12016 October 01

The man to the west of me moved closer to me. I had been friends with him for a while, and i seemed to enjoy hanging around with him. He was a wrestler, and i thought that it would be fun to wrestle him again. I moved near him as he stood, watching me. He was a little shorter than i, and he was thin, but he seemed nicely muscled. He was not wearing a shirt, and he stood with his hands on his hips. He had short dark hair, with a little bit of facial hair. I remembered that he usually wrestled with the smaller man with the curly blond hair. I had met the other man as well, but i did not know him as well. I then realized that i could wrestle with this man again, because he was here. I felt interested in him and wanted to challenge him. I wondered if i would be able to meet the blond man again. I thought that the blond man lived somewhere else, so i would not see him as often. I moved closer to the man with the dark hair, thinking that he was stronger than he looked. I thought that he would be a good challenge, and i wanted to wrestle him.

I chatted with the young man as we walked to the south, into the large room. I had been talking with the man about wrestling. The man chatted with me as we stood near the eastern end of the room. I was aware that other people were in the room to the west of us. The man started joking chatting with me, and he was interested in wrestling. I felt a little uneasy about wrestling with him while the others were in the room, but i pushed back when he push on me. We were on a large pad near the southeastern corner of the room. I pushed his head down and grabbed him from above, holding him down for a moment. I looked up to the west, trying to see if the others in the room were bothered by what we were doing. Many folding chairs were set up in the room, all facing west. Few of them had people in them. The people that were sitting in the chairs seemed to be watching the performance wrestlers to the west. They were on stage, putting on a show. They seemed to be wearing luchador masks. The large bulky man who was standing on the southern end of the stage had a light blue mask with white lines. He lifted the other wrestler and held him upside-down to the north of him. The upside-down wrestler was wearing a light-red mask with white marks. The man on his head seemed to watch us for a moment, but i knew that he was in the middle of a demonstration, so he would not mind what we were doing. The other man tried to grab me. He seemed lighter than i and not as strong. I easily held him down. I switched grips so that my arm was wrapped around the top of his neck, and i pushed him down toward the mat. I tightened my grip a little, thinking that the man would feel the pressure around his neck. I joked with him as i pushed him down to the white mattress of the large bed that we were standing on. I then let him up so that he could try to take me down again. I looked to the west again, worried that we were making a scene in the room. I thought that we should probably not be wrestling like this in public. We were not really part of the show. The man i had been wrestling sat up to the south of me. I lay down on the mat, waiting for him to do something. He looked to the east, out the window that was over my head. He waved to someone and then started talking out the window. I realized that he had seen some of his friends. I felt uneasy. I realized that he was much younger than i was. He seemed to be in his mid twenties. I felt a little uneasy having people know that we had been wrestling. I thought that others would think that i was too old to be handing around with the young man. I pulled the gray wool blankets over my head as the man’s friends came into the room. I could see three women near the head of the bed, along the southern wall. The one in the middle had long black hair and East Asian features to her face. She smiled as she talked to the man. She wore a light yellow dress that had no sleeves. I was aware that a few people were standing behind me as well, to the east. The man spoke to them. One of the men behind me seemed to be concerned about the young man’s publicity. He thought that the man should not be with me because it was bad for his public image. The man seemed to be somewhat famous, and the man showing concern seemed to be a lawyer of some kind. I felt uneasy because of what he was saying. The man then said that the man with me should have had a contract for video appearances. I thought that this was meaningless, because we were not filming ourselves wrestling. We were just doing this for fun. The manager said that he would have to make sure that no evidence of this event was available online. I realized that the manager or lawyer had taken my cell phone. I rolled over and saw him looking at the blue cell phone in his right hand. I told him to leave it, but he would not. I pulled my left leg out of the covers and pushed him against the southern wall of the room, pressing my foot against his neck as i grabbed the cell phone with my hand. He said that he was a lawyer and had the right to do what he was doing. I told him that the cell phone was mine and that, if he knew the law, he would know that he did not have rights to do anything here. I lay back down. I then realized that the man was still holding on to my telephone. I sat up again, angered. I grabbed the telephone, which he had put into a small device. A chip drive was plugged into the device just below my cell phone. I thought that he was trying to copy the memory from my phone. I pulled on the device. A white chord had been connecting the device to the southern wall. The man plugged it back in. I realize that the device could not work unplugged, so i tugged harder on the phone to get it back and unplug the device. I felt angry with the man.

12016 October 02

I arrived at the run where $G4 had gathered. I had been late, and i still had to collect the money from everyone that was here. I felt flustered, not quite sure what i should be doing. I started to get my things together as i walked to the northern end of the picnic table where everyone was gathered. People greeted me, and several people started giving me their money. A few people handed me their wallets, and some people gave me cash. I looked at the items in my hands, noting a few credit cards. I was not quite sure what to do with it. I had come late, and did not know what had been happening. We were in a large gravel lot, which sloped a little to the east, away from the narrow road. A large brown building was to the north of us, and some other smaller buildings seemed to be to the east. I told the people with me that i would have to find out how much the run was, adding that most runs are five dollars, but i was not sure if the people who set this one wanted more. I walked around the southern side of the table and headed to the north, into the large pavilion. People were still gathered here, though most were heading outside. $A594 and $A588 were on the northeastern end of the room. The inside walls were unfinished, and i could see exposed beams I said something to them as i gathered my things. I felt uncertain and pressured. $F58 also seemed to be on the northern side of the room. The people here seemed to be fooling around and not really preparing for the run. I felt a little annoyed. I did not know what i should be doing. I walked to the southern end of the pavilion. Two girls were standing near the southern end of the picnic table, which was inside the pavilion. They walked in front of me. They were dressed in light blue silk dresses that seemed provocative. They both seemed East Asian. One of them stepped in front of me, trying to get me to be sexually interested in her. I knew that the two women were created as some kind of game for the run, but i was not interested. I had to get the money taken care of. I told the woman that i was homosexual, and i pushed past her, heading west along the southern side of the table. Others talked around me. I asked someone on the western side of the room how much the run was, and they told me that it would be five dollars. I then headed to the west and started down the stairs. The stairway was narrow, and the exposed wooden two-by-four beams seemed fairly new. I came outside and headed back to the picnic table where everyone else was. I felt frustrated. I walked to the bench on the southern end of the eastern side of the table. The two new men who had given me their wallets were sitting across from me. The one in the drown shirt was facing west, with his arms leaning back on the table. The other was sitting facing the table. I pointed to the one in brown and asked if his name was David. He said it was. I had asked before, but i was not ready to write him down as paid. I wrote his name down on the white paper that was with me. I then realized that i still had the red notebook that i usually record names in. I though that i should still keep the names in the notebook. I then realized that i was no longer the person who should be taking money and names at the runs. $F70 should be doing that. I had not seen him hear earlier, so i thought that he must not be here today. I would have to take names anyway. I realized that, when i had said i was taking money in the pavilion, $F58 had seemed to sigh. I now knew that she had done so because she realized that i was still doing the job because the person i had passed it on to was not present for this run. I asked the other man for his name. He told me. I turned over the white card and wrote his name. My handwriting was sloppy. The surface of the card seemed glossy, and the pen i was using did not write well on it. I was also writing on a card that had printing on it, so i was trying to write the names between the other lines of type. I asked the man his last name. It seemed to start with a B and had a t near the end. Someone then said something to the north of us. I looked up to see $F57 calling to the group to follow him to the north. I yelled to him, saying that we were not ready to leave yet. He walked backward, still calling the others to start the run. He was wearing a pair of red compression shorts with black vertical stripes. He was heading toward the open gate of the wooden rail fence. The fence seemed to surround a corral. I said that we were not ready yet. I felt annoyed and wondered what i should do. $F58 was near the table with me. I complained to her that i had not yet collected the money. I said that the people setting trail would only get ten dollars, because that was all i had collected. I felt upset and dejected. $F58 paid me her money, as did the other woman near her. I felt a little better, but was not sure how to get the money from the rest of the runners.

