12021 September 02

I walked to the north, passing between the food trucks. The large white truck was just to the west of me, and other seemed to be to the southeast. Someone was very close to the southwest of me, and i seemed to have been talking to him, but i had to get somewhere to the north. I left the crowded area where the food vendors were and headed across the open area toward the large building to the north, which seemed like an old school building. As i left the other man near the food trucks, i was aware that i had a guitar in a black soft case slung over my left shoulder. The head of the guitar was sticking up over my shoulder. I would have to come back to the trucks to the south, but i felt that i had something to do to the north first. Others were standing near the tables near the northern wall of the room as i approached them. A tan semiacoustic guitar was lying on one of the tables. It had a wide body and looked very nice. I talked with the others for a while, but i felt that i had to get back to the south. I started to leave, heading to the east, but i had to get my guitar. I looked at the tan guitar, but i knew that it was not mine. I asked the person to the east of me about it. I then looked around for my guitar. I felt that i had to get food, and i thought about the vendors to the south. I realized that they were cooking barbecue food, and i knew that i would not normally eat the types of food they had. I decided that i could eat a hamburger, though. I moved around the rectangular room, which seemed had tables along the northern wall and nothing in the center of the room. The walls of the room seemed to be made of smooth plaster, and the ceiling was very tall. This place seemed like an old school building that had been converted into something else. I moved to the east, noticing the corridors to the northeast. As i turned back around to the west, i realized that my guitar was still strapped across my shoulder. I could see the black strap and the top of the guitar sticking up over my left shoulder. I headed to the south, walking through a doorway that seemed to be in the center of the southern wall of the room. Outside, i found myself on a wide porch or in a wide portico. The stone ground was higher than the land to the south, and it seemed that people were supposed to walk down the stairs to the east. I started moving to the south instead, down a wide set of wooden steps. The steps seemed more like levels of architectural design rather than steps, but i headed down them anyway. I was aware that it was uncommon for people to walk down these levels. I had gotten back into the wheelchair as i left the building, and i was now rolling down the steps. The person who had been with me seemed to have headed to the east, down the regular steps. I wondered if i should have been using the wheelchair. I was not injured or paralyzed, so it seemed inappropriate for me to be using a wheelchair. However, i had been using it before, and it seemed that i should go back to using it outside. I looked down at the darkly stained wood of the layers. The wood seemed to be cut into square tiles, and the tiles ran along the stairs, which seemed to be seven to ten meters wide and three-quarters of a meter deep. The wood was a rich brown color with swirled streaks black where the grain was. Something about the design of the stairs reminded me of Japanese architecture. A heavy cement roof extended over the steps, which ran for almost ten meters to the south. Round stone columns seemed to support the southern edge of the room. As i bounced down the levels steps in the wheelchair, i was aware of a man sitting on the western end of the middle of the stairs. He watched me as i descended, and i wondered if he thought i was doing something inappropriate. I thought that skateboarders probably came down the stairs as something tricky to do. I thought that i was in a foreign country, and i hoped that i was not doing something too inappropriate. As i reached the bottom of the stairs, I noticed that the lowest layer of wood was actually slanted up to the south. It acted as a railing at the edge of the steps. I as my feet landed on the slanted piece of wood. A set of railroad tracks seemed to run across the cement ground just on the other side of the railing. Beyond them, the land seemed to be a few meters below the step that i was standing on. I thought that i would have to go around to the east to get down to the ground. Looking out to the south, i could see that the land was covered with very tall pale-green grass. Trees surrounded this thick field. This foreign land also seemed hot and humid. I knew that the food trucks were to the south, but i could not see them easily. I could only see a few people standing to the southeast through gaps in the vegetation. I would have to cross this area. I crossed the railroad tracks on the wheelchair and rolled down a dirt path on the slope to the south. I quickly entered the tall grass. The path was narrow, and it seemed hard to get through. I knew that i would not be able to roll the wheelchair through the tall grass, so i would have to get off and walk. I came to a small area of dirt ground in the middle of the tall grass. The grass towered over my head and pushed in from all sites. I pushed it aside as i tried to head to the south. The trail turned to the southeast into the small rounded area, though, and i did not see a trail running out to the southeast on the other side. I wondered if i would be able to get through here. I felt frustrated. This place seemed like India, and i wondered if i should have been trying to cut through the grass like this. I thought that there might be animals in the grass that could be dangerous. I was not familiar with this country, so i did not know what i should be cautious of. I was having trouble pushing through the grass, and i was forced to crouch down for a moment. I faced west, looking at the tall grass to the west of me. I wondered if there could be poisonous snakes in the grass. I would have to be careful here. I decided that i would have to head back to the north and go around to the east to cross the grassy area. I knew that the area to the east must be open. That must have been how the others walked between the large building and the area where the food trucks were. I came out of the grassy area and was back in the large entry hall of the school. I headed to the east. A narrower corridor ran to the northeast, and i headed down it. Doorways to rooms were off of the corridor, and a set of stairs seemed to ascend to the northeast from the southeastern side of the hallway. The stairs were about a meter from the southeastern wall, though. I felt unsure here. I was not familiar with this place, and i did not feel that i belonged here. I stopped in front of a doorway in the northeastern wall of the hall. Several people had gone into the classroom to the northeast of me, but i felt hesitant. I did not belong here, and i thought that i really should leave. I was aware of others who were heading into a classroom to the northwest of me. I looked into the room, seeing that the door was near the northeastern end of the room. A few men walked into the room, walking along the chalkboard on the northeastern wall. They wore red and white American-football padding on their torsos and short white shorts on their legs. I could see several other men standing around in the room. They all seemed to be on the same team, and i thought that they were all nicely built and attractive. I tried not to stare, though. I looked again at the room to the northeast, wondering where i should go. I was then aware that two men had stopped before entering the room to the northwest of me. They watched me for a moment. A third walked up to them and started talking to them, but they still watched me as i stood in the hallway. I felt uneasy, wondering if they were bullies. They seemed Indian. One of the men walked up to me with his arms crossed and started talking to me. I responded vaguely, as though distracted. I tried to concentrate on where i should go. I then realized that the man had spoken English to me. I wondered why he would have spoken English. I was in India, so he must have assumed that i did not speak the native language. It would not make sense for him to speak English as his regular language. I started walking back to the west, thinking that i had to leave the building, because i did not belong in the school. The three men started following me, but i ignored them. I felt dazed. I walked along the northern wall of the corridor that headed back to the west. As i walked, i put my hand on the wall and dragged my fingers along it. I passed a shallow white porcelain sink that was embedded into the wall. My fingers ran over the eastern edge of the sink. As they did, the sink came loose and started to tip forward. I pushed it back into the wall before it could fall, but the men following me had seen me damage the sink. I wondered if they would think i was being a hooligan. I pretended that i did not care about the sink and continued to walk to the west.

