11999 October 01

I walked down the stairs of my house and into the living room. It seemed like early morning and i had just woken up. I knew that my mother had been in the house, but had just left for something. It was bright in the living room and i could see all of the furniture clearly. I noticed that my mother had changed everything around. The furniture in the living room had been rearranged. I first noticed that the piano had been placed along the west wall of the room. The large brown couch which had been in the center of the room was now along the north wall, where the piano used to be. I was annoyed that my mother had changed things around again. I walked to the southwest side of the room, where the entrance to the kitchen was. . There was something against the west wall which had been moved from someplace else. Then i noticed the white cabinet in the kitchen area. I did not remember this being there before. I turned to the north to see the small white refrigerator which was standing in the northwest corner of the living room, just to the left of the doorway which led into the other side of the large house. I walked over to the small refrigerator and opened the front door. It was empty. I thought that it might be nice to have around, but that it would be better if it were in the basement. I thought that it must have been left in the house. The walls of the living room were a dark brown and seemed to be wood paneling. they seemed old. There also seemed to be a brown carpet on the floor which had orange speckles in it. The room did not seem as bright as it had a while ago. There was a heavy green drape hanging on the front window, on the east wall. I walked to the west, to the other side of the house. I wondered what else my mother had changed. I remembered that there was a small room on that side of the house which i had not done anything with yet. It was still decorated with stuff from the previous owners. The room seemed small and had pale green shag carpeting on the floor. There was a mattress on the floor in the northeast corner of the room and a large window on the north wall. The window had thin, single-pane glass and no storm window. It did not seem to be a good window. It had no curtains around it. I then turned to the west and headed down the corridor into the small room at the back of the house. I thought that this room had also not been touched. There was a bed on the right side of the room as i entered from the end of the corridor. I had thought that the room had an area where i could do my music, but i did not see it at the moment. The left wall of the room was covered with cabinets and a counter top. I noticed that there was a walking cane on the counter. I thought that it belonged to the old man who had lived here before me. I then noticed some other medical equipment hanging on the south wall, on the west end of the room. There was a stethoscope and come other medical instruments. They seemed old and discoloured. The plastic tubes on the stethoscope were yellow. I thought about keeping them, but then thought that i would have to clean them very well before i used them. I then realized that the counter top was part of a kitchen. I wondered why there was a second kitchen in the house. I looked to the north and noticed that there was a large metal oven in the north wall. The north end of the room was set down a few metres from there i was. The division was separated by a small white wall. The lower part of the room seemed to be decorated in red. The oven was cubical and seemed to be made of tarnished stainless steel. I thought that it was still and electric stove, but it was large enough to cook in for special occasions. I decided that i could cook the turkey in it for holidays while other things were cooking in the kitchen. I then thought that it might be more expensive because it was electric. I wondered where i would have room to do my music. I then noticed that there was a small bedroom to the west, off of the upper level of the room. I remembered that this place was where i wanted to place my instruments. I was content that there was a place to put my instruments and turned to leave the room. I walked out into the corridor. I thought that there was actually enough space on this side of the house to create an apartment. I then thought that i did not want an apartment because i would have to let the person renting it use the main bathroom. I paused as i headed east down the corridor and looked back down the hallway. The stairs that led up to the second level were on my right, on the north side of the hall. I thought that i could actually seal off the area. I then thought about the room upstairs and wondered whether i could do my music up there. I then decided that it would be next to where $A16 slept. She still lived upstairs from me. I decided that it would be better to use the room in the basement, where i had just been, as a music room because it was farther from her bedroom. I would not make as much noise for her. I walked back out into the small unfinished room. The room then seemed to be at the front of the house. There was a window on the north wall which looked out over the edge of the tall brick apartment building. The building seemed to be an old city building with many apartments in it. I then noticed a young man in a window to the west. He was tall and thin and had short black hair. I was interested in him and thought that i should meet him. He looked at me as he wiped his hands on the white towel. He then walked to the south, out of view. The other young man then walked into the room with me. He was also attractive, and i knew that he had some relation to the first man. He was wearing a brown vest over a white button-down shirt. He had come into my apartment to use the bathroom. I wondered how he had gotten. I then decided that there was a door between my apartment and the rest of the building. I thought that i should block off the door. The man said hello to me and asked me to follow him. I felt unsure, but wanted to talk to him. I walked to the north, out the front door of my house and onto the small porch. The man turned to the east and headed down the stairs to the street. I started to follow but wanted to know how to secure the house. The man showed me the small chain which attached at the bottom of the metal fence which ran across the front of the porch. I looked down and could see that the chain attached to the bottom of the gate of the chain-link fence. It prevented the gate from opening more than a little bit. I stood back up and turned to pull the door to the house closed. I then wondered whether i had my keys with me. I did not want to close the door if i did not have my keys. The man said that i should just chain the gate. I thought that i could simply unchain the gate when i came back in. I then thought that it would be very easy to do and that anyone who tried to open the gate should realized that the chain would come off very easily. I did not think that it was secure. I was confused and wondered what to do. I turned around to the south and faced the door of the house. Then i heard the woman talking to me. I turned around again to face the street. The woman said that i should not leave my cotton-candy in such a place. She motioned with her right hand to my left, off the north side of the porch. I looked off of the porch, over the dark green bushed that grew around the north and west sides of the porch. I knew that she was talking about the pink flowers that were growing on the bushes, but i waited until she said something else. She spoke to me, telling me about the bushed. The flowers were trumped shaped, and i thought that they should not be called cotton-candy.

