12014 October 01

I was doing something on the large bed in the center of the large bedroom. The bed was against the southern wall, and the room extended to the east and west from the bed. Someone was just to the west of me as i stood up on the western side of the bed and looked around the room. I looked out the windows on the southern wall. Just to the southwest of the bed, the southern wall ran north to south. A window in the wall faced east, and i realized that the window was open. I could feel cold air coming in. The upper pane of the window was pulled down slightly, so i pushed it back up. I thought that it must have been open a long time. I felt annoyed, thinking that we were wasting heat. I moved around the room, heading to the northern wall and walking to the east. The light coming in the windows was very bright and diffuse. Most of the windows seemed to be closed, but i realized that one of them was open in the middle of the northern wall. I felt annoyed because the furnace had been on while the window was open. I pushed it back up. It was in a small jog in the northern wall, facing west. Snow had fallen through the screen of the window and created a thin layer of white powder on the lower part of the wall. I could also see snow clustered on the screen on the upper part of the window. I pushed the upper part of the window closed and brushed some of the snow off of the metal radiator cover to the north of me. The metal cover seemed dusty, and i realized that the snow had accumulated on the thick layer of dust that had been on the wall. I moved along the northern wall, looking at the windows. The small windows to the north were closed. They were high on the wall and seemed to be hatch windows. I then noticed that the screen on one of them had been bent in the center. The top was pulled down and crumpled. I thought that someone must have tried to break into the house by prying open the screen. I looked down at the latch on the window, thinking that the glass part of the window had been latched, and the turn handle was not moved. It would have been hard for someone to open the glass part of the window from the outside. I looked at the bent part of the screen. Plants were growing around it. They seemed to be vines or some other type of long woody weeds. The metal trim on the roof also seemed to be bent now. I wondered if i had accidentally bent the screen when i was working on the roof. I remember prying of the aluminum trim from the edge of the roof. The trim ran along the top of the window, so i thought that i could have bent the screen myself. I turned to the east and started walking across the field. I had to check something on the eastern side. I was walking along the northern side of a field that sat to the south of a large gray barn. The field i was looking to check was to the east of the barn, running to the north. I felt a little uneasy, though, because i was walking on someone else’s property. I saw the farmer standing near the entrance to the barn. I pretended that i did not notice him and continued walking to the east. I hoped that he did not get mad at me for walking on his property. Several small animals moved around near the farmer. I then noticed a small horse in a corral just to the northeast of me. A large gray tractor was to the southeast of the farmer, facing north. I was about to walk to the north of a large mound of hay, which seemed to be from the floor of the barn. As i walked past, i noticed a large Irish setter lying on the ground on the northern side of the hay. It looked up at me and stood excitedly to greet me. I hoped that it did not bark. I did not want it to draw the attention of the farmer. I would have to explain that i was crossing his land to get to the field on the other side. I would no longer be able to sneak past the farmer because the dog was jumping excitedly to greet me. I then saw the dark-gray horse stand up in the corral. It seemed nervous around me and ran to the north, into the barn. Annoyed at the commotion that i was creating, i started to wander a little to the southeast to avoid the farmer. As i started to cross the yard, though, i noticed the large brown bull to the east of me. It had trotted from the northeast. It was staring intently at me as it jogged into the center of the yard. I felt weary of it, thinking that i had to be cautious. The bull then started walking slowly toward me. It was walking on its two hind feet, and i realized that the face looked rather human. I then realized that it was a man with horns on his head and brown pants. He wore a brown T-shirt with large white letters on it. He smiled as he came near me and greeted me. I talked to him. The farmer was to the north of me now. He was a large man now. I chatted with him and the other man. They were smiling and very friendly to me. Both men seemed pudgy and jolly. The farmer bent over to pick up a small pig that was to the south of him. As he stood back up, he seemed very obese. His huge belly bulged to the south of him, stretching his denim overalls. He joked with the pig, making funny sounds. I thought that they were both very nice people, but i knew that they might be interested in me in an intimate way, and i was not attracted to them at all. Other people were now moving around near the barn. I felt a little uneasy, and i turned to the south to wander away. A small group of people was watching the singers to the south of them. The singers had started singing again. I realized that they were $A30 and $A533. They were singing a cappella as the crowd listened. They had just come back from a break where they had been drinking beer. They were still drinking as they sang. They paused in their song. $A533 was standing to the east of $A30, and he leaned forward a little to take a sip from his large mug. $A30 continued singing. I thought that they were stalling because they had to sign a specific song, and they did not want to. They must have stopped to drink at the halfway point in the show. $A30 was now singing a drinking song to stall for time. $A533 laughed at him as he tried to sip from his glass. I looked down at the ground as i thought about these things, and i turned to the north and started to pace.

12014 October 02

I moved around in the hotel room, which was just to the south of the city area. I had been driving north up the road toward the city. The road seemed to run along the shore of a river or ocean, with the water to the east. I remembered liking the buildings that i had passed along the way. I turned to the east as i packed something on the southern side of the room. It was morning, and the light was already starting to illuminate the window to the east of me. I would be leaving soon, and i suddenly felt sad that i had not walked around this area. I remembered passing large casinos, which were on the eastern side of the road, just to the south of where i was staying. I did not want to go to the casinos, but other things in the area seemed fun. I had felt excited to be in this area when i drove here, but i realized that i would now be leaving soon. I felt that i had not enjoyed this place while i could, and i felt a little sad that i would have to leave. I looked out the window to the south, trying to see the large buildings on the eastern side of the road to the south of where i was. I could not see them. Instead, the area to the south seemed to be forested. The main road descended a short hill just to the south, and the land on the east of it was thick with trees. It must be a park. The large buildings must be just on the other side of it, but i could not see them because of the trees. I then noticed a few joggers coming down the center of the road. They were wearing running shorts and T-shirts. A woman wore a white tech shirt with pink sides. I realized that they were running a race. I wanted to watch the runners go past, but i realized that i must have missed the fast people already. They would have been the most interesting to watch. The people i was watching now were not jogging that quickly, so they must have been near the end of the group. I then saw the flashing lights coming over the top of the hill to the south. The cars seemed to be coming quickly. The cars must be leading another group of runners down the road. It must be the start of another heat of the race. I walked a little way to the south along the western side of the road. I wanted to see the people running at the front of the race. I then realized that the fast runners would be passing the slower people that were already on the road. I wondered how the car with the flashing lights would pass the other joggers.