12021 September 04

I stood on the northern side of the small room as my relatives discussed their travel plans to the south of me. They were heading back south, and they wondered how they would leave this place. We seemed to be at a cottage in the woods, and i thought that it was my grandfather’s cottage. I could picture roads. $K4 was to the south of me, and he mentioned taking two roads that had route numbers in the low hundreds. I pictured these routes as heading to the east across the northeastern section of the Adirondacks. This was not the easiest way to go. I thought that he was simply traveling to the east until he hit the highway. I told him that he could simply travel southeast to get to the highway and that it would be shorter. $K1 was to the southeast of me, and i told her that she should follow the road that the cottage was on to the end and then turn right. I held up my left hand and motioned to the left as i said this. My mother was to the east of me, and she corrected me, saying that they should turn left. I realized that i had gotten the directions backward and restated the directions, saying “left” as i described the turn. This did not seem quite right, though, but i remembered the cottage road ending on the paved road at a sharp angle. The cottage road came from the west and turned to the southeast just before it ended. The other road was heading east to west. We would follow that road to the east. I told the others that they would follow the paved road all the way to Indian Bluff. This did not seem right, though. I then remembered that the name of the town was called Indian River. I restated the name of the town. My mother said “Oh, that’s right.”, as though she had not remembered the town until i had said it. I thought about the directions. I told my relatives that they could take the road outside the cottage road all the way until Indian River. I said that the road was route 26 or route 28. I said that i could not remember the number. I then said that they would turn south on the other road in Indian River and head to Warrensburg. From there, they would be able to get onto the Northway. I then pictured the interstate. It was Interstate 81, and i knew that it ran all the way down to Pennsylvania, which seemed to be where my relatives were heading. I thought that this would be an easier route to take to the southeast. I continued thinking about the route and about the area where my grandfather’s cottage had been. It had been a long time since i had been there.

12021 September 07

I was sitting on the southern side of the large conference table at the business meeting. The table was somewhat rounded, but longer east to west. A man sat on the northern side of the table, and he was talking about the department. He seemed concerned, and he told us how someone had been hired to sabotage the work. He said that the person who had left the department had hired several new people to work in the department before the new manager came in. This would make it harder for the new manager to get the work done and would seem to reflect poorly on the new manager. I understood the issue, and i felt annoyed that it was happening. I looked at the numbers on the piece of paper in front of me. They showed that the department would be spending more in the long term that it was making. This would drive the department into the ground. The man then added that the new people could not be fired. I looked out the large glass window to the east. The window filled the entire wall. We seemed to be on a college campus, and the building to the east of us seemed to be where $G6 had their offices. I looked again, and the weather had suddenly changed. The air was filled with snow, and i could barely make out the building next door. I looked out the western window, which also seemed to fill the entire wall. I could see people coming into our building from the northwest. I thought that they were coming from the main part of campus, which seemed to be to the north of us. Many people were walking down a path toward the center of the western side of the building. Someone in the room commented on how many there were in the group, saying that it seemed strange that they were coming all at once. I looked at the group of walkers, and i suggested that a campus bus might have just dropped them off.

I walked to the south with the other person. We were in a large building, which seemed like a station. He was trying to get to New York City, and he needed to get tickets to travel on the train. We walked across the large gray hall, passing through a doorway in the center of the eastern wall. We came into the small office. $Z was with us. The man with me now seemed to be $A811. A man was sitting on the eastern side of a counter in the small office, and $A811 asked him for tickets to New York. The man shook his head and said that they had no tickets. He was short, with wavy hair that stuck out from the sides of his round face. I realized that several other people were waiting along the northern wall of the small office. I thought that they were waiting for tickets as well. I felt disappointed for $A811. The man behind the desk kept talking to us. He seemed like a business man trying to force us to buy tickets, but he did not have tickets for where $A811 needed to go. $A811, $Z, and i walked to the north, coming into another small room. $A811 seemed disappointed, and he said that he had to leave for New York City tonight. The man in the room to the south of us reiterated that he had no tickets. I wondered if there were flights to the city tonight. $A811 spoke about the problem. He had black hair, and his mannerisms seemed rather flamboyant, which was different from how i remembered him acting before. We walked down a set of stairs to the north, inside the larger lobby of the building. I suggested that i could drive $A811 to the city. I said that it was only fourty minutes away. I then thought that this was not right. I corrected myself, saying that it would take two hours.

I was standing in the central aisle of the bus, which was traveling to the east. I seemed to have just realized something, and i looked around. Something seemed different now. I looked to the east, not sure where the bus was going. This was not where i had been a moment ago. The vehicle then turned to the north and headed up the steep hill. The land around us seemed suburban, with small houses and businesses on the sides of the road. I was then driving the bus as we headed up the narrow road. I held on to the steering wheel tightly, having a hard time controlling the bus. We were driving east again, and i was looking for some place along the southern side of the road. Many narrow driveways ran from the road, disappearing into the thick bushes and vegetation on the southern side of the road. I remembered that i had been to one of the houses here before, but i could not quite remember where it was. The bus was then driving on a narrow driveway, which passed between the close vegetation. I was then outside of the bus, talking to others. I stood just to the south of the bus, which was facing north. The others were gathered around me, talking to one another, but they started to leave in different directions. I would be staying in the houseboat, which was now to the north of me. I started swimming toward it, not entirely in the water, but i knew that i was swimming through it. I reached a small platform that was just to the south of the northern shore of the water. I stopped on the small platform, which seemed to be connected to a dock, but which also seemed to be floating no the water. A small step was off the southern side of the platform, and i used it to climb onto the platform. The step was folded up onto the platform, but i pushed it down with my foot so that i could step up on it. As i reached the platform, i pushed on the step with my left foot. It swinged to the west. It was now a larger structure on a pivot to the west of me. It seemed like the bus or some similarly large structure was swinging to the west. I felt uneasy, thinking that i probably should not be swinging the large structure out of position. A man came out of the house to the north of me, and he walked sternly toward me. He seemed angry that i was playing with the large object. I felt that i should not be here, but i realized that this was not really the place where i had been. The scene had been changing too quickly around me. The man stopped a few meters to the north of me and put his fists on his hips. He informed me that he had called the police, which suggested that i was trespassing here and he would have me charged. I felt annoyed by him, and i told him that i was shifting places. I wanted to let him know that i had not control over being here. I said that i was on a bus, and then i the scene changed to an office. I let him know that i could not control where i was appearing. I then said that i would disappear soon. I stood to the south of the large truck, which was facing north. The man was to the west of the truck, to the northwest of me, and his wife had stooped to the northeast of me, to the east of the truck. I stood still for a moment, not sure what to do now. I felt awkward, wondering how long it would take me to shift again. I was not sure where i would disappear. I remembered being in New York City moments ago, and i thought of other places that i should move to. I wondered if i could force a jump. I closed my eyes and focused, trying to will myself to shift to another place. I then started to fall. I imagined that i would be in a different place when i stopped falling. I fell over and landed on the ground. I remained still for a moment, waiting for something to change. The wife seemed annoyed with me, and she told me that she could still see me in a bitter voice.

