house in the suburban area. I was in a small living room that seemed to be on the northeastern side of the house. I was talking to the others, who seemed to be on the western side of the room, but i turned to the south to walk through the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. I was heading into another room. I seemed to descend a short flight of stairs. I then realized that someone was driving a truck onto the lawn of the house to the northeast of me. I looked out a window on the eastern side of the house to see the truck in the driveway, which ran along the eastern side of the house. The tail lights of the trucks glowed red as the truck stopped near the northeastern corner of the house. The truck then drove north again and tried turning around in the street. I felt annoyed, thinking that the truck was going to tear up the lawn. The truck swinged around and drove forward, this time driving up the grassy slope of the lawn of the house to the east of us. The truck seemed to be a delivery truck, with something very tall on top of it. The features of the truck seemed rounded on the front, and the stack of items on top of the truck seemed red. I could see the driver of the truck through the front windshield. The man was leaning forward to see out the windshield. He pulled very close to the edge of the hill, which sloped steeply down about a meter to the driveway between the two houses. The truck then slipped to the west, and it tipped over, falling on its side in the driveway. It was probably top heavy from the items on the room. I backed out of sight of the driver, moving west, into the small entryway. I started to laugh instinctively, but i thought that i should not laugh at the truck falling over. I did not want the man to see me, so i moved to the west farther, into a small closet in the southern end of the western wall. I thought that the man would have to come to the door, and i did not want him to see me giggling at his misfortune. I moved behind the yellow curtain that was hanging across the doorway of the closet. I had to hide from the man. I sat down, leaning my back against the southern wall of the room. I felt uncertain about something. I had to stay still so that the others did not find me. Someone came into the house through the door in the eastern wall of the entryway. A second person had come from the north to answer the door. I felt nervous as someone approached the yellow curtain and started to pull it back to the south.

I stood to the north of the small house, which seemed to be in the suburban neighborhood. Something seemed dangerous here, and we had to be careful. A few other people were to the southeast of me, on the edge of the street between the house to the south of me and the house to the east of it. I warned the people about the high winds. I said that we would have to stay off of the second floors of the houses. Something dangerous was coming, and i knew that we had to take precautions. I said that we had to stay in the houses that had foundations. I knew that several of the houses here did not have basements, so they would not be safe places to stay. I explained to the others what was going to happen. I felt concerned.

12020 September 20

I was looking off to the west when i heard the singer sing “Heaven is full of space.” I thought that it was a nice lyric. $A682 seemed to have walked to the north, and i was staring off to the west. I thought that the singer was Tori Amos. I liked the idea of the lyric, which was saying that heaven was nothing more than a space. I had written lyrics similar, but i had said “Heaven was full of atmosphere.” I liked the idea, but i thought that i probably would not be able to publish my song because someone else had already published something similar. I felt annoyed and saddened by this. I listened to the music some more. Tori said “heaven is safe.” That seemed like a very nice lyric as well.

$F71 was standing to the west of me, and i was facing northwest. We had been talking about something, and he asked if i wanted any of “the flat pink ones.” I was not quite sure i heard the words correctly. What he said did not make any sense, and i felt annoyed. I asked him what he had said, and he repeated the words: “The flat pink ones.” He then added “from the qweraid.” I felt more annoyed, and i repeated the sentence back to him, trying to understand what he had said. I asked “The pink ones from the qweraid?” He did not respond.

