12003 October 03

I walked down the street to the east, confused by the neighbourhood. I was trying to get home, and i was walking through a suburban area which seemed no be near $P73. I remembered traveling through this area before on a bus before. I had gotten on the wrong bus and ended up traveling to the city to the east. I was on a bus now as i moved through the suburban streets. The roads were winding, with many trees hanging over them. The houses along the street seemed older and moderately kept. The bus traveled to the southeast, around a curve to the right. I felt that i was on the wrong bus, but i was not really sure. This bus was passing near the college housing on $P73. As the bus stopped to pick someone up on the long road heading west, i looked to the north. There was a line of pine trees running along the northern side of the road, and there was a thin layer of snow on the ground. Just beyond the trees was a gorge which separated this section of houses from the rest of the neighbourhood to the north. I wondered whether i could get off the bus somewhere near here and walk the rest of the way to my house. It did not seem that i was too far from my house, but i knew that the bus should get me closer. My house was too the north, and i tried to picture how far it would be to walk. I had trouble picturing the distance, though. I knew that i would have to cross the gorge, but i seemed to confuse my house with $P19. I could not focus on where i was. I thought that i would have to wait for the bus to start coming down the other side of the gorge. It would be traveling to the east, then. The bus was then heading east along the southern edge of the gorge. The ground was grassy, and sloped down steeply just to the north of us. I wondered how the bus could drive on the grass and not sink in. The ground did look damp and soft. I then wondered why the bus was driving on the grass at all. It occurred to me that this was a new route that the bus was testing out. The dirt road which used to run along the top of the slope would be paved if the bus route worked. I felt nervous as i watched the tops of the pine trees pass to the north of us. The bus then drove along the northern perimeter of a fenced in area. The area seemed to be a power station. As the bus passed very close, i noticed some signs warning of high voltage. We were passing very close to the tall metallic chain-link fence, and i thought that the electricity from the lines overhead could easily conduct through the bus. The bus then rounded the northeast corner of the fence and started to the south. It barely squeezed through the space between the corner of the fence and the tall white barrier to the northeast. I could hear part of the fence scraping against the right side of the bus. I was then aware of a group of people to the south of us. The bus stopped and i got off. I was here to join with the group, but i felt uncertain about the group. I had never been here before, and i did not know exactly what i should be doing. This was some kind of athletic class. The students were putting on sparing helmets and gloves. $A62 was helping one of the students put on a large pair of tan gloves. The gloves and helmet seemed very large. The helmets came to a cone on the top of the head of the student to the south of $A62. I was heading west toward the two as someone handed me a pair of gloves. I would have to get a helmet so that i could practice boxing with the others here. It would be good practice to learn boxing. I knew that it would be helpful for Tae Kwon Do. I passed $A62 and the two students and left the small building, coming out into the wide yard where the other students were getting ready to spar. I wondered whether i would be able to spar as well as the students in the class. I had done it before in martial arts, but felt strange about trying the boxing version where i could not use my feet. I had to find a helmet, though. I wondered where i was going to find a helmet.

