11995 October 02

There were aliens invading Earth. They possessed humans. I was in a group with two other people. I tried to warn them about the aliens, but one of them already was an alien. A long brownish snake came out of his closet. It was ragged in appearance, and it jumped at the other person. This is how the aliens kept possessing humans. They spread through the snakes. I tried to get away, but they held me prisoner in the house. I was in the small bedroom. I tried to get away, but they could fly. I was locked in the bedroom as they went outside. I realized that i could slip out the window. I flew to the ground and hid behind a bush. It was night outside, and i was in a suburb. I could see someone walking down the sidewalk out in front of the house. I was on the side of the house. The man was sneaking around in the dark. I was watching him with interest. He appeared again at the far side of the block. There was open lawn between him and me. There were evenly spaced shrubs along the sidewalk he was on. He walked quickly under the glowing street lamps and disappeared down the street. I turned back to the bedroom window above me. The two people had come back into the room. $A37 looked out the window to see where i was. I flew up by the window where he could not see me. He told $A476 that i had escaped. I snuck back into the bedroom and hid behind a chair to watch them.

11995 October 03

I was working in the library, and i had to pack up the books. They were to be moved to another section. I was in the stacks, and there were wooden bookcases against the wall with books on them. I was packing them into cardboard boxes and moving them from the room. There was a sign at the edge of one of the shelves. It had a big “A” on it. This was a special A-section of the library. I was having trouble reading the books that were on the shelves. It was very dark in the room. I realized that some of the lights did not work anymore. I complained to the people i was working for, but there was nothing that they could really do. I kept packing the books. I pulled all of the blue folders off of the shelf and placed them in the cardboard box. Then i walked over to one of the boxes that was already packed. Everything seemed dusty and dark. I looked through the paperback books in the box. I recognized a lot of them. They were all of the books i had liked as a child. There was A Wrinkle in Time and Hero from Nowhere. I thought that they were interesting.

11995 October 05

I was in the booth at the restaurant. It was a highway diner. I had ordered a sundae. There was a piece of paper on the counter that i was reading. It said “lapid” on it. I knew that it was supposed to say “lapd”, but that it was spelled incorrectly. I did not know what the paper meant, however. I showed it to the person next to me on the right.

11995 October 06

I was at the festival. The wives were there, gathered by themselves. They were complaining about the machine. They were acting very overdramatic, worrying about how the machine would ever be able to do work. It did run however. I had to have it do some work. The storeroom needed to be arranged. First, it undid the block links that were holding it in place, and then it moved its fork under a pallet. It moved the pallet back against the black warehouse-shelving unit. Then it picked up the pallet and stacked it on top of another pallet. The pallets were filled with white toilet paper. I was worried that they were being stacked too high. They might fall over. Then i noticed the machine moving a pallet of pink toilet paper toward me. It did not see me. I ran backward, into a small area between the other stacked pallets. I was trapped between the columns. I grumbled as the machine left and started to pull myself out. I knocked over some rolls behind me and tried to crawl through. $A35 was there. He was buried in toilet paper too. He decided that he had to urinate, so he went into the rolls of toilet paper. I woke up in the bed in the small white bedroom. I was in a small one-floor house. I thought that i had had a strange dream. The house was not my own. I looked outside to see the vast open plain with small shrub plants. There was a thunderstorm moving in, and i could hear the thunder echoing over the valley. The air was warm, dry, and rather heavy. It seemed like i was out west, and i felt very familiar and at home.

I started to tell $A153 about the dream i had. I told him about the machine and the rolls of toilet paper. He laughed when i mentioned the paper. It was no longer $A153, though, as i finished my story. I walked down the side of the quadrangle. There was a short stone wall running along the path to my right. On the other side was a couple of old trees. There were people on the quadrangle gathered around a maple tree. They were sniffing it to see if it was ready for sapping. I crossed the stone wall and walked under one of the trees. I sat down and decided that i should write down my dream before i forgot it.

