12020 October 01

I was crouched down in the middle of the small room, doing something to the south of me. $A750 came into the room from the east and passed to the north of me. I felt a little uneasy, because i had not seen her in some time. I nodded to her, but she just smiled weakly in response. I felt sad that she would not talk to me. I said hello, but she did not respond. She put something down on the table to the south of me and left the room, heading out to the west, near the southern end of the western wall. I felt upset that she did not want to talk to me. I continued doing something to the south of me. $A750 then reentered the room and moved to the south of me. A small freezer or microwave oven was sitting on the counter to the south of me, and she opened up the door to take something out. The door swinged open to the east. I asked quietly if she was feeling okay. She paused for a moment, leaning forward to get the thing out of the small refrigerator, but she straightened up and shook her head warningly at me, saying “Don’t do that.” I felt bad, but i explained: “You were making noises. They didn’t seem...” I was implying that the noises she was making were intentional and meant to convey something. I felt upset that she would not talk to me. She headed back to the west, and i wondered what i could do. I then moved to the west.

I noticed that the door to the house was open. It was in the eastern end of the southern wall, to the southwest of me. I felt worried that the cats might get out, and i headed toward the door, saying something to the other. The other person followed me out the door and into the small courtyard, which seemed like the atrium of a building. The ground was rocky, with dry clumps of soil in the middle. I looked around for the cats, hoping that they did not get out. I was now on the southern side of the area. I turned back to the north, and i saw $X25 trotting slowly from the door of the house to the west, moving across the northern side of the dirt lawn. I called his name and walked toward him to stop him from leaving the yard. The southwestern corner of the courtyard seemed to be open. As i reached to grab him, i noticed a small kitten moving on the ground to the west of me. It was gray and fluffy, and it stared at me. I got $X25 safely into the house, though i did not seem to move, and i turned to the southwest to look at the kitten. The dry dirt ground sloped mostly to the southeast, but it seemed highest on the western side of the courtyard and seemed to slope down on all sides from there. The kitten was standing with its right side toward me. It was facing northwest, but its head was turned to look at me. Something about its back leg seemed strange. I realized that the back leg was standing on its own several centimeters in front of the cat. The cat had broken its leg off. I thought that a car on the nearby street must have hit it. I suddenly felt very sad for the kitten. My mother was to the northeast of me, coming out of the house. I turned to her and told her to stop. She had seen the kitten, but she had not gotten a good look at it. I told her not to walk by it, because i knew that she would be very upset by the scene. I turned back to the kitten. It was still looking at me with bright green eyes. I could see that a chunk of flesh was missing from the kitten’s hindquarter, where the leg would have attached. I felt upset and sad for the cat. I knew that it would not survive, but i wanted to do something for it. I then noticed the larger cat just to the south of it. The larger cat had the same coloring at the kitten, and i knew that the larger cat was the mother cat. The mother cat also had been hit by the car and was deformed. I wanted to help both of them, but i knew that i could not. I felt that i should comfort them. I looked more closely at the mother cat. She was missing a large chunk of skin along her rear right side. She was also standing facing north with her head turned toward me, to the east. The wound on the mother looked like raw flesh, but there was no blood. The wound seemed dehydrated. I then noticed a third cat to the southwest of the mother. I looked back at the kitten. It was now lying on its side, and it had no skin across its belly. I told someone that there was no way to save these cats. Their injuries were too severe. I felt very upset.

I entered the theater from the east and stopped in front of the seats. I seemed to be at the front of the audience. I suddenly realized that $A682 was here with some of his friends. They filled up the first two rows of the audience. $A682 was standing in the second row, directly to the west of me. He was near the southern side of the row of seats, which seemed to be ten to fifteen seats long. I said hello to $A682, feeling a little uneasy. I then recognized some of his friends as people i had like from before. I started chatting with a few of them. A man was then standing near me, to the southwest of me. He seemed very familiar, and i felt interested in him. He was East Asian and had short black hair. He was about my height, and he had a squarish face. I chatted with him for a moment. He seemed very interested in me. There was something about him that drew my focus. I then noticed an older man slouching in one of the front seats, which seemed like wooden theater seats. The man was Elton John. He seemed to be here with $A682 and the others, so i thought that $A682 had talked to him. He seemed comfortable in the crowd. He was looking at me, and i realized that i had not introduced myself to him. I said hello and then congratulated him. He thanked me and told me that he was glad that i liked the book. I felt nervous. I had not read any of his books. I realized that $A682 must have told him that i had read the books. I told him that i did not have any of his books, adding that $A682 had them. I hoped that he did not think that i had admired his books. I was actually unaware that the movie that was being shown here was about the books. $A672 was sitting a few seats to the north of Elton John. I said hello to her, starting to feel awkward. I knew that these people were good friends with $A682, and they had considered me a friend because i was with $A682 before. Now i had no real relation with them. I thought that i should leave, so i said goodbye and headed to the south. $F9 followed me. As we left the theater, he told me that he liked the young man we had been talking with. I nodded in acknowledgment. I knew that the young man i had been interested in and $F9 had very similar mindsets. I thought that they would get along well. I told $F9 that i should not continue to talk to the young man. I thought that it would seem too much like i was stalking him. He would not understand why we found him interesting.

I moved to the west, entering the theater again. The people were sitting in the audience to the west of me. $F71 was with me, and he stood to the southeast of me. He said something to the others, and i felt a little uneasy. He then said that he would get the wine, and he headed off to the south. I felt disorganized and not sure what to do.

12020 October 02

I exited the building, heading to the north. I seemed to be leaving the office, which seemed to be in Mudd Hall. As i passed through the small glass breezeway and pushed open the door to the north, i saw $A14 standing just to the north of the door, talking to a man who was standing to the east of the door. They were talking to each other. I said hello to $A14 as i passed, continuing to the north. $A14 then mentioned the other man’s name, referring to him by his first name. I realized that the other man was $A802. I had worked with him but had never met him. I stopped and said hello to $A802. He shook my hand. He seemed very old and was shaky. It seemed nice to finally meet him. I then said goodbye again and headed to the north, down the sidewalk toward the street. At the street, i turned to the east and jogged along the side of the building. Just past the building, a paved area extended to the south from the sidewalk. I turned down it, heading into a small plaza. Curved planters were in the center of the pavement, and a set of wide stairs ascended to the south of me, leading up to a terrace. People were standing around at various places on the terrace, and i moved from side to side to pass through them. To the south of me, i could see the eastern side of the terrace, where people were sitting around small round tables. I jogged up the stairs and turned to the east, jogging up a second set of stairs. I now seemed to be in an enclosed structure. As i reached the top of the stairs, i noticed a low table, which seemed like a coffee table, across the wide corridor at the top of the stairs. Three people were sitting in chairs on the western side of the table, facing east. They seemed to be reclined, and they were looking at someone to the east. I did not want to interrupt what they were doing, so i decided to jog around the southern side of the table. A woman, who was sitting on the southern end of the western side of the table, reached out her arm to stop me. I was not sure why she did not want me to run around the table and continue down the hall. She seemed annoyed that i was here. I looked up to the east to see three people sitting on a couch, which was against the southern wall. The man on the western end shook his head at me, telling me that i should not go through the area. I suddenly realized that people were filming here. They must have been having a live interview, and i ran up through the center of their shot. I then remembered a piece of white plastic tape that had been on the stairs that i had just run up. It must have been strung across the stairs at one point to block the way. I had not realized what it was. I should not have been in this area. I tried to go around to the south, but the people on the couch were blocking my way, and several people around a table were just beyond them, so i would not be able to pass around the scene. Annoyed, i turned back to the west. I knew that i would be running back through the view of the camera, but i did not know where else to go, and i did not want to stop running. As i turned around, i saw one of the men on the couch make a disappointed frown. I jogged back down the stair, looking down at the white tape as i stepped over it. The corridor at the bottom of the stairs was only three or four meters long before it turned to the north. I had come in through the entry door at the end of the northern corridor. Just before i went around the corner, though, i noticed two or there people who were standing on the northern side of the hallway. A woman in a black polo shirt seemed to be a bouncer, and i thought that they should have been guarding the door. I stopped and asked the people if they were supposed to have stopped me before i went up the stairs. The woman looked at me and said “Yes.” She was bulky and a little shorter than i. She had dark skin and long braided hair that was pulled back. The hair around the sides of her temples was dyed bright purple. I apologized for interrupting the filming, and i headed to the west and around the corner to the north. I then wondered if the woman would think that i was privileged because i could just come into the closed area and then leave. I looked down the corridor to the north at the wooden frame around the entry door. This building was very large and seemed nice. I wondered if the woman thought that i was used to jogging around large houses. I wondered if she thought that i had a large house.

