12018 October 02

I carried the bags to the east, following the others toward the large open area. We were crossing a field of drying green grass, heading toward the large low structure. We had come here for a show, and i was carrying some of the things that we would need to set up. A woman and a man were walking in front of me as we approached the stone or cement columns at the edge of the structure. The structure seemed like a theater with a heavy cement or stone roof. It was dark under the roof, but i could see the benches that ran east to west on the sloping floor. The floor sloped down to the north, where a low open arena seemed to border the stadium seating. The woman stepped over the low edge of the structure, heading northeast. I knew that we had to head toward the center of the stadium, which was to the northeast, but i had to take the things i had to the southeast. The woman carefully stepped over the edge. I could see a gap between the low stone wall at the edge of the stadium and the floor inside. The gap seemed to lead to a lower level below the seating. The man and woman crossed into the building, heading northeast. I carefully stepped over the crack, realizing that it was not as wide as i had thought that it was. The floor inside the building was oddly tipped. It felt strange to walk up the incline as i headed to the southeast. The southern end of the building was curved, and i was heading toward the top of the curve to set up the equipment. The equipment seemed to have something to do with the sound of lights for the show. I stepped over several of the benches, thinking that they were actually tipped backward to the south so that they were at a strange angle. I crossed several rows of chairs and made it to the center of the seating, but i did not make it all the way to the top. Something was happening to the north that drew my attention. I put down the bags, thinking that i would carry them up to the top of the stadium in a moment. I walked to the north, joining the others in a flat area on the northern side of the room. The old cement structure seemed dingy and run down. We stopped for a moment, talking about the show. The woman sat just to the west of a large square cement column, which was to the east-northeast of me. Someone else was sitting to the north of me, and a man was sitting to the east. Some other people seemed to be around. The man to the east said something about the music, and i could hear the melody in my head. He sang it, and i thought about it. It rose and fell in the first half, which i pictured as a mound, and then the second part dropped and came back up. The man to the east was $A47. He talked about the song, saying that the others should sing it. I wanted to sing the lower part, thinking that the low harmonies made it sound interesting. $A47 passed a small tray to the woman by the column as he mentioned the melody. The tray was covered with sliced tomatoes, and it had something to do with the song. He asked us to practice the melody. I tried singing it to myself. When i got to the second part, i was aware that i did not have the correct rhythm on the notes. I had sung it with steady notes, but $A47 had added a swing beat to the descending notes. I thought about this, trying to get it right in my head. I then thought that i would not be singing this melody, but i still wanted to understand it.

12018 October 05

I was on the northeastern side of the gym, doing pull-ups inside the metal structure. Someone was moving to the southwest of me. It felt hard to do the pull-ups, and i finished a set and stopped for a moment, watching the people around me. I then started doing another set. This time, it seemed easy to do pull-ups. I counted up to twelve, and i thought that it was much easier than it had been for the previous times. I wondered why it was so easy the last time. I thought that i must have been doing something wrong during the earlier sets. I started moving to the west. A man was then walking with me, to the south of me. He started describing something to me. I thought that he was talking about my mother. He mentioned something medical. I stopped in the doorway in the western wall. The man stopped to the southwest of me, turning to look at me. He wore a white lab coat, and he said something about the medical condition, saying “You’ll be sorry.” I was not sure what he was talking about. It seemed very strange. I thought that he was trying to warn me of some medical problem, but i thought that he was talking about my mother. I knew that she was fine, and i did not feel that anything was really wrong. I felt confused by what the man had said.

I rubbed some of the white paint on the left side of my face with my left hand. I had been painting things in the room. I was sitting on the bed that was against the northern wall of the room. The area where the bed was positioned was recessed from the main part of the room. The ceiling of the western part of the recession seemed rounded or sloped near the top. I was dipping my hands into a large bucket of white paint and then rubbing them against the wall to the north of me. I was aware of people to the northwest of me, in the next room. Some of them were coming into the room that i was in through a doorway in the western end of the northern wall, which was farther into the room than the bed i was on. I rubbed my hands on the walls no the north and west of me, making sure that the paint coated the walls evenly. I then realized that the people coming into the room were my family, and i had to make sure that they realized that the white paint on my face was part of a costume. I wondered what they would think of the paint. I remembered painting my face with costume makeup when i was young. I looked at the wall to the north of me. It seemed to be evenly coated with white paint. I then noticed that the short wall to the west was mostly coated as well. I rubbed some paint on the southern end of the wall, where i could see a little of the darker original surface through the paint that was there. I then backed up a little, realizing that the off-white paint on the walls actually looked nice and smooth. It had covered well. The recessed area in the northern wall did not go all the way to the ceiling, and the southern-facing wall above it looked nicely painted as well. I moved to the west. The large western wall of the room was mostly black. I dipped my hands into the paint bucket to scoop out some paint. The paint felt thick and clumpy. As i moved toward the wall, i realized that the wall was already painted with a large mural. The black was part of the design, and bright green and yellow seemed to be part of a tropical scene in the upper right of the wall. I thought that i should not cover up the mural. My grandmother was then standing to the west of me, scowling at me in a warning. She did not want me to paint over the mural. I looked down at the small round plastic tub of paint as i put the white clump back into the paint, which now seemed darker. My hands were under the surface of the liquid. I could still feel the clump of paint. I moved it around in the liquid, thinking that it would eventually dissolve back into the rest of the colors. I backed away from the wall. Some of my family was to the south of me, sitting at tables. I said something to them. My mother then made a comment about what i was doing. I said that it was a long day. I then said that it was always a long day when my mother visits. I was joking about something, but i realized that the words might sound mean. I felt bad and tried to explain. $K3 was walking with me as we headed out the doorway in the western wall of the room. I explained that i was referring to the fact that my mother would always wake me up very early when she came to visit.