12016 October 03

I was standing on the bus, which was traveling to the east. It seemed that we were traveling through the college campus, but i knew that the bus was heading to the other college campus, which was not that far away. I felt anxious, thinking that i did not want to take this bus to the next college campus. I had to get a bus home. I must have missed my stop to get off at the first college. I then realized that i had not yet payed for this bus. I hoped that i would not have to pay until i got on the correct bus, which would take me home. I looked at my watch, which was on my right arm. The hand was pointing at the seven. I then realized that the dial was misaligned. It had been turned. The seven was where the eleven should have been, so the watch was not correct. It was much later than i had thought it was. I felt upset, thinking that i had missed the last bus that would take me home. No other buses would travel there overnight. I wondered how i would get back. I then noticed $F47 to the southwest of me, sitting on one of the benches on the southern side of the room. I knew that he had driven his truck to the college to the east, so he was just taking the bus to the truck so that he could head home. I wondered if he could drive me home. I then though that it would be out of the way for him to drive me home. I lived to the northeast of here, so $F47 would have to drive to my house and then retrace his route to cross the lake to the west and head up the western shore.

It was dark outside, and i stood in the glass entryway of the building on the college campus. I was waiting for the bus to come at night so that i could get home. This building was where i worked, and i had been here after normal working hours. It seemed very late. The building was very modern, with exposed I-beams holding up the glass and cement walls. It seemed roughly square, but the lower floor was smaller than the upper floors. I looked out the windows on the western side of the entryway, which was a small room on the western side of the building. It was raining outside, and i could not see that far in the dark. Someone was to the east of me, speaking to me. I replied. The rain outside seemed very heavy. I then looked to the south, noticing that the ground was covered with water. The parking lot to the south of the building had filled with water. I thought that it was flooding from all the rain. I moved to the southern window to look at it more closely. I realized that it was not just the parking lot that was flooded. The entire quadrangle between the college buildings to the south of us was flooded with water. I was impressed at the amount of rain that was falling.

12016 October 04

I stood in the darkened room of the old building. This place seemed like an old warehouse, and the walls of the building seemed to be made of unfinished wood that had grown rough with age. Creatures were standing to the west and northwest of me. They were extraterrestrial creatures, and they came in many shapes and forms. The other person with me was trying to explain them, but i knew that they were just too different to easily understand. Their actions and thought processes had evolved differently from us, so we would not be able to relate to them as easily as we would other humans. I looked over the shapes before me, focusing on a ghostly white column that stood to the northeast of me. Its shape seemed vaguely defined. I wondered if it was a solid creature or one formed from a gas or energy cloud. The other person said something, and i was momentarily distracted from the creatures. I then focused again on them, wanting to understand the many variations that were possible for sentient life. I then turned to the northeast. A large cabinet clock was to the east of me. It was made of brown wood that was faded and worn from age. I opened the front door of the clock, which swinged to the north. The door of the clock was mostly glass, and it was pointed or etched with white vine-like designs. The white pattern filled most of the bottom of the window, but then formed a frame around the upper half. An extraterrestrial was inside the clock. I looked at it, trying to figure it out. I wanted to understand these creatures. I knew that it would be very hard, but i wanted to understand how they were so different from us.

12016 October 05

I was packing things to take somewhere. I had to collect everything that i would need. It seemed as if i was packing to head to college. I felt frustrated, thinking that i did not have enough time to get everything together. I felt rushed and upset. I looked at the junk that was everywhere around the room, wondering how i would fit everything in the bags that i had. I then looked over the items on the bed to the east of me. Most of it seemed like useless junk. I moved back and forth across the room. I started to feel hopeless. I headed to the east, stopping in the doorway of the pantry. Boxes and other things were stacked in the pantry. Most of the things did not really seem like mine, and i did not want to have to deal with them. I picked up one of the small boxes and moved it to the east, placing it on a pile of cardboard boxes that were stacked against the southern wall of the room. Others were in the room to the northwest of me, watching me pack. I felt anxious and not sure what to do next. I moved to the east, into a small room off the main room. The walls of these rooms were painted white, but the wood was old and the paint worn and chipping. This entire house seemed old and run down. The small room had shelfs on all three walls, and the western end was open to the main room. The doorway to the small room was in the southern end of the eastern wall of the main room. I looked at the shelfs to the south of me, trying to move some of the food around. I was not sure where everything should go. I then noticed the roll of paper towels on the counter to the south. I grabbed them, thinking that i should move them somewhere. I put the roll in a slot of the wooden rack that was mounted on the wall. The rack was at the western end of a set of shelfs, which were on the eastern end of the wall. I felt annoyed. Something i was doing seemed out of place, and i thought that it had to do with John Lennon.

I had brought the group of people to this place, which seemed to be a college campus. I was trying to introduce them to the place. The young man was with the group. I was interested in him and wanted him to be well. I introduced the people to each other and the places around them. I then walked them to the south. The young man in red now seemed to be a young child, and he was getting in trouble by doing things that annoyed the others in the group. I felt annoyed with him. I would have to stop him from bothering the others. He moved to the western side of the group. I stopped and asked the people of the group if they knew his uncle. I knew that the child had overheard what i had said, and i hoped that he would feel worried that i would report his actions to his uncle. The people, who were all members of a band, looked around at each other. They seemed confused by the question. I felt annoyed, both by the child and by the fact that the people did not know to whom the child belonged.

12016 October 07

I headed down the stairs in the square stairwell on the eastern end of the building. The building seemed to be a house, but it was actually an apartment. The stairwell was narrow and tight. I had left the others in the large room on the upper floor of the building. The college campus was just to the south of the building that i was in, and i was headed there. A brown dog followed me down the stairs. It seemed like an Irish setter. I knew that the dog should not go outside, so i had to be careful not to let it out the door. I reached the bottom of the stairs. The exit door was to the south on the eastern end of the wall. Several boots were on the floor just inside the door, to the west of the door. The dog wanted to follow me, but i did not want to let it out. I noticed a door to the west that led into the apartment on the lower floor. I thought that i could open that door to let the dog back into the house. I would be tricking it into thinking that i was heading west. I said something to the dog as i reached for the door to the west.

My mother stayed near the northern end of the gravel parking lot as i headed to the southwest. I was supposed to get something in the stores on the southern side of the lot. The stores looked like large gray shipping containers, and they seemed more like small booths in a farmers market. I was looking for something as i approached the open northern end of one of the containers to the east of the large building. Many people seemed to be in the building, which was a wide wooden structure with a long sloping roof that had a shallow peak in the center. My mother had told me to look for something specific. I felt excited to shop here, but i felt uncertain what i was looking for. I looked from container to container from the edge of the parking lot. The containers were not aligned with each other. They looked as though they had been dropped at slightly different angles. A young girl was then in the parking lot near me. She had come from the southwest, and she said that she was looking for her parents. She had come from the crowded large building. I told her that she should probably stay where she was so that her mother could find her. I did not want to seem too eager to help because i knew that people might be suspicious of me. I told her that she should not wander. I knew that it would make her harder to find. I then heard someone yelling within the large building. I was standing to the north of the building now, and i could see in the large open barn door. Someone yelled that a fire had started in the building. I could see red light reflected on the ceiling inside. A counter seemed to be in the center of the room. I could only see the western part of it, but the large wood stove seemed to be in the center of the counter. I thought that it had somehow caught the surroundings on fire. A man backed away from the counter in surprise. People started running out of the store. The little girl seemed concerned, and she ran toward the store to find her mother. I called to her to stop her, telling her that it was not safe to run into the burning building. She stopped with her arms straight and down. Her red dress flared out around her skinny legs. Someone ran out of the building, saying that it was an emergency. I thought that my mother and i should leave this place, but i knew that our car was currently blocked in. The parking lot would be full of people trying to drive away, so there was no place for us to go at the moment anyway. I moved to the northern end of the lot. My mother was sitting on a ledge in font of a low brown building. The building was on the northern side of the road, which ran from the northern side of the lot.