The truck was to the northwest of me, and i was packing some furnishings on the back of it. The back of the truck was wide and low and seemed like a trailer with black metal railings around the sides. We had to move the furnishings from my grandmother’s house. The truck was already filled with furnishings. I could see a wooden dresser along the northeastern side, and another tall cabinet along the southwestern side. I was packing the flat things in the back of the truck, where a stack of several large flat wooden items was. I seemed had a wooden headboard, which seemed very tall and seemed to have curved ends. I lifted it and slided it onto the back of the truck. Someone was to the west of me, and i commented on the flat items. I was not sure where to put the headboard. I said that the truck would have to head up the steep metal ramp to the north to get out of this place, so the flat things would have to be secured on the back of the truck. I pictured us in a large square depression with flat walls. The metal ramp ran up to the western end of the northern side of the hole. We then had to travel west, which seemed to be traveling down Main Street toward my grandmother’s house. I moved around the pile of furnishings, heading west. I was then walking down a corridor. I turned to the north and entered the square room. We seemed to be in a basement level of a house. The southern end of the room was open to the corridor, and a small door was in the center of the northern wall. Sunlight seemed to be coming in through the door from somewhere above. I had been carrying some of the furnishings in my arms, and i knew that we would have to put them down. I thought that we would have to stack them in the building. The other person was following me, carrying some heavy boxes. I put down the boxes i was carrying in the center of the room, looking around to see how we could pack the things into this room. Two small chairs were against the eastern wall of the room, and a black leather jacket was hanging over the back of one of them. I realized that it was $F67’s jacket. I stood up from putting down my boxes and went to the northeast to pick up the jacked. Something seemed to be creating a small internal space along the eastern wall. Plastic tubing seemed to run across the ceiling about a meter from the wall, and vertical supports at the ends seemed to enclose a small area of the room. Lights were hung in the area, and they cast bright spots on the wall over some of the chairs. A gauzy curtain seemed to be handing from the plastic rods, but it seemed to be bunched up over the rods to get it out of the way. I moved the leather jacket to the north, placing it on the round tan table that was on the northern side of the internal area. A black fake-leather cushioned chair now seemed to be to the south of the table, against the wall. I thought that we would have to keep this area clear so that $F67 could get her things when she needed them. I backed away from the eastern wall, telling the other person not to stack things near the eastern wall. I crouched down and put a pile of old books on the floor just to the west of the area. I would start a line of things so that others would know how we should stack the items in this room. Others were now coming into the room from the south with various items in their hands. $A448 was now standing to the north of me. I headed to the southwest to get another stack of books to put with the books i had placed on the floor. I was then looking at the books that i had stacked on the floor on the northeastern side of the room. I wanted to keep some of these books in my room rather than store them in the basement here. They seemed to have important memories to me. I looked through the books that were in my arms. They were all hardcover, with canvas cloth covers of various dull colors. I remembered several of these books from my childhood. I wondered if i really wanted to save them. I knew that i would not look at them much. I open a large tannish-gray book and flipped through the pages. It had several line-drawn illustrations among the text. I remembered it fondly. I headed to the southwest to get some more books from the stack downstairs. I crossed another room of the building. This room also had bare cement walls. I stopped in the middle of the room. A man was standing to the west of me, and Patrick Stewart was standing to the southeast of me. Both of them were watching the large television screen that was on the southern wall. The man said that it was moving. I thought that he was referring to the airplane that we were supposed to catch. The airplane seemed to be somewhere to the southwest of us, outside the building. I hoped that we did not miss it, and i asked the man if he was referring to the airplane. The man was now to the northwest of me. He shook his head. I did not think that we had missed it. It seemed that it would not leave for a while. Patrick then pointed to the screen as an explanation of what the man was talking about. The scene on the screen was of a cement overpass bridge. As the camera moved over it, i realized that it was actually a cement suspension bridge with tall square columns. The structures around the bridge also seemed to be made out of cement. I recognized the architecture, and i told the men that this was a scene from New York. We were flying over the city at the moment. This surprised me. I then realized that the camera seemed very close to the tall cement structures. I saw a square frame pass under the camera, and it seemed very close to the lens. The structure seemed to form an inverted U over the top of another structure. The U-shaped block was thick, and it had a deep square-cut groove running along the U on the near side. I knew that we could not be flying this close to the structures, so the camera must be magnifying the details. It seemed strange how certain things seemed very close and in such sharp focus, but the objects below it seemed so far away. None of the buildings could have been that tall. The details that were passing by the camera, moving from the bottom to the top of the screen, must have been in such sharp focus because the camera was design to magnify the closest things and bring them into sharp focus. I still had to get some other things, so i turned to the northeast and headed out of the room. I could see the others gathered in the large hallway outside. They seemed to be $G4, and they were gathering for a large event. I turned to the east and headed down the hallway. I had to get to my room and get my things. As i turned to the south to enter my room, i was aware that i was wearing a silver dress as a costume. I looked down my chest, seeing the silvery white dress, which seemed to be in eighties fashion. It was my grandmother’s or my mother’s dress. I wondered if it would be weird to others that i was wearing such an elegant dress. It seemed rather formal. I headed to the north again, again entering the large hallway where the others were. I felt self-conscious as i walked down the southern side of the hallway, heading toward my room. I felt uncomfortable, and i thought that i should change into regular running clothes. I had to get something in the room before i started the event with the others. I turned to the south and entered the small square room. Looking down, i could see that the dress was tight fitting and that it was rather short, coming only to my mid thighs. I was wearing a white pair of stockings, which seemed to start just below the bottom edge of the dress. The dress seemed to be puffy and made of silver lame. I wondered if $F71 had seen me in the dress. I wanted his opinion as to whether i should wear it or not, but i decided that i should probably change into something that would not draw as much attention. I crossed the square room, heading out through a doorway in the western side of the southern wall. I came into a large closet, with clothes handing all along the southern wall and on part of the eastern wall. The center of the eastern wall had a full-length mirror, and i looked at myself in the dress. I was now wearing a black coat with large red flowers on it. It seemed an awkward pattern for me to wear, and i thought that it was my grandmother’s old coat. I did not like the way it looked, and i started to take it off. I then noticed $A803 standing to the north of me. I turned to look at him. He stood in a wide stance, crouched slightly and smiling at me. I could tell that he was waiting for me to realize something, but i did not know what he was referring to. He then pointed to his dress and pointed back at me. He was wearing a white dress with dark flowers across it. It was the same dress that i was wearing, and he was pointing out that we had similar costumes. I smiled at him in acknowledgment. He left, and i took the dress off, because i did not like it, and i did not want to wear it for the run.

12020 October 03

I moved again to the east, heading down the northern sidewalk of the street, which seemed like Paden Street. Another person was moving with me this time. This scene seemed to be a repeat of what happened before. I remembered that the man made a comment about someone being the oldest person here, but i knew that it was not correct. I could see a woman moving with us. She ran down the southern sidewalk of the street. A man with red pants was ahead of us, to the east. We were trying to get to the bus stop. The man with me referred to the man with the red pants, saying that he was the oldest person here. We then crossed Burns Avenue, where a man was standing. The man seemed to be $A601, and it was obvious that he was much older than the rest of us. The others here seemed to be in their twenties. I asked the man why he thought the man ahead of us would be older. The man with me did not respond. He then said something about the bus. We were trying to get to the bus stop, and it seemed that we had a lot of time, but the man seemed to think that the bus was already here. The others hurried to the east, and i headed a little to the southeast, passing to the north of the building. Once on the northern side of the building, i looked to the east. I could see across the long flat land, and i could not see a bus. I then heard one of the others say that we would have to take a different bus, and the person mentioned the bus number. I pictured a large rounded long-distance bus. I headed to the eastern end of the building, trying to see to the southeast to see if the bus had come past the building before i could see it. I came to the bus stop where the others were. Someone said that we had missed the bus. Something felt uneasy here.

12020 October 04

I turned to the west and pulled the long elastic tube with me. The other person had instructed me what to do to fix the problem. I moved down the main aisle of the bus, which seemed to be a multiple-car vehicle. The seats of the bus were crowded with people. They seemed to be part of the team or other group that i was a part of. I passed through a narrow opening at the western end of the car and came into the next car. The southern wall of the car seemed to be flat, as though it were cabinets. The red rubber tube was connected to something just inside the doorway, on the northern side of the car. I could see where it had been tied to part of the machinery at about my eye level. The man instructed me to do something, and i moved the lever to the east of the knot back and forth, pumping air into the tube. The tube ran out the back door of the bus and around to the northern side of the bus. It had some purpose to the operation of the vehicle. I continued pumping the handle as the man spoke to someone to the southeast of me. I wondered if i was pumping too much pressure into the line. I continued pumping, even though the pump handle seemed to be getting stiff. I wondered if i should stop. I eventually stopped and turned to the west to say something. Members of the team were sitting in seats to the northwest of me. The mechanism with the pump seemed to be in a short wall that extended form the eastern end of the car, just to the north of the door. It was a metal wall about a half meter thick and almost two meters tall. It did not reach the ceiling, and some compartment seemed to be to the north of it. I turned to say something to the man. A sudden sharp noise caught my attention, and i quickly swinged back to the north to see that the red chord was no longer attached to the machine. Something had yanked it back to the east. I looked down the length of the car, but i could not see the chord. I wondered if it had snagged on something outside the bus as we drove. I hurried to the eastern end of the car, trying to figure out what had happened. A small landing was on the back of the car, and i could see part of a red cable hanging from the southern side of the wide outer doorway of the car. It was on the wrong side of the car. I wondered if the tires of the bus had driven over the cable, but i then thought that something on the southern side of the car must have caught the cable and pulled it away. I pulled the piece of cable back toward me, brushing near a man. He jerked as the end of the cable scraped past him. He said that he got a shock. I looked down at the cable in my left hand. The end had beet cut off, and i could see two insulated copper wires inside. This was a power chord, not the air hose that been in the car before. I looked up to see the other end of the extension chord still plugged in to another chord that was hanging over the top of the bus. The man near me said that he was getting a shock from the chord. I looked at him as he stood close to me, to the southeast of me. He was $F16, but his face seemed oddly distorted. It was longer and squarer than it should have been. He had long stubble growing in around his chin. I told him not to keep leaning on the end of the wire if he did not want to be shocked. I would have to get rid of the power cable. It was not the cable that we needed.

