11997 October 01

I went into the front entrance of the old warehouse. It was grey and rainy outside. I stepped into the large room, which was part of a flea sale. There was a man watching me as i walked along the aisles of the sale. There were several tables of junk around the room. The man was sitting in a small booth that was along the side wall of the warehouse. He was old and somewhat overweight. He had white hair that was balding in the center. I felt slightly uncomfortable having him watch me. I looked over the stuff that was on the tables. Most of it looked like old clothing and assorted junk. Then i noticed that there were a few CDs in the middle of some stuff. They were in white edged cases. I looked at them and noticed that they were Kiss CDs. I realized that the CDs belonged to someone. I knew to whom they belonged. I thought that everything here must have belonged to someone. I looked at the CD that i was holding. It was Love Gun, buy Kiss. I put it back down on the shelf and started to walk away. I did not like the man watching me. I then walked out of the bathroom at $F1’s house. I had to wait for the others to come. I walked down the stairs and into the living room. There were some occidentals in old-west costumes. They were lying on the ground in the upstairs of the house. Something seemed wrong with them, but there was nothing we could do at the moment. We had to wait for the others to come. Then i saw the red car pull into the driveway. My father walked into the front door of the house. He said that he had damaged the car again. I could see where he had hit something with the back corner of the car.

We were in the car. The man started to drive. I did not know who he was, and i did not trust him that much. I had some negative feelings towards him. He seemed to have well-groomed blonde hair that looked like it was styled in the early eighties. The woman with me sat in the passenger’s seat of the car. I looked out the window as we started. We were in a small town that was at the intersection of two main roads. The roads were both highways. We were in the middle of the forest, it seemed. The man talked about the route one should take to go to where we were going. We were going to someplace northeast of us. I could picture the land in my head. I knew that it was a long way off. I remembered that there were several small towns along the way. The route was mostly on back roads. The man said that we did not have to take that route. He said that it was the way that most people traveled, but that it was not the most scenic route. We got onto the highway and started heading south, up the hill and out of the valley. I did not understand where we were going. The road curved to the right, and we started to climb up the ramps. The man mentioned that the place where we were was known for the tall poles which stuck up above the tree-line. I looked at the tall, wooden electric poles that stuck up from the center of the intersection. There were trees all around us. The power lines ran from north to south on the tan poles. The two poles in the center of the roads, however, were quite a bit taller than all of the others. They had a horizontal brace across their tops. We started heading out of the valley when the road dipped back down. We turned to the left and pulled into a gravel driveway. The road seemed to travel in an arch to the right as it followed the base of the steep hills around us. There was a line of trees to the right at the edge of the forest. I remembered being in the parking lot before. There was a set of buildings just beyond the curve in the road. I remembered it from before. I looked to the right as we got out of the car. I was with my mother and my father. The hotel was an old wood building which sat among the trees on the right. It was colonial in design. I was afraid of something from down the valley to the left. This place did not seem right. We were heading back to the hotel for the night. It seemed like the sun was going down somewhere. I looked through the bushed down the narrow valley and i could see the old church. I remembered it from before. There was still something frightening me about the place. My mother started heading towards the hotel. I walked towards the old adobe church. It was orangish in the light of the setting sun, which cast shadow across the front of the church from the thick pine shrubs that stood between it and myself. The sun seemed to be setting just beyond the hill behind me and to my left. The place seemed very much like the old west. It was dry and the air was very warm. I was very hungry. I walked to the left, into the small opening between the sandstone rocks. They had been carved by water. The valley beyond was in shadow already, and it seemed like it was getting colder. My father was with me. I sat down between the rocks and wondered what i would get to eat. My father walked over to the small water hole in the small canyon beyond the rocks. I watched as he started to walk into the water. I did not think that the water looked inviting. It seemed too cold. I asked my father whether it was cold as he walked in up to his waist. He was only wearing a white towel. He walked back out, wearing the lower part of a black wet suit. He said that it was fairly cold. I mentioned that i thought that the water hole was very deep, and thus kept cold during the day. My upper body was starting to get cold. The temperature was dropping for the night. I would have to find something to eat and a place to stay. Then the scout walked by. He had sent a report out to the other troops about what was going on in the area. The officer then started yelling at him. The officer was mad that the scout had sent out the report. I did not understand why the officer was mad. The scout had reported that the occidental warriors had saved the life of the general. The officer continued to yell, because he did not want the report getting out. He did not want the scout telling the truth to the people outside. I thought that the scout should have told the truth. The people should know that the occidentals had saved the entire regimen from dying. I walked around the small rock formation and then saw the occidental warriors lying on the ground. They were keeping cover, wearing red clothing. I looked into the small bowl in the rocks to the right to see the occidentals surrounding the army troops, who were dressed in grey coattees. The officer was still mad. The truth was not to be known, because the occidentals were supposed to be the enemy.

11997 October 02

I was walking through the woods with my parents. We were walking down the very steep hill by walking down the center of a gully. There was a building right on the edge of the gorge to our left as we descended. It felt strange to be cutting though the yard like this. $K1 and $K3 were with us. The woods were in autumn, and there were many dry leaves on the ground. We descended slowly so as not to lose our footing on the loose ground. My mother was ahead of me, walking on the left slope. $K1 was to my left and $K3 was starting up the right side of the gully. There was a cluster of dead trees just in front of me which had been collected by the water. I placed my left foot on the cluster and pushed. I was testing the trees to see if they were stable enough to walk on. A large limb started sliding down the center of the gully. It had a fork in it, with one of the branches broken off to a stub. There was no bark on the dead wood. $K3 stopped in her tracks and let the branch slide by. I yelled to everyone to watch out. The branch stopped several metres down the hill. I then climbed over the pile of branches and continued down. My mother was walking along the side of a dead tree which had fallen down the side of the slope on the left. She was down the hill, several metres from me. She grabbed onto the branches of the tree as she descended. She preferred to walk by the tree because she had something to grab onto. Then i heard the prop plane pass low over our heads. We looked up and could see through the trees out over the valley. We were not that far from the bottom, and could see the roofs of the houses. There was a church in the small town with dark grey shingles. I wondered whether the plane was flying too low. It seemed that it would fly into the tall steeple. Then it pulled up suddenly and headed straight into the air. It flipped over and turned around, heading back towards us. It seemed foggy out over the valley, and i was worried that the plane would not be able to see the mountains on either side of the town. The red and white plane then came towards us. It seemed for a moment that it was flying directly towards us. I thought that it might crash into the side of the hill, but it pulled up suddenly and flew very low over the trees. Then i heard it turn around for another pass over the town. We continued down the side of the gully. We walked to the left and headed through the house. It was a short cut. I remembered walking through the house before. It did not feel right now, however. I was worried that the old people who owned the house might be annoyed that we were walking through their kitchen. The kitchen was decorated in green, with a linoleum floor and a sixties-style metal table. The counters were wood and covered with various items. The others were gathering in the living room. I felt uncomfortable in the house. It did not seem right to be here. I felt that we should all leave. The owners of the house were in the kitchen as i walked across the outside porch and into the living room. Several of the people with me were sitting around the living room. I did not feel comfortable having them here. I knew that we were intruding. I spoke to the man on the green leather chair, asking him if we should go now. There were two small children with short blonde hair running around in the room. Then the old man came out of the kitchen and started greeting everyone in the room. He was smiling and shaking hands with all of us. He asked me for my name and i told him. I remembered him from before. He started to walk away to introduce himself to someone else when i asked, “What was your name again?” He smiled and told me. I could tell that he was upset with all of the people in the room. He then stepped into the den, which was a small dark room off to one side of the living room. Its door was opposite the kitchen door. $F13 was in the den, inspecting something near the floor in front of the bookshelf that was on the left wall. The man greeted $K13 and then walked out of the den and into the kitchen. $K13 walked towards me, carrying the yellow and white fire extinguisher that he had been looking at. He waved the hose on the bottom of it and a puff of white smoke came out. I thought that he should not be playing with it. I started walking out of the house. The others were following me. We headed back down the side of the gully and into the woods. I thought about how we had slept in the house. It seemed strange that the man would not say anything to us. We did not know the owners of the house, yet we had all spent the night on their floor. I started down the steep hill, holding on to the fallen tree so that i would not slip.

I was standing in the parking lot, which was on the top of the hill. The lot was paved, and my mother was with me, helping me pack my car. I had to leave. The hill side dropped off very suddenly just beyond the side of the road. I could see out over the grand, mountainous valley. The rocky mountains in the distance seemed purple and blue in the bright light of the sun. There were several white clouds rolling over the view. $F12 was in the lot with me. I had to pack my things and head home. It would be a long drive back. $F24 was with $F12 on the side of the road. $F12 was wishing me goodbye. I packed several things into my box. I tried to fit everything in. My brown sandals did not seem to fit well, however. I then realized that i should wear them in the car as i drove. I shifted several things around in the boxes. There were several books in the boxes, along with a blue, rolled-up sleeping bag. I lifted the box and brought it back into the hallway. I was in the hospital. They had locked me into a small white room. Something was wrong. I was being held here, but i was not sick. They were trying to frame me for something. I opened the door to my cell and walked out into the hall outside. I walked to the right, down the narrow corridor. There were several more small cells on the left side of the corridor. The right wall of the corridor was an outside wall to the suite. I came to the end of the corridor and found myself in a dimly lit room. I was upset that they were holding me here against my will. I tipped over the television and VCR which were on the table just to my right. They made a soft crash as they hit the floor. I then felt bad about damaging the equipment. I had to get out of the place. I turned to the left, where the door to the outside was. There was a janitor holding the door open as he talked to the guard in the room beyond. I walked out of the door. The janitor did not realize that i was to be held there. I turned right in the small room beyond and started through the security door. The guard was in a small booth on the left side of the door. He had been talking to the janitor, and did not realize that i was walking past him. He then saw me as i passed through the security door, in which the janitor was standing. I walked down the hall. I had to get out of the hospital before they realized that i had left my cell. I pulled the plastic tag off of the left breast of my shirt. There was another cleaning woman in the hall in front of me. I was worried that she might recognize me. I tossed my badge in a large trash can that was on the left side of the hall. The nurse, who was cleaning, had left it there with her cart. I saw the elevator on the right side of the hall and started toward it. It was just behind where the nurse was standing. She was facing the other direction, so i thought that i could jump into the elevator without her seeing me. As i approached the elevator, however, i realized that it was not an elevator. The small room was simply lined with a dull galvanized metal. It was some type of nurse station. I did not stop, but walked past the nurse and down the hall. There was an elevator up ahead somewhere. I was in the front lobby of the hospital. I had been laying on a couch which was under a set of stairs that came down to my left. I had been there for some time. I had to get out before it was discovered that i had escaped the cell. I sat up on the couch and pulled back the covers. I had to get dressed. There was no one around, so i started to pull on a pair of shorts. Then i noticed some people sitting on the opposite side of the lobby from me. They were watching me, so i pulled the blanket back over me while i dressed. Then i noticed a large number of people walking out of the hall that was to the right of the couch. They were being brought out of the center of the hospital. Someone had discovered that i had escaped. I was no longer dressed like a patient, but i was worried that someone might recognize me. I gathered my things on the couch as the other came out of the hall and collected along the front of the white wood building that ran along the right wall of the lobby. The front of the lobby was open, and i knew that there were hills and country side beyond. I wondered whether i would be able to hide there. Then i heard a child ask her parents why they had to leave the restaurant. I realized that they were clearing out the hospital, along with the hotel and restaurant inside, to search for me. The family that was sitting on the grass in front of me was austral. The man looked around at me. He had shoulder-length dreadlocks. Then i heard a man start to talk to the crowd. He told them of the man who had escaped. I continued dressing. He started talking about how the man was a vicious rapist, and how he would make lewd cat calls to women. He demonstrated. I knew that he was lying about me. They had to make something up so that people would think that i belonged in the cell. They were trying to keep me there. I thought that his description of me was ridiculous. I mentioned it to the man in front of me, saying that there was no rape or murder. The man asked how i could know.

