12011 October 01

I drove down the road to the east, looking at the small buildings around me. This seemed to be a commercial district. I thought that i had traveled this road often, and was very familiar with it, but i felt confused, not sure whether i recognized the surroundings. I felt that i was heading the correct way, but i was very unsure about it. I slowed down as i came to an intersection, where the traffic lights were strung across the road from the southeastern corner to the northwestern corner. I looked around, not really sure where i should go. I decided that i would turn to the south, thinking that the buildings to the south looked familiar. As i started to turn to the right, though, i realized that i should have turned to the north. I felt frustrated and upset. I could not remember the common route that i had been taking, and i was getting lost.

$F45 and i stood in the grassy area between the houses. Trees rose around us, blocking the view of most of the buildings, but i could make out some brown cottages to the south of us. We were trying to rent the cottages, and the woman was describing them to us. I looked around as she talked, seeing the small brown cabins on the edge of the water to the west of us. The lake seemed very large, and the water was very still. $F45 asked the woman about buying the cottages rather than renting them. I knew that he was interested in buying them, but i felt a little uneasy about it. The woman said that the rent would be three dollars more for buying the cabins. This seemed strange to me. I did not understand why we would be paying more if we were buying. I then wondered why we would be paying rent if we bought. I walked a little to the north. The shore of the lake seemed to curve around us, forming a shore to our north. My mother was now to the east of me, walking slowly to the east on the gravel road. I felt very confused, not sure what was happening. I tried to focus on the situation, but i could focus on what was happening. I started imagining what was happening here, and i pretended that a man with a gun was now to the east of me. He had come here to do something bad, but i imagined that he could not hit me because i was invisible. I then wondered why he would not be able to hit me. Even if i was invisible, he should still be able to shoot me. I wondered if i had a mental shield that would protect me from the bullets. I then started to feel unsure that i would be protected from the bullets. I then thought that i could fall over and roll on the floor in front of the man to get out of the way of his gun. He would be shooting at his torso level, thinking that i was still standing. I could not see what was going on in the room, though, but i knew that the man was still to the east. I then wondered whether i was really invisible or whether it was simply dark in the room. Something seemed wrong, and i started to feel concerned.

12011 October 02

I moved to the west, into the open area. I seemed to be in a room, but i could not see any walls, and the area seemed very wide and open. Several people were around me at the moment. As i continued to the west, i was on a train that was heading to the west. $F45 was with me. I was leaving the area where i had been teaching a class. I started to clean up the things that i had brought with me from the class. Several of the objects seemed to be from my students. I felt that i had to clean them up so that i could be ready to leave the train. I looked at several of the sheets of paper that were on the ground to the west of me as i crouched down to pick them up. Some of the sheets seemed to be from $A556. As i picked up the things, i was aware that we had moved to the west, and i was now to the west of the area that i had been in. The area with the vague walls was now to the east.

I was wandering through the large old house with my mother and my grandmother. The house seemed old, but was in good shape. I had been walking down the street before, heading to the east. The old house was on the southern side of the street when we came here. I moved through the corridors, heading to the west, looking for a way out. I came out on the balcony of the main stairwell on the northern side of the house. The lawn seemed to be to the north of me, but i also still seemed to be in an old stairwell, with a balcony running along the northern wall, in front of a large window, and a flight of stairs descending to the south, along the eastern wall. I paused for a moment as some of my relatives headed down the stairs to the south. $K3 was with me, though she seemed to be very young, a teenager. She ran to the west and jumped over the short stone wall that ran around the balcony, separating the balcony from the lawn. I could see the water on the other side of the stone wall, but i knew that she could not see it from where she had jumped. She fell into the puddle of water and sank out of sight. I felt confused, wondering whether the puddle of water could really be that deep. It did not seem possible. I hurried to the stone wall, worried that she might drown in the deep puddle. I looked over the wall to see her partly reclined under the water. She was not moving, and i felt worried about her. She then surfaced, and i realized that she had been enjoying the puddle. She was always adventurous. She climbed out of the puddle and jogged to the west. I looked over the wall and down in to the puddle, which was collecting between the two parts of the building. The stone wall of the main building was to the south, and a second wall was to the north. The ground sloped up to the west, allowing the water to collect in the crevice of the building. I then noticed that the water was high on the white wooden door in the wall to the north. This was the cellar door. I commented to someone that water must be in the basement. I was then looking down at the puddle, and i could see a second door in the eastern wall, under what had been the balcony. I realized that the water was higher on that door, which was not good. The water would be in the house. As i looked at the glass window in the door, i realized that it was actually just a window and not part of a door. It was probably not part of the house that we were in. I must have left the house that i had been in when i headed to the west to follow $K3. As i thought about this, i heard some children coming out of the house to the east of me. I looked up to see the door on the northern side of the house, on the back of the house, open up. Several children came out onto the grassy lawn. Everything seemed damp, as though it had just rained, and the children started playing in the large puddle of water that had collected in the crevice of the house. I turned back to the west to head after my relatives. I looked out the window that was on the western side of the balcony, and i noticed that they were already outside on the lower level. I was still standing on the balcony on the northern side of the house. I decided that i should hurry after my parents, so i headed down the flight of stairs to the south, which ran over the opening in the floor to the lower levels of the house. When i reached the bottom of the stairs, i found myself in another part of the house that i was not familiar with. I started to move to the north, to get to the back yard, where my family was. The house seemed huge, and was decorated very nicely. I realized that this was not the same house that i had been in before. I was in someone else’s house, and i thought that the owners of the house would probably be upset that i was here. I would have to cut through this house to get to the back yard, and i thought that this would be a quicker way to get outside than to go back to the balcony and figure out the correct way. I moved carefully through the rooms, hoping that i did not run into the owner. I came into a fancy bedroom on the northern side of the house and headed toward the double french doors, which were framed with white wood. I pushed the doors open and headed down the hill to the north, hoping to get off of the lawn before anyone noticed that i had been in the house. As i ran down the hill, i realized that i had left the doors of the house open. The owners would notice that someone had been in the house. I then thought that someone else might be able to get into the house through the open doors. I hoped that the owners did not mind that the doors had been left open. Tall hedges ran across the northern side of the lawn, and i was heading down a stone path toward a gap in the bushes. The path descended below the level of the lawn as it headed through the hedges. A sidewalk was to the north of the yard, and i was aware of a city around me now. I had to make it to the sidewalk. As i came near the stairs that descended to the sidewalk, though, i noticed people standing on the northeastern corner of the lawn. They were dark skinned and well dressed. The men were wearing suits and the women were in dresses. One of the women was wearing a pinkish-red dress with a matching hat. They had just entered the lawn from the northeastern corner, where another set of stairs entered the property from the sidewalk. They were heading toward the house, but they stared at me as i crossed the lawn. I nodded to one of the men as i walked down the stairs. I thought that this might have been their house, and i hoped that they did not mind that i had gone through it. I then thought that, at least, they could close the door that i had left open so that nothing else would get into the house. I hurried out of sight through the hedges and then turned to the east, floating over the sidewalk as i moved quickly to the east. I started to fly, and i passed over the crowd of people that were on the sidewalk, at what seemed to be a fair. I was looking for my relatives, but i could not see them easily among the others here. It felt awkward to fly, so i lowered myself onto the solid roof of a pavilion that was just to the north of the sidewalk, between the sidewalk and the wide empty street. I felt awkward, and i had to get out of sight in the crowd. I was still worried about the family coming after me because i had been in their house. The pavilion was long east to west. I then noticed that people were crowding around the edges of the pavilion. They were looking up at me because i was on the roof. They all seemed to be dressed in similar clothing, and they all had curly shoulder-length black hair, which was covered by a small cap. It would be hard for me to fly with all of the people around because someone would noticed me. I tried to lay against the roof of the pavilion so that the people below could not see me as easily. I looked down at them, thinking that they were Jewish and that they were gathering for the event with the pavilion. I could not fly with them there, so i jumped over the peak of the building and rolled down the northern side. I felt a little awkward doing it, thinking that it was not as graceful as i would have liked, but it allowed me to get to the ground and mix in with the crowd in the least conspicuous way. I headed to the west again, eventually finding my relatives in the crowd. I could pretend that i had been with them the entire time.

I was sitting on the eastern side of the counter in the restaurant. My parents were sitting to the west of me, across the counter, which separated a small area of the restaurant from the main room. The counter extended to the south from the northern wall, near the western end of the wall. It was dark, like the walls of the restaurant. The area it separated was small and dimly lighted. I was doing something on the piece of paper that i had in front of me, on the surface of the divider. My parents seemed to be getting ready to leave the restaurant. As they walked to the south, i noticed a group of young men coming into the area to the west. They were all wearing shorts, and they seemed young and rather attractive. I felt interested in them, and thought that they were here to do a show for the restaurant. I felt interested, and i wanted to stay and watch the show. I thought that i could tell my parents that i would stay at the restaurant for a while, but then i realized that i would not have a ride home. I wondered how i could get home if i let my parents leave. I felt anxious. The men were seated around a round table to the southwest of me, and i stood near the southern end of the divider, looking at them. I then realized that one of the men seemed familiar. He looked like $A372. He noticed me and recognized me as well. He stood up suddenly and stated to walk in my direction. He was wearing a dark-blue tank top with maroon stripes down the sides. His upper body was still nicely muscled, and i thought that he was still keeping in shape. He walked rather stiffly toward me. When he neared me, he shrugged, and i thought that he was angry with me, but i could not tell for sure. He seemed defensive. He then smiled and said hello. It was good to see him again, and we hugged hello. I told him that it was good to see him, and i thought that it would be good to know him again as well. He turned around to glance at his friends. He was looking for a pencil. I thought that he wanted to write down my e-mail address so that we could keep in touch. I then realized that he should have my e-mail from the times when we used to communicate with each other. He turned his attention back to me, but i noticed that the other young men had left the table. I commented on this to $A372. He nodded in acknowledgement but continued to pay attention to me. I thought that the show might be starting and that the others had gone to perform. I wondered if $A372 should be joining them.

12011 October 03

I sat on the ground in the camping area. $F45 was with me, and we had been moving things around on the ground to try to set up a camp. The land around us was thickly forested with tall green trees, and the sky above seemed gray with clouds. $F45 sat down on the dark-brown ground to the south of me. We were both on the eastern side of the small clearing, facing west. We had to get the camp ready. I then bent over and did something to the ground. It was something special, and it would help us camp here. White sprouts started growing up from the ground near us. I backed away a little, telling $F45 to be cautious of the white sprouts. They would grow up through things, and i wanted make sure that he did not get injured by them. Several logs had been arranged on the ground, as if around a camp fire. The sprouts were growing under the longs, lifting them up from the ground. The sprouts looked like large bean sprouts, with long rounded caps on top that blended in with the white stalks. $F45 rolled backward from his seat on one of the logs. The sprouts started pushing up the tree branches near him. I remembered seeing the sprouts do this before, and i remembered that they can alter the branches of the trees to form a shelter. Old logs that had fallen over on the ground started to roll upward into the air, carried up by the sprouts. $F45 did not understand what was going on, and he became suddenly annoyed by the sprouts. The logs started lifting into the air around us, forming what looked like a crude conical structure. Both $F45 and i stood up to get out of the way of the sprouts. $F45 seemed upset by the movement, though, and he tried to change the position of the logs. I did not think that he should be doing this. It would interrupt the growing of the white stalks. A boy was with $F45 now, and they were trying to move the logs, to keep the sprouts from changing their orientation. The boy pushed some of the logs to the northwest, trying to dislodge them from the structure that the sprouts were forming. I told them to stop or they would ruin the structure that was being created. They did not understand what was happening, though, and they felt threatened by the sprouts. They were not listening to me. I started to feel annoyed with them as they continued to push the logs to the west. I became angry with them and yelled at them to leave the logs alone. The young boy would not stop trying to force the logs to roll to the northwest, so i walked sternly over to him and grabbed him by his short black hair and pulled him away from the logs. He seemed surprised, and $F45 seemed mad at me for stopping them from what they were doing. The logs to the west of us collapsed back to the ground. They had already done enough damage to the structure, and it was no longer stable. $F45 was still to the west of me, standing near the logs. The stalks were disintegrating and crumbling back to the ground. They had been ruined, and $F45 had ruined them. I was very angry with him for acting in his ignorance to destroy something like this. I complained to him that he we could have used the structure as a shelter, but now it is ruined. I walked to the north, annoyed with him. I started to gather my things from the ground. We would now have to try to create a shelter for ourselves by hand. I tried to get several of the logs to stand back up, but they were very heavy and not easy to move. I then realized that it was getting colder now. I would have to put my heavy jacket on. It was actually too cold not to try to fix things. I was angry that we could not have a shelter to keep us warm. I walked back to the eastern side of the area, thinking that i would leave the logs on the ground and let $F45 deal with them if he cared to. It was getting very cold for the night, and we would have no place to sleep. I would be able to deal with the cold , but i knew that $F45 would not. I was somewhat satisfied that he would have to suffer a little for what he had done. It was his fault that the shelter was destroyed, and he would have to deal with not having one.

I headed through the house, moving to the west. I came into the large square room in the center of the house, entering through the doorway in the center of the eastern wall. Someone was doing something on the northern side of the room, in front of the large window. The room was quite large, but it did not seem to have any furniture in it. It seemed more like a central atrium or hall in the center of the building. I then looked up, hearing the airplane flying over me. I could see it in the sky above me. It looked like a passenger jet, flying roughly to the east. As i watched it, the nose of the airplane tipped downward awkwardly, and i started to feel that something bad was going to happen. It was not flying correctly, and i worried that it was going to crash. I watched the airplane moved to the east as i took out my cell phone, ready to call emergency if it looked like it was going to crash. The airplane started circling over head, turning slowly to the north and then to the west. It was coming toward me, and it seemed very low to the ground. I worried that it might crash into one of the houses near me. I was aware of a party in the house to the east of me, and i hoped that the airplane did not crash into the house where the people were. I then thought that the debris from the airplane might hit the house that i was in if it did. The airplane crossed overhead again. It now looked like a fighter jet. It was still very low, but it seemed to have regained control as it passed to the west. I suddenly felt bad for thinking about it crashing. It seemed exciting, but it would have been a bad thing. The airplane then started circling again. It turned to the south and then back to the east. This time, it was passing to the south of us. I thought that it was going to fly over the suburban area again and go back to the east, but, this time, it flew directly into the rounded dirt hill to the south of us. I saw the crash, and, after a moment, i heard the deep rumble. I started to call emergency.

12011 October 04

The people were gathering on the lawn to the east of the large building, which seemed to be a school. They seemed to be gathering for a school event, and most of them seemed rather young to me. I watched the people for a moment before turning to the west and walking into the building. I came into the large theater. The stage was on the southern side of the room, set into the gray cement walls. All of the other walls of the theater seemed to be gray cement as well. A large area of the floor on the southern side of the room was flat, but the rest of the room sloped upward to the north. The room was filled with rows of dark-colored cushioned seats. I talked to someone about the students coming into the room. The audience was already starting to fill with students from the school. It seemed that the older students would be sitting on the eastern side of the audience, which was divided by a single central aisle. I told the other person that the lower grades were probably not going to attend the concert, thinking that they had simply chosen not to come in. I thought that they might not find the concert as interesting. Some young children were entering the auditorium from the doors in the western wall, thought. I could see several wandering in and standing near the doors, watching the stage for a moment. The few that entered seemed curious, but i did not think that a large number of them would stay. I then heard the music starting from the stage to the south. The show was starting. I was standing with a woman on the southeastern side of the theater as the show started. We were not seated in the audience, but, instead, seemed to be outside the main room of the theater in a small alcove area. I watched the concert for a moment. I then thought that the other alumni to this school were probably on the western side of the building. I could see a few people through the glass doors on the western side of the theater. They were moving in the hallway on the other side of the building. I wanted to go talk with them, and i told the woman that i was going to go outside and see if i could go around the southern side of the building to get in to the west. As i walked out of the theater to the east, i hoped that i would be able to get back into the building again. I walked down the eastern side of the large cement building and rounded the southeastern corner. A small entryway extended from the center of the front of the building. I walked along a shallow ramp, which led up to the door of the building, where a few people were standing. A set of cement stairs with a red awning over the top stretched to the south from the door. As i reached the entrance, i noticed the glass booth to the west, where i could see what appeared to be a bar. The floor was covered with red carpeting, and the wooden bar seemed nicely polished. No one seemed to be inside, but i knew that the crowd was still in the building to the north. A bartender stood behind the bar, to the west of the bar. He was doing something. I thought it would be nice to go into the bar to hang out with the alumni. I turned to the north to try to get into the building. Two alumni in suits talking just inside the glass doors, just to the north of me. The one closest to me was leaning against the eastern wall, with his back to me. I did not recognize them. I tried to open the glass doors of the booth, but they were locked. I felt annoyed, thinking that i could probably not ask the men in the suits to let me in because they would not know me. I was also not dressed for the reunion, and had not officially registered for it. I would feel a little out of place trying to get in. I wanted to go in with the other alumni, but i was unsure what to do. I then saw $F11 inside. He was wearing a dark suit as well, and he was standing in a doorway on the western side of the hall. He had crossed the hall but stopped to talk to someone just inside the bar. I thought that i could knock on the glass to get his attention, but i then thought that i would feel awkward doing so. I was not dressed for the function inside, so i turned back to the south and started walking toward the stairs. I wondered whether i could reach around the eastern side of the glass door and open the door with the handle inside. I was now under a long narrow tent that covered the stairs and the entryway. Several alumni from $P7 were here. I wanted to be around them, but i did not feel a part of this group. I started to feel uneasy here and thought that i should leave. I then heard the horn section from the concert inside. I recognized the song and thought that it was a good song. One of the alumni near me mentioned the composer, saying that the composer was actually at this event. I thought that the composer must be an alumni. I concentrated on the music. It was very nice.

