12008 October 01

I had to shower, so i brought my bags into the small room of the theater. This place was $P55. It had closed a while ago, but the building was still standing. The building seemed empty. The room i was in was poorly lighted, and there seemed to be another smaller room just to the north. I put my bags down in the main room and started wandering around in the smaller room. There were still many theater things here, and i started to look around. There was a desk on the eastern wall of the room that was covered with papers, and there seemed to be a counter to the north. I started looking through the things here, wondering if there was anything from the theater that i would be interested in. I then thought that i should not be taking anything from the theater because it was not really mine. I looked out the northern end of the room. I could see $A54 to the northwest, across the street, in the front window of the theater. He was working at a desk. I was a little nervous of him coming over to where i was. I backed into the room on the southern side of the street, thinking that i really should take a shower. I had my bags with me and i had to go somewhere else where i felt that i should be cleaner than i was now. I wondered if i should just go across the street to the theater and use the shower there. I remembered that there was an old shower at the back of the room. $A54 would wonder why i was there, but i could tell him i was just taking a shower. I felt a little uneasy about showering in the theater, though, so i thought that i should simply shower here. I put my duffel bag down and started going through it. I wondered if i actually had my soap and shampoo with me. It should have been in my bag with my other things. I then started looking at the things on the desk to the east of me. As i did, $A54 came into the northern entrance of the room. I said hello and tried to act as though i was not looking around for something interesting in the remains of the theater. I shuffled through some papers in the desk, pulling one out.

12008 October 02

I hurried to the east, through the large lobby of the airport. The walls of the room seemed dark, but the room was well lighted. The western end of the room was open to the corridor that ran north to south. I had entered the building from the west, passing the counter of women along the northern wall. On the southern wall on the eastern side of the room, there was a large video screen. I put my bags down and started pressing areas of the screen, trying to confirm my flight. I made a selection on the lower part of the screen and then waited for a moment. I eventually realized that a creamy-blue semicircular tab had appeared on the bottom of the upper screen. It had the number fourty-nine in it in black letters. I pressed the tab and the system went on to the next screen. I looked at the lower screen, which was facing me as i stood to the west of it. It was a list of cities. I selected the last one, which was a city in New York State where i would be transferring planes. I knew that i would be meeting my grandmother there, and we would then be continuing to Europe. Another screen popped up, showing a long list of cities. The last one was a city in Russia that started with a K. It looked like “Korva”. I reached to select the city at the end of the list, realizing that i had not brought my russian-language books. I remembered that i had studied Russian, but i had hurried out of the house and did not think about packing any translation books. I did not have time to go back home to get the books. I pressed the last blue semicircle on the list and waited for the next screen. I thought about the flights that my grandmother and i were taking. We had planned two trips on very short notice. It seemed that we had planned this one only two weeks before. There was another trip we were going on much later. I then realized that there was nothing on the screen at the moment. I had backed away from the wall, and wondered suddenly where i would pick up my tickets. The large screen on the wall could be seen by everyone in the room, and i felt a little uncertain about letting everyone see where i was going. I was now standing in the center of the room, and i looked back to the southeast to see if there was a printer near the screens. I suddenly noticed that the top screen was blank and the lower screen was black with yellowish-pink letters on it. The screen said that the system was stopped, and i worried that the system had an error. I then heard the sound of printing to the north of me. I looked to the north, thinking that the words on the screen were probably stating that the system was working on something. I walked to the counter in the center of the room to get my tickets. There was a man on the northern side of the counter. As i pulled the tickets from the printer, i wondered if my grandmother would show up at the first city. I knew that i would not want to go on to Russia without her because she had the reservations for lodging. I thought about going to Russia anyway as i put the tickets in my bags.

12008 October 05

I stepped off of the train because something seemed wrong here. The train had been heading west down the tracks in the middle of the small town, but i felt that i should get off of the train. Once the train started moving again, i knew that we had to go after it. I was in the back of the truck when the man started to back the truck up, away from the small adobe building to the east, which was the station. There was a wide grassy lawn to the west of the station with a tall pine tree in it. The truck had been parked facing the station, but now turned to the south as it backed to the north. This seemed to be my car, but the man was driving and the woman was in the passenger’s seat. I felt uncomfortable about having them drive my car. I looked behind us to see the large sailboat on the trailer. The car was backing up too fast and the trailer collided with a large black truck that was parked in the middle of the lawn. I was annoyed and walked along the eastern side of the boat to check if there was any damage. The stern of the sailboat had hit the side of the truck, so i thought that there might be some broken wood in the back of the boat. As i reached the rear of the boat, i noticed that there was a smear of orange paint on the side of the black car. It must have come from the orange stripe around the side of the boat. I ran my fingers over the orange patch on the can and the paint came off on my fingers. The collision must have made the paint liquid again. I felt annoyed and turned back to the south, and i saw the man and woman running toward the front of the truck. They hopped in and took off because we had to get to the next station ahead of the train. Something was wrong with the train. I had gotten off of the train because i did not feel right, and i thought that there was some kind of bomb on the train. I turned back to the east to see the station. The building now seemed to be to the south of me, and i was on the southern side of the two sets of tracks. I looked at the tracks, which crossed the road just to the north of me. On the western side of the road, i noticed that the tracks were elevated about a meter off of the ground on thin white pillars. This was the new way that the tracks were layed. It was something more advanced that the old method. I then noticed that the set of tracks closest to me curved up into a loop, forming a something like a heart shape where the two rails connected at the top. It was a strange shape, but i continued to be interested in the elevated section of track, thinking that it was a new technology for the train. I then looked back to the east. The others were moving down the cement platform on the southern side of the track. We had jumped several stops ahead of the train, and we were waiting for it to come. I thought that it was probably still at one of the stations to the east, between here and where we had jumped off. I knew there was something wrong with the train, and i thought that it might have a bomb on it. I wondered if there was a nuclear bomb on the train. I then saw the large black train moving down the track toward us. It was slowing to a stop at the station. It looked like an old steam engine from the 11930s, with a thick heavy rounded front that had a light in the center. As the train slowed down in front of the cement platform, i carefully moved to the south. I was worried about the bomb and wanted to get out of the range of the train. The platform seemed to be at a lower level than i was, and there was a short thick cement wall separating the level of the platform where the train was slowing down and the southern side of the platform, which seemed to be a few meters lower. I moved to the southern side of the wall, hoping that i could crouch down behind it to hide from the blast. The wall had various levels to it. Most of the wall was waist high to me, but there were some levels that only came up to my knee. I passed from high section to high section, watching the train carefully as i moved to the east. I was going to crouch down behind the tallest part of the wall, which was near the eastern side of the platform, but then i thought that it would really make no difference if the bomb was nuclear. The blast would be big enough that it would kill me anyway. I looked to the northeast at the train as i approached. There seemed to be another train at the platform, closer to me than the one that had just pulled it. The large red and white engine was to the northwest of me. I thought that i could simply stand behind it. It should be heavy enough to diffuse the blast, but then i realized that i could still see the slow moving train between the cars of the train near me. I was very nervous and wondered what to do. The train then started to move again, and rolled off down the tracks to the west. It had not exploded like i thought it would. Something still felt wrong. There was a man to the north of me on the platform. He seemed to be wearing a black suit over a white shirt and thin black tie. He had his hands on him hips as he turned to the south to talk to the others. He said that there were three pieces of cargo on the train that were replaced by the government. One of the men near him asked him what kind of things, and he said mentioned what they were. The things were regular pieces of the train, and three of them had been replaced with something else. All at the same time, we realized that there might actually be a bomb on the train, but it was not meant to go off at this station. I sayed that the bomb would detonate farther down the line, near the city. The others realized that i was right and moved into action. We had to hurry to stop it.

I sat on the northern side of the long table in the middle of the classroom. This was an elementary-school class, and i was supposed to be back here again. I felt out of place and did not think that i should be here. The teacher was standing on the southern side of the classroom, to the southwest of me. He asked me a question, and i easily answered it. He seemed surprised that i knew as much as i did, but i knew that i had already been through school. I did not understand why i was here again. I felt that i should not be here. I started to feel depressed that i had been put here.