11997 October 03

I was walking down the road in the middle of the country. The car continued on down the narrow paved road. I bent over to look at the mail box that was about a metre off of the ground on the side of the road. There was a man who had continued down the road. I had been talking to him. I looked at the white wooden mail box which had small purple flowers growing around the side of it. It did not seem quite right. I then touched it and selected it. I then deleted it. I walked to the left and touched the second mail box and deleted it. I then though that i was strange that i was able to delete the mailboxes. I looked down at the keyboard that i had been carrying in my hand. I pressed the delete key and the selected mailbox disappeared. I could see the dotted line that surrounded the mailbox before it vanished.

It was rainy out as i walked through the alley between the two buildings. I seemed to be in a factory yard. The buildings were white, wooden structures, and seemed old and worn. I paused at the end of one of the buildings and looked out across the intersecting pavement at the building across the way. It was where the flea market was. There was an unfinished wooden door on the outside of the building which had horizontal slats in it. It seemed cold and dreary out as i walked across the road to the market. I walked through the door way of the building. There were many tables lined up in the building. It seemed mostly like junk, but then i noticed that there were some instruments. I looked around at the tables and i realized that i was in the instrument section of the store. There were many different type of woodwinds and keyed instruments all over. Most of them were black in colour, with silver or white keys. I was interested in them, and wanted to look around. My mother was looking at things in the other room. I wandered into the side room where the string instruments were. They were all used, and seemed somewhat worn. Most of them were dark in colour. I did not think that i could afford any of the instruments, but i wanted to look at all of them anyway. Then my mother wanted to go. She came into the room to get me. I did not really want to stop looking at the instruments, but i walked out of the building with her. We walked out the back side of the building from where we had entered. We came out in a small public square. The ground was paved, and there was a short wall on the opposite side of the square from me. There was a large building to the left. The exit of the building was set back from the square behind me. I leaned up against the large building to my left. It was some sort of cathedral. I then looked up at the stone arch that was part of the entrance way to the building. I was standing at the back entrance to the building. I could see the white flower detail along the inside of the arch. I realized that it was the cathedral in $P18. I was excited that i knew where the place was. I thought that i could come back to the flea market some other time. This city was only an hour away from me. I thought that i should visit it more often.

11997 October 04

I was walking on the street in the suburb. There was a park to my left, with a tall fence that ran along the sidewalk. The street was to my left as i walked along the sidewalk. There was an old firehouse in the center of the block to my right. There did not seem to be any other buildings around. The trees were filled with green summer leaves, and it seemed bright outside, though my vision was somewhat hazy. I crossed the street from the park and walked into the front door of the firehouse. There was no one around. I knew that i should not be in here, but i was hiding. There seemed to be some type of machinery in the center of the room. I walked to the left wall of the room, which seemed to take up the entire lower floor of the small building. There was a ladder that ran up to a grey catwalk which ran along the left wall. I walked around on the top of the catwalk. I was standing on the top of the white tubes which ran along the left wall, far above the floor. They came up from the floor against the front and back walls. I moved around on the two pipes. They seemed very soft and flexible. It seemed as though they had white, padded insulation on them, but the pipes themselves bent under my weight as i walked. Then i heard the people talking below me. One of them was reporting to the other about something that had happened. I was not supposed to hear them. I sat on the pipes with my back against the front wall of the building. I did not want them to know that i was there. I then looked down the space between the catwalk and the front wall, which was made of grey stone. I wondered whether the space was wide enough for them to see me. I then realized that they could shoot at me from there. I walked along the catwalk to the back of the building. I then walked behind the machinery that was in the center of the room. I looked over the things on the metal shelves that were in the room. I could then hear my grandfather’s voice from the front of the building. He was asking the men about me. He told them that he was looking for me, and asked them whether they had seen me. I started down the stairs of the firehouse and walked into the basement. There were many items on tables and shelves in the basement. I knew that i did not belong here, but i wanted to look around. I looked over the items that were around. Then i heard the voice of my father’s mother upstairs. She had come looking for me. She called down into the basement, and i said hello to her. I continued to look around.

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. $A1 was with me. I stood on the back side of the room, where the stairs were. I felt good, and was happy to be talking to $A1. I then noticed that the light from the sun was coming in through the window on the back wall of the room and falling on $A1, who was standing to my left. He was squinting as he talked to me because of the light. I reached over the railing of the stairs and pulled the chord that held up the blinds. I lowered the blinds and continued talking. I watched as the shadow of the blind slid across his forearm, which was crossed across his chest as he spoke. I then started to take the things out of my pant’s pockets. I placed my wallet on the dresser. We then started looking at the bird books that were on the shelves by the side window.

I was in the living room of my grandmother’s house. Something was very wrong. I looked up to the ceiling to see the dark brown line that ran between the bananas. I cut along the dark brown section to separate the bananas. They came apart into two groups. I felt very bad. I knew that my grandmother was dying. She would not be alive for too much longer. I felt lost and did not know where to go. I wandered up the grassy path that stretched between the farming fields. There were rows of trees on either side of the path along the stone walls which separated the fields. I was walking up the hill into the next field when i stopped and sat down. I felt very empty, and wanted to cry. I knew that my grandmother was dead, and that i no longer had any connection to the rest of my family. I felt lonely, and realized that i did not have any friends near me. I wanted to be with one of my friends, but i did not have anyone at the moment. They had all left when my grandmother died.

11997 October 05

I was in the small cement room with my father. He had driven the car into the room from the doorway on the right. He drove the car up a set of wooden ramps and onto some wooden planks so that he could work on it. The car was being held on blocks in the small wing of the room on the left. The area was just a little wider than a car, and was around a corner from the section of the room that i was standing in. Ahead of me, there was another cubical area off of the room. It had a red metal shelf cutting horizontally across the center of it. To the left of the second alcove was a doorway, with stairs that led up. They seemed blocked, however, by some debris. There were two old men in the room behind me. They seemed like bums. The only light that was coming into the room was from the large square doorway on the left wall, which stretched all the way to the ceiling. The walls of the room were dingy, and made from very old cement. The floor seemed to be partly dirt. There were dull yellow incandescent lights shining down from the ceiling of the second alcove and the stairwell. My father had his own hand light that he used to work on the car. I looked into the second alcove and realized that it was an old car port. The red shelf was actually a rack for cars. I realized that it was in no shape to hold a car at the moment. I looked to the left, to see my father working under the car. He had created the ramps to make the first alcove into a car port, but it was not intended to be used in such a way. I looked again into the second alcove. It looked too rickety to support a car. I also noticed that some of the light from the second floor was shining down through the dusty air, through a large hole in the back left corner of the ceiling. The cement had collapsed there. I thought that it would be great to remodel the garage and get it working again. It seemed like an old building which would be great to see restored. I then realized that the cement floor, which led in from the outside door on the right wall, was just put in. I had helped my father lay it. I thought that it could be ripped up to make the place new again. I was very interested in the idea. I looked over the old bay again when i noticed that there was a decal on the cement wall to the left of the bay. It was originally a green sign, but it had faded and been covered with grime. I realized that it was the old inspection sticker. This place had been a working garage before. I walked back out of the main door and into the dining room of my parents’ house. Then i noticed the toy on the dresser to the left. There were people in the room sitting in chairs which were arranged in a rough circle. The toy was on the right side of the circle. It was bell shaped, and had a blue bottom. The top part was shaped like a fat man, with its short hands out at its sides. There was no head, but there were eyes and a smiling face near where the rounded cone came to a point. The top part of the toy looked like it was made of brownish-grey clay. The toy was the decision maker in the group. It spoke to the people and told them what to do. It was a judge. I put down the silver chairs that i had brought up from the basement. I had tried to clear out the basement area so that we could start on the reconstruction. I was upset with the judge. It did not like me, and ruled against me. I refused to bring the silver chairs back down to the cellar and left them at the near edge of the circle. Then, the people there decided that if i were going to get rid of the silver chairs, they would make me take back the red chairs which did belong down in the basement. I was unhappy, but took the single red chair back down the steps. I did not want to speak with the people any more. I placed the chair, which had a silver, tubular frame and a soft plastic seat, on the floor in front of the tall book case. There were several other items cluttered in the basement. The chair had lines of yellow and purple in the seat plastic. It looked like some psychedelic pattern from the early seventies. I was glad that i only had to bring down one chair. I had brought up several. At least the basement was less cluttered.