11995 October 07

I was in the new house. None of the furnishings had been moved in yet. I was in the kitchen. The walls were pale dull yellow with tall narrow cupboards. There was a thin aluminum table in the center of the room, with a cheap linoleum top. $F13 was in the next room, taking a shower, so we decided to look around. We opened some of the tall narrow cupboards. They were too tall. We could not see the upper shelves, even when i stood on my toes. There was a tall man next to me. Even he had trouble seeing into the upper shelves. We left the kitchen and walked out toward the hall. There was a short corridor from the kitchen, which had closets on either wall. Then the hall opened up into a stairwell. The stairs curved downward to the right. The left wall was medium brown, with tall white cupboards on it. We opened one of them and looked in. They were empty as well, and still very tall. The tall man looked in toward the top shelf. We were in the dining room. I placed my hands o the back of the tall guy’s shoulders, as if pulling myself up to see the cupboards. We both fell backward onto the floor. We then started wrestling, but he was gone. I was in the gym, and there were people around me. It was a wrestling tournament. I was supposed to have another opponent. I was unsure of my wrestling skill. The boy in the red suit came out onto the mat. He was psyched and was jumping around, cheering. He did a couple front flips across the mad toward me. He told me that he was going to beat me. He kept pacing and eventually walked toward the crowd. I was unsure about wrestling him, but he walked off of the mat, and that meant that he forfeited the match. He was upset, but the match was over. I had to take a shower, so i walked into the locker room. I did not have any clothes to change into. I walked out into the hall, thinking that i would go back to the place outside where i had left my clothes. I looked down the hallway of the school. It was somewhat dark, and had dull-yellow tiles along the lower wall and floor. I could see a couple of people walking into the gym down the hall. The young girl was wearing a ski jacket that was blue with a red collar. I turned around and started to head back to the locker room. I noticed a woman standing by the drinking fountain on the right side of the hall. She had a light-blue towel wrapped around her head, and was wearing a cream-coloured housecoat. She was giving her baby a bath in the sink. I walked into the locker room. There were several members of $G3 there. I had to take a shower, but i had no soap or towel.

11995 October 08

I walked past the filed where $G3 were playing sports. They were playing a strange version of baseball. The pitcher was throwing the ball from home plate. Then, after the batter in the center of the diamond hit the ball, the pitcher ran to first. I saw the queue of $G3 to the left, waiting to pitch. I did not understand how they could play this way. $A98 was there, and i saw $F11 come up to pitch. I did not really understand how they were playing the game. I walked up the hill, past the playing field. In a while, i came back down. I wanted to check the spot where $G3 had camped last night. I followed the trail down through the thin forest. I could see runs where the brows late-autumn ground had been worn bare by the game. The soil was buddy, and the runs had deep brown tracks where the bud had been parted. I looked up the hill to the right of the path, where all of the ground had been trampled. Then i saw the rocks and trickles of water to the left, just down the path. The camp must have been by this stream. I realized that i was standing in some of the water from the stream. My foot got wet. I walked out of the water and headed down the path. I came out into the driveway behind the tall orangish building. The building was made of large stone blocks and was four of five stories tall. It was crested with a brown overhand from the flat roof. I walked toward the end of the building ant started past the second one. $G3 came out of the forest and started across the parking lot. I was glad to see them, but felt uncomfortable being there, so i walked around the end of one of the buildings. I walked down the stairs and into the building I had to take a shower and change.

I parked my car at the entrance of the road and started walking. It seemed like i was in $P167, by the old plant. I walked down the incline of the road and into the small area. The road was short and dead-ended. There were several houses around it. I went down to the cul-de-sac at the end of the drive and started filling bottles with the small rocks from the gravel road. I finished with the bottles and started to leave. Then i noticed the gravel truck backing into the road. It stopped at the side of the turn. There was someone else walking down the driveway. I picked up the chisel from the ground and put it back in my pocket. Then i picked up the back of the wheelbarrow and started up the road. I saw $A475 walking by on the driveway. He was watching me roll the cart up the hill. I stopped and muttered “It would be better if i actually put on my back pack.” I put down the end of the cart and put my pack over both shoulders so that it would not keep sliding down my arm. $A475 helped me push the cart the rest of the way up the hill. I started to fall behind, but eventually made it to the top of the hill. When i caught up with $A475, he was $A123. $A123 looked over the rocks in the wheelbarrow. He said that they should probably be bleached. He said “Every time i cook with rocks, i just go out into the woods and get them.” That way, he would not have to worry about bleaching them. $A123 placed the bottles in the side door of the van, which was parked at the entrance to the driveway. Then we noticed the yellow light at the side of the hospital flashing. $A123 would have to go.

11995 October 09

Plants were going to take over the world. They could form a nerve center in their structures, and could interact via a complex root system. They could think, and were going to take control from the humans. I was telling someone this. I tried to warn him. Then one of the plants grabbed his ankle. He tried to get away.

I was in $P7. It had been refinished. I had been playing guitar outside $P168. I finished and started up the back stairs of $P7. I entered the building, carrying the guitar with me. $A44 was there and thought that the guitar was interesting. I showed it to him. Then i headed up stairs. The people in the main office were singing. It sounded like Christmas carols. I ran into $A206, and he led me to the other side of the building. The room looked crude and unfinished, but that was the way it was redesigned. There were different colours of paint on the walls, where different trims fit together. The paints were dull yellow and pale blues. I ran into the austral woman at the end of the room. She was pretty and had long braided hair. She said that she was glad that i had volunteered. I felt uneasy. I had not really volunteered for anything. Then i noticed that the floor was oscillating up and down slowly. The wing was swaying with the wind and with our movements. I tried to remain still in this alcove to the classroom. $A153 and $A4 were at the lab tables in the main part of the room. I looked around at the timbers that lined the inside of the walls. It looked as though the inside wall had been removed, exposing the diagonal cross ribs. There was a pale-yellow window to my left. I then noticed the small square window by the floor, on my right. I had not seen the building since the renovations. I ran over to the other wing to see what other changes had been made. I went outside, into the narrow courtyard. There was a mound of dirt piled up in the center, and it was decorated with small plaques. It was a monument. I did not recognize all of the symbols. One was a round silver dais with an eagle on it. I picked up the disk and looked over it. It was made from $P52. I was disappointed. I turned to the left and walked into another door to the building. We entered into the cafeteria.

