12022 September 01

I drove the car to the northwest, through the outskirts of the city, which seemed like Albany. This was a place that i had not been to in a very long time. It felt strange to be here, thought, as though i had come here unexpectedly. I remembered driving through this neighborhood, which seemed like a very old neighborhood of the city. $F4 was in the passenger’s seat of the car. It felt good to be here again, but i felt uncomfortable being here again. I was not sure that i could remember the way across the city. I tried to focus on the route, but i could not remember how to go. I hoped that i would remember the way as i saw the area i was traveling through. $F4 was talking to me, and i responded to him. I then turned to the north, suddenly aware of the road i was on. A blue car was stopped at an intersection ahead of me. I suddenly felt as though i had not been paying attention. I braked the car, feeling uncomfortable that i had not been paying as much attention as i should have been paying. I wondered if i should not have been talking to $F4 so much. Something felt wrong. I tried to focus on where i was going. I seemed to be close to $P7. This seemed to be the way i traveled to $P7. I turned a corner. A large gray stone building was on the southeastern corner of the intersection, very close to the road. As i rounded the corner and faced east, i came to a stop. A large tan building was ahead of me, crossing from the gray stone building to the south of me, which i knew was $P7, and the building to the north. I made a noise of surprise to $F4 as i stopped the car. I knew that the building to the north was a field house, and i knew that the structure had been built to connect the two buildings, but i still felt surprised at the size and design of the building. I did remember a building here the last time i came to $P7. The large tan structure to the east of me was three or four stories tall, and it had high arched windows on the middle floor. Most of the surface of the structure was flat and seemed to have the texture of sandpaper. The lower level of the building had arches in the eastern side, exposing a large empty space under the building. Arches seemed to be in the eastern side as well, but i could not see them. People were sitting under the building. They seemed to be in rows and columns, but only a handful of people were there. A woman sat just south of center. She slouched slightly in her chair, and she had long black hair that hung over her shoulders. She seemed to be wearing dress pants and a dress coat, but her coat was unbuttoned, exposing the white shirt under it. It seemed that the people were watching me as we came to a stop, and i felt a little uncomfortable here. $F4 said something, and i knew that he was heading into the building to the south. I stood for a moment, unsure what to do. I knew that i had to move the car out of the way, though. The people in the chairs to the east seemed to be getting ready for a formal ceremony. I felt that i did not quite belong in this place, but i had once belonged here. I turned to the west to move the car. A man in a formal suit approached me from the south, saying something to me. He seemed to be an attendant in this place, and i thought that he was telling me something about the ceremony. I felt that i should move the car.

12022 September 02

I entered the room from the north, talking to someone. The room was square and about eight meters to a side. It seemed worn and only for show. The furnishings in the room were attached to the walls and seemed only a deci or so thick. The room was changing and moving. I looked to the east, knowing that the walls slided up and down, moving the room into different scenes. The eastern wall was dull white, and it had wear marks where the floor and ceiling scraped as they moved up and down. The floor of the room seemed to be made of thin wood slats that ran north to south. A gap in the floor ran along the center of the eastern wall. It was about a half deci wide and ran about two meters along the wall. I knew that it was a space for things to slide up from below. I felt aware of someone to the south of me, but i could not see the person. A window or cabinet was now in the northern side of the eastern wall. It had pink or transparent red curtains over it. A door opened behind the curtains, and something extended from it. It was a mechanical creature that waved. This room had the feeling of a carnival ride to it. I was then aware of a hatch in the center of the floor, just to the south of me. The room seemed to have just changed, and i stepped onto the platform. I then realized that i should not be on it, because something would come up from below. I backed against the southern wall, still aware of someone to the south of me. The hatch lifted up, swinging toward me. A cabinet rose from the floor. I could only see the flat back surface of it, but i thought that something must be on the shelfs on the northern side of it. The things would display for people to the north. I seemed to be crouched or sitting on the floor, but i pressed myself against the southern wall to get out of the way of the door. I then thought that i should round the cabinet to see who was in the other side. I thought that the person was probably wondering where i had gone. I moved around the cabinet. Something then moved onto the southern wall. I then noticed a door to the southeast of me, in the southern end of the eastern wall. The door was a little shorter than i. I moved toward it, and it opened to the south. A mechanical horse was inside, and it moved out. A man seemed to be sitting on it. He was dressed like a knight. I knew that he was part of the mechanical animations, but he seemed like a real person. I felt interested it him, and i wondered if he would be interested in talking to me. I then thought that he might find it curious that i was interested in talking to one of the people who work in the room.

12022 September 05

I stood outside in the city with the other people. We were moving slowly to the west, along the northern side of the street. The man to the west of me pointed out the guns to the southwest of us. I looked across the city. We were on a long street that ran east to west, and i could see the street to the south of us that ran parallel to the one we were on. The cross streets between them seemed to be only about fifty meters long. At the intersection on the southern street were white objects. Crows of people moved along the sidewalks of the street, passing the white thing. The man said that the white things were gatling guns. I remembered that a parade had traveled down the southern street, and it thought that the heavy white guns were to protect the parade from bad people. The word “howitzer” came to mind, but i realized that the guns could not be howitzers. They were too small. I watched one of the guns as we started to pass across the street where it was positioned. Each gun seemed to be on the southern side of the intersection, facing north.

$A822 said something about the object. I looked to the southwest to see the thing in front of me. The body of the object was roughly rectangular. The sides were rounded and sloped inward near the bottom. Two arms curved forward from the sides. The entire shape reminded me of a crab. The tips of the curved arms ended in front of the sides of the object, and six or seven strings crossed between the two arms. I thought that it looked like a musical instrument, but $A822 said that it was a recording device. I tried to imagine how it could work.

12022 September 06

I stood in the open area to the south of the buildings of the town. The people in the town seemed to be hiding among the buildings, but most of them seemed to be to the south of me. I was talking to someone who was near me. The person seemed to be to the east of me. The danger was coming from the north. I saw some of the wolfs running among the buildings. They had invaded the town, and they were attacking the people. I felt afraid of them, and i thought that we had to get away. I was lying on the ground, though. Something seemed wrong. I tried to warn the man next to me, but i was not getting up. I continued to lie on the ground. I saw one of the wolfs heading toward me from the north. Another came around a building to the northwest of me. They seemed to be searching the ground for something. I knew that our escape routes were being cut off. We were trapped here. I felt scared, and i yelled out to the other person, calling “Wolf.”

Something had happened to the south of me, and i headed to the north. The landscape seemed rough, like a rocky desert with low canyons. I moved through narrow channels as i made my way to the north. Hot-air balloons seemed to be rising or hanging in the air all around me. I continued to the north. I crossed a barrier where trees were growing, and i started ascending the long set of stairs, which rose into the air as they climbed to the south. They were like a free-standing set of stairs for an airplane. Several people were walking down another set of stairs, which was just to the east of the one i was on. I thought that they had just come off of the airplane. I also felt that i had just gotten off of an airplane. I focused on one man who was now near the top of the steps to the east of me. He started to descend. He wore a black coat and had a boxy face. His reddish-brown hair was short and fuzzy, and he had a mustache. I realized that he was $A29. I said hello to him while he was still to the southwest of me, and i called him by his first name. He nodded and smiled at me, but i realized that he was probably hiding his identity. He seemed hesitant to say anything more to me. I hoped that i did not reveal his identity to anyone. At the top of the stairs, i started walking to the north. I came into the kitchen-like area. A woman was to the north of me, and a few other people stood to the northwest. One woman had fuzzy long hair, which was tied up. She wore lose clothing and was very skinny. She seemed to scowl at me, and i felt an aversion to her. I told the woman near me that i had to talk to her. She seemed to be the leader of this place. I knew that we had fought over some ideology in the past, and she had come here and i had stayed to the south. We had been enemies, but she understood that i was not acting hostile to her. I told her that i had to speak with her alone. I had to tell her of the crisis to the south. The thin woman walked toward us. She wanted to challenge me, but i was not interested in her. I walked with the woman to the south. We passed through a doorway and stopped just inside a small room, which seemed like a storage cellar. The thin woman stopped in the doorway of the thick cement wall to the north of us. I felt angry with her, and i bitterly stressed that i wanted to talk to the main woman alone. I told her that she was not invited, and i referred to her and the others as disruptors. The tribe that i had come from was in argument with this tribe. We then closed the metal door to the cellar. The cement walls seemed dirty and old, and the heavy steel door of the cellar was painted dull yellow. I felt uneasy, and i gravely told the woman that Strong Hold had fallen. I knew that the words would shock and unnerve her. I felt uneasy as i said this. I then said that the other city had fallen as well. The name of the city seemed to start with a C, and i knew that it was southeast of Strong Hold, where i had come from. I was worried about the invaders, and i knew that the people here would be worried once they realized that two other great cities had already fallen.

I was doing something on the table to the west of me. The room seemed like a kitchen, and others were in the room around me. It seemed to be just after an event, and i was either cleaning up something or preparing something to be put away. I heard someone to the west call my name. I was still in the process of wrapping up the thing on the table. It seemed like a large leg of meat. I took a bite of something, determined to finish before i was interrupted by the conversation. The man calling me seemed to refer to me as the treasurer, and i thought that he was calling me because of my office. I then took a drink of water to wash the food down, and i headed to the west, into the other room. The man who had called my name seemed like $A694. Several people in the room seemed to be from $G3. They were sitting at some of the tables that filled the room. The long wooden tables ran north to south in rows in the room. The man who had called for me was near the eastern side of the room, on the eastern side of one of the tables. Most of the others in the room were in the process of leaving the room, because the event was over. The man pointed out that i had drank from a specific mug. I realized that i probably had some of the liquid still on my face from when i had taken a drink after the food. I walked to the west of the man, putting my right index finger on my upper lip, where i thought the mark would be. The man turned to the east to look at someone else, who seemed to be standing in the wide doorway between the two rooms. The man referred to the man in the doorway, saying that the mark was on the bridge of the nose. I thought that it seemed high, and i said that the glass would have left a mark under my nose, on my upper lip. I stopped to the west of the man as he explained that the mark was on people’s noses and upper lips.