I was moving through the large city, and i headed to the east, entering into the southern side of the store. People were already gathering in the store for the even, and most of the crowd in another room to the east of us. I thought that this event was a sales promotion for a specific product. I was familiar with the product, and i talked to $Z about it. He was to the north of me as we moved toward the center of the store. I then walked to the north, into the store. I realized that i did not really need to be in the shopping area of the store. I did not want to buy the product. I just wanted to go back and be associated with the product. The product seemed to be something special. I walked back to the south with $Z. We paused in the center of the room and looked around at the people, who all seemed to be using the product. A man then approached us from the east. He thanked me. I felt confused, and i wondered why he was thanking me. I wondered if he had confused me with someone who had created the product. The man faced me, and he congratulated me on being EC. I was not sure what he meant, and it seemed strange that he would pick me out of the crowd. He then turned and walked to the north. I told $Z that the man had mistaken me for someone else. To the south of us, men were eating around a large table. I turned to the south and looked at them. I then thought that the man must have mistaken me for $A14, and i told $Z this. I noticed $A14 sitting at a table to the north of us, sitting other academics. He was sitting on the eastern side of the small table, leaning against the eastern wall of the room. He seemed relaxed, wearing a suit coat. I then realized that he was wearing a cap with fake cat ears on it. I pointed this out to $Z. I sat down in a chair that was to the east of me. I noticed that i had a piece of cloth hanging out of my right shoe, and i tried to tie the cloth into the shoe so that it did not look so unkempt. The cloth had been one of the promotional items from the event. A woman to the west of me then took the cloth. I was surprised, and i looked up at her as she tried to pull it through a small object in her hand. I felt a little upset, thinking that i wanted the cloth too. I looked to the south, noticing that people at the table to the south of me had small mats with advertisements on it, but i did not see the cloths. I wanted to get another cloth from the advertisement place to the south. I hoped that they still had some. I looked around the southern side of the room to see if i could see more cloths. Through a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall, which as to the southeast of me, i could see people doing exercises. This was part of the promotional campaign. I did not see any more cloths, though. I felt disappointed, and i wondered what to do. I stood up and told $Z that i would be back. I then headed to the north to get something. I crossed the center room, where the weight racks had been, heading for the small area to the north. A man was working at one of the weight racks on the western side of the room. He was lifting the bar of the machine over his head and lowering it again to the front of his chest. He did not seem very athletic, but he was here to promote the product. As he lifted the bar, the weight machine squeaked. He repeated the motion over and over, and i kept hearing the squeak. Something about the sound seemed interesting, and i thought that i should remember the details of it. I would want to write down how it started at a longer and lower pitch but finished with a sudden burst at a higher pitch. I left the room through the doorway in the center of the northern wall. I had to find something.

12021 September 08

I was walking to the northwest, across the large quadrangle, which seemed like the Arts Quad, but i knew that this place was a resort. I had been here to attend some lectures at a conference. I was wandering around the campus now, but i knew that i really should not be doing so. I thought that the people here would not like people wandering around in some of the places here. The resort seemed to be owned by rich people, and i thought that they did not like regular people wandering around. To the east, i could see a golf course, but i was looking at it as though i were looking through a window. I could see most of the course from here. I thought that the course was very small, and i thought that it seemed unimpressive. It was nicely trimmed, though. I wondered why people liked this resort. The golf course was in a small valley, which dipped into a shallow curve. The hill to the west of the valley was rather high, and the hill to the east seemed even higher. Trees lined the outside of the eastern rim of the valley, and the grass on the eastern side of the course was dry. The course seemed nicely decorated, but it seemed to be on worn land. I did not understand why this place was considered exclusive. It had the appearance of someplace that was nicely painted but that is cheaply built. I started to have the feeling that i was being watched. I thought that someone must have noticed me wandering the grounds, and they were now watching me to see where i went. I turned to the northwest and started to warder. I seemed to be near the edge of the property. I thought that i should probably not leave the property. I turned back to the south, and passed to the west of a large building. A line of small pale cubical columns ran north to south, just to the west of me. I thought that they marked the boundary of the property. I was walking very close to them, and i strayed to the west of a few. I then remembered that i was being watched, and i thought that i should probably stay on the property of the resort. I heard the sound of a small group of people to the southeast of me. I stopped, wondering what i should do. I did not want to wander into them and have to explain why i was wandering around the property.

I walked to the east with the small group of people. They were talking about living in another place that was not near here. The people had something to do with fraternities. I thought that the fraternity members at this school were forced to live in a central area for a reason. It seemed strange that the university would force members of fraternities to live in a certain part of the campus. A man to the south of me started talking to me as we walked to the south. A was to the north of us then started telling us of the parking area. I was then in a room, and i talked to $Z about the parking area as put small porcelain boxes under a table to the north of me. The boxes seemed like vases, and i thought that they had something to do with the parking. As i crouched down to push a box under the table, $Z stood to the east of me, telling me that the fraternity people had to park in a centralized area. I pushed the thing under the northern side of the table, and i responded to $Z, saying that we do not have to worry about parking. I then continued to the east, carrying something in my arms. The others were staying in the large room to the east, and i was staying with them. I wondered if the people would put up sheets or something to block the view of the sleeping area from the rest of the room. I imagined walking around the sleeping area shirtless.

12021 September 12

I talked to the others as we started heading down the waterway to the east. We were in a water channel, and everything seemed to be brown and muddy. The water was about fifteen to twenty meters wide, and steep slopes on either side were smooth dirt or cement. We moved along the northern shore, and i watched the water pass to the south of us as we moved. The land here seemed interesting, and i felt that there was some danger of the water above us. It seemed that we were below the normal water level of the area. I was aware of cement overpasses that crossed the channel above us. As we passed under one of the overpasses, the land seemed to change. It was still brown an muddy, but the steep walls were no longer around the river. The land around us now seemed flat, and the trees along the southern side of the wide river were dark green and seemed to be swamp trees. Something felt uneasy here. We moved over the water, heading along the northern shore. I asked the others if we had to worry about flooding. It seemed that this river had flooded recently. Something about the area seemed soggy. The shore to the north of us seemed to curve south suddenly and then continue east, ending a shallow bay. I felt that something was not right, and i told the others. A cement bridge crossed the river to the east of us, and we were heading under the bridge.