11995 October 10

I was riding on the school bus through an older suburb. We drove up the hill and then the bus pulled into a stop. I got off of the bus and crossed the street. I started to walk down the hill. There were trees on the side lawn. There was a girl walking in front of me. She had gotten off of the bus just before i had. I did not want to make her uneasy that i was following her, so i walked past her. The pavement was uneven, and the blocks had lifted over roots and things. I slipped on some mud that was on the sidewalk and glided down the hill a little way. I realized how slippery the ground was and kept sliding down it. I kept gliding down the sidewalk as the bus drove by. I was floating a little way off of the pavement. I crossed a side street and rounded a corner. Then there was a parking lot to my right. I worked at the factory downtown, and i was heading for work. I cut across the parking lot. I could see the skyline of some of the buildings as i slid across the lot. It was night, and the lights over the parking lot shined on small patches. I came past the stone wall and did not recognize where i was. I wondered whether i should have been gliding so far down the hill. I did not usually come this way. The stone wall rose up to my left at the edge of the parking lot. It had a smooth surface, with 11940s art-deco designs of plain columns. There were some people walking out of the underground garage ahead of me. They were just getting off of their shift. I walked behind the van and hid in the garage. Some women were sitting on break in their white smocks. They were talking to each other. One of them mentioned that they had a meeting to go to in a few minutes about their benefits. I walked out from behind the cars. I was holding a pair of pink panties in my hand. The women of the factory had made them. I asked them what they did and they said that they sew the panties. I then asked what was the difference between panties and underwear. One of the women said that panties were made of a thin material. Another added that it was a “diaphanous” material. I opened up the pink robe that i had been holding. I had ordered one of these for my grandmother. I wondered if this was the one. It was a size ten. I said that i would take it, but it was not completely sewn. I opened up the ragged seams and then folded up the dress so that i could fit it in my bag. I reached over to the table and picked up a pink spool of thread. I would take it with me and sew it later. Then a man stepped into the edge of the break room. He reminded the women that the meeting would be starting soon. He did not look happy to see me. He was wearing a white shirt and tie.

11995 October 12

I came home from work and went to bed. I woke up and stared at the ceiling. There was a man in my apartment. He was looking for things. I ignored him and went back to sleep. I woke up later. I could hear $A16 outside. She was talking to some people in the driveway. She mentioned that i was upstairs. I wondered if she wanted to show the apartment. Then i saw the man wandering by again. He had checked the living room for some stuff. He asked about me. I got out of bed and started roaming around the apartment. $A16 told the man that i was upstairs and that i probably would not mind him coming up. He came to the door. I went to meet him, but it was dark, and i could not see who he was. We talked on the porch for a few minutes. He had left some books in the apartment and wanted to get them. He had lived here before me and had left them. He found the row of books on the shelf on the porch. I pointed out that they were here when i got here. He bent over to a box and looked on the floor and pulled out a text boon on biology and wetlands. We talked for a while on the back porch. It was a hazy warm day, and all of the plants had a late summer feel to them. I then noticed that my car was missing from its spot in the driveway. I wondered where it could have gone. Then we heard the thunder off in the distance. It might storm soon, although there were few clouds in the sky. I had to get back to work sometime. Then i looked around the back porch. There were no more books along the shelf. I wondered where they had all gone. I went back inside to check. There was a clear plastic bag on the floor of the kitchen. I opened it up and found the books in it. They must have gotten mixed in with my stuff. I could hear the rumbling again from the thunder. Then i could hear the telephone ringing. The ring was from an old bell telephone. I almost did not hear it. It was the white phone, so the ringer was not that loud. I walked across the wood floor of the living room and picked up the telephone. There were no furnishings in the living room, or in either of the two rooms on the front of the building. I answered the telephone. There was a girl on the line. She was looking for Arul. I told her that she had the wrong number. I looked at the front window of the house. I could see fire rolling across the sky in the thick black clouds. $Z was in the room with me. I hung up the telephone and went to the window. The clouds were gone. Only the large white sheets remained. The girl in the room with me was awed. The coming storm clouds were very impressive. I ran into the back bedroom, which was $A16’s room. I knew she would not mind if i looked out her window. The back wall of the room curved around to the back of the building, and there was a large wide window over the full length of the outer wall. I could see the strange shapes hanging from the bottom of all of the clouds. They looked like nipples at first, but then they stretched out to look more like rubbers with a catch pouch on the end. I looked out under the rolling clouds and could see the shape repeated into the distance. I could see the tall buildings of the city stretched out below from the side of the room. To the right, toward the back of the house, was a lake shore. I could see lights on the opposite shore in the distance. The lake was fairly narrow at this end. I wondered if the view from these windows was real. It seemed like it might be fake. I walked to the short wall on the back of the room and looked out over the city. The lake shore curved away, and i could see beaches on the opposite shore. I remembered behind down by the water. There was a road than ran north along the lake’s edge. I could see the road running away from me at the moment. I pulled on the aluminium frame of the window to see if i could open it. It slid open, and it was quite bright outside. The view of the city was real. I took off my sun glasses and looked out the window. A cool breeze blew into the room. I looked up and could see the storm clouds moving away in the northeast. I went back into the front room. The telephone rang again, and i answered it. It was the same girl as before. She was looking for Arul. I told her than she still had the wrong number. As i did, i noticed a group of teenagers sitting on a wooden deck across the street. They were hanging around and talking. There were a couple of guys and a couple of girls. One of the guys was wearing a green sweatshirt and leaning back against the railing with his right led gonging over the front rail. I watched him as i hung up the telephone. Then i noticed my car out front. It was on my side of the street. I looked back at the girl in the green sweatshirt. I wondered if i should go get my car. Maybe i could get a better look. I could hear the storm rumbling overhead as the girls talked.