I had been talking with the others, and i was now standing near the small cement building on the northern side of the road. The other person was still talking about something. He seemed to be to the south or southeast of me with another person. We had been talking about this area, and i was looking at the road to the west of us. The houses here seemed to be near a cliff or steep decline, which seemed to be to the north and northwest of us. The cliff faced north to the north and northeast of us, but it curved so that it faced northwest to the northwest and west of us. I was looking through a cement opening to the west of me at the road, which was the same road that ran to the south of the house that we had been at. The road ran to the west and then curved to the southwest. Where it curved, a short stone wall acted as a retaining wall to the south of the road. A forested yard sloped up from the wall, hiding the houses there in green. Directly to the west, i could see pale cream-colored sky. Just past the curve, the road seemed to run along the top of the cliff as it disappeared from view. I watched a vehicle move down the street and around the corner. I then realized that i was looking at this view as though i was in the house to the west of us. I should not be able to see this scene from where i was. Something about this did not make sense. I mentioned this to the man with me. I thought that we had been in the house and that there was one more house to the west of us before the cliff got too close to the road houses to fit. I would have to be standing in the house to the west in order to have this view of the road. This did not make sense. I thought that maybe what i was seeing was some kind of illusion, and i focused on it, thinking that it might disappear. It persisted, though. I thought about the small cement house that had been to the west of us. It was a more modern house, and it had a large opening underneath it. The first floor seemed to be flush to the road, but the lower floor, which had simple cement walls, was exposed over most of its area. Two wide openings were in the walls of the basement: one in the eastern wall and one in the western wall. This could allow someone to see though the building and see the view that i was looking at, but i was standing to the southeast of the opening in the eastern side of the building. The square cement blocks of the door frame of the western wall were at the edges of my vision, so i would have to be in the basement of the house to the west in order to see what i was seeing. I focused on the scene again, trying to banish it from my vision. Small spots of the image faded, and i could see something else appearing, but the vision came back, and i could clearly see the sunny trees on the corner of the road, above the stone wall. This did not seem right.

I was to the west of the small simple house, talking to some people. I had been invited to this house. It seemed late in the morning, and i wandered to the west, into the large opening of the house and into a small living room at the center of the lower floor. I was aware that the people i had been talking to were still to the east. I had just awakened, and i felt like relaxing. An old CRT television was on a stand on the western wall, and i turned it on. I wondered if the people here would mind that i wanted to watch television in the morning. My mother seemed to be one of the people to the east of me. I looked at the buttons on the television, trying to figure out how to turn it on. I remembered that it had seemed complicated. I pushed one of the buttons, which had several labels next to it. I thought that each button would bring up a different set of channels. I looked at the list of white letters printed on the black plastic case of the front of the television. I seemed to want one of the numbers near the top of the list, so i pressed it. I thought that i would be able to see some of the channels, and i wondered if they were the correct ones that i wanted. I remembered that several of the channels would be similar, and some of them would be public-access programming. I would have to find something interesting to watch. I then noticed the logo on the screen that said “NHL”. I remembered that the people were watching hockey the night before, so the television might have been set to a channel selection that had hockey games in it. I was not interested in the hockey games. I then noticed that the NHL logo was in a listing of things that had a yellow background to it. The yellow block had a rounded corner at the upper left, and it seemed wider at the top than at the bottom. A large white letter A was at the upper left of the block. I then noticed a similar blue block running across the upper right of the screen. It had a white letter B in it. A red block was on the lower right of the screen with the letter C. The blocks represented the different sections of channels that i could be watching. Someone came in to the room and stopped to the southeast of me. I said something to the person. My mother seemed to be near me now, and she asked me a question about the party. I realized that some of my other relatives were starting the party to the north. I looked to the north, and i could see the children’s party through the window in the northern wall. It seemed to be outside, with the thick trunk of a tree just to the north of the decorated table. Red, blue, and yellow decorations, including balloons, were around the table and hanging from the tree. I said something to my mother as i walked to the north, ending up to the east of the table. The children had headed to the west, into the house. $K3 had been running the party. I could see into the living room of the house through the large opening in the wall to the west of me. The opening entered the northern end of the room, but the children had headed southwest, to the southern side of the room, so i could not see them. $K3 appeared in the opening and said that i should have some food. I realized that i had not yet eaten breakfast. I thought that i should have a bagel, but i should also eat some of the food that they had for the party. I walked west along the northern side of the table, looking at the food. I really should eat the food from this party so that i was participating. I noticed several small chocolate cakes that had been formed into the shapes of reindeer. I picked one up. It had small antlers sticking off one end. The cake was about the size of my hand, and i carried it to the west, into the living room. The kitchen was to the east of the southern end of the living room. I was talking to someone as i turned to the east and walked along the northern side of a long island counter, which had a marble-like surface. I broken a piece off of the end of the cake, thinking that i should toast it. The man was to the east of me, and he asked about the cake. I pointed out the antlers that were on it. The cake now had several sets of antlers. I thought that they should probably not be toasted, because they would burn quickly. I broke them off and handed a couple to the man. I then chewed on the others. They were crunchy and had a strange taste to them. I still held the cake in my right hand, but, when i went to put it in the small toaster over, which was on the counter to the south of me, i noticed that i had already put a section of the cake in the toaster oven. The toaster over was a tall appliance, with a metal bottom and top. The midsection was empty, with four glass walls around it. The section of cake seemed to fill up the entire space inside the oven. This surprised me, thinking that the cake was larger than it had seemed before. This seemed strange. I remembered the cake fitting into my hand before, but it was now much larger than that. I wondered how this could be.

