12013 October 01

$A184 was with me in the room of the house. He offered me a gift as he came in from the east. I felt very special and happy that he had given me a gift. I took the small package. $A358 then came into the room and offered me a pair of sun glasses. It was good to see both of them again. I put the sun glasses on and looked around the room. The glasses on, but the room was not well lighted, and everything looked very dark. I looked around, unable to see what was in the room. I would have to adjust the brightness on the glasses. I then looked to the east, seeing $A184 still standing near me. Behind him, the closet door in the eastern wall was open. The closet light was on, so i could see the details of the cluttered closet easily. The light from the closet also illuminated $A184. $F4 was then in the room. He gave me something as well. I felt very happy with all three of them. I looked at the gift from $F4. It was a short coat that looked like a windbreaker. $A186 then came into the room from the east. He was upset about something. He had not known that i was in the house, and he was upset that the other three had let me in without telling him. He told the others in a stern voice that no one had asked him if people could come over. I started to feel very uneasy here as the other boys moved around the room. They disappeared out different doors in the room, and i decided that i should leave the house. I felt uncomfortable here. I picked up several of my things, but then i remembered that i should get the glasses and the headphones. I was not sure whether i should take the jacket or not. I looked at it again. It was light blue on the outside with bright pink lining and trim. It looked too much like something from the eighties, and i did not want to have old fashions. $A358 then came through the room again. He seemed hurried as he passed to the north. A large window was in the northern wall of the room, and i could see out into the back yard of the house. $A358 walked to the w outside the window, carrying a metal antenna that looked like an old broadcast television antenna, with a central metal pole and multiple cross poles. I told someone that it was for the remote-controlled vehicle. I headed to the south, leaving the house. I thought that i could catch the bus on the road near the house. I was then riding the bus to the west, but i got of. I passed $F42 on the sidewalk as i walked to the east on the northern side of the road. I was near a golf course, which stretched out to the north and northwest of where i was. I then realized that i was also near $A186’s house. It was to the north of me on the corner. The golf course ran around the back of it and to the west. It was dark out now, but i could see everything clearly in the moonlight. I noticed the white kite flying over the top of the house. $A358 must have been flying the kite from the back yard of the house. The white kite was illuminated brightly in the moonlight. I then looked around in the sky, but i could not see the moon. Something seemed very strange. This did not seem correct. I stopped suddenly and yelled, feeling that my voice would do something. I listened to the sound of the yell. It started out as a loud scream, but ended with a heavy resonant vibration. I had started something resonating. I stood very still now, listening for the sounds around me. I felt that something was happening, and i wanted to find out what.

I was in the small restaurant with the other people. Something seemed wrong. I thought that the restaurant people would have to recook the food that we had. I looked down at the white plate in front of me. I had a small stack of pancakes on the plate. $F4 was with me in the room. I stood up and walked to the west. I wanted to figure out what should be done about the food. I came to the end of the room and exited through the door, turning to the south. I found myself entering a second restaurant, which was very close to the first. $F4 was already carrying a plate of food into the restaurant. I looked at my plate, which was in my hand. I still had one pancake left, but i did not want to go into the other restaurant with food from the first. I turned around and headed back to the restaurant that i had come from. I stopped just before the doorway of the restaurant. A female waiter stood in the doorway with a male chef. They were discussing something about the food. I wondered what $F4 was doing in the second restaurant as i listened to the conversation between the waiter and the chef. The chef told the man in blue clothing, who was in the restaurant, that the chef would not be working today. I wondered if the man in blue was the cook. Something seemed strange. I did not understand what was happening. I looked to the west, into the locker room of the restaurant. Several young men were sitting slouched on the benches of the locker room waiting for something. They all looked disappointed, and i knew that it was because the restaurant was not opening today. The situation did not make sense to me. I then noticed that some of the men were dressed in tank tops. They had not yet put their cook uniforms on. Several of them seemed rather attractive, and i thought that it would be nice to talk to them, but i was not currently in a position to do so.