12020 October 05

I was cleaning up things in the house so that i could leave to get somewhere. My parents seemed to be in the house to the west of me somewhere. I turned and moved to the west, crouching down near the northern wall. A box for cat litter was against the northern wall, and i had a scoop of gray litter in a small shovel that i was holding with my left hand. The plastic container that was against the wall was rounded, with a white top. The top had two indents in it, and i put the litter into the smaller indent, which was on the western side of the container. As i dumped the litter, i noticed that there was a small pool of water in the bottom of the container. I thought that i should have cleaned out the water before i put the litter in so that the litter did not get soggy before it was used. I had never used the gray litter before, so i was not sure how it would act. It seemed strange in some way. It was very fine. I poured more litter into the bin, but the water level seemed to increase. I thought that what i had put in there would soak up the water, but more water seemed to be coming from somewhere. I wondered why this was happening. The water then disappeared, and i decided that the litter had simply displaced the small amount of water, making it seem like more than it was. The water was then soaked into the litter. I thought that the cats would now have to get used to using the new gray litter. I had to clean up some more things, so i stood up and moved to the west. I came into a large room. A table was against the southern wall, and it still had dishes on it from the party. I felt annoyed, and i started cleaning up the dishes from the table. I noticed that each plate had a little bit of food still left over. They seemed to be cocktails. I started scraping the left over food onto a single plate so that i could clean the unused plates. I thought that i could actually put the food onto a new plate so that i could wash all of the plates that had been out on the table. I walked to the north along the eastern side of the room, passing to the east of a long island counter. Near the northern end of the counter, i picked up a large round plate. It had a heavy glaze on it. I thought that it was too big for the food that was left on the other plates, though, so i put it down onto the stack of oddly sized plates and picked up a medium-sized brown plate. Without moving, i started putting the remaining food around the edges of the plate, thinking that i could arrange the food nicely on the plate. I then headed up the stairs to the south t o get something. People were still in the room to the west of me. The room seemed like a cafeteria. The people were talking about the food. I was still cleaning up, so i did not pay attention to them. I started walking up the stairs that ascended to the west along the southern wall. I got only a few steps when i ran into the man who was standing on the stairs. The stairs were narrow, and they did not have a railing along the open northern side. I was not sure what to do. I moved near the man, and he leaned against me. I was now in bed with the man, and he was lying on his back to the northwest of me, with his feet to the south of him. I was sitting on the bed. The man rolled toward me, lifting his right leg up and putting it over my waist. He was $A380. He lifted his knee and tried to push be over, but i put up my right arm to stop him from pushing against my torso. I thought that he was trying to pin me down. His thigh was to the east of me now, and i wrapped my right arm around it and tried to roll him over. I realized that my forearm had slided into his groin, and i hoped that i did not hit him in the testicles too hard. I lifted his leg a little and rolled his hips over so that he was again on his back. I then put my left hand on his chest to hold him down. He did not respond right away, and i thought that he might still be asleep. He was moving in his sleep. He jerked awake suddenly, realizing what he had been doing. He said something in amusement. He then said that he had thought that i was holding his chest. I still had my hand on his chest, but i was just pushing against him. I joked with him, saying that it was nice to hold his chest, implying that i was feeling his chest muscles. I then got up and started to clean the room. I was standing to the east of the bed, which was in the eastern section of the large room. The room now seemed like a living room, and it had high ceilings. The room was relatively rectangular, and a doorway was in the middle of the southern wall. A second doorway was in the western end of the southern hall, and that one seemed to lead into a kitchen or dining area. I walked to the east along the northern side of the room, picking up some of the things that were left on the tables. Several party things seemed to be scattered around. Many of the things i picked up seemed to be Christmas decorations. The other person had gotten up from the bed and walked to the north of me, heading west. A large table was in the middle of the room, but most of the things seemed to have been cleaned off of it. As i reached the western end of the table, i noticed a small black allen wrench on the floor. I bent over to pick it up just as the man to the north passed me. I recognized the wrench, thinking that it had something to do with the setup of the Christmas tree, which seemed to be on the western end of the large wooden table. I thought that my grandfather had been fooling around with the tree and had probably dropped the wrench. I knew that he was probably looking for it but was unable to find it. I was now standing near the northeastern corner of a wooden table. The other large table was still to the southeast of me, but the pine bushes that had been between the two tables were no longer there. Things had been cleaned up fairly well. There were still many small things scattered around the floors, though. We would need to pick up the small things from the festivities. The man who as to the northwest of me was doing something. He now seemed like $K24. I started to the west, toward him, but i noticed several small things on the floor between the two tables, to the southeast of me. I bent over to pick them up. They were different kinds of tools, and i thought that they must have been dumped out by my grandfather. A few of them were shaped like cranks, and they had wooden handles on the ends. They were all small, like the kinds for clocks. My grandfather must have made a mess looking through his tools to get the right one for what he was doing. He must have left the unused tools all over the floor. The wooden-handled tools seemed old, and i was interested in them as i picked them up. My father’s mother then stepped into the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. She had her arms on either side of the doorway as she leaned forward. She had curly brown hair, and she was wearing a short-sleeve yellow sweater with a skirt of matching color. She told $K24 that breakfast was ready and that he should get cleaned up. I wanted to finish some of the cleaning here, so i headed to the southeast. $A795 came into the room and stopped to the east of me. She asked where my grandmother was.

12020 October 06

The other person to the southeast of me said something and turned his attention to the east. I had come with him to this place, which was $P7. We were standing in the hallway on the lower floor of the southern wing. I felt hesitant to enter the main hallway to the north of me. I wanted to see what the rest of the building looked like, but i felt uneasy here. It had been a long time since i had come here, and i was not sure i should wander through the building. I started walking north down the hallway anyway. Something about the building interested me. I glanced into a doorway in the southern wall, noticing a small classroom. $A608 was sitting on the northern side of a desk on the northern side of the room. He looked up at me as i passed the doorway. I wanted to say hello, but i was already past the doorway, about to enter the main hall. I stopped and looked around the main hall for a moment. The hallway to the northwest of me was filled with tables, and students seemed to be sitting at various places reading or studying. A couple people were wandering between the tables. I wondered what the new wings looked like upstairs. I backed up to the south and walked into the classroom, saying hello to $A608. He smiled and greeted me, still sitting at his desk. I moved to the center of the western end of the room, looking around. At first, i had thought that this was a meeting room, but i realized that it was actually a classroom. The walls were covered with posters, and i looked at the poster on the eastern side of the southern wall that depicted some data on a Civil War battle over a brownish picture of a battlefield. Most of the posters dealt with American history, and i thought that $A608 was teaching history here. I spoke to him, but he did not seem to say much. It seemed nice to talk with him again.

12020 October 07

I entered the house from the opening in the western wall. This place was my grandfather’s cottage, thought it had been a long time since my grandfather had owned the cottage. The room seemed very bright and clean. The wooden walls were lighted with sunlight and seemed to be made of rough unfinished fresh lumber. The others were still to the west of the cottage. The main floor of the cottage seemed to be a single room, and i was now on the second floor, looking around. I could hear the others talking below me. It seemed that my grandfather and father’s mother had been here to the west, but the people there now seemed to be other relatives of mine. They wanted to come into the room. I looked to the north, noticing the doorway to the balcony in the center of the northern wall. I moved to it, thinking that i could go out on the balcony and look down to see who the others were. The door was no longer on hinges. The simple door of unfinished wood was now a sliding door, and i slided it to the east. The balcony was now enclosed, and i could not see off the side of the building as before. A wall was to the north of me, and a small storage area ran along it. Looking at the floor, i could see that the original balcony ran a little less than two meters out from the building. Its short outer wall was still there, separating the balcony from the storage area. The meter or so of floor from the outer wall of the balcony to the outer wall of the structure was made of a different type of wood. The planks were thinner and darker. They extended to the east and west of the balcony as well. I started walking to the west, noticing that the new flooring sagged as i stepped on it. I would have to be careful to stay near the wall of the building. I could hear the others on the west. They had said something and were waiting for me to let them into the cottage. The flooring seemed to extend around the entire second floor of the building, so i walked to the eastern edge to look over at them. They were actually on the same level as i was. $K2 was standing on the planks on the western side of the building, looking west at our other relatives. Three or four relatives stood to the west of $K2, talking to him. $K2 stepped to the west, but the floor sagged under him. I warned him that the flooring here was unsafe. I would have to go back downstairs inside the cottage to let the others in.

12020 October 08

I was sitting on a couch on the southern side of the large living room. I was sitting on the eastern end of the couch, and a man was sitting in a cushioned chair just off the western side of the couch. A woman was sitting in a white cushioned chair that had wooden legs. Her chair faced west, and was just to the northeast of me. All of us were watching the movie that was on the screen on the northern wall. We seemed to be at $A14’s house, though he did not seem to be here at the moment. The movie was ending, and i thought that it was the second movie in the series. I thought that it might be the Quaatzi Series. The man and woman started to adjust themselves in their chairs as the movie ended. The room was very pale and open. The others then started talking. I became aware that we had been in $A14’s house, but neither $A14 nor $A464 had been around, but i thought that they might be in the bedroom to the east. I felt uneasy suddenly, thinking that they might not know that we were here. I worried that we might have started watching the movie without asking them if we could. I told the other two to be quiet, worrying that we had come here unannounced. I hoped that $A14 did not mind that we were here. $A14 and $A464 then opened the door in the center of the eastern wall and entered the room. I felt very uncomfortable. As they came in, i realized that they had been out of the house and had just returned. $A14 walked across the room and stopped to the northwest of me and to the north of the man. He seemed uneasy. He sat down in a chair that faced east on the western side of the room. As he leaned back, he put his left ankle over his right knee. $A14 seemed distracted by something. I did not think that he was upset about us being here, but i could see that he was nervous. I tried to hint to the others that we should leave. I wondered if we could watch the third movie of the trilogy at my house. I did have it on DVD. As i slowly stood up, $A14 jerked up and rushed to the east, heading into the bathroom on the southern side of the room. The door to the bathroom seemed to be in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. A thin structure, like shelfs or cross-hatched wood, was just to the east of the seating area, separating it from the doorway. I could still see the doorway, though. I knew that $A14 must have been sick from the doctors. He was embarrassed about it and did not want us to know. As $A14 entered the bathroom, i could hear sounds of diarrhea. I felt bad for him, and i hoped that he was not embarrassed that we had been here when he was sick. I felt bad, and i thought that we should leave.

