11998 October 01

I was with the boxing assistant. $F12 was with me. I was worried about where we were. I knew that there were elves around the area. They were planning something mischievous. I did not trust them, and thought that we should be cautious. I felt protective of $F12.

I was standing in front of the apartment building. There had been a car crash. I was uncomfortable here, and felt upset that people were injured.

11998 October 03

I walked through $P19, looking for something. There were several people there. I walked into the back room. I then started to turn around. I thought that i could impress the others my showing them how easily i could glide on the air. I jumped off of the ground and started to glide through the room where all the people were. I then passed out of the room through the doorway and turned left around the corner. I started to head down the stairs in the white hallway, but i felt uncomfortable heading down the stairs head first. I was worried that i might fall if i could not control my flying well enough. I reached out with my hands and grabbed the handrails. I let my legs drop under me and i jumped the remainder of the way down the stairs. I walked into the television room at the bottom of the stairs. I crossed the room, still looking for something.

I was in the house with the other people. I had a very strange feeling as i moved around the room. I told the others that we had to leave the house. We left the small house, which seemed like a cottage. The house was white with a dark roof which overhung the walls by about a metre. We got into the car. It seemed as though we had to get away from the area. It was cold outside and it seemed as though it had snowed. My father was driving as we went up the narrow road. We were traveling slightly up hill, and it seemed as though we were driving on the road from the suspension bridge at $P52. I then noticed that a police car pulled out of a side road behind us and parked his car across the road. At first, i thought that someone might have jumped off of the bridge, but i noticed that the red police car was stopping traffic to the area in which we had our small house. I wondered what was going on. I noticed that the police car had trapped the car which was behind us in the area. They did not want anyone escaping. I thought that the police officer might be looking for drunk drivers. The police officer stepped out of the car. She was female, and she walked towards the other car. My father drove on. I pretended to be in the middle of a conversation with the others in the car, just in case the police came after us. I did not want them to think that we had noticed the road block but ignored it. I wanted to make it seem as though we simply had not noticed it. My father then turned down one of the sided roads. I realized that we were looping back to the house. We could sneak around the police cars by the side road. I thought that we might get trapped within the road blocks. I did not know how we would be able to pass the police cars a second time, but we had to go back for something. I thought that we would have to remember to take the other road. I then thought about the storm which had just passed through. It seemed that it had left little snow, but i knew that the conditions were dangerous. It had shut down the power in the neighbourhood. It seemed strange that the storm had even passed by. I was in the house again. I wandered around the living room. I was a little worried about the storm which had passed outside. The power had finally come back on, but i still felt strange. I was in bed with the large blue blanket pulled over my body. Then the man walked over to me. He was complaining about something. He showed me the pieces of notebook paper which had writing on them. He said that the notes were not correct. He said that there were receipts missing. I told him that he had told me to arrange them that way for the alumni week. It was how we had to do things the week when the power went out, but all of the alumni were at the house. I told him that the receipts were not in order because there was no one to collect them on that weekend. I then pulled the blanket up around my neck and tried to go back to sleep.

11998 October 04

I was with the other people as i moved food around from room to room of the house. It was a humorous way that we were eating dinner. I moved a plate of food from the small table in the living room to the larger table in the adjacent room. I then sat down to eat a little bit. There was an older woman in the house ho was upset with us, but we were having too much fun to worry about her. I felt as though she was concerned unnecessarily, so we ignored her as she sat in the kitchen and got angry. I picked up my plate of food and ran outside. There was a picnic table in the back yard of the house. I put my plate of spaghetti down on the table in front of me and picked up a meatball with my fork. I ate the meatball, laughing at the game that we were playing.

I walked across the roof of the tall city building. I seemed to be about twelve stories up. I was trapped on the roof with a few other people. We had come up, but were unable to get back down. There was a wall to the north of us which was part of the brick building. It extended the entire length of the roof, east to west. The others stood near the center of the roof looking for a way to get down. I walked to the east, remembering that there might have been a fire escape down the side wall of the building. There seemed to be another person keeping us from getting down. We had to avoid him. As i approached the east end of the roof, i could see a rectangular well with two sets of grey metal ladders dropping down into it. The ladders were arched at the top so that they could be easily grabbed from the roof. I was cautious as i approached the ladders because the roof seemed to get narrower near them. As i got close, i noticed that the end of the well had a set of stairs which descended into it. I walked around to the east end of the well and started down the stairs. The ladders seemed to meet the stairs on the way down. There was a small square metal door in the center of the left-hand wall. It was an access door from the building. I could hear the sound of machinery on the other side and knew that it led into the maintenance room at the top floor of the building. It was the only way to get from the well to the inside of the building. I looked over the greasy door, however, and realized that we would not be able to climb through it. It was much too small for us. I walked back up the stairs. As i reached the top, i thought that i should try the first ladder well that i had passed it. It was to the west of the one i had descended. I had walked by it previously because i wanted to try the stairs. I was hesitant of climbing the ladders. I looked down in to the second well, noticing that there were metal bars around the top of the ladder to prevent people from climbing over. I tried to squeeze through, but was unable to make it over the bars. I lowered myself to the roof again, but my backpack got caught on one of the bars. I lifted myself back up, trying to pull my bag from the bars. As i landed back on the roof i suddenly looked back at the other, who were standing near the center of the roof. They faded into a blue light as they were transported to safety. I felt distressed that i had missed the transport. Had we all stayed together, i could have gone with them. I thought that i would have to escape by myself. I knew that they were transported to the ground below the building. I would have to find some other way to get down. As i walked back to the west, thinking that i would try the ladder at the end of the building, i remembered this scene from before. I knew that would happen. $A132 would introduce herself to me. Then i would look around the roof as the others gathered in the center. I realized that $A110 was no longer with me.

I walked down the narrow corridor between the two stone walls of the buildings. The walls were slanted outward slightly, and i knew that they were part of the pyramid structure. They were ashen and seemed to be sandstone. I turned the corner to the left and started down the long hall. I suddenly ran into $A20. He was telling jokes in the hall. I passed him and walked into the living room. The place seemed deserted and somewhat deteriorating. I knew that there was treasure hidden in one of the walls. I turned around and looked at the eastern wall, to the right of where i had entered. The sheet rock on the wall was crumbling. It was stained black from the water and mold. I could see several vertical beams in the wall through various holes. I punched my hand through the weak sheet rock and pulled open a hole. I thought that it was important to find something here. I looked down near the floor on the inside of the wall. I noticed a key there. There was a small box below it. I pulled them out of the wall. I thought that the key might be a clue. I knew that the others must have seen it before, but did not realize what it meant. I then thought that the box was not that special. $K3 had the box at one point. I thought that others knew that it was there, and that there was nothing in it. I thought that it was not worth tearing the wall apart to get.

11998 October 06

I was pulling the reigns of the horse, leading the line of horses across the area. All of the horses were chained together in a line. The first horse then started to get jumpy. It reared up and pulled away from me. I tried to lead it in a loop so that it would not break away and run out of the area. The man then came over to help me. He grabbed the horse by the bridal and tried to keep it from rearing. The horse kept pulling forward, dragging the other horses with it. I thought that i should cut the white rope which was holding the horses together to that the other horses did not get upset. I was getting tense, and realized that i needed a knife to cut the ropes. I then remembered that there was a pair of scissors in the tray by the desk. I grabbed the scissors and tried to cut the white ropes which held the horses together. I was afraid that the wild horse would damage the other things. I had to free the wild horse. I then looked over the stack of bags which were held together with golf clubs. The clubs ran horizontally between the bags, holding them in place so that the horse could drag them. I started to relax after the effort. The horse was free and the bags were safe. I walked across the room where the other people were. We talked about the event with the horses. Then one of the men in the room mentioned $A121. Then i noticed $A204 against the wall with some of the others. He complained about the horses. He was upset that they had gotten excited. I was worried about the horses. I felt upset that $A204 was angry, as if it were my fault.