I walked down the alley that ran between the two city buildings. The air seemed cold, and it was very bright out. I turned left as i came to the road. I was looking for something in this town. I drove down the side road in the small section of town. There were buildings on either side of the road which bordered the sidewalk. I was looking for a place to park my car. I came to the main road. I really wanted to park on the side road, as that was where i had to go. I turned left and drove up the main street through $P30. There was a thin covering of snow on the ground, and it seemed cold and cloudy outside. I suddenly realized that $P30 was vacant. All of the students must have been home for break. That meant that i would be able to park on the street. I wanted to go to a place back on the other street. I could see the parking lot ahead of me on the right side of the road. I thought that i would pull in there to turn around. I could see some cars in the lot as i looked under the overhang of a building that stood just before the lot. There was a square cement post that held up the corner of the overhang. I was going to turn around and drive down the other street to look for a place to park. As i approached the lot, a police car passed me from the other direction. I turned into the lot and turned around. I noticed that there were few cars in the lot. It seemed strange to have so few cars in $P30. I walked down the right sidewalk of the side street, looking for the place. There was a store front on my right which seemed vacant. The glass window was trimmed with a varnished wood. The place seemed to have an old feel to it, but no one seemed to be living there. I walked into the building and came into the apartment. I stood in a small room of the apartment. It seemed tightly furnished. There were people in the living room. They were sitting on a couch which was along the right wall. The entire room seemed to be tan and brown. I felt uncomfortable with these people. I did not know any of them, and i did not want to hang around at the party. I walked back into the other room, where the woman was. I told her that i was here for the party. It seemed she had been wondering who i was and why i was there. I was not really here for the party, however. She then started to describe the apartment. I looked around the main room. It was not that large, but it had a lot of space in it. It had tan wood paneling on its walls, and a large window which overlooked the street. We were on the second floor. The entrance to the house was through a side alley. I knew that the apartment was for rent, and i thought that it was a good deal. It was very nice for what they were offering.

I walked out of the kitchen and onto the wooden deck that hung off of the side of the house. I could hear people in the driveway below the deck. I knew that it was $F30 and $F14. I remembered that they would be coming. I then remembered that they had come before. I had watched them from the porch in the other dream as they stepped out of the car. $F14 still had long black curly hair down to her shoulders. I looked over the edge of the porch, trying to see them as they stepped out of the car. It seemed to happen just like it did before. I was having difficulty seeing them, as the porch obscured the view of their car. I could only see the rear end of the blue car as it stuck out from the side of the porch. There was a thick green pine tree to the left of the porch. I leaned over the right corner of the porch when i saw $F14 walk around the front of the car. She had very short black hair, which had been shorn. She seemed to be overweight. I could see the detail on her skin around her neck, as her pink T-shirt had a wide collar. She walked into the house on the other side of the driveway. I felt like i knew some secret about what was going on. I then ran to the back of the house and jumped off of the deck. I flew out over the lawn. $A56 was below me. He was collecting the wooden lawn chairs from the patio off the back of the house. I flew very close over him. I knew that he could not fly like i could. I grabbed one of the wooden chairs. The chairs had rounded backs which were shaped from vertical boards. I held the chair to my chest as i flew. It seemed awkward to carry the chair, but i knew that i could carry more than $A56. I swooped up over the wooden fence at the back of the yard and turned around. I was going to swoop down to pick up another chair. I wanted to fly farther.

11997 October 06

I sat in the large class room with the other students. I could not see any of them, but i knew that they were there. We were watching a demonstration. I watched as the large sphere passed very close to me. It was a dull yellow. Then the pattern of the sphere changed. The yellow was broken by a streak of white and then an area of white which was patterned with small black loops. They looked like the letter c, but they were in random orientations. The colours and pattern changed as i orbited the large sphere. The sphere was Jupiter, and the colours represented gasses in the outer atmosphere. I was in $A57’s class. She was telling us about the planets. I then passed close to the large sphere again. I realized that the yellow was from the sulfur. The patterns were not right, however. What i was looking at was not what i should have found in Jupiter’s atmosphere. I had expected to see other gasses. I then backed away from the planet. My orbit had brought me through the upper atmosphere, and now i was moving away. I then approached the sphere again. The patterns fluctuated around me as i moved. A small sphere passed in front of me. It seemed to pass very close. It was Io. I recognized the chemical patterns of its surface. Then i noticed the large bruise on the lower surface of the atmosphere of Jupiter. There was a large dark spot moving out over the top of its atmosphere. Something seemed wrong. The chemical composition was not what it should have been. Then i withdrew from the planet very quickly. Something had changed. My orbit had suddenly become very wide, and i was orbiting the large sphere on the outside of the class room. I then scraped my back against the side wall of the class room. It was the wall that separated the class from the hall. I felt the sudden jolt as the back of my chair caught on the wall. My orbit seemed to be getting wider. I spun around the sphere and came to the opposite side from the wall. I seemed to be moving too fast. I then realized that i was moving in a wide enough orbit that i might hit the side of the grassy hill. The legs of my wooden armchair then caught in the ground of the hill and the chair tipped over to the right. I tumbled out onto the grass. The other students then started to walk over to me. My right arm seemed to be injured, but not badly. $A58 walked over to me and asked me whether i was all right. I told him that i was as i stood up.

I was racing around the go-cart track with the others. I drove around the first turn of the track when i started to follow the others to the back side of the lot. We were walking to the dirt driveway that was behind the lot where $A59 had parked his red car. The dirt road led out to the main road which was to the right of the raceway. The area around us seemed to be wooded. $A59 had parked his car there because he had lost his license and could not drive it out. The car had been rented from the government, but he could not use it without the paperwork. I looked at the telephone bill that i had in my hand. It had many charges on it that i did not recognize. I wondered why they were there. It had something to do with the car. It was the way the car would get paid for. I then wondered why it was appearing as charges on the telephone bill.

11997 October 07

I was in the bathroom at my parents’ house. He was trying to remodel it. My mother wanted to remove the linoleum from the floor. As she walked out, i poured the pitcher of hot water over the floor. I noticed instantly that the linoleum was coming loose from the floor. The linoleum was a light blue, and i was sitting on the top of the washing machine as i lifted the linoleum with my foot. I then walked into the kitchen and told my mother that i had figured out how to get the old tiles up. I told her about the hot water and said that it was working.

I walked into the front room of the book store. The place was dimly lit, and there were many old books on shelves on the walls. The other person, with whom i had been talking, walked out of the room and into the side office. I was supposed to follow him, but i was distracted by all of the books. I had the feeling that i was looking for something. I started to walk into the back room of the bookstore, away from the doorway which led to the side room, when i noticed the double volume set of the Oxford English Dictionary sitting on a shelf in the top of a book case. The book case was just to the left of the door which led into the back. I stopped and turned back to look at the volume. The case was not on my right as i walked back into the room. I looked in to see the two-volume set lying on its side in the boxed sleeve. There were two small drawers on top of the box. I remembered that one contained the magnifying glass so that the words in the dictionary could easily be read. I thought that the volumes were usually quite expensive. I decided that i wanted to see the inside of the dictionary. I remembered how complex it was, and i wanted to look up some word. I remembered that i had always wanted to know the origin of the word “fuck”. I pulled the first narrow volume from the top of the box, leaving the other two volumes in. I opened it up and started looking for the word. I came to the end of the volume when i realized that i did not have the correct volume. This volume ended somewhere in the middle of the Fs. I then went to pick up the second volume. I then noticed that there were two other copies of the dictionary on the shelf. One was in a dull red binding and looked a lot newer than the one through which i was looking. The one i had pulled out had a worn black binding which looked like fake leather. I opened the second volume and found a stamp inside of the front cover. It was a blue stamp, and said “J-K”. I realized that the word would not be in this volume either. I was confused. I looked at the other edition, which was in red and lying farther back on the shelf. I read the date on the spine and noticed that it was the 1967 edition. I then looked at the spine of the book that i was holding. The spine of the second volume, which i had placed back into the box, said 1947. I opened the first volume again and started to look up the word, but again found that the dictionary ended too soon. I then flipped it over and read the spine. The spine was grey, and the date said that it was from the thirties. The set was not from a single edition, so the volumes did not line up in what they covered. As i leafed through the first volume, i wondered whether this book was from the full thirteen-volume edition, as the text in it was so large. I looked at the large type of the A section as i flipped through. I then put the book back and started to wander back into the front of the shop. I spoke to the other person in the side room as i passed. I then walked out into the front room of the store, between one end of the main counter and the front door. There were two men standing behind the counter who were running the store. One of them mentioned that it was time to close the store. It was five in the afternoon. Someone walked into the store. He mentioned that he was looking for a wedding gift. I felt as though i were looking for something, but i did not know what. Then the man asked me if i knew of any good ideas for wedding gifts. I said that i did not. I was looking over a shelf to my right, which sat perpendicular to the main counter, which was in front of me. The man noticed the puzzles that were sitting on the left side of the shelf. I mentioned the name of the puzzles. It was an old game. He said that he had never seen them before. I looked at the package and realize that the set was full of several types of puzzles. There was one which contained nine red cubes. They were standing vertically in their display packaging with the yellow rack behind them. The rack was simply a wire frame with a three-by-three grid on the surface. I noticed the purple spheres above them in the package and the yellow and red cubes on the upper left of the package. The yellow and red cubes were the ma jong part of the game. I pronounce the word. It sounded strange to say, since it came out with an accent. I then read the bright red and yellow lettering on the upper left corner of the packaging. It listed all five games that came in the package. I then turned and walked over to the counter. $A54 was sitting on the other side of the table from me. There was a woman to his right. He was lecturing to me about how the pamphlets should be distributed. He wanted me to pick them up. I knew that he had done them himself because he did not want me doing any more of the promotion. He was trying to be very specific with me, talking down to me as he gave me instructions. I agreed with him. I already knew what i was supposed to be doing, and i wanted to end the conversation so that i could go do it. He then asked me whether i had understood. I told him that i would pick up the pamphlets and distribute them to where they were supposed to go. He said no. He then stated that he did not want me to do any of the work on the pamphlets. He stated that they were already finished. I told him that i knew. It was obvious that he was not listening well to me. He then started talking about the software that he was using to produce the pamphlets. He held a book in his hands and asked me about the fonts used in the program. I told him that i had the fonts. I made it seem as if he were asking a trivial question. I knew that he was just trying to gain control of his situation. He asked me whether i had the version of the program that he had. I said that i did. I recognized that he was referring to Photoshop 4.0 when i saw the cover of the book he was holding. I then walked out of the store and down the dark street. I felt suddenly free. I flew briefly down the dark street. I came to the intersection. I was flying over the short wall which separated the sidewalk from the old school building which was to the left. I could see into the large windows on the front of the school building. It was dark outside, and everything seemed damp from rain. I then noticed that there was a playground at the corner of the two streets. The short yellow tile wall ran to the corner. There was another wall which met it just before the corner, cutting diagonally from the school building. The playground was in the area on the other side of the second wall. I could see a set of monkey bars and a slide. Then i noticed that there was a father in the playground with his two boys. I could not see them in the playground, but i could hear the father talking to his sons. I then flew over the playground. The man watched me. He was interested in me. I landed just beyond him and started talking to myself. I felt very good, and was playing around. I acted out a short play. The man was watching me, interested in what i was doing. I opened the door to the narrow closet. I was going to walk in, but i realized that it was too narrow for me. I continued talking into the closet, and then closed the door. I then walked up the aisle of the art room in the school. There was a woman sitting on the left side of the aisle on the bottom bunk of the bed. I spoke to her suddenly, acting very dramatic. I was having fun, and pretended that i was almost in tears. Then i finished and walked away. The man followed me, wondering what i was doing, and interested in my actions. Then the teacher came in. I did not want to seem that i was acting too much, so i stayed quiet for a while.