11999 October 02

I walked through the center of $P51 , down the main street to the west side of town. I crossed the road to the north side. There seemed to be a town park here. I thought that i had been walking in the back yard of my parents’ house, but now i seemed to be several towns away. It seemed strange, but i thought that there was some explanation. It seemed like a bright, warm, summer day. The air seemed dusty and there was dry field grass all around. I wandered off the side of the road and into the gravel driveway. I came to the creek which ran north to south, along the west edge of the driveway. I had to cross the creek, but i did not want to get my feet wet. There seemed to be something strange about the situation. I started to think about where i was and did not understand how i got here. I thought that i should hike back, but i had to continue over the creek to get to the large field on the other side. The field seemed to be a large area behind my parents’ house, but i knew that i was still in $P51. I tried to walk around the south edge of the small pool of water, but found that there were two cars parked along the shore. They had their front tires in the water, so i could not walk across the shallow gravel in front of them. I stepped on the grey gravel to test it and found that my foot started to sink into it. I decided that i would have to go around. I looked around the back of the car and decided that i could not go up the driveway and around the back side. There were two people talking on the driveway behind the car. One was a man and the other a woman. The woman stood to the west, and seemed to be the mother of the two young children who were playing with the stones of the gravel drive. She said something to the young girl who was picking up stones from behind the first car. The first car was a fifties-style station wagon. Its green paint had been faded with age. The thick top of the car was white and was rounded on the edges. I decided that i should try to cross in front of the cars. I leaned on the second car, trying not to climb on the hood. The car dipped forward. I realized that the front tires of the car were not on the ground, but were simply touching the surface of the water. The nose of the car dipped into the water as i leaned on it. I stepped off of it and tried to regain my balance on the edge of the water. The tail end of the car sank back down to the ground again. The woman looked at me. I then stepped onto the hood of the car again, trying not to appear as though i were climbing all over the car. I lifted my left leg onto the hood. I was wearing shorts and could see my leg below me. I then looked to the south, along the high edge on the other side of the creek. It was a sandy cliff which lifted about three metres above the level of the water. Thick, dry, green field grass grew over the top edge of the rise. I started speaking to the woman as i climbed over the top of the car. I said, “I was in the back of my parents’ house a few minutes ago, but now i’m here.” I looked down the creek bed; “I was trying to get back to the woods.”

11999 October 04

I was in a room which seemed like the kitchen of my parents’ house. It seemed to be late in the evening, and i was eating something for dinner. The food seemed like a large piece of fish. My mother was in the room. She was wrapping up the remainder of the food that was on the stove. She said that i could eat it tomorrow for lunch. I thought about taking it to work with me. I could not concentrate on what i was thinking. There seemed to be something wrong with the idea, but i could not figure out what it was. I walked into the other room. The room seemed somewhat cold. I had to get my things together. I then realized that i had not finished my meal. I looked at the counter and noticed that the food was gone. I thought that my mother must have put it away. I was in the small blue room on the west side of the house. I thought that i should still eat what i had left for tonight. Then i thought that i should have eaten enough. I knelt down as i opened the blue cabinet. I could see the piece of fish wrapped up inside. To the left was a stack of frying pans and skillets. My mother had placed them here for me to use the next morning. I thought that they still had oil in them. I pulled out the remainder of the fish and looked at it. It was the piece from this evening which i had not yet finished. I pulled the meat from the bone and started eating again. I wanted to finish the large piece. The bones were thin but held together on the spinal column. I chewed the soft meat and swallowed it. I then started chewing on the meat around the bones. As i bit into one of the pieces of meat neat the end of the spinal column, i felt something poking into my chin. I carefully pulled the meat away from the bones and looked down. There was a sharp bone sticking out from the spine. I thought that it was there specifically to prevent people eating the fish too quickly. I then looked up. I was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the large car. My grandmother was driving the car. I looked down the road and remembered that we had traveled on this road the day before. It led to the north side of $P18. The day before, we had turned to the right ahead and stopped at a diner for lunch. I then noticed the sign on the side of the road ahead, where the green trees closed in tight around the side of the road. It said that the speed limit was fourty-five miles per hour. My grandmother was only driving thirty. I told her about the speed limit, but she did not speed up. She spoke about the dinner. I did not feel hungry. I thought about the meal that i was supposed to have today. I knew that she wanted to go back to the diner for breakfast. I told her that the speed limit on the other side of the hill would be fifty-five. I did not think that my grandmother would actually drive that fast. I looked down into my lap for a moment when i heard the angry sound of another car honking its horn. I looked up to see that my grandmother had swerved into the left lane. The car behind her had gotten angry and tried to pass. The road around us was very dark and looked like fresh asphalt. My grandmother swerved back to the right, pulling off the side of the road. I wondered whether we would get to the small diner. We then pulled into the parking lot of a small plaza. I could see the sign in the large window of one of the stores. It has a picture of a bus on it and some words. I looked at the word and sat that it said “de Omina”, which i thought was the name of the bus company. I then looked closer at the yellow lines of the sign. It was a picture of a bus from head on, with the side of the bus slightly visible on the right side of the image. The words were written on the front windshield of the bus. I could see that the first word was written in small letters while the rest was in all upper case. I tried to read the large letters, but realized that i was having difficulty. It said “LUMINA”. I then realized that there was an X in the word. I tried to read the word, but the second letter became an X as well. I then remembered that one could not read words in a dream. I would not be allowed to focus on the consonants of a word. They would, instead, be represented by Xs. The word looked like “AXOHM” and seemed to be written in small capital letters.

