12007 October 02

I moved over the forested area, which was to the north of the house. I felt as though it had been raining before. I thought about the person who had crashed their airplane in the forest somewhere. He had been out searching the woods for someone. I turned to the north and walked up the driveway of my grandmother’s house. My father came down the driveway from the north, wearing a white jump suit. He had made it back to the house from the crashed airplane. I looked into the woods to the north, thinking that it would be very hard to find an airplane in the woods. That was why he had hiked away from the plane and out of the forest. I was then hovering over the woods, looking down at a small discoloured area of trees to the northeast of me. At first, i thought that it was shaped like an airplane, and i wondered if it was the location of a crash. I looked at the brown leaves of the forest canopy, wondering if there could be a plane under it. I then realized that the shape of the brown area did not match a plane exactly. As i moved to the east, over the crest of the slight hill, i could look down on the spot more directly, and i noticed that it was actually shaped like an asterisk, with five arms. I remembered something like this from before. I was lower to the ground now, approaching the beach from the forest. I looked to the north of me as i moved to the east, noticing another patch of discoloured vegetation, this one in the light-green leaves of a bush. The vegetation looked burned so that a rounded shape of horizontal lines was visible in it. I floated over the bushes to the shore of the lake, where i could see several other shapes burned into the grasses and gray rocks of the shore. I then remembered seeing these shapes before. They had appeared in the sky during the storm. I wondered if there was some extraterrestrial connection to these shapes. As i passed over them, looking west now, i though that the lights from the sky could have been ultraviolet, burning the bushes. I moved back to the west, thinking that i should point out these shapes to my father. As i walked around the southern side of a tree, i wondered how we could have seen the lights in the sky if they were ultraviolet. They would have burned our eyes as well. I ducked under some pine branches, just to the east of the driveway of my parents’ house. There was a thick spider web across the branches in front of me, and i did not want to disturb it by walking through it. I thought i should go around the southern side of the large pine tree, ducking under its boughs.

12007 October 05

I stopped what i was doing and walked out of the building, heading to the southeast. $F1 was still working in the front lawn of the house, but i felt angry with him, so i ignored him. I knew that he would noticed that i had stopped what i was doing and know that i was upset. I walked past him, heading to the east, and then turned to the northeast, walking diagonally across the front lawn of his house and up onto the porch. I was not going to do the work anymore. I knew that he would be affected by the fact that i was entering his house, leaving him outside, but i felt as though this was the place that i was supposed to stay. I stepped into the living room and pulled the white wooden door closed behind me. There were thin white curtains hanging over the window on the upper part of the door. I headed to the west, feeling that i was sulking about something. I stopped in the center of the room, just behind the large truck, and looked at $F1, who was still shoveling snow to the southwest. I hid behind the truck so that he could not see me, but, when he stood up and started toward me, i leaned forward onto the large orange plow of the truck and said something. I asked him a question about where something was. He stopped just to the south of the truck and started shoveling in the snow bank. He was going to dig out the portapotty for me. I was surprised that he was doing this thing for me, because i felt that he would still be angry with me. I walked to the south of the truck and watched for a moment as $F1 shoveled some of the debris out of the way. There were square bales of hay in the snow, and he was tossing them into the trash dumpster. I thought that the bales should be left on the ground, but he shoveled everything away, as though he was only shoveling snow.

I stopped in the middle of the crowd and pulled the large white sheet around me. I was going to wear it as clothing. I put it under my arms and pulled it tight around my torso, wondering if it would look too much like a dress this way. I decided that i did not care what people thought of the dress as i tried to wrap it in such a way that it would stay up. I had a large amount of extra material on my left side, so i pulled it over my left shoulder and around my arm. It folded over my side like a large flap, and i realized that the sheet fit rather well for something unfitted. I started to walk to the northeast, holding on to the flap with my right hand so that the wrap would not fall off of me. I thought that i needed a belt to hold the clothing together. People moved around me in the open area between the buildings, and several people stepped very close to me, bumping my bare feet with their shoes. I started walking to the north, realizing that i probably looked like a poor vagrant monk in the sheets. I was carrying a tall white bird cage in my right hand as i walked across the pavement, avoiding people who were walking near me so that they did not step on my feet. I looked down at my feet, watching them walk across the pavement. I could feel the rough surface of the cement ground under my feet and i wondered if my feet would get sore or worn from walking so much. I looked up again as i crossed the street. The people moved around me, and i felt separated by them because of what i was wearing. I then noticed a man to the east of me, at the entrance to the alley that ran north. He was looking at me, and i realized that he thought that i was a poor person and he was going to bother me for some money. I felt weary of him as i started to the north, down the alley. I though that i should say “avante” to him, thinking that it meant “go away”. I then realized that “avante” was the spanish word, and i wondered if it was similar to the word that they used here. I wanted to be left alone. The dark alley was then a dark room, and i sat down on the floor in the center of the room to finish reading the book. I turned the black plastic disk in the center of the bowl. The next panel in the disk did not have words in it, but rather an X. There was an X on the opposite side of the bowl as well. I realized that the characters in the story were playing some king of card game, and these symbols represented their bets. I turned the wheel clockwise one frame and saw that there was another mark. The frame after that had two marks, and i thought that was the winning bet of the two men. I then turned the wheel one more but realized that there was nothing else in the panels. I was surprised and looked back to the comic book that was sitting on the floor to the south of the black cylindrical pencil holder. I realized that i was at the end of the comic book, and i was disappointed that it did not have the entire story in it. It was only the first chapter. I stood up, noticing the man who was sitting in a chair to the southeast of me, against the eastern wall of the room. I told him that the comic book was not the whole story as i closed the book. I then realized that i had purchased the pencil holder simply to read the decoded messages of the story, but did not get the entire story. I felt annoyed with the book and wondered what i would now do with the large pencil holder, which was very much like one i already had. I looked at the cover of the book as i walked to the north with it. The background of the cover was blue, and three were two men in the foreground. The picture was only of their head and shoulders. The man in the back was wearing a white costume over his head that covered everything but his mouth. He had a look of surprise on his face as he pointed out of the book. The man in the brown costume in front of him was looking in the direction of his point, a curious look on his face. I put the comic book down on the floor, just to the north of the long orange couch that was against the western wall.