12003 October 05

The white toilets were arranged in a row, one behind the other, as though they were seats on a bus. I was sitting on the toilet at the back of the row. I had just finished defecating, and suddenly noticed the young men sitting on the toilet in front of me. They were naked, and they seemed to be erotic with each other. I tried not to notice as i shifted in my seat. I was almost done, so i reached for a toilet paper on the wall, just to the right of me. I then looked again at the young men. They were being very erotic with each other. Their actions seemed inappropriate here, but i kept looking at them. There was a man sitting in the row in front of them who turned around. He was young as well, and smiled at the two. He was enjoying their actions and turned around to join them. I admired the fact that they could enjoy themselves sexually, and wished that i could do the same. I used some of the toilet paper to wipe myself. One of the young men then turned around and smiled at me. I felt uneasy because i did not want to have erotica with him. I then realized that his mouth was full of sperm, and i felt disgusted with him. He leaned toward me as i wiped myself a second time. He was making it obvious that he wanted me to join them. He then glanced down to the toilet under me. I suddenly realized that he was interested it the feces in the toilet. Before i could react, he reached into the toilet under me. I was annoyed with him and tried to get away, but i had to finish wiping myself. I pushed his shit-stained hands away from me and tried to stand up. I was starting to get angry with him. I then imagined grabbing him by the shoulder and pushing him down into the tub that he was soaking in. Suddenly, i was standing over the toilet, and the man was no longer bothering me. The third man, who had been in the seat in front of the two men, was now standing near them. He asked me for some toilet paper, but i had just pulled the last pieces of paper from my roll. I did not want to give him any, but then i realized that there was a new roll hanging on the wall near him. I told him about it and quickly tried to finish wiping myself. I wanted to get away from the two men. As i stood up, i felt wet on my anus. I reached behind me with some toilet paper and tried to wipe it off, but i realized that the toilet paper had become damp and was sticking to me. I was frustrated and just wanted to get out of this place. I pulled up by underwear, but realized that there was a wad of toilet paper in by buttocks. I felt uncomfortable and wandered what to do. I did not want to stay around where the others were. I then realized that my hands were still dirty from the feces that the man had smeared on me. I felt angry and had to wash it off.

12003 October 06

I moved to the northwest, across the park-like area in the urban area. The street around me ran east to west, with tall old stone buildings to the south. The north side of the street had grass growing, and there seemed to be an open park to the northwest. The others were gathered at the park. I focused on levitating myself over the sidewalk. I was able to fly in small loops over the ground. I then started moving toward the group in the park. I thought that they were talking about me and my ability to fly, but, as i got close to them, i realized that they were just starting another conversation. I wanted to talk about flying, though. I flew into the middle of the crowd. I drifted over the group and then swooped down through the people. After i had drawn their attention, i swooped back into the air. One of the people in the group was suddenly annoyed with me. She spoke out, accusing me of showing off my ability to fly just to impress the others. I then felt that i had to get away. I flew to the east, thinking that i could fly into one of the buildings on the street and hide before the group could figure out where i went. I was then in the large entrance room of the old abandoned apartment building. There was no light from the room, but the sunlight from outside shined into the dusty room through the dirty windows above the door of the southern wall. The wood floor of the room was covered with dust. I spotted the man just outside the door to the south. His shadow passed over the opaque glass of the door. I quickly ran into the center of the room and crouched down on the floor. I could see the man creeping toward the door. He peered into the room through the holes which had been drilled through the wooden barrier. The barrier was made of thick planks which were vertically placed over the entryway. I crouched on the ground near the door, pretending that i was some kind of wild animal. The man peered into the room until he spotted me. He froze for a moment, but suddenly appeared just inside the door. He was standing now, with a confident look on his face. He had an old shotgun in his left hand. He was now wearing a dark trench coat. I thought that he might shoot me, but i jumped at him, knowing that he would not expect an attack. I considered biting him on the neck, as an animal would. I knew that he would be shocked by the attack, and would not be able to shoot his gun in time.