11999 October 05

We drove into the entrance road to $P22. I wondered whether we should be driving this far into the encampment, as it was private property. The road was dry tan dirt. My mother stopped the car just inside the entrance. I looked to the west, out the passenger’s side of the car. I could see a small store just off the side of the road. It looked like an old cabin. I thought that it must be something very new at $P22, but then thought that i might have remembered it from before. I was not sure that it had been there, but i thought that it simply must have been closed down. I remembered that it was part of the small town. The store had a door on the right front of the building with a small window to the left. The window seemed to have an illuminated sign in it. There also seemed to be a red and yellow, neon sign over the top of the store. There was a gravel area in front of the store which seemed like a parking lot. An older man with a pot belly and a red and white plaid shirt walked toward the door of the store. He was wearing a dirty green baseball cap. I was out of the car and walking towards the entrance to the store. I thought that this must have been part of the old town, but then i thought that the town should have been on the south side of $P26. I then wondered what we were doing here. I remembered that we had come up to look at my grandfather’s cottage. I remembered that he did not own it any more and wondered what it now looked like. I turned to the east and thought about looking for the cottage. My mother then said something. We were inside of the cottage. It seemed as though we had been staying there. The place seemed new and modern. I noticed that there was a man approaching the cottage. I sat down on the stairs that i had been descending along the north wall of the living room. I could see the man through the large glass window on the south wall of the house. I sat still, hoping that he would not be able to see me. My mother was below me, hiding behind the dividing wall which separated the narrow corridor from the north end of the room. She walked out into the room to look out the window. I told her to walk back so that the man could not see her. She was wearing a white robe and seemed to have her hair tied up in rollers. She was very confused and did not understand what was going on. She stepped around the corner again to look at the man. I urgently told her to walk back into the hall as the man came closer, peering into the house. She stepped back into the hall, but could not think about what was going on. She was still confused and walked back into the living room where the man could see her. I scolded her for being foolish. She turned around in confusion and walked back into the hall. She did not understand what had happened. The man walked up to the door and knocked. I thought that he might be checking the place for the owners. I went upstairs to get my things. We would not be able to stay here. I grabbed the pile of clothing which was on the edge of the small bed and stuffed them into a pair of blue plastic running pants. They started to come out of the legs, so i thought that i should tie the legs into knots to prevent me from loosing them. I had to get all of the clothing out of the room so that we could leave in a hurry. I was then down stairs in the living room again. The man introduced himself and asked whether he could take pictures. I realized that he was simply here to take pictures of the house. My mother spoke to him. They both smiled. He held a small brown camera at chest level in front of him. I felt satisfied that he was only here to take pictures. He walked to the west, to where my mother was. Other people then started coming into the house. A woman in a light blue coat and fluffed hair came thought the front door. Her coat was tight and looked like something from the early sixties. There was a young boy with her. She looked familiar to me. I wondered whether she was the woman to whom my grandfather had sold the cottage. I thought that she was and greeted her. I told her that i recognized her. She smiled. I hoped that she was not mad at us for intruding in their cottage.

I drove down the road to the north, but something was wrong. I was heading back towards my grandfather’s cottage at $P22. I steered the car towards the right side of the road and put on the brakes. The car did not seem to be slowing down. I wondered whether the brakes were working. I then pulled the emergency brake. I thought that the wheels must have locked, even though the car was still moving. It seemed dark out and i could not easily see where i was going. I looked out the passenger’s window at the side of the road. I could see that my tires were skidding along the very edge of the pavement. I then noticed that there was a deep ditch off to the side of the road. It dropped about half a metre into a dirt gully. I thought that my right tires might skid into the gully. I knew that i did not have as much control of the car when the wheels were locked, so i released the emergency brake. I looked out the front window to see the long road ahead of me. There seemed to be a car behind me. It seemed to be night. I tried to slow down using the brakes, but the car did not seem to be decelerating. There were headlights behind me. I then noticed that the shoulder on the right side of the road suddenly widened. I applied the brakes and started to pull off. It became real wide and was covered with dark pavement. I then turned right onto the small driveway. I walked into the center of the bar, which was on the outside of a building. There seemed to be a picnic table to the south and a wooden wall to the east. The main bar was to the north. $K3 said hello to me as i looked around the area. I had to get going. She greeted me and asked how i was. $K4 was with her. They were celebrating something at the bar. She then asked me what i should do about the dogs. I looked down at the two large dogs. I thought that i could tie them to the back of my car. I then wondered how they would be able to keep up with me the entire way to the cottage. I then remembered that i had rode my bicycle. I thought that i should tie the dogs to the back of the ladder which was in the room. The step ladder was my bicycle. I tried to think of how it could work. I wondered whether the dogs would be able to keep up with me or whether they would be slowing me down. I walked around the base of the wooden ladder. The ladder was a little taller than me. I told someone that i would have to get going in order to get to the cottage before dark. I then realized that it was a very long way to the cottage. I thought about biking across the open grass at the entrance to the lake road. It was twilight when i did so. I then wondered how i could bike so far. It seemed very far away, and i did not think that i would be able to make it to the cottage in one night. I thought about telling my mother that i would be riding my bicycle anyway.

