12010 October 03

I turned to the north and crossed the small room of the house. Something was happening here, and i thought that i would have to go out of the house and get the supplies from the other building. There was still someone in the garage to the west of us, and i did not want to leave him there when the event happened. Something dangerous was coming, like a storm or earthquake, and i felt that everyone should be in the house where we were. For a moment, the ground seemed to be vibrating, but i could not be quite sure. I turned to the southeast and headed to the door in the eastern wall. There was a man in a reflective safety vest standing near the door, guarding it. The door had something white and plastic over it, as if it was being blocked off for the emergency. It was still ajar, and i pushed past the man guarding it and headed outside. I thought that we were not supposed to go out of the house because the doors were being sealed, but i felt defiant. I did not want to leave the others in the garage to the west. If the doors were closed when i returned to the house, i would force my way in. I felt angry with the people in the house for not wanting to wait for the other person to get safely inside. I rounded the northern side of the house and headed to the south, toward the garage, which was just to the west of the house. The grassy land to the north of the house sloped upward in a curved hill that was about two or three meters tall. The garage was a small worn white building covered with old wooden siding. I could see the man through a small square window in the northern wall. He seemed to be content in the garage, and i was annoyed that he was settling in there. He had given up at trying to get into the house. I felt annoyed, and i thought that i would take him to the house anyway. I moved to the south down the aisle on the eastern side of the garage, looking at the groceries items on the shelfs. These were the supplies, and i wanted to take some back to the house. The man was with someone else in the garage, and i knew that he did not want to leave. I would have to let him stay here, and i realized that i could not take all of the supplies back to the others. I looked over the shelfs for things that i wanted, aware that i could not take everything i wanted. There were some dark gray packages of something on the counter that i thought i would collect. I was then standing to the east of the house. Something was coming from the west or southwest, and we had to be prepared. I felt upset about this. Someone ran to the south, running down the cement steps that led down the hill to the southeast of the house. I would have to force my way back into the house. I still felt angry about what was happening.

12010 October 04

I stood on the western side of the small group of students in the small square classroom. The students were gatherer in a small circle in the center of the room. One of the women in the group started singing the song from the page in front of her. These people were auditioning me, and i would have to read from the sheet music as well. I felt nervous about this, since i was not that great a singer. The woman stressed the notes as she sang to the northeast of me, glancing in my direction from time to time. I felt very nervous about singing, not quite sure i could do it well. I listened to the woman’s voice as she sung. She was singing lyrics, but i could only hear the tones. The song was “Carol of the Bells”. I played the melody in my head, trying to get it right before i would have to sing it. I imagined the floating part of the melody as i watch the woman singing. She was facing west and standing on the eastern side of the circle of people. I was now on the southern side of the circle. There was then a loud noise from the north. As we listened for a moment, we realized that it was an alarm going off in the school building. It must have been a fire drill. Everyone started to leave. I bent over to pick up the small white book that was on the floor to the east of the couch. The couch had been to the south of me. I did not want to leave my things in the building again. I headed to the north, following the others to the door in the center of the northern wall. A young woman was holding it open for us, but, as i reached the door, i realized that i did not have my tan windbreaker with me. I turned around and headed back into the room. Since there was no immediate danger, i did not feel rushed. I did not see my jacket on the eastern side of the white couch, though. I started to wonder where it had gone. I quickly walked around the couch from the west, looking on the floor for my jacket. I felt a little upset that it was not here and wondered if someone else had taken it. I hurried back to the door to leave the room and catch up with the rest of the students. As i reached the door, i heard some of the students out in the hall panicking, saying that they could not go that way because of smoke. I looked down the long hallway to the west. There was a thin white smoke floating in the air on the western end of the corridor. There were two people running back toward me. The smoke did not seem to be that bad, and i wondered why the students were panicking. I moved to the south, through the metal door and into the access corridor. There was another long hallway running to the west. This one was narrower than the main hallway, and it seemed to run across the front of the classrooms on the southern side of the building. There were three or four students in the corridor, and they seemed to be running in confusion as well. Some were running to the west, into a thin film of smoke, while one young man was running to the east. There was less smoke in this corridor than there was in the main corridor, but i still did not understand why people were running to the west when there was an exit door just to the south of me. It was the first door to the west of the classroom that we had been in. I opened the white metal door and looked in to see why we could not use the stairwell. The door swung open to the east, and i could see the black fake-stone stairs running down on the western side of the wide stairwell. The flight ended at a landing, and there was another flight leading down to the north, on the eastern side of the stairwell. There was white smoke floating in the air, and a thin column of smoke rising from under the edge of the bottom stair on the western side. There was a large window in the southern wall that looked out over the front lawn of the building. It was dark out, but there was a bright light shining up at the building. The other students would be gathering below the window on the lawn. I suddenly realized that the white clouds in the stairwell did not look like smoke. The column of white cloud that was rising was moving rather quickly, and i knew that it was just steam. I called to the others, telling them that what they thought was smoke in the stairwell was actually steam. I walked into the stairwell, looking at the white mist floating in the air. There was something strange about some of the other white mist in the air, and i wondered if all of it was really steam. I looked at the black stairs below me and noticed that some of the smoke was pouring down the stairs like clouds from dry ice. This worried me, and i wondered if there was a chemical gas in the stairwell. I moved to the window, which was in a modern metal case that was dull black. I wanted to let some fresh air into the stairwell, and wondered suddenly if i should be holding my breath. I worried that the falling clouds might be dangerous gas. I unlocked the eastern lock on the top of the lower part of the window and moved to the western lock. I felt worried.

12010 October 06

I moved through the various rooms of the large building. This place seemed familiar. It was dimly lighted, and the walls were darkened. I was aware that this was a dream, and i watched the people in this place, which seemed like a very large club or pub. I stopped in a doorway and looked into the room to the north. There were several men standing in the room, and they all seemed to be dressed in very similar clothing. They all looked like the same stereotype. I wandered to the west, down the hallway. The room behind me seemed to be a very wide corridor where there were some stairs leading down to the east. I stopped in another doorway at the end of the hall. The room opened up to the west and south, but was longer to the south. There was a man standing just to the southwest of me in a black suit. He stood very tall, with his head looking up slightly, as if he was posed. He had dark skin and short black curly hair. Several other dark-skinned men were in the room, and all of them were dressed in a similar style. There was a pool table to the south. This room was another part of the dream, focusing on a specific style of person. A light-skinned man in a denim jacket with the sleeves torn off was leaning over the southwestern corner of the pool table, lining up a shot with a wooden cue. There were patterns to this place. Each room had a different kind of character. I headed back down the hallway to the east, thinking that i should find a room with athletic men in it. Since this was a dream, i should be able to find what i was looking for. I trotted down the stairs and turned to the north. The long narrow hallway had men in gym clothes. At first, i thought that these were the athletic men, but, as i moved close to one of the men in a blue tank top, i realized that they were not really in shape. I grabbed the man around the torso and tried to tackle him. This was a game, but i was not as interested in these men, because they were not really that attractive.

I headed to the south, across the basement room of $P19. I was on the western side of the house, heading down the corridor with the painted cinderblock walls toward the main room. A man stepped out from the western side of the room and looked north, down the corridor toward me. He was $A587. He smiled and nodded at me as i approached. I turned to the east and moved through some of the other rooms in the house until i came to the kitchen. There were other $G3 in the kitchen that i knew, but i felt odd being here. I felt unsure of what to do here, so i turned to the east and started wandering back toward the living room. I was now outdoors in a crowded area of the house. $G3 was getting ready to put on a concert. I looked around at the area, and then turned back to the west, across the stage area. Musical equipment was piled up against the back of the stage, ready to be set up. I thought that i would like this concert when it started. As i left the stage, i started across a narrow wooden bridge than ran from the stage to the ground. $A555 was coming from the other direction. I greeted him and told him that i was interested in the bands that were coming. I wanted to show him that i was interested in what $G3 was doing. I then said that i liked open mic, but realized that this might sound strange. I specified that i wanted to hear college bands. I was nervous that $A555 might think that i wanted to play in the concert for open mic, and i was nervous about doing so. $A555 walked to the south, across the narrow bridge. I turned back to the east and headed into the dining room of $P19. A few $G3 were in the room, and they did not recognize me. I had not been over in quite a while. Someone asked me if i was here because of $A557. The man must have recognized me as a friend of $A557, but i wondered why he knew $A557. I then remembered that $A557 was in this room before, when $F43 and i had come here. I then remembered that $A557 was now going to $P52, so he could now be a part of this house. It amused me that there were so many interconnections between people i had met in quite different places.

I was talking to several people from $G3 as i sat on the floor of the dining room of $P19. We were on the northern end of the room, and i looked south, where people were cleaning things up. The tables and chairs had been moved out of the room, and several people were sweeping the dust to the east, across the wooden floor of the room.