12020 September 23

I traveled to the east, down the street. $A682 was with me, and we were traveling to a convention, which was being held in the large building to the northeast of us. The building was about seven stories tall. It was a rectangular hotel, not as wide as it was long, and it stretched along the street. It had narrow horizontal features that seemed to run between each floor. I had not been to this conference in a long time, and it felt good to be coming back to it. I had to hurry to get to the lecture in time though. We had been late. I walked to the east, down the long hallway that ran along the southern side of the building. The lecture room was to the northeast of me, and i thought that i could sneak in before the presentation got too far along. I felt nervous about being late. The wall to the north of me was dark and seemed to be made of a fake marble. I turned to the north and walked into the middle of a long lecture room. Others were already sitting around tables, which were spread out in rows down the length of the room. The room was long east to west. I realized that i would need to find a place to sit where others were not. I hoped that i could find an open seat. I thought that the seats near the front of the room would probably be taken. I saw some empty chairs at a table that extended from the southern wall to the east of me, but the chairs had jackets them. I passed around the northern side of the table, wondering where to sit. I thought that i could sit with some people whom i did not know. I crossed diagonally to the southeast, moving near the front of the room. The lecturer was already speaking, and i did not want to interrupt him. He stood on the northern side of the eastern end of the room. I headed back to the west, now carrying a plate of food. Breakfast was being served here, and i had gathered some food before it was all gone. I had something on my plate, which seemed like narrow rectangles of waffles. I felt excited to be here and wanted to sit down. I was not sure where to go though. I made my way back to the western end of the room, thinking that i would have a better chance of finding a seat away from the front of the room. I wondered if any of the people here would be people that i had met in my previous times at this conference. It had been a very long time since i had been here, but i was now working for the university again, so i knew that i would be able to come back to the conferences on a yearly basis again. I then turned to the south. A man and woman were at a table near me, and i thought that i would sit with them. I remembered the man from before. He was standing to the south of me when he said hello. His face was very familiar. It was oval, with very short blond hair. He was shorter than i. I remembered that his name was Deric. I thought that it sounded very much like Eric, and this man felt like an old friend of mine. It felt very comforting to see him. The woman stood up to the east of me. She had a long rectangular face with sunken cheeks. Her curly blond hair was long and fell around the sides of her face. I had been a good friend with both of these people at the conferences. It was good to see them again, and i was happy that i had found them. I chatted with the people for a moment, referring to my food at one point. They had to leave and head to the west, but i knew that i would get to see more of them here. As the man started to walk off to the west, i turned and asked him his name. Before he could answer, i asked “Deric, right?” He said yes. I turned back to the table to sit down. I felt very good here. I thought that i would have to wander around later and see the old sites that i remembered.

12020 September 25

I moved around on the western side of the small room, which seemed to be a kitchen. Several other people were here with me trying to help. Something seemed to have happened, and we were trying to assist in the cleanup. I moved to the northeast, toward the center of the northern wall. People were taking trays of food to the west, and i thought that i should help wash the trays in the sink in the center of the southern wall. Harrison Ford was near the northern wall, to the east of me. He said something to me, and i commented on getting the food together. He then wandered off to the west, and i continued to gather things in the kitchen. I moved to the southern wall, trying to help out.