12022 September 08

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as we drove to the west, through the urban area. It seemed rainy, and water was on the roads. We turned to the north and started driving across a bridge. The bridge seemed very narrow, and i was aware of the water underneath the bridge. The bridge seemed rather high, and it seemed like a suspension bridge, but the water did not seem that far below the road under the bridge. This seemed to be somewhere in New York City. The lane of traffic ahead of us was filled with water, and i felt a little wary of traveling on this bridge. I talked to the others about the water, saying that something about it did not seem safe. I felt nervous about the water, thinking that it had something to do with flooding. We then seemed to cross a narrow section of land before starting on another bridge across another body of water. This bridge seemed very much like the first, but the water under it was murky and brown. I thought that this river was dirty, and i thought that it must be the Hudson river. The other river did not seem so polluted. Water still filled the lanes on the bridge. It seemed to be about a deci or two deep, but the cars continued traveling through it. This situation did not feel safe. $A601 was sitting to the west of me, and he commented on the narrow lanes of traffic. I looked at him to see that he was looking at the lanes to the west of us. Each lane of traffic seemed to have its own span of bridge under it, and there were gaps between the different spans. Two lanes were traveling in our direction, and we were in the easternmost lane of the bridge. Both lanes seemed full of water. To the west of us, two other lanes ran on separate spans of the bridge. I knew that they were normally unused lanes of the bridge, but they now had traffic on them. Someone said that the lanes were closed, but they were now in use. $A601 hummed in acknowledgment. I looked again at the murky water below the bridge. It seemed only about five meters below the deck of the bridge. I thought that it should be lower than that. As the bus that we were in started on the span, i suddenly wondered if the bus would hit the water and come to a sudden stop. Something felt wrong about this situation. I looked up at the span of the bridge ahead of us. The thick cable of the suspension bridge was just to the east of us. The span ahead of us dipped a little and then rose slightly on the northern side. We traveled over the rise and started down another long dip on the next span of the bridge. I felt a slight tingle in my abdomen as we passed over the hump and started back down. I looked ahead at the next span. It seemed to be swaying slightly. I thought that the traffic on the bridge must be causing the bridge to swing from side to side. I watched as it drifted slowly to the east. I wondered if it would feel strange to the drivers to be on a span that is swaying. The span then started swinging back to the west. However, it moved more quickly to the west, and it swinged higher than it had to the east. I realized that all of the spans were swinging to the west at what seemed an unnatural angle. I told the others that an earthquake must have hit the area, causing the bridge to sway. The roadway swinged very high to the west, and i thought that it would be okay as long as the cars could stay on the lane. I wondered if the centrifugal force would keep them on the lane. I then thought that it should not be enough once the bridge reached its high point. I told the others to hold on. My view was then darkened by something brown, and i could not see ahead of us. I waited for something to happen.

I sat in the back seat of the car, on the passenger’s side. The car was stopped, and i was looking up through the sunroof at the tall round tower in front of us. We were in a flat area near a city, and the river seemed to be to the north of us. The car faced north, and was stopped about ten meters from the tower. The tower was about ten meters in diameter and about fifty meters tall. It had thin vertical ridges that ran up the length. The top seemed to have narrow vertical windows, and metal ridges seemed to extend just past the roofline. The roof seemed slightly domed, even though i could not see it. $F10 seemed to be in the car to the west of me, and his parents seemed to be in the front seats. $A536 was in the driver’s seat. Something was interesting about the tower, and we were here to watch it. I moved, trying to get a better view of the tower, but i was having trouble seeing it. I then noticed the tall narrow satellite dish to the northeast of the car. It was about ten or twelve meters high, but it seemed shorter. It had a gray column under it that was textured with many tubes and wires. The dish was small, and a long gray spire with similar wire texture to the base pointed out of the dish. The dish seemed to only be about three meters wide, and the spire extended about three meters from the dish. The dish pointed to the top of the tower, but, as i watched it, it moved from position to position in quick motions, pointing to various points in the sky. I thought that it had something to do with the event at the tower. I leaned forward and looked up at the tower again. A burst of fireworks expanded from just behind the top of the tower. This was the event that we had come for. I moved to see it a little better. $F10 moved in the seat to the west of me, saying something. I was then standing outside the car, to the east of the seat where i had been sitting. The satellite dish still seemed to capture my attention, but i noticed that the car was now on the northern edge of a small asphalt parking lot. A tall structure, like a highway overpass, seemed to be to the north of us. The tower rose directly to the north of the car, but a body of water was also to the north of the car, under the overpass. The car rolled forward a little, and i worried that it would roll into the water. I moved toward the car, trying to get it to stop. $A536 then seemed to be driving the car. He backed up the car, turning the tail slightly to the west. The car stopped abruptly, and i noticed that the rear passenger’s tire was flat. The tire had started peeling from the rim so that i could see the metal rim. I felt worried about the car.

I moved quickly to the west-northwest, heading across the wide grassy yard. From time to time, i lay down on the ground. I waited for a moment on the ground, thinking about something as i focused on how it felt to lie there. Trees were here and there on the ground, and they seemed to be bushy with dark-green leafs. I moved to the west again. I seemed to be along the northern side of the area. A small rectangular area was on the ground just in front of me. The area was defined by boards, which seemed like two-by-fours that were standing on the narrow edge but mostly buried. The area seemed like a garden, but the grass or short plants inside of it were dry and tannish-gray. I lay down in the area, with my head to the north, and i closed my eyes for a moment. I was aware of some other people to the south and southeast of me. They seemed to have been following me across the area. I heard a voice, but it did not sound like it was coming from the other people. Something about it sounded distorted, as though it was coming from a radio on the other side of a wall. I was standing again, and i ran to the west again. The area around me now seemed like a graveyard, with headstones here and there. I came to another small rectangular area, with low ridges surrounding it. It seemed to have pebbles and dry vegetation in the center. I lay down in the area with my head to the north. I seemed to be wearing a denim jacket that was unbuttoned and long denim pants. I listened to the sounds around me for a moment, and i felt the ground under me. Something seemed interesting in this place. I then heard the sound of the voices again. They sounded tinny, like an old radio. I realized that the sounds were coming from just to the east of me, almost under me. I lifted my shoulders and looked on the ground just under where my ribs had been. A small dirty white object was on the ground. I picked it up. The white plastic casing was scratched and worn, and it looked like a nine-volt battery. I could hear the voices coming from it, and i realized that it must have been some kind of radio. It seemed very small, though. I thought that there could not be much room around the battery for the circuitry. I held it in my left hand as i considered it for a moment. Something seemed out of place with it. I put the small radio back down and stood up. I started jogging slowly to the southeast. The graveyard sloped slightly generally downhill to the south. It was roughly flat where i had been, but a drop of about a meter led down to another section, which sloped more gradually to the south. A tall pine tree was to the southeast of me, and i passed to the west of it. I was heading for the large stone building that ran along the southern edge of the area. The others were to the east of me, doing something in the yard, but i seemed to pay them no attention. The building seemed like an academic building, but i knew that it had some function for the graveyard. A man was walking to the west as i approached the building. A doorway was to the south-southeast of me. IT had a white lintel and a metal door, which seemed to be open. The man crossed the cement path that leaded to the doorway, passing in front of me. He seemed to be talking to someone as he walked. He seemed to be wearing a brown fedora and a loose unbuttoned jacket. I entered the building and headed to the east. The building seemed to have many large rooms, but they were filled with stacks of things. It seemed like an antique store or a second-hand store. Some other people were in the southeastern part of the room as i headed to the east, down the central aisle. I was supposed to do something, but i felt distracted. I said something to the people to the southwest, but i then stopped and looked up a short aisle to the north. Two guitars were on the piles of boxes and items to the north of me. I moved toward them, interested in them. One was green and seemed to be an acoustic. I felt interested in the guitars, and wanted to take one of them with me. I then felt that these guitars actually belonged to someone. They seemed to have something to do with the graveyard, and i thought that someone would take them back after something. I really wanted to play them, but i felt that it would be inappropriate. I stood near them for a moment, though, wondering what to do. I then decided to head back to the others outside. I stepped into the doorway in the northern wall of the building. The stone path led roughly to the north, but ran northeast first before curving back to the northwest. A paved drive seemed to run along the northern side of the small yard outside the building. It was about ten meters away, and a black chain fence ran along the southern side of it. The bright grass of the lawn dipped in the center before rising steeply toward the drive. I started walking to the northwest, not following the stone path. I thought that i could cut across the lawn to get to the others. I could see the man with the fedora hat walking along the northern side of the fence, heading toward the others. I thought that i could catch up with them if i ran diagonally across the lawn. I could see an opening near the western end of the fence, so i would not have to jump over the fence to get to them. I hopped across the grass, aware that some of the low areas were wet. I was then hopping on rounded rocks toward the northwestern corner of the lawn. As i reached it, i noticed a quarter-circular pond with a short stone wall around it. I hopped on the stones that ran near the fence, and i headed west, along the stones on the northern side of the pond. A stone wall that was about three-quarters of a meter tall arced from the northeastern corner of the pond to the southwestern corner. The wall to the west of the pond seemed taller, forming a back for the area. The pond seemed nice, and i walked along the wall to the north, heading west. When i reached the corner, i turned to the south, aware of the man to the north of me. Some rounded stones were in the small pond, which was about three meters long on the northern and western sides. I started walking south along the western side. I looked at my left hand. Something seemed uncomfortable about it. It felt as though i had cut the palm just under the index finger. The cut felt as though in ran partly up the finger. I looked at the hand, but i could not see any cut. It seemed strange that it would feel cut. It felt like a paper cut. The man then approached me from the north. I turned to look at him. He wore a heavy T-shirt, and he seemed nicely built. His face had East Asian features, and he had short dark hair. I thought that he was fairly attractive. He smiled at me and held out his right hand, introducing himself. He said that his name was “Danny”. I felt pleased that he wanted to meet me, and i greeted him. It felt suddenly nice to be with him. I glanced at the pond, muttering “Oh, another one.” I smiled, joking that he was another person named “Danny”. I was glad that i had started talking to him.

