12005 October 03

I said something to the other person as we walked to the east, away from the house. We were in the forested back yard of the house. It seemed to be autumn, and all of the leaves were already off of the trees. There was a deep creek just to the north of us. It ran east to west in a small rocky gorge. As we climbed the shallow hill to the east, i was aware that the gorge was very deep to the northwest of us, but rose to the same level as the surrounding ground just to the northeast. I turned to the north and looked at the picturesque gorge. It was quite nice to look at. I knew that $Z and the others wanted to continue to the east, but i wanted to take this detour to look at the gorge. There was a short chain-link fence running between the yard and the edge of the short cliffs of the creek’s gorge. The gorge was narrow enough to hop across, and only a metre or so deep, but the fence prevented us from crossing. I felt that the fence should not be there. I wanted to cross the creek, but i felt that others wanted to prevent this. I came to a narrow part of the gorge where the water tumbled over a steep fall. The ground around me was flat rock, matching the rock on the other side of the small gorge. I looked at the wide flat rocks on the other side of the gorge, noticing the stone wall which ran along that side of the gorge. I realized that this used to be the path across the creek, but the others had blocked it. I hopped over the chain-link fence, thinking that i would probably get in trouble for looking at the creek. It was quite beautiful, and i did not think that it should be restricted. On the other side, i though that the trail led from a park, which was on the other side of the bushes which were just beyond the stone wall. I looked to the southwest, down the length of the creek. It was very attractive to look at. I did not care what the others thought about me climbing over the fence.

12005 October 05

I drove the bus to the southwest, down the suburban street. The area around me seemed open, with low buildings which were set back from the road. I was the new driver of the bus, and i was wondering if i was driving the bus correctly. I headed down the street, which sloped downhill slightly. There were trees on both sides of the road, but none of them had leaves. It felt like early spring, though the air did not seem that cold. I rounded the corner at the bottom of the hill, turning to the east. After i turned, i noticed that there were people walking behind the bus. I wondered if they were trying to catch the bus. I had not stopped in a while, and i knew that i was not supposed to stop right now. I did not stop the bus for them, thinking that they were not at a proper bus stop, but then i felt guilty for not stopping to see if they were trying to catch the bus. I then thought that i would be stopping soon, and i hoped that the people would be able to catch up. As i drove to the east on the suburban street, i seemed to be to the south of the main part of the city. The main city square seemed to be several blocks to the north-northeast. I passed a side street to the north. The neighbourhood seemed old, though the buildings were well kept. Just to the east of the side street was a wide lawn which took up a small block between the two streets to the north. The block was only fifty metres wide, but seemed to be about a hundred and fifty metres long. There was a short metal chain-link fence running around the outside of the yard, just a deci or so inside the sidewalk. The grass looked a little ragged around the fence, as though it had not been cut since the summer previous. In the center of the northern section of the lawn was a grand building, which was made of pale-yellow stone. I turned up the street which ran along the eastern side of the lawn, stopping near the northern end of the street. There seemed to be a main street running along the northern side of the block. This was a bus stop, so thought that i should wait for the people on the other street to catch up. It would not take them that long to walk to this bus stop. I hoped that i was ahead of schedule on my route so that i could take the time to wait for them. I felt that this was a long way from the last stop. I looked across the main street, noticing that there was a large lawn on the other side of the street. There was no fence around this lawn, and the building in the center of it seemed to be part of a city building or university. I backed the bus into the parking space at the end of the street to wait for the people to catch up. I then thought that it was rather silly of me to parallel park the bus here. I should have just pulled up against the curb. I worried about what others would think of me parking like this. I then noticed that there was a small yellow car parked just in front of where i was trying to park. This gave me an excuse to parallel park here. I looked at the small rusty hatch-back car as i backed the bus up near it, thinking that it was not in good condition and that no one would really notice if i scraped it trying to park the bus. One of the others commented from the sidewalk on my parking. I looked at the group of people hanging out on the sidewalk to the east. One of them was $A377. I then realized that i did not make it into the parking spot correctly, so i pulled forward and tried again. I was annoyed. I was now standing in front of the bus, looking back at the parking spot. The front wheels of the bus were moving only the front end of the bus to one side, so i thought that i would need to get the back of the bus as close to the curb as possible and then use the wheels to move the front over to the curb. I looked down the aisle of the bus as i backed the bus to the curb. I was again sitting in the driver’s seat, though i was now facing down the length of the bus. There was a black metal control panel behind the driver’s seat with a meter in the center of it. The control panel was mostly blank. I looked at the black numbers on the white dials of the counter. I tried to reset the numbers on the counter, but could not get them to turn back or set to zero. I then realized that the driver’s seat turned around to face the meter, so i rotated it back and sat in it. $Z was near me, just to the east as i tried to figure out the controls. The meter was made up of a series of white markers on a chain. I rolled them to higher numbers, thinking that i had to get the numbers to the beginning of the sequence. I realized that i had had the meter at the right setting but had passed it while i was not paying attention. I thought that i would have to go around again. I looked at the chains which looped over the top of the pulleys of the counter as they hung down toward the floor. This seemed to be a crude machine. I realized that there were more markers farther down the chain which were wider than the ones which were currently going though the dial. The markers were actually little white trapezoidal chips which were attached on the small end to the links of the chain. There were black numbers in the center of each chip. I rolled back the numbers, trying to get to some other sequence that what i had.

