12001 October 01

I passed the other person in the hall of the cottage and walked into the small store room. We were getting ready for dinner and had to set the table. The room had dark wood walls, and seemed like my grandparents’ cottage at $P26. As i walked to the south, into the room, the woman was walking out. She had gotten something from the room for the dinner table. I noticed that there were several candles in small glass cups along the east wall which were burning. I thought that the woman must have lighted them because she thought it looked nice. The candles flickered, looking very nice, but i thought that it would be a waste of candles to have them burning in the closet. There was an entire shelf with small candles burning on it. Several other candles were lighted on other shelves along the wall. I then noticed that there was one in a small wine glass which was burning very close to the shelf above it. There was only a millimetre or so of space between the glass and the polished wood of the shelf above it. I thought that the candle might burn into the wood. As i looked around, i noticed several other candles in the same condition. I then noticed the one burning on the ceiling. It seemed to be inverted, but there was a small circle of fire touching the ceiling. As i looked at it, the ring appeared to be a knot in the wood of the ceiling which was smoking. The thin red flames were burning on the sides of the knot. The fire must be reaching the floor above. I was worried that a fire might start on the second floor. I walked out of the closet to the south and up to the second floor. I was in a modern cottage. I thought that the person who bought it must have redesigned it. It was very large, with many open spaces. It seemed very modern. I walked along the balcony of the second floor. Behind me was an open space which looked down into the living room and entrance hall. The room was very long east to west, with the living room on the west. It was two stories tall, and the wall on the east side of the room was at a fourty-five-degree angle to the room. This wall had the entrance door in the middle of it, with a large multipane window around and above the door. The entire place seemed decorated in yellow and white, with pale green trimmings. I looked into one of the small rooms on the second floor to see if i could see anything burning, but the wall in front of me seemed to block my view of where the spot should be. I walked to the west a little, trying to think of where the candle would have been below me. The upstairs was very modern, and seemed to have some kitchen appliances set up. I decided that the candle should be below something to the east. I walked around the corner of a wall and looked to the west. I could only see a large water tank set into the wall. I knew that the flame must be under here somewhere. There were no signs of a flame coming through the yellow linoleum of the floor. I decided that the appliances should be resistant to the flame. My mother then called me from the floor below. She said that dinner was ready. I moved to the north, looking through the glass wall on the north side of the building. There was a pool below. I glided out over the pool, thinking that i could simply fly down. I knew that it might shock my mother, but i was able to do it and wanted to fly again. I hovered out over the rectangular pool. The surface of the water in the pool was uneven, as though the water were boiling heavily, but the water only shifted from side to side slightly in long slow waves. I knew that my mother would be disturbed by my ability to flying, so i thought i should come down. I tried to think of lowering myself, but i did not seem to move. I wondered why i could not control my flying like i used to. Then, suddenly, i fell several metres toward the water before catching myself. It was unexpected, and i wondered why i could not control my flying better. I reoriented myself and flew to the southeast, toward my mother, who was standing behind the dinner table on the tile floor around the pool. She had seen me fall and was nervous about me flying.

I was in the house when $K1 called on the telephone. She was in Florida, but she said that she would be coming back soon. She told me to have $K9 leave the door of the house open. There was no one around at the moment, so i thought that i would have to leave a message. As i hung up, though, some of my relatives came into the house. I seemed to be in the kitchen of my grandmother’s house, though the building seemed to be only one story tall. I told the others that $K1 wanted the door left unlocked so that she could get in when she arrived. I felt strange about leaving the house unlocked, though. I felt that i had to leave soon to get to the cinema. One of my relatives then asked whether $K7 would be in the house. I said that she probably would be there, as she never really leaves. They went to find her. I decided to head out the door. I thought that i would have to drive to the west to get to the cinema.

12001 October 02

I walked across the parking lot to the east. It seemed dark out, and there was another person with me. There was a large structure to the north, just in front of the wide tan building of the mall. The structure was a parking garage, supported by white steel I-beams. I was looking for my car. I remembered that i had left it in the parking lot several weeks ago. I did not expect to be gone so long, and i hoped that my car would still be there. I passed the southeast corner of the parking garage and looked around at the cars in the lot. Something seemed confusing. I could not remember where i had left my car. I hoped that it had not gotten towed. I then remembered that i had parked my car to the south, in a section of the parking lot away from the main mall. I turned and walked away from $Z, who was heading toward the mall. There seemed to be a large factory to the south of where i was. It had a parking lot to the east of it. I hoped that i had not parked the car there. I knew that the factory workers would be more likely to have my car towed. I then noticed the small building which was the factory. It was actually a small restaurant, surrounded by a tall wooden fence. There was a row of cars parked along the west side of the north wall. As i walked to the cars, i could see the back of the restaurant through a gap in the wooden poles. My car was parked in the middle of the other cars. My car was a small red car. There was someone with me as i opened the door and started to get in. The air suddenly seemed cool, as though it were fall. I sat in the driver’s seat of the car and looked around. It seemed that i had been away for a very long time. It felt comfortable to be home again. I drove my car to the west, over the slight hill in the parking. As i came to the crest of the hill, i could see the farmyard on the other side. There was a yellow metal pole fence in front of me. The fence formed a narrow corridor which led to a large flat-bed truck. I realized that the truck was waiting to load the cows. I then thought that it might have just unloaded the cows. I looked to the south to see the muddy field in which the cows had been grazing. The ground was covered with hay and manure. I wondered how i was going to cross the yellow fence. It seemed that i would have to walk through the corridor and onto the back of the large truck. The bed of the truck, however, was covered with manure. I did not want to walk through it. I looked at the large white barn behind the truck. There seemed to be two men talking in front of the barn. I started to the west again, wondering how i would get across the farm. I then turned to the northwest and started to climb through the cab of the old truck. The cab was facing west. As i climbed in the back window, i realized that the old vehicle was very rusted. The metal interior was covered with brown patches and small holes. I felt uncomfortable here and did not want to touch anything. A man then opened up the driver’s door and asked what i was doing. I climbed out of the truck, feeling as though i had crawled through something dirty.

12001 October 06

There was too much rain falling on the lawn of the house. I was afraid that it might wash away the topsoil. It had been raining for quite some time. I went down to the garage to make sure that there was no water coming into the house. I looked out the window of the garage to see mud washing down the hill and into the driveway. I felt disappointed. I did not want the house to be ruined. I picked up the shovel and started to shovel the mud back out of the driveway. I was in the front yard of my parents’ house. There was a channel of muddy water along the side of the road. The water in the channel was still flowing to the creek, to the west. I realized that the drainage ditch along the side of the road did not have as much water in it as the channel of water. I thought that i should dig a ditch in the dirt wall that separated the gully from the channel to let the water in the channel drain out. I stepped over the channel and tried to break apart the soft earth. The dirt collapsed under my weight as i stepped over the channel. The clumps of earth fell over like a large block of stone, blocking the channel more. I felt defeated. I had wanted them to fall in the other direction, into the ditch. My mother was watching from the center of the lawn, to the north of me. I stepped away from the ditch and told her that i would fix the lawn when i felt like it. I no longer felt like dealing with the problem at the moment. I walked to the west, toward the creek. The ground had a lot of erosion tracks in it where the grass had been washed away. The channel was still flooded with muddy water, and i noticed that there were several pieces of furniture floating in it. I realized that it was furniture from our house. There was a small end table floating near the end of the channel. I felt depressed. Everything had been ruined by the rain. I turned back to the east and started to walk back along the south wall of the basement. The center of the room was crowded with boxes and furnishings. All of them had been soaked by the flood. There were many pieces of nice wood furniture in the room which had all been ruined by the water. My father walked toward me in the room. He wanted to squeeze past me and head to the creek. I moved to the center of the room, climbing over some of the wet furniture. I stepped over several wood chairs which were covered with white padding. They were very nice chairs, but they had been ruined. I felt upset.

