12017 October 01

The other person went back into the house, but i stayed on the roof of the white building. The cement building had a flat roof, and seemed like a house. I had come out of the stairwell to the west of me, and i was now facing north. I felt good here. I could not see the land to the north of the building, though. I thought that it was scenic, but it was hidden by the edge of the roof. I wanted to look at it. I thought that i could fly up a little and get a better view. I extended my arms to the sides and focused on flying. I started to rise from the rooftop. I felt good, and i could see the purplish-blue mountains in the distance. As i rose higher, i could start to see lights from the town around me. It seemed very scenic, and i was glad that i was able to fly and see it.

12017 October 02

My grandmother got out of the car and headed to the south. The car was stopped in the long yellowish corridor of what appeared to be a hotel. We were driving in the city, and we had stopped for something. I felt a little annoyed that my grandmother had walked away. She seemed to be frustrated with us, and she wanted to do something. I was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car, and i turned to ask my mother what she wanted. She was sitting in the middle of the back seat of the car. She said something, but she did not seem to answer the question. I thought that she was upset about something, and i wanted to know why she had come to this city, which seemed to be New York City. I thought that she might want to go shopping while she was here. I knew that she liked to shop in these stores. She seemed uncertain how to answer the question. I looked at her. She seemed much younger that she normally was. She wore a shirt that seemed to have a lot of orange on it. She got upset with my question and angrily told me something. I felt uneasy, and i followed her into the store, which was to the south of us. I remembered this store from some time before. We had been here. I remembered looking at certain things on the shelfs to the west of the main aisle. I looked around at the shelfs and racks in the store. This store did not have much that i liked. I then realized that my mother was moving away from me. I thought that i should follow her through the store, but i continued to look around at the things on the shelfs. I noticed that the shelfs along the eastern wall of the store were filled with toys. I turned down the aisle and wandered back and forth, looking at the many plastic models and crafts. Many of the boxes seemed to be of model airplanes. I headed to the south now, down the second aisle from the eastern wall. I thought that many of the detailed craft pieces for the airplanes would be in this aisle. I noticed propellers of various sizes on the top shelf on the western side of the aisle. I was not really interested in the airplanes, though. When i reached the end of the aisle, i noticed a small white airplane with red and blue stripes. It had a string attached to the side of it. The string was to control the airplane, and a small white box with red buttons was at the bottom end of the string. I wanted to look at something that interested me. I stepped over the aisles, heading to the southeast. I remembered that instruments were in the southeastern section of the store. Several string and woodwind instruments were hanging on the southern wall of the store. Very few of them seemed to be out, and i thought that the store no longer carried a large selection. I looked over what was on the wall and low shelf along the wall. A bass with a metal body was lying on the ground in front of the wall. It seemed old and worn, and the metal seemed rusty. I realized that it had more strings than a bass usually had. It seemed to have a set of thin harmonic strings on the right side of the instrument. I bent over and plucked the lowest string. It made a deep resonant sound that sounded like an electric bass through an amp. I then noticed than one of the strings had a thin cork around the end of it, where the string passed over the upper bridge at the top of the neck. This seemed very strange. A woman was then to the east of me. She leaned a little forward as i crouched down to look to the instrument. She seemed annoyed with me, and she told me not to play the bass. I asked the woman if the cork on the string acted as a damper. She seemed annoyed and would not answer me. I stood up and looked over the instruments. A man to the southeast seemed to be fixing one of instruments. I wandered to the south to look at some of the other basses. As i looked over the instruments, i realized that they were really not basses. They seemed to be various types of improvised string instruments. They were standing in a row in the middle of the floor, just to the north of the wall. None of them looked interesting. On the northern end of the row, i noticed a small wooden instrument that was shaped like a child’s chair. The strings ran down the back and across the seat. These instruments were really for show. I thought that i actually had many different-sounding instruments and that i really did not need anything here. I then thought that i had purchased other interesting instruments before. I remembered the acoustic guitar i had purchased that i had never put back together. I walked back to the north. I stepped over a low display in the northeastern section of the store. I felt uneasy here, and i thought that i should leave. I then thought that my mother would be waiting for me. I looked to the west. I could see the car on the street outside the store, facing south. My grandmother was sitting in the back seat of the car, and my mother was in the driver’s seat. I thought that they were upset that i was not in the car with them. I quickly walked toward the car. I then noticed that $K19 was in the passenger’s seat of the car. I would have to get in the back of the car. I opened the rear driver-side door and stepped in. The car was now more like a telephone booth. IT was very cramped. My grandmother was standing to the northwest of me, and she had the telephone receiver resting on a small black bod on the northern wall. I thought that she must have been talking to our relatives. I felt uncomfortable, but i was not sure what to do. I waited for something to happen, but everyone was still. We stayed in the car for a moment, and i wondered what to do.

12017 October 04

I was in the car as the other person drove down the rural road to the east. I felt a little uncomfortable as we drove, thinking that we were moving too fast for the road. When i looked out the window, i could see that the road was now dirt. I knew that the road had been diverted around a large area, which seemed to be to the south of us. I wondered what was in the area, thinking that the area might have flooded or been closed because of construction. I just knew that we were not on the main road anymore. It seemed suspicious that the road was avoiding those areas, and i wondered if someone was hiding something in this part of the country. I looked back to the west, out the back window of the car. I recognized the road that we were now on. It was the old road, but i did not see any of the houses that lined the road. I wondered where the houses had gone.

