12009 October 05

I moved through the crowd of people in the rectangular room at the center of the house. The room was large, and there was a party going on here. A man came close to me and started challenging me. I knew that it was in jest, and i was interested to play along. I challenged the man back by moving close to him and talking in a cocky manner. He was to the north of me, and i pushed him backward by pushing my chest into his. He was $A380. I had not seen him in a while, and i realized that he still looked very attractive. His upper body seemed well built, and i thought that it would be an interesting challenge to wrestle him. We pushed each other for a moment. I then was walking around the room, moving through the people. It felt good to be here, though i was not quite sure what i should do. The others here seemed to be from my high school, as if this was some kind of reunion. I noticed $A150 standing against the northern wall to the northeast of me. He stood near the entrance to the room, which was in the northern end of the eastern wall. He was wearing a white disco suit, which seemed a little out of place, but i knew that he was wearing a style of the past because he was an alumnus. I headed to the west, along the northern wall. I had still been looking at $A150 when my attention was grabbed by another man near the northern wall. $F5 called my name and i stopped to look at him. He was waiting for something with some other people. I said hello to him. It seemed good to see him. His wife was standing to the east of him, and he introduced her as “Sarah-Jennifer”. I said hello to her, thinking that the name did not quite seem right. I remembered her name from before, and i had thought that it was a single name, but i repeated the double name as i chatted with her for a moment. I recognized her, but something did not seem quite right about who she was. She had chin-length hair that seemed to be dark blond, but which was colored an unnatural red. She was very familiar, but the name did not fit her. I chatted with them for a moment, and then turned my attention to $F4, who was standing just to the west. There seemed to be many people here that i knew, and i talked to some of them. I then noticed $A550 standing with a small group of people to the north. He was tall and thin and was wearing a tan trench coat. It felt good to see him, because i had not been able to find him in a very long time. He smiled awkwardly as he approached me, and he hugged me hello. I realized that he was naked under his trench coat, so it felt a little awkward to hug him in public. I chatted with him for a few moments, but was then chatting with $F4 again. We were now in a quieter area of the house. This was the kitchen, and we stood to the north of the large wooden table as we spoke. This place seemed very much like the kitchen at $P19.

12009 October 06

I moved to the east, across the large locker room at the back of the school. The gray lockers were in rows that ran east to west across the center of the room. I moved to the northern end of the room, where there was a row of gray lockers extending out from the western wall. I stopped to the east of the lockers as $F42 asked me about the play. He wanted me to be in a play that he was directing. I felt a little unsure because i knew that i had been busy with too many other things. I was not sure that i had time to do another play. $F42 handed me a small dirty pink pamphlet, which was the printed script for the play. The book looked as though it had been thrown around in the dirt. I opened it up and read a little of it. It seemed hard to read because there were large flowers over the top of the words. I tried to move them so that i could read the script. It seemed interesting, but i was still unsure about committing time to it. I asked $F42 when it would be performed, and he told me the date. I thought about it, trying to figure out when the play was. He then said that the play would be performed after Memorial Day. I realized that he was talking about next Spring. That seemed like a long time away. I would not have any conflicts with the work i was currently doing. I was more interested in doing it and tried to read more of the script. I was still having trouble making out the text, though. The text was not printed in straight lines on the page. It was formed into small blocks of spiraled lines, and the blocks were scattered around the page. This made it very

12009 October 08

Someone came into my parents’ house, and i felt suddenly alert. It seemed that they had broken in through a door on the back of the house. I wondered if the alarm would be set. I felt tense as i moved through the darkened house. I stopped in the middle bedroom of the house, looking for anything that looked out of place. I could not see anyone here, so i sneaked back out of the room and headed down the stairs to the north. I seemed to be descending into the living room of the house at $P12. I stopped suddenly in the middle of the stairs, staring at a dark figure in the room below me. It appeared to be a man, but i could not quite tell. I quickly ran down the stairs, thinking that i could surprise him and attack him, but there was nothing there when i reached the bottom. I still felt scared, and i started to move through the house, trying to make sure that everything was all right. I then turned to the south, looking out the window to the southeast. A large truck had pulled into the driveway of my parents’ house and stopped. I thought that it was probably making a U-turn. It seemed to be daylight now, and i could see clearly across the lawn. The large pick-up truck was pulling a blue metal trailer behind it, which seemed to be a work trailer. The truck started backing up, but it was not doing it properly. The trailer was at the wrong angle behind the truck and started rolling off of the road. The grass on the southern side of the road sloped down steeply from the road, and i thought that the trailer would simply tip over the edge, unhitching form the car. It separated from the car and started rolling down the driveway to the south. I thought that it would crash into the wooden telephone pole on the southern side of the road. Instead, it rolled into the mailbox across from the driveway. The man from the truck got out and picked up the mailbox, putting it back into the ground. I then realized that there was a person sitting on the southern side of the road, to the east of the mailbox. He was well tanned and he was wearing tan pants and an orange reflector vest over a white T-shirt. He was watching the entire event, and kept looking back at the house. I felt a little suspicious of him, but realized that he was part of the construction crew that was working on the road. I could now see that there was a deep rectangular hole dug into the southern lane of the road, just to the east of my parents’ driveway. There seemed to be a large yellow backhoe standing on the southern shoulder, near the pit. The man had been sitting on the road to the west of the hole. The truck that was turning around in the driveway must have had something to do with the workmen, because the equipment he was towing seemed to be construction related. The truck was actually a grass-cutting machine. I was then on the front porch of my parents’ house, looking out at the truck and the construction site. There was a woman sitting in one of the wicker chairs to the west of me. She seemed to be sipping coffee or tea from a white ceramic mug as she watched the events in front of the house. She had dark skin and fuzzy dark-brown hair. She seemed like Astrid from Fringe. I stood to the east of the porch, in the driveway, and i crouched down to get comfortable. I was annoyed with the constriction workers. I turned to Astrid and asked her if the mailbox would be replaced. She kept staring to the south, nodded, and said yes. I started talking about the road repaving that the workers were doing.

12009 October 09

I rode my bicycle down the dirt path in the suburban area. I had run a trail here earlier with $G4, and i was now riding over the area, heading to the west. There was an orchard on the southern side of the road. It seemed warm out. I was trying to get back to where i had started the run. I turned to the northwest, staying on the dirt road as it started moving through a wooded area. I came to the end of the woods, where there was a railroad track crossing the path that i was on. The tracks ran east to west, and there was a city neighborhood on the other side. I crossed the tracks in my car and started driving down the road to the north. The road i was on was narrow, and it ran parallel to one of the city streets as it curved to the west. I realized that i was still following a bike path over the paved sidewalks. I should not be on the path anymore, since i was now driving my car. I turned the car around and headed back toward the street crossing to the east. I had to figure out where i should be going on the city streets. I came back to the intersection where the path had crossed the dirt road. The dirt road ran north to south, across the railroad tracks, connecting with the paved city street to the north. The city street came from the east and curved to the north where the path hit it. The main city street seemed to be to the north. I came off of the path, which ran parallel to the railroad tracks, approaching from the west. There was a gas station with a cement awning over the pumps on the western side of the curved city street. I watched it pass as the bus i was traveling on approached the corner of the main city street. The bus turned to the northwest and started heading away from the area. The main part of the city seemed to be to the southeast of me, and i had been traveling on this northern section for a while. I was trying to get back to somewhere, but i was not sure how to do it. I had parked somewhere on this side of the city, and i was returning from the running event, but i was not sure where i should get off of the bus. I watched the gas station pass to the southeast of me, and i started to wonder if i was in the correct place. There were some other people on the bus with me, and i asked them some questions about the city. There was a man sitting on the southern side of the bus, just to the east of me. He seemed like a famous person. I did not want to make him uncomfortable, so i simply asked him about the city. He seemed like Steve Jobs. He answered, but admitted that he was not very familiar with this section of the city. I was annoyed, and turned to the next person, thinking that he would be taken-aback that i did not recognize him. I asked a woman who was sitting to the west of me. She gave me the name of a good restaurant in this part of town. I was hungry, but i really had to find my car before i could leave the city, and it was getting rather late. The sun seemed to be setting in the west, and the sky was already dark. The woman said that the restaurant was nice french food. This did not sound interesting to me, since i did not like french food. The woman then turned to her husband, who was sitting next to her, and started discussing the restaurant, describing details to me as they conferred with each other. The woman then asked me whether i had a place to stay in the city. She seemed concerned about where i would go. I told her that i did not have a place but that i could get a hotel. I then told them that i had left my bicycle behind in the part of the city to the north. I remembered that i had locked the bicycle to the railing inside the red tile bathroom. I was trying to get back to this part of the city to get my bicycle. I had been in the central part of the city for the event, but i was now trying to head home. It was late, though, and i was worried that it was starting to get cold. I also hoped that the busses would run this late. I then thought that the hotels in the downtown section of the city were more expensive, which is why i had come back to this area. I did not seem to have a lot of money. I was then back near the gas station at the intersection of the two streets. It was dark now, and the streets looked vacant. I walked down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, heading west. I felt nervous about this situation, wondering what i would do and where i would stay. The buildings to the south of me seemed to be old apartment buildings. I recognized one and looked into the front window. I could see my bicycle still chained to the front wall of the red bathroom inside. The house was locked up now. I had come too late to get in the front door, and i wondered what i could do to get my bicycle. I felt upset that i could not get to it now, and i wondered what i should do. I looked around the city street, wondering where i should go. This city now seemed to be Toronto. I would need to head back home eventually, but i did not want to leave my bicycle here. I showed the map of the city to $Z. It had a line heading to the south across it, making a long loop down the right-hand side of the map. The line was the route of the path that we had taken. If we followed it, we could get back to the safe area where the event had been. I noticed that there was a shorter way to go, thought, by traveling on some of the side streets. I explained this to $Z. I felt worried and wanted to get back.

I was at the house, which seemed like $P19. I came down the stairs on the western side of the building, descending to the west into the living room area. I was carrying a drinking mug in my left hand. The living room was filled with alumni of this place. It felt strange to see them, but i greeted several. $A185 asked me about things, and i responded, chatting for a moment. He then pointed out that i had been here for a long time. I felt uncomfortable about this, thinking that people would have expected me to move on to better things. I told him that i was not actually here anymore because i was not living in this house. He had thought that i was still here. I had lived here for a long time, but i did not want to be part of this place anymore. It felt like something old and stagnant, and i wanted to get away. He then asked where he could get some good food, and i told him that he should sign up for dinner in this house tonight. The conversation felt awkward. He smiled at me, and he was now $A532.

