12000 October 01

I was in the large room with the other people. It seemed like a room of a department store, though there did not seem to be any merchandise around us. The woman talked to me about something as the others wandered around. There was something that should be done. I knew that i should be a part of it, but i was not sure what i should do. I then noticed $F26 walking through the thin crowd of people. I called to him and smiled. He seemed to have a wide face with thinning blonde hair. I walked up to him and reached out to hug him hello. He put his right hand in front of himself, though, to block me. I realized that he wanted to shake hands and wondered why he was avoiding being close. I thought that he might not want to appear too affectionate in a crowd. Something seemed wrong with his attitude. I spoke to him for a moment, then started to talk with some of the other people. We then decided that we had to leave to get the things done. The north end of the room seemed to be open, and there was something that we were referring to outside. My mother talked about to where we had to go. I thought about the apartment house that was only a few blocks away to the north. We were supposed to meet there for something. I turned to the south and wandered to a window. I looked down at the tall thick shrubs that grew along the edge of the road below me. The building i was in seemed to be an old hospital. The lawn from the hospital was short and ran steeply down hill to the road. There was a break in the bushes to the left where i could see the tail end of a white police truck. It had backed up a short dirt path. I knew that the police officer had parked his car there so that he could watch for speeders on the road. The other person then said something. I walked across the lawn and onto the sidewalk that ran along the side of the road. I was on the east side of the hospital talking to the other man. He said that we needed to get to the apartment. I told him that i would go there. He started walking to the north. The city seemed to be to the north of us, and we seemed to be on a shallow hill on the side of it. The air seemed chilly, as though it were autumn. The man then joked with me that i should fly to the apartment. I knew that i was able to fly and crossed my arms in front of me. I lifted off of the ground, rotating in a counter-clockwise direction. I knew the man would be surprised because he did not expect me to actually fly. I passed the back power lines that ran along the street and started to float to the northwest. I spread my arms out to the side but then realized that it made me seem as though i were trying to imitate a bird. I wondered why people who fly always spread their arms out. It was not necessary. I thought about where i would hold my arms as i moved over the buildings. I flew low near the street. I knew that this was the street on which the apartment was on. As i passed down the street, i was aware that the people with me had just rounded the corner on the east end of the street and were heading toward me. I then remembered that i had lived here before. I had lived in one of the apartments on the south side of the road. I floated back to the corner where $A261 was walking. I spoke to her as i drifted past. The street seemed to head down hill a little as we moved to the west. It also seemed dark out. I could see into some of the windows. As i passed the apartment where i used to live, i noticed a woman in the top floor. It was my old landlady. She seemed to be getting dressed. I noticed that she was wearing a long evening dress with long black gloves that came up to her elbows. She seemed very skinny, and i thought that she must be going out. I spoke to $A261 as she walked in front of the apartment. I wanted to go back to look in the window. Something seemed interesting about the fact that $A16 was dressing up. I wondered what she was doing in the upstairs apartment. I started to float on my back as i spoke to $A261. I had to make it seem natural that i was drifting back down the street in front of the apartment. As i passed the window, i could see $A16 wearing a different set of clothing. I thought that she was trying on many different things. She was wearing a bright orange dress. I moved into the entrance of the long room as i watched her. $A261 was on the west end of the room. She walked to a dressing screen and started to undress. I could see her through the white cloth of the screen. I also noticed that $A16 was still changing to my left. I tried to see what she was going to put on next. The room seemed cluttered with clothes that were hanging from objects around the room. $A16 peered through the screen at me. I pretended to watch $A261 so that $A16 would not get suspicious. $A16 then walked around the front of the screen and asked me what i was staring at. She seemed upset that i would be watching $A261 undress. $A16 was only wearing a bra and a white slip. I tried to tell her that i had come here with $A261, but she interrupted me, asking why i was here. I knew that she remembered me from when i used to live here. $A261 then walked around the south side of the screen. She referred to $A16 as “mother” as she tried to strap a bra around her torso. “Mother?”, i questioned, “She’s your mother?” I was unaware that they were both related. $A16 then seemed less upset that i was in the room. She realized that i actually knew $A261. $A261 talked as she finished getting dressed. I knew that $A16 remembered me as i looked around the room. I wondered what had changed since i had lived here. I then looked back at $A16. She was standing in the middle of the room. She appeared to be considering what to do next. She was not wearing anything on her upper body. I could see that her belly sagged over the elastic of her slip. Her large breasts also sagged down her chest. She seemed to have long frizzy white hair which hung over her shoulders. Her lips were pressed together as though she were trying to decide what to do next.

12000 October 03

I was in long room of the building. There seemed to be people all around me. I knew that this place was my mother’s office. It was a cluttered room, with dark walls and dim fluorescent lighting. I told $Z about the arguments in the office. I pointed to a desk on the far wall, saying that the desk did not know the desk over here. Everything in the office was separated.

I was on the top of the short hill, looking out over the sandy beach to the south. I could see men below me on the beach, just to the east. I then noticed the men to the south of us on the beach. They were stealing our things. I pointed them out to the others who were with me. I could see them collecting things from the beach and running toward the water. We were suddenly on the beach, running after them. The men climbed into a small boat which was tied to one of the long wooden docks. They set out into the water, and we had no way of following them. I felt upset and thought that we had to get our things back. I wondered what we could do. I felt slight desperation as i asked the others what we could do. I then noticed the large bus moving over the water. It was passing close to the dock. I thought that we had to get on the bus in order to chase after the men in the boat. We jumped from the edge of the dock onto the large white boat as it came close to the shore. I felt frightened suddenly as i jumped over the water, afraid that i might not make it to the boat. I landed on the boat, grabbing for the edge. I came very close to missing the boat as i jumped. We ran to the drive and told him to follow the other boat. We tried to convince him that the men had stolen from us. We said that the men took our money. I then realized that we had no money to pay the driver. I told him that the men had stolen his money, thinking that it would give him more incentive to chase after them.

I was in the living room of the house, which seemed like my grandparents’ house on $P12. There were a few other people in the room with me. $F! Was there as well. I spoke to several of the other people in the room. It seemed as thought there was a social event here. I turned to the north and noticed the small red ants that were climbing up the bark of the tree. I thought that the ants could be dangerous to the house and walked over to take a closer look at them. I realized that they were fire ants. They had traveled north and were starting to invade this part of the country. I remembered seeing a television show on their invasion. I pointed out the ants to the people in the house, trying to sound urgent. I looked closely at the ants. They had large white bodies with small red heads. Someone in the room said that the ants would smell if you killed them. I was now on the north side of the tree, walking around to the south side again. The ants were all over the tree. I stepped on one of the ants which was climbing over an exposed root of the tree. As i stepped back, some of the other ants started to head toward my foot. I thought that they might be trying to attack me for killing one of their nest. I moved my foot out of the way and realized that the ants were always after the foot. I thought that they must smell the ant that i killed. I told the others in the room that these were definitely fire ants. My mother seemed concerned about the ants being in the house. She walked to the southwest, into the kitchen, and complained to my father about the ants. She wanted him to do something about them. I could hear him telling her that they were probably not fire ants. He seemed to think that she was overreacting. I walked into the kitchen, trying to think of a way to get rid of the ants. I knew that we had to kill them before they spread. I decided on poison. I grabbed something from the kitchen which seemed to be poison and walked back out into the living room. As i looked over the tree, however, the ants were no longer there. They must have know that i was coming. I asked $Z where they could have gone. It now seemed that we were outside. The stairs from the second floor of the house, which normally ended in the living room, now ended in the sandy ground near our feet. There seemed to be several sand dunes to the east. I thought that we were near the beach. I felt uncomfortable, my senses alert. The bad people were still in the living room of the house. Then were trying to hold us captive, but they had stopped paying attention to us at the moment. I thought that we should escape while they were not looking. I told $Z that we would have to hide. I thought about running across the beach to the west, but did not think that i could get far enough away. I dropped into the edge of the sand dune which was just to the west of the stairs. Three of the henchmen came out of the house. They looked around, angered by our disappearance. I tried to sink into the sand, hiding my body from sight. One of the men wan to the west, thinking that we had run to the beach. The other two ran back into the house to the east. I laid backwards, feeling the sand move over my body, covering me. I was cautious not to make too many quick motions. I did not want the men to notice me. I waited until they were not near me before i wiggled my torso in the ground, allowing the sand to fill over me from the dune just behind me. The men came back out of the house, looking around the yard for me. I tried to hide me face in the sand without burying my mouth in the sand. They did not see me as they stood just beyond my feet. I had to hide until they went away. I thought that i could escape once they had stopped looking.