12001 October 07

I was in the middle of the forest with $F12. The trees seemed young, and the ground was covered with old damp dead leaves. The canopy overhead was thick, even though the trees did not seem to be in full foliage. The ground sloped up to the southwest, and it seemed as though there might be a creek to the east of us which ran north to south. $F12 was crouched on the ground to the west of me as i stood in the woods. I knew that there was a campground to the east of us, but i could not go there. I felt strange. There was something unsettling about this place. I thought that i should rest for a while. I woke up from my nap and checked around for $F12. I wanted to make sure that he i did not lose him. He was up the slope of the hill to the northwest. I could see him sitting on a log in the middle of the forest. He seemed to be rather far away, but i knew that he was watching over me. I still felt uncomfortable in this place and did not want to lose $F12. I felt as though i wanted to be closer to him. I thought that i should roll over and go back to sleep for a while. I was still tired and did not feel like getting up yet. I woke up some time later and looked around for $F12. I felt worried about him. The land around me now sloped up to the northwest, and the forest seemed slightly different. At first i could not spot $F12 and i started to worry that i had lost him. I looked around quickly until i finally spotted him up the hill. There was now a large rock standing to the north of me. It was covered with green moss and small trees. The grey face of the rock was jagged. I lay back down, thinking that i should get more sleep. There was a metal rail near my head. It appeared to be part of an old railroad, but there were no other signs that a track had ever gone through the area. As thought that i could position my head so that it was resting on the rail. I fell asleep again. When i finally awoke, i stood up and headed to the south, toward the wooden cabin which was at the edge of the campground. There were many other large brown cabins in the camp complex. I walked through the open doorway of the sleeping cabin, thinking that $F12 would follow. He was still in the forest, watching. The room inside the cabin was dark, but i thought that the darkness would be good. It would let me sleep more. The room was shaped like an L, with a large section to the southeast. There seemed to be many bunk beds in that part of the room. I crossed the smaller part of the room and walked to a cot on the south wall, directly across from the entrance door. It seemed that i had been lying there a while when i noticed the button on the west wall, just over my head. I hit the button to see what it did and it started flashing white. I realized that the button was an alarm. I ran out of the building before anyone came in response. I did not want to be caught near the alarm. I ran to the east, toward some of the other cabins and toward the center of the camp. Before i got too far, i stopped to look back at the cabin. I saw $F12 walking toward the door. I thought that he must be going into the building to check on me. I wanted to warn him to stay out of the building, but he was already walking into the door and would not be able to hear me. Other people then started to gather around the cabin to find out what the alarm was about. I had to warn $F12.

The women were talking in the room to the east of me. We were in a small one-story house. I could hear the man talking to them and thought that he was harassing them. He really should not have been in the house, and i thought that he was here from the party earlier. I felt concerned for the woman and walked toward the other room to see what was going on. The man was trying to abduct them. I thought that i should interfere. I did not want to attack the man, but i thought that i my presence might disrupt him enough to make him leave. I walked into the small bedroom of the houses. The room was mostly white, with a small bed against the north wall. I looked to the left to see the man standing in front of the two women. He had backed them into the corner near the closet. The closet was on the west wall, to the north of the entrance door. I called to the women, trying to act as though i did not notice the man. The women were now in the closet. I pulled one of the out and pretended to talk to her as though i was concerned about something out in the living room. I had to distract the man. The other woman was still hiding in the left side of the closet, which was covered with a white slatted door. The man had tried to put them in the oven that was in the room. I opened the other closet door to speak with the woman. I asked her if i was interrupting them. I had to acct ignorant of what was really going on so that the man did not suspect anything. I pulled them both out of the closet and brought them into the hall I then looked back at the man. He was wearing a clown suit and had bright red pointed hair. His face makeup was white and black and looked dangerous. I thought that he might still be dangerous, so i grabbed him and drabbed him to the ground. I held him in a bear hug so that he could not escape. I then told the women to call the police. The man tried to break away, but i simply tightened my grip. It seemed very easy to hold him. I looked at him and realized that he was very skinny. I then saw the knife on the floor, which the man had been using i moved it away from us with me foot so that the man could not grab it and try to use it. It seemed like i had been holing him for a very long time. I shifted position to get more comfortable while i waited for the police. I trapped one of his arms between my legs as i tried to disable him. He then tried to feel my crotch with his hand. I knew that he was trying to make me feel uncomfortable so that he could get out of the hold. I switched position again so that he could not grab me. He then seemed very calm and relaxed. I wondered whether he was just trying to make me think that he had given up and lower my guard. We were now in the hall, outside the room. A police man then came up behind me. I acted surprised to see him. He was a large dark-skinned man in a dark plaid shirt and black uniform jacket. I handed the man over to him and told him what had happened. The man was still in the clown suit. I realized that the man was very young. He had his head bowed as he handed the police officer his weapons. He had several daggers strapped to his wrists. I was surprised that i did not know about them. There were also several spiked ornaments on his costume that he could have used as a weapon. Some time seemed to have passed and the young man came out of the bathroom, which was on the north side of the hall. He was no longer wearing his makeup, and he seemed very upset He looked much younger, with dark hair and a narrow face. He sat on the bench along the north side of the hall as the police got more detailed about what had happened from the others in the house. I started to feel sorry for the man. He was very upset and seemed about to cry. I sat on the bench next to him and held him. He hunched over and started to cry. I wrapped my left arm over his shoulder and tried to comfort him. He was wearing a grey cotton tee shirt, and i watched it move over his shoulders as he sobbed.

12001 October 08

I walked to the south, along the sidewalk on the east side of the street. I was in a suburban part of the city. Many of the buildings around me had large green lawns. To the east of me was the elementary school. I noticed that there was a large german shepherd standing in front of the small building. I thought that i had to go around the building for some reason, but i was weary of the large dog. The dog just stood in front of the very small building on the north side of the school. It did not bark, and did not look mean. I decided that i should run around the building and see if the dog would follow. I started jogging to the south, along the short chain link fence between myself and the small building. As i reached the opening in the fence where the cement path ran through to the building, i turned suddenly into the yard. The dog started galloping after me. I ran down the path to the east, between the main building of the school and the small building that the dog had been standing in front of. I turned to the north on the other side of the buildings and started to job around the small building. The dog followed me. It seemed happy to see someone. I circled the small building and started a second look down the east side of the main building. I looked back to see the dog happily trotting along after. Once i reached the south side of the room, i turned to the west and followed the cement path around the outside of the room. It seemed that i was pulling myself along with my feet. The backs of my upper legs felt tired from the work, but i thought that i could not stop. I seemed to be seated on the ground as i pulled myself along with my legs in front of me. The dog ran along the south of me. I thought that i should keep going even though my legs were straining.