12009 October 11

I left the other person and headed to the west, down the hallway of the large building. There were many doors on either side of the corridor. I turned abruptly to the north and opened the brown polished wooden door to the office. As soon as i entered the square conference room with the white table and fluorescent ceiling lights, i realized that there were many other people here who had just arrived for the meeting. They were businessmen in white shirts and ties, and some were wearing dark suit coats. Some of these people were the bosses, and i was suddenly afraid that they might see me here. I should not be in this room, and i quickly turned around and hurried out before anyone here could recognize me. I thought that one of the people in the room was $A412. The bosses had returned from somewhere, and i knew that i should not be wandering the corridors of the building anymore. I hurried back to the east, down the corridor. The other man was already ahead of me. There was a corridor branching off to the south. It seemed that there were two main hallways in the building, running parallel to each other. This small corridor that branched off connected the two near the center of the building. The cross corridor seemed to be about around twelve meters long and a little narrower than the main corridors. My room was just to the east of the branching corridor. The other man with me ran down the corridor to the south, and i contemplated doing this, wondering if we would be able to get back to the room without being seen. The room had a door on either corridor, so we could enter from either side. I looked at the gold-colored door that was set into the wall just to the east of the cross corridor. It was lower than the corridor level, down two or three steps. The light-gray walls around the doorway extended into an awning over the top of the door. The awning seemed to mirror the pattern of the stairs below it, as if the recess in the floor here the stairs were had been lifted out and placed over the top of the door. The only difference was that the awning was much wider than the recess. The door was so close that i decided to simply run into the room from here rather than running around to the next corridor. I hurried down the stairs, but the brass leaver handle on the door was locked, so i pulled the brass-colored keys out of my pocket and hurriedly started going through them. I was then aware that some of the bosses were coming from the east. They had stepped into the corridor from a doorway on the southern side. I could not let them see me, so i started to float as i quickly tried to shuffle through my keys. I was floating up near the bottom of the awning, hoping that they would not be able to spot me easily from the higher level of the corridor. I could not find the right key out of the four or five on the ring. The woman in the white business jacket then stopped at the top of the stairs, the two men flanking her in darker suits. She had spotted me and she started talking crossly to me. I should have run into the other corridor and tried to come in the back door.

I walked down the corridor of the large building to the east. The corridor was dimly lighted, and it seemed that it had not been used for quite some time. I remembered this place from a long time ago. I had been here in these corridors before, and it seemed as though they had been abandoned for many years. The walls of the corridor seemed to be very plain. There were several smaller corridors running from the main corridor, all heading to the south, where i knew that they connected with another corridor. I turned down one of the cross-corridors and started south, but it seemed very dark there. The corridor ran for quite a way before it reached the corridor on the other side. The first part of the cross corridor seemed to be elevated, running form the northern corridor, over a catwalk to the point where it passed through the southern wall. I stopped just inside the wall and looked into the darkness of the south. The man to the north of me then warned me that we should leave this area. I knew that it was abandoned, but i was curious. I turned back to the north, but noticed that there was a reddish stairway descending to the west of the cross corridor. It seemed to lead down into a machine level of the building. To my surprise, the room below seemed to have some lights on. This was not right, since the building was supposed to be abandoned. I told the man that something strange was happening, but he was too nervous about the place to care. He said that we should get out and insisted that i come with him. I started down the stairs when i realized that there was a figure below me. The stairs turned to the north about halfway down, and there was a person walking up the stairs, form the north, ascending out of the darkness. This person was not real, and i realized that it must be a robot. It was wearing red, and i quickly pictured it as Caprica Six. It seemed threatening, and i was weary about the machines that were running this place. The lights around us then started coming on. The machines had taken over the place, and i started to feel scared. They should not be here, and this should not be happening. I turned to run back up the stairs and head north.

12009 October 13

I had to get $F45 so that we could start the golf game. I was standing in the small office of the building, but there was a wide green golf course to the east of me. I felt impatient as i dialed the black office telephone that was on the desk to the north of me. The line was busy, and i thought that he must be on his computer. I felt impatient and told the woman to the southwest of me that he was busy. She was annoyed that i could not reach him, and i wondered what to do. I started looking around for my laptop computer. I thought that $F45 might be on chat, so i thought that i could log in and see him on line. I felt pressured, as though i had to find him right away. The woman seemed to be waiting on us. As i searched the office, i thought that i could call $F45’s home number. I started to dial it on my cell phone, but then stopped. I had started typing in the number without the area code. I started over, but could not remember the area code for his home. I wandered the room, trying to think of what i should do. I was then driving to the east, down the dark road. I felt very sleepy and stressed. I had to get something done. There was a man to the east of me, in the other car, and i was aware that he was waiting for me to do something. I tried to figure out what i should do, but i was not really sure. I wandered to the east, into the kitchen area of the modern house. My family was already there. They had gathered for a meal, but they were not yet cooking or eating. I moved to the northern side of the room, where there was a small round table to the north of the U-shaped kitchen counters. I was annoyed to find that there were shoes on the table, and i took them off. I started to clean the table, feeling stressed, as though i had to take care of the people in the room because they were not taking care of themselves. I looked to the east, noticing that there was a black cast-iron griddle on the stove that was in the eastern counter top. The griddle had been on for a while to sterilize, but it was now starting to smoke. I was annoyed and turned the stove off under the griddle. I told the people here that the smoke was on the stove so that it did not seem as though i had left the griddle on. I then turned back to the north and walked into the cafeteria. I worked here, and i had to clean the tables. As i started to wipe the round white table down, a woman to the south of me asked about the cake. She was sitting across the aisle, at a booth near the window. As she asked, two young men sat down in the booth with her. The woman seemed a little indecisive, but then she started ordering. I stopped her, telling her that this was a cafeteria, not a restaurant. There were no waiters here to take her order. She seemed a little confused, but finally understood. The three of them then asked about the building that we were in. It was a large old building on a college campus, and i told them that it was the student union. I then started describing the features of the building to them.

12009 October 14

It was early in the morning when i woke up, and it was still dark in the dormitory room. The light from outside was starting to come into the windows, as if the sun were just coming up. There were bunk beds along the northern and southern walls of the room, and i was lying in one near the eastern end of the southern wall, on the lower bunk. There seemed to be other people sleeping in the crowded room. I looked across the room to the northwest, noticing that there were blankets on most of the beds. Most of the blankets were curled up on empty beds, but there was still someone sleeping in the bed that was against the western wall. He seemed very familiar to me, and i looked at him or a moment, watching him sleep. Several other people started to leave the room. They were getting ready to head to college for class. I lied on my left side and curled back up in the bed, pulling the green comforter over my shoulders as i watched the man. Another man was walking down the central aisle of the room toward me, and i told him something as he headed out. I mentioned the man sleeping to the west. The man was $A164. He was lying on top of the mattress in a pair of dark gym shorts and a black T-shirt. The T-shirt fit him rather tightly, and i could see that he still had a nice muscular build. He was still very attractive. I looked at his legs, noticing that they were nicely muscled as well: long and lean. I then noticed that his legs looked rather smooth, and i realized that he must have shaved them. People moved to him and started adjusting him on the old couch, which was against the wood-paneled western wall. He must have passed out from the party. I thought that he was drunk. I watched them move him for a moment, but they only shifted his position a little. His body was on the cushions of the couch, but his head was bent to the side, against the northern arm of the couch. I felt that we should adjust him so that he would be more comfortable. Someone mentioned this, saying that his head looked awkward where it was. They moved to him and started adjusting him again, and i turned to the east. I walked across the room and down the stairs. I had to get to work. As i came down the stairs into the main part of the house, i could hear the people below mentioning me as they saw me. They were in the living room to the west. I descended into the cement corridor from the ladder or stairs. I was on the northern end of the dingy corridor, and i started walking to the south. $A412 was there as i came into the small cement room, which seemed to be the lunch room of the office area. He was sitting in a metal armchair, facing north, just to the south of the entryway. $A192 was sitting in a wooden arm to the west, facing the center of the room. This was where i worked now, and the job seemed to have something to do with construction. I felt bad about having to come here, and i did not like working here. The two looked at me as i entered, and i worried that i might be late. I did not think that i was, but i was not sure. $A192 then told me that i had forgotten my wallet. He handed me the leather wallet with his right hand. I realized that i must have dropped it from my pocket yesterday when i was here. I took the brown wallet and looked at it. There was a small plastic window on the side. I wondered if any money had been taken out of the wallet, but i did not feel good checking while the others were watching me. I looked at the small plastic window in the side of the wallet as i held it in my hand. Something did not seem right about the wallet, and i thought that they must have opened it. I did not want to look through it right now, because i did not want them thinking that i did not trust them. I also did not want them to know what was in my wallet if they had not looked already. I felt uneasy, and tried to fold the wallet back up. I pretended that i was not able to fold it correctly, so i opened it up, pretending to shuffle some of the things around. I then put it away, feeling awkward here.

12009 October 15

I was hanging out with $G3 in the small glen area of the green deciduous forest. I moved between the thin trucks of the trees. It did not seem sunny out, but everything was still colored with an orangish light. I wandered to the north as the others stayed sitting in the open grassy area. The floor of the forest to the north was wet, with wide shallow leaf-lined puddles. I then noticed one of $G3 lying in the water. He was wearing red shorts and a white shirt. At first, i felt a little concerned, thinking that he would drown in the water because he was sleeping face down. I asked the others if he was passed out. I felt very concerned for him, but the others did not seem to be concerned. They said that he was fine. I crouched down and looked at the man. He was someone i knew, and i felt a little worried about him. I patted him on the shoulder to see if he would respond. He moved a little, and i determined that he was asleep. I turned around and started talking to the others, staying near the man.