12016 October 08

I walked to the north, into the building, and then turned to the east to follow the corridor along the southern side of the small one-level building. This building seemed to be some kind of public center. My relatives had entered the building with me. We came here for some kind of training. I felt a little uncertain about the class, but i thought i would see what it was about. We passed several people in the corridor, who seemed to be gathering for the seminar as well. I walked into the room on the eastern end of the building, which opened up to the north. People were seating themselves on large gray cushions. I though that this would be part of the meditation. People were gathering in the room, but i thought that i had to do something before i started the session. I noticed $K1 sitting on a cushion to the northeast of me. My mother or aunt seemed to be near her. I turned back to the west and walked into the hallway. Others were gathering there. I then noticed the buffet counter to the west of me. It was a long rectangular counter with metal trays for chaffing dishes. It was long north to south. A man in a white chef jacket was talking about the food. He mentioned the meal, talking about the soy product that it had been produced from. The people around me seemed disappointed. I knew that the meal was part of the class, and i realized that most of the people here had come for the meal. This was a cheap promotion for a product, though, and the meal was just to get people to come. People started leaving the room. I thought that they had decided not to eat. I turned back to the east and walked out of the building. I crossed the parking lot to the east of the building, thinking that i would have to gather our things so that we could leave as well. I drove the car a little way to the east and then turned north onto the side street. I was trying to park the car for a while. A small round parking lot seemed to be just to the east of the building, and i was parking on the street to the east of it. The main road was to the south of me. We seemed to be in a suburban area. I could not see other houses, but the one to the east of me seemed to be a one-story structure of fifties or sixties design, with a brick front and white trim. I turned the car to the south and stopped it along the curb. I seemed to be parking at a fourty-five-degree angle to the curb. I moved around the outside of the car for a moment, wondering if this was a good way to park. I thought that others would be able to park near us. I then thought that i might be in the way of traffic coming from the north. I looked to the north, noticing that the street curved to the west and ran along the northern side of the building i had been in. I followed the curve of the road with my eyes, noticing that it ran to the west quite a way. I did not think that it extended to a street. I decided that i should probably move my car and park closer to the curb. I looked to the north, at the intersection where the two roads now met. Rather than a curve, the road i was on ended a few meters to the north of the intersection. Thick white lines marked the stopping point of the intersection. The white line for the street that ran west was to the north of my car, with the closer end coming near the northeastern part of my car. I thought that there should be enough clearance for cars on the road with my car parked at the angle. A large tractor-trailer was then coming down the road from the west. I decided to pull my car close to the curb. As i got in my car, though, the tractor-trailer turned to the west of me. I heard a sudden thump as the wheels of the truck went over the edge of the curb. The truck then stopped along the side of my car. I felt a little annoyed. I would not be able to move my car into the parking spot against the curb at the moment. I started to pace, thinking about this place. I walked a little way to the north, looking to the west at the old building, which was now right next to the road. I had just been in the house chatting with some people, who seemed to be $F10’s family. I felt a little uncomfortable here, but i would have to go back in again. I looked down the road to the west. The old house on the corner was made of large rough blocks of a pink stone. The stone had a rough surface, which seemed to have bumps in the center. The edges of the blocks all fit together in uniform rows. The house seemed old. I looked down the northern side of the house, noticing that the house was much longer that it had seemed. I thought that it must be bigger. I then wondered if it was for multiple families. I thought that it probably was not. The back end of the house was something i had just not seen. I would have to go back into the house with $F10’s family in a moment. It felt nice to visit here.

12016 October 12

I moved to the southern side of the room. The other people were gathered on the eastern side of the room, to the northwest of me. They listened to the man near the eastern wall talking about something. We had been threatened earlier by the man with the bomb, and the man on the eastern side of the room was discussing what had happened. He seemed to be a police officer or some other security authority. The people were still upset about the man who threatened them, and i knew that the man was still a threat. The man in the blue shirt then came into the small one-room building from the north. The walls of the building were glass, and i had seen the man walk from the east to the door. He carried a paper bag in his left arm, holding it against the side of his torso. I knew that he was the bomber who had threatened the people earlier. I watched him walk to the south, across the room. He had thick fuzzy hair that was combed back from his face. He also had a dark brown beard that was thick and fuzzy. I watched him walk, thinking that i should warn the others. The man had a small round nose and square face. I moved suddenly to the north, toward the man on the east of the room, and i warned the others of the bad man. They gasped in surprise. They started moving to the west, around the bad man. I felt annoyed because they were not doing anything but trying to get away. I thought that they should subdue the bad man before he did something. I started to move through the people, trying to capture the bad an before something happened. Before i could get to him, he pulled a gun from his side and turned to the people. He was taking them hostage. I felt annoyed with the others. They could have stopped him. I stopped, realizing that there was nothing i could do now. Frustrated, i stood on the eastern side of the glass room. I thought about running out the door, but the man would be able to see me no matter which direction i ran. I could not get out of his line of fire. I tried to think of what i could do.

12016 October 13

Someone had mentioned the housing complex. I had just been to the place, and i remembered the long two-story buildings, which now seemed to be to the west of us. I told the other person that i had been in the apartments of the complex. I pictured the plain pale buildings with the dark-red or brown roofs. One ran east to west on the northern side of the large area between the buildings. A second was to the east of it, and a third was to the north. The third ran at an angle to the northeast. I told the man that i knew some people who lived in the buildings. He asked me whom i knew. I suddenly felt uneasy telling him. I thought that the man would look down on the people whom i knew because of their race or sexuality. I told the man where the people lived in vague terms. I knew that one couple was homosexual. I did not want to get the people i knew in trouble, thinking that they might be targeted if i revealed who they were and where they lived. They lived in the northern building. I moved around for a moment. I then walked to the west, across the large room of the apartment. I had come here to get something. A man was standing to the west of me now, near the southern wall. He seemed to be near the exit door of the house. I was walking past a large picture window that looked out to the south. It seemed to be daylight out. The man was tall and slightly pudgy. He had medium skin and African features. His thick hair was chin length and fanned out near the sides of his head. He smiled as he spoke to me, and he seemed very nice. He said that i should not stand in front of the windows. I asked him why, backing away from the window. He told me that the people outside might shoot me. I felt nervous. The man told me that there was gang violence in this place, and that one group shoots at people who live in this apartment complex. I felt unsafe and edgy. I moved to the west to get out of view of the window. The man described a drug war casually. I followed the man up the stairs, which seemed to ascend to the north along the western wall of the room. On the second floor, we headed to the east, down the length of the long empty room, which seemed to be the second floor of the apartment. I felt very nervous about passing the windows. The man seemed to duck as he passed a window in the southern wall. A woman was in the apartment as well. She had been doing something near the kitchen sink, which was in a dull-green counter that ran along the center of the northern wall. Wooden cupboards were above and below the counter. She wore gray sweat pants and a dark tank-top. Her shoulder-length hair was black, and her skin was pale. She bent sideways and twisted her body as she moved, casually avoiding the window that was near here. Both of them seemed used to avoiding being directly in front of a window. I did not like being in this place, but i was not sure that i could leave at the moment. It was now dark out, and the dark windows in the southern wall seemed very threatening. I walked to the eastern end of the room, realizing that two small windows were in the northeastern wall, which was not perpendicular to the northern and southern walls of the room. I could see a dimly lighted orange frame out the window, which seemed to be part of a window of a building to the northeast of us. I felt suddenly uneasy near the window and had to move back into the center of the room. I felt that i had to leave this area, but i was not sure how i could get out. It seemed that i had been here delivering something, but i had also come to pick up something. I thought about pizza. I talked with the other person for a moment. I thought that there might actually be drugs in this apartment. I had come here for something else, but i was actually in a place where the feuding gangs might fight over drugs. I said something to the other person. We decided to leave this area. We walked to the east, leaving the building from the eastern end. The next building to the east was just to the east of us. I opened a door in the northern end of the western stone wall of the building and entered. I remembered being in this building a long time ago. It was dark and quite now, but it had seemed like a hotel or college dormitory from a long time ago. I could see down the long corridor to the east, which ran down the center of the building. It was a narrow corridor. We had entered the building in a stairwell, and a set of stairs ascended to the north before turning to the west at a landing and then turning to the south to continue up. The man with me thought that we should go up the stairs, but i remembered the club that he had mentioned. It was a place of entertainment that we had been to long ago. I remembered that it was on the eastern end of the building. We could walk up to the next floor and take the stairs back down to it on the other side, but i suggested that we head to the east on the floor we were on. I opened the door to the corridor. Matthew McConaughey had been coming down the corridor. He stopped in the doorway and looked at us as i held the door open on the southern side. This seemed very strange because the man who was with me was Matthew McConaughey. I thought that the duplication might be some kind of temporal loop, and i wondered how he could have run in to him self coming around the corridors of the building. There was something special about the meeting, but i did not stay to ponder it. I turned sideways to walk past him in the corridor. I walked with the other man to the eastern end of the building, where we came into another stairwell. The man motioned to the stairs that ascended to the north of us. I started up them, but then stopped, telling the man that the casino was to the south of us. That was where i had remembered it being before. We looked down the short corridor to the south. It was dark now, and i said that the casino must be closed. We would not be able to stop this time. I felt no special interest in going, so i was not disappointed that the casino was closed. We continued to the east, now outside the building. It was dark. We walked across the grassy lawn toward the road. The road was at the top of a steep hill just ahead of us. The hill rose about five meters at the edge of the lawn, and our car was parked on the near side of the street, facing north. As we reached the bottom of the hill, i was aware of a blue and red flashing light coming from behind us. I though that police must have seen us leaving the area and were trying to stop us. I did not think that i should pay them much attention, however. I continued walking, and the man walking to the south of me walked with me. We talked about something as we moved. The lights flashed on the hill around us as we started up the slope. I hoped that the police were not really after us. As we reached the row of parked cars near the top of the hill, the flashing lights seemed to be brighter. I then heard someone call from behind us. I stopped and turned to look, now nervous that the police might start shooting at us. I could see down the hill, but i could not see clearly. The silhouettes of two police officers stood at the bottom of the hill, just of the southeastern corner of a car. Light shined on the ground behind them, but it did not seem to come from the car. I could not see their bodies clearly because a tree seemed to be in the way. They stood as if poised for action. I held up my hands, hoping that they did not shoot me.