I moved around on the southern side of the room. Others had been cleaning up in this area, and i had come to help. I felt a little out of place, because i was not sure what i should be doing. A man came into the room through the opening in the western end of the southern wall. He moved around on the western side of the room for a moment, and i greeted him. I moved to the west, where a wooden counter ran along the western wall. This place was a pub, and i thought that i should order a drink. I was not quite finished helping the others, though, but i thought that i could get a drink. The man had moved to the south of me, and he seemed to be pacing uneasily. I said hello to him. He seemed to be $A717 or $A59. I had not seen him in a while, and it felt good to see him. He moved to the north of me, staring vaguely to the east, into the center of the room. I could tell that he was upset about something. I felt concerned for him, and i asked him if he was okay. He looked at me for a minute and then said that he was okay. He seemed like $A59 at the moment. I asked how he had been doing, and i reached behind me with my left hand to pick up a pint of beer from the counter. $A717 turned to the west and leaned on the bar. He still seemed upset. I wanted to be close to him to help him out, but i was not sure that i could be close. I tried talking with him for a while, and i moved to the center of the room. The others had come in, and i hoped that he would join us. I stopped on the western side of the small group of people and greeted them. $A717 wandered back to the west. I thought that he was going to get his beer. I was concerned for him, and i did not want him to wander away. I hoped that he stayed with us for a while.

12020 September 26

I started cleaning up the food that was on the counter to the north of me. I had been at a large dinner with many people, who seemed to be $G3. They were eating in the restaurant around me. I was in the northeastern corner of an area, which seemed to be at a corner of a corridor that ran from the south and headed to the west. The counter along the northern wall seemed to be part of a buffet, and people were still walking up and grabbing food from the table. Some people seemed to be eating somewhere to the west, but most seemed to be to the northeast, in a room that was accessible through an opening in the eastern wall of the corridor, and to the southeast, in a room that was off the side of the corridor to the south. There seemed to be a lot of food left over, and some people were gathering it together in trays. I thought that we would be taking the trays with us. I started moving several chopped vegetables and cheese together onto a cutting board. Others grabbed the trays and moved them to the west a little on the counter. I moved with them, thinking that we should combine the food into single trays so that it would be easier to carry. Some people had brought a stack of short serving trays to the western end of the counter. I slided the tray of food that i was working on to the west so that i could combine it with the other food. I thought that i could mix it in with the other mixing. It seemed that we were eating Mexican food, and the food that i was mixing would be eaten on chips or tortillas. As the others headed back to the east, i unstacked the three chaffing dishes. They had plastic over the tops of them, and the plastic seemed to be sealed along the edges. I put one tray to the west and tugged at the edges of the plastic on the one that had been below it, seeing that it too was sealed. The others must have grabbed some trays from the kitchen that were not yet used. A woman, who seemed to be wearing a light-colored waiter’s dress, like the kind in old diners, moved to the west, passing to the south of me. Another followed her. The second had dropped something off to the west and headed back to the northeast. I now seemed to be in a separate room that was to the southwest of where i had been. As the first waiter started to turn to head back east, i asked her about the sealed plastic on the trays, asking if they were like this because we had not yet opened them. She said that they were fresh from the kitchen. “Okay.”, i said and stated that we should not be taking them with us. I pushed the three sealed chaffing trays to the west and started working on the tray of chopped things that i had on the counter. Another waiter came from the east. I tried dumping the tray of chopped food into one of the open containers of food that i had, but the food was sticking to the tray, and i was spilling some trying to shake it off. I put the tray back down on the counter. The female waiter stood to the east of me, and i told her that i would have to do it better. I turned to get another container from the counter, but the second waiter was now standing to the east of me, in front of a stove that was against the western wall. I had an open tray of burrito tortillas on the counter, and i thought that i could easily put the chopped food over the top of it. I told the waiter to the east that i was doing this. I then realized that a long narrow tray had been placed on the counter near me. I turned to see the tall thin female waiter walking away to the east. The tray had aluminium foil on the bottom of it, and overlapping soft taco shells were placed along the length. A paste had been poured down the middle of the shells. I thought that we would have to take this tray with us as well, but i felt annoyed that it was now in my way. The woman to the west was also doing something in the stove, and she was now to the south of the counter that i had been working on, blocking me from putting the food together. I felt annoyed. I moved the long narrow tray to the east, placing it on the shorter counter to the east of a deep sink. I then reached around the woman to the west to grab the tray of burritos that i had been trying to fix, and i put that tray on the counter to the east. I went back to grab the chopped mound of food, which was still on a white cutting board. As i turned back to the east, though, i noticed that the tray of burritos had been taken away. I looked to the northeast to see the tall thin waiter carrying the tray back to the dining area. I called after her to stop. She replied, but did not stop. I felt very annoyed and frustrated. I said that i was trying to pack up the food so that we could take it. I wanted the waiter to stop taking the food, but she did not seem to pay attention. I started after her, thinking that i would have to take back the tray. I stopped as i reached the eastern wall of the room, wondering what i would do. I felt like giving up and leaving all of the food on the counter in the kitchen area. I knew that this would annoy the waiter, but i did not care. I glanced to the south, seeing a small sitting area to the southeast. It had light-blue walls, and a man was sitting on a chair just to the south of an opening in the eastern wall. He seemed to be reading a book. A police officer then came into the opening from the east. He stopped and looked down at the man with the book. The officer stood with a slight hunch. He wore a light-blue shirt and dark pants. I wondered why he was here, and i thought that we had to be careful of him. I turned back to the north, not sure what i wanted to do.