I was standing on the short-cut grass of the lawn, which was to the north of the small suburban house. I was i n front of the house, and $F45 was standing to the east of me. The road ran along the north of the yard, and seemed to end only a short distance to the east, where it turned sharply to the north. It was dark out, and the streetlights were on. A man in a white car or van drove around the corner from the east. As he passed us, he smiled at us through the rolled-down window and told us that the woman was yelling at the baby. I then realized that there was a woman screaming from somewhere in the van. $F45 said that the man still had the woman in the van with him, and i realized that this was the man who had captured the woman. We had heard about her kidnapping. I tried not to pay too much attention to the car, hoping that the man would not realize that we were suspicious of him. I told $F45 to get the license plate of the car as it passed. He was already looking to the west, so i would not have to look suspicious by turning around to look at the van again. $F45 wandered to the north a little as the red SUV passed us on the road. He glanced at the license plate and then turned around and casually walked back toward the house. I followed him toward the door, glancing to the west as the van approached the western end of the road, which seemed very close to us. Two gunmen appeared around the gate in the chain-link fence, escorting the van into the compound. This was something serious, and i started to feel nervous, but i knew that we could not let them think that there was anything wrong. $F45 walked across the large living room at the northern side of the house and started calling the police. I looked out the large picture window to the north and noticed that the man in the white car was back out in front of our house. He was watching us. I told $F45 to get away from the window, grabbing him and pulling him to the back of the room, where he could not be seen from the road. I tried to act as though i was showing him something so that the man outside would not get suspicious. I told $F45 to stay out of sight of the window. I was afraid that the man would shoot him if he saw him on the telephone. The man would know that we were calling the police on the kidnappers. $F45 sat down in the white swivel chair on the southeastern side of the room. He slouched lower so that he could not be seen from the outside. I walked to the south, into the kitchen at the back of the house. I had to pretend that there was nothing wrong. The others were hanging out in the back rooms of the house, and i tried to pretend that nothing was strange. I then noticed that there were men gathering outside the house. They were watching us and discussing what we were doing. I crouched down in the darkened kitchen and tried to dial 911 on my cell phone. I kept looking around the house, thinking that it would be easy enough to dial the telephone without looking. I glanced down at the telephone after i had dialed and realized that i had dialed 311. I was annoyed and tried again, but the second time i had dialed 944. I sat down on the floor and looked at the telephone. I realized that the four was in the top left position on the keypad, and the one was in the top right. I remembered that a telephone was opposite from a calculator, and i dialed 911 correctly. I thought that i would tell the about the gunmen at the apartment. I then realized that i did not know the address of the apartment building that i was in because i was only visiting here. I was annoyed, thinking that i should have looked for the mail here before i called.

12009 October 16

Something seemed wrong as we drove to the west, down the long dark road. We seemed to be traveling from my parents’ house to the city. I was sitting in the back of the car, behind the back seat. My mother was sitting on the passenger’s side of the back seat, and there was someone sitting just in front of me, in the driver’s side of the back seat. The people in the front seat seemed unfamiliar, and i was weary of them. I did not know why we had let them drive the car. They seemed to be driving unsafely, and i felt that we did not have control of the situation. We rounded a slight corner to the left and headed a little more westerly. It was night, and the flashing lights of a police car passed us, coming from the other direction. I looked at the backs of the heads of the two people in the front of the car. They seemed to be young men. The man in the passenger’s seat was very tall and seemed to have a large round sheared head. They did not seem like friendly people, and they were driving the car too fast and recklessly. I wanted them to stop, but they ignored us. I felt that they were taking us hostage. I then noticed that there was another police car coming from the west, its blue and white lights flashing ahead of us. As it passed us, i opened up the read driver’s door a little, making the ceiling light go on. I then closed it a little, wondering if the police would notice that the door had been opened and would come to investigate. The men in the front looked back and complained. I told them that they were driving too fast, and responded with mock sympathy. They asked in a patronizing tone whether they were driving too fest. The driver looked in the side mirror to see if the police were turning around to follow them. He then turned off of the main road and into the cemetery, which was on the north side of the road. I wondered if the police would be able to see where we went. The car drove over the hill in the middle of the dark cemetery and turned to the northwest. The men made mocking comments to us as they pulled the car to a stop on a road that was facing west. I felt nervous, thinking that the men were going to do something to us. The men then got out of the car, saying that they were leaving. I did not trust them. They must have taken the keys with them. It as daylight again, and the car was parked in a narrow ravine. The hill to the north was covered with trees that had lost most of their yellow and orange leafs, and there seemed to be a creek running just below the road to the south. We stepped out of the car, onto the dirt road, and started walking to the west. I felt scared and thought that we had to get away from the men. I did not know why they had simply left, and i did not trust them. $F45 walked with me down the dirt road. We were at the western edge of the cemetery, and we quickly came to an area of the road where there were old houses on both sides. The houses crowded the road and seemed to be run down. I then heard someone say “Ni” from the south side of the road. Another voice responded to the first. It was part of a Monty Python joke, and i mentioned this to $F45. I then remembered that he was not a big fan of Monty Python. I looked at the eastern side of the gray wooden house to the southwest of us, where there was a large multipane window that seemed to look into a dining/living room. “We are the knights who say. . . ’Ni!’”, the voice said. I could tell that the people were joking about the saying as they kept saying “Ni” again. I asked $F45 whether he really did not like Monty Python. He said that he was unsure. He knew that he did not like it before, but he said that it was a long time ago, so he was unsure whether he liked it now. I thought that he would have been hesitant to like it before because it was considered too dorky when he was in high school. He might actually find it funny now. $F45 and i continued heading to the west. I took a few steps backward, telling $F45 that i liked the humor because i found it unexpected. We came to an intersection where the dirt road ended on another road. We turned to the south and continued on the old narrow paved road. All of the roads in this hilly neighborhood seemed narrow, with no shoulders. The hills started on either side of the roads, and there seemed to be houses scattered among the trees all around us. After we walked several meters to the south, i mentioned the car, asking $F45 if he though that we should go back for it. It seemed that the two men had left the keys for the car with us. $F45 seemed to think that i should go back to get it as he continued to the south. I turned around, thinking that i would walk back down the dirt road, into the cemetery, and get my car. I took out my cell phone from my right jacket pocket, thinking that i should be ready to dial emergency if the two men showed up again. As i approached the intersection, i noticed a rocky wall to the north of the road. It seemed to be made of sandstone, or surfaced with something that had a texture of sandstone. It seemed like a natural cliff, with vegetation growing on the top and sides of it, but the surface was oddly worn and flat. There was large writing carved on the wall. The characters were in Mandarin or Japanese and were carved with long thin strokes. I could not read it and only glanced at it as i passed. I then noticed two men moving from the road to the southwest. The men who had dropped us off were following us. They emerged from a driveway or narrow dirt road that came up a creekbed or other natural depression in the land, which as just to the south of the east-to-west road. They had bats or wooden boards in their hands, and i knew that they were going to attack me. I took out my telephone and dialed 911. One of the men commented on what i was doing as i pressed the send button. The men were too close to me now, though, and i knew that the one man could easily hit me on the back of the head with the board. I thought about fighting back, but it seemed too late. They were too close.

I was in the room with the other people. They were discussing the places on the north side of the island. We seemed to be in Hawaii. I remembered being here before and i remembered the houses that were on the westerns shore of the land. I remembered the sandy L-shaped bay with the long narrow stretch of land on the south. The house i had been at before were in a sandy area at the southern end of eastern shore of the bay, just to the north of where the highway or main roadway ran onto the narrow strip of land. The trees in the area seemed deciduous and were thick and green. This place reminded me of Florida. The people talked about the developments, and i was not really sure that they were talking about the place i remembered. I wanted to ask them if they were talking about the bay on the north end of the island, but the woman started talking about the place to the north. This did not seem like the same place to me. Someone else asked about the location, and i thought that what i was thinking of was actually on Maui. I was going to refer to it as one of the older islands, thinking that it was to the northwest of where we now were. We were on Oahu, it seemed, near the main cities. The woman stood to the northeast of the group, pointing off to the northeast. There was no ceiling above us, and i could see the grayish-dull-blue sky overhead. I thought that the old islands should be to the northwest. I then realized that the storm seemed to have cleared, and the people were relaxing a little more. There had been strong winds and dark black clouds before. I looked to the southeast to see the dark clouds around the horizon. They hovered over the buildings of the city, which seemed to be at the edges of the green park that we were in. I turned and looked out the large glass window in the western wall. The wall was facing a little bit to the south, and i could see the dark swirling clouds around the city. They had been all around us before. I decided that the direction that the people were facing was not quite right. I pointed to the tall dark skyscraper that was at the edge of the park and told them that it was to the north of us. I held out my right hand, which was holding a compass. The red needle on the compass pointed to the southeast, which as now out the window to the east of me. I seemed to be on the eastern side of the room now. I looked out the window at the skyscraper. The compass seemed to be pointing directly at it, but i could not be sure because i could not align my vision easily. I moved around the television, which was right in front of the window. It was turned on, and the show seemed to be in dull colors from the sixties. I moved my arm and body, trying to see directly down the needle of the compass. The white drapes on the southern side of the window were in the way for a moment, but then i moved around them. I could now see over the top of the television to the building. The television, building, and i were now in direct alignment. I had been correct in my guess before; the building was directly to the north of us. The housing development we had been talking about should be on the islands to the northwest. I looked to the southeast over the building to see the clouds rolling across the sky. The storm was still around us, and i worried that the strong winds would hit the building again. We would have to go for shelter in the lower levels. I imagined that someone would come to tell us to hide in the basement.

12009 October 17

I stood on the northeastern side of the area. There was a road running east to west to the south of me, and a wide building to the north. I seemed to be standing near the eastern side of the large brown wooden building, which seemed like the garage at my parents’ house. I was here to watch the race. Everyone was looking to the west, and i realized that the first of the runners were starting to come around the western side of the building, form the north. I suddenly realized that i did not have my camera with me. I had left it in my car and would have to go back to get it. I started walking to the west, watching several of the runners round the building and jog to the east, down the road to the south of the building. I knew that they had come across a long grassy field to the north of the building, which seemed like part of a park. I remembered this part of the run from a long time ago. One of the men running in front was wearing a gray tank top with white sides. He was not skinny and had a shaggy dark beard and long hair. I walked to the southwest. There seemed to be an intersection of several roads in this part of town, and my car was parked in a small line of cars on the southern side of the main road, between two other roads that met the main road from the south. My car was parked on the western side of the cluster of cars, and several people were standing around it, watching the race. I jogged over to my car to get my camera before the racers had all passed by. As i approached the car, i realized that there were more people crowded around it than there had seemed before. I walked around to the driver’s side of the car, which was on the west. I was annoyed to find that there were several people sitting on my car, and a woman in a white long-sleeve button-up sweater trying to climb up the driver’s door to get to the roof. She was holding on to the top of the window, which was opened just a crack. They must have forced the windows open a little opened in order to climb. I was very annoyed with these people and i grabbed the woman by the right shoulder and pulled her from the car. “Excuse me.”, i said angrily. I shoved her aside and opened the driver’s door. She seemed upset and surprised, but i did not care. These people should not have been climbing on my car. I leaned into the driver’s door, kneeling on the seat as i reached to the floor of the passenger’s seat, where my camera was. I thought that it might not have been safe there with all of the people around, but it was still there. As i leaned back, i pressed the switches on the driver’s door to roll up all the windows of the car. I then noticed that a woman had her arm in the passenger’s window. The window was squeezing against her upper arm, and she complained to one of the men on the top of the car. She asked him to open the window. I thought that i should roll the window back down a little and let her get her arm out. If she did not then i would simply have to roll it up again on her hand. I did not feel sorry that she was discomforted by the window. I felt that she should not have had her hand in the car to begin with. I then wondered if i should leave my car here again with all of these people around it. I worried that they might do something to damage it.