12016 October 15

I was in the crowd in the large room on one of the upper floors of the city hotel. The room seemed to fill the entire floor. The white ceiling was very high up, and seemed to have arching ridges across it. The walls had vertical lines between the tall thin windows. The design of the room seemed art-deco and very old, and the room looked worn. This was a special club room at the top of a building that seemed to have an Italian restaurant on the ground floor. A man then moved to the west of me. He had a long Italian face, with short dark wavy hair. He wore a dark dinner jacket over a white shirt and held a glass of something in his right hand. He told me about the crowd of people, who seemed to be alumni of a college. He said that the events were quite crowded. I nodded and replied to him. I had been in the crowd for a while. I then wandered to the northeast, now in an apartment. We had left the alumni function and were now in our room of the hotel. I walked along the length of the room, and someone was in the room to the south of me. I could hear someone talking from outside the door. I thought that a bellboy was at the door, trying to get into the room. The man in the apartment with me seemed to be $A692, and he was sitting on the southern end of a couch that was against the western wall of the room. The entry door was in a short wall that faced southeast. The man on the other side of the door asked a question, and $A692 answered. I was amused that $A692 was not going to let the man into the room. I passed through a narrow part of the room at the northern end of the room and into the next room. I was staying in this hotel room with two other people. One of them seemed to be out of the apartment at the moment. I stopped in the small square room in the middle of the apartment. A room to the north was separated from me by a large glass wall. I turned and headed to the west, into the room where i was staying. The room opened up to the south. It seemed empty of most furnishings. I had a bed near the southern end of the eastern wall. I stopped in the middle of the room, considering something. I then thought about the room to the north again. It seemed to be a very nice room of the apartment. I thought that the other person had rented it before we got here, so he got to stay in it. I wondered what it was like. I turned to head back to the east. $A85 was standing in the doorway to the room. The room i was in now seemed dimly lighted, and the light from the small square room to the east was bright in comparison. I said something to $A85, talking about the person who had been at the door to the south. He mentioned something about the crowd of people that were in the ballroom. I remembered the event that was happening. It seemed to have something to do with the conference that brought us here. I stopped in the square room and looked to the north. $A85 had headed to the east to shower. I could hear the water running. The person who was in the room to the north was still not here, so i thought that i could walk into the room to the north to see how special it was. I could see a dining-room table through the glass wall that separated the room i was in from the apartment to the north. I wandered through the door in the eastern end of the glass wall. The wall seemed to have a few vertical black stripes on the western end of it. A bedroom with a large bed with a fluffy comforter on it was to the north of the dining room. I wandered through a doorway in the southern end of the western wall, noticing a small plastic play set on the northern end of the next room. The room extended farther to the north that i had thought it would. The multicolor play set was brightly colored. I then noticed the small drum set to the west of me. I was now in a room that i could see from the bedroom where i was staying. I remembered seeing the drum set on the other side of the low railing. The railing was now to the south of me, separating this room from the one i was staying in. I looked to the north at the toys that had been left out on the floor. I felt interested in them, but i was hesitant to continue wandering around the room. I thought again about the event that everyone was at. The man who was staying in this room must be at the event as well. I looked at the southern wall of the large room i was now in. This was the ballroom of the event. I turned to the east, walking toward a crowd of people. The ceiling of the ballroom was very high, and the walls seemed to be pale-yellow, but they were covered with red velvet-like drapes. The tall narrow windows seemed to run from the floor to the ceiling, with the drapes in between them. The design seemed old, from the art deco period. It had been kept up, but it still seemed worn. I walked up to a small group of people to the east of me. The men seemed old, with gray hair and balding heads. They were from my high school, and i greeted them. I did not recognize the man who was now to the north of me, but i knew that he was from my high school as well. He was a classmate of mine. The others stood to the northeast. I felt awkward talking to them, not quite sure what to say. They then turned to chat with each other. I looked again at the southern wall and then back to the men. They now seemed far away, on the other side of the room. They stood near the crowd on the eastern side of the room. It seemed strange that they were suddenly so far away. The room around me now seemed to have more people, and it was getting crowded. I turned to the west, telling someone that the Italian hotel was full as well. The man to the west nodded quietly in acknowledgment.

I drove down the steep hill from the southeast, heading into the town. It seemed as though i was descending through an old neighborhood. It was very familiar to me. The town seemed like Ithaca or Endicott. I had to cross the water, which ran on the southern end of the town. The land around the water seemed light blue. I slowed down as i crossed the bridge over the water. The road seemed slippery. The water rushing under the bridge seemed high. I thought that it was from the heavy rains that we had recently had. The water was running to the west, and it seemed muddy. I crossed the narrow bridge, which was covered with gravel. The ground on the northern side of the bridge seemed icy, and i felt uneasy as i slowed down. People had stopped their cars on the gravel driveway on the northern side of the bridge. The gravel drive seemed to cross the narrow island that was in the middle of the waterway. People had gotten out of their cars and were chatting about something. Something seemed to be blocking the traffic. I felt a little annoyed. A wide building, which seemed like a mechanic shop, was to the southeast of me. The gravel road we were on ran northeast from the first bridge, and curved to the north to the second. A large tree green leafs stood to the northeast of me, on the eastern side of the road. The old rusty truck in front of the mechanic shop faced south and seemed to be of an early sixties design. I felt anxious. The people were chatting about what had blocked the road, but i just wanted to get through. I moved to the east a little, looking at the trucks that were to the southeast of us. I then noticed a large branch in the road, under the tree. It was not blocking the road and was not large enough that someone could not get it out of the way. Time seemed to pass, and the scene around me became tan and sepia. I looked at the long narrow branch in the road to the north of me. I then noticed the puddle that i was standing in. The water in the puddle was moving to the north. I felt uneasy. I looked back to the south, thinking that the land was flooding. I told the others that the water was higher now than it had been before. A rusted truck was now on the western side of the paved road. We were standing just to the north of the barrier, which had been the tree branch but which now seemed to be a rusted flat piece of metal. The barrier extended from the western side of the road, and it curved to the south at the top. It looked like part of an airplane wing. Some people were coming up the road from the south. I looked down at the ground. The flooding seemed to have stopped. It seemed that the crisis was over, but things had changed. The people coming from the south wore loose denim jackets and dirty denim pants. The jackets were ragged, but they seemed to have been styled that way. As they got closer, i thought that their clothes seemed funny. I thought that the people were trying to act tough by dressing in post-apocalyptic styles. I sat back down on the ground, trying to ignore the people. They seemed threatening in some way. I sat on the western side of the road, just to the north of the barrier. Two of the men stopped near us, the other walked to the north, stepping over the branch that was across the road. One of the two that stopped spit on the ground. It seemed stereotypical of someone trying to act as though he was in a gang. I was laying on the ground with my head to the west. I looked up at them. I did not want to seem passive. I knew that the men would not try to start a fight. I tried to set up, but something seemed wrong. I could not move properly. I looked at the men, who were almost silhouetted against the bright sepia-toned sky. I found it hard to focus on them. Something was wrong with me. I wanted to let them know that i was not intimidated by them, but i was having trouble moving. I could not let them know that i was uneasy with their presence.