I moved down the hill of the city street. I seemed to be in $P6. I was looking for some stores in the rows of tall city buildings. I then walked into the party in the lounge. There were many people crowded into the elegant dining room. I then noticed that Cher was in the room with me. She looked very young, as she did before she had altered her face. She started talking to me, asking me questions. I thought that i was special in some way to be able to have a conversation with her. I knew that other people felt strange around famous people. I then realized that she was interested in me. I tried to act normal. I did not want to act as though i were treating her in any special way. I then told her that i did not act in a special way for famous people. I listened to her as she spoke. She was trying to get my thoughts on her music. I mentioned the album that she did which had a gun on the front. She asked me how i liked, and i told her that i did not think that it was too interesting. I felt uncomfortable talking to her. I felt as though she was trying to force a relationship between us. I was not interested and tried to get away, but i could not seem to stop the conversation. Then there was an older comedian near me. He said that he would help me out with one of his jokes. I wanted to leave the party, but i thought that i should find out what he was trying to do. He told me to stand by the wall. I walked over to the wall on the west side of the entryway. There seemed to be a very wide column behind me, which was a creamy yellow. The formal dining room seemed very fancy as i watched myself stand by the column at the entrance to the room. The old comedian walked into the room and pretended to hold up the audience. The people were very quiet for a moment, thinking that he was serious. The comedian told everyone in the dining room that he was going to rob them. Then audience then broke out in laughter. It was my chance to leave the party. The comedy would give me an excuse to run out of the room as part of the performance. The old comedian waived an automatic rifle in the air as he talked. I was the straight man in the act, and had to act as though we were both serious. Then one of the waiters walked over to me and started to question me about the scene. I tried not to laugh. I had to make him think that this might be real. The people in the room then suddenly left. They were all afraid that the gun raid might be real. I walked around the right side of the empty room. There were still white table cloths on the round tables, but the floor was scattered with debris from the panic. I then noticed a set of arms from a mannequin on the floor near the wall of the room. They were on the black marble step which curved around the front of the room from the entryway. I noticed that they were walking towards the door. I watched as one hand pulled across the floor, and then the other. I wondered how they worked. I could not see any mechanism hooking them together. Then a passing man tipped them over and i could see the mechanical gears and pistons moving on the underside of the arms. The arms were only covered with skin on the top side. I then realized that $G3 were cleaning up the room. They were assigned to pick up after the function. I then noticed that $A205 cleaning up one of the tables near me. I noticed that he was not wearing a shirt and i thought that he was very nicely muscled and detailed. I started to wander around the room.

11998 October 08

I was in the small deli, standing in front of the glass counter where the other people were. There was a man behind the counter, and a woman to my right, standing in the center of the curved glass deli counter. I then fainted and collapsed to the ground. I thought that i had shut myself down. I was doing it on purpose. I was a robot, and pretended to shut down all of my functions. I was trying to sneak out of the deli, past the woman. Then the man gave me directions. I stood up and walked top the other side of the room. I grabbed the young girl by the wrist. She struggled to get away, but she could not. Then she pulled a hand gun out of her clothing and aimed it at my head. I knew that she could not fire the gun. I grabbed her with both of my hands and lifted her onto the table. I thought that we would be operating on her. I then realized that she was rather attractive. I thought that i should not pay attention to such things. We needed her baby. The doctors around me cut her open to remove her baby. I looked at one of the doctors. He was one of the bad guys. He was Burt Reynolds.

11998 October 09

I was cleaning up the small office. There were many files all over the desk. I knew that they belonged to $G8. They were in tall stacks along the surface of the desk. It seemed as though the office should have been cleaned. I knew that the boss was not happy that everything was in such disarray. He was mad at us, because we were supposed to be cleaning up the office. I decided that i should collect the files, but, when i walked back to the desk to get them, i found that they were gone. I was confused, but turned and started walking back down the road. I was then driving down the road which ran along the ocean. There were several other people with me as i drove the boat down the coast. We sped along over the water. I then realized that we were moving down the dock. There were green channel buoys on the side of the dock. We were supposed to be picking them up. I took two from the car and placed them onto the wooden surface of the dock. I then noticed that man who was running over the dock. I knew that he was one of the bad guys. I did not trust him and thought that we would have to finish before they got a chance to do anything. I then noticed Hulk Hogan on the end of the dock.

I walked around the side of the red car when i noticed that it was damaged. There was a small dent in the side of the car, just in front of the driver’s door. I was upset and thought that i would have to pay for the damage. I walked around to the other side of the car and noticed that that side was dented as well. There was a black piece of trim hanging over the rear tire. It was twisted around, as if it had hit something. I was getting more upset and worried about the car. I then walked back around to the driver’s side to look at the dent on the front of the car. I then realized that the entire front end of the car was crumpled and twisted. The car had run into something from the corner. I wondered how it had happened. I was upset as i left the car and walked into the building. I walked into the small office where the fat man was sitting in the chair across the desk from $A206. I was mad at the fat man and charged towards him. I felt very aggressive. I thought that i should not attack him and paced around the small office. There seemed to be a red oriental rug on the floor, and a fake-wood bookcase against the wall. I kept thinking that i should not attack the man.

I went back to my parents’ house, but i knew that they had moved. They were now living in a new house. It felt strange to be there. I thought that i would not be able to stay in the new house, as i would feel uncomfortable. It simply did not seem right to be there. I missed the old house.

11998 October 10

I was with $G4 in the middle of the field. We had just finished our run and were getting ready to go into the party. $A70 said that he needed instructions on how to get to the party. I told him that i would ride with him to show him the way. I got into the car and we were moving down the road. I tried to tell him where to go, but he was playing, and kept pretending to misunderstand what i was saying. I looked out the front window and told him to take a left. I could see the turn ahead of us. He turned suddenly to the left before he got to the intersection, driving onto the front lawn of the suburban house. He laughed and then backed onto the street again. We finally continued on and headed down the correct road. I thought to myself that we needed to take the turn before the large reservoir. I walked along the side of the road. I had to get going. I stepped into my car and started to follow the others to the party. I then thought that i had an appointment to be somewhere. I would have to stop in my office on my way to the party. I walked into the small office, thinking that my mother had scheduled a doctor’s appointment for me. I paced around the small white room. I then noticed the files on the small grey desk which was sitting against the wall. I could see that the files had my mother’s name on them. I thought that they were probably old records. I walked over to the desk and looked through the files. They seemed to contain old tests. I wondered whether they were math tests. I could not tell by looking at them, but i seemed to think that they were. I closed the manila folder and stacked it with the other files on the desk. There was an old text book that i arranged with them as well. I walked to the other side of the room and told the man of the records. I then went back to the desk to take another look. I could see the doctor’s name on the edge of my mother’s folder. It seemed to be the name of $A207, but when i looked closer, i realized that it said “Dr. Schummer”. I turned to look at the video playing on the screen to my left. It was a video of the doctor which confirmed that it was not $A207. People started to come into the office. One of the men in the group mentioned that the meeting would be starting. I asked him how long until it started. I remembered that i had to get back to the run with $G4. The man told me that the meeting started at seven o’clock the next morning. I told him that i would not be able to stay for the meeting as i ran out of the room. They were upset and did not want me to leave. I had to get going. I headed down the white stairwell of the building, which turned to the right. I walked out the front of the building. There were policemen standing in front of the building. Something was wrong. I was hesitant of them and started to walk to the left. I started to fly. As i started to float off of the ground, i could see the nurse watching me from the window. I felt nervous of her. She was trying to keep me in the meeting. Then the police grabbed me. The nurse had told them that i was dangerous. I tried to argue with them, but they would not listen to me. II was then back in the small white room. I was being held by the psychiatrist. He had told everyone that i was mentally unstable and was dangerous. I walked over to the window, which was covered with a thin sheet of blue, opaque plastic. I peeled a corner of the plastic off from the window and looked out. It was morning already. I was supposed to be with $G4. I could see across the beach. The sun was bright. There was a group of people wearing bright yellow wind jackets. I had to escape from the room. I tore the rest of the blue plastic from the window and threw it into the garbage can. I had to leave. I started to look though the drawers of the wooden dresser, which was in the hospital room. One of them contained a hand bag, which looked like my mother’s. I thought that she must have been here. I picked it up and smelled it. I thought that it smelled like my mother’s perfumes and soaps. There were several other things in the drawer that i thought were hers as well. I wanted to get out of the room. I felt frustrated and confined there.