I was in the small town where the race was. This place seemed like $P95. There was a main road running east to west through the town, and there seemed to be shops and other public buildings along the northern side of the street. I was on the southern side of the street, which was more open. There seemed to be a small grassy park to the southwest of me. There was a main road running to the south, from where i was. About fifty meters to the west, there was a smaller road running to the south, along the eastern edge of the park. Several cars seemed to be parked along the northern edge of the small area that divided the two roads. I quickly looked at the two men in dark coats that were standing on the northern side of the road. They seemed to have some official duties for the race. I then started jogging to the south, down the narrow drive to the west of the main road. There was a snow bank between the two roads that seemed to be covering a guardrail. I hopped over the bank and started jogging down the main road. The finish line was still ahead of me. It came from the east and merged into the road to the south of me. There seemed to be a highway overpass to the south of the finish line. I wanted to get back to somewhere, but i realized that, if i continued jogging down the road, i might end up on the racecourse. The people here would probably not like me running on the course because they might confuse me with some of the competing runners. I slowed to a walk and then stopped. I wondered where i should go from here. I was then aware that my cell phone was ringing. I thought that it was probably $F45, and i tried to find the telephone. I reached for the pocket of my jacket, but i realized that it was actually in the right pocket of the flannel vest that i was wearing under my jacket. I quickly tried to get it, but the telephone kept ringing, and i did not think that i would have time to get the phone out before it stopped. I felt the telephone in my waist sack and pulled the zipper to open it up. Taking out the telephone, i looked at the small screen. I had missed two calls, and i thought that they would both be from $F45. When i looked at the screen, however, it said that the last call i had missed was from $A531. I realized that i was supposed to meet her for a rehearsal of a script, and i wondered if it was actually that late in the afternoon. I was supposed to meet her at fourteen o’clock. I thought about the time and decided that it could actually be that late. I had come to the race in the morning, but it did seem as though i had spent a lot of time here, and i felt that it might actually be after fourteen o’clock. I turned back to the north and hurried back toward my car. I was upset and would have to tell $A531 that i had forgotten the time and was in $P95. I was far enough away that it would take me an hour or so to return, which meant that i would not be able to make the rehearsal. I felt bad about it. I then looked up to the north. I had parked my car on the northern side of the road, in front of one of the old stores, but i did not see it immediately. The stores on the northern side of the street all seemed to be on small blocks. There were many small alleys heading off to the north from the main intersection of streets in the central square of the town, and the blocks in between them only had one or two storefronts apiece. I looked at the cars that were parked in front of one of the tan plaster buildings, which seemed like an old european apartment from Deutschland or Austria. There were three or four cars parked in front of the building, but mine was not one of them. I knew that i had parked on the eastern end of the small space because i remembered driving from the south and pulling in at the end of a building. I had felt that it was lucky that i had found a space so close to the center of the race. There was a black car on the eastern end of the lot, and its front end was up on top of the white car to the west of it. This seemed strange, and, for a moment, i worried that it was my car. As the black car started to roll backward, off of the dirty white car, i realized that it was not my car. It was older, and seemed to have gray trimming on the lower part of the car. The car rolled backward across the alley and bumped into the building to the east of it. I looked closer at the car and noticed that the back fender had a large dent in it. Some other car in the area must have hit it. I then realized that there was a large black flatbed truck driving from the east, past the cars. It had two cars on the back bed. The first was blue, and the second was a red compact. It was a two truck, and it had been towing the cars from the front of the stores. My car was not in front of the store where i had expected it, and i worried that it had been towed. I had left it here a long time ago, so it could have been towed and other cars could have parked in the space. I started walking to the east to make sure that my car was not parked elsewhere on the street. I suddenly found myself in a narrow dark alley between the tall tan plaster buildings. The alley curved to the northeast. The long building to the south of me was the main building on the main street, where i had come from. It was one of the old hotels or inns of the town, and i was walking down an access alley behind it. I did not need to be here, since i knew that my car was not here. I would have to call $A531 and tell her that i would not be able to make rehearsal. I could now tell her that the reason i could not make it was that my car had been towed. I had to get back to the main area and find out what happened to my car. I pictured the police officer standing in front of the shop where i had thought i had parked my car. He would have known if any cars were ticketed. I would have to ask him if he knew whether my car had been towed. I tried to hurry back down the alley to the main road, but i suddenly felt tired. I was hunched over now, trying very hard to move faster, but only walking very slowly. Something seemed wrong. I had to call the director to tell her that i would not be able to make rehearsal, and i had to get my car back, but i felt that i could not keep pushing on.

12009 October 18

I started walking across the middle section of the wooden bleachers, heading to the west. There were very few people sitting in the bleachers, so it was easy for me to step across the seats. After a short distance, i came to the wide section of stairs that ascended to the south, through the bleachers. The stairs seemed rather steep on the eastern end, but not as steep near the center. I crossed the center of the bleachers, thinking about the Sundance Film Festival. I then noticed the young men sitting on the seats to the west of me as i started up the stairs. One of the young men caught my attention as i crossed the center section. He was wearing a white T-shirt and seemed rather attractive. The stairs must slope to the west, which would make the stairs in the center shallower than the stairs i had been climbing on the eastern side of the bleachers. The man on the stairs started talking about the Sundance Film Festival, and i continued to the south, into the hall. I was at $P7, and i was walking to the south, down the hall. The students were wandering through the halls, so it must have been between classes. I turned to the west and started walking down the hall in the top floor of the building. As i headed to the west, i came into one of the rooms. There were other students gathered here as well. The classroom was roughly square, and seemed to be on the front side of the building. I looked around the room, realizing that i had not seen any faculty members. They were not present in the halls either. I had seen only students here. Something seemed wrong here. I walked back to the west, into the hall. I walked a little to the south, into the center hall of the building. The library was to the east of me, and i realized that there was large metal equipment in the center of the room. Something strange was happening here, and i started to feel uneasy. There were people doing something here in the building, and i felt in danger here. I then realized that the people in the building were being held captive. We were not allowed to leave the school because the bad men were holding us. I walked back into the classroom to the south. There were other students lingering here. They did not seem to know what to do. I rushed to the windows in the southern wall and looked out. It was dark outside now, and i was looking out across the wide lawn of the school, trying to see anything beyond the yard. I could not see any traffic moving down the street in front of the school, and i wondered if the police had blocked the roads off. I started to feel worried and tried to position myself so that i could see the intersection of the road out front with the main road. The intersection was off to the southeast. I tried moving, but the hill and some trees to the southeast blocked my view of the intersection. The road out front might simply have no traffic on it, but the main road should. I would just have to get a good look at it to confirm whether we were isolated or not. I moved to the south, into a smaller room of the building. I was trying to look out the window on the southern side of the room, which seemed to be empty, with only a few armchairs here and there along the walls. A young boy was standing in the room, looking out the window. He seemed scared and swung around quickly to look at me as i came in. He was standing in the window as i approached him. There were flashing lights shining on him from outside the windows, and i thought that there was a police barricade at the intersection of the two roads. I moved to the window to get a good look at the police, wondering if i would be able to communicate with them, letting them know that i was in the building and not captive. As i looked out the window, though, i realized that the flashing lights were simply christmas lights around the small white house on the southern side of the street. I felt disparaged, thinking that we were trapped with no way out. I then looked out the window to the east again, across the front yard of the school. There was a short hill about twenty meters from the school building. It ran from the athletic fields on the north out across the front lawn. There were tall pine trees growing at the top of the hill, which was only about a meter tall. In the light that shined from the building above me, i could see figures moving through the bushes under the trees. They were students, and they were wearing gray and black uniforms. They were trying to escape and were making their way along the bushes toward the front yard of the school. I was annoyed, thinking that i should have done this before. The young boy with me started to get anxious, and said that he wanted to escape too. I told him that i would take him with me as i tried to sneak through the bushes as well. I was a little annoyed that i would have to take the boy along, thinking that i would have to carry him now. I headed to the north, out of the room, but i ran into $A64, who was in the hallway just to the north of the room. For a moment, i was not sure what to say to him, but then i complained that i wanted to go running. I had to come up with an excuse why i wanted to leave the building. He might be unaware of the people holding us captive, but he would probably report to them if we did something he did not like. He told me that there were no treadmills in the gymnasium. He did not understand that i was trying to go running in the fields to the north of the school. I asked him if everything in the gym was closed, and he said yes. This did not seem right. He must have been part of the plot to keep the students hostage. The boy with me then started talking about escape. I headed to the east, through the large classroom, pulling the boy away from $A64. I past the long table in the room, hoping that $A64 did not hear what the boy had said about escape. The young boy then became obstinate and started talking loudly about escaping, trying to get me to take him with me right now. I worried that he would alert the others as to what we were doing, and i told him to be quiet, but he was being difficult. I became angry with him and tried to keep him quiet by threatening him, telling him that the others would kill us if they found out what he was saying. He started threatening me back, saying that he would tell the others what i was doing if we did not escape now. I was angry and covered his mouth with my hands. He seemed suddenly to be a younger version of myself, but i really thought that he was a younger version of $F1. He started to squirm, and i could not keep his mouth shut. I worried about what would happen if the bad men heard us. The scene changed suddenly, and someone mentioned the mafia. The boy was going to tell the people he knew about what was happening here. The people he knew were part of the mafia. I thought that the faculty were listening to us, and i thought that they understood what the mafia symbolized, so i told the boy that about being a rat. I said that “ratting out” the bad guys was considered a bad thing, and that the mafia would have him killed for telling what they did. I then looked out the windows to the south again. There were bare trees standing along the top of the short hill to the southwest. I started to walk along the side of the hill as i described the term “rat” to the boy. I thought that this would make a good impression on the captors and they might not shoot me. The boy would not talk about escape if i explained what a “rat” was. I moved to the north, along the tree line. I suddenly realized that i was outside of $P7 now. This was the hill where i saw the others running. I realized that i could run up the hill to the northeast and into the tree line, following the path to the south. I thought that i should just run to the south, but i realized that the bad people would see me from the windows. I wondered if they had guns. I thought about my situation, and headed back to the north, into the back fields of the school grounds. I could hear music from here. It sounded like something by Philip Glass, and it was being played on piano. I thought that i could play this song for the captors. The bad people still did not know that i was wandering around the school, so i thought i could play the eerie music on the main organ in the auditorium, and they would wonder what was going on. The song was a piano piece, but i knew that it would not be loud enough for everyone to hear around the school if i played it on the piano, so i would have to play it on the main organ, which was plugged into the speakers. I could rig the organ to play from the upstairs floors, so that the captors could not easily find me. They would have to figure out the entire system to figure out where i was. I walked along the balcony on the northern side of the auditorium. I could see the complicated sound system to the west of me, in the short hallway in the western side of the room. There were old phonograph players with metal amplifiers next to it. I thought that i could rig them to play upstairs. When the captors finally figured out where the music was coming from and came here, i could simply put on a record. As i looked at the turntable, it started spinning. There seemed to be people to the south, in the some of the entrances to the auditorium. They were the captors. I headed around the side of the western wall, heading south into the small corridor at the back of the auditorium. I thought that the record that was playing would be “Revolution”, by The Beatles. It would be an appropriate song for the students, and it would send a message to the captors. I thought about this as i moved around through the narrow corridors at the back of the building.