I walked to the garage, to the north to get some things. I was walking up the driveway of my parents’ farmhouse, and it was dark out. I could still hear people arguing to the north. The voices sounded like two women talking intently with each other. I thought that i had to get some pictures from my car, which was parked just to the south of the garage, facing north. The car was parked on the western side of the driveway, in front of the wide garage door. I stopped just before my car, realizing that i had forgotten the keys to my car. I felt annoyed with myself. I looked at the ruler in my right hand. I had been carrying it, but i did not need it. I thought that i would drop the ruler off in the house. I headed south to the house. I was then aware that the women to the north were watching me. I thought that they were suspicious of me. I stopped to the east of the house. It was daytime now, and the cars were parked just to the south of the house, on the western side of the driveway. I dropped the things i had been carrying in my arms near the cars, thinking that i would pick them up once i got the keys. I did not want to have to carry them. The house was to the northwest of me now, and i was standing near the southern end of the driveway. I knew that my parents were in the house at the moment, and i was aware that the women to the north were still watching me. I moved to the south, into the street. I was on the sidewalk of the suburban block. I headed east and quickly came to the corner of the block. Two people were coming from the north, down the sidewalk no the western side of the street, heading toward us. They were a man and a woman, and they were jogging. $Z, whom i had been walking with, was to the east of me now, and he pointed out the shirt that the woman was wearing. I noticed the crossed-bones figure, and i recognized the logo. It was from a $G4 group. I realized that the man in the yellow shirt was setting a trail, and i asked him about it as he approached me. I remembered looking up the local $G4 group here before. The two people greeted us, and the woman said that the trail was in a half hour. We chatted briefly before the two continued on their way. I felt happy to see people setting trail, and i wondered if i should do it. This place seemed like Vermont, and i thought that i had not yet done a trail here.

We stood in the east-to-west street in the suburban area. I was talking to the others in the small group as i looked at the small houses to the north. Some of the people were doing something in front of the houses to the north. They seemed like a $G4 group, and i watched them for a moment. I then started heading to the east, on the northern sidewalk. Cars were coming from the east down the street, and they had their signals to turn across the sidewalk just in front of me. I slowed to a walk, waiting for the cars to cross the sidewalk. The cars seemed to move slowly, and i felt annoyed with them. I then realized that some of the cars had parked on the sidewalk. A white pickup truck was just to the east of me. I was annoyed that the people blocked the sidewalk. The street ahead of me curved to the east-southeast, and i moved to the south, into the road to get around the parked cars. I stopped suddenly in the middle of the street. I was no longer on the same street that i had been on. Trees shaded this street, while the other street had no tall trees. People were on the northern side of the street, talking, and i was standing on the southern side of the street. I felt a little confused. I then noticed two people to the east of me on the street. A woman was walking with a man to the south of her. She seemed very familiar, and i thought that she was $A381. I started following them to say hello to her. She had her back to me as she walked, and she was wearing a plain sleeveless gray dress. The man to the south of her had a dark jacket on. He did seem like $A379, but i was not quite sure. I thought that it must be him, though, because i was sure that the woman was $A381. Before i could catch up to them, they turned to the south, into an alley. I reached the alley and turned the corner. The two people were not that far from me now, and i could see a crowd gathered a little farther down the alley. I ran up behind the two and grabbed the backs of their shirts to get their attention. They continued talking to each other as though i was an annoyance that would go away, but they eventually stopped and turned to look at me. I said hello, greeting them with my hands together in front of my chest. I smiled at them. It seemed good to see them.

12021 September 15

I was in the house, which seemed like my grandmother’s house, and i was talking to the others there. I seemed to be there for a while, and i seemed to have been sleeping. It was night now, and i stood up and walked to the east, across the room. I as though i had been visiting this place. I was sleeping in the bed, which was now to the west of me in the room. Another person was sleeping on the western side of the bed, and i was sleeping on the eastern side. This seemed strange, and i felt uncomfortable. I started to the east again, now inside the bus where the bed was. The bed seemed to be at the back of the bus, and i was heading down the aisle toward the front. We had been sleeping in the bus while visiting this place. I then headed west, leaving the bus and coming out onto the parking lot. It was dark out, but the area was well lighted. I had moved the bus to this parking lot, which was to the west of the main area. I wanted the bus to be out of the way of other people. I thought that this was a tour bus for a specific group of people. A building was to the south of me, along the southern side of the parking area. The sound of old country music was playing in the background, and i looked into the open door of the building, which seemed like an old diner. The room inside seemed mostly pale blue in color. A man sat near the door, clicking a mallet on a small block of wood. I knew that other people i knew were already inside the building, but i did not go in. The man near the door stopped the music because i was standing near him. He looked up at me and told me that the bus needed attention. Another an followed me as i headed to the west, back to the bus. I was telling him how i would get the bus ready, stating that it was now in the parking lot. I noticed that the bus had been rolling to the south, though. I felt annoyed, and i hurried into it to stop it from rolling farther. I felt frustrated as i sat behind the wheel on the southern side of the bus. I would have to back the bus up now, and i knew that it would not be easy in the parking lot. I started moving the bus, but i worried about hitting the other cars around me. I was not quite able to see them. I was now facing east. I had turned the bus to get it parallel to the large building to the south of us. $F42 and $F46 were standing in the driveway just to the east of me. They watched me nervously as i tried to maneuver the bus. I felt too close to the cars around me, and i nicked the blue car that was just to the north of me. $F42 talked about the car. I looked at it, noticing the rippled metal in a small area on the southeastern fender. I felt bad that i had hit the car, but i had to get the bus back to the other area where i had originally parked it. I turned to the north and walked across the room. I was in the dining room of my grandmother’s house. I could hear something scratching at the back door of the house, which was i the western end of the northern wall of the room. I looked out the door an saw a stray black cat. I closed the door so that the cat could not get into the house, but i thought that i should get some food for the cat to eat outside. I felt bad for the cat.

12021 September 16

I felt uncomfortable, and i walked to the west, across the room. The room was mostly white, and it seemed to be part of a large building. My mother was to the west of me, and she was following me to the east, talking to me. She seemed concerned about something, but i tried to tell her that i was okay. I did not feel happy, though. She stopped in a doorway as i walked to the next room. I felt as though i had eaten a large amount of chocolate. I did not want my mother to know, because she would think that i was feeling depressed. I felt that i was hiding something from her, though. I leaned against one of the white walls to the north of me, and i started unwrapping a small bar of chocolate. I could hear my mother talking to someone to the southwest of me. I did not want her to know that i was eating chocolate. As she spoke, i could hear that she was talking to $K2. He seemed concerned as well, and he told her that he thought that i was eating a lot of chocolate. I tried to hide the small chocolate bar that i was unwrapping. As i unwrapped it, though, i noticed that the chocolate bar did not look right. My mother had moved to the east of me, and she was talking with $K2 in the next room. I looked at the chocolate. The edges had many nicks in them, and i thought that a small rodent had chewed the edges of the chocolate. My stomach felt a little upset from the chocolate i had eaten earlier, and i wondered why i wanted to open up another chocolate bar. I decided that i could not eat this one, though. I started moving to the south, across the room. My mother and $K2 were following me. I pretended that i did not notice them as i walked into the large room where the swimming pool was. The floor and walls seemed to be covered with tiles. I still held something in my left hand, which is where i was holding the chocolate bar. The object seemed to be a round glass lens in a metal rim. I walked to the northern edge of a small pool and shook the glass in front of me. Water splashed out into the pool. I was aware that my mother and $K2 were still to the north of me, but they were out of sight around the doorway. I suddenly felt that i should get away from them. I knew that they were worried about me, but i did not want to be around them. I felt mischievous, and i shook out the water from the glass bulb again. I then hurried to the east to try to get away from my relatives. I was aware that they were following me. I walked quickly to the northeast, pretending that i did not know that they were following me. As i pushed open a door and let it close behind me, i started running to get farther away. I was now in a stairwell, and i hurried down the stairs. I knew that the man with my mother was in a wheelchair, so i knew that he would not be able to easily take the stairs. I thought that i would now be able to get away from them. At the bottom of the stairs, i moved toward the door in the northern wall. The double glass doors led outside. As i pushed open the doors, i heard the man in the wheelchair say that the stairs would not deter him; he would force himself down them just to catch me. I wondered if they would be able to catch up to me.