12007 October 09

I looked at the weather maps on the vertical surface to the north of me. They were covered with green blotches on the top and bottom, but there was a red slash across the center. There were storms coming, and the red indicated where the heavy rains and thunder were. The red blotches stretched across the entire state, but the resolution seemed to be very rough, showing the large square pixels. As i watched the screens, the resolution started to improve. The data was still coming in, and it showed that the storms were getting larger. I looked at the men to the east. They were sitting behind a desk and talking to the camera in the television studio. Both of them were wearing dark-blue suits, and both seemed to be reporters. The older man on the left had gray hair. I was watching this scene from a television screen, and i made a joke about the older man to the person to the south of me. My view then panned over the top of the two men, and i watched them talk for a moment. I then looked up at the road in front of me. I was driving the van to the west, along the northern side of the river. I turned the car to the south, crossing the river. We were heading to $K3’s house, and we seemed to be heading to $P160. I remembered this road. I used to travel this way a lot with my family to get to $K3’s house. The road curved to the west a little, traveling through the forested hills. The trees around us seemed to be short, like chaparral, but were lush and dark green. I tried to remember the road, but i could not quite remember if i was going in the correct direction. Nothing looked familiar enough. I drove past a road that turned off to the south, heading through the line of hills to the south of us. I continued on the road that was heading to the west, but i wondered if i should have made the turn. I thought that the turn might have been correct, but i was still uncertain. The road that we were on curved sharply to the south and then to the east, heading back and forth up the shallow forested hill. This road did not seem correct. I felt frustrated. My parents were in the car with me and $F45. I was agitated that i might not be heading in the correct direction, and i was feeling defensive, thinking that my mother would start complaining to me. We rounded a tight corner, turning to the east. There was a house just to the north of us, in the center of the tight curve. It seemed to be white, but had a creamy complexion. The land near the house seemed glossy as well. I stopped the car suddenly. The road was too narrow, and i decided that it was not the right way. We had missed the turn. I tried to turn the car around in the driveway of the house, which was to the southeast of the house. As i backed the front of the car out of the driveway and started heading to the east again, i came to a sudden stop. There was a large moose standing in the road ahead of us. I waited for it to walk to the north before i continued. As i started accelerating, i could feel the wheels of the car skidding on the road. There was something wrong. We rounded the corner and started heading back to the east on the other side of the curve, but the car kept making a strange grinding noise and would not accelerate. I thought that the gears were slipping, and i felt even more frustrated. I could not get the car to go any more, so i let it roll off to the side of the road. The road made a turn to the north ahead of us, but i continued straight, into a driveway. I let the car roll to the stop in front of the blue trailer. The car stopped and would not move. We walked to the trailer to ask for help, but my mother opened the door without knocking. I wondered why she was just walking into the house, but i heard the voice from within greeting us. It was the voice of $K14. I felt confused for a moment, but i realized that my mother knew where we were. We had been near the house for a while, but they had not told me. I felt annoyed and angry with them.

12007 October 10

The other person petted the orange and black cat that was standing on the floor between us. We seemed to be sitting on the floor, and the man to the north of me seemed to be leaning against the wall. I pet the back of the cat and it stretched out with its front paws, lifting its buttocks into the air. I realized that the cat was horny, and i told the other person about it.

I sat back against the object as i spoke to $F4. He was sitting in the driver’s seat of the car, and i was facing him, sitting with the steering wheel just to the left to me. I was telling him about what his sister wanted for a present. He was interested, and i told him about the old albums from R.E.M. He asked which albums i was talking about, and i said that it was their latest greatest-hits album. He asked for clarification, and i described it as the album that came after the studio album with the dark cover with a white picture near the bottom of it. He thought about it, but not really sure what album i was talking about. I tried to remember it, but could not really remember it clearly. I shifted position, trying to remember more detail about the album.

12007 October 12

I sat on the floor of the room, chatting with the other people. There was a young man sitting on the floor to the west of me. He smiled at me and i smiled back. He was wearing a pair of gray gym shorts and did not have a shirt on. I thought that he was rather attractive, with a nicely built upper body. The man then started moving closer to me, and i started to feel uncomfortable. He smiled at me and moved his right foot between my legs. He stuck his toes into my crotch, and i realized that he was interested in copulation with me. I felt rather uneasy, and told the man to stop. I said that i was already dating someone and did not want to have sex with him. I thought that $F45 would be upset if i did. The man seemed disappointed.

12007 October 15

I moved across the small room where the other people were standing. I had been doing something, but it seemed that we would have to leave this area. I said something to one of the other people, and the man replied, agreeing that we had to get out of this area. We gathered together and started to walk to the northwest, along the path. I then heard the alarm ring around the area. They were closing off the college campus for the night. I felt that we had spent too much time in this area. We should have left earlier. I was worried that we would not be able to leave the campus because of the curfew. The driver kept moving on the dirt road as the white van moved to the north, down the curving road of the hill. We were approaching the entrance gate of the university, and i felt worried that we would not be able to escape. We stopped at the gate, and the officer with the gun said that we would not be able to leave the campus. Someone in the car started arguing with the guard, telling him angrily that the car had the director in it. He pointed to the older man in the dark business suit, who was sitting to the left of me. I was leaning back against the wall of the driver’s side of the van. There were people to the right of me in the van, and some sitting in the center of the van. $F55 was sitting cross-legged in the center of the van. He told the guard that the director wanted to leave, and the director always got what he wanted. The guard started asking about the people in the van. Someone said that we were all working for the director. The young man on the floor in front of the director told the guard that he was my brother. He then said that he worked in my office, and i realized that he was making a joke about how he got his job because he was my brother. The entire story was made up, but i could not say anything because i wanted the guards to let us go. We finally drove through the gate and into the city beyond. This area seemed like $P127, with tall buildings on either side of the street. The large brick buildings seemed abandoned, and i knew that this area was forbidden these days, but we had to get out of the university grounds. We drove to the north, through the intersection. We could not look suspicious. The road ahead of us went down into a tunnel, and we continued on, heading under the railroad tracks. Once in the tunnel, however, i noticed the trash and debris in the road, and i realized that the road ahead of us was blocked. There was a stone wall blocking the exit to the tunnel. It looked old and dingy, and i realized that it had been there for a very long time, since the city was closed off. I wondered if the guards would have noticed that we went into the tunnel. They would know that we did not know where we were going. I was disappointed. We had to get to the other side of the tunnel, where the city was free of the guards. I looked up from where the tunnel ended, noticing that there was an opening in the roof. I pushed open the square vent in the ceiling of the van. It was formed into a small pyramid shape, but i was able to push the metal of the vent open on the top, enough for me to climb through. I was standing on the top of the van as i managed to open the vent in the ceiling of the tunnel. I grabbed onto the rim of the vent and pulled myself up so that i could look around in the city. I knew that the city might be destroyed from the disaster long ago, but i hoped that we would be able to live somewhere. I then thought that it had been long enough that some people might have started rebuilding. I looked around at the deserted streets of the city, noticing the trash and debris littering the streets. As i looked to the south, however, i noticed the young boy playing just to the south of the cement column that i had climbed up through. There were still people in this old city, and i told the others that we had found survivors.