11997 October 09

I was in the small room just off of the street. There was a wide glass window behind me along the front of the shop which let in light. There were two women sitting at the table in the center of the room. One of them was a murderer. She had killed the man with the blue and white baseball cap. I remembered the man. The woman sat on the right end of the table. She was wearing a dark purple dress and had frizzy blonde hair. She had killed several men. The other lady looked on as the first arranged words that she had cut out of the newspaper and placed into a small square in the center of the paper. It was something that she always did when she killed someone. The other girl had licked the stamps, however, and placed them on an envelope for the police. I was suddenly worried that the police would be able to trace the stamps back to the girl. The method of the first woman did not leave any way for the police to trace it back to her, but the other girl would leave her saliva on the stamps. I thought that the police would be able to trace the stamps back to her. Then i thought that they might think that it was a separate killer. I thought that maybe the change in method would make them think that they had a copy-cat killer. I wondered how the girls could get away without the cops finding them. Then i noticed the two men by the pool. They had fallen in love with each other and started to kiss. They were becoming very passionate with each other. They then rolled off of the lawn chair and started to kiss each other passionately, petting each other. I thought that it was interesting to see two people be so passionate these days.

I was out with the brothers. $A55 was with us. I spoke to $F13 for a moment. Something felt wrong about being out with them. I remembered that it was only Wednesday, and that i would have to go to work the next morning. I did not think that i should be out so late, but i did not feel like worrying about it. I thought that i would just have to show up for work later in the afternoon. It was Thursday.

11997 October 11

I walked down the aisle in the store. There was a tall shelf on the left side of the aisle. I looked at the fish that were on it as i passed. They were in small aquariums, though i could not see the glass or the water. The fish appeared to be swimming in the air. I looked closely at one of the fish. It was a small white angel fish. I thought that it looked interesting. It had its nose facing the right with its head tipped down. It seemed to float very still. I then continued down the aisle. There were other fish in the tank. They seemed larger, but were all milky white. They seemed like they were made out of pearl. They had a strange glossy pattern across their bodies. There was a large fish resting on a small log, which was pointing in and out of the tank at a slight forward angle to the right. The fish had very large glittery fins. I thought that it was very decorative. Then i continued on, across the bank. The people were in a queue to get their money. I realized that i would need to get my money. I stood near the entrance to the bank. There was a room off to my left which was the special accounts room. I would have to go there to get the money borrowed from my VISA account. Then i thought that all i really needed was money, and that i could simply take a few hundred dollars out of my bank account on the other side. I would not have to wait in the long queues to the left. $A60 was standing with me. He had walked out from the special accounts room. He had just finished his transaction. I told him that i had been thinking about getting the money from the special office when i realized that i could simply take it out of my bank account. He agreed. I thought about taking out three hundred dollars from my account. It did seem like a lot of money to be carrying around. I then picked up my bag and walked into the room on the left. There was a queue of people near the back wall to the left. They were all waiting to enter the doorway which was near the other end of the wall. I walked around the objects and looked at the queue. There was an older lady waiting just in the doorway to enter. I walked up behind her. Then i noticed the pile of laundry on the floor to the left of the door. I realized that $A60 and his wife must have left their laundry here. I could see the empty laundry bag on the right side of the door, crumpled up on the floor. It was a heavy white bag. I then looked at the green comforter and sheets that were wadded up on the floor to the left. I wondered why they had left their laundry there. I looked at the doorway when i suddenly realized that these people had not come to do their laundry. They were waiting for the hot water in the other room so that they could take their shower. I asked the lady in front of me just to make sure. She confirmed that the people were waiting for the hot water. I decided that i did not have to wait in queue as i had only come to do laundry. I walked into the room on the right and looked at the corner opposite us. There was an aquarium on a stand in the corner. It was where i would do my laundry. I walked over to the aquarium. It was green with algae. I could see some fish swimming around in it. I looked at the back of the tank when i realized that the hose for the electric pump was sliding out. I walked around the left side of the tank and tried to push the hose through the back of the tank. I looked through the side of the tank to see whether the hose was going through. It did not seem to be. I then looked at the back of the tank. I could see where the hose ran through the center of the tank. There was a small square block that was set in the center of the back wall of the tank. I suddenly wondered why the water was not leaking out through the small cracks around the block which held in the motor. It did not seem to be sealed. Then i realized that the block was actually part of a plastic wall which was inside of the tank. The plastic wall had vertical slats in it to let the water through. It was simply a false back to the tank. I realized that the wire i had been trying to push through the glass wall actually went over the wall and connected to the motor. I then walked away from the tank and back into the store. The telephone rang. I asked $A60 to hold on a minute as i walked over to the phone. I heard the voice of $A61 on the phone. She greeted me and asked me about the book. She was writing a book about me. I was flattered and asked her how it was. I was happy that she and $A60 were working together on the book. They seemed like spouses. She wanted to finalize the chapters and said that i could read it and edit it before it was published. I told her that i would have to check over the numbers. There were certain numbers that i did not like. She asked about them and i told here that there were certain names and numbers that i preferred. I tried not to sound like i was being superstitious. I was happy that she was doing the book, and tried to explain my number system to her.

11997 October 12

The main road ran to the left of me as i walked from the side road into the parking lot of the small shopping plaza. The stores were in an L-shaped building to my front and right. The side road, from which i had come, ran uphill, away from the main road. There was a wooden building across the side road from the plaza which was tan with a brown foundation. There seemed to be some buildings across the main road. There also seemed to be some trees across the main road. My mother had dropped me off at the plaza, but she was supposed to pick me up again. I was on my way to $P7. I did not want to be late for classes. I had to get there soon. I then realized that my mother had already left. I could no longer get a ride from her. I spoke to the other person who was with me. I told him that i had to get to the university. I walked along the store fronts on the right wing of the plaza. I was upset about missing my ride. Now i would have to take a bus to $P7. I crossed to the other wing of the plaza and walked into the small cafe. There were people eating at the round white metal table that sat at the front of the store. It seemed to be raining outside. I would have to catch a bus to get back to the university. I felt distressed. I looked across the main street to see a car drive away to the right, towards the university. Then i realized that the bus was pulling up. I quickly ran out of the shop and around the front of the bus. There was another person in front of me as i walked into the door of the bus and up the stairs. I opened my wallet to take out my ID card as the other person, who was wearing a dark blue jacket and pants, paid the bus driver. I then realized that i did not have my ID card in my wallet. I could see the empty pocket where my ID card should have been. I suddenly remembered that i had used my ID as a book mark. I tossed my ID card into my text book to mark my spot. I slid in my papers and closed the book. The front flap of the dust jacket of the book also marked the page. I quickly stuffed the book into my backpack and ran for the bus, as i realized that it had just come. I had looked at the green schedule earlier to find out when it would be arriving. I told the bus driver that i was sorry for not having my ID ready, but that it was in my backpack. I removed my black backpack and brought it around my left side. I unzipped the bag and started to take out my book. I then realized that i was holding everybody up, so i told the bus driver that i would find it as i sat down in the first seat on the passenger’s side of the bus. I watched myself walk in front of the austral girl who was sitting in the aisle row in the first seat. I sat by the window and continued to look through my things. Then i realized that the girl seemed upset that i sat in the seat. I realized that i might have taken a seat that she had been saving. I asked her whether anyone else was supposed to be sitting here. She said that she was saving it. I apologized and tried to shove all of the things back into my pocket. I pulled the tangle of guitar string from my pocket along with several other small items. I had found my ID card, but i had to remove everything from my right pant’s pocket. I hurriedly tried to stick everything back into my pocket. I was having trouble placing the guitar string back into my pocket because it had come unraveled. I got most of it in, but there were still a few strands sticking out. I opened the side door of the small bus and got out. I closed the door behind me. I was going to get in one of the back seats on the bus through the back door of the van. I then realized that the head of the guitar string that was sticking out of my pocket had gotten closed in the front door of the van. I shifted my book bag over my shoulders and tried to pull on the string. It would not move, so i opened the front door and pulled it out. I closed the door and opened one of the back doors. I tried to stuff the string back into my pocket. I could see the brass ring at the head of the string bobbing around as i tried to wind the string up. I could not seem to contain the string.