12018 October 06

I was in the car with the others as $F58 drove us to the west-southwest on the road, which seemed to be just to the south of the river. It seemed that i had come from Endicott, and we had crossed the Old Vestal Bridge to the south. We then turned west and followed a road through the flat area. I remembered this area from long ago. It was dark now, and i was walking down the street toward the house where we were going to the event. $F75 and $F74 were walking ahead of me. $F58 was walking just a little behind them and ahead of me. I suddenly realized that i had my dark-gray fleece jacket on still. I had been wearing it at the house before we left. I unzipped it so that my costume could be seen. As i looked down, i suddenly realized that i was wearing a short white dress. The bottom of the dress had very narrow pleats. I had forgotten to change into my red dress at the house before we left. I was upset, realizing that i could not wear a white dress to a red-dress event. $F58 turned around to look at me as i stood surprised and disappointed by the dress i was wearing. I stared walking with the others again, thinking that it would be very far for me to travel to get back to the house to get my red dress. I pictured it across the bridge over the river and then a little to the northeast. I could not easily go back. I followed the others into the building, but i did not want to participate in the run any longer. I would not be in the designated costume for the run. We entered a door in the eastern end of the northern wall of the large room. The building seemed to be old and made of brick. It was fairly open inside. We entered into a small area, but then had to cross a catwalk over the open lower floor. The catwalk headed to the southwest across the room. The room below seemed dark, and i could not see much of what was below me, but i thought that a bar extended from the eastern wall and ran just to the south of the catwalk. Black metal chain-link fencing was the balcony near the entrance and seemed to be on parts of the catwalk. I had slowed down, and the others had walked ahead of me. I decided that i had to go back to the house. I realized that i was wearing sandals or some other shoes for the costume that i could not run in. I felt annoyed, thinking that i could have worn my sneakers and taken them off here. I would not be able to easily run back to the house. I then thought that i would be all sweaty if i did that anyway. I despaired. I leaned over the metal railing of the catwalk, looking for the people i had come with in the room below. I thought that they might be sitting at one of the tables under the catwalk, near the northern wall of the room. I could not see them, so i leaned over the southern railing. I called to my friends. $F58 looked up at me. She was to the east of me on the floor below. I told her that i would be right back. She asked if i was going back to the house to get my things, and i told her that i was. I said that i would walk back. she was then near me, and she told me that i should stay on the main road as i walked. I knew that it was dark out, and i pictured the sidewalk on the northern side of the main road that we had driven down. I told her that i could also take the lake road to get back. She did not know what i was talking about, so i explained that i could turn to the north off of the main road and cut over to a second narrower road that ran along the lake. She did not seem to understand why i would do that. I thought that it was probably more direct to stay on the sidewalk anyway, so i told her that it would have been a road that had fewer cars. I added that i would stay on the main road as i headed back. I left the building and started walking north, down the alley toward the main road. I took off the set of sandal-like shoes that i was wearing. They had very thin straps. I wished that i had my running sneakers with me, and i wondered if could run barefoot all the way back to the house. It suddenly seemed like a long way to go. I thought about how far we had driven on this side of the river. It did not take that long in a car, but i thought that it would take a lot longer if i had to run. I started to feel disappointed. I did not think that i would be back here before the party ended. I wondered if the people would miss me at the party. I felt upset. I walked down the sidewalk on the northern side of the road, following the road to the east-northeast. It was now daylight, and i could see the apartment buildings in the tall grass of the field to the northeast of me. I turned onto a black asphalt path that ran to the northeast, through some of the apartments. It seemed to be turning from the main road, but i had something that i thought that i should do. I stopped near the small suburban house. The house was to the northeast of me, and the road here seemed to travel due east. Several small one-story houses were on both sides of the road, and the road seemed to end just to the west of me, just before it reached the road that i had been walking on. An old wooden table was to the west of the house, just off of the sidewalk. I started scraping the surface of it with my hand. I had done this before, and i was trying to get the dirt off of it. I had a long scraper that was on the end of a stick. I pushed it to the north, scraping over the surface of the western side of the flat area to the north of me. Grime curled up over the scraper, and i pulled the grime to south. It curled up into a roll at the edge of the sidewalk that i was standing on. I scraped several more sections of the flat area, pulling the sticky substance toward me. I looked down at the roll of grease that i had scraped off. It looked like cooked cheese, and i wanted to taste a piece of it. I thought that i could cut a small piece off of the roll, but then i thought that i should finish what i was doing. I looked back at the round wooden table as i scraped some more of it. The table had several items on it, but they seemed to be flat. A plate was in the center of the table, and something like a place mat was to the north of it. A small rectangular card with a painting on it was on the eastern side of the table. I pulled the scraper over all of them, noticing that the white film on the table did not come entirely off. It had been a long time since i had been here scraping the table, so i thought that the film had builder up. I was now i a small room of the small house. The northern wall of the room was covered with brown fake-wood paneling. The design of the house seemed cheap, and the house seemed empty. The room seemed musty from being closed up, and i started to feel uncomfortable here. I wondered if the neighbors had seen me come into the house or had seen me cleaning. I felt suddenly nervous about someone seeing me, and i decided that i should leave the house. I turned to look to the south. Out the large multi-pane window in the pale-blue southern wall, i could see a man walking down the sidewalk in front of the house. He was heading to the west. I thought that he must have seen me in the house. I worried that he had called the police to have me arrested. I had to get out of here. I started moving to the northeast, thinking that i would have to go around to the back of the house. I was outside again, to the west of the house, and i ran around the northern side. I watched the man walking across the front of the house as i moved. He had not yet seen me. I lost sight of him as i ran across the northern side of the large brick building, which seemed now to be part of an apartment building. I came to the eastern end of the building and slowed, cautiously peering around the corner to see what was to the south. I could see a grassy gap between two apartment buildings with a parking lot to the south. The second building ran to the southeast, at an angle from the first. Several thin green trees were clustered off the western corner of the second building, but i could see a dry dirt path that ran between them. I thought that i could head for the path and be obscured among the trees. This would make it harder for the man to figure out who i was. I ran for the gap in the trees, aware of what was to the west of me. As i reached the trees, i realized that i could still not see the man to the west of me. He was still blocked by the large apartment building to the west. I can through the trees and turned to the east. I would still have to make it down the road to the bridge across the river.

12018 October 08

I had just finished doing something, and it seemed as though i had taken a shower. I was in a small room on the eastern side of the house. I put something down on the table on the eastern wall of the room. The table was to the southeast of me. I then decided that i would have to take a shower. I realized that i did not have a towel for the shower. I had several small hand towels, but i did not have a big towel for the shower. The one i had just used was still wet, so it would not do. I walked to the west, into the long rectangular room, which could have been a wide hallway. My parents were renting this place, and my mother seemed to be packing up all of their things to leave. I thought that she had packed all of the towels and only left out what they needed. I felt a little upset, because it seemed that she was purposely avoiding me as i looked for a towel. I knew that she had said something about towels earlier, and i thought that she did not want me using any so that she could pack them up. My father was in the bathroom to the south, and i was aware of him moving around in front of the mirror, which was on the southern wall. I opened the large trunk, which was against the southern wall to the east of the bathroom door. I hoped that towels would be in it, but it only had a few blankets and some hand towels. My father must have heard me open the trunk. He turned around and looked out the bathroom door. I asked him if there were any towels around. He said that he did not know of any. I felt upset, and i walked back into the small room to the east. I kept looking around, but i was aware of the sound of someone singing. It was the voice of a young girl. I had been hearing it for a while, and the song sounded very pleasant. I looked out the window to the southeast. A young girl was playing on the lawn, not far from me. I seemed to be on the same level of ground as she was. A wooden fence ran to the southeast of her as she ran to the southwest, chasing a ball that her father had thrown. Her father stood to the east of the girl. He was tall and thin, with chin-length blond hair. I realized that he must be a musician who plays guitar. I felt interested in him, but i did not think that i would get to know them. He wore a white T-shirt. He jogged after the girl, grabbed her from behind and picked her up. He had his hands under her armpits, and he lifted her over his head and sat her on his shoulders. The scene was pleasing to watch, and i felt admiration for the fact that they sang music together. I felt happy to be staying next door to them, thinking that i could possibly get to know them. I then turned back to the northwest to walk back to the house. I had been standing on the lawn just to the east of the house that we were staying in. I was aware that the father put the little girl back down on the ground to the west of him. She turned to her father and pointed me out, saying that i had been watching him. I was surprised that she had said this, and i thought that it was strange. I knew that i had not seen the man more than a little while. I wondered how the girl knew that i was attracted to her father. I hoped that he was not offended. I stopped and turned around. The man was now standing very close to me, just to the southeast of me. He seemed friendly, and i felt very attracted to him, but i was nervous of saying anything. The situation seemed very strange.