12010 October 07

I arrived in the open area in the middle of the urban place. I started jogging to the north. The others were running a race here, and i was part of the race. Several other runners were ahead of me, to the north, and i saw them turn to the west to run down the northern side of a large low building. As i approached the place where they had turned, i noticed the cement sidewalk running to the west, i turned down it to follow them. As i jogged down the path, though, i noticed that the runners were running to the north of me. I thought that i must have turned down the wrong part of the course. We were running slightly down hill between two widely spaced buildings. A dividing wall separated the northern part of the walkway from the part that i was running on, and i realized that i might be on the part of the course that comes back from the western loop. I wondered if i could cut across the dividing wall to get back onto the correct path. I tired to find an opening in the wall, but realized that there was no way for me to easily cross it. I then realized that a person was standing to the southwest of the course, watching me. He seemed to be a race official. I realized that he might penalize me for jumping over the barrier to get to the correct part of the course because he might think that i was trying to cheat. Frustrated, i turned around and headed back to the turn. I would have to get to the north of the divider at the end of the sidewalk. As i headed back, i started to feel bored with the race. I then noticed $F58 on the trail to the north of me. She had passed me just as i was reaching the corner, so i thought that i should hurry to catch up to her. I knew that i could run faster than her, so i thought that i should pass her. I jogged faster, passing her as we headed to the east, across a snowy field of flattened field grass. The field was to the southwest of where i had just been, so i must have been running for a while. I turned to talk to $F58 as we jogged, and we chatted for a moment. I then realized that we were not following the official race course again. We were running near the center of the field, and the land sloped down slightly to the south, toward the dull trees at the edge of the field. The other runners were running along the southern side of the field, so i thought that we should be on trail with them. I turned to the south, trying to get to the other trail. As we got a little closer, i noticed a break in the trees on the eastern side of the field, and a long indent in the land that ran from the west across the southern side of the field near the eastern end of the field. This was where we crossed into the other field to turn back to the north. I tried to speed up, feeling that i should get back onto the real trail as soon as possible. As we reached the break in the trees, thought, a man told us that we were disqualified for running off trail. He thought that we were trying to cheat. $F58 was very upset, and i started to feel bad, thinking that it was my fault that we were so far off course. I told her that i was sorry, knowing that the race was more important to her than it was to me. I headed back to the north and found myself heading back to my car. I wanted to leave here, but my car was broken. This frustrated me more, so i tried to fix it, but i could not get it to run. My car was parked on the western side of a driveway that ran to the north. I was near the southern end of the driveway, and i noticed $F27 driving into the northwestern end of the driveway and stopping. $F40 was standing in the driveway to the north of me, by a car that had already been parked there. $F27 said hello to $F40 and they greeted with smiles. $F27 had not noticed that i was here, so i went to say hello to him, feeling unsure whether i should or not. I had not seen $F27 in a long time, and i wondered whether he would be upset that we had not talked. He smiled to me hugged me hello. We were then driving to the north. I was sitting in the back seat as $F27 and $F40 talked in the front seats. I then heard $F43 talking from somewhere to the west. I looked out the window of the car to see $F39 standing in a garage on the side of the road. We were passing the garage as i noticed her. The garage was part of a small one-story house that sat back a little way from the road. I had not realized that $F39 still lived in this house. $F43 must have been with here somewhere. I quickly told $F27, who was driving the car, that i wanted to get out. We continued driving, though. I wanted to see $F43, so i told $F27 that i really wanted to get out. He said “Okay”, but we were still driving to the north. I started to feel impatient, and i decided that he was not going to let me out, so i opened the door and said more firmly that i wanted to get out of the car. He stopped the car near the intersection, and i got out. I thought that i had a long way to run back to the houses, but it should be good since i had just been on a race. I started running to the south, but i felt weird. My stride seemed odd, and i was running with my knees very high. I tried to focus on moving normally, but i could not seem to be able to do it. The scene changed again, and i was standing to the south of my car. I looked at the car, wondering why i could not get it to start. There was something wrong with the front end. The car was facing east on the western side of the lot, and the steering wheel was on the passenger’s side of the car. I looked behind the wheel, trying to figure out what was wrong. Bolts were sticking out of the black dashboard where the metal frame of the car was, and i tired to adjust the. A man came from the west, and i told him that i was having trouble of my car. He looked at the car. I thought that i should try to adjust the bolts on the long cable that ran from the steering column to the front of the car. He looked into the hood of the car. I tried to explain the problem, but was not able to describe it well. As i moved to the front of the car to let the man look at the bolts and the cable, i noticed that the front tire of the car was flat, and that the exposed rim was eroded on the bottom, as if it had been dragged along the pavement. I felt annoyed because of this. I tried to explain about the bolt to the man, but i could not remember the correct terms. I felt annoyed, tying to explain something but not remembering the words. I told him about the bolt as i walked to the west, down the northern side of the car, still looking under the hood with the man. The man got onto the ground and looked at the underside of the car. He was looking at the metal cable with the bolts attached to it. I told him that the cable and the bolts were the problem, but that i could not exactly explain what the problem was. He said that it was for water cooling. I agreed with him, stating that it was the problem.

12010 October 10

I had to get some food from the place to the north, but i was uncomfortable doing so. I had just arrived in this place, and i had my luggage with me. I felt tense. This place seemed modern, with round white metal beams overhead and open spaces where i was. I put my bags down on the floor for a moment, trying to think of what to do. I had brought some bread with me, but the man that was with me currently had the bread. I looked at him, to the south of me. He had the bread wrapped in aluminum foil, and i thought that he was heating it to serve. I felt that i had too many things to do before i had to leave here. I took the bread and some of my things and gathered them together with my bags. I had to do something with my bags because there seemed to be too many of them to carry. I thought that i could hide them and come back for them later. I wanted to take everything home with me, but i was not sure how to do it. I headed to the east, coming to the large paved parking lot. I had to find my car. I would have to put my things in my car so that i could leave. A woman then came out of the building to the north, complaining about the missing food. It was the food we had taken to eat. I pretended not to know what she was talking about. I then realized that i still did not have all of my things with me. I would have to go back into the building to get the rest of my bags. This annoyed me.

I stood on the southern side of the large open room, which seemed to be a cafeteria. The people here were from my high school, and i felt bad with them. I moved through the long rectangular tables, which were arranged east to west across the room. I wanted to find a place to sit, but i did not see anything that was obviously open. I felt uncomfortable around these people, thinking that i no longer belonged with them. I moved to the west, thinking that i would sit alone at one of the smaller white round tables. $A516 was then to the northeast of me. I walked past him as i headed to the kitchen on the northern side of the room. I would have to heat my meal before i could eat it. I knew that i had the meal wrapped in aluminum foil, so i would just have to put it into the oven. There was an orange oven in the northern wall of the room. I checked the panel on the left side of it to make sure that the oven was hot. I then moved back to the southwest a little to put my bags down on the table. I noticed $A255 to the east, eating a meat sandwich. I felt suspicious of him as i turned back to the north. I walked to the east of the orange oven, where there was a large refrigerator set into the wall. I opened the door to look for my sandwich, but i could not find mine. Someone must have taken my sandwich. I wondered if $A255 had taken my sandwich. I could not tell whether he had mine, and i started to feel bad, not knowing what to do. I was upset, and i thought that i would make a point of not having any food. I wanted to make a scene because i was upset.

12010 October 12

I drove back down the road, heading to the north, down the steep hill in the suburban neighborhood area. The houses around me seemed old and were all made of wood. They were small buildings, but seemed nicely kept. I felt a little tense, thinking that someone was following me. I had been with a group of people, but separated from them, thinking that i could mislead the person that had been following us. I was on my bicycle as i continued down the road. I glanced back to the south, up the hill, and i could not see a car behind me. I thought that i was being paranoid, and that there was really no one following me. I was simply being cautious for no reason. As i passed one of the side streets, i saw a car coming from the east. I felt a little worried about it, but continued to the bottom of the hill and tried not to pay attention to it. I turned around at the intersection at the bottom of the hill, thinking that i should head back to the others. The car came toward me, and i thought that it would probably just go through the intersection. I became nervous again when i noticed that the car turned around in the intersection and started following me again. The man was actually following me. I became worried and wondered how i could elude him. I rode up the hill. I tried turning again, but the man was still following me. I had to get away. I moved around in the large parking lot that was just off the eastern side of the road. I had to get away from the creature. I thought that the monster was following us. It was something that was created, and it was after us. I thought that this was part of a plot from a story. Two brothers had done something, but one man had died during the event. At first, everyone would think that the man who had died was the husband of the family, but it was actually the other brother. The brothers were twins, so people could not easily tell them apart. The actors were the twins who had played in Social Network. The death of the one brother was hidden from everybody because some part of the man was still alive, and it had something to do with the creature that was after us. I turned to the west, into the parking lot of the church. A small herd of deer was in the parking lot, and they looked up at me as i entered the paved area. I thought that the deer might distract the creature, and it might go after them rather than me. I turned the car around to get ready to flee from the parking lot when the monster showed up. The woman and the child were in the car with me. To the west, many deer were standing in the parking lot looking at us curiously. I was ready to drive to the south to get away to the road. To the east, i could see a large cat stalking toward us. It looked like a large panther, with bristly fur. I turned to evade it, but it still seemed to be following us. I wanted it to follow the deer, but it was still coming after us. I felt concerned, and wondered what i could do to get away. The monster looked mostly like a cat, but its body was distorted in some way. It seemed very strange, and we had to get away.

12010 October 13

I ran through the large white halls of the academic building. The main hallway was short and seemed to be part of an entryway. The ceiling was several stories tall, and there was a stairway running up to the south, across the center of the hallway, which was also aligned east to west. There was a creature in the hallway that we all had to be cautious of. It seemed like a small theropod: something a little larger than a man. It could have chased the people on the floor below me, but i knew that it would hear me making noise on the landing in the middle of the stairwell and try to come up after me. We had to stop it from getting to people, so i started running to the south, along the western side of the large lecture hall. I turned to the east and noticed that i was now in the back of the lecture hall. The large room slanted down to the north, with curved rows of seats facing the teacher below. The teacher was already lecturing in the class. I ran to the eastern wall of the room and started down the slope of the room, toward a door that was in the center of the eastern wall. The door led out to the hallway where i had been. I had to lock it so that the theropod could not get into the room. As i reached the door, the professor, who was a tall thin man with a balding head and thin blond hair, walked up to the north of me. He was wearing brown pants and a tan and brown sweater vest over a dark-brown shirt. He did not say anything, but i started explaining about the creature anyway. I did not want to mention that it was a dinosaur, because i thought that it might sound unbelievable, so i told him that the large animal was something like a large cat. The professor told me that he did not believe me. I told him again that it was a large cat that must have escaped, and then i opened the door slightly to take a look. I could not see anything, and thought that the dinosaur must be in the lower part of the hall chasing someone.

$F45 was driving the car to the south through the old town, which seemed like part of the City. We had just left some area, and $F45’s family seemed to be in the car with us. I said something about the building that we had just left, but $F45 seemed to be in a bad mood. He said that he had to get back to work and did not want to think about it. I was disappointed, because i wanted to go back to the building and finish what we were doing, and i knew that $F45’s nieces wanted to see what we had been looking at, and $F45 had told them that we would be seeing it. I asked $F45 about them, and he said that they could see it another time, saying that he did not have to bring them now. I felt upset and annoyed with this answer and complained to $F45 about his decision.

12010 October 14

I moved to the east a little, toward the kitchen in my parents’ house. As i walked past the cellar door, which was to the north of me, i noticed the small kittens sitting on the top step. Something was blocking them from getting out of the cellar, but i could see them sitting on the top step of the cellar stairs. I spoke to my parents about them. My parents seemed to be to the west of me, in the dining room. I looked down at the kittens, feeling bad for them. I wanted to help them, but i was not sure what to do. The two in the front seemed a mix of light tan and white, but the one in the back had a furry face of gray and white. We could not let them get out or they might get hurt. I looked around for a moment, and, when i looked back at the kittens, i could not see them anymore. They must have run off somewhere to the northeast. I looked up to the east, and i saw $X3 running to the east from the back porch of the house. He had gotten out, and i felt a little upset by this. We had to be careful of him. I was concerned, and headed to the east, out of the house. There seemed to be tall dry weeds in the yard around us. My father was already on the eastern side of the driveway, crouching down over $X3, who was lying on the ground. I rushed toward them to see what was wrong. My father did not seem concerned and simply seemed to be doing something to $X3. I still felt tense, but i was no longer worried about $X3. The people to the south then attracted my attention as they approached. They were carrying something, and i heard someone say that the dog was injured and almost dead. I looked at the dull shaggy body that the three or four of them were carrying to the north. They passed to the east of us, and i felt worried about the new dog. I wondered if it was dead, but i realized that it was not because the people kept talking about keeping it alive. It looked limp and wet, with long gray and white shaggy hair. The men were holding it with its arms out and its chest up. They moved to the north. Someone said something, and i asked my father why they were starting a fire. He said that they usually started fires to keep the dogs warm and help them heal. I realized that the men were trying to help the dog through some special ceremony on the eastern side of a small fire. They seemed like country people, wearing old dirty jackets and denims. They were the neighbors, and i suddenly wondered why the neighbors were on my parents’ property. I looked around, noticing that the dirt road that we were on ran to the north from the main road and made a small oval loop around the grassy area where the men had started the fire. This place seemed like an old factory yard, and i realized that this part of the land was public space. There were now people all around in small groups. They moved over the damp matted weeds and filed grass of the dull landscape. I looked back into the house to the west of me. I seemed to be standing in the doorway now, and i felt frustrated and tense here. I did not want to stay and turned to the east to leave. I felt upset here and uneasy. I stopped a short distance from the old wooden house and turned back around to look at it. The house seemed to be a plain wooden house with a porch running the length of the eastern side. I noticed that there were suds foaming in the large multipane window to the south of the entry door. I had put soap into the washing machine, so it was now starting to fill the house. I worried suddenly that the mother in the house would be sleeping and get overtaken with suds. I knew that she was sleeping on the couch on the southern end of the room just inside the window. $K22 was still sleeping on the dull red couch, but she seemed to be writhing in erotic arousal. She had the bubbles wrapped around her torso, and her long blond hair seemed messy on the couch. I felt uncomfortable watching, so i headed to the south, down the porch. At the end of the porch, i stepped down onto the dry dirt ground.