11997 October 13

I walked forward down the aisle, following $F13. I was talking to him. He seemed hesitant of speaking with me, though. I sat down in one of the seats on the right side of the aisle. $F13 sat down in the seat in front of me. I spoke to him over the seat, but he did not want to talk to me. He moved forward one seat, sitting on the left side of the aisle with someone who seemed like $A42. I was mad at him and cursed, “Fuck you.” Then the bus driver started to scold me for cursing. I had already bent over to pull up my left sock. The sock was white and thin, and came up my calf. I looked up at the bus driver and acted as though i did not know at whom he was yelling. I acted confused when i noticed that he was yelling at me. He stared at me in the overhead mirror. I ignore him and bent over to pull up my right sock. The bus continued on, but i was near my stop. I was upset and wanted to get off at the base of the hill. I normally got off farther down the road which ran along the base of the hill to the right. I pulled the chord on the ceiling of the bus as we approached the hill. I wondered if $F13 would find it strange that i was getting off here. I walked off of the bus and crossed the street. It was dark outside. I walked through the cement arch that spanned the narrow driveway. I started up the hill towards my house. I wondered whether $F13 would be looking out the bus window to find out where i was going. I turned on the light that hung over the cement stairs which ran in a crooked line up the hill. The stairs, overall, curved to the right as they went up the hill towards the house in which i lived. I looked behind me to see the bus on the dark street. It was standing at the intersection, facing down the steep hill with its lights glowing warmly in the cold damp night. I then turned and continued up the hill, turning on lights over the stairs as i walked up. I did not really want $F13 to see the house where i lived. I was mad at him. I hoped that the bus would drive away before i got there. I walked down the hall of the building. The other person was there. We were arguing about the difference between male and female anatomy. The other person started yelling at me about the female anatomy. She did not want it to be around. She was removing all of the testicles from males and wanted to remove the female vaginas. She complained that they were internal, and had to be removed with a tube. The tube would be inserted into the female and would scoop out the vagina. She attacked me and told me that i would have to give her my vagina. I fought her for a moment, but lost. She was a tyrannosaur. The tyrannosaur handed me a long cardboard tube and told me to take out my vagina. We were standing on the landing at the top of the stairs. It seemed like the landing at $P19, but it was facing a different direction. I took the tube and got ready to stab myself in the lower abdomen with it. The tyrannosaur walked away across the landing and through the door into the hallway of the second floor. I thought about sticking the tube into me and then decided that i could not do it. I was very angry with the woman and walked into the hall after her. She was standing down the hallway to the right, bending over to look into a small red cabinet. I swung the tube at her head, but swung too high and hit the top part of the cabinet. I tried again and still hit the top part of the cabinet. I was worried that i could no longer catch her by surprise. I swung again and hit the top of the cabinet. It seemed hard for me to maneuver the tube. Then the woman stood up and faced me. She was very mad. I was slightly afraid of her, but i swung the tube at her again and hit her on the head. Then she came at me. We started yelling and fighting with each other. We eventually made it back near the stairs. I then realized that there was a simple liquid which could do away with her. I realized that she had amniophobia. I told her about her fear and attacked her. I grabbed her and tugged her towards me. I realized that i was much stronger than her and was no longer afraid of her. I threw her to the left, down the main flight of stairs. I thought about the liquid and how it could burn her if it was dripped on her. The word “amniophobia” kept running through my mind. I then realized that the man, who was the authority figure, had heard the fight and knew that i threw the girl down the stairs. He would be mad at me. I quickly ran into the hallway and got away.

I walked across the lobby of the office building with the woman. She seemed somewhat like my mother, but she was not. We were not supposed to be in the building, and i felt mischievous sneaking in. I walked very calmly past the people who were standing around in the office. They assumed that i was supposed to be there. Then i walked down the narrow section of the hall and onto the platform which was between the glass walls. It was an elevator. There was a man in uniform operating the controls of the elevator. He stood against the back wall of the platform, on the right hand side. I faced the back wall, where the door would be, as the elevator started to rise. We were not supposed to be on this elevator. It was a special elevator which went up to the special offices on the top floor. Only the executives were allowed up there. The elevator operator did not know that we were not supposed to be in the building, however, and was taking us up. I looked down, trying not to seem out of place. I felt like laughing with delight because we were sneaking into some place that we were not supposed to be. I looked down at the front of the platform on which we stood. I could see the walls around us pass as we went up. I noticed that there was a space around the side of the platform, and thought that it would be easy to fall off of the platform and into the space. I realized that people in the elevator would have to be careful not to stand too close to the walls. Then i pulled my head back to see a protruding section of the wall pass downwards in front of me. It would have hit me in the head had i not pulled back. It was a colonial blue, and continued up the rest of the way to the offices. The other walls of the elevator shaft were dull cement grey. The blue door opened in front of me and i walked into the office suite. There were three men standing on the left side of the hall in dark grey suits. They were confused as to why we were there. They assumed that we were important people, but did not know who we were. I was amused with their confusion, and i walked out into the office past them. They spoke to the woman, trying to figure out who we were. They were afraid that they did not know who we were. I then knew that they thought that i was their boss’s son. The son was expected to arrive in the office. They confused me for him, and tried to act like they knew whom i was. I walked over to the coffee machine, which was sitting to the left side of the door to the next office. The walls of the dividing wall, in which the door was, were made of a dark wood paneling, like something designed in the late fifties. The paneling had a fine wood grain, and the wall was curved. I poured myself a cup of tea. One of the men came over to me and tried to introduce himself. I dipped the bag of tea into the hot water. The tea bag seemed large, but it was not too large for the white mug.

11997 October 15

I was sitting at the rectangular table. $F4 was sitting to my left. There were other people sitting at the table. The place seemed strange. I was not able to focus on what was happening. Then the boy sat down on the bench on the opposite side of the table. I recognized him, but i did not know who he was. I tried to think where i had seen him before. He had curly blonde hair. I then realized that he was the boy who played the next-door neighbour in the television series My So Called Life. Then another person walked over to the bench. I recognized him as well. I realized that it was Matthew Modine. He sat down on the other side of the table. I was confused as to what was happening. Matthew was wearing a brown leather jacket, but when he sat down it was black. He looked at me and realized that i was confused. He then lifted the collar of his leather jacket and made a joking face at me. I realized that he was the man who played the lead character in Better Off Dead. Then i realized that this was not real. I tried to focus, to figure out what was happening. I realized that i had been dreaming. I was sitting at the table, and $F4 was sitting on the other side. I decided that i should quickly take notes on my dream before i forgot what happened. I tried to remember what had happened, but i was having difficulty. I remembered that there were several cinema actors in it. I remembered the boy from My So Called Life. I then remember that i had dreamed about something which seemed like a pink video screen. I had placed something on top of it. It seemed that i was trying to draw on it. I had to write down what happened. Then i noticed that $F4 was reading a book on the other side of the table. It was a russian language tutorial. He was taking a class in Russian. I looked at the book which was on the table in front of him. It was a paperback in a standard letter size. I read the russian word in the center of the page. It was the russian word for the name Yivonova. $F4 pronounced the word, but he said “Ivanova”. I corrected his pronunciation. The first letter was a soft russian I, which was pronounced with a Y sound before it. I said “Yivonova”. I then felt intrusive by telling him how to pronounce the word. I decided that i should not try to lecture him on what was correct. Then a man came over to the table from the left. He interrupted us and tried to talk to $F4. $F4 was his teaching assistant for the russian class. The man did not want to speak to me. He glanced at me coldly as he tried to ask $F4 some questions. He handed $F4 a piece of paper. $F4 looked over the paper as the man stood to his left. I looked at the man and realized that he was nicely built. He was not wearing a shirt, and he was nicely detailed. He also had a nice, smooth, tan skin. I wondered why i should be interested in him. I noticed that he seemed somewhat old, and that his short, curly, brown hair was receding. I noticed that i could see his abdomen muscles and thought that they seemed to stick out strangely. I tried not to notice him.

11997 October 16

I walked down the road that ran between the cliff walls. The road came to a T-intersection with the other road. I walked out onto the main road. It seemed wider than the first. I looked down at the train tracks which ran down the corridor between the cliffs. To my left, i could see the turn in the main track. Then i noticed that there was an old train sitting along the wall of the corridor in front of me. It was coming from the secondary corridor from which i had originally come. It looked like an old passenger train, with a dull grey finish. It seemed decrepit and worn. I then turned to the right. Worf was down the corridor somewhere. He seemed like a bad guy, and i would have to confront him. I walked into the tunnel, down the tracks, pushing the small platform in front of me on the tracks. Worf backed away from me. I could not see him, but i knew that he was there. The long wooden plank slid away from me as i walked into the tunnel. It seemed that i was searching for something. I knew that Worf was on the plank. I then leaned forward and grabbed the plank. The batleth, which had been sitting on the plank, tipped upward and pointed at me. I thought that he was a good warrior. I then stood up and looked around the cavern in which we had walked. We were in a tunnel which had been carved into the rock. I held up my pen light and looked around in the dark. I moved the light from my mini-flashlight around.

I was on the road that traveled up the hill, through the tunnel which was cut into the rock. The fluorescent lights lit the corridor with a dim, greenish glow. The hill in the corridor was very steep. I stood against one of the walls in the corridor as the cars drove up and down. I wondered whether i was in the way. The road led up to the top of the mountain, which was one of the tallest mountains in the world. I looked up the hill to my right. The road made a sharp, right angle turn just up the corridor. A pale yellow car then came around the corner and stated down the hill. The car was old fashioned in design. It was shaped like a Morgan, with a rounded hood and a front grill. It looked like a sports car from the thirties, but it had no fenders or roof. The car drove down the hill past me. I looked down the hill and i could see a second car coming up the hill. I stood with my back to the wall to try to give the car room to pass. I realized that there was a silver drinking fountain behind me. I thought that i should stand on the up-hill side of the fountain so that the cars had more room to pass. The woman continued up the stairs towards me. I was sitting, crossed-legged in front of the fountain. I thought that i was taking up too much space, so i stood up and started up the stairs. Then the ground started to shake. It was an earthquake. I realized that this was the earthquake that would happen on the mountain. I told the woman about it. She wondered what to do. There were no doorways around us. I walked around the corner and up the final set of stairs into the small room of the lodge. The lodge was on the top of the mountain. It seemed somewhat cold up here. I knew that we were on the tallest mountain in the world. I walked into the living room of the lodge. There was a couch in the center of the room. $F24 was sitting on the couch with a woman. I was happy to see him. I remembered that i did not know to where he had moved. I felt somewhat uneasy about being on the top of the mountain. I knew that the earthquake would come. Then $F24 pointed out that there were small peep holes in the back wall of the room through which one could see down the side of the mountain. I felt uneasy, as the mountain was very steep in all directions. I walked behind the couch. I could see the small metal trim that lined the sides of the holes. The wall was a dark, purplish colour, with uneven vertical grooves in it. The peep holes were ovular in shape, with pointed ends at the top and bottom. I walked up to one of the holes and looked through. I could see heavy snow on the ground between the thick fir trees. I could see a clearing just a little way down the hill. It was the ski slope that led down from the top of the hill. I turned to $F24 and told him that i had not realized that the ski slope had come this far up the mountain. I looked again and could see something moving down the ski slope. It seemed very cold and dangerous out there.