12005 October 06

I ran to the southeast, across the long lawn of the small brick building. I felt that i was somewhere in the woods near a college campus. The building was to the west of me, and there seemed to be a line of short pine trees running along the northern and southern edges of the lawn. I crossed though the southern edge of pine trees as i set the trail. I was marking the ground with flour so that $G4 could know where to go on their run. I turned to the south on the other side of the hedge and walked down the gravel driveway. I looked back to the north, noticing that there was a white house on the western side of the driveway, set back into the thin woods. I felt that i had been out for a long time setting trail, and if felt wet and cold here. I walked along the eastern side of the small building. This was the apartment building where i lived. I walked into the room, disappointed by the condition of the place. This cheap motel was dilapidated, and my things seemed to be getting ruined here. I thought that there was something wrong with the ceiling. Everything in the room was damp, as though the rain had fallen through holes in the roof. I was upset that this place was in such disrepair. I started to pick through the things in the room, feeling depressed that i had been living in such a place. I started to gather my things, thinking that i should put them all in my car, where it was safe. The room was littered with clothing and papers. I had to change my clothes before the run started, but i did not have anything to wear which would be dry. I felt sad as i looked over a tie-died shirt which was tossed over the back of a chair on the western wall of the room. I wandered back and forth across the narrow room, heading from north to south several times. The walls of the room were pale blue. I felt confused and did not know what to do with all my things. My grandmother said something, but i did not want to listen to her worry at the moment. I walked back to the north, carrying a box of my belongings toward the exit door, which was a thin wooden door in the eastern side of the northern wall. I passed my grandmother, who was standing just to the west of the door. I carried the box outside. I had to clean up my room and get my things out. This was not a good place to stay. I then walked back into the room, suddenly wondering what i was going to do with the cat. I could not leave the cat here after i moved out, and i could not store the cat in the car. I was depressed and upset.

12005 October 08

I walked up hill, along the sidewalk, to the east. I was in a suburban area on the southeastern side of town. The main section of town seemed to be to the west of me, down the steep hill. I felt tired of walking, and i thought that i was out of shape. I did not want to feel like i was getting out of shape, though, so i continued to jog up the steep slope. There were buildings to the south of me, and a forested area to the north. There seemed to be a gorge somewhere in the forested area. I thought that i should take the trails through the forested area to the north for variety. I was out jogging, and i was getting tired of taking the same route all the time. $Z was with me. I looked down the street to the east as i started to turn on to the trail to the north. There was a large old building down the street which drew my attention. I did not remember it from before, and i though that i might never have come this way before. It was a large wooden church. The building was painted in black and white. I thought that it was striped at first, but, as i got closer, i realized that it was mostly a very dark grey with white trim. We walked past it, but i kept staring at the building. There was something special about it. There was some loose clear sheet plastic hanging from the eastern side of the building. I realized that the facade of the church was under construction. It had been worn with age, and people were trying to restore it to its original beauty. I was interested in the building. The others continued walking as i paused to admire the structure. I turned and walked into the chapel. I was disappointed to find that the chapel inside was not in good condition. It looked run down and modern, as though it had been renovated many times in its history, but never well kept. I thought that this building was here mostly for the tourists. It was a classic church, and many people came here just to see it. I thought that the chapel was now mostly used for shopping. This is why it was so run down and dirty.