12021 September 24

The others had finished discussing something and stood up. I stood in the center of the room, near the southern side of what seemed to be the audience. A woman sat to the southeast of us in a single chair, and a few other people were to the south, near the southern wall. The room seemed very plain, with smooth gray walls. The people to the south seemed to be judges, and the woman had been sentenced to death. As everyone started to leave, the woman started sobbing. She was scared and shaking. I wondered if she had actually done something. I felt upset for her, but i was not sure what to do, so i stood and watched as the others started escorting her away. She looked at me, but i did not look directly back. I felt upset for her. Some people started slowly escorting her to the northwest. A corridor seemed to lead out of the room to the north, flush with the western wall. I turned with the other person and started walking to the north. I thought that i had to leave so that i did not have anything further to do with the trial. As i turned to the north, i noticed the metal bowls on the ground. They seemed to be dishes for the dogs. Several had water, and the empty ones seemed to be for food. One wide low metal bowl with a flat bottom had a low mound of food in it. The food had been soaked and dried. It looked as though a dog might have eaten the food and then vomited it up into the bowl. I bent over to pick up the bowl. I thought that we should clean it out. The man with me now seemed to be $F71. He grabbed another bowl to do something with it, and i turned to the southwest. I dumped out the water in the bowl, but i was not sure what i should do with the soggy food. I turned to a man who was to the south of me, gesturing that i did not know here to put the food. He seemed to be a veterinarian, and he seemed to be wearing a long white coat. He said something as he walked with the others to the north. The woman followed. She kept staring at me, as if to get some help, but i was not sure what to do. I felt very upset for her, and i wanted to do something, but i did not think that there was anything i could do. The men escorted her to the north, out the large opening in the northern wall of the corridor. I stopped near the end of the hall, aware of a stall to the west. I felt very upset.

I sat at a table on the southern side of the group, looking at the paper on the surface in front of me. The others were gathered around the table to the north of me: two on the east and one on the west. The table was rectangular, and the person on the west was sitting near the northern end of the table. The teacher came from the west, talking about the test. We would have to start it soon. I looked at the sheet of paper. The female teacher said that the test was very easy. I knew that it only had five or six questions on it, and i knew that they were supposed to be very simple questions. The teacher sat down at the table as we started the test. I read the first question and answered it. I then flipped over the paper and looked at the second. It asked a question about a place, mentioning a word that i recognized. I knew that the word was similar to “apothecary” and had to do with mixing medicines for the sake of testing them out. The teacher motioned me to the north, and i stood up, taking the test with me as i started moving to the northeast. The teacher seemed to be $A623, and she was driving the car to the north, across the dirt lot of the pub as i read the papers of the test. I wondered why i was being taken somewhere while the others were still doing the test at the table in the pub. I knew that the test was easy, though, so i turned the page. The second page of the test had the word “yes” printed at the top left. I was supposed to answer the question about the place. I flipped through the pages and found a large golden sheet that mentioned the apothecary at the top. Large words on the document said something about the medicinal testing in the area. The large letters were printed on three or four lines down the page, and they had rows of heads between them. The heads seemed somewhat like cattle heads, but the faces were more human. The horns were long and thin and stuck out from the paper. Small cymbals hung on the thin horns. The design seemed Southwestern United States, but it was all rendered on a golden page. I turned the page to see a similar sheet of paper mentioning morphine. I knew that the answer to the question was “yes”. I would then have to specify the two things from the pages on the form as products of the area in question. We continued to drive to the north. I wondered why i was being taken somewhere. It would have been easier to take the test in the bar with the others.

12021 September 25

I followed the others to the south. We were jogging. It was daytime, but the light seemed to be getting dim, even though the sky seemed to be bright gray. We were jogging down a grassy corridor in a farming area. A wall or row of shrubs seemed to be to the west of us. I glanced to the east, into the rows of tall plants. The rows seemed to be part of a vineyard, with thick vine-covered mounds that ran roughly to the east from us. The shadows were very heavy in the rows, and i could not make out any details. Someone ahead of me seemed upset by something, and the others echoed the worry. I wondered if someone was in the rows of plants. I came to the southern end of the vineyard and turned to the east. The others had gathered in the open space to the south of the vines. There were about seventy to a hundred people in the group, which seemed to be $G4. They had been running on a trail. People started running from the eastern side of the vineyard, returning to the larger group. I wondered what was wrong. The trail was supposed to round the southern end of the vineyard and then head north up the eastern side. Someone then said something about a bear. I wondered if a bear was in the vines to the north of us. I pictured a brown bear sitting among the rows. I thought that we should stay together in a large group, and maybe the bear would leave us alone. I started moving to the north, along the eastern side of the vineyard. The others moved with me. I pictured the large group moving as a cluster to the north. An the northern edge of the field, they turned to the east. I thought that we would have to stay together. The larger group would deter the bear from attacking anyone. I then thought that, if confronted by the bear, we should show the bear as many people as possible. I picture the group from above. It was a long oval mass on the southern side of the orchard or vineyard, moving east. I imagined the bear to be to the east of the group. The group should not remain in a narrow oval. I imagined the front of the group spreading out to the south, so that the bear could see more people. This should make the bear less likely to attack.