11995 October 14

I woke up in the small bedroom with the light-blue walls. The room was shaking and trembling. There was an earthquake going on. $F12 was in the house with me. I guessed that he would finally feel an earthquake. The room was brightly lighted. I thought that it must be morning, but i looked at the digital bed clock and saw that it was only three o’clock. I looked out the window to see that there was a full moon in the sky. That must have been causing the brightness. I looked down on the ground. The house was very quiet, but i could hear noise from outside. There were a couple of raccoons on the ground playing with the suitcases. They were trying to drag the suitcases away. I knocked on the window to try to scare them away. The raccoons disappeared, but the dog, which had been out in the yard, ran over to the window. He started growling and barking at me. I closed the window and walked back across the room. I could hear the dog come into the house through the dog door downstairs. I walked down the hall of the house. The others had been awoken. I walked over to the large window and looked out. I could see out over the ocean. There were people swimming in the breaking waves. In front of me was a large platform, with a dock in the center. The platform was covered with water and had an outlet at the end. Water poured out of the outlet and into the ocean. There was a small yacht docked on the long pier. It floated out near the opening in the wall. I was afraid that it might fall over the drop off. Then the boat fell over the edge and drifted away into the ocean. Two men in the water started swimming after it. I told the others about our boat, which had just drifted away. I looked back out. Another boat floated across the platform of water and over the drop off. It too started drifting away. Then i noticed the large white boat on the horizon. It was approaching very fast. It came into the shore and stopped abruptly as it hit the edge of the platform. That was the boat that $F13 was on. We had to go pick him up at the station. We got in the cigarette boat and started out. We raced across the small platform and jumped over the edge of the platform. We landed in the lake and started to make a slow turn to head back toward the station. It was still night, and i could see everything very clearly in the full moon’s light. There were hills rising up at the near shore of the lake. I thought that it looked very peaceful at night. It was very nice. $F12 was driving the boat. We finished making the turn and started heading back toward the shore. I thought of putting my hand on $F12’s knee. We drove into the stone tunnel as we reached the shore. We walked down the tunnel of the station and into the main terminal. The terminal had a main chamber with arches along the wall. There were metal bars separating the arches from the corridor on the other side. It reminded me of some kind of jail. $F12 walked to the right, toward the baggage claim counter. There was a man behind the counter in a white shirt and a blue vest. A queue of people waited in front of him. I walked down the corridor, toward the other side of the terminal. I could see people walking into the station from the corridor on the other side of the bars. The sections of the station were called blocks. I asked where the passengers would be, and someone directed me to the next block down. I then heard $F13’s voice. He said “Hello $0.” I turned around but did not see him. To my right, i could see the other side of the baggage return counter. The queue stretched away from me to where i had been standing. The baggage counter itself was chrome silver. $F12 walked up to meet me. His head was shaved. He was carrying some of the baggage from the boat. I walked down the hall with $F12, toward the other side of the station. $F51 was walking the other way. He had not seen $F13 either. $F51 walked around the corner and headed to the baggage claim. I heard one of the women standing in the terminal tell another woman “One block over.” She was giving directions to some place. Then i saw $F13 standing in a queue at the baggage counter. I started toward him, but realized that it was not $F13.