I walked through the aisle of the small run-down store. This place seemed to be in the middle of a large city, and it seemed that it had not been maintained in quite a while. I moved to the north, heading down the short flight of stairs and exiting the tall brick building. I turned to the east and headed down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I remembered being here before. I stopped and looked around. I remembered that there were restaurants to the west and a mall to the northwest. This place was familiar, and i remembered walking through it before. The area was more open now, with short buildings, as though on the outside of a city. I thought that i should head through an area that i have not been to before. I turned to the south and started walking down one of the side streets. I felt frustrated and wanted to do something. I was heading down the main street which ran toward the center of town. I thought that i should walk down the street to the center of the city. It seemed like a long time since i had been there. I remembered that there was a section of town just to the east, on a parallel street where there were many small stores. There was a record store in a brick building that i had not been to in a long while. It seemed like a special place, but i had not been back since i was in college. I felt reminiscent of the place, and pictured it. My mother had been shopping on the main street of the town. I thought that she probably did not know about the stores on the other street.

I walked to the south, through the door of the small house, which was really a junk store. I was following my mother into the building. There did not seem to be any furnishings in the house, but almost every metre of the floor was covered with old dusty items. I had been to this place before. I thought that i might have just had a dream about this place, but i could not remember when. I looked around at the used items. There was a tall table lamp sitting on the floor in front of the pale-green southern wall. I was in the northern room of the lower floor of the house. The room was long east to west, and there were open areas in the eastern and western end of the southern wall which led to a similar room to the south. The large area between the two rooms seemed to be occupied by an enclosed staircase which led to the upper floor. I walked to the east and entered the southern room. There were more furnishings in this room, most of which were pushed up against the southern wall. I saw a few tall wooden bookcases which had been filled with small trinkets and dishes. The room was dimly lighted, and everything seemed to be dusty, as though it had been sitting in a garage for a long period of time. I looked to the east, noticing that there were several electronic items on shelves and tables. Many of them seemed to be old stereo components, but i looked through them to see if there was anything interesting. I wondered if there might be any old video games. I did not see anything interesting in the piles, so i headed to the southwest, into the room to the south, looking at all of the items there. There was nothing which drew my attention. I turned to head back into the northern room. This place felt like a large garage sale, but there was nothing interesting here. As i was walking to the other room, i noticed that there was an open doorway to the east, in the central column of the house. A set of wood stairs descended into the basement. I thought that there might be more things down there, so i started down the stairs. It was dark, and i had to be careful of where i was going. The floor of the basement was cement, and there were tables set up around the perimeter of the room which were covered with books and other items. I then noticed that there were two large tables in the center of the room, just to the south of me. A woman stood on the opposite side of the tables, looking at some of the items to the west of her. I asked her if this area was part of the store. It felt as though it might be a storage area. The table on the western side of the center of the room had several stacks of old phonographs on it. I felt interested in them and went to look at what they were. I noticed that there was a record from Melanie on the top of one of the stacks. I was interested to see it and picked it up to read the album cover. I did not recognize the picture on the front, so i turned it over to see read the song list. I felt confused. I looked at the black text which ran down the center of the cover, but i could not make out the songs. I tried to focus on the text, but i could not seem to read it. I then realized that the songs were not all by Melanie. This was a shared album. It combined an album by Melanie with an album by someone else. I lost interest in it. As i flipped it back over, i realized that it was really a 45. I looked at the picture and discovered that the album was not really of Melanie at all. It was just printed by her label. I put the album back down and looked at the other albums on the table. There were many old albums here. I decided to leave. I headed north, exiting the stairwell on the first floor of the house. $X11 was walking just behind me. As i turned to the east to head for the exit door, i noticed the shelves to the south which were full of toys. I was suddenly interested in them and stopped to look. I saw the large model of on Eagle from Space 1999. $X11 was still walking toward the door, so i called to her and told her to wait for me. I did not want her wandering out by herself. I looked at the toys on the glass shelves to the southwest. There were several small dolls and toys there. I thought that the dolls might be Star Wars action figures. I wanted to know what they were. I looked at one, thinking that it went with the model Eagle. It was a small plastic doll in a long grey cloak. As i studied it, however, i realized that it was an action figure of Chewie from Star Wars. I was not as interested in it then. I looked around at the other robots and toys on the shelves. None of them seemed as interesting as i had thought they were. I felt somewhat disappointed and turned to go.