I was in the apartment with the other people. We sat at the small round table in the center of the room. It seemed that $F4 and $A42 were with me. Then something seemed wrong to the south. I looked out the large glass window of the restaurant to see a plume of dark smoke rising on the horizon. A burst of flame erupted from the ground. I felt suddenly tense, realizing that something in New York City was burning. I wondered whether it was another terrorist attack. I stood up as i watched the burning area in the distance. The sky to the south was grey and hazy, and i could see down the open river valley to the south. All of the land around us seemed flat. I turned to the west, looking across the dark room of the bar. There were several people watching television. I looked at the television on the north wall of the room. The sports game which was on suddenly flickered off and was replaced by a news program. I knew that it was a special report on the incident. Someone then announced that the oil refinery in the city was bombed. I felt upset. The others in the room started moving around. I looked back out the small window on the south side of the house. I could see debris falling into the water outside. I then notice the small white airplane which was flying overhead. I felt that the plane might be dangerous. I then noticed a trail of objects hitting the water. The plane was firing bullets. The double line of impacts on the surface of the water moved in a back and forth curve toward the house. I told the person that the plane was shooting bullets and that it might hit the house. I thought that this house was actually a large house boat. I knew that we might be targets. We had to look as though we were not occupied. I told the other person to run into the bedroom to the east. We had been staying in this apartment for a vacation. I thought that, if we moved into the room on the edge of the house, we would have less chance of getting hit by a bullet. I thought that the person in the plane would be shooting at the center of the house. I picture the large square boat on the water. I thought that we should not start the engines and draw attention to ourselves. I was then in the large room in the center of the house again. The others had left. I looked out the large window to the south, wondering whether i could see the city. It was hazy out, and i could see nothing but grey. I walked out the front door of the apartment. I was in a small town, which was to the north of the city. I could not see to the south because my vision was obscured by some other buildings. I wondered where the others were. I felt confused. I then spotted $A139 to the east. He was walking his dog with his wife. He opened the door of the tall green chain-link fence on the south side of the street. The fence surrounded a paved playground, which seemed to belong to a church school. I turned around and started to head back into the apartment. I realized i was not on the third floor of the building. I should be able to see the city from here. $A139, his wife, and the golden retriever walked up the stairs just to the south. I stood on the east end of the wooden porch. The porch stretched across the south side of the small apartment building. As i held the door open for them, i asked them whether they had heard about the other terrorist attack on the oil refinery. They said that they had heard. I started to turn to head back into the building when i noticed the large animal moving in the water to the east. I looked over the edge of the porch, thinking that it was a dolphin swimming in the square inlet in the center of the town. I asked what the animal was. The woman looked over my shoulder jut as i realized that it was a small whale. The whale had a large dorsal fin and was dark grey. As it rolled over in the water, though, i noticed white patches on it. I mentioned that it was a killer whale. There were several of them in the water. The water was held in by large black rolls, which seemed like inflatable tubes. The pool was square and set into the middle of a town block. Several whales rolled in the water and sang out. I thought that they had grown used to humans and wanted to be fed. I noticed that large sharp teeth on the whale nearest me. I then realized that the teeth were actually a design on the side of the whale. They looked perfectly triangular and formed a smile across the animals face. As the animal rolled over, though, i could see the seam where its mouth really was. I mentioned the pattern to the woman, telling her how they made the whales look as though they were smiling.

12001 October 09

I walked across the basement room, heading to the south. There were several other people in the room. I had been lifting weights with some people. As i reached a small weight bench in the middle of the room, i noticed $A315 trying to place a metal bar onto another bench to the south of me. The bar had weights on the end. He was trying to put the short bar into the rack of the bench, but there was already another bar there. The short bar teetered over the larger bar. The weights then rolled back over the larger bar and the short bar fell through the rack, catching half way down the metal supports with a loud clank. $A315 sighed in annoyance. I said “shhhhh” in jest. I then walked to the north side of the bench i was using and started to lay down. I was holding a metal bar which had a U-shaped bend in the middle of it. I thought that the curve of the bar might get in the way of my exercise, but i did not think that there was another abr. I started lifting the bar over my chest as i lay on the bench. The bar was awkward to balance. I only did a few repetitions before my arms started to feel weak. I thought that i had done too much exercise just before. This last exercise was wearing out the muscles all together. The loop in the bar then started to rotate over my head. I could not grip the bar tight enough to keep it from rotating. I put the bar down on the bench and sat up. I thought that i should have used a straight bar. I started walking to the south, near where $F11 and $F14 here standing. There was a large pale-green couch along the south wall with a man sitting on it. $F11 was talking to the man. $F14 was doing something to the west. As i started to walk between them, i heard $F11 tell the man on the couch that he used to wrestle in high school. “You did?”, i asked in surprise. He said that he had as he started speaking to me. He poked me in the ribs with his knuckles. Then he remembered that i used to wrestle as well and said “Oh, that’s right. You used to beat me.” I did not remember beating him, but i did remember almost wrestling with him once. I walked to the east as he joked with me. The man from the couch then stood up and asked how i wrestled. He too started prodding me. He was trying to get me to wrestle him, but i was not interested. He was a heavy man, wearing a black tee shirt. He prodded my in the side as he asked me questions. I told him that i did not want to wrestle as i grabbed his arms and shifted my weight to push him onto the couch, which was along the east wall. He fell down with a heavy thud onto the old couch. I was surprised at how easily i was able move him by shifting my weight.

12001 October 11

I looked down over the landscape as i flew over. The fields below seemed cut, and there were rows of trees around the edges of the fields. I was standing on the gondola of the small zeppelin. A man in a dark suit stood to my left. He was the pilot. I was looking off of the starboard side of the gondola. It seemed that we were searching for something on the ground. My mother also seemed to be on the gondola behind me. The zeppelin swooped suddenly as it made a turn to the southwest. I contemplated the sensation of flying. As the zeppelin changed speeds, it would swoop down and then back up. The falling should cause an uneasy sensation in my stomach. I thought that i could get used to it, because i would be flying someday. I strained to see through the trees below. I knew that we were looking for someone. It seemed that the person had been missing. The authorities thought that the people might be lost somewhere, but i felt as though they had done something and were trying to hide. I searched the open spaces as we flew over, the zeppelin making several more swooping maneuvers. As we turned from west to north, i felt as though we might not be able to find the people. I was now looking over the port side of the air ship. Through the dark leaves of a tall willow tree i spotted two people running to the north. I pointed them out to someone. The two people seemed to be a man and a woman, running along the west side of a row of shrubs toward a dirt road. The dirt road ran from east to west. It seemed that the road headed west only for a short distance before it curved to the south. To the east, it ran into a second dirt road, which ran north to south. I thought that the zeppelin was quiet enough that we could follow the people without letting them know. I mentioned to someone how we could sneak after them. Then the zeppelin turned to the south-southeast and started moving back to the house, away from where the people were. I felt confused and wondered whether we were going to tell the two people that we had found them. I thought that we should not leave after finding them. I then thought that they must know that we were flying over them. I thought that they were heading to the main road so that they could walk back to the house. I turned to the southeast and walked down the hall of the house. The living room opened up to the south, with large windows on the east and south walls. My mother was in the light blue room with someone else. Two old women then came into the house from the entrance to the west. They started talking. I tried to figure out what was going on. I then remembered the people on the ground and asked the women if they were the ones who had been running. The two silver-haired women looked at me with astonishment and confusion. I felt as though i had asked them something inappropriate. I shook my head and said that i must be confused.