12020 September 27

I parked my car in the garage and was now doing something just to the south of the car. The car was parked on the eastern side of the large open room, facing north. I had been staying at this place with several other people. They seemed to be $G3, and i thought that some of them were $A59 and $A81. I remembered being in the house to the southwest of us. It was my parents’ house. I moved something around ear the back end of my car, aware that a few other people were moving around just to the south of me. I then wondered if they wanted to park their cars in the garage as well. I had not thought about this before i put my car in the garage. I wondered if they would think that i had the privilege of parking here because we were at my parents’ house. I knew that we were here because we were taking classes in Boston, which was just to the east of us. I felt uneasy, hoping that they did not feel jealous of me. I backed to the south a little, noticing that other cars were also parked in the garage. My car was parked along the eastern wall of the wide space, and a car seemed to be parked behind me. More cars were parked in a second line to the west, in the center of the room. The garage was large enough to accompany quite a few cars, so i felt better. It would not seem that i was taking advantage of the fact that this was my parents’ house. I started walking to the south, still looking at the space in the garage. I noticed an old Volkswagen camper van in a third road on the western side of the garage. A small green car was behind it and another vehicle in front of it. The pale tan van was sun faded and rusting around the bottom. It was $A601’s car. I then noticed that the van in front of it was bright blue and new. It seemed to be something that my parents’ had parked here, and i suddenly felt uneasy, thinking that they might have bought it for me, because i had been looking for a camper van. I did not want them to do such things for me. I was now looking down the western side of the line of cars to see the western side of the blue camper van. It was under a wooden structure, which seemed to be a crude carport. A man to the southwest of me asked about the vehicle, mentioning the name of the person who owned it. I felt relieved that it belonged to someone who had been staying here. The man had pointed out that the van looked nice, and i responded, saying that i liked that type of vehicle. I then pointed out the difference in size between the old van and the new one. The old one was noticeably smaller. The man then asked about the people here. I turned to the north. He was now to the northeast of me, and the cars were to the south of me. He asked about the many people here. They all were my classmates. I told the man that we had been studying at MIT, motioning my right arm to the east. I then had to correct myself. This did not make sense. I knew that we were in Albany, so we could not drive to Boston every day for class. It was too far. I told the man that we were taking classes in Massachusetts. It seemed good that we had been back at college again. It seemed that we were there for a specific reason. We were staying here because it was easier to cross the border to go to school than to be at the school.