12013 October 02

I walked to the south, into the room, and then i turned around to see the man who was climbing on the wall to the north of me. I was looking up to the northeast as the man jumped from the west. He grabbed on to the rope near the top of the wall and hung for a moment. He was doing some kind of trick, and the people in the room were watching him intently. He jumped from rope to rope near the top of the wall. The tall wall seemed to end before it reached the ceiling, and it had a rounded red edge near the top. The wall also seemed to have a narrow ledge along the top of it, but i could not really tell. The man was hanging from a rope to the north, and then he jumped to the east, grabbing a small loop of rope on the eastern side of the wall with his left hand. He held his arm bent as his body hung for a moment. He was very still, and i thought that it required a lot of skill. He did not seem to be wearing a shirt, and he seemed very skinny. The man was trying to finish the challenge of swinging on the ropes. The ropes seemed to be some kind of puzzle that had to be figured out. The man finished his routine and hung for a moment to the north of me. I watched him for a moment. A man to the west of me then started talking in a baritone voice. He spoke up to the man on the wall, telling him how to get into the locker room. I realized that the large light-blue rectangle on the wall was a trap door. The man to the west gave more instructions, and the man on the wall shifted his position. The man on the wall shifted to the west a little, and then tipped his head down. He was holding on to a rope as he lifted his feet into the air until he was very straight and perfectly vertical. He leaned his back against the wall, pushing against the metal panel. The panel was raised a few centimeters from the wall, and it had rounded edges that curved back to the wall. The surface seemed to have deep divots in a grid pattern across its surface. The man hung for a moment against the panel, but it did not open up to the locker room. I wondered if there was a trick to opening it. I then noticed the curved light-blue leaver on the top eastern side of the panel. The man to the west of me then suggested that the man on the wall use the lever. I moved closer to the wall, staring up at the leaver. The man on the rope pushed it up with his foot. I felt the panel on the wall tipping to the north. I was leaning against it now, and i tipped down so that i was lying on the panel as it came to a rest. My feet were to the north of me, and i sat up to face the north. I was in the darkened locker room now, and i looked around at the other people that were waiting around in the room. They seemed very sedate, and they looked at me as i started walking to the east. A woman to the north of me watched me for a moment as she walked to the southeast. Her dark clothing blended in to the shadows of the room. She had a wide afro and seemed rather attractive. I passed through a doorway and come into the next room. I heard the low rumble of the train that was approaching. I knew that the train roan along the eastern side of the building, and i knew that it was coming from the north. It made a low resonant hum, and i realized that it was really part of the song “Koyaanisqatsi”. I listened as the string instruments came in, playing a repetitive low scale. I started humming to the violin part as i wandered to the south. The woman with the afro was now to the east of me, and she scowled at me as she heard me singing. She wanted me to keep quiet out of respect for something. I wandered to the southeast and then east, listening to the music. I realized that the melody was actually being played by a piano. The sound did not quite seemed to be from a piano, but i knew that it was a piano. The piano ran from high to low, and i liked the sound of it. I then heard the violin come back in. The sounds interested me, and i knew that there was something special about the way they were being mixed. I listened to them as i stood on the eastern side of the room, facing west.

12013 October 03

I could see the scene to the west of me. I seemed to be on an escalator or moving walkway, heading to the east. Something was wrong. It seemed that some unseen force was attacking us. I thought that the woman was using her psychic powers to make us fall asleep. I looked to the northwest, seeing the two parallel moving walkways. Many people were lying on the ground, wearing light colors, like white and yellow. They had been knocked unconscious, but several people were still crouching down on the escalators. The scene changed, switching from perspective to perspective. It focused on individual people who were struggling to make it to the east. I saw a few men to the north of me, crouching against the northern railing of the walkway. He was austral, and he was wearing a dark shirt. Then i saw a woman to the west. She had shoulder length curly brown hair, and she leaned against the southern railing. She dug through her bag for something, glancing up to the northeast to make sure she was out of sight from the enemies. I wondered if it helped to stay below the level of the railing. I thought that the woman with the mind-control powers should be able to sense everyone coming after her. I then thought about all of the people trying to get to the psychic woman. The woman to the west winced, trying to fight off the effects of the psychic attack. I turned to the east and ran off the end of the walkway. Others followed me. The psychic woman was standing just to the north of the ends of the walkways, behind a thick support column in the white corridor. She seemed overwhelmed by the number of people coming down the corridor. I pushed her down and jumped on top of her, holding her down with my weight. She was wearing a black knee-length dress. She fell to the ground with her head to the south, and i was holding her left arm behind her back. I thought that she might try to fight back with her abilities, but she did not seem to be having an affect on anyone at the moment. I wondered what i should do with the woman. I lifted my body so that most of my weight was pressing down on her. She struggled, but did not seem to move that much. The others pushed in around us, trying to get to the woman. One of the men near me said that we should kill the woman. This did not seem like a good idea, and i did not want to do it. I thought that we should hold her until she and her powers could be contained. People were gathered around the room now. The scene changed, and we were standing in the room with the others. A person moved to the east from where we had been standing on the western side of the room. I had been with the person, so i followed him across the room. He seemed like $F45. I thought that he might be upset about something, so i followed him to the eastern end of the room, where he sat down in front of the large sunny window. Someone said that it was warm on the eastern side of the room. $F45 seemed to be in a bad mood, and he complained that it was too hot on this side of the room. I sat next to him and tried to caress his head. I teased him, saying that it was too cold in the back of the room and too warm in the front. He did not seem amused by my jest. He seemed sad about something. He then told me that he trusted me and that he always would. This made me feel sad. The woman then came in from the western side of the room and asked about the beds. One of the men in the room responded that there was a half pillow on the couch. The man had taken it off of the couch, which was on the northern side of the room, and he had been using it as a mattress on the floor. He pointed to the north. I looked to see the large white pillow on top of the dresser that was against the northern wall, to the west of the couch. We had been staying here with the woman for a little while. She was the owner of the apartment, so i thought that we should be considerate of her.

12013 October 05

I was collecting the things from the ground in the large room. I had to get the things together so that i could get to the dinner. $F57 was moving around me as i got the things together. $F58 was having a large dinner soon, and i would be there, but i had to get all of the things together first. I felt very rushed. I had to get something specific. I turned to the cardboard box to the south of me and opened it up. I took some old things out of it. They seemed to be antiques from the house. I hoped that $F58 did not mind that i was removing the antiques. I thought that i could use them for something. I took them to the north of me and nailed them onto the wooden board that was on the wall. I wanted to hang them up so that they are displayed properly.

I walked to the south across the parking lot. The others had been doing something on the southern side of the parking lot, but they were now walking to the north. I felt bad that they were always ready to leave when i arrived. I wandered past them and wondered what i should do. I felt very upset now. I decided to continue to the south, toward the beach. I thought that i could see the ocean in the distance, and i wanted to go to it. I wanted to go swimming in the water. I then realized that i was wearing a long shirt, but i decided that i would let it get wet anyway. I then thought that it was already getting wet because of the light rain. I wanted to visit this area with the others, and i was still upset that they had left. I then wondered if they would be upset that i had not stayed in the parking lot or gone with them.