12001 October 12

I walked to the west, through the crowded dining area. The place seemed like a garage, but there were counters along the south wall and many round tables in the center of the room. I knew that this place was a diner or restaurant. It was part of the resort, but was closed now. It seemed to be very early in the morning, and i was carrying a plate of food. I thought that the others had been here most of the night. They were young, and liked to stay up talking and joking. The long rectangular table on the east side of the room still seemed cluttered with rubbish from the group. I walked past the table, carrying the plate of left-over french toast in my left hand. I was going to put it in the microwave to heat it up. There seemed to be some older men moving through the room. They were part of the work crew, and seemed to be wearing denim pants and dirty brown work coats. I felt as though they disliked me. I knew that they related me to the younger people who had been hanging out at the table. I knew that i was not part of the younger group, and felt justified in being in the restaurant eating food. The owner of the resort then came into the restaurant from the door on the east wall. The workmen walked toward him. They would never say anything directly to me. They felt that i should not be eating the left-over food, but they would only talk among themselves about it. I ignored all of them and walked over to one of the food dispensers on the west end of the red serving counter. I poured something from one of the dispensers onto my plate. I felt uncomfortable about the men. I did not really feel comfortable here. I thought that i should really be doing something else. I knew that i did not fit in here.

I stood on the edge of the small paved parking lot, watching the actors perform a scene. I was on the south side of the group, facing north-northwest. I then looked down at the script in my hand. The script was printed on regular office paper and seemed to have a lot of long monologues. I looked up at the others and suddenly realized that i had a part in the play. I looked down at my lines and tried to think of how i was going to read them. I then heard someone say something about their own lines. I looked up to see $A316 and $A317 doing a scene. I realized that everyone else had already memorized their lines. I started to feel anxious. I did not even know what most of the play was about. I thought that i had been procrastinating doing work on the play. I felt uncomfortable and asked the director, who was standing in front of and to the left of me, whether i had to have my lines memorized or not. $A190 turned and looked at me, a sympathetic expression on his face. He said, in a soft tone, that i would not have to have my lines memorized right now. I remembered that i had been away for a week. I felt upset and wished that i had been reading the lines more. I flipped through the stapled pamphlet in my hand, pointing out the long speeches to the director. I said that i did not know them yet. He reassured me with a soft smooth voice, but i felt bad. $A190 then asked me whether there was something wrong. I knew that he was worried about me because i had not been in a good mood lately. I wanted to talk to him, but i did not know what to say. There was something bothering me, but i could not express it. I turned to the south to look over the script. I felt as though i would not be able to memorize the entire thing in time. I then sat down on the light blue carpeting of the stairs. I was in the living room of my parents’ house. I descended the stairs to the floor and started to pace around. I felt confused and worried.

12001 October 14

I was with the group of people as we walked to the south, through the trees on the eastern side of the area. I thought that i had something that the others in the group wanted. I could not let them get it. They would use it for something bad. I ran ahead of them, trying to keep them from following. The woman was running with me. I turned to the west near the cement structure. The building seemed to be a small tower sticking out of the ground. It had some short walls around its base, as though there were doors and terraces at the base of the tower. I thought that we could finally lose the man and the others who were following me. I looked back at the man as he raised his arm at me. He seemed to be a soldier, wearing a green uniform. I told the woman that we should run faster. We came to an old road and turned northwest. I could see the forest on the opposite side of the road. I thought that i should be able to run into the forest and hide where the man could not find me. I would be able to stay there for a little while until they got tired of searching. I told the woman to run for the edge of the forest. I imagined that we could hop over the dead log, which was lying on the side of the road, and hide not too far into the woods, but we would have to get there before the soldiers rounded the corner near the tower. They could not see us go into the woods, or they would know where we were. I looked back to see the man in the green uniform following. I then turned to the east again and headed back across the living room of my grandfather’s old house on $P12. Something changed. I stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked around. The soldiers had come into the room just to the east of me. I realized that the war had started. The man in the uniform looked at me, holding the woman in his left arm. The soldiers behind him started to run to the northeast. They were getting ready for battle. I realized that the chase was not useless. I walked to the east, into the sun room, and placed the notebook, which i had been carrying in my right hand, on the wooden dining room table. I felt depressed and anxious. The book would no longer be of any use. I placed it on the south side of the table, where a chair was facing it. There was an oval blue place mat on the table that i picked up and dropped over the book. I wanted to make it look like i had not been working on the project in a while. I felt sad.

12001 October 15

It was early in the morning, and i was sitting on the edge of the bed. $F4 was sitting near me. I seemed groggy and unfocused. I rolled backward and sat down on the floor next to the short bed. I seemed to be asleep, but conscious of my actions. $F4 was still sitting on the edge of the bed. I thought that i should be holding him in my arms. I wondered whether it was appropriate. I picked up $F4 and leaned back. He seemed to move with me. The motion seemed automatic, as though we were not really in control of our actions. He lay in my arms, his head leaning on the right side of my chest. I tried to relay, thinking that i was supposed to be unconscious. $F4 then started to move, rolling his head back. He rolled his head off of my shoulder and woke up suddenly. I tried to wake myself up, but did not move. $F4 was suddenly aware that i was holding him across my lap. I woke with a jolt and looked at $F4 confused. I knew what had really happened, but i tried to act as surprised by the situation as he did.

I was doing something with the small stove in front of me. The stove was square, metal, and seemed to be a portable gas grill. I placed something on the back left side of the grill and a sizzling noise resulted. I then looked over the two square panels with rounded corners which sat on the top of the stove. I thought that they covered the burners during transport. There was someone sitting to the northeast of me as i faced north. The person seemed like $Z. I knelt down and looked across the surface of the stove. The burner pipes did not seem to be connected. I picked up the metal tube and placed it on the left side of the stove. One end of the tube rested on the small nozzle near the back of the store. The nozzle was part of the gas pipe, and it emitted gas into the tube, where the gas was aerated before it entered the burner. I picked up the second curved tube and placed it on the right side of the stove. The end of the tube seemed to be flayed too wide to fit over the second nozzle. I moved it and tried to place it again. I finally got it clipped into place. I looked up suddenly and noticed $A318 and $A129 standing in front of me. They had just entered the small white room to the north of me. The room seemed to be the entrance hall to a restaurant, with some type of curtains draped across the north wall. I did not expect to see them here. The greeted me, looking surprised to see me here. I knew that they were going to the lunch. I felt uncomfortable. I knew that they would expect me to join them and the others at the lunch, but i did not feel like going. I knew that i would be welcome, but i kept thinking that i was not invited, so i should no go. I felt self-abusive, and looked back down at the grill as they started to walk to the east, into the restaurant. I wondered whether they would try to get me to go eat. I tried to act occupied with the grill. I then heard someone knocking t the window to the north. I thought that it must be a lavatory window. I thought that it was one of the people from the lunch. I looked up to see the large glass window on the back side of the small building. There was someone standing inside the window, but i could not recognize whom it was. The room behind them seemed to be light green, as though it were a lavatory. I then thought that the window was actually on the back of a road-side food stand. I was looking into the kitchen. I said something to $Z, who was still sitting to the northeast of me. I looked back to the stand to see that it was not a building but a small booth, with no walls. Thin wooden boards held up the white sign over the front of the booth. I could see a queue of people on the north side of the booth, waiting to be served. It seemed that i was on the edge of an ocean beach, with the water behind me, to the south. The booth was on the grassy ground just off of the sandy beach. There was a road running along east to west just on the other side of the booth. I then noticed the ants which were climbing up the eastern post of the sign, which stood to the south of the booth. As i spoke to $Z, i noticed that the proportions of the sign and ants did not seem correct. I could see the ants very well, but the booth did not seem that close to me. I realized that the ants were very large. I told $Z that they had to be about a foot long. Something seemed strange about the situation. The ants were black, with brown patterns along their backs. The patterns seemed to resemble the pattern on spiders.