I woke up in the room and turned on the radio. The music played. It sounded low, as if all of the notes were in the bass range. I then realized that the other people might still be sleeping around the house. I walked across the large living room to the black stereo console which was on the back wall near the fireplace. I turned off the music, but noticed that several people had already been woken. I noticed that $F25 was on the couch. He sat up and looked around. I walked out of the room and into the room beyond. All of the rooms seemed very large, as if they were part of an expensive mansion. The ceilings of the rooms were very high, and the decorations seemed very plane and unembellished. There was a very large window on the far wall of the house. I walked back into the living room and looked out the window. I could see the other wing of the house opposite us. It was still somewhat dark outside, and the others were sleeping in the other side of the house. I was in the house of $F4’s parents. I did not want to disturb anyone, however. I needed to go to the lavatory. I told $F25 not to be disturbed as i left. I felt sorry for waking them. I watched myself walk out of the room and turned left around the corner. I walked into the small bathroom. I could not seem to figure out where the toilet was. There was a toilet on the wall to the left as i walked through the door, but it did not seem to be the correct one to use. It was small and white, and did not have a tank on it. I walked to the back of the bathroom and looked around. The room seemed cluttered. I realized that they might not like me wandering around in their house like this. I decided to use the toilet to urinate. I walked back around the large black seat, which seemed like a dentist’s chair. I realized that it was a toilet for a handicapped person. I wondered how i was to use it. It did not seem compatible. I lifted the small lid in the center of the black tray, which was at my hip level. This was the place where i should urinate. I opened my pants and started to urinate, but realized that it would be difficult to urinate in the small hole in the center of the chair. I decided that this was not the place to go. I was frustrated because i did not know how to use the chair. I then walked out of the bathroom and started walking down the long, underground corridor. The others had woken up and were wandering down the corridor towards me. The corridor was square and seemed to be cut into the rock of the cement walls. The lights were a dim fluorescent. The people seemed groggy.

11997 October 17

I was on my bicycle, chasing after the others. We were traveling through the long tunnel. I followed them into the store. There, i ran into $F13. I greeted him. I walked across the kitchen of my parent’s house. Something did not quite seem correct. There was something unnerving around. I knew that we were being watched. I looked out the front window of the kitchen. I could see a black wolf standing in the front yard. He was watching the window. I told my mother about the wolf. I looked back out at the wolves. There were two of them standing on the lawn, looking back at me.

11997 October 18

I walked back down the hill and across the road. There was a group of people sitting in the small grassy area on the other side of the road. There were trees covering them, and it seemed to be out in the woods. I had been with them before. I was singing the camp songs with them, but i had left. I felt bad about leaving, but now they were singing songs on which i wanted to join in. I listened to the guitar music as i started to dance towards the group. There was a short chain-link fence running along the back side of the grassy area where they were sitting. They seemed to be on a small hill that overlooked the city. There were things down the street to my left. I looked up as i spun around in dance. I could see several stars in the sky. I knew the song that they were playing. It was “Today”. I was then in the kitchen of my parents’ house. I opened the oven to see the trays of tacos that were cooking for dinner. My mother was in the kitchen with me. the oven was on the east wall of the kitchen, between the north counter and the island counter. It seemed like a wonderful morning. It was very bright in the kitchen. The light came in from the windows. I told my mother that it seemed very nice today. Then i looked out into the back yard from the dining room window. I saw the wild animals running towards the house from the woods. They were black wolves. As i looked closer at one of them, i noticed that it was a large black sloth. Then several raccoons ran past. I was afraid of the wolves, and did not feel safe in the house. I ran to the front window in the kitchen and looked out. I was looking for the rest of the animals. $X3 walked up to my left as i squatted down on the floor in front of the window. I pet him and spoke to him. I knew that he wanted to go out to play with the animals, but i told him that it was dangerous out there. There seemed to be a black wolf on the front lawn. I started running through the halls of the mansion. I ran into the large, pale green room which was the master bedroom. The room was very plain, with no trim on the ceiling or floor. The walls seemed to be painted sheet rock. Something seemed to be wrong in the room. The bed was in disarray, and the place seemed like it was being taken apart. I knew that the master bathroom was in the next room over, through a small door in the back wall. There was a long closet to the left of it on the back wall. The apartment seemed cheaply made, though i knew that it was part of the mansion. The back wall was long and pale green. On the short wall to my left, as i faced the back wall, there seemed to be a window, which let bright, hazy light into the room. The bed was in the middle of the wall behind me, with the entrance door to the right of it, on the side by the window. The man then pointed his shot gun at me. I was intruding in his house. He was an older man, with short greying hair. He was wearing a house coat which seemed a dull red. I was confused. Something did not seem correct. I was scared that the man might shoot me, but i continued to look around the room. I then noticed that the walls were covered with mirrored tiles. The tiles were small and square. Some of them had fallen off of the wall and had broken. The place seemed damaged. The man kept threatening me with the gun. The mansion seemed to be falling apart. It was collapsing, and the man was angry. He blamed me for the destruction. I had to get out of here. I ran out of the room and into the large aisle of the warehouse section of the mansion. There were many stacks of items all around me. I felt lost in the large mansion. All of the packages were wrapped in plastic for shipping. There were pieces of broken glass on the floor from the collapsing mansion. I tried to zigzag through the aisles so that the man could not get a shot at me. I looked at all of the toys that were in the warehouse. There were too many toys in the mansion. It was causing the collapse. I ran down the corridor and came out in the front hall. I was on the lower floor of the bank. The ceiling was very tall and was cream yellow. The walls were decorated with stained wood trim and siding. It looked like an old bank from the early nineteen hundreds, but i knew that it was modern. The counter ran along the front wall of the bank, which was the long wall. There was a hip-high wall separating the left side of the room from the rest of the bank. The wall was also made of stained wood. There were people gathered in front of the counter. The bank was being robbed. I did not seem afraid of the robbers. I knocked one of them out and took his gun. I then fired at another. I quickly ran up the stairs on the left side of the bank and started to walk along the balcony that ran over the back wall. I took the woman with me. I was trying to rescue her from the robbers. The one of the robbers caught up with me at the top of the stairs and knocked me to the ground. He was wearing a trench coat and had baggy denims. He pointed his shot gun at me so that i did not move. I was caught, but i did not feel worried. I was simply disappointed. I then asked the robber why the woman wanted to get out of the bank. I thought that she was one of the robbers. She said that she was afraid that her husband would hit her. She was afraid of him. The bank robber was her husband.

I was on the north side of the lobby hall of $P7. I looked up the oval space in the center of the stair case. There was someone upstairs. It was a teacher who was going to come down after me. I had done something in the building that i was not supposed to have done. I thought that i should run away before the teacher came. I looked down the side hall that ran along the north of the chapel. I thought that i could run into the back locker room where he would not be able to find me. I imagined him running down the stairs very fast, though. I decided to run anyway. I ran down the hall very quickly. I was surprised that it took so little time to cover the distance. I walked through the door and into the locker room. I turned to the left and started walking down the aisle. Then i heard voices of people on the back side of the locker room. I headed towards them. I realized that it was a gym class, but i thought it might be interesting to see some old teachers again. There were several kids lined up near the back door on the south side of the locker room. Then i noticed $A46 sitting in a metal chair to the left as i walked to the right of the queue of students. $A62 walked out of the shower room door. He was wearing running plastics and had long hair. He did not recognize me. Then $A46 mentioned my name. He did not, however, get my name correct. He said the correct first name, but said my last name incorrectly. I corrected him. Then $A62 remembered me and greeted me. He walked over to me and started jabbing at me. He said that i had gotten some muscle on me. I pushed back a little and said hello.

11997 October 19

I was under arrest, and was held in the small place. There was someone else with me. We had been arrested for something that we did not do. I walked quickly down the dry dirt road that seemed to run through the middle of the desert. It was somewhat dark outside, as if it were twilight. The ground was dusty red sand, with small sprigs of plant life covering it. The plants were a greenish grey, like dry sage leaves, and were only a few decis tall. There seemed to be a low ridge running on our right. It was a rounded hill, with small spots of dry vegetation all over it. There seemed to be a dry creek bed at the base of it. The road was very straight as we followed it out into the desert. I thought that we had to get to some place safe, where they would not be able to follow. They must have realized that we had escaped by now, and that we were running out into the desert to hide. I felt, in some way, special that i was able to escape from the prison. I had some power which allowed me to walk away. They could not keep me in any place, but i knew that they could capture me. The other person with me was connected to me with a metal set of handcuffs on a chain. I knew that we had to change our course before they caught up with us. There was a road to the left that we should take. The landscape around was flat and red. There were small patches of the plants all over. The sun was setting behind up and to the left. We turned onto the road. I knew that i would be able to get away. They had no power over me. I then realized that there were only spirits in the desert. I thought that they all had names. I thought of the twelve spirits of classical religion. They all had names. I then walked into the office of the jail. I had come back. I was no longer with the other person. They were going to set me free because they could not hold me. There was someone sitting on the bench on the right wall as i walked in. It seemed like a female. She was waiting for me to be released. I had come back because i knew that they could not contain me. I was always free.

I was standing outside of the old barn. There were some other people there, but they were all leaving. I walked inside, where i could see the boy on the bed. He was sleeping. I felt as through i should take care of him. I wanted to hold him. Then i started thinking of a song. I kept repeating the lyrics “I’m in country.”

11997 October 20

I was in the suburb. It seemed dark and cold. I was jogging around the block. I watched my feet run along the sidewalk as i ran. I seemed to be watching myself from the side. I ran around the small block counterclockwise. Then i got back to where i had started, which was near the street in the center of the block which headed away from the block. I then picked up something from the sidewalk and started running in a clockwise direction around the block. When i got back to where i had started, i ran down the side street. It crossed a small line of bushed which seemed to mark the end of the suburb. There was something running between the row of shrubs, like a creek or rail road tracks. I walked into the other section and came to the front of the garage at my parents’ house. The tan Honda was sitting in front of the overhang, off the side of the garage. I had just purchased the car. It was a two for one deal. The other person talked to me about how good a deal it was. Then i noticed that the two children were going to head down the driveway on their sleds. I got onto the saucer and started down the hill with them. We seemed to move quickly, though we were not covering that much distance. Then my sled tipped to one side and i started to slide down the hill behind the house. The children continued down the driveway. I seemed to be moving faster, and the person whom i had been talking to at the top of the hill told the children that i was really moving. I spun around slowly as i moved. Then i found myself cutting around the house and coming back into the driveway. I slid into the driveway just in front of the children. The person up by the garage shouted in amazement that i was still going. I was going to make it all the way to the bottom of the hill.

I was in the living room of my grandmother’s house. There was a lion with us. I walked over to the center of the room and laid down. I was worried that it might attack someone. I knew that it was still a wild animal, even though it was in the house. I worried that it might attack my grandmother. I walked behind the lion. There was a small semi-circular pen along the back side of the lion. It was made of a black cloth stretched between wooden stakes that were driven into the ground. I walked behind the lion as it settled down. I was nervous of it, but i reached over the side of the pen and pet the lion’s back. I wanted to make it feel comfortable so that it would not attack anyone. I then walked into the center of the living room where my grandmother was sleeping. I thought that she should move. I was afraid that the lion would attack her while she slept.