I walked to the south across the lobby of the old hotel. $F45 was leading the way. We were not supposed to be here, so we had to be careful that no one saw us. We headed down the corridor and turned into the small room on the eastern end of the corridor. We needed a hotel room in this area, so we came to this building. No one had asked us for payment, so $F45 just walked into one of the rooms. I then heard the manager yelling in the hallway. He was upset that someone had come into the building, which probably should have been closed for the off season. He kicked in several of the doors, looking for people. I thought that we were stuck in this room. We could not exit back into the hallway without being seen. I then realized that we were not actually in a hotel room. We were in the staff’s quarters. I felt worried and wondered how we were going to get out. $F45 did not seem to care that the manager was coming. He was unpacking his bag and putting some of his things in the wooden dresser that was against the eastern wall, to the south of the door. I told him that this room was the staff quarters, but he did not seem to care. I thought that we had to get out. $F45 then turned to the north and headed out the door. I could hear him talking to the manager outside. The manager referred to him by name and asked “What are you doing here?”. I stayed hidden in the room, not wanting to get caught here. I wondered how we could explain what we were doing in the room. I thought that we had just taken the room without permission. Two young men then came into the room. They were the manager’s children. I thought that they were here to make sure i did not leave, but i pretended not to notice them and paced slowly around the bed, which was against the southern wall. I looked out the large windows in the eastern wall. I could see the wooden docks outside. The docks had several boat slips that extended to the south into the narrow bay. The shore around the docks was covered with yellow sand, and some of the boats were brightly colored. I could also see other buildings to the east, which were pastel orange and red. I continued to pace the room, looking at the things out the window. I then noticed the tall mountains that rose on the eastern side of the bay. They had sharp peaks and were covered with bright green vegetation. The detail on them was beautiful. I said that it was too bad that i could not take a picture of them through the screen in the window. As i walked to the north, i seemed to be moving along the side of the mountain ridge. I opened my cell phone to try to take pictures. I could see a large white table in the foreground of the image. I then noticed some modern metal building being built on the side of the mountain to the north of me. I remembered them from before. We had traveled on the road, heading west before, and we had seen the buildings. I tried to get my camera ready to take a picture, but i was having a hard time with it. I took a picture to the west, looking at the ocean and the quaint village of small wooden houses along the shore. I looked at the screen on the back of the camera. The image did not come out well. I told $F45 that it was sunset the last time we saw the beautiful view. The light made the mountains look beautiful, but it was not as flattering now. I wanted to get a picture of the modern metal buildings, but i could not see them now over the obstacles on the ground. Trees and parts of buildings seemed to be in my way. I looked at the screen on the back of my camera as i faced north. I could only see the buildings near me. I was not high enough to see over them now. I saw the white church or hall to the north of me. I panned around, still in the room that i had been in. I knew that i would have to leave soon, and i thought that i could go out the window to the east to get away from the manager. I was then on the ground outside the building. The ocean was to the south of me, and i had to get away. I looked around, seeing a woman watching me from a window in the large house that now surrounded be on three sides. I jumped into the air and started to fly. They would not have expected that i could fly, so they were not chasing me right away. The woman was watching me, though, so she would know that i could fly. I then started to descend and fell back to the ground. I tried again, but strained to move. I thought about the flight. It was like a force under me that propelled me upward. It was not really flying, but jumping very high. It was how i could move far distances. It was not as fun as flying, but i thought that it was more realistic. I landed to the south of where i had started, so i looked to the north and though i should fly in that direction. I would not be able to head to the south without landing in the water. A man was now watching me from the west. I jumped up again and flew to the north, into the gray haze that was drifting over the valley. I then noticed the power lines running over the trees. I would have to be careful of them on my descent. I passed under one of the lines, but i knew that i would have to propel myself back up again. As i started to push myself back up, i turned my body to face south so that i could see the lines when i came back up. I imagined passing just to the north of the lines, and i wondered if i would be able to feel the electric field around the lines. It was similar to the force that i was using, so i might be able to sense it.