I felt anxious as i moved to the east across the southern side of the large rectangular room. I was here with other people, and we had been attending a conference here. The room was filled with empty tables and chairs, and i thought that we had a meeting in here before. It seemed that we had missed part of the conference. A man was leading us across the room, and he or she seemed rushed to get us settled. I felt that we had missed a lot, but i still wanted to do something here. The man seemed to be telling us that we had missed too much, but i felt determined to see something as part of the conference. We had entered the room through a double doorway in the western end of the southern wall, and i left the room through a double doorway in the eastern end of the wall. A wide corridor led to the south, into the hotel. I wondered if i should head to my room to get something. I seemed to be moving quickly, as though rushing, but i did not feel rushed. I headed down the corridor and then turned back to the north. I was carrying a large metal bowl of chopped lettuce. We had missed the main meal, but i had found the lettuce and wanted to snack. Just before i reached the room, i turned to the east and headed down a narrower corridor. It seemed to lead between some of the hotel rooms. I stopped at a door in the northern wall, but i did not go in. Instead, i looked at the bowl of salad. I noticed that some darker green spinach leafs were along the southern side of the bowl as i stood facing south with the bowl in front of me. I turned to the west to hurry back to the others. I thought that i had to do something for the conference. I pulled a branch of spinach out of the bowl. The leafs were narrow and oval, and they branched from a thin stem. I held the bowl with my right hand as i held the spinach branch in my left, biting off several of the leafs as i walked. I passed back through the large room and exited through the western side. In the other corridor, i turned to the west. The narrow corridor to the west was short, and it ended just to the south of a cement stairwell. I started up climb the cement stairs, but i stopped suddenly, noticing the orange foam on the pipes over my head. The metal pipes came out of the ceiling over my head, formed a square loop at the bottom, and then ran to the western wall. The orange foam formed a bulge around the square loop. I reached up with my left hand and touched the foam, thinking that it looked like orange puffs. I wondered if it was edible, but it flaked. I thought that i should not be touching it, and i pulled back my hand. As i started to the north again, i noticed that some of the orange flecks had fallen in the bowl of lettuce. I was disappointed, thinking that i had ruined the salad. I came into a room, which seemed like a shop. A white counter was to the north of me. It was a featureless box, with a glass top and glossy white sides. It was about three or four meters long, and the eastern end was just to the north of me. The counter was covered with small toys. The toys were separated into different kinds, and they seemed to be on display for sale. The toys looked like figurines of some kind, and they seemed to be made of cheap glossy plastic. A glass shelf along the southern wall had similar toys. A man in a suit was then to the north of me. He motioned to the toys as he said something to me, trying to make me impressed by the toys. He turned to the east and walked off, as if enticing me to follow to find out more. I felt uninterested in the toys. I walked around the eastern end of the counter in the center of the room and looked at the toys from the northern side. The light here was not that good, thought. I took out my cell phone, thinking that i could use the light on it to see the toys better. I felt uninterested in the toys, though, and i felt as though i did not want to be bothered by the man.

12022 September 09

I stood in the driveway that was to the east of my parents’ farmhouse. Several cars were parked to the east of the driveway, in a paved pull-off. The cars were facing east, and some seemed to be parked behind others. I noticed a black car on the northern side of the pull-off. It was parked facing slightly southeast, and it was behind another car. I moved to the north, talking to my grandmother. Something seemed strange about the black car, though. I noticed that the hood was open. I moved to the south of the car, looking at the engine under the open hood. A faint orange flame seemed to be rising from the radiator at the front of the engine compartment. The metal radiator was higher than the rest of the engine, and i thought that the flame was coming from the cap that would be on the top of the radiator. This did not quite make sense, though. I thought that the radiator would be filled with water, so it should not be burning. This did not make sense. I headed to the northwest. I stopped just to the north of the house. My grandmother was to the west of me, and i said something to her. I felt concerned about the car, though. I looked back at the black car. I was looking at the rear of the car, but i could see the hood of the car on the opposite side. I saw ripples in the air just above the end of the hood. A lot of heat was rising from the engine block. I moved toward the car, heading to the east to see the northern side of it. The engine area was now filled with orange and yellow flames. I realized that the entire car had caught on fire. I felt worried, and i headed back to the west, telling my grandmother that we had to do something. I worried that the fire in the car would spread to the other cars. I said that i needed water. I noticed the green garden hose on the ground near the northeastern corner of the house. The hose ran to the south, along the eastern side of the house. A spigot was in the cement foundation of the northern wall of the house, about a quarter meter from the northeastern corner. The cement foundation seemed to be about a quarter meter high. I grabbed the green hose and turned on the spigot, but the water did not seem to come out the hose. I realized that a pale-blue hose was attached to the spigot. I grabbed the blue hose, but it was attached to the house at short intervals. I realized that it ran along the northern side of the house, and i thought that it was for watering the plants. I was agitated, trying to get water to put out the fire. I grabbed another hose, but i could not seem to find the one that i could get water to.

12022 September 10

I stood near the northeastern corner of the lawn of the house. The small house was to the south of me, and the eastern wall of the building seemed almost directly to the south of me. The ground was covered with a thin layer of heavy snow. I looked to the west to see me approaching the house. I had been here before, and i was returning. I walked quickly across the snow, taking high long strides as i moved. I seemed to be wearing a heavy jacket and a hat. I had a backpack, which i seemed to be carrying in my arms. A small red or brown shack was to northwest of where i was observing from, and i watched myself slow down as i came just to the south of the shack. I seemed hesitant. An old man lived in the house, and he had been doing secret things. I knew that he maintained his private, but he knew who i was. I realized that i was being cautious, because i worried that the man might see me sneaking toward the house and not realize who i was. I had to give him time to realize that it was me. I did not want him attacking me. I headed to the south, entering the eastern side of the room of the house. The man was to the west of me, and someone else was to the southwest, in the middle of the room. I talked to the old man about something. I could not quite see him, but i knew that he was to the west of me. I then noticed the cat on the ground to the southwest of me. It was $X24. I was surprised to see her here, but i was glad that i had brought her with me. I felt anxious, though, thinking that i had forgotten some other things when i hastily left. I felt nervous about what i could have forgotten. I had thought i left both cats home, but i was glad that i brought one. I would have to have the other brought to me. I moved to the western side of the room and called my mother on my cell phone. I told her to get $X25 and bring him here. I still felt tense about the situation. My mother said that she had the cat pole. I could see her to the west of me, and she held the short white cylinder. It was about three-quarters of a deci in diameter and about a half meter long. It was white and textured on the outside. It seemed to have a square base, but i could not see the base. The old man was to the north of me, and he started to wander. I felt nervous about something, and i said something to him. I then noticed the man sitting at the table to the northeast of me. The man was sitting on the eastern side of the table. He had a square face and a long body, but his skin sagged as though he had been overweight and he had lost weight. He sat with his back slightly arched and he seemed to stare vacantly up toward the ceiling. I felt uneasy. He had both hands on the table. He seemed to be wearing a pair of denim overalls over a red and black plaid shirt. As the old man passed to the south, i noticed that the man at the table had an amber-yellow gel on his face. Something was wrong with this situation, and i was not sure what to do.

I stood near the northeastern corner of the back yard of the house. The house was to the north and northwest of me, with only a small section to the north. To the east, a wood deck ran along the southern side of the house. Someone was standing to the northwest of me, near the corner where the deck met the house, and another person was standing to the south of me. We were talking about something. I then noticed the small cat on the ground to the southwest of me. I felt a little nervous, because it looked like a wild cat. It was mottled, like a tabby, with dark fur along the top of its head. It crouched down near us, folding its ears back along the top of its head. I felt cautious of the animal, but i realized that it was actually interested in us. I spoke to the others about it. I then heard the sound of barking from the south. The others were coming from the forest with the dogs. The cat turned to the southwest and scurried across the ground at a crouch. It was focused on the bushes on the southern side of the lawn. I told the others that we should get the cat before it tried to attack the dogs. A golden retriever came out of the forest between the bushes, and a second dog of similar size came out next to it. The dogs paused, looking back at the humans that were with them. The second dog had a brown head with a gray or dirty white body. It had curly hair like a poodle, but it did not stand like a poodle. A third dog came out of the forest, and they started walking into the center of the lawn. The cat seemed hesitant of the dogs. A small dog then ran out of the forest between the others. I worried that it would be a good target for the wild cat, and i hoped the cat did not go after the small dog. The people then started coming out of the woods behind the dogs. I realized that the small dog was $X27, and i worried that the cat would attack him. $F71 then came out of the forest. I hurried to tell him about the cat, hoping that he would protect $X27. I was then standing near the eastern end of a wood rail fence. The fence ran directly to the west of me, and several people were now standing on the northern side of it. I walked to the southwest, looking at the others and the fence. I said something about the wild cat. One of the men, who was leaning on the fence, asked me if we were dressed for the weather. I thought that it would be cool and rainy. $A770 and i still had to set the trail in the forest to the south.