12000 October 05

The room was rectangular and was a combination living room and kitchen. I was on the west wall of the room, there the kitchen counters and the stove was. It seemed as thought there was someone at the door on the north wall of the house. I was trying to cook something on the stove, and was not paying attention to the person at the door. I turned one of the knobs on the front of the stove and a flame burst from behind the black knob. I turned the knob down slightly. I felt hurried, as though i had to answer the door. I did not want to interrupt my cooking, though. I then saw a small red flame from the left side of a second knob in the center of the stove. I could see the yellow and orange flame under the pan that i was cooking with as i tried to turn down the knobs. I blew on the fire to put it out. I was aware that the person at the door was trying to get in, but i was focused on the fire on the stove. I was worried that it might get out of control. I then noticed that there was an orange flame flickering from the back of the stove on the left side. I looked up and saw that the flame was coming from behind the splash panel on the back of the stove. I leaned over the stove and looked at the flame to see that it was coming out of the thin metal pipe. I realized that the pipe was the gas line that fed the stove. I became concerned that the stove might explode. I looked down the left side of the stove to see the corrugated gas pipe coming out of the floor. I blew on the orange flame that was coming out of the top part of the pipe. I quickly turned off all of the burners on the stove. I had to call the gas company to report the problem. I ran to the east end of the room, opening the front door as i passed. I thought that i should let the air out of the house so that the gas leaking from the stove did not get too concentrated. The telephone was on a tall narrow set of white plastic shelves that were standing against the south wall. $Z had walked into the front door of the house and was standing to the north of me. I could not remember the number for the gas company, and thought that it would take too long to call information. I pulled one of the old yellow telephone books off of the plastic shelf. It seemed dirty and covered with dust. I opened the front cover of the book and looked around for the number of the gas company, but i could not find it. I felt panicked. I wondered whether i should call the operator and ask her for the number. I flipped through the telephone book but could not find what i was looking for. $Z seemed to be watching over my shoulder as i looked through the various books from the shelf. I could not find the correct number. I quickly grabbed some more books when i noticed that they seemed burned. There was a black crusty ash on the cover. I looked around at the other stuff in the house. It all seemed burned. I hoped that the gas did not explode.

I ran to the east on the long country road. the road seemed to go downhill slightly as it dipped below the level of the grassy farm fields around it. The ground on the sides of the road was wide and covered with thick dark grass as it sloped up slightly from the road to the level of the fields. I seemed to be jogging with some other people. I turned to the north and headed down the gravel road. It seemed that we were heading into a small town, but the town was no more than a few buildings at the end of the gravel road. The houses in the town seemed old and tall. They were made of wood and were painted a dull yellow. Several people wandered around on the grass around the buildings. I thought that some type of community event might be happening here. I started to float over the people. In wondered whether anyone would notice. I felt that i wanted to show off my skills. I thought that i could hover casually until someone pointed out that i could fly. I could then act surprised, as though it was something everyone could do. The two joggers who had been running with me approached from the dirt road to the south. The man was wearing a pair of short blue shorts and a thin grey tee shirt. He ran with a canted stride. A woman ran to his right. She was also wearing light running clothes and ran slightly behind him. They reached the end of the gravel road and turned around to head back. I knew that they were on a very long run. I thought that i could fly the rest of the way back rather than run. It would be faster. I started to fly down the dirt road to the south, leaving the people at the fair in the small town. I came to the main road and turned to the west. I passed low over the runners, thinking that i could impress them with my ability to fly. I then became aware of how my body was positioned in the air. It always seemed that i had my arms out from my sides when i was flying. I wondered why people would do that. I thought that it might be some way to mimic the flight of birds. I remembered that characters in comic books would usually fly with their arms in front of them or with one arm out and the other back. I thought that it really made no difference how someone flew. The poses were simply made to look good on paper. I rotated my body slightly as i glided over the paved path at the back of the building. I was moving to the south, down the path that led between the high school and the elementary school. I looked to the north to see that the baseball field was newly redecorated. It had a clean brown wooden backstop with a white sign in the center of the bottom beam. $P31 stood to the south. I glided over the parking lot at the north end of the building, noticing that the parking spaces had been converted into small places where traveling vendors could set up shop. I thought that it was part of the festival, but there were no vending carts or trucks set up yet. The place seemed empty. I wondered where all of the teachers parked now that the lot was full of vendors. As i reached the east side of the lot, where the lot ran down the side of the stream, i noticed that the northern most section of the lot has some white tents set up around the edges of the pavement. Everything here seemed new, and the pavement was dark, as though it were just laid. I turned to the south and rounded the front of the building. I remembered the old building and thought that i should take a look inside. I rounded the south end of the building, trying to remember where everything was in the building. I knew that they had remodeled at some point in the past, so i expected the organization of the building to have changed. The end of the building looked like $P7. I wondered whether there was still an alley into the delivery bay on the south side of the building. I thought that i could fly into the small area within the old brick building and float. I then remembered that i had thought about flying there when i was a student here a long time ago. I remembered looking out a window of a hallway into the brick alley, where the alley opened up into a small square paved cul-de-sac. I approached the end of the building, thinking that i should go inside. I flew into the door on the west side of the south end and headed up the flight of stairs just inside. this place reminded me of $P7, but i remembered that this was the lower-school wing of $P31. As i reached the top of the stairs, however, i realized that i had come into the pool. The walls around me were pale green and i could smell the chlorine in the air. The hall seemed narrow as i drifted back down the stairs. I could hear people moving in other parts of the building. I then thought that i could hear some people in the pool area. I wondered whether i should take a look. I wanted to see some of the high school students as they swam. I glided back up the stairs to the wedge of the half door that blocked the top of the stairs. I looked over it, but did not see the water of the pool. I was aware that there were people getting ready to swim to the right, around the corner from the door. It seemed as though they were wearing red sweat pants.

12000 October 10

I walked to the east, across the grassy area with the other person. I noticed the guitar that was standing against the old tree to the north. The guitar was left for someone to take. I thought that we should take it, but i felt unsure about it. It seemed that i should not take the guitar. I walked over to the tree with $Z and showed him the guitar. $F10 seemed to be with me as i lifted the large tan acoustic guitar. The guitar had a large deep wooden body. I felt excited when i saw it and told $F10 that the guitar was a large acoustic. I told him that the deep body style helped amplify the sound for a large room. I rolled the body of the guitar in my arms and wondered whether i should try to play it. I wanted to play something that would sound good on an acoustic, but i felt strange about playing the guitar. I told $Z that it was faux pas to play the instrument of another musician. I also still felt strange about taking the guitar. I seemed to be at the top of a set of stairs in a narrow hallway. There was a small lavatory to the east. The door was open and i could see $A166 standing in front of the white porcelain bowl sink on the south wall. He turned to look at us and said something about the guitar. The man to my right then lifted the guitar and walked to the south. He was from the guitar shop. I felt nervous about letting him take the guitar. I wondered whether he was going to take it and keep it. I felt that i had missed my opportunity to keep the guitar. I followed the man to the south. He placed the guitar on the counter and looked it over. I did not want him to hold onto it. I walked around the southern side of the rounded wooden counter of the guitar store. There were guitars and unfinished guitars hanging from the ceiling and leaning against the bottom of the counter. I walked to the east, where the doorway to the next room was. I felt upset.

I sat at the table in the classroom. It seemed that i was older than a student and that i had returned here. $A262 has handed us all a piece of paper which was a test. I had to take it, but i felt unsure of what to do. I looked over the piece of paper and realized that it was a multiple-choice test. I looked over the column of answers, but i did not know which one was correct. I focused on the text but seemed unable to make out what it said. The other students in the room then stood up from the table to my left. They brought their papers to the front of the class and left through the door on the north wall. I felt frustrated that i could not understand the questions. I thought that i should be able to answer the questions as easily as the other students. I could not figure out the exam, though. Something seemed wrong with it. I flipped over the book again. The exam was crudely wrapped around the cover of the book as though it were the dust jacket. I thought that the questions were probably on the inside flaps of the jacket and the answers were on the front. I rotated the book so that it was upright in my hands. There was still something wrong with the test. It did not make sense to me. I opened the front cover of the book and removed the test from the book. I flipped it over and looked at the answers on the other side. I then realized that i did not know where the questions were. Every part of the test i looked at seemed to have columns of answers, but there were no questions on the paper. I asked $A262 where the questions to the test were, pointing out that my paper only had answers. He took the paper in his hands and looked it over, flipping it from time to time as his brow pursed. He seemed to ask someone about it. I felt relieved that the problem i was having had a cause. $A262 started to walk somewhere with the test.