12018 October 10

I turned to the east, standing in the doorway of the building. The event was happening to the west of me, inside the room, but i was heading outside for something. I wanted to do something interesting. I thought that i could fly over the grounds. I could see the large tree outside, and i thought that i could fly through the branches. $A601 was standing to the west of me, and he said something about the event. I told him that i wanted to fly, and he said that i should not wander too far, because the ceremony was about to start. I looked to the southeast, across the cut grass of the wide lawn. It seemed to be getting dark, but i could still see clearly across the grounds. The large tree seemed to be made up of many smaller trees, all of which were growing in a tight cluster just to the southeast of the door. A driveway seemed to run east from the door and then curve to the southeast along the northeastern rim of the area. Something was to the north, like a lake or river. I jumped out of the doorway and flew up through the branches of the tree. The many thin trunks grew as if separate trees, but they formed a single canopy overhead. I swooped down along the southwestern side of the cluster of trunks, curving to the southeast and then east. It felt very good to be flying through the trees. As i curved to the north, i was aware of $A601 and some others coming out of the building. They gathered in the small room that we were now in. A dining-room table was in the center of the room, and the others started sitting down around the chairs on the outside. I flew to the north along the eastern side of the table and turned west to fly along the northern side. I had to slow down on the northern side because i realized that there was not enough room between the chair and the cabinet to the north of it for me to easily fit. I tried to squeeze through the space, but i hit the chair and had to stop. I was then aware of the sound of voices. The wedding ceremony had started. The others were nicely dressed and were sitting around the dining-room table. I listened to the voices as they described what was happening in the ceremony. It seemed that we were listening to a broadcast of the event through a speaker. The sound then changed, and i could hear music. The radio must have lost the station that we were listening to and picked up a nearby one. I moved to the southern end of the room and looked at the stereo, which was on top of a tall cabinet against the southern end of the western wall. The radio had a red LED display showing the frequency of the broadcast. It seemed to be somewhere in the low nineties or high eighties. I told the other person that the station might be nearby. I thought that it was just not finely tuned, and that we could just move the tuning to one side or the other to find the correct station. I moved the dial to the left, lowering the numbers. I could not hear anything, so i turned it back to the right. We passed the music, and a voice came on. I thought that this might be the ceremony, but i was not quite sure. It sounded more like a commercial. I wondered if it was the same station as the ceremony and was just having a commercial break. I listened for a moment. I then decided that i should keep searching while the commercial was on. I turned the dial further to the right. The sound of the voice got stronger and clearer as we jumped to the next frequency. I thought that at least we had a better version of the station, if it was the correct one. I listened for a moment as i backed away from the console. I wondered if we had simply lost the station. I thought that we were too far out of town and that the signal from the ceremony might just be too weak. It seemed that we were in a small town to the east of the larger city. I pictured the town in a river valley, to the north of the river. It reminded me of Bainbridge.

12018 October 12

I was visiting $P7. It had been a very long times since i had been here. I thought that i needed to do something here, but i was nervous about going back into the building. I felt out of place. I was getting drinks from the bar to the east of me. I picked up the two glasses, one in each hand, and started walking to the east, down a hallway. I had entered $P7 and was looking for the place i was to go to. I felt nervous. I then realized that the glass in my left hand had beer in it. This seemed inappropriate in a school. I had already drunk half the glass, but i would have to get rid of the rest of the beer before i met any of the students. I looked at the two glasses. The large clear plastic bottle in my right hand was filled with water. I could see some of the ice cubes in the top of the glass. The glass in my right hand was smaller and thinner. It was made of a tan clear plastic, and it had vertical grooves in the bottom of the glass. The top two or three centimeters of the glass were smooth and a little wider than the bottom. I only had a little bit of beer left in the glass, and i wondered if i should finish it. I decided to drink the remainder of the beer as i ascended the staircase to the south. The long narrow stairway ascended through the air to a small room on the upper floor. As i entered the room, i was still holding both of the glasses in my hand. I was aware of a backpack on my back as well. The small room was full of students of all ages. I thought that it was a student lounge. I would have to find a place to sit. Some of the students watched me as i looked around the room for a seat. The small room was full of mismatched furnishings. The students seemed quiet, as though they were waiting for something and were tired. I moved to the eastern side of the room, heading to the southeast. I looked at the young students sitting various chairs. I could not find a place to sit. I felt a little uneasy and out of place here. I then thought that the large cushioned wide chair to the southeast was open. I was looking at some people sitting against the eastern wall as i thought this. I turned to the south to see a young student slouched in the large red chair. He seemed board. He had a rounded face with short black hair that stuck up on top. I then realized that the students were not dressed in coats and ties like i had expected them to be. I realized that i still had my glass of beer with me. I looked at the glass in my left hand, noticing that the beer looked flat now. I drank the rest of it and turned to the north to put the glass in the sink, which was in a counter against the northern wall. I rinsed out the tan plastic glass, thinking that i would leave it in the sink here. The students then started moving out of the room, heading north. I felt uneasy with them, and i wondered why i had come here. I then remembered that i would have to get the scholarship information. I walked to the north, through the building. The halls looked different now. I knew that i could recognize them, but they all looked different. A woman was walking with me as i stood on the western side of the northern end of the building. We seemed to be in a lobby. Light was coming in through windows along the eastern wall. I then realized that we were in the old gymnasium. I stopped to look around as the woman wandered through a doorway to the east and started to the northeast. Someone had mentioned the old gymnasium before, saying that the windows were now covered up. I looked around the walls, trying to see the old windows. I could see outside to the west and to the north. I looked to the east, realizing that i could see the arched windows to the east as well. I did not think that the windows had actually been covered up. I wondered why someone had said that the windows were now covered up. I then noticed a seam in the window to the north. Several short partitioning walls were in the room, but i could see past them to the glass northern wall. I realized that the eastern end of the window had a black rubber seam running down the center of the glass. It looked as though this section of the room had been added on to the original building. The glass was much more modern than the old gymnasium that i remembered. I looked to the south to see if i could see the same extension from the main building. I could see a seam in the glass there as well. This room was actually not part of the original gymnasium. It was new to the building. I then realized that the woman was waiting for me on the northern end of the room. I told her that the room was an addition, and i started to move around the area.