12014 October 04

I was moving to the west, but i stopped in the back yard of my parents’ house. I was standing near the northwestern corner of the large white house, looking to the west. The road ran from the west on the southern side of the house, descending a steep hill and crossing a creek to the southwest of where i was. I could not see the creek because of the bushes and trees, but i could hear people and cars near it. I then realized that i could hear some people rather clearly to the west. I looked across the short section of lawn between me and the edge of the forest. I could not see anyone there, but i could hear them rather clearly. I listened for a moment, turning to the south to look at the western side of the house. I wooden scaffolding ran up the side of the house. There had been construction recently. The scaffolding was actually a wooden fire escape. I wondered if it was safe to climb on it. I wanted to do so, but i was distracted by the voices. I looked back to the west. The voices sounded closer. The thick tan trunk of a tree stood just to the west of me. It blocked my view of the trees to the west. I thought that the people might be standing at the edge of the trees, just behind the trunk. I was about to move a little to the north to get a look at them when my father said something. I turned to the south to see him standing on the lower level of the fire escape. He leaned on the gray wooden railing, looking at me. He had asked how i was doing. I said that i was doing well. I looked for the people to the west of me again, noticing the tree in my way. I moved a little, spotting two or three people walking out of the forest and heading toward me. They seemed to be in their mid twenties, and they smiled as they passed me to the north. I wanted to say hello to them, but i felt uneasy doing so. I then started to feel a little annoyed that they were walking across the lawn. I watched them head to the northeast. I thought that they must live in the house on the northern side of the property and that they were simply crossing through my parents’ yard because it was the most direct route. They paused on the northern side of the lawn before disappearing around a small shed to the north. I was annoyed that they were being inconsiderate.

I moved to the west, across the room of the house, which seemed to be my parents’ house. I was in a living room on the western side of the building. I had heard a sound from the west, and i tried to see what it was. I looked out a window in the southern wall to see a pick-up truck driving up the shallow hill from the creek. It had several long pieces of wood sticking out the front of the car. I realized that the sound i had heard was the sound of wood falling against wood. The truck moved slowly down the road, and i thought that it would be stopping to pick up the wood. My father and mother were in the room to the north of me, on the western side of the room. I told my father that lumber had fallen. I then moved to the western side of the room, trying to see out the window to the west. My father said that the truck was usually near the creek, adding that he sometimes wakes the man up. I imagined that the driver was an old ragged man who sometimes stopped the truck near the creek and fell asleep. I headed for the window, looking out as i approached. I thought that many people actually hung out near the creek. Several chairs seemed to be in the way, but i maneuvered around them. I passed to the north of a white padded armchair and to the east of a small round wooden end table. As i stepped toward the window, i realized that a small cat was lying on the floor just under the window. I paused so that i did not step on it. It looked like $X5, but it seemed smaller. I bent over to pet it. The cat raised its head to look at me as i crouched down to it. I said that it was in front of this window because it was the only window that did not have things cluttered in front of it. I seemed to be making a joke with my mother, who decorated the house with many things in front of the windows. My mother was behind me now, somewhere to the north. I pet the cat, feeling close to it. I wanted to comfort it.

12014 October 06

We had run into the shelter before. I stopped on the stairs that climbed back up the mountain to see what was wrong to the east. This scene had happened before, and we were doing it again. An atomic bomb was exploding just over a short rounded hill to the east. It would destroy the valley. Last time, some men had led us into the mountain bunker. They had told us that we had to hide here to be safe. We had stayed in the bunker for several weeks before coming out. It seemed like a very long time, and i was not happy about doing it again. I could see clouds just over the forested hill to the east. The clouds were starting to glow from the explosion that was growing beneath them. The others hurried into the tunnel, which headed to the west, into the side of the mountain. Some of the others ran past me as i paused in the doorway. The light of the explosion was getting brighter. We would have to close the metal door behind us. I ran inside, looking back through the door. The door had a large glass window in it. This did not seem right. The heat from the explosion would shatter the glass or melt it. I stopped just inside the doorway, looking at the valley outside. There should have been another door, or the window on this door should have been smaller. I imagined a thick metal door with a small pill-shaped window in the top. As i backed to the west, i thought that the door probably should not even have a window. The window would be the weak point of the door. I looked to the south now. The door seemed to face southeast. The forest of the valley was still green, but it was starting to smoke. A row of black plumes rose from the surface of the lake to the south. The explosion should have a shock wave. I wondered if the small tremor was related. I then saw a bright light high in the sky to the east. It was just out of my vision above the door. The bomb must have gone off in the sky. This was a more efficient way to destroy the area, but it was not how the bomb had exploded before. I turned to the northwest and ran down the corridor, away from the door. I knew that the light would grow brighter, and i wondered if i would get a sunburn on my back from the radiation. I thought that the door should be closed, but i did not see a second door as we ran down the white corridor. I come to the northwestern end, where the bunker was. This place did not seem right. I had passed a small room, which was on the northeastern side of the corridor, and i noticed a window in the outside wall. This bunker should not have windows. We would be able to get natural light here and to see what was happening in the valley, but it would make the building vulnerable to the explosion. I turned and looked back down the corridor. The door was closed, but it was still a regular door. Most of it was covered with a window. I thought that the glass must be special glass so that it would not shatter when the shock wave hit. I then thought about the shock wave. The mountain shook suddenly, and i wobbled to the west. The corridor was very plain, but the room on the northwestern end had some furnishings. I then noticed the window in the northern wall. I looked to the east, noticing another window on the eastern side of the small living room. This did not make any sense. The bunker should not have had any windows. It would not be safe if there were windows that were exposed to the outside. I then thought again about being here with the others. The last time, we had been here for weeks. I remembered that we had read something, and that we would not leave the bunker until we had finished reading it. I started to feel uneasy thinking about it. I did not want to stay here again.