I was with another person, and we had been talking to the woman, who was to the west of us. She was a very large woman, and she was wearing a white pull-over shirt. We chatted for a moment. I then noticed that we were at the house. The house seemed like $A29’s house. We were in a small rectangular living room. My grandmother entered quickly from a doorway in the center of the southern wall. She seemed concerned about something, and she moved to the western side of the room as if looking for something. A woman in red stood up from the couch, which was against the northern wall of the room. she headed to the southwest, passing through a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall and entering a small bedroom. I could see the bed in the center of the room. It seemed to be against the western wall of the room. The woman seemed like $A31, but i was not sure if it was she. $A29 and a few other people seemed to be in a room to the north of us. My grandmother headed to the north, exploring the house. I felt uncomfortable here. We were in someone else’s house, but i was not sure that they were comfortable having us. I did not think that my grandmother should be wandering around like she was. She then headed to the south again. I stayed in the middle room of the house. I looked to the southwest, though a doorway in the southern end of the western wall. I could see another bedroom. The bed seemed to have a simple frame, and few other decorations were around the room. I thought that this must be the bedroom where $A29 and the kids are staying. As i moved a little to the north, i noticed a large purple figure just out of sight to the north of the door. The creature seemed huge. I realized that i was looking at the tail of a dragon. It was curled around the back part of the animal. Its body was actually in a room to the north of the bedroom. The room had two doorways in the northern wall. The rear left foot of the dragon and its tail were sticking out through the easternmost doorway, and the rounded tip of its nose was sticking into the room through the other doorway. I felt a little nervous of the creature, and i walked back to the north, into the center of the living room.

12017 October 06

I left the building and headed to the west, walking down the narrow alley between the tall city buildings. I had something to do, and it seemed to be related to the theater. I felt that i had to do them urgently. People were doing things to the north and east of me as i entered the widened space in the corridor. As i reached them, i suddenly felt annoyed, thinking that i had to go back for something i had forgotten. I turned to the east and headed into the old building. The cement corridor seemed to run across the basement level of the building. I passed through a doorway in the southern wall and looked down the corridor to the east. A set of stairs descended to the east, but the lower corridor was flooded. I could see the room on the southern side of the corridor that i had to get into. The water was up to the top of the door frame. I wondered how i would get things from the theater. I then saw something moving to the east of me. A man was walking under the water toward me. I felt scared of him, and i ran back out into the main corridor and headed to the northeast, where the others were. After a moment, Silas, the character from Heroes showed up. It seemed strange to have him here, and i wondered if he was the person i had seen under the water. I had to act casual so that he did not suspect that i was the one who had seen him in the water. He did something on the southern side of the room where the people were gathered. I turned and talked to $F42, who was to the west of me. We walked a little way to the west as we spoke. I stopped when we were in front of the door in the northern wall that had the number four on it. I was still looking for the costumes. I opened the door and looked into the room. I could see cowboy costumes and related paraphernalia. I walked a little to the west, around the large table that was on the northern side of the room. A paper wagon was set up on the table, and i thought that it would be used for a scene. $F57 was to the east of me now. I thought that a wagon wheel was suspended from the ceiling over his head. This seemed dangerous, and i told him that the wagon had crashed. The wagon wheel was actually still attached to the wagon, which was now tipped over to the north of us. I felt uneasy here. I did not think that $F42 should cast me in the play. I did not think that i would be good for the part.

I was on the western side of the small room, talking to $F42, who was to the west of me. He was the president, and i was visiting him. This seemed like a special place, and i felt privileged to be visiting the president. $F46 was sitting on the eastern side of a small table, which was in the southeastern part of the room. She stood up to take something to the south, but i noticed that she had left a water bottle on the table. I felt suddenly suspicious of her, thinking that she had a bomb. She had left the water bottle intentionally. I suddenly realized that $F46 must have been waiting for me to leave the office, but she could not wait any longer. She exited to the southwest, through a door in the western end of the southern wall. I hurriedly told $F42 to follow me, and i turned to head to the north. I told him that there was a bomb. He seemed confused and did not move. I stressed that there was a bomb in the office, and i grabbed his arm and tugged him to the north. We had to get out of the room. Something then popped on the eastern side of the room. I could see a gray gas filling the room. One of the men in the room started choking. He was wearing a brows suit jacket and matching pants with a white shirt. He fell across the small table where $F46 had been sitting. We were outside of the office now, but i could see what was happening inside through the thick plexiglas windows of the northern wall. I ran to the west with $F42. We came into the house. I wondered if we were safe here. $F46 was then in the house with us. She scowled at me. I knew that she was angry with me for saving the president from her bombing attempt. I felt threatened here, thinking that they might try to attack me for foiling their plot. I ran to the west. A large multipane window filled the western wall. I climbed through the opened southern panel of the window. The opening was narrow, though, and i could not quickly escape. I had a hard time getting out. On the outside of the window, i realized that a large window to the south of me looked into a government office. I realized that the others would be able to see me escaping. I felt uneasy, thinking that they would be after me. I could see the cozy office inside, with tall shelfs on the eastern and southern walls, and a thick rug in the center. An old wooden desk was on the western side of the room. I climbed down to the west, thinking that i would have to escape quickly, before anyone could come after me.

12017 October 07

I had something that i needed to get done, and i had been doing it. I felt that it was urgent that i get it done. I moved around the area, feeling tense. I walked down the corridor to the west. This building was a public building, and it seemed like a library. the corridor ended in a large atrium. I stopped in the middle of the room. To the north of me, i could see openings in the tall white wall where corridors ran along the atrium on the three upper floors of the building. Large images were drawn on the white wall between the floors, and each represented what was on that floor. I focused on the top cartoon image. It was a cartoon rendering of Hermione Granger. She seemed older that she had in the books, and i thought that this representation had something to do with a later story. The rendering was only of her face, and she was facing to the west, looking at a door in the western wall of the atrium. She then turned forward, looking down at the atrium. She seemed to be sulking. She was wearing a white had with a brim. She was then wearing a matching white mask over her mouth and nose. The character must be hiding her identity on the wall. I knew that it was she, though. I walked to the north and passed through a doorway in the center of the northern wall. I came to an east-to-west corridor, and i turned to the west.

12017 October 11

I was in the room, and $A741 and $A742 were standing to the south of me. They were doing something for us, and i felt a little uncomfortable about it. I did not want them to do things for us. Several long objects were on the floor to the west of us. They were the objects that $A741 and $A742 were working on. They seemed like poles, but i could not quite tell what they were. One was white, and the other was very dark. Both seemed to have bright-red areas on them. I was not sure what i should do.