11995 October 15

I was in the museum. There was something written on a door. It was a word made of three letters. The first letter looked like a delta, and the second was a capital U. The third looked like a capital letter F that had been reversed and had a vertical bar running from the end of the lower of the bottom horizontal bar to the baseline of the text, closing the left side of the bottom part of the letter. The corners of this letter were slightly rounded. There was something about a ransom note. I did not really understand what the words on the door said. Then i noticed that there were cops everywhere. They were looking for the ransom. I left and went back. I did not want to deal with the police.

The girl threw a plate of scrambled egg into the man’s face. He was seeing another girl. The woman was upset. I walked down the hall of the school. I was upset. The school was a modern building, with narrow tile hallways. I looked around at the racks in the hallway. They were like bread carts with slide-in shelves. People had placed their science projects on the shelves. I walked between the science projects and turned right into one of the classrooms. The hall turned to an alcove about three or four metres deep before each classroom door. I walked through the classroom. There was no one there. To my left, on the outside of the room, i could see yellow doors and lab equipment. This was a chemistry class. I walked out of the classroom and back into the hall. I noticed the trays on my way out. They had large plastic models of atoms on them. He spheres were arranged in long chains. They were in yellow plastic tubs on the shelves. Each atom in the model was around a deci in diameter. I ran into a science teacher and another student as i turned from the alcove, back down the hall. I was still upset. The boy accused me of something. He said that i was the one. I pushed past them and walked down the hall. I was even more upset. I pulled the carts down behind me so that they could not follow as i stormed down the hall. I walked out of the building and into the courtyard. The school auditorium was in front of me. I opened my arms and wanted to fly away. I started moving toward the other wing of the school.

11995 October 17

I crossed the street at the corner. There was a stone-front building with a large glass window on the front. I thought about the undersea colony as i watched the automobile drive by. It was a small red car. There might be a problem with the undersea colony. I thought of the tragedy. I walked into the store. There was a large computer may of the colony on the back wall. It was 3D and turned to show the elevation of the sea floor. The woman behind the counter talked to me as i watched the yellow lines of the map rotate on the counter. There was a long purple tube that was the dive elevation. I thought that i should go down sometime.

I was by the stairs, in the driveway of $P19. $A218 was missing. I was worried about him. I remembered that he was missing in my dream as well. $G3 were out in the driveway by the pine trees. They were talking. I wondered where $A218 was. $A14 heard about this as i was talking. He could not believe it and was noticeably upset. He started going over the work i was to do. I looked out the window at $G3.

It was a sitcom. The woman said that the check was bad. Uncle Phil and Will from Fresh Prince of Bel-Air were there. They displayed their shock. Since the check was bad, they owed five thousand dollars to charity.

I was in the back seat of the car, and we were driving down the road. The road was narrow, and there was snow along the sides. There were small shopping plazas to our right. The road curved around them and then through the pine trees. The driver beeped the horn. I did not know why. It was irritating, but i did not say anything. Then he did it again as we passed in front of one of the small plazas. I noticed a car starting to back out of a parking spot in front of the plaza. I wondered if the beeping was to signal the cars from around a corner. Then i noticed the rod lines on the pavement. They were parking spots. The beeping was a way of getting into the red parking spots. We pulled into one in front of a long plaza. There we walked into the electronics store. $F4 was there with me. I walked around into the next room of the electronics store, on the left side of the building. There was a lot of furniture there. Then i noticed a set of headphones on an oak dining-room table. They looked very much like ones that i had. I was worried that someone might think that i stole my pair. I turned and headed toward the front of the store. There were a lot of tables there.

I was in the basement of my grandmother’s house. There was a vent in the floor with water in it. Bubbles were starting to cum up the drain from the washing machine. My mother and father were there, but they were ready to go. I was worried that the drain might overflow, but the water receded. My parents went to check out. There was a small horse in the basement. It walked over the vent, and i was worried that it might fall through. The horse went to the bathroom over the vent. I though that this was good, because then someone would not have to clean it up. The manure fell in piles on the grate. It had pieces of straw. Then i noticed that the horse was sinking into the vent. I walked over to the miniature horse and tried to pull it out of the vent. I could not get a hold of it. It was wearing a blue blanket. I was worried that the horse would get stuck in the vent. If the vent filled with water, the horse would drown. I tried again to grab the horse, but i could not lift it. It had slipped farther down the vent. I was worried and felt a little panicked. Then i heard the toilet upstairs flush. I was worried and upset. The water filled up the vent. The horse became frantic as the water came over its head. There was a short broken wine as the horse went under water. I felt really upset. The horse was dead, and i knew what panic it felt.

11995 October 19

I was in the small office in the building. The walls were off white, and the office was cluttered with papers and items. Then i saw the briefcase on the floor. It was a black leather case, with accordion folds along the sides. I wondered whose it was. I pulled it up onto the desk to check it out. I opened the case and looked inside to find out whose it was. There was a letter in the lower right of the briefcase. I looked it over. The name on the letter was similar to mine. I was upset by the letter. I tore it up and threw it out. I closed the briefcase and tossed it under my desk. I left the small office and started down the corridor of the office building. The corridor was narrow and dimly lighted. I ran into $A98 in the hallway. He mentioned that he had lost his briefcase. I went back to the office on the side of eth building to get the briefcase i had found. $A98 followed me. I showed it to him and he said that it was his.