I slowed to a stop as i approached the eastern side of the intersection. It was dark around me, and i could only see the road in the intersection. The intersection was T shaped, with a road heading off to the west and a road heading to the north. I normally would have taken the road to the north, but i felt a little uneasy and wanted to do something different, so i drove to the west. I remembered taking this route a long time ago. I knew that it would lead to my parents’ house, but it would not be the normal way that i would travel. As i headed over the crest of a small hill. I could see the road ahead of me. It curved slightly to the west-northwest as it ascended a slight hill. The road i was on descended into a slight valley before starting up the hill. The landscape seemed very flat and featureless. The road was smooth and very black, and the grassy fields around us seemed pale purple. A single tree seemed to be in the field to the south. The scene looked like it was from a video game, with sharp edges to all of the features. I continued down the road, moving very quickly. I hoped that i remembered how to get to my parents’ house from this road. I did not recognize where i was, but i knew that i would eventually come out in a town, and i hoped that i would recognize which way to go from there. I felt drowsy all of the sudden. I tried to focus on the road, but i became groggy. I had to keep driving though. I was now heading across a more realistic landscape, descending a shallow hill to the west. I could see a stop sign at the bottom of the hill, quite a way from where i was. A few old houses were on the sides of the road. A white car was stopped in the road ahead of me, and i could not pass it because another car was coming from the west. I pushed hard on the brakes to get my car to stop, but it did not respond quickly. I was sliding a little on the snow, which covered the surface of the road. I came to a stop just behind the white car, feeling tense because i thought that i was going to hit it. The two cars passed us from the west. The driver’s door of the car ahead of me then opened and some people got out. They were young boys wearing dark suits. It looked like they had just come from a special event. The boys walked to the south, toward the house on the southern side of the road. They disappeared between the thick evergreen shrubs that ran along the road in front of the house, blocking the stairs and the cement path to the front door. My car started to slide to the west now on the road, and i drove it around the southern side of the stopped car. My car was now a wheelbarrow. I tried to stop it, but i ended up running into one of the boys, who was in the road. He fell over. I felt tense again, trying to get my car to come to a stop. I stopped the wheelbarrow just in front of the wall that ran along the southern side of the road, to the west of the house. The tall cement wall had a few vertical seems in it. I quickly walked back to help the boy to his feet. I then looked to the west, at the intersection in the road.

12014 October 07

I turned the car to the north and drove a little farther into the deep snow that was covering the parking lot. The woman was to the east of me. She was in her car, but we were both standing in the parking lot trying to move the cars to the southern side of the lot. She seemed uneasy driving her car in the snow, and she was having trouble getting her car to move to the south. A car was already parked on the southern side of the lot, facing south. The woman was trying to park her car along the western side of the other car, but she was worried about the snow. I drove my car to the south, pushing it into the snow bank to the west of the other car. I was trying to create a space for the woman to park. I pulled my car out of the space, noticing a tan stain in the bumper-shaped impression that my car had left in the snow bank. I turned back to the woman and told her that she could now put her car in the spot. She thanked me for clearing the way. I pushed more snow to the north with the object that i was holding in front of me. The object was white. At first it seemed like a large shovel with a thick white plastic handle, but then it seemed that i was holding it around my waist. It was actually shaped like a wishbone, and i pointed it to the north to clear the snow. I thought that it had gasoline in it and that i would use it like a flamethrower. I pictured myself doing this as the woman moved to the south on the eastern side of me. I then turned to the south and headed into the open area. I was now to the south of the large stone building. Other cars were parked on the northern side of the lot, to the north of me. I started to feel suspicious of the other cars. We had just arrived to this place, and i did not feel that i could trust the other cars. Something was happening here, and i did not feel entirely safe. The others had done something, and they stole money. They were heading north into the school building to divide the money among themselves. I moved with them, watching the scene as if i was watching a movie. I was on the eastern side of a dimly lighted room, watching a man in a gray suit enter form the south, through a door in the eastern end of the southern wall. He seemed like Kevin Spacey. The others were waiting for him in the center of the eastern side of the room. The room seemed like an attic, with slanted ceilings and many exposed beams and crossbars. I sat somewhere near the ceiling, on what seemed to be a ledge in the western wall. The man moved to the center of the room, carrying the briefcase. He told the others that they did not need to split the money with the other people. The others seemed nervous, but agreed. They discussed what they were going to do. I felt uneasy, thinking that the bad guys were around somewhere. They would want their share of the money. The man wandered to the southern wall and looked out the window. He seemed like Michael Douglas now. I wandered to the east, into the other side of the room, which was a library. I passed between tall wooden shelfs of books, listening to the floor creek as i walked. I turned to the north a little and came into a long aisle between the shelfs. The room was dark, but it was illuminated from the light to the west. I thought about this place as i walked slowly over the floor. A man was with me as i contemplated what i should do. He seemed to be a friend of mine. I then decided that i had to use the toilet. I wandered to the west and came into a small bathroom. I faced the southwestern wall and started to urinate on the wall. A red metal cylinder was standing in front of me. It looked like a tall fire extinguisher, but i thought that it was a tank of pressurized gas. Two others came to the wall to the north of me. I concentrated on the tank, thinking that it was strange that i would be urinating on the side of it.