12005 October 11

It was dark outside as i walked to the east, through the basement of my parents’ house. There were several things cluttered in the center of the basement, and i felt that i was looking through them for something. $Z stood to the east of me as i stopped in front of a stack of old boxes. There was a blue box near the top, and i started going through it, looking for something. The box seemed to be filled with old toys and papers. It was not what i was looking for. I turned back to the west and paced for a few steps, thinking that the back door of the basement might be open. I remembered that i always used to dream about people getting into the house through the back door. I turned back to the east. I could see the road through the front windows of the house as i moved. Something felt out of place. I then noticed the teenagers walking down the road from the west. It was still dark outside, but i could see them clearly. The girl walking in front was wearing a dark zipped-up hooded sweatshirt and a tight-fitting pair of blue jeans. Two other teenagers tailed behind her, sauntering slowing down the road as they talked. I felt nervous about them, though, and ran to the kitchen door, on the side of the house. I walked outside and sat down on the stone stairs which led down to the driveway. There was a wall blocking my view of the south, but i could see that one of the teenagers was coming up the driveway. I sat quietly on the steps as the young man walked by. He did not seem to realize that i was standing near him. He paused in the middle of the driveway, looking at the house. For a moment, he seemed to be looking right at me, but still he did not seem to realize that i was there. I felt suddenly aggressive toward him. As he walked close to me, i stood up and grabbed him, pulling him to the ground. He now seemed to be older, no longer a teenager. There was something strange about him. He did not struggle with me, and we moved around the back porch of my parents’ house. He had medium-length brown hair and a nice face. I felt attracted to him as i pushed him against the north wall. His light-blue button-up shirt had come open, and i could see that he was nicely muscled on his chest. I kissed him on the neck, and he started to kiss me back. I suddenly felt that he was someone i knew, like $F12. I wondered whether i should be erotic with him.

12005 October 14

I was with the other person in the woods when i felt that we were being watched. The woods were dense, and all the trees seemed thin and closely spaced. I told $Z that there was someone in the woods near us. I then turned to the north or east. My vision focused on the man in the white cloak walking through the forest, toward us. He had his head tipped slightly forward, and was looking up at us. The image of him seemed to be frozen, as though i was looking at a photograph. His white robes spread out before him and the cloak hung wide open at his sides. I could see the blue trimming down either side of the lapels of his cloak. He seemed to be wearing a white skullcap. There was something threatening about him. I warned $Z about the man. As i looked again through the dense forest, however, it now seemed that there was more than one man walking toward us. They were marching is a V-shaped formation with the one man at the front. This seemed like a strange place. I looked to the west, across the living room of the small house. It seemed overcast outside, and the grey light came in through the large multipane window in the northern wall of the unlighted room. Someone i knew owned the house, and i was staying here with several other people. I looked out the large window and started to feel that the forest outside was not safe. I felt that we had to lock up the house before it got dark. I walked along the northern wall, looking at the locks on the windows, making sure that they were all secured. I then came to the back door of the house. I opened the wooden door on the inside and looked at the thick wooden screen door. The door was trimmed with carved wood molding. I pulled on the black metal latch of the screen door, but i could not seem to get it to stay closed. I pulled on the latch, trying to get the door to stay shut, but the latch seemed old and worn out, and the bolt would not stay within the small niche in the left-hand side of the white door frame. I then realized that the door was split in half, the top part opening separately from the bottom. I pushed the bottom part of the thick wood door closed, realizing that it would not matter whether the door latched or not because the top part would still swing open separately. I pushed the bottom of the door closed now, facing the door, which was to the west of me. The door seemed to look out onto an old cement patio which was nestled within the center of the U-shaped house. I was in the eastern wind of the U, and the large wall of windows was on the southern part of the U, where i had been standing earlier. The house was made of cement blocks which had been painted white. Both the stones of the patio and the walls of the house seemed to have patches of green moss growing on them. Small plants seemed to be growing up from the patio as well. This place seemed old and worn. I pulled the white metal screen door shut. The door was loose, and the thin glass window in it rattled as the door latched. There was a black turn knob for the deadbolt of the door. I realized that, even though the split inside door would not lock, the screen door would. I did not like leaving only the screen door locked, however, as it did not seem as safe as the locking the inside door. There was still something threatening outside, and i had to secure the house against it. I bent over to look at the latch on the bottom half of the wooden door, pushing it closed again as i watched it click into place. This door was really part of a service bar. I was standing behind the bar, which ran along the eastern wall of the living room of the large house. I was getting this place ready to close. I latched the door to the bar and flipped the counter door closed over the top of it. There was someone in the room to the west of me. The large windows were now to the northwest. We had to get ready to leave this place. The person moved toward me, asking me if i was ready to do. He was $A35. I felt strange here. I told him that i was almost ready to leave. We had to head out to the pizza place, where we would meet the others. I told him that i would be on my way. I just wanted to finish closing down the bar. I put some things in their place before turning to the north to follow $A35 out. I thought that we would be driving together to the old pizza shop. I then realized how strange this situation felt. I did not know why i would be driving to meet people with $A35. I then remembered about the danger in the woods. Something was out of place here, but i could not figure out what it was.