$F45 showed me his GPS as we drove to the north. $F45 was driving the car, and i was in the passenger’s seat. I looked at the large screen of the device, but noticed that it had multiple windows showing up on the screen. It seemed confusing. The window on the top right was gray and did not seem to have any details of the area that we were in. It was supposed to have buildings around us marked in red, but it did no show anything. This did not seem very useful because it left us with now way to figure out where on the map we were. I felt disappointed and handed the GPS back to $F45. He did not take it from my hand, but instead told me that it was infected with “Rage software”. This annoyed me, but it explained why the GPS was not so useful anymore.

12011 October 05

I rode in the back seat of the car as the others drove me to the east. They were driving me to my house from somewhere. It seemed dark out, and we were driving down the road where my house was, through the suburban neighborhood. The houses here all seemed well kept and large. I knew that my house was on the southern side of the road. One of the other people in the car asked me where the house was, and i told them that the address was 520. I then pointed out one of the houses on the southern side of the road. As we approached the front of the house, though, i realized that it did not quite look right. The address was actually 820. I must have read the sign wrong. I felt a little disappointed and told the people that my house should be a little way back down the street to the west. The car turned around, and i bent over to collect some of my things from the floor. As i tried to gather the books and bags, i realized that i had too many things in the car for one trip. I felt frustrated that i would have to make more than one trip, even though i could probably carry most of it the first time. As the car stopped, i realized that i could hear a cat crying. I looked up at the darkened house to the south of us as we stopped on the southern side of the road, facing west. The cat seemed to be $X14. I looked around, trying to figure out where he was. He seemed distressed. I suddenly realized that he was outside the house, which made me feel upset. He should not have been let out of the house. As we approached the house, $X14 huddled near the front door, which was on the northern side of the house. He hurried in as the other person opened the door. I followed him in, trying to get near him. He seemed very skinny, and i felt very upset that he had been locked out for such a long time. I picked him up and started petting him. He had lost a lot of weight. I told the other person that he had been fat, saying that he had been a four on the veterinary scale of weight. I pet him on the head, trying to comfort him. He must have been trapped outside for a very long time. He would not have been able to get to his food and water outside. I told the other person that $F45 had neglected him, and i felt very angry with $F45 for not paying enough attention to $X14. I then started to feel very upset and sad for $X14 because he had not been cared for for so long.

12011 October 06

I moved to the southeast, crossing the lawn of the outside area. We seemed to be in a suburban area. I was not from this area, and i was passing through this city. A street ran to the south of me, and i wandered toward it. This seemed to be a story, and i was a fictional character here. I was a twin, but i did not come from this reality. I had come here from another universe. Something had happened to my alternate in this universe, and i had to be cautious. People were after us in both universes, so i had to be careful. I crossed the street and headed into the crowd that was gathered on the southern side of the street. I wondered what they were doing there, and i thought that there might be a large yard sale. My brother was in the crowd here, and i wanted to join him. The authorities did not know that we were in this area. They also did not know that we were aware of each other. In the other universe, the authorities had come closer to catching us, and they knew that we would try to get together from time to time. We were still not known well in this universe. I continued through the house, heading into the small room. My brother was with me now, and i thought that we should find a place to hide in the room. The authorities would be outside looking for only one of us, and i did not want them to know that both of us were here together. They would not want us together.

I headed to the southeast, up the steep rocky hill. It seemed somewhat dark, though not quite night. I remembered climbing down this hill before, and i thought that it was a tricky climb to get down, but that it did not take that much time. It was a quick climb down. It would take longer to get back up. I climbed along the rock face, finding a section of wood in the middle of the rocks. I climbed along it for a moment. I was aware that someone was watching me from the west. I pulled myself up across the rocks, trying not to kneel on the wooden log as i climbed. I remembered this log from before, so this must have been the exact area that i had climbed down. I moved quickly up the hill, thinking that it was rather easy to get up. Some of the boulders near the top were orangish tan, and i climbed over the top of them to get near the top. I was moving across the southern face of the cliff when i became aware of a steep dark cliff to the west of me. I had started climbing it, moving up it rather quickly. The man was still watching me, though he now seemed to be to the east of me. I then heard people talking about the other man. Their voices seemed clear, though i did not think that they were near me. I continued to climb the cliffs, but realized that i was now in a large cavern. I looked up to see a rock wall curving over my head from the south. I was climbing up the cliff on the northern side of the cave. Light came into the top of the cave from small holes in the rock. The holes ran along the corner where the cliff i was on met the curving dome to the south. I then heard a voice saying that this was the man’s house. The voice said that the man was upset about the miners, and that he was protesting for them. I felt a little uneasy here, and decided that i had better get out of the area as quickly as i could. I climbed up through a small opening. I had to push aside a stone cap over the hole to climb out. I watched myself climb out of the chimney-like protrusion on the top of the rock structure. It was a bright sunny day outside, and the sky was bright blue. I stepped to the eastern side of the opening and pushed the stone cap back into place. I then started down the side of the rocky structure, which i thought was really a mountain. I wanted to see the entire mountain that i was on. It seemed that it would be a nice view. I started heading down the northern face of the mountain now, watching the steep rocks as i descended. It was getting darker now, and i tried to hurry so that i could get to the bottom before it was too dark to see. I turned to the west and headed across the northern face, focusing on the steep downhill to the north where my car was. I could not descend directly down the slope because the hill was covered with thick weeds, and i knew that they would be very hard to get through in the dark. I tried to stay on the trail. I then wondered whether there would be enough light to follow the trail. I did not want to go back inside the mountain in order to get down. I then noticed the large building to the west of me, on the slope of the hill. I remembered that the building housed an elevator which ran all the way back to the bottom of the hill. I was descending the southern side of the hill now, trying to hurry down the rocks. Green metal pipes came out of the ground near me. They looked like small water pipes. They had come apart, though, so i tried to put some of them back together. I did not want the water to spill out over the slope. The man who owned the area would be angry with me in he knew that i had taken apart the pipes on purpose. It was bright and sunny now. I fit the pipes together, remembering that i had taken them apart when i climbed up earlier. The pipes now ran down the hill, carrying the water past the wooden board that i had climbed up before. I still had a piece of the green pipe in my right hand though, so i had not put them together quite correctly. I stared at the pipes for a moment, wondering what i had done wrong. I remembered that the pipes should stretch out from the rock wall before descending straight down. I looked at the pieces of pipe that i had near me, trying to figure out how this could be done. I felt confused and could not quite figure out how the pipes had originally run. I had put the pipes together so that the main pipe ran straight down the rocks. The pipe also had a cap on the end. I decided that it was actually better this way than it had been before. The man will not be able to get into the pipe now, which is good. I started up the hill to the north again. As i climbed, i noticed a water hole below me, near the bottom of the pipes. The water was clear, and i realized that i could have gone swimming in the cool water.

I left the lecture room and headed to the west, through the short hallway. Before i went too far, though, i realized that i had forgotten my things. I had left them on the bench in the lecture hall. I was now heading east, away from the lecture room, so i turned back to the west to get them. As i reentered the large room, i had my bag and a pair of white shoes in my hands. Looking down, i realized that i did not have any shoes on my feet. I felt disorganized and annoyed with myself. A green sleeping bag was on the ground near a brown shirt to the south of me. I had left my things on the bench that was near the eastern wall of the room, just to the south of the entrance door. I felt annoyed that i had been so forgetful, and i started to collect them. I would have to fit all of these things into my backpack. As i tried to stuff them in, though, i did not think that i had enough room in the bag for them. I would have to put something else into the bag as well, and i started to feel stressed about getting everything to fit. I would have to carry all of these things back home, to the northwest. I pictured the surrounding area, thinking that i was on a collage campus and that i lived somewhere to the northwest of the campus, in a rural neighborhood. Others were to the north of me now. I glanced up at them, noticing a man with a housekeeping cart. I had placed some of my things on top of the cart, because it had been along the eastern wall, to the north of the doorway. I was annoyed that the man was moving the car, and i grabbed my things from the top before he could move it too far. My soap and shampoo were on the cart. I thought that the man might think that i was stealing things from the hotel cart, but my soap looked different than the other soaps on the cart. The man who had been pushing the cart pointed out that i was taking the soaps, saying that i should not. He was $A594. I told him that the items were mine and that they were not the same as what was on the cart. He looked at me skeptically, and then he checked the cart, comparing the two. The blue soap boxes on the cart were more modern than mine, so it seemed obvious that i was not lying.

I was in the large kitchen while the others were cooking a meal. They seemed to be from $G4. This seemed to be the kitchen of a camp, though it was arranged like the kitchen of $P19, with a long central table in the center and a pantry in the eastern end of the southern wall. I thought that we should get rid of the breakfast food that was left over so that we had less to clean up later. It was getting close to the time that we would have to leave the camp, but the others were cooking the last meal. Someone brought a box of food into the kitchen from the outside door in the southern end of the eastern wall. I started to feel frustrated, thinking that we should be taking the food out of the kitchen. The man walked down a corridor, which seemed to run from the entryway, which was to the east of the kitchen, and along the southern wall of the southern wall of the room. The man turned to the north near the door that had been the pantry door, carrying in what seemed to be a plastic wrap of loafs of bread. I decided that i should help the man carry some of the things in, even though i was anxious about getting out of the kitchen on time. As the man passed to the north, he told me to get the bottle of cognac. I told him that i would get the bottle. I headed to the south, into the center of the kitchen, where i turned to the west. I was to the southwest of the others now, who were still preparing food in the center of the kitchen. I was not sure where the bottles of cognac were stored. I remembered that the others had gotten the cardboard box from the western side of the large stove, which was against the center of the southern wall. A metal shelf ran above the stove, and i could see other boxes on the shelf, but none of them contained bottles of liquor. As i got closer to the stove, i realized that the small shallow box was actually a silver tray. It looked very nice, and i knew that it was one of the things from my grandfather’s house. It had several smaller boxes of food inside of it, and i thought that it was probably all food from my grandfather’s house as well. The food would be old, and i thought that we should probably use up the food before it went bad. We would have to clean out the house soon because the house would be given away. I felt a little bad about this as i headed to the east, into the bedroom. I had to gather my things to leave. I had already gotten the boxes from the kitchen, and i suddenly remembered them, thinking that i would have to bring them back to the man who had asked me for them. I was taking too much time. I had go get my things, though, so i thought i would just grab my clothes before i went back to the west, into the kitchen. My clothes were on the bench to the south of the hall, on the eastern wall. I grabbed the pile of clothes. The others were now in the room around me, but i headed to the west and went back into the kitchen. The refrigerator was on the eastern wall of the kitchen, north of the entrance door that the man with the bread racks had entered through. I walked to the metal refrigerator and opened the door to get some fruit. I wondered if there would be any there. I would have to put the fruit in the box that i had to take it back with me. I felt a little tired, thinking that i really did not want to clean out the house at the moment. I picked up a plastic bin that had been in the refrigerator and looked at it. It was full of white sesame seeds. The bins were already open and did not seal that well, so i thought that the seeds were probably not that good anymore. I was annoyed by this. As i tipped the bin and looked at the seeds, they looked more like rice grains that sesame seeds. I then noticed that several varieties of specialty seeds were in sealed bags below the bins. I could take the bags with me. I could also take some of the other food that i had used. I then realized that there was a lot of plastic bags filled with frozen fruits in the freezer. I knew that they would still be good, and i did not want them to go to waste. I could take them with me as well. I then wondered whether they would make the trip home. I had a long ride to get home, and i did not want them melting in the car. A person then came into the kitchen somewhere to the northwest of me, and i realized that i still had not brought the box of items to the man to the north. I would have to do that now so that the others could continue cooking. I could clean out these things later.

12011 October 08

The boat moved suddenly to the east, sliding across the cut grass of the lawn to the northeast of me. I had been looking out the large picture window on the northern side of the house. The wind must have been blowing from the west, pushing the boat across the lawn. The boat was crudely carved out of wood, with square in the front and back, and a shallow cut into the center for a seat. I thought that it was some kind of dragon boat. It slid down the short steep hill on the eastern end of the lawn. I was worried about it getting blown away, so i turned to the south and headed outside. I was heading east when i came to the southeastern corner of the house. I thought that $F10 must have left the boat out on the lawn. I rounded the corner and started walking north, down the dirt driveway along the eastern side of the house. I noticed another dragon boat that looked very much like the one i had seen outside the window. It was resting on its side along the western edge of the driveway. This one looked more modern, with a textured gray plastic surface and metal reinforcement plates. $F10 had probably left it here. It was his canoe, and i imagined him paddling it with a single kayak paddle. I would have used the older wooden one. I continued to the north, where large puddles were cut into the driveway, in the shallow ruts. As i walked to the north, under the shade of the trees on that side of the house, i noticed the deep water canals to the east. They formed a set of land docks in a small marina. No boats were at the docks. At first, i thought that the dragon boat could have been in one of these docks, but then i realized that these docks were probably part of the expensive apartments to the east. I could see the modern tan building to the east. It was one large complex, but i knew that it was divided into smaller condominiums. It looked well maintained and clean. I turned my attention back to the north, trying not to steep in the puddles ahead of me. The water was deep here, and i seemed to be near the edge of a body of water. I started walking to the west, across the northern side of the house, but i noticed that the grassy lawn was under water. The dragon boat was to the west of me. I could see only the stern of the boat sticking up from the water. The rest had submerged to the west of the part above water. I looked down at the water in front of me, trying to figure out a way to reach the boat. I did not want to have to swim in the water, but i was not sure that there were any places to step under the water. I knew that i would have to get my feet wet here. I was aware of a metal set of stairs ascending from the water along the side of the house. The stairs ascended to the west, to a small metal porch on the side of the white trailer. I grabbed on to the side of the trailer and tried climbing to the west. As i grabbed onto the diagonal ribs of the white metal wall of the trailer, the trailer was to the north of me, and i was moving to the east. The water was now to the south of the trailer. I passed a window on the trailer, which also had the ribbed pattern across it. As i started to cross it, i could hear the sound of a dog inside. It was coming to the window to see who was there. I could hear it rustling and then trotting closer. I tried to ignore it, trying to get to the boat before anyone in the trailer knew that i was there. The dog would probably bark at the window, but i would have to ignore it. A small black and tan pug dog was then at the window to the north of me, staring out. I could now hear the owner walking on the floor after the dog. I felt weary of the man that was coming. I stepped out onto the water and grabbed the boat, pulling it back to the west. I was then to the north of the trailer again, pulling the boat to the east. The small gray and black bulldog came out onto the porch to snort at me as i pulled the boat eastward. The man stopped on the metal porch and looked at us. He started talking to my father, who was with me. I tried to ignore him and pull the boat to the dry land to the east. The man started following us, and i felt a little annoyed with him. I turned to the south, walking through the large doorway of the large cement building. The bare cement walls were dusty and plain. I stepped up the three or four shallow steps leading into the eastern end of the large empty room. The man still seemed to be following us. I hoped that he did not think that we were stealing the boat. I just wanted him to leave us alone.

12011 October 09

I sat on the southern side of the bus, near the front. I was facing the front of the bus as the bus headed to the east. There was a man behind me, and i felt cautious of him. He seemed to be a bully, and i did not want to get in an argument with him. Everything on the bus looked gray, but i was focusing on the music that had just been playing. I looked dawn at my iPod, thinking that the song was called “Cochise”. It was a rock song, and i liked the way it sounded, i was looking at the gray digital screen, trying to find the song again as the man stood up. He walked down the aisle to the north of me and continued to the east. I mentioned the name of the song, worried that something might happen. The man walked slowly, heading out the door to the south, just in front of me.