12008 October 06

I got in the back seat of the car with the other two men. They were younger and were leaving this place. The driver sayed that he wanted to get to the mall. We seemed to be at $A328’s house. The man drove the car to the south, down the gravel driveway. I reminded the man that i was heading home, but he complained that he did not want to drive all the way home and then go back to the mall. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that he was not going to take me home. He turned to the east and started driving. I told him that he was supposed to drive me home and sayed that i would have to walk if he was not going to do so. I thought about having the man drop me off once we got to the main road, but it seemed like a long way to walk. The man then mentioned my boots and i realized that i was wearing snow boots. I could feel my socks slipping down in them and thought that it would be a long annoying walk home from the main road. It would have been shorter if i walked from $A328’s. The man then seemed to be traveling to the east on the main road. My parents’ house was in the other direction. I told the man that he would have to turn to the south to head back, but we seemed to be heading north. I did not want to have to drive all the way into the city with these people. I asked them which mall they were going to, thinking that i could easily give them directions from my house. I looked down at the magazine on the coffee table just to the northwest of me. The two men were sitting on the couch in the center of the long room, facing north. Several white magazines were sitting on the table. They had pictures of athletes over them and black letters across the top. The one i had picked up had pictures and results from the Olympics. I thought about reading it, but i really wanted the men to drive me home. There was a road ahead that looked right, and i pointed it out. The man turned the sharp corner. I looked at the road as we approached, thinking that it was actually the same road that $A328 lived on. It was just the other side. I then thought that it might be the dirt road that intersects the other road. I hoped that it was not the dirt road, because i did not feel safe having these people drive over the dirt road at this time of night. As we turned, i looked down the length of the road and realized that the pavement ended in gravel after only a few meters. There was a house on the eastern side of the driveway, and the driveway went down hill toward it, ending at a wooden fence on the northern side of a pasture. The man started driving faster down the hill, and i warned him that this was not a road. There was a metal gate over the bottom of the driveway, where the road ended in a drop off at the edge of the field. I could not see the land beyond the gate, but it seemed to be well below the level of the driveway. The man speeded toward the gate. As we approached, i saw the grassy cow field beyond, and warned the man that this was not a road but a field. He did not seem to acknowledge me or slow down, and i wondered if he was actually thinking about driving across the field to the next road. We drove through the gate and jumped into the air. I was worried and closed my eyes, thinking that i should cover my head. I knew that we were falling and going to hit the grassy field beyond, and i wondered if the car would roll as we hit. It seemed to be taking some time to hit, though, and i wondered what was really happening.

12008 October 07

I was cleaning out my house and had to carry several things. I worried that i had not packed enough things in boxes yet. I hurried around the house, look at the things that i still had to do. I headed to the north, now on the sidewalk near the front of the house. There was a small wooden enclosure at the front end of the lawn, just to the west of the sidewalk. The enclosure was formed of three walls on the north, east, and south. The walls seemed to be formed of horizontal slats of wood and might have had vines growing over them. $F45 was sitting in the small enclosure, watching television. I handed him a small box of things as i got the rest of the house packed up. I then turned to the south and headed back across the front of the lawn. Where was a pool to the north of me that i had to round before i could get back to the house. The driveway ran to the west from the road, bordering the southern side of the white cement pool. The house seemed to be a single-level building to the northwest of the pool. As i moved away from the building, i noticed $A414 walking down the sidewalk from the south. I smiled and nodded at him. I knew him from work, but i felt awkward about starting a conversation with him. I then realized that i could still hear the television from the enclosure. The enclosure was so close to the road that everyone passing by could be able to hear what we were watching. The man who passed me on the sidewalk then seemed to be Chelsey Grammar. I knew him from work. He would be able to hear that $F45 was watching Frasier on the television. I turned up the driveway and came to the western end of the pool. I turned to the north and crossed back through the main room of the house. The walls were white and blank, and most of the furnishings seem to have been removed from the center of the room. There was a dresser or low cabinet against the northern side of the eastern wall that had several things on top of it. My mother was in the northern part of the room, moving things around. I walked over to the dresser, noticing that several of the bags i had packed were now moved to the center of the room. I felt stressed, thinking that i should have packed up most of my things already. I should have packed more by now. I looked over the top of the dresser, noticing that there were a couple pin buttons stacked on it: a smaller one resting within the back of a larger one. I picked them up, thinking that i should put them in the correct box now. I had been looking at them for a while now and really should move them. I turned to the west and walked into the next room. My mother was already there, cleaning. My attention was drawn to the south here my mother swatted something on the floor with the broom. I looked at the spot that she had struck to see a large thin spider on the ground. At first, it seemed like a tiny spider, but then i realized that its legs spread about a deci. It had a tiny body with long thin black legs. I moved closer to it to get a better look. The spider now seemed bigger, and it was angry that my mother had hit it. It lifted its front legs into the air in a defensive posture. Its body was now thicker, and i realized that it was about the size of a tarantula. It had a thick rounded abdomen and thick furry legs. The spider was creamy pink, and its abdomen had thick hair growing on it. It looked at us as it lifted its front legs and spread its fangs. I warned my mother about it, saying that it could be a venomous spider. We had to get rid of it. My mother tried to shoo it, but it moved around the room. She chased it to the north, where it moved in a semicircle around her, keeping its front legs raised and facing her. As it moved against the eastern wall of the room, just to the south of me, i noticed that it had two thick black fangs curled under its abdomen. The fangs seemed to hang from the back of the spider, curling forward. It looked very dangerous.

I walked out the western side of the school building, leaving the others inside. We had been hiding in the building. It was gray out, and i turned to the north, walking along western side of the tall chair-link fence. There were sports fields to the east of the fence and to the north of me. This place seemed like $P7. As i came to the paved path on the northern side of the building, i picked up the large white thing. I was about the sized of a twin mattress, but it was very flat and seemed like a stiff padded blanket. I pulled it along on my right side, thinking that i should toss it in the trash. I turned to the west, heading down the length of the building. I had to get rid of the large white thing and thought that i could toss it in a dumpster. I then looked at the school building, realizing that it was now a weekend. The building should be locked. I remembered that i had come out the western side of the building, but did not keep the door from closing behind me. I wondered how i would get back into the building. I knew that the other doors on the northern side of the school should be locked now. I walked to the north of the tall metal chain-link fence. The fence stopped just to the west of me, where there was an indent in the building that seemed to be a docking-bay area. The fence continued on the western side of the driveway in front of me. The driveway ran to the southwest, ending in a wide paved area that was nestled in the back of the school. I was going to follow the path to the west, on the outside of the fence, but i noticed several people standing on the northern side of the fence, on the path. I felt wary of them and did not want to drag the white thing through them. I swerved to the south, heading inside the fence because i knew that the fence had another opening to the west. I passed to the south of the people and came to the western end of the small lot. There was truck parked against the brick school building to the south of the entrance. Several people were standing near the back of the truck, looking down the western side of the truck at something. I could hear the sounds of a video game and thought that the people were focused on something in the truck. The people shifted position near the truck, one of them meandering toward me but looking at the truck. He did not seem to notice that i was there. I noticed the large brown dumpster to the northwest, on the other side of the gate in the fence. I started to head toward it when i heard a familiar tune from the video game. The music was very crude and digitally generated, but the song was very familiar to me. I thought about what it was, but could not distinguish it. I headed toward the dumpster, but the man who had been walking from the back of the truck backed to the north, passing between the dumpster and me. I stopped for a moment, waiting for him to pass, but he did not. I tapped him on the left shoulder, but he did not seem to acknowledge. I was aware than a younger man was standing to the south, near the back of the truck, watching. I tapped the man’s shoulder again, saying “Excuse me.” as i tried to push past. He did not move. He was wearing a polyester tank top that seemed like a basketball jersey, and he had his arms up as if defending a basket. He was facing away from me, but i realized that he was aware that i was here. He was purposely blocking me. I pushed lightly against him, but he refused to move. I noticed the muscles of his arms and shoulders and felt challenged. He was somewhat attractive, and i wondered if he wanted to roughhouse. I wanted to grab him from behind and pull him to the ground, but i hesitated. I was close to him and could feel the heat from his body. I then pushed against him, feeling him push back. I was amused.