12005 October 18

I walked to the east, along the southern side of the large plaza. I had just come into the plaza from between two buildings, at the southwestern corner of the plaza. The buildings and structures of the plaza seemed very modern, with square corners and very few features. There seemed to be a line of columns running to the north of me, as though i was walking under the extended roof of one of the tall buildings. There were tables running along the northern side of the corridor, some of which seemed to be kiosks. I looked at the things on the table, thinking that the booth in the corner of the plaza was selling drugs. I looked at the pill bottles and other pharmaceutical items on the table. I looked at one of the pill bottles and noticed that it said it was a drug for EKG. It must have been some kind of heart medication. I wondered if i would know how to use it. I had taken First Aid and CPR class, but i was not sure how the drug helped in a heart attack. I then remembered that an EKG was a measurement of the heart, and wondered how it could come it a pill form. The man lying on the ground to the north then drew my attention. There was a crowd of people around him, and $F4 was kneeling over him, trying to revive him. The man had just had a heart attack. I felt unconcerned and wanted to avoid this situation. There was something out of place here, and i did not want to get involved with what was happening. I then noticed the others crowded around the table to the north, where the drugs were for sale. Something was happening, and i felt that the people were panicking about the situation. This was all a ruse to get people fearful of not taking the drugs. I wanted to get out of this place. I turned to the west and walked into the bedroom. $F4 was asleep on the old dull-green couch, which was along the southern wall of the room. His head was to the west, and he was wearing running shorts and a white tee shirt. He had a pair of dark-red rollerblades on his feet. I walked to the small single bed, which ran parallel to the western wall with its head against the northern wall, and picked up some of my stuff. I wanted to say something to $F4, but i felt that i should no longer be here. I had to get my things and get out.

12005 October 19

I walked down the center aisle of the small church. The high arching walls were white, with little decoration. The long wooden pews faced northwest, but i was moving to the southeast. The church was full of people, and i felt that there was something special happening here. I then saw $F15 standing on the eastern side of the church, in between one of the pews with the rest of the parishioners. I said something to the others with me. I started to move through the crowd. The people in the church were moving now, as though the mass was over. I was not sure whether $F15 had seen me, but i wanted to talk to him after the mass. I looked back through the crowd, and i spotted $F15 and his father walking toward me. I said hello to him as my attention was drawn to the west by the row of globes which were sitting on pedestals along the side of the chapel. The orbs seemed to be made of different materials and were decorated with lines and curves. $F15 described a detail of the globes as i looked at the one in front of me. There was some significance to this situation. I then turned and headed northwest, down the corridor which ran along the outside of the southwestern wall of the chapel. I knew that $F15 was still back inside the chapel with the others. The crowd of people around me moved toward the exit door at the front of the church. I wanted to talk to $F15 again, but i started to feel that he would no longer want to see me.

12005 October 20

I walked through the crowd of people at the church. They were walking to the west, but i was meandering through the group of people, meandering toward the north. Something was going on. When i looked around, i was standing with the others on the western side of the church. The tall chapel stretched out to the east and seemed like an old cathedral. There was a woman in a reddish-pink suit speaking to us from the east. As i listened, i realized that i was standing in formation with the rest of the people. Everyone was dressed in black, and they were standing as though arranged in pews. I could not see the arrangement of the group from above, but i knew that the formation had fewer people across at the front and more people across at the back. There was also a narrow aisle running down the center of the trapezoid. I was standing about four or five rows back from the front of the crowd, on the northern side of the aisle. I could see the woman speaking to us. She was the leader of this church. She was telling us about some problems that had occurred here. She told us that she was aware of our concerns about the things that was happening, and said that she was disappointed herself. She said that, while she meant no disrespect to Reverend William, she disagreed with the way that he had handled some of the problems. She wanted us to be aware of what was going on.