I walked to the west with $F45, heading through the small white kiosks, which seemed to be part of a fair. Few people were around, and i noticed the old brown barrel on the ground to the west of us. Three objects were on the ground in a row, and the barrel was on the southern end of the row. A long snake was wrapped around the bottom of the barrel. I felt cautious of the snake, thinking that it was a boa that someone was showing off. $F45 tried to point out the snakes as we approached. A woman in plain clothing bent over, putting her face very close to the head of the snake. She wore light-brown pants, which seemed to be leather or suede. Her tunic was brown, and seemed to be made of a similar material, or some kind of rustic heavy cloth. She bent over, keeping her legs straight and letting her arms fall onto the ground, forming a triangular shape with her upper and lower body. I thought that it might be dangerous for her to be that close to the snakes, but i thought that she must be the snake trainer. We passed to the south of the barrels, heading to the west. As soon as we were past them, i noticed the three barrels in a row ahead of us. $F45 pointed them out as well. The three barrels had several different kinds of snakes around them. This was the actual snake display. I felt uncomfortable around these snakes, thinking that they could be dangerous. I knew that they were pythons and boas that could be shown to people, but they did not seem friendly. Two snakes were wrapped around the southern barrel: a pale-tan one and a dark-gray one. The middle barrel had a few other snakes near it, and there were smaller snakes on the ground around the barrels. A large dark snake with pale-yellow spots was wrapped around the northernmost barrel. The large snake was different than the rest, and i told $F45, who was standing to the north of me, that it was an anaconda. It was dangerous because it was more aggressive that the other snakes. The mouth of the snake was open, and it looked oddly distorted. I then noticed that the mouths of the other snakes were also open, and strangely shaped. I started to feel uneasy, thinking that the snakes were being aggressive. One of the snakes around the central barrel reached its head to south and opened its mouth, emitting a harsh hissing sound. These snakes seemed dangerous, and we had to be cautious. The thick pale-tan snake then jumped to the south, toward the person who was standing to the south of the barrels. It arched up, lifting its body into the air until it was resting on its lower jaw and tip of its tail. The body was vertical in the air, forming a narrow U shape. The woman in the tan and brown clothes then came from the northeast, crossing to the west of us and stopping on the southern side of the barrels. I mentioned that the snake was being aggressive, but then remembered that she was the snake handler. She bent over again, forming a triangular shape with her body in front of the snake. She seemed to be mimicking the snake, which hissed again at her. I finally said aloud that the snake was being aggressive and was dangerous. The woman continued to stare at the snake with her head near the ground. $F45 started to move to the northwest, through the small crowd of people. I started to follow him, hearing him comment on the snake that was around the girl’s shoulders. His voice let me know that he was uncomfortable seeing the snake around the young girl’s neck. I looked to the northwest, trying to see the young girl. I pictured a pale-tan snake around her neck, thinking that it was probably a boa. People were moving in front of me, though, and i could not see the young girl that $F45 had seen. As the people in front of me moved, i noticed a young girl in a dull dress. She had long straight blond hair that fell to her shoulders, and i noticed the thick red snake around her neck. The snake had bright red scales, and its head was wider than its body. The eyes seemed to bulge out from the head a little, and they were rimmed with yellow rings. I mentioned to $F45 that it was a viper, which seemed strange because it was a dangerous snake. The sides of the thick snake had black spots along the body. The snake watched me as i walked past the girl, passing her to the northeast. I then noticed the short scaled legs of the snake. They were mostly red near the tops, but faded to black. The short digits of the food had yellow spots near the top knuckles. This animal was not really a snake. I wanted to tell $F45 that it was actually a lizard, but he had wandered out of view. The lizard seemed to scowl at me as i passed. We continued to the south, and i wanted to tell $F45 about the lizard. We came into a small white canvas tent, where we started doing something. I then looked up to the south, into the small building that we had entered. It was a small cottage, and i felt good about this place. I had just bought this cottage. It seemed rather crude, but i liked it. The entrance door was to the north of us, in the western end of the northern wall of the small room. A wooden set of stairs ascended to the south along the western wall of the room. It ended at a narrow balcony that ran across the southern wall. A doorway was in the western wall at the bottom of the stairs. The main room was only about six or seven meters square, and seemed to be crowded with simple wood furnishings. I did something in the closet just to the south of the entrance door, in the western wall. The closet actually had a bed in it, and i moved some of the hangers around on the metal mesh at the upper part of the closet. The mesh looked like the springs of a metal mattress rack. Something was curled up above the mesh, like a mattress, but it was small enough and close enough to the top of the closet that it could not be a bed. I pulled one of the metal coat hangers from the thick metal bar on the edge of the rack, thinking about the mattress that was below me. I looked up the stairs, thinking that the main bedroom was upstairs. I thought that i could sleep in the main bedroom upstairs and let my parents sleep in the large bedroom to the west, through the doorway at the bottom of the stairs. My grandmother could then sleep in the small bed in the closet area. She would be up before everyone else anyway, so she would prefer sleeping there so that she did not have to come out into the main room and disturb anyone. I imagined that my mother would come out into the main room early, but would not be early enough to wake my grandmother. I headed for the bottom of the stairs, looking out into the room. The room had no decorations yet, but i felt good about it. I thought that i should get my own decorations to put up over the walls. I wanted to make the cottage look nice in my own way. I then thought that my relatives would probably buy things anyway. This thought annoyed me. I knew that my relatives were here, but they had gone out shopping. I complained to $F45 about my family being out shopping. He was in the western bedroom doing something. I then noticed that my family had returned. I could see them getting out of the cars to the north of the house as i started ascending the stairs. $K4 was smiling as he walked toward the house, carrying a handful of brooms and dustpans. One of the brooms was a black push broom; another was a white nylon dust broom. I was annoyed with them, and complained to $F45 about it, saying that my family would not know what stuff my mother was going to bring me, so they would probably buy wasted stuff. I was aware that my family could hear me, but i did not care. I continued up the stairs to the north.

12011 October 10

I headed through the racks of the spacious department store, heading to the south. The store seemed mostly white, and i was unaware of the clothing on the round racks around me. I had to get downtown, and someone mentioned the place downtown that i would be going to. Busses seemed to be traveling along the road to the south of where i was. I would have to take one of the busses to get downtown. Someone then announced that the bus to the area that i wanted to travel was now here. I moved to the south, into the wide white tiled aisle on the southern side of the store. A long white counter ran along the southern side of the aisle, which seemed to have metal rails running just in front of the counter. A small car with about six seats rolled in front the west on the tracks. The counter ran east to west, but turned to the northeast on the eastern end. The woman behind the counter was wearing a uniform, which made her look like an airline steward. Her blond hair was pulled up under her hat. A large blue and white bus came down the aisle from the northeast, turned to the west where the counter had a corner, and continued past me to the west. It was going in a different direction, and i thought that it was an earlier bus. Someone again said that the bus that i wanted was here, so i headed toward the white cart that had come in on the rails. It looked like a rectangular white plastic box, with rounded seat holes cut into the top. The holes were extended to the sides of the vehicle so that people could sit facing out. I moved toward the vehicle as it slowed down in front of the steward, but there was a small crowd of people ahead of me. The people were middle aged and wore brown and gray trench coats. They quickly got onto the cart as the female steward smiled widely at them. There were only six places in the cart, so there was no more room for me. I felt disappointed by this and felt that i would have to wait a very long time for another bus to come. I complained to the steward about this, asking if this was the only bus going down to the place that i needed to go. The woman confirmed that this cart was going to the right place. As she said this, however, i noticed another person from the east coming to sit on the cart. I realized that there were actually ten or twelve seats in the cart, and a few of them still seemed to be open. The six people had only filled up the back end of the car, so i sat down on one of the seats on the northern side of the car, near the front. I then thought that it was strange that it would be heading all the way to where i wanted to go. It started heading to the east, but i knew that here i would be heading was to the southwest of where i was now. I thought that it must circle around the eastern side of town before heading to the west. I wondered if it would take a long time for the small train to reach the place that i was heading to. I then realized that we were ascending a very steep set of stairs on the western side of the building. We seemed to be in a corridor than ran up the steep hill to the northeast. The corridor was formed of thin aluminium beams and glass windows. Several people were walking up the stairs to the west of us as the small cart road up the rails to the top. The train now seemed to be made of three or four carts, and the conductor sat in a car to the east of us. We slowed down as we neared to the top, and i wondered if we would be able to make it all the way to the top. Suddenly, the train stopped. I thought that the train might not be powerful enough to make it to the top of the hill. To my surprise, the train started rolling backward. I thought that the conductor was trying to back up a little to get more momentum, but then i realized that there would be no way to gain momentum on a hill. I could not figure out what the driver was doing, and i looked back to the southwest, down the steep slope of the tracks. The train started to roll faster and faster down the slope. I wondered suddenly whether it might have just lost power. We passed over a landing in the middle of the stairs and then started down the slope on the other side. As we started to accelerate, i felt a tingling in my abdomen. I felt nervous, thinking that we might be out of control. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, the train followed the corridor to the east. Someone to the east of us pulled open the glass door in the southern wall, and i was aware that the train had turned through the door on its way up. Someone suggested that the train was being called back to the bottom of the hill for a reason, and i started to feel suspicious. I watched the door approach, thinking that we were actually going too fast for the corners. We had just turned a sharp corner at the bottom of the stairs, and i wondered why the acceleration around the corner did not affect me as much as it should have. We passed through the doors and headed back to the southeast, toward the center of the large academic quadrangle. This place seemed like $P63. The train had come through the center of the quadrangle from the east before. Someone then said that the government officials had asked us to return here for questioning. I felt nervous, wondering what they wanted to ask us about. I started walking with the other person to the south, across the open space between the modern buildings. The buildings on the southern side of the quadrangle were formed of cubical shapes that were lined up and stacked. They had large flat sides of ashen-tan metal surfaces, with large glass windows in the surfaces. The corners of the shapes were rounded or beveled. The other man walked to the east of me as we both headed south, toward the large opening in the side of the building. I felt nervous, looking around at the modern buildings. The man commented on the open spaces in the buildings. I looked up to the southeast, noticing the cubical structure on the top of the long flat building to the southeast of us. The northern end of the cubical structure seemed to be open, and a young thin man with short blond hair that was combed up stood in the opening, yelling to the people below. He seemed to be acting for the crowd below. The crowd was gathered at the bottom of the building, watching him as he called things to them. As we got closer to the building, i looked in the large glass window that took up most of the western side of the cubical structure where the man was. I expected the space to be an office, but it looked more like a storage space. It seemed to have cement walls inside, with metal racks running overhead. Blue plastic hangers hung along most of the rack, and the man moved back and forth in the area doing something. The man with me commented that many of these buildings had large openings in them, and then he said that he was unaware that most of the buildings opened up like this. I acknowledged him, then mentioned that i had seen most of these buildings with openings in them before. I looked up to the west, where there was another cubical structure on the top of building. I could tell that the eastern end of the structure was open, and i thought that it had been opened like a door. It was not normally open. I looked at the pale yellow structure, but was unable to see most of it because of the large green tree in front of us. As i turned my attention back to the south, i told the person that i had seen most of these buildings open up before. I then wondered if that was true. The person then mentioned the parking garage ahead of us, sounding surprised. I looked ahead as we entered the large square opening in the wall of the building. The room inside seemed dark and dingy, with gray cement walls and cinderblock dividing walls. The government agents were working on something to the east. I looked around the western side of the garage. A few cars were parked in spaces to the west. I could see the tail end of one between the northern wall of the garage and the thin cinderblock wall that formed a corridor on the western side of the entranceway. I felt very nervous about being questioned by the government. The eastern end of the garage seemed empty, and i thought about how i had seen a garage very similar to this on the northern side of the campus before. The man with me then noticed the workers doing something on the northern wall to the east of us. They seemed to be excavating a large hole in the cement wall. Drapes of plastic sheeting hung around the workers as they dug, and a mound of rubble had built up on the floor. The man said “Cool.” and started walking toward the excavation. I felt suddenly worried, thinking that the agents would not want him interfering with the dig. They were probably doing something secretive. I wondered why they wanted to question us. A man in a dark suit and white shirt was then standing to the northeast of me. He let the other man pass to the excavation and looked back to me, saying that it was all right for us to look at the dig. I felt nervous, but walked to the hole in the wall. As i reached it, i realized that there was part of an older structure in the northern wall of the underground room. The wall was covered with old brick, which formed eroded columns and designs. They had built this building up around the remains of an older structure. I asked someone what the older structure was as i looked at the thin cone-shaped feature in the center of the wall. The feature was rounded and tapered to a very thin pole near the bottom. It was made of brick and white mortar, and i thought that the tapering might have been done to erosion. As i asked what the structure was, i realized that it was part of an old church edifice. Someone then said that it was a church. I picture the front face of the old gothic cathedral, with a tall peaked roof, a round window-like opening in the center, and two rounded column steeples on either side. As i backed away a little to get a better look, i noticed shorter pillars on either side, in front of the steeples. They both had thick brown wooden crosses on them. I had not noticed those before. I felt suddenly very interested in the excavation, thinking that this place hidden here was something very special and significant. I turned to the south, noticing the large dull-red carvings in the southern wall, which looked very similar to the brick on the northern wall. I looked at the carvings closely, noticing only a few figures. Before i could make them out, i had told someone that they were Buddhist themes. The carvings i had seen on the northern wall were definitely Christian themes, so i told someone that this place had no particular religious direction. This made it very special because it was somehow about religion without being from a certain religion. This place was a mix of religions because it as old enough that the specific religions had not yet separated from each other. I stood in the center of the room and faced east, thinking that there might be a very strong energy here. I closed my eyes momentarily, suddenly realizing that the energy might be a dragon living under the building. I did not feel anything special, so i tired to focus, but then started to feel nervous of engaging a dragon. I walked to the east, opening the tall arched doors in the eastern wall. They led to a set of old stairs that descended outside, between tall pale buildings. This place was special. I turned back to the west, heading back into the building. Everything here now seemed to be made of the eroded orangish-tan stone. I pulled the doors closed, looking at the worn steps that led into the building from the door. Two or three steps led down, and a curved piece of stone was resting on the stairs. I picked it up, looking at it. There was something special about the wood that these stones were made out of, and i felt very uncomfortable holding them. I thought that i might damage them in some why by holding them, and i put the curved piece, which looked like part of an old stone pipe, back down on the steps. The piece had been to the south of me when i picked it up, but i was now facing the door to the east and placing it down on the stairs to the north of me. Sunlight still filtered in through the door, illuminating the strange stone. I suddenly felt unclean from touching the stone and wanted to get away from it. I headed back into the room, noticing the large brick structure that was in the northern wall, to the west of the hole that the others had been excavating. The large room now seemed to be separated into two parts. The eastern end, where i was, had a dirt floor that sloped up to the east, and the western part had a cement floor that was several meters above where i was standing. The opening in the northern wall where the agents had been excavating was directly to the north of me, and the square opening in the northern wall that led outside was farther down the wall to the east. The brick structure looked like an old set of stairs, or an old altar. It was between the large hole and the exit, where the two sections of floor met. I moved toward it, thinking that it was also something special. Why were there so many significant things here? I could not understand why this place was so special. It was evidence of a religion that predated modern religions, and it showed that there was really a connection between all of them.

I left the bedroom of the darkened house and headed to the south, across the suburban area. I was starting to fly to the south, over the bushy trees below. The land below me seemed to be forested, but i knew that i was just outside of the small city or town, over a well-developed neighborhood. It was night, and the trees looked gloomy in the dark, but i could see where i was going. I was flying to the south, down the rolling slope of the hill that led to the town. The town was at the bottom of the hill, with the center of town to the southeast. I felt very concerned that others would see me flying here, and i felt that i had to be secretive. I landed near the northeastern corner of a large building. The area around the tall cement structure was grass. I moved down the eastern side, trying to stay out of sight of the people that might walk on the road to the north of the building. I head down hill, coming to the southeastern corner of the building. It seemed brighter now, but it was still night. I was afraid that people might see me flying and come after me. I looked across an open area to the south, feeling that i had to sneak across carefully. I looked back at the building, which had its southern walls covered with large windows that had rounded tops. Red curtains crossed the tops of the windows, making the place look like a hotel, but i knew that it was an apartment building. No one was around, so i started running across the short lawn of dry field grass. I quickly came to the outer wall of the building. I now seemed to be in a room inside the building, which i had been passing through. I had to get out quickly before i was caught. I tried to jump out the window and fly, but the curtains got in the way. I hurriedly tried to push them out of the way, but they seemed to become entangled. Someone was walking across the northern end of the room, from the hallway on the east to the hallway on the west. I ignored them and tried to get out, but noticed that winter-holiday decorations were still strung across the window, making escape difficult. I felt very concerned and had to get away. I finally jumped out the window and started flying over the darkened landscape. It was night, and i realized that i would have to stay high enough up in the air to avoid hitting things from the ground.

I headed to the south, coming into the eastern end of the room. The people at the table on the western side of the room were discussing astronomy, and i was very interested in their conversation. The woman on the southern side of the table, whom i seemed to know, said something back to the group. I wanted to interject, letting them know that i knew about the things that they were talking about so that i could get into the conversation as well, but they continued talking. There was no break in the conversation where i could say something. I then realized that they had drifted away from topics of science because they did not have anyone who actually could answer their questions. I would have felt awkward bringing them back to the topic, so i did not say anything, feeling a little disappointed that i could not join the conversation. I turned to the south and walked to the end of the room, where there was an outdoor ditch full of water. The ditch ran east to west, with a rectangular section on the eastern end. I stood in the water of the ditch, thinking that it felt very good to be here. To the southwest of me, the land was flat and covered with tall dry field grass. The young child said something to the north of me, and i responded. My mother was with the child. I backed to the east, now swimming in the middle of the channel. My mother seemed to be lounging in the water to the north, in the rectangular area. I then realized that $K9 was standing in the water to the southeast of me, bent over a little to keep the water up to his shoulders. I backed to the north, into the rectangular indent in the shore. A metal structure seemed to run along the northern side of the indent, forming a platform or dock. My mother was to the northeast of me, leaning back against the platform with her elbows up on the platform. The young boy was floating in the water near the western end of the platform. I said hello to him. $K9 then said something to me. I suddenly realized that i had gotten into the water with no clothes on. $K9 would be displeased with this, and i felt suddenly nervous about getting out because he would have something else to ridicule me about. As i said something to the boy, i then thought that $K9 might try to make me seem perverted for talking to the boy. I was annoyed with him and wondered what i should do. I started wandering around in the room, which now seemed to be to the north of the swimming area. I was back inside, and the others were outside, to the south and southeast of the room. I could see them through the large multipane windows in the southern wall. I headed to the western end of the room, and my mother said that she was interested in the book. She was talking about the books that i had published. She said that she wanted one of them, but i was not sure what she wanted. She started to head back to the east, toward the kitchen, saying that she wanted one similar to what she had before. I remembered the thick book with the brown cover. It was a facsimile reprint, and i knew that it was the only one i had published like that. I then realized that i was at my house, so i had many other books that i had published. I told my mother that she should look through what i had to let me know what she was talking about. She came back and started looking through the tables on the coffee table to the southeast of me. The table was to the south of a small leather chair. I told my mother that three were no other reprints in the books, but she said that she wanted one with green forests. Since the books i had been publishing were scientific, i knew that they did not have many pictures of forests, but i though that she might want many pictures and less text. I told her that we were working on a guidebook, leaving the sentence dangling in a question. She said that the guidebook sounded good and asked to see it. I started to the west, remembering that the book was actually of desert snakes and lizards. I told her that it would be of dry areas in Iran, picturing the tan snake on lighter-tan soil. I realized that i did not have much to show her. All of the books i had were limited with pictures. She then said that she had something that would give me an idea of what she wanted. I turned back to the west to see that she had opened up a large book to a hand-drawn picture. The picture had four large cells in the four corners of the page, with smaller cells over the borders. A round cell seemed to be in the center of the page. I recognized the book, realizing that it was a reprint from the Smithsonian collection of old cartoons. I could not show here any other reprints i had done, but i realized that she did have some from other places that could demonstrate what she wanted. The book was facing her as she sat on the southwestern side of the coffee table. I looked at the book from the east, noticing the pale-red textured area that faded into dull yellow near the center of the page. The texture seemed like leafs of a willow tree, but i knew that it had something to do with a sunset. I realized that she simply wanted pictures in the book, and realized that i did not publish any books that were mostly beautiful pictures.