12014 October 08

I looked out the large picture window that was in the northern wall of the room. The living room was on the northern side of the house, which i was staying in. Someone stood just to the northwest of me, talking to me. It was dark outside, but i could see a strange orange glow from the top of the mountain to the north. The mountain seemed to be smoking. I realized that the mountain might be a volcano. I asked the other person about it. I then thought that i was somewhere in a foreign country. The people here must have known about the volcano. I could see houses covering the lower slopes of the volcano. I asked the person about it, thinking that it was not enough of an eruption for the people to worry about. I then looked back out the window just in time to see an orange plume of lava fan out to the southwest of the mountain. A large glowing boulder rose from the spray, arching to the southwest before descending toward the city. I pointed out the volcano to the other person, but he did not seem interested. This volcano was beautiful to watch, but i worried that it was dangerous. I then thought that i should get my camera to take pictures of the mountain. I wondered if it was too dark to take pictures. I looked back at the mountain to see the glowing smoke rising from the top. No one around me seemed concerned about the debris that had been ejected from the top of the mountain.

12014 October 09

I felt concerned about something in the room with us. I was with a small group of people on the southwestern side of the room. The area to the north seemed to be a pub or restaurant. It seemed to be nicely decorated in a modern style and well kept. We started heading to the east, down a corridor that ran between the dividing wall in the center of the room and the southern wall of the room. The southern wall seemed to be an exterior wall of the very tall building that we were in. I followed the others as we headed east, making slight jogs to the north and south to continue down the corridor. I felt nervous, thinking that we were being led here for some reason. I then realized that we were actually walking along the top of the building. We were expected to do work here, and i felt uneasy about the way we were being forced to come here. I approached the edge of the roof on the eastern end and came to a stop. The building was very tall, and i could see the smaller buildings of the city far below. The tower we were on was a modern skyscraper. Another tower or another part of the tower that we were on was to the northeast of me. Its southern edge was not aligned with the building that i was on. I looked over the side, feeling very uncomfortable with the height of the building. One of the people with me walked up to the edge to the north of me and started climbing down the side of the building. I realized that there was a ledge just below the top that they were climbing to. I felt nervous about climbing down and did not want to. I walked back along the roof, following the northern edge of the roof to the west. When i reached the western end of the northern side of the roof, i could see the others standing on the other building, which was now to the northwest of us. The other building had a wide white platform on the roof that extended a few meters over the side of the building. The others had hopped onto the ledge and walked to the roof. The ledge was close to the building i was on, so it seemed safer to jump across to it than to climb down to the ledge. I jumped onto the plastic ledge, very nervous about the height. I started to worry that the plastic shield might not hold my weight. I held on to the roof as i hurried to the north, toward the center of the building. The others were already collecting in the center of the roof. We had been forced to be here, and i did not want to be here. The people in charge were forcing us to work on the roof because it was dangerous.

12014 October 10

I ran to the center of the room from the northeast. The room seemed wide with a very tall ceiling. Most of the room was dark, and it seemed like an old wooden warehouse. The center of the room was illuminated, and a wooden ladder stretched up to the ceiling. $A707 was standing to the south of the ladder as the other person and i reached it. She told me not to climb the ladder, but i did not know where else we should go. We had to get up to the place at the top. I felt upset that $A707 was telling me not to climb the ladder. She should not have been trying to keep me from doing something. I climbed the ladder and moved through the small square opening at the top. The other person seemed to follow me. I came into the main room of the casino. The room was dimly lighted with many small lights from the machines. I moved to the north and then to the west. When i turned back to the south, i passed through a doorway, coming into a wide area of a hallway on the western side of the building, where people were gathering. $F12 was standing just to the west of the doorway, looking to the south. He was singing karaoke, holding a microphone to his mouth. He smiled as he sang. A woman was standing to the west of him. I waved at him, and he nodded in reply as he continued singing. I started to feel awkward here, not sure what i should do. I looked around at the people in the area. $A7 and $A310 were standing to the east of the doorway. I waved to them.

12014 October 11

I headed down the hallway to the southwest. I felt dazed. A person came up the hall from the other direction and said something to me. I did not want to be distracted, so i pretended i was dazed and continued wandering to the southwest. I was on a cart that was rolling down the hall. I seemed to be kneeling on it and pushing it forward at the same time. The person walked slowly to the northeast, watching me. I did not look back at the person. I had to get away. As i neared the southwestern end of the corridor, i had to duck because the ceiling was lower. Sitting on the cart made me taller, so i was now too tall for the shorter part of the ceiling. I paused the cart for a moment as i figured out how to duck under the low ceiling. I was then walking to the west. Somewhere, i turned to the north and headed across the large lounge area. Double wooden doors were in the wall to the north of me. Hey faced northwest and led into a large room. The walls of the room were dark. I came into the room. This is where the graduation ceremony was happening. I felt bad about being here because i had not finished my classes. I felt very upset, thinking that i had wasted my time here. I then thought that i had actually never even been to some of my classes. I wondered if my parents knew that i had not been doing things at college. I thought about the class, thinking that i could not pretend to take the final exam because i had never actually been to class. I was very upset about wasting my time here. I moved to the center of the large room. People were seated in couches and chairs around the room. I sat down on a dark-gray square seat near the northern end of the room. It seemed like an ottoman, but it was probably a chair from the couch set to the north. I still felt dazed and unfocused. As i sat on the chair, i started to feel that i was falling asleep. I focused on keeping my eyes open. I was facing southwest at the moment. I kept leaning back to the north, ready to fall asleep. I jerked myself awake again, looking to the southwest. Someone’s parents would be in the crowd there. I thought that $F10’s parents were in the crowd. I thought that i should say hello, but i felt uncomfortable about it. I started to fall asleep again as i leaned to the north. I opened my eyes, noticing the fine white particles of dust that were drifting through the air. I was surprised to see them and wondered why i had not seen them before. I realized that my vision was unfocused, so i concentrated on looking at the dust. It became clearer when i focused on it. I thought that i had not noticed it before because it could not really be seen when it was not focused on. It would just blur into the surrounding air. I then jerked awake suddenly. I must have fallen asleep. People were standing up and leaving the room. Something happened. Graduation had been canceled. I felt relieved in some way, but i was still upset to be in this place. I walked to the east, between the two stone buildings of the college campus. Everything was dark now. The building i had been in was to the northwest of me now. I thought that the other people would be heading to the south from the building to get their cars. Students would be walking down the sidewalks of the campus. I was on a sidewalk on the northern side of a street. I passed between some low stone walls and some bushes. The sidewalk descended a short set of steps. A taller stone wall rose to the south of it, between the stairs and the road. As i descended the stairs, i started to feel unsafe in the dark. None of the students were walking on this part of the campus, but i thought that someone might be following me. I walked carefully. A small wooden shed was on the northern side of the stone path, at the bottom of the stairs. I passed it, watching for others. I then saw a man approaching me from the east. He was walking the other direction on the path. I felt cautious of him and started to act dazed. I pretended that i was confused or drunk. As he passed me, i noticed the metal screw on the ground. I bent over to pick it up. The man was on the stairs to the west of me now, and i was aware that he was watching me pick up the screws. I looked around for the others screws. I felt that i had to pick them up.