I was sitting on the couch in the small room. The couch was against the northern wall, facing south. The room seemed to be very plain, with mostly white furnishings. There was a lion lying on the floor in front of the couch, and it started playing with my right foot. It seemed like a playful cat. It grabbed my foot with its claws, but i noticed that it did not hurt me. I leaned forward to put it. I had been petting it before, but it had become playful and was trying to attack my foot. I made a loud noise to stop the lion from clawing my foot, but it pulled my foot into its mouth playfully, not fully biting down on my leg. There was a man to the west of me on the couch, and he stood up to try to calm the lion down. Then the man was gone, and the lion rolled over on the floor, waving its paws in the air playfully. I thought about petting it again. I was not that familiar with the lion, but i felt that it should be safe to pet it. I was then startled by the sound of trumpets from the northeast. The lion was startled as well, and scurried onto the couch, hiding behind me. This seemed very strange that a large lion would be hiding from something behind me. I heard the trumpets again, and i saw the lion cower and curl tighter on the couch with fear. I tried to coax it out from the back of the couch, but it was terrified of something. I looked down the long row of the dry cornfield. The tall dry plants stood ashen yellow all around us, but there was an aisle between the plants that entered the room just to the southeast of us. I then saw a large elephant approaching the room from the northeast. It seemed to be walking on stilts, but then i realized that it simply had long thin legs, like the elephants in Dali paintings. It was gray and had brightly colored blankets over its back. The circus was in town, but this seemed suddenly to be a very bad thing. It was bad enough to make the lion cower. There was something very threatening about this circus. The elephant continued to the southwest, and i noticed other performers slowly approaching, as though they were on a funeral march. I had to get up from the couch and get away before they arrived. I told the lion that we had to run, but i was having trouble getting up to leave. I could not get off of the couch, and i started to feel frantic. I had to get up and leave, but i could not push myself from the couch.

12009 October 19

I was doing some work on the table in the small room of the laboratory, on the southern part of the building. The room seemed like the end of a hallway, but there did not seem to be much hallway running to the west. I was bending over a gray metal table with a rubber top, which was against the northern wall of the room. A woman stepped through the doorway in the northern wall, which was just to the west of the table. She was young and wearing a white lab coat. She seemed to be oriental. She asked me about what i was doing, and i mentioned my father. She then said something about the nature of this building, and i mentioned $A14. I realized that i had just told her that $A14 was my father. This seemed strange. I continued working on something on the lab counter as the woman talked to me, and i finally told her that i worked for $A14. I felt strange about making her think that $A14 was my father, and wondered how i would tell her that he was not without contradicting myself.

12009 October 21

I walked to the west, through the locker room. I had come from the south, through the lockers. I was doing something in this room, and i felt very uncomfortable here. I realized that the football team had now come into the locker room. They were sitting in the open area on the southwestern side of the room. I walked down the corridor that ran along the northern wall of the room and came into the western area. I felt very uncomfortable, knowing that the football team would be hostile toward me. There was some reason that i was different from the rest of the crowd, and the people on the team would dislike me for it. I glanced at the men sitting on the benches in red jerseys and white pants. Most of them had their helmets on. I was very anxious as i walked past, heading to the south, through the area. I did not want to start a scene.

12009 October 23

I did something to the car that was parked on the north side of my parents’ house. There was someone to the east of me talking about the car. I turned to the east, remembering that i did not drive the car that was near me, but rather drove the older yellow car. To the east of the house, parked on the eastern side of the driveway, i could see the back of the yellow hatchback Volkswagen Rabbit. It had several bumper stickers on the back door. I remembered driving it around and wondered why i had been driving it rather than my car. The yellow car must have been sitting at my parents’ house for a while before i came to drive it. I had been driving it while i was staying here. I moved toward the yellow car and was then driving it to the south, down the driveway of the house. The driveway headed south-southwest before it connected to the main road on the western side of the house. The house seemed to be at the top of a hill, and the land rose up around the sides of the driveway, so that i could not see to the east that well. I did not know whether there was a car coming or not. I slowed down as i approached the road, but did not think that i could stop. I was then aware that it had been raining and that the rain had turned to ice or snow at some point. Everything looked flat, as if the grass was cut very short and the rolling land to the south had few features. I turned the car to the west, glancing again to the east to make sure that no other cars were coming. I wondered what i would do if the road was very slippery. This small car did not seem like it would be very good on ice. There seemed to be something old about this situation, and i felt that i was using the yellow car from a long time ago. I turned to the south and walked into the back door of my parents’ house. I had been standing to the east of the cars that were parked at the back of the house. I had hear the sound of a telephone ringing, and i walked into the house to answer it, but the person to the east then asked me about the old Mercury that was parked outside. It seemed like the same person that was on the telephone. I stopped in the middle of the back room of the house, which seemed like the middle of a barn. It was bare, with unfinished rafters and a dirty uneven floor. I remembered that i was supposed to show the old car to $A235. He liked old cars and would admire this one. I walked back to the north, exiting the house through the door in the eastern end of the northern wall. As i walked outside, i saw $A235 walking to the west. I looked to the west to see the old car sitting under the overhanging roof on the northern side of the barn. $A235 had already seen it, but i pointed it out to him anyway. He seemed to like it and walked to the west along the northern side to get a better look. Several other people were pacing around the car near him. I walked to the north of the car, noticing that it was a very dark-green boxy station wagon. The windows seemed very simple, with no rubber trimming, and the glass seemed thin and clear, like it did on older cars. $A235 stood at the front of the car, to the west, looking over the hood. I started walking to the north with another person. I looked again at the large glass window on the passenger’s door and commented that the car probably got only twenty miles to the gallon. I then realized that this car was very old and probably got far worse gas mileage. I corrected myself and said that i really probably only got eight miles to the gallon. I then turned to the north, following the other person into the hallway on the northern side of the building. I remembered some of this happening before. I had a dream about these events, and they seemed to be happening in the same way that my dream did. It seemed very strange. $F4 was standing to the north of me, on the northern wall of the corridor. He seemed to be with $F5. I described the dream to them, realizing that the things were happening now. There was a stairwell in the northeastern corner of the old stone building, and $F4 and $F5 were starting to descend the flight of stairs that ran to the east along the northern wall. I was standing against the southern wall of the corridor, at the bottom of the flight that was descending toward us from the upper floors. I described some of the events that had happened in my dream, and realized that similar events had just happened here. I felt that i was stretching the imagery in the dream because i what i had dreamed did not happen literally. I wondered how the next part of the dream would occur. It seemed to do with beings from mythology, like angels or deities. I then looked up, noticing that there were many children moving down the flights of stairs above me. They were all dressed in red bell-shaped costumes with pointed red hats and red- and white-stripped stockings. They were dressed as elfs, and i quickly told $F4 about the elfs in my dream. I knew that this was changing the details of the dream, but the children happened to be playing supernatural characters. It seemed quite natural that the children should be in elf clothing, and it made sense that the dream did not come true with real supernatural creatures. I felt like i was stretching the truth a little when i related my dream to $F4, but he and $F5 would not have been able to see the elfs coming down the stairs from above as soon as i did. I knew about the elfs and told them about the dream before they knew that the children were coming. I thought about how the dream had come true as i turned to the south and walked out the stone corridors of the building. The main entrance hall seemed like $P141. I walked out the front door of the building and found myself in the small plaza between the old and modern buildings. It seemed like part of $P52, and i felt that $P141 was the building to the north of me. There was a modern cement building to the east, and i looked across the courtyard of white cement blocks to see people by a tent there. The fair was still going on. I walked to the east, between the two tents and started talking to the men in the white tent to the south. I knew them from some festival. I started talking to them about the events when someone from the north spoke in a loud voice. I turned to the north, still speaking to the man in the tent. To the north of me, the grassy lawn rose up hill slightly toward the road, which ran along the northern side. There were many people sitting in small groups on the grass. I focused on a few men that were walking the southern side of the road, heading up the slight hill to the east. They were shouting to someone across the field from them. I glanced back to the man to the south of me and then looked to the north again. A man just to the south of the road was bending over and stood up suddenly. He was wearing white pants and a small white cone-shaped hat with a rounded top. The man in the tent to the south of me told me that the man had just done a flip. I commented that i was annoyed that i had missed it, but i looked again at the young men walking up the road beyond the acrobat. The man raised his hands in the air and shouted something about a wrestling match. He seemed interesting, and i wished that i knew some of these people. I turned my attention back to the south, stepping farther into the tent. There was a table along the southern side of the large tent where the man i was talking to had been standing. I took the plastic bag of posters in my left hand and turned to the east, walking the short distance across the tent to the other table. A dark-skinned man was standing behind the table. He was rather attractive and had long braids in his hair. I knew that he was a member of one of the bands that was playing at this festival, and i had to give him his information about where he would perform. I handed him some of the small handbills and then started looking through the stack of posters for one that mentioned his band. The posters had colorful pictures of the bands with their names in large letters across the front. The name of the man’s band had four words in the title, and the last word seemed to have something to do with acting crazy. I flipped through the posters, feeling a little nervous. I then spotted the light-blue poster with the cloud shapes in the center. The name of the band was written in two lines across the center of the horizontal poster. Each line was bowed away from the other, forming an eye-shaped pattern of dark-purple rounded letters. The outsides of the poster had colorful pictures of faces. Most of the people in the band seemed to be dark-skinned, and i felt as though i had known these people from before. I was attracted to the man to the west of me, and wanted to know more about them.