12003 October 08

The man appeared in front of us as i stood before the entrance of the short wide building. I also seemed to be in the basement of the house, facing the stairs which led up. Two women were standing to the south of me, between the entrance and where i was standing. They seemed to be two of the main characters from the television show Charmed. The man stood before them and spoke in a deep noble voice. He was pale, and i knew that he was a ghost. He seemed to be occidental, with beads and leather strings woven into his long grey and black hair. His robes were formal, as though he was a leader or spiritual man. He asked the women for something, but the one in the tight pink button-up sweater was offended. The man said that he expected an apology. If he got one, he would not bother us any more. The woman in pink started to walk away, noticeable offended. For a moment, i felt her anger and thought that the demands of the nobleman were unreasonable. The woman then turned and slapped the man across the face, and i felt that her action was justified. Then the scenery shifted. I was now looking to the west, standing just to the east of the entrance to the short cement building. There was a set of metal stairs leading down to the east. I felt suddenly that we should not have ignored the man as we did. I know that there was nothing wrong with his request. He walked up the stairs toward me, holding his head high in dignity. He was coming into the house. He would have gone away if we had apologized, but now he was going to stay here to haunt us. I watched him pass, turning to the south, and walking up the black metal stairs to the front of the house. He passed through the closed door. Behind him was a queue of men, all walking at the same slow pace. I looked at them, noticing that they were all ghosts of soldiers. Their faces were stoic as they trudged up the stairs and into the house. They were part of the problem that we had created. As i watched them pass in their dirty and torn camouflage uniforms, i tried to understand why the woman had been so offended at the man’s request. It seemed like a reasonable request to me. If they had simply apologized to him, we would not have had to live with the ghosts in the house. Now we were stuck with them, and i did not know how to fix the situation.

12003 October 11

I woke up in the small bedroom of the house and headed to the south, into the outer room. My family was in the house with me. I remembered sitting with them at a table when the other man had been with me. I had gone to a bar with the man the night before, and he was saying something about it. I was sitting on the northern end of the eastern side of a picnic bench, with the man sitting opposite me. My mother sat just to the south of me. Several other relatives of mine seemed to be around the table as well. The man was talking candidly about himself and his views on homosexuality. He was homosexual, but he described himself without making a point of it. I felt strange, wondering what my family members would think of him. I knew that they were uncomfortable with the idea of homosexuality. I had a hard time believing that they had would have listened so quietly without saying something. I then started to wonder whether the man had actually sat down with us to eat. I tried to remember the night before, where i had gone dancing and had run into the man at a bar. I suddenly decided that the man had never really eaten with my family because i could picture myself getting into my car in the gravel parking lot to the east of the bar. I was alone, though it seemed that my mother was in a car to the south, worrying about me. I realized that the dinner conversation had been a dream. My grandmother did not really find out from the man that i was homosexual. I walked to the east, into the larger room outside the bedroom. My mother was standing to the south, cleaning up something. I felt sleepy, and did not want to get out of bed. I started to take off the clothing that i had worn to bed. I pulled off the long-sleeved tee shirt and started to pull down my pants. I had to take a shower so that we could get going. I pulled off the sweat pants that i was wearing and realized that i had two pair on. The heavy white pair had been put on over the thin grey pair. I did not know why i had put on both pair. I stood up as my grandmother said something from the floor below. She was ready to leave. She mentioned that she had to get going to Las Vegas and asked whether i was awake and ready to do something. My mother was standing near me now as i looked at something in my left hand. I said something to my grandmother, and she said “I think he wants to go to Las Vegas too.” My mother seemed skeptical. It would be interesting to go to Las Vegas, but i thought that the rest of my family did not really want to go. I looked at the thick red stain on the fingers of my left hand. I had just screwed the cap onto the wine bottle, and the residue of old wine had gotten onto my fingers.

12003 October 13

I was riding in the cab of the large tractor-trailer as the driver tried to maneuver the truck around in the street. We seemed to be in the middle of an old industrial area. The land around us was flat, and there seemed to be a chain-link fence around the large factory yard to the north of us. I watched the truck back up and try to turn around. I was surprised that such a big truck was so maneuverable. I expected the trailer to be hard to turn around. The driver of the truck said something to me, and i suddenly felt as though i had been hitch hiking. I was trying to get back to the place on the north side of the city street ahead of us. We did not seem that for off, and i mentioned to the driver that i was near my location. We were stopped, and i said goodbye to the driver. He seemed in lust with me, so i tried to act as though i was unaware of his feelings. I gathered my things from the seat of the car and stepped out. The driver was now standing near me on the side of the car. I motioned to a black jacket that was in the back seat of the car and the man picked it up and handed it to me. I gathered it into my arms with the rest of my things. I felt distracted and tried to avoid acknowledging the man. He touched me a couple of times on the arm and shoulder, but i pretended that i did not think anything of it. The others were then near the car. I had to get into the building.