11999 October 06

I was driving north, towards my parents’ house. I seemed to be heading along a main road. I then thought that something was wrong with my car and i would not be able to travel the rest of the way. I sat in the back seat of the car, partially asleep. I had come here because the people were driving the car to the north. I looked at the driver in the rear-view mirror. He was $F7. He spoke to a woman in the passenger’s seat, who seemed to be $F18. It seemed somewhat dark in the car, and i could only see $F7’s face as the passing street lights shone on his face. He then noticed that i was in the back of the car. He was surprised and did not know what to do. I told him that my car had broken down on the road north, so i had hopped in the back of his. We stopped and i got out of the car. I thought that i could ride with him back to my parents’ house, which was not that far away. I then wondered how i was going to get back to my car. I thought that it was not that far from my parents’ house to the car, so i thought that it should be easy. I looked around as i got out of the car and realized that i was in the driveway of my grandmother’s house. I wondered how we got here. I asked $F7 how we had come all this distance. I explained that we were only a little way from my parents’ house. Something was not right. I thought of how to get back to my car. I thought that my grandmother could drive me to $P14. I then wondered how i would get back to where i had left my car. I was confused and unhappy that i had ended up here. I walked into the garage and through the racks of clothing. The garage seemed to be a small clothing store, with old clothes hanging on short metal racks. I walked around one of the racks, looking over the clothing. $F7 and $F18 wandered to the east of me. Then a fourth person came into the room. $F7 recognized him and referred to him as $A231. I looked at him and realized who he was. I said, “Hey... i didn’t recognize you.” He looked to the east as he stood to the southwest of me. He was wearing a white shirt and his face seemed fatter than i had remembered. He fixed some of the clothing on the table. He said hello. I walked back into the center of the room. I remembered that other people i had know from high school were also working in this store. I remembered that $A150 had also gotten a job here. I wondered why this place had so many people gathered together. I thought that there were many people whom i knew working here. I thought that they had all asked each other for jobs.

11999 October 09

I walked down the sidewalk away from the large building. The building seemed like a hospital. The main entrance road circled in front of the large red brick building and then joined with itself before heading towards the road. I was crossing the end of the driveway, which met the road at the point where the road curved. The road ran east to west, with the hospital to the south. The road curved into the drive from wither side. The area around me seemed to be very open and empty. It was dark and seemed like late evening. The light was din, as if coming from street lights. I then noticed the ambulance driving from the east, past the entrance to the hospital. It seemed to be moving very slowly. Then i noticed the old man walking down the street towards me. He was coming from the west. He was wearing a dark brown coat and blue denims. He walked with his hands in his pockets as he moved along the tall chain link fence which ran between the sidewalk and the lawn of the hospital. The man was unkempt, and has a shaggy grey beard. He started yelling at the ambulance. I then realized that the man was crazy. He was accusing the ambulance of something. The ambulance then slowed to a stop. I thought that it must be lost. The man kept talking to it as he wandered past me. I thought that the hospital must be an insane asylum. The ambulance started backing up on the street. I was reminded of a time when i had seen a car back up to start an argument with someone who was yelling at them. I remembered that $F10 was the person who had talked back to the car earlier. I thought that the ambulance was simply trying to find the hospital. I crossed the street and tried to walk across the field. I was with $F10. $A232 was with us. He passed the older man. He seemed like some kind of knowledgeable person and told us about the area. The air seemed wet, and it was day time. We walked up the stairs of the small tunnel and looked around. There was water on the path in front of us. We were looking for a way across which would keep our feet dry. I started to cross the path where there was an old piece of wood sticking up from the water. As i put my weight on it, however, it started to sink under the water. I stepped back. $F10 started out over some rocks, but soon realized that he would not be able to get across. I thought that we might simply have to get out feet wet. I said that i would try on the other side as i turned to the right of the tunnel and started to climb up onto the stone wall. I suddenly realized that the stone wall led away from the stairs. It was above water the entire way. I told $F10 that we could walk along it. The water was to the east of stone wall. It seemed that the stone wall was holding back the water. I walked along the top of the wall and jumped down behind the small stone structure which housed the stairs that came up from the ground. I landed on the wet grass and started to walk to the southwest. $F10 and $A232 were following me. I realized that the water was being held back by the walls. I followed the dirt road which circled to the north when i noticed the mound of dirt with the stick dam in the center of it. I thought that i should break open the dam and let the water out. It would drain the road. I knew, however, that i should not let the water out. I felt mischievous, however, and pulled on the main shaft which held in the plank over the opening of the dam. The water started to seep out around the sides of the plank and run into the dirt road. I walked back down the road to meet $F10 and $A232. I told them that there was a little water ahead. I hoped that they did not find out that i was the one who had let the water out. I thought that it would not fill up the road quickly enough to block our trail. We should still be able to hop over it.