I headed to the north, into the store. My mother was with me, and my grandmother seemed to be here as well. I walked down the length of the store, noticing the toys on the shelfs of the western wall. This store seemed to be an antique shop, and the toys were old. I noticed a large white ship, which was a play set of the Eagle from Space 1999. I was interested in the toy. It was just like the one i had when i was young, which my mother had sold. I looked over the ship, but i noticed that the back part of the ship was missing. I looked at the other toys on the shelf, wondering if there were any other parts to the ship here. I spotted another white ship that looked like it might belong to the shuttle, but i realized that it was actually a model of the Millennium Falcon. I felt excited to see these old toys, and i told my mother that they were here. I then noticed some other parts to the Eagle down the shelf to the north. I thought that i had found most of the ship, and i wanted to buy it.

I cautiously moved down the corridor to the east, afraid of something here. I then came into a small area. Other people were standing to the east of me now, and i stopped. They were Nazis in old green uniforms. I could not let them find me here. I quickly jumped to the south, into the hole in the wall before they could see me. The event then happened again. This time, the small room that i jumped to was filled with old things. The Nazis had not yet found this room. I looked at the old radio gear and dirty files that had been scattered on the floor. A desk was against the southern wall. I looked at one of the books on the desk. It had $K24’s name on it, and i felt that i should try to collect his things. These things had been here and had been forgotten about. I looked at the old smashed equipment on the table to the east. It looked like an old reel-to-reel tape player. Other things belonging to $K24 were in this room. It felt good to find these things. I wanted to preserve them somehow.

12017 October 12

I left the others and headed to the north, entering the large room where the concert was about to be held. It seemed that the concert was about to start. I was carrying a CD in my right hand, and i was going to do something with it. It was my CD, but i thought that i was going to leave it for the performer. I wondered why i would leave the CD for someone i really did not know. The performer seemed to be Lisa Loeb, and i thought that she was the woman from The Cosby Show. I held up the CD now and signed the cover with a graphic insignia of a chameleon. I was writing with a silver marker. I stopped in the southwestern corner of the room, looking to the northeast at the audience. The chairs were all facing south, and the floor sloped up to the north. I realized that the audience was mostly dark-skinned people. I felt a little out of place here. I started looking for a chair before the show started. As i moved a little to the north, i noticed that all of the chairs were wooden armchairs.

12017 October 13

I was on the bus as it traveled to the south, down the road in the campus area. It was dark out, but street lights and spotlights on the buildings illuminated the buildings around us. I looked to the east at the large plain buildings. They seemed like federal buildings. They seemed to be made of stone. I noticed that the buildings seemed to be glowing along the edges. This seemed very strange, and i thought that it was something special. I then noticed small bolts of lightning from the sky. Something strange was happening here. I told the others that the edges of the buildings were glowing. I then looked back at the buildings, not knowing what was causing the haze effect at the edges of them. I wondered if fog was in the air and if the buildings’ lights were illuminating it. I then thought that this did not seem correct. The effect was more like Saint Elmo’s Fire. I started to feel comfortable, thinking that this place was dangerous. I felt that something was going to happen. The bus was now heading to the southwest, and something outside changed. A thick fog rolled across us from the northwest. The air around us was suddenly opaque. I looked at the windows on the northern side of the bus, thinking that they had shattered. They had white spider web patterns on them. As i looked closer, though, i noticed that they were just stained with a white substance. We continued to drive, and i thought that it was good that were leaving this area. I worried that something was going to attack us. Something seemed to threaten us here. I then realized that some of the women in the bus were plotting to do something. I had thought that they were the good guys, but they were actually trying to take over. They were creating a war against the men. I realized that everyone would be separated into men versus women. This seemed very strange, and i did not want to engage in the battle. It had something to do with the college around us, but it did not seem right.

12017 October 15

I moved around on the northern side of the small room of the gym. I was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, and i wondered what i should do here. I felt bored and agitated. I was here to workout, but i did not feel that i wanted to work out right now. Something was bothering me. I felt uneasy, and i wanted to leave. I then felt annoyed because i had come here and had not done much of a workout. I moved to the eastern side of the room, walking between the exercise equipment. I decided that i should just leave. I looked back into the room. Many of the people here seemed to be from $G3, but i did not feel as though i was part of their group. They were all doing something special here, and i was not part of it. I headed to the north and then to the east, thinking that i should leave. I was then on the street outside the building. I moved to the north, heading up the western side of the street. Something was wrong to the north of me. People were starting to gather around an accident scene, and cars seemed to be stopped in the middle of the road. An old man was standing in the middle of the road ahead of me, and a young man was with him. They seemed confused. I did not see anyone else in the road, and i thought that someone must have caused the accident and then left the scene. I moved toward the old man, wondering what i could do to help. I was now to the north of the accident, and i moved south toward the man. The old man was now sitting on the ground, holding his right arm across his chest. His right arm was bleeding from the upper arm and running down the forearm. Down the road to the south, i could see that a tree had fallen from the west across the road. I wondered if the falling tree had caused the accident. Maybe someone had hit the tree in a car. I crouched down to help the older man. The young man was standing behind him. They greeted each other, as though they had not met each other here before. The young man seemed like someone from $G4. He had pale skin. I felt as though i was part of the group of two men, even though i did not know them. I wondered if the two men were homosexual.

12017 October 18

I moved to the north, walking through the shopping plaza. The stores around me seemed to be closing, and it was getting dark outside. A small dog was moving across the cement pavement ahead of me. I thought that it was lost, and i was following it to take it to its apartment. I came into the apartment and entered from the east. Several young people were in the apartment. One of them turned to talk to me as i stopped in the middle of the room. He was a young man with blondish-red hair, and he stood to the west of me he as he chatted. He seemed very nice, and i thought that he was somewhat attractive. He then put his right hand on my shoulder as he talked to me. I realized that he might find me attractive as well. I then thought that he was very young, and i should not let our interactions get to intimate. I started to feel uncomfortable. I mentioned the dog, trying to change the subject. I asked the man how i could get the dog to the proper apartment. I then left the room, heading south.