12011 October 11

12011 October 12

I felt like i should hurry as i walked to the north, through the dimly lighted room of the station. The ground seemed to be cement, and i stepped up onto the curb to the north and crossed toward the doorway in the center of the northern wall. The wall to the west of the doorway was slanted to the northeast, making a funnel. Several people were walking ahead of me, and i became suddenly annoyed by an older woman, who was walking very slowly, just in front of me. I tried to pass her on the west, but she had moved to the west to avoid two other people who were also moving slowly. I felt a little anxious and moved farther to the west to get around her. As i hurried past her, i wondered if she would be surprised to see someone passing her that closely. I came to the door, realizing that the eastern wall had ended, allowing the northern end of the room to open up into a small square lounge. The place still seemed gloom, like a public transportation area. This now seemed to be a train station or a bus terminal. People were gathered on the western side of small square room, but i was still heading to the north, toward the doorway in the northern wall. The eastern end of the northern wall was glass, with metal support beams. Through the glass, i could see a set of dull-red metal stairs ascending to the east from the doorway. The stairs were in a dirty cement shaft. We were underground, though i was aware of daylight coming in through the windows along the top of the eastern wall of the small room. The people in the room were all standing, facing to the east. Something was happening. Televisions were set up on the eastern wall of the room, and the people were listening to them intently. I wondered what the event was, but i did not stop to look. I wanted to get up to the surface. I then heard the reporter on the televisions talking about the AIDS epidemic, saying that it was not as contagious as previously thought. The people watching seemed concerned. I walked through the door and up the stairs. As i turned to head to the west on the upper set of stairs, i could see that the stairs ended at a plexiglas door. A tall glass wall ran across the eastern end of the edge of the upper level, separating the stairwell. The plexiglas door seemed to have a small booth around it, which extended over the upper part of the stairs. The ceiling of the booth was arched upward slightly. As i approached the booth, i noticed a man in a blue shirt standing to the northwest, on the upper level. He leaned over the railing a little, speaking to me as if in confidence, saying that she was alive. He must have been telling me about a news story, but i did not know who ho was referring to, so i told him, “I have no idea who that is.” As i approached the door and opened it, the man moved out of sight. I turned to the south and followed a woman in a long brown coat toward the doorway in the southeastern corner of the room. The doorway led outside. The woman stepped up onto a metal traction plate that ran over the top of a structure, following it to the east. The structure was resting over another stairwell, which seemed to descend a little in the southeastern corner of the room. The black object over it looked kind of like a dashboard of a car, with a rounded hump in the center. The shiny metal plate with X-shaped traction spots ran to the southeast from where i was, and then turned east, running over the hump and across the southern wall toward the large glass window in the eastern wall. The woman suddenly was not there, and i realized that she must have left the building. I was about to follow her, but i did not think that we were supposed to be walking on top of the stairwell. It did not seem like a walkway. The others were heading down the stairs to the east of me to get out of the building. I felt a little hesitant, but decided that i should go down the stairs to get out as well. A security officer seemed to be just to the southeast of me, on the outside of the window and at the same level as i. The stairs must go down and them come right back up outside. I was confused, wondering what i should do. Others headed to the south, so i thought i should follow them. The man in the blue shirt was then to the west of me. He looked at me reassuringly, leaning forward slightly as he said, “I love you anyway.” I did not know him, and i felt a little confused by his statements. I turned to the southwest and headed down the one step, coming to the east of the black plastic object on the stairs. I realized that the arched plastic piece covered a conveyer belt. The belt was running to the north, into the tunnel of the machine. The people must have stepped onto the conveyor belt to get to the security gate to the southeast. The belt seemed to take things into the machine to the north before turning sharply to the west and back to the south. I felt a little nervous about the machine, thinking that it was a scanner, but i decided that it was the way out. I put my feet on the conveyor belt, looking into the tunnel to the north. A dull-white plastic funnel focused the tunnel into a small hole around the pale conveyor belt. I was nervous about this, but lay down on the belt as i started to the north, into the scanner. I worried suddenly that i might get stuck in the tight space, but i had already started moving. I was very nervous about this place.

I slowed the car on the road as i reached the bottom of my parents’ driveway. I had been heading west, and was about to turn into the driveway when i realized that there were objects blocking the driveway. The large locust tree had fallen over, and the thick trunk was in the middle of the driveway. The tree seemed to be two or three meters thick, but it tapered very quickly to the northwest, where the upper part of the tree was. No branches seemed to be on the tree. I thought that i might be able to grab the short end of the tree and turn it so that i could drive my car up the driveway. I stopped my car, looking behind me to see how close $F45 was. He was following me, and would have to turn into the driveway after i did. I pulled my car off of the road and walked up the driveway, toward the tree. As i came up the driveway, i noticed several things scattered around the front yard and driveway. An old car sat on the grass to the west of the driveway, facing south. It looked like an American sports car from the seventies. I focused on the grill, which was strangely shaped. The car was a dark color, like faded black or very dark purple, but the grill was a dull brassy color. It had two trapezoidal openings in the center, which were shorter in the center than on the sides. The tops of the boxes sloped upward toward the outside of the car, making the grill look like wicked eyes. The lights seemed to be on the outsides of these boxes, in square frames with thin bars across them vertically and horizontally. I then noticed the small features in the center of the trapezoidal shapes. The small features were attached to the bottom part of the frame and stuck up slightly into the center of the frame. They looked like hands with the middle finger extended. The front grill might have been a defying protest, looking like two fingers being held up in front of the arching eyes. I looked around at some of the other things, noticing a white car to the east of the driveway. I moved to the tree, thinking that i turn it from the small end, but then realizing that it must be very heavy. I wondered how i was going to get it out of the way of the driveway. I then wondered if my parents were coming from the west down the main road. My father would be able to help me move the tree.

12011 October 13

I woke up suddenly, looking to the north across the darkened room. I was staying in this house, which belonged to $A589. It felt suddenly strange that i was staying here, and i felt a little nervous, thinking that i should actually leave before $A589 returned. I sat up on the couch that i had been sleeping on. The couch was on the eastern side of the room, in the middle of the room, facing west. As i sat up, i noticed lights moving across the ceiling. It seemed that someone was pulling off the side of the road outside. The car seemed to have been coming from the north, on the road to the east of the house. I thought that $A589 must have just arrived home. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that i should have left the house before he came back. I walked to the north, wondering what i should do. I did not really want to see $A589, because i knew that i would get stuck talking here for a long time. I felt groggy and indecisive. I moved to the northeast, down the long room, which seemed like a wide corridor. Objects were piled up on the floor along the northwestern wall. They looked like light fixtures and cardboard boxes of papers and other objects. I moved back and forth in the room, trying to decide what i should do. Someone seemed to be outside, but the person had not come into the house yet. I thought that it might not be $A589. I then though that $A589 might be outside talking to $A404. I wondered what i should do. I felt anxious, but i did not know how to leave without letting the others know that i was still here.

12011 October 14

$F45 walked to the south as i approached the counter to the northwest of me. I was in the airport waiting to get onto an airplane. I had a ticket for the airplane, but i had somehow traded it for a pass. I now had to wait for everyone else to board the airplane before they could see if i could get on. I felt very stressed about this, worried that i would not be able to make it onto the flight. $F45 had also been waiting for a ticket, but he had received his and was boarding. I wondered suddenly why i had given up my original ticket. I felt that it had something to do with $F45. I could have gotten on the airplane before $F45 had i used my original ticket. The woman behind the counter to the northwest of me finally handed me a ticket, and i turned to head to the southwest. The area on the western side of the room had roped-off queue areas, but there were no longer any people in them. I was not sure that i was definitely going to get on the airplane, but the woman seemed to be leading me toward the gate. I felt hopeful. Someone then said something from the southeast. We were stopped in the hallway, and i started to worry that i would not be allowed on the flight because it had taken too long to get a ticket. The gate for the airplane had closed, and i felt upset again. The woman led me to the west and then to the south. She was going to help me get onto the airplane. I was still stressed, but i was happy that she was helping me. We came into a corridor where several members of various flight crews were gathered. It looked like a break room. It was not well kept and seemed rather small. The people in uniform were gathered in the recess in the western wall of the corridor, which led south. The people in uniform seemed to have white pants and maroon jackets with two bright rows of buttons down the front. The woman who had been leading me through these back areas of the airport asked the people in uniform where someone was. She mentioned the person my name, and the name seemed female. The two people in the uniform, who seemed to be a young man and young woman, shrugged and said that they did not know where the woman was. They then called out her name. There were suddenly more people in uniforms. The uniforms now seemed to be navy blue. The people called for the woman in unison, smiling slightly as if this was something that they did all the time.

$F45 went downstairs, descending to the south along the eastern wall of the room. I could hear the music, which was coming somewhere from the east of me. I thought that it might be coming from downstairs. It seemed to be a song that i had made up, and i listened to it carefully. It had a rock part at the beginning, but it was now a slow section, with very few instruments. I imagined writing the instruments as violins and other strings. As i listened, though, i noticed that the instruments playing were not strings. It sounded more like a tiny piano. I liked the way that it sounded and thought that i should actually use this instrumentation when i record the song. I listened carefully to the music behind the slow lyrics, thinking that the tiny sound was actually a harpsichord. It sounded very good. I stood up in the center of the room, moving to the music, thinking that i could orchestrate the song like a song from Queen. I then turned to the west, finding myself at the bottom of the stairs on the eastern side of the room. To my surprise, water was pouring out of the western wall. Two square thin columns were set into the western wall, one near the southern section of the room, and one near the doorway to the room to the west. I was in the kitchen area of my grandmother’s house. A narrow gap ran along the top of the wall, where the ceiling had separated from the wall. I could see the heavy wooden beams behind the columns. Water flowed smoothly down the sides of the beams, spreading out around the flat trim at the top of the column, which was now about half a deci from the ceiling, and down to the floor. $F45 rushed to the south, trying to figure out what was wrong. I spoke to him, though i was not sure if he heard me. I asked if the water was coming from the bathroom. He headed to the south, and i thought that he was going to the stairs to see if the water was coming from the apartment upstairs. I moved to the northwest, to the doorway to the north of the central column of the room. This doorway led to the small bathroom on the first floor. I crouched down, making sure that the toilet on the western end of the northern wall was not leaking. As i confirmed that the toilet was okay, i realized that the water was coming from above us, so it should no be from this bathroom. I backed into the room, thinking that the kitchen of the upstairs apartment might be above us. $F45 seemed to be talking to $K7, but i still could not figure out where the water was coming from. I did not think that it was flowing down from the kitchen. I looked at the wall again, noticing that there was less water coming down through the ceiling now. This was good, and i wondered if $K7 had stopped doing something in the sink in her kitchen. That could have been the cause, though i could not be sure.

12011 October 15

I leaned to the south, looking into the wicker wastebasket, where $F47 had tossed the plastic bag of things. He had left to the south, but he had left the trash on the floor. I picked up the plastic bag, realizing that it had three large mushroom caps in it. They were mostly white, with blue around the edges. I thought that these were special hallucinogenic mushrooms. I was annoyed that he had left them, but then i wondered if i could actually use some of them. I thought about this as i dropped the plastic bag into the wastebasket. I felt nervous about eating them because i did not know much about them. I did not know whether i could trust $F47 to have picked the correct mushrooms. I worried that these might be toxic. I felt annoyed with $F47 for leaving these things here. As i backed to the north, i noticed several other bags of mushrooms. I decided to toss them all in the trash bins.

I stood on the eastern side of the classroom. The teacher was standing to the west, lecturing the students about something. He was wearing a blue sweater over a white button-up shirt. The students sat to the west of me, in armchairs that were facing west. A projector on the top of the wooden bookcase to the south of me was showing pictures on the western wall. It looked like an old film projector, with a reel on the top and bottom. Something happened to the projector, then, and it stopped working. It had made a sudden popping noise, and i knew that one of the reels had broken. I looked at the projector to see the top reel falling down the side of the dark machine. Something small and white tumbled off of the shelf and rolled to a stop on the floor to the west of me. I looked down at it, seeing that it was a small plastic gear. The teacher turned around to look at me as he continued the lecture. He squinted at me curiously as i bent over to look at the gear. I told the teacher that the reel had broken. Picking up the small gear, i could see that it had brown singe marks on the side of it, and it seemed to have been broken in half.

12011 October 16

I fled to the north, finding myself on the upper floor of the large building. I imagined that there was someone to the south following me. I had done something at the lower part of the building, and had to escape. I moved toward the doorway in the eastern wall. I seemed to be on the upper floor of $P7, but this place seemed like the office where i worked. I had keys for the door, and i thought that i could go into the office and pretend that i had been here. They would not suspect me if i seemed to belong here. A woman sat at a desk just to the west of the door. She watched me as i approached. I tried not to act too in a rush as i took the keys out of my left pocket and opened the door. The woman said something to me, and i replied. I knew that the others were coming, though, so i hurried into the office, thinking of the situation. Nothing actually seemed to be happening, but i was running several different scenarios through my head. I imagined that the people would come after me. If i seemed to be in the office, i could say that i had been working here. I imagined how i would fool them. I moved to the southern wall of the room, where there was a large multipane window in the southern wall. The white wood trim around the panes was very thin. I looked out the window to the front lawn of $P7, which seemed to be several floors below me. It was quite a way to fall. I then imagined jumping out the window. I realized that this would be bad because i would actually die if i fell from this height. I imagined jumping through the glass and landing on the asphalt pavement below. The others would know that i had done something if i did this.

I came out into the hallway from the southwest. I had walked up the hallway on the western side of the building and was now heading east. The small table was already set up against the northern wall of the hallway, and i had to put some more things on it. I had been setting up things here. The man was following me, but he moved to the northwest of me as i approached the table. I had a glass container in my hand, which seemed like a growler. I wanted to put it in the hall, but i was worried that it might fall off of the table and break. I then thought that someone might steal it from the table. I considered putting it on the floor to the east of the table, where it would be partly hidden by the metal chair than was on the eastern side of the table. I put it down for a moment, but then picked it up again. I noticed the rack on the northern wall to the west of the table. It looked like a series of wooden pegs in rows and columns. It seemed like the kind of rack that test tubes would be put on to dry. The tips of the pegs were pink and hooked upward slightly. I screwed the pale-green plastic cap onto the glass jar that i was holding. It was a growler, but it was shaped more like a plastic soda bottle now, with a tall thick neck. I was going to hang it on one of the hooks near the table. I then started to worry that it might get knocked off and break on the floor. The man glanced at me from the west for a moment, and then turned back to the west and started to walk away. He was wearing a white lab coat. I wondered what i should do with the glass vessel.

I replied to my mother and continued to the east, along the southern side of the trailer home. The porch was on the eastern end of the southern side of the building. It was a simple wooden structure. As i approached it, i noticed a large hole in the ground to the east of the porch. The hole was shelter from the north by an earthen dome. The hole must have been a burrow of an animal that headed to the north, into the dirt. I was annoyed that animals were digging in the ground near the porch again. I kicked the mouth of he hole, pushing the soft moist dirt to fall back across the hole. The hole was large, though, and the covering was thin, so it did not fill into the hole. I continued to push the dirt into the hole with my right foot. As the dirt packed down, it exposed the larger hole under it. The burrow was on the northeastern side of the hole. I felt cautious around the hole, thinking that the animal might come out. I then realized that a small furry face was in the hole, covered with a thin layer of dirt. I backed up suddenly, grabbing the object that had been lying on the porch. I used the object to push more dirt into the hole around the gopher. The animal was angry, though and tried to attack the end of the pole with its large white front teeth. I noticed that the pole i had was actually a golf club, with a rounded metal driving head. I pushed more dirt over the hole and onto the animal, but the gopher was angry and rushed after the end of the club. I backed up, nervous about the animal attacking me. I dropped the club on the porch as i climbed back down the stairs to the west, watching the animal climb up the eastern side of the porch. I then had the club again as i poked at the creature, trying to keep it on the porch and away from me. My mother still seemed to be to the west of me as i prodded the creature. It snarled and opened its mouth. It now was a coiled snake, and it looked like a rattlesnake. The animal had changed forms. This was something special. The animal had taken several forms. I mentioned this to the woman to the west of me, thinking that it was actually a special animal. She said that it was like us because it could change from. I was then thinking about the animal from someplace else. I thought that the snake was probably not poisonous because it was not a real snake. It was just a changeling taking the shape of a snake. I reasoned that it was similar to us, because we were changelings too.