12003 October 18

I was lying, half asleep, in bed, listening at the sounds around my. My mother was supposed to visit, so i was waiting to hear some sound from downstairs. I sat up suddenly, thinking that i heard the sound of a door opening down stairs. I stood up from the low double bed in the large bedroom. The walls of the room were off-white, and there seemed to be very little furnishings in the room. There were two windows on the south wall of the room and one on the west wall, just to the south of the bed. I walked over to the window in the south wall and looked out. I seemed to be on the second floor of the building. I could see the street below. My parents were just getting out of the white car, which was parked on the street just to the east of the window. I thought that i should get up and head downstairs. I then looked out the window to the west. I was sitting on the bed, still partly under the covers. I could see the grass lawn to the west of the house. The lawn seemed to be part of a quadrangle. There were several bushes growing in the middle of the lawn. I then noticed a group of small animals walking across the lawn from the south. As i looked at them, i noticed that they were not normal animals. Some of them seemed like wild animals. I then spotted two lions walking with the pack. I realized that these animals might have run away from the zoo. As they walked by the window, i saw a bear and some other dangerous animals in the pack. I then realized that my parents were outside. I had to warn them about the animals. I ran across the room to the east and walked out the front door of the house. I looked to the west, across the wide yard of the house. The house was a tall brick building which looked very similar to the apartment building across the street. The buildings were red brick, with white trim. The street ran right under the building to the south, but there was a wide grass lawn in front of my building. The lawn was surrounded by a tall metal chain-link fence. I spotted my parents on the western side of the fence. They were walking to the north. I called to them, telling them to get inside the fence immediately. I told them about the animals which were running loose. They seemed to realize that there was something wrong. They backed up and walked through the gate which was in the fence, closing it after themselves. I then thought that the other side of the fence seemed very far away. The front of the house seemed very wide, much wider than the inside of the house seemed. I remembered walking across the house to get to the door, and it did not seem as long a distance as the width of the outside of the house. I was then back inside the house. I walked to the north, across the empty room. This place seemed run down. The pale red and white wallpaper was wrinkled and lifting from the wall on the edges. I had just moved into this house. The old man had left the house to me after he died. I looked around the northern end of the room, wondering why i had moved here from my house. As i paced around the room, i wondered just how well insulated this place was. It seemed very run-down and old. I turned to the east and paced back across the room, saying something to my mother, who was to the southeast of me. As i came near a corner of the room, where the eastern wall turned into the room a meter and a half before continuing to the north, i felt a sudden warm wind blowing against my left shin. I looked down to see a square hole cut into the floor. It seemed to be an old heater vent, but i could see a flexible hose running up through it. Around the edges of the hose, i could see a large white base hairdryer connected to the other end of the hose. I mentioned the hair dryer to my mother, thinking that it was a crude way to heat the house. This house was patched together, and i thought that it was serious need of repair. I turned around and started walking to the south, across the white room of the basement. I could see a room to the south, down a short corridor. The far wall of the room was covered with white bookcases. Rows of black folders and research books were stored on the shelves. I was interested in them, and was glad that i could keep them with the house. The old man had left all his research stuff in the house when he left the house to me. I turned to the northeast and walked to the back corner of the basement. There was a small closet at the back of the room. A short dividing wall extended from the western wall, partly covering the door to the closet. I stood in the small dark closet, looking to the south, down the length of the narrow closet. I thought for a moment about staying in the closet. It would make a good place to meditate, but i thought that i might get uncomfortable in the small space. I quickly stepped out of the closet and closed the door behind me. To the south, just outside of the closet, i could see the narrow space between the curved wall and the outside wall of the basement. There was a window in the outside wall which cast light on the back of the dividing wall. The house was very strangely designed, and i wondered why someone had put in the wall, which bowed toward the window. I decided that the house was still good as an investment. I might be able to fix it up and hold on to it until i could sell the house. I still had my own house to live in. I turned to the east as i walked around the basement, noticing the tan veil hanging over the object on the shelf on the west wall. I realized that the veil had religious significance. It was acting as a shrine to the old man, who had just died. I looked around the room, seeing the tan and dark-yellow sheets and blankets bunched up on the small bed against the south wall. This must have been the man’s bedroom. I looked around to see personal items scattered around the room, and i wondered why the man had been staying in the basement. He must have been having trouble walking up the stairs. I stepped out of the bedroom, feeling that i was invading the man’s personal space. I returned to the library, where all of the books were stored.