I moved to the north, walking down the open corridor on the western side of the large low building, which seemed to be a shopping plaza. One of the stores on the eastern side of the corridor seemed to be a craft store, and it had a table of items in front of the store. I noticed the green-handled scissors on the table. I watched the scissors as i passed. They did not actually seem like scissors, and i wondered if they were some other kind of tool with a green rubber handle. I thought that maybe it was a gardening tool. $A168 was then to the west of me. She had walked out of a room in the western side of the hall with some other people. The shop that she was leaving had just closed, and i thought that she had just closed it as an employee. I grabbed the thing i had been carrying, which i had left on the table, and headed to the northeast to leave. I had to edit this room through the door on the southern end of the eastern wall. This room was now part of a house, and the house was in a U-shaped area. I was on the northeastern side of the area with the man. He was the father of the young boy who was playing to the west. The man was to the east of me, just outside the room that i was in. I could see him fixing the window from the outside of the room. I told the man that i had to leave, and i headed to the west. I said something to the boy as i passed him. He was sitting in the middle of the room, facing west. He turned to look at me over his right shoulder, and he smiled at me. I was not sure if the boy could speak yet. The man was then to the north of me, in the room. He was tall and thin, and he seemed exhausted from working on the window. He said that he should sleep. I felt concerned about him, so i helped him into the room. A couch was against the eastern wall, and i helped him lay down on it. I felt bad for him. I wondered what i should do. I started moving around the room, thinking that i had to leave but worried about the man. I started to the south. Someone then said that people were coming toward us through the tunnel. I felt suddenly unsafe here. This area was no longer secure. The tunnels under the building were flood tunnels, but someone had invaded the tunnels to get into the building where we were. I remembered that the tunnels had small chambers off to the sides of them. The invaders could use the fire hoses in the entrance to get in.

12017 October 19

I was with $G4 in the large open field of dry grasses. We had been running and were now moving slowly. A road crossed the field just to the north of where i was. I was standing along the eastern side of the northeastern part of the field, and i was trying to take pictures of the area around us. Everyone else was getting ready to run. It was a bright sunny day, and the grass was very golden in the sunlight. $A533 was on the road just to the north of me. He was straddling a bicycle, which is father had dropped off. He was not running with us, but he had stopped to say hello. I looked back to the south. The land sloped down slightly to the southeast, and green trees surrounded the square field. I focused my camera to the south, trying to get a good view of the landscape. I did not want to hold the camera, though, because i wanted to make sure that i got a good steady image. I tried to use the remote trigger. I felt a little frustrated because it did not seem to be working. I then thought that it might not work with this camera. I turned the camera to the east to look across the grass. I took a few pictures, but i noticed that the flash had gone off over the field. I did not really need a flash on this bright day. I felt a little frustrated, and i tried to get the remote cable of the camera working. I turned back to the south. I was now standing in the pavilion, which was on the northern side of the field, just off of the road. Many people were gathered here now. I felt that i should get my things together to start the run. I would not be able to take good pictures, and i felt frustrated by that. I took down my camera and folded up my tripod. I then looked around, noticing that most of the people had left. The people near me were regular visitors to this place. $G4 was no longer around me. They had started their run. I felt annoyed and looked for them. I looked to the north, across the square field to the north of the road. A smaller field joined the large field with an opening in the western side of the northern edge of the larger field. I could see $G4 sitting on the eastern edge of the smaller field. They were stopping for a beer. I felt annoyed that i had not been paying attention, and i headed for them, still folding up the tripod as i moved. As i crossed the large field, i noticed a small Holstein calf lying on the ground with its head between two small trees, which were growing in the northwestern side of the large field. The trees were about two meters apart, and the calf was lying on its stomach with its head stretched to the south of it. I thought that it was sleeping in the shade because the day was so hot. I passed to the south of the trees, heading west so that i could get around them and head toward $G4. As i passed the calf, i thought about the patterns in the grass under the cow. The grass looked like smooth waves that spread out from the calf’s head. I realized that this would make a nice picture, and i thought that i should stop to take a picture. I then noticed another calf under the trees. This one was to the west of the western trees. From this distance, the animals looked dazed. They large round eyes were rheumy, and they stared out to the south. I then noticed that the patterns on their faces matched the ground that they must have been sleeping on. The wavy pattern had layers of curves and swirls. I wanted to take a picture, but i felt that i would miss $G4 in the field. I headed to the northwest. Once i was around the trees, i noticed that $G4 had already started running to the north, into the woods around the field. I felt frustrated that i had missed them. I would now have to catch up. A woman was still standing on the southern side of the smaller filed, and i told her that i had to put my things in my car. I felt hurried, thinking that i would have to run all the way back to the southern side of the large field and to my car, which was parked in the field on the southern side of the road. I rushed back to the south, wondering if the others would let me catch up with them. I thought that the woman would be annoyed with me.

12017 October 21

I was in the room with the other person, who seemed to be $F12 or $F10. We had been doing something in this building, and we were not getting our things together to leave. I remembered having a dream while here, and i had written down the number. It was a significant number. The other person also had a number. The walls of the room had horizontal wooden planks that were unstained and unpainted. The man sat on the southeastern side large bed that was against the southwestern wall of the room. The bed was covered with a dark-blue spread. He leaned forward to pack some things in a bag. The exit was in the southeastern end of the southwestern wall. It seemed to be a short corridor. I told the man that i was trying to remember my number. He had a marker, and he started writing something on the wall over the bed. I knew that he was writing his number down. The room started to shake. The government had issued the numbers as ways of tracking people. We were not supposed to know about the numbers. I was surprised that the government knew that he was writing the number down at the moment. The room started spinning. I was on the bed, and i had to put my feet up against the southeastern wall to keep from sliding off the bed. The room spun counterclockwise, and i felt the force push me toward the wall. The man should not be writing his numbers down. We were not supposed to know about them. I wanted to save my number, though. I looked at my things, which i had on the center of the bed. I saw several pieces of paper. A long number was written on one, and in started with “000”. It was separated like a phone number or a social-security number. It was written in pencil on the bottom of a white sheet of paper. The other person shuffled through a few things to the south of me as i picked up more paper from the bed. I then spotted the small pink sheet of paper with the six- or seven-digit number written on it in heavy ink. This was my secret number. I picked it up with the other thing. We left the room and headed south. It was dark out, and i felt that we had to get somewhere. The buildings were to the west of us, and they had overhanging roofs. They seemed very modern in design.