11998 October 11

I was in the small crawl space under the floor boards of the building. $Z was with me. We were trying to fix something, but the man had trapped us under the floor. I could see the light from the room above us streaming in through the cracks between the boards. I felt trapped. There was a small hole in one of the boards that i tried to peek through. I could not see anything in the room. We had to get away from the man. There was a small block of wood in the center of the floor which did not seem to be attached very well. I thought that we would be able to twist the piece of wood and squeeze through the hole. I did so and came into the room. I thought that we would have to kill the man. It was the honourable thing to do. He was a knight, and he had captured us to defend his honour, but we would have to kill him to make things right. I grabbed my sword and started to swing it at the man. I ended up stabbing him in the chest instead. He fell motionless against the side wall of the room. I then felt him twitch. The vibration traveled up the length of my sword and into my hand. I pulled out the sword and stabbed him again. I felt enraged at him. I was then in the audience watching the performance. The previous scene had been blocked out from the performance. I thought that it was too graphic for most people to see. I suddenly screamed out. I still felt frustrated. The light then focused on me from the stage. Everyone in the audience was frozen in place. The light had the strange effect of halting time for everyone but me. I felt very uneasy. I sat down at the edge of the audience. $F6 was sitting near me. He was not frozen. He set a sheet of paper out on the surface in front of him and started to fold it. He was demonstrating the folding techniques of the paper. He folded the corners of the square piece of paper in so that the paper again formed a square. He then bent the folds in the opposite direction. I thought of the folds. They represented something significant. I continued walking as i thought about the things. I was walking along the side of a highway which ran along the side of the ocean. The ocean was to my left, to the west. It was a very sunny day.

11998 October 12

I was joking around with $A198 at $P19. We were wrestling with each other. There were others in the television room with us as we joked. They started to wander away. I then decided to go upstairs to get something. I walked into the kitchen and looked along the silver counter to the right. The place seemed very messy. There were dirty dishes all over, and there were opened containers of food. I felt saddened that they had let the house get so messy. I started looking through the cupboard on the left for something. I then realized that it was probably not in the kitchen. I needed a drinking glass, but everything in the house was dirty. I decided that i would have to wash a tray of glass if i wanted to get one. I moved one of the trays of small round glasses over towards the dish machine. I then realized that the glasses were actually small rolls of film. I wondered whose film it was. I started searching through the other things on the counter. I then found a set of small ear plugs. I thought that they belonged to $A140. I tried not to think about it as i fidgeted with the things on the counter. I was wearing my new dress. Something seemed wrong with the situation. I then realized that there were feathers in my long hair. I looked in the mirror in front of me to check them out. They were hanging down, blending in with the natural flow of my hair. I then worried what others might think. I spoke to myself, “$K1 has no fashion sense.”

11998 October 14

I had to find a way out of this area. I ran across the open countryside. The land around me was dry and barren. It seemed like a dusty desert, but it did not seem that hot. I looked across the land to the north, on the left side of the road. There were short leafless trees with crooked branches and dark bark. The ground was ashen tan. I then noticed the small dust devils twirling around across the open desert. They seemed quite close to me. I wondered whether they were really related to tornadoes, and wondered whether they could really be that damaging. One swirled past me on the left as i continued down the road. I could not let the others find me here. I walked into the small decrepit building on the let side f the road. It was made of old wooden boards and seemed to be a store. I walked in and realized that the shop sold helmets. The glass counter in front of me was covered with motorcycle helmets which were all decorated with gothic designs. I also noticed some military helmets in the store. There was a man behind the counter who seemed to be wearing a black leather vest. He seemed like a biker punk, with shoulder length black hair. There was also a man standing to my right. He seemed to be older, and had a crew cut. He was wearing trousers and a white button-up shirt. I thought that he was part of the religious right. I felt unsafe around him, and thought that i should leave the store. I had to get out of this area.

I was out hunting the kangaroo when i ran into the giant gnu. It all seemed like a cartoon. The gnu reminded me of the logo for Gnu-Project software.

11998 October 16

I was in the back room of my parents’ house. I was frightened of the people outside. It was dark, and i could not see them, but they had been shooting into the windows. I hid around the corners so that they could not see me. I thought that i had to get out of the house. I then realized that i had to take $X3 for a walk. I left the house and walked out onto the sidewalk.

11998 October 17

I woke up at my grandmother’s house. Several of my relatives were in the house. It seemed as though we had just finished dinner. I wanted to do something, but it seemed as though it were too late in the evening to go anywhere. I felt upset that i could not get anything done. My grandmother did not want me to leave the house at such a late hour, but i still wanted to go. I wanted to get something done. I walked over to the northeast corner of the large open room. There was white tile on the floor, and the place seemed like a salon. Someone was sitting in a chair near me and i could see someone on the other side of the room in another black leather salon chair. Then i started to feel a vibration. I wondered what it was. I looked around the room and noticed that it was only our corner of the room which was shaking. I thought that it was something special with the chair in our area. I thought that it might be vibrating the floor around it. It seemed that only we were affected. Then i started to wonder whether it was actually an earthquake. The people around us did not seem worried, however. I asked the woman near me what she thought. She was unsure of that was going on. I then told her that it might be a small earthquake. The tremors seemed to increase. I thought that the small quakes usually precede the larger ones. I told the woman that a larger earthquake might occur. I then looked out of the large glass window and noticed that the sky was clouding over and the wind was very strong. I seemed to be on the roof of the building. I could see a strong wind blowing in from the ocean. I thought that the heavy wind was causing the building to shake. Something was going to happen. I knew that there was a storm coming in, even though there did not seem to be a strong wind where i was. I guessed that the buildings were helping to block the wind and rain. I then realized that the storm was very heavy. The wind was very strong, and i thought that it might be dangerous. I looked out at the dark sky when i realized that the entire roof of the room was made out of a single pane of glass. I tapped on the glass and noticed that it was vibrating with the heavy wind. I was worried that the storm might shatter the glass and let the storm into the room where we were staying. I told the others that the glass might shatter under the pressure. Then i heard several sharp “ping” sounds. I thought that it was the glass flexing with the strain. I climbed down from the top of the object and started to gather my things. We would have to grab out sleeping gear and head into the lower floor of the house just in cast the roof broke. I ran into the interior of the building and down the cement stairwell. I then came to the long driveway which was enclosed under the white plastic roof. There was a corridor running along the left side of the drive as we ran up. I knew that this was some kind of factory. The woman in front of me climbed over the grassy median between the drive and the walkway. We were running casually towards the stairwell that would bring us into the underground place. I thought that she should not be running through the garden of the median or someone might yell at her. I looked for a cement path through the garden as i jogged farther down the driveway. I then spotted the patch of bare ground where the dark green bush was planted. It seemed like a good place to cross the median. I ran down the walkway, following the woman. I then realized that this was a secure area. There was a guard standing on the walkway ahead of us. The woman showed him her ID badge as she ran past, and he let her pass. As i approached the guard, he said that i could pass. I then remembered that i had been wearing a visitors tag on my shirt. I looked down at the green pass and realized that the guard had mistaken it for a security pass. I was glad that i had this special privilege and ran down the stairwell. I could hear the guard turning away the others who were following us. I knew that they would be able to get underground, but that they would have to go the long way around. I ran down the corridor of the hotel to the section where the elevators were. I passed a few people who were standing in the corridor. I hoped that they did not notice that my pass was only for visitors. I wanted to use it to get to where i was heading. I hurriedly pressed the button to call the elevator, pressing it into the wall. It was broken, and my finger slipped past it and into the hole. I pulled my finger out as i waited for the elevator. I stood against the opposite wall of the corridor from the elevator, thinking that i would push off of the wall with my feet and charge into the elevator as soon as the door opened. I then realized that i was floating in the corridor. I knew that it was something that most other people could not do, and i hoped that it would not draw attention to me. I gathered with the others into the car and we started moving down the road. I knew that the storm was still coming in. I could see the red smoke-filled sky of the city around us. It seemed as if we were in Los Angeles. I could see the tall building in the distance which was at the center of the city. It was a square building, built in the style of egyptian revival. There were protrusions from each of corner near the top of the building. At first the building seemed very close, then it seemed farther away as we drove towards it. The land around us seemed wrong. Everything was flat, and there were trees and wooded areas. The sides of the road were lined with wide lawns, as if we were driving through a business park. There seemed to be stone buildings set back from the road to our right. Someone mentioned that we were on Sunset Boulevard. I thought that the area should have more buildings. Something seemed very wrong, however. It was very bright out, but the sky seemed dark and smoky. I thought that it was from the impending storm. $F12 was sitting to my left. He mentioned something about the scenery. I looked to the right to see a parking lot which had several yellow school busses stacked on top of each other. They were in a side-by-side row, four wide, with a second row stacked on them. I told $F12 that Sunset Boulevard was a different area than what we were used to, and that the scenery was probably natural to the region. I then noticed that the train car on which we were riding seemed to be speeding up. We were in what appeared to be the bed of a flat-bet truck. There were gates on three sides of us, with wooden cross boards supported by metal vertical poles. I grabbed onto the right side of the car as i watched the land move away from us off the back of the train. I knew that the car was moving very fast. Someone asked about the super-fast trains. I asked whether he was talking about the fast trains in China. I mentioned that those trains could go four hundred miles per hour. The man said that it was not the train to which he was referring. I then mentioned that the train we were on was not one of the super-fast trains. If it were, we would all be swept off of the car. I then thought that we were traveling fast enough that it should be hard for us to breath. I knew that we might have masks to help us breath. I was suddenly worried that $F12 might slip from the train. I knew that he was sitting very close to the back end of the train. $A47 was on the train car with us. I kept worrying about $F12. I thought about the wind, and told $F12 that he should move so that he did not get swept off of the train. Someone said that the motions would be “killing in earnest”. I then realized that the train car had stopped. I noticed that $F12 was not on the car. I stood up and looked over the left side of the car. I could see $F12 sitting on the bench with several other people in the station. I then realized that there was a sound which signaled that the train was going to start moving again. I called to $F12 to get back on the train. He did not react for a moment, confused as to what i was saying. I then felt the train start to move under us. I knew that he would not be able to get back on the train, so i jumped off of the back of the train as he started running after. The train accelerated very swiftly away from me. We had both been left behind. For a moment i thought that we could turn around and run after the train, but realized that the train was accelerating too fast for us to be able to catch. I thought about how strange it might seem to $F12 that i jumped off of the train to be with him rather than staying on and heading to safety. We were trapped here. I started talking to $F12. Then i heard another train coming towards on the track. The small car pulled up behind me and stopped abruptly, hitting the back of my knees and knocking me onto the bed of the car. $A47 was controlling the break of the car. He had backed it up to pick us up.