12003 October 19

I heard the loud boom and stepped to the north, out of the small house to see what it was. It was dark out, and i seemed to be in a suburban area. I looked up into the sky. Something had hit the atmosphere and burned a hole in it. I could still see the reddish-brown spot above me where the asteroid had struck the atmosphere. I thought about the meteor and how it had bounced off the upper atmosphere. Someone had done something to divert it form hitting Earth. I moved a little way from the house, noticing the dark oval of sky around the two reddish fuzzy spots on the heavens. The larger spot was in the center of the oval, with the smaller spot just below it and to the left. I then noticed a similar mark on the sky to the southwest. The oval and burn marks looked exactly the same as the oval and burn marks over my head. I then realized that the meteor had actually penetrated the atmosphere. The mark above me was where it had come in, and the other burn mark was the exit hole. I turned to head back into the house, realizing suddenly that the meteor could have hit the Earth and caused a lot of destruction. I suddenly felt uncomfortable knowing that the asteroid could have destroyed much of the life on Earth. It was lucky that someone could have diverted it before it hit.

12003 October 20

I stood up from my seat and walked around the cabin of the airplane. The cabin was very wide, like a room. The off-white walls of the plane were vertical, and the aisles ran along the walls, on either side of the rows of seats. I crossed the cabin to the left, where there was a separate section of seating. The rows in this section were facing west and were nestled in a small wing of the main room. I thought about where we were. It seemed that we were flying out of Las Vegas, or were somehow flying over the western United States. I turned around and walked back in to the main cabin, imagining that we were flying over the secret military base in the desert. I remembered seeing pictures of the base from the air. There was a small house with a driveway to the south of it. I pictured it, seeing the small grey wooden-shingled house with the oval driveway and parking lot to the south of it. The place was really a museum, but no one was allowed to see it. I walked across the main section of the cabin, in front of the section of chairs which were facing the front of the plane. There was a dividing wall in front of the chairs which separated them from a few more rows of chairs. The three rows in front of the wall were part of the first-class section. I walked to the northern part of the grey wall as the plane moved west. A movie was being projected onto the large screen in front of the first-class passengers. I did not want to walk into their space, so i started to back to the north, thinking that the rest of the passengers were not shown a movie. I turned around, still standing at the northern edge of the dividing wall. The plane started to shake. We must have been going through some turbulence. I looked around for an empty seat, since i seemed very far from mine. There was a small section of seats on the north side of the plane which seemed to have few people in them. I sat down in the front row of this section, looking out the round windows which were now in front of me. I could see autumn-coloured leaves passing by the window. We now seemed to be heading to the northeast. I realized that we were very low over the trees. I wondered why we were traveling so low to the ground. I tried to pull the seat belt tight over my waist, but the strap kept sliding through the buckle. I would have to hold it tight in case anything happened. I then turned around and looked out the large window. The window seemed to take up the entire wall of the room and looked out from the back of the airplane. I could see the green field passing under the airplane. The view was then filled with green tree leaves as the plane passed through a break in the trees at the western side of the field. I watched the large white tree pass to the south of the plane. We were moving in an arch, turning slowly to the southwest, climbing slowly again. I looked back as the filed moved away from us. I then wondered whether we were low enough to the secret military base to see it. The small grey building appeared from the bottom of the window. It was the secret military base. I realized that we should not be watching it, but i took out my camera and took a picture of it, thinking that the picture might be valuable later. I kept the camera close to my body as i took the picture, worried that someone might see me with it. I was excited to get a picture of the base, but i know that i could be killed for having the image. I quickly slid the camera into the left front pocket of my green coat. I hoped that i could keep the image. I then started to relax a little, watching the grey house move away from us. We were still climbing to the southwest, but i thought that we were going to make a crash landing in the desert. The crash would be a good excuse as to why we were flying so low over a secret base. I watched the grey museum get smaller as it moved to the right side of the window. There was a white car parked in front of the main entrance, at the northern end of the looping driveway. The driveway formed a crooked loop which was shaped more like a lima bean. I wondered what it would be like to be able to go to the museum which was the secret military base.