12011 October 17

We drove to the north in the small car. $F4 was in the front seat with someone who seemed like $A120. We were heading back from somewhere, and i felt anxious and upset about something. $F4 also seemed concerned about something. We turned to the west, and i walked into the large house. This seemed like the house at $P2. I moved to the west, into the hallway, putting some of my things away. I kept focusing on $F4, thinking that there was something wrong with him. I put some bags on the floor of the dimly lighted hallway as the others moved around in the rooms to the north of me. I tried to focus on what i was doing, thinking that we had to get somewhere. $F4 seemed very tense and anxious. I felt concerned for him. We headed to the northeast, across the street. I tried to picture the city around us, thinking that we needed to get to the place to the east. I thought that i would ride my bicycle, but realized that the office was not as close as i had thought that it was. I tried to picture it, thinking that it was just off $P2, near the middle school, but i realized that it was much farther away. The bus stop was near the middle school, to the northwest of the school, but we would have to travel much farther to get to the office. This annoyed me, trying to picture the maps in my head, but unable to get a clear picture. I was frustrated because i could not focus on the directions, feeling that i was suddenly unable to concentrate on spatial relationships. We approached the bus stop, which was on the northern side of the street. The block there was very narrow, and the sidewalk on the southern side rounded the southern tip of the small area. Two streets ran to the north on both sides of the small black, slanting out to the northeast and northwest slightly. I paced through the crowd at the bus stop, trying to figure out where we had to go. I tried to tell the others that the office was not as close as it had seemed, but i could not quite figure out where it was in my head. I decided to head off on my own to get to the office. I was riding a bicycle, and i crossed the street and started south down the eastern sidewalk of the main road, which seemed like $P2. I was aware that the others were probably watching me from the bus stop, but i had to continue on. It seemed that i was trying to get to the main office district of $P3, which was to the east of me. A road ran off to the east, and i stopped at the intersection where it was to wait for the light. I thought that i wanted to travel down the sidewalk on the southern side of that road when i headed east. As i waited for the light, though, i noticed the red pavement where the railroad tracks ran across the main road and ran to the east, parallel to the side road that i was going to take. The pavement looked new, and i remembered that they were converting old railroad tracks into walking paths. I looked down the road to the east, but then back to the southeast at the railroad tracks. I could now see two new sidewalks, one on either side of the tracks. I wondered if it would be better to take these paths to get to where i had to go. I started crossing the street, aware of a car on the main road to the southwest of me that was trying to turn to the right, onto the side road that i was crossing. I thought i should take the path that ran along the southern side of the tracks, thinking that i would not have to cross the tracks again when i got to where i was headed. I crossed the tracks, looking to the west down the newly paved set of tracks. I then turned east onto the cement walkway, noticing that the small blue buildings were between the railroad tracks and the path. The buildings looked like small kiosks or shops from a fair. I passed them, following the path around them and to the east. The path ran out across a large grassy field. I seemed to recognize this place, thinking it had something to do with the middle school. The field to the north of me had cut grass, and a chain-link baseball backstop stood on the eastern end of the field. As i reached the eastern end of the field, i realized that the cement path stopped. The field to the east was covered with field grass, with an old crumbling parking lot beyond. This was the shopping plaza. I could see some of the stores in the distance to the north of me, across the field and a larger parking lot. I was annoyed that the path had ended, and i turned around to head back. I thought that i would have to take the path on the northern side of the railroad tracks. As i approached the tracks again, though, i noticed that there was only one path running along it. I was on the northern side of the tracks at the moment, and i could only see the cement path running to the south of them. The northern path must not have run that far along the tracks. I was disappointed by this, and turned my bicycle back to the east, thinking that i would just continue across the dirt path on the field until i came to streets. I then decided to head to the parking lot to the north, and turned to cross the grass of the playing fields. A man had come from the north and was now standing on the northern side of the playing fields. He was wearing dark clothing and was leaning on the short chain-link fence along the northern side of the field, his arms out from his sides as he leaned. I headed to the northeast, coming to the street in the middle of town. I crossed the street to the east and entered the large stone building, which seemed like $P37. This building was on the college campus, and it was where i worked. I crossed the hall and entered the office on the eastern side of the building. The office seemed very plain. An old gray metal desk stood against the northern wall, facing west. Its surface was bare, and i dropped the red folder down on top of it. As i did, i felt uneasy here. This was where i had worked, but i thought that i did not really work here anymore. I then thought that i must work here because i had put the folder on my desk. I felt confused and uncomfortable in this place. $A409 seemed to be at a desk farther to the east in the room. He watched me, not sure what i was doing. I headed back out into the hall, thinking that i did not want to work here. I should not have come back. I did not know what to do, thought. I walked down the hall to the south. The hallway was short, ending only a few meters to the south of where i was. A stairway descended to the east from the hallway, but i walked past it and looked to the east down the hallway at the end of the corridor i was in. The eastern hallway ran parallel to the stairwell, just to the south of it. I stopped at the edge of the other hallway and leaned south to glance down it. $A52 was in the office at the end of the corridor, and the turned around to see me. She was wearing a dark brown tight-fitting shirt and matching pants. She was my boss, and i did not want her to know that i was here. I headed back to the north, wondering what i should do. It would be more dramatic if they had seen me in the building and then realized that i was not staying in my office to do work. I had seen someone at a desk to the west of $A52. The man seemed to be $A412, and he seemed to be looking off to the north, bending over to get something out of the desk when i had seen them. I felt very nervous here, and i did not want to be here anymore. I felt that i should not be working here anymore, and i was not sure why i had come back. I did not feel like doing work, so i headed down the stone steps to the west. The stairs seemed to end in a doorway where outside light came into the building. I turned to the south and exited the building, finding myself in a small garden just to the south of the building. The plants seemed tall around me, and several of the wall ones to the southwest and south seemed to be small pine bushes. I wondered what i should do. I felt very distraught here, not sure where i should go. I knew that i should be back in the office working, but i did not want to be here anymore. I seemed to be here for a while, but then i decided that i should leave. I headed back to the north, into the building. I came into the first floor of the building, which seemed to be a small lounge or cafeteria. I could feel the floor under my bare feet, and i realized that i had to get my shoes from the office before i could leave. I did not want to leave them here. I then considered simply leaving them. When i looked to the northeast, though, i noticed my tan walking sneakers on the floor, and i realized that i did not want to leave them here. I picked them up and turned back to the west, looking into the small room. Tables were set up around the room, and several people had started to sit around them. I moved to a round table on the northern side of the room, where i had left my shoes. Some business men had already started to sit around the table. I had to get my shoes, and i pushed through the people there, looking for my things on the ground. The men were wearing dark suits with shirts and ties. I turned to the south, saying that i was looking for my shoes. The men had placed their duffel bags and backpacks on the ground, making it hard for me to see where my shoes were. The man sitting in the chair to the south of me lifted up his bag, exposing a pair of pale maroon penny loafers. Those were my shoes. I bent over to pick them up, thinking that they were really not that stylish anymore. I put them in my arms with the other shoes that i was carrying and headed to the southeast. I seemed to have several pairs of shoes in my arms, including a dark-gray pair of Crocs. I felt anxious and not sure what i should do. I did not want to be here, so i had to leave, but i knew that the others would expect me to do my job here. I headed out to the south, thinking that i would simply not come back to my office.

12011 October 18

The ceremony started in the outdoor area. The people were seated in chairs that were aligned in rows and columns, all facing north. A wide central aisle ran down the center of the crowd. I sat in a chair on the eastern side of the crowd, feeling nervous. Someone was speaking from the north, and this seemed to be a wedding. I felt that it was my wedding. Looking to the west, i could see $F45 sitting on the eastern end of the western side of the audience. He glanced back at me, and i felt very uncomfortable, thinking that we were not really ready for this. I said something to the person sitting to the west of me while trying to pay attention to the person speaking to the north of us. I felt nervous, but did not quite know what to do. I glanced back to the west, noticing that $F9 was sitting to the southwest of me on the western side of the central side of the aisle. He was motioning toward me, trying to get someone’s attention. I then realized that he was calling out the name “Mike”. I realized that he was referring to the man who was sitting next to me. I told the man that $F9 was trying to get his attention, and the man turned around to look. He then turned back to me and told him that $F9 had been bothering him for a while. $F9 stood up and walked over to us, sitting in one of the chairs behind us and started to chat with the man. I looked around at the others in the crowd, noticing that they were now standing in small conversational groups to the west of us. The wedding party was breaking up. I then noticed the people running toward us from the north. They had come from somewhere else on the campsite, and were now heading south. A field of cut grass was to the north of us, but the people seemed to be coming from around a corner, to the northwest. They were cheering as they ran toward us, smiling widely. I said something to the other person as they passed. I told the other person that they were heading to the volleyball courts on the southern side of the camping area. We now seemed to be on a lake, with the water to the west of us. I imagined the volleyball courts farther to the south, on a sandy beach on the shore of the lake. As they passed, i noticed that there were now small things floating in the air around me. I realized that they were bugs, like mosquitoes. The bugs must have followed the people from the north. I waved some of them out of my face, but then realized that i would have to pull my hood tighter over my head. I wondered if my friend was with the crowd. I then spotted her to the west of me, wearing a large green nylon hood, which had a screened square area over her face. The outfit looked like a hazmat suit, but it was pale green and the face panel was made out of cloth mesh. She seemed anxious, and i thought that she was annoyed that the bugs were biting her. As she turned to look to the north, i noticed that the netting over her face was not fully sipped up, leaving a large opening on her right side where the bugs could get in. I told her about this. She was shorter than i, and had long blond hair under her hood. She then seemed worried about the people who had run past. I told her that they were going to the volleyball area, and she asked if there would be any openings. She seemed concerned that she would not be able to join the game when she got there. I told her that they should have openings, trying to reassure her. She still seemed uptight, and i realized that the bugs were probably bothering here. I motioned her to the west, into the large tent that was near us. She walked ahead of me into the kitchen. We could take off our protective gear here. Tall metal cabinets lined the walls of the room, and short table filled the center. A man in a white apron to the west of us watched us as we came into the room. I did not quite know what to do here.

I woke up early in the new house. It was still dark out, and $F45 was still sleeping in the bed in the center of the northern section of the room. The bed could have been a pull out sofa because it seemed to be in the living room of the house. The northern end of the room seemed to be at a slightly higher elevation than the larger part of the room to the south. Two or three wooden steps led down from the northern section to the main section, and the bed seemed to be in the middle of the room, across the center of the steps. I quietly got my things together so that i did not wake up $F45. I wanted to go for a run, but it seemed too dark out. We had just moved to this part of the city, and i picture the city area from above. I was not quite sure where we were as i looked at the map. A thick feature ran northeast to southwest along the western side of the map. It could have been a river or highway, and the streets to the east of it formed regular city blacks in an irregularly shaped round area. We were somewhere in this rounded area, which was represented in dark ink. I had to leave early for work today, but i still wanted to go for a run. I felt uncertain, not knowing where i could go in this city. I thought that i should just go to work, and i headed out of the apartment, heading west. The apartment now seemed to be aligned east to west, with the higher section on the east. I started to drive my car to the north, along the street that we were on, which seemed to be the street on the western side of the rounded area. I wanted to go running still, but i could not bring myself to do it. Instead, i decided that i would arrive at work early. I looked again at the city as though it were a map. This was the northeastern section of the city. I thought about getting to work. I did not want to drive, but i was not quite sure how the busses ran yet, so i would have to figure out the streets by driving first. This city seemed like $P85. I drove to the west, suddenly, turning onto a narrow road. The road seemed more like a driveway, passing just to the north of a small brick building that seemed to be a bank. It was still dark out, but i could see all of the buildings around me as if it were a gloomy foggy predawn twilight. I did not know where to go, and i hoped that this driveway did not end in a parking lot on the back side of the building. I hoped that it was really a road. I then realized that i was traveling farther down the drive, even though i felt that i should not. The car seemed to be driving on by itself, against my wishes. The driveway was only one lane wide, and the pavement was cracked and broken, with small potholes here and there. The chipped yellow paint of the guardrail along the western side of the road was faded with age and showed patches of rust though it. The guardrail seemed to separate the road from a steep drop off. I felt that there were other city buildings or parking lots below the drop off, but i could not see anything in the darkness. I then wondered if a river was below the road. I hoped that it was not water. The car followed the road around a corner, heading to the south. The area around the road was now forested, with tall thin trees. The road dipped slightly before coming to an end on a main road, which ran northeast to southwest. I felt suddenly comforted, knowing that the car had simply taken a shortcut to the other main road. As i slowed for a stop at the red stop sign near the intersection, i noticed a figure moving in front of me, heading to the northwest. It was a runner, and my headlights illuminated the glow strips down the sides of his running pants and jacket. I should have gone running, and i felt uncomfortable in this place again. I wondered what i should do now.

12011 October 19

I sat on the deck with the others. We were sitting in a rough circle, and my chair was on the northwestern side of the group. The man across from me commented on the people that were at the top of the tall building to the south. The man motioned to them, acting as though they were a nuisance. I looked up at the tall building, which was probably ten to fifteen stories tall. It was oddly shaped, with wide angles on the corner, making it seem hexagonal in cross section. The building was far away, but i could see the people on the top of the building as if they were very close. A railing ran around the top of the glass covered building, and people were gathering on the roof, cheering. They seemed to be at a party. I had expected to see more college students that there were on the roof. A woman in the center of the crowd was wearing a thin simple dress with shoulder straps. The dress seemed red, and she raised her arms and cheered as she hopped up and down, facing north, over the thin metal railing. The students were still moving onto the roof, but there did not seem to be that many of them. They crowded rear the railing, but did not fill the rooftop. I told the other person with me that i remembered seeing far more people on the roof than there were now. I pictured the roof in my mind, seeing the rooftop filled with people in dark clothing, all partying. The man across from me did not seem happy with the students anyway. I then turned to the south again, looking at the large building. I could now see curved cement ramps running down the sides of the building, and the students were now running down the ramps. The bottom of the eastern ramp sloped out from the building to the north, and i could see several students running down the brown corrugated surface of the ramp, out of the building. They were still smiling and cheering. I realized that the students did not actually live in this building. They were just running up to the roof as a prank, and now they were running away before they got caught. The man talked about the building, and we started walking up the ramp toward it. The students were gone now, and i realized that we were actually starting to climb the building to get to the roof. This seemed unexpected.

I had entered the locker room with the others, and i walked to the northern wall of the room to put my things into the small lockers here. The lockers were small metal cubbies covered with meshed metal doors. The others were doing something to the west of me as i closed the locker and headed to the east. The room seemed very large, and only had lockers on the northern wall. I felt distracted, and i could not focus on the details of the room. To the south of me, round racks of clothes seemed to fill the room, like a department store. The walls were bright, though, and seemed light gray or ashen blue. I realized that i had forgotten something, and i turned back to the north to get something from my locker. I looked at the wooden lockers than ran along the top of the northern wall. They looked more like cabinets. Just under them were two or three rows of metal lockers, which were small, with square doors that were two or three decis across. Taller gray metal lockers seemed to be under them. I felt confused, unable to remember where my locker was. Other men were changing in front of the lockers to the northeast of me. I moved to the west a little, noticing that the center of the northern wall had a small booth in it. The counter at the front of the booth curved into the room a little, blending into the walls on the ends. To the east of the counter was a doorway leading into the booth. Several people were working in the darkened booth, and they seemed to be distributing snorkeling equipment. I turned back to the east, thinking that my locker was on the eastern end of the wall. I looked at several of the lockers, but none of them had a padlock that i recognized as mine. I turned to the south, looking down into the room. The ashen-green tile wall on the west side of the room had a large opening in the center of it. The opening seemed to lead into a pool room, but i knew that the showers were there. A large husky woman stood at the northern end of the opening, speaking to some women in a loud voice. She seemed to be directing them into the pool room for a gym class. I turned my attention back to the lockers on the northern wall, looking closer at the wooden lockers on the upper part of the eastern side of the wall. They were too big. My locker was smaller. I felt very confused. Two men came into the room from the east and started changing at the lockers to the east of me. They were young, and started teasing me. I was weary of them, but ignored them as i continued looking for my locker. I headed to the west, thinking that my locker might have actually been on the western side of the room, even though i was sure that it was on the eastern side. I passed the counter, noticing the scuba or snorkeling gear hanging on the western side of the booth. A thin young woman with dark hair sat behind the center of the counter at the front of the booth, slouched a little and facing east. The dark objects hanging near the front of the small room seemed to be black wetsuits. I looked at the lockers to the west of the counter, wondering if any of them were mine. They did not look familiar either, and i started to feel anxious. I then realized that there was a small doorway in the northern end of the western wall, to the west of me. The room beyond seemed to be a locker room, and i realized that my locker might have been in the other room. I then thought that i remembered coming out of the room after i had put my things away. I headed for the doorway, but found that a couple people were standing in the doorway talking. Two people were facing west, speaking to someone in the room. I felt impatient, and excused myself, but they did not get out of the way. I felt annoyed trying to get their attention, so i finally pushed my way through. I came into the room and found my locker in the northern wall. I had already pulled the small metal box out from the wall. My clothes were stuffed in it, and i wanted to put it back into the wall, but i started to feel worried that the bullies would do something to my clothes. I thought that i should hide the locker while the two young men were not watching me. I was hesitant, not sure what to do about it.