12009 October 24

I jogged across the golf course, heading to the east along the dirt roads that were designed for the golf carts. I was watching myself jog across the rolling ground of the grassy course from the south. I jogged down the ashen-tan path as it ran down the shallow gulley between two long hills on the north and south. The trail arced slightly to the east-southeast. I was looking at the paths on the golf course as if i was looking at a map. This was a specific running trail, and there were spots marked on the map in red, where runners were supposed to stop. I turned to the southwest and followed the trail into a wide tunnel. The tunnel was cement, with square walls, and seemed to be partly a building. It ran east to west, but there was a corridor running to the south. I paused at the intersection of the tunnel, trying to relax a little. I felt good about running, but i was worried that i was not in shape to do it at the moment. $F47 jogged into the tunnel behind me, stopping as he caught up. The walls of the tunnels seemed to be spaces for vending booths, but none of them were open at the moment. There was a river running on the northern side of the tunnel, and the main town seemed to be on the northern shore of it. I looked around wondering what we should do. We had to continue across the golf course, but i was unsure of the trail. A woman then came from the south and started scolding us for being here. This was a private golf course, and she did not like us being in this place when it was closed. I knew that it was all right for runners to be on the trails here, so i ignored her and started running to the southwest again. $F47 jogged with me. I looked at the map of the golf course again, noting the spots that marked out the special places. I then looked up as i entered the crowded room of the house. I had come back here to pick things up. There were things piled in rows around the room. I passed between the two rows of stuff and headed into the bedroom, to the east. I sat on the bed, wondering what i should do. I then noticed that there was a tape playing in the small camera that was hanging from the ceiling. The camera looked like an old betamax recorder. I then noticed that the tape was stuck in the camera and was not moving properly. I could see that the white wheels of the cassettes were not turning. I stood up, reached up, and pulled camera down from the ceiling. The tape was hanging out of the open end of the cassette, so i pulled it out of the camera to look at, placing the camera on the wooden shelf on the southern wall. The camera seemed to be of nice quality, and i wondered if i would be able to take it with me. I started to roll the tape back into the cassette, thinking that i should clean the tape as well. The older woman then came by again. She was in the room, and she scowled at me, but she did not yell this time. It was obvious that i was cleaning up the tape. She must have thought that i actually worked here and was fixing something.

I was lying in the bed in the crowded dormitory. The head of the bed was against the northern wall of the room. There seemed to be only one row of beds against the northern wall, and they were all single beds. Several people were sleeping in the other beds. I was aware that there was a person sleeping on top of me. I was hugging him, and i felt comfortable with him in my bed. I squeezed him around the torso playfully. He rolled to the western side of me, looking at me as we both lie in bed. He was Alija Wood. It did not seem strange that he was here with me, and i wanted to hug him more. He seemed very attractive, and i felt horny. He started talking about what i felt, and i replied, as though the conversation was natural. As i spoke, i noticed that his eyes were a strange color of blue: very bright and clear. They seemed unnatural.

I was watching the pictures of mountain climbing on the wall to the south of me. They were mostly scenes of steep mountains with wide landscapes in the background. I watched as each picture came onto the wall, moving from right to left. One of the pictures had $F11 standing over a wide mountainous scene. It was good to see pictures of him again, though i could not remember when the pictures were taken. I looked at the scenic landscape around him and tried to remember where the picture was taken, but i simply did not recognize it. The picture passed on to the left, and i watched other pictures as they passed across the wall. I spotted one with $A218. He was walking a beam oven a narrow creek, but he seemed to be off balance on the narrow log, as though he was drunk. He wobbled a little as though not really able to catch his balance, and then he started to fall. The picture stopped just before he fell. The scene then panned upward to people climbing on top of each other at the base of a tall rocky cliff. They seemed to be forming a small human pyramid for the camera, stacking themselves up. They were standing as they climbed on top of each other, and they got quite a way up the side of the cliff. The scene was quite impressive, and it was interesting to see how they kept their balance as each additional person hopped on the shoulders of the person under them.

12009 October 25

I was walking slowly through the large lecture room with the others. The room was sloped a little to the southeast, and there did not seem to be a lecture going on at the moment. I was traveling with a group of people, and we were on our way out of the lecture room, heading to the west. I then noticed the piece of notebook paper sitting no the desk to the south of me. There was a strange writing on it, and i was suddenly very interested in it. I knew that the writing listed the name of a genus and species, but i was not quite sure what it said. There were two lines of text now: the top one was a foreign writing, and the bottom one was an english translation. The fancy letters on the top approximated latin letters, but did not quite look correct. The writing on the bottom said something like “strarara”. I quickly noticed that there were two letters on the upper line that corresponded to the single letter r in the lower line. I looked at the “erer” ending in the english word. The foreign writing had a single letter for the e sound, but two letters representing the r sound. This seemed strange, and i thought about the sounds, trying to figure out exactly what they meant. I concentrated on remembering the sounds, thinking that it was important for me to do so. The first word on each line represented the name of the genus. I had to get a pencil from the box to the north of me. I turned quickly to the table on the northern side of the aisle where i had been standing and looked for one i could use. Several of them had erasers on both ends, so i would not be able to use them. There seemed to be a man sitting on the western side of the long laminated conference table, and he was watching me go through the pencils. I then noticed that some of the pencils had our hotel name on it. I turned over some of the others in the box to see if they were also from our hotel. I took the pencil with my hotel name on it, and was about to turn back around to the other table when the man at the table stopped me. He said that i would have to pay sixty dollars for checking through the pencil box. I was annoyed with him, and thought that he could keep the pencil. I did not need it that badly. I then considered breaking the pencil before i returned it to him. I turned and walked away. It was then dark, and i was walking across the filed with the others, heading to the southwest. I had to remember the writing that i had seen, and tried to picture the words. I stepped through the deep grass, trying to run the words over in my mind a few times. I was following the tour through this place. There was something special about this place, and i thought that it was a magical land. I had actually just finished going on this tour, which too us across the land to the southwest of here, but i was starting the tour again. I had jumped back in time and was now at the point where we had just left. I was just to the north of the road, and just to the west of a small wooden cabin. For the others, this would be the first time they had been on the tour, but i remembered the time shift. The group was already ahead of me on the path, so i tried to catch up with them. They would be passing through the tall weeds in the field just to the south of the road. There were wide white-pine trees among the tall weeds. I remembered that weeds had made noise and grabbed us the first time we went through. The others would have to struggle through them, but i remembered what we had done the first time, and i could simply go around them. The tour had not yet reached that point this time, though. I headed to the south, following the dirt trail across the gravel road, which ran east to west. There was a wide field on the southern side of the road, directly south of the cabin. I knew that the other side of the road was where the mushroom grass was. As i crossed the road, i could hear the sound of singing. It was coming from the white mushrooms that were clustered across the ground. I looked at the white mushroom blooms. They looked like large jellyfish, with bright white rims. I then realized that i did not have my camera with me, and decided that i should get it. I was annoyed that i had forgotten it and thought that i should fly to the northeast to get it. I was standing in the road as i started to lift into the air. If i flew, i could get my camera and return before the tour had gotten too far. I tried to move to the northeast, but i seemed to be moving slowly. I felt impatient, and wished that i could dart through the air quickly. Instead, i had to swim through the air, pulling with my arms. I closed my eyes, trying to focus on swimming through the air. I could feel myself pulling at the air, and it felt hard, but i could not see where i was. I wondered suddenly whether i was actually moving.

The van had been hijacked, but that had not occurred yet. We were acting out the movie and were running the scene again. I was on the stairway near the back of the van. The van was a large camper, which had two floors to it. There seemed to be a bedroom on the second floor, to the west of me. I was standing on a ledge in the stairwell at the back end of the camper. The stairs descended steeply along the southern wall of the pink camper and turned back to the west along the northern wall. I had just woken up with the woman, who seemed to be my sister. We were young. I knew than something was wrong, so i looked out the back window of the camper at the man behind us. He was a father figure, and he stood between the camper and the front end of his old black pick-up truck. The hood was open on the trunk, and the man was fixing something. I felt weary of the man, thinking that he was really one of the bad guys. Our parents had stopped to help him, but he was plotting something. The camper started moving, and i watched the truck move away for a moment. After a while, thought, the black truck was following us down the highway. I could see it out the back window as it rounded the gentle curve in the road after us. The land around us was dry, with green trees and shrubs sticking up from the dry tan weedy grass. I tried to see out the back windows, but there was now something in the way. I could no longer see who was following us because of the way the camper had tipped down the hill. There was a window near the top of the eastern wall, so i climbed back up the rounded stairs to get a better look out the window. I could see a wide swath of land through the window, and i thought that it would be great for a camera pan across the scene. The camera could capture the camper coming down the road, followed by the black truck. I could see the truck still following the camper on the road, and i knew that they were the bad guys. The view then focused on the cab of the truck, showing the woman who was driving. She had a determined look on her face, and i knew that she was working with the bad guys. The scene then switched to the front of the camper, showing the long highway ahead of us as it gently curved to the northwest. We passed around the curve, but i realized that we were actually rolling down the hill. No one was driving us. I wondered how the camper was being steered, and i thought that it must be on rails because it was following the path of the road. I then noticed the set of rails to the north of the camper. This made sense for a moment, but then i realized that the camper was not on the rails, it was beside them. I did not understand how this worked. I looked ahead again. I now seemed to be sitting at the front of the second floor of the camper, in the bedroom area, looking out the small windows near the front of the vehicle. There was a bridge ahead of us. I was afraid that we would not make it across the gorge because we were not on the rails, which ran across the wooden truss bridge. I tensed as we passed along the side of the bridge. I could still see the rails to the north of us, on the side of the bridge. As we crossed, we seemed to be just off the southern side of the bridge. Some hikers were walking along the wooden bridge from the west, and they turned to look at us as we passed. I wondered how the camper was able to stay on the bridge. There must have been a side rail along the bridge to support the camper, since it was not driving on the main bridge itself. I looked down through the window, trying to see how the side rails were attached to the bridge, but i could not see anything extending from the bridge. There were girders supporting the wooden bridge, but nothing that suggested that there was a special rail system under us. I could not figure out how the bus was staying aloft next to the bridge. The bridge next to us then started to rattle as we neared the western end. We quickly rolled onto the road on the other side. I could not understand how the camper was working when it was not on rails. The road ahead still seemed dangerous for traveling, and i wondered how we would make it across without being on rails. I could not see the rails, though. I turned back to the east and headed back through the camper. I was in the bedroom now. The ceiling was low in the upper part of the camper, and the wide bed was simply a mattress on the ground. The room was pink, and the bedspread was a reddish-pink comforter. There seemed to be piles of clothing scattered around the room. The woman lounging on the bed was my older sister, and i would have to tell her of the problem. I could hear the voices of me telling her from the last time we did the scene. She did not believe that there was a problem, and i was supposed convince her that people were after us. I headed to the west to see the young girl on the bed. She was the main character, and she was i. She was supposed to head into the room to the west to wake up her older sister and warn her that bad things were happening. There was a young brother in the family as well, but i did not know where he was. I came into the front room on the second floor of the camper, which was all the way to the west. The older sister was lying on her stomach with her feet in the air. She was wearing denim shorts and a tank top. She held a telephone to her left ear, talking to the parents. She seemed like Lindsey Lohan. She was looking out the front window of the bus for proof that there was something wrong, because she did not believe me. The parents were downstairs, driving the camper. I was frustrated with her because she would have to look out the back window to see that the truck was still following us.