12013 October 07

I was taking a test at $P$TC3, but i felt anxious because i had not actually started the test yet. I should have started taking it already. Some other students were just finishing and getting ready to leave. I was sitting at the small desk in the center of the classroom, facing east. I thought that i knew the answers to the test, so it should be easy for me to do. I read the first question, which asked me to identify some people. I was disappointed because i did not know who the people were. Frustrated, i wondered if the teachers were in the room with us. I felt bad about the test. I read through the other questions. I knew some of the answers, but i felt that i did not know enough. I came to a question at the bottom of one of the pages. It was a question about particle detection. It had a picture of a space ship with dark colors streaming into a large crease behind the ship. I thought that the crease was like a black hole, but it was shaped like a fold in space rather than a singularity. The question said that the particles detected were from the sun. This must mean that the particles were of high energy, like those that are ejected from atomic fusion. I looked more closely at the picture of the round object in the center of the image. The object was gray and had smaller round objects around it. It somehow represented a particle detector, but it looked more like a cluster of spheres. The object on the right of the drawing was similar, but i knew that it represented the sun. I started to answer the question, writing something in the book. I then looked around, noticing $A69 entering the classroom from the doorway in the northern wall. He walked to the south of me and told me about the question. He said something about the phoenix particle to the teacher, who was still outside the door to the north. I thought that the teacher was just out of sight to the east of the door. The woman, whom i recognized from $P$TC3, warned $A69 not to talk about the test because people were still taking it. He asked who and looked around the room. I raised my hand. I was now standing in the center of the room. $A69 looked at me, rolled his eyes, and turned back to the north. I headed back to my desk, which was now a table on the western side of the small class room. I was facing west now as i sat at the black laboratory table. The other students in the room were already eating ice cream. I had a half-gallon container in front of me, but i would not be able to start it until i finished the test. I looked at the container, thinking that it was a nice flavor. I then thought that i should get some ice cream from the container before everyone else ate it all. I stood up and looked into the container, upset to see that it was actually all gone. Annoyed, i headed to the northwest. Several more containers of ice cream were on the counter on the northern side of the room. I carried the white bowl in my right hand. As i approached the counter, another man moved to the container. He was unaware that i was coming for ice cream, and he grabbed the container and walked to the west with it, stopping at the end of the counter to scoop himself some. I focused on the tall jar of peanut butter that was on the counter where the ice cream had been. Others were using it as a topping. I thought that i should take some while i was here. I then noticed the jar of jelly as well. I put some in my bowl, trying not to scoop the jelly, but i ended up getting the grape jelly down the side of the jar. I then walked around the counter to get the ice cream from the man, who seemed like $A274. I was then heading to the south, toward the bus stop. Something had changed. I felt very confused. I did not know how i had gotten here. I thought that i would have to return to the test in the class room. I then though the situation over. I headed to the south, up the stairs of the bus. The driver asked if i still had my card with me. I started to look for it, but then i realized that i did not have my backpack with me. I would have to go back to the classroom to get it. I felt very upset about this. I hurried back to the north, toward the old red stone school building. As i reached the door, i realized that it was locked. I looked at the large wooden door for a moment. Some students then came and opened the door. They must have had a key. I quickly followed them into the building, turning to the east in the short corridor and heading down a short flight of stairs. I pushed through a metal fire door, still following the other student. They continued to the east, but i stopped suddenly, realizing that they were now outside the school building again. We had just passed through the front of the school and came out into a school yard, which seemed to have a high brick wall to the south. I thought that i could simply head back into the school through the blue metal doors, but, as i pulled on them, i found that they were locked as well. One of the doors on the eastern side of the building led directly into the classroom, but i knew that all of the doors were locked. I felt distressed and upset. I thought that i would have to go all the way around to the front of the building to get back in at the main door. That was where i had the best chance of finding people passing through the door. I then saw some people just to the north of me heading into one of the smaller doors in the stone building. The door was set back in an archway. I hurried toward the door, asking the man at the back of the small group to hold the door for me. I knew that i would not be able to get to the door quickly enough by myself. The man turned to me suddenly, confused by what i had asked him. I tried to tell him to hold the door, but he seemed stunned by my presence, and the door closed in front of him. He heard it shut and quickly turned to try to open it. To his annoyance, the door was locked, and he could not get in. I felt annoyed as well, thinking that we would have to wait for others to come out before we could get into the building.

12013 October 08

I backed away from the horse that was to the north of me. It seemed to be in a small pen with some other animals. The horse was agitated, though, and it pushed toward me. I tried to close the wooden door of the coral so that the horse would not keep pushing into me. The brown horse pushed against the gate as i tried to close it. I had almost gotten the wire wrapped around the nail on the fence post to the east of the gate, but the horse pushed the gate into me again. I felt annoyed with the animal, but i also started to feel uneasy. The horse was much bigger than i was, and it could easily push the gate open. Another man was standing to the east of me, and i told him to help me close the gate. I felt suddenly worried that the horse would push through the gate before i could get it locked. I then noticed the semicircle of cows around the horse. They were crowded together, watching the gate. I felt worried that they would all try to escape. We would not be able to hold them back. I started to wonder how we could get away from the animals, and i started to feel frightened of them.

12013 October 10

I wondered if it would be easy to create the artificial men in the room to the east. I stood in the open area of a room or lounge, looking east, down the long white hallway. I could picture the large man to the east of me. His skin was pale, but i imagined him as blue. I thought that he would have to have a thick neck, with tendons that ran from his neck to his shoulders, so that people could see that he was not a normal human. The man turned to the east and headed back down the hallway. I pictured the small cubical rooms at the end of the hall. The man would be generated in the small blue room. I then saw the small white cube to the east of me. I was focused on it. The walls of the cube were now red, but the back end was still white. Changing the colors of the cube had something to do with the artificial man. I then saw the cube a little to the north, which had red walls and a blue back wall. I thought that this is where the man must be from. This then did not make any sense. I tried to figure out what it really meant.

I moved to the north a little. The others had just left the house, which seemed like my parents’ house. I continued to the north, into the back room of the house. I then moved to the east to check the door. I had locked it earlier. Something seemed strange about the house, and i thought about the person who had walked to the south a moment ago, leaving the house. I started to feel worried that this house was not safe. I moved around, looking at the door. It was locked, but something did not seem right. I could tell that the television was on in the room to the north of me. It was somewhere against the northern end of the eastern wall. I moved to the north a little, remembering when someone had tried to break into the house before. I thought about the white screens on the door that i had just been standing at. The screens seemed wrong in some way. I came to a corner of the room, where the eastern wall ran to the east for about four meters. A door was in the short wall. The white interior wooden door was open, and i could see that the white metal screen door had been deformed and left open. I hoped that the cat did not get out. I then started to feel uneasy, realizing that someone had broken into the house. I remembered when this had happened before. I felt unsafe here, and i started to worry that the house was not secure. I did not know what to do.