12017 October 23

I had been doing something at my grandmother’s house, but i left and walked to the east. I entered the kitchen of $F1’s house from the north. The room was full of people, and i realized that $F1’s family was selling the house. I stood just inside the door on the northern side of the kitchen. $F1 was to the southwest of me, talking to someone who seemed to be a realtor. They were talking about the house. I looked around the kitchen, which seemed very large. The house was crowded with people, and i felt a little out of place. I knew that $F1 and i were not that close anymore, and i wondered if i should be here. I wanted to look around, though. I walked to the west, into the dining room. The room was a long rectangular room, running from north to south on the western side of the house. I looked up, noticing the old archway that ran across the ceiling of the room. I realized that this could not be the original archway. It was in the center of the room, and it should have been more to the south. The room did look longer than it did before. I looked to the south a little across the light-blue ceiling. I noticed an older archway to the south, and a third near the southern end of the room. The archway in the middle seemed worn, and i thought that it must have been the original archway. The room had been expended so that it connected with the living room on the southern side of the house. I walked into the living room. The entire room seemed colored in pale greenish-blue. A couch was against the southern wall, and some people were sitting on it. The room seemed crowed, but there were open places where i could walk. I felt very uncomfortable here, thinking that i did not belong with these people. They all seemed to have very close ties to $F1, but i felt that i did not. $F1 was to the north of me, talking to some other people. They were talking about heading upstairs. Some of the people moved to the east, where the stairs ascended to the north against the eastern wall. I followed them, finding myself in the small hallway upstairs. The bedroom to the south was open, and people were walking around inside. To the west, i could see people gathering in the other bedroom to the west. I looked to the south, noticing the brown wood paneling of the room. I remembered spending time in the room. IT was $F1’s old bedroom. I felt suddenly sad, like i wanted to cry. I wondered if i should let myself feel emotions here. I wanted to check out the rooms, but i felt unsure. I remembered that $F1 also used the bedroom to the northwest. I felt very emotional. I headed to the south to look around in the bedroom.

12017 October 25

I was at the large event, which seemed to have something to do with $G4. I looked to the west, where a small group of people was gathered on the grass. They were standing in a small circle around a hanging spherical object. I realized that the small object, which was about a deci tall and a little over a deci in diameter, was some kind of hitch. It was attached to the long white cable, which ran up out of my sight. The people were wearing belt harnesses and were hooking the harnesses to the hitch. The lift would them pick them all up and transport them someplace else. This was how the organizers of the event were moving people out of the area. I thought that it seemed unsafe. I then saw one of the men have trouble with his belt. He was wearing faded blue jeans and a tight T-shirt. He was tall and thin, and had bushy blond curly hair. He seemed to be from the seventies. I did not think that the lift would be safe. I turned to the east. Many other people were still gathered for this event to the east of me. Structures were set up on the grass, forming corridors. A woman to the southeast of me started talking to me. She thought that i should be taken home. I remembered that my parents’ house was to the southwest of here. I was in the city, and they lived quite far in the country. The woman wanted to take me home, motioning to the east, where i knew another helicopter hitch was waiting for people to hook on to. I did not feel comfortable about this. I told the woman that i could easily walk home. I thought about the distance. It seemed very far, and i knew that it would take a very long time to get there, but i knew that i could. I would be traveling there after dark, however. The woman told me that it would not be a good idea to walk. It was dark now as i spoke to the woman. I did not want the people to transport me, but i felt that the woman was persuading me. Reluctantly, i agreed to be transported, and i moved to the east. A wall of a loose material was to the east of me, and i walked around the northern side of it. On the grass beyond was a helicopter. A man stood just to the east of it. He spotted me and seemed annoyed. He called to some others on the western side of the helicopter, saying that they had one more person to attach to the hitch. I had come late. I felt annoyed that i was holding people up, but i also felt uninterested in hurrying. I turned to the west and adjusted my belt. A round hitch was in front of me, and others were moving toward it to get hooked up. I thought that i would not wander back to the helicopter, and maybe they would leave without me. I adjusted my belt, looking at the round brass ring buckle in the center of the belt. As i pulled on the sides of the ring, they pivoted forward. This would not work well. I would have to hook the rink of by buckle over the two curved hooks on the side of the hitch, but, if the ends of my buckle swiveled, then they would easily come off of the hooks. I told the man to the west of me about this. He was adjusting his own belt. I felt confused and was not sure what to do. I looked at my leather belt. It was the one that my mother’s father had given me when i was young. I remembered that it did not fit exactly. I pulled it tight and looped the leather through the belt buckle. I then pulled the buckle forward, realizing that the belt was not tight around my waist. I pulled it at least two decis from my waist. This would mean that i could slip out of the belt while being lifted into the air. This belt would not work. I looked up into the northern sky, noticing the bright stars. I then noticed an orange light glowing in the northern sky. It seemed strange. I focused on it. It seemed to be a small vertically aligned rectangle, and it was in the middle of a small constellation. I blinked to try to get a better view of the object. When i caught sight of it again, i realized that it had moved a little to the west. It was a little lower in the constellation. I realized that someone was projecting a laser light against the sky. I felt excited about this. I watched the illuminated square, which was now traveling slowly to the west across the sky. I suddenly realized that the square was actually stationery. Someone was shining the laser on the sky, but the sky was moving, making it appear that the box was moving to the west. The stars were actually moving slowly to the east. I was excited to realize this, and i wanted to tell someone about it. I looked to the west, noticing another spot of orange light on the sky. I was standing just to the north of a large white pavilion tent. I mentioned the light. A woman was then to the south of me. She was slightly overweight, and she had long straight hair that came down to her chest. She seemed very simple, and she scowled at me. I told her that the lights made it obvious how the sky was moving. She seemed offended, and she mocked me, telling me that the sky did not move. She was speaking down to me, and i thought that she simply was not well enough educated to understand what she was talking about. I wandered away, suddenly realizing that i had not gone back to the helicopter. They would have been waiting for me, but i hoped that they left without me. I did not want to be flown out of the event. I turned back to the east. It was daylight now, and i walked between the two flat structures that formed a corridor that ran to the east of me. Something was happening in front of me. People were standing around, and i noticed that some ambulances and men in medic uniforms were standing around in the crowd. Something bad had happened. I moved a little farther to the east so that i could see. Around the corner to the north, people were laying on the ground. I realized that something must have happened to the hitch that the people were riding on. They had fallen to the ground. I looked at the bodies on the ground, wondering how badly the people were hurt. It must have just happened, because the medics were still standing around waiting for emergency crews. A woman was lying on her belly on the ground on the southern side of the group. Her head was to the north, and she lifted her head to look over her left shoulder. I thought that she had not been injured that much from the fall, but the people here must have asked her to stay still until the emergency medics could come. I felt awkward standing here, so i moved to the east. I seemed to turn south, but i sat down on a bench that was built into the southern wall of the wide corridor. I was now in the enclosed corridor on the northern side of the building. The accident was now to the south of me, down a second corridor. The wide corridor that i was in ran to the west, across the northern side of the building. It seemed to form an atrium, with a glass ceiling. The walls were tan and well illuminated. To the east seemed to be the doors to the outside. The corridor to the south was about three meters to the west of me. I had been near the entrance of it, but i did not want to appear to be gawking at the accident victims. I felt tense, not sure what i should do. $K1 then came into the building from the east. She worked in a lab to the south, and she would have to get to her job. I mentioned that she could take the stairs up to the upper floors and walk around. I thought that her lab was on the second floor on the southern side of the building. $K1 tried to head down the corridor to the south, but had to turn back. The emergency crews must now have the corridor blocked off while they clear the bodies. The accident now seemed more serious. $K1 had to get to her nursing job, so she headed back to the east. I realized that she was heading out of the building to go around. This seemed like the wrong thing to do, but i stood up and followed her. I took the stairs to the east and found myself in the cafeteria on the second floor. The cafeteria area was a small room with metal counters and shelfs. It was just above the bench that i had been sitting on, and it ran along the corridor to the south. I was aware that the western end of the cafeteria was open to the corridor. I could easily go to the railing and look over the edge to see what had happened in the corridor. I felt uneasy about doing this, though. I knew that it was the wrong thing to do. $K1 grabbed a metal tray and started putting food on it. I put a pale orange fruit on mine. It seemed like cantaloupe. I moved around the northern side of the room nervously, trying to gather food. People seemed to be gathered along the western edge of the room. I thought that they were looking over the edge at the accident. I talked to $K1 about the food, trying to distract myself. I felt very uncomfortable thinking about the accident. I then noticed $F71 standing to the west. He was looking over the edge. He wore a dirty white T-shirt. I was disappointed that he was watching the accident below, but i was not sure what i should do about it. I thought that everyone was watching the catastrophe. I then realized that i actually have not seen any of it. I was there early, so i should have been able to see how bad the injuries were. I thought that the helicopter would have lifted the people high into the air to get them over the tall skyscrapers of the city that we were now in. I pictured the dark tower to the east of us. The cable must have broken when the people were very high in the air, so their bodies would be badly broken. I turned my attention back to the food and tried to find some to put on my tray.