I was forced into going back to work. It was a type of punishment. I was degraded to a job at $P27. I was dropped off in the parking lot. I walked into the building and went into the office at the left. There was a large table in the center of the office. To the left was another office behind the glass windows. The table was cluttered with papers and other work. I thought that i did not want to run into $A5. I kept thinking how much of a failure this job was to me. I looked over the desk and wondered what i was supposed to do. I saw several packages at the edge of the desk. They had been returned in the mail. I thought that i should process them. I remembered that i would have to go through the files to search for the codes. I hated this job, and did not want to go through it again. I looked around at all of the other stuff there was to do. Then a woman came into the office. I waited for her to go through the things and tell me what i should be doing. People started to gather at the table for the meeting. I started to talk to some of them. A couple of them were old acquaintances of mine. $A283 was there. We talked for a while. Then we all got into the car and started to drive away. $A283 mentioned his friend, who was sitting on the other side of me. $A283 told me that his friend was homosexual. I wondered if i could get along with him. I was nervous talking to him. I continued talking to $A283. The man reached over and held my hand. $A283, the man, and i started joking. We were all sitting in the back seat of the car. I was in the center, and $A283 was on my right. Then the seat fell backwards, and we were all lying down. We started laughing at the situation and eventually sat up again. The man to my left was attracted to me and showed an interest. I turned to $A283 instead, thinking that i liked him more. I was worried that the man on my left would be upset. I talked to $A283 some more.

11995 October 20

I was running through the forest trails at the edge of the large pit. I ran down into the pit, following the trail at the edge of the gorge. The others were waiting up at the top of the cliff to see where the correct trail went. Up ahead, on the other side of the gorge, we could see police cars. The others did not want to get caught, so they retreated into the woods. I ran down the curved trail that went down into the pit. The trail ran along the top of a set of book shelves. I quickly climbed down the shelves and onto the floor of the library. There were stacks of books all around the room. There was a large hazed glass window on the wall to my right, up near the trail from which i had come. There were many tables and chairs around the library. It reminded me of a furniture store. I ran out of the large reading room and into the hall. The library was finely decorated. The trim was a rich gold and brown, and there were mirrors on the walls. The floor was a smooth shining marble colour. The atrium of he library stretched overhead, with a huge arching ceiling over two or three stories. A balcony ran around the second level, with pillars and arches to set if off. The trim around the top of the pillars had dark red in the leaf pattern. I ran down the short flight of stairs at the end of the hall. There was a small area with stairs coming down both sides of the central elevator shaft. There were mirrors on all of the outside walls and a deep-red carpet on the floor. There was an elevator on the inside wall. It was a special private elevator, with shining gold doors. I was probably not supposed to be here because of the secrecy, but i tried to get into the elevator. I id not have the secret key to open the elevator, so i played around with the door. I managed to pry it open. It slid the rest of the way open, and i walked in. I looked around and noticed that there were no buttons to operate the elevator. Then the door rolled shut. I realized that you had to have a key in order to operate the elevator. I also realized that the door would not open without the key. I suddenly panicked, realizing that i was trapped. Then i was outside the elevator. The door was slightly ajar, and i could push my way in. I did not want to go in, though, because i knew that i could get trapped inside. That was one of the security devices. If you did not have a key, the elevator would not let you out, and you would be trapped until someone else came. I walked back up the stairs, across the atrium, and back into the main library. Then i heard someone in the atrium. I did not want to get caught. I walked into the small reading room with the deep-red carpeting and dark oak furnishings. I saw the dogs coming across the lobby toward me. I hid in the room, hoping that they would not come in. The room was filled with tables and chairs, as if it were a furniture store. There was italian music playing in the background. I started humming and then singing to it as i ran around the tables toward the next room. Then the dog appeared in the doorway. I was trapped. I could not get through the furniture to get out.

I was walking along at the festival. There was a man there whom i kept noticing. Then i looked at the row of ornate houses at the edge of the park as i walked along the sidewalk. I walked into one of the apartments. It was small. There was a man living in the closet. I had to urinate, so i went to the lavatory. The toilet was spraying water when people got too close to it, so i decided to use the other one. I was outdoors, looking for the outhouses.

11995 October 21

I fixed the coffee for dinner. I was using the coffee machine with the brass front and dark-brass trimming. Then i drove home in my car. As i drove down the road, i noticed $A283 standing on the side of the road. He was watching me as i passed. I rode by bicycle farther down the road. I saw $A283 again as i rode. He was wearing a pair of shorts and no shirt. He showed off as i passed by, flexing his muscles. I rode by him again and stopped. He had blue war paint over his face. I thought that he looked rather interesting. Then i noticed the red tattoo on his shoulder. It was new. It was some kind of symbol. I thought that it was familiar, but i did not recognize it. I talked to $A283 as we walked through the building. There was a party going on. We walked over by the bar. There was a row machine there.