I was at the other person’s house, and i was getting ready to leave. I felt slightly uncomfortable here. I could hear the daughter yelling at her parents on the floor above me. I thought that we should probably go because we would be in the way. I left the blue towel in the shower after i wiped off my hands. As i dropped the towel, i noticed the pictures on the wall of the room. They were part of the wallpaper decorations. One was a picture of an eagle. As i looked closer to it, though, i realized that it was really a picture of two women with a plane behind them. The plane had made them seem like an eagle. I turned to leave the room, but i spotted a picture of a gymnast in a wooden frame on the south wall of the small bathroom. I thought that the image was nice and i looked more closely at it. As i looked, i realized that the image was animated. I could see the gymnast move. The young man was swinging from the ropes on the ceiling. I thought that he looked very nice. As i watched, i realized that i could not tell which way was up in the picture. It seemed that the boy was floating through the air weightless, and i could not tell whether he was falling or rising. He then tumbled through the air over me and landed in the corner of the room. He was very nicely built, with smooth pale skin. An older man them walked to over the blue mats near me and tried to get into the harness which was swinging from the ceilings. He wanted to try the same jump as the younger man.

12001 October 20

I looked at the image before me. It was all white, with black lines and shapes moving across it. I seemed to be looking at a cartoon picture of many periscopes and pipes. They were moving horizontally across my view. I knew that this represented a change in views. People were starting to see things in a different way. I felt uncomfortable, knowing that it was the wrong way to think. I knew that it would only cause trouble. I walked to my right, trying to figure out what i should do. I then saw an image of the president speaking. He was standing at a podium, speaking to a crowd on the right side of the image. I felt angry with what he was saying. It was simplistic rhetoric, and i knew that it would be more damaging. He was supporting the wrong way of thinking. I turned away and walked to the north, across the narrow rarely used dirt road in the suburban area. There was a house to the northeast, just up a short grassy hill from the road. $F10 was with me. We were walking back to the festival in the park. There was a grassy lawn across the road from us, but i started to walk to the northeast, around a short row of shrubs. I spoke to $F10 about my concerns. I felt concerned about the events. As i reached the eastern edge of the hedge row i paused, realizing that there was a short chain-link fence around the lawn of the house which blocked our path. I told $F10 that we might have to walk back to the west, but then i noticed that there was a space between the fence and the shrubs. I continued walking around the bushes and into the park.

12001 October 21

I walked to the east-northeast, across the yard of the house. I felt angry with the people to whom i had just been talking. I looked around at the grassy area. The lawn sloped gently to the east, and was covered with many trees. The large tree in the center seemed to be a willow. There was a tall tree to the east of me, at the bottom of the slope which had a very tall straight trunk. I remembered that i had flown over this area before. I knew that i was not allowed to do it now, but i felt defiant and wanted to fly again. I leaned forward, to the north, pushing myself into the air. I glided only a short way before putting my feet back on the ground. I turned and walked back to the south. I remembered jumping from here before. I then looked to the east, noticing that the slope below me was very steep in this area. I remembered jumping off of it. This was why i used to fly here. I jumped to the east and started to glide upward. Flying seemed very difficult. As i rotated in the air, i thought about how i tend to swoop from one place to another. I thought that the diving motion was how i could gain speed. I dove to the east, trying to pick up speed. I rose in front of one of the tall trees, slowing to a hover in mid air. I quickly turned around and headed back up the slope to the west. I wondered whether anyone from the house was watching me. I swooped upward again, hovering in front of the tall old tree in the center of the lawn. There was a dead limb pointing out from the main trunk. It was ragged on the end, where the outer part of the limb had broken off. I grabbed onto the worn grey wood as i reached the tree. I thought that i could perch on it. I looked down to the ground, thinking that it must be quite a way down. I thought that i could jump off and swoop up again. I left go of the tree and hovered in the air. It seemed strenuous to maintain the levitation. I then thought that it should not be this hard. I tried to relax a little. I felt the muscles in the back of my legs stop straining. Suddenly, it seemed easier to fly. I hovered near the large tree for a moment, playing with its branches. I felt peaceful. I turned and glided to another tree on the northeast corner of the yard. I then started twirling in the air as i drifted back to the south. There was a very tall tree with a thin white trunk in the southeast corner of the yard. All of its branches were in a small ball at the very top of the tree. The thin smooth trunk of the tree had a mottled texture, like a poplar. I thought that i should be able to reach the upper branches if i flew a little higher. I closed my eyes and i spun around, my arms out, enjoying the feeling of flight. When i opened my eyes again, i could see the deep-green branches of the tall tree in front of me. I had managed to float higher than i was before. I then turned to the west and swooped down over the slope. There was a large building in front of me. I realized that it was the campus library. It seemed like $P108. As i approached, i realized that the two library buildings had been joined in the center by a large hall. The main pathway across campus was now closed, forcing everyone to walk through the buildings. I thought that they had blocked the way so that people in bicycles could not pass. Everyone now had to walk through the doors of the library. I looked at the new entrance door just to the west of me. Several students were sitting on the stone steps outside. The door was covered by a peaked roof. Rounded red tiles covered the surface of the roof like scales, and there was a bright wood trim along the edges. The building still looked victorian and old. I felt that i could go over the building rather than walk through. I did not want to be inconvenienced as the builders had intended. I flew toward the tall slope of the roof, to the west. As i rose up toward the peak, i wondered whether i would have enough momentum to make it over the top. I then remembered that i had discovered the secret way to fly easily. I thought that i could soar over the top of the building and out over the courtyard on the other side. I wondered how high i would be above the ground on the other side. I came close to the room and landed, walking to the west. There was suddenly a group of people standing to the southwest of me. The old man stand at the front of the small crowd was supposed to be my father. He was short and thin, with a wrinkled, very narrow face. He had a long nose and sagging features. Short white hair came out the sides of his head. I felt suddenly angry with him. I was his daughter. I flew down to the ground in front of him and grabbed the sides of his head. I started yelling at him. I felt as though he would not let me do what i wanted. The men around him seemed concerned and tried to stop me. I pushed the man to the ground. The men backed up against the wall to the south, trying to help him up. I then released him and stormed off to the west. As i passed through the house, i came to an area where the kitchen opened up to the north. My grandmother was there. She called out to someone in the other room that she would be back at four. I thought that she was probably going to church. I then realized that it was very early in the day and wondered why she would be in church for so long. I turned to the south and walked angrily through the hall of the building. I through that i should get upstairs. I remembered this house. It was part of $P19. This was the section that they had redone recently. I looked at the sloped ceiling above me, noticing that the room seemed old. I felt trapped in here and wanted to get out.