12011 October 20

I entered the college lecture room, heading south. People were still leaving from the previous class, but i was coming for the next class. The walls of the room were surfaced with tan wooden panels in large rectangular shapes. I moved through the people, who were heading to the north to get out of the room. The next lecture seemed to be my philosophy class, though i knew that i had not been attending tis class most of the semester. I felt uncomfortable about this, and wondered suddenly why i was bothering to come to this lecture. It was near the end of the semester, and i felt that i was already failing the course. I thought that i should attend anyway. Maybe making an appearance would let the professor know that i was trying to do something to make up for the semester. I moved around the western side of a wooden structure, which seemed like a low wall. The seats on the western side of the room seemed to slope up to the west, and they all faced east. The room seemed rather small, with only five or six rows of chairs to the west of me. To the east, a large wooden table filled the floor. People were starting to gather around it. They were wearing light colors and seemed to be putting their things on the table and settling down. They did not seem to be here for the philosophy class. That class would not start for a little while, so there must be something happening. I felt uneasy about the group, but moved to the east, around the southern end of the table, and sat down on the eastern side. A man was pacing on the western side of the table, and i knew that he was the leader of this prayer session. I did not feel comfortable here, but i wanted to wait for my next lecture. The man, who seemed like a guru, wandered to the west of me. I focused on the small orange tea tin on the table in front of me. It was cubical, and i tried to open the lid of it as the man watched me. He walked around the southern end of the table and stopped just to the south of me. As i played with the tin, trying to get the lid off, he tossed a small creamy-brown chip onto the table near the tin. The chip looked like a playing piece from an old board game, and i thought it was from a small backgammon set. I wondered if the rest of the game pieces were in the tin. I thought that the man might be suggesting that the pieces were in the tin. I opened the tin to see. Most of the tin was filled with similar brown disks, but there was a thin red rectangular shell resting on top. The man put a second matching orange tin on the table to the southwest of me. I glanced at it before trying to put the lid back on the tin i had opened. I could not get the lid back on the container because the red shell was in the way. The shell was very thin, with beveled indents that stretched to the corners. The entire shell looked like red pearl, and curved like a soap dish. It seemed to be just a little bit wider than the top of the tin that i was putting it in, so i could not get the lid closed over it. I wondered how it had been in there before. Confused, i opened the second tin. It too was filled with creamy-brown disks, but it had a smaller piece of red shell on the top. I wondered if she shell was part of a puzzle that had to be assembled.

I woke up suddenly, looking around the large empty room. The ceiling was very high, and this seemed to be one of the lecture rooms on the college campus, even though the floor was flat and empty of furnishings. I had fallen asleep in the chair i was sitting in, which was against the northern wall of the room, to the east of the small table. I had been trying to do something, but had fallen asleep instead. I looked to the east, noticing that $F10 and $A311 were still sitting around the small round table in the center of the room. The table had a lamp in the center of it, $F10 was on the northern side of the table, and $A311 was across the table from him. They were still studying and doing their homework. I should have been doing my work as well, but i had fallen asleep. I felt very upset by this. I remembered waking from sleep partially, but i must have simply fallen back asleep. I must have been asleep for a long time. I looked at the papers that were on the table to the west of me. I had to get my work finished, but i felt suddenly in despair, thinking that it was too late to finish any of the projects. I became very upset, looking at the papers, which had only a few lines of text printed across them at various places. I felt stressed, and i felt that i could not do the work anymore. It was already too late for me to finish the work, and i became filled with the feeling that i had failed to do what i wanted. I moved uncomfortably around at the table, wondering what i should do. I did not want to admit failure, but i was so upset that i could not bring myself to focus on the work i had to do. I wanted to leave this place. I gave up trying and decided to leave. I hurriedly packed my things and turned to the south. A colorful sheet of paper sat on the small dark table to the south of me. I looked at it, thinking that it was a nice colorful picture. At first, i thought that it was mine, but, as i looked more closely at the drawing, i realized that it was from one of the other students. I was disappointed, but thought that i should take it with me. The other student had left, so no one would mind if i kept it. I realized that the picture was the top sheet of a small book, and i started to flip through the pages. Some of the other images were in black and white. I put the book down on the table as i flipped through it, deciding that it would do me no good to keep it. I felt that i had too many things that were doing me no good. I slung my backpack over my left shoulder and headed out the door to the south, upset that i had failed. As i opened the door, i noticed a large group of people standing to the south. The starting line to a race was just to the south of me, and the racers were facing northwest. The door i had opened faced south, in a short wall on the western side of a large brick building. The southern end of the brick wall ran to the east of the door for about ten meters to the southern end of the building. The racers were gathered in a large group near the corner of the building, waiting to start. I would not be able to exit the building without crossing the muddy grass in front of the runners, and i did not want to go if they were about to take off. I dramatically rolled my eyes and backed into the building, pulling the dull-red metal door with the metallic push bar closed. I stood inside for only a moment, though, before opening the door and stepping out. I watched the crowd at the starting line for a moment, seeing an older man and a young man start jogging to the northeast. I realized that only a few people were leaving the starting line at a time. It would be easy for me to walk past them to get where i had wanted to go. I had to head to the east from this campus. I crossed the worn path in front of the starting line, and then turned toward the starting gate, realizing that the crowd of people was not as dense as it had originally seemed. The people were only standing along the sides of the raceway. I headed to the east, through the gap of the starting gate, which seemed to be set up between $P7 and the field house. All of the runners seemed muddy and wet, and the people standing in the crowd were wearing dark vinyl shells. I realized that the runners were not from the college. They were all high-school students from $P7. I felt a little out of place here. I had to get to the apartments to the east, and i thought that i would walk across the yard of $P7 to get there. I then realized that three would be a tall fence on the other side of the yard, so i would have to exit at the southeaster corner. I felt suddenly uneasy, thinking that i no longer belonged here. I wondered if anyone would mind me walking across the field. I stopped and looked to the east. A large patch of trees and bushes seemed to be very close to the east of me, blocking my view of most of the open playing fields. Beyond the northern edge of the bushes, i could see the eastern section of the middle of the fields. They seemed to be dug up. The center of the field was muddy, and a yellow construction vehicle was sitting just in view around the bushes. A short dirt cliff ran along the eastern side of the area, where the ground had been dug away in the center of the open space. I felt uncomfortable about heading across it, but i did not want to turn back. As i started to the southeast, to get to the gate near the house on the corner of the yard, a man asked me why i was here. He seemed suspicious of me. I told him that i was walking through the yard to get to the other side, but he pointed out that i was not a student at $P7. He seemed to know that i was from the college, and he wanted to know where i was headed. I told him that i was heading to my apartment. He quickly asked me where the apartments were. I thought about this, realizing that they did not seem to be to the east of us. I tried to picture where i was. The college was to the northwest, and i imagined how i would get from the college to the apartments. I could not seem to figure out the route, but i knew that the apartments were across the street from the power plant, on the southern side of the street. I told the man that they were near the power plant, and he nodded, stating that they were not across the field. The power plant was actually to the west of where i was. I felt disappointed and annoyed, thinking that i would have to head back the way i came. I started to turn around, but felt off balance. I stumbled back to the west, over the asphalt path and onto the grass. I was still wearing my backpack and felt its weight behind me as i fell backward, landing seated on the grass. The man moved to grab me. He wanted to escort me off of the grounds. I was standing, thinking that i felt drunk, and i told the man that i had been feeling sick. He agreed with me and motioned me to the west. I walked out through the gates of the grounds and started heading to the west, across the narrow parking lot to the south of the filed house. I glanced at the field house to the north of me as i passed, noticing that it seemed larger than i had remembered, with small sections that protruded slightly from the rest of the wall. It did not look like a field house; it looked more like apartments. I walked past a small construction vehicle in the parking lot, and i realized that new buildings were being constructed here. Someone was talking to the north of me, near the building. A man seemed to be sitting on a short wall with his legs wide, talking to someone to the south of him. He mentioned the new apartments. I looked back along the building, noticing a larger structure to the south with the same design. The protrusions in the ashen-gray and pale-tan structure now looked more like balconies, and the building looked more like apartments rather than the traditional school building of $P7. The man to the north told someone else about the new rooms, and i thought that the school had built a new dormitory. I vaguely remembered hearing about this before. I turned my attention back to the west. I was almost to the end of the parking lot. The lot ended at the street, and bushes or shrubs lined the northern and southern sides of the entrance drive. The bushes on the north were thinner, and i could see the corner of the field to the north, which seemed to have a fenced-in tennis court on it. I dove suddenly forward as i reached the corner, gliding to the corner and turning quickly up the sidewalk to the north. I was again aware of the square suitcase that i was carrying on my back. I thought about its square flat shape, picturing it as off white with black long flecks across the surface, and i thought that the shape might help me fly by providing an aerodynamic plane. I moved down the street to the north, over the eastern sidewalk, trying to figure out here i had to go. I tried to picture the city, thinking of the college to the northwest, but i could not figure out where my apartment was from here. I kept trying to picture the route from the college, but kept getting disoriented. I could go west, down the streets, but i thought that where i wanted to go was really to the northwest, so i continued down the street to the north, knowing that it slanted slightly to the northwest. I tried to picture the streets again, but could not. The street was shaded by tall thin trees, which grew out of the sidewalk. The apartment buildings to the east were tall and close together. They seemed like old apartment buildings, but they seemed well maintained. I then focused on the back cast-iron lamppost ahead of me, near the curb. It had tall glass panes around the light at the top. A small animal, which seemed like a panda bear, was crawling up the side of the post. This did not seem right, but, as i looked at it, i realized that it really was a bear cub. I started to worry that the mother bear might be near, but, instead, i noticed a man in a brown coat and tan pants walking a second panda cub. The pandas were white and brown, and the man had the cub on the ground on a leash. The cub sniffed the pavement to the south of the man, who seemed to be oriental. I looked back at the cub on the streetlamp. It had climbed to the top of the lamp, where there was a crown of short horns around the top of the lamp. It seemed strange that the bear was able to wander around by itself. As i passed the lamp, i noticed that the bear was urinating on the post, and the yellowish stream of liquid was dripping to the ground from the northeastern side of the lamp. A little way down the sidewalk, i spotted another bear cub wandering near the apartments on the western side of the walkway. The cub was walking south, and i decided that it was following the man with the two pandas. It must belong to him as well. This cub was brown, and had a face like a baby grisly bear. I again felt a little hesitant of the bear, wondering if the mother bear was near. It seemed strange that the cubs would be wandering with the man. A little farther down the sidewalk, another bear cub moved from the bushes near the side of the road. This one seemed more aggressive, and it growled at me. It ran to me and tried to jump up to grab me. I was not floating that high above the curb, and i stopped to look down at the cub. It was jumping at my feet, which were hanging below me. I worried that i was not high enough off of the ground and that the bear might be able to grab my leg. I was aware of the man coming from the south toward me, concerned about the dog jumping at me. I looked to the north, noticing that the large white building was actually an old church. I moved my arms quickly, swimming higher into the air to get away from the dog or bear cub. The man was still approaching, but the dog was jumping up, growling at me. The brown bear had joined it. I looked at the old chipping paint on the white plaster walls of the church to the north of me. The southern part of the building was lower than the rest, and the curved tiles of the roof were old and dull red to pale red. The building was worn down. I wondered if i could pretend to fly over the roof of the church to lose the dogs. The southern wing of the church seemed narrow as i flew up over the eve and started toward the peak of the roof. I could hear the dogs running around the southern side of the building, trying to figure out where i had gone. Once i heard them to the east, i turned around and dove from the roof of the building, heading back to the north. The church was set back a little from the main part of the sidewalk, with a cement yard in front of it. I crossed the yard to the northwest, heading for the sidewalk, aware that the man could see how i had tricked the dogs. I flew around the bushes at the corner and up the sidewalk to the north, hoping to get out of sight of the dogs. I hoped to confuse the dogs enough that they would take some time to come back to the front of the building. I wanted to be far enough down the sidewalk by the time they did get back that they would not noticed me flying. It would make it easier for me to get away.

12011 October 21

I turned to the south, heading up the driveway toward the house. We had turned off the narrow road and were following the thin dirt driveway up the shallow hill that crossed a narrow field. The field ran along the southern side of the road, and separated the road from the short hill to the south. The house that we were heading toward was at the top of the hill, surrounded by tall thin trees, most of which seemed to be pine. The trees seemed leafless. My father seemed to be standing in the driveway, which turned into a small parking area to the northwest of the house. I could not pull all the way into the driveway because several other cars were already parked there. The one in front of me was white and looked like an old American car from the seventies. Ahead of it was a dull-red truck from the sixties. I backed my car into the woods to the west of the driveway, thinking that i could turn it around. I was aware of the steep hill to the west, so i stopped the car before it got too close to the hill. My mother now seemed to be out of my car, standing to the south of me. I started to go forward, but i could tell that the car was on the edge of the steep hill. The car was sluggish and stalled. I tried to get it to move forward again, but it rolled suddenly back. My mother panicked and said something to my father. The car rolled backward down the hill, hitting a tree. I felt the sudden jolt as the car lurched to the south and started tumbling down the hill. I was annoyed that the car had been ruined. It was resting on its roof to the south of me, and it looked like a dark-green American car from the seventies. I was standing next to it at the bottom of the hill, and i started walking to the north, down the muddy sidewalk. I could still hear my mother at the top of the hill. She asked my father why i did not walk straight up the hill to the house. I realized that i could have walked directly back to the house, but i was too angry now to change course. I thought that i would simply tell my mother that i had walked this way to follow the sidewalk back to the street that ran east to the driveway. I was tense and agitated as i turned to the east and started walking down the dirt road. A stone wall stood to the north of the road, and, after a little while, i seemed to be walking inside a long building, which seemed like an old barn. My mother was following me. I noticed the old blue pick-up truck parked along the wall to the north of me, facing south. My father got in the fifties Ford truck, and i knew that he was going to use it to pull my car from the road. I felt annoyed and did not want to deal with the situation.

12011 October 22

I had woken up in the house where my relatives were staying, and i headed down the stairs to the north, coming into the living room, which was very much like the living room at $P12. I turned to the east and headed out onto the porch, which seemed to be on the eastern side of the house. The eastern wall was covered with a large window, and i could see the patio outside. I realized suddenly that the ground was white and covered with a thin layer of snow. It seemed rather early in the year for snow to fall here. I tried to focus on the snow, but i could not quite see the ground outside. I could see a boulder in the yard, to the south of a short metal chain-link fence. As i focused, the ground seemed dry and gray, but then it seemed to be covered with a thin layer of snow again. I could not tell which was real. I stopped in front of the large glass doors that led out to the patio. As i moved the doors to the side, i realized that they did not quite fit in their tracks. The outside doors, which seemed to be single sheets of plexiglas, tipped outward and fell to the ground. I tried to pick them up, but i could not fit them back into the doorway. They now seemed too small for the tracks, not reaching all the way to the top of the outside doorway. There were two sets of doors, forming a small plexiglas-enclosed breezeway. I fumbled with the doors for a moment, but i could not get them in place. I felt frustrated and did not know what to do. I was back in the living room of the house, and i complained to my mother about the doors. I took her to the east to show her the doors. She pointed out the tall rectangular panes of clear plastic that were resting on the ground and directed me to put them back into the tracks around the doorway. I picked up the pane and slid it into the inner set of tracks, knowing that there were not enough panes here to fill the entire doorway. My mother said something about the handle as i put the pane in place, and i realized that she was pointing out a gray rectangular area on the right side of the door where someone would push to get the door open. I slid the pane all the way to the north, thinking that it would take four panes to completely close the inner doorway. I wanted to point out that the outer doorway was still broken. Instead, i bent over to grab the second pane from the ground. My mother pointed out the handle on this door as well. The gray padding was on the right side of this pane, and i knew that the pane went on the southern side of the doorway, so i turned the pane upside down so that the pad was on the left. I then put the pane into place, pointing out to my mother that the two panes did not seal off the entire doorway. She seemed surprised and was not sure what to do. My father was then in the breezeway. He grabbed a set of panes from the southern side of the breezeway and pulled them across the outside opening. They formed vertical strips that looked like clear plastic blinds, and they rolled on a track across the entire doorway. He continued pulling, though, and i realized that the panes rolled around the northern side of the breezeway and pulled across the inner doorway as well. They looked like heavy plastic climate flaps from a freezer doorway, but they sealed the inner door. I was surprised that this worked, and i suddenly wondered what the other panes of glass, the ones i had seen fall out of the outside door, were for. I started talking to my parents as we walked back to the east, heading into the building. I then noticed some water dripping to the southwest of me, just inside the door. I thought that the doorway might be leaking, letting some of the melting snow drip through the roof. I pointed this out to my father. Looking up, i could see that the water was running over the eve of the house. The house was covered with a clear plastic dome, so i thought that he seam where the dome met the old shingle roof might be leaking. My father said that it was nothing to worry about. I looked up the steep slope of the roof, thinking that the dome was a strange idea. My grandfather had done it before he died, and i thought that it might have been when he was becoming incompetent. As we started to head to the west again, back toward the northern wing of the small yellow house under the dome, i noticed more water running down from the ceiling. This leak seemed more serious, though, with a small stream of water running down the side of the house. I looked up to the roof to see that the steep slope of the roof was covered with tiny dormers and fake gables. The roof was covered with a thick layer of melting ice. It must have been from the water running over it. I told my father that the water was, at least, on the outside of the house where it would do little damage, since the house was designed to handle outside weather. My father agreed. I then wondered why ice had formed inside the dome. I thought that the dome would have kept the temperature inside warm. I looked to the west, noticing the neighbors’ houses across the street. They were clearly visible, and they seemed like small wooden houses with steeply peaked roofs over the doors. One was light-blue, with a steep peak around the front porch and a green pine bush to the south of it. The lawns in front of the houses were bright green. The dome was open to the west; it did not come all the way to the ground. I looked up, realizing that i could only see hazy gray above, which must have been the dome. The dome only covered the top of the house, and i thought that it must be only to block the ultraviolet rays from the sun. I looked to the south, across the other street to see the houses there. Our small house seemed to be on a corner. I realized that the dome was open to the wind, which was why the temperature inside was still so cold.