12016 October 16

I was sitting in the metal armchair on the southern side of the classroom, facing east. Three or four students were sitting in front of me. I noticed the splatter of glitter on the floor just to the north of the girl who was sitting in front of me. I knew that i had spilled the glitter there, but i did not want to let anyone know. The girl asked about it, and i told her that my cousin had a birthday. The girl seemed excited by the story. I told her that the glittered had been spilled by my cousin during the birthday party. I then wondered why i had lied to the girl. It seemed strange. I felt bad for lying to her. I headed to the west, now in a house. This place was $P19, and i was still living here. It seemed strange that i was. I headed up the stairs, which rose to the west, turned at a landing, rose again to the east, and then turned to the north. I came into a room on the upper floor heading north. The room was long north to south, and the northern section seemed to have a bunk bed filling the area. Desks or counters were along the eastern wall. I doorway in the southern end of the western wall led to another bedroom of the house. $A109 was in the center of the room, vacuuming the floor with an upright vacuum. He looked up at me as i came into the room. I wanted to do something here, but i felt uncomfortable with others here. I nodded to $A109 and then turned to walk back down the stairs. As i passed a bookshelf near the top of the stairs, i knocked something off the top of the wooden case. I stopped to pick something up from the stairs and put it back on the shelf. $A109 was now to the west of me, in the center of the room. He was singing to some music. He seemed annoyed with me and accused me of not picking up the things that i had knocked over. I felt upset. I was not sure what he was talking about. I put something back on the shelf, pretending that i could not hear him over the music. I then turned to him and tried to defend myself. I felt bad that he was unjustly accusing me of something that i did not intentionally do. I felt angry and walked back down stairs. I thought that i should leave this place and not come back. I grabbed my bags from the lower floor, thinking that i could simply leave and go somewhere else. I then wondered if it would actually be strange to anyone if i actually did leave. I headed to the east. I felt uncertain about what i would do once i left this place, but then i thought that i would still have my day job, so i would still be able to make money to support myself.

12016 October 17

The others were already starting to gather around me, but i had to go somewhere to do something. I had set a trail for $G4. I was in a city area, and they were gathering on the north-to-south street on the western side of the area. I said hello to someone who seemed like $F58 and then started to jog to the south. I had to get my things together before the run started. I was carrying a pair of running shoes in my left hand. I still had to put them on. I jogged down the eastern side of the road. A police car then drove past me from the south. I felt suspicious of it. It was white with dark lettering on the side. I imagined that it might turn around and come after me. I turned the corner at the southern end of the street, turning east. The large apartment buildings ran east to west to the east of the road i had been on. I was now running along the south of them. I thought that i could get out of sight before the police car turned around and followed me down the street. I started jogging with more of a bounce, and i thought that i could easily fly above the street. I started to float. I thought that the car would drive under me, unaware that i was able to fly and in the air. I then thought that i could get out of sight by simply rolling to the north and hiding over the top of the apartment buildings. I thought about this for a moment, imagining that the white police car was driving slowly down the street to the east under me. I would have to stay out of sight in case the officer was looking up at the building. I still had my running things in my hands. I had to get them ready. I leaned back on the hall of the building to the north of me, thinking that i should put on my running shoes. I had a pair of short white socks in my right hand. I bent over, trying to balance on one leg while putting a running sneaker on the other foot. I made a few attempts to do this. Someone then said something, and i turned around to see the people behind me. I was now in the apartment at the southern side of one of the buildings. A small group of people had come into the room, which had off-white walls. I focused on the man directly to the east of me, however. He wore a light-blue polo shirt and had short blond wavy hair. He was $A693. I felt suddenly happy to see him. I had not been able to get in touch with him for a very long time. I turned to the east and hugged him hello. I started to ask him how he was, but others in the room were crowding near. Several of them seemed to be his family members. I thought that they had come from some kind of event, like a wedding. He was now on the southern end of the crowd, and i was on the northern end. I tried to move around the room. I had to get back to the run, but i wanted to say something to $A693. I tried to maneuver through the crowd to get to him. I started to the south, but an older woman and man were walking along the eastern side of a piece of furniture, so i moved to the west to let them pass. The woman was thin with fluffy hair. She wore a white blouse that had bright colors on it. I said “Pardon me.” as i moved to the west, out of her way. I realized that my voice had a slight British accent to it. The woman did not seem to notice me. She continued to speak to the man in the brown coat who was following her. She spoke in a British accent. I thought that she was $A693’s mother. I started to feel that they might have come from a wedding, and i wondered if $A693 had gotten married. I felt uneasy about this, thinking that i might have interrupted the celebration and made this an uncomfortable situation. I moved through the crowd to the southern end, where $A693 was standing. I told him that i had to leave because i was in charge of a run that should be starting soon. I again hugged him. This time, i held him for a moment, saying “So good to see you again.” I felt sad that i was leaving him so soon, but i had to get to my run, and he seemed busy.

I returned to the street now that the event was over. It seemed as though i had come from an evening dance or prom, and i was coming back to the studio where the older woman had taught me to dance. She had wanted to see me. As i approached the large dark stone building on the southern side of the city street, i realized that the studio was probably closed. I was near the front of the building, looking at the arched doorway inside. The building had a gate or doorway along the outside that i was looking through. Just to the south of it ran a long outdoor corridor, which ran most of the way across the northern side of the building. I could see the door to the woman’s studio to the south-southwest of me. It was covered with a complex black iron gate. The lights in the studio were out, and i thought that it was too late to say hello to the woman. I felt sad that i had missed her. I pressed the button on the western side of the doorway where i was standing anyway, thinking that no one would be there to answer at this hour. It was too late at night for the woman to be there. I wondered why i had come after the dance like i said i would. She would have been gone by the time the dance was over.

12016 October 18

I looked to the northeast, across the sandy beach of the island. This was the setting of a story that i had been writing. Something had happened in the world, and the people here had been cut off and stuck on the tropic island. I was very interested in the story. I thought about how i had been writing it. I was playing the pilot of the airplane. My airplane had been taken apart before the disaster, and i was now still putting it back together. I thought that we would eventually try to leave this place, but i knew that the disaster had befallen the rest of the world. It had simply not come here. The woman did something to the north of me. The sandy land around her seemed golden in the sunlight. The rolling hills to the northwest were covered with thick verdant vegetation. A volcanic mountain seemed very far to the east-northeast. Several of us were on this island. I thought again about the airplane. Something would come from the west, and it would allow us to make it to the outside world. However, we would have to be careful. The pilot of the airplane was Nat. He seemed like me. I thought about how i would have to fix the airplane so that we could explore the outside world. I thought about writing the first chapter down. I could start it in note form and then fill in the details. This seemed like a good book.