12007 October 16

I turned to the north again and started walking across the room. $F43 was upset with me because of something that i had done, and i felt very bad about it. I tried to think of exactly what was making her so angry. I knew that it had something to do with $F44, and i felt that i had allowed something to be printed in the book that i had just edited that was upsetting to $F43. I moved to the west, across the northern side of the building. $F39 and $F38 were at this party with me, and they seemed to be sitting at the picnic table just to the north of me as i stepped up onto the low white wooden deck. The land to the north of me seemed to descend steeply from the light-gray house. I could not stop thinking about what i had written. $F43 was then to the north of me. I wanted her to tell me what was upsetting her. I then looked down at the small pieces of yellowing paper that seemed to have been torn from a small book. There was a picture printed on them in black ink. I flipped the pages over, looking at both sides. I then realized that this was the article that $F43 had been upset about. I felt confused, not understanding why this would be upsetting. $F43 was standing to the north of me, crying as she told me about the articles. I looked at the image and realized that it was of $G13. They were playing a show at some club, and i remembered taking the picture. I did not understand what was so upsetting, but i felt very bad that she was so upset.

I said something to the man to the west of me, who seemed to be wearing a green jacket. I then turned to the north as $F15 stepped from the west and leaned against the bar that ran parallel to the northern wall. He was wearing a tight-fitting white T-shirt. I had said something to him, but he did not respond. He nodded in acknowledgement, but was standing with his fists on his hips, as though he was busy with someone else. I thought that he still looked nicely built and thought that he must be keeping himself in shape. He was then leaning toward us and was not wearing a shirt. He had his legs up on the bar and was doing a side roman sit-up. I realized that he was busy doing exercises, which was why he was not responding to us directly. I looked at his abdomen as he sat up. He had short hair growing on his abs, but he was nicely defined. I thought it was nice that he still had such an attractive body. His brother then moved into view from the east, wearing a white T-shirt. They suddenly started to struggle with each other, and i was amused by the horseplay. $F15 grabbed his younger brother from behind, pulling his arms up into a full nelson. I was interested in the wrestling and wished that i was part of the fun instead of the younger brother.

I sat in the crowd in the open park. There seemed to be a show to the west of us. I was near the front of the crowd as we sat on the grass. There seemed to be a lake to the north of us, and this place seemed like $P62. $Z was sitting to the south of me, and there seemed to be a large pavilion just to the southwest of us. I suddenly noticed the woman who was sitting up from the grass on the northern side of the pavilion. She seemed to have been picnicking with a young man. As she sat up, i noticed that there was a white stick sticking to the right side of her back. I wondered if she had fallen onto the stick and had it stuck in her side. I felt concerned for her. I looked at her again as she turned around and leaned back against the short cement wall that was in the ground in front of the pavilion, separating the grassy ground around the base of the pavilion from the ground to the north, which was three or four decis lower. The white stick was sticking out of the woman’s left abdomen, facing forward, piercing her white tank top. I thought that maybe it was actually an arrow rather than a stick. She pulled on the white shaft, pulling it free from her side. I could see the blood-stained feathered tail of the arrow and realized that she had pulled the arrow entirely through her body. I felt sudden concern and stood up, telling $Z that the woman over there had just been shot. I ran forward to help her. When i reached her, she was reclined against the short wall, leaning slightly onto her right side, holding her bloody right hand above her lap. Her face seemed to be frozen in panic and shock, and her long straight bright blond hair seemed disheveled. I bent down to help her, asking her if she had been shot with an arrow. She did not respond right away, so i asked her more firmly. She looked up at me uncertainly, saying that she had. She said that it had come from “over there” as she motioned to the northwest. I looked up, out over the water. I could not see any boats on the water, and the few people that were on the shore near us did not seem to have a bow. I felt slightly unsafe, thinking that someone might shoot another arrow toward us. I looked out across the lake to the northwest, noticing a small grassy shoal and the western shore beyond. It seemed that the western shore was too far away for an arrow to reach us from it, but i thought that there might be someone over there who was shooting arrows high into the air and not noticing where they fell. I wondered if it was some drunken people fooling around. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed emergency. I introduced myself to the woman as i dialed, trying to make her feel more relaxed. I told her to relax and that i was calling for help. I asked her for her name, and she told me that she was Sarah. I greeted her again and then listened to the telephone. The emergency line rang for a long time, and then switched over to a wait message. I thought that the emergency lines always took a long time for someone to answer. After a long time, someone answered, and i told them that i needed the police and an ambulance. I said that there was a shooting in the park, and told them that a woman named Sarah had been shot by an arrow. I said that we needed help. I then started to feel worried that the shooter would fire another arrow in our direction, and i felt that i was in danger.

