12006 October 01

I was in the back seat of the car as we drove along the rural road, heading to the east. The road curved back and forth as it crossed over the rolling farm lands. There was a house atop a small hill, just off the road in front of us. Below the house, a small blue car sat on the side of the road. As we started to pass, i noticed that there was a man leaning into the driver’s door of the car. The car was on the northern side of the road, and the driver’s door was facing the road. The man looked at us as we passed, lifting a modern metal pistol with his left hand. He held the gun in the window of the vehicle and stared at us as we passed. I felt suddenly uncomfortable here, wondering if the man would try to shoot at us as we drove away. I watched the road ahead of us as we followed the curve to the northeast and then back to the east, hoping the man did not fire at us. I thought that it was strange that he would have such a modern firearm. Moments later, we noticed that there was another car parked on the northern side of the road ahead of us. It was an old rusted truck. This car was parked in the middle of the road, however, so we had to steer around the edge of it, straying off of the road a little. I was aware that there was a creek on the southern side of the road, and i was worried that we might get too close to the creek and ride in. We passed the truck when we saw another man ahead of us on the road. He seemed to be an old farmer. He was standing in front of an old white wooden farm house, which sat just off the road on the northern side. There was an old tall tree across the street from the house, and there seemed to be a barn just beyond the tree. The farmer seemed concerned as he motioned at us with his right hand. He seemed to be wearing a red plaid flannel shirt under a pair of old overalls. We drove past him, but i felt uneasy by his attitude. I looked ahead, noticing that there was another car blocking the road. I suddenly realized that we were entering an old garage. The cement floor of the garage was the roadway, but the old wooden structure was only half of a building. There was no southern side to it, and the western wall was open. The car that was blocking us was a small dark-yellow american car that was resting on a stand. Its tires had been removed, and it seemed that it was being worked on. I could see that the cement floor of the building did not extend to the south of the car, so there was no room to pass. The road just dropped off to the south. I tried to warn the driver that we were heading into a dead end, but it was too late. He tried to pass the broken car to the north, but came to a sudden stop when he realized that the way was blocked by some piles of tools and the workbench along the eastern wall. We backed out of the garage quickly and turned around. I mentioned that the entire road must have ended in this man’s driveway. I then thought that this could not be correct since it was a main highway between towns. We drove across the small dirt driveway, heading back to the west. There was tall dry field grass to the north of us, and short worn green grass coming up across the driveway. To the west, a young man was running toward us. He had a large silver pistol in his hand that he seemed to be cocking. Behind him, the farmer was hurrying toward us in a slow awkward jog. I felt unsafe here, but we spotted the main road, realizing that it turned to the northeast. We had gone straight when we ended up in the barn. We quickly turned to the northeast and continued down the road. I was worried about the men with the guns behind us. I looked back to see the younger man trying to keep up with us. He seemed to be defending his territory. I tried not to stare at him as we drove around another corner and pulled farther away. We were heading on this road to the other town. I felt uncomfortable in this area and thought that i would have to remember this area because of all the dangerous hicks that lived here. I then looked to the north, down a side road that headed down hill from where we were, crossing a large open field as it headed to the mountains in the north. We were now stopped, and i was thinking about the area. We had been here yesterday, which was a Saturday. Someone moved to the northeast of me as i looked at the snowy ground near me. I had to put on my socks. They were thick white socks, and i thought that they would be heavy enough to run in the snow. I then realized that i had put on my brown loafers and laughed at myself for thinking that i could run with $G4 in them. I had set a running trail the day before, and i was doing it again today. I knew that it ran to the north, through the woods. Something felt strange about running two days in a row, but i put on my sneakers anyway.