12001 October 22

I was eating in the small restaurant when the police came in They were clearing all off the dogs out of the restaurant. I sat at a small round table near the service bar. I did not want the dogs to leave. I liked having their company in the restaurant. I thought that i could take the dogs out to the stoop and eat with my dogs there. I was now outside the restaurant, watching the people move down the street. Some of the dogs were sitting around me. I then noticed a black pipe in the corner of the restaurant which was spitting out snow. The pipe was part of the train. I could see the black steam engine to the west of me. The train collected the snow from in front of it and spit it out the pipe. I had been traveling on the train, where the restaurant was. I looked at the cars of the old train as i walked past. They seemed to be classic train cars. I continued down $P109, heading north. A car then approached me from the north. I watched the car as it passed and saw that it was full of young children. They stopped on the opposite side of the read just ahead of me. They stared at me as i walked past them, and i noticed that they were all very young. They asked me if i could help them. I felt as though i should, but i did not trust them. They felt like trouble makers. I did not know what i should do. I thought that they might be trying to trick me. I hesitantly took them to the nearby building, where i knew that others might be. I did not want to be alone with the children. I told the children that they could call home to get the help they needed. Their mother then pulled up in the large blue car, kicking up dust as she came to a stop in the dirt parking lot, in front of the small church. We were in front of the old white church in $P110. I decided that the children had been taken care of and continued to the north, on $P109. $A314 was walking with our small group. We headed down the hall, to the small room where the others were. I could hear a struggle within the room as i approached the plain wooden door. I walked into the small room. There were several people relaxing on the mattress in the middle of the room. They were all wearing martial-art uniforms, and most of them had red or purple belts. I did not recognize many of the people here, so i decided this must be the Wednesday class. There was an older woman on the edge of the bed. I walked over to her and said something. I then backed up and started talking to the man near the bed. He seemed to be in charge of the class. I told him that i studied Tae Kwon Do in $A253’s class. I knew that this would upset some of the people in the room. These people held some animosity against $A253’s class. A man, who had been leaning against the wall to the east of me, walked up suddenly and stood next to me. I knew that he was trying to intimidate me because i was not part of this class. I ignored the man, pretending that i barely noticed him. I continued to talk to the first man but did not really say anything important. I was simply trying to passively confront the second man. I then mentioned the snow train. I looked to the west to see the train shooting snow out the side as it passed by. I thought that the snow was being thrown from the smaller train cars as well, even though i could only see it coming from the engine. I then heard the screams coming from the south of us. I looked up the grassy hill to the south to see the old single-level farm house. I headed to the dirt road which led to the farm house. I crouched through a small hole in the wire mesh fence at the edge of the farm yard and headed directly toward the house. The road ran to the southwest to where it connected to the dirt driveway of the house, but it was quicker to cross the yard. I made it only half way across the yard before i heard the sound of the scream more clearly. I realized that it was a sound from a music album. No one was really in trouble. I then looked around me, realizing where i was. I had crossed into the fenced-in area, which i thought might be a cow pen. The area smelled more like horses, though. I looked to the west to see the others on the outside of the pen. They had tried to follow the road around the outside of the pen and to the house, but they had been stopped by the farmer. The farmer seemed angry that they were on his property. He had not spotted me in his pen yet. I quickly ran back to the north, toward the hole in the fence. I ran into the shelter of the old wooden stable and started looking for the hole. I could not find the missing panel where i had come through. I hurriedly looked back and forth along the wall of the stable, but i could not see the opening. I felt panicked. I had to get out of the yard before the farmer found me. After a few moments of searching, i finally found the loose panel and squeezed through it.

12001 October 24

I was traveling by bicycle, heading to the west. This town seemed to be $P3. I was on the south side of the town. I had been here many times before. I pedaled the bicycle down the narrow street of the suburban area. It seemed as though it was getting dark. I wondered whether i would be able to make it out to the place and back. I pictured the park down the road to the west. I had been there many times before, and knew that i could stay on this road, which traveled along the south side of the lake, until i reached the other main road. The instructions i had, however, said that i should turn on the street just ahead of me. I wondered whether it was just a different way to get there. This place seemed very familiar to me, as though i had been here often when i was very young, but have not been here in a long time since. I turned left and headed down the street. A car passed me as i made the turn. I looked over the instructions. I wanted to make it all the way to the park. I was afraid that i might get stuck in a heavy rain. I could feel a few sprinkles starting to fall. I read the name of the street that i had to turn on next. I thought that it should not be too far away. It should be the next intersection. I remembered that i used to travel to the park on the other road, the one that i had just left. I knew that this road traveled to the west and ran into another road. That other road should be the one at the intersection ahead. As i spotted the intersection approaching, i looked for the green street sign on the right side of the road. This was the same road that my instructions had told me about. I would eventually end up at the park. I felt another couple of sprinkles, however, and started to worry that i might get caught in a heavy storm if i rode my bicycle all the way out to the park. A car drove past me from the south as i slowed to a stop at the intersection. I was on a large red tricycle. I sadly decided that i would not be able to ride to the park. I was afraid that it would rain. I turned around and started to ride back to the north. As i turned onto a road which headed east, i thought that i should finish the journey somewhere special. I was familiar with this area, though the country around me now seemed foreign. I felt as though i had to get somewhere. The road rounded to the north and started up a long hill. I decided that i should get to the top of the hill before stopping. As i drove the car up the steep hill of the suburban area, i thought that i would be able to glide down on my bicycle. The houses then disappeared on both sides of the road and the land was covered with fields and trees. The hill became suddenly very steep. I thought that this would be hard to get up, but i could glide down easily on my bicycle. I made an effort to keep going up as the hill became very steep. The road was lined on both sides by a row of trees. As i reached the top, the land around me cleared into wide open fields. I looked ahead to see that the dry fields sloped slightly to the west. I was not on the very top of the hill, but traveling along its western side. There was a set of high-voltage power lines which stretched over the road, suspended on tall wooden poles. The two sets of lines ran down the slope of the hill to the west. I passed under them, thinking that the hill would round off soon. The road came over the crest of a hill and started down slightly to an area which was fairly level. This was the top of the hill. I could see a parking area ahead, on the west side of the road. I thought hat it might be a scenic view. My mother, who was in the passenger’s seat of the car, said something about the area. I was sitting in the back seat of the car as my father drove. We turned into the parking area and came to a stop. I tried to look over the edge of the mountain, but something was blocking my vision. The car stopped on the western side of the gravel parking lot and we got out. I finally looked over the valley to the west, but the view was not as spectacular as i thought it would be. My mother sounded impressed, but i only saw the opposite hill, which seemed very close to us. It was covered with bushy trees and houses. It did not seem that we had climbed that much height.