We were looking for the man as we moved down the short street to the east. The street also seemed to be a corridor in an old building that had been converted to a shopping center. My family was with me as we looked, and i thought that the woman with us was looking for her boyfriend. Restaurants were on both sides of the street or corridor. I glanced into the cafe-style restaurant to the north, noticing an East Asian man on the western side of a small round table. He had his face turned away from me, and he was looking at a woman, who was sitting to the east. I thought that he was the boyfriend, but i pretended not to notice him. I was really not sure if it was actually he; i could not get a good enough view of his face. I turned to the south down the other corridor, but stopped after only a few meters. I was not sure where i was going. I had to head back to the restaurant where the man was. I turned to the north and headed back down the east-to-west street. I was now on the western end of the street, and my father was standing on the sidewalk to the north. He was younger, and he stood outside the open door of his apartment. I could see the room inside, which seemed like a living room. My mother was to the east of me, and she was talking to my father. They were divorced. This seemed to have happened before, but i was not upset about the situation. My mother asked my father some question. I thought that my mother had been dating another man, whom i disliked. A woman walked from the east and turned into the open door of my father’s apartment. She must be living with him. My mother did not seem to mind, and she continued to talk to my father casually. This seemed very strange. My mother then mentioned the name of a woman. I knew that it was a woman that my father had been married to. I thought about this as i started to the east.

12017 October 27

I wandered away from the others and headed to the southeast. I had just left the other people, some of whom seemed to be relatives of mine. The cow was walking ahead of me up the grassy hill. The slope of the hill was very shallow, and i felt as though i was wandering somewhere. The building to the northeast of me seemed to be an elementary school, and it seemed like Charles F. Johnson Elementary. I was walking faster that the large bull, and i started approaching it. I felt uneasy of the bull and did not want to walk too close to it. I thought that i would go around it, but then i realized that there was not enough room in the aisle that was now around me to pass it. The aisle was formed by shelving that ran northwest to southeast. The bull was walking slowly down the central aisle. I decided that i could walk around the bull by moving to the southwest a little and walking down one of the other aisles. The bull then said something about the cut. I noticed a red spot on the inside of the bull’s rear right leg. The flesh on the bull’s leg seemed oddly bulky, and the grey skin was tight over the bulges. The wound was just above the knee. It was about five centimeters long and two or three centimeters tall. A chunk of skin seemed to have been pulled up, exposing bloody flesh below. The blood was not flowing, but it filled the wound. The wound was wide in the middle, but tapered at the ends. As the bull walked, it said something about the blood. The bull seemed impartial to the wound, but its movements were lethargic. I moved to the southwest to head around the row of shelfs. I walked fast enough that i thought that i would be past the bull when i reached the southeastern end of the shelfs, which seemed like shelfs from a grocery store. I stopped on the southern side of the area. Someone was talking about the bull. I looked to the north to see people surrounding the bull now. The people were gathered in a close group. I knew that they were around the bull, but i could not quite make out the bull on the ground. I thought that it was now lying in the middle of the people. Two men in lab coats stood on the western side of the group, holding something, which i thought might be the bull’s legs. I then noticed the long narrow object moving between the people on the western side of the animal. I realized that i was looking at the animal’s groin. The animal’s penis was thin and covered with furry skin, but a long thin curved pink penis extended from the foreskin. The penis was loosely corkscrewed. I wondered why the animal was excited by the people trying to treat its wound. One of the male students, who was sitting on the ground near the bull’s crotch, looked over his right shoulder at the penis. He sat cross-legged, slouching forward so that his chin-length straight blond hair hung around the sides of his face. He smiled when he noticed the penis, and he jokingly pet it with his right hand. I told the person to the east of me about this, saying that it seemed an awkward thing to do. I then noticed the large tube above the eastern side of the group. It was brown, and it looked like a plastic ventilation tube. It bulged slightly at the eastern end. As i watched it, a brown liquid sprayed out of the end, followed by a cloudy white liquid. I thought that the bull had been stimulated into ejaculation. The tube was at the level of people’s heads, and i realized that the people to the east of the tube must have been getting soaked with semen. I told the person to the east of me. I looked back at the brown tube, which was about three-quarters of a meter in diameter. It was gushing clear water out the end now. Several people were standing in front of it, holding some part of the animal. The man nearest the tube squinted as the water splashed over him. He pressed his lips together in determination to stand his ground as the fluid from the bull splashed over him and the others. I felt a little nervous for the man because he had to endure this. I thought it would be funny under other circumstances.