I was in the large white room with the other person. He seemed younger than me. He wanted to wrestle me, but i was not sure that i was interested. I stepped onto the large bed that was in the room. The man tried to engage me. He was wearing a dark blue singlet. I grabbed him around the waist with my left arm, locked my hands under him, and squeezed him. He groaned with strain, but did not seem to fight back. He then made loud grunts. I realized that he was enjoying being beaten. I told him not to make such loud noised. I could hear $F12 doing the dishes downstairs. I was uncomfortable wrestling the young man, but i did not want $F12 to know that we were wrestling. I wanted to wrestle, but did not feel like i should be doing it with the man. He complained that he had to be noisy. I hesitated from engaging him again and walked around the room. I did not want $F12 to hear us fighting. I felt worried and out of place. I walked from the room as the young man begged me to return and wrestle.

I walked down the sidewalk to the west, between the two buildings. They seemed like fraternity houses. The people in the two houses were playing war games with each other. I saw a group of people walk towards the house on the north side of the street. They were carrying firecrackers and other types of explosives. I then turned to see a bottle rocket pass by me and fly into the house to the south. It exploded within in a burst of light and smoke. The people sneaking on my right ducked under the bushes which ran along the edge of the sidewalk. They crept up to the front door of the house to the north and threw a string of cracklers into the front hallway of the building. I then noticed that the house to the south had a small yellow airplane which was build around a small rocket. They were going to launch it at the other house. I thought that it should be a fairly easy thing to direct the plane into the house, as it had the shape of an airplane. I thought that they did not build it well enough, but knew that if they had, they could aim it very accurately. The yellow plane flew across over my head towards the house on the opposite side of the street. I thought about the plane as i walked. I moved my hand through the air, simulating an airfoil. I walked through the dark streets, under the overpass. There were fences to my left as i walked to the east. I had a small grey plane in my right hand. It seemed triangular in shape. I moved it through the air as i walked, thinking about the accuracy of the airfoils. The small grey model seemed to be made of a soft material and wobbled in the wind as i moved it. I thought that it should not be so flexible, as that would spoil the aim. I tried to get it to fly straight, but the body of the air craft kept flexing. I then realized that there were people ahead of me on the dirt road which seemed to run along the side of the golf course. I knew that i should not be here at this late hour. We were all heading back from someplace, but i was trying to get the airplane to fly so that i could aim it accurately at the house. Then i noticed the truck driving down the road from the west. The road ran parallel to the dirt drive that i was walking on. I could not let the people in the large truck see me, as they were part of security. I stopped and crouched down slightly, waiting to move it the truck stopped. There was a line f shrubbery between the main road and me. The truck drove past me, but slowed down to turn onto the dirt road. I saw the man and woman in front of me run to the right side of the dirt road, hopping over the short row of bushes. They were going to hop the wooden fence and head out across the gold course. I knew that they could not get far, however, as there was a tall chain-link fence just beyond the wooden fence, up the hill slightly from the road. I quickly jumped over the wooden fence and ducked below the bushes. I thought that the man and the woman should not be running, as they would be visible at a farther distance. I tried to remain under the rod of bushed so that the truck would not see me. I then thought that the truck might use a spot light to see into the bushes. I wondered whether i was wearing dark enough colours to blend in with the ground. I was wearing blue denims and a blue denim jacket. I knew that they would blend, but i did not know whether my hands and face would. I thought that i would have to turn my face away from the truck because my hair was darker than my skin. I looked up the hill from the road and noticed that the fence turned where i was and headed across the grassy lawn. There was a thick pine push standing at the edge of the fence. I thought that i could run to it and hide behind it. The lights would not be able to penetrate that far. I wondered whether i should move now, or whether the truck was already too close to me.

11998 October 18

I walked into the open space of the room. I had been waiting to see someone. There seemed to be a line of people waiting by the door to the left. They were all waiting to see the doctor. I was here for a special reason. It was my turn to enter the doctor’s office, so i walked into the minimally furnished room. I knew that i was here to see Benjamin Sisko. He had shifted time to get to this place. I then noticed him walking past the window behind me and to my left. He circled the outside of the room to the window on the left wall, on the south side of the room. He stopped in the window to talk to someone. I wondered whether he would recognize me or think me out of place. I knew that i did not belong in this time frame either, but i had to get something from him. He then walked across the center of the room to the table on the south wall. There were several other people wandering around the room. Someone asked him how he had become a doctor. He said that he did not know that he would be good at it, but that he apparently was. He wanted to do something different in this time frame. He stood in the southwest corner of the room, talking to others. I did not know how to approach him. I did not have anything medically wrong with me, but i had to speak to him about something. I wondered whether he would notice that i was not part of this place. I then turned to the north. There was a square archway which led into an adjoining room. I seemed to think that i should walk into the next room. It seemed strange to wander through someone else’s place. I thought the Benjamin might ask me what i was doing. I then noticed that there was a mist in the air as i entered the other room. I wondered where the steam was coming from. I lifted my hands into the air and tried to see where the steam was most dense. I thought for a moment that it might be coming from the bathroom to the east, but i knew that there was no one in the shower. I looked around the room and noticed that the steam was actually denser toward the northwest corner of the room. I walked to corner and noticed that there was something obstructing the wall. I then realized that the steam was probably from the kitchen below. It was coming up through the old vent in the floor. I looked at the area in the wall from which the steam was coming. I realized that the wallpaper was loose, as if the opening had been improperly covered up. I turned around and flew back across the room. I was wearing line-skates as i came to the escalator. I carefully climbed onto the moving steps and went down. My grandfather was waiting in the room below. We had to get our stuff ready to leave. We had to be somewhere. I was impatient and wanted to get everything together as i paced around the small shopping plaza. I had to gather my things. I looked around at the stores and thought that i should really buy something. I then noticed the danish on the cafe table ad thought about how it represented the shopping plaza. Different parts of the danish represented different stores in the plaza. I was unsure how the representation worked, though. Something was not clear to me. I spoke to $F4 about the problem, but i could not figure it out. I then told him that we would have to wait a little while before we left. I had to clean up my room. Then someone asked us why we were leaving so late. I looked at my watch and decided that we would leave at three in the afternoon. I told the person that we should have left in the morning, but things were preventing us from leaving. I said that i wanted to g to the music store. I was then disappointed in myself because i knew that it was just a waste of time. I did not want to waste time anymore.