12020 October 09

I walked to the north with my parents and my grandmother. We started across a large courtyard that ran between the two large stone buildings. The road entered the eastern side of the courtyard and curved to the west, running in front of the gray stone building on the northern side of the open area. My father had gone to the south to get the car, and we were heading toward the building to the north to wait for him. A set of stairs ascended to the west along the front of the building, ending on a large stone deck near the entrance, which was in the center of the building. My mother and grandmother were walking to the east of me, but i had headed more diagonally to the northwest, approaching the main section of the stone terrace. The long gradual ramp came up from the east, and the stone wall seemed about two meters tall in front of the main entrance. I thought about my grandmother’s new car, which my father had gone to get. I realized that my mother and grandmother had started up the steps to the building. My mother was helping my grandmother on the stairs. I reached the stone face of the foundation under the porch. It had white arches at the bottom, as though windows to a lower level were under the deck. The lower level seemed to be a storage area. My parents went up the balcony to the north of me, so i grabbed on to the stone wall and pulled myself up to the top of the wall. It was easy to climb. As i reached the top, i saw the shiny blue car coming from the south. It rounded the corner to the southeast of us and stopped just to the north of us. It was a station wagon. When we got into the car, the car was facing east. I got into the back seat, and my parents and my grandmother got into the front seat. The dark red interior of the car was very clean and shiny. I said that it was very nice, and i realized that the car had a large trunk. I commented that my grandmother could sleep in the back of the car, because there was so much room. My parents thought the comment was strange, and they did not understand. I realized that they were sitting in the front seat of the car with $A795. My father was driving on the northern side of the car, my mother was in the passenger’s seat on the southern side of the car, and $A795 sat in the middle. They looked over their shoulders questioningly at me. I told them that i was referring to my grandmother’s new car, which we were in. They seemed confused, and they said that this was not my grandmother’s new car. I then remembered that my grandmother had died, so this could not be her new car. I felt confused. Something suddenly seemed out of place. I leaned back into the red cushioned seat, feeling uncomfortable about the situation.

12020 October 12

I had been hiking with others on the trails that ran along the rim of the deep gorge. I was now on the northern side of the gorge, somewhere in the middle of the gorge. The land sloped down to the east of us, and a road seemed to be fairly close to the north of us. The forested area that i was hiking through seemed thinner to the northeast, which would allow access to the road. A festival was happening at this place, and i knew that people were playing music in the forest all around us. I had seen several musicians playing on the trail that ran around the gorge. A man to the west of me asked me something. He was standing in the middle of the dirt trail that i had been walking on. A woman to the east of me responded. The trail to the east curved a little to the northeast to continue around the gorge. The man and woman were talking about Paul McCartney, and they said that they had not seen him in a while. They seemed worried that he was missing. I told them that i had just seen him at the festival. I thought about it, remembering that i was chatting with him on the southern side of the gorge. The area seemed to be to the southeast of me now. I pointed this out to the other two. As i pointed this out, though, i realized that it must have been a while ago that i had been talking with Paul. I had been on the other side of the gorge earlier. I did not point this out to the others, and i wondered if it would matter. I turned to head down the trail to the east. I felt anxious. I wanted to play music and perform like the other musicians were doing, but i did not feel that i could. I was not in practice, and i was not sure how i could perform in this festival. I headed to the south, into the small room. $A589 was to the southwest of me then, saying something. A woman was just to the north of $A589, and he handed her something. He then handed me something similar. It looked like a large clear plastic bag that had been inflated. Through the plastic, i could see a clear cardboard tray on the bottom with several small packages on it. The packages looked like wrapped tea bags and rolled bags of spices. It felt nice to be given a gift. I had not expected one at this festival. I looked at the tea bag, thinking that i should put them away with my things so that i did not have to carry them. I then thought that this might seem selfish. Others were probably sharing their teas or leaving them out on the tables. I held the balloon from the top with my left hand, and i noticed that it seemed heavier that it should have. The teas and spices should not have been that heavy. The balloon arced upward from the square tray most of a meter. I lifted the balloon to see what could be causing the extra weight. I wondered if the tea was wet. I then noticed a plastic two-liter soda bottle on the southwester corner of the tray. The bottle was not full, though, and i wondered if someone had already drunk most of the soda-pop. I felt disappointed that it had been opened, thinking that $A589 was trying to be cheap and give away partially used bottles. I lifted the tray to get a better look at the bottle. It tipped over, and i noticed that the lid was not on tight. Some of the soda-pop dripped out. I quickly tipped the package so that the bottle was upright again. I realized that $A589 could not have given everyone a full bottle of soda-pop, because he did not have enough money in the festival. He was tying to spread around what he had, so he only gave people partial bottles of soda-pop. I felt bad for thinking that the gift had been cheap. I turned to the south and rested the tray on the table, which was to the south of me. I then turned to the north, now in a narrow room. I had walked into the room where i had been sleeping with the others. Bunk beds were on the northern, western, and eastern walls. Two beds were against the eastern and western walls, and i moved to the bed on the northern end of the eastern wall, where i had put my things. I felt anxious, and i wanted to go back out to listen to the music. I knew that it was very late at night, but i wanted to see more of the festival. I would have to put on more clothes to go back outdoors again. I pulled my jacket from the top bunk of the bed to the east of me. I would also have to change my pants. I seemed to be wearing pajama pants. I then turned to the west. I was facing the bed on the southern end of the western wall. It was the bed that i would be sleeping in. I had my sleeping bag on the top bunk, and i tried to arrange it so that it would be ready when i got back. I realized that a pale-green padding bag was already on the bed, so i would not have to use my other sleeping bag for padding. As i arranged things on the bed, i was aware of a man sleeping on the lower bunk. He opened his eyes and watched me for a moment. I turned back to the northeast to grab more of my things from the other bed. When i turned back to the west, i noticed the large bass cello case on top of the upper bunk. I wondered if someone else had already taken this bunk. A man was standing to the south of the bed. He grabbed the cello case and pulled it over the southern side of the bed, saying that he would help get it out of my way. I felt uneasy, thinking that i had taken someone else’s bed. I wondered if i should have used the bed to the northeast.

I was lying down on the bed with my head to the west. I was sleeping on my left side, facing north. I had something over my eyes so that i could not see the room around me. $F71 was to the south of me, and he asked me a question, waking me up. I felt tired and did not want to answer question now. I wanted to go back to sleep. $F71 seemed to be leaning over me from the south. I told him that i did not want to talk now, and he said that he would go to do something. This sounded strange. Suddenly, i realized that his voice was not correct. I realized that the person on the bed with me was not $F71, and i quickly rolled onto my back and became alert. $A682 was standing to the southeast of me, kneeling on the edge of the bed. He slided backward, landing on his feet. He seemed excited, and he hopped to the east, leaving the room through the wide doorway in the center of the eastern wall. I felt annoyed that he had been here, and i wondered how he had gotten into he house. I sat up, realizing that i was actually sleeping on a white couch, which seemed to have a very deep seat. $F71 was still sleeping on the cushion to the south of me. $F71 was woken up by the talking, and he rolled toward me to find out what was going on. I felt annoyed with $A682, and i stood up to follow him into the other room. I wanted to know how he got a key to get into my house. I entered the small room from the doorway in the eastern wall. I had been heading west. $A682 was to the south of me. This room seemed to have a cement floor, and a white washer and dryer were stacked on top of each other against the southern wall, just to the south of the doorway. $A682 was putting laundry into the machine. I was angry that he was here, and i pejoratively asked him if he had come here just to do laundry. He did not respond. I asked him why he was here. I had entered the room now, and $A682 was standing near the eastern wall. This house was new to me, so i could not understand how he had gotten the key. If he had found any old keys, they should have been to my old house. I asked $A682 where he had gotten the key. He said that Chris Levin had given him a key. I felt angry about this, and i asked him again, stating the name: “Chris Levin gave you a key?” He said yes. I then realized that $F71 was very concerned about what was happening. I headed back to the west and stopped in the doorway of the bedroom. $F71 had gotten out of the bed and was hurriedly trying to dress. I told him what was happening. I then commented that it made sense that someone else had a key to my house. I had thought some things were happening in the house that should not have been happening. I still felt annoyed, and i went back to the east to deal with $A682. He was still standing near the eastern wall of the room. I wanted to know who Chris Levin was. I did not know anyone by that name. I turned to the west and started back across the lining room. I had only taken a few steps when a young man appeared from a room to the south. He stopped to the west of me, just inside a square room to the west of me. The room was off of the room that i was in. He had a round face and thin short blond hair. He was shorter than i and a little stout, though not muscular. I asked him who he was, annoyed that he was here too. He said that he was Chris’s roommate. Angry, i grabbed him by the shoulder and pushed him to the west, saying that he would have to get out of the house until i said so. I was upset that i did not know who Chris was and that he had a key to my new house. I thought that he must have been in the house before. I then realized that i had not even gotten accustomed to the new house. There seemed to be spaces here that i was unfamiliar with. I thought about rooms off to the east that seemed to be corridors on the southern and southeastern sides of the building. I then remembered that the basement was still full of things that i had brought with me. I had not had time to go through them. I tried to remember the basement. We had been working in the basement in the past, but i could not picture it clearly. I remembered a long basement that ran east to west under a building. We had been working there to carry things into the basement. This did not make sense, though. I was standing to the south of the western end of a long one-story house. The house seemed very simple, and it had a cinderblock foundation. I remembered putting things into the basement. The foundation rose up higher than me, but it was mostly covered with brown muddy dirt. A single opening in the center of the building allowed us to carry things into the building. This was not my house, though. It seemed that we had been working on this construction project a while ago. I had been carrying things into the building here for $A580. I tried to focus on the scene, but something seemed unclear.