12006 October 02

I moved to the east, down the curving road, across the rolling countryside. The area around me was covered with grassy fields and patches of trees. The trees seemed to run in lines, separating the lots, or collected in clusters where old plots used to be. As we approached a corner in the road, i could see the paved road ahead of us. It was covered with dark asphalt, and i felt that there was something special about the road. I pointed it out to the others in the car. As we rounded the corner, i could see that the dark path was to the south of the road, but that it seemed to end in a field of tan grass. The road was incomplete, and i felt that they were waiting for something to move into the area to the east before the road was completed. I looked out the window to the south as we traveled east, watching for pieces of the special path. I could see small pieces of it among the trees and fields. I then noticed a section that turned to the north and ended under a field of dark brown dirt. I asked someone if a lava flow had buried the road, but then i remembered that the dirt was from a farm field and not lava. There was grass all around the dirt patch, so i decided that lava could not have been here. I watched for signs of the road in the small groves to the south for a moment more, before we came to an intersection. The road that we were traveling on ended on a road that ran north to south. I thought that the special road would have ended in the other road as well. I turned to the south, moving down the road a little ways, thinking about the path. I was looking to the west now, over a green patch of ground with tall trees just under me. I was floating up and over the area to get a better look at the line of the path. I felt that, if i flew over the area, i would be able to see the area where the path was supposed to run much better. I felt that seeing this area from the air might also help me understand the significance of the path. Not only would i be able to see where it currently ran, bit i thought that i might be able to get a better overall picture of the special nature of this land. I started moving to the west, over the trees, but i felt that i was still flying very low. I was aware that there were some power lines to the north, and i worried that i might hit them. I looked to the north, finding myself back at the intersection of the two roads. I could see some old commercial buildings down the road to the north, and i was aware of the power lines passing over the road ahead of me. I felt that i was in small Cessna and that we were traveling to the north. I felt nervous, knowing that we could not pull up in time to go over the black power lines. I wondered if we could pass under them without hitting them. We moved to the west, and i was aware that it was now dark outside. The sky looked dark brown all around us. We had taken too much time to travel to the beginning of the path, and now it had gotten dark and we would not be able to see the path area. I felt only a little disappointed as i said something to $F12, who seemed to be piloting the plane. We headed back to the northeast, flying toward home. It felt comforting to be with $F12 as we traveled. It seemed that we had been in Pennsylvania and were now traveling to our home, which seemed to be to the northwest, somewhere in New York State. I could picture the flight path on the white map. The dark-red line marked our route. $F12 then turned around and hugged me. He seemed very affectionate, and i felt happy to be close to him. I thought that the airplane must be on autopilot. It seemed very dark outside, and i could not see anything but the dark brown haze surrounding us. The airplane tipped forward suddenly, and $F12 turned around suddenly to grab the controls and pull it back up. I was then in the passenger’s seat, thinking that it might be dangerous to fly through this storm without knowing where we were. I wondered if there were any mountains in our path and whether $F12 had flown us up to a high enough altitude. I mentioned my concern to $F12 as i steered the airplane. $F12 had let me fly, even though i was not familiar enough with how to do it. I looked out the window to my right, looking to the northeast. I could barely see through the brown clouds of the storm. I tried to think of the mountains between where we started and our destination. I remembered that the Poconos were very high, but they were not tall mountains like the Rocky Mountains. I wondered if there were any other tall peaks in the middle of Pennsylvania that i could not think of. I then spotted a small cottage just to the east of us. It was on the peak of a very steep snow-covered rounded-top mountain. The cabin was well lighted, and it seemed to be part of a mountain resort. I realized that we were in the middle of a mountainous region, and i was worried that we were not flying high enough to avoid the hills. The small airplane then swerved to the west. I tried to correct by turning the two handles that i was holding. I was aware that they were connected to long rudders, which projected from the front of the aircraft. I could feel the air resistance against the rudders as i turned them slightly to correct our course. I was uncomfortable flying the airplane. The plane then swerved again, but, this time, it headed down. $F12 took the controls. I could see a small spot of light on the ground below us as we dived. The light was some kind of marker, and i though that we could follow it to get down to the ground. I felt nervous as we approached the ground. I could see the bluish white landscape of the snow-covered ground just to the north of the small mountain resort. I could see the parking lot as we approached. It seemed to be empty of cars, so we landed in the middle of it. We then walked to the east, through the darkly stained wooden cabins of the resort. The building to the north of us was two-story, and there was a bank of snow piled up against the front. A man was to the northeast of us. He had something to do with the resort. $F12 and i talked about the snow storm, saying that we would be able to leave once the snow stopped falling. We would have to stay in one of the rooms here for the night. I felt very close to $F12 as we walked to the west, along the paved path that ran between the buildings. I then noticed the large glass window on the northern wall of the building to the south of us. The building housed a swimming pool. As we passed the building, we could see people swimming in the pool. Most of them seemed to be older men wading in the water. Two of the men at the end of the pool then started pushing each other. They were heavy men, and seemed round. They had fur growing on their shoulders. The man to he west then moved very suddenly and tackled the other man. I thought that they moved fairly fast for their weight. $F12 and i continued to the west. There was something special about being in this place, and i enjoyed being with $F12.

12006 October 03

I could see the top of the tall mountain peak in front of me. There was something significant about this mountain. I knew that it was rising faster than expected, and i thought that it had something to do with a volcanic upheaval. I stood on top of the sharp rocky peak, looking at the peak below me. There was something happening with the mountain, and i was aware that it was breaking. I knew that this was the tallest mountain on the planet, so i thought that it must be Mount Everest. I could tell that part of the mountain was splitting off because of the uplift. It seemed that the northern face of the mountain was collapsing, falling back into the earth. I felt that this would cause significant changes.

12006 October 04

I sat on the western side of the small table in what seemed to be the dining room of my parents’ house. This was really a classroom, and i was taking a test on the table in front of me. $F4 was sitting to the south of me. I looked over the tan parchment in front of me, but i realized that the maps that i was using to answer the questions were not quite correct. I flipped through the stiff old pages, looking at the maps of continents. The answers to the questions had something to do with the cities on the maps. I was supposed to use the maps as a reference to help figure out the answers, but i could not get the maps right. I felt as though i was missing something. I looked over the maps, but could not figure out where on the map the question referred. There did not seem to be any labels on the map any more. Thinking i had misunderstood something, i started reading through the papers of the exam. Something seemed wrong. I then realized that the maps that i was looking at were blank. I flipped through the small pack of paper in my left hand, looking for the areas of land on the maps, but i could not find what i was looking for. I then started to feel frustrated, realizing that i no longer had the maps with me. The paper i was looking at was white with text on it. I looked down at the test paper on the table in front of me. I was still trying to answer the first question. The questions were in small paragraphs on the page, and there seemed to be three of four on the front page of the exam. I knew that everyone else had moved on to the rest of the exam, and i started to feel disappointed. I had felt good about taking this exam when i started, but now i felt that i was running out of time. I did not think that i was prepared enough to be able to finish it. I looked at the blank pages in by left hand. I had had the maps with me, and i was annoyed that i could not find them now. I flipped through the pages, but could not find them. I felt more and more distressed, upset that i could not finish the test.