11998 October 19

I had to get back to my apartment. I was trying to escape into the spaceship, but i could not let the others know what was going on. I was being watched by someone else. There was a clone following me. I was with $Z as we ran through the halls of the hotel. She had a clone as well. We ran up the stairs, trying to leave the clones behind. I felt as though we should be cruel to them to prevent them from following us. They were dangerous. $Z and i turned left at the top of the stairs and started through the corridor door which led to our rooms. The two clones had not made it up he stairs yet. I thought that we could slow them down by closing the corridor door and letting it lock. That should give us enough time to open and lock the bedroom door without the clones being able to follow. We had to loose them. I felt anger towards them. I walked into the bedroom where the others were sleeping in the bunk beds. I knew that the ship was docked on the front of the house, which seemed to be my parents’ house. I could not let the others know that we were trying to get to the ship, so i had to act like there was something else. I looked out the back window of the house to see the dirt road. I then remembered that the clone was watching me, so i looked down to the right, as if i were watching someone approach the house. I tried not to look at the tall thing that was outside. I then realized that the tall thing was a monster which was stomping through the city. I had to get to the city without the clone following me. I ran down the grassy hill towards the row of trees which were on the edge of it. I knew that there was a drop off in the dense shrubs. The monster’s head was just visible above the trees. It seemed like Godzilla, but it was a special monster. I then started to think about my clone as i tried to climb down through the trees. I started to feel that i was close to him, and that i could like him. I realized that he was exactly like me, and through that i should get to know him.

I was on the edge of the lake. It seemed like a cold, cloudy day. I had a long narrow boat that i was going to use to cross the lake. It was a power boat, but it drew very little water. I started out over the water, driving through the shallow areas. I watched the water as i moved, looking at the sand shoals that passed under me. There were reeds and algae growing on the shallow rocks. I then started to pass the old farm house. It was surrounded by the flowing water. The outside of the house was white, but the paint was peeling and chipped. It seemed as though the house had been abandoned for quite some time. I paddled somewhat hard to move up the current past the house. I thought that i should move out into the center of the lake. I started to move through the tight channels between the small islands along the shore of the lake. I wanted to stay out of the main channels where the power boats went. I rode into the town. There were many buildings along the water, scattered through the lush green trees of the shoreline. I paddled into the bay and walked down the dirt road of the small town towards the old store. The store was in a plane cinder block building. The door was on the west end of the wall that was facing south, towards me. The water seemed to run along the east side of the store. I walked into the general store. There were things on the shelves and hanging from the bare walls. The decorations seemed very simple, and the store seemed old, with dust on some of the older merchandise. I was then driving down the dirt country road. I felt as though i were somewhere in Vermont, driving south. $F4 was with me in the car. We had to get someplace.

11998 October 20

I was in the class room with the others students. $A40 was teaching the class. The class seemed very different from what i remembered. $A40 did not seem as mean as he used to be. I felt strange to be there. I sat on the right side of the class, near the door to the room, at the front of the students. $A40 was sitting in a chair facing the students in the center of the room. He was talking casually to them. I thought that i might be able to answer many of the questions i could no when i was in middle school, as i knew much more and could speak more intelligently. Then i realized that $A40 was giving us a short writing assignment. He asked us a question, “What do you want?” I thought that it was somewhat strange, at first. It reminded me of the television show, Babylon 5, when one of the characters asked “Who are you? What do you want?” I then thought that it was strange to think of the Babylon 5 dialogue. The other students started writing. I took out a piece of paper and started to write my thoughts on it. I realized that it could not write a more philosophical paper because of the experience i had. I thought of what to write when i decided on “To be patient, or not to be patient, ...” as the first line, making sure that i punctuated it with a comma and a trailing ellipse. It seemed a good way to start the paragraph. I was going to continue with “what the hell kind of question is that?” but realized that the paper on which i was writing was tattered on the bottom. I looked at the words that i had written in pencil and realized that they were not what i was trying to say. I had written another sentence on the paper. I had to find a new piece of paper. I then remembered that $A40 did not like students to write either in print or in pencil. I decided that i could not write otherwise. I searched through by black backpack for another piece of paper. I remembered that i had several sheets stacked together, but i could not find them. All of the paper in by book bag was torn and tattered. I had to find something else to write on. The other students started handing in their papers and leaving the room. I knew that i did not need much time to write the paragraph as i could write better now. I pulled all of the paper from my backpack, emptying my bag onto a ragged pile around the left side of my armchair. I could not find any more paper. I realized that $A40 was watching me. I wondered whether he thought that i was simply disorganized again. I then realized that my black folder was still in my book bag. I knew that it had a pad of yellow paper in it. I pulled out the folder and opened it up. There were several sheets of yellow paper clipped under the edge of the binder. I pulled them out and set them on my desk. I tried to remember how i was going to start my paper, but had some difficulty. Then it came to me. I started to write, but had to adjust the armchair. I realized that it was a right-handed armchair, and that it was very uncomfortable to write on. I stood up and moved the chair around so that it was facing backwards. I thought that it would make it easier for me to write on. I then looked around the room, wondering whether there was a left-handed desk. I could not see one. Then my grandmother moved through the kitchen in which i was. We had to get ready to go somewhere. I was with my mother and grandmother, and we were getting ready to go on a trip. I felt good about the trip, and wanted to get away for a while. It seemed as though we were going to a foreign country again.

11998 October 21

I was driving down the dirt road in the small town. I turned the corner of the intersection, heading east, but had to slow down for the car in front of me. I then realized that the car was trying to squeeze through a narrow space to continue down the road. The car maneuvered carefully to the right, over the side of the road and around the blue vehicle which was stopped in the center of the road. I drove up to the parked cars and looked at the space that the other car had squeezed through. I realized that the blue car was parked in the center of the road, and that there were cars lining both sides of the road, making it difficult to drive between them. I started to drive through the same opening that the other car had squeezed through, but realized that it was too narrow for my car. The white car on the right side of the road was right in front of my bumper. I could not turn enough to the right without hitting the white outcropping. I then put my car into reverse and backed down the road. I thought about driving around the blue car in the opposite lane, but thought that there might be other cars coming. I then looked along the right side of the road to see the small stone wall that marked the end of the stairway on the path. The rest of the roadside was grass lawn which rose up to the sidewalk. I decided that i should ride my bicycle on the sidewalk, even though it was not permitted. It was the only way to get around the road block. I rode to the right of the stone block and down the sidewalk. There were several other people walking on the sidewalk with me, so i had to be careful. I rode slowly, watching for others. There was a young boy on a bicycle who was driving parallel with me for a short way. I wanted to pass him, but i had to slow down as i passed the older man. The older man seemed annoyed with me as i tried to drive down the path. I started to pass the people walking to my right, but there was a young boy on a bicycle coming the other direction, do i had to slow down. I then came to the curve in the road. There was a body of water to the east of me, and the road curved around the north side of it. I knew that there was a bicycle path on the side of the lake that would make it easier for me to travel around the lake. I turned in front of the other person, who had been keeping pace with me on his bicycle. I crossed through the gap in the short stone wall and started to ride around the edge of the lake. I then realized that the ledge, which ran along the inside of the stone wall, was very narrow in spots. It suddenly turned into a metal dock which was very near water level. I wondered whether the dock might be under water ahead. Then i noticed a very narrow section of the ledge right in front of me. I was going to fast to maneuver the bicycle to the left against the wall, where the narrow part of the ledge was. My tires went into the water, but i caught myself on the ledge with my foot and lifted the bicycle over the water to the continuation of the ledge just ahead. There were many rectangular niches in the wall. I realized that the man following me thought that i was overconfident in coming this way. I continued on, however, knowing that if i rode the entire length of the ledge, i could come out near the building before someone who had traveled on the road on the other side of the stone fence. I rode swiftly over the metal plates. I then realized that some of the plates were floating. They bobbed in the water under my weight. Several of them had metal protrusions which stood against the wall, but which tipped forward with the metal blocks as they rotated in the water under my weight. The stone wall curved again to head east once more. I was almost to my destination. I paused for a moment to look down the side of the lake. I could see the terrace of the formal restaurant ahead of me, but there did not seem to be an east path directly to it. There were several tables set on the terrace, with white table cloths over them. The carpet on the terrace seemed to be yellow with ornate red and green designs. I could see $A23 sitting at one of the tables on the terrace. I was supposed to meet up with him. I turned my bicycle a little to the left and continued on through the darkened lounge of the fancy hotel. I wondered whether people were supposed to be riding in the room. It was the only way through the bicycle path. I came to the crowd of people and stopped. $A23 was there. I greeted him. He then mentioned the wrestling schedule to the person standing to his left. I had just found out that the first meet of the year was on November 14. $A23, however, told the other person that there was a meet on November 3. I was surprised and asked him where he had seen the new schedule. I thought that he had probably seen the date of the alumni scrimmage, which would be before the first meet that i knew about.