12010 October 15

I looked out the window to the east to see the muddy water of the creek flowing below us. The creek was flooding from all of the rain, and i pointed this out to the other person. As i looked at the creek, though, i noticed that the water was very low. I could see the tan muddy soil on the creekbed, and there was only a thin curve of water flowing over some exposed rocks. In a moment, the water was rushing down the full creek again. I told the person to the north of me that the water level was pulsing. It seemed very strange, and i felt a little concerned about it. I watched the water level surge and then fade several times. The cycle seemed to last two or three seconds. I then turned to the north. There was a square hole in the ground to the north of us with water in it. The man stuck the glowing sword into the water of the well. There was some significance to this. The blue glow around the sword brightened, and the surface of the water started to glow with the same luminescence. This was a place of power.

$A261 was to the west of me, and she was angry with me about something. I yelled back at her, explaining what i had been trying to do. We seemed to be in a cement corridor that ran to the east, but there was junk stacked along the northern side of the corridor. I was trying to head to the east to find the things i needed for my job, but the junk was in the way. She complained to me, and i yelled back at her before turning back to the east. The corridor now seemed like the small enclosed front porch of an old house. The walls were white, and windows covered the eastern and southern walls. The building was to the north of us.

I was running with $G4 across the rural area. Someone in the group with us asked me something, and $F57 said that it was at the bar where we had been the night before. We turned to the south, heading up the shallow slope of the dirt driveway. The land around us was covered with a thin layer of snow, but the ruts in the driveway were clear. I had been running near the front of the group, following the trail that had been set for us. I thought about the bar the night before and mentioned that i remembered it. I pictured the old building in a storefront in a small town. The front was mostly red with old wood designs in the columns and lintels. It looked like a small cafe to the north of me, with the door set into the eastern side and a large single-pane window in the western part. I then wondered if we would be heading to a bar today. It seemed cold outside, and i did not really want to stand around after the run outdoors. I told the others that i hoped that we would not be outside today. One of the others talked about the bar again, calling it “Red Dragon Chicken”, but then dismissing the name by saying “or something”. We continued to the south, through the lobby of the hotel. The hotel was old, with wooden details on the paneling. It seemed that we had finished our run and were walking through the hotel to go somewhere. I felt a little uncomfortable in the hotel lobby, thinking that we were not dressed properly; we were still in our running clothes. A set of stairs ascended to the east along the southern wall. They were separated from the lobby by a white half wall that acted as the railing. The western end of the wall curved out a little to the lobby, but the stairs reached a square landing and then ran four or five steps straight down to the lobby. One of the men running with us then complained that he needed to wipe himself off, because we had been wet from running. He said that he wanted to know where he could get a towel. I noticed a white towel on the bannister of the stairs, and i told the man that he should take it with him. I felt nervous about being in the lobby, so i wanted him to grab the towel and take it out of the lobby with us. He did not seem to understand, though, and he started using the towel at the bottom of the stairs. This made me feel more nervous. As we stood there, a man started to come down the stairs, and i worried that he was one of the employees of the hotel. I felt that we might get in trouble for being here in running clothes. The man started talking to us, and he asked about the other bar. He seemed to want to know where we had been hanging out. He then mentioned that he would be working until a certain time, and he told us the time. I thought that he wanted to hang out with us. I told him that we would be at another bar, and then i added that we would probably be starting our run before he got out of work. I wanted him to join us for a run, but i knew that he would not be able to make our next run, when we met at he bar. I felt interested it him and thought it would be good to get to know him.

12010 October 16

I headed to the north, into the back room of the large store, which seemed like a Salvation Army. $F46 called be back to the south, so i turned around in the narrow corridor to talk to her. She was standing near a doorway in the western wall and said that i should look into the room. She seemed to be disturbed by something and wanted to show me. I remembered that the room had been filled with children’s clothing. I saw the metal hanging rack, which had been filled with clothes, along the southern wall of the room. The entire room had similar rocks. When i looked into the room now, though, i could see no racks. Instead, there were only a few red and green cribs in the center of the floor. They all looked the same: mostly red with green lines and spots for decoration. $F46 pointed out that the clothing had been taken away, and seemed to imply that this was done for an intentionally malevolent purpose. I told her that the clothes had probably been integrated into the main racks in the shopping area to the south. I did not feel as upset about this as she did, and she stared at me for a moment to see if i would agree with her. I did not think that this was a big deal, and i turned back to the north and walked into the back room of the store. There was a long table on the eastern wall of the room, and i had been setting things up on it for the conference. The man to the west of me said something about the tables. I had to get them ready, and i felt a little worn out trying to do it. However, i felt more tired that stressed. I turned to the west as the woman started talking to me about the tables. I was talking on the telephone now. The woman wanted to make sure that i was doing everything correctly and asked me questions about the food. She was $A299. I felt frustrated talking with her, thinking that i was quite capable of making the arrangements without her help. She told me that i should not buy the food at the store as i had done before. I remembered buying vegetarian food at the store before because the food that had been served did not have any vegetarian options. It had been more expensive for me to buy the food, but i wanted something that did not have any meat in it. I moved to the west and sat down on the eastern end of the southern side of the long table. $A299 told me again that i should not be buying certain food at the store. I reminded her that there were vegetarian options with the food that we were serving at the tables this year. I said that we were making fajitas, which could be made without meat, so there was no reason for me to buy extra food. I wanted to get off of the telephone and continue preparing the area, but she started asking me about something else, trying to confirm that i had done another thing. I felt exasperated with her and sighed, slouching and rolling my eyes as i sat at the table. The others around the table knew who i was talking to and laughed at my display. I covered the telephone so that $A299 did not hear their laughter. The voice on the telephone was then silent. I realized that she had just been telling me something, but i had not heard what she had said. I replied to her by saying “no”. I wondered what else i could do to get off of the telephone.

12010 October 17

I was sitting near the back of the bus, on the left-hand side as the bus headed to the east. The man standing in the aisle to the east of me said something about the sleeping pills. They were trying to get the other man to take the pills. This seemed to be some kind of plot to do something secretive. The man on the seat in front of me was leaning forward, so i grabbed the tall paper cup that was sitting on the dull-green fake-leather seat behind him and lifted it to my lips. A semi-circular section of the rim of the cup had been torn away, and i started to drink the water from just to the right of that section. I had taken the sleeping pills, even though they were not intended for me. I was trying to change the plot. The man standing in the aisle looked at me. I knew that he would be annoyed that i had taken the pills instead of the other man. I started to drink the water faster, trying to finish it before anyone could say anything. As i finished, i thought that everyone on the bus must have taken the sleeping medication. I felt very tired and struggled to remain conscious. I looked up at the ceiling as i leaned back to the north. I felt that we had to stay awake while the event was happening. I sat up suddenly. The bus seemed darker, and i realized that everyone had been put to sleep. I was the only one on the bus who was now awake. It must have been because i took the pills. I stood up, wondering what to do. The city around us seemed dark as we turned a corner and headed to the east. I headed to the front of the bus, wondering if the driver was asleep. I then realized that we were on the last car in a train of busses. I could see the car ahead of us through the front window of our car. It seemed a long way off. I had thought that i could cross from my car into the next, but as the train straightened out on the street heading east, i saw the thin metal pole that connected the cars, separating them by four or five meters. The people in that car were awake. A dark-skinned woman was standing on the right-hand side of the bus. I recognized her form before. The people were moving around on that bus, which was lighted. They had not been affected by the sleeping drugs. I turned to the west and ran to the back of the bus. There was a doorway on the northern side of the bus, near the end of the bus. I stopped at the door and looked out the window.

I was in the upper floor of $P19, walking to the north, across the room. There was a set of stairs under me, but i did not seem to be ascending them. Someone started talking about $A562. They were standing to the northeast of me, just near the banister at the top of the stairs, on the opposite side of the banister from the stairs. I moved around the northern end of the banister and toward the two people, listening to their conversation. The man said that $A562 was the most recent in a long line of captains. I pictured an old man in a gray captain uniform with a white mustache, and i pictured them commanding air ships. I stepped up to the two men talking. The one on the south seemed to be $A359. I told them that i had known $A562. I remembered him from when i lived in $P19, but i realized that i did not want to say too much about him because i felt bad about the way i acted toward him. I headed to the south, along the eastern side of the banister and then through the darkened corridor. At the southern end of the corridor, i came to the set of stairs that led down into the wider room. The stairs were very steep and seemed more like drawers of a dresser that had been pulled out a little. I sat down on the top step and reached my legs for the second step. The stairs were pale yellow. There was someone sitting on the western side of one of the lower stairs. As i started to climb down, i heard the piano music from behind me. I then noticed that there was a guitar playing over the top of the piano. Both of the instruments were playing arpeggios. The person on the stairs commented on the guitar music. I said that i liked it, and then commented that i had played this type of song before. I described the guitar music, and suddenly wanted to play guitar again. I felt bad that i was not playing guitar more, and i spoke to the other person about the music, trying to make it sound as though this style of playing was nothing special.