12014 October 13

I grabbed the long stick and pulled it down. The stick was to the south of me and was attached on the southern end, which was somewhere on the other side of the rounded forested hill to the south of me. I was standing on a single-lane dirt road, and i knew that another road ran along the southern side of the hill. I had pulled the stick down into the hill, just to the south of the rounded peak. The stick, which seemed like a small tree, made a deep indent into the side of the hill. I had done this on purpose to create another road. I then wondered if i was disrupting something to the south of the hill. I grabbed the stick and adjusted it in the long indent that it had made across the hill. The cut into the hill did not seem deep enough to create a proper road. I then thought that i had actually destroyed a long narrow area to create the road, and i hoped that i did not hurt anyone on the other side of the hill. I started heading to the south, down the narrow road that i had created. The road was more like an old jeep trail or a wide footpath. The dirt cliffs on the northern side of the road seemed rather steep, and tall green trees hung over the top edge. As i moved to the south, i became aware of a car behind me. I started to feel nervous, realizing that i was now far from civilization and in the middle of the forest. I stopped a moment, trying to think of what i should do. I then continued to the south, starting to feel unsure whether i would be able to drive on the road ahead. The dirt road had just been created, and it seemed uneven and rough. I thought that my car might get stuck in the soft dirt. I could not get stuck here with the other car behind me. I then noticed the rusted road sign ahead. I thought that it might be the intersection of the other road. It was old and rusted. I thought that it was a stop sign, but it was obviously taller than it was wide, and the color was yellow. It had a black symbol on it, but the paint was faded and worn. I pretended to read the sign, hoping that the other car would go past me. I then turned to the north and headed down the road, hoping to get away from the other car.

I was in the large central room with wood walls. This room seemed to be the living room in my apartment in $P10. Two bedrooms were to the west. $F45 was in the room to the south of me, and he seemed very happy. He had just rented a room of the apartment to someone, and he was telling me about it excitedly. He was happy to be getting the money. I did not seem to understand the situation and did not pay much attention to him. $F45 kept telling me how much he was making on the rental. $A16 was then to the south, at the door of the apartment. She said something about the other person who was here. The other person was the one renting the apartment. She then mentioned that $F45 was not allowed to rent out the rooms of her apartment. She left. $F45 tuned to me, and i told him that we had rented the entire house from $A16, so we did not have the right to rent out the rooms to someone else without her permission. I thought that he had understood that. He became suddenly upset because he could not get what he wanted. I started to worry that he would blame me for not telling him about the apartment before he rented it out. He was so upset about the situation that he started to cry. I was not sure what i could do about it, but i started to feel sorry for him. He seemed angry with me though, so i tried not to interact with him. He ran out of the apartment through the doorway in the center of the southern wall. I felt bad for him, but i was not sure what to do. I layed down on the bed, which was on the northern side of the room. I felt exasperated. I then heard movement upstairs. $A16 was in her apartment above us. She was talking about the rental. She had been trying to rent the apartment. I wondered if i would have to move out. I then thought that i heard someone to the south. People were trying to get into the apartment. I wondered suddenly if the people $F45 had rented the apartment to were trying to move in. They would not be allowed to.