I drove the car out of the driveway of my parents’ house, turning left. My mother was with me. I stopped just a few feet down the road. There was a tractor blocking the road. I wondered how i would get around. I then drove the car out of my parents’ driveway, remembering that the tractor had been blocking the road earlier. I had called the police already to tell them that the truck was purposely blocking the road. The man in the truck was dangerous. I managed to drive around the truck and start driving up the hill, away from the house. I then realized that i would have to go back, but i could not turn around yet or the man in the truck would realized that he had bothered me. I had only driven away so that i could make it past him. I turned left onto the dirt road. I then turned left again and started back on the second dirt road which ran parallel to the main road. I watched the tractor-trailer in the middle of the road. I did not want the man to see me sneaking back to the house. I tried to pass him by walking through the lawn. I then noticed $K1 sitting at the picnic table. She started complaining about the food. I felt agitated by her and did not want to talk to her. She then took an ice cream cone from somewhere and started eating. I realized that she had said that she did not want to eat anything with eggs in it. I thought that i should tell her that ice cream has eggs in it. She did not seem interested in listening to me. I then felt very hostile towards her. She angered my with her ignorance and self-righteousness. I did not want to deal with her. I turned away and walked down the driveway.

11998 October 22

I was outside of the house in the rural area. There were zombies in the house, and i felt uncomfortable around them. I then realized that there were several zombies on the street outside of the house. They started to walk towards me. I felt annoyed with them and wanted them to go away, but they kept coming closer to me. I closed the door to the house, trying to keep the others inside.

11998 October 24

I was sitting on the grassy slope of the small hill with my mother. I watched myself as i talked to her. I was sitting on the right and she was sitting on the left, both facing the position from where i was watching. Then i heard the helicopter overhead. I was sitting next to my mother as i looked up into the sky. Something felt strange about the event. I watched the ship as it passed overhead. Then i noticed that it was rather low to the ground. It passed over us from the north, in the direction of the top of the hill. I watched as it moved over the ground to the south of us. I then realized that it was not a helicopter at all, but rather a large bus. It looked somewhat like a camper, but it had fins on the sides, where the jets were. It was facing east as the bus hovered slowly to the south. I thought that it was very strange. Then i noticed that it slid under the power lines that were strung overhead. The power lines were high voltage. I asked my mother whether she had seen the event. I seemed excited to discover that the bus was really a special plane. I knew that it was not propelled by ordinary jet engines. I asked the woman with me whether she had seen discharge from the power lines as the bus pass under them. She did not answer. The bus then lifted into the air. I knew that it was using a field propulsion engine. It soared over our heads and started to head to the north again. I told the woman about the unusual nature of the engines. I thought that the ship must be a secret military craft. I watched it as it floated away. Then i saw a red flash of light from behind it. I then heard a crackle, like the sound of electric discharge. I realized that the ship was trying to engage its high propulsion engine. It was not well tuned, however, and interfered with the atmosphere. The ship then sped away.

11998 October 25

I walked through the large house. It seemed like a fraternity house. I wanted to get to sleep because i felt as though i had been doing something for a long time. I walked down the corridor into the empty section of the house. I had just been talking to someone. Now i was going into the empty section to see if i could find a place to sleep. I seemed to be on the third floor of the house, and i thought that there was another level on the east end of the house. The house around me seemed abandoned and old. I was interested in it. I walked into the large room at the end of the hall. The wall on the right was composed of windows, and was slanted inward. It was very tall. I thought that this room might have been a green house. It seemed in disarray. There were screens on several of the windows, but they were not attached securely across the glass. I then noticed that one of the windows was open. The window opened inward, pivoting around its horizontal center. I decided that it was getting cold. I could see the hazy dusk sky outside. I pushed the window closed. I then noticed that several other windows were open. I thought that i should close them as well. I thought that the fraternity did not keep up the room too well. I then noticed that one of the large windows on the bottom of the wall had a large screen affixed over it. The screen was too large for the window, however, and had been forced into place. It was bent at the bottom where it was forced to curve along the ground. I thought that the brothers had been careless in fixing it. I wondered whether i should buy the house. It seemed very nice, and i thought that i could make this room into a plant room. I always wanted a plant room off of a house. I left the room and started back down the hall. I thought that i should get my things unpacked. I thought that i would be staying here a while. I walked to the right, into the small room on the side of the main corridor. I had to unpack my things. I would be staying here for a while. I placed my things into the dressers and closets around the room. Something felt strange, however. I was not comfortable being here. It seemed as thought i was going back to school. I walked out into the corridor and towards the large table in the center of the room. The teacher was in the room with several other children. She was talking about the program at the school. I did not seem comfortable. I walked back into side room. I realized that someone had moved their things into the room where i had been. I knew that it was an instructor. These rooms were reserved for instructors. There was a leather briefcase on the corner of the bed where i had placed my suitcase. I then looked into the chifferobe on the right wall and saw that someone had hung their clothes in it. I felt upset that i was not allowed to stay in the room. I liked the room. I then realized that four people would be sharing the room. I thought that it must be a rather uncomfortable situation for four men to sleep in the same room. I walked back out of the room and into the classroom. The teacher was there, and i knew that my parents were somewhere nearby. The teacher spoke to me. She mentioned the program that i would be joining. I did not want to stay here and knew that i would be leaving. I then wondered about the money that i had spent for tuition. The teacher knew that i was leaving with my parents, but she did not know that i did not want to come back. She said that i could sign my contract once i returned. I through that i did not loose any money if i had not signed the contract. I had to get out of this place. I thought about driving through the small town around the college with my parents. Something seemed very lonely about this place. I was sad.

11998 October 26

I had just awoken in the new house. It was very large and open, with bright white walls. $K5 was in the house with me. She walked into the large kitchen and placed something into the microwave. Everything in the house seemed new. I knew that it was cold outside. It seemed to be snowing, but i could not see outside. I thought that there was something that i should be doing. $K3 walked out of one of the back rooms and into the main living room, where i was standing. She then turned around and started to head back down one of the long corridors which led out of the room. I walked down the corridor with her. I knew that she was supposed to be leaving on Friday to head back to her home. I realized that she was not aware that it was already Friday. I asked her about it and she told me that she thought that it was Thursday. We were traveling in the car. He had to get her to the airport. I knew that she was supposed to leave at 7:00. I looked at the clock on the dashboard of the car to see that it was 6:55. We were not that far from my parents’ house, and we still had to drive all the way to the airport in $P6. I did not think that we would be able to make it. I then realized that the clock on the dashboard was off by an hour. I thought that we would have time to make it to the airport. We drove up the hill on the side of the small town, past the hospital. I started to turn the car around because i did not think that we were going to make it to the hospital, but decided that we would have enough time to get there. I decided that we should continue on. I drove the car across the golf course of the small town, which as south of $P6. I crossed the fairway of the golf course and started to follow the other golfers over the green. Then one of the golfers hit me on the head with a ball. I was in the corridor of the house as i fell to the ground. I could see clouds overhear in the blue sky. I stared at them for a moment when i realized that there was a storm coming in. There was a large white cloud which was moving towards us. It was starting to rotate in the center. I realized that it was a tornado. The funnel then started to stretch down to the ground.

11998 October 27

I walked into the living room. It was the set of the television show All in the Family. I remembered watching this episode. I wondered why it was on videotape. I sat on the floor near one of the chairs as Archie talked. He was complaining about something. I knew that it was sarcastic, which is what made the audience laugh at it. He started to say his line, complaining about bigotry and ignorance. The audience laughed as he spoke, knowing that he was actually describing himself. I smiled as i listened, shifting the small styrofoam peanuts around on the floor. I was looking down at them. There was a pause in the conversation. Then Archie said the last of his line. The audience laughed. It was a tag-on which changed the meaning of the sentence.