11997 October 21

We were talking about the apartments. I was bringing the pot of coffee into the office as we spoke. The place was actually a library. Then i remembered about the water main break. I walked across the front yard of the small house. The house was covered with white siding, and seemed like a stereotyped suburban house. I looked for the water main break in the front lawn. My mother was there. There was a green garden hose running across the front lawn. My mother was walking around the right side of the house to get the other hose so that we could drain the water from the front of the house. I saw her reach over the short fence which sectioned off a small area of grass next to the house. The fence came out from the house about a metre and then ran down the side of the house. The grass was taller inside of the fence, and i knew that there was a snake hidden. I was worried that the snake might bite my mother. I started moving towards her. I could hear the snake rattling its tail. Then i saw my mother reach down and lift the garden hose from the grass. She started to pull the rest of the hose towards the back yard. I told her about the snakes. We then heard a loud rattling from the back yard. We would not be able to walk that way. There was a rattlesnake back there. We turned and started to head towards the front of the house. Then we saw the snake inside of the fence lift its head. The fence was taller now, and the garden hose stretched over the top of it. My mother was still holding on to one end of the hose. We did not want to walk by the snake for fear that it would bite us. Then the snake started to crawl along the length of the hose. I took the hose from my mother and tried to shake it to get the snake off. The snake then wrapped itself around the hose and started charging towards us. I was afraid it would attack.

11997 October 22

I was running with some of $G1. We were running through the suburban area. It seemed dark out, and somewhat rainy. $A10 was one of the runners in the group. I followed him as we ran. We crossed the bridge that led over the small ravine. We seemed to be in the woods on some trails, but the place seemed like a town. Then we came around the loop which ran around the houses and crossed the bridge. We came to where the other runners were. They were getting ready for a long run. I was not sure that i wanted to go on a really long run. I did not know how my knee would hold out. Someone asked to where we would be running. Then one of them said that we would be running to 102 Snyder Drive. I remembered where that was. It was out in the country on the hill north of town. I wondered if that was too far of a run for me to go on. I pictured the small house on the side of the road. We would have to go there for drinks. The running was making me thirsty. We ran over a few bridges. Then i started talking to the man next to me. He was writing something on a tablet. I looked over his shoulder and noticed that he was writing in Arabic. I could not understand what it said. A song came to my mind and i started singing it. I could hear it around me as i thought of it. The lyrics started “follow me into the desert”. I knew that it was a Led Zeppelin song. I sang it as i tossed the ball to the other person.

I was on the chariot as it raced around the halls of the small building. We were chasing after the other chariot. We kept going around the outside of the corridor. We were in a large room with cream-coloured walls. There was a dark wood chair border along the floor of the wall. It had beveled wood along the top and was nicely crafted. There was a square area in the center of the room which was blocked off with a wall. The corridor ran down the sides of the wall and around the outside of the room. The ends of the room were curved. The chariots rounded the curves. The one i was in then hit a short wall which was sticking out from the side wall. The wood shattered as we drove through it. I realized that we were breaking things in the room. I hopped off of the chariot as we reached one of the corners. I watched as the two chariots collided and then raced on. One of them seemed to be a metallic purple. It was the other chariot from the one that i had been in. Then the chariots raced around again, passing close in front of me. They chipped off some wood from a small gate that was part of a dividing wall. Then i watched as they raced around the small room. There was a dark wood table in the center of the room. One of the chariots struck the table and a leg broke off. The table fell over. They were damaging the room. I walked over to the table and wondered whether it could be repaired. Then Chief O’Brian walked over to look at the damage. He spoke to me about it. I looked over the edge of the balcony and down into the lower level of the building. I could see the dark wood table standing in the center of the lower court. It would have to be repaired. I knew that the tools to repair it were down on the lower court. I spoke to Chief O’Brian about repairing it. I reached down to the small refrigerator at the bottom of the small inset in the floor and grabbed a soda pop.

11997 October 24

I was running with $A67 along the shore of the lake. We crossed the small foot bridge and started running around the outside of the island. We were running on the grass in front of the small houses. The place seemed like a quite resort community. It seemed early in the morning. There was haze on the water and the light was dim. I hoped that we would not have to run that far as my leg was bothering me. We turned to the right, following the sharp curves of the shore around the end of the island. We rounded the far end of the island when i came to a dock. I knew that we would have to make it across the water to the docks on the other side. $A67 was running along the shore to the left. He would have to turn right and head out on the dock ahead of me anyway. I thought about jumping from one dock to the other. I looked down into the water. It seemed cold. Then i noticed that $A11 had jumped into the water to fix the dock but had not come up yet. I knew that he was joking around with me, hiding under the water. I took the long wooden pole and poked it into the water. I moved it around, thinking that i would eventually hit him. I then noticed him lying on the shore line. I started to walk over to him. He was wearing a pair of blue shorts. I then noticed that $A69 was sitting against the wall to my left. He was wearing a pair of white denims which had been soaked. He had been in the water as well. I felt uneasy about having him around. He smiled as he sat relaxed, slouched against the wall. I walked to $A11 and started poking him in jest. I was poking him for hiding under the water. He started pushing back and we joked. Then $A69 wanted to come over and join us. I was not interested in $A69. I did not think that he belonged there. He seemed out of place. I just wanted to wrestle with $A11, without having $A69 join in.

I was in the classroom. My biology teacher from high school was there. I was taking a test. It seemed easy, but i was uninterested in taking it. She walked out of the room. I was the only one left. Something seemed strange. I felt as if i was special because i knew that she trusted me to complete the test on my own. I looked around the old class room. The room seemed to be cluttered with school-room items, as if it were a room in an elementary school. The building seemed to be somewhat old. I walked out of the room. I had to sneak away. I then noticed that there were two people in the kitchen. I watched them from the window as i stood outside on the roof. I had to get out of the place. I started down the stairs when some one came up past me. I then realized that something was strange. I started to follow the man. He was wearing a black leather jacket. I climbed back into the window and ran down the hall after him. He was heading back towards the class room. He ran into the room and started to close the door. I caught the door before it latched and pushed it open. The man looked at me with surprise. I realized that he was $F26.

11997 October 26

I paddled the canoe down the narrow river that ran through the woods. I was moving away from the camp site, which was in a small clearing at the corner of the river. There was an open gravel area in which we had placed our tent. My grandmother was at the camp site and kept asking me questions. I did not want to have to keep answering her questions. She kept asking me where i was going and was worried that i would go too far and get hurt. I turned the kayak around and walked back down the road towards the camp site. I then passed by the camp site, which was a small dirt area on the right side of the road, at the curve where the road turned left. I continued riding. My grandmother was worried that i would not be back before dark and that i would get lost. I tried not to pay attention to her. I continued down the road on my bicycle. I wondered how far i would be able to get. I did have to turn around and make it back to the camp site before the storm came. I knew that it was supposed to get cold and rain. Several cars passed by as i started to head into the rural town. There were mountains on my right, which were covered with deep green pine trees. There was a hazy mist of low clouds brushing the tops of the hills. I then looked ahead of me and to the left. There was a lake that i could not see off to the left side of the road. I then saw grey streaks coming down from the sky ahead of me. I realized that the storm was about to come. I would have to turn around and get back before it started raining. I turned suddenly into the gravel parking area on the right side of the road. As i decelerated to head into the dirt, a car passed me on the right. I rode my bicycle across the parking lot and over to the front of the small, dark brown plaza that was on the left side of the lot. I hopped off of my bike and prepared for the ride back. I would have to change the bike around so that i would not get cold if the storm came. I adjusted the body of the bicycle. I had to get it fixed so that i could hurry back to the camp site. I was frustrated that i was not easily able to adjust the braces. The small, black plastic wheel on the front of the bicycle would not stay in place. It kept swiveling around. I finally got the bike together and stood up. My grandmother asked me what i was doing. I told her about the storm and looked around the corner of the building to my left. I could see the steep side of the hill. There was a heavy grey haze moving down the side of the hill, obscuring the green trees. There were some orange leaves mixed in with the tree canopy. It seemed to be cold. The haze was the rain coming. It was already too close. I would not be able to ride my bicycle back to the house. I told the man that we would have to stay in the buildings for a while until the rain passed. $F11 picked up the bags from the ground and helped me carry our things into the shelter on the end of the plaza. We walked into the open area, which seemed like a laundromat. The walls of the building were stained a dark brown. $A69 was in the small room on the end of the building. There was a family walking through the hall to the back of the building. $A69 was carrying some things. I then noticed that the cement floor of the laundromat was wet. We would not be able to place our sleeping bags on it because they would get wet. $A69 said that he had just washed the floor.