12020 October 13

I sat on the southern side of the classroom, facing east. I realized that i did not have my backpack with my, so i did not have the things i would need for class. I felt uneasy, thinking that i had left my backpack at home. The teacher to the east asked me about my things, wondering why i did not have my notebook out. I turned to the south and southwest, pretending to look for my backpack. I was not sure how to tell the teacher, who seemed to be $A40, that i had left my things back home. I knew that it was a long drive back to my house, which seemed to be to the east of here, and i would not be able to make the trip and be back in time. I headed to the southeast, entering the hall. I started moving to the west, but stopped when i saw the people trotting toward me from the west. They seemed to be military troops, and they were coming a couple at a time. I backed up and moved to the north a little, standing near the southwestern corner of the van, which was parked in the middle of the hallway. The van seemed to be an old white minivan, like a Volkswagen van. $G4 was gathered around the van, with some on top of the van and most around the northern side. I moved near the van to let some of the troops jog past. I then focused on a man coming from the west. He had fuzzy dark hair and a familiar angular face. The man had his left arm up, pointing his finger in front of him. For a moment i thought that he was pointing at me, and i watched him as he approached. As he approached, he noticed that i was looking at him and smiled at me. As he passed, he wrote a quick mark on my left arm with a piece of chalk. I realized that he might be setting a trail for $G4. He was not part of our group, though. I turned around and called after him, saying that i was on trail. Someone then came from west. The person seemed to be following the trail. As the person started to pass us, i asked him where the trail was, adding that it was not one of the trails from our $G4 group as i pointed to my sleeve. As i turned to the east, i realized that others from my group had started jogging to the east. I started slowly walking to the east after them. I saw two of $G4 walking into a narrower hallway on the eastern end of the wide hall i was in. I started after them. I entered the narrower corridor. It ran for about ten meters to he east before it south. I did not see the two runners ahead of me, so i thought they must have run around the corner. I turned around the corner to the south and then turned to the east again. The hallway only continued to the east about five meters. Doors were in all the walls, and this area of the building seemed to be a laboratory area. I still could not see where the others had gone, and i felt left behind. I was annoyed that i could not catch up with them. I wondered where they had gone. I went up a set of stairs and came into an entryway on the western side of the building. I entered the entryway through a doorway in the center of the eastern wall. This was the entry hall of the science building, and many people were moving around in the wide space. I stopped in the middle of the room and looked around, trying to find other members of $G4. I then recognized a woman and a man who were standing in the northern side of the room. The man stood to the east of the woman, and the woman was wearing a long jacket. I walked up to them and asked them about $G4. The woman seemed annoyed to see me, and she started to back away. I realized that i did not have my mask on, so i backed up to the south a little and asked them again. I did not have my mask with me, and i thought that i should have brought it. The woman turned away from me, refusing to answer. I felt angry with them. I threw something at the woman to get her attention, but she continued to ignore me. I felt angry. I picked up another of the small white candles that were on the round column to the north of me, and i threw it at the woman. I wanted her to acknowledge me, but she would not look at me. I then headed to the east, heading back to my room. I thought that i would get my mask. I was on the western side of the small room, and others were to the east of me. They were putting things into this room from somewhere else. I watched a person bring some bags into the room from the doorway in the western end of the southern wall and put them down on the floor near the southern wall on the eastern side of the room. I noticed that a lot of the things that were being brought here were game sets for video games. I thought that these people were gamers and that they were playing a large game with each other between other things. A man to the west of me then mentioned bringing in a guitar. I said that i like guitar. The man had dirty-blond curly hair and a matching short beard. I felt interested in these people, and i wanted to join them. I needed to get my mask, though. I headed to the west to get to the door and then headed southeast into my room, which seemed to be just to the south of the room that i had been in. This was my dormitory room. As i entered, i noticed a man lying on the ground next to the low bed, which seemed to be a mattress on the floor. The bed was against the eastern end of the northern wall. The man seemed to be mostly naked, and i thought that he was $A804. Someone else was on the bed, under the heavy blue comforter. I walked toward $A804 and stopped near him. I told him that i was unaware that he was a member of $G4. The man rolled toward me and looked up. He had dark hair and a scruffy beard that seemed to cover all of his face except for his eyes. He seemed to be wearing glasses. I realized that he was not $A804. He giggled and quickly crawled under the comforter on the bed. He was being erotic with the other person on the bed. I realized that $A682 was in the bed with the other people I felt annoyed that he was copulating with other people again in my room. $A682 pulled the blanket down on the northern side of the bed, exposing his face. He was lying on his back. He seemed surprised to see me, but he just smirked and pulled the blanket back up. Three people seemed to be under the blankets at the moment. He annoyed me, and i decided to ignore him and look for things in the room. I moved around.

12020 October 14

I was in the diner or cafe with my mother, and we stood on the southern side of the room. The small round table to the north of us had cakes on it, and my mother indicated them to me. I was supposed to take some of the leftover cake with me. Two brick-shaped pastries were on the table. They had pie crusts on the outside and a filling that looked like green-apple pie in the center. I thought that they looked interesting. I was about to get them together to wrap them up, but a man came from the east and started to take the two pieces of pie, saying that he would wrap them up for later. He picked them both up to take. I was annoyed with him, because he had not been part of the party that we were celebrating. I pushed him away from the cakes. He dropped one of the cakes back onto the table and dropped the other on the ground. I was angry that the cakes were wasted. The man stumbled back to the northeast and stopped to glare at me. He was angry that i had pushed him away. My mother then came from the south, concerned. She asked what had happened. I told her that the man took the cakes. I picked up the cake from the table, which had broken apart when it fell. I held it in my right hand so that the man could not take it again. I felt upset with him, and i walked to the west. I then headed north, down the length of the diner. The cashier stood near the door, which was in the northern end of the eastern wall. It seemed to be slanted slightly to the southwest, as though it were in the corner of the building. I sat down on a bench on the southern side of a booth that was on the western wall of the diner. I was still upset. I started eating some of the pie that i had in my right hand. As i moved the pie to my mouth to take a second bite, the pie slipped out of my hand and dropped on the floor to the northwest of me. Angry, i quickly bent over to pick it up. I now seemed to be sitting in a bench seat of a bus, and the cake had been on the floor of the bus. I knew that the cake would be dirty, but i held on to it anyway. Part of the cake was still on the floor, so i decided that the part i had picked up was not really that dirty. I took another bite of it. I then noticed the female waiter standing near the cash register to the northeast of me. I nodded and smiled to her, and she smiled back. I then turned my attention to the front of the bus. The bus was traveling west on the road, which seemed like Route 366 near the arboretum. I looked out the windows to the northwest, across the campus. A large plume of white smoke was rising from the nearby landscape. The flat open land seemed to rise slightly to the northwest and north. The plume seemed less that a kilometer away. I wondered what it was. It seemed like something out of place in the landscape. I then realized that it was shaped more like a branching coral, with sharp pointy arms that arched up from the central trunk. It was rounded, and the individual branches seemed to shine on the edges. It looked almost like a pine tree. Something about the structure seemed special, and i wondered what it was. It was not a natural part of the landscape and had not been there previously. I tried to watch it, but it passed behind a man who was standing in the aisle of the bus. A few moments later, it was almost to the north of us, and i could see it again. It now looked rocky and rounded, not like something that was brachiated. It looked like a tall narrow dome of rock, with fractured edges near the bottom. People on the bus referred to it as i passed to the northeast of us. They said that it had to do with the chemicals that were leaking. I wondered if it was something that we should be concerned about. It seemed as though i had known about the chemical leak, and i knew that the owners of the company had covered it up. I turned my attention to the west now, looking at the rails that we were following. We were on a train now, and the train was just entering the downtown area. A long low building was on the southern side of the tracks ahead of us, and a road ran parallel to us on the north. I could see some of the low buildings of the town to the northwest. The tracks ahead turned sharply to the north and crossed the road. I wondered if we would have to wait for traffic on the road. I hoped that we could slow down quickly enough. The train started around the curve, and slowed to a stop at the road. I then noticed that we were on a set of tracks that was the easternmost set of three that crossed the road. The tracks just to the west of us had a train that was already stopped at the road. It was pulled by an old black diesel engine with a rounded shape. Another train then came from the south on the third track. It was moving rather fast, and it did not stop at the road. The traffic had already stopped, though, so it was now safe for all three trains to cross the road. We started moving again, hurrying across the street. I looked to the north as we crossed the street. The driver of the train seemed to be $A25. She looked back at us as we headed across the muddy field on the northern side of the road. A long building with a wide roof was to the west of the tracks to the northwest of us. It seemed to be a station. A smaller wood building, which seemed like a shed, was to the east. I realized that there were no longer any tracks in front of us. I wondered if our tracks were supposed to merge with the tracks that the other train was on. I felt nervous. $A25 seemed surprised that there were no tracks, and she said something about it. The train then slid a little to the south before coming to a halt in the mud. I thought that we would be stuck in the mud. $A25 said that the tracks had been torn up for some work that they were doing, and she started to back the train up. I was surprised that the train moved so easily backward. The train then came to a stop again. I looked at the brown mud to the north of us. I thought that we had stopped before crossing the road again. The train then started moving to the south again, but it did not move as easily this time. We had gotten stuck in the mud.