12013 October 11

I had to get to the west, across the area where the large stadium was. I was in a wheelchair, and i was rolling across the pavement on the northern side of the stadium. As i approached one of the stadium doors, i could see a thick line of people waiting to get into the building. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would have to push my way through them. I rolled to the line, asking people to excuse me so that i could get to the other side. A man then warned me that there were lines all around the building. He said that i would have to cut through all of them. I headed to the northwest a little, trying to get a little further from the stadium, but the other small buildings lined the northern edge of the paved area. I turned back to the west, hoping to pass around some of the lines. Another man was walking with me when we came to a ramp, which sloped up to the west. It rose from the lower level of the ground to a higher level to the west. I told the man with me that i could not take the stairs, which stretched to the south of the ramp and seemed more open. I started up the ramp, but it seemed that it would be a long way to the top. The ramp was steep and i would have to do a lot of work to make it to the top. I felt tired and annoyed. I then thought that there must be an elevator somewhere.

I was looking at the ads on the computer for wrestling matches. People were advertising themselves, saying that they wanted matches. I saw an ad for $A$533. It seemed very strange, because i did not think that he would be a wrestler. I thought that it must be someone else with the same name. I clicked on the link and looked at the full ad, which had a picture associated with it. The picture was of $A$533. I was surprised, but i also felt amused. I thought that i should respond to the ad. I never knew that he liked wrestling, and i wanted to talk to him about the sport. I felt excited to get back in touch with him about a subject that we both liked.

12013 October 12

I watched the pictures on the screen in front of me, to the northeast of me. They were variations on a theme, and they were all pictures of different types of busses. This was some kind of artistic project. One of the busses had a large headboard on the front of it, making it look like a bed. It had a carving in the middle of it that looked like Elvis, so i thought that it probably represented the state of Tennessee. I flipped a few more pages of the large book. The rest of the busses in the book looked more like regular busses, but they were still decorated with colorful sayings on the front. I had seen these busses before. I stopped on a page, noticing that the bus from New York said something about medical problems. I turned a page to see the bus representing New Jersey. It said something that suggests “it gets better”. The next bus had the same picture, but a large purple plume extended along the antenna of the bus, saying that it is better. This must have been from the state of North Carolina. I had seen these pictures before. The first part of the book had pictures for the states, but the rest of the book was paired with jokes about the states. The other person was standing to the north of me. I said something to the person as i flipped to the end of the book, looking at the images and trying to figure out where i had seen them before.

I quickly gathered my things together. The large pale building to the north of me was a hospital, and i had to head in. I thought that i should take my running clothes with me because i would need them in a little while. I picked up several things, thinking that i could change into the running clothes inside. I took three hangers of clothes out of the back of my car, but then i realized that i did not have my shoes with me. I was barefoot. I felt suddenly disappointed and upset. I should have put my shoes on before i got to the hospital. I then thought that i had my red sneakers in my gym bag. They were not good shoes for a hospital, but i could wear them in anyway. I looked over the back seat and down to the floor behind the driver’s seat, spotting the red sneakers. I would have to put them on. I felt rushed and tried to get everything together.

12013 October 13

I was in the large atrium of the building. The stone walls were smooth and white. I was watching the people moving around in the room, which was shaped like a small arena. A mechanical arm hung in the center of the room, suspended by cables that ran to the walls. The round area in the center of the atrium was just under the arm. I thought that this was like a combat arena. I pulled on one of the wires near me to see if it could control the arm. As i pulled on the wires of the mechanism, i could hear machinery start to move. The arm started spinning in the air high above the floor. It was like a mace that could be spun around. I then noticed the people moving on the floor far under the arm. They were gladiators, and they were fighting each other. I had been standing on the balcony on the northwestern side of the circular atrium, and i watched the people below as i walked around to the southeastern side of the room. I watched the people attack each other. They were very violent in their actions. It seemed like a strange form of combat, but i was very interested in what they were doing. One of the men was very strong and muscular. I watched him move for a moment. He then picked up his opponent and slammed him on the ground. I was shocked at the sudden violence. It seemed too extreme for a sport. The man on the ground was splattered with red. This did not seem like a sport anymore. I thought that they were actually fighting to the death, and i did not feel comfortable here anymore. I backed into the classroom, which was on the southern side of the corridor. As i entered the room, i looked to the west, noticing the other person there. The scene then changed, and i was again in the atrium. This time, i was standing on the northern rim of the room, looking down at the fighters. The tall fighter was standing on the rim near me. He was angry at one of the spectators, and he had climbed up the rim to confront the man, who was to the west of me. The man had said something negative about the fight. The man acted passive, trying not to engage the fighter. The fighter stared at him for a moment, and then turned around and headed back toward the edge of the landing that we were standing on. The man saw that the fighter was leaving and suddenly became less meek and make a joke about the fighter leaving. The fighter spun around to face the man again, and again the man acted shy. When the fighter turned to leave a second time, the man sat down and stuck up his middle finger in defiance at the fighter. This seemed very strange.

I was standing on the northern side of the hallway, looking around at the people near me. A room opened up to the south. It was very large and seemed like a gymnasium, but it had a low ceiling. A hallway led off to the west, flush with the northern wall. Someone to the southwest of me was getting directions from a man in white. He asked the man how he could get to the class downstairs. The man in white moved to the west, into the hallway to tell the person how to get to the class. I thought that the man must have come to this martial-arts class by mistake. I looked to the south, watching the people perform a synchronized movement in the martial art. The man in white was then standing very near me, and he waved his hands at me. He smiled and asked me if i would interested in the class. I told him that i had taken $A253’s martial-arts class. I then added that i was part of the association before that, but i realized that this was not quite correct. I had only been in $A253’s class, even though she was part of the association. The man said that this was a good thing. He seemed pleased that i knew a martial art. He then said that he had bought out the classes of both $A253 and the association. He continued to stare at me for a moment, adding that it was good that i was doing something with my training. Something seemed strange about this situation, but i could not quite make it out. I could not focus on what was happening here. The situation no longer seemed real. I tried to focus.