12022 September 11

I stood on the southern side of the small rectangular room, which seemed like a living room with a small dining area to the north. We were staying here with the other family while we traveled. The woman, who seemed to be the oldest daughter of the family, was doing something to the north of me, but she seemed to be ready to leave. I had thought that we were waiting for dinner, but i wondered if we were supposed to leave as well. Someone said that we would be here for several days. This seemed strange. I had thought that our trip was over soon, and i felt uneasy thinking that we would have to stay here longer that i thought. My mother was just to the southwest of me. I had started to the west, across the room, trying to figure out what was going on. The man to the north had said that we would be doing something, but i did not think that this was correct. I asked my mother what was happening. She said that we would be in this country until the end of the week. She added that we would be in Southern Italy for three days at the end of the week. I felt a little confused. I had worried that we would be sent to Russia after this, but Southern Italy did not seem so bad. We seemed to be in Italy now. The others in the room said that they were ready for dinner. I asked my mother when we would be leaving, and she said that we would be leaving tonight. I wondered why we would leave so soon. I had expected to leave tomorrow. It seemed that the man who lived here was making us uncomfortable. I turned to the north to see the oldest daughter walking to the north with her bags. She was leaving this place. I had thought that she would be traveling with us, but something seemed to have gone wrong. My mother said that the man was not nice, and i realized that the daughter was leaving to get away from him. She had long dark straight hair that ran down to the center of her back. She carried a small suitcase in her right hand as she headed to the door, which seemed to be in the eastern part of the northern wall. The man sat in a cushioned chair to the northeast of me. The seat of the chair was rather low, and he sat with a slouch, his arm on the armrests. I thought that he was upset about the daughter and us. I felt that he would be bitter as well. I walked to the west, leaving the room, but i entered the small bedroom from the west. I would have to get my things together. A small bed was on the northern wall, extending into the center of the room. I walked around to the eastern side of it and started gathering my things. It seemed strange that we would be leaving so soon. I thought again about Southern Italy. I picked up something from the ground. My bag was on the ground on the eastern side of the bed. I thought that we would have to eat the meal here but leave soon after. My mother was in the doorway of the room, to the southwest of me. I started toward her, wondering what we needed to do.

I rode my bicycle to the west, down the road in the rural area. I had been riding with someone for a while, and we were heading to a place where $G4 was gathering for an event. It seemed that $G25 was running the event. It seemed that we had traveled a ways from the southeast to get here, but i was not quite sure where we were going. The road was running slightly to the southwest, but i knew that it made a long curve across the northern face of a low rounded hill. The hill was covered with forest, and i pictured the road remaining at roughly the same elevation as it followed the recessed contour of the slope, heading generally west. I thought that we would be taking the road that headed west-northwest. It descended gradually across the same slope. As we started down the northern branch of the roads, i noticed five or six people standing among the trees in the sharp triangle between the roads. They were $G4, and they seemed to be doing something. They were all wearing the same clothing, which seemed like a pale orange jumpsuit with a purple collar and belt. The clothes seemed like uniforms from an old science-fiction movie. I thought that they might be the people who were setting the trail for us. I thought that they might be setting one of the stops on the trail now. I waved to them as i passed. A man waved back. I continued down the road, wondering where we would meet the others for the start of the event. The other person on the bicycle was riding on the back with me. I held a map in front of me, looking at the thin black lines that represented the roads. The road that ran along the upper part of the slope curved gently along the upper side of the map, and the road that we were on ran just below it. I saw a road head to the upper right from the upper road, but i noted that the road that we were on did not reconnect to the upper road on the right side of the map. I hoped that we were on the correct road. We then seemed to be in a small town. Buildings were all around us. I headed to the north, into the room of a building. No one else was here. I remembered this building from before, and i thought that it was where $G25 had started their event previously. I realized that we must be in the wrong place, and i felt annoyed. I thought that we should have stayed on the upper road. I had let the bicycle glide down the road to get here, but i thought that i would have to pedal harder to get back up the hill. $A556 was riding on the back of the bicycle. I thought that he would be agitated that we would have to go to another spot. I could tell that the trail ran to this spot. I could see marks on the ground and in the empty room that i had been in. $A556 pointed out some red marks on the ground outside. They were just to the south of the door to the building, and they seemed to be dashes with an arrow that pointed east. I was not pleased with the fact that i would have to pedal up the hill to get back to the high road. I looked at the map again, holding it to the west of me. The western ends of the two roads still did not seem to connect, so i thought that we would have to go back up the hill that we had come down to the east to get back to the intersection with the upper road. I started pedaling the bicycle to the north, realizing that i had already put it in lower gear, which was good. It seemed easy to pedal, but i wondered if it would get hared as we went up the hill. $A556 rode on the back of the bicycle, and i hoped that he was not unhappy with what we were doing. He did not seem comfortable being at this event. I thought that we would need to get food at the end of the event, and i wondered if he wanted to bother heading up to the other road to look for the start of the event. He was unsure, saying that we could stop at Wendy’s for dinner. It did seem to be later in the afternoon. I then noticed the marks to the north of us. They were in bright pink on the ground, and five or six people were standing near them. They were other runners for the course. They wore similar jumpsuits to the people i had seen before, but these suits were pastel purple with red collars and trim. One of the men in the suits seemed to be $A796. I asked him about the run, and he said that they had already started. He said that he was on a team and that i could not join the team. I thought that $G4 must have been broken up into teams to run this event. The team here was doing something near the marks before they moved on. I told the man that i thought that the run would start at two. He said that it had started at one. I turned around to look at the round clock on the northern wall of the room. I seemed to be standing in the doorway of the room that we had been searching for the start of the event. The black hands of the white clock indicated that i was a little after one thirty. I felt disappointed and discouraged. I was not sure what we would do. If we traveled to the start of the event, we would be late and might not be able to join the event. I stood near the doorway, and $A556 stood to the southeast of me. I asked him if he wanted to make it up to the start of the event. I told him that we might not be able to get food or enjoy the full event. I then remembered that he had mentioned getting lunch elsewhere. I still wanted to head to the event, though. I felt sad, and i wanted $A556 to let me know what he wanted to do. He seemed undetermined. I started to feel annoyed with him. I wanted to leave on the bicycle and head up to the other area, where the event had started from. I knew that he was not really part of the event, though, and i felt like i was pressuring him to come with me. I was not sure what i should do. I then felt angry, and i said that i would be heading to the other area. I asked him if he wanted to stop for food somewhere, but he did not answer. It seemed to be getting late. I thought that i would get the bicycle ready and start pedaling. I did not want to leave him here, but i thought that i might. I pushed the bicycle to the north, out of the room and into the corridor outside. I wanted $A556 to get back on the bicycle and follow me, but he seemed hesitant. I felt frustrated, and i started pedaling to the south, into the a small cubical room. I hoped that he would realized that i was leaving and join me. A door was in the western wall of the room. It had small pink marks on the upper right side. I thought that this was part of the trail, and i thought that we could follow some of the trail marks backward to get to the correct starting location. As i passed through the small door, i had to duck to get through. I then realized that the small chamber beyond had two more doors, one to the west and one to the south. The marks were on the southern door. The chamber was only about a meter and a half in all directions. I had to crouch with the bicycle to get through. The runners would have to follow this trail, but i did not want to do so with the bicycle. I felt frustrated and disappointed. I backed to the east into the larger room, wondering what i should do. At least $A556 would have a chance to catch up with me and get on the bicycle.

12022 September 13

I seemed to be on a boat that was heading to the west. The area around us seemed dark, but i could see the boat on the water clearly. The boat was heading to the west, and i seemed to be watching the boat from just behind the stern, to the east of the boat. It was a large motorboat with a wide open seating area. The boat seemed squat, because it was foreshortened from my view. Three people stood across the bench seat that seemed to be just behind the steering wheel. The wheel seemed to be on the northern side of the boat. I then flew over the top of the boat, passing just above it. I could see the light from the west reflecting on the water ahead of the boat. A woman, who was the tallest person in the boat, was standing between the other two. She had her hair tied back into a ponytail. I focused on the wind blowing into me from the west. I t was helping me fly. I had wings on my back, and i concentrated on how they catch the air. I thought that i could make the wings expand in width to catch more air. I pictured the wings as long thin rectangles, about a half meter wide and about a meter and a half long. The inner edges of the wings seemed to be attached to short struts that held the wings to the center of my upper back. The rectangles seemed to start just past my shoulders. I imagined that the wings would puff out at the leading and trailing edges. I could see the white edges bulge forward and backward, especially near the base of the wing, near my back. I thought that the bulging of the wings would allow me to catch more of the oncoming air, which would give me more lift. I thought about how the wings would expand and contract as i stood in the open area, feeling the wing coming from the west. Another person was standing just to the north of me, and i was telling the person how the wings caught the wind and created lift. I thought that we should not fly very high, though, because the wing currents could change and allow us to fall too far. I stood on the ground, bending my upper body forward at a right angle from my legs. I was facing west, and the wind was blowing directly at me. I pictured the wing that extended from my back to the north of me. I thought about how it would catch the air as i spoke to the other person, who was bent over in the same position as i. The ground seemed rippled, like water, but it seemed to be a solid surface. Another person was then to the west of me, and someone else was near him. I was now standing in the aisle of a store, with tall shelfs to the north and south of me. The man to the west was really a robot, and i felt that he was dangerous. He seemed hostile to me. The other man had moved close to the southwest of me, and i worried that i would be captured. I pushed the man back to the west, trying to push him into the robot. He fell, but the robot still came after me, and i tried to dodge the robot. The robot moved to the north of me, so i moved quickly to the west to dodge it. As it moved to the southeast of me, i tried to kick its legs out from under it. The robot had bright yellow legs that seemed like rounded I-beams, and i hit the legs just below the knees, but the robot did not move. The robot stood for a moment. Its torso was shiny and red. I had to get out of the way before it decided to attack again. I started running to the west, down the long aisle of the grocery store. At the end, i turned to the north and ran across the store. I would have to turn down one of the other aisles and head back east. I did not think that i could escape by heading in this direction. As i reached the northern end of the store, i thought that i would have to turn quickly to get out of view of the robot. I thought that i did not want it to see which aisle of the store i had turned down. I started to turn to the east, but i glanced behind me to see where the robot was. I could not see it. I realized that it must have run down one of the other aisles to try to cut me off. I turned to the east to get out of the western aisle of the stare and stopped just inside the aisle to the east. The aisle seemed wide, with tables and shelfs in the middle of it. An empty set of low tan metal shelfs was just in the aisle, and i crouched down on the northeastern side of the shelf. The shelf was slanted so that it ran from northeast to southwest. I stopped near the southwestern edge of the shelf, and i stared to the southeast at the eastern end of the tall shelfs, which ran along the southern side of the aisle. I expected the robot to have run down one of the aisles to the south and tried to cut me off. I thought that it would have to come into view to the southeast of me as it headed to the north along the eastern end of the store. I sat still and waited for it, but it did not come past. I leaned on the tan shelf, and it shifted to the west. I quickly grabbed the northeastern end and pulled it back toward me, covering me from the east. I waited a little while longer, but the robot did not pass to the south. I thought that it should have passed by now if it was going to, so i decided to run back to the south along the western end of the store. I glanced down the aisles to the east of me, but i could not see the robot at all. As i reached the original aisle that i had come up, i turned to the east and started running to the entrance of the store. I could see the door in the eastern wall of the building, just a little to the south of the end of the aisle. I hoped that the robot was not waiting in the eastern end of the store for me. I ran quickly out of the aisle and through the door, exiting near the northern side of the store. I turned to the west and ran down the sidewalk along the store. It was dark out, and trees seemed to be planted along the edge of the sidewalk and the street to the north. At the end of the store, i turned to the south and headed into a small drive that opened to the west into a parking lot. A black car, which seemed like a Cadillac, was driving out of the drive as i turned in. It had its lights on. I jumped up and flew over the top of it to get past. I was aware of a group of people on the sidewalk to the north of me as i flew. I thought that they were watching me in surprise. I swooped to the west just past the car and swinged my feet forward to land. Others were now watching me from the western side of the parking lot. I wondered what i should do. I was then aware of the people in the car. They had gotten out and were watching me. They seemed to be a family, and i thought they might be related to me in some way.