12020 October 20

I turned my car to the east, into the parking lot of the old diner. The small parking lot curved around the small building. It was late at night, and it was dark out, so not many people were in the diner. I thought that i would easily find a parking spot in the small lot. A few cars were parked to the west of the diner, facing east. I pulled into one of the open slots near the northern side of the eastern face of the building. As i pulled in, though, i noticed that the tall curb in front of me was painted red. The van to the east of me was also parked in front of a red curb. I knew that this was the handicap spot. I backed out of the parking spot and looked to the north, noticing three or four open spaces along the northern side of the lot. I decided that i wanted to park near the building, though, so i started driving to the east along the northern side of the building. As i started along the northern side of the building, i realized that i was not in my time period. I had gone back in time and seemed to be in the fifties or early sixties. Cars were parked along the northern side of the diner, and people seemed to be eating near them. I thought that waiters must have been coming out from the diner to server them. I did not want to be parking in this kind of area. Many of the spaces on the northern side of the drive seemed to have tables in them, and people were sitting around the picnic tables. The place was crowded with people, and i wondered if they would notice that i did not belong in this time. An old couple was standing near a table on the northern side of the drive. They were both wearing plaid button-up shirts. The man had a tan and black shirt, and he was looking to the south as if waiting for something. I thought that maybe a waiter would be out to help them. It now seemed like daylight as i walked down the northern aisle in the area. The store to the south and southeast of me was now open, and i could see the column racks and shelfs. I reached the eastern end of the store and started to the south. I thought that these people had different ideas about things, and i thought that they might say that i was doing bad things if i interacted with other people the way i did in my time. I imagined teaching someone to dance in the middle of the store. They would think it normal, unless i was teaching a man. I felt out of place. I then realized that i would not be able to buy anything here. I did not have any money that was old enough to be recognized in this place. I felt upset, wondering what i should do. I circled back to the east, again walking along the northern side of the convenience store. Looking to the south, i could see many brightly colored packages of candy filling the shelfs. This seemed strange that this place was mostly candy. I felt worried that i would not be able to do anything. I noticed a door to a lavatory to the north of me, and i walked into the room. I was uncertain what i should do, and i tried to think of a way to get money so i could buy food. I turned to the south to head back out the door, but i started to feel faint. I quickly sat down. A man rushed to me from the northeast and asked how he could help me. He seemed concerned, and i tried to calm him down, saying that i was okay.

12020 October 21

We ran to the southeast, across the small paved lot between the buildings. We seemed to be in a factory yard, and we were trying to find something. I felt that we were sneaking around this area, and i thought that the others should be careful where they ran. The long building to the south of us had white metal sheeting on the walls, and it looked like an open storage building. The people in front of me started into the building, and i followed them toward the entrance in the center of the building. The northern wall of the building now seemed open, and i could see the rows of storage shelfs that filled the interior of the building. They were full of things. I felt nervous about being in this area. We were looking for something here, but we could not let the owners of this place know. Something seemed suspicious about this area, though, and i thought that we were being misled. I stopped just inside the building and looked to the west as the others ran to the east. The western side of the building was now empty. The stacks of items had disappeared. I realized that they were never really there. This place had been a trap. I tried to warn the others, but a voice from the north called out to us. A man was somewhere to the north, and he gloated about having us here. The others ran to the western side of the room, trying to escape to the southwest. I could see a chain-link fence along the southern side of the building, and i wondered if there really was an opening in the fence that they could escape through. They seemed to be heading to the southwestern corner of the building, so i thought that maybe the fence had a gap between the end of the fence and the building that they were running for. I was not sure what i should do. I did not want the man to capture me. I headed to the south. The man smugly said that we were free to run away and leave the place, but i did not trust him. I ran to the southern wall and started following the others to the west. About halfway across the building, i noticed an opening in the fence. I decided that i wanted to get out of the building as quickly as possible, so i turned to the south and ran through the fence. A short grassy hill sloped down steeply just outside the fence, and i could see that the hill ended at a retaining wall, which was about a meter and a half to two meters off the ground. The ground to the south of the edge was covered with paving stones and seemed to be a walkway. A man was standing there. A short metal railing or fence was at the edge of the top of the retaining wall, and i could see that the retaining wall curved to the southwest just to the west of me. The area below seemed to be part of a public park, like a zoo. I stepped over the short fence and started walking along the top of the stone wall to the southwest. The man in the brown coat watched me from the southeast of me. The wall curved to the west, and it seemed to curve in a circle, enclosing a small pond to the south of me. The man watched me, and he seemed to be concerned that i was jumping from the different sections of the fence. I tried to stay close to wall that was now next to the retaining wall as i rounded the pond. I then jumped over the wet area to get to the ground, but i was still inside an enclosed area, which seemed like an animal enclosure. I started running to the north, along the eastern wall of the room. A narrow stone surface ran around the sides of the room. To the north of me, i could see that the round room to the north of me was filled with water. The stone wall ran around the outsides of the room until the western side, where it ran straight to the west. I thought that i could run around the wall, but i stepped into the water instead. The water only seemed to be a few decis deep. I stopped, not sure where i should go. A young girl then called to me from the south, and i stopped to see why she was concerned about where i was running. She pointed to the water, and i could see an animal moving under the surface to the southwest of me. The otter surfaced a little near me but continued swimming toward me. I felt nervous, thinking that i should not disturb the animals here. I jumped up into the air, flipping over backward and landing on a shallower surface. I pushed off the ceiling as i spun around. I did this a second time, thinking that i was able to project myself into the air in some way that was like teleporting. I landed near the girl, proud that i was able to jump out of the way so easily.

The people were doing experiments to the north of me. I looked at the gossamer white sheet that floated in front of the gray stone wall on the northern side of the room. The sheet was made of energy. The field that the people were experimenting with was trapping electrons, and they created a pale haze. Small bright spots appeared and disappeared on the sheet as interactions occurred. The small spots flared up here and there every few seconds. I knew that the interactions were important, and i thought that we needed to see more of them. I told the others that they needed to increase the strength of the field, thinking that more interactions would occur. I knew that there was a pattern to the interactions, but the others had not yet seen them. The pattern would not be as obvious when the reactions were happening one at a time. I knew that the flashes would form on horizontal bands across the sheet. There were two or three bands, and they were not centered along the sheet. I thought that the others could also focus cameras on small areas of the sheet and observe the interactions. Because the interactions were not random, the areas within the bands would show many interactions, but the areas between the bands would show none. I thought that i could show the others these small squares of view to get them to understand what was actually happening. I wanted them to increase the field, though. However, i knew that this was not easy to do. It took a tremendous amount of power to do such things. I thought about this as i watched the field. I felt good trying to get these people to discover what they were looking at. This was discovering something new in science.

12020 October 22

My mother and i got out of the car, which was parked to the north of the small hotel. The white car was facing northeast in the parking lot, and it had a trailer behind it. The trailer was facing east, because the car had been turning when we stopped. We had to get something here in the hotel. I felt hurried by someone. As i walked to the west to go around the end of the trailer, i noticed that the tall trailer was actually a portable bathroom. The door was open, and i could see the white jewel encrusted toilet inside. Flowery decorations were on the walls and porcelain. The toilet sat on a small platform, and a counter was directly across from it, to the west. This seemed very strange. The man who was directing us out of the car seemed to imply that we should use the bathroom, but i did not want to. I pointed out the bathroom to my mother, commenting that it was strange. I then went to the west and picked up something from the bed, which was in the room of the hotel. The hotel had given us clothes to wear. They were trying to guide what we were doing, and it made me feel uncomfortable. I picked up a pair of blue jeans from the bed and held them up to the east of me. They had a strange shape to them. The waist did not seem that large, but the hips and thighs of the pants bulged out to the side so that the flat pair of pants seemed round. I was surprised that the hotel people would expect me to wear such clothing. I said something about the clothes to my mother, who was to the northeast of me. She thought that they looked silly too, and she asked me about the size. I told her that the waist was size fourty. Even the waist was too large for me. I felt annoyed with the hotel people, and i turned to the south and headed across the field with my mother. The field was full of cut dry tan corn stalks. I spoke to my mother as we moved. The sky seemed gray and somewhat smoky. Cars were parked in the field, which also seemed like a parking lot. We had to get somewhere. I was floating over the cars as we continued to the south. I continued talking to my mother, who was walking to the northeast of me. We were looking for a car to drive. The cars below me seemed like classic cars from the fifties. Someone was then to the southeast of me. I started speaking to the man. He seemed like a young boy. He was interested in something about the cars, and he talked to me about them. We were then in a car, and the young man was driving slowly to the west, along the southern side of the field. He stopped and looked out across the field. I knew that he wanted to drive the car across the field to the north of us, but i knew that the can would get stuck in the field, so i tried to dissuade him. He considered what he should do, but then he drove down the road to the west.

12020 October 23

I was in the passenger’s seat of the car as the other person drove to the north, across the open landscape. The light was very dim here, and we seemed to be very far north. The long straight road to the north was covered with ice, and i knew that we had to be careful. The man, who seemed like $A42, drove the car quickly down the icy road, which seemed rather narrow. The car skidded from side to side. I did not feel worried, but i was concerned that the man would not be able to stay on the road. The car skidded from east to west as it headed down the road. I then moved abruptly to the west and came to a stop on the ice. The man seemed to be to the east of me still. I knew that the vehicle had landed on the ice of the lake. I felt nervous, thinking that i had to get out of the car, but i was actually on an orange inflatable life raft. I was sitting in the middle of the raft with my feet up on the rounded edge of the raft to the south of me. I leaned back, thinking that i should spread out my weight on the raft so that it did not crack though the ice. I could hear the ice cracking under me, but i tried to remain still. I would not be able to move, but i had to get back to the road. I called out for help and then listened for a reply. I only listened for a short time before i called out again. The man replied to me. He seemed very close, but i could not see him in the hazy air, which seemed to be filled with a misty snow. He seemed to be only three or four meters away from me. I told him that i was on the raft. I then headed to the road. We started walking to the north, down the long road. A large shadow to the north of us seemed to be a building. It seemed to have rounded domes, with a large tall dome in the center and two smaller domes on the sides. I talked with the man as we headed toward the building. We crossed into a small room, entering on the southern side. Others were in the room to the north of us. We started talking about the ice danger.