12006 October 05

I drove to the east, down the country road, which wound through the forested hills. It was sunny out, and this place seemed scenic. $F45 was riding in the passenger’s seat of the car. The leaves on the trees seemed to be changing colours already. We had been following the road signs to the town that we were heading for, but i felt that we had not been following the written directions that we had been given. We had taken a short cut over the mountain and were coming in from the other direction. I looked at the white crest-shaped road sign with the route number on it. I recognized the route number, thinking that we had seen it at an intersection in the last town and took the road, knowing that it would lead us to the camp to which we were going. There was a fork in the road just ahead of us, and i followed the main road to the right, hoping that we were still heading in the correct direction. I knew that we were not following the directions that told us how to get to the place. I looked at the map, which $F45 had sitting on his lap in the passenger’s seat. It showed that we would turn into a small community from the north. The map showed a wooden rail fence around the entrance to the community and the camp on the right side of the road. I looked up as we headed up the hill to the northeast. The trees had parted around us as we moved through the farming fields. I then noticed the entrance to the camp to the southeast of us as we drove past it. I pointed it out to $F45, saying that we had reached it sooner than i had thought. I slowed down, noticing the houses that were now on both sides of the road. They were older houses and were built very close to the road. The trimming of the houses seemed very ornate, with beaded spires and flourished banisters. I looked at a house on the western side of the road as we headed north-northeast, toward the intersection. The house was dark purple with black detailing. I pointed it out to $F45, telling him that it was very nice. All of the other houses in the area were made in a similar design. I felt suddenly that the camp that we were heading toward was some type of secluded community, and i felt as though this town was also secluded in some way. I wondered if the people here were aware of what was going on in the camp. I then wondered whether we were really in the right place. I told $F45 that i was not exactly sure that the camp we had just passed was the camp that we were looking for. I drove to the end of the road and pulled off to the east of the intersection. There was a wooden rail fence around both corners of the intersection, just as it was listed on the map. I looked at the green street sign on the western corner of the intersection. It had the correct name, matching the directions that we were reading. The directions expected people to come down the other road from the west and turn south. $F45 was now driving the car as we started to turn to the east. I asked him why we were not turning around to go back to the camp. He was annoyed by the question and impatiently told me that we had arrived too early. He said that he did not want to arrive too early. I looked at the scenery around us, thinking that we could travel around the small town for a bit. The town seemed bigger now, and we seemed to be in a suburban area. We walked to the north, into the one-level modern house. The house was made of dark-brown stained wood and white plaster. We turned to the west, heading down the corridor from the entrance of the house into the main living area. The house was empty of furnishings and felt somewhat cold. I thought that the house was really for sale. The floor of the rooms was wood, and the walls were off-white. The layout of the house seemed really spread out, and there were large windows throughout the house that stretched from the ceiling to the floor. We turned south into a large open living room. The corridor we had come from blended in with the northern wall of the room. The room was not square. It had many corners in the walls, forming areas where the tall windows were set into the room slightly, or where the wall jogged in or out. I felt strange here, thinking that the owners of the house might be coming back soon. I knew that the house was for sale, but i could not believe that someone would have left the door unlocked all the time. I decided that there was probably a group coming in soon. I told $F45 that we should probably leave here, but he seemed impatient with my concern. I walked to the south, into the smaller adjoining room. The large windows looked out onto the suburban street to the south. I noticed a stack of old phonographs on the floor against the western wall. As i flipped through them, wondered if the owners of the house had abandoned them. I then realized that there were a few albums that i liked in the bunch. I pulled two albums out of the pile. One seemed to be a John Lennon album. I thought that i could just take them since they were probably left to be sold in this house. I walked back into the living room where $F45 was. I felt worried that someone would see me taking the phonographs, so i wanted to leave the building before anyone arrived for the open house. I walked to the north and started back down the corridor toward the exit door. As i reached the corridor, though, i saw three women out the glass window to the north. They opened the glass door on the northern wall of the corridor and walked into the corridor in front of me. I felt nervous. They were indian women and were wearing dark clothing with bright spots of colour for decoration on the shoulder and chest. I greeted them hurriedly but tried to push past them without saying much. I turned to the south and headed down the narrow corridor toward the exit. I was disappointed to see that there was a group of people standing at the entrance to the house, to the south of me, at the end of the corridor. I did not want to be delayed again as i tried to sneak the records out of the house. As i walked down the corridor, one of the indian women called to me, asking whether i had money for the albums. I ignored her and kept walking toward the door. As i reached the door, however, she had caught up to me and stopped me. She asked we if i had the money for the albums. I acted as though i did not understand what she was talking about and told her that the phonographs had been in the trash. She was tall and thin, with long black hair. She now seemed more east asian than indian. She grabbed the albums, saying that they were not in the trash. I felt that my lie was weak, but i acted annoyed with the woman as she took the phonographs. I turned to the south and walked out of the house. There was a large blue tent now over the outside of the house. I felt as though i had to get out of this area quickly before i felt too embarrassed. I was surprised to find the tent here. I did not remember it when i came in. I was not standing in some type of market, and the tent was set up to sell jewelry. There were necklaces hanging from the two metal bars that stretched across the southern wall of the tent. I walked casually past them, browsing at the gemstone necklaces. I felt uncomfortable here and had to leave, so i walked around the western end of the counter and out into the mall. The tent was at the front of a shop on the eastern end of the large corridor of the mall. I turned to the east and started moving into the large atrium at the end of the corridor. As i walked, i started to fly. I wondered if the people around me would be amazed at what i could do. I hovered in the center of the atrium, trying to flip and move through the air, but i could not seem to tuck in my legs to tumble. My legs lifted up to the east of me, and i swinged them around to the south. I concentrated on folding them under me, but i could not get them to bend. Something was wrong with them.