12005 October 21

I looked at the large structure to the east of me. It seemed to be a large rollercoaster. The structure was white, with many cross beams. It rose above the walls of the room that i was in. The sky behind it was dark, as though it was night, or there were no lights reflecting off of the ceiling. There was a long queue of people winding back and forth in front of me. They seemed to be standing in front of a long table. I knew that this thing was a scam. The woman was selling tickets for the ride, but she was really selling stocks. She was making a lot of money on this venture. All of the people in the queue were waiting to buy stock in this rollercoaster. I thought that i could buy the stock over the telephone and bypass the line. I would be able to call in and get a large amount of stock before the price was driven up by all of the people waiting in the queue. I could then sell everything after everyone went through the line. That way, the price would be at its highest.

12005 October 23

I walked to the south, into the tall white building in the middle of the urban area. The building seemed clean and modern, with tall square white pillars running up the front face. $F40 was with me as i walked into the large brightly lighted glass lobby of the apartment building. We were here to see $F41. I remembered being in this building a long time ago. As i moved to the south, i was in the living room of the large apartment on the upper floor. Most of the furnishings were white, and the room was well lighted. I moved toward the dark window which covered most of the western wall. It looked out into the courtyard between the three tall towers of this complex. The towers were on the eastern, western, and southern sides of the courtyard below, leaving the northern side open to the street. There seemed to be a pool in the center of the courtyard. It was night out, and the other towers were covered with small lights from apartment terraces. I had something to do in this building. As i looked out the window, i remembered being in this building before. I started to pace as i thought of the previous time. I remembered being on the roof in the daylight, flying a toy helicopter with the girl whom i was seeing. She was wealthy, and i felt odd being with here because i was not used to all of the conveniences she had. It seemed like a long time ago, though. I had not been in this building in over a decade. I looked up, to the west to see the green plastic bug hovering in the air. I thought that it had a camera in its eyes, and i could see the scene from the camera. It seemed as though i was flying. I could see the rooftop of the building as i dove toward it. I remembered this happening before, and i felt pleased. It was fun playing with all of the toys here. I walked back to the west, thinking that i would have to fly again. I lifted from the roof. It was night out again, and the building seemed very tall. To the west was the courtyard between the three towers. I floated out over the opening to the west of the building, starting to feel unsure whether i would be able to float. I thought that it took a good deal of effort to stay afloat, and i worried that i would not be able to concentrate enough. I looked to the northwest at the small green plastic helicopter, which was shaped like an insect. I was flying it over the area, but i could not control it as well as i could before. It fell to the street, which was now only a story or so below us. I could see the brick building on the corner. It seemed to be a small market. The flying toy landed in front of it, and i could see some people moving toward it. They looked like gang members, dressed in sleeveless shirts and old denims. One of them picked it up. I told $Z what had happened. He was standing to the southwest of me. I held down the red button on the left side of the black square controller that i was holding in my hand. The remote control would tell the large toy insect to continue to flap its wings. I thought that, if i kept the wings of the insect moving, i could make it hard for the gang members to take the remote-controlled toy with them. I could see one of the men holding it, and i realized that i could not get the toy to fly away from him. I started to worry that i would use up the batteries of the insect before i could get it to fly away. I felt upset, realizing that keeping the helicopter flapping was not working. I moved from the building and flew toward the men as they started to run away with the toy. I was high enough in the air that they would not be able to see me in the dark. I followed them across the open space. They moved to the northeast of me, hopping into the bed of a pick-up truck as the truck pulled to the east. I followed them in the dark. They drove over the dirt driveway, into the center of the open area, which seemed like a country field. The land rose slightly all around the field. Suddenly, there was a light shining on the truck from the north. I landed on the top of a hill to the southwest of the scene and watched as a line of cars appeared from the north, shining their lights on the truck. The others had come here to confront the gang members. The gang hopped out of the back of the truck, leaving the large green plastic insect in the center of the flatbed. I thought that i could just fly in and take the helicopter while they were occupied with the other gang to the north.