11999 October 10

I was in the large yard behind the tall apartment building. There were a few other people with me. We were throwing things around the yard. I had a flat yellow disc which i referred to as a frisbee. It seemed more like a phonograph with circular ridges. There were four radial ridges which were more distinct near the outer edge of the disc. I threw the disc as hard as i could across the yard. The other person was throwing a frisbee. He seemed like $A233. I felt aggressive and wanted to do something to relieve my tension. The disc circled around and headed back towards us. $A233 threw one of his discs into the air. It circled around and headed towards us. I bent forward as it swerved towards me. It curved before it hit e, but skidded along my left buttocks before it drove into the ground. I told $A233 that he had slapped me on the butt. I then picked up the yellow disc and threw it to the west, out over the steep hill which looked down over the city. The grass of the hill was cut short, and there was a line of trees at the bottom of the hill. The yellow disc curved in the air. Then one of the other discs joined it and they both circled around and plummeted towards the ground in front of us. There were more people on the slope with us. I felt agitated and wanted to do something. I jumped into the air and glided slightly. There was a tall apartment building to the west of us. I thought that it was a college dorm. I jumped towards it. I then thought that i could land on the red brick wall and peer into one of the windows. I knew that it would unsettle anyone who was inside. I landed next to one of the windows. There were several women in the room. They were sitting on the floor in a circle, talking to each other. The woman with the long black hair on the far side of the circle spotted me and pointed me out to the others. I jumped from the wall and sailed back over the lawn to the hill on the other side, where the others were waiting. I felt mischievous. I landed at the top of the hill, which ran down from the tall tan apartment building where we lived. I wanted to do something else.

11999 October 11

I was walking under the cement structure which seemed like a parking garage. There seemed to be a wall to the south of me, and there were thick cement columns which came down from the ceiling in front of me, to the north. There was a road on the other side of the columns which ran east to west. The area seemed dingy, and it seemed like a section of road under a highway overpass. I then noticed the woman in the tattered dark brown trench coat standing on the edge of the street. She seemed like a vagrant. There was a second person near the road. A police car then drove by slowly from the east. I felt uncomfortable about it. Then i heard a gun shot. I looked back at the old woman to see that she had a gun and was pointing it at the other person. I started to move to the south, behind the cement wall, but paused as i thought that the police might think that i was running. They might think that i was the gunman. I moved to the east slightly so that there was a cement column between me and the woman. she fired again as she started to turn around to look at me. I felt uncomfortable here.

I was acting in a play with $A168. He had done several rehearsals and everything had gone smoothly. We were now doing a performance. The scene had something to do with The Simpsons. $A168 walked out onto the stage in front of me. We were supposed to be at the edge of a building. We crawled out near the platform which was above the stage and started acting. I then realized that $A168 had forgotten her props. We did not have the pieces for the scene. I crouched down as she spoke her lines, hiding behind the raised pieces of wood at the edge of the drop off. I turned and scurried back stage to get the props. They were important for the death scene. I grabbed something and ran back to the edge of the stage. $A168 was standing on the end of a narrow plank which ran along the left wall of the theatre, out from the platform. It sloped downward slightly. I crouched down and scooted out near her, offering her the prop. She was supposed to have it with her so that she could throw it off of the edge of the building. It was symbolic of her death. I told her that it was a mask and added in some lines to cover the fact that we were not following the scripts. I hoped that she would get back onto the script. She then paused, as if waiting for a line. I knew that she was supposed to talk about the mask, but she was silent. I hoped that she did not forget her line. I could then not remember where i was in the play. I needed her lines to continue. I realized that it was very silent. The audience must know that something is wrong. I tried to think of what i should say, but i could not remember where we were in the play. I walked back stage and grabbed some more props. I needed the mask that she was to throw into the waters below. I knew that it was a large colourful mask, but i could not see it. There was a cheap plastic mask on the floor to my left which was mostly transparent, but had blue around the top of the eyes and red on the cheeks. I then found a small ceramic mask on the floor which was part of a box. The box had a rectangular opening on one end of the top where things could be put into it. I carried the irregularly shaped mask out onto the stage and offered it to $A168. I then remembered that i was supposed to be Bart Simpson in the play. I was worried that the new lines i was adding were not in character. I felt out of place. I had an important part, but i could not figure out where i was in the play without hearing lines from $A168. I could see the audience as we walked out along the plank. I felt uncomfortable and noticed that some of the actors were in the audience. I hoped that the audience was not mad. They seemed humoured. I thought that they must know what the play is going badly. I then turned and walked back stage. The play was over. I felt very disappointed. I gathered some of my things and started to leave. $A234 then said something to me. He was the director. I knew it had something to do with rehearsals the next day to prepare for the next show. I asked him what he said. He told me that i should be at rehearsal at four-thirty then next day. I felt upset and told him that i could not get out of work until five at the earliest. He was angered and scolded me. He accused me of not caring about the play and said that i had better be at the rehearsal to go over the lines. I told him that i usually know the lines but that i needed to know where i was going. I needed lines from someone else. He then mentioned that an actor should know how to separate each moment in the play to get an action out of it. I knew that i could do that and felt bad that i did not spend more time separating the actions in the script. I shook my head and told $A234 that i would try to get out of work as early as i could. I did not know whether i could make the early time. I walked out the back end of the building. It was still daylight, and the sun was bright. I wondered what i should do. I looked at the script that was in my hand. I walked over to the blue bed, which was in the room, and sat down. I started reading the script in hopes of memorizing the sections of the play. It was the next day, and it was early in the morning. $A234 was in the room and we would start rehearsing.