12014 October 14

I moved through the small rooms of the building, which seemed like $P19. The rooms were not well lighted. I felt as though i should stay here for the night, but something about the place made me feel uneasy. I was not sure what i should do. I headed out of the building, heading east. The building was a gray stone house. It seemed small and colonial in design. I was in the back yard of the house. I had lived in this house when i stayed with $G3. I should feel comfortable here, but i did not. A tall cement highway overpass bridge was in the air to the north of me. It curved from east to southwest, and seemed to pass over the northern part of the house. I moved to the south across the uneven grass lawn. The grass seemed well worn and unkempt. A short wall ran just to the south of the house, along the edge of the small yard. It was a short old stone wall with a rounded top. I remembered when they had put dirt over the lawn to fill in the yard. It seemed like a long time ago. I looked up to the northeast. I was now to the southwest of the house, about ten meters from the southwestern corner. I could see the tall bridge arching across the sky to the northeast. People were outside of the house now, and a man noticed me looking up to the sky. He approached me from the north, and he asked “You never noticed the bridge before?” I told him that i had noticed the bridge before. I then added that it not go over the house when i had lived here. I said “Otherwise, the people in room 10 couldn’t sleep.” I walked back along the southern side of the house to the east, heading toward the back yard. I was in the house now, and i paced around for a moment, thinking about things. I then started flying through the rooms, trying to remember something. $A649 was there, and i hovered near her for a moment. It was good to see her. I then got a call on my cell phone. I tried to answer it, but i was having difficulty because i was still floating. I tried to talk, but something about floating seemed to making holding the phone complicated. The person talking to me on the phone was trying to tell me something urgent, and i thought that it was an emergency. I did not quite understand why the person was calling me. I thought that they must have dialed the wrong number. I told the person that they had called me by mistake. I was then outside of the small bedroom that i had been in, and i was floating again. I tried to fly east, but it seemed hard to fly through the air here. I felt tired. $A649 was watching me from the west. I was in the back yard of the house now, just off the southeastern corner of the stone building. I tried to head north, around the house, which now seemed older and not as well maintained. I wanted to fly to the northwest. I was on the college campus now, near a lake and a gorge. The lake was to the northwest of me, and the gorge ran from the lake to the south, along the western side of the property. I was hovering over the ground to the north of the house now. I realized that i was hovering with little difficulty. This proved that i could fly. The difficulty i was having did not limit me from actually flying. I headed to the northwest, flying over the wide creek. Two women were playing in the rocks to the north of the water. They tried to run into the water. The water looked very shallow, so i thought that they could easily run on the rocks. I then said something to the person on the telephone. I continued to fly along the creek, passing a large elephant that was standing on the western shore of the creek. I made a trumpeting noise as i flew over the elephant. The person on the telephone asked me what the sound was. I told the person that the elephant was really kids with water guns. They were trying to spray me. I turned to the west and walked into the building, heading down the long hallway. People had been gathered in the large atrium to the east, but i had to go somewhere. I turned to the north and entered the bathroom on the northern side of the hall. It was a large room, with stalls around the walls. $A649 was there, but i was still talking on the cell phone that i was holding to my right ear. I waved to $A649 and she hugged me with a bright smile on her face. I knew that she was hugging me because she could see that i really could fly. I thought that it was a little strange, but i was glad to see her. A man then asked us why the room had such a large gathering area. I looked to the east to see the long tables that had been set up for the meeting. I did not know why we were meeting here as opposed to some other location. The man asked about the other meeting place. I had seen an interview being held there, but i did not have an answer to the man’s question. I said that the old meeting place was gone; it had been renovated or reconstructed.

12014 October 18

The large yellow lizard, which looked like an iguana, was in the box that the man was showing. He talked about it as he stood to the north of me. I looked over the lizard, which was under a clear plastic tub. It had wide eyes with brightly colored steaks in the irises. I listened to the man talk about it. I then turned my attention back to the lizard. To my surprise, it was now to the west of me on the floor. I realized that the tray had fallen off of the dresser to the north of me, and it had been able to escape from under the tub. It ran under the dresser, and it was staring at me. I watched it for a moment, worried about it being loose. It then urinated on the wooden floor. I was annoyed, and i ran to the east to get some toilet paper to wipe up the urine. I told the man that the animal had urinated. I wanted the man to get control of the animal again. The man seemed like $A714.

12014 October 19

I was in the new office spaces in the modern building. These were the new offices for $G6. I was leading a small group of people through the building, and i was explaining to them how people actually lived here. I knew that people dedicated themselves to there jobs here, so they would not always be able to get home. I felt uneasy about this. I walked to the south, and the others followed. An orange sign was on a cubical wall to the south of me. It said that people would be coming to this office. It seemed like a “coming soon” sign.

12014 October 23

The man had stolen something, and i was moving with him. I felt uncomfortable with the situation, but i was not sure what had happened. The man then showed me pictures of money. A large amount of money had been stolen. I felt bad for being a part of the crime. I wondered why i was involved with these people. I also felt uncomfortable with the man. I thought that he had killed someone. I did not want to be a part of this group, but i was. I headed down the road to the south, wondering what i could do. I thought about how i could explain my guilt to people. I was very upset.

I was hiking up the steep eastern side of the hill, heading to the north. $F12 was with me. $A7 and a woman were also hiking with us. $F12 was to the west of me, and the other two were behind us, to the south. I looked up to the west to see the dark foggy hill above us. The path was turning in a switchback and the trail started running up to the west. We were pushing couches up the paved path. I looked down at the front of the white couch that we were pushing, noticing that he front of it was worn down from others riding it down the hill. I wondered if we were going to ride the couches back down the hill once we got to the top. The trail turned to the south to run back across the hill. This part of the trail was very short and very steep. Some houses were on the sides of the road. A few men were standing by a house to the north of the street, on the corner. I watched them as we pushed the couches past them. I asked the others with me if we were coming down this steep slope in the couches. We then pushed the couches onto a section of the slope that was moving. We started moving to the west. This was part of the ride where we could rest as the couches were brought up the hill with us. I talked to the others about strapping ourselves into the couches. The woman moved in front of me, to the east of me, to get on to the couch. The couch was facing west, and the woman sat on the southern end, strapping herself in. I sat on the couch with the others and put on the safety belt. I then realized that the dogs were not with us. They had been following us up the slope, but they were no longer with us. I looked around to see that the dogs were near us, but they were not on the couch. I unstrapped myself and stepped to the north to pick up one of the dogs. I handed the small dog to the woman on the southern side of the seat, which was now in a small open car of a carnival ride. I then realized that the lift was only going up the northern side of the car as the entire car rolled up the hill. This seemed very strange. The car then stopped at the top of the hill, and everyone started to get off. I was surprised that we were already at the top of the hill, but i got off with everyone else. People got off the ride and headed to the west to grab their luggage from the pile on the floor. I suddenly realized that i had forgotten my luggage. I felt upset. I did have my underwear with me, but i had not brought the rest of my clothing. I felt upset that i was not prepared. We were supposed to be staying on the hill over night. I knew that it would get cold, but i did not bring any of my extra clothes. I walked to the north, into the small house. The front room of the small wooden house seemed very fancy and nice. I looked at the details of the room, thinking that someone wealthy owned this place. Someone then said that this building had many rooms. I looked around at the others. I did not recognize them. I realized that $A7 was not with us, and i wondered if $F12 and i had followed the wrong people into the house. Was this our place? I thought that we must be in this building, and we must be in the other room to the east. I moved to the south, opening the door in the southern wall. This seemed like room 206, so i thought that it might be our room. I walked into the large living room and looked around the apartment. I wondered where i would be sleeping. Someone then said that i would be sleeping in the children’s room. I felt a little annoyed with this, but i joked about playing with the toys. I opened another door to the east, in the southern end of the eastern wall. The small room was the children’s bedroom. It was decorated in African style. It seemed very nice. I then looked down at the map of the house. I could now see where all of the bedrooms and other rooms of the house were. I thought that $A7 was in the bedroom upstairs, on the top edge of the map. I was in the room to the west of it. I wondered again what i would do about my lack of clothes. I felt bad that i was unprepared.