I walked along the sidewalk on the outside of the large gray stone building. People were coming out of the entrance to the place. There was a fire, and everyone was leaving the university. I was in the middle of a city, and this was a SUNY building. I walked in the brass and glass doors of the building and into the lobby. People were walking around. I noticed several books that had been placed out on a table. I was interested in some of them, because i recognized several of the titles. They were science-fiction and fantasy books. I wondered if they belonged to $F7, as they seemed like something he would have. Then i saw $F7 by the side of the table. I said hello, and told him that i thought the books looked familiar.

11995 October 23

I walked into long narrow store. It was a hat shop, and there were quite a few hats hanging on hooks from both walls. There was a man in the store who worked there, and $Z was with me. I was looking for a hat to wear. Then i found a small tan hat. It had an odd rim, made of a stiff lace. I thought that it looked strange. There was a small white bow on the front of the hat. The bow moved like a butterfly flapping its wings. I let go of the hat, and the bow made it glide unevenly away. The bow was too small for the black felt hat. We had to recover the hat. We caught it and kept it with us. It contained some secret that we were looking for, and we could not let it fly away.

11995 October 24

I was talking to my mother outside in the city street. It seemed like $P127, and there were tall apartment buildings around us. We were at the edge of an alley between two red brick buildings. I noticed that one of the buildings in the distance was oscillating. The top was swaying back and forth. I thought that it must be the wind. Then i realized that it was not the wind; it was an earthquake. My mother and i stepped out of the alley and looked down the street. We could see the shockwave traveling toward us. We ran away from the buildings and across the street, into a park, where it would be safe. I looked overhead and noticed the telephone wires stretched overhead. It would not be safe here. There was a small apple tree at the edge of the park. It had long downward-bowed limbs that hung over it like a bell. The sky was dark from night. We ran under the apple tree for shelter.

I was driving out to visit $F12. I knew where i was going because i had driven here before. Then i realized that i was driving through $P25. I was heading up the curved hill road in the middle of the forest. There was a valley to my left, and mountains beyond. I closed my eyes to make sure that i was not dreaming. I should not be in $P25. It was true. I had to turn around and head back. I pulled off to the side of the road and stopped the car so that i could turn around. There was a girl riding by on her bicycle. She was austral and rather attractive. She smiled to me as she passed. I pulled into the shoulder and started to turn. I recognized the place and thought that i had been here before. The lake in $P25 was off to the left of the road, down in the valley. TO the right, but the dirt area into which i had pulled off, was a small pond. There were several deciduous trees around the pond, as well as swamp like plants. I drove back onto the road and looked in my rearview mirror. I could see a police car and flashing lights stopped a way up the road behind me. They must be stopping cars at some checkpoint. I started to drive forward. I was on a plat road with pale green trees on either side of the road. The ground was very sandy and pale tan. The road turned sharply to the left. I could see people in swimsuits coming over the worn trail from the vegetation on the right. They were swimmers and had just come from the beach. I rounded the corner and drove past the ice-cream store. I looked over the counter of ice cream. Then i turned and headed across the tall stone lobby toward the door. As i reached the door, $A150 was there. He held the door open for me as i walked through. He was on his way in. I had trouble getting out the door. A large crowd of people was pushing its way in. The busses must have just let people off at the corner. I took a right, toward the corner, and drove to the stoplight. The sidewalk was closed, and there were many people trying to walk around it. There were construction signs all around. They were repairing the recent quake damage.

11995 October 26

Everyone walked out of the auditorium at $P7. It had been a long time since we had been back. We noticed the changes made in the front hall. There were offices at the front of the hall where the stairs used to be. $A477 points out that the old office was gone, and that it had been replaced by new white paneling. I complained about all of the new additions. There were so many offices. I wanted to know what happened to all of the classrooms. $A164 and i started walking over toward the lecture hall. As we approached, we noticed that it was set up more like a television studio. It must be the media office for $P7. We walked in and started through the row of tall computer rack equipment. We realized that this was not a television studio after all. It was an office. Through the window we could see yet another office, with folders and books stacked high over desks. The office we were in had a similar state of disarray. The desks were cluttered with paperwork and loose folders and binders. There was a partition in the office with a large plexiglas window. I could see old televisions, VCRs, and other electronic equipment stacked high on the other side. There were also cellular phones. I told $A164 that the VCRs were for surveillance. They could be set up on remote in different places. There was a guard sitting by the desk at the end of the office. He had to step out for a while. He worked with the Secret Service, and this was his outpost. He asked me to sit at the desk for a while and watch things. I sat down. I realized that the phone system on the desk was hooked up to video cameras. When someone called in, it would trigger cameras by remote, and they would send their information by phone. Then one of the phones rang. I waited for the cameras to pick up, but they did not. The line switched over to an answering service, and i waited for eth signal to come in, but there was no baud info. The phone had rung a couple of times, but the camera was not transmitting. I sat down in the chair in front of the desk and listened to the open line. The woman who was calling in stared to leave a message on the answering machine. I looked past $A164 to a large machine against the wall. It had a long metal arm that rotated across the surface of the consol. On the arm was a reel of recording tape, and a flange that spun slowly around the reel as the arm slowly rotated on the machine. There were three reels of tape at the end of the arm, and they each rotated as they spun around each other. Then i noticed that one of the reels was spinning very fast. It was unwinding, and the wide tape was piling up on the floor. At first, it was just slapping the edges of the machine, but then it started to collect on the floor. The high-speed tape was actually printer paper. It collected on the floor as the incoming data was recorded.