11999 October 12

I walked down the east side of the room, heading towards the south. There were several other people in the room with me. The room seemed dark, and there was a large square Wooden table in the center. The table was cluttered with papers and books. There was a smaller table in the southeast corner of the room. I took a small yellowing book from the table. I told the others that i was trying to figure out what it meant. It was important to translate it. The lights went out in the room. I knew it was because someone did not want us reading the book. I felt suspicious. The other people around me talked about the book. we wondered what we should do. I started walking around the south side of the main table. There were other people following me. I knew that someone was against us, but i was not sure who. I thought that we would have to be cautious. Then i thought that there was something interesting about the situation. I felt as though it were very important. I had to remember that i was being watched. I felt suspicious of the people around me. I thought that we should not break up into smaller groups. We started to walk towards the north, to the entrance to the room. We had to go someplace.

I was packing my things in my house. I felt upset that i had to move out. There was something wrong. There was another person with me who was helping me unpack my things. I thought that i would only be packing some of my things. I then wondered why i was leaving so many things. I picked up the small whisk that had been hanging on the nail among the large assortment of other tools on the wall. I did not want to leave it. I then wondered why i was leaving anything at all. I suddenly thought that it was strange that i was leaving anything. I had thought that i had left things in my last apartment when i had moved out, but, now that i thought about it, i could not remember doing so. I felt distressed and could not remember why i wanted to leave anything here. I thought that i should take everything that i owned. The woman who was with me helped me pack the rest of the kitchen tools. I felt very anxious but could not express it.

11999 October 14

I walked from the university building and into the center of the quadrangle. The place seemed like $P69. The sky seemed very dark, though i could see clearly. It seemed as though there might be a storm coming. The other students gathered in the center of the grassy area with me. I felt strange. I then noticed that $A101 was there. I felt as though i should be doing something. I ran back to the small red brick building on the north end of the quadrangle. The school was closed for the day, but i knew how to get back in. I jumped up into the small opening on the wall. The opening seemed to be a window, but the glass on the top was inset in the building so that there was vertical space between the bottom of the glass and the window sill. I sat on the sill and put my feet into the building. I then carefully lowered myself through the opening. I was aware of $A101 walking to my left. He would use the door. I wondered whether i could get into the building before he did. I jumped down in the middle of the front hall. There was light from outside coming through the glass windows on the south side of the room. The front hall had white walls and white stone on the floor. There were wide stairs that ran up on the north side of the hall, between two large round columns. I hurried up the stairs and then turned left, heading west down the long corridor of the old building. there was a room to the north of me which seemed to run along the corridor. It had a dark wood floor and seemed to be decorate in victorian styles. There was a red oval-shaped rug between the dark green couches. $A101 was the director of the house. I felt as though something special was going on here.

11999 October 17

I walked into the room from the basement. $A116 walked up to my left and asked me about the water that i was using on the washing machine. I had just finished doing a load. I then remembered that i had not turned on the water to the washing machine. I pictured the brass fixture with the black lever. I told $A116 that i had a switch which allowed me to turn on and off the hot water. He seemed satisfied with the answer. I turned around and walked down stairs to turn on the water. I then noticed that the switch on the wall was black and made of plastic. I flipped it up but then opened the washing machine to see that it was already full of water. I wondered how the washer could be full if the water was off. I then noticed that there were wires running from the small black plastic box which was the switch. I looked down the back of the washing machine and could see the green and black wires running down to the floor. I was confused. I knew that the plumber had put in a brass switch. I did not understand how it had been changed. I then noticed that the pipes leading into the switch were not the same as the ones that the plumber had installed. There was a black tube connecting the water to the switch. I wondered who could have changed it. I looked down the right side of the washing machine, trying to follow the wires. I noticed that they connected to another small black box just off of the washing machine. I realized that the black box might have come with the washing machine. My father had just been visiting me. I thought that he must have installed the new switch. I thought that the switch must automatically turn on the water when the machine needed it. I thought that the switch must have come with the washer, but that we had not known about it earlier, when the brass switch had been installed.