12016 October 21

I was in the passenger seat of the car as we drove to the south on Warren Road. We had just passed the area were the road ran past the airport runway. My father was driving the car, and i was talking to him casually. My attention suddenly turned to the man standing on the side of the road ahead of us. He wore a red shirt and blue jeans. He was $A589, and he seemed scared. He held a gun in his outstretched hands, and he was pointing it to the east. He stood at the rear of a small gray cart, which was pulled over on the side of the road. I was suddenly focused on the scene, concerned about what was wrong. He stood with his upper body leaning forward as he pointed the gun. I turned a little to look to the east of him, seeing a police officer in a light gray uniform. The slightly overweight officer jerked and slumped to the ground as we passed to the east of the scene. I realized that $A589 had shot the police officer. I felt alert and upset, wondering how this could have happened. I told my father that something was wrong, but i was not sure what to do about it. I asked if we should stop, but he continued driving down the road. I wanted to do something, but i felt uneasy being in the area. I mentioned the golf card, looking behind us to see what was happening. We were driving more slowly now. As i looked back, i was aware of a car passing us on the road. The small red pick-up truck speeded past us. I turned back to the south to watch in speed through the intersection ahead of us, where Warren Road crossed Route 13. The truck seemed to be an old design, but it seemed to be in good shape. It was $A589’s vehicle. He must be fleeing the scene. I was not sure what was happening. I told my father that way was running away from the police. I then looked to the north again. A small white gold cart was heading toward us on the road, catching up with us quickly. I felt cautious of it, thinking that it might be the police. I thought that they might not have wanted witnesses to what had happened. I thought that we should just keep driving away, pretending that nothing had happened.

12016 October 22

We had just arrived in this area, which was on the northeastern corner of a very large park. The sky was bright and gray, and the day seemed rainy. We were near the parking area. I knew that the amusement park was to the north of us, and i told $F71 that we had to walk to the west to get into the park. He was standing to the south of me. The area to the south seemed to be mostly an open park with large parking lots. We walked to the western end of the area, following the northern edge of the area. When we reached the northwestern corner of the area, we turned to the northeast and followed the narrow trail through the tall grass and weeds. I realized that this was not the part of the amusement park that i thought we would end up in. I remembered this trail from before, but it was not the same place that i had expected. The area around us was foggy from the misty rain that had fallen. I followed $F71 down the narrow path as crowds of people moved back and forth by us. I had expected to come into the main area of the amusement park, where the large rides were. We were now walking past small white tents, which seemed to cover the games and smaller attractions. $F71 turned to the east, walking down a narrow passage between two plastic tents. I looked down at the ground, noticing that the trench between the two tents was filled with water. We would have to be careful where we stepped. $F71 stepped on the sides of the trench as we headed through the people who were trying to walk from the other direction. I tried to follow him, but i moved carefully because i did not want to get my feet wet. I stepped on the high edge of the northern side of the trench, and then put my right foot on the southern edge. I realized that others were coming from the east, and that the young man leading them was walking on the northern edge. The trench here was wider, so it would be harder to walk around. I pulled my left foot to the southern side of the trench and stopped, waiting for the man to walk past. After the small group passed, i was able to continued to the east without getting my feet wet. I then realized that $F71 had turned to the north, into one of the small buildings, which seemed to be a fun house. I wondered why he had walked through the attraction. I followed him in. As soon as i was inside, it became too dark to see. I put my right hand on the wall to the east of me and closed my eyes. I followed the corridor to the north, thinking that, if i kept my eyes closed, i would miss the distractions of the fun house and probably be able to walk through faster. I rounded a corner that turned to the east and then south. I thought that $F71 should be just ahead of me. The corridor then turned around again to the east, heading back to the north. This must be the full corridor of the building. I pictured light coming into the northern end of the tunnel from outside.

12016 October 23

I followed the other cars as we drived through the old city area, heading west. The buildings around us were old and made of brick or stone. They seemed run down and dingy. I looked up at the traffic light over the intersection in front of me. A large white sign with red letters showed that traffic was not allowed to drive through the intersection to the west. All traffic had to turn left at the intersection. I also noticed a sign that said something about the bridge. As i came to a stop at the light, i realized that the car that was driving ahead of me was driving straight through the intersection. I looked down the long road ahead, noticing a highway in the distance. It seemed to be the direction that i wanted to go, but i knew that i would have to drive to the south from the intersection. Other cars were turning to the south in the lane to the south of me, but i felt hesitant to go. I was not exactly sure where i was going. I had to turn to get out of the way of the other cars, so i turned to the south, looking for a place to pull over. I wanted to look at the map to figure out where i was heading. I could see that the road to the south only ran about fifty meters before it turned to the east. This was the entrance to the highway. I thought that the highway ran to the south, toward the center of the city. A green or blue sign at the right-angle turn in the street seemed to say that the highway was 303. I was not sure if this was the correct way. I saw a gravel shoulder on the western side of the road, just before the turn. I considered pulling off there, but then i noticed a larger gravel driveway to the south of the turn. The old rundown building to the west seemed to be made of gray stone, and an old dilapidated brick building with white siding near the top was on the eastern side of the street. This place seemed to be an industrial section of the town. A car was coming to the north on the dirt driveway ahead of me, so i let the car turn to the east before i pulled into the small gravel lot. The lot seemed to be the entrance to a factory to the south. A large pale building was to the south of the road, but it seemed to be part of the next lot to the east. A tall chain-link fence ran along the eastern side of the dirt drive, and a small red wooden building with decaying boards and chipping paint stood just to the east of the fence. It seemed like a guard house to the entrance to the factory building. I turned my car to the east in the lot, coming to a stop. I looked down at the digital map that was on the screen in front of me. The screen seemed to be from a tablet computer. It focused in on the intersection of the highway, which was just to the east of me, but i could not quite get a good picture of where the highway ran. I could see that the highway ran northwest from here, but i thought that it eventually ran south to the city. I tried to follow it on the map, running my fingers up the keyboard to move the view down. The view zoomed out, however, so that i could no longer see the detail. The map seemed to have a long of black and red on it with patches of green and blue. The road was bright yellow. I tried zooming back in, but the map froze for a moment to load the image. When it finally rendered the map, it was zoomed in too close for me to see where the highway ran. Annoyed, i tried to zoom back out. The map did not render well and again zoomed too far. I could now see the entire eastern coast of the United States. The yellow line ran from the eastern side of New York State all the way down the coast. I felt frustrated again and tried to get the map to show me just the area around where i was. I thought that i had to get to the event with the others, but i could not quite figure out where i should go. I decided that i should turn around and head back to the north. I drove north a little way on the street, looking at the houses to the east of me. A man was standing on the porch of the house, watching me drive past. A tall apartment building seemed to be to the east of the house. I turned to the west on the small street of the old suburban neighborhood. I then noticed the small white house to the south of me as it floated toward me. It was hovering over the ground as it spun slowly. The house seemed to be only one story, and it had thick columns in the corners. I could not tell whether the center of the house was a porch or a large living room, but the space was packed with young people, who seemed to be partying. I knew that they were here for the same event that i had come for. The house seemed like a fraternity house, and i admired the house for a moment. It landed on the southern side of the street near me. I thought about this as i continued to the west for a moment. I pondered the mechanics of a floating house. I was then floating the large building over the area. I thought that i would land it just to the south of the fraternity house. I was bringing the building here for the event. I felt mischievous and defiant as i landed the building. I thought that it was just to the south of the hotel where the event was happening. As it landed, i thought that it had actually crashed into the hotel. I felt suddenly concerned. I ran to the west, up the slope of the hallway. The hallway ran down one of the upper floors of the hotel, and it seemed to curve with the building to the north in the center. As i ran up the slope of the hallway, i noticed the thick dark beams that protruded through the southern wall of the hallway. I avoided them as i moved, feeling concerned about the crashed building. The beams were actually part of the other building, which had crashed into the southern side of this hotel. I glanced to the south as i passed the doorways to the guest rooms. I could see the roof of the other building out the windows. I thought that i should get back to the other building to do something, but i would have to find a room where the windows lined up with the rooftop of the dark-gray building. I ran to the west, stepping through the thick beams that broke through the southern wall. This hotel would be rented out for the event for $G4, but the rooms were now empty. I continued to glance out the windows to the south, noticing that the roof was getting closer now. I had reached the highpoint of the hotel floor in the center of the building and was starting to descend the western side. I stopped near an open door in the northern wall of the corridor. A man stood just inside the room to the northwest of the door. He seemed alarmed, and he stared at me. I thought that he might be a guard. I said something to him, telling him of the other building. Another person sat behind the man. They were both panicked about what had happened. I told them that they should check on something, and i started back up the hallway to the east. I stopped at the first door to the south. The door was made of glass, and it seemed like a sliding compartment door with a rounded white frame. The bare room inside seemed to be a laboratory, with white metal surfaces. The rest of the room seemed to be to the east, but i could see outside light coming in from a glass doorway on the western wall of the small room. The door was just to the southwest of the entry door to the room, which was on the western end of the northern wall of the room. I opened the laboratory door and stepped in. The swinging aluminium screen door to the west was ajar, and i could see orange and yellow electric cables coming into the room from outside. The wires were suspended near the center of the door, and they were plugged into an electrical outlet along the southern side of the door frame. The extraterrestrials who had landed the building here were now using the power to run their equipment. The other man had followed me from the west. I felt annoyed with the invaders for taking power from the hotel. I pulled the plugs from the sockets in the wall. They would notice the power tools stopping immediately. I pushed through the screen door and turned to the south, finding myself in a large open area that seemed to be part of a factory. Pipes and tanks were on the eastern and western side of the room. The people there seemed confused by us, and i started to talk to them about what was happening. A man was in the middle of the room, and he moved close to me. He started talking to me about what was happening. I asked the invaders what they were doing here. I pretended not to know that they were the extraterrestrials who had brought the large building here. The man stood very close to me. He seemed formal, and he wore a dark-blue suit. He asked some questions, but i felt confrontational with him. I pinned him to the ground with his face down, holding his left arm behind his back. I asked him what was happening, and he told me that he was Bach. I knew that these people were in some way special, and i realized that he might mean the composer. I asked him what he meant, and he said that he was the musician Bach. I asked if he meant Johann Sebastian Bach. He did seem to be the composer. I was interested in him. He seemed to be very young, and i wondered how he could be here so long after he had died. I asked him if this was some kind of temporal displacement. I started to feel interested in what was happening here. Some of the others seemed special too, and i thought that some were founders of the United States. I liked the idea that these people had slipped through time. Bach was young enough that he would have to go back to the past in order to live the rest of his life and to compose his music. This idea fascinated me.