I walked through the people and into the room at the end of the corridor. There were two doors on either side of the room. I needed to do into the one on the south wall, which was to my left as i entered, on the same wall as the door through which i entered. I knew that this door was part of the game, and that people who went through it were farther ahead in the game than i was. I knew that i had finished the game, however, at some previous time. There were two people walking across the room towards the door on the north end. I opened the door on the south side and looked down at the floor. There was a very decorative swirling pattern in the tile on the floor. The tile of the floor was white, but there was a pinkish orange branch-like structure that spread out from the door. Each branch ended in a gentle coil. I grabbed the end of the pattern and started to lift it from the floor. I had to take it with me. I then realized that i would not be able to lift the entire pattern from the floor, as there were machines in the center of the room which were on top of the pattern. I was disappointed slightly as i placed the tile back down on the floor. Several other people came to see what i was doing. I placed the bottom edge of the tree-like pattern back on the ground and tried to push it back into place between the background tiles. Someone asked me about the design. I acknowledged their comment and added that i had helped put the tile down with my grandfather. I pressed the spongy pieces back in place. There seemed to be too much space between the background blocks and the pattern. I wondered whether something was missing. $A23 seemed to be to my right. He was on his knees, helping me push the sponges back together.

I heard the person on the television mention $F31’s name. I told the woman who was with me that i knew $F31, and i wondered whether he was the actor on television. I thought that it would be strange to have an actor with the same name as his character. I looked across the small room at the television set at the opposite corner. There was a table in the center of the room which took up most of the space. The room seemed like part of a kitchen. I saw a woman walk into a room on the television. The show seemed to be a soap opera. I knew that $F31 might have been on such a show. Several characters passed across the screen, but then i saw the woman walk from the right of the screen. She was looking away from the camera. The room was tan. A character entered through the door at the back of the set. The other characters referred to him as $F31. I looked at him, but could not tell whether he was really $F31, or whether the character and my friend just happened to have the same names. The character had straight, short black hair. I looked at him as he hugged the woman hello. I decided that he was not my friend. I then mentioned my friend to the person next to me as i started to walk back into the next room. $F15 was standing next to me on my left. He said that he remembered one time when he had to pick up $F31. He said that he wondered whether $F31 would be on the corner bus stop in drag. I thought that it was humorous, and thought about telling $F15 that he should have asked $F31 to wait for him at the grocery store downtown, which was in the seedy part of town.

11998 October 28

I looked out the window on the right side of the train as we moved through the city. I could see the edges of the buildings as we moved. It seemed as though we were coming into the city. I looked forward and could see a dull red stone wall along the side of the tracks. The wall started at an odd angle away from the tracks, but got closer to the train as we moved forward. I realized that the wall was the edge of one section of the city. The streets in that section were at a slightly different angle than the streets in the rest of the city. I knew that we were on a boarder between regions. Then i looked forward down the side of the train. I could see the dark tunnel approaching. I knew that it was where the train would drop below the city streets and continue underground. I could see the cement steps at the mouth of the tunnel. I thought that the tunnel did not seem wide enough or tall enough for the train. I then helped my grandmother move from one place to another. We started to sit down on the grey padded bench along the right wall of the train when i noticed a man who was trying to sit near us. I thought that i would give him more room so i moved my grandmother farther down the bench. The man stood up again and circled to the other side of me, where he started to sit near my grandmother. I knew that he was trouble, so i helped my grandmother up and started to walk her to the other side of the train. She seemed unconscious as i moved her. I looked around the car for a bench which did not have enough room for the man. A person stood up from the left wall as i walked down the length of the car. I then spotted a seat on the front wall of the car. I walked my grandmother over to the chair when i noticed that the man was following us. I tried to maneuver my grandmother so that the man could not sit down. He then got angry and demanded to know why i was moving from place to place. He wanted to know if i did not trust him. He was wearing a light red shirt and had wide features. I then noticed the black sign with white letters on the wall of the station outside of the train. I realized that this was the last stop of the train and that we should get off. We had to head to the shore. I walked with my grandmother along the city street, which was shaded with heavy trees. The place seemed like part of a suburb. We started to cross the main street to head towards the ocean shore when i noticed $A167 walking down the road to our left. I called to him and he said hello. He seemed too busy to talk, however, as he was on his way to someplace. I told him that we were heading for the station. He pointed across the main street and said that the Lexington station was not that far. I wished i could have talked to him for a longer time.

I walked towards the house. It was an apartment that i had rented a while ago. I remembered that i had rented it because i thought that the building was a nice design. There was a modern tower on the side of the building which was shaped like a mushroom. I knew that there was a very fancy apartment on the top of it. I thought that it would be a nice house to own if the rest of it were not in such bad shape. I knew that the rest of it was the house in which i lived in $P10. I walked up the stairs, passing the entrance to the tower apartment. It was very nicely decorated in a cream orange and white. I then turned to the right and started heading across the rectangular room. The room was aligned north to south, with the opening to the apartment in the south wall. I had come up from the southeast corner of the room. The door to my apartment was on the north side of the west wall. I saw $A16 sitting in the center of the hall with another woman. They were talking as i walked past. I walked into my apartment when i noticed a small puddle of water on the floor. I wondered where it came from. I then through that it must have been from one of the cats that my landlady owned. I walked around the large square room. All of the furniture seemed to be arranged in the center of the room. I then noticed another puddle farther in the room. As i walked around the outside of the room, i noticed that there were several puddles. The one along the north wall was rather large. I also noticed that the water from it was still creeping across the floor, as if the puddle had been made very recently. I walked out into the hall and asked $A16 about the puddles. She said that she did not know what they were from, but her friend implied that one of the cats had urinated on the floor. I then knew that $A16 had poured water over the urination spots so that they would not stain the floor. She told me that i had better clean them up. I asked her where the mop was and she told me that she did not have a mop. I felt slightly frustrated and wondered where there was a sponge. I walked to the east to get the supplies. As i turned around, i was facing the outside of the house. I noticed that the grass was freshly cut. I walked west, towards the house. There was a lot of vegetation around the lawn, as if it were covered with gardens. I then spotted the man riding the lawn mower on the north side of the house. I wanted to avoid him as i walked towards the house. He cut around the side of the house in front of me, however, and i had to walk past him. He said something about cutting the grass. I knew that i had cut the grass previously, and mentioned it to him as a side comment. He then asked me if i wanted to finish cutting the grass now. He said that he had to leave, and that he was almost done. I did not want to do any of the maintenance around the house, as i was only a tenant here. I turned around and started back through the gardens towards the house. There was a long narrow strip of plants under the overhang which had tall grass growing through it. He walked through the plants, thinking that the man would probably have to cut this section. He mowed just behind me, waiting for my response. I felt uncomfortable and did not want to get pressured into cutting the grass. I tried to avoid the man. I started to walk back to the house from the heavily wooded section. I saw the man on the mower on the other side of the woods. I wanted to get to the side of the house before he could come around the woods on the tractor. I then realized that there was a path through the woods. I tried to pass it before he could cut through, but just as i reached it, the black and grey mower appeared through the trees.