12003 October 21

I turned my car to the west and started down the old country road. The road was paved, but the paving seemed old and crumbling. Just as i started to accelerate, i noticed a large brown animal in the green grassy field to the northwest of the corner. There was a large moose grazing in the grass. It stood facing west, near the east-to-west road. I stopped my car, thinking that the moose might charge toward me if i came too close to it. The moose looked over its left shoulder at me as it chewed on some of the tall green grass. The moose’s head was tan, and it had rather narrow but thick antlers. A car came over the rise from the west and slowed to watch the moose. The moose continued to munch on the grass, ignoring the car. I then realized that the moose was starting to crouch with its back legs. It was defecating. I decided that i should drive past it while it was busy. I started the car and tried to accelerate, but the car was not moving as fast as it should. I realized that the engine was having trouble. I felt frustrated, thinking how annoying it was that the car chose now to act up. I was then past the animal, and i turned to the south to look back at the moose. I could not see it. There were three men sitting to the west of me now as i came to a stop in the dirt driveway which ran between the old red barns. I looked at the men as i said something about the moose. They stood up to see what i was talking about. I looked to the east, between the red barn and the small wooden shack to the north. I could see the wide green field to the south of the road that i had been on. There was now a road running north to south along the eastern edge of the field. The road i had been on was just to the north. It started on the main road and ran to the west. I looked at the intersection where the two roads joined, trying to see where the field with the moose was. There was a small yellow trailer house with a white roof blocking the view of the corner. As i shifted position, trying to get a view, i saw something moving across the main road to the east. I wondered whether the moose might have moved. An animal rustled the leaves at the edge of the forest and then poked its head out. It was a dark-grey and white wolf. I turned around and said something to the others, excited to see a wolf. I did not know that there were many wolves in this area. I watched the wolf step out into the road. I wondered if the moose would cross the road into the field where the wolf was. I could still not see it in the small field beyond the yellow house. I then turned around and said something to the men, who were now standing up. They were wearing blue denim overalls and white tee shirts. I said something about the wolf and then turned back around to look at the animal. There was a glint of metal from its neck, and i realized that it was wearing a collar with a brass tag on it. I told the others that it was not really a wolf because it had a collar. As the wolf walked closer, though, i realized that the collar was just part of a larger harness which wrapped around the animal’s body. The dog trotted to the north of us, where one of the farmers walked up to it and took hold of the leather straps of the harness. I realized just how big the animal was. It was taller than the man and stood like a horse. It had long legs with wide padded feet. I was amazed at how large wolves could get. I then looked back to the east, trying to see what happened to the moose.