12007 October 18

I turned to the south and started walking down the street in downtown $P14. I knew that the place to which i was going was to the west-southwest of where i was, but i had already headed far enough south on the city streets that i decided to walk to the canal, which seemed to be to the south of me, and then follow the streets along the canal to the west. I thought that it would be a good walk along the canal. I then thought that i could have started at the top of the gorge, where the creek started, and walked the entire length of the creek. I then realized that i would have had to start on top of the hill to the east, which meant that i would have had to walk up the steep streets leading through the city houses to get to the top of the hill. I pictured the area near the top of the hill, remembering a time when i was walking along the streets that ran south to the main road. I remembered a forested trail just to the south of the main road that i could have taken down the gorge to where i was now. I turned to the west, onto the long suburban street, walking on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I felt that i was heading somewhere where i would get some exercise, but i started to feel sore on the backs of my legs from pulling myself forward on the sidewalk. I was sitting on a round sled, pulling myself over the icy ground. The street sloped downhill slightly as i moved down the northern sidewalk, and i thought that i would be able to slide a little longer on this street than i did on the last. I had not been able to slide much on the last street. I pulled with my legs and let the sled move to the end of the block, where it stopped on the ice. Pulling myself forward in such a way seemed very tiring, and i thought that i would get a good workout from just getting to where i was going. I was then aware of a young girl on the wide porch of the tall wooden house to the south of me. She was watching me as i passed on the street, sliding down the southern sidewalk of the suburban area. The apartment buildings seemed close to the sidewalk, and there seemed to be trees shading the area. I stepped onto the porch just to the west of the girl and sat down, allowing myself to slide over the ice that was coating the floor of the porch. I slid to the southern end of the porch, listening to the ice crack as i moved over it. There was a second set of stairs on the western end of the porch. The porch seemed narrower on the western end, and there was some kind of structure extending down from above which made the western section seem separate from the rest of the porch. I slid down the stairs and started walking down the cement sidewalk that ran between the two houses and across the back yards of the properties. There was a large piece of aluminium foil on the ground. I grabbed it and dragged it along behind me, making a scraping sound on the pavement. I knew that it would make it seem that i was still sliding on the ice. I was aware that the girl was still watching me from behind as i moved away. There was a large gray dome tent ahead of me, on the northern side of the path. I passed it and came into the back yard of my grandmother’s house. As i passed the garage, i was aware of the small goat that was chained up against the back of the building. I stopped on the western side of the house, looking back at the goat. It seemed nervous about me. It spotted me flying, but could not figure out what i was. I thought that i could sneak up on it and spook it. I started floating back to the north, along the western side of the garage. The goat was on a leash, but had been able to walk around the corner of the garage to watch me. As i moved toward it, a man came out of the house to the west. I felt suddenly nervous, thinking that i had to act as though i was not up to something. He had come out to see why the goat was so upset. The goat looked up at me as the man approached it. The heavy black-haired man stopped in the middle of the yard and looked up at me. I floated just to the east of him. I smiled at him and said hello. He seemed aghast to see me and stood frozen in the middle of the yard. I tried to act as though there was nothing unusual about the situation, floating slowly to the south again. He stepped back toward his house, but i knew that he had recognized me and would probably tell others that i had been flying over the neighbourhood. I then noticed the goat watching me again, and flew to the south. I wanted to make it think that i was heading away so that i could sneak up on it. I drifter slowly to the east as i flew, knowing that i was turning in front of my grandmother’s house in such a way that the goat would not be able to see me around the house. I was planning on flying directly over the house and garage and coming out directly above the goat. I thought that this would startle it quite a bit. I turned around, but noticed that the goat had walked around to the eastern side of the garage so that it could see me. I allowed myself to drift back to the west a little, getting the house to block the view, but the goat ran back to the western side of the garage where it could see me again. I realized that i was too high and too far away from the front of the house so that the goat was able to see me from either side of the garage. I would have to get closer to the house so that i would use the house to block the approach. I drifter back to the east a little. As soon as the goat started to cross behind the garage, i quickly moved toward the house, hoping to reach the front of it before the goat could come around the garage to see where i was. I was close to the roof of the house now, and i started moving to the north, over the dark-gray roofing tiles. As i reached the northern end of the roof, i imagined the goat pacing below me. My attention was then drawn by the television to the north of me. It was a scene from Desperate Housewives. Brea and Susan were sitting together, and it seemed that they were making up to each other for being rude to each other. Brea was wearing a blue dress, and she said something about having crabs. I remembered this was part of the storyline where everyone was getting crabs. I thought that she had gotten them by sitting so close to Susan. I said something to my parents, who were sitting close to me, to the south and east of me. We were sitting very close together as we watched the show. I then realized that the insides of my thighs were itchy. I started to scratch, wondering if we could have caught the crabs from the television show. I made a comment about the irritation to my father, who was to the east of me. I then looked to the north again, noticing the bottle of sauce that was just placed on the table near me in the restaurant. This place seemed dirty, and i noticed the small bug on the lower edge of the black cap that was on the top of the tall thin clear glass bottle. It was one of the crabs. I did not want it on me, but i jumped off of the bottle and landed to the north of me. I tried to brush it off of my pants, but i noticed that it was on the pant leg of the man sitting to the southeast of me. He seemed to be a friend of mine. It was crawling at the edge of his shorts, on the inside of his right thigh. I quickly moved to swat it so that it did not infect him. As i did, i noticed the small black spider on his tan pants. It was shaped like a black widow, but was much smaller.

12007 October 19

I looked to the southwest suddenly, out the window of the small room. I had been lying on the mattress of the small bedroom with white walls. My attention was focused on the small hummingbird that was frozen over the top of the short wooden pole. I could see the small wings of the bird twitch up and down and heard the low hum, which sounded like a sixty-cycle electric hum. I then noticed that the wings of the bird had stopped in mid air, but the bird was still standing over the top of the round wooden pole. Something seemed strange, and i realized that the bird was on the top of an electric pole. It must have bridged the two wires of the power lines and electrocuted itself. It was trapped on the pole. I then heard the humming again and saw the wings beat in a blur at the bird’s sides. I tried to see where it was touching both of the wires, realizing that a humming bird was too small to be standing on a wire and have its tail feathers or wings touching another pole. I shifted position, raising myself up to see better. I could see where the bird was standing on the ceramic insulator on top of the pole. The black wire came from somewhere behind the bird, from the southwest, and turned to the north as it passed through the insulator bracket. The blue jay leaned a little to the right, twitching is spasm as it received another shock. I wondered what to do for the bird. I knew that i could not touch it without getting shocked myself.

12007 October 20

It was late at night, but it still seemed to be bright enough outside that i could see out the window. I was sitting on the toilet in my bathroom, just finishing. I stood up and glanced out the window, noticing the discoloured areas of grass in my back yard. Something seemed strange, and i realized that there was no tree in the center of the back yard. I looked where the tree should have been and noticed that there was a pile of saw dust on the ground. The tree company had come and cut down the large weeping willow. I was annoyed with them and wondered why they would do such a thing. It seemed strange that they would just come into my yard and cut down trees. I looked around the large grassy, noticing that there were no large trees at all in the yard. Someone had come to clear out the yard without telling me about it. There was a short chain-link fence along the eastern side of the yard, and the short grass of the yard along the fence seemed to have a bluish hue to it. I wondered if it had something to do with the trucks that they would have had to bring in to clear out all of the trees. I was mad that they had simply cut down my trees without telling me.