12000 October 11

I could see the elevated section of the highway as i hovered in the air to the south of it. There was a large tanker truck moving down the highway from the west. I knew that it was going to get into an accident. The truck rolled over onto its right side and skidded to a stop on the bridge. I watched as a small truck sped past it, passing under one of the large white and green tanks. As it passed under the front part of the large tank, the smaller truck knocked off a valve. Gasoline started pouring from the larger truck onto the pavement of the highway. I was not to the east of the truck, standing at the intersection where the accident had happened. I looked to the south, up the slight hill of the road. The road crossed a slightly populated area to the south. The field grass around the road seemed to be brown, but damp with moisture. I could see a man walking around the front of the overturned truck. He started to spray a white substance onto the ground. I knew that it would wash the gasoline away. I felt disappointed that this was not happening as i had expected. I then looked to the west again to see the overturned truck at the edge of the highway. Several cars were starting to drive around it. I wondered whether the gasoline would explode like i thought that it would. I thought that i should drive to the south to get out of the way. It seemed that i was in someone’s way. I wanted to see what was happening with the accident, though, and did not want to move. I started to drive south, passing the silver tanker truck which was lying on its right side on the left side of the road. I thought that i could drive down the road a little way and then turn around to get back to the accident scene. I wanted to let all of the cars behind me pass. I drove about a hundred metres down the road, looking for a place to turn around on the left side of the road. The road seemed to be under construction. The left shoulder of the road was made of freshly laid dirt, and several of the driveways off of the road were blocked by pink plastic tape. I did not want to travel that far from the scene. I was looking for some place to park my car so that i could walk back to the intersection, but i seemed to be driving too far away. I then spotted a parking lot just past a small brown diner on the left side of the road. I slowed down to turn, waiting for a car to pass in the other direction. As i pulled into the lot, i wondered whether i really wanted to walk back to the intersection. It seemed too far away and i did not know why i wanted to see the gasoline truck. I wondered what i should do. I then decided that i should probably just stay here.

I ran to the west, away from the lobby of the building. The other people were chasing me. I did not want to run down the northern hall of the building and into the lobby to the east because i knew that there would be some people watching for me. This seemed like a game. I knew the people who were after me and wanted to play a joke on them. I came to the end of the corridor on the north and turned to the south. The building was dark, and i seemed to be running in dim emergency lighting. I knew that they would be watching both the north and south corridors for me. I decided that i should run into the stairwell. There seemed to be a woman to the east, just inside one of the corridors from the lobby. I pushed open the door to the stairwell and looked at the red exit sign just inside. I knew that they would expect me to climb to one of the other floors. I decided that i would fool them and use the exit door. I could then run around the front of the building and sneak up on them from the outside. I ran down the stairs and came out the front side of the building. I started to run to the east, being cautious that no one saw me. It was dark out, and the building seemed very modern in the dim light outside. It seemed as though there were a curved driveway on front of the main entrance to the building. This place reminded me of $P83. I ran over a mound of green lawn, crouching as i moved. I thought that i would hop over the mound and hide between it and a second mound to get a look at the door. As i jumped over the first mound, i noticed that a cement path stretched from the building and ran between the mounds. The mounds blocked both sides of a doorway. I then noticed that there was a woman lying on the eastern mound. She looked over at me as i landed on the cement path. I realized that she had spotted me. She had been watching the front door of the building from behind the mount, waiting for me to come out. She was surprised to see me coming from the other direction. She laughed as she recognized me. I started to laugh as well, realizing that i had been caught.

12000 October 13

I ran into the small room only to find that the others had already arrived there. It was dark, and the walls of the room seemed dirty white. I felt frightened as the people gathered. Everyone in the room was angry. They were all bad guys, and we had been captured by them. I felt nervous at the scene. The bad guys crowded in around the three good guys. Then someone shot a gun at the good guys. I watched as the three good guys collapsed to the ground. The bad guys kept firing guns at them until they were down on the ground. Then the bag guys crowded over them. Everyone seemed to be dressed as though they were from the fifties, wearing button-up plaid shirts. The police then cam in through the door on the east and started shooting the bad guys. The room seemed to be confusing, and i could see a lot of blood covering the people and walls in the dim red light. One of the bad guys backed up against the northwest wall of the room. Two of the other bad guys stood up from the floor near him. The police aimed their gins at them, but then realized that they did not look like the other bad guys. The policeman in the tan jacket lowered his gun and told the three men to relax. The police officer thought that the three men were the good guys. I could see one of them grinning as he stood against the back wall, a crooked grin on his face as he slouched forward slightly. He was wearing a white tee shirt and a black jacket. I thought that he did not look like the other bad guys. I knew that they would plot to attack the police men. I wondered how the policemen could know about the good guys that were dead on the floor to the south. Everything was covered with red blood. I felt uncomfortable knowing that the bad guys were getting ready to do something. I wondered when the police would discover that the good guys were dead.

12000 October 14

I drove down the highway to the southeast. I looked over the top of the city to the north. It was night, but the sky was illuminated by the city lights, and there seemed to be a bright moon in the sky. This place was familiar to me. I thought that i had traveled to someplace that i had not been before. I then remembered that i knew some people in this area. I thought that i was in North Carolina. I wondered whether i should stop in t visit $F31. I remembered that he lived nearby. I looked around as i drove, thinking how i would find out where he lived. I then noticed the tall tan cliffs to the north. I was on the south side of the valley, traveling east-southeast on the highway. It was daylight, and i could see the cliff in the side of the hill on the other side of the narrow valley. The highway ran right under the bottom of the cliff. There was some sort of pattern in the rocks of the cliff which looked man made. The rock was rough and textured, and the patterns were formed by smoother sections of rock. I then remembered that there was an artist who had formed designs in the landscape. I mentioned this to $Z as i looked to the northwest, down the center of the valley through which the highway came. I spotted a grey cliff to the north of me which had a thick pale line formed on the lower section of it. I realized that the highway had been raised so that it crossed through the center of the cliff. I thought that the embankment must have been build over one of the designs. I told the other person that no one from the highway would be able to see this particular design. I then hopped over the short patch of grass to the crumbling cement wall. The wall was slanted away from me and had a checkerboard pattern on its surface. Small sprigs of grass were growing up through some of the cracks in the cement. This was part of the high way embankment. It seemed old and worn. It felt different to be here. I knew that i was in someplace that i was not familiar with. I turned around to face the road, where my car was. There was grass growing in the deposited gravel of the drainage ditch which separated me from the road. There seemed to be a slight mount of earth on the road side of the ditch which had patches of the tan cement stone showing through from underneath it. I then noticed a small creature moving to my right. I looked over to the ground to see a small black elongated figure move up the slant of the embankment, scurrying from a line of weeds and into a clearing in the center of one of the cement tiles. Its body had a slight reddish hue to it. I then realized that it was a scorpion. I was unaware that there were scorpions in this area. I imagined $A31 saying something about them. I watched the scorpion as it moved into the clearing of a cement tile. It had large rounded claws, like a crab, and a very short, shield-shaped body. The tail was narrow and projected straight out from the body. I thought that this scorpion did not look like the ones from out west. I thought for a moment about collecting one as a specimen. The animal turned to the south. A second scorpion came out of the weeds in front of the first. It was narrow and long, reminding me of the tail of a dragon fly. They were moving around each other. I could see the bulbous stinger at the end of the tail of one of the scorpions. This scorpions did not look like the others i had seen from the western United States. I remembered that they were just as small, but were tan and had shorter tails and smaller claws. These were shaped more like oriental scorpions, but were a lot smaller. I wondered whether there were scorpions all over the area. I thought that i should collect one of the scorpions as a specimen. I thought that they man only be indigenous to this area. I thought that i should be careful. I looked down to see a small scorpion to my left. I decided that i should leave. I hopped back across the ditch and started for the car. I then imagined that there might be someone else with me. It seemed to be my mother. I tried to tell her to jump away quickly, but she was confused. She was wearing a pair of blue sandals, and i thought that she might get bitten. I urged her to move quickly, but she became frightened and confused and did not know what to do. I imagined that i would have to grab her and forcibly drag her over the rocks to where she would be safe. I started to float, knowing that it would be safer not to step on the ground. I moved to the south as i floated, across the large area inside of the structure. This place seemed to be a hotel. I had just woken up and was drifting across the large central room of my suit. The place was clean and well kept. The east wall was covered with a large window that was covered with heavy drapes. There seemed to be people walking outside of the drawn curtains to the southeast. I floated through the room, turning corners around the furnishings. I thought that it was easy to control the flight and wondered why others were not able to do it. I stopped and hovered in the center of the corridor. There was someone else with me. I felt glad that i was able to fly and wondered how i could stay aloft without having to put my feet down. I thought about moving forward again. I focused my concentration and seemed to strain in the center of my torso. I started forward. I wondered how long i would be able to float since i knew it took both concentration and energy.