12014 October 24

I followed the others down the narrow dirt road to the west, trying to cross the swampy area. The road became muddy and faded into the swamp. I did not want to go through the swamp, so i decided to go around the northern side of the small square swampy patch of ground. The swamp seemed to form a perfect square, as if it had been planted. As i walked along the northern side of the area, i noticed a cat, playing in the logs to the north of me. The land to the north seemed forested. The cat was jumping over the log and squeezing into the small holes in the sides of the log. I looked back across the swamp, noticing that the others were crossing the southern side of the swamp. I thought that people used to be able to go around the swamp rather easily, but the swamp was now in the way of the road. I thought that someone must have moved the swamp to this area, making it harder to get around it. I then felt the cat hit my leg as it ran into the log, which was very close to me. I looked down at the log. The hole near me was very small, and i thought that the cat could not have gone through it. It must have gone through one of the other holes. I crouched down to look into the holes to see if i could see the cat. After a moment, i stood up and stepped over the logs, trying to get to the west. I felt something on the back side of my left leg. I looked down. I now had a thin yellow fur on the back of my leg. It had rubbed off of some animal, and it was around a small hole in my skin. This all seemed very strange. I wondered how i had cut my leg. I then wondered if something was in the log that had attacked me. I looked around, realized that i was near a dog, which seemed to be a yellow labrador. It moved, and i could see maggots on its skin. I thought that the dog might have rubbed against me when i stepped over the log. I might have mistaken part of the dog for a log. I thought that i might have gotten some of the maggots on my leg. I worried that they would be chewing on my skin. I started to feel an itch on my left leg, and i reached down to scratch, trying to get the fur and anything else off.

12014 October 25

I walked around the outside of the old stone building. I was on the eastern side of the building, looking at the tall arching windows, which had white wood trim around the windows. I was looking for the event. As i walked to the south, i heard someone say “cotillion”. Others were standing around the outside of the building, and they were watching me as i walked. I started to feel that i did not quite belong in this place. The people thought that i was not of a high enough status to be here. I felt uncomfortable. I then noticed the women in long gowns in the windows to the west of me. The tall windows came all the way to the ground, and i could see into the dance floor. A little farther to the south, some of the windows were open archways, and women stood in them as they chatted with each other. The formal clothing that these people were wearing seemed old, and i started to feel that i was in another time. One of the women commented on my strange costume. I realized that i was wearing a hat and a heavy coat. It was not a costume, just clothing foreign to this place. I looked to the east, down a walkway that ran from the building. Several young men were standing in formal dress. A woman to the southwest of me said that i should touch my fingernails to the hat to marry the men. This seemed strange, and i stared at the men for a moment to figure out what the woman was saying. She then repeated the instructions. I did not understand why she was telling me this, and i did not understand why she had repeated the instructions.

12014 October 27

I had to leave this place, and i moved to the south, through the old building, which seemed like an old stone school building. I thought about cleaning up things here. I had been working at a construction job, and we were rebuilding part of this building. I moved around in the large entryway on the southern side of the building, moving things out of the center of the floor. Another person was with me, and we chatted about something. I then headed out the door to the south, coming out onto the city street. Tall gray buildings were around us as i turned to the east and walked down the sidewalk on the northern side of the road. I had to take something somewhere. I rode my bicycle down the shoulder of the road. The city seemed crowded, though few people were around me. I was now on the southern side of the street, and i noticed several orange cones ahead. They marked the edges of a large construction site. Dirt from the site had blown into the road. The dirt and the cones blocked the lanes along the edge of the road. I had to drift to the north a little, into the traffic lane of the road. I stayed as close as i could to the edge of the road, and i hoped that no cars were coming from behind me. I was riding my bicycle to the old school. The road descended to the east, toward the building, which seemed to be at the end of the street. I carried the tray with me down the hill. It had several of the things that i was supposed to take to the school. I entered the building, thinking that i had to put the old cafeteria stuff away. I moved around the hall a little, looking for a place to put the tray and the other things on it. I wondered where i should put the stuff. I moved up the corridor a little to the east, but decided that nothing was farther up the hall but classrooms. I felt confused. I turned back around. The hall was now dark, but it was illuminated by light from the ends. My father then walked past me in the corridor, heading to the west. I followed him down the corridor to an empty classroom on the southern side of the hallway. I entered through the doorway, which was in the western end of the northern wall of the room. My father was sitting on a couch, which was against the southern wall. I told him that i had dirty dishes from the construction job, and i asked him where i should put them.