11995 October 27

I was taking a test in the class. I was frustrated hat i could not figure out what i was supposed to be doing. I could not remember anything and did not know what to write on the exam. I was only able to answer a few questions. Hen the time was up and i had to hand it in. I was upset. I wished that i could have done better. I complained to my mother as we walked through $P27. I wandered out of the store and into the parking lot. As i approached the car, i heard some shouting. I looked across the street to see some kids fighting. There was a small suburb on the other side of the road, hidden partly by trees. The kids were gathered into a group and were watching as two kids hit each other. I turned around and headed back toward the store. I walked on the sidewalk, under the roof on the side of the plaza. I noticed that the large light over the parking lot was burned out. $P27 was under new management, and they must not be doing as good a job. I started to tell the people in the store about the kids fighting across the street. I felt strange telling them. I felt that they might think that i was weird. Every once and a while, i would start describing things in Indian. I could not help myself. The words just slipped through. I felt uncomfortable. I went to watch my friend pack to leave. As i was leaving the room, i stumbled over a coat that had been dropped on the floor. It was my oil coat. I picked it up and walked into the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. She was there with a couple of other people. She was unpacking food on the center table. I walked around the table, toward the bathroom door. I was here earlier. She was slightly annoyed and spoke of getting old. She was worried about someone’s health. It was related to a heart attack. Then i was in the passenger’s seat of a car. I was small, and my maternal grandfather was driving. He spoke to me, and i thought that he sounded just the way he used to. $X16 was in the back of the car. I thought how strange it was for him to be in the car, because this scene was very much like things used to be. I knew that he was dead, but i kept thinking that he sounded just like he used to. We needed to get gas for the car. I pointed out that there was a gas station on the left side of the road where he could stop. He drove by. He was trying to tell me something. I noticed the gas price was $3.09 a gallon. I said that we should not get has there anyway; it would be cheaper elsewhere. I then thought about my maternal grandfather being there with me. I felt really sad and wanted to cry. He told me about heart attacks. He said that they could happen to anyone. I knew that he was referring to someone specific, but he would not say. I realized that i was not having a dream, but that he was actually talking to me. This was some kind of warning. He told me, but i could not understand or remember the details.

11995 October 30

I had to get ready to go on an interview. The girls were driving downtown. I was in the car with them. I asked them if they wanted to stop at $P169. We were all hungry, and i had to eat before i went on my interview. The girls did not want to stop, however. I was disappointed. I rode in the back of the red and white late-fifties-style convertible as they drove down $P147. I was in the car with my mother. She was driving me back to $P19. I had to get ready for the interview. We drove don the road when we came to a detour sign. The suburban street turned to gravel up ahead, and my father drove the car around the sharp corner-loop on the unkempt grass. We came to a T in the road in front of an old house on an old suburban corner. The house was green, with chipping paint and white trim. There was an uneven sidewalk in front of it. The detour signs were at the opposite side of the road, but did not tell us which way to turn. My father turned right. We followed the road a short distance and then turned left, into a large garage. The garage was a cement building with cinderblock walls. The back door was open and we drove in. An office was to the left, and a wall ahead. To the left and back, we could see the front part of the garage and another entrance. The garage doors were large and wooden, with glass windows in a row along the upper midsection. I got out of the car and walked through the house. I would have to shower before i left for the interview. I went to the bathroom, but it was full. $G3 had just woken up and had gone to the shower. $F4 walked into the locker room from the other shower room. He said that there was an open shower in there. I walked into the tile room. There were several other people taking showers on the other walls of the room. To the left of the entrance was an open shower. I turned it on. The water pressure was not strong enough, and i was disappointed. I stepped under the water and started showering anyway. $F4 was under a shower on the wall next to the door. He started talking to me about the block method. I remembered the conference that we had about using the block method. It was the way the city was constructed. Everything was built in blocks on large areas of land, and then things were constructed from there.