12000 October 15

I sat on the bus with the other people. It seemed dark outside, and we were heading someplace. I felt alert, as though something was not quite right. I was on the left side of the bus, behind the driver. There seemed to be something dangerous around us. I looked out the back window of the bus to see the tree branches coming toward us. We were traveling backwards. I remembered that we had done this before. It was the way that we were getting away from someone. I remembered the branches slapping against the back window of the bus. Something seemed different this time, though. The actions were not the same as they had been before. I looked at my mother, who was on the bus. I felt uncomfortable. Something about this situation was not correct. We were standing on the front deck of the building. I looked to the north, down the long wooden gang plank that led from the building to the ground. Several people were walking down it. It seemed as though we had come here for a reason. It was daylight, and i felt unsure as to what i should do. I had to go to the north, where the others had been. That was the direction we had traveled in the bus. This situation was not correct. I walked to the north, into the back of the apartment, where the living room was. Everything in the room seemed familiar. I remembered that we had rented this room several times in the past. I wondered who had rented it this time. I what i would tell them i they came back and found me in the room. I felt slightly nervous about being here. I walked to the northwest corner of the room. There was a blind over the full-length window on the west wall. The window continued on the north wall. I knew that there was a good view of the lake outside. The apartment seemed nicely furnished and clean. I turned to the east and continued through the apartment. I could hear voices from the hall and wondered whether the owners were coming back. The living room extended across the entire northern side of the apartment. The room was dimly lighted from the diffuse light that managed to slip through the blinds on the western window. I walked to the south, stepping up the small step into the dining area. The kitchen seemed to be in the center of the south side of the apartment. The entrance corridor ran down one side of the kitchen and the dining room was on the other. I passed the modern design of the table in the center of the room and came to the south end. I listened to the voices and thought that someone was coming into the apartment. I thought that i might be able to slip out of the room once they had come in. I walked past the furry brown and tan cat that was crouched on the west side of the dining room. It scurried into the living room as i past. I looked through the kitchen to see shadows moving on the wall of the entrance hall, just inside the door. I realized that the voices were coming from outside. No one had entered the apartment. I wondered whether the voices were from the people renting the apartment. I thought that i would have to walk by them if i ran out of the room. I decided that they were people just passing by. I crossed through the kitchen and ran out the door. I was on a dirt path that ran along the outside of the apartment building. The building was old and seemed to be designed like a barn. The wood on the outside was unpainted and weather worn. There was a man standing just to the west on the path. He seemed to be a farmer wearing a white tee shirt and blue overalls. He greeted me and asked me a few questions. I said hello and then noticed the tan and brown cat walking past me on the path. The cat crawled under a small wooden structure which seemed to be some type of farm equipment. There was a larger white and orange cat on the top of the equipment. The white and orange cat crawled between the top two layers of wood and reached its head out to sniff the first cat. The first cat looked up at the second cat and sniffed the air. They were being friendly to each other. I noticed that there was a wooden block attached to the top part of the wooden structure just below the white and orange cat. It seemed as though it could slide all the way for the front of the structure, following the curve of the thin wooden supports. I worried that the block could slide forward and hit the grey and brown cat on the back. I grabbed the block, but realized that it only slid forward a little way. It was secured to the top of the structure. I mentioned my worry to the farmer. He smiled and agreed that it was not really a problem.

12000 October 17

I got out of my car in front of the small wooden house. The place looked somewhat run down. The wood siding on the small housed was not painted and had turned dark grey from the weather. I looked over the table that was in front of the house. It was covered with old kettles and pots. There seemed to be a sign on the table that said that the stuff was free. I walked along the north side of the table, looking over the items that were collected on it. Many of them appeared to be metal. I looked over several dirty dinner dishes and some various china ornaments. As i looked over the items on the table, i became aware of someone watching me from the south. I could not see who they were, but they were near the house. I felt uncomfortable, as though the person in the house was dangerous. I saw a large silver pot on the top of the table and thought that i should take it. I felt hesitant, though, wondering whether the people in the house would get angry. Something seemed wrong. I took the pot and started to walk to the north. I then realized that there was a car near the house, which was starting to come toward me. I knew that it could not drive directly at me. There was a large paved parking lot on front of the house, but there was a short grassy hill between me and the north edge of it. The car would have to drive around to the west to come after me. I got back into my car and started to drive away. I had to get away from the people in the car. I knew that they would get stuck trying to cross the grass, which would give me time to get away.

I looked over the dishes on the long table that was on the front lawn of the small red house. I felt slightly uncomfortable about being here. I then noticed the large flower pot, which was overturned on the table. I knew that it was dangerous. It was a red ceramic pot, and i felt that there was a snake under it. It was some type of trap. I tipped over the pot, which was now on the ground, carefully and the large brown snake slithered out, lifting its head from the ground. I felt frightened of the snake and ran to the south, back toward the house. The snake started to chase me.

12000 October 18

I walked away from the small country town. The grass around me was wet and yellow, and there was a stream to the south of me which curved as it traveled to the west. I thought about setting a trail down the edge of the creek. I walked along the north edge of the creek, dropping dollops of flour on the ground. I looked to the east, noticing that there was an old cement wall which extended out into the water. It was wide enough for people to walk on. I thought that i should set the trail along the cement wall. I looked at the crumbling surface of the cement wall as i moved along it. I walked out into the water. I looked ahead to see that there were large rocks under the water. I thought that the water was rather high and wondered how the people running the trail would be able to cross without getting their feet wet. I knew that it was cold out and did not want to set a trail that went through the water. I walked over the rocks, careful not to get my feet wet. I thought for a moment that it was possible to step across the small stream. I looked back over the water to see a small brown rock just under the surface of the water. I thought that i should put a mark on it, but realized that it would get washed away before the run. I then thought that the run would not be for another week and wondered whether i should be setting a trail so soon. I thought that the marks might get washed away in the rain that was now starting to fall

12000 October 19

I was in the cafeteria, and there were metal coolers and dispensers to the north of me. The slide for lunch trays ran along the front of the appliances, heading to the cashier, to the east. There were three or four people standing in the line, though they did not seem to be waiting to head to the cashier. The woman was wearing a creamy-orange sweater. I stood to the south of the group, watching. I was aware that i was also one of the people in the line. I then noticed that $A15 was at the front of the line. He was talking to the others. I felt interested in talking to him, though i was not sure what i would say.

12000 October 20

I ran to the west, through the center of the large town. The place seemed like $P6, but there seemed to be hills to the south, at the edge of the urban area. I felt as though i were lost and was looking for something. The air seemed dry, and the sun shined down over the tops of the city buildings. Everything seemed very plain as i moved through the city streets. I could not figure out where i was going. I remembered that the hospital was in the center of the city, but it had been a long time since i had been here. This place was familiar, but i was not sure that i was heading in the correct direction. I thought that i had to get to the running trail on the north side of town. I could then get out of the traffic of the city. I started up the slope of the street to the west. There was a large building to the south of me, in the center of the city block. There seemed to be a few other people with me as i pushed the wheelchair up the hill toward the intersection. I wondered for a moment whether i would be able to push the wheelchair up the hill, but then decided that i was strong enough. It felt easy to keep the chair moving. I passed under a section of building which stretched over the wide city street. It seemed to be a walkway. It felt cooler under the walkway, once i was out of the sun. A city bus rolled past me as i started to struggle up the hill. I turned to the south, crossed the street and headed into the large brick building which took up the city block. The building seemed like an old school which had been turned into a mall. I moved quickly through the corridors, trying to maneuver through the building. I felt like i was having fun. I glided through the white halls until came out the east side of the building. I turned to the north an rounded the north side of the building. It seemed that this part of the building had been converted into restaurant. There were several tables on the street. I walked casually past, so that no one might suspect that i had been running through the building.