12008 October 10

I ran to the west, following $G4 across the uneven ground of the grassy field. I seemed to be near the back of the pack of runners as i round the northern end of the area. There seemed to be a cliff or other vertical surface to the north of us, and we were running along the slope at the bottom of it. As i rounded the curved face of the slope, turning to the south on the western side of the area, i realized that the land sloped steeply to the south and east. I watched the feet of the person ahead of me as he or she stepped over the roots on the ground. I tried not to trip on them myself as i carefully crossed the ledge, aware that if i slipped down the hill to the southeast i would probably fall over the cliff. I focused my attention on the ground, which now seemed to be white and dull red or brown. The roots that were sticking out of it seemed to be thick wire from a chicken-wire mesh. The ground was formed around the mesh, as though it was made of plaster or some other molded material. I walked over the exposed wire as i reached the southwestern side of the round area. I reached down to the ground for some balance as i looked to the east, noticing that the area was funnel shaped, spiraling down into a hole to the east of me. The other runners were in a long line that twisted down the sides of the trumpet-shaped cone. Most of the pack was ahead of me, and i suddenly felt that i was too far behind. I had been keeping up with the others but not catching up with the front of the pack. I was worried about this and tried to hurry up. Then something shifted, and i realized that i was to the south of where i was. I looked up to the north, noticing that $G4 was still approaching me. I thought that the round funnel of the ground started spinning, and it must have thrown me to the south. I was now ahead of the others. I started running to the west, following the trail, but i felt suddenly bad that i had cut out so much of the trail. I should not have jumped from the spinning area to this part of the trail so soon. I thought that the authorities would come to stop me and tell me i had cheated in the course. I thought that i would tell them that i had gotten caught on the spinning ride and thrown ahead on the trail. I would have to tell them that i did not intend to cut ahead in the trail. A group of guards were near me now. They were the authorities. I spoke to one of the men from the guard group. He suddenly seemed very interesting. There was something about him that seemed familiar, but i did not recognize who he was. I just wanted to talk to him. The landlord was then back, and he interrupted us. The landlord was a thin man in a red button-up shirt. He had ragged short dark hair. As he spoke to us, i realized that he was probably drunk again. I was mad at him for this, and i took his keys and started walking to the west. I threatened him, saying that i would throw his keys down the hill because he was drunk. I could not let him drive. I walked out the front door of the house and came to the edge of the steep grassy hill. It was dark out now. The man came out of the house after m, yelling angrily. I was then aware of the other man standing behind me, to the north on the edge of the hill. I thought that he would be impressed by my decision to take the drunk man’s keys, but then i decided that it was not really relevant what the other man thought of me. I had to deal with the drunk man. He was still wearing the red shirt as he came after me, grabbing for the keys. He was very angry and yelling at me to give the keys back. I felt a little bad. I did not throw his keys down the hill as i had planned. Instead, i complained to the man about his drunkenness as he stood to the east of me. He seemed a little ashamed. His girlfriend came out of the house and was now standing to the south of him. She calmed him down a little, and i handed him back his keys. I headed back to the east, into the building. The man i had seen before was now in the small dimly lighted room of the house. He was getting ready for bed. He was sitting on top of something, which seemed like a cabinet. He had his shirt off, and i could tell that he had a nice muscular build. I looked at the detail of his arm muscles. They were very nice. He had short hair and a round face, and i felt attracted to him. I then realized that there were other people in the room to the east. They were lying on the bed on the dark side of the room and seemed to be copulating. I was annoyed at them and considered them irresponsible. I then heard the sound of a baby crying. I knew that it belonged to the couple that was copulating, and i thought that they were ignoring their baby so that they could pay attention to each other. I looked to the south, across the large wooden wall of the cabin. There were several old cross beams near the ceiling, and i thought that the couple must have hidden their baby in the beams. I complained to the man near me. He was to the north of me now, sitting on a glass coffee table in front of a large white sofa. I then noticed the other person underneath the table. He was the bag guy. The bad guy had suddenly noticed me staring at him through the glass. He then noticed the other man sitting on the table. He became angry and tipped the table over, knocking the nice man to the west, off of the table. I stuck out my left foot as the nice man started falling backward. I caught him with my foot, but he ended up bending his back over as he landed. I worried that i might have injured his back as he fell. He then started to move, and i was relieved, but the bad guy started yelling at me. I did not want to deal with both people at once.

12008 October 11

I was at the large banquet, sitting on the eastern side of the long table with the pinkish-white tablecloth. Something had happened, and i felt uncomfortable. The President of the United States was serving the food from the long table against the eastern wall, but he would not server me. The man next to me had done something, and i was being blamed for the action as well. I was upset. Other people took my cell phone away so that i would not call anyone. I had to leave the room, and i was very sad that i was being thrown out of the banquet. I talked to my parents in the mall area for a moment. I then walked to the east, through the back halls of the old building. The cement walls around me were crude and this seemed to be a basement or maintenance area. There was a tall stack of green wooden crates against the northern wall of the hall. I moved to the west of them and then walked behind them. I was hiding from the others in the building who were looking for me. There was a woman behind the boxes to the west. She was searching around through the stuff in the hall for something. I looked at the large white sheets that were leaning against the northern wall of he corridor. They seemed to be like large movie posters. The woman said that she was looking for a seat, and she moved several items around in the room. She wanted to relax for a moment. I suggested that she take the skis from the pole rack on the western wall and use them to sit on. I walked to the western end of the hall and the woman lifted the long thin planks from the wall. I realized that they might not make a good seat. There was a thin corridor leading to the north a short distance. I wandered up it as the woman tried to arrange her seat. She wanted to stay for the show, but did not have a regular seat in the main theater, so she was making one in the back alley. The corridor to the north ended at another short corridor. To the west, there seemed to be a small room or booth. It was dark, and no one seemed to be there. To the east, i could see the narrow corridor ending on the western side of the large decorative theater. The corridor seemed to come out onto the balcony of the theatre. All of the seats in the theater were still empty because the audience had not come in yet. Just before the theater, there was a booth off of the north of the corridor. Through the glass window at the back of the booth, i could see the back of a man sitting in front of a control board. He must have been doing sound or lights for the show. I then noticed the instruments sitting on the floor of the hall to the east, just inside the theater. They all seemed to be string instruments, but i did not recognize most of them. They were of strange shapes and sizes. I found them interesting and looked closely at them. Turning to the west, i noticed a large harp-like instrument resting on the stairs that led up to the dark booth. The strings were raised in the center of the instrument to form the shape of a young male’s face. I wondered how the strings would be played over the features of the face. I then turned back to the south and walked out of the corridor and back into the lobby. A man greeted me suddenly. I stopped and looked at him. I then realized that everyone else was around me. There suddenly seemed to be people everywhere in the theater. I was surprised and wondered where they had come from.

12008 October 13

I moved through the bottom of the gorge, heading to the west, following the students. I was near the end of the group, but i hurried to keep up with them. I looked over the northern wall of the gorge as i moved. It was covered with large white tiles. This seemed strange, and i noticed that some of the tiles were missing. I looked over my head at the tile wall, which was uneven as it bent over the rocks of the cliff. Several of the tiles were falling down, and i was worried that they might hit us. I hurried to the west, trying to get out of here. We were then leaving the area on the bus, which drove to the west. I sat on the bus, looking out the window to the north. A man walked past the side of the bus, heading east. I watched him as he passed. There seemed to be something interesting about him, but i was not sure what. I felt a little cautious of him. I then noticed that the men on the old wooden porch of the general store to the north had seen me take interest in the man. They watched me, and i started to feel a little nervous. They might know that i did not belong here. I pretended not to notice them, and i walked to the north, into the classroom. The students were just gathering for the class. They were coming into the room from the doorway on the south. I watched several of them pass by me as i stood near the southern end of the classroom. They all seemed much younger than i, and i though that several of them actually looked attractive. I watched several of them pass. This was a class in visual arts, and i was very interested in it, but i felt odd and out of place here. It seemed that i was too old to be in such a place any more. I wanted to be with the students, but i decided that i should not stay, so i headed to the south. I turned to the west down the corridor. There was a television playing somewhere, and i could hear it talking about the villains. I glanced to the north, seeing the television in a small meeting room on the northern side of the hall. There were men in business suits gathered around a round conference table in the center of the room. The television hung from the northern wall, and the men were watching it as the announcer spoke.

12008 October 14

I headed to the northwest, through the suburban area. I was currently heading west on a small back road through a forested neighborhood. I recognized this place, though i was still not entirely sure where i was. I seemed to be heading through $P3, between $P2 and $P23, but the roads did not seem familiar like they should. A person walked to the west of me in the street and i slowly moved forward. It was getting dark out, and the sun seemed to be setting in the west. I decided that i knew where i was and started to ride my bicycle to the west again. The short street opened up to the north of the western end. There was a parking lot with a large grocery store on the western side. I knew this market and turned my bicycle into the lot. I then realized that half of the lot was at the bottom of a steep hill to the north. I looked down the driveway leading to the lower part of the lot, thinking that i should not descend the slope because i would simply have to come back up the hill on the other side of the building. I knew that i was going to a place near the railroad tracks on the west side of $P3. I thought that if i stayed at the top of the hill, i would be able to get where i was going easier. If i went down the hill, i would have to come back up from the northern side of the tracks. I glanced at the tan brick building of the store as i descended the slope of the hill. The building was two stories, with the store extending to the lower level at the bottom of the hill. I suddenly wondered why i had come down the hill when i had just decided that it would be easier to stay at the top. I turned around and headed back to the hill, which was now a wooden half wall inside the large room. As i approached the wall, which was covered with vertical planks of lightly finished wood, i thought about stepping over it to get back to the top of the hill, but it was a serving counter. There was a man standing to the east of the spot where i had approached the wall, and another man to the west. The man to the west was on the other side of the wall and seemed to be the bartender. There was food being served on the top of the counter. I headed to the northeast, across the room, to the large table of food. This reception was being held by some people from an organization that i was familiar with. I seemed to be part of this group, but i did not know these people as well. I ate some of the food, and it seemed that i had a piece of fish or a steak. I turned back to the south and started to leave, aware that the woman was watching me from the southern side of the large table. I then wondered if they would be upset that i had simply come here, eaten their food, and then turned to leave. I felt that i should stay to talk with the people so that it did not seem that i was wasting their money. $F9 was then in the room to the northwest of me. I sayed hello to him before i stepped out the glass door on the southern side of the large room. I paused in the parking lot outside, feeling guilty for leaving so soon and realizing that i did not have to be where i was going for a little while. I still had some time, so i turned back to the north to hang around in the party for a while.