12010 October 18

I was waiting for my car to be worked on in this shop. The room was small and seemed dingy and seemed dull green and faded brown. I was sitting in a cushioned chair against the eastern wall of the room. A woman was cleaning the western side of the room. I felt impatient here and wanted to leave. I stood up a little and looked to the east, now able to see into the garage where my car was. I could see my car in front of me, and i looked over it, wondering when they would be working on it. I then turned back to the woman, noticing that she had inadvertently done something near the table. It seemed that she had knocked something over, but i was not sure. I then noticed that she had started a small fire, which was burning on the side of her pale-blue shirt. She did not seem to notice, but i rushed over to put the fire out before she got burned. She ignored me, and started cleaning the table on the eastern side of the room. I still felt tense, and i noticed that something was still burning on the floor where the woman had been. Faint blue flames rolled slowly across a small dark patch on the floor. I told the woman that a liquid was dripping from somewhere and igniting. I felt concerned about this, thinking that the fire could spread. I tried to figure out where the liquid was coming from. I looked up, noticing that there was a wet patch on the ceiling where the liquid was dripping. The dingy water-stained tiles of the ceiling seemed wet, though, and i decided that the liquid that was dripping was actually water. It was not what was burning. I then realized that there were sparks coming from the ceiling. The water in the ceiling must be shorting out the wiring in the ceiling. This could be starting the fire on the floor, though i still did not know what the flammable liquid was. I backed away a little, thinking that this place was dangerous. The western side of the room seemed very run down now, and water soaked the ceiling and floor. I felt annoyed with the disrepair of this place, and i asked the other woman where the water was coming from. It was ruining the building, which now seemed to be a restaurant. The woman was wearing a nice uniform, and i thought that she was the maitre d’ of this place. I moved a little to the east, where a reservation stand was placed. The woman was leaving to the east, and i thought that i should take over greeting people as they came in. I quickly realized that there were others here to do this job, though, and i felt a little uncomfortable. I was wearing a blue button-up shirt, and i realized that i was not dressed as nicely as the others who worked here. One of the men near me asked me what i wanted, not sure why i was standing by the greeting stand. I felt uncomfortable and said that i should not stand here. I walked to the west and then to the south, wandering back into the room. I was not sure what i should be doing.

12010 October 19

I ran through the branches of the trees near the bus station. I was running on the branches, somewhere in the crowns of the trees, heading roughly to the southwest. The cement walkway was to the southeast of me. I hopped across the branches of the trees, thinking that this was like a game. When i reached the southwestern end of the walkway, which was the platform for the bus station, i jumped down to the ground and hopped over one of the metal benches. The benches were inside open metal structures, which looked like soccer goals without the nets. The white metal pole ran over the top of the bench. A woman was sitting on the northeastern end of the bench, facing southeast as i hopped over it. She was talking to the man to the southwest of her. I moved around over the bench, circling the woman, thinking that she was interested in tree hopping. I wanted to impress her with what i could do. I then turned back to the northeast and headed back through the trees. I crossed the large gymnasium, which was a large open area to the east of me. I was swimming through the air over the wood floor. I moved my arms in a crawl stroke, concentrating on the stroke so that i could get it right. I passed beyond the eastern end of the room, crossing over a balcony that faced a pool to the east of it. The balcony was in the western tile wall of the room, which i had just passed through. I crossed the aqua-blue water of the pool, noticing that the swim instructor was standing on the southern side of the pool. I thought that he would find it interesting that i was able to move through the air using the same swim strokes i would use in water. When i reached the eastern side of the room, i circled back along the northern side of the room and headed to the west. The teacher watched me for a moment, and then turned to the east, heading into a small room off the pool room. The small room seemed to be an office. I moved to the eastern side of the pool and landed on the white tile deck near the others. I noticed the white ribbon of fake flowers hanging along the eastern wall of the room. It was draped from several spots along the wall, but part of it had fallen down. I knew that it commemorated LGBT issues, but i asked the others what it was for, pretending that i did not know. Several of the people told me why it was there. I decided that it should not be hanging low in the areas where it had come unhooked from the wall, so i flew up to fix it. I knew that i was one of the only people in the room who could fly. The teacher then came out of the room again. He noticed what i was doing to the banner on the wall. I landed with the others again, and we stared walking to the west. I continued to the west, outside of the building, heading back toward the van, which was parked just off the sidewalk to the west. My grandfather was walking with me. The white van sat near the curb. It was a special van with medical supplies in it. I thought that they were taking care of my grandfather, who was suffering from dementia. He did not really understand what was happening around him. When we got into the van, he hid his face in the back corner, which was the southeastern corner of the van, which was facing north. The female driver turned around and started talking to him gently, trying to coax him out of the corner. The others in the van also tried to coax him out. As they did this, the van continued to the west, down the suburban street. It finally stopped near some house, and i got out on the northern side of the vehicle. I continued to the north, into the large building. This was where we would pick up other people. They were coming with us because we were going to see a movie. I turned to the east, heading through the blank white halls of the building. The hallway opened up on the southern side of the corridor into a small room. A table stood in the center of the room, and i noticed crayons on the table. I then noticed the stuffed animals on the shelves around the room. I passed through the room and came out the eastern end, thinking that it was strange that such childish things were in a building for older people. I then wondered if the people were being treated like children here. I was looking for the people, but i did not see them. I passed through a metal door and found myself outside the building. There seemed to be a small body of water to the east. I felt confused and turned to the south. I started heading back along the southern side of the pale-orange stucco building. I could still see the play things in the front window. I then noticed a woman standing out front near several large metal dumpsters. She dropped a teddy bear near the dumpster before heading back to the west. The brown bear looked lonely, and i felt that it should not be left there or it might get thrown away. The woman must have gotten distracted by something and forgotten about the bear. I watched her walked along the curb and then turn to the south, getting onto the bus. I headed back to the bus, feeling upset about this place.

12010 October 20

I imagined a small rounded nuclear bomb that could fit into someone’s hand. The device looked black, with a metal section exposed on the bottom and side. The device was shaped like a very fat squat egg with a flat bottom. The person was holding it in his hand. The nuclear fuel would easily fit inside the small container. I remembered that the fuel is a small sphere. The size of a normal bomb accommodated for the explosives required to detonate the fuel. This bomb would have to have a smaller detonation device. I realized that a hand-held device could be brought into buildings easily. It would be used to destroy Congress. I imagined that there would be a full session of Congress, where the president was attending. That would mean that the bomb would destroy the entire United States government. I then thought that it could not be done with the current president, since he was actually helping the country. It would have to wait until the next bad president. I was standing on the western end of the southern side of the room, which seemed like a congressional chamber. I was on the main floor, and there were wooden booths with seats rising along the southern wall. The device would have to pass into the room without tripping any radiation detectors. I wondered how that would be done as i moved to the east, across the room. There was a small crowd in the room at the moment. I then imagined the man with the bomb telling everyone in the room that he had a nuclear device in his hand. No one would believe him. He stood at a podium at the front of the room, and everyone was watching him. The man was standing to the south of the wooden lectern, which was on a stage on the eastern side of the room. He seemed to be wearing a light-gray suit and had the small black device sitting on top of the lectern. He reached for the device with his right hand. No one in the room believed that the device was real, so he pressed the button on top. The news cameras would be watching him, and everyone across the country would simply see the cameras go blank. They would realize that there was a bomb. The man hit the device and i heard the people in the bar gasp. I started moving around, and the country seemed upset. The news would be out for a long time, and people would not know what to do without leadership. I then realized that the news media would have to broadcast their own views on the issues. They would have to be silenced after the explosion so that they did not take the leadership responsibility. I wondered who would be the leaders. It seemed reasonable that the state governments would take over, but i did not think that they had the ability to do so. Each state would have to run itself until a new government could be elected. I wondered if a new government could be elected from the people rather than from career politicians. I decided that the military would actually take over, because they had the force to do so. I thought again about the elections that would have to take place. I then heard the news reports from the southeast of me, and i turned to look at the television screens. The reporter said that they had pictures of what was happening. I looked up at the screen. There was an image of fire through thick gray and black smoke. As the view zoomed in, i could make out three or four broken stone columns, which seemed to be part of some government building. The people around me gasped as they saw the pictures. I then saw a bright-green car approaching. The view was looking at the entrance to a parking garage. The flat levels of the cement structure were held up by round cement column. The car started toward the entrance on the lower level, but a sudden strong wind blew it to the right. This was the wind from the explosion. The wind was sudden, but was only a quick gust. I could see the man in the car as the car started forward again. A second gust blew the car into the cement column on the right side of the entrance. This seemed strange. The wind from a large bomb should be consistent. I wondered why it was blowing in gusts. A much stronger wind then hit, sweeping the car through the cement column. The screen filled with black smoke, and i knew that the man was being burned up in the car. The crowd in the pub around me gasped. We then saw another scene of a man and woman escaping from a burning apartment building. The building was on the left side of the screen. On the right side of the screen, we could see fire and smoke from destroyed buildings in the background. As the man and woman started to run out of the stone building, a fiery wind struck the people from the left, and they burst into smoke as they were tossed off the right side of the screen. I thought that the wind must be from the intense fires that were generated by the blast, rather than from the blast itself. I started wandering around the room, wondering what we should do now. We had planned the bomb, and i suddenly realized that it was a bad thing to do. Walter Bishop was to the north of me. He had created the bomb as part of a plan. He had good intentions, but i felt upset about what we had done. I then pictured the university campus that we were on from above. I was looking down to the southeast, at the edge of a large quadrangle. There was a large reddish-brown stone building on the southeastern end of the quadrangle with a dome in the center. I turned to the northwest and paced around the room. Walter wanted to create a second bomb. There was something else that needed to be done. I would help him, but i felt uncomfortable about it. I wondered if others knew what Walter had done. I moved to the south to get the second bomb ready. It was a small square box that looked like a car battery. I picked it up off of the floor and started pulling it to the north on the small metal hand truck. I stopped in the middle of the room and looked at the small cardboard box that i had on the bottom of the hand truck. It looked like a box full of dirt. I stuck a stick into the dirt and stirred it around a little. It was old uranium from a previous bomb. It was not the same weapon-grade material as i had seen in the blue plastic box that looked like a battery. It was older and was partly decomposing, so we would have to clean up the rust-colored dirt to make the second nuclear bomb. I pulled the hand truck to the east of me and looked down at the small cardboard box of rust-colored dirt. I could still see the small round hole that i had made with the stick. I was not happy about creating a second bomb. I headed to the north, into a small room of the cement building. I looked down at the blue plastic box that looked like a car battery. The terminals on the top of the batter were part of the gray plastic lid. I grabbed a thin tab in the center of the lid and tipped it to one side, breaking it off. I then pulled the tab, and a thin metal strip that was attached to the bottom of the tab, from the battery. This had something to do with activating the battery, which was the bomb material. I started to move away from the battery, heading to the northeast, thinking that the chemicals in the battery were now starting to react. After a few steps, i wondered why i had activated the battery. Something seemed wrong with this scenario. I stepped backward to the battery and touched the northern side of it with my left hand. It felt warm to the touch. The chemicals were working. I then hear a soft bubbling sound coming from the battery, and i worried that it would explode. I headed to the east, telling the others that the bomb was going to go off. The man with the dark hair had come out of the cement building to the east. I was in the city where the bomb had gone off. People were running around on the streets in confusion, and there were flames sweeping people into the air, carrying them to the southwest. The man with the straight dark hair was rushing to the north, staying close to the rubble of the building on the eastern side of the street. He had his sons with him, and they were trying to escape the disaster. I then turned to the southwest and noticed the pale man with the bright yellow hair. His hair was fuzzy and combed down over the sides of his head, though it stuck out from his face by three or four centimeters. He did not seem to be wearing a shirt, and there was some golden glow around him. I knew that he was some kind of angel or spirit. I turned back to the family that was moving hurriedly to the east of me. The scene was confusing and i could not see everyone at once. The young boy with the black-haired man then stumbled to the northwest, just to the north of me. I was very close to a building, which was to the north of me. The father put his arm on his son’s shoulder and led him away to the north. I then noticed that the pale blond angel was against the wall of the building to the north. His arms were raised over his head and were bound to the wall by two thick white manacles. There seemed to be a blue vest or pants on him. The angel had switched bodies with the boy, and was now bound to the wall. The boy was actually now the blond angel, and the angel had taken the body of the boy. There was something terribly wrong with this, and i felt disturbed by the idea. The father was to the east of me now, with his three sons. I had left the blond angel bound to the building to the west. I looked at the middle son of the man and asked him who he was. The father did not seem to understand. The boy looked the same to me, but i pretended that he looked like the blond angel, since i knew that the angel was using the boy’s body. They thin medium-skinned boy was wearing a dingy white T-shirt, and his straight black hair was cut short, like his father’s and his brothers’. His older brother stood to the north of him, in a similar T-shirt, but his had a logo on the front. The father stood to the south, with the youngest brother. They looked at me as if they did not understand what i was talking about. I said that i did not recognize who the middle brother was. He told me that he was the sibling to the other boys. I asked him why he had pale skin and blond hair when his father and brothers were clearly hispanic, with medium-skin and black hair. He did not know how to answer. I looked down at the ground underneath me. The bomb had gone off to the southwest of me, and there seemed to be a burning city to the south, but i was trying to think about the men. I wanted to point out that the middle brother had been taken over by the angel, but i was not sure how to do so. I looked to the north as i sat on the ground. The pale-skinned angel seemed to be lying on the ground with his head facing north. He had something blue clothing him. I was sitting on a small patch of dirt at the edge of the city area. The grass around me was thinning, and there seemed to be a short fence curving from the northern side of the area to the western side. There was a road curving around the eastern and southern sides of the area. The road ran from the northeast and the south. I was doing something in the grass, and i tried figure out what to do about the angel. I then noticed the large earthworm on the ground to the northwest of me. When i glanced back at it, it was five or six centimeters thick and over a decimeter long. It crawled quickly, like a caterpillar, along the base of the short metal chain-link fence, disappearing behind some tall grass. I was surprised at the thickness of the worm, and did not remember it being so large the first time i had seen it. A woman was to the south of me, on the street. I glanced at her and then back to the worm. I could not see it behind the green grass, so i looked at the southern end of the grass to wait for it to come back out into the open. It did not show up. The woman asked me something about the bomb. I answered her, but did not really pay that much attention to her. I was staring at the patch of green grass. As i stared, i could see through the tall stiff blades to see the general outline of the thick worm. It was standing on the southern edge of the patch, hidden by the tall grass. It seemed as though i was looking at a shadow of the worm on the grass, and the colors of the worm were dull pale red against the pale gray of the grassy screen. The woman then asked something and i turned my attention back to her. I told here that i did not know where the boy had gone. I told her something about the angel, who seemed to be lying on the ground behind me. She asked about the street. I had been looking at the street map of this place, and i had been searching for a specific street, but i could not find it on the map. The area of streets on the map seemed oval shaped, with a grid work of streets running north and south. The oval was aligned northeast to southwest, and the streets seemed thinner in the southwest. I recognized the neighborhood, and i thought that the main street was the long line running north to south through the western end of the oval. The paper was yellow, and the double lines that represented the streets were red. I had to find something on the street. The woman asked about the directions, but i told her that i did not know where the street was. I looked back at the yellow map again, and then turned to the northeast and started moving down the street. I was riding a bicycle, and i passed through the objects that were standing in the center of the narrow paved path. The path curved to the north, connecting with a suburban street. I realized that the path had been a street that was now blocked off. There were dark-gray metal posts in a row blocking the northern end of the path, and the objects on the path were there to block traffic. Many of the objects seemed like lamps or boxes from a garage sale. I passed a woman on the path, and i noticed an older man standing at the northern end of the path. He watched me as i rode past, and i said something to him. There were several people wandering around the streets. I realized that this suburban area was outside of the destruction radius of the bomb that had destroyed the city, and i thought that all of these people must be wandering around wondering what to do. I had to find the place on the street, thought. I had been here some time in the past, and i thought that i could remember the house once i saw the streets to get to it. The streets were not square with each other. It seemed that many of the streets ran north to south, but the cross streets ran northeast to southwest. I looked at a house to the north of me, on the corner of two streets. Everything seemed dull and yellow, like an old photograph. The house i was looking for was somewhere down the street to the northeast. I hoped that i would know it when i saw it. I then started moving faster down the street, and i curled my feet underneath me. I was floating in the air as i moved to the north down the long street. I recognized this street as the main street that led to the other small town. I seemed to be approaching it, and i recognized some of the shops on the western side of the road. I then spotted the small brown-brick store. There was a yellow sign with red letters on the front of the building that said “Village Market”. This was the small grocery store outside of $P$$P57SBURG. I now knew where i was, and i continued to the north-northeast on the road. I would arrive in the town soon.