12020 September 28

I sat in the driver’s seat of the small car, and i had been trying to drive it. I reached for the thin stick shift, which was a thin rod that extended form the center of the dashboard. The rod was about a deci long and about a half centimeter thick. The end of it seemed to be covered with a thin layer of white hard plastic that had ridges along the length of it. I moved the leaver, thinking that it did not quite work like a regular car. I looked down at the pedals, but i realized that the car had to clutch. This was part of the complication of this type of car. The car was facing west, and it moved a little to the west, but i was parked in the large parking garage, so i would have to back out of the space. I was aware of someone to the northeast of me. I moved the stick shift a little, trying to focus on driving the car. It seemed very difficult to drive because if its design. I backed the car to the southeast, careful not to hit the car that was parked to the north of me. I then drove the car north, down the aisle of the parking garage. I seemed to be on the first level of the parking area, and most of the area was empty of cars. As i drove to the north, i was aware of some of the people working on the cars here. They seemed to be military personnel. I felt uncomfortable, and i thought that i probably should not be taking the car. I drove the car across the northern side of the area, turning west. I then headed back to the south down the western side. I should leave the car here and leave. I parked the car along the curb on the western side of the street and started walking to the south. A man was then to the north of me. He asked be about the motorcycle that i had parked on the side of the curb. I felt nervous. I could not let him know that i was not supposed to be here. I looked at the tan motorcycle and told the man that it ran nicely. I said that it was good, but it still needed some work. I hoped that he did not ask too many questions. I felt that i had to get away before i was discovered.

12020 September 29

We had been packing things up in this house. My mother was cleaning things out, and i was moving some of the boxes to the east, taking them through the doorway in the center of the eastern wall and out of the house. My mother was to the north of me, and my father seemed to be somewhere to the southeast. A set of shelfs was set into the wall to the west of me, and i moved toward them no look at the items on them. These were things that my mother had collected together. They seemed to be old things that had belonged to my grandmother or my father’s mother. I looked along the shelf that was at my chest level, seeing that it was filled with dishes, mugs, and pitchers that were made of a dull-yellow glass. Most of the mugs and pitchers had a calligraphic S engraved on the front. I thought that this was part of the family name. I thought that the dishes were probably expensive antiques, so i thought that we should not leave them here. I wanted to pack them up in a box so that i could take them somewhere to be safe. I then noticed that there were two patterns of dishes on the shelf. Some of the ones in on the southern and eastern sides seemed to be older and made of a heavy glass, while the others were actually made of china and painted yellow. I wondered which ones i should take. I felt frustrated, thinking that i really did not have room to put any of the extra dishes. The older dishes must have belonged to my father’s mother. I would have to pack them up. I then looked down at the clutter of items on the lower shelf. I grabbed a tall white appliance that seemed to be some type of blender. It had a plastic rectangular outer case that was hollow on the front. In the hollow area was a narrow metal blender, which seemed like a milkshake blender. I held it from the top with my right hand, deciding what i should do. I headed to the east, still deciding what i should pack from the house to keep safe.