I sat on the old dull-red couch along the north wall of the small living room. The room seemed run down. There was a large woman sitting in the center of the couch as i sat on the east side. She had a big body, a round face, and dark black hair. She almost seemed occidental. The man sat on the other side of her as i spoke. There seemed to be something important to the woman. She then mentioned the Anananche. I remembered the name, but could not remember who they were. I knew that it was something important. The woman seemed to be very wise. The man agreed with her, but seemed suspicious of me. I acted as though i knew to whom she was referring. I thought about the name “Anananche”, tying to remember who they were. I thought that i would have to figure it out later.

12000 October 21

I was in the front of the large grocery store. I had just walking in from the entrance, which was on the south end of the west wall. It was a large square opening, as though it led into a larger mall. The store seemed crowded with items and seemed old fashioned. There was something about the style, which reminded me of a older grocery store. I walked across the south wall, which was the front of the store. There was a woman with me. I had come back into the store to see how she was doing. A couple walked from the east along the south wall. They seemed familiar, and i realized that they were famous. The man was Richard Starkley and the woman was his wife. There seemed to be a young girl with them as they walked. It seemed strange that such a famous person would be in this store. I thought that they must be from the area and know the grocer. A man from the store walked over to greet them as i started to the north, through one of the narrow aisles between some registers. The people that i had come with were just getting ready to leave the store, but i had to find something. I heard the manager greet Richard; “Hello Mr. Lupus.” I smiled as the name, realizing that they were not using their real names. Richard greeted the store keeper and they talked for a moment. The woman that i had been with called to me as she started to leave the store. I told her that i would be right with her as i wandered toward the west wall of the store. The wall was crowded with merchandise, but there was a doorway in the center of the shelves. I wondered whether the tan wooden door was the way to the lavatories. I had to urinate and though that i would do so before i left the store. I wondered whether there were public lavatories in the store. I thought that i could use the ones here anyway since i was familiar with the people in the store. I reached the wall just north of the doorway and headed south. As i reached the door, i realized that it was set back into the shelves of merchandise. The corridor between the shelves seemed very narrow, but i thought i could squeeze through. I slipped through the doorway an into an old hallway which ran to the south. The hall way was constructed of brick. The brick seemed to form arches which ran down the narrow corridor. The walls were painted with several thick coats of paint, the newest coat being pale yellow. I followed the corridor to the south, and then around the corner to the southwest. There was light ahead, as though from a window. I rounded the corner and came into an area which opened to the southeast. The walls were all brick, and seemed very old, as though the building had been build a long time ago. I walked into the room to see the toilet stalls along the south wall. As i approached one of them, i realized that the toilet was clogged. The place looked very dirty. There was dark shit covering the toilet bowl and spattered on the floor. I backed away and let the door close. I wondered why they owners of the store had not cleaned the area. I thought that i would have to use one of the other toilets, but i now noticed that the entire place seemed unused and dirty. I felt unclean here, but still had to urinate.

12000 October 22

I was on the city street where the cars had exploded. There were several agents standing around in tan trench coats, trying to figure out what had happened. A person next to me was mentioned the names of several of the drivers to one of the agents. I remembered this scene from somewhere else. It was if i had seen it in a movie. I thought that this had happened before. I remembered the man in the street where the cars were. He was wearing blue jeans. He placed a bag of sugar near one of the cars. I knew that the sugar could act as an explosive it properly used. I felt panicked as i realized that i was too near the cars. the explosion was about to occur. I crouched down near the edge of the street, trying to get below something. The cars then exploded. There was a large dog walking on the side of the street who just happened to be in front of me as the cars exploded. I realized that i had survived the explosion because the dog had blocked the flying debris from hitting me. This had happened before as well. I then felt as though all of this had happened before. I remembered trying to figure out what had happened at the explosion at an earlier time. My vision became cloudy and changed, as though part of flashback in a movie. My father was burying the dog in the back yard of the house. I thought that it would be hiding the evidence. I felt upset that the dog had died. I thought that it should not have happened that way.

I walked across the dark empty room in the lower floor of the cabin. It seemed that i was in the forest with some of the others. I thought that i should hide somewhere, but i knew that i had to get something. I wanted to sneak outside and escape, but i felt that there was some danger. I then remembered that there was a tiger outside in the forest. It was guarding the house. I felt trapped and wondered how i would be able to get away. I could not let the people catch me again. I then started to float. I had to escape, and i felt as though i had some secret power which might allow me to do it. I could simply change what i was. I passed through the walls of the cabin and floated out into the night sky. I knew that the others would never suspect that i was able to accomplish such a feat. I felt very relaxed as i started to drift to the north. I decided that i would have to fly to Canada to get away from them. I started over the tops of the pine forest. I thought that i had been staying at $A96’s place when they had found me. I had come because i thought he might understand the physics of what i was doing. Now i would have to get to a place where they could not reach me. I thought Canada would be safe.

12000 October 23

I walked into the back room of my parents’ house. It seemed late in the evening, and my father was walking out the back door. As i walked north across the room, i could see him out the large window as he headed up the driveway to the garage. My mother was on the couch along the north wall. She spoke to me and i replied. I knew that the sky was a strange red colour along the eastern horizon. It had been clear and warm all day, but i remembered dark clouds coming from the east. I told my mother that there was a storm coming and that it was supposed to get really cold. I looked to the east to see the leading edge of a dark grey mass of clouds just over the edge of the roof. I had been watching them since they were low on the horizon. The cloud layer was thin and seemed high in elevation. It had an uneven leading edge with several jagged points. My mother said that she did not know about the storm a and seemed to become worried. I asked her whether we should close the windows. I noticed the white curtains blow in the wind to the east of me. I walked over to the window and pulled the bottom part of the window shut. I then noticed that there were two light-brown latches on the top of the window. I told my mother that i would latch them. I then mentioned that i usually had the windows in my house latched. I knew that she did not have to do so because she lived out in the country. I knew that the storm would start to cool the air very soon, so i thought that i would go around the house and close all of the windows. I walked along the north wall of the second floor of the house. As i reached the north wall of my parents’ bedroom, i noticed that there were green vines growing up the inside of the screen in the lower part of the window. I squatted down in front of the window and tried to pull some of the wines off of the screen. They seemed to have woody stems and would not break easily. They were covered with thick green leaves. I wondered why my parents had let the house get so overgrown. I could see images move near the garage out of the corner of my eye as i tried to pick the vines off of the screen. They were of my parents. It seemed that my father was wearing something red. I could not get the vines off of the screen. I then realized that several of the small branches had grown through the wall of the house and were sprouting on the inside of the window. I tried to pull them out but could not break the stems. I decided that i would pull them away from the window and close the window. If they were noticeable inside the window then maybe my parents would do something about them. I had to get the window shut.

12000 October 24

I got onto the bus with the other people. I seemed to be in $P84. The air was cool, but the leaves were still green and thick. I sat on the left side of the bus, just behind the driver as we started to head to the north. The person to my left was speaking. He mentioned something about where the bus went. I looked at the back of the bus driver and realized that he was $A116, but i did not say anything to him. As the man spoke about where the bus was heading, i started to realize that i was not on the correct bus. I looked up at the black number painted on the inside of the bus to see that i was on route 90. This bus seemed to be heading north. I leaned into the aisle of the bus and said hello to the bus driver. I asked him whether he remembered me. He said that he did and said hello. I asked him where the bus was going, and he told me that it was heading up through $P85. I told him that i was on the wrong bus. I was heading to the factory. I asked him whether the bus passed by the factories, but he said that it did not. I said that i would have to get off at a bus stop and grab a different bus. I wondered where i would be able to do so.