11999 October 20

I was in the back seat of the car as we drove down the road. I had been looking for something as we drove, but now i was watching the scenery. We seemed to be driving down a valley which had a stone ridge to the north of us. I knew that we were in a mining town. It seemed like it was late evening. The sun had set but there seemed to be a red line still on the horizon. It seemed warm outside. I looked to the north as we drove to the west. My father then turned the car to the north on the small road that went through the pass in the ridge. He was making a U-turn. I looked to the east of the turn to see the decorative gas station on the corner. It was a Citgo station, and had thick black discs above the gas pumps. They acted as the roof, but there was something special about their design. My father mentioned that he had always liked the design of the station. I realized that the discs were supposed to imitate the tops of huge oil storage tanks. I looked over the top of the station and realized that there were several cylinders of various heights to mimic a skyline of oil tanks. There was white writing on the left side of the roof near me. As we drove back to the east, i watched the station pass. I noticed all of the towers that were represented in the design. I then started to watch the stone ridge as we drove. I thought that this town was a tourist town and had been well decorated. I noticed the grey object sticking out of the reddish tan rock of the stone ridge to the north. I realized that it was a roughly made cast of a very large I-beam. It was partially buried in the stone and represented the miners of the town. We continued down the road. I thought that i should look for a small place around here. I knew that i had been looking for a small place in which i could do my music. I thought that we were very far out in the country. I wondered whether it was too far from my house. It then seemed as though we were flying over the land in a very small ship. I was in the center of the back seat, and there were two people in the front seats. The man on the pilot’s side said that there was something wrong. We would not be able to land. The woman in the other chair seemed to be Delenn, and she was worried about the situation. The man then seemed to be an alien. He said that there was something wrong with the auto-pilot. He then yanked back on the lever in the center of the two seats. The auto-pilot turned on and the ship slowed down. I realized that the auto-pilot was jammed and could not be turned off. I looked down to the ground. It was dark out, but there was an orangish circle of light being projected onto the ground by our ship. It had a small narrow triangle which came down from the top left of the circle, as thought the circle were a targeting ring. I then noticed that the center of the circle was lit by the light of the ship as we started to descend. I could see human silhouettes in the center of the light as the ground came closer. I knew that there were people waiting on the ground for us. I was afraid that they might capture us. Delenn expressed her concern to John Sheridan, who was in the driver’s seat. We landed and i started to walk around on the ground. I acted as though i did not know that the people had come to capture us. They surrounded us, but i stared off to the west, down the trail. We seemed to be in a thick forest. I started to walk as the people escorted us. I pretended that i was fascinated with the fresh vegetation in the area. There was a tree on the right side of the trail which had red apples on it. I stared at it in amazement. I thought that fresh fruit no longer grew on the planet. I reached out with my left hand to touch one of the apples. A man walked up on my left. He smiled as he watched my fascination with the fruit. I then decided that i should reach out and touch the plant. I felt the onion-like skin of the red fruit. I was glad that the men thought that i was fascinated with the fruit. I felt safer now.

11999 October 23

I was in the middle of the large field with the other people. We seemed to be in the athletic field of a college. I thought that it might be $P9. My father was standing to my right as i faced west, into the field. The woman told me to hold on to the center of the piece of rope. We were measuring the area of the field. I had the southeast corner of the rope. I looked at the white strip that was in my hand. It seemed like a measuring tape. The woman told me to make sure to hold it steady on the corner of the rectangle. I thought that i should stand on the inside of the corner so that the tape could not be pulled from my hand. I knew that the people were marking out as area on which they were going to build a new building. The building was going to be modern and cement. I thought that it should be rather large. I backed up to the eastern edge of the field and held the tape down to the ground. I was standing just to the north of a tree. I realized that i could not extend the corner of the square any more because i was between the tree and the edge of the field. I held my hand as close to the base of the tree as i could. The woman asked everyone to extend the square a little. I knew that i could not move. I then wondered whether the square would be big enough. It seemed very large. The woman stood on the south side of the area, looking to the west. She shouted out the measurements of the west side. The people on the east would have to make some corrections to match the length of each side. I thought that the angles of the square must not have been right angles, event though they seemed to be. I moved forward, into the quad. I then realized that the square seemed too small for a large building. The woman said that it would be good, but i thought that the building should be larger. I started talking to the others about the area. There was a couch to the east of me where someone was sitting. I then seemed to be in a small square room. $A176 was standing to the north of me. He was wearing a pair of red gym shorts and a tee shirt. I wanted to ask him a question, but was unsure how to. I looked at the television on the south wall. The person on the couch was watching it. I then turned to the north and asked $A176 what kind of martial arts he had learned. He had studies martial arts for a long time. He looked confused at the question. I asked him what was the name of the form that he had learned. He said that it was Kung Fu Karate. Then he shrugged and said that it had no specific name. I thought that he must have learned traditional styles what were not part of any of the modern styles. I asked him whether it was close to any of the modern styles. He said that he was from Korea. I then wondered whether he practiced korean karate and asked him. He did not know what i meant. He then started moving into a martial arts stance. He moved slowly from one position to another. I told him that it seemed like Tai Chi. He held his arms up to the left, then swept them in front of him. He lifted his right leg as he crouched down and kicked it up to the left. I could see the muscle detail in his leg as he held it straight. He seemed quite muscled. He was $F13. I watched him as he stood up and moved into another position. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see the detail on his chest. He seemed quite attractive. He moved into the center of the room, continuing his exercises.