I tried to remember the writing that i had seen before. I felt that it was important to remember it. The first letter of the foreign word looked like a backward cursive F. This was something important to remember. I tried to focus, hoping to remember what i had seen. I then saw the writing again. The middle letter was an e, and it was shaped like an ampersand. I pretended to write the word on my hand so that i would remember it for later. I looked back up, and i could see the foreign word again. The first letter was an F, followed by other letters. I remembered that there were eight letters, and i tried to write them down. Two of the letters seemed to be upside-down latin letters, and one of them seemed to be an inverted A. I wrote the word in black ink on my hand, leaving a space where i thought that i was missing a letter. I had to remember this and tried to focus.

12009 October 26

I sat in an armchair on the western side of the classroom. The teacher was to the south of us, standing in front of her desk as she told us about the lesson. I looked into the center of the classroom. Many of these people were familiar to me. They were all students that i had been to elementary school with. I then turned back to the front of the classroom. The teacher was old, with fuzzy white hair and a thin body. She seemed to be wearing a light-blue knit shawl over her dress. She was talking about H1, and i suddenly realized that i did not know what she was talking about. I realized that i was slouching in the armchair and i suddenly sat erect. I must have dozed off and missed part of the lecture. I tried to focus, but could not pay attention. I wondered what H1 referred to. I knew that it was the start of the popular virus name, but i knew that this was not what the teacher was talking about. I then started leafing through the papers on my desk. I realized that i might have notes on H1 from a previous lecture. I was also aware that there was a bookshelf to the east of me. I was one of a few children sitting on the western side of the low pale-wood bookshelf from the rest of the class. I looked through the pages, which had typewritten text near the top and writing in blue pen near the bottom, trying to find the notes on H1. Someone came in to the room through the door in the western end of the southern wall. I did not pay much attention to him as we started chatting with the teacher. I was now separated from the rest of the class by a wooden wall, which ran down the western side of the classroom. I was the only child on the western side of the wall, and i started to feel out of place here. Had the teacher simply forgotten about me? I continued going through my papers, which were now scattered on the floor around my chair. I heard the teacher pause in the main part of the classroom, and i wondered if she was aware that i was out here. I wondered if she would call me back in the main part of the classroom. I started to move around, thinking that i would have to join the rest of the students at some time. They had left the classroom, and i would have to head down to lunch with them. I realized that i was wearing an orange pair of sweat pants and a matching sweatshirt. This was not good. I was wearing bright colors that had decals on them from $G3. I could not wear this stuff in a public school. The students would make fun of me for being so strange. I felt out of place here and wondered what to do.

$A1 was lying on the floor to the northwest of me, with his arms stretched up over his head. He was awake, but something had happened to both him and myself. I spoke to the other person about the confusion. We did not seem to belong in this place. Reality should change back to normal so that we could get back to where we were. I thought about $A1 for a moment, wondering what he would be like when he was older. He seemed like a child now. I walked to the west a little, talking to the other man, who could have been $Z. I discussed the change in reality, talking about the parallel dimensions that existed with ours. There was a row of tall buildings to the north of us as we walked down the street to the west. This had something to do with different realities.

12009 October 27

I was lying on the bed on the southern wall of the classroom. It was a large bed, and there were several other students gathered there with me. The head of the bed was against the southern wall, but i was lying on my stomach with my head to the northwest. I was watching the teacher as he paced around on the western side of the room. He was teaching us a lesson, and he seemed like $A101 for a while, but eventually he was $A46, and he was playing a guitar. This was part of the lesson. He was playing “Imagine” by John Lennon. I focused on the song, knowing that there was some important lesson that he was trying to teach us. It seemed that i had come into the room late, and i was having trouble focusing on the song. I stared at the guitar as the teacher played, paying attention to the lyrics. I could not see the guitar clearly and tried to focus. My vision was still blurry, and there seemed to be something in the way. I knew what the lyrics were something i should be listening to, but i could not see clearly.

12009 October 30

I was traveling north in the car. There was a large shopping plaza to the west of the road, and we seemed to be passing through a small town. This place seemed like $P27. It was Summer, and people were walking around on both sides of the road. I noticed some of the people walking to the east in front of us and thought that they were heading to the swimming hole in the creek to the east. I remembered driving through this area many times when i was younger. I wanted to tell $F45 that i used to drive past here when i was younger and admire some of the attractive people at the swimming hole. I then noticed a man in brown plaid shorts walking on the eastern side of the road. He seemed to be wearing a white T-shirt, but i could see his midsection. He seemed in good shape, and i was interested in him, but i was distracted by everything else that was going on around us. We continued to the north, and i was no longer driving the car. I was sitting in the back seat behind the driver, watching the crowds gathered in the small town. There were a lot of people standing on the eastern side of the road now, and i started to feel that they were all here for some kind of protest. I remembered this scene from before. The people were dressed as though they were from the early sixties, and they were crowded together on the eastern sidewalk of the street, waiting to start. We came to the intersection and started to turn to the east. As we came into the intersection, i saw the crowd of police officers is dark-blue uniforms. They stood in a phalanx across the street to the east, blocking our route. The car had already turned the corner, but could not proceed down the road because of the blockade. My father, who seemed to be driving the car, backed the car up and started to turn back down the road to the south. I knew that this would upset the police, since they were expecting all cars to be inconvenienced by their presence. As we started to turn, a tall thin police officer in a short-sleeved uniform and flat cap rushed toward us. I remembered this from before. This was the time that the famous photograph would be taken of the man in the back seat of the car. I pictured the photograph of the man with his hands over part of his face and an early sixties tan hat on his head. My father turned the car to the south and drove across the gravel parking lot to get back onto the road that headed south. The office was near the window, and it seemed that he was taking pictures of me by shooting down through the window. I held my hands over my face, blocking the side of my face with my left hand and the top of it with my right. As the car drove on, i saw the old black-and-white photograph again of the man in the window. It was a famous photograph of the incident, and i turned out to be the person who had caused it this time. I was now in the back of a pick-up truck, and my father was driving it down the road to the east. I looked back down the road, watching the officer in the blue uniform rush to the south to get into his police car, which was sitting on the southern side of the road in a small dirt parking area, just to the north of a white wooden church. I saw the officer pull open the door just before the church disappeared out of site over a rise in the road. We were driving to the east down a long country road over rolling hills. The grass was green on either side of the road, and i could see house near the road on the south. It was darker now, but not fully night. I knew that the police officer would be after us, and i turned to the northeast to talk to my father, who was in the cab of the rusted red truck. I warned him that the police officer would be following us. I referred to the policeman as “this asshole” when i talked about him. I said that he would be after us soon, and i wondered why he was not following us already. I then saw something strange in the star-filled sky overhead. There was a small round cascade of light that swirled for a moment and then disappeared. It was high in the western sky, and i though that it must be the final sparkles of a firework. I looked for the police car, but it was still not following us. I then looked up higher in the sky, almost over my head. There was another swirl of small white dots spiraling out from a central point and quickly disappearing. I had missed the beginning burst of the firework again. Something was very strange. I then noticed the lights of the police car coming up from behind the rise to the west. I turned to the east, now on the southern side of the truck. I started talking to my father about the angry police officer that was now following us. I was also aware that there was something very large and gray in the back of the pick-up truck. It was a fighter jet, with short wings and missiles on the wing tips. I was to the south of the truck now, talking to my father through the passenger’s window. Someone was on the back of the truck, and the person grabbed the tip of the starboard wing of the plane, tipping it down toward the road. The rounded light-gray tube with the bulb on the end bent off and the metal seemed to peal away. There was a white egg-shaped warhead inside the missile, with dark-gray writing on the side of it. The man in the back of the truck let go of the wing, and the fighter tipped back down into the bed of the truck. He then tossed the head of the missile into the road behind the truck. I realized that he was throwing it in the path of the oncoming police car. The explosive went under the front of the car and detonated. I did not see this, but i knew that it was happening as i stared across the side of the truck, facing north. I heard the explosion and saw the yellow and red light from it out of the side of my eye.