I had just arrived at my friend’s house. It was on the northern side of a side road in at old small housing complex. The road ran east to west and seemed very short. It seemed to run only fifty meters or so to the west and about twenty meters to the east before it turned to the south into a cul-de-sac. A street ran to the north, to the east of the house that i was standing near, and it seemed to connect to the main road. I stood on the street to the south of the house i was visiting. It was dark out. My friend seemed very excited, and he ran to the door of the house as i stood near it. It felt very good to be here, and i was very interested in the man. He did not seem like a good friend, but simply someone that i had just become friends with. He said something to me, and then he ran to the southeast, across the street, toward a house that was set back in the cul-de-sac. I turned to the southeast to look for my friend. He had run into the other house, talking to his friend. I wondered if he would bring his friend with us. We were getting ready to go somewhere. The two men then ran to the north, back into my friend’s house. Both seemed very excited. I moved into the doorway. The other man turned and walked back to me, telling me something excitedly. He was talking about the costume run. The man was wearing a dress that seemed very revealing. He was thin, with short dark hair and a defined jawline. It seemed that he had not shaved in a few days. He leaned his left hand on the end of the open door, which was against the eastern wall of the hallway inside the house. He asked me a question. I looked at his dress. The upper part of the dress was white, and it seemed to be made of a shear material that was bunched into a thick strap. The two ends of the strap attached to his waistline in front of his navel, and the puffy upper part wrapped around the back of his neck. On a woman, the wrap would have covered her breasts, but, on him, it made his shoulders look much wider than his waist. The bottom of the dress was short and black with little styling. The man was very slender, and the dress seemed natural on him. I was glad that he was coming with us to the event. He seemed very interesting. I turned to the southwest. My friend was now to the southwest of me, in the middle of the large living room. He was kneeling on the floor, and i really wanted to spend more time with him. I said something to him as i wandered farther into the room. I seemed to be standing near the middle of the northern wall. I thought that we should leave, but i was also interested in doing something with the man here. The man then turned and said something to me. He was Kyle Dake. I wanted to wrestle with him, but i thought that i should not. I asked about leaving, but he no longer seemed interested. He was kneeling, facing southeast. He wore a hooded sweatshirt that had yellow on the sides and was light gray in the center. He lied backward on the ground and said something. He then sat up again and said that he did not really want to go. I wondered if he wanted to wrestle. I wondered what we should do. I took off the jacket that i was wearing and kneeled down on the ground, waiting for him to decide what he wanted to do. He talked about doing something. The scene then changed, and i was looking to the southeast at a two young boys. The boys seemed to be five to seven, and the blond-haired boy on the eastern side of the scene complained to the other boy as he stood up and walked to the west, passing to the south of the second boy. The first boy seemed determined to do something, and he stressed this as he moved. I realized that the blond boy was Kyle at a younger age. The scene was a flashback. An older man, who seemed to be the father of one of the boys, was also in the scene, and the colors seemed redder than reality. I turned to the north. The scene was different. I was looking at the woman, who was standing on the eastern end of the large square open space. I remembered when i had been in this scene before. This was when the woman and i had been in the gymnasium. We had been visiting the area, but it was not a normal area. We stood on the top of the high wall on the western side of the room. When we stepped to the east, we were walking on some kind of force field that held us up. I could see the field shimmer white under our feet. I watched myself and the woman from the west as they jumped onto the field that ran over the square space of the room. The room seemed to be open to the north, and i thought that the field faded and bent down over that area. We would have to stay away from that area. I then wondered what would happen if the field weakened and faded all together.

12018 October 13

I headed to the east, into the bedroom. I was looking for something, and i started searching through the things near the eastern wall of the room, to the north of the bed that extended from the eastern wall. I looked under the bed for a moment before looking up to the east and noticing the many pairs of sneakers that were piled up against the wall. The sneakers seemed to be of many types, and many of them seemed to be running shoes. They all looked fairly new. I realized that they all belonged to $A682. He was in the room just to the northeast of me now, and i felt annoyed that he had so many sneakers. I knew that he had won them and would try to show them off. He pointed them out to me, gloating as he made it seem like a great thing that he had acquired all of them. I knew that he was purposely trying to make me feel bad by bragging about how good he had done. I felt a little bad, but mostly, i felt annoyed with him. I stood up and moved to the southern side of the bed. I started to put my things away. I had several small bags of food, which i thought i should hide somewhere in the kitchen. I crouched down on the southern side of the bed, trying to place the two small plastic bags of food near the table legs that were near the eastern wall. I felt hesitant, thinking that i should not leave food near the floor. I thought that mice might be able to get into it. I stood up and moved a little to the south, looking at the off-white cupboards and drawers that were on the eastern wall of the kitchen. I pulled some drawers open, looking for a place to put the food. I then turned to the south, aware of some people moving around outside the room to the south. I was in a large bedroom of a hotel, which was on the eastern side of a small-town street. As i watched the people, i was then to the west of the hotel, standing on the sidewalk. The wall that was to the south of me had been dull black, and now the small shop on the corner just to the south of the hotel was black. Some of the people moving around seemed like $G4. I looked to the east, seeing the southern face of the store. A woman was coming out of the store, and she seemed like someone i had run with. I then saw $A761 come out of the store and head west. She was about to turn to the north at the rounded corner of the building when i called to her. She stopped, surprised to see me. I said hello, and she greeted me. The people in this area were here for some event related to $G4. I turned to the east again, seeing $A762 standing in the doorway of the store. He was closing the store and was talking to a younger woman, who was still in the doorway of the store to the north of him. Both of them seemed to be managers of the store. I chatted with $A761, but i felt uncomfortable being here. She and the others headed north, but i felt that i needed to get things in the room. I felt uneasy about something. I turned back to the east, looking at the white shower curtain that was across the room. I started to pull it open.