I was on the bus as it headed back to the south, toward the city. Something was wrong, however. I stood on the right side of the bus as the driver headed south on the busy street. The city seemed old and wide open in this area. There seemed to be a river running east to west just to the south of us, and we were heading toward the bridge to cross it. The driver was concerned, and i started to feel worried, but i did not know exactly what the problem was yet. I looked ahead and could see that the roads into the city were blocked off. The bus would have to turn around and take a different route. This was not right, and i felt that someone was planning something. The bus was now heading to the west, on the street which ran parallel to the river channel. There was a line of buildings to the north of the street. I could see the military troops standing in the road, directing traffic. They seemed to be talking to everyone who was trying to get by. I felt that they were looking for something, and i wondered if they would have to question people on this bus. I was worried. I knew that they were trying to create an incident. The bus stopped, and an officer in a green uniform came onto the bus. I was standing outside the bus now, on the street. I was watching what was happening. The officer escorted a man to the west, down the dirt trail which led across the grassy area. There was a steep hill to the north of the trail which was covered with green trees. The field seemed open to the south, as though it was bordered by an expanse of agricultural land. The city still seemed to be to the south of us. I felt that i was in danger here, but i did not know what to do. I headed west on the dirt path, following the soldier as he led his captive into the thin woods at the base of the hill. There was an old cabin in the woods which was made of unpainted wood. The men disappeared into the shed. I walked cautiously around the eastern side for a moment. There was a porch set into the southeastern corner of the wood shed. A square wooden pole supported the outer corner of the house roof over the porch, which was a wooden platform only a step off of the ground. I walked into the door of the house, which was on the north wall of the porch, and looked inside. I felt frightened, but walked into the first room of the shack. The rooms were empty, with bare dingy plaster walls and dusty wood floors. I moved from one room to the next, looking for the men. There seemed to be only four rooms to the building, all connecting through doorways near the center of the house. They were set so that the four rooms did not all meet at the same point in the center. In the room in the southwestern side of the house, i saw the man lying on a mattress on the floor. He was copulating with a woman, who was sitting on top of him. I felt concerned for the man because i knew that he was being forced to do this. Something was very wrong here, and i felt very uneasy being here. I felt that i could not let myself get captured, so i backed out of the shed and started to the east. There was a second smaller shed on the northern side of the old dirt road. It too was worn down. It seemed like a tool shed, with one long but narrow room which was open to the outside on the southern side. I could not see the eastern or western parts of the dark room, but i could hear people inside. A soldier in green fatigues looked at me from his seat in the center of the shed. He was facing east and had been talking to someone. They did not seemed concerned about me being there, and i knew it was because i was able to blend into this environment. I still felt uneasy because i worried that they might discover that i was really a civilian. It was not safe here. I turned to the east and started walking down the road. I felt that i should hurry, but i did not want to see that i was running away. I had to get back to the city, which now seemed farther away. I looked down the dirt road, which ran along the woods at the bottom of the southern slope of the steep hill. I thought that i could focus on the end of the road, where it rounded the edge of the hill, and will myself to be there. I then thought that i should not fly down the road to get away because i should not expose the powers i had. It would make me a target for the soldiers and they would pursue me. I could not stop feeling uncomfortable here, though, and i thought that i should fly anyway, no matter the risk.