12008 October 15

I was sitting on the western side of the small classroom as the teacher talked about the book. The classroom seemed tan and brown. I listened to the conversation, but did not comment on anything because i knew that i had not read the book. $A516, who was the teacher in the classroom, then started asking me about the book. He was to the south of me, and asked me a few questions about it. I did not answer. He started to get angry with me, and i felt bad that i did not know the answers to the questions. When the teacher asked me why i had not read the assignment, i sayed that i did not have the time. It was not true, and i felt bad for saying it. I had not been doing my assignments, and i was upset that i had fallen behind in my work. I then thought that the thing that i was supposed to read was actually a magazine article, and i felt even worse for not reading. It seemed to be only a page or two of text. I thought about this, wondering why i was bothering to make excuses for myself. I knew that i was simply not doing the work i should have been doing. I looked over the shoulder of someone sitting to the south of me. He was sitting to the east of someone, facing south. Both of them were wearing dark clothing, and they were looking at a large white photograph. Most of the images in the photograph were lightly colored. The picture seemed to be looking down at two people who were sitting in a luxurious office. Someone mentioned Wilhelmina, and i realized that the article was about the television show Ugly Betty. The woman reclined in the upper left corner of the photograph was the character Wilhelmina. I realized that this was the article that i was supposed to have read for the class. It seemed like such a simple thing. The article talked about Mark, another character from the show. It discussed social issues related to him, and this was what was important about it. $A516 wanted us to read the article because it discussed Mark’s homosexuality. I thought about the article, but i did not really see the significance to it. Someone seemed annoyed that i did not know about the importance of the article, and the man asked why i did not listen to what we were talking about in class. He sayed that we had discussed the significance of drinking and other things in the article. It was the social commentary that we were discussing. I felt bad about not reading the article.

12008 October 16

I was in the old house where the party was being held. There was a young child there who seemed to be mad at me. I felt worried about him, thinking that he was going to do something bad to hurt my feelings. I worried that he would break some of my things. I walked through the crowd, heading to the east, toward the door of the room. I stopped near the white eastern wall of the room. The walls of the room were decorated with silver bulbous shapes that formed fake archways on the walls. They seemed gaudy, and there was a mirror in the arch to the east of me. I looked at the mirror, thinking that i should pass through it to the next room. I felt that i could walk through mirrors. I walked into the wall, running into the mirror. I was not able to pass through the wall. I did not want the people to think that i was purposely walking into walls, so i turned and walked through the doorway to the north of the mirror, into the large room that seemed to be outside the bathrooms. I turned to the north and walked into the small closet where the boy was playing with some other children. I was on the western side of the room as i watched myself enter the dull-yellow room through the door on the eastern wall. There were toys scattered over the floor of the large closet, and there seemed to be an alcove to the south where the coats of the party guests were hanging. The children were sitting in the middle of the floor, among a wide array of scattered toys. I looked over the toys from the western side of the room, concerned that the children would break some of them. I worried that the boy would destroy something of mine, and i wanted to make sure that he was not playing with anything that belonged to me. I then recognized several of the older toys on the floor. I was angry at the boy for getting them out. I wanted to do something with them, but there was a young woman standing on the northern side of the room, watching the children. I looked at a round toy that was shaped like the head of a laughing elf. It was somewhat pear shaped, and had a large red swirl on one of its cheeks. I recognized the spiral design. I had painted it on the toy as a child. I was annoyed that the boy was taking out his anger on me.

12008 October 17

I looked to the south, over the bow of the boat as we floated down the wide channel. The land around us seemed to rise in mountains, and i seemed to be on a very large boat, even though the bow only seemed like the size of a powerboat. Something had happened. The boat had been transported to this area. I thought that this place was like a fjord, but the water seemed to be moving swiftly through the narrow gorge. The dark-green forested land sloped steeply up on either side of us. There were several buildings on the shoreline, as if we were moving through a village. The boat rounded a few corners of the channel, which seemed somewhat like city streets through the village. I looked to the southeast ahead of us, noticing that the water was sloping down hill. It seemed somewhat steep, and i thought that our boat would pick up speed. I then realized that water should not slope down hill like this. There would have to be a waterfall under us, which meant that the water should be getting rather shallow under the boat. Since we were on a large cruise ship, it did not make sense for us to be floating down the rapids of a gorge. It seemed that we would get stuck on the rocks. The land around us then suddenly opened up into a wide valley, and the river turned to the southwest. I looked to the west, noticing a large open valley with a fjord running down the center. This situation felt very strange and did not seem to make much sense. We turned to the west, and i started walking through the narrow streets of the village with the other people from the ship. The buildings were all single-story buildings, and they seemed to be made of brown wood. They seemed both modern and styled like old Scandinavian houses. The village was strangely empty. We were the only people there. I felt uneasy about this, but continued through the streets, trying to figure out why we had come here. It seemed much colder here, and i was aware that we were in a northern land. I worried that the people who had been on the cruise ship with me would not be prepared for the cold, since we had been sailing in a warmer climate. We had to figure a way to get out of here before it became too cold to survive. We walked down a cobblestone street to the southwest when we came to an intersection. The streets were curved and seemed to run in arcs from intersection to intersection. We turned to the northwest at the corner, and i noticed some instruments in the shop window at the corner to the north of us. The building had a sharp angle to the corner, matching the angle of the streets. I could see through both panes of glass on the corner of the store, looking through the store to the street on the other side, but i stopped to look at the wooden musical instruments that were displayed on the dull-orange cloth inside the windows. I pointed them out to the other person. They were set in an arching pattern across the slanted display. They were all made of polished wood and had white strings. They seemed very fancy and very nice. Most of them seemed like harps or mandolins, but their shapes were not common, and i did not know exactly what the instruments were. I wanted to take some of them with me, since i liked instruments, but i decided that i should not take them right now. Even if there were no people in the town right now, some of them might return later. I noticed the rounded keyboard instrument on the western side of the window. It looked somewhat like a lute, but had keys sticking out the rounded bottom edge. The instruments were very nice. We continued on, rounding the corner and heading down the short street to the northwest. The street curved a little to the west and led us into a small rounded courtyard area. The road turned back to the southeast, but i stopped in the rounded pavilion on the northeastern side of the street. My mother was sitting on the northern side of the pavilion. The decoratively carved wood of the pavilion arched over us, forming a small dome. The northeastern side of the structure seemed to abut one of the shops, and was a solid wall of finely polished wood. The southwestern side was open, and seemed to be supported by thin poles. There seemed to be plants curling up the poles, but i could not see them clearly. It also seemed colder here, as if it was winter. The sun was bright, even though the sky seemed gray with clouds. My mother was sitting on the northeastern side of the pavilion, in front of a large rounded piano. The top of the piano was closed and formed a smooth brown polished table. The man, who had been talking with my mother, placed the map of the village on the top of the piano to show to us. I was very interested in the map, since i was aware that we had been transported to some place far from where we had been. The map was long and rectangular, and showed a small square patch of yellow where the village was. We were in Sweden, and the map showed that the yellow square of the village was in the center of the southern coast. The yellow square took up most of the map at first, but the map seemed to zoom out so that the square could be seen on the southern coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. It seemed so far away, and i wondered how we could have gotten here. Something very strange had happened to us to transport us all this distance. I tried to figure out what the significance of it could be. Why had we been brought here specifically? There was some importance to this, and i tried to focus on it.