I was running with $G4, and we were heading to the south, across the college campus. We crossed a grassy quadrangle and headed toward a gap between two stone buildings on the southern side. As i approached, i looked around on the ground for marks, but i did not see any. Others seemed confused about where trail had gone. I asked no one in particular where the marks were. I noticed a faint line of pink powder that seemed to be on the grass just to the southwest of me. It did not seem to be the trail, but i wondered if the person setting trail had used only a little flour and let it fall as a thin mist rather than as a clump. A man was standing to the south of me, facing east. He smiled at me as i approached. I thought that he had hear my question, and i thought that he might be one of the people who had set trail. I looked at the mark on the ground, which was now just to the west of the man. I turned a little to the southwest to see if the dispersed marks led to more marks. I thought i saw a small dispersed mark just before the long pink one, but i was not sure. Others were doing something to the east, so i continued to the southwest. After about ten meters, i noticed another faint mark in the grass. I realized that i must be on the correct trail; it was just not marked that well. I called to the others to let them know that i was on trail, and i continued running to the southwest. I seemed to be crossing the Ag Quad. A few others started running near me, but we were still not sure that we were on the correct marks. We then reached a road and headed to the south, down the sidewalk on the western side of the road. I spotted more distinct marks on the sidewalk, and i stopped to yell for the others. I started pacing in short circles, thinking that the marks had directed me to wait for others. I was on the sidewalk of Garden Avenue, just in front of the conference and to the west of Mudd Hall. A set of stone steps ran up to the west, toward the conference center. I looked to the northeast to see if the others were following, but i could not see them. Another person had stopped with me. I started pacing back to the south, toward the mark that i had originally stopped at. When i reached it, i looked again to the northeast. The grassy land on the eastern side of the street sloped down from the road, meeting the bottom of the brick building to the east. An intersection was just to the north of us, and the other road continued to the east. I could see a gap in the buildings to the north of the other road, and a mass of people appeared through the gap, heading our way. The crowd seemed quite dense, and they were running toward us. I thought that they would cross the east-to-west road, which seemed like Tower Road, and pour over the edge of the grassy slope. I told the person to the north of me that the number of people surprised me. As soon as i realized that they were about to reach us, i headed to the north to look for more of trail. I called back as i found a few marks heading north.

12022 September 14

I was sitting on the floor of the room, doing something. I was just to the south of a bed, which seemed to be the bed in the downstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. A large metal object was to the southeast of me, and i pushed it a little further to the east to get it out of my way. I realized that it was a stove. I had moved it from somewhere. I then noticed the long gas line of the stove. It ran from the west somewhere, crossing the floor just to the north of me. It then ran up to the northern end of the eastern side of the stove. Before it connected to the stove, it had a sharp U-turn in it, where the pipe went up and then back down before entering the stove. I thought that i should have been more careful while moving the stove. I did not want to break the gas line. I continued doing something in the room. The kink in the pipe was inside a gap in the wall between the plaster to the north and a doorway to the south. I was then lying on the bed. It seemed to have been a much later time. I was on the southern edge of the bed, with my head to the east. I was lying on my left side, facing south. I realized that a wind was blowing on my face. I reached up to the east and felt the wind coming from the gap in the wall where the gas pipe was. I quickly rolled out of bed and felt near the pipe. I could feel the gas escaping from the pipe. I had to do something quickly. I sniffed, but i could not smell the denature in the gas. This seemed strange, but i thought that the wind had to be gas, because it was coming from the pipe. I hurried out of the bedroom and ran into the basement of my grandmother’s house. I thought that i had to shut off the gas to the house. I ran to the wooden shelfs that were against the northern end of the eastern wall of the basement. I took a wrench from the shelf, which was an old metal monkey wrench that had no teeth. It was not what i had wanted, but i thought that it would do. I then wondered where i would find the gas meter. I looked up at the ceiling, trying to find gas pipes. I decided that the meter would probably be on the outside of the house, but i did not know where. I saw some pipes running along the northern wall of the room. They seemed like gas pipes. It was the pipe that ran to the bedroom where i had been. The other side of the pipe ran east. I saw some more gas pipes near the eastern wall, between the wood beams of the floor above. The pipes ran into the eastern wall, where they must have exited the house. I knew that the gas meter must be on that side of the house. I hurried upstairs and stopped in the kitchen. I opened the cabinet on the eastern wall just at the top of the stairs, looking for a flashlight. A yellow one was lying on the bottom shelf. I grabbed it, noticing the other flashlights in the cabinet. I then ran outside, leaving the house through the door in the center of the eastern side of the building. I was in the driveway, and i ran north. I then stopped suddenly, realizing that i did not have the pipe wrench in my hand. I had the yellow flashlight in my right hand and a smaller rounded purple plastic one in my left hand. I felt frustrated and desperate. I did not want to spend the time to run back into the house to get the wrench, so i looked for the gas meter on the outside of the house. The driveway was a street now, and i started heading north, but i noticed the gas meter on the ground near the house to the west of me. The meter was a small thing on the ground, and it had two round plastic things on top of it. The plastic things encased something red, and yellow rings stuck out from the bottoms of the plastic domes. I knew that they were emergency shut-offs, and i grabbed the tap on the southern bulge and pulled it. It slid out of the casing and popped into place just after the ring was out. I thought that the pressure of the gas was causing part of the strip that i had pulled to seal off the gas flow. I pulled the other tab, thinking that there must be two gas accounts running to the house. I sat on the ground near the meters with my legs out straight in a wide V. A woman then approached me from the north. I still felt upset, and i was not sure what to do. She bent over and looked at me as though concerned. She had shoulder-length brown hair.

12022 September 16

I walked to the west, down the wide asphalt path that ran along the southern side of the park area. A high structure seemed to run overhead from east to west. It seemed like a highway overpass. To the northwest of me was a fenced-in area, which seemed like a tennis or basketball court. A small group of people was playing games on the court. I slowed to a stop. I felt that i was looking for something. I turned to the east, but still looked off to the north. Bright green grass was directly to the north of me. It seemed to run along the northern side of the fenced-in court, and it extended to the east. I started walking back to the east, noticing that the grassy areas were fenced in as well. The fence around the grassy area was about three meters tall, and it was green. I noticed that the land to the north of me seemed to slope up a little to the east. I then noticed that the fenced-in grassy area was actually several small oddly shaped areas. A fence ran north to south along the top of a short hill to the northeast of me. It seemed to enclose an area to the east of it, but a section of fence extended from the southern end of the slope and curved to the west and then north, forming a narrow area of grass to the west of the fence on the hill. Several other people walked past as i looked at the small areas to the north and northeast that were enclosed in the fences. I thought that they were playgrounds, but it seemed strange that fences surrounded them all. Two women walked from the east on the northern side of the asphalt path that i was walking on. They passed to the north of me, talking to each other. The women seemed annoyed with the fenced-in areas, and one of them sneered in contempt and referred to the areas to the north of me as “masturbation pens”. This seemed like a strange thing to say, and i wondered why she would have said something like that. I looked farther to the northeast, at some kind of structure. It seemed as though i had somewhere to go. I was still aware of the large overhead structure that seemed about ten meters wide and ran east to west. As i passed the fenced-in areas, i noticed a gap in the park to the north of me. The ground was covered with cement, and it seemed to be broken into shallow levels or steeps on the eastern and western sides. People were moving around in the area. A ceiling now seemed to be over the area, but i was still aware of the overpass higher up. I started to continue to the east, but i heard some people talking to the north of me, and i recognized one of the voices. It sounded like a friend of mine. I moved to the north a little, realizing that the voice came from the second floor of the building. The bottom floor was open, with walls on the eastern and western sides. A wide set of cement steps ascended to the north on the eastern side of the northern end of the area. I thought that the voice was coming from someone at the dining area above the stairs. I knew that the person was probably with other $G4, and i wanted to say hello. I climbed the stairs, turning to the west on the landing and then continuing to ascend to the south. I came into an open space at the top. A ceiling was above the second level, and the central part of the floor seemed open. Some tables were to west of the main hall, but only a few people were there. They were not the people that i was looking for. I felt anxious. I moved to the east a little. A narrow corridor led into the cement wall to the east, but it did not go far. To the northeast of me, a small area was to the north of the wall and to the east of the stairs. I thought that it would have tables in it as well, but it was empty. I could hear the voices of other people, and they seemed to be to the west of me. The thick cement wall along the western side of the area was about a meter and a half tall, and square columns held up the ceiling above me. I could see the shallow slope of a roof to the west of the wall. The dining area to the west of the main corridor seemed to be only about five meters wide. I thought that another dining area or pub would be higher on the roof, to the southwest of me. I could not see it, but i thought that it was there, and i thought that the voices i heard must have come from there. I wondered how i could get there. I felt confused, and i started moving around, looking for a set of stairs that went up and to the southwest. A door was in the western wall, to the southwest of me, where the building rose above the level of the wall. The door seemed dull reddish-orange. I pulled the metal door open and walked into a narrow corridor, which ran only about ten meters to the west. A darkened glass window was in the southern wall of the hall. I felt uncertain, and i backed out of the corridor. I then reentered the corridor, trying to figure out where to go. At the end of the corridor was an opening, where the corridor widened to the south. Another metal door was in the western wall at the end of the corridor, but the widened area was a step down from the corridor, and the door was offset to the south from the center of the corridor. I opened the door, seeing other people in a room, but it was not where i wanted to go. I turned back down the hall, but i felt uncertain and confused.