12018 October 14

We walked into the room, which seemed to be outside. The rectangular room slanted northwest to southeast, and we had entered from the southeast. Water seemed to be to the south and southwest of us. I walked along the northeastern side of the room, around the edge of the slip in the wooden dock, which also seemed to be a table. An older woman lived here, and i thought that we might be invading her house. I felt uneasy now as the others moved to the west. I chatted with the woman, who was to the east of me. She seemed ragged and threatening in some way. I felt that i had to be careful of her. The others started sitting around a large wooden table to the west. They seemed to be $G4. I moved around the northern end of the square table. The others were already eating. A woman to the southeast of me offered me a drink in a small green glass. The glass looked rather odd, with an uneven top that rolled outward on one side. The woman said that the older woman had given it to her. I could see the older woman sitting down at the southern end of the table. She had long hair that seemed to be in snarled locks. I did not trust her. I took the green glass, but i did not want to drink from it, thinking that it might be toxic. I pretended to take a sip and then i put the cup on the table to the southwest of me, thinking that the next person would pick it up. I felt suspicious of the old woman as i sat down. She seemed like a witch, and i thought that she was trying to trap us all.

I moved to the west, into the middle bedroom of my parents’ house. I had just woken up, and it seemed to be late in the morning. I felt uneasy, and was aware of something to the east, outside the house. My grandmother was staying in the center room, and she stood on the northern side of the room, at the foot of the large bed that extended from the western wall. I was looking for clothing, and i said something to her. I felt anxious. Something seemed wrong. My grandmother said something about what i was doing, and i said that i was looking for some clothing. I realized that i was only wearing a robe. I headed back to the east to get my jeans on. I walked into the small bedroom to the south and turned to the west to face the closet. I was aware of my mother downstairs to the west, in the dining room. I looked at the clothes hanging in the closet. I had several pairs of pants hanging up, and i slided a few to the south so i could see which ones i wanted to wear. I thought that i would wear a nice pair. I lifted a pair that was hanging on a clothes hanger. The legs were very thin, and i thought that these were my black pants. They would be too tight for hanging around at the house. They were more for dressing up. I then thought of Albany, which seemed to be to the northwest of us. I decided that i might be doing work around the house, so i did not want to get them dirty. I pulled several more hangers to the south on the bar. My bleached denims were hanging on the rack. I lifted a pair of regular jeans, thinking that they would be good enough. I then remembered that i used to have several pairs that were a different color from the rest. I wondered if this pair was one of the odd colored ones. I would have to take it out of the closet to see. I heard the rumbling again from the east. I had heard it over and over again to the east and southeast. The day was warm and bright, but i thought that the sound was a storm coming. I felt very uneasy thinking about the storm. It had been such a long time that i could hear the rumbling, but it had not come. I could not imagine what it was like, but i felt suddenly scared of it. I started to feel trapped.

12018 October 16

The people in the movie were killing vampires. I was moving around the area near them, watching what they were doing. The man had been standing on the lower deck of a large white houseboat, but he had moved back inside. The boat was to the east of me, floating in the dirty water. Something seemed creepy about the man as he carried one of the bodies into the boat. The boat had two levels. The upper level was much smaller and seemed more like a wide cupola. The white of the boat was stained a dull dark red. I thought that it was from all of the blood from the bodies. The boat seemed to be docked in a secluded area of swampy water. I then turned to the southeast, noticing the group of people standing on the field near me. They were ready to face the vampires to the north. Buffy was one of them, and the other people seemed to be her friends from the television show. We stood to the north of the main road, which seemed to be Route 13 near the grocery stores. I knew that the group of people would kill the vampires or zombies that were to the north of us. I felt bad about killing the vampires. I knew that not all of them were bad. I wondered why we had to kill the vampires who did not want to cause anyone harm. I looked to the east. The scene had changed. It was now a close-up shot of two people sitting on opposite sides of a wooden picnic table. The older man sat on the northern side of the table and the young man sat on the southern side. The older man’s face was outside of the frame, and only part of the young man’s face was visible. The center of the scene seemed to be their arms, which were resting on the table. The young man was upset. He had a sharp jaw and wavy blond hair. He confessed to the other man that he was a vampire, but he felt bad about it. The older man seemed to be in his middle ages, and he had a handgun in his left hand. He pointed it at the young man’s chin. I knew that the young man was not a bad vampire. He was very upset about what he was. The older man moved the muzzle of the gun to touch the right side of the other man’s jaw, pointing upward. I thought that the young man would have to live to make this a good shot. The scene then seemed in on the end of the gun as it went off, showing the bullet enter the young man’s skin. Something green was underneath the young man’s skin. I felt upset that the young man had been killed. I thought that he could have been saved. The scene then changed, and the older man was standing in the doorway of the houseboat, holding the body of the young man in his arms. He held his arms parallel to the ground so that the body dangled on both sides of him. The scene started to pan out, and the man turned and disappeared into the houseboat. I could see the dirty reddish stains on the surface of the boat. I knew that they were from blood. A new stain washed over the top of the boat from one of the windows in the upper section, spreading over the white lower roof toward the door in the center of the boat’s side, where the man had entered. The liquid seemed very thin and stained with old blood. I wondered why no one had every noticed the boat before. I thought that the red stairs would give away the years of blood that the man had spilled on the boat. As the scene continued to pan out, i noticed a white house to the northeast of the boat. The boat was on the southeastern shore of the northern side of a body of water, and a steep hill ran up just to the north and northeast of it. The white house was visible through the brown and gray trees and dry grass of the hill. I realized that the boat was very near the house. I thought that people must be able to see the boat, and i wondered why it had not been discovered. This seemed ridiculous, and i asked aloud why no one had ever noticed the blood on the boat. It did not seem like a good plot. I then noticed the man on the shore to the east of the boat. He had come out the southern end of the boat, which now seemed to be on the shore, and started walking to the west. He bent over to pick something up from the ground. Several small structures were scattered along the shoreline. The man tossed the object to the west, along the shore, and four or five small dogs started jogging after it. One of the dogs was white, and other was tan. Everything seemed very normal, and i realized that no one cared about the blood on the boat. I then noticed several children playing to the southwest of the man. An upside down boat was to the west of the children. It just off the water, supported by two sawhorses. I felt uncomfortable, realizing that everything here seemed so normal, yet the man had killed many people and chopped them up in the blood-stained boat.

12018 October 17

I moved quickly along the southern side of the room to the west. My mother was sitting on the northwestern corner of the bed, which was in the middle of the room. We had been staying in this place, and i had been doing something with the cats here. I circled around my mother, heading north and then back to the east. I said something about the cats and how i was interested in them. I then saw one of the kittens curled up on the lower shelf of a small white cabinet to the east of my mother. The white wood cabinet ran east to west, but the western end had a shelf between the surface of the cabinet and the bottom of the cabinet. I realized that this cat was different than the kitten i had seen before. It was gray with white paws and a white chest. I moved to it and started scratching its neck. I thought of the other cats i had seen in the room to the north.