12008 October 24

I moved through the area with the others. The area seemed to be a town square. The ground was pinkish-tan, and the buildings around me were tall and plain. This was a good plot for a story. The town was empty, but the people were not really gone. We were explorers and had come to this place. I thought that we had come in a spaceship to this planet. There would have to be a reason for us to stop to investigate this planet, so i thought that part of the planet should be industrialized so that we would take note of the odd situation. There would have to be evidence of an advanced civilization here before we would come to investigate, otherwise we would be interrupting a developing society. I thought that maybe other parts of the planet could be highly developed cities with advanced technology, but the part we were on would look like empty cities. I thought that i could probably write the story so that the part we were on was separated from the rest of the continents of the planet. It could be an island, or a peninsula that could be cut off by a mountain range. It would have to be something that would give us reason to think that the emptiness was distinguished by geography rather than by intent. I moved around the square, talking to the other person. The people of this village had chosen to be without modern advances, but the evidence of advances would have to be around us. We would be intrigued by the contradiction of what we were seeing. I sat on the ground, speaking to the other, aware that the people of the village were returning. They would spot us and it would be a strange meeting. I was then aware that a young woman was standing on the eastern side of the square. I saw her out of the corner of my eye and turned to look. I could not see the entire figure because something was obscuring my view, but i could make out the plain dull-yellow dress that she was wearing. At fist, i thought i saw her standing near the side of the courtyard, but then she seemed to be standing very close to me. It was the first meeting. The rest of the people from the village would be coming back soon. I then realized that, for the story to work, they would all have to have been hiding somewhere we would not detect them. It would have to be some kind of ceremonial thing where they all left their houses for a reason. They would then all be heading back into town as a large group. I thought that the people in our ship could detect them as a large thermal mass moving toward the city. The person radioing us would tell us that a large herd of animals was heading for the city. We would not know that it was the people coming back until they were here. I looked to the north, at the plain house that was sitting on the edge of the city street. The house was empty, but the people would return as we were investigating it. We would have to dress in the clothes of the area, so that we did not look out of place when we came to investigate. We would have to have seen the clothes on broadcasts from the advanced side of the planet before we decided to land. I wondered if this story would make a good novel or if it was only long enough for a short story. I moved around the rooms of the house with the others from the spaceship. It was important to stress that the technology in this area would have to be very advanced. It would have to be technology that we did not have in our culture. The interesting part of the story was that the people in the village were not using it. They had reverted to a simply life. I thought that there would have to be a large power plant at the edge of town. It would be an atomic pinch reactor, which would be a more advanced form of power than we had. I then wondered why power plants would be needed in this society. If they were truly reverting to a simply life, then they would not even have electricity. We would need a reason to come to investigate this area. I looked around the plain wooden walls of the house, thinking that the people would be coming back soon. I then thought that we probably should not be walking through the house when the people returned. They might be angry with us for trespassing. I thought that we would have to search the house briefly and then head back out into the streets. We stood in front of the house now as the people approached us from the west. A young woman appeared on the western side of the square as we moved around. She seemed surprised to see us. The others from the town would soon follow her. There was a large screen on the wall to the south of us. It was showing pictures of something from the town. I turned to the north. I was in a large black auditorium. The seats were on a floor than sloped up to the north, and the general shape of the room seemed to be round. The screen was still showing pictures of the town. The door, which was in the northern end of the western wall, was open, and people from the town were starting to return. I knew that we could not be in the houses when they returned or they might be upset with us, so we were in this control area. Someone from the town started talking to one of the other people from my ship. We all seemed to be dressed in black, and several people seemed to be carrying guns. There was a control booth on the northeastern side of the room. It had a large curved glass window across the front of it. I moved across the control booth as one of the people referred to the buttons. The room seemed to be tipping to the south now, and i thought that the people in the control booth must have touched one of the controls. I moved to the north of one of the black panels, looking at the controls. I had to lean against the black railing, which arched over the control panel. The room was tipping to the south. I worried that the people in the auditorium would not have anything to hold onto as the room tipped, so they were probably falling over the chairs toward the screen. We were messing around with the technology from the town without knowing exactly how it worked. I told the people to undo what they had done, but they did not respond. I looked down at the black control knob on the console. It was mushroom shaped, with a flat top. I pulled it back toward me, causing the room to rotate back up. I had to be careful not to rotate it too far to the north. If the people in the auditorium started falling to the north then they would tumble over the chairs and hurt themselves. I had a railing to hold on to, but there was nothing in the theatre for the people to grab on to. I stopped the floor once it was relatively level. We would have to stop playing with these things until we understood them.

I moved around the building with the other people. We had come here to work. I looked to the south as we walked out of the small parking area. The southern wall of the building that we were in was open, and i could see the awning structure of the country club to the south. There seemed to be a pool just to the south of us on a wide patio. All i could see was the white plastic or canvas awnings that ran between the round cement columns on the northern side of the building. The columns seemed to have flat square platforms on the top, and the awnings were stretched between the tops of the platforms between what seemed to be a poles on either side. I walked to the east, out of the building i was in and into the club house, following the others. There were more people gathered in the clubhouse, and many of them seemed to be my family members. We had come here to work. It seemed like it had been a long time since i had done this type of manual labor. I looked to the north, noticing several of my relatives moving across the back room of my parents’ house, coming toward me. I turned to the west and came out into the back yard of the house. The back yard had been redesigned, and the landscape now seemed quite different. I knew that i had done some of the work, but felt that i was not here for most of it. I moved around. Something seemed like Christmas. The grounds around me had grass growing, and it seemed warm outside, but there seemed to be christmas decorations around the area. My mother said something to me from the west, commenting on the gardens in the area. I looked down at the row of stones on the ground. The stones were about a deci or so wide, and they had rough corners, as though they had just been broken off of something. They lined the new gardens that were to the west of the house. I thought that there was only a narrow space between the house and the gardens, to the north of me. It did not allow much room for passage across the yard. Things seemed different in the back yard now, and i felt a little uneasy. I bent over to pick up something from the edge of the row of stones as my mother commented on them. I then was back in the back room of my parents’ house. I turned to the west and walked out the back door, which was on the northern end of the western wall. As i walked down the stairs, i moved to the side to let some of my other relatives back in. My mother’s father looked seriously at me as he came up the stairs and walked into the house. He was wearing a heavy brown jacket over a tan shirt. I suddenly realized that it was very strange for him to be here because he was dead. I then remembered seeing him in the back room of the house before. He was in the center of the group of my relatives that i had seen in the back room earlier. I had recognized him, but had not realized the significance of his presence. I suddenly felt bad for not talking to him. I felt that i should have hugged him and sayed hello. It had been a long time since he had died, and i felt sad that i did not recognize the significance of his presence earlier. As i reached the bottom of the stairs from the house, i started to cry. I missed my chance to be with him.

I moved to the north, across the eastern side of the area. This was the country club where i had been working construction. I was with a few other people from my work crew. I followed the people to the north. I had to park my car, which seemed to be a large bicycle. I followed the other person to the northwest, toward the small shed. I had parked my car here the last time i was here. I looked to the southwest, across the patio where the pool was. The building on the south side of the pool was orangish-tan and stucco. It was not the same white building that i remembered from before. The other building had awnings. I thought that this was not the same club as i had been in and thought that we would be walking to the other one. I walked into the small room to park my small motorized vehicle. As i pushed it against the western wall of the small tiled room, i realized that there was a boy in the room with me. The walls of the room were covered with small square tiles. Most of the tiles were white, but some were black at regular intervals. The boy was about half my height and somewhat chubby. He was naked because he had just come out of the shower. He was surprised to see me and pulled something across his body. I ignored him and pushed my bicycle against the western wall. The boy walked past me, heading to the south, and i turned around and moved something across the white tub on the eastern wall. I realized that my vehicle had been a little muddy and had gotten mud on the near side of the tub. I was annoyed and tried to wipe some of the mud off. I then headed to the south, out of the building. I looked again at the northern face of the building on the southern side of the pool. It was a single-level building, but it did not look familiar. It was not the same design as the building i remembered from before. I wondered where the building with the awnings was. I followed the others across the eastern side of the pool patio and into the clubhouse. We then turned to the west. The room seemed dimly lighted, and there were several other people around. I then looked to the south again, spotting the white face of the building across the polo. It had the rounded columns and white awnings that i remembered. This was the place that i was familiar with.