12006 October 07

I walked to the west, across the small dirt driveway and onto the dirt road. I tried to close my eyes against the bright light, but i still could not see where i was going. The light outside seemed too bright to allow me to see clearly. I squinted to the north, looking at the bright green leaves of the underbrush at the northern edge of the road. I seemed to be just to the south of my grandfather’s cottage at $P26. I looked to the west, but could not focus on anything in the blinding light of the day. I thought that my eyes had been exposed to something very bright, and i was having trouble opening them because they were now very sensitive to the light. I moved to the west, squinting down at the ground, trying to see where the road was below me so that i could start walking north, to the cottage. I hoped that my eyes would adjust to the light of the day, but they did not seem to be clearing. The light simply seemed too bright for me to fully open my eyes.

12006 October 08

I moved to the east, across the lower floor of my parents’ house. It was dark, but i knew where i was heading in the house. I was alert to something that seemed to be outside of the house, but i was not sure what was happening. My father was on the north side of the dining room as i crossed it, heading toward the door in the southern wall. I wondered what was going on. I then looked to the west, realizing that i was in a cinema. The entire western wall of the room was lighted with a film projection. I had been watching the film, and i knew that it had something to do with relationships. I thought that it had some relation to Fatal Attraction or Nine and a Half Weeks. It was a new movie, and it seemed to be ending. I had been in the theatre watching in for a little while, and i thought that i would stay once the movie finished. I realized that the movie had two parts to it, and that the second part would be a short film. I wanted to stay for it, but i felt slightly out of place here. I watched the things on the screen as the second film started. The audience started singing to the show. I did not know the words, but i tried to mimic the song. I realized that everyone else here was very involved in the film, and i felt like an outsider. The style of music was called “bizzle bop”. I was familiar with it, but i did not know it that well. I thought that it was a popular style in this small section of the culture, but i was not as familiar as the younger people around me. I then realized that there was a long blanket running the length of the audience. I was sitting in the center of one of the rows of chairs near the front of the theatre, and the black blanket with the white under side was attached to the back of the chairs in front of me. We were supposed to pull it over us as part of the film. I stood up to leave. I then realized that the man who was sitting behind me was angry with me because i was not the same as the rest of the crowd. He thought that i did not belong here. I felt uncomfortable with him watching me as i walked to aisle to the north of me.

I swooped down over the dark area, heading to the north, toward the stadium. From where i was flying, the stadium seemed unnaturally small, as though it was a model. I passed it on the east, and then swooped in again from the north. I knew that there was a rock show going on in the stadium. The top of the stadium seemed to be lighted up with bright lamps, which glistened in the dark night. I swooped close to the front door of the small stadium, turning to the west and passing around the side of the round building. I then was farther from the building, looking to the north at it. I knew that this concert was part of a music festival. There were several stages of the festival, and this was only one. I was aware of another stage to the northeast. I thought that i could fly over the top of the stadium and sneak into the show. I would be able to fly over the crowd, but i thought that i would have to stay in the shadows so that they did not see me. I flew through the dark area, which seemed to be the entrance to the theatre. I was aware that the people at the ticket desk to the east of the door noticed me flying in. They were concerned, and seemed to follow me in. The floor inside the theatre sloped down as soon as i entered the door. All of the seats seemed black. I was aware that the people from the ticket office were following me, so i thought that i would have to find someplace in here to hide. I flew to the east, over the long sloping set of seats, which i realized was really a large black case holding cassette tapes. I hovered over the tapes as the man ran into the theatre, passing me as he hurried to the north. I glanced over the tapes for a moment before flying out into the main auditorium and up toward the ceiling. I hovered just in front of the balcony, out of sight of those on the balcony. The front edge of the balcony was flat, with many small square holes for stage lights. There was a small ledge under the openings for lights. I hovered in front of it for a moment, considering it as a possible spot to lie and watch the show. I though that i could lie on the ledge, but i would have to be careful not to block any of the spotlights what were embedded in the front edge of the balcony. If i blocked their light, people would find out that i was there. I floated to the west, looking for a clear spot to land. There were fewer openings in the western wall, and i thought that i could sit there. I then wondered if i should block the openings that did not have lights in them. I thought that they could still be opened from behind. The people looking for me could open the doors to see where i was, so i decided that i did not want to block any of the openings when i sat down.