12000 October 25

I remembered what had happened to the middle-aged man as i watched the people move in front of the wooden seats of the auditorium. The man had died of a heart attack. I watched him walk away from the front row of seats in the theatre. He was wearing tan slacks and a white and blue sweater. He seemed a little fat and had a worried look on his face. I knew that he had died because something from the chair had killed him by accident. the chair was rigged with small electrical charges. I watched the woman jump up from the chair, her hips tugging the rest of her body out of the seat as she held onto her large black hat with her left hand. She was wearing a black dress with a white scarf. It seemed as though she were dressed for church. The woman laughed and spoke to the second woman who was standing up. They walked toward me. The stage of the auditorium was to the north, and i was facing west. The center aisle of the room was just in front of me, and the electric seat was a couple of seats before the aisle from me in the front row of seats. I watched as a few more women in nice dresses sat in the chair. I thought about the man who died from the shock. His heart could not take the small voltage. I walked down the aisle toward the chair. A couple of people walked to the west of the chair and sat down. I was not walking to the north in the central aisle, and the chair was to my left. It was the second chair in from the aisle to the west. I was in the middle of the auditorium. I stood in the aisle looking at the chair as the other people started to collect in the room. Every one was being seated. I thought about sitting down in the chair, but was worried that the shock might hurt too much. I wondered how it would affect me. I was hesitant about sitting in the row, but the older man and woman looked up at me from their seats. There were also people moving in the aisle, and i felt as though i was in the way. I walked down the row where the seat was and carefully sat down. There was a man to my right who moved into the row after me. I tried to feel the electric shock in the chair, but could not. I wondered whether it would affect me. The couple mentioned something to me. I then focused on the young man to my right. He seemed familiar. He sat very close to me and kept looking at me. He smiled and asked me whether he had met me before. I looked at him and thought that he was attractive. I wondered whether he was trying to get close to me. I felt interested in him but was aware of the older couple watching us. I tried not to act attracted to him or express that i was happy that he was interested in me. I told him that he looked familiar to me. I looked at his head and asked whether he used to have long curly hair. I could see that his light blonde hair was curly now, but it was too short to curl as much as i remembered. He smiled and nodded his head, saying something to me. I asked whether i had met him in Australia. I could remember someone i had met there who had long blonde curly hair. I remember being attracted to him. I asked him whether he was at the hotel in Australia. He said that he was. I said that i remembered meeting him there. I said “I was at the restaurant at the top of the hotel, and you were... at the hotel.” My words were slow and careful. I was aware of the two people standing behind us as we drove over the roof of the tall building. We were on the west side of the roof heading north when we turned to the right and started down the long ramp that led to the lower section of the roof to the east. There was another ambulance ahead of us that had reached the corner on the east side of the roof and was about to head up the ramp for us. It waited until we passed before it started forward again. I turned to the other person as i walked to the southeast across the wood floor of the large room of the house. We were still moving. I felt excited to be with the other person as i moved into the center of the room. This was an old house, but the interior was nicely kept up. I spoke to the others as the house traveled down the road. I spotted my mother standing behind a tall fancy chair. The chair was red with a polished wood frame. She said something, and i replied. I then looked through the tall window in the wall behind her. The multi-paned window went all the way up to the ceiling and had a white frame. Through the window, i could see thing moving past the house. A wide green lawn with a large brick mansion in the center of it moved slowly across the window. We were turning a corner near the house. I then realized that there was no inertia within the house as we moved. It felt very strange to be turning the corners without being able to feel anything. The view outside the window rotated again, but i felt as though i were standing still.

12000 October 26

I spoke to the other person on the telephone as i paced in front of the small house. The building was old and run down. It was a new house that i had just bought. The front was very small and only one story high. It had wood shingling which was weather worn and dark grey from deterioration. The front of the house faced south. I knew that there was a large room off the back of the house which used to be a porch. The walls on that section of the house were thin and had no insulation. I paced around in the back room of the house as i spoke to the other person. As i spoke, i noticed that the floor boards of the house were weak and rotting. They sagged with my weight. I looked down as i said something to the other person on the telephone. I could see that there were spaces between the boards where edges of the boards had rotted away. I could see reflections of light from water below. I hoped that the boards did not break. I then noticed that the boards were very thin, and i could see the water sitting on the muddy ground below. I thought that these boards would have to be replaced. I knew that this house was in very bad shape and would need a lot of fixing. I complained to the person on the telephone. I was then standing outside of the house, on the east side. The house seemed larger than it had before. As i spoke into the hose which i held in front of my mouth, i noticed a pool of water growing on the cement floor just inside the door to my right. I realized that the water was draining from the hose that i was holding. I called to the other person through the hose. I tried to hold the hose lower than the floor of the room inside of the house, which was already at my waist level when i stood up. I moved back and forth, trying to keep the telephone lower than the kitchen. I looked back into the old house to see that the water was not bubbling up as quickly. I then wondered whether i would still be able to talk to the other person is the water drained out of the hose. I thought that it might be the water in the hose which was allowing my voice to travel.

I bushed the mower up the east side of my parents house. It seemed late in the year, yet i knew that the grass would have to be mowed once again. It had been so warm. I looked to the south, into the large open field and could see the green field grass growing between the small weeds. I thought that the wet weather and the warm climate had allowed the grass to grow more than it normally would have at this time of year. I pushed the manual mower to the north. As i moved along the west edge of the driveway, i could see the rotating cylinder of blades cut through the heavy green grass. It made a noise as it passed over the taller grass. I moved it to the left, over shorter grass and noticed that it made very little noise. I walked to the east, along the front of the barn at the top of the driveway. As i reached the west side of the barn, i realized that there was an uneven patch of ground on the south side of the barn. It had rocks sticking out of it and the grass seemed taller there. I wondered whether i had mowed it before. As i looked to the east, moving the mower over some of the tall grass, i started to wonder whether i had actually mowed this section all year. I did not remember doing so and wondered how i could have forgotten it. I decided that i had mowed to the edge of the driveway and then returned to the front yard to trim the rest of the grass there. I thought that i could easily have bypassed the back section. I mowed to the east, along the front of the barn. There was a gravel trail along the edge of the stalls which had loose straw and wood chips on it. No grass grew here, but i wanted to cut along the edge of the stalls. There was a horse inside which shook its head up and down as i passed. I was then inside one of the stalls. There seemed to be two small narrow stalls on the east side of the barn, one in front of the other. The one to the north had a rack of hay in the northeast corner. There were short wooden walls dividing the stalls. I pushed the mower into the stall, trying to cut the grass that was growing there. I noticed that the horse in the larger stall to the west watched me nervously. It was weary of the mower. As i turned around to head back out of the barn, i noticed that the walls of the stall swung open. The door between the two smaller stalls, which was the western half of the dividing wall between the two stalls, had swung open and into the southern stall. There was a horse in the southern stall. I wondered how it had gotten there. I thought that it must have passed through the door as it opened. I wanted to push the door open again, which would block the horse into the eastern half of the front stall. I was afraid that the horse would get upset, though, and not give me enough time to lock the door. I worried that i could not get out of the barn. I then reached over the wall and pet the horse on the side of its face. The horse seemed calm, so i unlatched the door and started to swing it to the east. I held onto the horse’s head, petting its face as i slowly moved the door into position.