12013 October 16

The man was to the north of me as i moved to the western side of the small living room, which seemed like my grandmother’s living room. He had heard me talking about the music that was playing to the south of me. I thought i recognized the man, but was not quite sure. I told him my opinion of the music, which seemed to be a Led Zeppelin song. I told the man that i liked the person singing. I suspected that the man was Robert Plant, but i pretended that i was not aware, and i told him honestly what i thought. I said that i liked the singer’s earlier stuff, but that i was not so fond of the latest music. The man smiled in response. I suddenly felt very comfortable in the conversation. He must have thought that i did not realize who he was. I turned to the west talking about his music, and he turned to the east and then to the north to do something. I continued talking for a moment. I then turned to the north. I told the man about the images that i was now seeing on the screen. An old film of Zed Zeppelin was showing. I thought that the film must have been from the eighties, because the band members looked older. I then realized that this was after the breakup of the band. A man smiled at the camera. He had bushy blond hair. I then looked at the man in the center of the film. I realized that the singer was Sammy Hagar. I was surprised to see him here. I did not know that he had taken over as singer of Led Zeppelin. This scene did not seem right. A second lead singer stepped from the back of the stage toward the microphone and started singing.

12013 October 17

The man stood to the west of me in the bar-like room. Few people were in the room, and i could hear music from somewhere to the south. I told the man that we could use Bach for the music. I thought about this as i said it. It seemed that we would need something mellow enough that it would not draw attention from the thing that we were adding the soundtrack to. I told the man that i liked Bach, and then i thought about some of the music. I knew that i had many of Bach’s fugues on CD, so i told the man that we could use fugues for the music. I then added that we would not use “Toccata and Fuge” because it was too dramatic. I then thought about the other fugues i had, realizing that the organ music sounded tense and dramatic. I told the man that we should probably not use the fugues because they were not that great. He agreed with me. I then said that we should use the cannons. I thought about the album i had with cannons on it. I started to say the name of the CD, but the man said “Musical Offerings” right before i did. I said it anyway, adding that i had the extended version of the music. I remembered that the CD was from a traditional orchestra that added in several extra pieces to the collection. I said that my version of “Musical Offerings” had nineteen songs. The man said that the collection only had fourteen. I told him that the people who performed my set included several of the additional songs that were left unfinished by Bach. The man then leaned forward as he spoke to me. He was old, with thinning white hair and a round face that was just starting to wrinkle. He said that there were twenty-one songs in the complete collection. I started to feel strange that he was so close. He wore a white dinner jacket over a white shirt, and he held a drink in a lowball glass at his waist level. He was holding the drink in his right hand. It seemed strange that he was so close, and i thought about why this was for a moment.

12013 October 19

I picked up the wire pants hanger from the eastern end of the southern edge of the counter, which seemed like the counter in my parents’ kitchen. As i lifted it with my right hand, i noticed that the wire part of the hanger had been cut near where the wire enters the cardboard tube. I knew that $F45 had cut the hanger because he did not want me to be using them. I felt suddenly angry about this, and i moved to the west. I started to feel infuriated that he would do such a thing, and i thought that i should cut up the metal hanger into small pieces and dump it in his things. I was very angry about this as i stormed to the west.

I turned to the west to see $A645 knocking on the window in the western wall. The window was tall and rectangular, with thin wooden frames holding the small panes of glass in. She seemed to be wearing a solid color sweater, which was either blue or dark red. She waited as i walked toward the window. I said something to her, and she tried to open the window to come in. I had said that she could come in. She looked at the frame on the northern side of the window, but i did not think that it would be easy for her to crawl into the window. The sill was a little above her waist level. I walked to the south and opened the old wooden door in the western end of the southern wall. The door had a small multipane window in the upper half. I pulled the door in, swinging it to the west. I walked out onto the wooden porch outside and looked around the southwestern corner of the building. I called to $A645 to come in through the door, saying that it would be easier. We were then in the room, and she was talking to me about something.