12006 October 16

I stood in the corridor that ran to the north. A few other people were with me. I looked to the north as the flickering lights changed. Someone had turned on an old movie, and it was projecting on a screen to the north of me. I watched the old black-and-white movie for a moment, realizing that it was an old pornographic film. Because it was so old, however, it was nothing more pornographic than four women lined up against a wall as they danced in skimpy black underwear. They moved quickly with jerky motions because the speed of the old film was not as fast as it was being projected. I laughed at the film and made a comment about it to $F4, who was standing to the east of me. I was in the basement of a large library. There were metal shelves on either side of the central corridor. I told someone that this was the library stacks. Something then changed. The entire scene seemed to be in black and white at the moment. I turned to the south, noticing that the projector was above my head. I moved past it, touching something. I was then aware of the change around us. This place was no longer as it had been. I knew that we had shifted backward in time, and i wondered what it would be like to see this time period again. I felt that we were not at the time that i was in college. I walked to the south, where there was a glass door in the western wall, just before the end of the corridor. The door led into a small entryway. I passed through the entry way and came out on the wide set of steps at the southern end of the modern building. We were in the college area, but everything had changed. I was aware that we had moved back in time several years. The campus around us would look different because some of the buildings would not be there. I looked across the street to the south of us to see the tan cement building on the southern side of the road. There was a modern archway across the front of the building, and there seemed to be stores in the building. I could see the neon lights of a small restaurant in the center of the archway, and i knew that this restaurant was no longer around in our time. I waited for the others to catch up, wondering how i should point out that things were different. They were not yet aware of the time change. I stood on the top step of the large white stone building. There seemed t be tall square columns around the landing at the top of the stairs, surrounding the entrance to the building. The main entrance of the building was to the west of where i was standing. Once the others reached the top of the stairs, i pointed them to the diner across the street. In the future, the building was part of campus, but they could see what it was like a few years before. $F21 seemed to be with them. I turned to the west and walked through the campus. I was excited to see what the campus would look like with all of the changes. I tried to imagine what the main campus hill would look like with different buildings on it. I walked down the corridor, coming into the curving central atrium of the building. This place was very nice, with a decorative sculpture stretching across the center of the ceiling. The silver and white crystals of the sculpture were some kind of lamp. The room itself was shaped like a crescent, which curved from the north to the west. We had come down the white corridor, from the north and walked along the white northwestern wall of the room. The curved southern and eastern wall seemed to be made of glass, letting the diffuse light of the cloudy sky in. An escalator descended in the center of the room, running from east to west. I was surprised at the beauty of the decorative ceiling. I looked up, noticing that it was still brightly polished. I knew that it would become a dull un-maintained fixture of the new building. In the future, the area to the west had become a large dinning hall, and this brilliant corridor would become a mostly unused storage room. I pointed this out to the others, and someone asked where we were. I tried to remember the name of the new building and told them. The seemed surprised to hear the building name, as though the change was that significant. We walked to the west, into the large open room. In the future, the room would become a crowded dining hall, but now, it was a large open room with couches and tables in it. The curved western wall of the room was made of glass, looking out onto the patio and garden outside. There were statues and sculptures of famous landmarks in the garden. One of the people to the south of me cooed in awe at the sight of the garden. I looked out directly to the west, looking down an aisle formed by the tall bushes and monuments. At the end of an uneven stone walk was a smaller version of the Statue of Liberty. It was facing us and was surrounded by water, making the scene very picturesque. I enjoyed seeing this place as it was. I thought that it was no longer as nice as it used to be.

I was in the gymnasium with the other people from my high school as we practiced wrestling moves. We were on dark-red mats as we knelt on the ground and practiced rollovers. The person just to the southwest of me was on his stomach, and i grabbed his arms in a double arm bar and tried to roll him. I remembered how to do the move, but i seemed to be having trouble turning my body into the correct position. I pulled on his arms, thinking that i had to swing my feet around his body. He started to turn onto his back, but i seemed to have a very hard time rolling his body over. I pushed into the move, wondering why it seemed so different. I then let him go and leaned back on my heels again. The man to the southwest of me sat back up and got ready for the next try by putting his hands on the mat in front of him. I was aware that $F4 was kneeling to the northwest of me. I then realized that $F5 was on the ground to the north of me, facing me. I thought that i really should be practicing the moves on him, thinking that he was in better shape than the man that i was trying to roll over. I looked at the back of the man to the southwest of me, noticing that he seemed rather heavy. His wide back and thick arms made him seem muscular but pudgy. I said something to $F4 about the wrestling match as we moved to the north, across the dark area. We were then driving down the spiral ramp of the parking garage. The ramp curved clockwise as we descended. $F5 seemed to be in the car with us. Someone commented on something as we headed down and then started to the south. It seemed dark out, and i thought that it was late at night. We had just come from the sports center. We left the parking garage and started across the parking lot. To the south of us was a large stadium, which seemed like a college football stadium. We crossed a narrow drive and walked between a small dark-green building and something else. The building was to the east of us. There was a cement walkway running along the northern cement wall of the stadium, between the stadium and the green building. We turned to the east and started down the pathway when a woman approached us in the dark. I felt cautious of her. She had curly red hair and a squinting face. She offered us tickets to the event, but i declined. We walked past her, and i watched her face as we continued on. She was Captain Lewis from Private Benjamin. I felt better once i had recognized her, but i thought that she seemed out of place here. I wondered why she was not handing out tickets for a game. It seemed that she had become poor.

12006 October 17

I stopped on the northern side of the crowd. The people seemed to be lined up in a queue, heading toward the west. The queue was wide, and people seemed to be standing in heavy jackets. I noticed $F4 standing in the middle of the crowd just to the south of me. He was dancing in robotic rigid movements. I felt uncomfortable, knowing that the crowd had been expecting something from me. I was happy that $F4 took the attention. He was dancing in an old style from the 11980s. I worried that it might seem out of place with the younger generation around us, but i the crowd in the queue liked what he was doing. They cheered as he waved his arms at his sides, turning from side to side. This scene seemed strange to me. There was something out of place here. I wondered why something so old would fit in with the modern generation. I then realized that the man dancing had very light blond hair. He also seemed to be tall and skinny. This did not seem like $F4 after all.