12000 October 27

The main street ran east to west through the center of the low buildings. This place seemed to be part of a school or a campus. There seemed to be some other people to the west of me, walking down the dark street, which seemed like an unlighted corridor in the elementary-school building. There was something dangerous about this place, though. All of the people were being rounded up and taken some where. I thought that i should escape before i was captured. I walked to the south, trying to act calm. Others walked past me, but i did not look at them. The soldiers were moving the people to someplace in the main corridor. I walked down the corridor to the south where it was darker. As i rounded the south end of the building, i looked behind me. I could not see anyone around me. I started to run across the grass, down the south side of the long building. I had to try to get to the gate on the west wall. I cautiously jogged along the building, watching out for others. I remembered doing this before. I thought that this event had occurred in a dream of mine. I remembered that the last time i did this, there was someone watching from one of the windows in the building. The man spotted me as i passed and the soldiers captured me. I crouched as i ran, watching the windows pass to my left. I did not see anyone in any of the windows. I tried to stay low enough that i was below the windows. I looked down the side of the building. The building was made of rough tan bricks, and the window casings were metal. The light from inside the rooms was a warm yellow, and there seemed to be curtains on most of the windows. I passed a few doorways on the wall, but mostly there were only large classroom windows. I thought that i was coming to the west end of the building, where all of the kindergarten classrooms were. I wondered whether the man would see me this time. I could see the chain-link fence on the western edge of the property. I hoped that the gate on the main road was clear. I then thought that there would be guards at the gate. I stopped at the edge of the building and crouched low to the ground. There were soldiers on the south side of the building. I would not be able to escape over the fence. I was lying on my right side on the ground in front of the building. I could hear someone coming. I thought that i could stay very still and maybe they would not notice me. My right arm was stretched forward of my head, along the side of the building. I lied with my feet against the building and let my left hand fall over the side of my torso. There seemed to be a black cloak over my body. I hoped that it was enough to hide my features. I shifted my weight, noticing that the flashlight that i had been carrying was on. I did not want to shift my position enough to turn it off, so i moved my torso to lay on top of it, hiding its light. I leaned back against the wall and tried to remain still. From under the edge of the cloak, i could see the woman in the dark uniform walk past with the dog. The dog paid little attention to me as they rounded the corner. I suddenly focused on my breathing. I realized that i was breathing through my nose. I wondered whether it was loud enough to be heard by the dog. I thought that i should breath through my mouth, but i did not want to change where i was breathing for feat that it would make too much noise. I thought that it was good that i was not sleeping here because i might start to snore. I wondered whether i could act like a vagrant if the woman came over. I thought that i could moan like i was drunk and hope that she would pass by. I then realized that the woman had walked to the east without noticing me. I wondered what i should do. I noticed that the light from the flashlight was shining on the fence to the west. I quickly tried to turn it off. I felt the plastic surface of the light with my left hand. The light was more narrow vertically than it was wide and had flat sides with rounded corners. The ends of the light were rounded. There was a rough black plastic switch on both the top and bottom of the light at both ends. I moved the button toward the end of the light, but a white beam emerged from the light. I quickly turned it off and tried another switch. I had to turn off the yellow glow before the guards spotted me. I felt anxious and i moved my hand over the light looking for the right switch. I then felt the switch on the bottom of the light and realized that it had three positions. I had moved it from the lowest position to the highest, changing it from one light to another. What i had to do was stop in the middle position. I switched off the light and laid back down on the ground. I wondered whether any one could see me. I wondered how long i should stay on the ground. It seemed like i had been there a long time. I could see the line of trees and undergrowth to the south. I thought that i might be able to run into the woods. I knew that there was a fence just into the vegetation, but i thought that there were breaks in it from the school children. I imagined a dirt path which ran along the inside of the fence. At the break in the fence, it joined up with the trails in the woods. I thought that this would be a good way to escape. I wondered whether i could be heard by the guards as i climbed through the trees. I ran to the east and found myself in a dark corridor. I looked along the south wall, realizing that the fence in the woods did not stretch that far. I came all the way back to the eastern end of the corridor. I decided that i would have to take one of the doors on the south wall. Out the window on the eastern wall, i could see modern buildings. It seemed to be grey and foggy outside. The light from the sky was dim, as though it were early in the morning. It seemed as though were sere several floors up. I thought about this happening before in the scene. I knew that there should be a set of stairs that lead down. I could take them to escape. I walked back along the south wall to the west, checking the grey metal doors. There was an elevator on the east end of the hall, but i walked past it and a few other doors to the second elevator. I pressed the button for the elevator and looked down the corridor to the west to see if anyone was coming. I started to feel unsafe here and thought that a guard would be coming at any minute. I remembered this happening before. The small yellow arrows on either side of the metal elevator doors lighted. The arrows pointed up. I was impatient and did not want to wait. I wondered whether this is how the dream went before. I moved to the west, checking some of the doors in the corridor. The elevator was not going to open soon. The first door i opened seemed to be a janitors closet. I could hear the hum of machines to the left as i looked into the dark room. I realized that one of these rooms must have a set of stairs that led down. I closed the grey metal door of the room and moved down the corridor to the next one. I was now in a narrow access hall which ran parallel to the hall that i was in. There was only a thin dividing wall between the two. I knew that someone was coming. I quickly ran into the next room. It was a locker room. There was a metal dividing wall just inside of the door which was attached to the west wall of the room. All of the walls of the room were covered with two levels of small grey lockers. A thick column of lockers stood in the middle of the room. It was centered more to the southeast. There was a wooden bench on the south side of the dividing wall and one on either side of the center column of lockers. I jumped up onto the wooden bench behind the dividing wall as the woman came into the room. She was a guard. I wondered whether i was hidden well enough. I realized that there were men’s underwear scattered on the floor with the white towels. I thought that this might discourage the woman from coming farther into the room. She had a dog with her on a leash. It was a golden retriever. They turned and left the room. Then, the woman who was with me ran after them. She quickly opened the door to the room and peeked around the corner to see whether the guard was out of sight. I knew that she had acted too quickly and thought that the guard might see her. The woman made a panicked sound and ran back into the room. The guard came in after her. I thought that i should act. I jumped over the dividing wall and jumped at the guard. I thought for a moment that i was the dog, guarding the woman who was trying to escape. I knocked the guard to the ground and the woman and i left the room. We ran down the corridor to the west. I could see the exit door on the west end of the hall. It had a white sign over it with red letters on it. I told the woman that she just had to get to the door. As we reached the west end of the corridor, i cautiously stopped at the corner and looked to the northwest to see if anyone was coming from the main door to the building. I waved my left hand, motioning the woman to stop behind me. I could see that someone was coming toward me. I told the woman that i would distract him while she escaped. I knew that i would not be suspected by these people. I walked out into the brightly lighted front hall. The light was warm and seemed to be coming in through windows on the west wall. The western corridor was well polished and made of a yellowish-tan stone. The man who was approaching me was wearing a dark blue business suit. It was $A265. I walked to the west side of him and greeted him. As he shook my hand, i felt the finger nail on his thumb scrape the inside of my right palm. I made a noise to let him know that i felt something uncomfortable. I had to keep his attention while the woman sneaked past him in the corridor. I asked $A265 what he had done with his fingernails. He looked down at our hands in question. I glanced up to see that the woman was slowly walking along the east wall of the corridor, watching us cautiously. I kept talking to $A265, trying to keep his attention while the woman escaped.

I walked down the street to the east. $F4 was with me. I thought about the people around us and how we were out of place here. I remembered this scene from before. I thought that it was some kind of a game. We would have to escape from the compound before any one could catch us. We walked along the side walk on the south side of the suburban street. The leaves on the trees shifted in the wind of the bright sunny day. There was a large wooden house to the south of us. I thought that we would have to round the house and sneak past the people who were guarding this place. We could not let them catch us. I explained what had happened before to $F4. I remembered sneaking along the building in the dark. I seemed excited to play this game again. We rounded the eastern end of the street. There was an open field to the south and east of us. It seemed to be an old factory yard that had grown over. The ground seemed covered with gravel which had tall field grass growing through it. Across the bowl of the field was an old abandoned cement building. The windows seemed broken and trees grew across the front of the walls. $F4 and i walked down the slope of the path into the field. I wondered whether anyone could see us from the building. We were not allowed to be spotted as we tried to escape. There was an old man in the center of the field as we approached. He asked what we were doing. He seemed older and was wearing a red plaid flannel shirt. I felt slightly cautious of him. We explained that we were just traveling. I knew that we could outsmart him and continue with the game. I hoped that he did not try to capture us. He then walked back to the cement building. I felt cautious of the building, aware that there were others inside. I hoped that they were not watching us. We started down the trail to the west. He had to make it to the other side of the area without being caught. It was sunny out and the field was full of green leafy plants. As i turned down the dirt trail to the west i noticed a young man walking in front of us. I felt suddenly alert, aware that he was one of the people who could turn us in. He was tall and thin, and was not wearing a shirt. He had short curly black hair and walked with his head slightly forward. I stopped suddenly behind him and he looked over his right shoulder at us. I noticed that he was nicely muscled and had smooth skin. It was apparent that he had strong chest and shoulders. He started to turn back when he realized who we were. He turned around quickly to face us. I looked at $F4 and then jumped at the man. I thought that we could subdue him so that he could not alert others to our presence. $F4 watch as i dragged the man to the ground. I then wondered whether $F4 was going to help me. I did not think that i could overpower the man by myself. I felt excited to wrestle him, though.