12020 September 30

I was on the bus with several other people, and the bus was heading to the east down the street. I sat on the southern side, near the front of the bus. The bus seemed to be full of people i knew, and i was traveling with them. I spoke to a person who was seated to the northwest of me. I then looked out the front window of the bus, to the east of us. I noticed that the street ahead of us was filled with people. I realized that the center of the street was filled with a battalion marching in a parade. At first, they seemed to be wearing gray dress-uniform coatees, but, as they got close to us, i noticed that the coatees seemed to be mostly white, even though i could see gray on them. The people at the front of the battalion wore tall black hats with plumes on them. Gold emblems were on the fronts of the hats. I told the other person that i recognized these people as from CBA. I remembered them from when i used to live in Albany. We moved through the center of the battalion and continued heading east. I noticed a smaller formation of young men along the northern side of the street or hallway as we continued to the east. This group seemed to be only two columns wide, but it had long rows. They were talking to one another as their commanders discussed something. They had not yet gone out to march. They were dressed in simple gray button-up shirts. One of the commanders told a group of young students that they were dismissed. The students started heading to the west and then to the north. I then noticed $A119 walking to the east, just to the south of another small phalanx. He turned and said something to some of the people in the formation, but seemed distracted by somewhere he had to be. I could hear someone talking about $A119, mentioning him by first name. He turned to the north and walked through the center of the small phalanx, turning to the west to tell someone that he had to do something before he disappeared through a doorway. I pointed him out to one of the people on the bus, telling the person that he was the $A119 that others had been talking about. I told the person to the north of me that $A119 was “in our frat”. I then realized that the statement was not clear. The man who was sitting on the seat to the south of me seemed to be $A36. The bus was now heading west, and i was sitting on the southern side. I told $A36 that i was referring to the fraternity that i and someone sitting behind us belonged to. It was not the same fraternity that $A36 belonged to. This suddenly seemed strange. I wondered if $A36 thought negatively of me for being in two fraternities. I then wondered how i could have joined two fraternities. I thought that i had joined one in one place and the other later in another place. I did not seem to consider the first one a fraternity when i joined the second one in college. Something seemed confusing about this. The others then started getting off of the bus. I headed to the east, carrying my backpack over my left shoulder. We seemed to be in a cement building, which seemed like a station. $F71 was to the west of me, and he said something to the person that i had been talking to as he stood to the northeast of him. I realized that $F71 was only carrying a small shoulder satchel. He had not brought any luggage on the trip, which seemed strange. I felt a little annoyed by this. $F71 moved to the east, passing to the south of me as we stared walking up the slight incline of the cement hallway. The floor and walls were both made of gray cement. I was annoyed that $F71 had brought so little with him. I thought that he would be unprepared for this place. We were going to be staying at this conference for a few days. He was wearing a bright blue button-up short-sleeved shirt. I liked the way the shirt looked. As i passed him and looked to the southwest at him, i could see that he was wearing a sweater vest that was covered with dark-blue and light-blue diamond on the front. We turned to the northeast and headed up a ramp, which exited the building. The building ran to the west of the ramp, but the eastern side was open to a wide sidewalk. We were in the middle of a city, which seemed like Albany. I had not been here in a long time, but i remembered this place. I wanted to show the others, one of whom seemed to be $Z, what i liked about this city. The land seemed to slope gently downhill to the east, and the main streets ran east and west. The center of the city seemed to be to the northeast and east of us. A third person seemed to be with $Z and me now. I headed to the north, following a street that started to curve to the west, around the northeastern side of a small hill. The city filled a small valley between the hill that we were on and the two or three low rounded hills that ran east to west to the north of us. Beyond the eastern end of the hills to the north, i could see a tall narrow building that had several different levels. Each level was narrower than the level below, making the entire building look like a narrow step pyramid. I remembered this building, and i was excited to see all of the places that i remembered. I then noticed the cubical structures on the ridge to the northwest of us. The bumps of the hills were filled with buildings that were all similar in color. The colors were dull Earth tones. The easternmost hill had a green hue to the buildings. This hue blended into a tan near the center of the ridge, and then blended into a darker tan on the western end. It looked very nice, and i pointed it out to $Z, who was standing to the southeast of me. $F12 was to the south of me as i pointed out the buildings. He admired them, saying that they looked nice. I then turned around to face south. We were on a hillside, and the land sloped down into a deep valley to the south of us. Just across the narrow valley, a steep cluster of low plateaus rose. Directly to the south of us, though, was a narrow gorge than ran west, into the higher land. A river ran down the center of the gorge, and it sparkled in the sunlight. The vertical cliff walls of the gorge were brown with dark vertical shadows. I thought that it looked beautiful. I pointed it out to $F12, but he was looking down at something farther down the hill to the southeast of us. He started flying over the ground with two other birds. One of the birds seemed to be a blue jay. I called his name and told him to look ahead. He looked at the canyon, saying something in admiration. He was impressed. He started moving toward it. I was also walking down the hill, which now seemed to be an open field of short dry grass. I called to $F12 to stop. I wanted to go see the canyon as well, but i knew that we had to get to the event. We had crossed the grass and come to a narrow dirt road that ran east to west across the slope. A man was sitting on a folding metal chair to the west of us and just to the north of the road. A light wind was blowing from the southeast, moving the dry grass below us. I told $F12 that we had to get to the event, which was to the northeast of us. I was aware that the man could hear us. As i said this, i dropped a coin that i had been holding in my left hand. $F12 bent over to pick the coin up. He handed me a nickel. I thought that i had not dropped a nickel, and it seemed strange that he had handed me one. He then handed me a quarter. It felt good to be with him again, and i felt strongly for him.