12014 October 28

I was at the camp with the large crowd of other people, but i had to leave soon. I had to get my things together so that i could catch the bus. I thought that the bus would be leaving soon. I headed to the northeast to get my things from the cabin. I thought that my mother was also at this camp. I felt anxious here. I had a lot to gather before i was ready to leave. I knew that my mother had some things in the bedroom of the cabin as well. I told the other person with me that we should collect her things too. I was in the bedroom of the cabin, starting to collect things together. The other person was helping me. I felt that we had to hurry, or we would miss the bus. I then noticed the children running to the south, across the field to the west of me. I thought that they were heading for the bus. I worried that i would not be able to catch the bus in time. I then though that i would be okay, because i had my car with me. I still had to get going, though, so i hurried to gather my things. I turned to the south and entered the kitchen. It was very much like the kitchen in my grandfather’s house. I thought that it was really my grandfather’s cottage, which i knew was now owned my other people. Frustrated, i headed back to the bedroom to get my things. I should not have been wasting my time in the kitchen. As i reached the bedroom, i noticed my mother’s aqua purse sitting on the bed, which ran along the eastern wall of the room. The head of the twin bed was against the northern wall. I thought that my mother had left the purse here by accident. I should call her to tell her. I then realized that her cell phone would be in here purse, so she would not get the call. I then realized that my cell phone was back near the bus. I thought that i could call my phone with my mother’s to see if she picked up. I felt very frustrated that things were not going well. I then heard my mother’s phone vibrate. I answered the telephone. My mother was on the phone, so i told her that some of her stuff was still in the room. I then gathered her things for her.

12014 October 29

I looked at the graphics to the north of me while i was in the room to the east of the large area. The graphic was white, with a thick black circle around it. I thought that the graphic was actually a hidden message, and i admired it for a moment. It had two layers of encryption to the message. I felt a little bit disappointed, because i was supposed to create the graphic, but someone had already done it. The people here must have gotten someone else to do the art work. I looked more closely at the thick line, which seemed to be drawn in crayon. It had a fuzzy texture to it. I thought that the top layer of the line might actually just be haze. As i looked more closely, though, i realized that the haze was now gone. I thought about this as i walked to the west. I was in the store. Shelfs of products were to the north and south of me. I felt uneasy here, and i thought that i should leave, but i was not really sure where i should go. I headed outside to the west, but i was then walking to the east, through the doors. A guard in a dark-blue uniform was standing just to the south of the door, and he was questioning a woman, who was standing in the doorway. I thought that she might be shoplifting. I tried to walk to the north of the woman and head out the door. As i passed her, she leaned against me. I felt uncomfortable, and i pushed her away. I hurried to the east to get away from her. I then realized that she might have tried to take something from me. I hoped that she did not steal anything. I thought that my wallet was in my back pocket. I was then walking to the southwest again through the store. This situation seemed odd. I then realized that i was walking across the floor of the store barefoot. I usually walked without any shoes, and i hoped that the people in the mall did not mind that i was barefoot. I then noticed a woman to the south of me. She was watching me walk, staring at my feet. I felt a little uneasy but continued to the west. I then slipped on something on the floor and fell backward. I landed on my buttocks. I realized that i was wearing light-colored pajamas with a medium pattern on them. The shapes of the pattern looked splotchy, like flowers. My shirt matched the pattern of the pants, which seemed like flannel pajamas. I felt uncomfortable in my pajamas. I should have been wearing real clothes in the mall. People would know that these were pajamas because of the way they matched. I stood back up and hurried to the south, feeling a little embarrassed by the pajamas and by the way my fall drew attention to myself. I then realized that i was carrying something in my left hand. I looked down to see that i was carrying a pair of black socks. This all seemed very strange. I was uncomfortable, and i had to get out of here.

12014 October 30

I started running north on the road in the middle of the urban area. I had not intended to run, but it was a nice day, and i wanted to get some exercise, so i was running down the path to the north. I ran across a small grassy lot, which seemed to be part of a park. I thought that i could cut over to the main road, which was to the east of me. I wanted to make a loop with my run, so i wanted to get back to a main street so that i would have someplace to go. I then realized that i had already reached the main road on the northern end of the park. I would not be able to head to the east easily, so i decided that i would turn to the west and make a loop that way. Workmen were doing something to the northeast of me, on the southeastern corner of the intersection. A large puddle was in the middle of the road ahead of me. It must have just rained, because several puddles were on the street. I turned to the west, but ran around the northern side of the small pond, which now seemed to be surrounded by grass. As i jogged around the pond, i noticed something moving in the water. A cat was swimming to the southwest across the deep puddle. I thought that the cat belonged to the woman, who was on the western side of the puddle. She had a dog as well. I hoped that the cat was okay. I watched it swim to the south, under a truck that was parked on the southern side of the street. As i reached the western side of the pond, the woman asked about the cat. I told her that it was hiding under the truck. I looked back to the truck, now noticing that the cat was no longer under the truck but standing to the north of it in the water. The cat was very thin, and it was mostly orange with a white belly and face. I turned back to the west and continued moving down the street. I suddenly spotted $F18 ahead of me. She had come to walk near the pond. I said hello to her and started chatting. It felt very good to see her.

I ran up the stairs in the large apartment building. I was heading to the north up the narrow flight. As i reached the upper floor, i noticed that deer were in the hallway again. I felt annoyed with them. They should not be wandering the halls of the apartment. I turned to the east and headed into my bedroom. I looked back at the deer to see where they were, and one was approaching the open door of my bedroom. I felt angry with them, and i thought that i should chase it away. Instead, i just snorted, and it ran away, startled by the sound. I stepped back into the hallway to look to the north. I wanted all of the deer to be gone. I was surprised to see that the corridor was dark. I could not quite see the deer, but i knew that they were still there. I made sharp breathing noises, like i was preparing to charge at the deer. I thought that it would scare them away. I could not tell if it had any affect. I reached for the eastern wall with my right hand, trying to turn on the light in the hallway with my arm. I suddenly realized that this was not correct. I was still sleeping. This scene was not quite real. I looked down the hall to the north, barely able to see a deer with antlers in the middle of the hallway. I was still annoyed with it, and i imagined chasing it to the west, down the side hall.