I was on the northern side of the house, which seemed like my grandmother’s house. Something was happening here that seemed very strange. I remembered that people to the east had been arguing, and that there was something strange in the air. I looked to the east to see the two people, and i noticed a pale-blue glowing shape appear in the air between them and just to the east of them. The glow had a sound associated with it, and the two people looked at it in surprise. The arguing had caused the sound and lights to appear. It had something to do with the natural aura of the house. The tension of the arguing people was causing the energy in the house to focus and appear. I tried to explain this to the person standing to the north of me, but i was not quite sure how to describe it. I thought for a moment, trying to understand what exactly the lights and sounds were. I turned to the south and moved down the road. My father was driving the car as we followed the road to the east. We were supposed to meet my mother and then head to the campground, which seemed to be on the southern shore of the lake. I knew that we had to avoid the energy fields, though. They would be heavy near the campground, and they would cause the ghost-like apparitions to appear if we interfered with them. As i thought about the campground, it seemed like $P202. The road dipped slightly as we passed a road leading to the north. I pointed out the road, telling my father that it led down to the camp. I said that it looked dangerous to travel because of the heavy snow around it. The land on all sides of the road rose steeply into short rocky cliffs, as if the road was recessed into the bedrock. My father slowed the car, asking if we needed to make the turn. I told him that we did not, saying that we would not be heading to the camp at the moment. I told him that we would have to meet my mother at another location, and then drive to the camp together. He acknowledged with a vocal hum, and then pointed out that we could take one car to the camp. I clarified that we were still driving in separate cars, and i told him that we could not meet her separately because we did not want anyone waiting around near the energy fields. Interaction with the fields might activate them. I then noticed a sign on the southern side of the road, near a V-shaped ravine in the cliff walls on the side of the road. The sign cautioned against landslides, and i knew that it was cautioning people who turned down the road that headed up the ravine. I looked to the north, because we were now heading down a narrow road to the north. The road ahead of us curved to the west, out of sight behind the cliff to the west of us. The cliff was low to the north, with a V-shaped cut just past the curve. The caution sign was just to the east of the V-shaped road. I thought that the real danger was that the snow could give away if you skidded off of the road on the corner. I did not think that there was anything beyond the tall snow bank to the north of the road, so anyone who skidded off of the road would start and avalanche down the steep hill on the other side. I was relieved as we passed around the corner, and i looked down the narrow V-shaped valley on the side of the hill. This road seemed to lead to the camp, but it was the eastern road. We turned to the north a little farther to the west, down a dirt road. Snow still covered the sides of the road as we approached a steep hill. The narrow valley at the bottom of the hill had muddy ground, and it looked like construction was still going on here. I remembered that this construction had been happening for quite a while. The exposed wooden structure of a house sat on the eastern side of the road, near a yellow construction vehicle. My father continued to drive toward the edge of the hill, and i realized that i could not see the slope of the hill below us. More of the dirt construction area was exposed over the crest of the hill, but i could not see the road leading down to it yet. When i finally saw it, i realized that it ran very steeply down, almost at a vertical drop. I felt very nervous about this, thinking that the road was too steep to drive. It felt unsafe as my father started down he hill. I closed my eyes in fear, hoping that nothing happened. I felt the lightness in my stomach as we rolled faster down the hill. I expected it to stop soon, but it seemed to continue for quite a while. I worried about how far we were falling, and then i felt the heavy weight as we rounded the bottom of the valley. I was relieved.

12011 October 24

I climbed up through the large wooden structure, coming to the upper levels of the large room, which seemed to be in the center of the house. $F43 was on the cement floor to the east of me as i stood on one of the two-by-four wooden beams over the deep pit on the western side of the area. The cement room that $F43 was in seemed to be the basement of the house, and i had climbed up through several levels of the rooms below the basement on the western side. This seemed to be the basement of my parents’ house. I glanced down as i said something to $F43. I seemed to be very high up, and i started to feel nervous about the height. I looked down, but could not see the bottom of the room in the darkness below. I could only see the thin boards of the scaffolding-like structure that i was standing on. I decided that i felt too nervous on the structure, so i decided to climb down. I grabbed onto the boards below me and lowered myself through the structure, heading generally to the west and south. I crouched down on one of the two-by-fours and realized that i was very near the ground. I grabbed the board and swinged down to the floor, realizing that i was not as high up as i had thought i was. I looked at the lower board of the structure, noticing a black power wire running along the bottom of the board. It seemed dangerous to have an electric wire under the board, and i decided that i should be careful when grabbing on to the board.

I walked to the east, along the shore of the large body of water, which was to the north of me. I was walking down a narrow road, which ran to the north of the small residential houses. The pavement on the road seemed old and crumbling. The others were gathered to the southeast of me, and i followed the road as it curved with the shore to the southeast. The people were sitting on the lawn to the north of the small house in various types of lawn chairs that seemed to be arranged in a circle. It seemed cool, and the people were bundled in heavy coats. One of the men on the eastern side of the group had a dark-blue parka on over a red and white flannel, which i could see sticking out from under the jacket. It had seemed like a bright overcast day, but the sky seemed suddenly dark. I wondered if a storm was coming. I then started to worry that a bad storm was coming because the sky grew dark very quickly. I looked up to the north, where the others had started looking. The dark gray clouds in the northern sky had long vertical streaks in them. The clouds were churning quickly, with black billows rising over the tops of the gray rounded clouds. I thought that this might be a tornado, but the clouds did not seem to be changing direction or moving out across the sky. The various shades of gray formed rounded clouds in the northern sky. The clouds moved down from the tops of the clouds, cycling out of sight to the north, behind the descending clouds. Different clouds moved at different speeds, descending like bubbles toward the ground before vanishing behind other clouds. Some of the gray clouds seemed to have tiny white speckles on them. I looked below the clouds to see the tall buildings of the city on the northern shore of the water. The city seemed to be Toronto. I felt very concerned about the clouds, and i tried to figure out what was going on. I said that it was a downdraft to no one in particular. I wondered if the rain would be falling in that area. I then wondered if the air was rising near us. I said that there should be an updraft associated with the downdraft. I looked up into the gray sky overhead. The clouds formed into round swirling circles, but none of them seemed to be moving. I told the others that a strong updraft was over us, and i felt very nervous about a tornado. I looked around at the clouds overhead, but i could not see any rotation. I then glanced back to the city to the north, thinking that my mother would hear about tornadoes in Toronto on the news, and she would be worried about me. I continued to scan the clouds, not quite sure what was happening. I then realized that the others had moved to the southwest, into the houses. I had backed up to the northwest, across the yards next door. I then heard the sound of rain and realized that it was starting to pour to the southeast of me. I looked down to see grey sky to the southeast. The others had gone into the house, and i wondered if it would be safe in the house if a tornado hit. I glanced at the red wooden house to the southeast. It had white trim. I then moved quickly toward the house to the south of me, which had a white deck hanging over a garage door on the front of it. As i reached the wooden deck, which had thin legs and a solid white railing of vertical boards, i noticed the rain falling on the deck. It had a distinct edge to it, and it was only moving toward me. By the time i reached the deck, it had started to pass over the deck by a few decis. I would get wet, but it would not be by much. I crossed under the deck, walking over the bare dirt ground until i was at the southeastern edge. The next house to the southeast had an overhang on the front that i could run to, so i ran toward it. I followed it along the face of the house, keeping out of the rain. As i reached the southeastern side of the house, though, i noticed that the sun was shining on the green grass to the southwest of the porch i was under. I thought that the sun must be shining from under the clouds in the western sky. This should make an interesting rainbow on the rain over us. I peeked out from under the wide overhang, but did not see any rain. It had stopped, which surprised me. I looked up into the sky, surprised to see that it was now clear. This was very strange. I took another bite of the pretzels that i had been carrying in my hand as i turned to the west and headed back along the shoreline. I was heading to the house that i had come from, thinking that i could grab my camera and take pictures of the clouds. I took another bite of the pretzels, realizing that my mouth felt dry. I realized that i should not be eating the pretzels because they were too dry and salty, and i felt dehydrated already. My stomach also felt bloated, as though i had eaten a lot. I headed through the large structure as i headed west, thinking that i should toss the pretzels onto the ground as i went west. I wondered where i could throw them. This building seemed to be a barn, and i glanced to the north in to the large room. The barn was mostly empty, with yellow hay scattered on the floor. I then noticed the squirrel on the floor to the north. As i turned my attention back to the west, i realized that the creature was actually not a squirrel. It was small and white, with a rounded body and a long thin furless tail. It seemed to be some kind of exotic animal. I tossed the pretzels into the open room and continued west. I passed out of the main room and headed through a short corridor that led into the western side of the barn. Large dumpsters were set up against the southern wall of the corridor. The room to the west also opened up to the south, and i thought that there was a garbage pile around the corner to the southwest of me. I should have thrown the pretzels there. I headed to the door in the western wall, noticing that there was another small white animal on the floor of the open room to the north. It scurried to the west. I also noticed a pile of green wet dung just to the northwest of me. It seemed to be dung from some animal. I pushed open the worn unpainted wooden door and headed outside. As i started to the house, i looked at my right hand, noticing that i had some of the green gunk on it as well. The animal feces must have gotten on the door. I wondered suddenly what the small white animals were. They seemed very strange.

12011 October 25

I watched the people move between the buildings to the east of me. The human figures were very large, taller than some of the five or six story buildings, and i thought that they were actually monsters destroying the city. The tall figure moved to the southeast of me paused in place, dropping a cubical metal box, which seemed to be a safe or moneybox. The box cracked open as it hit the ground, and a silver puddle flowed out of it. The puddle was a combination of money and the blood of the people who had been crushed when the box that they were hiding in fell. The deaths of the people seemed justified by fate because they were the wealthy who had been clinging to their money. I thought about how the metal coins must have crushed the people within the metal box, allowing their blood to flow out, washing the coins with it. I wondered suddenly why the puddle of coins seemed so silver. If it was being carried out by blood, it should look red. There must have been so much silver in the coins that the color of the blood was hidden. The box was then dropped again, and i watched the silver puddle spread out from the broken vehicle, which seemed to be an armored car. The coins inside must have crushed the bodies of the people, and i wondered if the bodies were liquefied by the force of the fall. The people around me were assigned to clean up the mess, so we walked to the east, into the open area between the tall buildings. The tall person had gone now. Two feet were standing on the ground to the southwest of us, the legs broken off in the middle of the shin and the flesh turned to a pussy red gel. The force of the coins must have crushed the body into a gel. The man to the south of me started reading out the names of the victims, and i started writing them down on the piece of paper. This city seemed to be East Asian, and the man was reading the names in Mandarin. I did not know the language, but i felt that i had to pretend to take the names. I looked at the piece of paper that i was holding in my hands. The names down the left side of the paper were in Mandarin, and were represented in small compact characters. I pretended to draw several more characters in as the man spoke the names to me. I was scribbling randomly in small areas to simulate the characters. The center block of text on the paper seemed to be written on horizontal lines, and looked like Latin text. The man stated a few more names, one of them having repeating syllables. As i wrote out the name, i thought that i should repeat the scribble that i had drawn, so i doubled the image. I felt bad about faking the names, but i was not sure what else to do. I was then aware of the man standing near me, to the west of me. He seemed to be wearing a dark coat, and he had a round stern oriental face. He was watching me write, and i felt nervous about it. He then insisted on seeing my work and looked over my shoulder. He said that i was doing it wrong, and i felt nervous, not sure what i should do. He checked my work more thoroughly as i scribbled something around the top of the Latin type in the center. He was displeased, and he told me that i would have to do the work again. I was upset about this. The man wanted to take the paper as he motioned me to the east. I started to give it to him, but felt bad about having others see what i had done, so i told him that i would take it with me as i headed to the northeast, down the street. The street was wide and bordered by tall old apartment buildings. I wondered how i would be able to write better without knowing the language. I wondered if i could write out the names in Latin letters by pronunciation. An alley or narrow side street divided the wall of apartments to the east of me, on the southern side of the wide street that i was heading up. No cars were on the streets, making them seem like plazas. I thought that i was heading back to the scene at the beginning, where the disaster had taken place. I turned down the narrow street, realizing that it actually was a small plaza, with small round black metal tables on the brick ground. Some people sat around the cafe tables, and i moved over them as i floated down the street, watching the people have fun. I walked to the south, past them. At the southern end of the alley, i came to another wide street, which ran to the southwest. This street also seemed to be a plaza. Small shops were set up along the street, making this seem like a fair. I knew that the disaster area was to the southwest, down the wide street. The land to the south of me was now open countryside. Beyond the small white canvas tents of the shops of the fair, i could see low rolling hills. It seemed windy here, but the wind was not affecting anything on the ground. I looked down the center of the corridor to the southwest, seeing the tents and the bare grass between them. The people around me were enjoying the fair. I was a female reporter here, and i had come to get the story of the disaster, but the fair fascinated me. All of the space around me was open now, and everything seemed light hearted and happy. Several shops ran to the northeast, but the grassy avenue seemed to end somewhere nearby in that direction. I turned to the southwest, thinking that the large modern shopping area with the tall metallic buildings was to the southwest, at the other end of the fair. I could see the wide cone-shaped buildings with vertical lines in the distance. That was where the event had happened, and i felt that it was not as nice as this old-fashioned area i was in. I had started to the southwest, but stopped to enjoy where i was. I looked down at the worn dirt ground as i paced slowly to the southwest, noticing that i was walking on something like stilts. The bottom of the stilts had gray rounded U-shaped cups on them that resembled stylized feet. A man approached me from the southeast and started walking with me. I was still the female reporter, and i suddenly was hovering above and to the east of the man and female reporter as they talked and headed toward the shopping center. I knew that they would not get to the shopping center, though, because the fair was too nice. It would not make a good plot if they simply walked through the fair. I thought about the plot of this story, thinking that the man and woman should get in a relationship. $F45 then started talking about his ring. I felt suddenly angry with him, turning to the east to face him. He was lying on the bed under the dull-orange covers. He asked about the ring, and i said that he had lost his ring. He did not seem to believe me. I looked to the south, where i saw $F45 digging in a large muddy pit with a shovel. I told him that his ring was in the pit somewhere, and i emphasized the fact that he had lost it. I then thought that he really did not lose it there, but i said that he did. I felt that something else had happened to the ring, but i was unsure. I looked back to the east, where he was on the bed. He claimed that i did not know where my ring was. I felt defensive, saying that my ring had better be in the dresser drawer. He said that he had his ring when we came back from Europe, and i tried to remember the situation. It seemed that we had been at the pit right when we got off the large ship to the south, which had brought us back from Europe. I felt that he lost it them, but i was not really sure. The entire situation upset me, and i did not really want to talk do him anymore.