12006 October 18

I walked around the back of $F1’s house, which was next door to my grandmother’s house. There was a line of shrubs extending to the north from the northwest corner of $F1’s house. I walked around the northern end of the line of shrubs and picked up something from the end of the hedgerow. I knew that i was taking something that i should not be taking, but i took the fried chicken leg anyway. I walked to the north, into the back yard of the house, chewing on the fried chicken as i went. I started to move to the east, across the back of the lawn when $F1’s mother scolded me for taking the chicken. I knew that i was in trouble, but i felt justified in what i had done, and i kept eating the chicken as i walked back toward the house. My relatives seemed to be on the western side of the lawn, upset that i had taken the chicken. I did not pay attention to the people as they scolded me. I felt that there was no real problem here. I started walking to the south, down the western side of $F1’s house, toward the front lawn. $F1’s mother seemed flustered by my lack of concern. I thought that she simply did not understand the way we (the younger generation) thought. She asked $F1 if he knew that i had been taking the chicken. Before he could answer, she rhetorically asked him if he would ever take the chicken in such a way. He shrugged and admitted that he did take chicken too. I felt amused by his answer, thinking that i was not alone in my understanding of things. His mother seemed shocked to learn that $F1 also took chicken from the yard to eat. I continued wandering, feeling that i was not sure why $F1’s mother was so upset.

12006 October 19

I turned off of the overpass and onto the highway below, heading northeast. As i started down the left lane of the highway, i realized that there was a car coming toward me. This two-lane road should have been the eastbound lane of the highway. For a moment i felt confused, not sure whether i had turned into the wrong lanes or not. I looked at the lanes to the northwest, noticing that the cars there were heading the opposite direction as i was. I then remembered that people drive on the right-hand side in this country, so i should have been in the correct lanes. I decided that it was the car approaching in the right lane of this section of highway that was heading the wrong direction. As the car passed me, i looked ahead down the highway. The highway curved to the north around a steep hill on the northwestern side of the road. There was an overpass crossing the highway in the center of the curve. As i looked, i noticed that there were several trucks driving down the highway toward me, all in the same roadway as i was. They were lined up across the roadway, one pick-up truck in each lane. I slowed down and moved to the right as they approached. I realized that they were the construction crew who was working on the road. As they neared me, one of the men in the truck told me that the entire construction crew had closed the road in protest over the dangers. The man had a round face with thinning blond hair sticking out from under his blue hard hat. I remembered that there had been several accidents in the construction of the road and that they were all due to lack of safety measures for the workers. I understood why they were protesting, but i was very annoyed that the road would be closed. I did not want to have to find an alternate route.

12006 October 21

I stopped and looked to the east, across the front of the stone temple. The others were standing to the south and southwest of me, about to enter the temple. This old stone structure seemed to be an Aztec temple. I was standing on a mound of dirt to the north of the structure, just at the northern edge of a narrow trench. The trench ran along the front wall of the temple. I looked across the large grey stones that made up the northern wall of the temple, wondering how people could cross the ditch to enter the temple. I then noticed a doorway in the center of the wall. My point of view moved to the east, over the tall mound of dirt. There was a small gap in the mound of dirt that ran along the outside edge of the trench. I noticed a flat stone in the middle of the gap, and a wide sill at the entrance of the door across the ditch from it. I was then standing to the west of the trench again, looking at the doorway from the side. I thought that the guardians of the temple used to put a wooden bridge down across the trench to allow people to enter. The wood must have rotted away since the temple was abandoned. There was something special about this place. I started moving to the southeast, following the others through the abandoned temple. The large hall that we were walking through seemed empty. It was open to the south, and outside light illuminated the many square columns that supported the ceiling of the gray stones of the room. I felt nervous here, as though we were not supposed to be in this place.

12006 October 24

I followed the other person to the west, across the large open room of the warehouse. The cement floor was dirty, and there seemed to be metal shelves of things to the south. $F16 headed through the large door in the western wall, saying something to Dave Letterman, who was sitting in a chair, just to the south of the door. There seemed to be someone sitting on the north side of the main corridor through the warehouse. The second man seemed to be a security guard. I felt as though i was in the studio where the Letterman Show would be taped. I said something to $F16 as he moved around in the doorway. Dave Letterman made a comment to me as i stood near him. He said something friendly to $F16, but then treated me coldly. I felt annoyed with him, remembering that he was not very nice to most of his guests. I turned to the north and started toward the exit to the building. I had to go out to do something. Dave made a snide remark about me as i started to go. I turned and forced a laughed, wondering if the action would read as me laughing at him. I then thought that he probably would not get the intent, and i turned to leave. I did not want to feel rejected in this place, but i knew that i would not get along with Dave’s attitude. I stepped out onto the grassy lawn of he rural area. It was dark out, and i started to float into the air. I soared very high into the sky, looking down at the varying shades of the grass patches across the wide lawn. The lawn was rounded, with a flat side on the west, where the warehouse stood. I watched the ground under me as i swooped back and forth over the dark lawn. I wanted someone from the studio to see what i could do. I felt happy to fly, bouncing around in the air as i watched the ground move under me. I then started floating from the north to the south across the area, which seemed to be a room. I passed by the large open door of the warehouse, floating low over the ground, wondering if Dave would see me flying past. I came to the wood-covered wall at the northern end of the room and flipped in mid air to push off and head back to the south. I then realized that there was not that much space in the room. The wood ceiling was rather low, and sloped down on the eastern side of the room. I would not be able to soar high enough in the room to make the flight seem impressive. I then decided that i could simply float along the ceiling and make it appear that i was walking on the ceiling. As i turned around at the southern end of the room, i wondered how i would do this. It seemed awkward to stand on the ceiling. I did not think that i could keep myself afloat with my feet on the ceiling. I tried to float in different positions, thinking that someone would come into the room at any time. I could not seem to get into a position that i thought would be impressive. I then looked down the length of my body, feeling that i was lying on the ground. I was lying on a wooden surface, and i realized suddenly that it was the center of the ceiling. I was happy to realize that i had figured out how to float against the ceiling. I then started to feel confused, feeling that i was actually lying on the ground. I knew that i had to change the gravitational force on my body in order to lie on the ceiling, but the force made it feel as though i was lying on the floor rather than floating near the ceiling. I felt confused, wondering if my orientation was simply messed up. I lifted my head, trying to focus on the room to the north of me. I finally decided that i had changed the pull of gravity on my body, but that i was actually lying on the slanted wall at the eastern edge of the ceiling. Someone was coming, and my feet moved under me so that i was standing on the floor. $A468 stepped into the room from the door to the east. She had just come out of the studio, and she seemed rather upset that i was hanging around the room. She scolded me for being there. I tried to ignore her as i turned to the north and floated over a metal push table, which was sitting in the middle of the floor. She continued to scold me, but her words started to trail off as i flipped in the air to face her. I realized that she was amazed with the fact that i was flying. She smiled and asked how i could do that. I felt good that i had impressed someone with my flight.