I walked to the east, coming to the door of the bedroom. The walls of the corridor, which seemed to be a corridor in $P19, seemed sturdy, and they were painted dark. I stopped in front of the door, noticing the keypad on the wall to the north of the door. I typed some numbers into the keypad and pushed open the door. This was the bedroom where i was staying. It seemed as though i was staying in this place again. A tall dresser was against the northern wall of the room, and it was piled with clothes and several boxes. To the east of the dresser was a desk, which was away from the wall. $F9 sat behind the desk. He peered around a tall stack of file trays, which were on the western end of the desk. He had long frizzy hair, and he smiled at me as i entered the room. It seemed to be early in the morning, and everything in the house seemed very quiet. I felt uneasy. I walked past the desk to my desk, which as to the east of $F9’s. My desk was piled with things, which formed a pyramidal stack. These things were not mine. The person who had been in the room before me had left them here. I felt a little annoyed that i did not have my own space in the room, but i thought that i would deal with it. I put the things in my right hand on one of the flat surfaces on the western side of my desk. I noticed that several of the things on the desk seemed to be mylar balloons. They were bright and colorful. I knew that they belonged to the other man. A picture of him seemed to be on the wall to the north of the western end of the desk. He had a round East Asian face, with short black hair. He seemed like someone i knew. I looked at several of the things on the desk, and i felt awkward being here. I seemed out of place. I then thought that i had something to do, and i headed back to the west. As i reached the door of the room, i realized that i did not have the keycard for the door. I would have to swipe it in the keypad to get back in. I turned back to the east to get the keycard from my desk. I thought that it was the thing that i had just put down. $F9 said something to me. I stopped at the southwestern corner of his desk, and he handed me a metal key. He said that it belonged to $A274. The key had a small white round cardboard tag on it that seemed to have $A274’s name. I thought it was strange that $A274 still lived here, and i asked $F9 if he really lived here. I took the key, thinking that i could leave it in $A274’s mailbox, which i pictured as a slot box in the northern all of the main room, which seemed to be to the west of me. I turned to the west and walked through the large opening in the western wall.

12022 September 17

I was in the small cabin, and i stood on the northwestern corner of the room. Others were in the room around me. Something had happened, and i was talking to the people about it. We mentioned a man to the west, who seemed to be involved. He had done something suspicious, and we felt uneasy about him. I thought that the event had something to do with extraterrestrials. I felt nervous as i took a few steps to the east, walking along the northern wall of the room. I wondered what we should do about the man. I looked down to the southeast. A row of white squares was on the floor. The squares were about a half meter on edge, and they seemed to be about three centimeters tall. They were set at even intervals, with about a deci or so between them. They seemed to have a soft texture, as though they were covered with a tightly stretched canvas or similar material. The corners were slightly rounded. I thought that the white things were data storage units. They had some significance. I felt tense as i walked slowly to the east along the northern side of the row. I had to get ready for something, but i did not want the others to know about something. I could not tell them something about the white things.

12022 September 18

I moved to the west as i talked to the others. $F12 seemed to be with me, and it was good to have him here. We stopped on the western side of the area, and we were talking about the visit. I was with someone else, who seemed to be a close friend as well. $F12 had come to visit from a long way away, and he was heading to the northeast to visit somewhere. I thought that he would be staying with his family up there, and i wanted to visit them. I thought about how this would work. It seemed complicated, because i was also visiting the other man who was with me. I thought about traveling to the north and then to the east to got to the place, which seemed like Vermont. I thought that it would be nice to be there with $F12. I moved to the north a little. I was on a sandy shore that ran north a little way before curving to the east. This lake was in Vermont. I moved to the east, onto the water, now in a kayak. Others around me were in small boats on the water, and they were talking to each other. One of them seemed to be $A7. I wanted to visit with $F12, but i felt conflicted about something. The others talked as i slowly moved to the east. I noticed a small cabin on the northern shore of the lake. Two or three people were moving around on the small lawn in front of it. The woman in the center seemed old. She complained about something to the person to the east of her. I thought that they were arguing. I felt a little negative toward the older woman, and i did not want to get involved in the conversation. The third person was to the southeast of the older woman, who was still standing to the door, which was in the center of the southern wall of the cabin. The third person seemed to wander away as the other two argued. The older woman then fell over to the west. She seemed to collapse, and i started to worry about her. I felt that i should go to help her, but i was moving in the boats, and i did not. Because i knew her as a bitter old woman, i was hesitant to help her, but i felt bad that i did not go to help her. I wanted to tell the others that she had fallen, but they had moved on and were talking about something else. I wondered what to do.

I was on the southern side of the house, which seemed like $P19. It was a large two-story house, and i was visiting here. The rooms seemed dark, but i was talking to several other people who were with me. It seemed that i had to arrange to do something with the others. I stood on the eastern side of the room, which seemed to be in a narrow southern wing of the house. I talked to the other two about something that we had to do. They were to the northeast and southeast of me. As they talked, i kept thinking about something to the north or northeast. I felt close to these people, though, and i thought that i wanted to spend time with one of them. The scene then changed. We were reclined to the east and seemed to be on a bed, which seemed to be within $P19. We had fallen asleep, and i was now waking to find that the room was dark. I was between the two other men, and i had my arms around their shoulders as we sleeped. It was very comfortable to be with them, but i wondered how we had ended up hugging one another until we had fallen asleep. I shifted a little, noticing the man to the north of me. He seemed nicely muscled, and he seemed somewhat like $A380. I thought that he was attractive, but i knew that we were not really that close yet. The man to the south of me shifted. I wondered if this situation felt awkward to either of them. I started talking to both of them as they got up and started moving around. We had to do something, so i headed to the south.

I was in the house talking to the other people. I remembered the man who had come in from the north of me. He seemed like $A380, and we had talked about the swim meet. We seemed to be near or over the water. The shore was to the north and west of me. The man stood on the dock to the north. He was a swimmer on the team, but he was not a part of the local team. I thought that he was visiting the area. I knew that his team was not able to make it to the swimming meet, and i wondered if he would be able to swim for the local team. This seemed improbable, though. I felt close to him, as though i had not seen him in a long while. We talked for a moment, but i was also talking to the man to the southeast of me. I was in the room on the southern side of the house. A counter was along the eastern wall, and i sat in front of a computer that was on the counter or shelf. The man to the south of me asked me about the job, and i tried to explain what i had been doing. I told him that i had not finished all of the layout. I looked at the papers in my hands, noticing the blocks of advertisements in the upper part of the page. I told the man, who now seemed to be my boss, that i needed the text for one of the advertisements. I had pointed to a block in the upper-right corner of the paper. The block had a picture of text in heavy letters with a caption below it. I knew that the person who had provided the advertisement had given us the picture of part of the text that we were to use, but i said that i needed the full text to finish the advertisement. I had several other things i would need to complete the layout. The man asked me a question, and i said that i would show him the original content that i had. I pulled a few folders from a shelf to the south of the computer and opened them up. I leafed through a few of the papers, but i could not find the paperwork that i was looking for. I felt a little nervous, because i could not find the correct paperwork quickly. The man moved around to the south of me, doing something. I flipped through the folders, hoping that the man would not see some of the other work that i had been doing. I did not want him to think that i was doing jobs for other people. I pulled out a folder from the lower shelf and opened it. It was filled with thick sheets of paper that had advertisements on them. At first, i thought that i must have pulled out the correct folder, but i realized that the sheets in this folder were for another job i had been doing. I tried to put them back without having the other man see them. A man then came into the room from the north. He stopped just inside the doorway. He wore swim shorts and had a nicely muscled body. I knew that he was the swimmer i had known from the team. He had wide shoulders and stood slightly shorter than i. He smiled as he stood in the doorway. His hair was short and brown. Someone said that his team had not showed up for the event here. The man seemed like $A380, but he looked more like $A257. The man whom i had been talking to moved to the northwest of me, and he said that the man would be allowed to swim on the local team. This seemed strange, but i was happy that the swimmer would be able to compete. I thought that he would win awards for himself and the local team. The man seemed to be standing on a small wooden platform on the southern side of the small shack to the north of me. The square platform was held up by wooden poles, which were darkened with age and worn. The platform also seemed to be a dock, but there was no water under it at the moment. I felt very nostalgic and interested in the swimmer. I was glad that he would be able to compete here, but it seemed strange. I then noticed the woman lying on the ground to the south of the shack. I remembered that she had fallen before on the southern side of the lake. I was surprised to see that she was still there, and i felt bad that i had forgotten about her. I started telling the others that she had fallen over before. I saw the scene replay. The woman was standing in front of the door, talking to someone to the west of her. She had a heavy black paddle in her right hand. The paddle was square with a rounded handle on the bottom. It was about a deci and a half wide. As the woman took a step to the west, she fell over and landed on the ground. She was still in that way. I told the others about her, thinking that we had to do something. I then saw the woman move and stand up. She had revived. I now noticed the bald spot on the top of her head, where her long black hair did not grow. I felt concerned about the situation, but i was glad that she had not remained unconscious on the ground.