12013 October 22

I sat on the southern edge of the large bed in the room on the upper floor of the fraternity. The walls of the room seemed pale tan, and many of the furnishings and the bed seemed to be different shades of brown. A few people were sitting to the south of me, on chairs or low furnishings. Someone mentioned the other man that would be coming. The man, who seemed like $F45, stood up and started walking down the hall to the west. I followed him. I started to feel nervous about the man who was coming. I knew that we were just staying in this house, and i was not sure that the fraternity brothers who lived here knew that we were here. I did not think that $F45 should have invited the man, who seemed like $A646, to stay with us. This place reminded me of $P93. We walked down the driveway on the outside of the house, and i was nervous about the fact that the man like $F45 had invited someone to stay here when we did not belong here. A UPS truck then came up the driveway, passing us. It was brown and had an overhead bucket on the back of the truck. The arm holding the bucket was folded down along the top of the truck. A second truck followed it. I did not approve of the trucks coming in. They were bringing too many people to this place, and we should not have invited so many people to a place that we were staying at. I did not say anything, though. The trucks looped through the driveway and stopped in front of the house. I thought that they looked more like utility trucks than delivery trucks. The UPS truck from the north stopped. $A646 was here. I was not sure what to do. I felt uncomfortable here. I talked to $A646 as he got off of one of the trucks near the front of the house. I did not think that he should stay here, but i did not really say anything about it. I told him about the room, trying to dissuade him by describing the room as crude. I then turned to head into the house. We started down the central hallway to the north. The brothers were back in this building, which seemed like a fraternity. Many of them were heading up the old stairs on the western side of the hallway. Someone was talking about lacrosse. The person said that most of the fraternity house was on the team. I remembered this from before. I thought that the local lacrosse team was doing very well in the national championships. I was thinking about this as i started up the staircase on the western side of the wall, ascending to the north. I could tell the others with me about the lacrosse success of this house. We were in the hallway on the second floor. I felt uncomfortable. Too many people were around. They would see that we did not belong here, and i thought that they would wondered why we were heading up to the room on the upper floor. Usually, outsiders were not allowed into the living quarters. We had to get our things from the upper room, though. I thought about grabbing my green sleeping bag. I felt uncomfortable having the brothers know that we had been sleeping here and that we had been inviting others to sleep with us. I tried to remember what else i should grab from the room. I could not remember what else i had. I climbed the stairs, passing the rooms of the brothers. A large gathering room was to the northwest of us as we came to a landing. I headed up the stairs to the east now. I wondered how we could get back down without being spotted by the brothers. I wondered if i would have to hop over the railing and out the window, as i had done before. It was how i had sneaked into the upper room. I then thought that i would head to the southeast. I turned to the east and headed into the room, pushing open the gate at the door. The other person mentions $A647. I saw my green sleeping bag and a light blue book on the tan carpet near the eastern wall of the room. The book seemed like Mists of Avalon. I repeated the last name the man had mentioned to me as i headed to the east. The man seemed to know that i was familiar with the people in the building. I told him that $A647 was a in the engineering school. I then started to correct myself, but the man told me that he was studying biology. I had actually been thinking that he was in agricultural engineering, but i did not try to explain what i meant. I did not feel at ease here. I picked up my sleeping bag and the yellow sheet that was on the ground. The bed sheet was probably $F45’s. I left the room and headed downstairs. I was floating now over the stairs. I pushed off of the wall as i descended the stairs. I then thought that some people could see me floating, and i thought that they might not like me doing it. I thought that i could easily float over the railing and descend directly between the stairs and the landings. I then thought that i was too high from the lower floor. The height made me uncomfortable, and i worried that i would not be able to control my descent properly. This was not a dream where i could float easily. It took effort to do so. I hurried to the east. I slided a little on the wood floor of the landing. I was wearing socks, and they slipped easily on the wood surface. I was aware that people were watching me. They would know that i did not belong here. I had to hurry out of the place before they decided to question me as to why we were had been here. I headed down the next set of stairs. I had to get out quickly, but i could not seem that i was rushing or i would draw more suspicion.

12013 October 23

I stood by the intersection, wondering where $F45 was. He was supposed to meet me at the hotel, but he had not shown up. I thought that he had come to the room instead, but i was not expecting him. I headed to the northeast, walking up the stairs past the front desk. I wondered where $F45 could be. I thought that he might be in the room, but i knew that he was not. I headed to the west across the open space on the second floor. I was nervous as i crossed to the north. The open space had a hole in the floor that led several stories down. I passed to the south of the diving board on the southern edge of the open space, and then i edged along the western edge of the opening. I looked down, seeing about four stories below me to the cement ground. I quickly closed my eyes because the height was making me uneasy. I grabbed on to the railing that was around the diving board, tossing the things that i had been carrying to the northern side of the opening. I then sat down on the edge, thinking that it might be easier to get across if i had a lower center of gravity. I felt very tense, scared of falling. I reached across the opening, which seemed narrow, pushing the counter on the northern side out of the way. I felt annoyed that it had been put there. The waiters must have left it there to serve people. I could have to have a clear area on the surface of the counter to jump on when i jumped across. I grabbed a couple of dry used tea bags and threw them to the southeast in annoyance. This place should have been cleaned. I looked back, seeing the tea bags on the wooden floor. I thought that they still had enough liquid in them that they might stain the wooden floor if they were left there. I then looked again and saw the teabags at the cement bottom of the hole. The hole was entirely behind me now. I stepped back a few steps to grab the teabag that had fallen on the wood floor. I then carefully made my way back to the counter. I had the black fob and the keys in my hand. I would have to drop it to the west of the counter so that i could pick it up later. I pushed it to the edge of the counter, but it fell down and slipped over the edge of the stairwell, which was on the northern side of the area. Annoyed, i looked down to see the small black garage-door opener fall into several hanging sheets, which seemed like drying laundry, and tumble down the side of the wall. I was annoyed, thinking that i would have to go down to get them. An old woman was then to the west, and she asked if i dropped the key on purpose. She seemed annoyed with me. I told her “No.” as i started to descend the stairs to get the keys. She frowned and recoiled from my comment. She thought that i was not being polite in the way i responded to her. I ignored her as i tried to get the keys. The key had fallen to the ground, landing just to the west of one of the handing sheets. The woman was now talking to her friend. I passed them as i headed to the east, through the black curtain. I held the curtain open as they followed me through. They still seemed grumpy with me, but i did not really care.