I was out of place here as i walked to the west, up the western side of a curving stairway. The stairs started in the center of the room below and ran up to the east and west, both sets of stairs curving at the walls of the room and ending on the landing to the north of the hall. I watched the people move around me as i slowly made my way up the western side of the stairs. The people around me were dressed in formal clothing that seemed to be from the 11600s or 11700s. As i reached the landing, i decided that they were priests and clergy of this monastery. I had moved back in time and i was obviously out of place here, but no one seemed to notice. The men in robes and dark suits walked past me up the stairs and through the double doors, to the room to the north. I reached the top of the stairs on the eastern side of the landing and started walking to the west, across the open doorway. I could see a long wooden table inside where people were sitting. The clergy were walking into the room to take their places around the table. There were men in formal robes sitting on the northern side of the table. I stopped in the center of the doorway, leaning back against the railing of the landing. I knew that i was wearing blue denims and a plain shirt, and i thought that my clothing should be quite noticeable in this time period. I hoped that one of the people would recognize that i was out of time and say something. I would need help getting back. A few of the men in the gold-decorated robes scowled at me from their seats on the other side of the table. They knew that i did not belong here and wanted me gone. I walked to the north into the room. A few men approached me and led me to the north, out into the courtyard. The man to the east of me said something about this place. I was not welcome here, but they were not going to hurt me. I wondered what i should do here as i started to the north, across the stone paving stones of the yard.

12006 October 25

I stepped up the stair onto the wood floor of the house. This seemed to be the back room of my parents’ house. I could hear my father talking on the telephone to the other person. I knew that the person had broken into my parents’ house, and i though that he had killed the cat. I pictured the black cat dead on the floor, thinking that it was simply an act of cruelty. I felt suddenly bad as i turned to the west and started pacing in the room, listening to the voice of my father, who seemed to be upstairs. I remembered that someone who had done some construction on the house had broken into the house. My father asked the man if he knew the seriousness of what he had done. I looked out the western door of the room, into the back yard of my parents’ house. This was the door that had been broken into. I heard my father scold the man, and i wondered if it really was $A180 who had broken in. My father then told the man that “he was through”. He said that the man would no longer be able to work in New York State as a construction person. My father explained this to the man a few times, as though the man did not believe what he was hearing. I turned to the south and started into the dining room.

12006 October 27

My mother said something from the bottom of the stairs, to the southwest of me. I felt upset with her, telling her to be quiet. I was aware that there were people staying in this house, which seemed to be my parents’ house. I could see the beds to the northwest, through the open walls of the room. The people sleeping there seemed to be $F4’s parents. My grandmother came to the bottom of the stairs and sternly asked me where i had been. I angrily told her to be quiet as i put on my shoes. I felt very upset with her for making noise. My mother then stepped to the bottom of the stairs and started scolding me for telling my grandmother to be quiet. I felt very angry, and told my mother to “shut the fuck up”. I did not want to wake the others, but i started to raise my voice as i spoke, telling both my mother and grandmother that they were being stupid. I was mad and wanted to make them feel bad enough to stop yelling up the stairs.

12006 October 30

I looked at the map i had in my left hand. $Z looked over my left shoulder as we tried to figure out the map. The red line on it showed where the new corridor ran. I could see that it ran to the top of the map, making a rectangular loop before it curved back down to the center of the map. There were all sorts of other lines drawn across the map. Most of them were green or blue, and most seemed to meet at the white square in the center of the map. This map had something to do with the new highway. I drove my car to the north, heading up the road. This place seemed familiar, and i thought that i had been on this highway before. I was heading south from the cluster of streets. I then saw the map again, noting that i was traveling on the red lines toward the top of the map. I rounded the tight corner of the new highway and found myself heading back toward the center of the town. I was heading to the northwest on the highway, when i suddenly realized that the road crossed over onto itself. I quickly turned to the right, thinking that this road would lead me to where i wanted to go. The white road looked like a flume, and it was joined together at the intersection with short yellow areas of tubing. I looked at the map again as i started to move to the north. I was back in the central atrium of the mall. I was riding in the car as it traveled around the red line to the south. As it turned back, i realized that it was coming back to the second floor of the mall. I looked at the second floor of the southern wing of the mall from the center atrium. I could see a group of high school men talking to each other. There was something about their group that seemed interesting. As i approached them from the south, i looked at their young faces. They seemed very attractive. I did not want to pass through their group and disturb them, but i was interested in them as i approached. They were then leaning on a railing to the northwest of me. They were facing east. One of them looked up at me suddenly. I realized that he was $A469. He smiled as he recognized me, and i waved back.