12000 October 28

I rode in the back seat of the small truck. There were two bench seats behind the driver and passenger seat, both were filled with people. We were all traveling somewhere. The street on which we were driving seemed to be at the edge of a suburban area. It was wide and had shops and houses on either side. I felt somewhat excited about being with these people. I then noticed that there was a young man standing at the front of the van. He was not wearing a shirt and stood facing the back of the van. He was covered with sweat. I thought that he must have been exercising in the van. I then wondered how he was able to work up such a sweat in the confined area of the van. There was no place to work out. I looked at the small lines of water that ran down his chest. He was nicely built. I looked over the details of his chest muscles as he walked to the passenger’s side of the van. He seemed to be getting ready to do something, and i wondered what it was. He seemed to have something in his hand. As he walked past some of the people, i noticed that he was not wearing any clothing at all. I thought that he was going to streak down the street. He walked out the side of the van. I looked out the back window to see him walk into a paved parking lot on the right side of the street. He seemed hesitant to throw what he was carrying, but he moved out of sight around a building for a moment as he dumped a bucket of something. I thought that he was throwing it at a yellow sports car. The bus that we were in suddenly started moving forward as the man started running away. He ran toward us. I then noticed a heavy man on roller blades. I told the people in the front of the bus that the store owner had roller blades and that he would catch the man. I looked hack to see that the man was running in a zigzag pattern. The person on the skates did not seem able to catch him. The man approached the but, but the bus started forward again. I wondered why the driver was moving farther down the road. I thought that it might be so that the people in the area would not think that the man was from the bus.

I put on my clothes and looked out the back window of my house. I could see my neighbour on his lawn tractor. He was mowing over a section of my back lawn. I walked out over the lawn when i noticed that he was mowing through the heavy leaves that had fallen from the tree in the center of the yard. I wondered why he was mowing up the leaves in my yard. I thought that he might be upset that i was no doing it and decided to do it himself. I pushed the small hand mower along the side of the tree as i watched my neighbour drive his tractor around in a circle and then leave my lawn. He did not see me. I moved into the back lawn, looking over the scattering of yellow leaves that had fallen on the ground. I did not want to clean them up. It did not seem like leaves should be disposed of. I looked around to see that the ground was covered with several layers of leaves. I thought that the leaves could simply be chopped up in the spring. I did not think that they would ruin the growth of the grass. As i looked to the northwest, i noticed a large trunk of a willow tree lying near the road. I thought that it must have fallen in the wind storm. I turned to the north to see my neighbour driving his mower around the front of my house. He was circling in the northeast corner of the yard. I suddenly thought that i did not want him to see me. I thought that i should push my small mower back to the garage and go inside. I started to pull the hand mower toward the house, realizing that i was on the back edge of the back yard. I grouched a little so that it would be harder for my neighbour to see me over the small hill in the yard. He no longer seemed to be moving in the front yard. I tried to pull the mower behind the tall willow in the middle of the back yard where he could not see me, but i was having trouble doing do. I could not move that fast. It seemed to take a very long time just to move a little way. I was frustrated that i could not get out of sight quickly enough. I then decided that dragging the mower behind me was taking too much time. I had to move forward and them pull the mower toward me before i could move again. I swung the mower in front of me, thinking that i could simply push it with out having to stop. I ended up behind a small line of leafless trees on the north end of the yard, next to the road. I looked at the large number of leaves on the ground. The drainage ditch on the side of the road was filled with orange spade-shaped leaves. The ditch started where i was standing, at the end of the line of trees, and ran along the road to the east. I decided that i should pull the mower back to the house, but suddenly realized that i would have to drag it down into the ditch. I looked to the south, wondering whether i would have to drag it all the way around the end of the line of trees. I thought i might be able to squeeze it between the smaller trees on the end of the line and the edge of the grassy ditch. I walked back to the house, noticing $A166 in the driveway. He was wearing a dark blue business suit with a white shirt. He was holding a cellular phone to his ear with his right hand. I then remembered that i had to get dressed quickly. I was heading to Japan with $A166 for a business meeting. I pulled the mower next to the house and walked into the door which was to the right of the garage door. The door led into a narrow access corridor which had a cement floor and grey walls. $A166 followed me. I thought about the flight to Japan. I wondered how long it would take and remembered that i would have to be back in the afternoon for a play rehearsal. I walked up the stairs at the end of the corridor and turned left, walking into my bedroom. There was a bathroom to the right and a large bed in the center of the room. I thought about the trip as i started to change clothing.

12000 October 29

The two other people hurried across the room. The room of the house was dirty and cluttered. The wood floors seemed worn and dull, and the walls were dingy white. The woman who was leading us seemed to be $K1. She hurried out the northeast corner of the room and across the entrance hall to the door. I followed her slowly. I knew that she wanted to get outside so that they would leave without further delays. I started after them but noticed that the front door had already been closed. I opened it and stepped outside. They were standing to the left of the door. I asked them why they were not already in the car. $K1 was looking through the doorway of the apartment next door. The door to the place was red. I thought that an older man lived there. $K1 closed the door and walked across the wooden deck, down the stairs to the east, and out into the street. I stood, staring at the red door for a moment before following them. As i walked into the street, i seemed aware that there was a police officer nearby. $K1 drove the car out of a parking space on the north side of the road and started down the hill toward me.

$K1 and $K3 walked to the east along the northern edge of the parking lot. He had to leave. My grandmother and $K3 got into a red car that was facing the edge of the lot. $K1 started to get into the red car next to it. Both of the cars were mid-sized cars of an eighties shape. I wondered with whom i would be riding. As i stood between the front end of both cars, i thought that it would probably be expected that i would ride with $K1. Both cars then started to pull out of the parking spaces. They did not seem to be waiting for me. I watched as $K1 maneuvered her car, steering first toward $K3’s car and then toward the red car to the east. I realized that the third red car was mine. I watched as the two cars pulled out together, thinking that i did not need to ride with either of them because i could drive my own car back. The two cars pulled out into the center of the lot without hitting each other and started to drive away. I walked into the lot after them, wondering what i should do. I did not feel like going anywhere. It seemed as though there was someone else standing in the lot. He seemed to be a security guard.

12000 October 30

I walked through the crowd of people in the small area. I then noticed that $F26 was standing to the northwest of me, speaking to a woman. I realized that the woman must be $A83. I walked over to $F26 and said hello to him. He smiled and greeted me. I told him that i had not seen him in a very long time and that i had been trying to e-mail him. He did not seem enthusiastic to talk with me. I hugged him hello, but he showed no response. I thought that he might not be interested in talking with me. I looked at him. He was wearing a plaid shirt and had long hair. I thought that it was strange that he had let his hair grow in the military. I moved away and started to float over the water. I watched the small wooden boat as i passed over the water to the north of it. I was almost over the boat as i passed it. It was an old sailing ship and seemed out of time here. I thought that we had more advanced technology than the people on the boat. They might be surprised by a large metal war ship approaching them. It seemed as thought the people on the old sailing ship were trying to intimidate us. They were planning on stopping us, but i knew that we had more technology than they did, and that we could defend ourselves. I thought about the large dreadnought charging toward the smaller wooden boat. As i floated over the wooden boat, i imagined dropping small charges onto it. I thought that we could easily sink it. It was something that we were supposed to de. They could not be allowed to continually attack us. I thought that we simply needed to sink the wooden ship and allow its crew to drift in the life raft. I floated over the bow of the wooden ship, from the east. There were no masts on the ship, and the crew seemed to be gathered on the front deck of the ship. $F4 was on the back deck of the ship. He was one of the people with whom i was working. We were sinking the ship and allowing the crew to escape on rafts. I noticed that the surface of the wooden deck was almost to the level of the water. I thought that $F4 and i would have to jump into the water and swim until the large boat could retrieve us. I landed near $F4, and we both jumped over the wooden railing on the side of the ship. The water was cool. We swam to the northwest. I then realized that there was a very strong current in the water. $F4 and i were being pulled to the west. I thought that we should simply swim with the current to reach the north shore. $F4 pulled the other way. I realized that he wanted to swim to the south. I tried to swim southward, but found that the water was not deep enough. I told him that my hand was hitting the pavement below the water and that i would have to stand up to walk. Be both walked to the southwest, away from the puddles of water. There was a line of people near the buildings. We walked over to them. I felt somewhat strange since my clothing was all wet. $F4 said something to me. I started to watch the people around us. I felt different from them, but they did not seem to be paying any attention to me. I turned to the north to see that there was a girl standing behind us in the queue. She was wearing a light-blue jacket over a white shirt. Her face was round and framed by thick black hair. I thought that she was too young to be here. I looked around at the others near me. $F4 had wandered off to the southeast, but i felt strange and continued to look around at the people moving near me.