I entered the building from the west, coming into the short corridor that was the entryway. I stopped just inside the doorway, with the door held open to the north of me. $A818 was lying on the floor just to the northwest of me. She had her head to the east, and she looked up at me. A gray wall was just to the north of her head, but it ended near her shoulders, where the room opened up. Others were to the southwest of me. I asked her what she was doing, and she responded casually. I then noticed that she had something attached to her left wrist. The thin wire ran from her wrist to a small rectangular basket that was on the floor near the northern wall, just to the northwest of $A818. $A808 then said something from the northeast of me. I did not want to disturb $A818, so i walked on to the northwest. I had to get my things from this place, where $G4 had been staying. I walked into the dormitory through the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. A few steps led from the doorway up into the room. A bunk bed was just to the north of me. Everything seemed to be dark gray. I walked to the west a little, looking at a bunk bed that was against the southern wall. A short wall seemed to separate a square area of the southwestern corner of the room. I thought that a set of stairs descended to the east into the area, running down to the pool and locker rooms. I would have to head down to the locker rooms to shower. I thought that i would have to shower before i collected my things to leave. It seemed that everyone would be leaving this place soon. I turned to the east and started back across the room. My things seemed to be on the lower bunk of one of the beds to the northeast of me. I then wondered if anyone else was in the room, sleeping. I looked over the flat gray upper bunks of the beds. I noticed that the bed just to the northeast of me had a long lump of someone sleeping in it. As i moved to the east, i decided that two people were sleeping in the bed next to each other. I would have to be quiet.

12021 September 26

I turned and started walking to the south, saying something to the other person. As i did, i heard a thump. I turned to look back to the north. I was on the southern end of the western side of the room. The room was not that large, and it seemed to have a pool in the middle. Three people were standing along the western side of the pool at a counter that overlooked the pool. The surfaces of the room seemed to be covered with dull-orange tiles. A short wall, about a meter or so tall, ran around the pool, and a narrow corridor, about a meter and a half wide, ran between the short wall and the western wall of the room. Square columns seemed to run up to the ceiling at regular intervals from the top surface of the wall, which was the counter. The three people, who were dressed in black, were all evenly spaced along the length of the counter, mostly toward the southern side of the counter. They looked as though they were at podiums of a game show. They were dressed in black, and they seemed to be East Asian. I looked over the wall and into the pool. The water of the pool was about a meter below the floor level, and the water only seemed to be about a deci deep. To my surprise, i saw a man lying on his back in the water. He was against the western wall of the pool, just under one of the women, who was one of the three on the side of the pool. I suddenly realized that the man must have fallen into the pool. $Z was to the west of me, and i started walking back to the north, concerned for the man. I asked the others if he was conscious. They did not answer. I wondered why they were not trying to do anything for the man. I part of his face seemed to be under water, and i wondered if he had inhaled any water into his lungs. I felt very concerned, and i rushed along the western side of the pool to get to the northern side. The wall did not seem to be on the northern side of the pool. The bottom of the pool seemed to be covered with orangish-tan rounded pebbles. I stopped at the northern side of the pool, wondering if i remembered enough CPR to be of help to the man. I thought that i might have to drain water from his lungs and start him breathing again. I stopped just on the northern side and pulled off my shoes. I then wondered why i would have bothered.

I moved to the west to join the others, who had stopped on the southern side of the long rectangular glassy area. I seemed to be with $G4, and they had been running on a trail. As i reached the group, i noticed some items of clothing and other things on a table to the northwest. I remembered that the other table was where we had stopped earlier. The others talked as i joined them. I thought that we would eventually have to go back to the other area to complete the run. The others seemed to have been here a while, and i felt that people were anxious to move on. Something about this area then seemed uncomfortable. I looked to the west, noticing gray clouds over the sky, and i thought that it was getting colder or starting to rain. I suggested that we continue, and the others quickly agreed. I thought that we would have to head back to the picnic table to the northwest, along the northern side of the long narrow strip of grass. People started moving, and i moved to the north, into the center of the grassy area, watching the things to the north. I could not quite see the place anymore, and i started to feel unfocused. I was still with the others, but i could no longer see them as they moved. It seemed that $F71 and some other people were around me. I then thought that $A682 was also with the crowd. I felt that i woke up. It seemed later, and i was lying on a surface with my head to the north. I could not see where i was, but i was aware of people to the east of me. I then felt that i was lying with my head in someone’s lap. The person was to the east of me and seemed to be leaning over me, petting my head. I felt groggy and unable to focus. It felt warm and comforting, and i thought that it must be $F71 holding me. I then thought that it might also be $A682. I thought that he might have taken me somewhere where he could comfort me, even though he would know that i was no longer interested in being with him. My body was to the southeast of me, and i reached up with my right hand to touch the person’s head. I thought that i might be able to recognize the person’s head by touch. I felt annoyed that it might be $A682. As i moved my hand over the person’s head, i felt thin stiff hair just over the person’s face. I looked up, but i could not quite see the person’s face. The person had his head tipped back so that all i could see was his chin. I knew that it was not $F71, and i felt upset with the person for bringing me here. I thought that it must be $A682. The hair looked a little like his, and i thought that the chin fit what he looked like. It was dark again, and i tried opening my eyes again. I focused on opening them just a little so that the person would not think that i was fully awake. I wanted to open them just enough so that i could see. I was having trouble seeing, though. I opened my left eye enough to notice that i had a headband over my eyes. It was a blue flannel headband. I must have been wearing it to block the light from my eyes. I could see part of the room below the band with my left eye, but i was unable to see anything with my right eye, because it was fully covered. I realized that i must not have been able to see $A682’s face when i brushed his head before. I must have imagined that. I focused on what i was seeing in my right eye, wondering if i could see things in the grayness that i currently saw. I pulled the headband up and looked up at the person. My right hand was still under the person’s chin, and i was pushing his head up and to the north. I did not recognize the person. He had night skin on his face, with high cheek bones. His features had hints of East Asian descent. He seemed attractive, but i did not know who he was. I suddenly worried that i had been drugged the night before, and i thought that this man must have brought me here. He seemed very young. I thought that i had to get away, and i grabbed his neck and pressed on the sides to cause him to black out. I thought about this for a moment, not able to see the area. I wondered if the man had forcibly taken me. I thought that he might be strong, and i thought that he could punch me in the sides of the head to stop me from choking him. I wondered how i could maneuver myself so that he could not punch my head before he passed out. I seemed to be moving as i thought about this. I was then standing up. The man had passed out, and he was lying on the floor to the east of me. I had to get out of here before he woke up. The wall to the south of me was covered with shelfs that had small plastic toys and trinkets on them. A blue bicycle stood in front of the shelfs, with its handlebars turned toward me. I thought that this looked like a dorm room, and i wondered if the man was a college student. I looked to the west to see a bed in the middle of the room. Some gray clothes were on it, and i thought that i would have to change out of my pants and into the gray clothing to leave. I moved toward the bed, noticing a pair of dark-navy-blue denim shorts on the bed. They seemed to be knee-length shorts, and they seemed very small. I thought that the man had a very short stature. A large patch was on the back pocket of the shorts. It was shaped like a pennant with a pointed end: a rectangle with a triangular point at the bottom. It was dark gray with black letters across it. In the center of the upper part was the digit five. It also seemed to be “57”. A word was above the number, and a few lines of text were below, extending down into the point. I knew that these belonged to the man, and i decided that i should see if i could find the man’s license so that i could find out who he was. I picked up the pants and felt for the pockets. I pulled a dark-blue nylon wallet out of the pocket and opened it up. It folded in half. It did not seem to have any obvious pockets, but the inside on both sides had zipped pockets. I unzipped the pockets, hoping to find a license, but i could not get the cards in the pockets pulled out enough. I felt frustrated as i hurried to get the identification before the man woke up. I then thought that he would have to keep an identification card someplace that was easy to access, so i flipped over the wallet and looked for places that an identification could easily be put. The back had a long pocket with a zipper, so i tried opening that. I thought that i could take a picture of the license with my phone, but i then wondered if i actually had my phone with me.