I was standing with the large group of people for the tryouts. We were in a very large room, which seemed like an auditorium. Everyone then started to walk forward across the room. The director was watching them as they moved. I felt special in some way. Then $A208 was standing near me. He complimented me. I felt good about what he had said. Then the people started to walk back across the room, towards me. I noticed that there were fewer of them than there were before. I thought that the director had cut out several of them to use as extras. Everyone that was left was being saved for a special purpose. I then realized that $F4 was there with me. I wondered what would happen to us. I hoped that i would be selected for something special. The other people then started talking. I realized that there were even fewer of them than before. They were being weeded out. I noticed $A209 standing with the people. I knew that she would be one of the spies in the production. I felt as though i wanted to talk to $F4. I knew that i could not, however, as it would seem awkward in the middle of the audition. I then realized that the auditions seemed to be over. I felt worried. It seemed as though i had missed something. I suddenly felt disappointed and left-out. I walked over to the crowd of people who were gathering in the large room to see if i could find out what was going on. They were starting to leave. I felt very disappointed that i did not know what was going on with the auditions. I had to leave here. I had to get back to the place in the center of the suburban area. I thought about the pace being in the center of the block. I flew down the street of the block. There was a man washing his car to my right. I tried not to act suspicious as i passed him. I had to get back without being noticed. I then noticed $A210 riding her bicycle down the street. She passed be as i headed up the sidewalk on the right side of the street. There were large trees standing between the sidewalk and the road. $A210 passed my on her bicycle as she headed back to the theatre. She was wearing a black leather jacket which had red lights attached to the back. The lights formed a V-shape and were to warn cars that she was there. I stopped on the sidewalk and thought that i would have to make my way to the east, to my left. I had to cross the block to get the place to which i was heading. I looked through the spaces between the two-story houses and across their back yards. I stopped in a driveway and looked into the center of the block. There was a green house on the left side of the driveway and a white house on the right. I could see a short chain-link fence in the back yard of the house which was lined with a shorter row of hedges. I thought that i should not climb over the fences or cut through the back yards. I would have to go around. I turned around and decided to head back down the street. I thought that i would circle around the front side of the block. There was a large stone church on the front of the block. I walked around to the front side of the block and headed along the edge of the church. There was an outside corridor which ran along the east side of the front of the church. I walked into the corridor, thinking that i might be able to cut through the church to get to the other side of the block. I walked under the stone arches of the outside corridor and opened the large wooden door of the church. The door was darkly stained and had a arching top which came to a corner in the center. The church was dark inside, and i felt strange about entering. I waited for my eyes to adjust to the darkness when i realized that there was a wooden statue in front of me. It seemed to be of some saint. It was hand carved and i could make out the chisel marks along its surface. It seemed finely decorated and was stained a dark brown, as was the rest of the church. I looked across the small chapel, which i had entered from a door in the south wall. The main room was rectangular and had rows of seats along both the north and south walls. It seemed rather small for a church and i thought that it must be very old. There seemed to be windows high on the north, south, and east walls of the room. I knew that the west wall adjoined the other section of the church. The rows of chairs on wither side of the chapel were only four or five rows deep, and seemed very steep. The main floor was several metres below me as i started down from the upper row on the south side. I thought that i would have to cross the church and leave through the door on the other side of the room. I was careful in climbing down the stairs, as their steepness made me uncomfortable. As i came to the bottom of the pews and started across the wooden floor in the center of the room, i looked to the west. There was a dark part of the room which seemed to lead into an alcove. I knew that it was a storage area for equipment used during the masses. I then realized that there was a video camera standing in the center of the opening. It had a red light on the right side of it which indicated that it was running. I turned around so that the camera could not see my face and charged into it backwards. I knocked it over. I looked around the room to see whether there was any more video equipment around. I could not let the people from the church know that i had walked through. I knew that they would be suspicious of me.

11998 October 30

I looked into the mirror at myself. I seemed to be much older than i should be. I thought that it was strange and wondered why i was so old. I then turned and walked into the center of the apartment. I was with $F12 in the apartment. I could hear the person on the telephone talking about the black things outside. I felt concerned and wondered what was in the back yard. I started to walk across the living room of the apartment, towards the large window on the back wall of the building, when i saw something run quickly past the window. I was startled. I felt a little scared and apprehensive. I looked out the north window into the fenced-in back yard. I could see short black figures running around the back yard. They seemed to be humanoid, but had thick limbs and an uneven surface texture. I wondered whether they were really the extraterrestrial creatures. I thought that they could not be and wondered whether they were simply midgets in costumes. It seemed as though i could not focus on them or get a good look at them. They kept darting about too quickly. They ran to the right. I moved to the window on the east side of the room. The window looked out over the balcony which ran along the front side of the apartment building. There seemed to be a sliding glass door on the east wall which led out to the walkway. The building was L-shaped, with the apartment that i was in on the short side of the L. The balcony ran along the outside of the apartment and turned to the east along the inside corner of the L. I could not see where the figures had gone. Then i noticed that the sliding glass door was open. The screen door on the outside was closed. I thought that i should try to close the glass door to make the apartment safer. I then saw two figures walk in front of window which was to the left of the door. They were two children: a boy and a girl. They were austral and had very dark skin. They stared into the screen, making faces and teasing me. They then turned to the south and started to run back down the corridor. They disappeared from view. I quickly looked to the door to the south of the window, thinking that they had to cross into view. They did not pass. I walked over to the window and pushed against the frame with my right hand. The frame was loose. It would have to be fixed. I then saw the children pass by the screen door. I thought that i should go after them. I started down the street just out side of the city. I was in the suburban area. I could see the skyline of the city to the northeast. It was slightly downhill from me. It seemed as though it would be getting dark soon. The buildings of the city were dark, but they had lights on in their windows. I then noticed the triangular object in the sky. I thought that it might be an extraterrestrial craft. I had my camera with me and thought that i should get a picture. I aimed it at the sky and tried to focus. It seemed to be getting too dark to shoot, however. I thought that i would have to change the f-stop of my camera to adjust to the lack of light. I then felt unsafe on the street. I ran inside the building. I then heard the sound of helicopters flying overhead. There was a woman in the house with me. She started lecturing me on how unclean the house was. I was not interested in listening to her. I was worried about what was happening outside.

I walked out of the building and into the eating area. There were several picnic tables outside of the building. $F12 was sitting at one of the tables. There were other people around us who were eating. I walked over to the bench where $F12 was sitting. I knew that he felt sick and could not move all that much. I was concerned for him. I then noticed that there was something wrong near us. There was a skunk which was walking around the outside of the campground where we were sitting. I thought that we should get away, but i knew that $F12 could not move all that well. I tried to stay out of the skunk’s path, but it was blocking the door back into the building. It then sprayed me. I was disappointed.

11998 October 31

I was in the parking lot. It seemed like i was near the elementary school which was near my grandmother’s house. I had to get going. I needed to drive home, which was a long way away. I got into my red car and drove out of the lot on the north side. I thought about how i could cross the city to get to the high way. I thought about traveling along the back streets until i got to the center of town. I knew that the main road on the north side of town would eventually curve around to reach the highway, which ran along the south side of town. I would have to take the highway home. It was evening, and i knew that i would be driving home in the dark. It seemed as though it had been a long day, and i felt tired. I watched the road signs as i traveled east into the central section of the city. There were many roads curving off from where i was and i started to see more tall buildings. I wondered if i should turn south onto one of the roads. I thought that there might be an earlier turn off to the highway so that i did not have to travel all the way across the city. I then noticed the sign which said “four lane highway starts here”. I thought that the sign might be for the main highway that i was looking for, as i did not know of any others around town. I was hesitant to turn off onto the road, but i watched my car take that road. I thought that i should check it out. I continued to travel down the road on which i had been traveling. I then wondered how i could have gone in both directions at once. I then thought that if the other road was not the correct road, i could simply pretend that i had not traveled down it and continue in the direction in which i was going. I was on a bus. I knew that it would stop on the other side of town. I wondered whether i should get off sooner and head towards the highway. I then wondered how i would get all the way home without my car. I realized that my car was with me in some way, but i was uncertain where it was. I then thought about the machine which could reduce the size of the car by folding it into space. As i sat on the left side of the bus, watching the road ahead over the bus driver’s head, i thought that it was illegal to transport something which was folded onto a bus. I thought that they would never notice. I then thought that i could add the weight of the car to the bus, because i was still carrying it with me. I wondered how the folded car could stay on the bus without sinking into the floor. It was too heavy an object to be compressed into such a small area. I thought that i would have to reshape the fold so that it spread the weight of the car out over a larger area on the floor. I then thought that i had been carrying the car in a weightless phase, but that it would conserve more energy in the fold unit if i allowed the fold to be transparent to the car’s gravity. I watched as the small unit that i had been carrying spread out over the floor under the seats on the left side of the bus. It was distributing the car’s weight. It then became transparent to gravity. The bus driver seemed to notice the extra weight. He stopped the bus suddenly. I thought that i would have to compress the car again and escape from the bus. I then noticed the police cars driving around the corner in front of us, its yellow lights flashing. The bus had been turned so that it was crossing the road. I realized that it was probability which had brought the police cars. They had been rushing to some other emergency, but happened upon the bus. I walked from the bus and tried to wander away. The police tried to herd all o of the people into one area. I pretended not to notice them and walked into the barn which was off of the right side of the road. I walked through the open door, staring at the object in my hand. I then turned around to face the barn door, the right door of which was closed. There was a younger man wandering around near the barn door. I was afraid that he would draw attention to me. I hoped that no one noticed that i was here. Someone then came to get the boy. I tried to hide myself behind the closed door.