12017 October 29

The air was very clear in this city area, and i had been moving to the southwest, away from the others. I had been here with my family, and i was trying to do something. The building around us was long and narrow, with a room stretching to the south of me. The room seemed like a large store. I walked across the western end of the room, where several people were sitting at long tables. Much of this place seemed like a nursing home or other type of resident hospital. I felt a little uneasy, thinking that i had to do something here. People were talking about the others to the south. I looked out the large opening in the southern wall to see a cement plaza outside. A cement wall or bench ran along the western side, and people seemed to be skating or skateboarding on the cement. A train of people then came from the north. They seemed to have something to do with the residents of the building i was in, but they were doing something different than the others. They skated to the south, holding hands so that they formed a line that swerved back and forth as they headed south. I felt that there was something here that i had to pay attention to, but i was not sure what i should be doing. I felt lost.

12017 October 30

I stood to the south of the two men as they talked to each other. The men seemed to be drawn with sharp angular features, and their facial features did not seem to move as they spoke. The man on the western side was looking east, and his eyes were drawn very small and narrow. He reminded me of Bruce Wayne. He looked severe, and he talked about something happening. He mentioned the other person, and i felt cautious of the other person. I started to the west, looking for someone. I was cautious of the other man, who now seemed to be following me. I tried not to pay attention to him. I crossed the cement outdoor area, walking up the incline to the northwest as i followed the pavement between the low planters and benches. I turned to the west near the top of the low hill, looking at the garden ahead. I thought that i had not intended to go through the garden. I remembered being in the garden before. I walked to the west, descending the short flight of steps into the lower area. The garden seemed to be ten or twelve meters wide to the west of me. I was entering the northern end of the garden, about a meter from the northern wall. I turned to the southwest and started between the cement blocks that rose above my head. The variously shaped blocks were stacked to form corridors and tunnels across the garden. It seemed like a maze, and i thought that i could probably loose the other man here. I headed to the west for a moment, stopping when i realized that water was pouring over the northern end of one of the blocks ahead of me. The light-gray cement block was stained brown from the water. I headed to the south, following the vertical slats of stone. The fountain ran over the top of me. I passed through a small room that was formed by the tall vertical slabs. Most of the slabs ran north to south, but the one on the southeastern side of the room-like area ran northeast to southwest. The slabs had spaces between them, but the area of the room seemed mostly enclosed. I passed out of the enclosed space to the southwest, noticing the overhanging rock above me to the southeast, where water was pouring over the southern end of the fountain. This was also covered with a brown glossy mineral deposit. The man who had been following me was now in front of me. He stopped under the falling water, enjoying the water from the fountain. Two or three other people stood near him. He turned and smiled at me. I did not want to get wet, so i did not pass under the sheet of falling water. Some water was dripping over the eastern side of the flume at the top of the fountain. I moved quickly to the southern end of the large garden. I then turned to the east and ran across the open area. The man followed me. I seemed to be running along an elevated surface. The land to the sound of me was about four or five meters below where i was, and several low buildings were on it. Everything around here seemed very urban, with few trees. The area to the north was then water, and i was running along a wharf. I turned to the north and ran across the small ship. The hull of the ship seemed to be blue, and the structure above the deck was white. I ran through an oval door, following the other man. I thought that we had to quickly run through the boat, but the man stopped in the crowded area in the center of the ship. I wanted him to hurry, thinking that we had to quickly pass through the ship before we got stuck. I glanced to the north, looking down into a hold where a pinkish-tan machine stood. It had vertical cylinders and looked a little like a furnace. I pushed the man a little to get him moving. I then passed him and ran to the north again, passing through another blue oval bulkhead door. The railing outside the door had a small oval hole in it that i had to pass through. I started through it, but realized that the area on the other side was now moving. The boat had started to the east. I thought that the captain must have known that we were here, and he was moving purposely so that we could not jump off of the ship. The boat accelerated quickly to the east, and i thought about how difficult the captain was making it to jump off of the ship. The water would be hard at this speed. I then wondered if someone who jumped would be dragged under the back of the boat by the wake. I thought about this a moment. I then decided to go back the way i came. I stood up in the corridor, which was now in a building. I knew that i was at the top floor of the building, which seemed to be the third floor. The corridor was white, and it reminded me of a school. I ran to the east, heading down the narrow stairwell that was set into the southern wall. I remembered that i had come up this way. I also remembered that the stairs somehow connected to another set of stairs to the next floor down. I turned to the north and came out into another corridor. I did not see the other set of stairs right away, but then i noticed that they were set into the southern wall, just to the west of where i had exited the upper flight of stairs. I realized that the second set of stairs descended to the east. This surprised me. I had thought that they would have descended to the west, because i remembered not changing my direction to go in a circle. I ran for the next set of stairs, which had brown steps. The stairwell seemed old. I ran into the narrow descending corridor and ran down the stairs. The stairs did not run straight in this corridor. They shifted from side to side. I then reached a part where i had to duck under a low slanting ceiling. I realized that the stairs had been built under part of the roof. I descended a little further and had to step over a white sprinkler pipe to continued down. The spaces in the corridor were narrow and awkward. The stairs shifted a little to the north but continued to descend to the east. I realized that these stairs must have been added into the building after the building was constructed. They filled space that had previously been useless. I thought about the space under the eaves and realized that they had taken advantage of it for the stairs. As i reached the bottom, i saw that the corridor opened up. The ceiling leveled out so that it no longer followed the stairs. I could see the exit door three or four meters below me. It opened to a corridor to the north.