12018 October 18

I drove to the west down the street in the suburban area, which seemed like Main Street in western Endicott. I turned the car to the south on a side road, into a neighborhood area. I had been following a trail that someone had been setting, but i was not sure that i was still on the correct road. The trail had something to do with dolls, which were set up in scenes around the area. I drove down the block. The street turned to the west at the end of the block ahead of me. As i approached the turn, i noticed a yellow mound on the eastern side of the street, across from the turn. As i approached, i realized that the mound was a pile of dry corn. On the southern side of the mound, several dolls were set up in a small scene. The man had set them up for some reason. I turned the corner and started moving to the west. I spotted another scene of dolls on the northern side of the road near the western end of the block--the block was short east to west. I did not get a good look at the scenes, but i knew that i was following the trails because i kept seeing the scenes on the sides of the roads. I turned to the north again to head back to the main road. I realized that i must have missed the first part of the trail. I had come down Main Street from the east, but the dolls must have been set up on the back roads. I felt a little disappointed that i had missed them. I stopped at the intersection of the main road. I was near my grandmother’s house. I turned around and drove back to the south, heading backward on the loop of road that ran through the small neighborhood. As i headed down the slight hill to the south, i realized that the road felt slippery. I tried to slow down as i approached the corner where the road turned to the east, but my car started sliding. I slided into the front yard of the house on the corer, to the south of the intersection. The house sat a little to the southwest of the intersection, with a small garage to the east of it. I slided onto the grassy lawn in front of the house. I felt annoyed, and i tried to get the car back on the road. The car seemed stuck, so i drove backward and forward a little to get the car free. I was aware that people had come to the side door of the house, and they were watching me. I felt upset and did not want them to be angry with me. I got back on the road and drove to the east. I hoped that i did not mess up their lawn too much. I drove back to the main road and turned to the west. I was now on a rural road. I traveled to the west, but i was driving slowly, because i thought that the roads were still slippery. I knew that it would be hard to stop on the roads because they were so slippery. I tried to slow down a little, but the car seemed to be sliding over the surface and still gaining speed. I felt nervous, and i put my foot down outside the car. I was trying to slow the car with my feet. The car was moving too fast, though. I could not control the speed. I felt scared, and i thought that i would crash. I wondered if i could get out of the car, but i decided that the car was moving too quickly for me to jump out of it. I then noticed the grassy hill that sloped up to the northwest ahead of me. I thought that i could drive up the hill to stop the car. I turned the car onto the rounded hill and came to a stop. Annoyed, i walked to the east. I was inside a large mechanic garage. My mother was talking to a mechanic to the northeast of me. My mother seemed upset, and she continued talking as the mechanic spoke back to her. For a while, they were both talking at the same time. I felt confused by the situation. My mother then turned and stormed out to the east. I was not sure what had happened. The mechanic was now to the north of me, and he asked me about my car.

I was performing in a play with the other people, and we were on stage. I headed to the west, leaving the stage and going into the back room. I had my shoes off, and i turned around to face east. I had to go back into the scene to get something. The others were leaving the scene to the east. This was not correct. They had left their shoes in the scene. They were supposed to get them. I felt annoyed. I walked back across the room, aware of the audience to the south of me. I was not supposed to be on stage by myself, but the others had already left. I felt annoyed with them. I came into the room to the east, where the other actors were gathered. $A623 was to the north of us. I felt awkward. It would have looked strange for me to have crossed back across the stage without the other actors. People were gathering to the south around a small round table. They talked about the play happily. $A512 said that the play was very funny and that people liked it. I disagreed, thinking that the play was not done well. It was very messy, but i did not say anything to the others. Someone then said that the play needed work, and the rest of the cast started talking about it. I was annoyed that it was not better.

12018 October 19

I moved around the area, which seemed like the hallway of a mall. It was narrower than a mall, though, but it had shops on the northern and southern sides. Chairs and tables were set up in the hallway so that people could eat from the cafeteria. I had to do something, and i felt anxious about getting it done. I spoke to the others to the east of me as we walked slowly to the southwest, toward the cafeteria counter. A long line was already formed at the counter. The people were waiting to buy coffee for the morning. I did not want any coffee, and i did not feel like waiting in the line. I turned to the east as i moved and spoke to a man who was with the others. I focused on him. He had short red hair and seemed rather cute. I was interested it him, and i spoke to him for a moment, but i felt as though i should get going. I headed to the east, walking down the hallway into the center of the building. This place was a gym, and it seemed like Teagle. To my surprise, the red-headed man was there as well. I started talking to him again. He was wearing a white gi, and he said that he was here for his marital-arts class. I felt interested, and i told him that i had taken martial arts too as we walked down the hall to the east. The wall to the north seemed partially open at the top, and i thought that a sports area was to the north of us. We stopped, and others were now near us. The red-headed man was talking to one of the people. The red-headed man stopped to the northwest of me, and the other person in his class was now to the north of me. The other person was wearing a robe that seemed to cover his entire body, like burka. It was bright metallic gold with blue around the waist. I thought that it must be part of the costume for their show. I turned to look at the red-headed man and saw that he was pulling a similar costume over his head as well. I decided that i should leave them to their class, and i told him that i had to get something before i went to the gym. I remembered that i had left something. The man walked with me to the elevator, which was in the western wall of the short corridor. I got in the elevator as the man headed back to the northeast. As the doors closed, i realized that this was a service elevator and not a regular elevator. It has very simple controls and was not that clean. I took the elevator down to the lower floor of the building and exited to the west. I came out in the large open building. I remembered this place. It seemed like Barton, but it was dark. The area to the west of me seemed dirty, and i thought that the building must be closed for renovations. A structure blocked most of my view to the west, but the area seemed like a sports area. I had stepped out of the elevator, and the metal door closed behind me. I felt annoyed, realizing that i would not be able to reenter the elevator from here. I could hear some men talking about the construction to the west of me, so i thought that i should leave the building. The eastern side of the room seemed clear, so i headed toward the doors in the center of the eastern wall, to the north of the elevator doors. I was not where i wanted to be. I thought that i was now very far to the west of where i had thought that i would come out. I would have to walk back through the other building to get to where i had left my things. I opened the door and walked into the large area on the other side, which also seemed to be within a large building. This room was large and not well lighted. An entire sports field seemed to be on the northern side of the room. Stadium lights illuminated the field, and the light spilled into the rest of the room, providing the only light. I knew that the martial artists were somewhere to the north, practicing. I could see a team playing some kind of sport, like football or soccer, to the north of me. They moved around quickly on the field. A tall chain-link fence separated the corridor that i was walking down from the fields. I then spotted the martial artists to the northeast, on the eastern end of the field. They were gathered in a small group, and two people were sparring. One man pushed the other man over. He stood with a wide stance, and he started shaking and vibrating. This seemed very strange, but i thought that it must be part of the technique that they were learning. I watched as the man vibrated. This must be a special technique. I was then aware that the people on the sports team had stopped their game and were watching the man vibrate. It seemed very interesting. I wondered where the red-headed man was in the group of martial artists. I wanted to see him again.