12011 October 26

I swiftly moved down the trail in the forested area. The trail ran up and down the uneven ground along the ridge. The land seemed to drop off steeply to the south, but i could not see it through the trees. The leafs of the trees were bright green from the sunlight that filtered through. I stopped on the top of a hill on the western side of the area and turned around. The trail looked like a long corridor through the bright forest. I was flying, and i was going to turn around and fly back to the east when i saw a man standing on the eastern end of the trail. The corridor in the trees now seemed to be a corridor in an old wooden structure. The wood on the walls was wearing away, and sunlight shined through the cracks. I started to the east, but the man was on a skateboard, coming toward me. I thought that i could impress him by flying over him as he came down the trail on his board. As he reached one of the smaller humps in the path, though, he flipped up into the air. At first it seemed that he was going to go over my head, but he started tumbling. He was wearing a light blue parka with white pants. His board flew off to the south, and i thought that he was in trouble, so i reached out and grabbed him as he passed by. I caught him on the ankle, and he hung upside down below me as i held him. He seemed relieved that i had saved him, and i floated to the ground, letting him down slowly. I tried to talk to him, but he seemed disinterested in me, and i felt annoyed with his disinterest. I wanted to say something to him, but he seemed to want nothing to do with me. This upset me, so i turned to the west and started walking across the quadrangle of the college campus. I was flying again as i started over the large academic building to the west of me. He building seemed like $P98. As i floated over the shallow white dome in the center of the building, i started to feel angry about the man rejecting me. I then noticed the large jet airliner flying under me. For a moment, it seemed to be sitting on the road under me, but it also seemed to be flying slowly just over my head. I thought that it was the airliner that i had rescued the man from. I grabbed the wing of the aircraft and tossed it to the south, angry at the man and wanting to do something. The airplane spun through the air and crashed into the buildings to the south, bursting into a bright red globe of fire and black smoke. I knew that the man to the east would hear the explosion and wonder what had happened. He and the others with him would be shocked at the large explosion. I started moving to the west again, across the quadrangle to the west of the domed building. I then thought that i should be very destructive, and i started wondering what i could do. The buildings along the western side of the quadrangle were on the top of a very steep hill. I focused on them, thinking that i would destroy them as well. The buildings to the west of me suddenly crumbled and burst into flames as well. I was surprised at the amount of destruction, but i thought that it was good. As i continued moving to the west, though, i thought that the buildings should fall off the steep hill to the west. I thought about shearing the slope of the cliff away and having the buildings fall into the valley. It would be a very dramatic effect. As i moved through the buildings, though, i noticed that the tan stone buildings were crumbling, but the hill had not yet given away. I flew closer to the ground, thinking about the hill crumbling. The slope then gave way and the buildings to the west of me sunk down, disappearing into a billow of gray dust. I was standing on the slope of the hill, and i realized that the slope was descending under me. I turned back to the west and started running up the hill, aware that the dirt under my feet was giving away. It seemed unrealistic that someone could run up crumbling ground, like they do in the movies, but i seemed to be able to do it. I thought that the ground must be sliding down the hill slowly enough that i could still get traction. As i reached the top of the hill, i saw a man leaning over the guardrail at the top with his right hand extended toward me. I reached out and grabbed his hand, realizing that he was the man i had saved before. He had bright blond frizzy hair and seemed somewhat attractive as he pulled me up to safety. We moved to the east, into the room of the building, where i tried to talk to the man. He still seemed disinterested in me, but i wanted to talk to him some more. We moved to the western side of the room, where he sat down on the couch against the western wall. I pushed into him and kissed him on the right side of his neck, but he seemed disinterested again. As i tried to kiss him again on the neck, i realized that he was pushing my face away with his chin. I backed away, pretending that we were practicing to do a scene for a movie. I mentioned the scene, trying to make him think that i was not kissing him because i found him attractive. I felt a little embarrassed that he was not interested in me at all. I made light of the kiss, laughing about and saying that we had to figure out how to pretend to kiss for the camera. I stood up from the couch and backed away, disappointed that i could not get intimate with him.

I left the room of the college psychology class, heading across the campus. I had work to do, and i did not think that i should be in the class anymore. I remembered this scene from before, and i thought that i had a dream about it. I headed into the area to the north, but then turned to the east and headed into the building. The room inside was very large, with a high ceiling. I could not see the walls, but they seemed to be thin and dark. I headed to the southeast, entering the campus store, which was on the southern side of the building. This place also seemed like a library in some way. The floor on the southern side of the room sloped up unevenly, looking like a natural hill. It was dark with rolling bumps over the surface. A woman sat behind a desk on the southern side of the slope, watching me as i approached. I was coming here to study, and i thought that i would sit near the top of the slope. A large cushioned couch sat at the top of the slope, against the glossy southern wall of the room. I considered sitting in the couch, but turned to the north and headed into the dormitory room. $A239 was there with another person. They were discussing something as i entered. I felt tense here and stepped back a little to the east, exiting the room and coming into the long hallway on the eastern side of the building. I looked up the hall to the north, imagining that i could see the smoke from a fire at the northern end of the hall. I stepped back into the room and told the others that we should leave. I then imagined looking down the hallway again, seeing some people walking quickly away from the flames. We would have to climb out of the room. I turned to the south and looked out the window at the roof of the next building over. The other roof was at a slightly lower level, but i thought that we should be able to jump the distance. I was then on the roof of the building, and it was dark out. I leaned over the southern edge, looking at the next building over. The other man was already on the lower building. I had to get off the roof of this building, but i was nervous about climbing over the side and jumping to the next building. There seemed to be a space between the two buildings. As i started to climb over the edge, though, the building i was on appeared to be a large dresser, with the drawers on the eastern side partially pulled out. I could step on the upper rims of the drawers. I suddenly found myself on the lower roof to the south, and i realized with relief that it was not actually that hard to climb across. Several other people had gathered on the roof with me. One of the men said that everyone was out of the building. It was night now. I hoped that the building to the north had been evacuated. I then realized that i could hear the sound of a shower. I thought it was coming from the building to the north, and i told the others about it, saying that someone might be in the shower. The others stopped to listen for a moment. The sound seemed to be coming from the northwest of us, so i thought that it might be coming from a window on the western side of the building to the north of us. The building to the north was a tall brick building now, and an even taller brick building stood to the west. The sound could be reflecting off of the western building. I could see a faint light shining on the brick wall to the west from a window on the western side of the building to the north of us. I moved toward the corner of the building, trying to see if that was where the shower noise was coming from. As i turned west, though, i noticed that the noise was actually coming from the southwest. One of the other people pointed this out, and i realized that the wall to the west had small rounded openings in it, though which i could see men standing in a shower room. The sound must have been coming from there.

12011 October 29

I moved to the north a little, walking away from the large house and into the darkened street. I could hear teenagers to the west, down the street. They were riding their bicycles on the western end of the street. I could not see them beyond the overhanging bushes that grew from the southern side of the street to the west of me, but i felt weary of them, thinking that they might be trouble. My parents were to the southeast of me, at the large wooden house, which seemed like the house at $P2. I crossed the street to the north and laid down on the ground behind some objects, trying to stay out of view of the children on bicycles. I thought about the teenagers for a moment, who seemed to be a similar age to myself. I was then on the southern side of the street again, wondering what i should do. I did not want the teenagers to see me because i was worried that they might be aggressive. I crossed the street to the north, moving behind the large trash cans on the northern side of the road. I crouched down behind them, aware that a few more teenagers on skateboards were coming from the east. I laid down near the cans, keeping out of sight from the west. It was dark out, and i listened to the people moving around me. The skateboarders from the east passed me, heading to the west, but one of them came close to me and stopped. He seemed concerned about the fact that i was lying on the ground, but i told him that i was fine. As he left, i tried to adjust the backpack that i was wearing so that it was more comfortable. I stood up, walking a little to the northwest. Bushes blocked my view of the larger group of people on the western end of the street. I also noticed the small houses to the northwest of where i was. They were dark shapes in the night, with small yellowish lights here and there on the front. Cars were parked along the dirt road that ran to the east of the houses, to the north of me. I moved a little toward the cars, but tried to stay out of view of the children to the southwest. I then felt very nervous and headed back toward the large house to the southeast. I entered the large apartment house through one of the northern doors and headed through the building, coming out on the left side of the building, which was now the southern side. I sat down on the stone stoop outside, thinking about how i had passed through the hallways of the house on $P2. Several teenagers were at the front of the house near me, passing by as i sat on the steps. I did not pay attention to them, and they did not seem to notice me. I wanted to circle back around the building to where the teenagers were playing with their bicycles and skateboards. They now seemed to be to the northeast of the house, on the street that ran along the eastern side of the building. I hopped off the steeps and circled around the western side of the house, heading north. I had done this before, and i had come out in the woods near the teenagers. I ran through the dark pine woods along the western side of the house. It was hard to see, but i did not seem concerned as i made my way under the dry branches of the tall pines. I came out near a clearing to the northwest of the house, and i started across the long narrow field to the north. The field ran between the road to the east and the larger forested area to the west. It was oddly shaped, with the eastern end curving to the west slightly, making the northern end narrower than the southern end. The grassy ground of the small filed sloped up steeply on the eastern edge, rising about two meters to the level of the road, which was separated from the field by a thick row of trees. I still had to head north to get to where the teenagers were, so i headed out across the long length of the field. I noticed a tire rut in the ground just to the east of me. I thought i should run along it, but i was still running in the grass just to the west of it, at the bottom of the slope. The rut was part way up the slope. I hopped up into the tire rut for a moment, trying to follow it like a path, but i felt back down the slope. As i approached the northern end of the field, i noticed that the slope actually curved to the northwest, closing off the end of the field. The slope looked newer here, with fresh dirt forming the slope. The flat area, which was the rut, was farther up the hill now, and i decided that the hill was freshly packed dirt from some construction project. I swerved to the northeast, trying to climb the loosely packed dirt. I made my way up the slope, turning east and coming to the edge of the field. I found myself at the dirt road, which ran north to south. This was the road that ran along eastern side of the house. As i stopped to look at the road, which now seemed to run east to west in front of me, i noticed another dirt road heading to the north, across a field. The teenagers were on the road to the south of me, to the right. I had gone too far to the north in the field. I thought that i should cross the main road and head down the smaller dirt road, circling around to the east of the teenagers. The field to the east seemed damp, with tan field grass growing in it. It was daytime again, but everything seemed dim, as if heavy gray clouds covered the sky. I could see rounded hills in the distance, beyond the fields. I started across the fields, thinking that i would have to sneak around the teenagers so that they did not notice me approaching.

I chatted with my family members in the loft area of the small apartment, which seemed to be on the second floor of a small wooden house. We were staying here. We headed to the west, coming into the small room, which was actually the garage. Others were gathering here. We entered the room through the door in the southern end of the eastern wall. My parents were leaving for a trip, and i was supposed to stay in the small apartment. One of the men in the room commented that i would have to drink a lot of soda within the next week. He was referring to the fact that there was a lot of soda left in the refrigerator of the apartment. I did not really like soda, and i wanted to tell him that i had not been drinking soda for a very long time. The man seemed like he was my father, but he did not look like my father as he sat on the western end of the northern side of the picnic table, which was on the northern side of the garage. He was balding on the top, and had an oval face. I wandered to the south a little, mentioning hesitantly that i don’t really drink soda pop. Several of the people in the room were gathering things together to leave this place. My parents had to head out on their trip, and some of the others were taking some of the dishes back to the east, into the main part of the house. I looked out the window of the garage, seeing the small brown wooden house on the hill to the east. It was right next to the garage that we were in, but it seemed farther away. I followed some of the people to the east, out the door and onto the cement sidewalk that ran south, along the western side of the large modern cement building. My mother had exited the door ahead of me, and i held open the door for the people following me. The older woman and her young daughter headed out the door ahead of me, and i pulled the door closed behind us as we started down the sidewalk to the south. My mother seemed much younger as she carried some of the trays to the south. As i started after her, i heard the young girl comment to her mother that i had held the door open from the inside. Her tone was surprised, and implied that i had done it incorrectly. I followed them to the west, down the sidewalk, thinking that i could explain to the girl that, since the door opened inward, it was easier to hold it open from the inside of the building, but i did not have a chance to do so. The outer wall of the building to the east of us was made of glass, and, since it was dark out, we could see into the lighted room inside, which seemed to be a lounge. I thought about telling the girl that it was easiest to hold the door open in the direction that it swings, but she turned to the west with her mother, heading behind a cement wall that extended from the building to the cement path. The wall was plain white and seemed to support a roof over the window. I thought that they were heading into the building, even though i suspected that the doors to the building were now locked. I was still following my mother, who was headed to the south, where the lower part of the building extended across the path. Double glass doors stood across the path as an entrance to the building. I opened the glass door to the south, looking down the corridor under the roof to the east, where the mother and her daughter had gone. They were heading back now because the glass doors at the end of the short corridor were now locked. The mother seemed like $A339. She wore a long fur coat and seemed very proper. I pulled open the door for them and held it again, thinking that this door opened the wrong way. If it opened inward, then i could demonstrated for the girl how doors could be held open based on the way they swing. I stepped inside after the two women, and turned to the east. My mother had already started down the corridor to the east, and the women were following her. My mother was still carrying several plates, and in now seemed that she had too many things in her hands. I asked her if i could help, but she told me no. My mother stopped in the middle of the hallway, waiting for the elevators in the northern wall to come. The rich woman stopped just to the southwest of her, commenting on something. She also had a tray of something, but seemed inconvenienced and surprised that she would have to carry it herself. She concluded the conversation with a sharp turn and walked to the east with her daughter. I thought that they must own the house that i was staying in, and that they were renting out the apartment to my parents. My mother seemed concerned with the rich woman, and i glanced down the hall. The rich woman had been carrying the vase of flowers, but had put it down on the round table against the northern wall of the hall. I knew my mother had to be polite to the woman because the woman owned the building, but i did not think my mother should concern herself with the woman’s drama. My mother was worried that the flowers would stay in the hallway all night and go bad. I grabbed some of the trays that my mother was carrying and moved them into the elevator as my mother reached down the hall to the east for something. I was not really sure why my mother was so concerned, and the elevator rose. We had to go up to the sixth floor of the resort, which seemed a little like a bed and breakfast. I thought about the sixth floor, thinking that we were staying in the room, which must be the penthouse, since we were on the top floor. My mother commented that the room was since. She then said that she had to go back to where the rich woman had left the platter, because she did not want it left in the hallway. I did not understand why my mother was worrying about it, and my mother told me that we could not leave stuff in the hall. I thought that the woman had left the tray of cupcakes on the table in the hall simply because she did not want to carry them. The door opened on the northern side of the elevator. My mother was still doing something to the southeast, so i stuck my foot in the doorway to prevent the elevator door from closing as i started to shuffle the decorative plates out of the elevator. The plates looked like fine china, with white backgrounds and creamy yellow and reddish-brown floral blossoms in the center of the dishes that took up most of the dish. I pushed several of them out of the elevator, toward the man who had been riding with us and seemed to be a friend of mine. My mother was no longer in the elevator with us. I suddenly felt nervous about leaving my foot in the doorway of the elevator, thinking that the elevator could move suddenly. I grabbed several bowl and handed them to the man to the northwest of me, realizing that i was now straddling the doorway. This made me nervous, so i hurried. I unloaded the elevator, and put the last china bowl on the table to the north as my mother left the room to the southeast. I turned to the other man, who was now to the west of me, and started talking to him about this place.

12011 October 30

I backed the small lawn tractor to the west, across the back lawn of the small house. The house was to the north of where i was. I looked to the west, noticing the thick leafs of the bush right behind me. I had hooked the large thing to the back of the lawn tractor, and i was trying to drive the tractor to the east. I had to drive it all the way back to my house, which seemed to be a long distance to the southwest. As i pulled forward, the large orangish-red plastic piece of equipment on the back of the tractor pulled free from the trees. It was larger on the left side of the tractor and had black hoses running from the right. I thought that it was some kind of leaf collector or leaf blower. I turned the tractor in a wide circle to the north. Suddenly realizing that i would have to take the highway back to the west to get home. The highway seemed to run just to the south of the yard. I had taken it here, and i wondered how i had been able to ride such a slow vehicle on the road. I realized that it would take such a long time to get home, and i wondered why i would do it again, especially with the large equipment on the back of the mower. I then started to feel that i had run out of time, and i no longer would need the large piece of equipment. I would not be able to use it by the time i got back. I felt annoyed by this and thought that i should put the equipment back where it was. I realized that i had already moved the tractor and was starting to drive toward the dirt driveway that ran along the eastern side of the house. I turned the tractor back to the west, just to the south of the house. The eastern end of the house was a garage, and the back end had two large barn doors that were open. I pushed the wooden doors closed, noticing the white paint on the siding outside the door. The top of the doors had windows in them with X-shaped pane supports, and the frames of the windows were painted dark green. The paint seemed old and heavy. A short wooden roof hung over the doors and seemed to be supported by thin poles on the eastern side. I felt frustrated that i had not gotten here in time to do what i wanted.

12011 October 31

I was in the small room, talking with the woman. She asked me about the drugs, and i told her that i would have to consult the young man because he had ordered them. I looked at the piece of paper that i had in my hand. The drug name was written in black ink near the top right of the paper. It started with “DXA-”. I motioned the woman to the north, into the small back room of the place, where the man was. The man was sitting in the darkened alcove on the eastern side of a small round table. The woman sat down on the western side of the table, and they both leaned in, as if to keep the conversation private. He talked to her as i listened. This seemed like an illegal drug deal, but i knew that it was not. The man talked seriously with the woman about the drugs, saying that he had gotten them after $A114 had died. The woman across the table seemed surprised by this. I wondered if there was some significance to $A114’s death. I tried to play down the death, pretending that it had no real relevance to the drugs. The others then stood up and started to walk out to the east. I stood in the hallway just to the south of the room for a moment, thinking about this situation.

I walked down the sidewalk on the western side of the street. I was heading for the house, which seemed to be $P19. The house was to the north of me now, on the western side of the road. As i walked, i could hear people talking to the southeast of me. I glanced over to see the modern brick apartment building, but i could not see the people that i was hearing. I started to feel uneasy here, thinking that i needed to get back to the house. I then noticed the white string hanging from the utility lines just above me. It seemed strange, and i did not think that it was safe to have the string hanging from the lines. I grabbed the string and pulled back, to the southwest, trying to pull the string from the wires. It did not come lose easily. As i pulled, i realized that people were walking down the sidewalk toward me from the north. I tried not to notice them, focusing instead on untangling the string from the lines. Two thick wires that ran along the wooden poles near me. I tried to separate the white string from the two lines, but, as i pulled it free from the upper line, i realized that i had simply managed to knot the lower string more. The people were wandering around me now, and i started to feel nervous about them. I decided that i should continue to the house before the people got too close to me. I started walking to the north. A tall stone wall stood on the western side of the sidewalk now, and i spotted the small cardboard box of books that i had left near the wall to the northwest of me. I remembered putting them there, but it seemed like i had done so quite a while ago. I bent over to pick them up, annoyed to see that they were now wet from the rain.