We had fallen behind the others and hurried to the southwest to catch up. The others and i jogged across the grassy lawn of the large park. There was an old building to the south of us. We headed through the loosely spaced trees to the south, toward an archway in the building. I then noticed that there was a trail of white flour leading off to the southwest, into one of the shops on the western wing of the building. I pointed out the trail to the others and started to the southwest. The trail had been run on before, and i could see footprints where people had run over the flour and then tracked it on the grass beyond. As we approached the entrance to the building, i noticed the people ahead of us moving across the lawn to the west. They were riding bicycles from someplace to the south of where we were. I knew that we would have to go into the bakery first, though. We were falling behind, and i felt annoyed about it. We walked into the bakery, where one of the bakers greeted us. There were two pies sitting on the counter in front of us, and the man motioned to them. I thought that the rest of the class ahead of us must have sampled the pies before they left. The man described the pies and started telling us things. I felt impatient and wondered when we could taste the pies and move on. The man continued to talk, and i was aware that the people on the bicycles were coming back from the north. They were already far ahead of us on the course. I started to wader to the west, thinking about the things in the store. There was some sort of plastic liquid drifting slowly through the air in front of me. I tried to focus on it, looking at the cloudy pale-red bubbles that were collecting in the air. They had something to do with me. I watched them cluster along the grey floor near my face. I knew that they were originally part of me. I had separated somehow, and the globs were part of me that was being pulled back together. I watched them as they grouped, and i realized that they were magical in some way. I let one of the strands of droplets fall across the back of my hand. The feeling was strange, but i knew that it would simply absorb back into my body. I watched the red worm-like creature formed by the bubbles as it flattened out on the top of my hand. I then saw the purple bubbles at the bottom of the gray frame near me. They had formed simple creatures and were moving across the wooden board. I pointed them out to $Z, saying that they were alive. I could see the large one in the center of the group undulating as it pushed itself across the gray sill. It was shaped like a large grub, with thin tentacles on its sides. The thin arms were formed of tiny bubbles of purple liquid. I thought that i would have to reabsorb all of this liquid again. I wondered what it would feel like. I then looked at my hand again, noticing that the creature which had been there was now gone. I had reabsorbed it already and felt nothing. I said something to $Z, who was standing to the east of me as i faced south, looking at the small area where the blobs had been. There were only a few pieces of thick twisted metal branches. They seemed to be made out of thick copper wire. They were all that was left over after the blobs had been pulled back into by body. I would have to reabsorb the other elements, so i picked up one of the pieces, which was twisted into a triangular shape. I held it in the palm of my left hand, thinking about integrating it into my body. I let it align with the bones in my hand and wrist as it started to merge. I then felt stiffness in my hand. I looked down at my hand as the discomfort spread through my hand. The wire had been merged only partly with my hand. I told $Z that it hurt to integrate the metal back into my body. A thin white frame surrounded the area just to the south of me, where the metal scraps had been lying. The ground in the area seemed to be made of some kind of sand of fine gravel. I picked up the second piece of metal, thinking that i would have to absorb it whether or not it hurt. $A62 then walked past on the southern side of the area. He was heading to the east, and he made a comment about the metal hurting. I knew that there was something special about merging the particles back with my body, even though i was not entirely sure how it was done. I held the other piece of metal to my left wrist, thinking that i was not really sure that it was actually possible to separate such things from my body and then reintegrate them. This was a special thing.

12006 October 31

I walked to the east, across the back lawn of $P7. I had returned here for a graduation ceremony. It seemed like a warm summer day, and the people gathered in the area were wearing dark suits. $Z walked with me as we headed into the middle of the lawn. I noticed a group of people to the south who seemed to be officials of the ceremony. I realized that $A186 was one of them. I waved my hand in acknowledgement, but did not walk over to talk to him. I turned to the north, heading into the area where people were gathering. The people seemed to be standing in a group it the center of the field. Most of them were wearing dark suits. I stood on the south side of the group as a man to the north performed the ceremony. I watched the people around me as they moved through the crowd. The standing people left space for an aisle between them, where the people moved. This seemed to be a graduation ceremony, and i though that $A470 was just graduating from college. It seemed like the proper time for her to graduate. I looked at her as she sat in the audience to the west of me. She was then standing to the north of me, at the northern end of the crowd. Everyone was watching the official near her. I realized that this was a marriage. I saw $F24 standing to the north. He was getting married, and i started to feel that something inconsistent was happening here. I was surprised to see $F24 here. He started to move to the north, his bride following him. I called to him to congratulate him. He looked at me as he reached the door, but he did not say anything. Instead, he shook a few more hands of people in the crowd and then turned to leave. I felt suddenly upset. I felt that $F24 had specifically ignored me, and i wondered why he would be mad at me. I felt upset as i turned to the south and headed back down the center of the large room. I was in an old church, and all of the people had left through the northern door. I then turned suddenly back to the north. A young girl in a nightgown was standing just inside the door to the chapel. I felt suddenly angry with her. She should not have been here. I grabbed her roughly by the shoulder and pushed her out the door of the church. I then closed the door and latched it so that she could not get back in. Something felt scary about this situation, though. I did not feel safe with the girl there. The tall steeply slanted ceiling seemed dark and gloomy now, as though i was in a horror movie. I moved through the church, heading to the southern door. I wanted to close the door before the girl came around to try to get in. She seemed haunted now, and i felt scared of her. I could hear a scraping sound as she cried to get back into the church. I heard knocking at the southern door, and i felt suddenly frightened. I thought that the girl had made it to the door before me.