$A14 told me that he had been looking for a new car. I remembered that my father was trying to sell an old one that i used to drive. I tried to remember the tan Honda. I asked $A14 how much he wanted to spend on the car, and asked why i was asking. I told him that my parents were getting rid of a car and that i thought that they were selling it for sixty thousand dollars. I told him that the car would be cheap because it needed a new transmission. I remembered driving the car long ago. I drove with him to the southeast, down the northeastern side of the road. There was a large parking lot ahead of us on the northeastern side with a shopping plaza stretched around it in a quarter circle. I walked into the parking lot, where my mother was standing near some of the cars. The lot was much smaller now, and there were trees on all sides of it. There were two rows of cars parked here, one facing east and the other facing west. All of these cars were owned by my parents. I looked over these cars as i walked down the aisle, asking my mother about the car that they were going to sell. I looked at several of the cars here as we approached. My mother stopped by the back end of a white car, telling me about the car that they wanted to sell. I looked at the white Saab and then walked to the north again, noticing the rust along the back of the trunk of the yellow car. The rust had been painted over in yellow, along with the raised letters that named the make and model of the car. This car seemed to be an old Volkswagen, like the one i used to drive. I then looked at the white Saab again, which was the car that my parents were trying to sell. I thought that a Saab would at least be valuable even if the outside was rusted. I looked at the rust on the trunk and then realized that there were large letters over the back of the car. The letters were part of a clear plastic sheet that had been draped over the back trunk of the car. The blue letters mentioned something about the state, and i thought that it had to do with my mother’s work. I was standing just to the southwest of the trunk of the car as i read the letters. I turned to my mother, who was to the north of me, and asked her what they were for. She said that they were for her job. I then looked back down the line of cars to the south of me, noticing the tail end of another white Audi a few cars down. This was the car that my parents were trying to sell. I turned to the north and walked into the small room as my mother told me about the car. She said that my father was trying to sell it for only a few thousand dollars. I looked at he small white piece of note paper that she had handed me with figures on it. She said that the car would only be four thousand dollars, but, once you added in the new transmission, it would be up to seventy thousand dollars. I remembered that i had told $A14 that it would be sixty thousand dollars, so i was off by a few thousand. I knew that he was not really interested in the car anyway. I turned around and started to gather things from the kitchen. I was taking some food with me as i left. I took the small pot into the other room and started heating it on the stove. I had put a slice of the left over sandwich in the water of the pan. My mother then complained about something that she had found in the refrigerator and walked from the north, into the room where i was. She carried a small sandwich piece on a plate. She said that it was gross because she had found a worm in it. She then tossed the sandwich into the garbage, which was to the east of the stove, against the northern wall. The small white stove was against the northern wall, just to the east of the entry door. I looked at the sandwich that i had started reheating in the pan, and wondered if it was infected as well. I then told my mother that i should not have put the food into the pan of water because the bread would get mushy. I should have reheated it in the microwave. I thought about throwing out the sandwich, but i did not want to waste it. I turned to the west and started gathering some of the things from the table. I was taking some leftovers from the counter and packing them into a bag. My mother had put the tall plant stalks on the counter, and i was picking through them, separating them into different piles. The grassy plants had to be separated from the leafy spices. I pulled a bunch of the grassy grains together, thinking that i would have to take the seeds off of them if i wanted to uses them as flour. I then realized that there might not be enough grain here to make all of the flour i needed for cooking. I would have to get more. I turned back to the south and started to look through the flower garden along the eastern side of the house for more stalks. The garden had been picked mostly clean. The man and woman watched me from the open doorway of the garage, to the north. I looked at the short stalks of grain that were starting to come up from the soil, but none of them were what i was looking for. The woman said something to the man and then left. I continued looking around the garden for something that i could cook. I then started looking at the ground in the dirt driveway for any plant that might be cooked. I was aware that the man was watching me, and i knew that he thought that i was simply scavenging for anything i could find. I turned to the east and looked down at the driveway before i started back to the north. I looked at the garden again, noticing the round seeds on the end of a green stalk that was sticking up from the back of the flowerbed, near the house. It seemed to be a lily stalk. It was not something i could eat, so i turned to the north and continued packing the large white box with food from the kitchen. I had put most of the food into a single box. I remembered that it had been is several smaller containers. I wanted to get everything together so that i could take it home. I felt bad about having to clean things out of this place.

12007 October 22

We had been standing outside of the modern building for a little while. The building was to the north of us, and we seemed to be on a paved surface. Part of the building seemed to be a music store, but the other part, the part to the west, seemed be a cafeteria. We had just eaten some food, but i felt that we were still deciding what to eat. We walked into the foyer of the building, which was a rectangular space surrounded by glass walls. The western side of the northern wall was open to a small eating area. The cafeteria seemed old and run down, with many older people eating there. My mother motioned to something on the western side of the eating area. I did not understand what she was referring to and asked her. She walked to the west, toward the doorway that led into the main dining room of the restaurant. I felt awkward here, realizing that i was still carrying the knife and fork. I looked to the west, into the other room, but i did not see anything special there. I did not know what my mother was trying to point out. There was a metal counter extending from the northern wall. It seemed to be a salad bar, and it separated the small room that we were in from the main dining room. The bar stretched across the northern wall of the area and had a tilted glass covering the top of it. I did not see anything interesting on it that i felt like eating, but i felt that we were really here for something else. We had already eaten. I walked to the east with my mother, heading across the northern side of the room. We stopped near one of the round tables, which were covered with white tablecloths, and i leaned over to look at something. I then realized that i still had the new knife and fork in my left hand. The waiters in this place might think that i was stealing them from the restaurant, but i had them from someplace else. I turned them so that they were flat against my forearm in an attempt to make them less noticeable. We then turned and headed into the small room of the house, which seemed like my grandmother’s house. $F45 was there, and he offered me something to eat. I walked through the dark rooms of the house. Something seemed wrong, and it seemed that the man was sick, but i was not sure what to do.

12007 October 24

Someone made a comment, and i replied. I was sitting on the northern side of the group in the northeastern section of the room. I said something about Mormons that was not insulting, but which, i realized, might be taken as insulting. I then remembered that one of my friends in the crowd was Mormon. He was sitting in the center of the couch on the eastern side of the group. He was wearing a dark jacket with gray pants and a white shirt. I told him that i was referring to his underwear. I knew that Mormons wore a special type of underwear, and i was referring to this when i made my comment. I asked him if he was wearing his white undershorts. I then realized that i could see the top of his chest where the top buttons of his white shirt were open, and i thought that he was not wearing all of his undergarments. It felt strange to have a Mormon in the group like this. There was something about his strong religious beliefs that seemed odd in this group. I tried to think of what it was, but kept feeling that he was such a close friend of mine that i did not really care whether he fit into the group.

12007 October 26

I walked to the west, across the park. I was walking with a group of other people. We stepped off of the grass and started walking on a paved surface. The grass was to the north of us. The others were speaking to each other as they walked on the north side of a row of trash cans, along the asphalt sidewalk. I walked to the south of the cans, along the edge of the parking lot. As we passed into a large parking lot, the others were talking about doing something. I felt separate from the group, looking north to see where they were walking. They were still walking parallel to me. There seemed to be tall chain-link fences to the west of me that surrounded tennis courts. There was a group of people walking between the group i was with and me. One of the men from my group made a comment, and i realized that they were checking out the women walking near us. I looked at the young woman in the pink dress under a white shawl. She had short black curly hair, which seemed to be cut into a 11950s style. She wandered to the west, so i wandered to the north, moving to the west of her and placing her between the others and me. $A348 seemed to be one of the other people with me. There were several other women in the group, and i knew that the men were checking them out. One of the other women seemed to be in a yellow dress with a white bib, the kind of dress that was common in the 11950s. I thought that the others might appreciate the fact that i was helping them surround the women.