I stood on the northern side of the car, walked to the west. The car was facing west, and i was near the passenger’s door. I focused on the corner of the black metal at the edge of the hood that was near the windshield. The thin piece of metal where the hood met the base of the windshield had been bent upward. I stopped when i noticed this, and i pressed the metal down. Realizing that it would not stay, i lifted the corner of the hood and bend the thin piece of metal back into shape so that it ran to the south along the edge of the rear of the hood. I felt annoyed that someone had bent the piece of metal on my car. I walked to the west, looking at the black hood of the car. My mother was then to the west of me, leaning out the kitchen door of my parents’ house. She said something, and i replied. I rounded the front of the car and turned south. I then stopped, grabbing the edge of the hood to try to adjust it. I suddenly realized that the piece of metal was not actually part of my car. The hood was simply placed over the hood of my car. I lifted the dull gray piece of metal, which was in the shape of a car’s hood. It seemed small, but it was the same size as my hood. I complained about the fake hood, saying that someone had placed it on my car. I realized that the bent piece of metal i had fixed had not actually been out of place. It was simply not part of my car to begin with. I carried the hood to the north, noticed a piece of paper on the back of it. I pulled off the sheet of paper and looked it over. It had several names on one side of it and a picture of a crest on the other. I told someone to the east of me that the sheet was from the person who had put the metal on my car. I felt annoyed with the person. $A601 was to the west of me, and he told me that he recognized the name of the person who was on the sheet of paper. I walked to the west, across the cement floor of my parents’ garage. I read the back of the paper, seeing that it had a list of names on it. $A601 told me that he knew Peter, and said that he might know how to find him. I looked down the list of names, thinking that it would identify the Peter who put the metal on my car. The names were written in clear clean print in two columns on the paper. I felt disappointed when i noticed that the name Peter appeared several times on the list. We would not know which Peter had left the hood. I crossed the garage to the northwest. $A601 was standing to the south of the western end of a workbench, which ran across the northern wall of the garage. I walked to the east of him and put the piece of paper on the wall to the north. He had been hanging something that looked like a crest on the wall. I told him that he would have to ask Peter about the hood. I was then alone in the room, and i turned back to the east to leave the garage. As i crossed the floor again, i was aware of the lion to the south of me. It seemed to be a pet, but it was watching me as if trying to stalk me. I felt uneasy and hurried to the door. The lion then jumped toward me. I felt scared and ran to the door in the southern end of the eastern wall.

12016 October 26

I sat on the western end of the dark gray and white couch, which was against the southern wall of the small room at the top of the stairs at my parents’ house. $A682 had walked into the room with me from the south. I was with someone else in the room, whom i was interested in. The other person sat down on my lap as i put my legs up on the couch to the east of me. The other man seemed like $A437. He was very attractive, and i liked holding him. I remembered that i had wrestled him in the past, and i wondered if we could do it again. I put my right arm around his torso as he leaned back against my chest. I was aware of $A682 sitting on the floor to the north of the couch. He seemed to have his legs to the east of him. I felt a little uncomfortable with him there, thinking that he might be upset that i was hugging $A437 in an affectionate way. I hoped that he was not annoyed. I then decided that it no longer mattered what $A682 felt. We were no longer dating, so i told myself that i should not worry about what he feels. I hugged $A437, feeling the stiffness of his chest muscle under my hand. He seemed well built and nicely detailed. I started rubbing my hand on his chest. He tensed, enjoying it. I thought that we might be able to wrestle again, and i wondered if he was interested. I reached over his left arm with my left arm and pulled his arm back, pulling him closer to me. I started to rub my face on his shoulder when i heard a sound. It sounded like someone was moving downstairs. I told $A437 to hold on for a moment as i got up. I thought that my parents might be coming upstairs. I thought that they might be annoyed if i was making out with someone on the bed in the small room. I thought that i could bring $A437 up to my room, but then i thought that we should probably wait for my parents to go to bed and then stay here. I looked around to the north, down the stairs to the first floor. I could not see anything. I then looked to the east, noticing the lights of a car coming to a stop just to the east of the southeastern corner of the house. The car was parking along the western side of the driveway, which was to the east of the house. I wondered who was coming to the house. I felt suspicious. I walked to the north, down the stairs and into the back room of the house. The lights were on in the back room, and two people were standing by the love seat, which was in the center of the room, facing north. $A682 had just been talking to them. He passed me on the west as he walked to the south, into the lower part of the house. A few other people seemed to be on the northern side of the room. I approached the couple, who were moving to the east to reseat themselves on the love seat. The man stopped when he saw me coming. He seemed very familiar. He was tall and rounded. His face was pear shaped, and i recognized him as one of $A682’s friends. I had just run into him somewhere, and i mentioned this. He smiled as he greeted me, but seemed uneasy. He had a short beard and short frizzy dark hair, both of which had patches of gray. His forehead seemed low. I chatted for a moment, but then turned back to the east as someone opened the back door of the house, which was in the eastern wall on the southern side of the room. Several people were coming in. A small group of people had also entered the room from the south. They were all getting ready to go somewhere. A man came into the room and greeted someone to the southwest of him. A young short man in a red shirt then held open the screen door as he chatted with someone. He had a plain face and short black hair. I recognized him. He seemed very young, and i thought that he was $A606’s new boyfriend. The man looked at someone to the south of him. The other person was just out of view on the porch. I thought that it must be $A606. The young man then entered the house, and $A606 stepped into view. He started to enter the house, but then waved his arm dismissively and backed away from the door. I knew that he would not come in because he had seen me here and that he did not want to talk to me. I found this humorous, but i did not laugh. I then noticed a woman walking to the south along the side of a large white van, which was parked in the driveway, just outside the door. It was facing south. Someone then said something about going into the city for a party. I though that all of the people were heading into the city with $A682 to drink at some bars. I felt a little sad about this, knowing that few of them would want to talk to me. I thought that they were all going to Albany for the night. $A682 had come into the room and was talking to some people to the southeast of me. I noticed $A626 standing in the open doorway of the closet to the south of the entry door. He seemed to have put something into the closet. He turned to $A682, a confused look on his face. $A682 asked him what was wrong, and $A626 said that the dog had “pooped”. He said that he hoped that $A682 did not mind a pile of “dog poop” in the house. This seemed strange to me. I felt sad because i would not be involved in any social activities.