12020 October 25

I was driving north, and i stopped at the intersection. I seemed to be on the North Side of Endicott. As i started driving again, i drove to the north, starting up a steep hill. I glanced to the northeast. The corner of the block to the northeast of me was fenced in with a low chain-link fence. It seemed to be a motel, with the building wrapping around the eastern and northern sides of the small yard. In the center of the yard was a swimming pool, and a man had come out of a door on the northern side of the pool and stood looking down at someone in the pool. He looked familiar, and i realized that he was John Denver. I was moving slowly now, and i watched him as i passed. I wanted to say hello to him. I looked forward, thinking that he was in a concert in the area, so he had been staying at the motel here. I then saw the other man standing in front of me. He had been someone whom i had liked very much as a child. He was another singer and performer. He had come out of one of the dull-orangish-red doors of the motel and stopped just to the northeast of me. I greeted him. John Denver was then standing to the northwest of me, to the west of the man. I greeted both of them, feeling happy. I told them that they had both had so much influence on me growing up. I knew that they were both similar kinds of music, and i thought of folk music. They glanced at each other.

I was packing some things up in the eastern side of the bedroom. This was my grandfather’s house. I stood to the west of a tall wooden dresser, but i was sitting cross-legged on the floor, gathering some things that were low to the ground. We had packed most of the things in the house up, and we were now cleaning. I was aware of my mother somewhere to the west of me. I picked up several things to the east of me, but i noticed a small brush to the south of me. The brush was a cleaning brush for an electric razor. It was standing up, with the long bristles down, and it seemed partially caught behind the western end of a piece of molding that ran along the floor. The brush had a gray handle. It was like the brush that i had with my razor, and i thought that it probably had a small stiff brush on the upper end, like mine did. I had not considered taking it because the longer bristles would have been used, but i thought that i could still use the smaller bristles. I pulled the brush out from behind the edge of the molding, realizing that it had been handing on a small nail. Behind it was a small metal whisk. Both the brush and whisk were only about three centimeters long. I pulled the whisk off of the nail as well, thinking that i might as well keep it with the rest of my grandfather’s things. I then noticed some things near the floor to the west of where the molding ended. The wall was covered with bluish-gray wallpaper that had gray vertical lines and patterns on it. Several small things were hanging along the bottom edge of the wall to the south of me. Looking at them, i realized that they were keys of various sorts. I felt surprised that we had missed them when we took all of the things from the house. One of the keys was black and looked like a key to a door. The other keys were smaller, and looked as though they went to chests or dressers. I thought that some of them must have gone to some of the lockboxes that i had. They were all different shapes and some were tinted yellow. I pulled them from the wall. They had all been hung on pins. One had a square tab with rounded edges, and the key was very short. That one might have gone to a lockbox. I pulled them from the wall. As i pulled a set from the wall, i noticed that one of the pins had a rounded brassy head that formed a flower design. I took the keys and grabbed another set, noticing a key on the western end of the cluster that was darker, with a square tab and a round body with small teeth. It looked like a key for a dresser. I took all of the keys and put them in a container. I then called to my mother to tell her that i had found a bunch of keys. She did not respond. I thought that she was still to the southwest of me. I stood up, looking to the west in the room. I called again, but she did not answer. She had gone to the south, leaving the room through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. Something like a chimney seemed to stick out from the southern wall just before the doorway, so i could not see the doorway directly. I walked to the west, calling my mother. I was then in a room facing east. My mother was just to the east of me. I told her about the keys, saying that they could go to some of the dressers that we had collected. I thought that my father’s mother would probably have kept the keys to the dressers together, so it made sense that they were saved. My mother did not seem interested in the keys. I looked at a tall wooden dresser, which was to the southeast of me. It was nicely polished and had a drawer that arched a little of the front. I could see the key hole on the top of the top drawer. We had several dressers like this, and i thought that we probably now had keys for many of them. My mother did not seem concerned. My grandmother seemed to be to the northeast of me. I shrugged and walked back to the south, passing through a doorway into a small room. Just as i passed through the doorway, i bumped into a tall lamp, which was standing on the western side of the doorway. The lamp had a tall brass pole and a square white lampshade. I started to move it to the east, to get it out of the doorway, but i realized that it was plugged in to the west. I had to step down to get into this room, so if i did move it to the east, the chord would have run under step, and people would not have much of a chance to trip over it. I knew that my mother did not like the lamp on the eastern side, so i moved it back to the west. A pale cushioned chair was to the west, though, so i did not have room to push the lamp all the way out of the doorway. I just left it and started to the south. A dresser was in the middle of the small square room, facing west. It was wood, and i noticed the keyhole in the upper drawer. I crossed the room and exited through the doorway in the southern end of the western wall. A stairwell was to the west, and the stairs ascended the narrow corridor to the north. I then entered the upstairs room, having ascended the stairs. I stopped just inside the doorway, thinking about the keys and what else could have been hidden in my grandfather’s house. I glanced at a small opening in the wall to the west of the doorway i had entered through. The ceiling sloped down steeply from the doorway and ended less than a meter from the floor on the western wall. I started to the east, but i realized that i had something in my left hand. I looked at it to see that it as a U-shaped section of molding. I had pulled the frame of molding off of the small opening. I looked at the opening. It seemed to have an air conditioner in the middle of it. I could now see the bare sheetrock that was around the edges of the opening. The wall had been painted light blue, but the edges of the plasterboard were still white where the molding had covered them. I put the molding back over the opening, seeming to hang it over the square hole. I then turned and headed back to the east, across the upper room where i had found the keys. I was thinking about what else might be in the house.

12020 October 26

I stood just to the northwest of the doorway. I had come from the north and stopped there. The door was open, and a man and a woman were standing on the other side. They were supposed to be my parents, but they did not look like my parents. The man was tall and thin, with a rounded bald head and a narrow face. He scowled at me as he reached out with his left had and grabbed my right forearm. He was trying to stop me from doing something. I pulled my arm back, annoyed with him. He had tried to keep me from doing something, and i was upset with him. The woman, who stood to the east of him, seemed distressed by the situation. She started moving toward me. It seemed that she wanted to comfort me. She was short and thin, with puffy chin-length hair. I did not understand why these people were so concerned about me. I felt very out of place here.

I was sleeping on the bed in the northern part of the house. The bed seemed to be against the northern wall of the room. Someone entered the room from the west, and i moved to the east of the bed as they came in. I felt confused and not quite awake. A man was sleeping near me on the bed, and it seemed as though i should not have been in this bed. I became fully awake as the man to the west of me said something. I felt very uncomfortable, and i stood up to leave the room. I was not sure what i was doing here. I paced around the house, trying to figure out where i should go. I entered into the eastern side of a room on the southwestern side of the house. Soft low couches were against the southern wall to the southwest of me. I had to find a place to sleep, but sleeping bags were on the couches, so someone else was already sleeping there. I was not sure what i should do.

I drove the car to the north along the street, which seemed to be on the eastern side of the small city. The car started accelerating oddly, and i had to step on the brake to slow it down. As i let go of the brake, though, the car started accelerating again in spurts. I could not keep the speed constant as i drove. I felt concerned and complained to my mother, who was in the passenger’s seat to the east of me. I focused on the speed of the car to see if i could control it better. I drove back and forth on the north-to-south road, trying to get the speed correct. On the northern end of the street, i turned to the west onto another road. My mother was out of the car now, somewhere to the south, and i started driving west. I started slowly, and the car seemed normal, but it again started accelerating faster than i was telling it to go. I told my mother that it started out fine but then accelerated at a certain point. I tried to figure out what was going wrong. I wondered what i could do about it.

12020 October 27

I moved to the west a little in the room, noticing the round hole in the glass window to the north of me. Something had broken through the window, and i thought that it was a bullet of some kind. It seemed like a large bullet. I felt worried, and i walked to the west, trying to figure out what to do. I looked out the window, trying to see if i could see anyone there. I did not want them to see that i was in the room, though, so i tried to stay low. I could only see the green leafs of the trees outside. I moved to the west, trying to get out of the view of the window. I felt worried that someone was trying to shoot at me. I crossed to the southwest and passed through a doorway in the western end of the southern wall, coming into a second long room. This room seemed to run parallel to the room that i had been in. It had windows in the southern wall, and i wondered if i could see who had been shooting into the house from them. I started to the east, walking close to the southern wall. I then realized that the northern wall was made of large windows. The multipane windows were in wooden frames and ran from the ceiling to the floor. Thick square columns of wall separated the different windows. I could see the window with the hole in it to the northeast of me, and i was surprised to see it here. I moved to the south of it, thinking that i could align the hole with something and see from what trajectory the bullet came. I stayed near the southern wall, but stood tall and then crouched down to try to figure out the trajectory. I then realized that someone was to the east of me. I looked to the east, seeing a man just in view around the eastern end of the southern wall. The eastern end of the room was open to the outside, and the man was standing in the sunlight outside. He seemed to be talking to someone to the south of him, but he turned and looked into the house. I moved against the southern wall, but i was still in his range of sight. I wondered if he could see me. I felt nervous, thinking that he might be one of the people shooting at the house. I stood still, wondering if he could see me in the shadows of the room. He kept staring in my direction, so i did not move. I wondered what to do. I then looked to the north again, again considering the trajectory of the bullet.