12013 October 24

I headed to the east, down the southern sidewalk of $P1. I came to the northeastern corner at the end of the block, trying to cross to the east. I was having trouble walking, though. Something about my motion felt strained and uncomfortable. I looked down at my feet, noticing that they were moving in front of me. I focused on getting them to step forward, but it seemed to take a lot of effort. I talked to the other person who was with me. He was to the southeast of me, on the side street that i was trying to cross. The man said that other people on the street were also having difficulty. I thought that something must be happening to the people here. I then looked up to the east, noticing the large thick leafless tree on the southern side of the street ahead of me. It suddenly seemed to stand out from the surroundings. I felt that something was special about the tree, and i focused on it to figure out what.

12013 October 25

I turned to the east, following the people across the outdoor area. the land around us was covered with a few leafless trees and tall dry weeds. The woman pulled a black cat from the front end of the old car, which had been buried to the southeast of me on the southern side of the road. I had come to this area with a group of people to clear up the land. I was surprised that a cat had been in the car. I had thought that the car was entirely buried in the dirt mound. I moved to the east a little so that the front bumper of the car was now to the southwest of me. The woman was holding the black cat in herd hands, but she was facing away from me. I said something about the cat, and she turned to face me. The black cat was small, with long black hair that was matted against its sides. Something seemed strange about how the cat was found. I reached forward to pet the cat as the woman showed it to me, but i quickly realized tha the right side of the animal’s jaw was gray and rotting. I had touched part of the decaying flesh and quickly withdrew my hand. I told the others that the cat was dying, and they became concerned. The right side of the cat’s face was rotting off. I told the woman that the cat had gone into the car to die. The people started to feel sorry for the cat, which was now on the ground to the southeast of me. A large square patch of fur and skin was missing from the cat’s upper left hind leg. As the can moved, i thought that it had several large wounds in its flesh. The wounds seemed to be festering, and i thought that the animal was going to die. We were probably disturbing it. The cat started walking to the west, down the dirt road. I followed it, noticing that the outside of its right hind leg was also gray and pussy. The flesh had decayed into a gel. I worried about the animal, and i again told the others that it must have crawled into the car to die. The cat turned to the north, following a foot path between two mounds that rose on the northern side of the road. I had continued to the west, but turned to the northeast to watch the cat. I could no longer see the cat, but i saw the two white dogs trotting to the east. I realized that the dogs might bother the cat, so i told the others around me what we would have to restrain the dogs. No one seemed to react, so i said it again. The two dogs, which seemed to be white labs, trotted through the gap in the barbed-wire fence on the northern side of the road. I started to head back to the east. I now seemed to be in a large room. Everything seemed tan here. I said something to $F45, who was with me in the room. A dog passed us, heading to the east. It was a large dog with a little fur on its large ears. I focused on the ears, noticing that they seemed thick and fleshy. I thought that the dog was getting something from the eastern end of the room. I continued talking to the others here. $A648 was with the ground. I said something to him, and it felt good to be talking to him. I felt that i had to go, though. I hugged $A648, feeling very warm and comfortable with him. I turned back to the west and flew back down the corridor. The dog had run to the west with me. I looked down at it as it followed me. It was drooling out its hanging lips.

12013 October 26

I had to sabotage the well to the east of me. I seemed to be in an open dry landscape, and the metal tower of the well seemed rusted. It looked somewhat like an old oil rig. Two wires held up the tower. I thought that i would have to break the wires to get the tower to collapse. I tried to stay hidden here, knowing that guards would be in the area. I looked around, catching the movement of two guards to the north of me. I would have to stay out of sight from them. I looked at the metal tower near me. I remembered blowing up the bolts of the tower before. A large metal box was in the center of the tower. I would have to blow up the center of the tower and then set off explosions to cut the bolts. I knew that the box would have to fall down the well. It was the only way to keep everyone safe. The box had to be in the well so that it did not explode on the surface and destroy things. I cut the wires that ran from the sides of the tower. As i did, i remembered doing this before. I had destroyed this tower in a previous iteration of this scene. I looked up to the north, seeing the men on the tower. They were too close to me, and i would not be able to finish what i had started. It was too late. The tower started to fall after i cut the wires, and the men fell with it, but nothing else happened. A large explosion should have occurred, but nothing happened. I felt anxious and disappointed. I turned to the south and ran into the house to hide. A woman turned around suddenly in the room i had entered. I had surprised here. I could not let the others find me here, so i continued running through the center of the house. I ran to the south, thinking that i could exit the house and keep running.

12013 October 31

I was walking down the hall to the east, staying near the northern wall. I seemed to be in a mall, thought the furnishings in the hallway seemed more like those of a house. The northern wall was off-white. I had been talking to someone to the west of me, and i had said something just before i turned to walk away from them. I then noticed my reflection in a small wood-framed mirror that was hanging on the northern wall. I looked at my face, but i noticed a small hole in my left earlobe. I remembered that i had gotten my ear pierced. I turned my head to look at the hole a little closer. the hole seemed to be rather high in my lobe, and i wished that it were lower. I then wondered why i was not wearing the stud. I remembered the jeweled stud that i had been wearing in my ear. It had a diamond-like jewel at the end. I thought that i should be wearing it now. I turned to the east again and started walking. I was headed to get the stud so that i could wear it. I knew that i should have it in my ear so that the hole did not close up. I then thought that it had actually been a while since i had the stud in. I hoped that my ear had not healed. I thought about the piercing as i continued to walk, thinking that i could actually wear some of the old jewelry that i had. Most of it was bangles, but i knew that i would no longer need to wear it with an ear cuff. I pictured the white ivory hand that i used to wear on my ear and continued to the east.