I walked to the southeast across the dark street. It was night, and a house was on the southern side of the street. The house had a wide paved driveway. It was a 1960s-style building, with a long roof running east to west. A large picture window sat in the center of the building, and i could see silhouettes of people dancing at the party inside. They seemed to be from $G4. I had not come to the party here earlier, and everyone was celebrating without me. I felt upset that i had not come earlier, and i hoped that i did not miss the entire party. The land on both ends of the house rose to the level of the first floor, but the rounded hills sloped down steeply in the center of the house, ending on either side of the driveway. A wide garage door was in the center of the building. I headed toward the garage door, thinking that it was the only way to get into the house. I turned to the southwest as i crossed the driveway. The eastern end of the small house was now to the southwest of me. I stepped into the water that now seemed to surround the house and swam to the eastern porch, though i seemed to be swimming to the northwest. I stopped on the shore and looked back to the south. I had passed the northeastern corner of the narrow two-story house. It now looked like a wooden victorian house. A man was now to the southeast of me, off the eastern end of the house. He had a round face and fuzzy hair on his head. He seemed nervous. He seemed tall, though he leaned forward, hesitant to go into the water. He had a wide forehead and a rounded narrow jaw. I thought that he was not that attractive, and i though that we was probably socially uneasy. He was trying to get to the party as well. He was afraid to go into the water, though. I wondered if he was not able to swim. I reassured the man that it was shallow water, and i swimmed to the small porch on the northern side of the house. The man seemed to follow me. A wider porch ran along the eastern side of the house. The wide porch had a railing with thin rounded bannisters. Wider bannisters reached past the railing to hold up the corners of the overhanging roof. The small porch on the northern side of the house just seemed to be a few steps with a peaked roof mounted on the side of the house. I stood up on the small porch and walked into the small room. I quickly realized that the room inside did not go anywhere. It was a small square room that had boxes and items stacked up around the walls. Light came into the roof from the windows in the southern and eastern walls. I told the man with me that we would have to go around to the side porch. I then realized that he might not want to get back into the water, so i told him not to worry. I said that we could climb along the side of the porch and over the railing. I headed to the south, through the garage of the house, walking toward a door in the southern end of the western wall. A woman was walking ahead of me and the man seemed to be following me. We passed through the doorway and then turned to the north to head up a set of stairs. The house seemed cheaply built, and it was cluttered with things here and there. The stairs ascended to the north for three or four meters and then turned west at a small square landing. The woman had just turned the corner when i noticed an alcove to the east of the stairs. Two black cats were moving around near a cardboard box. I started petting one of them. The woman said something about the cats, and i asked a question. The cat i was petting was to the southeast of a cardboard box, where the second cat sat. They seemed to be twins, and someone said that they were. I then saw the poster of the cats to the northeast of me. It was black, with two photographs side by side in the center. The picture on the left seemed to be of the cat i was petting, and the one on the right was the twin. The twin then seemed to have some orange fur around the face. It also had a rounder face. The one near me was very thin and angular. I then started seeing different images of the cats, showing their different personalities. One of the graphics seemed to be in cartoon form. I said something about the cats as i looked at the various images.

12016 October 31

I looked at the large oddly shaped domed structure that was to the north of me. It was in an open area, which seemed to have other industrial buildings around. The land around us seemed dry and rocky, like the outskirts of a city on the West Coast. A single mountain peak rose in the background to the north. Its dark rock contrasted against the tan landscape of the flat plain. I mentioned the domed building to the others as we moved around the western side of it, keeping a distance from the building. We had to get to the building, but we were unsure whether we would be allowed in the building. We stopped to the northwest of the building. The building was shaped like dark metal dome, but the eastern side sloped more steeply than the long western side. The building was very narrow north to south, and it seemed to be over ten stories tall. Horizontal linear features on the building seemed to be narrow windows. This building seemed somehow important, and i thought that we had to get to it. The others around us seemed to agree. I started to draw the building on a sheet of white paper. I had some previous experience with the building, and i was trying to show the others how we could get into it. I mentioned skateboarding down the slope of the wide cement bowl that surrounded the building. The bows started more that a few hundred meters from the base of the building, forming a circle or oval around the building. The cement seemed shallow, sloping down from the outer edge. The low point was five to ten meters below the level of the surrounding land, and radial features seemed to run up the sides of the bowl. The features were not as dense on the western side of the bowl. The inner edges of the bowl rose steeply, sloping smoothly into the darker metal of the domed building. Someone referred to the building as a reactor, and this seemed like an apt description. Another person agreed with me about approaching on skateboards. I thought that the younger members of the group could use the excuse of skateboarding down the bowl to reach the main building. I thought that they would have to skate in an arc, starting on the northwestern side of the bowl, descending to the west of the building in the depression, and ending up at the southern face of the building. It seemed dangerous, but i thought that it could be done. I looked up at the building as i drew it. I was now to the north of the building. I looked down at my drawing, surprised at how detailed it seemed. I had sketched very clear details of the horizontal features of the building. I was surprised at how accurate i had been. I then looked to the west, down the side of the building, which was now right in front of me. I looked down and watched my hand sketch out the details of the building. The dark-gray lines quickly formed the in and out features of the stone edifice. It seemed to be a drawing looking along the fronts of several old row houses. I looked back at the pad as i tried to draw the central part of the building. My hands were moving very quickly, as i if i were scribbling on the paper, but i was drawing very detailed images. I was startled by this and felt a little uneasy. I did not seem to be in control of my hands. I relaxed, though, and though that i should let the force guiding me do the drawing. I did not want to interrupt it with my own thoughts, but i also felt unsure about what was controlling me. I did not understand it. I then noticed that i was inside the building.

I turned back to the north and headed back toward the river’s edge. The ground under me was now wet, and i was walking on the rocks between the water. The water from the river had been rising, and i thought that the land was being flooded. I felt uneasy about this, thinking that all the rain must have flooded the river. As i walked, i noticed that i was moving along the eastern side of the small area where the land had been eroded. The small bay was only a few meters wide, but the water had come in from the north and washed out the soil. I hurried to the north along the eastern side, thinking that i had to get to the higher ground before the water washed out more of the land. A town seemed to be to the south of me, and i thought that it might get washed away. I followed the rocks to the northeast as they curved toward the higher ground. The area where i was formed a low section of the shoreline. To the northwest of me was a higher cliff. I looked down at the rocks, surprised to see that several old bones had been scattered among the rocks. Several skulls and many ribs were piled under the water. I was walking on several of them to keep out of the water. I started up the hill to the east, following the path that had been on the dry land. As i stepped up from the rocks to the dirt above, i noticed that the water had formed a ragged edge to the dirt. It was eroding the hill along the western side. I then noticed the dark gray gravestones to the southeast of me, on the slope of the hill, which curved from the west to the southeast. The bones in the water must have been from old graves. They had washed out when the floods came. I thought that people would be very upset about this. I climbed up the steep hill, over the roots on the worn dirt path. Building ran along the top of the hill, to the north and northeast of the path. Near the buildings, the path turned into a sidewalk, and i followed old cement steps up hill. I hurried to the east at the top. The land was flooding, and i felt worried about this.

I moved to the west, across the modern restaurant. A bar seemed to be to the north of me, and the main crowd in the room was to the south. I moved quickly toward the table, which was to the west. Someone had set out a row of drink glasses on the table. They looked like martini glasses, and they were filled with creamy orange liquids of different shades: some pale and some dark. I said something about the drinks to the woman to the southwest of me, across the table. A man was to the south of me. He was enjoying the social atmosphere with the others. I liked being here. The man asked for a glass of water. I thought that he would need a ride home.