I walked after the others, heading to the south, along the eastern side of the metal cages. The cages were brightly coloured, and constructed of metal mesh. People were moving into lines inside, moving against the north and south walls of the narrow areas and strapping themselves in. They were getting ready for some kind of lesson. They were going to learn how to do some kind of sport, and i was interested in it. $F16 was with me, and was now standing to the north of me, with the others. I looked at one of the young men getting into position in the blue cage just to the southwest of me. He was facing north, and he was tying the heavy rope around his neck and shoulders. I thought that he would choke himself if the rope was pulled tight, but i realized that he must have tied it in such a way that this did not happen, otherwise the sport would not be safe. I moved closer to him and looked at the rope again, realizing that if it was pulled on, it would pull on his chin and the back of his head. I knew that the rope was to prevent him from falling, but the way he had it tied seemed to be for stretching out his neck muscles. $F16 and a woman ran around the northern side of the cages, noticing that there were open spaces in some of the cages. They could still join the class if they hurried. I felt interested to go as well, but i was not sure if there was still room. I walked around the northern side of the cage and stopped to look at the labels that were overhead. I realized that the plaque to the south of me was a diagram of all of the cages. It was drawn in coloured lines on a black background. It labeled the cages on the southern end of the row in red, and i knew that the words meant that the cages were for beginners to the sport. As you moved to the north, the cages got more and more advanced. Some of the northern cages were labeled with blue stickers that had white letters on them. They contained brand names, and i thought that these were the specific advanced methods that you could learn if you were good with the sport. I said something about this as i turned back to the north. The rest of the class was to the south of me, sitting in chairs. The teacher was sitting behind a desk to the southwest. I thought that i could do special things, and wondered how i could demonstrate them to the class. I wanted to reveal to them that i could fly. As i turned to the north and started pacing out of the room and into the next, i considered doing a back flip and floating into the air rather than landing. I thought that i could float up to the ceiling. I then decided that i would want to do something less acrobatic and more gymnastic. I thought that i should pretend to do an iron cross on the rings. I knew that i did not have to lift my own weight, because i would be hovering in the air. I imagined floating up onto the rings, as though they were really there, and then letting go. I would be able to float without holding onto the rings. I knew that the scene would look interesting and considered that it might be the best way to awe the class.

I looked out the front windshield of the car as we traveled to the west, down the country road. I was trying to figure out where we were, and i focused on the tall hills that ran along the southern side of the road. The hill was grassy, but there seemed to be some snow on it. Something white caught my attention on the hill, and i said something about it to the person who was driving the bus. I was sitting in the front seat as i focused on the long thin rectangle running vertically down the hill to the south. It seemed so straight that i thought that it must be a ski slope. I looked again on the dark-green hill, trying to find the rest of the paths that would be ski trails. I could not make them out. Things passed in front of my view, but i was still able to focus on the hills, noticing that there were sharp corners to the colours that covered the hills. I then noticed that the white lines i had seen were really part of the outline of the hills. The shapes were traced in thick white lines, with thin black lines over the center of them. The shapes between the lines were filled with autumn colours: dark red, orange, brown. The sky over the mountains seemed to be dull yellow, and the entire scenery was a canvas painting. It was beautiful, and i said so to the driver of the bus. I then noticed the two red barns in the center of my view. They were resting on the slope of the hill. They seemed crudely painted, not quite to proportion. They had red sides and white trim all around. There was something picturesque about them, and i wanted to paint the entire view. I thought that i would have to remember this dream so that i could paint it when i woke up later. I made a comment to the driver about the painting, and he agreed that the scenery in this area was very beautiful.

We were driving to the west, down the long highway, through the steep rolling hills of the countryside. There were tall hills to the south that were covered with short golden grass and dotted with small green shrubs. $F45 seemed to be driving the car, and i was looking at the scenery from the passenger’s seat. This land seemed beautiful. $F45 then painted out something on the side of the road to the north. I looked at the green road tag and noticed that the top letters of the tag stated that this road was in Utah. We should not have been in Utah, and i said that we might have missed a turn somewhere. I said that we should not have traveled as far as the next state already. We were supposed to head more south, into the state that started with an M. I looked at the map, noticing the black line of the road that curved up, to the south, into the next state over. Utah was to the left of the state that we were in, and i told $F45 that we must have stayed on the black road rather than curved to the north more and gone into the correct state. I looked around at the green hills. This place did not seem like Utah, and i mentioned this to $F45. I said that this part of Utah was very much like western Kansas, which seemed to be the state that we had just left. The hills were rounded, but they were very tall and seemed to form individual mounds rather than long ridges. I expected rough ashen-red rocks and tall steep cliffs in Utah, but that must have been in the Four Corners area of the state. We were somewhere farther north. I looked at the road sign again. It said that we were traveling on Route 170 in Utah. I looked down at the map to figure out where we were. The tan states on the map had black lines for roads over them, but there did not seem to be enough labels on the roads. I could not see which one was Route 170. I told $F45 that the map was not specific enough to find where we were going. I felt annoyed with the map and looked over the entire thing to try to figure out where we were going. I remembered being in an area of canyons before, where the land was hilly but made up of tan and ashen-red rocks. This place seemed special and welcoming, but it was not where we were now. I looked at the map and noticed that there was a thick line on the left-hand side. The line varied in width, as though it was a representation of a ribbon twisting over the map. There were circles on the ribbon that represented different towns along the route. I knew that this wavy black line represented a scenic route across the country, and i felt that it was one that we should explore. I noticed some of the pictures on it. There were four or five circles on the length of the ribbon, and the second one from the right had a gray picture of a miners’ hat. These places were tourist areas of interest, and the hat must represent an old coal mine. I wanted to go see them, but i realized that they were not where we were. This line was not the scenic road that we were on because it was too far to the left-hand side of the map, meaning that it was back east. I could see the peninsula of Florida on the bottom left of the map, and the curve of the New England coastline on the top left. The scenic road indicated ran through the southern states of the United States, and i though that the coal mine must be in Kentucky. This information was not helping us find out where we were. I looked at the right-hand side of the map, noticing that the western United States was much more open, with fewer lines. There was another thick black ribbon-like line moving across the center of the western states, and i wondered if it was where we were. I then noticed some of the purple dots on the maps. They were like the black ones that showed tourist places on the map, but they represented something different. I looked to the top of the map to see a purple dot in the center of the upper edge. It was labeled as a bus tour. The purple dots represented places where bus tours happened, and i thought that this is what we really wanted, instead of the black dots i had been looking at before. The black dots would be mostly tourist places. They would be too crowded, while the purple dots would represent outdoor areas of natural interest.