12017 October 31

I stood at the door to the large building, waiting for the event to start. I had come into the building before the other people, and i was waiting for something. I was wearing something over my chest that seemed to be a plastic breast plate. It covered my torso, and i wore it over a shirt with long white sleeves. I felt anxious. The event seemed like a high-school event. I wondered where the other people were. I was in the entry auditorium of a large modern building, which seemed like Biotech. The walls and floor were white and mode of a stone-like material. A man came from the north. He must have come into the building from another entrance. He was $A150. Several others were following him, and they were all dressed in semiformal attire. I felt suddenly out of place, thinking that i was not wearing the correct clothing. I seemed to be wearing a costume, and everyone else was dressed up. I realized that i was also wearing fake shoes as part of my costume. They were tan leather covers that rested on the tops of my feet. I started to pace around, wondering what i should do. I moved to the southwest. People were already sitting around the large round tables in the dining room to the east. I wanted to join them, and i thought that i should just go into the event as i was dressed. I walked into the dining room, entering on the eastern end of the northern side of the room. I walked to the southern side of the room, noticing a table that had some empty chairs. I moved to the empty chairs, which were on the western side f the table, and i picked up the white plate that was on the table in front of an empty chair. I would have to take it to get food from the buffet. The table was covered with a white table cloth. I then noticed that the other people at the table had stood up to go somewhere. I felt disappointed, wondering if everyone was leaving because they had already finished with dinner or if they were leaving because i had showed up. I decided that they were heading to another part of the event. I had missed the main dinner. $A150 had stood up from a table to the north of me and was walking out near me. He motioned to my feet and said that i had nice shoes. I could not tell if he was being sincere or if he was picking on me. I looked down at the tan leather covers on my feet. I felt a little uneasy. I continued to the east, heading outside. I still had not eaten dinner, and i was looking for food. I mentioned that there was a hot-dog truck out here, somewhere. A man was walking near me as we crossed the cement area to the south of the building. I could not see where the others from my table had gone. I knew that we were near the festival, which was on the street. I wondered if we could find something to eat there. The man then motioned to the southwest and said that there was a food truck. We were on the southern side of the large white modern building. A road ran east-to-west just to the south of us, and a low stone building was across the street, to the south. I remembered the food truck that the man was talking about. It was usually parked on the northern side of the street to the west of us. I also remembered that it had good food. I then saw the man who was cooking to the south of us, behind the service counter. He wore a white shirt and had long hair. I then realized that the man i was talking to also had long hair. He stood to the east of me as we stood just to the north of the food counter. He had shoulder-length red hair and a curly beard. A man in a wheel chair then came from the southeast, and both men hugged. I then realized that the man that i had been talking to was also in a chair. He had turned his attention from me, and he was chatting with the other man. I felt a little out of place, and i realized that i should make sure that i had a reservation at the hotel. I thought that the hotel would be very busy with the festival going on. I walked to the east, entering the main floor of the small hotel, which seemed more like a country in. The design of the inside was rustic, looking like an old western building with finished wood on the walls. The wood seemed unstained, but it was covered with shellac. The wooden boards on the walls looked like smooth logs, and the beams that ran north to south across the ceiling were also rounded. The ceiling sloped up to the south, starting above the windows on the northern wall and sloping to the ceiling of the second floor. Large multipane windows filled the northern wall, which seemed to be about five meters tall. The ceiling above them was also covered with rounded logs that were about a deci in diameter. The northern side of the room was open to the second floor, and i could see into the rooms of the second floor. The rooms had railings separating them from the floor below. Long wide beams ran from the floor of the second floor to the northern wall, ending just above the windows. Looking up, i noticed that chairs were hanging from the ceiling near the beams. They seemed to be part of the guest rooms that overlooked the lobby. I thought that people could sit in the chairs and admire the sunset out the windows to the north. I then realized that people would have to climb out along the beams to get to the chairs. I looked below the chairs to see that benches ran along the northern wall just under the windows. I thought that it would be nice to relax in one of the hanging chairs. Someone had told me about this hotel, and i thought that it seemed like a nice place. The front desk of the hotel was along the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. It was set to the south of the edge of the upper floor by about two meters. The western end of the room extended to the south. Two doors were in the southern wall on the western side of the lobby, and the door on the western side seemed to be a bathroom. I moved toward the front desk, but no one seemed to be there. As i approached, i looked up into the rooms above me. The second floor was divided into two rooms. The western room seemed quite a bit bigger than the eastern room. It had a double bed on the western wall. I thought that the room on the eastern side must be my room. I would not get the larger rooms here. I stood at the desk, looking around for someone, but no one was is sight. I noticed a book on the desk, so i looked to see if i had a reserved room number on it. I could not quite read it. A young man then came to the desk from the west. He asked me what i was looking for. He was to the north of the desk, but i thought that he worked here. I thought that my reservation information was sent to me via e-mail, so i looked at my cell phone to see if i could find the information. The man said that i would need something. I crouched down by the car, which was now in the western side of the room. It was a small car, which seemed to be a statue. Another man was then at the desk. He implied that the boy to the west, who was also looking for a room, had no room number either. I felt suspicious, thinking that the boy was trying to get my room. I moved to the desk. I was in a long room of the hotel now, and people were moving around the room. Someone to the northwest of me leaned on me as i tried to find the information on my phone. I felt frustrated and moved to the west a little. A woman was behind the counter now, and she was trying to help me. She had a round face and curly hair. As i moved, an East Asian man leaned hard on the counter as if he was making a point of taking the spot. The woman looked at him, but did not say anything. I told her that i was renting the room.