12008 October 25

I looked at the map in my left hand as i headed to the south. I had been at an area on the lower part of the map. The map showed a long hiking trail that ran along the left side of the paper. The land around the trail was dull red. The trail started at the bottom, where i had been doing something with other people. It then wandered to the north-northwest, bowing to the west in a long wrinkled arc that brought it to someplace near the top of the map. I looked at the map several times, trying to figure something out. I then noticed something strange in the center of the trail. Just above the halfway point in the arch of the trail, i noticed that the trail turned suddenly back to the southeast for a distance before heading back to the north. It seemed like a long way out of the way, but i thought that there must be a reason for the trail to circle around. I wondered if it was because of a mountain pass. I then noticed the square bluish-white area on the map where the trail turned back. The area seemed to be a special zone and was marked with a warning about thermal radiation. There were several symbols in the center of the map, and i remembered that they represented the radio towers on top of the hill. I looked to the south. I was floating above the land now, and i could see the tall radio towers. There were several of them clustered in a small area at the top of a hill to the south of me. The view tipped a little, as though i was on an airplane turning over the area. The land still looked reddish around the towers. The tallest of the towers looked like a cell tower. It had a square base and narrowed as it rose. Near the top, a square platform circled the central spiral with several antenna fins attached to it. There was something about the towers that made me feel cautious. I looked at the map again, reading the warning about the thermal radiation. The area on the map now seemed to be light blue in the surrounding dull red. The warning was printed in thin uppercase letters over the area. I thought about thermal radiation, realizing that it meant heat. I would have thought that the radiation would be in radio wave or microwave form near the towers. The entire area was fenced off, but the trail seemed to go right through the area. I wondered what kind of effects it would really have on someone. I looked up at the man in front of me. He was balding and thin. As he walked toward he, into the field of blue surrounding the area, he started to vanish. He became transparent. Surprise appeared on his face as he stepped back, crossing back into the area outside the fence. The radiation had some strange effects here. I wondered how it could have this kind of effect on people.

I said something to $F45 as he stood to the west of me. The brick building was to the west of us as we stood on the western side of the street. My car was just to the north of me, along the side of the road. $F45 was working in this place for a short term, and we were both visiting this area, which seemed to be $P6. I was planning on meeting him later, but he could not talk for much longer because he had to get back to work. I sayed goodbye and drove up the road to the north. I was planning on meeting $F45 later for dinner. I then remembered that we would both be driving to the place to the south of here, and i wondered whether $F45 was expecting me to wait for him or not. I was driving now and could arrive there before he did, but then we would not be able to stop for dinner. I felt confused and tried to decide what i should do. I watched the old buildings pass as i continued to the north. I turned to the east, thinking that i should turn around so that i could head back south to meet $F45. I knew that there was a highway to the east of me, and i thought that i could get on to it to head back toward the city. The place around me seemed like an industrial neighborhood to the north of the main city center. I felt unsure of what i should do about dinner with $F45, so i called him on my cell phone. I pulled the car over to the eastern side of the road as i was heading north, toward the intersection with the main east-to-west road. I asked $F45 about buying food. I did not think that we would be able to coordinate meeting at the restaurant at the same time, so i wanted to know if i should pick something up. He seemed uncertain about what we should do. I spoke to him for a moment, feeling uncertain and unsure. I had the meal with me, though. I had already driven to the south on the highway, and was now farther south, more toward the city. $F45 was with me. We were sitting outside of the dark cement buildings. All of the buildings seemed very sharp, as if they were in strong contrast on a photograph. We quickly ate so that we could continue traveling to the south. I had picked up the food at McDonalds, which i did not think was the best place to get food. The meal was in a large white paper bag, and both of us pulled out meals out to quickly eat. $F45 had to disguise his food so that no one would know that he was eating from McDonalds. He did not like that place. His drink was hidden within a cup from Burger King. We ate quickly, but i felt uncomfortable here, as though this was a compromise. We had planned to do something better, but had ended up settling for this. There was another person with us as we ate.

12008 October 26

I was setting the trail for $G4. They were gathered to the north of me as we left the area near the building. Many of them seemed to be from out of town. They started running to the southeast, across the large grassy area. I started running with them. Several of them wandered across the grass but could not find the trail. I headed more to the south, finding the white trail mark in the grass. I yelled to the others to let them know where the trail was, and they started running in the direction that i was heading. I then realized that i should not be running at the head of the pack since i set the trail, so i let some of the others run ahead of me. There was a road on the southern side of the grassy area, and there seemed to be old college buildings to the south of the road. The trail turned to the east, down the drive. I thought about the trail, thinking that i had set it on the southern side of the rounded hill. I remembered being at the rounded hill before. It seemed like a tall hill in the center of a flat land. I looked at the map in front of me, showing the hill as a circular crater. The center of it seemed to be at the same elevation as the rest of the surrounding land. It was thicker at the southern side, but there was a thin break in the center of the southern side where the trail ran through the side of the hill. I had set the trail so that it ran up to the top of the hill. I could see the whiter area on the map where we had started trail, and i knew that the trail ran north, up the southern side of the mountain. I thought that the trail ran to the break in the hill and then headed up the eastern side. The trail led up the steep hill and seemed to climb to a high elevation. The mountain seemed very tall, and this place now seemed very old. I drove the truck up the eastern side of the narrow break in the hill, but the hill seemed too steep. The truck stopped near the top, unable to make it over the steepest part at the top of the hill. The wheels were skidding, so i let it roll back a little and tried to make it up again. The car again stopped near the top of the hill, skidding its tires. The road i was traveling up seemed to be a flat surface. It was tan, with horizontal ridges running across it. It rose at a steady angle, and leveled off just to the east of me. I could not get the car over the top of the hill, so i let it roll back farther down the slope, hoping to build up more momentum to get over the top. I then realized that most of the people would be running up the hill while i was driving. It was a very steep hill and very tall, so they would be exhausted, while i would get away with driving. I started driving the hill up the hill again. This time the truck made it over the top, but it drove over the other side. I was then to the south of the mountaintop, watching the truck roll over the cliff on the eastern side and tumble down. Someone was at the top of the hill, watching the truck roll over the side of the cliff. The truck now seemed to be a cartoon drawing as it tumbled down the cliff. I walked to the northeast, toward the small house. I looked to the west as the people started to come to the top of the hill. I had parked my small car to the southwest, on the western end of the gravel parking lot. There were some green bushes blocking the view of my car, though i could not tell where they were. They seemed to run in a line from the southern edge of the lot. There was a line of shrubs running east to west, just to the north of me, and there was a small stone house just north of it. I walked around the eastern side of the house and started walked to the west along the northern side. There was a door facing east near the western side of the building. $F47 was standing in the doorway. He greeted me, and i let him know that i was here and that the runners would be following me shortly. This place seemed to be his parents’ house. He turned and walked back into the building. The runners were coming to this house for beer. I then thought about the temples that were at the top of the mountains. They seemed like Mayan temples, and i knew that they were very old. The one on the eastern hill was not as big as the one on the western side, but it was where we were now. I thought that it would be fun to have the out-of-town runners see the temples, since they were something special. I hoped that they would enjoy the long hard run up the hill to the temple. I then wondered if they would mind running down the hill and back up the other side to see the other temple.

12008 October 27

I moved through the small rooms of the apartment, which seemed to be on the second floor of the building. The rooms were plainly furnished, and the walls seemed warm yellow. I passed out over the balcony on the side of the building, heading to the west. The balcony was wooden, with a railing made of vertical wooden planks. I started floating out over the side of the building. Looking back at the tall apartment building, i could see several levels of balconies on the back side, and some stairs enclosed in wood connecting them. The house seemed to be on i steep hill, which descended to the west, leveling off artificially in a parking lot or grassy lawn. There was another building to the south, with similar balconies. This area seemed very familiar, and it seemed to be crowed with houses and apartments. There were several others with me, but i was not sure whether they had floated from the balcony or not. I felt disoriented, and wondered what i should do. I knew that i had something to do, but i was not sure what it was. I looked around, trying to figure out exactly where i was. There seemed to be woods to the west of me, and the trees there seemed mostly bare, as though it was fall. The line of trees on the edge of the small lawn to the north was thick with leaves, though. I floated a little to the north, thinking that i recognized the land there. The ground dropped off suddenly to the north of the trees, and there seemed to be a short gravel parking lot on the bottom. The lot was just off the southern side of a narrow town road. The tall white apartment building to the east of the lot seemed to have a restaurant or bar in the lower floor. The back side of the building was covered with thin vertical slats of wood. This place was familiar, and i was trying to figure out exactly where it was. I felt that this might be the street where we had parked our car, but i was not sure. I hovered over the lot, looking around for something familiar. The trees to the north of me seemed to be leafless, and had long thin branches that reached upward. I could not quite recognize anything here. I looked to the south now, up the slope of the hill to the south of the gravel parking lot. The back yard was not familiar, but this steep land seemed very familiar. There was something i recognized in the landscape around the buildings. I flew back through the line of trees to the south and into the small yard again. There were people sitting in the upper balcony of the building to the south now. They were watching me as i flew, and i seemed cautious of them. I turned to the southeast and headed back toward the apartment i had come from. I walked through the lower floor and into the restaurant on the southern side of the building. The restaurant seemed old and a little run down. The front of the building, which was to the south of us, was arched outward, and had large wooden windows across the face. I could see the white snow outside. There were booths around the outsides of the room and round tables in the center of the room. There were people in the restaurant that i knew, and i walked across the room to the east, looking for them. The service counter was to the north, and there was a dividing wall to the east, running from the door in the southern end of the eastern wall to the north. The door faced southeast. I had to do something here, but i was not sure what. My mother was at one of the tables to the east of me. I walked over to sit with her. She was wearing a bulky winter parka. I felt confused, as though there was something i was forgetting about.