12010 October 22

I could not see anything as i thought about the war. I seemed to be at the time of World War Two. I knew something about the war that the people did not. The man asked me a question, but i felt impartial as i lied on the bunk bed against the northern wall of the gray metal room. I was on a ship with the Japanese. They had found me and were asking me about what i knew. I could not change the history, so i told them that i was aware of what was happening. I thought about telling them about the attack on Pearl Harbor and the secret password that would start the attack, but i did not mention it. A man in uniform stood to the southeast of me as i muttered “Pearl Harbor” and some other places. It would let them know that i knew the battle was coming. I imagined that they asked me about the history of the war. I could not let them know how things would turn out or they might change history, so i would have to pretend that i did not know the specifics. I told them that they had won the battle but lost the war. I wondered if i should tell them about the atomic bombs. I thought about the people on the ship with me, thinking that the emperor was here with me. He would regard me with some kind of respect because i knew what was going to happen. I did not feel threatened, thinking that they would not harm me; they would just keep me captive. I thought about the situation, thinking that this scene had happened before. I looked up at the airplane flying toward us from the south. This was part of the Japanese attack. We were at the bottom of a very steep grassy hill. I said something to the man and woman who were with me. They both seemed to be older that i, and i had not expected them to be under the bridge, since this area was out of the way. It seemed that i should have been the only one here, but they had stumbled on to my location. There seemed to be a river to the north of us, at the bottom of the southern hill of the wide valley. The cement bridge seemed very tall and very high above us. It was a set of highway bridges, and they ran from the top of the steep dirt hill to the south. The hill seemed to be thirty or fourty meters high. I knew that the airplane that was circling toward us was a Japanese Zero, and that the man and woman with me would be totally unaware of the attack that was coming. I told the people that we were in trouble, and i ran up the hill toward the bottom of the bridge. The man and woman did not quite understand the danger and looked at the airplane in confusion. There were some cement embankment bars near the top of the dry rocky hill. Thin wisps of grass grew across the hill. As i reached the higher grass under the western most highway bridge, i turned around to look back at the man and the woman. The airplane fired shots at them and killed them. I hoped that it had not seen me escape under the bridge. The airplane circled to the east, and i crouched down, hoping that they would not recognize my figure on the ground. I then noticed that the black airplane, which looked more like a helicopter, was moving rather slowly back to the west. It was heading behind one of the tall thin cement columns of the bridge, but turned toward me suddenly and then moved back to the east. It must have seen me. I noticed that the dirt ground to the west of the cement wall, which was just to the east of me, had been eroded. I quickly ran over to the wall and laid down next to it. I would be out of view of the airplane as it approached from the east, and the cement wall should protect me from the bullets. As the airplane passed, i thought that i should run under the end of the bridge, near where the bridge joined the embankment at the top of the hill. I felt worried that the airplane would still see me under the bridge and be able to shoot at me. I then remembered that there were thick green girders running along the underside of the bridge. I would be able to step between the girders and hide. I imagined jumping between the thick metal green girders and hiding from the airplane. I would have to recline inside one of the thick square beams as i had done before. As i reclined, with my feet to the south of me, i was actually inside of a large automobile. The car was light brown with a tan interior. I looked at my legs as i stretched them out to the south of me, spreading them wide to give myself support against the sides of the narrow vehicle. There was a patch of light shining down between my legs from the sunroof of the car. For a moment, i thought that the airplane would be able to see me through the window, so i had to make sure that i was out of view, but then i remembered that the car was actually a girder under the bridge. The car was somehow parked under the bridge. I imagined that the airplane would shoot at the car. It would be a noticeable target from the air. I imagined the car falling after the airplane had shot at it. The car would tumble, and i would feel weightless for a moment. I hoped that i would be safe in the falling car, thinking that it would only roll down the hill. If it landed on its top, the underside of the car would protect me from the bullets of the airplane. I hoped that i would be safe.

12010 October 23

The others were standing to the west of me as i crouched down to play with the dog. The dog was a small brown beagle mix. It was mostly brown, but had a white patch on its chest. Its face was older, and i played with its nose. I then realized that the dog was pinching the tip of my finger with its stubby front teeth. I lifted my hand up, and the dog’s head rose with it. I thought for a moment that the dog was actually trying to bite me, but, as i lifted my hand over its head, it opened its mouth and looked at me sadly. I pet it again, feeling friendly toward it. The group with me said something, and i stood up to look at the man to the southeast of me. We had asked the man at the desk something, but he had told us that he did not have any more mail for us. The man stood behind the wooden counter to the south of us, and i started walking to the east. The room was very narrow, like a corridor, and ran only a little way to the east. To the west, the room seemed to end at a set of stairs that ascended to the first floor. This was the mail room of the small hostel. Others were gathered in the eastern side of the room, and the man behind the counter seemed to turn to talk to them. I noticed a small white piece of paper on the mirrored wall to the south. It said that there was a package for someone. I suspected that it was for me, and i told the man about the note, asking him who the package was or. I said that it was for Rosebud. I told him that we were part of the band called Rosebud, but he did not seem to understand. We were traveling in a foreign land, and i tried to think of a way to explain the fact that the package had come for a name that was a group rather than an individual. He understood English, but he did not seem to understand that mail could come for someone who was not a person. The rock band that we were a part of was called Rosebud. We had named the band after the dog. I suddenly remembered the old beagle that was with us, and i thought that i should tell the man about it.