I was in the back seat of the car on the passenger’s side, and we were heading south over the rocky terrain. I watched the scenery go by, thinking that it looked very nice. There was a short rock outcropping to the north. It was reddish tan, like many of the other rocks in the area. I was then aware that we were approaching the edge of a hill, and there was what seemed to be a farm on the south side of the road. One of the buildings on the farm was metallic and reflected the light of the bright grey sky. We drove over the edge of the hill and started down the steep slope. The road curved to the southeast. I could see the river at the bottom of the valley, to the east. The river ran east to west, along the bottom of the hill. I then recognized the steep forested mount to the east. The mount was in the middle of a small city, and it forced the river to run around the south side of it. I realized that the city was $P3, and that the mount was $P15. I could see the city spreading up the hill to the north of the river. I was surprised that i had never seen the river from this perspective before, and i mentioned my fascination to the two men who were driving the car. I looked out the driver’s window to see a mall which was cut into the side of the hill. I had never been on this side of town before and was amazed how new and interesting everything looked. One of the men in the front seat then mentioned something about the rocks, motioning to the north. I looked to the north, out the driver’s window as the road leveled off. The hill was rocky, with tan and brown boulders strewn over the surface. I realized that the men were talking about purchasing a section of land for use, but the other had pointed out that there was nothing but rocks at the top of the hill. They did not think that the land could be easily developed. A building passed in front of my view, and, as it passed, i noticed something large and brown on the hillside. I was not looking directly at the object until i saw it move. I then focused on it, realizing that it was a monkey. It had been sitting on a rock under a small ledge. The depth was wrong, though. The monkey was quite far away from me, even though it seemed very close. I realized that it was a very large monkey. I excitedly pointed out the animal to the others as the monkey stood up and casually walked to the southwest.

12003 October 24

I headed to the south, across the empty room of the building. The building seemed like a parking garage, but it was really a building under construction. The floor under me was bare cement, and it sloped down to the west. The space that i was in seemed to cover the entire floor of the building, and there did not seem to be any walls on the outside of the building. I seemed to be on one of the upper floors of the building with the others. We were getting ready to leave. There was a group of men eating lunch to the southwest of us, on the south side of the room. I thought that they were the workmen who were constructing this building. In the southwest corner of the building, i could see the yellow metal walls around the elevators. The others would probably use the elevators to get down to the ground level, but i wanted to use the stairs. I turned to the northeast, where the stairwell was. I opened the door, which was on the eastern side of the stairwell, and started down the stairs. The stairwell was circular and curved to the right. After taking a few steps, however, i realized that the metal steps were not screwed down. The triangular plate on which i stepped shifted, the outer edge lifting up. I lifted my foot and turned around. I had to be careful not to step on the wrong part of the stairs, or the plates might tip and fall through the frame of the stairwell. I was aware of the workmen to the west of me. They were able to see me through the glass wall of the stairwell, and i wondered whether they were joking about me on the unfinished stairs. I leaned on the black metal railing on the east side of the stairs. It swung out, and i started to feel very unsafe on the stairs. I was tense and nervous, but i made it back to the top of the stairwell. I walked out of the black metal door of the stairwell and ran into the woman. She was about to enter the stairwell, but i warned her about the loose stairs. I told her not to take the stairwell, and i turned to head into the center of the main room.

12003 October 29

I entered the house and walked into the room in the center. Something then changed, and i stopped suddenly in the small room which seemed to be a kitchen. I realized that i was in the house where $A357 lived. I had been here earlier in the evening, but i had gone home. I wondered why i had returned and started to feel nervous here. I had to sneak out before anyone found me here. I turned around and started toward the front door, but then i heard someone coming down the stairs. I stopped for a moment at the door and peeked into the next room. I could see someone at the front door. The person was in silhouette, so i could not tell who it was, but i thought that it might me $A357. The person was closing the door and placing a bar across it. He must be locking the door for the night. I had to leave without being noticed, but i would not be able to get out with the door locked. I walked into the living room as the man was turning around. It was $A357. He smiled when he saw me and moved toward me. His straight white hair came down to his ears, looking quite different than i had remembered. He moved toward me and hugged me hello. I felt frustrated, thinking that i had to find an excuse to get out of the house.