12018 October 22

I ran with the others to the west, into the open area. Something was happening, and the crowd of people seemed confused and anxious. We stopped near the grassy area. I looked to the south of us, across a large lawn. Something that looked like an airplane was hovering just over the open ground. The area looked like an airport, but i knew that it was not. I focused on the airplane, trying to figure out what it was. It looked like a rigid metal frame that had a two bends in the center of it. The ends were parallel to the ground, but the center ran slightly diagonally down so that the western end of the object was higher than the eastern end. The lower edge of the western end seemed to be about midway down the height of the eastern end. The object looked very long, but i could not see any wings on it. I thought that the airplane must be flat such that the wings were pointing straight at and away from me, but i could not see their shadows on the dark-gray metallic surface. Something seemed very strange about this object. It could not have been an airplane, because it was off the ground but it was not moving. I then realized that the object was really a helicopter. I had not noticed the moving blades above it before. The western end of the helicopter dipped down and the eastern end seemed to spin to the south. This did not seem right. The ship was still hovering in the same position, but a helicopter should have moved when it tipped. I thought that the aircraft was in trouble. I then realized that it had been hovering over a plain white building. The building was at the end of the lawn from us, and it seemed to be the White House or the Capitol. The helicopter tipped so that the rear of it, which had been to the east, was now pointing upward. The blades rotated in a circle in front of the ship from our view, but the ship was still hovering in place. The sky around the ship was reddish, and a dark brown smoke drifted across the ship. The helicopter then moved forward, breaking through the veil of smoke. It circled to the east. I turned my attention to the north, seeing a large open field just to the north of the road that we were standing on. A second road ran to the north from a point just to the east of us. It ran along the eastern side of the field. I noticed a square landing pad on the northern end of the field, and i wondered if the helicopter would land there. The pale-gray cement pad had black marks along all four sides. The man to the west of me started wanderings toward the pad, stepping off the road and onto the grass. I realized that he would be heading for the helicopter as it was landing. I grabbed him and warned him that the helicopter would be landing on the pad. I knew that it would generate a strong wind. The crowd around me seemed very anxious and worried about the situation. A voice to the east then warned about something. I started to feel uncomfortable, and i thought that something here was wrong. I knew that this situation was dangerous. Something was going to happen. I told the other person to jump to the ground. I thought that we were going to be attacked. I was now to the east of the field, on the side road. I jumped to the west, landing in the shallow pit that was just off the road. I lay flat, thinking that the wind from the helicopter might be the danger. The bottom of the pit was metal, and a metal framework now seemed to be over my head. The round poles of the structure seemed to form bleachers, which faced west. I stayed still wondering if i would be safe. I was then aware that something was happening. The people were still around me, but they were now panicked. I realized that they had started running in different directions. Everything around me seemed to be in chaos. The voice from the east had said to put a bag over my head. I glanced around me, noticing people lying on the ground. I thought that we were being gassed. I picked up the small paper bag that was on the ground near me and held it to my mouth. I started breathing in to it. I felt very worried, but i realized that i was not suffering like the others were. I felt scared, and i wondered how long i could breath into the bag before i would need to stop.

12018 October 25

I got out of the car, which was parked along the western side of area, facing south, and headed to the south, toward my parents’ house. I had come from some event, but i had been waiting in my car for something. It seemed as though i had been doing something in the car. I headed west, into the back room of my parents’ house. My father was sitting on the western side of the room to the north of me. He faced south, and he held a telephone receiver in his left hand. He said that they had been waiting for me, and he asked me where i had been. I thought that my mother had gone out to look for me. I was unaware that they knew when i would be here, and i felt bad because they had worried where i was. I told my father that i had been in my car. I felt awkward, not sure why they would have expected me a specific time. I was in the room to the south, and i moved to east. I was moving around, trying to do something, but i had to leave soon. I had to go somewhere to the northeast. It seemed as though i had to head toward Albany. I headed out of the building, to the southwest, walking across the small gravel parking lot to the old off-white van that was parked facing west. I walked along the southern side of the van and was then inside, in the driver’s seat. The van was worn and a little rusty. I remembered using it previously for a trip to Albany. Then, i was driving a group of people to the city. I started the car moving east, but i realized that the inside of the cabin was empty. It had no seats, steering wheel, or pedals. The front of the cabin seemed to be simply the inside wall of the frame. I grabbed a small metal knob where the steering wheel would have been and managed to turn the car to the southwest, but i realized that i did not have any pedals with which to control the speed. I felt worried and tried to stop the van. It was rolling to the southwest now, but i did not have any break pedal. I opened the door to the left of me and put my foot down on the ground, trying to slow the car. I was annoyed. I then steeped out of the car and tryed to figure out what i should do. I paced a little, thinking that i did not need to have the group with me on this trip, but they could have helped me stop the car. I turned to the north, stopping as i realized the scene. I was looking at a dull-blue scene of a room, which was drawn in outlines in pencil. The room was rectangular, with a narrow northern end. A counter ran across the northern end of the room, and a man, who seemed to be a bartender, stood on the western side of the wooden bar. A second man crossed diagonally across the room to the southeast. The view of room was drawn so that all the objects in it appeared to be viewed straight on, but the floor was drawn as if view from high on the southern wall. The bartender said something to the man, and then he tossed a rag over the man’s head. The man stopped near the western wall of the room, where a stove pipe came out of the upper part of wall and turned down to connect to reach the floor. The man near the pipe was Bill Bixby, and he was dressed as if in a cowboy movie. Bill replied to the bartender, acknowledging what the bartender had said but disagreeing with him. The white rag hid the top of the stovepipe. The scene seemed stop-motion animated, and Bill pulled down on his hat and then looked up at the rag, which was stuck to the pipe. With a whistle sound effect, the rag slided down the pipe, wiping the gray dust from it. Bill frowned, realizing that the bartender was right about the amount of dust in the room.