I turned to the east as i sat back onto something. $F12 walked out of the building on the south and crossed the small area to the white house on the north. The small area seemed like a street, but there were objects in it, as though it were really a yard. $F12 was followed by someone else. I watched as $F12 walked up onto the porch which stretched across the front of the white house on the north. He was wearing a black sleeveless tee shirt, and i suddenly felt as though i missed him. I then realized that the person following him was $A242. $A242 passed just to the west of me as he followed $F12 to the porch. I remembered that $A242 always had an attractive body. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see the detail of his build as he passed. He stopped in front of the porch, saying something to $F12, who now seemed like $F1. $A242 was wearing only a pair of faded denim pants. I admired the detail across the muscles of his back. I knew that he was getting ready to do something with $F1. It seemed dangerous, as though they were about to spar. They both seemed somber about the event. $F1’s mother then came out onto the porch. She seemed upset that $F1 was going to do this thing. She hugged him from behind as he gathered several of his things from the porch. I remembered these things happening before, but i tried to act as though i was not aware of what was going on. I had to act like the situation was new to me. $F1 leaned over the edge of the porch to hand me something. I was lying down on a bed which seemed to be very near the porch. He tossed a card to me, which was in the shape of a bookmark. I knew that it was a religious symbol, but i pursed my eyebrows as though i were trying to figure out what was going on. The card was edged with purple ruffles which were held on with thick black stitching. The card fluttered down to me, landing on the right side of the bed, next to the wall. I reached into the folds of the flannel sheets to puck it up. I felt hesitant to acknowledge its religious significance. I grabbed the top of the card and pulled it over my torso so that i could see it. I was still reclined on the bed. As i lifted the card in front of me, i realized that i did not have a hold on the card. I had grabbed a piece of the purple trimming and tore it from the card. There was a strand of black thread leading back to the card. $F1 and his mother gasped, concerned that i had ruined the card. I knew that $F1 had given me the card to show his friendship with me. It was an important symbol, and he would only give it to someone he knew would appreciate the significance of the sentiment. I reached down to my right and brought the rest of the card up as i started to sit up. $F1 mentioned something about the card. I asked whether it could be used to get back into the store. $F1 said that the codes on the card had been removed. As i looked at the small credit-card-shaped card, i noticed that a hole had been punched in the left side of the card. The hole must have been punched through the numbers of the code. I remembered that this was from the store where $F1 had worked. It was a very old card. I noticed that the rectangular panel on the right side of the card had a brown rubber insert in the center of it. I thought that most modern cards would have a whole there where an electrical outlet could be inserted, but this one had been made before the outlets were put into cards. The brown rubber should be punched out if an outlet was inserted. I turned to the east and followed $F1 and the others down the street. We were in a city, walking on the sidewalk on the south side of the street. It was night, and all of the car lights illuminated the people who were walking toward the large building to the south of us. This is where the competition would be held. I wondered whether $F1 would really be in danger. It did not seem that the fight would be dangerous. I wished that i should wrestle with someone. I then wondered whether the submission wrestling would be dangerous for $F1 over a long period of time.

12001 October 25

I walked to the south, across the narrow university quadrangle. The old stone buildings formed a rectangle, but i could only see the old two-story stone buildings on the north and south sides. I made it across the grassy yard quickly and walked between the buildings on the south. There was another row of buildings to the south, across the street from the building between which i had walked. I felt as though i were heading back to someplace to do something. I could see many people walking around near me. There was a carnival going on along the street. On the south side of the street, i could see a large yellow metal crane supporting what looked like a scrambler ride. The dull red metal seats of the ride spun around, partly blocked by a tent or kiosk in front of me. I thought that i should buy tickets at the booth to the north of me. I passed in front of a glass booth as i thought about it. There was a line of people stretched from the glass window to the east. I did not want to wait in line. I felt hesitant and unsure. I walked around the booth and headed into the festival. It seemed that i had gotten past the security and entered the festival without passing through the front gate. As i started to walk around an object on the ground, i could see the yellow arm of the backhoe resting on the ground. I thought that the man in the construction vehicle must have lowered the ride so that the people could get off. I could see the very large bucket of the hoe curled up, with a metal loop on the very end of it. There was a metal cable through the loop which ran to the west. As i rounded the main part of the backhoe, i could see the red wheel of chairs on the ground. There was a construction worker walked around in front of it. He seemed like a heavy man, wearing blue denim pants and a brown work coat. I continued past the ride, thinking that i did not have the tickets to expend on it anyway. I then wondered whether i would be able to simply get on the ride for free. I did not think that anyone was really checking anything here. I came to the south end of the large room and turned to the west, walking along the back wall. I seemed to be at the back of a bar. I felt very uncomfortable, as though i were not welcome here. There was a round bartender wiping a glass behind the bar along the west wall. He watched me as i walked to the north, into the center of the room. I was aware that several other people were watching me. They thought that i did not belong here. I thought that i should leave, even though i knew that i had a right to be here.

12001 October 27

I moved to the north, across the yard toward the large white barn. It was hard to tell whether i was inside the barn or on the grass. I was talking to several other people near me. The area around me was farming country, with wide flat land. The ground seemed dry, as though it was early winter, but the grass was still dull green. There were a few rows of trees and bushes along the edges of the yard and fields. I walked to the west of the barn. There seemed to be a circular driveway that i crossed. There seemed to be a house to the south. The hard dirt driveway ran along the east side of the house and circled to the west, connecting with a dirt road that ran along the side of the yard. The main road seemed to be to the south of the house. I spoke to someone as i lay down on the large bed. I had been sleeping. $A291 was with me. He sat on the edge of the bed as i spoke to him. He was joking with me about something. I then realized that i had been in the bed for a very long time. I thought that it must be getting late in the day. I watched myself roll over on the bed. I then realized that the bed was moving to the west. I looked to the west, down the country road. There were trees on both sides of the road, and it seemed like a bright summer day. The bed was rolling down the hill. I was aware of a car behind me as i watched the road move under the bed on which i as lying. There was a woman and her daughter in the car. I could hear them talking about the bed. I wondered suddenly whether i would be able to control the direction of the bed as it rolled down the hill. I watched the road ahead of me curve to the south, down the steep hill. There were trees on all sides which shaded the road from the bright sunlight. The bed stayed in the right lane as it rounded the corners of the road. I could hear the mother speaking to her daughter as they followed me. They were wondering how i would be able to get the bed back up the hill. I remembered that it was a long was down the hill and it would be very hard to push the bed all the way back to the top. The road curved back to the east and started to straighten out. The daughter said that she did not know how i was going to get back. As i approached the bottom of the hill, there seemed to be a creek to the south of the road. The mother then figured something out and said “Oh... he can probably take Main Street back.” I remembered that there was a road which ran east to west on the other side of the creek. I could cross the creek at the bottom of the hill. I thought that the road had a fairly shallow hill back to town. I decided that i did not want to take the road, however. I wanted to force the mattress back up the steep hill of the road we were on. I had some doubts that i would be able to make the mattress go up hill just by thinking about it, but i was going to show the people around me that i could do things others could not. The road turned to the north and started back up hill. I thought about willing the bed to keep moving up the hill, hoping that i was able to keep it moving. There were two cars in front of me as the road curved to the northwest up the steep hill. The mattress kept moving. I had managed to force its motion to continue. I knew that i had special abilities and wanted to use them. I concentrated on the bed, thinking it up the hill as fast as it could go.