12007 October 27

I climbed up the steep rocks toward the house, heading toward the northwest. The hill was rocky and covered with scrub brush. I reached the crest of the hill, where the worn path crossed the paved driveway of the house, but i noticed that the trail ended. I remembered that it continued down the cliff, to the southeast, but i tried following it directly south. I stopped when i came to the sharp edge of the cliff. The top of the cliff had several rocks that looked as though they were ready to fall off the edge. The river in the valley must have eroded the walls of the cliff. I turned to the south and followed the regular trail to the top of the rocky cliff. Where i wanted to go was to the west of us, down at the bottom of the gorge, but the trail started to climb down the cliffs to the south to get to the lower land. I reached the edge of the cliff, but did not want to descend. I remembered doing it long ago, but i felt that the rocks were too unsteady now. I remembered climbing down it backward, but felt that it was too dangerous at the moment. I turned around and walked back up to the driveway, thinking that i will just follow it to the west, down the steep hill. I reached the top of the hill and stopped to look at the sharp edge of the cliff. I was to the west of the mansion. The mansion was built onto the cliff, and this is where the party was, but i did not feel safe being here. The water had washed out too much of the cliff and i though that everything would start crumbling down into the gorge. The woman talked to me about the party, but i felt uninterested. I was too concerned about the house. I looked again at the loose rocks at the edge of the cliff. It was apparent that the land under them had recently eroded away, and i felt that the rocks were ready to tumble over themselves.

I stepped out of the room and into the front hallway of the field house of $P7. The entire western wall of the hallway was made of glass, and let the hazy light in from outside. I realized that i was out of place here. I was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt, and i wanted to go running, but i wondered if i should. I sat down on the floor, in front of the door that i had just walked through. I looked back into the room to the east to see several people moving around the gymnasium. In the hallway to the north of me, a few young men were gathering. They seemed to be getting ready to go for a run. They were wearing white T-shirts and shorts with blue stripes down the side. I sat down on the floor and started to stretch my left leg. I wanted to go running, but i thought that i should not run from here while the students were getting ready. It felt uncomfortable to be running while the younger students were heading to gym class because i was so much older than the students. I did not want to feel out of place, so i thought that i should leave this place. I then decided that i would not easily be able to shower once i was done running anyway, since the students would be around the gym. I stood up and started walking toward the door. There were more young men starting to gather around the front hall. I watched one of them pass in front of me, thinking that he was not that attractive for an athlete. He had short black hair and a large roman nose. He was tall and thin, walking with his head arched forward, passing me on the west as he headed south. I thought that some of these men were probably attractive, since they were all athletic. I then noticed the short man fooling around to west, in the parking lot in front of the building. He had short brown hair and was wearing a tight light-brown T-shirt. I could see that he had a nice shape to his upper body. He joked with someone else as they ran around some of the cars. I felt that i did not belong here, so i started walking to the south, down the corridor of the building. The woman then stopped to chat with someone. She then said “Oh, it’s such a nigger job.” I turned back to the north, starting to realize what she had just said. The dark-skinned man, who was doing something against the eastern wall of the corridor, turned to look at the woman in surprise. He then looked at me as if looking for some explanation of what the woman had just said. I felt slightly embarrassed being with the woman. She kept speaking in a bouncy tone, as though she had not realized that what she said was offensive. I thought about it, trying to remember if she actually said what i had thought i heard. I decided that she was simple oblivious about what she was doing. I was uncomfortable having to be near her. I turned back to the north, looking into the small cubicle, which was my office. I took off my jacket and looked for a place to hang it. There was a thin metal hook on the pale-green eastern wall of the cubicle. I pulled the wire hook from the wall and looked for some other place to hook it. I thought that it would have been in the way in the eastern wall. I turned to the south, looking for a place to hook the wire hanger, and saw that i could clip it into the track running on the western door jam. I snapped it in place and hung my jacket on it. I then wondered why i was here again. It did not seem right that i was back in this office. I did not want to be here any more.

12007 October 29

$F45 and i walked to the north, through the train station. We were heading back to the platform where we were going to take the train to the west, but i wondered whether the train actually went to other cities. I thought that it might be interesting to take a train to some other city and then slowly make our way to where we wanted to go. I knew that this would take longer, but it might be an interesting way to see places. I also thought that we would not have to wait around at this station for such a long time. I noticed a ticket machine against the wall to the east of us, so i stopped to look at it, telling $F45 that i wanted to see the train schedules. The large screen of the machine displayed red bars across it, denoting the different trains that were departing. I looked at them and realized that they were in order of city. I wanted to see the train schedule in order of departure. I mentioned this to $F45, realizing that i might have to pretend to purchase a ticket to get the information displayed. There was a small black panel to the south and bottom of the screen with buttons and a card reader on it. I pressed something and the screen changed. I could see a listing of the trains as they were leaving, but the listing was in Japanese. These trains were all headed for Japan. I felt suddenly confused. I knew that we were in New York City, and i wondered how the trains could travel all the way to Japan. I mentioned this to $F45, saying that the trains could not possibly head all the way across the United States and then make it to Japan. Something seemed confusing. $F45 was getting frustrated with the inconsistency and started to walk to the north again. I looked to the east, seeing the japanese train on the platform. It had a black sign on the upper back, which was printed in white japanese letters. Inside, i could see many oriental people in business suits and short-cut black hair. I wanted to figure out what trains were leaving this station for other cities in the United States. There had to be a list of what cities could be reached from this station, but i knew that $F45 was too frustrated to wait while i figured it out.

12007 October 30

I stopped in the middle of the dirt path as the other man approached me from the west. He was dangerous, and i realized that he was the slasher from the horror film. He grabbed my right wrist and moved to the east, trying to drag me back down the path. I realized that he was Jason, though he did not seem to have a hockey mask on at the time. I resisted him, knowing that i should not let him take me or he would kill me. I hit him and knocked him to the ground, but he held on to my wrist. I then realized that we were on a small bridge. The man was kneeling in front of me, looking intently up at me as he pulled on my wrist. He had sunken through the brown wooden boards of the small bridge or dock and started sinking back into the water. He was trying to pull me into the lake and drown me, but i could not let him do it. Another man was then standing to the northeast of Jason. He was hitting Jason over the head in an attempt to force him to release me. I pulled away and ran to the east, down the dirt road. It was dark out, and i was having trouble seeing where i was going. The land around me was covered with a young forest of thin leafless trees. I rode my bicycle to the east with some difficulty, knowing that the other two men could not keep up with me. By the time Jason freed himself from the dock, i hoped to be out of sight. I pedaled down the road until i came to the corner. I knew that they were after me, so i turned to the south, down the other road, hoping that i could get out of their sight long enough to lose them. I seemed to turn again, and then i was heading to the south, down the road toward the front of the school building. I turned to the west, into the front of the small modern brick building. Many people were wandering around the outside of the school for the festival. I had to hide before the others got here. I could not let them find me or they would try to kill me. I stepped off of my bicycle and walked into the building, crossing the entry hall and heading directly into a small room, which seemed to be divided into northern and southern sections. This room seemed to be a storage room. I pushed my blue bicycle into the southern section, hoping that it would be out of sight. If Jason saw it, then he would know that i was here. My mother had seen me come into the building and said something to me as i parked the bicycle. Through the small window in the door to the outside, in the western wall of the dark room, i could see the people moving around at the festival outside. They were dressed in colourful long-sleeve shirts and brown pants. Many seemed to be wearing brown pants with orange or red shirts. I then turned and looked out the windows in the doors of the storage rooms, on the eastern end of the sloped room, watching the people moving through the hall. I then saw the bad people come from the north. Jason and the man walked down the sidewalk with an old woman in a flowered dress. The woman was the mother of the man, and she was out to kill me as well. I hid for a moment as they split up and walked in separate directions around the building. When they had left, i walked outside and looked around. I had to get into the crowd before they noticed me. I looked to the south, down the front of the building. The old woman appeared from around the corner of the building. She did not notice me at first, but spotted me before i could run out of her sightline. She was going to call the others. I quickly ran to the west, down the path along the building to the back of the school. I moved through the crowd and across the lawn. I turned to the south and started moving down the sidewalk when i ran into $F43. She was wearing a long tan jacket with dark-brown flowers on it. She stopped in shock as she spotted me. Her mouth was agape, as though she was too surprised to see me that she could not talk. I wanted to say hello to her, since it had been such a long time, but i remembered the dream where she had been upset with me. I felt that she was now uneasy around me and could not talk to me here. I felt bad, but wanted to talk to her.