11997 October 27

I was traveling with $F4. We were carrying backpacks with us. Then I watched as the light blue Beetle in which we were riding passed by. It turned around on the dusty road where $F4 was to get off, dragging the hand cart behind it. The hand cart had the black bag tied to it. We did not have enough room in the car, so we had to tie the bag to the back of the Volkswagen. I looked into the back of the Jeep-like car to see the bags that were packed behind the seats. There was little room in the back of the car, and the back was open. I could see myself sitting in the driver’s seat of the car. I then looked down at the thin metal hand cart that was hooked to the back of the Jeep. I looked at the wheels on the cart. The black plastic wheels had been worn away and were much smaller than they were when we started. I remembered their diameter from when we started the cross-country journey. I thought about how the wheels had come over the mountains and through the harsh conditions with us. $F4 unpacked his bags from the car and headed towards the gate to the east. The car was facing south in the small dirt area. The gate was part of a military base. I was dropping him off here. We were somewhere in Texas, and the air was hot and dry. The ground of the dirt road was dusty and textured with rounded stones. The dirt road seemed to be just off of the main road, which ran east to west. The dirt road ran north for a very short distance before it turned west and paralleled the main road. I got back in the car and started to drive out of the dirt area. I turned the car around in a circle until it was facing northwest. There was a group of people collected at the north side of the cul-de-sac. I was having trouble starting my car. I knew that it had come a long way and was vary old. The dashboard inside of the car seemed dirty and worn. I could hear the engine having difficulty trying to run. It sputtered a few times. $G4 were standing on the north side of the parking lot. They were watching me as i tried to keep my car running. $A30 was with them. Then $A70 walked out of the group and towards me. He asked me if he could get a ride back home. I felt uncomfortable letting my car stall in front of everybody. It seemed like it had something to do with the battery. I told $A70 that i could give him a ride, but my car would not start. He was excited and started to place his things into the car. I then heard the telephone inside the car ring. It was my mother calling to make sure that i was all right. I did not answer the telephone. I did not want to tell people where i had been traveling. I then told $A70 that i would be right back. I said that i had to go inside to urinate. I ran to the northeast and into the building. I ran through the entrance hall of the hotel. It was a decorative room with brown wood frames on the walls. In the center of the frames were rectangles of a silk-textured cloth. I ran across the room and out the back door. I went down the corridor. I had to hurry. Then i came to the receptionist desk in the hallway which ran down the center of the hotel. I knew that our room had already been cleaned, so i asked the woman behind the desk where i could go to use a lavatory. She told me to go back down the main corridor and take a left. The main corridor was very tall, and stretched up the center of the building. I could see the upper halls above on balconies. The walls seemed to be made of a dark grey metal frame with glass covering the outside of the building. To the east was an entrance which came through a glass foyer. There were potted plants on either side of the entrance. The sunlight, which came through, was dimmed by the tinted glass. I walked back down the main corridor, heading south, and turned right, trying to head back the way i came. I had to get back to the car. I then passed the counter in the center of the mall. I did not remember passing by this before. The counter was round, and fit inside of the rounded room. There were glass display cases in the white walls of the room. In them i could see what appeared to be headphones. There were people looking in the display cases as i walked around the curve of the room. I had to get out, but i did not know where i was. I turned to the left down a corridor that ran into the wall and came up a flight of stairs. I was by the escalator. I knew where i was. I was on the opposite side of the mall from the room. I crossed the main corridor of the mall to the left and walked up a side passage. This corridor ran back to the hotel room. I found the room and the other person in it. I remembered this person. I then woke up. I was in the back seat of the car. I looked forward to see $A60 driving the car. We were in a highway which ran between two steep, rocky slopes. There seemed to be some kind of over-pass running above us. We were heading up a very steep hill. I knew that we were heading over the Rocky Mountains. The car was having trouble, and a puff of smoke came out from under the front dash. I wondered how long i had been asleep. We were in Nevada. $A71 was driving the car. She looked at the smoke, but did not think that it was serious. I was sitting behind the back seat of the car. I could see that the sun roof was open over the passenger’s seat. $F14 was sitting in the back seat of the car, and she was talking to me. I did not understand what she was talking about. She kept smiling. She was amused with the fact that she was talking about things of which i was unaware. Then she mentioned the girl’s name. She said that she was a “dyke”. The person in the front seat corrected her, saying that the name only sounded like “dyke”. I knew that the girls name was one syllable. I looked across the low roof of the car and could see that the sun roof was open over the back seat on the driver’s side of the car. I wondered how the sun roof could have moved.

11997 October 28

I walked out of the restaurant, where i had been eating with some of my friends. It seemed as though the restaurant were closing. We had to get out of the restaurant. It was still light outside. There was an empty parking lot in front of the small cement building. A cement awning hung over the front of the restaurant. It was supported by dirty metal poles. I hung onto one of the poles with my right hand as i walked over one of the curbs at the edge of the parking lot. I was in a city, and the streets were very narrow. The other buildings seemed to be cement, with no windows or doors. It seemed as if we were on the back side of the buildings. There were no sidewalks on the edges of the roads. There was a street running in front of the restaurant, on the opposite side of the parking lot, and one running to my right as i stood facing away from the restaurant. On the opposite corner from me i could see the small parking lot which was set into the corner of a building. That was where the red car was parked that we took here. The others were following me out of the restaurant. It was time to go. $A72 was with me. I knew that the car would be locked, but i wanted to wait by the car rather than in the restaurant.

11997 October 29

I was driving down the road in the truck. I had to get to my job. I was not interested in the job. My father had gotten the job for me, and it was in construction. I did not like it, but i had to get there on time. The road went straight through the country. There was a hill to the right, and a valley to the left. The valley was somewhat open with fields in it. I came over a hill and saw the dirt road which ran through the orchards on the left. I turned into the road, thinking that it continued south towards the other main road. The dirt on the road was dusty and red. I then realized that this might be one of the many dead end roads which led into farm houses. There was a large barn on the right as i turned into the driveway. I continued past the barn. There were several cars parked on the right side of the road, perpendicular to the rear wing of the barn. Ahead of me i could see a white, one-level farm house. The road continued on past the farm house into a cluster of trees. I wondered whether this was the correct road to take to cut over to the main road to the south. Then i noticed the large, light blue silo on the right hand side of the road. It had the word “seasonal” printed on the side in large letters. I realized that this road did not continue on. I turned my truck around in front of the house and started out of the driveway. There was a car that had followed my in. It passed me as i started to turn around in the small parking area near the house. The man in the car honked his horn at me. I wondered whether i was on someone’s private property. I then noticed the older woman walking out of the barn at i started out of the driveway. She was wearing a dark blue shawl and a knee-length dress. She watched me cautiously as i drove by. I stopped at the end of the driveway and waited for traffic to pass. The red pick-up truck that i was driving seemed very large. I then looked down to make sure that my seat belt had been fastened. I turned left onto the main road and headed out. I spoke to $A73, who was driving the truck. I did not feel comfortable letting him drive. He wanted to head down route 19. I had to get to my job, and knew that it was not in the same direction. I walked across the kitchen of my parents’ house and into the back room. I was eating my lunch. I then noticed that it was 9:00 on the digital clock which was on the microwave on the left hand side of the counter. I realized that i had to get to work. I was going to be late. I then thought that my father had set the job up for me. I was not happy about going, but i had to get there. I put together some sandwiches in the kitchen. I thought that it would take too much time to make my lunch and i would be even later. I was worried that i would not make it on time. There was an egg salad sandwich which was left over, but i did not want it. I grabbed my plastic running shell. I did not want to forget it. I was worried about being late.

11997 October 30

I was able to fly, and was doing various tricks. I was just learning and was jumping off of low objects to learn how to glide. I knew that i could fly from higher places. I wondered whether i should jump off of a building to fly. I ran up the stairs of the parking garage. I knew that no one was supposed to be on the top of the parking garage this evening. The police would be up there. They were making sure that no one came up on Halloween. I was apprehensive of going to the top of the parking garage. I did not want the police to come after me. I thought that i could simply jump off of the edge of the garage and fly away. I then wondered whether i would really be able to fly. I ran up the last set of stairs and came out onto the upper level of the garage. The police car was to my left, on the outside platform. I was standing inside of a small sheltered area. I turned to the left and walked around the outside of the stairwell. I stood at the edge of the garage and looked over. I could see the police getting out of their car and walking towards me. I was afraid to jump over the edge. The police walked up to me and greeted me. They wanted to know what i was doing on the roof. I spoke to them for a while. Then i turned and headed away from them and into the small room on the other side of the roof. There was a round table in the center of the room. I then remembered that i had shaved the center of my hair. I walked past the table and towards the side door of my grandmother’s garage. I could not go into the house where the others were. My hair was a mess. I walked into the garage. I would have to fix my hair before anyone saw me. I looked in the small mirror that sat on the shelf just inside of the garage. I could see the shaved section of my hair. I had shaved the center very short. I wished that i had not done it, but it was too late now. I did not want to get rid of my long hair. I realized that i would have to cut the rest of it short to match so that it did not look strange. I then noticed that my teeth were chipping off. I touched the lower teeth in the front of my mouth. They came loose and fell out. I was distressed. I did not want to loose my teeth. I then noticed the metal braces that had covered my teeth on the bottom. One of the pieces of metal had covered the top of my teeth, and still had the shape of my lower teeth.

I was traveling on the bus with my parents. My grandfather was on the bus as well. I had just woken up and wanted to know where we were traveling. We were trying to get to someplace, but it was still a long way away. I remembered being on the beach in the small resort town. There was a board walk with several shops in front of it. I remembered walking from the beach up to the front of the stores. I had gotten on the bus there. We were now headed someplace. It seemed like a nice place. Then my grandmother mentioned that she wanted some capers. I walked up to the front of the bus and asked the bus driver to get me something to drink. The bus driver was $A25. She did not seem happy about having to serve us. I felt bad about making her a servant. She continued to drive the bus as she handed me the glass with a clear liquid in it. I then noticed that there were red things floating in the glass. They were capers. I told $A25 that the capers were not supposed to go in a drink. My grandmother wanted the capers plain. I dumped the glass out down the stairs and out the side door of the bus to my right. I then headed back down the aisle of the bus. I watched my father pass me as i approached the back of the bus. I then noticed the long green object on the left side of the bus. It seemed like part of a boat. My father said that it was from the motor boat. I looked at it more closely and noticed that it was a canoe. I then wondered where we were. We should have reached the place to where we were going by now. $A25 said that we still have 400 miles to go. It seemed wrong that we were not there yet. I remembered being on the beach in the small resort town. I walked from the beach to the boardwalk. Then i walked down the grassy hill from the house where the others had collected. I knew that they were on the wooden deck off of the second level of the house as i walked down the hill. The lawn was wide, and rounded. The house sat atop the hill, with the second level flush to the ground on the back side. At the bottom of the hill was a pond. I walked down to the side of the pond and sat down. Across the pond was a section of trees which seemed to start a woods. All of the plants were a deep green, and the sky was very blue and bright. I sat down on the grass next to the edge of the pond. The pond curved to my right side. There were reeds growing along the edges of the pond. Then i noticed a wooden pedestal in the center of the water to my right. It was a small wooden platform on a square wooden pole. The platform was roughly circular and was about half a metre in diameter. On the top of the platform was a green beer bottle. I thought that it was strange that there should be a beer bottle in the middle of the water. Then i realized that it was for target practice. I knew that the people who lived around this country area liked shooting things. I then noticed the white disc floating in the water. It looked like a frisbee. I through that it might be something for target practice. Then i noticed the ducks swimming on the water. A second frisbee flew in from behind me and to the right. It was a dull yellow, and seemed to have something on it. I then realized that it had bird food on it. It was used to attract the birds to the water. I looked to the right to see two men running towards the pond. They were throwing frisbees over the water. I watched one of the frisbees glide over the water and come to a rest in the air before falling onto the surface of the water. Several seagulls floated down after it. I then looked across the pond towards the woods. I saw several wolves running from the trees. For a moment, i was afraid of them. Then i saw the man tackle the wolf. It was actually a giant sloth. The man was fighting with it. I thought that it looked like a wolverine. The woman, who was sitting to my right, told me that the wolf was not dangerous. I knew that it was not, but i was hesitant of it. Then she said that it was coming. I looked back to the pond to see the golden retriever walking up from the water. The dog was very familiar, and i reached out to pet it. I laughed at the fact that the woman referred to it as a wolf.