12018 October 30

I turned the car to the east and drove into the parking lot of the small gas station. The small building was on the northern side of the lot. The road that i had been traveling on seemed to head to the northwest from where i was, but the station was oriented along the east-to-west road that ran to the south of it. The area seemed like an old factory area, with a large building to the northwest on the northeastern side of the road. The multilevel factory seemed to be at a lower elevation than i was at. Only two or three pumps were in the middle of the lot, and i drove to the north of them. Just before i reached the pumps, i slowed near a small triangular median in the middle of the lot and rolled down my window. I held the red foil snack bag out the window and dropped in in the snow in the middle of the median. The snow was stacked into a crude short cylinder, which had been rounded on the sides by melting. The center of the cylinder seemed empty, and the bag fell into it. I then drove on to the east. I then wondered why i had thrown my trash out of the car. I felt suddenly bad for doing this, and i hoped that no one had seen me do it. I thought that i should go back to get the bag, but i started to worry that someone had been watching me from the south or southwest. I thought that it might be the police. I felt nervous, so i continued driving to the eastern end of the small building, which was to the north of me. I turned to the north on the eastern side of the building, thinking that i could circle around the building and get back out onto the road. I hoped that no one was following me. I did not drive down a steep hill, but the large lot to the north of the gas station seemed to be about twenty feet lower in elevation than the station’s lot. I drove across the lot to the northwest, heading for the main road to the north. I felt that i had to get out onto the road before anyone came after me. I moved to the northern end of the lot, where others seemed to be. I was now walking across the ground. The others were starting to gather on the northern side of the parking lot. They seemed to be from $G4. I moved around near them, talking with some of the people here about something. I then looked up to the northeast, at the cluster of old houses on the small rounded hill. The trees were bare of leafs, so i was able to see most of the gothic wood buildings. I thought that the area was a camp, and i knew that we wanted to rent it for our event. I turned to talk to some others, but then i looked back up at buildings again. I could only see a few near the front of the hill, but i knew that the buildings formed a rectangle on the top of the hill. The one in front had a square tower on the front of the house, and two round windows were in the tower, one above the other. The rooms in the windows were illuminated. In the upper one, i could see a table lamp with a thick cylindrical base and a green shade. I turned to the southeast and spoke to the others, but i kept looking back at the houses on the hill. Something about them seemed unsettling yet interesting. I was now closer to the hill, standing on a gravel road that ran to the east, along the southern foot of the hill. I thought that this road ascended the hill to the houses. The houses were very high above me now, but i could still see them when i looked off to the northeast. I turned back to the others. The land to the north of us was grassy, with flattened field grass and scattered weeds. Small bushes grew along the edge of the road that i was on. I thought that this road was not really the road to the houses. That road would be to the north of us, on the other side of the small pasture. This dirt road led along the northern end of the paved parking lot that i had driven to. I started walking to the west, down the road, back toward main road. The others were still gathered to the south of me. As i came near the end of the road, i looked back at the houses on the hill. They seemed old and unused, but i knew that we should have our event there. I then wondered why we were having our event in a new place. I looked to the northwest, now on the road. The others were standing branches up along the northern edge of the road. They put the stems of the boughs in the ground of the drainage ditch on the northern side of the road and propped them up against the steep western slope of the ditch. Several of the boughs still had leafs on them. I realized that they were forming a barrier along the southern side of the field. I thought that they were trying to block the view of others who tried to spy on our event. I looked to the east, down the row of standing boughs. The branches were tightly stacked so that one could not easily see through them. I thought that it would be more important for people to form a barrier to the north, near the road that led into the hills. I was aware of an old house to the northwest of us now. I said something to the woman near me as i started walking to the north. I looked to the east, noticing some branches on the ground. I thought that i should pick them up so that i could put them against the fence. I headed to the north to grab them, but i noticed the barbed wire running between the thick posts. The posts blended in with a row of trees and shrubs that blocked most of the pasture, but an opening was on the southern end of the eastern side. The opening was blocked my several strands of barbed wire. As i approached the wire, i said something to the woman, who was to the northwest of me. I jumped up and landed no the top of one of the thick wooden posts, hovering over the top wire of fence. As i hovered over it, i realized that i could hear a ticking sound from under me. The fence was an electric fence. I mentioned this to the woman. I then said that the fence was on, so animals must be in the pen to the east. I knew that the fence would not have been active if no animals had been within it. I looked into the field, which had several thin trees growing in it. As i said something to the woman and lowered myself back down on the western side of the fence, i saw some brown animals moving. They had been lying on the ground, mostly obscured by the thin dark trees. They looked like brown cows, but they seemed oddly squat. They stood up. I thought they had heard my voice. I started walking to the north along the fence, looking into the pen. I was now in a building, moving along a fence. The narrow room to the east of me ended with a wooden wall, which was painted dull yellow. I was in a barn. I looked to the north. The pen formed an L, which turned to the west. The other $G4 were still in the pen, looking for sticks. I told them that they should get out because the cows were coming. I was not sure if the cows would be dangerous or not. The others did not seem as concerned, and they walked casually to the east, toward end of the pen. Several were exiting the pen as the cows came near them. A brown cow with a white stripe along its spine nudged a woman in the pen, but she laughed about it and still seemed to be looking for something in the pen. Other cows then started coming into the northern area of the pen. We were entirely enclosed in a building now, and people started to move to the small area to the west of northern end of the pen. As the cows came in, the people pushed together to squeeze through the gate. I realized that we should probably not be in this barn. I then heard someone move to the northwest. I thought that someone had come out of the old yellow farm house to the northwest. I told the others that we should not be in this barn, and i felt that we should get out before the owner came here. I told the others that we should leave, but they did not seem interested. Only a few moved to the south as i headed out of the barn. I walked north along the eastern side of the barn, along what seemed to be a porch. When i reached the northern end, i turned to the south. The other person had stepped out of the barn and was now on the dirt road to the south. I started to follow, looking at the thick round beam that acted as a railing on the porch. It ran from the thick vertical post to the wall to the east of me. It was about at my waist level, and i thought that i could grab on to it and swing under it. As i approached it, however, i decided to step over it. I stood on the dirt, listening to the farmer’s footsteps as he entered the barn from the west. I wondered if he would be angry with the others for being in barn.

12018 October 31

I moved slowly to the east, along northern wall of long room. The room seemed more like a corridor that ran along the northern side of the long low building. It was sunny outside, and sunlight came in through the windows in the northern wall. I was with $G4, and we had just finished some kind of event. We were starting to clean up, and i felt tired but happy. Counters and tables seemed to be along the southern wall of the long room, which seemed to run along the entire length of the building. The building also seemed slightly curved, bowing to the north in the center. I spoke to some of the others as we moved. I was thinking that i would like to go hang out on the beach for a while. The ocean seemed to be to the south of us, across the street from building. We had to clean up our things. A man then mentioned something to the north. I could see the animal standing outside the window to the northeast of me. At first, the animal seemed like a cow, but its head was oddly flattened. The man said something about the animal, telling me what it was. The animal moved forward, sticking its head in window. I had never seen this kind of animal before, and i felt a little hesitant of it. The animal had thick dark-gray fur, which seemed to be black fur with intermixed pale strands. It was shaggy, and it stood with its shoulders about a half meter higher than its hips. Its head was about three meters high. It had an elongated head, like a horse or a moose, and its mouth was rectangular and only on the front of its nuzzle. It moved its lips as the man walked along the western side of me and scratched it under the chin. animal seemed docile, but i knew that it was a wild animal. It seemed narrow in its body. I turned my attention back to the east, thinking that we had to finish cleaning up from the event. I told the other person that we had to do something, but i was thinking of relaxing to the south for a while before i left this area.