12022 September 19

I stood to the south of the swing sets. I felt impatient and uneasy. Some of the others were sitting on the swings. We were waiting for something. We had finished an event here, and we were ready to leave, but we had to wait for someone to come and pick up the swing set. I moved to the north. A road seemed to run north, along the eastern side of the small park that we were in. A shed was at the northern side of the park, to the north of the swings, and a small unkempt field was just beyond that. The field seemed to be about a hundred meters wide to the north. A road ran along the northern side of the field. We were then standing on the southern side of the road along the field. Some of the others were standing to the northeast of me, and we were talking about the people who were supposed to come and pick up the equipment. I felt uncomfortable that things were not going well. I noticed a large truck on the highway to the north of us. I could see it heading to the west for a brief moment as it passed across a gap in the trees. It looked like a pastel-blue utility truck, with a bucket arm folded over the top of it. I wondered if it was the truck that was going to help us. I spoke to the others for a moment, feeling anxious. The truck then came from the west on the road that we were on and stopped just to the west of us. The swing set was now just to the south of us, and i thought that the truck had a mechanism that would lift the metal swing set out of the ground and carry it away.

12022 September 20

I moved to the north along the western side of the wide area, which seemed like a large room. People were standing here and there to the east of me, and i passed them. I noticed that several were dressing in wrestling singlets. I realized that they were the wrestlers from the tournament. I was excited to see them as i walked past. I noticed a man in blue who seemed like David Taylor. He stood slightly crouched, wearing a blue singlet and facing west, toward another man in a dark-red singlet. As i moved north, i noticed a few other wrestlers. I then noticed Kyle Dake just to the northeast of me. He stood, facing east. He seemed to be standing on flat rocks on the top of a cliff. A gorge ran to the east of me now, and i was a few meters above the level of the rocks at the top of the cliff. I continued to the north. It felt good to be her. I then noticed Kyle and another man fooling around on a rounded outcrop at the top of the cliff. Kyle walked with a crouched stance, wearing a red singlet, and he stopped right at the edge of the cliff. He smiled mischievously as he looked over, and i thought that he was going to jump over the edge. The other man watched him. Kyle paused at the edge of the cliff, and then jumped over. I noticed that he was on the western side of a wide amphitheater at the northern end of the gorge. I wondered if the water below him was actually deep enough. It seemed dangerous for him to be jumping. I wondered if he knew a special way of landing in the shallow water below so that he did not get hurt. Something seemed out of place in this situation. The other man then jumped over the edge as well. I started to feel concerned, but then i noticed black ropes running from somewhere overhead and down the side of the cliff. Suddenly, a group of people appeared from the western wall of the room and hovered in the air for a moment. They were all hanging on to black ropes. I realized that someone must be holding on to the black ropes from the west, and i thought that it was an exercise that the team was doing. The people who were hovering in the air suddenly descended on the ropes. I continued to the north. I was heading to the west along the southern wall of the large room. The center of the southern wall had an inset area that was about ten meters tall. In it were blocks that stuck out from the wall. The blocks seemed to form a stair pattern that ascended to the east. I thought that the team would climb on the blocks as part of the exercise. I was walking at a level that seemed to be near the top of the wall. I turned to the south and stepped onto the top block of the stair structure. I wondered if i should be walking on the wall when the others were not around. I felt confident that i knew how to balance on the blocks, though. I heard someone coming from the northeast, and i wondered if the person might be annoyed that i was on the wall. I reclined on the top block so that it would appear that i was sleeping on the wall. My left knee was at the eastern edge of the cube, so that my left foot hung down over the edge. The block seemed wide enough that my entire body fit on it. I was resting my head near the western end of the block. I had my right foot up on an outcropping of the wall, which seemed to be the top of a doorway. The person coming from the northeast was Mike Grey. He was the coach of this place. I thought that i should act relaxed and pretend that i was unconcerned about being this high. I could hear Mike as he walked under me and started through the doorway. I moved my right foot on top of the door, making a noise that i thought would draw his attention, but he continued walking into the office to the south. I lay still for a moment. I then felt my back sliding to the north a little. I thought that i was sliding off the edge of the block. I tried to adjust myself, but i did not want to sit up too quickly. I realized that i was still sliding, and i could feel the northern edge of the block under my left shoulder. I started to feel worried, and i tried to pull myself back to the southern side of the block, against the wall. I reached over my head, to the west, and grabbed onto the seams of the wall. They felt like they were only five or so millimeters thick, so i tried to grab them with my fingernails to pull myself back onto the block. I still seemed to be slipping. I then realized that a pillow was between my hips and the wall to the south of me. Frustrated, i tugged at the pillow to get it out of the way. I finally pulled it up and tossed it over the edge. I then pulled myself to a sitting position on the block. I looked down to see the white hooded sweatshirt falling to the ground. I thought that a narrow basin of small metal cubes was at the bottom of the wall, and i thought that the sweatshirt might fall on it. I was then on the tile floor at the bottom of the wall. The floor was only a few meters wide. To the north was a large swimming pool. I had hoped that the sweatshirt would fall on the floor, but i could see it in the water just off the edge. I crouched down to reach it, but it was already sinking. I felt annoyed. I stood up and walked to the east, watching it sink. I realized that the eastern end of the pool was the deep end, so i would not be able to reach down to get it. I thought that i would have to use the metal hook. I could see the aluminium handle of the hook lying along the southern end of the eastern side of the pool. I walked past it, to the eastern wall. I flipped on a switch, hoping to turn on the lights in the room. I did not get the correct one at first, so i flipped several more. I realized that i would be alerting Mike Gray that i was here. Once the lights were on, i walked back to the edge of the pool. Tall structures were along the eastern end of the pool. They seemed like diving boards, but a black metal platform extended out about a meter over the water. It seemed to have rope railings that were suspended by black metal poles. The railings ran along the northern and southern edge and curved a half meter or so along the western edge. Something also seemed to hang overhead. As i started to walk onto one of the platforms, i was aware of someone walking toward me from the north. He asked me what i was doing. I realized that he was one of the wrestlers. I told him that i was trying to get something from the water. As i reached the edge, i looked down into the water. $A117 came out of the office from the south and looked down into the water as i pointed to where the sweatshirt was for the wrestler. $A117 looked over the edge and then jumped into the water. He still seemed to be dressed. I was surprised that he would try to get the sweatshirt himself. He swimmed to the bottom of the pool and grabbed some clothing. I realized that there were several articles of clothing on the bottom of the pool. He had grabbed the wrong one. To the northeast of him was an old white tube sock with two or three blue stripes at the top. As he turned around to look at me, i tried to point at the gray sweatshirt that was just to the southeast of him. $A117 brought one of the articles of clothing up, but it was not what i was looking for. I tired to point out the correct piece of clothing. As i looked at the bottom of the pool again, though, i could now see a large pile of clothing just to the north of $A117. I was on the southern side of the pool, looking down to the north at $A117. I felt disappointed that there was so much clothing, but i then realized that it had suddenly appeared. I had seen it pop into existence where it had not been previously. This was not right. Something was not real about this situation.

I moved to the east along the railroad tracks. The tracks were a series of rectangular metal boxes with the rails along the long edges of the boxes. I looked to the west, down the center of one of the boxes. The black metal walls of the boxes seemed thin, only a few millimeters, and they had openings cut into them. The box seemed more like a brace, with walls about a deci tall. The floor of the boxes seemed to be filled in with dirt and gravel, but i thought that they would need to be cleaned out. I then realized that it would take a lot of work to clean out the boxes, and i thought that an automated machine would be better at the task. I thought that there must be one. I then noticed that the walls of the box were not smooth. Several fins stuck into the center of the box. Some of them seemed to be seams, but others just seemed to be for support. It would be difficult for a machine to clean out the box, because it would have to work around the fins. I decided that the boxes were not worth clearing out if they could not be done mechanically. The row of boxes ran to the west for a long distance. It would be too much work for humans to clean them out. I wondered if a machine could be made that would recognize the features of the box and learn to clean around it. It seemed impractical, but it seemed to be the only solution. I started walking to the west. I then climbed up onto something to the north and looked east. The track extended only a little way to the east of me before ending in the air. I seemed to be on a tall structure in a large dimly lighted room. The structure of black metal frames extended quite a few meters below me, though i could not see the floor of the room. I thought that i would climb onto the track to the north of me, which was about a meter higher than i was, and i would walk to the west on it until i could step off onto the land to the north. As i leaned over the track, though, i looked to the west, and i could see a train coming. It looked like an old engine, and it had a light shining forward. I had already hopped up onto the set of tracks, but i would not have time to run to the west to get to the land before the train came. I looked to the east, seeing that the end of the track was only two or three meters to the east of me. It ended with a wider black box and seemed to curve slightly northeast just before it hit the box. I quickly jumped to the north, to a shelf that ran along the northern wall of the room. I thought that i could stand here, but i realized that i would still be fairly close to the train. I wondered where i could go. A doorway was in the western wall about five meters to the west of me, and the tracks ran though it. I could see metal studs along the southern side of the track to the west. I could no longer see the train around the edge of the door frame, but i could see its lights, shining on the studs. I decided that i would run to the west and lean against the wall just to the north of the door. The conductor of the train would not notice me then. I hurried to the wall and leaned against it. My grandmother then leaned through the doorway. She asked me a question about the train. I responded, but i told her to get out of the doorway, because the train was coming. I worried that she would be hit, and i urged her to get out of the way of the train. I was worried that the train would hit her as it came through the doorway. She came into the room and walked down the platform on the northern side of the tracks. She said that $K1 would not be coming with us. I felt annoyed that $K1 had decide not to come with us. The train then came through the doorway. It looked like an old passenger train, and it seemed to have white curtains in the windows of the passenger car. The train came in fast, but slowed to a stop quickly. I knew that it was at the end of the track, so there was no farther it could go.