12010 October 24

I sat on the northern side of the wooden table in the classroom. $F4 and $F6 were very close to me. $F4 seemed to be across the table from me on the south, facing south, and $F6 was sitting on the opposite side of the table to the southeast of me. $A101 paced to the north somewhere to the east. We were just starting the test. I opened the blue test book and looked over the questions printed on the white sheet of paper. The others had put their tan booklets aside, and i moved mine to the west of me, at the edge of the table, which now seemed to be against a wall. I then thought that the book should probably be off of my desk, since it would be possible to cheat from it. I dropped the booklet onto the floor just to the west of my chair to get it out of my way. I then started taking the test. $A101 wandered around to the west of me, and i started to feel nervous. I was writing my answers in pencil in the blue test book, but i could not seem to go fast enough. I had only written half a page. I tried to think about the test, but i could not remember it. I started to feel upset because i was unable to do the test properly. I read through the questions on the sheet again. I then noticed that i did not have to answer all of the essay questions. The instructions in the center of the page said that i would have to choose a few to answer. There were a few short questions at the top of the page that i had missed. I was upset that i had messed up the test and thought that i would have to answer the short questions in the middle of the test book, after the essay questions. I then started feeling distressed because i did not have answers to the essay questions. I felt that i was not answering the questions fast enough, and i did not think that i was giving the right answers. The others seemed to be finished with their tests, but i was still on the first question. I was now facing west, and i looked up at the clock. The others were handing in their tests and leaving the room through the door in the western end of the northern wall. $A101 stood to the north of me, at the end of the table. He was leaning forward, looking at me. His attitude seemed humored, but he was asking me what i wanted to do. I felt upset and did not think that i could finish the test. I looked at the clock on the wall to the west. The minute hand seemed to be between the five and the ten, but i could not really make out the time. I asked him how much time i had to finish the test as some other students started to come into the room for the next class. $A101 told me that i had ten minutes left. I felt defeated and told him that i was done with the test, saying that i could not get it done and i did not want to do any more. I was upset as i handed in my test and started walking down the hallway to the west. I had my backpack with me, but i had not yet put everything into it. There were very few students in the bright white hallway of the building. I stopped near the western end of an open area and put my bag down on the southern side of the hall. My thin black laptop was out of the bag, so i opened the black note folder, put the laptop inside, and stuffed the folder back into the top slot of the shoulder bag. The open end of the folder was facing up so that i could see the laptop. A man then asked me a question about the map. I was unsure, but tried to answer him. He referred to the south, and i stood up and walked around the thick square column that was in the cafeteria area to explain what i was talking about. I then started to feel nervous about leaving my bag near the man, and i came back around the column. The man had taken my computer out of the bag. I yelled at him, but he had given the laptop to the woman, who was behind the counter to the west. The brown wooden counter extended from the southern wall of the room and seemed to be a service counter for a coffee bar. The counter surrounded a small area where the waiters served food, and the counter was rounded on the northern end. The woman sat down at a small table inside the area on the western side and started looking through my laptop. I was angry with her and started climbing over the counter. There was now a wall on the eastern side of the counter that seemed pretty high, so i climbed over a stool and up onto the counter to step over the wall. I was aware that this would get me in trouble with the faculty and make me look like a bad student, but i was angry and wanted my laptop back.

I walked with the other man to the west, down the northern side of the road. There was a large open field to the north of us. The land sloped steeply down from the road to the field, which was two or three meters below. The field had rows of some sort of green crop, but the crop had been cut short. There were two men on the northern side of the field, near the western end, and my attention was drawn to them as one of them fired a gun to the east. They were young men, and seemed closer than they actually were. The man with the rifle was shooting at clay pigeons that the other man was throwing into the air. The man threw two of the round disks into the air at once, and the first man shot them. The first man seemed to be wearing a plaid shirt, and he had short dark hair. Something about him was interesting to me, but i tried not to pay too much attention to him. I felt uncomfortable about him, thinking that he might shoot me for being from a different place. I commented to the man that was walking with me, asking about the people with the guns. He did not seem concerned about them, but i continued walking to the west until a rising hill on the northern side of the road blocked our view of them. I heard the sound of shots again. We were then walking toward the east. It seemed that we had rounded a mound in the road and were now following a slightly higher road back. The men again came into view, and i looked at the man with the dark hair. I wondered if i would like him. I turned to the south and came into the small room of the house. My grandfather was walking with me. I walked down the corridor in the center of the house and then turned to the west, toward the doorway to a small room. I told my grandfather that i wanted to use the bathroom, and was headed to the small bathroom on the northern side of the room to the west. I then realized that it was a guest bathroom off of a bedroom and that the regular bathroom was downstairs. The stairs seemed to be to the north of me, at the end of the hall. I was hesitant to use the bathroom downstairs, thinking that it had just been remodeled. I mentioned that the remodeling was finished, though, so i should be able to use it. My grandfather told me not to use the bathroom down stairs, and i wondered why i should not. I turned back to the west and walked into the small room. $F39 and $F38 were standing around a small counter on the western side of the room. $F38 was leaning over the counter from the north, and $F39 was on the southern side of the bar, just to the east of $F46. They were reading a large book that was opened on the bar in front of them. I wanted to read the book with them, but i thought that my grandfather might not like the book. He listened for a moment as they read the protest stuff in the book. The book had large black letters on the pages, with dense black and white drawings underneath them. My grandfather seemed uninterested in the protest story and said in a disinterested voice that he was leaving. He closed his notebook and walked out of the room to the east.

12010 October 25

I was speaking to $A47 about the lawsuit. The man in the apartment upstairs was being sued because he had been too rowdy. I knew that $A558 was the man upstairs, and i told $A47 that he was upset about something and was messing up his apartment. $A47 was the lawyer, though, and he was representing the two men who were filing the lawsuit against $A558. They had been accused of trashing their apartment, but i knew that $A558 was the man who had trashed the apartment. I then felt bad about telling $A47 about him, since i liked $A558. I then mentioned that i should not have said what i said because $A47 was a lawyer. He agreed with me, nodding as he walked to the north.

I walked out of the large apartment building, heading north. There was a long parking lot running along the side of the building, between the building and the road. People were walking around in the parking lot, which did not seem to have many cars in it. The bus had just dropped people off, and they were heading into the building behind me to get to their apartments. The bus, which seemed to be a large construction vehicle, was starting up again. It made a sudden loud noise as it tried to move. I looked at it, noticing that the back part of the vehicle, which was to the west, was resting on metal plate treads. The treads started spinning as the loud engine revved up. The tractor could not get traction on the snowy ground. The noise of the engine was so loud that i had to cover my ears. I sat down on the top of the dumpster, which was to the south of me, against the tall brick apartment building. The large vehicle, which seemed to have a large yellow box over the front with a long chute sticking out the top, finally started moving to the southwest, up the hill and into the suburban area. The rounded snow-covered hill to the west and southwest was covered with small brown house that looked like ski lodges. The noise died down as the vehicle moved away from us. I took my hands from my ears, thinking about the loud noise from the engine. I started moving to the west, though the people that were carrying their things toward the apartment building. It seemed late at night, and everyone had to get back to their apartments. I had sneaked down from my apartment, which seemed to be on a high floor of the brick building to the south of me. The apartment seemed to be up and to the east of me. I wanted to go for a walk, but i suddenly worried that it was close to curfew. The other people were hurrying around on the street, trying to get settled in. They all seemed to be wearing long wool coats in gray or dull brown. A woman in front of me in a mottled gray jacket and black knit hat looked nervously at her watch as she passed to the east. The curfew was at nine o’clock. It seemed close to that time, so i thought that i should not really be heading out for a walk at this time. I worried that i would be locked out of my apartment building. I wondered what i should do. I then thought about the corridor where my apartment was. I could not remember if there was a man guarding the corridor at night or not. I remembered that there was a man in the other corridor, and i pictured the narrow corridor with the dull-yellow lights. A watchman stood on the southern side of the corridor, looking down at something in his hand. This was the apartment that i had been watching for $A103. I stayed there for a while. It then occurred to me that i had never been paid for watching the apartment. I had forgotten to ask $A103 for the money. It seemed like a while ago, and i wondered if i would get the money.

I turned to the west suddenly to see the large gray truck stopping in the driveway. There was something disturbing about the truck, and i focused on the license plate as it started to back away. The license plate seemed dull-yellow or gray with a black border. The bold letters in the center said “992EYXZ”. I had to remember these letters and i focused on each one. I started to write them down in order on the yellow sheet of paper. Before i finished, i noticed that the handwriting did not look like my own. The nines were curled tightly at the top and seemed more artistic than my own writing. The two also seemed more curvy than normal, and the rest of the letters were drawn in sharp lines. I had written all of them out, but had not yet written the final letter. I spoke all of the letters in my head, emphasizing the last three before i wrote out the Z.