I moved to the west, across the second floor of the cottage, which seemed to be my grandfather’s cottage. It was an old building, and all of the walls were covered with wood. I was in a room that ran between the two main sections of the building. The wooden floorboards were covered with a glossy surface and seemed to have dark-brown grain in them. My relatives were heading to the south, out the exit in the center of the room. I stopped in the doorway of the exit, looking out across the grassy lawn around the house. My mother was to the southeast, on the edge of the lawn. We had gotten out of the building for a reason, but i was not sure what was going on. I could still hear the alarms going off, and i did not know what to do. I moved around the room, looking to the east into the large room. There was a doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall that led into the larger part of the house. I could see the open and mostly empty wooden room to the east. It was filled with sunlight from the eastern windows and seemed to have few furnishings. The doorway was in the southern end of the western wall of that room. The alarm was making a strange humming sound all around me, and i turned back to the exit door to follow the others out. I saw my mother again on the southern side of the yard. It was now raining very hard, and i made a comment to her about standing outside in the rain. I was not ready to leave. I then heard the emergency trucks coming from the southwest with their sirens on. I caught a glimpse of a large dull-yellow fire truck approaching through the saplings to the southwest. I turned back into the house to get something, but i realized that i could not climb out the window now that the trucks had come. It would seem that i had been hanging around in the building while the alarms were going off and not taking the emergency seriously. I moved back through the building to the northeast. The house had sparse wooden furniture, and i passed around it, heading to the northwest. I came out onto a small deck on the second or third floor of the old white house. The white boards on the outside of the house were thin seemed very old and worn. I carefully grabbed onto the railing on the eastern side of the small deck, which was suspended between two dormers on the upper floor of the house. There seemed to be a wooden ladder running down the outside of the building. I would escape into the back yard so that the emergency workers would think that i had been outside the house. The ladder ran down from the deck through a gap in the wooden railing. The wooden rungs of the ladder seemed more like a trellis, and i worried that the rungs might be rotten. I thought that one had broken as i climbed down, but i was now in the lower part of the house. I realized that i had climbed into the back room of the house, and i was suddenly annoyed to find that i had not actually left the building. This was the wide wooden room on the back side of the building. I still had to get outside. I looked around for a way to get out of the room without heading to the southwest, back into the main part of the house. There were small windows all around the room, and i thought i could simply jump out one of them. I focused on a small window in the western end of the wooden northern wall. It was covered with a screen, and it looked large enough to crawl through. I did not want to get caught crawling through a window, though. I then focused on the screened window in the western wall, just a meter from the northern wall. It seemed to lead back into the other side of the house, and the wall around the windows had an opening in it. I thought that the wall would open like a doorway under the window to allow things to pass through. It seemed like a good escape route, but it simply led into the kitchen to the west and not out of the house. I walked to the east, looking at the single wicker-seated wooden chairs against the northern wall, with the small tables between them. The room had very little furnishing and seemed to be mostly made of shellacked wood. It was the sitting room of the cottage. I turned to the south and realized that there was a screen door in the southern wall of the room that led into a corridor beyond. I hurried through the door, thinking that i could head down the corridor to the east and still get out the back of the house. As i passed through the door, i heard my mother’s voice calling my name from the west. She had entered the house with the emergency workers. I turned to the west and headed for the back yard.

I was sitting in the auditorium with the rest of the crowd. I was in a seat in the middle of a section, thought i did not seem to be sitting down at the moment. I was still standing, talking to someone in the crowd. The seats of the audience were facing south or southeast, and were black along the backs. I said something before my attention was drawn by a man to the west. He seemed to be an usher because he seemed to be dressed in a red and black uniform. He handed me a small kitten and motioned to the east, notifying me that it was to be passed down the aisle to the correct person. I looked at the small fluffy gray and white tabby in my hands. It was a very small kitten, and it seemed tense in my hands. I found it attractive as i watched the others pass it to the next person. I turned back to the usher as he was handing me another kitten to pass on. This seemed very strange, and i wanted to know why there were kittens in a crowded auditorium like this. I worried that the kittens might be frightened by the noise of the crowd. This did not seem like the right place to be bringing cats. As held the second kitten in my arm and scratched its head. It did not seem happy to be here, and i thought that this color of kitten was a little grumpy. As i held the kitten in my arms, i noticed how tense and agitated it was. I tried to comfort it, but it seemed angry, and i thought that it might be a mean cat when it grew up. I passed it on to the east, wondering if the “old wifes’ tail” about the color pattern of a cat determining its personality was true. This cat was a white and dark-gray tabby, so it reminded me of $X12. I knew that he was not very cuddly, so i thought that the kitten might not be either. The kitten then let out a sudden squawk and darted out of the man’s arms, running under the seats. I felt worried about the kitten and thought that we should grab it so that it did not get lost in this place. I moved to the east, looking at the kitten as it ran under the row of seats that were against the northeastern wall of the theater. It moved under people’s legs, and i noticed that it was being followed by $X12 and $X14. I tried to chase after it, but i knew that it would run from me if it thought that i was chasing it. I would have to move around to the other side of it to capture it. I felt worried, and watched the kitten run several times under the feet of the darkly clad figures in the theater. The other cats were chasing it. I was not worried that they would hurt it, but i knew that they would make it keep running away. I did not know what to do, and it started to seem like time had passed in chunks. I spoke to someone to the northwest of me, in the next room to the west. I then looked back into the large room to the east, which seemed to be a sunroom of the house. The walls and floor were covered with wood, and there was very little furniture in the room. The kitten was scurrying under the chairs that were against the eastern wall. The walls seemed yellow. I pointed out the kitten to my grandfather, and it seemed as though it had been a long time since we had seen the kitten in the theater. We moved to the northeast across the room, trying to corner the kitten. My grandfather moved to the north of me, trying to get ahead of it as it scurried north. I walked behind it so that, when it turned around, i would be ready to catch it. $X12 followed the kitten to the north, looking curiously at it. $X14 was also in the room, wondering what the kitten was. The kitten started heading to the south again. It stopped and looked at me suddenly as i approached. Its head was held up and its ears were turned toward me, but it did not seem afraid. I grabbed it and held it in my arms. I carried it back to the west, wondering what to do with it. I asked my grandfather what we should do with the kitten. We walked into the small room on the western side of the house. I held the kitten tightly in my arms. It seemed tense and ready to attack, but it stayed still as i carried it. I was worried about it and wanted to put it somewhere where it would not escape. I thought that we should put it in a cage until the owner could pick it up. My grandfather walked ahead of me to the northwest, into the small kitchen on the northwest side of the house. He started looking through some large wooden jugs. I did not want to put the kitten in anything that would be dark and scary for the cat. My grandfather then pulled a large glass pitcher from under a counter. It looked like it could hold at least six or seven liters. It was cylindrical with a centimeter-deep indent around its circumference near the top, where a metal band wrapped around the vessel. The band was attached to a black plastic handle on the back of the vase. The vessel had a thin aluminum lid, which did not seem to fit well. It was a domed lid with a very shallow bend to it. My grandfather showed me the lid, saying that it did not seal tightly. This meant that there would be enough air for the kitten to breath. I did not feel good about putting the kitten in the container, but it seemed better than carrying it. I stepped backward to the south, into the next room. I suddenly found myself in a small plant room at the southern side of the house. I had gone through the wrong door and turned to the east to get out. My grandfather was already outside the house, on the other side of the door to the east of me. I told him that i had gone into the wrong room, and felt as though i had purposely done something wrong. I stepped on the floor and felt it sag under me. When i looked down, i realized that the rotten floor beards, which looked like normal polished floorboards, sank away from me. I had moved my feet so that i was standing on the northern and southern boards of the very narrow room. There seemed to be a couch to the west of me, along the southern wall, flanked by end tables. There were plants on the floor to the south. The boards beneath me fell away, revealing the beams and crawlspace below. “Damn” i said in surprise. I was worried that i had done something wrong. My grandfather leaned into the narrow doorway to the east of me and looked down into the gap. He said that he knew that it would happen, and i felt a little bad that i had made it happen. I should not have been walking on the rotten floor. I stepped out the door to the east, and we started talking about what to do with the kitten. I felt very bad for it.

12009 October 31

It was dark in the small area where we where, and there seemed to be walls around us, as though we were in an alley between old brick buildings. I felt scared, because the animal was coming from the north, and it was attacking people. It was some kind of monster, and i knew that it was man made. I walked a little to the northeast, aware that the monster had attacked a woman to the northwest of me. The creature was about the size of a large dog, with a bulkier body. It had large shoulders and a narrow skeletal head. It jumped into the air and snapped its jaws around the blond woman’s head. I saw her screaming in a frozen picture for a moment. We had to do something about the monster, and we finally killed it. The person that it attacked was saved from being killed. I still felt scared as we wandered around this area. We had do destroy the monster’s remains because they were dangerous. The monster was created in a lab and was, in some way, contagious. It would grow back to life if we did not do something to destroy the remains. It was not alive to begin with, so, even though we stopped it, its body would start to repair itself and the monster would come after people again. I thought about burning the body. We were in the long room on the eastern side of the area. The room was long north to south, and the walls seemed white. The room was mostly open to the west, where there seemed to be an even larger room. The room i was in seemed to be at a slightly lower level that the room to the west, about a half meter. The only part of the room that was not open to the west was the northern section. We had to have the animal destroyed, and the other man with me had some ideas. It seemed that we had burned the body, but i was worried that the animal was not fully destroyed. We still had to get rid of the remains that were left. I saw the roasted piece of flesh sitting on a table in the center of the room. It looked like a burned leg of lamb. It still had some red flesh on it, so we would have to destroy it further to prevent it from regenerating. I thought that we should put it in the microwave in the lab. The other man and i walked to the north, into the laboratory. He was carrying the charred piece of meat. As i walked through the doorway, which was in the southern end of the eastern wall, i closed the laboratory door behind me, pulling down the shade over the door. We could not let the people outside see what we were doing because we had somehow been responsible for the creature. The black shade slided down over the wired window in the top of the door. There was man in a white lab coat to the north of us working at one of the black laboratory benches. He glanced up at us with annoyance as we moved into the center of the room. The man who had come in with me pulled a leaver on the black counter in the center of the room, and i turned to the south to see that a large black shade was sliding down over the large glass window that was in the southern wall. The man had been on the other side of the window, looking into the laboratory, but he was now inside with me. There was a round viewing window in the center of the black metal shade. It had a round flap over it so that it could be opened and closed after the shade was down. I moved to the north, where the man was taking care of the animal. There were machines in the center of the room on the tables. I walked around to the western side of the black microwave oven that was on top of one of the lab benches in the center of the room. I looked into the dirty stained window of the microwave to see the animal leg inside. It was cooking at the moment. I was worried that it might explode. I backed away from the over, thinking that this microwave put out very strong radiation, so i had to be careful how close i was to it. The animal sizzled and popped, and i wondered if it would explode from cooking and blow the door of the microwave open. I looked at the remains with the man. Then i glanced up to the east at the two other people who were working in the lab. They looked up at us suspiciously. We could not let them know about our suspicions that the animal might be coming back to life. I started to walk to the south again, looking at the white paper that i was holding in my hand. It looked like a grocery receipt, but it had something to do with the remains of the animal. I pulled the top piece of paper from the piece below and realized that the blue ink had seeped from the top copy to the bottom. This was very bad. The ink was actually part of the animal, and the fact that it was spreading meant that it was reproducing on a cellular level and regrowing in different places. I went back to warn the man about what i was seeing. I told him that the animal was spreading like a virus, and i worried that there would now be multiple copies of this animal once it fully grew. We had to find a way to kill it once and for all.