I walked to the north, across the back yard of the apartment complex. The buildings were to the south of me, and there seemed to be a short steep hill just behind them. The hill was covered with weeds and small trees that had turned dark for the winter. The green lawn round me was wide and roughly square. A gravel driveway seemed to run along the eastern side of the apartment buildings, and it ran down the eastern part of the wide yard, curving across the northern side and running back up the western side. I was walking down the driveway on the eastern side of the yard. There were several young people standing in the yard to the west. I looked at the long single-level white wooden garage that ran to the north of the driveway on the northern edge of the yard. I was heading there for some reason. I then heard the sound of a small car to the west of me. I looked over to see a white mail truck driving down the western part of the driveway, heading to the north. I should go get the mail from the north, where he will deliver it to the boxes. The others in the yard then started mocking and teasing me. I ignored them and continued to the north. The mail truck had driven behind the small garage. I headed for the run-down white building.

I was in the small dimly lighted room with the older woman and a few other people. The woman was sitting on the eastern side of a round table, which had a dark tablecloth over it. She was dressed in plain clothes, and there was something special about her. She was psychic. One of the other people in the room was telling her about the trap that was meant for her. The woman was upset. Her powers had been taken, and she did not know what to do. I knew that all psychics had their powers stolen by the authorities. The government was taking away all special abilities in people when they found them. It was a very frightening situation. I worried that the government might break in at any moment to abduct people and take their abilities. I wandered what we should do about it. It was an unjust situation and i felt that it should be stopped, but i did not know what to do and felt powerless against the authorities. The woman was very upset and started getting agitated and scared. I was sitting at a table on the western side of the small cafe, and i looked down at the table. I started doing something on the table, pretending not to notice how upset the woman was. I could not expose myself. I did not want to be arrested.

I was waiting on the southern side of the tall dark buildings with the other person. The buildings seemed to be row houses, and everything seemed dark gray here. I paced to the east when i noticed the young boy on the roof of the house. The roof was rather low near us now, and had red tiles on it. The boy had a hose and was threatening to spray us with it. We had to wait here by the bus stop, which seemed to be a thin shelter just to the southeast, on the street. A bus was just pulling up to the stop, and we had to walk in front of the boy to get onto the bus. The boy seemed to be threatening to spray us, so i reached up and grabbed his hose so that he could not get us wet. I pulled the boy off of the room and held him still. He screamed and struggled, but seemed to consider this more of a game than a danger. He seemed older now, and i dragged him to the ground and held him down.

12008 October 28

I finished the run with $A121. The run seemed to be the early run of a weekend event, but we were the only two people who had gone on the run. The weekend event had something to do with $G4. We jogged slowly back to the parking lot, heading south from the main street. Our cars were parked on the southern side of the empty lot. As we slowed to a walk, $A121 said that she wanted to do one more jog to another bar downtown. She said that she wanted to stop for some local beer. I did not really want to continue on the run, because i knew that the others would be gathering at the campground to start the main run. I told $A121 that i would go to the bar with her, but i said that i did not have any money with me. I would have to go back to the campground to get my wallet before we continued. I drove my car to the north, turning down the streets of the suburban area. The campground seemed to be to the northwest of where we started. It seemed that the area was on the southern slope of a tall hill. Town was at the bottom of the hill, and the hill curved around the northern and eastern side of the area i was at. I turned to the north, up the dirt road into the campground. The hill sloped up to the north, across the long grassy lawn. There were many other people gathered at the campground, and i started to feel uneasy about going back on the run. I quickly gathered my things and walked back to the south, down the eastern side of the dirt driveway, back to my car. I hoped that i was back here by the time that the bus came for the main run. I felt bad about leaving again, but i had told $A121 that i would join her. Another person was walking with me now. He had sayed that he would like to come with me. I put my wallet into the right pocket of my running plastics. I started back across the street, heading to the south, when i realized that i had left my car in the campground. I turned back to get it, but wondered whether i really should bring my car with me. As i started to the north, across the parking lot, a white chariot came from the east. A dark-red car was towing it across the lot. The car turned suddenly in the center of the lot to head north, into the campground. The four or five people in the back of the chariot swinged to one side, holding on to the sides so that they did not get thrown off. They were dressed in white armor that looked roman in style. They were the people from the first run, and they had just returned to camp. I knew that the second run would be starting soon now that they were back. They seemed drunk already and were having a good time. I knew that i would have to get back to the campground quickly, but i could not decide whether i wanted to leave my car at the lot where we had started the first run. I then thought that my car really was at the lot where we had started the first run. I would have to run back to get my car. I had to go get $A121 so we could get back and start the real run with the others. I started to run to the south, down the hill, into the suburban area. I had not come from this direction. I had come from the east. I thought that this might be an easier way to run, since i was on foot. I could easily cross to the east once i was down the hill a little. I wanted to take the fastest route i could so that we could get back. I realized how easy it was to run down the hill. I had felt exhausted when i got back to the campground, but i felt much better now as i jogged down the steep slope. It was dark now as i turned to the southeast, crossing over from one street to another on a dirt driveway. As i reached the second street, which ran northeast to southwest, i noticed the large blue mid-seventies car just to the northeast of me. It had its front end turned into a driveway of a house, but the front end seemed to have gone just a little north of the driveway. I seemed to be floating over the driveway now, just a little to the south of the driveway. The house was to the northwest of the car and seemed to be a small square brown one-story house. The driveway was wide and seemed to be L-shaped, turning from the road to the side of the house. The car tried to back out of the grass that it had gone on, but it could not move. I could hear it spinning its tires. I thought that i should help it while i was here. I moved toward it, but there was another car that had pulled into the driveway to the south of the larger car. Two people got out of the second car and moved to the first. I was still going to help them push the car forward. As i landed near the back of the car, the large golden retriever ran to the back of the car and put its paws on the trunk to push. I realized that the people i had seen get out of the second car were really rescue dogs. The shorter black with white dog also put its paws on the truck of the car to push. The car started moving forward, and i did not even get a chance to push it out. I turned to the north and started up the hill on the road. This road did not go in the correct direction, but i hoped that it would lead me to another street that i could get to my car. The hill then became very steep, and i started to feel frustrated. I had to hurry, but i felt that i did not quite know where i was going. I looked up the hill. The street ahead of me was dark, and i realized that it ended in an unlighted cul-de-sac just up the hill. There seemed to be scrub brush around the northern side of the street. I was annoyed and turned around to head back down the hill. I had to find a path that headed east. I wondered where i should go, and i felt tired of trying to figure this out.