I got up and moved to the east, across the long room of the modern house. There seemed to be many windows in the southern wall. I was staying at this house, which seemed to be owned by someone else. The mother of the family was to the east of me, in the kitchen. It seemed as though i had been sleeping late here, and i wondered if i should get up and shower. The mother moved to the south to join the man in the other room. I looked to the south at them. I felt a little uncertain, wondering what i should do. I turned back to the west. The young men had come into the bedroom where i had been. They were doing something that they did not want me to know about, and the mother and father knew about it. I wanted to be with the young men, but i did not know what to do. I then noticed the large ship to the north of me. The others had been investigating it. It had disappeared a while ago and was now grounded in the middle of the land. This was a strange phenomenon. A woman mentioned that she had found a man working on a computer on the boat. The man asked where he was looking. As i walked to the east, i looked down at the grassy area that ran between the large ship and the water channel to the south. The man exploring the ship wanted to know where the man on the ship had been looking. This would give an indication of where the attack had come from that destroyed the ship. The woman seemed uncertain in her voice and said that he was simply staring at the computer screen. To me, this would indicate that he was unaware of the attack until it was too late. The man said that the passengers knew where the attack was coming from. I remembered that the ship was attacked by two very large monsters. They seemed reptilian, and i remembered that they had come over the top of the docks from the southeast. I looked to the southeast, across the water channel where the ship was docked. There was a yellow metal dock on the opposite side of the channel, and there was a large crescent shaped chunk missing from it. This was where one of the monsters had torn away a piece of the dock. I glanced back to the northwest, looking at the deep channel with vertical walls where the ship had been docked. The passengers had been loading onto the ship, and the man on the computer must have been aboard and not seen the attack coming. The dock area and the metal utility buildings to the southeast were damaged in areas, suggesting that the monster stepped on them or bit them. I looked back to the large white and gray ship to the north of us. People were moving around the ship, exploring it. They were from the expedition that had been stranded here, and they were supposed to mark the ship for later exploration. A man was giving them instructions on what to do. I saw someone throw a thin white rod into the ground in front of him as he walked along the southern side of the ship. The top of the rod was glowing with a small white light. They were marking the perimeter of the ship. The man’s voice said to mark any other special things that they found. I looked to the west, noticing that two or three rows of people were jogging my way. They had glowing rods between them, and they looked like a moving chain of lights. I turned back to the north, watching some people move across the front of the white ship. I then wondered how the people approaching were carrying the sticks between them. It seemed strange. I looked back at one of the lines of people as they started to pass me. I noticed that the people were tied to each other by a long white rope that wrapped around their waists. Between the people were several sets of balloons. Three or four balloons were tied to the tops of a group of lighted poles, which were in turn tied around the center by the white rope between the people. There seemed to be two or three sets of poles between the people. The people seemed to be dressed is white snow suits, which seemed relatively tight fitting. I watched a woman jog past. She moved with a bouncy step, and i wondered why the survivors were forced to jog. I then realized that they must all be in good shape to do this. As they passed to the east of me, they dropped poles into the ground at the same time. I wondered how they coordinated the dropping of poles, thinking that they would have to do it in some kind of pattern so that the poles did not end up too close together. The line of people headed over the snowy ground and turned to the north, heading into the eastern end of the ship, which seemed to be open. Another line had passed me on the south, and was now heading down a set of escalators, which were directly to the east of me. These escalators led to the interior of the ship. I wondered why the stairs were outside of the ship, but continued on anyway, glancing off to the southeast, across the parking lot between the large metal buildings. The buildings had damage from the monsters. I walked out into the parking lot, noticing that the eastern end of the ship blended into the blue modern building to the east of it. The building was part of the docking port. I looked over the blue and white structure, which had several layers to it. The layers seemed very angular and narrow, stacked up on top of each other. The building was connected to the large dark building to the east of me, which ran across the eastern end of the parking lot, bulging to the west a little on the southern end. There seemed to be a large glass window on the front of the eastern building. The building was of a modern design, with triangular panes in the window and an arched dark metal overhang for a roof. The monsters had stepped over the building when they came, and they destroyed several things in the parking lot in front of the building. I looked back to the north, at the large boat, and then back to the building. I started swinging back and forth in the air near the southern end of the building. There seemed to be a large wide conifer tree to the west of the end of the building, on a small grassy area. It blocked my view of the south. I swinged higher, glancing over the buildings to the south of me, wondering if the monsters would be coming back. I then realized that there was nothing convenient for me to swing from. I could attach the long swing from the overhang of the roof, but there would not be enough room for me to swing back to the southeast without hitting the window. I moved away from the window, wondering where i could attach the long white ropes of the swing as i swinged upward to the northwest. I could see over the buildings briefly before i started to fall again. I could feel the weightlessness of swinging up and down, but i could not figure out where the swing was attached. I then noticed the people to the south of me. They were in the small building across the street doing something. I felt cautious of them, thinking that the monsters might be coming back from the southeast. I hovered in the air for a moment over the parking lot, thinking that i should jump from the swing and gracefully land near the boat. Instead, i turned to the south and ran toward the small green building. The young men had been doing something there, and did not want me to know about it. I floated toward the dirty parking lot in front of the dingy pale-green building, falling in an arch. I landed three or four meters in front of the door, which had vertical streaks of paint running down it. The paint was is shades of green, which made it seem that something dingy had been spilled over the door. I concentrated on slowing down before i hit the door. I stopped just in front of the door, landing my hands on it as i came to a stop. I wondered if the people inside would hear that i had arrived. They were doing something secretive. One of the streaks in the door was transparent, and i moved my head close to the door to peer inside. I could make out men on the southern side of the large empty room, which had a cement floor. They were working on something. I pushed on the door, thinking that it was locked, but i opened it anyway and swiftly moved across the floor toward the men. As i made it inside, i realized that there was a young man sitting just to the west of the door, watching out the window. He had not seen me approach the door, so i would surprise him as i entered. I quickly moved to where the men were scheming on the southern side of the room and then turned to head back to the exit. The young man was still sitting in a chair at the dirty window to the west of the door. He was separated from the door by a thick dark girder, which rose at an angle from the base of the wall to a spot on the ceiling about a meter and a half from the wall. He could not see the door directly and was still unaware that i had entered the room. As i approached the door, i watched him. He was thin, with short blond hair. He seemed very attractive, and i felt suddenly attracted toward him. As i opened the door, he glanced my direction, suddenly noticing that i was there as i started to leave. I was looking at him through the dirty window in the beam. He had blue eyes and an angular face. I found him suddenly attractive and felt a sudden desire for him. I continued out the door and started running across the parking lot. If the man came after me, he would see me run only a few meters before i jumped into the air. I jumped, thinking that i would soar over the road and land back near the ship to the north. The man would be surprised at what i could do, and the people from the building would have to come across the road to come after me. I wondered if they would. I then realized that there were two young men coming around the building from the west as i was leaving the doorway. One of them was wearing a red shirt with white and black sides. He had bushy black hair, and i knew that he was the leader of the young men. It would be interesting if he had seen me run from the building, so i ran from the building again. They were walking to the northeast from the corner of the building, and i ran right in front of them, jumping just as i passed. The man would be amazed at what i could do, and they would not be able to catch me.

12010 October 27

While walking to the east, through the small house with the others, i was thinking about the three groups of people. Something was happening here, and it seemed important that things be taken care of. The man walked with me as we passed through a doorway and came into a room on the northeastern side of the house. I kept thinking about the three groups. The first group seemed to have a religious function. The second seemed more like businessmen or financiers. The other people in the house were moving around, trying to get things done before something happened. We seemed rushed, and it seemed as though something critical was happening in the world around us. I spoke with the others as we tried to plan. I then turned to the west. I was with close friends of mine as we walked along the sidewalk on the southern side of the city street. People moved past us. We came to an intersection, and i had to step over a short mound of dirty snow. One of my friends stepped over the dirt mound as well, which seemed taller than when i had crossed over it. We continued across the street to the west. The street now seemed to be a wide walkway at the carnival, and we were heading to the southwest, toward the ride. This was the haunted house ride. I had been on it before. The others got on ahead of me, and i felt a little left behind. I walked into the small room at the start of the ride with the woman. She had not been on it before and was nervous. I explained to her that it was not that bad. The ride started moving, and i realized that i could see out the diamond-shaped windows in the northern and southern walls. The walls were bare, and the beams were exposed. The windows were simply multipane frames. The ride looked different in the daylight. We had been on the ride the night before, when all of the windows were blacked out. It provided a much different feeling. The ride started moving, and i told the woman seated with me about it. I then realized that the ride did not seem as dramatic as before. It took several tight turns on a track, spinning the car around, but i did not feel the acceleration of the spin like i had felt before. The car then dropped through a hole on the eastern side of the floor. The rollercoaster should have moved swiftly down the track and into a few loops, but we seemed to be moving much slower now. I did not feel the ride as i had before. As we started over a loop, it seemed that we were moving too slowly to maintain our motion over the top of the loop, but we made it. Something seemed strange about the ride in the daylight. I looked to the north, realizing that i could now see the details in the room around us, which i could not see at night. The room seemed to be a bedroom, with a large bed. The colors were brown and tan.

12010 October 28

I thought about the homework that i was doing. The paper in front of me had part of the problem written on the top of it. I felt bad about not having it done, thinking that it should be due soon. It was some kind of mathematical problem, but i started writing words in under the part that i had already started. I was writing in pencil, and i seemed to be writing lyrics on the sheet. I knew that the lyrics had something to do with solving the problem. I imagined what the teacher would say when he saw what i had written. I did not think that he would understand why the lyrics have to do with the physics problem. I thought about the lyrics as i wrote. They seemed to be lyrics from Guns ’n’ Roses. I was upset that i had not done the problem set on time. I started walking to the northeast, following the other person, who seemed to be my mother. We walked across the college campus, and i felt as though i was heading back to class. We walked on the sidewalk on the northwestern side of the street, with the large low building to the northwest of us. The building seemed like a high school, and it was where i had to go for my classes. There were thick trees shading the sides of the buildings and sidewalk as we walked. There was also a tall chain-link fence between the sidewalk and the school yard. $F45 walked ahead of me a little as we moved past the school. He was driving and looking for a place to park. I knew that the entrance of the building was just ahead of us, but i would not be able to go into the building yet because i was with $F45. I wanted to get into the building as soon as possible because i felt that i was late to hand in my homework. I would have to pass this entrance with $F45 and go in the entrance on the northeastern side of the building. I remembered that the entrances had been secured, and, as we approached the entrance and it came into view around the fences, i could see the yellow mesh barrier that had been erected just outside the school door. The school building looked as though it was designed in the fifties or sixties, with dull aluminium trimming around the doors. The door was recessed in a corner of the building, with a brick wall extending to the southeast, just to the east of it. The yellow fence ran at an angle from the corner of the building, blocking the center section of the doorway. I told $F45 that the school had put in security measures and that all of the doors were blocked this way. I then thought that it was to prevent people from running out of the building. I thought about this as we turned to the northwest and then to the northwest, heading down a white corridor in the middle of the school. My math class was already starting, and the professor would be lecturing to the class. We passed a classroom to the southeast, where students were sitting in arm chairs facing the door. I decided that i could try to finish my homework while in class. It would have to be handed in before the end of class. I thought about handing it in at the next class, but i did not think that the teacher would take it then. I thought about the lyrics i had written and thought that i could simply cross them out with pencil once i had solved the rest of the problem. The teacher would see only a large scribble and think that i had made a mistake in the equations. I turned around to the west to look at the teacher. He was standing at the front of the lecture room. The lecture room had white floor and walls, and the floor sloped down to the west, toward the blackboards. There were two aisles running down the slope of the room, one on the northern side and one on the southern side. The main section of chairs was between the aisles, but there were four or five seats between each aisle and the walls. I was sitting on the southern side of the classroom, in a chair by the aisle. I had been facing west when the teacher asked how to find the energy of a photon. It took me moment to remember the equation, and i wondered how i could forget it. The teacher then told the students the equation, and i realized that i had said that there was an H in it. I must have misspoke. I turned back to the west to write something on my paper, thinking about the relation between energy and frequency in the equation.