11999 October 24

I was with the group of people. We were planning on heading to the south. I thought that we might be traveling on a boat, but then i remembered that we had a small blimp with us. We were in a narrow room which had very high ceilings and rough, unfinished wood on the walls. It seemed like a barn. I could see the dull grey blimp as it hovered on the side wall of the barn. It seemed somewhat small. It was cigar shaped, with a pointed nose. I wondered how we were going to fill it with air. I thought that we must have had large tanks of helium. I then thought that the gondola should be constructed under it. It was a portable blimp and could be put together and taken apart quickly. I then looked at the small round red tank that i had in my left hand. It looked like a propane tank, but i knew that it was the rest of the helium. I thought that we should drain the helium from the blimp and put it back into the tank. For a moment, i thought that we could simply attach the tank to the blimp and let the air flow back into the tank, but then remembered that the pressure in the tank was much greater than the pressure in the blimp. I wondered how we would be able to get the blimp outside were we could attach the gondola. I thought that the blimp must be attached to very heavy weights so that it did not float away. I looked into the barn to see the others moving the weights and the balloon out into the yard. We had to assemble the gondola so that we could start out camping trip. It seemed as though we would be heading south down the river. I wondered how stable the blimp would be and whether it would rock from side to side in a heavy wind.

11999 October 25

I was with the other young students. We seemed to be in high school, though i felt older than high-school age. It seemed that we were part of a gym class. We had to head somewhere. It seemed as though we were walking to the north, towards the red brick school building. We had been at gym class, but i was not participating in the class the same way that the other students were. I felt as though i had to get something from the school. I then thought that i needed to get my gym clothes. I walked into the front lobby of the large building. The back wall of the lobby was black. The sun shines in through the large glass walls on the front side of the lobby, which seemed to be on the south side of the room. I felt special in a way that i was allowed to leave the group of students. I knew that the gym coach was $A5. I talked to the west end of the hall and sat down on the wooden bench. I started to remove my shoes as the other boy walked near me. I knew that he would cause trouble. I felt aggressive towards him and thought that i would push him away if he tried to bother me. Then i realized that i had never felt that way before. I remembered that, when i was younger, i always acted passive. I wondered whether i should change things now. I then thought that i should put on the rest of my things and head out to the playground. The other boy finally walked away and i placed my running sneakers on. I seemed to be back at my high school again, though i was aware that i had not been here in a long time. I thought that i should try to keep up with the younger men as we ran around the field. I knew that we were running on the school’s cross-country course. I felt as though i could keep up with the rest of the students. I then thought that $A46 was running with us. I told him that i was still able to run. I felt good and thought that i should try to race along the course. I wondered whether i still knew where the course ran. I rounded the bush, which seemed to be on $P69, and headed south along the tree line. I spoke to $A46 as we ran, telling him how i remembered the course. I thought that i was feeling well and knew that i could go faster once we were closer to the finish line. I thought about how the trail ran along the bottom of the hill on the golf course. A person ran to my left as we rounded a corner and headed over a pond. The pond was to my right, and the trail ran along the muddy edge to my left, but i glided over the surface of the water. I thought, for a moment, that i could appear to go fast enough to skim the water, but then thought that i would probably sink into the mud at the bottom. I thought that it might be very deep. When i came to the other side of the pond, i turned right and started to head out across the field. I realized that no one else was with me. I started to wonder whether i was still on trail. I then thought that the trail might not run along this section of the field yet. I decided that i had not remembered where the course ran. I started to slow down. The finish line seemed a lot farther than i had thought it was. I had more of the course to run before i headed to it.

11999 October 26

I was in the back yard of my grandmother’s house. I had been doing something, and i felt very good. It seemed as though i had just woken from a dream and remembered having a fun time. I looked to the east and to the north. The sky was grey, and the light seemed very diffuse. It felt strange to be here, though i was very relaxed. My grandmother walked ahead of me as we passed along the west side of the garage, heading towards the house. I then looked up into the dark grey sky. It seemed to be covered with smoky clouds. I felt as though something special were about to happen. I noticed a black form moving down from the clouds. It seemed like a piece of ribbon, but it was very rigid, and had sharp corners to its shape. It was bent into a triangle, with the ends of the ribbon crossing at the bottom corner of the triangle and then continuing out into the air. They were bent at the ends, as though they formed feet. I wondered whether the object had come from space. I thought that it might be an extraterrestrial machine, but then thought that it was more likely something else. I thought that it could not be a craft because it looked too much like a falling piece of scrap metal. I thought that it might not even be falling. It rotated in the air as it grew larger, though, and i knew that it was approaching. It suddenly seemed to twist as it plummeted to the ground on the west side of the garage. I thought that it must have landed in the yard a few houses down. I looked to the west to see if i could find out what it was. My grand mother called to me from the porch. She wondered why i was not following her into the house. I told her that i would come. I could only see part of the black object. It was the middle of the ribbon. It hung in the air, pointing to the north. I knew that the feet of the object had landed on the ground but were now out of sight. I did not want my grandmother thinking that i was interested in the object. I started back to the house. Then i noticed the large construction vehicle above me and to the southeast. It was a hydraulic shovel. The cab was yellow and there was a red stripe around the straight arm. The stripe was at the end of the main section of the arm, the sheath from which the rest of the arm extended. The machine started moving. I thought that it was being controlled by the black object. I hoped that it did not start destroying things. I ducked as i headed back to the house, trying to keep the large construction vehicle from hitting me on the head as i moved near it.