12020 October 30

I looked at the drawing that was in my left hand. It was on a dark-gray piece of paper, and the drawing was more like a scribble. It clearly formed the shape of a rabbit in the center of the paper, though. The paper was taller than it was wide, and i realized that a word was written along the top of the paper in a scribbled handwriting. I read the word, but could not quite make it out. $Z was to the west of me, and i sounded out the parts of the word to him. I looked back at the rabbit. It had a tall right ear and a bend left ear. It was facing slightly to its left in the picture. The nose was a scribble of lines, and it was hard to distinguish the facial features. I looked back at the word. It started with an S, and i read out the word a “salacious”. It seemed a strange word to have at the top of the paper. I said something to $Z about it, and then i took another drink of the red wine, which was in a glass in my right hand. The wide had a very rich flavor, and i liked it. I told the other person that the wine was very good. I wondered if there was any more. I looked up to the east to see the clear glass bottle on the table near me. It had a clear liquid in it now, and i could see sediments swirling around the sides of the glass. Someone had refilled the bottle with water, and the sediments were minerals from the sides of the kettle. I wanted more of the wine, but i decided that i would be okay drinking water now. I would need some before the end of the evening. I looked down slightly, noticing the short man standing to the east of me. He was a cartoon character, with an unnaturally short body and a large squat head with a long nose. The man seemed to be wearing slacks that had a sharp crease in them. He took a step to the south, holding the glass of water in his left hand. Others were around him, but i could not see them. A blue flake was floating in the man’s water glass. It looked like a small fleck of blue plastic or latex. The man and the others drank some of the water from their glasses. Something about this seemed very strange. I thought that the others had poisoned their glasses of water. They were all committing suicide, but the man did not know about the danger of the water as he drank. The area around the man was now white, and he was standing in the emptiness. I felt concerned that he was dying here. This emptiness of white was some kind of delusion of the drug that they had taken. The man took a step to the south and stopped. A blue paper-like object floated in from the north, passing over the man’s head and tumbling around in front of him. I realized that this was the blue paper from his glass. I knew that it would save him. The others had not predicted that it would be here. I felt hopeful that the man would be saved. The man stepped forward, stepping onto the blue fleck as it hovered in front of him. I felt good that he was saved from this place. The scene then changed a little, and the man was standing on the northern side of the area. The background now seemed to be pale brown or gray. A large cartoonish face of an older woman was in the middle of the scene, and the man was now standing as if in a doorway on the left. A second woman was to the south, on the right of the scene. The woman in the center took up most of the frame, and she had wrinkled rolls of skin on her face. Her flowered dress had the same rolled styling. The woman almost seemed to be drawn in black and white, but the edges of her face and dress seemed shaded with gray. She had been talking to the woman to the south, who was smaller and seemed to be farther back in the shot. The woman in front was only seen from the abdomen up. She had a long angular pointed nose. The man on the left said something to the woman. He was her ex-husband. He spoke with a dazed smile, still holding out his glass in his left hand. The woman turned her head in cartoon abruptness and squinted at him. She seemed annoyed by his presence. The man comically said hello, as if trying to seduce her. She glared at him and then turned to exchange a glance with her female friend on the right. The rolled their eyes together.

I was in the upstairs hall of the large building, which seemed like a college building. I headed to the north down the hall, which seemed to be on the eastern side of the building. I was looking for someplace to eat, and i thought that the college cafeteria on the northern side of the building should be open. I followed the curve of the hallway as it turned east. The hall was wider on the northern side of the building, and i could see a double doorway in the northern wall. I thought that this doorway led into the cafeteria. I thought of $F71, wondering if he wanted to join me. I looked at the doorway, noticing the line of people that extended to the east. The line seemed fairly long, and the people were spaced out from one another so that they could remain socially distant. I continued walking to the east, down the hallway. This building seemed like an old shopping center. Most of the stores seemed closed. The hallways had wooden paneling, but everything seemed worn and used, as though this were an old school building that had been repurposed for a shopping center. The halls were narrow on the eastern end, and the lights were not that bright. The rooms on the southern side of the hall seemed darkened. I stopped near the end of the hallway and started heading back to the west. As i walked back to the west, i felt that this place was new to me. It seemed as though i was new to this town, but that did not really make sense. I then wondered how the stores had come to this place. I did not remember this place from before. The stores on the southern side of the hallway had large windows that filled most of the southern wall. The lower part of the wall was wood, for about a meter from the floor. The rest of the wall was glass, with thin wooden supports here and there. The stores should have had displays in the windows, but most of them seemed closed. The one just to the southwest of me now had a large dark mustard-yellow curtain over the window. The place seemed to have been closed. Something about the closed stores seemed sad. I looked into the window of the next store to the west. This window had more crossbeams in it, forming smaller panes. I could see a cello on a stand just inside the window. Several other smaller concert string instruments were nearby. I then saw the wooden chairs in the middle of the room. The chairs were made of thick pieces of wood, with rounded posts and square feet and tops. The chairs were painted yellowish-white, and the paint seemed worn and scraped here and there. The chairs were set up in rows and columns, forming an audience that faced north, toward the collection of instruments. This must have been a small concert space, but it was now empty because of the pandemic. This place seemed like a room where people would be taught to play, but it had been abandoned. I was then aware that a woman had stepped out of a store to the east of me and was watching me stand in front of the large window. I continued to the west. The hallway opened up to the north, and a large store seemed to be to the north. It had double wooden doors that were closed. I thought that it was an old department store, but it now seemed like an art studio. It was not well kept, and i thought that it would have paint splattered around the walls and floor. People were coming out of the doorway, and they were talking about the art project. I felt interested, and i turned to the north and approached the doorway. I pulled open the door, seeing long wooden tables with metal post legs running north to south in the room. The room was empty, but it seemed like a very interesting place to create art. I wanted to come back when they were holding classes here. I thought that this might be the place where $F71 and i had tickets to take a painting class.

12020 October 31

I held the small object to the north of me, looking at it. It seemed to be something in a rectangular box, though i could not easily make out the sides of the box. The object inside was white and flat, but i knew that the flat white surface was the top of the item, which seemed like a music box. It was shaped somewhat like a grand piano, with a square western end and a rounded eastern end. It had two thin metal poles sticking up on the western side, and one thicker spindle sticking up from the eastern side. The spindle had a carved shape, with several bulb shapes near the bottom and a long bulb on the top that tapered near the bottom. I turned the top of the spindle with my right hand, thinking that it was very nice. This music box had something to do with my grandmother. My grandmother was then to the east of me. I turned and handed her the music box, telling her that it was from Elinor. There was some significance to this gift. I thought about the name, thinking that it was really the long name of $K38. Something about this was important.

I was on the western side of the room in the house. Many people seemed to be gathered in the room for the party, but i did not feel comfortable here. Members of my family were here. Something about the event seemed unsettling. $F79 was standing to the northeast of me now. She smiled at me as if she had been saying something. I felt out of place here. I stood up and walked to the north, passing around something that had been near me. I then headed to the east and turned to the southeast to leave the room through the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. I told someone that i was not really enjoying the party. I wanted to leave. I started wandering around outside. I seemed to be in a courtyard between some low modern buildings with metal features on the outsides. This place seemed to be part of an apartment complex. I was heading east, on the southern side of a long rectangular yard that was between two buildings. The cement sidewalk ran east from where i was, passing along the southern side of the building to the east. Another similar building seemed to be to the south of the building to the east, just down a slight slope. The slope dropped a few meters from the southern side of the sidewalk. I noticed a medical mask handing from the branch of a short tree, which was just down the slope to the southeast of me, between the two buildings. I remembered that i had hung a mask out here a while ago. I thought that i should bring it in. I then remembered that my mother also had a mask here. I wondered if the mask was hers or the one i put out. I remembered that we had put the masks on top of the short wall, which was now on the southern side of the path. I moved to the western end of the wall and looked down the slope, seeing a second mask on the grass among the fallen leafs. I thought that my mask must be the one handing from the tree. My mother’s mask was the one that had been on the back of the wall, which now seemed to be a brown couch. I remembered laying several masks along the top of the couch to air out. It seemed as though they had been here a while, though. I collected several of the paper masks from the top of the couch. Several were white, but a couple seemed to be pale blue or black. I realized that these masks must have been out here a while. They must have been rained on. I decided that they would still be good, though. I walked down the hill and picked up the heavy black mask that was on the ground. I thought that i could clean it and use it again. I wanted to have more masks to use while exercising. I turned over the black mask, noticing that it had a thick gauze filter on the inside. The webbing on the edges of the gauze were pale red, and several dry yellow leafs were in the mask. I dumped out the leafs and shook out the mask. It had been here in the rain, so i would have to clean it well. I thought that other people might think it unsanitary to reuse a mask that had been left out, but i did not want to waste the mask. I thought i could clean it with alcohol. I then turned to the east to grab the mask from the low branch of the tree. A long beaded chord was draped over one of the branches. I thought that it had a mask on the bottom, but i realized that the chord was too long to be used as a mask. The chord also had roughly rectangular beads that were threaded through the center across the short width. They had rounded corners and were pale aqua green and dull mustard gray. I looked down at the bottom of the string, noticing a wooden box made of thin pieces of wood. The wood of the box ran vertically and was bound at the top and bottom by horizontal pieces. The pieces of wood seemed to be about a half centimeter square and a little under a deci long. I realized that the square box was a lantern, and it was supposed to be hung from the tree. I left the lantern on the tree and reached up to remove the white mask, which was farther to the north on the end of the same branch. Having collected the masks, i started walking back to the north. The sidewalk was now on a street, and the intersection had streets that ran east and north. A shop was on the northeastern corner of the intersection, and i could see people inside through a doorway in the southern wall. A red L-shaped counter was in the northeastern corner of the room, taking up most of the restaurant. The man behind the counter called out a name, saying that the order was ready. No one responded. I knew that the order was for the people i had been with at the party. They lived diagonally across the northern street from the restaurant, to the northwest of the restaurant. The man called the name again, asking if anyone was here for the order. A young boy was standing to the west of the counter, and an older person was standing near him. The man behind the counter asked the boy what order he was waiting for. The boy gave his name, but then added with disappointment that the order had probably been thrown out. I felt sad for the boy, thinking that his order was discarded because he had been late and the name was not significant enough. I stopped in the doorway and called to the server, mentioning the name that he had asked about before. I told him that it was the family across the street, and i said that i could take it to them if they wanted. The man did not respond. I sat down to wait for something. The others were to the northwest of me, talking about something. I looked at the bicycle rim that i was holding in my hand. It was about three centimeters thick and had many spokes. A white ribbon hung from the western side of the rim. I thought that it was part of the padding under the inner tube. I turned the rim in my hands as though it were a steering wheel. I felt impatient waiting here.