12021 September 27

The other person was still in the room to the south of me, but i moved into the small room to the north. The rooms were open to each other on the western ends. Along the southern wall of the room to the north was a piano. It seemed to be an electric piano, but it was the size of a low upright piano. It had a shiny black finish. I had to get some of the things ready, and i had them stored in this room. I would need to take them with me to the graduation ceremony. I moved to the north of the piano, looking at the cardboard boxes that were stacked just under the keyboard of the piano. I grabbed several of the boxes and moved them to the north, out from under the piano. I would have to bring them to the graduation ceremony. Someone to the west of me had mentioned the hats that were in some of the boxes. I thought that they were the dress hats for graduation. I had ordered them for people, and i would be passing them out at the ceremony. I realized that there were many more boxes than hats, though. I looked at a few of the low boxes as i moved them to the north. The tops of the boxes were square and about a deci and a half wide and a half deci tall. A plastic window was in the center of each top. Through the window i could see punching gloves. I had ordered the gloves as well, and i would need to distribute them to the people in my Tae Kwon Do class. I moved some of the boxes to the edge of the large bed, which against the northern wall and just to the northwest of me. I turned to the northwest to stack more of them in the center of the bed. I then realized that some of the people in my martial-arts class would not be at the graduation. As i stacked some of the gloves on the bed, which now seemed shorter from me to the wall, i thought that i would have to contact the people in my class to have them come and get their gloves. I remembered that i had the list of their names and e-mail addresses, so i thought that i could write to them. It then seemed strange that i would contact them by e-mail outside of the instructor. I moved back to the west and headed into the other room. My mother was there, and she said something to me. I still had to pack up the things and move them. My mother said that we would be staying here tonight. I had not expected this. This house now seemed as though it belonged to my grandfather. He had not been staying here, because he was sick, but i remembered staying in the house before. I moved to the east, across the room to the south. This was a bedroom where i had been staying. A small bathroom was to the north of the long narrow bedroom, on the eastern side of the room. I remembered that the windows in the bathroom looked out at the neighbors’ house to the north. My mother stayed on the western side of the room, saying something to me as i walked to the east. I would have to arrange my things here. I had not expected to stay the night again. I walked into the bathroom, which had a large multipane window in the northern wall. I could see the glass windows of an enclosed porch just to the north of us. The neighbors’ house was only a few meters from the window of the house i was in. I thought that i should close the drapes over the bathroom window so that i did not disturb the neighbors. I then headed back across the outside room. I had moved the boxes to the bed, but i would have to sleep on the bed. I walked to the north, back into the western end of the bedroom. I told my mother that the bed was now covered with the boxes. I could see the piano on the southern side of the room. It was now clear of boxes, but it seemed to be crowded with tall flat boxes just to the north of it and stacks of the other boxes to the north of those. I would have to clean the boxes off of the bed in order to sleep. I thought that i really needed to move the piano, though. I moved into the room, looking at the things on the bed. It would now be easy to pull the piano out of the room, but i would need help from others. I thought about whom i could ask for help. I would need someone with a truck. I thought about this as i moved around the boxes, looking at the things that would have to be transported. I had several things to move. I then looked at the back of the black pick-up truck that was to the east of me. It was facing east, and a number of people were gathered around it. I thought about how to move the things, and i thought that the people could help. I moved around the eastern side of the truck. I then knew that the people gathered here had come for some specific reason. They were gathering around the truck to get ready for a rally or meeting, which seemed to be to the northwest of us. The truck was now facing south on a long road in a rural area. I was aware of a man standing in the back of the truck. He turned to look at me, and i felt that he wanted me to do something for the gathering. I felt obligated to do something, but i was not sure what i should do. I looked in the back of the pick-up truck to see a large cake. It had white frosting and something printed on the top in black letters. I thought that i was supposed to do something with the cake, but i just looked it over at the moment. I did not want to do anything with it, but i knew that the man would want me to do something. I felt awkward for not taking any action here. I wondered what i should do. A woman’s voice could then be heard from the northwest. I had been standing near the rear of the truck, which had the tailgate down. I backed into the road, to the south, and looked to the northwest. The land around us was rolling, and we were on a shallow hill. The road dipped into a shallow valley just to the north of us and then rose again into a taller hill to the west. The hill was forested to the northwest of us, and i could not see where the crowd of the event was, but i knew they were in a clearing beyond the trees. The woman’s voice was carrying over the trees. She was talking about the event, which seemed to be a rally of some kind. As she spoke, there was a sudden boom. Her voice seemed surprised by it, and she said that it was thunder. The people around me felt suddenly concerned, and i hopped off of the truck, which i had been standing on. I then wondered why i had felt that it would be safer not to stand on the truck if there was lightning near us. We were not that much higher than anything else around. I looked into the sky to the north, which now seemed like the west. I could hear a roll of thunder start with high crackling noises to the southwest and run down into deep rumbling noises to the northwest. I could not see the lightning in the sky, but something seemed to discolor the faint-blue of the mottled clouds that covered the sky. The discoloration was a thin line that ran horizontally. The others started gathering their things to leave. I thought that i should head back to my car. I then realized that i had parked my car on top of the hill to the west. It seemed a long way away, and i realized that it was farther than where the others had parked. Most of them seemed to have parked along the northern side of the road near where the pick-up truck was. I started moving to the west, feeling that it was so far to walk up the steep hill to the west. I then saw another thin dark discoloration streak downward in the western sky. I heard another sound of thunder. The thin line did not look like lightning, but i thought that it must have been. I would have to hurry to my car before the storm hit. I looked down at the bags that i was carrying in my hands. I had been holding both bags in my left hand. They were shopping bags that were made out of a synthetic canvas material. The larger bag on the southern side was off-white, and the smaller bag was purple. I switched the purple bag to my right hand so that i could be more balanced as i ran. I hurried up the hill. I imagined that it would probably start raining just as i got to my car. As i moved along the southern side of my car, i pictured large drops of rain just starting to fall. I decided that they should not actually start until i had put my things in my car, though. That way, i could already be in the car just as the heavy rain reached me.