12001 October 28

I looked out the back window of my bedroom at my parents’ house. There were people moving around in the yard below. I had been home alone. It was a bright autumn day and the grass outside seemed tan and dry. There was a large dog walking across the yard from the west. I wondered what it was doing in the back yard. It did not seem to belong there. I made a noise out the window to try to scare the dog away. It looked up at me. It was a very large dog, and seemed like an afghan hound. A second dog had already walked to the east, to the back corner of the house. The other dog seemed like a person. I growled at the first dog, wondering whether i could scare it away. It started to growl back. I knew that it would not be able to reach me, so i kept growling at it. It was then a man standing in the middle of the back yard. It seemed that i knew him. He looked very large, but it seemed that i was interested in speaking with him. I asked him a few questions. I was aware that his friend was still walking around the corner of the house. The other man had dark hair and was wearing a black leather jacket. The large man, whom i was talking to, had light blonde hair and seemed very bulky. I thought, for a moment, that he had once been very muscular, but was now out of shape. He was now closer to me as he spoke. I could not tell whether he was very tall or whether i was closer to the ground that i used to be. I then heard my parents in the driveway. They had arrived home and were with several of my relatives. The man was then standing to the west of me. It seemed that he was standing on a short stone wall which stuck out from the house. He was trying to get closer to me so that we would not have to shout to each other. He shifted his position and tried to climb through the window that i was in. I watched him as he pulled himself through. He seemed to be overweight, but i thought that he used to have an attractive body. I felt interested in him. He then stood to the west of the window in the small room. I could hear my mother scolding the other man about being in the yard. I turned around and called to $X3, thinking that he would want to bark at the people outside. As he ran into the small room, i remembered that the window was still open. The skinny dog rounded the corner and ran into the room. I quickly grabbed him to prevent him from falling out the window as he barked. I then remembered that i had already placed the screen back into the window. I explained my fears to the man as i held $X3. I was then in the hallway on the second floor of my parents’ house. My mother had come up the stairs and was talking to us. I was not sure how to introduce her to the other man. I was not that familiar with him and did not know what to say to him. My mother then said that he could probably eat dinner with us. I looked as the man as he stood to the south of me. My mother must have misunderstood what he had said. I did not know that the conversation had been about dinner.

I walked to the south, along the outside of the large mall. I was on the back side of the building. The other man with me was a delivery driver. I was working with him. We had to take something into the mall, but we were unsure how to get into the back section of the building. I looked over the tan stucco wall to the east as the man walked in front of me. There seemed to be a few glass doors, but we knew that they led into the main section of the mall and not into the access corridors. Two men were talking by a truck just to the west. I then realized that there was a small wooden structure attached to the mall, just to the west of one of the glass doors. I grabbed onto the plywood cube and it opened into a corridor. I called to the man and told him that i had found the entry. I walked into the white corridor. The hallway stretched to the east, slightly to the south of the entrance door. There seemed to be many doorways along the hall which led into the backs of the stores. We walked to the junction of the corridors, just a few metres from the door. The passageway ran north to south, crossing the main hall. I turned to the west, looking around. There was a break room to the south of the junction on the east wall. I could see a woman sitting at a long table inside. The man with me caught up to me and asked me where the office was. I did not know, but i started to walk to the northwest, looking into the other open room of the corridor.

12001 October 30

I walked across the apartment. I felt upset. My relatives had come to visit, and they were changing things in my apartment. I opened the cupboard doors and realized that there was a loaf of bread in the cupboard. I was annoyed that my mother had moved the bread. It should have been in the freezer. I opened the refrigerator door and looked in the freezer. Things were not right here. Everything had been moved and was not where it was supposed to be. I pulled things out of the freezer and started throwing them on the floor. I yelled at my mother for messing thing up. There was a piece off chicken on the shelf in the freezer which was not wrapped in anything. I complained that it would go bad if it was not properly wrapped. I got some plastic wrap from the drawer to wrap the chicken back up. I felt angry with everyone. There was a storm building up outside. I could hear the thunder and i knew that it was going to rain. I looked out the tall old multipane window of the apartment to see the rest of the apartment building. The apartment building was made of red brick and seemed several stories tall. I could see into the other windows of the building to see what others were doing. I saw Captain Janeway walking through one of the buildings. Something was wrong, and this was part of a television story. Seven had done something to save the crew, but it had left her damaged. She was breaking down. I watched Seven standing in the hallway. She was falling apart. One off her arms fell to the floor, and her face looked as though it was starting to melt. I knew that she was dead, but, since this was television, she could be reconstructed. I thought that i had to get out of this place. Something was not right here, and i was tired of watching the show. I turned to the southwest and started into the corner ff the room. There was a small office crowded into the corner of the room. The roll-top desk was covered with papers, and there was a tall wooden chair in front of it. The others with me looked around the room while i walked to the desk. There was a small sign on the desk that said that the person who worked there was out for the moment. I looked up to see the window above the desk. There was a second level to this office. The room seemed modern, with metal support beams and glass on all of the walls. There was a large window to the east which looked out over the factory. A set of metal stairs curled up to the metal grating of the balcony on the second level. The stairs were on the west side of the room, and the desk was against the south wall. Above the desk, at the top of the stairs, and behind the metal balcony, was a booth which acted as the boss’s office. It had a glass front and seemed very art deco in design. I climbed the stairs to the office, leaving the others in the lower office. There was a large deck in the bigger office which looked out through the large window to the east. I felt as though we had to get out of this place. I tried to break the window with my hand, but it was made of strong glass. I picked up something from the desk and hit on of the smaller windows to the left, which looked out at a fourty-five-degree angle from the other walls The smaller window cracked and shattered, but there was a plastic shield over it. I kicked out the plastic shield i felt as though we should not be here, but i had to get somewhere. I stepped out of the window and found myself on the cliff. The tops of the rocks were covered with dense patches of thin green grass. This cliff looked out over the small valley. I thought that the others might be below us in the office. Someone else came through the window with me. He had a bottle in his hand. I thought that we could sit on top of the cliffs and drink alcohol. I climbed to the edge of the cliff, knowing that no one would dare to pull us off from such a height. They could not escape from the office, but we had managed to escape. I felt relaxed here and looked out over the rolling hills off the farm country. The sky seemed yellow, as though the sun was setting.

I was standing on the back side of my parents’ house, looked at the door into the basement. There were a large number of guitars standing against the stone walls. I was excited to see them and thought that some off them were very nice. I wondered whether i could take any of them. They had come from the guitar shop which had closed. My father had gotten them from one of his jobs. I thought that i could use some of them. I looked at a back one which seemed rather nice. It seemed like a Gibson, with a small rounded black body. Someone said that the guitar had a tinny sound. I tried to remember what it had sounded like when i was playing it. I did not think that it was too bad, but i knew that i could always find a use for the sound. I thought that i could really use any of the guitars. I looked around at them and thought that some of them seemed really nice. There was a red one with a tin sounding board in the center. I thought that i could really use any of the guitars. I just wanted to have something interesting to play.