12010 October 30

$F45 had gotten off of the train with me, but he had gone the other way. He said that i needed to get to the bus quickly. I stepped into the room heading west and quickly turned to the north to start heading for the bus. Looking to the north, though, i realized that the long corridor seemed to lead up the shallow ramp of a parking garage. There were no cars in the area, but there were lines of the floor. I could not tell if the area in the distance had an outlet to the street, where i needed to go. There seemed to be some light coming in from the east in the distance, but i felt unsure. I turned back to the south. There were several people standing around near the subway platform. One of them was a dark-skinned man in an old brown coat. I did not know which way to go. I felt rushed and ran back to the platform to read the large sign with directions on it. It had the names of places with numbers in a single vertical column. Most of the numbers were the same, but i realized that each place had a different color. The place i was looking for was printed near the top of the sign: black letters on a green background. The top of the parking-garage corridor was also green, so i had been going in the correct direction. The name of the place seemed to be “Bronx”. I thought about the Bronx exit as i hurried to the north again. This time, the cement room that i was in ended at a narrow corridor to the north. The corridor seemed to be an open space through the wide doorway, but there was a white arched cement bridge running the room i was in and the room i was heading to. I hurried through the corridor. A woman was walking with me. On the other side, i came to a large atrium, heading east. I crossed it, still heading to the east. There was a glass wall on the other side with a door in it. I opened the door and walked into the smaller atrium, where there was a circular opening in the floor. The opening was recessed only a meter or so, but a set of darkly stained wooden stairs ascended counterclockwise in sharp angles up to a doorway in eastern wall. The doorway had an exit sign over the top of it, so i knew that it led out to the street. The stairs were not exactly stairs, thought. They were closed, and i would have to grab on to the wooden railings and pull myself up. I was not sure that the woman would be able to do that. I looked up at the door, which was in an area of the room that was not well lighted, and i thought that this door could be locked. I felt frustrated. The woman headed to the northeast a little, walking around the circular depression in the floor, which seemed to be bordered with a short curb. She was heading to a closed white metal door on the northern end of the eastern wall. The eastern wall slanted toward the east a little near the northern end. I wondered if that door would be locked as well. I backed up from the bottom of the stairs and looked back out into the main atrium to the west of me, looking through the glass walls to the southwest. There was a circular doorway at the southern end of the atrium. It was not heading in the correct direction, but it would get me outside, where i needed to go. I hurried back through the glass doors and walked quickly to the south. I was then aware that a security guard was just to the north of me and started following me. He might have been concerned with the way that i was rushing. I ignored him and hurried toward the revolving doorway. As i approached, though, i noticed that there were two guards standing on either side of the doorway. They must have seen that i was suspiciously hurrying and that another guard was following me. They bent over and pulled up two pins in the floor, stopping the revolving door from moving. I was annoyed as they started asking me what i was doing. The doorway was now to the northeast of me, and there seemed to be a street running east to west, just to the north of it. I told the guards that i was trying to catch the bus, and i motioned to the west, down the street. The guards seemed satisfied with the answer and stepped into the revolving door, starting it spinning again. I headed toward it, but several other guards stepped into the doorway as well, filling all five of the open sections. They did not step out on the other side and simply continued walking around in circles in the doorway. The doorway started spinning very fast, and i could see a blur of gray and dark-blue uniforms. I felt very annoyed with them. I then looked again down the street to the west, noticing that i was on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I could simply head to the west and get out to the street without having to go through the doorway. I started quickly walking down the street. As i got a few steps, i realized that there was a large pale-tan bus heading toward me. It actually looked like a sleek modern train, and i thought that it might be the tram. It had two levels. As it approached, i could see $F45 sitting in the front seat on the upper part of the train. He was reading a map. For a moment, i worried that i had missed the bus and would have to take the next one, but the tram slowed to a stop just to the east of me. I then noticed that there was a bus shelter just to the southeast of me. I backed up and headed through the door of the tram. As i got on, i could hear the police in the rotating doorway calling out to me. They were trying to tell the woman not to let me on the train. I was annoyed with them because they were simply trying to delay me. The door of the tram closed and we started moving to the east, down the street. I turned to the east inside. I could not see $F45 from here, and i realized that i had no idea where we were going. I would have to buy a ticket with cash, but i did not know how to tell the woman. There was a woman in a small booth on the right side of the front of the car. She was the driver. Another woman stood in front of the window, directly to the east of me. She was standing on a lower level of the train and looking up at me, asking where i wanted to go. I was pulling my wallet out of my pocket to get the money, but i did not know the location that we were getting off. This place seemed like a foreign city, and i was unfamiliar with it. I told the woman that i did not know where i was going, but said that there was a large group of people that got on at the last stop. I said that i was with them and needed a ticket to the same place. She mentioned the place, and it sounded right to me. I said that it was correct. I then realized that i had been pulling things out of my pocket that were not my wallet. I had two laminated cards, one light blue and the other pink, and my maroon wallet. This wallet did not have any money in it, so i tried to stuff it back into my pocket. The woman then told me that there were no cards. I did not understand and asked her what she had said. She clarified by saying that they did not take checks or credit cards. I did not have credit cards in my hands, but, as i put them back into the left pocket of my denims, i realized that i also did not have my leather wallet where my money was. I felt a little uneasy. I wondered if she would let me ask $F45 for money.

I moved through the streets of the foreign city, heading roughly to the north. The day was bright, and the streets seemed fairly open, reminding me of someplace in Italy. My mother headed to the northwest, back toward the car, which seemed to be parked on the western side of the street. There was an open area just to the west of the car, which seemed to have white gravel on the ground. We approached the car from the east, and my mother put something in the car, but, as we continued walking to the northeast, i realized that she was still carrying $X12 with her. She was cradling the cat with her arms, and his head was resting near her left shoulder. I was worried that the cat might try to run away, and i asked her if we should leave the cat in the car. She did not want to. I followed her to the northeast, across the street. There was a tall cement wall on the northern side of the round area that we had been walking across, and we approached it. A patch of grass grew in front of it, and i wondered if $X12 should be allowed to urinate. I did not really want to leave him it the car, but i felt uncomfortable carrying him with us because i worried that he might escape. My mother seemed to have a red collar for him, and i told her that i wished we had brought a leash for him so that we could let him urinate or defecate before we put him back into the car. I looked at the wall to the north, noticing that there were several other cats climbing up and down it. One in the center was skinny and orange. They seemed like wild cats. I was not sure that i wanted $X12 to be with them. He might chase after them or get attacked by them. Since he did not have any claws, i was worried about him escaping. I took him from my mother and tried to put the red harness onto him. I sat him down on the bed, which was against the northern wall, to the east of me, and tried to pull the harness over his upper body. It already seemed to be around his neck, but it would not be tight enough unless it was strapped under his arms. I pushed his arms through the harness, being cautious that he did not try to bite me. As i got his arms through and tried to clip the straps of the harness together under his belly, i noticed a small wet spot in the center of the tan and off-white spread that was on the bed. I thought that he must have urinated a little. I was annoyed and told my mother that he had urinated on the bed. As i moved away from the bed a little, $X12 was actually on the floor. She put his back end down, and i realized that he was trying to urinate some more. A stream of urine came out of his back end as he sat, facing north. I mentioned that i would have to get paper towels to clean up the mess. The liquid started running outward in five or six spires, radiating from the cat. I then noticed that there was a pile of dull-green sediment coming out of the urine and forming a small mound under the cat. The sediment started to spread across the floor with the urine, but stayed mostly near the cat. I walked to the south, talking to my mother. We would have to clean the urine up from the wooden floor. I felt a little annoyed, but noticed that there was more and more urine spreading across the floor, and the sediment in the urine must have been feces.

12010 October 31

I was walking to the south, away from the house. It was dark out and i was walking across the front lawn. As i neared the road, i turned around and started back toward the house. My family was in the house, and i had to join them. I felt a little uneasy about this, as though it was a difficult thing to do. As i walked back across the snow-covered lawn, i noticed that there was a light below me. There was a corridor running underneath the front walk, and i could see through the hazy ice on the ground into the rooms below. I knew that my grandfather was in the passage below. He was moving to the south, heading for one of the rooms there. My parents would be joining him, and i wanted to go down with them. I stopped over a small round window in the ground, noticing movement below. I could see my grandfather’s head below me, and i wondered suddenly whether the ice on the ground was thick enough to support my weight. It did not seem as though it had been cold enough for long enough to make the ice thick. My grandfather looked up at me suddenly, realizing that i was standing on the path above him. I felt uneasy. The corridor should have been a secret place. I headed to the north, entering the lower room of the house. My parents were sitting in the couches on the northern and eastern walls. The couch to the north seemed to be cover with a blue plastic sheet. I headed to the northeast across the room, but i realized that there was something strange about the floor. It seemed to sag under me. As i crossed the room, i looked down, noticing that there was water under the floor. The river to the north of the building had gotten high over the winter and had flooded part of the house. I looked back at the center of the room, noticing that parts of the wooden floor were incomplete, and the parts that were there were simply floating on the surface of the water. This did not seem right, and i complained to my father that the water was too high. The river must have frozen over the winter and caused the water to rise. Nothing felt right here, and i wondered what i should do.

I was packing my things in the southern room of the house, getting ready to leave. There was someone to the east of me, but they were in another room or outside of the house. I felt uncomfortable as i put some clothes in my bag. I remembered that i had killed the boy that had lived here, and i hoped that i had hidden the body well enough. The boy was about my age. I had tossed the body in the ground under the floor of the back room of the house. I then remembered that i had dragged the body to the area with my white running jacket. It would not make a difference if they found my running jacket with the boy, but i started to feel uncomfortable about leaving it with the body. I glanced to the east to see what the person was doing. They had left to do something else. I quickly walked to the north, down the narrow corridor that connected the two rooms of the house. The back room of the house seemed in disarray, with loose pieces of lumber here and there. The boy was under a rectangular panel in the floor, which seemed to be a well cover. I lifted the wood, wondering how i was going to get my jacket out without the people seeing that the body was here. I could not be discovered with it. I then thought that i should have put the body somewhere else. If it was found here, then they would realize that i had killed the boy. I should move the body, but i did not know how to do that. I had to leave very soon, and the people who lived here were just outside.

I stood on the northern end of the large room, which seemed to be a gymnasium. There were people moving around on the floor, and the older man with the curly white and gray hair stood to the southwest of me. He was arguing with some other people. He wore a red and white windbreaker, which seemed like a sporting jacket. He was the hockey coach, and he was kicking the people out of the arena. The people seemed to be part of the team, but they were dressed as observers. Something happened here that had disturbed the normal flow of the game, and i wondered what it was. I had just come in and i missed the controversy. I felt a little uncomfortable here, but i was supposed to come here for some reason. The coach turned around and started chatting with me. I was worried that he would yell at me too, but he complained about what was happening in the area. I glanced around at the people in the room as we started to walk to the west, down the corridor on eth northern end of the building. The corridor ran across the northern end of the gymnasium, which seemed to be the smaller arena in the building. There seemed to be a larger space to the west. People were wandering through the corridor around us, and i found myself walking by myself. As i approached the dull-yellow metal doors on the western end of the corridor, i heard $F58’s voice. She was approaching from the other side of the door. I felt a little uneasy, but wanted to say hello to her. I stopped in front of the door and waited for her to enter. She walked into the room, still chatting with the person behind her. She did not notice me as she held the door open for the woman behind her. She was looking down at the ground as she let go of the door and walked past me on the south. I said hello to her and hoped that she would notice me standing still in front of her. She did not seem to notice and kept walking. She was wearing a black peacoat, and her blond hair was down around her shoulders. The woman following her also had a dark jacket on, and she had long curly reddish-brown hair. I thought that she was $F58’s sister. She noticed me as she came through the doorway, so i waved to her. She looked at me curiously, not knowing who i was. She kept looking at me as she passed, catching up with her sister. I waved again and started to follow them, thinking that i would say hello to $F58 when she was done talking on the cell phone. I followed them to the east, into the area that seemed like an outside courtyard. There were tan square paving stones on the ground and the northern and eastern sides bordered steep hills that sloped up to other brick buildings. There seemed to be pine shrubs planted on the levels between the retaining walls. $F58 stopped to the southeast of me, near the eastern hill. She was facing away from me and still had not noticed me, so i stood near her to wait for her to turn around. Suddenly, a tan car appeared at the top of the hill to the southwest of us, emerging from around the southern side of the modern brick building at the top of the hill. There seemed to be a paved driveway coming partway down the hill, but the car had rolled past the pavement. I yelled to $F58 to warn her. The station wagon rolled down the hill and hit the small trees just to the south of where $F58 was. I pulled her back from the car, in case it managed to break though the trees and continue down the hill. $F58 let out a sigh of relief as we stepped back to the northeast, into the center of the courtyard and away from the car. I joked about the incident as we both tried to calm back down.