12005 October 24

I moved to the northeast, diagonally across the large room. I was thinking about the man that was being held here. The authorities were questioning him about something. I was not supposed to be in this building, but i felt that i was special in some way, and had sneaked in unnoticed. I would be able to walk around the building without anyone asking me any questions because of my special abilities. The man that the police were questioning was not from around here. He was special too, and i felt that he was from another reality. I walked to the west now, heading across the library. I felt amused by the people around me. The library was open, with low shelves of books all around. The white cement outside walls of the room had grey metal shelves attached to them. White and brown books filled the shelves. It seemed that this room was on the second floor of an old brick building. I stopped against the western wall of the room and turned to the north. As i walked, i looked around the room at the people there. There was a metal door in the northern end of the western wall which seemed to lead into a stairwell. It seemed that this room took up the entire floor, and the only doors out of the room led into stairwells. As i turned back to the east, i noticed a man sitting in a cushioned chair, in the southwest section of the room. He seemed relaxed, but he was watching me with a curious look on his face. He must have realized that i did not belong here, but he was not sure whether he was correct. I continued to the east, thinking that i had to find the special man in the building. The police were holding him somewhere on one of the floors below. I felt nervous about the man watching me from the chair. I felt as though i had been discovered, so i tried to act casual, as though i belonged here. I walked along the northern wall until i reached the white metal door, just past the center of the room, on the eastern side. I walked through the door and down the narrow stairwell. I was breaking in to places of the building that i should not be going. I wanted to find the special man and help him escape. I came to the bottom of the stairwell and found myself with no place to go. The stairs came into the bottom of the stairwell from the north, descending along the eastern wall. To the west was a plain white door with plain tall black letters in the center which read “SEALED ARCHIVES”. I knew that i would not be able to get into the special archives, but i knew that there were many special books stored there. They held ancient writings which people did not want the public to know about. Three was also a door to the south and a door to the east. I knew that the door to the east was really the way outside. I thought that i should head out of the building to escape, but i knew that all of the doors had alarms on them. If i opened any, the authorities would be alerted to the fact that it was here. I knew that i could move through the doors, though. I moved toward the exit door and thought about being outside it. I knew that i would really not be passing through the door. Instead, i would simply be changing my position so that i simply appeared on the other side of the door. I then thought that blending through the door would actually be a better special effect, but i knew that it was not realistic. I moved to the east, now outside the door and heading down the sidewalk, which ran along the southern side of the white building. I then wondered why i had left the building without rescuing the other. I should not have left. I was then walking down the white hall of the hospital building, heading to the east. $Z was with me. I walked up to a rounded reception desk. I had to help the man who was here, so i told the woman that i was from the other place. She would know what i was talking about because the concept of someone from elsewhere was well known story. I told her of the prophesy of the orb and that i was one of the people from the other place mentioned in the stories. She seemed skeptical. I asked her about the man, but she did not believe that i was truly one of the special people. She snidely remarked, asking why i did not ask the orb where the man was. This was part of the prophesy. The orb acted as an oracle. She forced a geode at me. It was a bowl-shaped dark-grey rock with white and purple amethyst crystals growing in the center. I thought that it was supposed to be the orb. As she pushed it into my hands, the geode broke into smaller pieces. I pretended that the small shards of crystal cut my hands a little. I looked at the chips of crystal and stone which scattered across the brown countertop. The pattern in which they fell would prophesize something. I looked at them and started to say things. I stated that the man needed to go. The rest of the geode in my hand then fell apart, falling onto the dull carpet of the hallway. I bent over to pick some of them up. I felt uneasy here, thinking that this was not exactly how i had envisioned the prophesy working. The woman seemed to believe in us, though. I had convinced her that we were real by the way the stone fell apart in my hands. She told the others, who were standing around the desk, to help us. I looked down at the floor as i crouched to pick up the small beads which had fallen out of the geode. As i placed them into the palm of my cupped right hand, i could see that they were really small metal caps. $Z helped me pick them up. I stood up and walked into the room to the southeast, where i could find the other man. I found myself outside, to the north of a rough rock mound. The sky was bright blue, and the ashen tan rocks jutted into the air, reminding me of some alien landscape. I was now part of a group of people who were being brought to this place. I told the others about the prophesies, still feeling that i was special in this place. I walked on the rocks, climbing the small hill to the south. I was not wearing any shoes as i climbed, and i realized that there was some significance to this. The man was there, and i was very interested in him. I could see him standing on a small level area of sandy ground to the southwest, just west of the tall ashen cliff. He was blonde, and seemed rather attractive. I headed up the rocks until i reached the flat area. Once there, i noticed that there was a low wide cave opening in the sandstone rock. The caves seemed very dark, but i could hear voices coming from them. This was a special place, and i felt nervous about being here. I crawled under the rock and into the darkness. The passageways were small, but they ended in cavernous rooms with arching stone ceilings. The rooms were warmly lighted, as though people had been living here. I was happy to be here, thinking that i had made it to this special place. Others were in the different rooms of the caves, and some of the rooms were furnished with couches and chairs. One of the central chambers had a round woven rug in the center. Everything felt very welcoming.

12005 October 25

I ran into the living room of my grandmother’s house. I was trying to get away from the dinosaur that was in the kitchen, to the east. Stopped just inside the living room door, waiting for the dinosaur to come after me. I would have to go through the kitchen to get out of the house, but i could not get past the large theropod. I thought that it might be a tyrannosaur. I felt very frightened and had to get out of the house. I had run into the northern door of the living room, hoping that the dinosaur would follow. I thought that i could then run back into the kitchen through the southern door and escape to the outside. The dinosaur would have trouble making it through the doors. I stopped in the living room and looked back, but the animal did not follow me into the room. I felt desperate and wondered what i could do. I thought that it was no longer tricked by the circling plan. It was waiting in the kitchen for me to come out one of the doors. I yelled out the northern door, hoping that the dinosaur would chase after me, but it did not. I became panicked, and wondered what to do. I peered back into the kitchen through the northern door and saw the tail of the dinosaur facing the door. It was watching the southern door, expecting me to run out. It had anticipated my plan. I could not get past it. I did not know what to do.