I moved around the basement of the large house. The walls were stone, and the area seemed very bright. There was a large event here that had ended a little while ago. I was cleaning up some things. It seemed that it was really the end of a semester or some other big event. Other people were cleaning around me as i picked up several things from the floor. I then moved to the north, were a set of wooden stairs ascended to the east along the northern wall. I had swept the stone floor with the white broom, and i now thought that i should clean the stuff off of the wooden stairs. I started whipping down the stairs with the wet white towel, which seemed to be an old mop head. I was aware of $F4, who was cleaning something at the top of the stairs. I started to feel that i was cleaning the stairs more than other people would, and i wondered if i should actually clean them this well. I wiped the wooden boards down on the center steps, moving some small things that were on the southern side of the steps. I felt tired of doing this, but i continued. I then turned to the west to clean out something. There was a screen hanging from the western wall, or from a free-standing pole in front of the wall. I had been working on the canvas screen, and i realized that should roll it up to put it away. It was a large roll of film, and i had taken several shots on it already. I wondered how i could roll the rest of the film back into the black rectangular canister that was at the top of the pale-tan screen. I looked at the long hinged door at the bottom of the box. The canvas ran from the back side of the flap, and the flap was hinged at the front. The canvas seemed to roll up like a spring-loaded window shade, and i wondered if i could stick my finger behind the flap and trip the catch that was preventing the film from rolling back into the canister. I looked more closely at the flap, noticing that there were small flaps on either end of the long case. They hid the gear mechanism for the roll. I tried to get the canvas to roll back into the case, but, as i rolled it back up, i realized that there were several layers to the roll. I had to get the tan sheets of cloth to cover the rest of the film so that light did not expose the paper. I wondered why the light from the room had not burned the paper already, and i decided that it was too dark in here. There was sunlight coming in from a crack between the drapes on the southern wall, though. I started to feel frustrated, trying to cover the canvas, but i could not quite get it right. I then noticed the roll inside the canister above me. The flap was open, and i could see the photographs that i had already taken on the film. They looked like developed images. I had to get the film covered before the light from the sun burned out the images that i already had on the roll, but i could not get the fabric covering the film correctly. I became really frustrated, noticing that the images that i had taken were now pulled out of the canister and were exposed on the surface of the canvas. I tried to cover them up, but it was not working. $F14 was to the south of me now, cleaning up something from the table on the southern side of the decorative room. I asked her to help me. It seemed awkward to do so, but she sayed “Okay.” and walked over to help. I hurriedly tried to get the images covered, but the sun was starting to shine on the canvas, and i realized that the images i had taken would be ruined. I looked at the photographs that were now exposed on the canvas in front of me. There was a large rectangular image in the center, which was green and seemed to be of a fanning flowering plant. Around it were smaller images of $F14 and other things. The surrounding images were familiar, and i knew that they had been reshot from old negatives that i had, but the one in the center was new, and i could not replace it if the film was burned. I tried to cover the center of the canvas with the thin tan cloth. I then noticed that some of the images on the left side of the canvas were becoming discolored. One of them was a picture of $F14’s face. The lips of the image became a series of bright red spots, and her cheek was covered with bright tan or yellow spots. The colors were becoming saturated by the sun light. I felt angry and tore the canvas down, throwing it onto the table on the south and covering it with the large pillows and blankets. I had to get it covered before they were ruined. I would have to work under the pillows to cut the images into smaller pieces so that i could roll them up and hide them. I felt very tense and upset. I moved the things onto the table to the south of me. There were now several people in the room with me. They seemed to be students, and they were sitting on the southern side of the table. They had come here to wait for something. I was not part of their group, and i tried to arrange the pillows and suitcases so that they covered the photographs from the light. I had to cut the images carefully before they were ruined. A young man was sitting across the table from me, and he was suspicious of what i was doing. He had frizzy blond hair and was wearing a dark jacket over a white shirt. I knew that he was afraid of the pile of stuff that i had put on the table, because he did not understand what they were and suspected terrorism. He became confrontational, and asked me what i was doing with the stuff. I told him that they were photographs, but he still asked me what they were for. He wanted to know what was in the suitcases. I told him that they were photographs, but i knew that he would not understand something artistic, like what i was doing. There was another man to the west of him who also became concerned. I tried to ignore them, but they were getting angry with me, demanding to know what i was hiding under the cloth. A man then appeared on the western side of the crowd. He called to me, and i recognized him. He was rather attractive, with an angular face and thick black hair. I then realized that he was medium skinned, with black hair that curled around the sides of his head. I also noticed that he had a short black beard. He was Indian, but he looked like an Arab. The two men in the room would think that he was a terrorist, and it would not look good for me to be talking to him. I was annoyed, thinking that i would have to tell them that this man was from my design class. He was an artist in the school with them. I did not think that they would understand, because they were too busy being frightened of what they did not understand. I spoke to the man for a moment, and then quickly moved back to the pillows that i had on the table. I took the metal scissors and thought that i should hurry to cut the photographs into small pieces before the sun got them. I pulled the square orange and brown pillow toward me. It looked like a throw pillow, with brown thread trim and tied-thread bulbs on the corners. I lifted the pillow to cut the canvas photograph, but realized that there was a small yellow and brown cloth bag under it. The blond man must have taken the photographs and replaced them with the purse. I knew that the purse had some religious significance to Muslims, but i did not care about the importance of the purse. I threw the purse to the east in anger, turning to the boy across the table from me. I started to yell at him, but realized that he was no longer there. I was frustrated and angry, and paced to the east a little. I picked up the small wooden chair, ready to throw it at the man who was no longer there. I looked for the other man in the crowd, but both of them had left, and they had taken all of the photographs with them. The material would be ruined, and i felt that i had lost all of my photography work. I was furious and slammed the chair back down to the ground. I looked around the room for the police officer that i had seen earlier in the crowd. He was a short man with white hair and a light-blue uniform shirt. He had been standing in the center of the crowd and should have stopped the men from destroying my things. I stomped to the northwest, along the edge of the table and up the hall of the school. Ahead of me, the short police office rounded a corner from the northeast, coming back into the main hall with a few young women. He had been distracted by something else. I walked up to him angrily and yelled at him for leaving. I asked him “Where the hell have you been?”. I was furious and tense, and yelled at him for leaving the front hall. I told him that the men had stolen my things and vandalized my artwork. He seemed confused, but followed me back to the central hall. I was stressed and felt very bad and anxious.

12008 October 31

I floated through the old school building, heading down the old halls to the east. The walls of the corridor were made of old heavy plaster, and they were pale yellowish-orange. There seemed to be a chair rail along the middle of the wall. I passed into a small room on the southern side of the corridor, trying to avoid the man who was walking down the hall. I did not want him to see me. He saw me anyway and stepped into the room after me. He warned me that i should not be here. I worried that i would be caught by the officials. I headed into the large room to the southeast, which seemed to be a classroom. It was dark in the building, as thought it was late in the evening. I was floating over the floor, and knew that i could slip away by passing through one of the walls. I would have to pass through a wall to somewhere that the man could not follow, though. The man stepped into the other room, warning me that he was going to call security. I did not care. I thought that i could simply float into the ceiling by the time he turns around. I started to float upward, and i thought about this situation. I could simply float into the other room above this one and the man would not easily be able to find me again, but i would have to be careful about entering another room. I did not want to be spotted slipping through the walls into another room. I would have to stop in the middle of the wall, only sticking enough of my head into the room so that i could see what was there before i fully passed into it. I then wondered what it would be like if the room above me was a bathroom. What if i floated through a toilet on my way up? It seemed disgusting, and i wondered what it would be like. How could i sneak into a room that had people in it? I would have to have some way of passing far enough into the room to see what was happening in the room, but not far enough that i would be easily noticed. I thought that the room i might be passing into might be a classroom. I would peek through from the floor of the room, but i would have to do it near the back of the classroom so that none of the students noticed me entering. I could then sit in one of the chairs and pretend that i was a student. No one would know that i was not there before, and would not really notice me entering. I then thought that the girl lecturing at the front of the room would be able to spot me as i came through the floor. This was a complicated situation. I contemplated what i should do as i passed into the room where the others were sitting around the large oval table. I sat at the western end of the southern side of the table, looking at the white script in front of me. I read the play with the others. I had not been paying attention, and i did not quite know where i was in the play. The others started telling me my lines. The man across the table from me, to the north, started repeating one word over and over again. It was my line. I was to say the same thing repetitively. The person to the north started counting the number of times that i was saying the word. I was annoyed. He was trying to tell me how to act the part, but i knew that it was unnecessary to count the number of times i repeated the word. I was simply going to repeat it until the next person started talking. I wrote some things down on the white paper in front of me as the others continued with the play. I then looked around at the sheets of paper scattered on the table in front of me, realizing that i did not have my script with me. I felt suddenly frustrated and upset. I was annoyed, and stood up to go look for it. I stopped suddenly as i came to a wide doorway to the east of me. The doorway led to the street outside, and there was a crowd there. The police were pushing through the small crowd, arresting people. I knew that the crowd was a protest and that the police were trying to break it up. It had something to do with the authorities trying to take away the abilities of certain people. The people yelled back at the police, who were wearing dark uniforms. One woman was wearing a heavy dark jacket. She stood to the north of an officer, and she started yelling at him, pushing back against him. I knew the woman, but i could no longer see her behind the police officer. There was a tall chain-link fence to the east of the street where the people were protesting. I could see a girl sitting behind the fence, watching what was going on from one of the stone steps in front of the line of tall dark apartment buildings. She did not seem to know what was going on and had come outside to find out. I then noticed a pale-green station wagon sitting on the street to the south. It was facing south. A group of boys ran out of the wagon and tryed to jump over the fence before the police could get them. The officers grabbed them as they tryed to climb the fence. This situation seemed terrible, and i did not know what to do.