12022 September 21

I moved through the large rooms of the house. I was on the second floor of the building, and i seemed to be near the northern side. The rooms of the house seemed to be very large. The living room that i was in had some couches along the southern and northern walls. The room was sparsely decorated, but it seemed very stylish, though the furnishings and walls seemed a little dulled with age. Nothing here seemed new. The center of the eastern wall was open to a short corridor, which was about three meters long and leaded into the next room. I headed to the east, coming into a large bedroom. A canopy bed was in the northeastern part of the room, and dressers were along the southern wall. Everything in this room also seemed simple and stylish but old and tarnished, as though the house had been well lived in. My mother was sleeping on the bed, and i moved to the southwestern corner of it for a moment. I said something to my mother, and she responded. I wanted to do something, but i kept thinking about how nice it felt to be here. I felt happy, and i turned back to the west and trotted across the room, waving my arms like a child. I crossed the living room, noticing the opening in the upper part of the southern side of the western wall. The western wall was black, and it seemed to contain a closet on the northern side. To the south of the closet, the wall was only about a meter tall. The black wall was about a meter thick here, forming a shelf. Beyond the shelf was a large open room on the lower floor. I ran to the shelf and leaned my torso onto it, looking down into the great entry hall beyond. The entry hall had polished wood floors and walls, and the ceiling was peaked at high. A double wooden door was in the center of the western wall, and the doors seemed to be ajar at the moment. Windows in the southern wall let sunlight into the room. The place seemed very nice, and i enjoyed the large house. I felt cautious of the height as i looked down onto the floor below. I was then aware of the cloth that was hanging from the ceiling. Red flags hung down from the ceiling to the southwest of me. They ran north to south, but they ran in a line diagonally from the center of the large room, which seemed to be just to the south of where i was, to the southwest. The flags were about three-quarters of a meter wide and about a meter and a half long. They hung straight down, and i thought that they had something to do with airflow. I thought that they would act as baffles for the heat. I leaned out a little onto the shelf, but i felt a little uncomfortable with the height, so i thought that i would have to be careful. I slided back to the east, onto the floor of the bedroom.

I headed to the east, down the southern side of the large room of the house. It seemed that i was on the southern side of a house, on the roof, which also seemed like a patio. A low section of the building ran along the northern side of the patio, and the southern wall seemed to have several glass windows. The ground seemed to be covered with paving stones. I was on the southwestern corner of the area, and i started walking to the east. A row of thick metal posts ran in a wavy along the southern side of the area. A narrow roof ran along the posts, and it tipped to the north at the western end and to the south at the eastern end. The roof seemed to be made of thick glass. The poles ran just to the north of me, and i looked down the length as i stood under an eve that reached from the west. Water was collecting around the base of one of the poles in the center of the wavy line, and i thought that the collecting water would ruin the floor. I then realized that it was raining. The water was running off the roof around me, and it was running down the tipped roof of the poles. I hurried from the place where i had been standing to the line of poles, hoping to stay under the roof and out of the rain. I hurried to the east, but i was heading overall to the northeast to enter the house. A door was in the center of the eastern half of the building, and i was heading for it. The house to the north of me was now a tall brick or block building, and the stone that it was made out of had a yellow hue. As i came out from under the narrow roof and started for the door, i heard a man yelling in anger. I stopped and turned to the west to see a woman jogging along the southern face of the building, heading east. To the east of me, a man was standing in the rain in front of a wing of the building that ran along the eastern side of the area. He was wet and yelling to the west. The man frowned and stomped across the northeastern corner of the area toward the door in the building. I let him go ahead of me. As i reached the building, the woman also reached the door in front of me. She was very thin, and she wore white pants and a matching coat. As she held open the door to the east of us and walked in the building, she turned and spoke over her right shoulder, saying that Henry had cheated on her. I was not sure what to say, so i just let her walk into the building. I turned to the east and headed down the hallway.

I flew to the south, looking to the east of me at the large house. It was very wide and plain, with a peaked roof that ran east to west. It seemed to have a small asphalt lot to the west of it. I focused on the small square window that was in the center of the upper floor on the western end of the house. I remembered it from before. It was the window that led into the bedroom on the second floor. I flew toward it, thinking that i could enter the bedroom through the window. As i reached the window, though, i realized that it was too small to fly through. It was less than a half meter square, and it seemed to narrow for me to easily fit through. This seemed confusing. I remembered it as a window that i could look through before. I decided that i should enter the building through the main door, which was in the center of the western wall. I dropped down to the door. The red wooden door was very thick, and it was about three meters wide. I walked into the large entry hall on the western end of the building. It had a high peaked ceiling, and flags hung down from the sloped sides. The walls and floor were wood, and everything seemed old but nicely maintained. Minimal furnishings were throughout the rooms. I liked the way this house looked. It seemed very open and spacious. I moved quickly through the large open room, enjoying the open space.

I was talking about the large open spaces in the room. I thought that it would be nice to have rooms with a lot of space in them. I then thought that i would have a place to set up gym mats. This sounded very exciting, and i thought about what i could do with the open space of a large room. I was heading west on the southern side of the building. This building seemed to be an apartment building. It had darkly stained wood that had an unfinished surface. The corridor seemed to be on the outside of the building, but it had sections of walls blocking the south. I entered an area with a wall to the south as i started descending the stairs. I seemed to be near the western end of the building, which seemed to be a utility or garage area. The stairs ended on a cement walkway, which ran through the building to the north. I turned to the south on the cement floor and stepped out of the building. To the east of me, a man in a swim suit pulled open a door in the southern wall of the building and walked into the room. The man was nicely built, and i knew that he was heading into the sauna of the building. I felt interested in the man, but i did not think it was appropriate to follow him into a sauna. I then wondered what it would be like to live in an area where other wrestlers lived. I wanted to get exercise in the sport again. I stepped back into the building and started back to the east, heading up the stairs. This time, the cement stairs seemed to have another set of stairs just to the north of them. I walked a little way up one set of stairs and then reached over to the other set and pulled myself up between the railings. I could easily fit through the narrow space between the different flights of stairs. I pulled up using only my arms, and i thought that it was fairly easy to pull myself up. As i pulled myself up over a railing to the south of me, i noticed a man coming down the stairs from the east. He wore a pair of running shorts, and i thought that his legs were nicely muscled. He seemed nicely muscled in his arms as well, and i felt interested in him. As he passed me, i tried to look at him without staring. I thought that this part of the building was actually a pub. I moved over the railing to the south and looked down he hall to the east. A man was in the hall to the east. I moved to the southern side of the hallway as the man approached me. When he was to the northwest of me, i asked him where the bathrooms in the building were. He looked at me and motioned to the south. I was in a larger room now, and i could see a door to the bathroom in the western wall, to the south of me. I moved for it, but i realized that it was the women’s room. I stopped for a moment, wondering where the men’s room was. I then noticed another doorway farther to the south in the western wall. I moved toward it. The door was set into the doorway, and i noticed that it had a padlock on it. The lock was unlocked, but it was through a loop on the door. I pushed open the door of the room, looking at the padlock. I wondered if i was supposed to take the padlock into the room to lock the door.

12022 September 26

I was driving through the suburban area, heading generally south or east. I had to get somewhere, but i was not sure where i was going. I looked at the places around me, hoping that the buildings would start to look familiar. I felt nervous about this place, thinking that i might be lost. Something suddenly changed. I was driving south on a read, and someone was in the car with me. The road suddenly seemed familiar, and i was aware that i had not been near this place a moment ago. I told the other person in the car that i might know where i was. I wondered if this was an old familiar road that led to my house. The road curved to the southeast and then back to the south before ending on another street. As i rounded the corner to turn back to the south, i noticed the stone bridge that crossed the road. It seemed like a railroad bridge, and it was made of pale-blue bricks or small stone blocks. The bridge crossed the road in front of me, and i thought that the road had to dip down to go under it. I pointed out the bridge, confirming that this was the place that i had thought it was. I wondered how i had gotten here so suddenly. I stopped at the intersection at the end of the road. Looking to the east, i noticed a large stone building on the southern side of the road. It was Balch Hall. I knew exactly where i was now. My house was just to the west on this road. I said this to the other person.

I stood with the other person in the grassy yard to the southwest of a house. An old street ran to the southeast of us, and we stood on the northeastern side of it. The asphalt of the drive was broken and faded. The person to the south of me pointed out something on the road, saying that it was a running mark. I looked to the northwest, noticing an R with a circle around it. The woman to the south of me said that it was for a race. The red mark was faded, but it seemed to have an arrow indicating that runners should head northwest from there. I told the woman that i did not remember any race coming through this place. I seemed to live in the house to the northeast of us. The house seemed to be a brown wood house of simple design, with large windows near the peaks of the roof. The rough drive ran from the southeast and ended just to the northwest of us. I thought that it did not make any sense for the race to come through this area. I pointed out that there was no place for the runners to go from here. The northern end of the drive faded into the grass of the lawn to the north of us. A street seemed to run to the north of the house to the northeast. A thick group of bushes was to the northwest, just past the end of the road. It blocked the view of the neighboring house, which seemed to be yellow and in a similar style to the one to the northeast of us. To the south of the bushes, the ground had been packed and a faint dirt driveway could be seen heading to the west from the road. I pointed out that the runners could not continue to the north from here, because they would have to cross the lawn of the house. I thought that the marks must have been meant for a street to the west, which ran parallel to the one that we were on. I looked at the dirt drive to the west, noticing that it faded into grass to the south of the house. The runners could have followed the road, but it would not have gone anywhere, and they would again have to run across someone’s lawn to get to the main road to the north.

12022 September 29

I headed to the south, down the center of the room on the western side of the house. My grandmother seemed to be to the northwest of me somewhere. The man was describing something to the woman and i as we walked. I had been doing something here. At the southern end of the room, i turned to the east. A wide doorway was in the southern end of the eastern wall, and it led into another room of the house. The other room seemed to be on the southern side of the house. A set of stairs seemed to ascend to the north between the two rooms. As i walked into the center of the other room, the man continued to describe something that needed to be done. He told the woman to walk in a straight line. I knew that he was trying to demonstrate the spacial disruption. I knew that there was a break in space in the center of the room, and i thought that the man would put an X on the floor near it and stand to the east of it. She would tell the woman to walk toward him, adding that, no matter what happens, she should keep walking until she reached him. I thought that the woman would step into the spacial opening and find herself in another place. The other place seemed to be outdoors. She would continue walking in a straight line across the place, which seemed like a swamp. Eventually, she would cross the space and reappear in the room. I thought that she would be surprised at how far in the other place that she would have to walk. It would seem much farther than the width of the room. When she reappeared, i also thought that she might be facing another direction. I thought that, if she went into the hole from the northwest, she would come out facing south. This was how the man would teach her about spacial distortions.