12007 October 31

I was looking to the north, out the large front window of the spaceship when the explosion happened. I tensed up as i heard the noise, and i turned around to the south to see what had happened. I could see pieces of debris floating away from us through the large hole in the back of the room. The hole seemed to extend through several compartments of the ship. The next compartment to the south of us had yellow metal walls that were detailed with square indents and lines. I looked out over the back part of the ship, wondering what had happened. One of the people to the east of me said that someone had caused the explosion intentionally. We seemed to be on a starship from Star Trek, and i wondered if the starboard engine pod had been destroyed. When i looked back over the tail end of the ship, i could not see the tall engine support. I felt upset. Captain Janeway was to the northeast of me, in the small rectangular room that was the bridge. She said that we would continue forward. This statement upset me, because i felt that people were dying behind us. She was stern and commanded us to go on. I felt distressed about Janeway’s control of the people here, but i did not know what to do. I looked to the west to see the entrance road to the mall. It seemed like the intersection at $P158 and $P156. I could see pieces of debris floating down the road, to the south. There was a small black and white cat floating with the debris, but i could tell that the cat was still alive. It floated down the paved driveway, and i knew that it was drifting in space. It was alive, but it would not be for long if we left it floating. I wanted to rescue it, but i knew that we were commanded to ignore the injured and continue on. I looked back at the cat as it continued south, along the drive. I then realized that the cat was floating over land, and i wondered why it had not started to fall to the ground. The gravity of the area should have affected it already. I then realized that the compartment that we were in was moving backward. Something was changing. I looked at the cat again, noticing that we were moving parallel to it and catching up. The cat seemed to become aware of us, looking more like a cartoon figure than a real cat. It smiled as it looked at me and started flapping its arms, which now had tiny bat-like winds underneath. It started flapping toward us, but i waved it off, realizing that it would be in more danger if it tired to come back to us. I then looked to the north again, out the front window of the car. We started moving backward at a faster pace, and i realized that the man to the east of me had taken control. He was protesting the direct commands of Janeway and taking the car. I felt good about the mutiny. I looked behind us to see the road speed past. There were trees on either side of the road, but i knew that there were houses in the area, just behind some of the trees. I looked forward again, noticing that there was a large tractor-trailer to the northeast of us on the road, keeping pace with us. It seemed to be carrying large platforms of thick wooden beams. For a moment, i worried that it was trying to stop us and might crash the beams into our car, but i soon realized that it was escaping with us. The man driving the car to the east of me referred to the truck and said that we needed supplies. I looked behind us again to see a second tractor-trailer on the western side of the road ahead. There was a man unloading something that looked like track hurdles or portable barriers from the truck. He was putting them in the center of the road, and the way he layed them down made it seem that he was forming a ramp by resting a few against a short stack. We were approaching him so fast that i thought that we would drive up the impromptu ramp, but we were suddenly stopped near the front of the truck. The man with the truck continued to unload the barriers as i watched the man with me cross in front of me and walk down the western side of the truck. The man with me seemed to be Will Smith, and this was some kind of science-fiction movie. He jogged down the side of the truck and jumped up into the wooden shelves that ran along the wall to the south of the truck. We seemed to be in a warehouse now, and the tall shelves ran along the wall to the south and west of the tractor-trailer. As Will jumped into one of the shelves, he pushed aside the large crates that were stacked there. He soon disappeared between the crates, leaving all of the crates on the shelves swaying with the sudden motion. He had banged the side of the truck as he jumped, and i realized that this stunt was from the movie. I watched the scene for another moment, thinking that it was really not as interesting as it could have been. I thought that it might have been Will Smith’s choice in films.

I moved to the west, across the small office. There were many people walking around between the many desks in the room. I wanted to get some of the decorations ready, so i picked up the thin faggot of corn stalks from the ground and turned to the south. I thought that the faggot was a scarecrow, and i would use it to impersonate myself in the display. It was partially wrapped in a yellow sheet, but the sheet hung loosely from it and i could see the bottom of the stalks as i carried it. I was heading outside from a room that looked like the front hall of $P7. I stopped near the elevator, a large metal door in the southern wall, to the west of what appeared to be the short entry hall. As i walked into the small room, i noticed the corn showing out the bottom of the scarecrow. I wanted to fix it, and i thought that i would have to stuff the scarecrow with more stalks or tie the current stalks tighter. I walked into the small room on the other side of the elevator door. There was a large conference table in the center of the room, and i layed the wrapped faggot down on the floor so that i could assemble it better. I needed more stalks, so i walked to the north, in to the main room of the office to find them. The white stone floor of the office was covered with thin dry stalks. They did not seem to be corn stalks. The main stem was much thinner, and the ears were more feathery, like swamp grasses. I picked up several of the stalks, noticing that they were old, worn, and shedding. I did not want to use them, so i looked around for better stalks. I would need something else. I then turned to look at the man who had entered the office from the west. He was $A510. He had been cleaning up the office, and i suddenly felt bad that i had not been helping him. I realized that he had already cleaned up all of the stalks on the floor of the office. I commented on this, and then told him that i had been looking for a broom. I asked him were he had gotten his broom, and he told me that the brooms are stored in the bathroom. I turned back to the south and headed into the small room. I was surprised to find that the stalks i had layed on the floor were no longer there. This did not upset me, however. I simply decided that i would not have to make the scarecrow.