12021 September 28

I was following the trail with the other $G4, and we were inside a building. I stood to the south of the others as they talked about where we should be going. We were in a large room, but we were on a balcony on the eastern end of the northern wall. The trail crossed the room, and we had to figure out how to get across it. I looked out over the room. The dirt floor of the room was about five meters below us, so we would not easily be able to jump down and cross the floor of the room. Several wooden structures were on the floor, so i thought that there would be some tricky way of crossing the room on the structures. It seemed that this room was underground. I watched the others as they started moving to the west. We were now on a narrow catwalk that was against the southern wall. One of the women, who seemed like $A819, started heading to the north but stopped suddenly. I saw another woman moving to the west along the balcony. She held on to the black mesh fencing that was under the metal railing along the northern side of the catwalk. $A819 turned around to the south and laughed, saying that she almost ran to the north. I could see a gap in the railing at the corner of the room, where the two narrow balconies met. $A819 had motioned to the north, where black mesh ran along the eastern side of the room. I thought that she was going to run on the narrow edge just under the mesh, on the outside of the balcony. She did not because she realized that she would have been running the wrong direction. She would have to run along the mesh to the west to follow everyone else. I started moving along the balcony to the west, wondering why someone would bother climbing along the outside of the balcony on the mesh. As i moved, i passed a woman who was climbing along the mesh just inside the railing. A little farther down, another woman was hanging from the outside of the mesh. I stopped at a balcony on the western side of the room. The room seemed roughly square now, and the dirty cement walls were pale gray. The thin balconies that ran around the upper part of the room were about three meters from the ceiling, and they seemed wooden and crude. I realized that they did not go all the way around the room. The room seemed to be roughly ten to fifteen meters north to south and twenty to twenty-five meters east to west. The dirt floor below us had patches where the dirt seemed soft and unpacked. The wooden equipment in the center of the room stood taller that the other objects. I watched some of the others on the balcony on the western end of the northern wall. I wondered if it would be possible to jump down from the balconies onto the dirt floor. I looked over the edge of the wooden balcony that i was on. The western wall of the room was now several meters away, and i could see the brown dirt floor below. I thought that it might be possible to climb over the railing and hang from under the balcony before jumping. I looked to the northwest, and the wooden ledge on the northern wall, where a few people were. The height was too high to jump directly, but someone might be able to jump if they lowered themselves. I thought about how it would work, deciding that someone would have to collapse their legs as they landed to slow the fall. I considered jumping down into the dirt, but i thought that it might not be a good idea. I was then on the balcony on the western end of the southern wall. Two people were on the dirt floor of the room below. They had climbed down to try to cross. One of them seemed to be $A649. She was with a man, and she seemed concerned. I remembered that she did not like being underground, and i thought that we should get out of the tunnels quickly. She was wearing something that seemed pale-yellow and tan. She turned to look up at me, and she seemed nervous. I said something to her, and she moved toward me. I thought that i would help her up onto the balcony where i was. I pulled her up as some of the others talked near me. I was then laying on my back on the balcony as the others tried to get to where we were. $A649 moved to the east of me and sat on my chest. She was joking about something by doing this. I did not mind, and i let her rest there for a moment. The other spoke. I then felt that we had to get out of this place. I started moving down the hallway to the east. I was now by myself. This place seemed like an old school building, with thick large tiles on the walls. The tiles seemed to be tan. I walked on a ledge that overlooked a lower part of the hallway to the north of me. I felt that i had to get to someplace to the east before it was too late. I reached the eastern end of the hallway and looked down a steep set of stairs that descended to the north. $A820 was at the bottom of the stairs. He seemed to be on his way up the stairs. He was wearing a sleeveless T-shirt, and i could see that he was nicely muscled. His T-shirt had tan and thick pale-red horizontal stripes. He had just come from the gym, and he was heading up the stairs toward me. I talked to him as he approached me. I then noticed that he was moving up the stairs slowly. He was sitting down against the eastern wall as he climbed. I remembered that he was in a wheelchair, so he would have to take the stairs slowly. I felt that i should help him up, but i felt that he might not want to be helped. I watched him pull his chair up the steps as we talked. Someone else was then with us. We were on the narrow platform that was the southern part of the corridor. I crouched against the southern wall, talking to the third person, who was sitting on the floor to the northeast of me. $A820 then sat in front of me, to the north of me, and leaned back against me. I felt inconvenienced, but i did not mind that he was leaning against me. I thought that it should be nice to hold someone as i sat. I continued speaking to the third person as i sat, holding $A820. I was then aware that $A611 was coming from the west, down the corridor. I continued talking to the others, but the scene had changed. I still had to go to the east to get something. I could see the doorway in the eastern end of the room that led to the kitchen. I thought that i had to get some food before the cafeteria closed. I felt a little anxious to get there, but i was still talking to the other person. Someone then mentioned something, and i looked to the northwest at the book shelfs that were on the northern wall of the room. I moved to the west to look at one of the books. It was a yearbook, and it seemed like it was from my high school and of my graduation year. I flipped through the pages, looking at the old black-and-white images. $A643 was to the east of me as we looked through the book. I seemed to be looking for something specific. $A643 mentioned that there was something about the book, and i noticed that one of the pages of text had sections missing. A small animal had chewed the paper, leaving oddly shaped holes missing across the page. The lower right corner of the page was missing, and the ragged edge seemed to have small semicircular bites out of it. I told $A643 that it looked like bugs had gotten into the books. She agreed with me. I flipped to the front of the book, looking for something. I was now looking at the pages on an old screen to the north of me. As i flipped through the opening pages, the pages slided horizontally across the screen, which looked like a projection of an old movie. The cover page had a thick green border and green letters on a black background. The green was pale and stood out from the almost-black screen. The letters seemed worn, with rounded edges, like one would see in an old movie reel. I flipped forward in the book, looking at some of the other introductory pages. $A643 moved near me again, looking over my right shoulder at the book. She was wondering what i was doing. I showed her the pages, telling her that i was looking for the title page. I stopped on a screen that showed white text near the bottom. I remembered seeing something like a title page before, but i explained to $A643 that i had not seen anything that seemed like a regular title page. I flipped backward in the book, hitting the green page again. I asked her how one would cite things in the book; the standard details of the book did not seem to be here. I then closed the book, telling her about the insects that had been chewing the page. She said that she knew about them. I turned over the book, noticing an oddly shaped cavity on the bottom of the book, where some insects had dug out a small conical shape in the closed paged. Turning over the book, i flipped it open. The entire inside of the spine was now an open cavity, with small curving shapes carved into the stack of pages on either side. $A643 seemed disappointed by this. I told her that the bugs had infested the book, and i wondered if the bugs had been brought into the library with the book or if they were in any of the other books. A few long narrow insects flitted down the northern end of the pages as i held the book open to the north of me. The book was tall and not that wide. Two small black insects had appeared from holes in the book and stopped in my sight. One was facing me. It looked like an elongated ant with long narrow wings, somewhat like a wasp. It flipped its wings a few times before running into a hole to the east of it. I closed the book, wondering what we should do about the insects. I hoped that they were not all over the library. I then headed to the east, thinking again that i had to get to the cafeteria before it closed. I hoped that i was not too late. I could see the open doorway at the end of the corridor to the east of me. It seemed to lead into the kitchen.