12021 October 01

I looked at the paper that i was holding in my hands as $A14 said something to the person to the east of me. People were gathered in small groups all around me. I held the people with one hand on either edge and looked at the text. The text was highlighted or printed in different colors of faded ink. The top line was blue, and the second was red. The colors seemed to alternate all the way down the page, with yellow as another color. I then looked up as $A14 approached me. His right hand was holding the upper arm of a second man as he leaded the other man to me. $A14 motioned to me with his left hand and started talking about me to the other man. He smiled as he told the man how famous i was. This seemed strange, because i knew that i was not well known. I thought that he should have been talking about how good a job i had done for him.

12021 October 02

I was in the rectangular room on the eastern side of the building, doing something. This room seemed like my bedroom in the apartment at $P2. I was doing something near the northern wall. I turned and headed to the west. I thought that i had to meet someone somewhere. I walked to the south, along the eastern wall. Near the southern end of the area, i stopped and looked back to the north. I was on a street that curved from the north to the west. The buildings to the east of me seemed to be old brick or stone apartment buildings. I looked back to the north. People were still walking from the north down the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. I stood on the corner as the people walked around me and headed west, along the southern side of the street. They seemed to be going to an event. They were dressed in plain shades of gray or dull browns with some in white shirts. A woman uneasily eyed me as she approached. As the small group of four or five people passed me, one of the men started talking about me. I realized that i seemed out of place among these people. I was not wearing the same kind of clothing as they were. I had simply been standing here waiting for someone to come. The man told the others something, and i wondered if he was still talking about me. I started walking to the west. As i did, i was aware that i was not wearing any shoes. This would seem out of place to the others. I walked along the thick planks that were the benches on the edge of the street. The others had seated themselves to the west of me on the benches. I walked slowly toward them, stepping carefully. I then realized that i could not continued on the bench, so i stepped down to the south and walked along the cement sidewalk. The bleachers were set up along the western side of the area, facing east. I stepped up onto the lowest bench and walked along it to the north. My mother was in the audience to the west, and i was supposed to join her for the show. As i reached the northern end of the bleachers, i could see some of my relatives sitting in the bleachers just above me, to the west. My father was sitting among several other people, with no space around him. My mother was one row behind him. A large man in a white short-sleeve button-up shirt with small blue flowers sat to the north of her. She had an open seat to the south of her, and she motioned for me to sit there. I walked along the northern edge of the bleachers until i had reached the correct row. A set of crude steps led up to the bleacher that my mother was on. Small metal tabs that stuck out from the surface to the north formed the steps. I started up them, aware of my bare feet, but i had to stop only a few steps up. A woman was trying to ascend ahead of me, and she stopped suddenly on the steps. I waited for her to start moving again.

12021 October 05

I lifted up the tray of food to the north of me and turned to the northwest. I had been speaking with my relatives in the large room, which seemed like a cafeteria or lodge. I felt frustrated and upset about something. My relatives were telling me something about the food, and i thought that the food was not what i had wanted to make. I had been making things here. $K3 and $K1 seemed to be to the south of me, and my mother was somewhere to the east. I turned to the west with the metal chaffing dish of food. I did not want to be here, but i felt that i should continue making food. I thought that it was my birthday, and i had wanted to make food for others to enjoy. My family did not seem interested, though. I walked to the west, exiting the building. I felt a little distressed and unhappy. It was dark outside, and i moved to the north of a van, which was parked to the south of the building, facing east.

12021 October 06

I hurried down the stairs, heading east. I had been in the basement rooms before, and i felt that i had to hide there at the moment. The basement seemed small, dingy, and poorly lighted. The stairs ended in a small area, with a cement wall just to the east. The wall to the north seemed to be painted red. A doorway to the north led into a room that stretched the length of the basement, which did not seem to be much more than the length of the staircase. The room was narrow north to south, and i remembered that it had wooden shelfs along the southern wall. I had been in there before, and i remembered hiding from someone who had come down the stairs. I thought that i would have to hide from someone again so that they did not know that i was in the basement. $A14 seemed to be to the south of me, in another small room. I had been talking with him. A narrow corridor ran to the west along the southern side of the stairs, and two or three small cubical rooms were to the south of it. Another room seemed to be at the western end of the corridor. Someone was coming to the top of the stairs. I said something to the person to the southeast of me and then headed to the west. I had to stay out of sight. As i stopped near the western end of the corridor, i thought about $A14. I started to go into the room to the west, but i thought that the person coming down the stairs would be heading in that direction. I should hide in the room to the north of the stairs, but i would not be able to sneak back that direction now. I then thought that i could hide in the small dressing room to the south. It had a magenta door that hinged from the west. The door extended across the full width of the room, but only seemed to be about a meter and a half tall. It also seemed to be about a quarter of a meter off the ground. I thought about hiding behind it. The person would not notice as they walked in and out of the western room.

I had been in the small rectangular room in the center of the building with some other people, but i was now standing in a corridor to the south of the room, just outside the door. The door seemed to be in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room. My room was to the southeast. I had been sleeping in a small bedroom of this house for a while. I felt uneasy, and i walked to the southwest into the room. It seemed like i was returning after being gone for a while. Someone was to the west of me in the hallway. I had some trouble seeing in the room, and i tried to turn on a switch to the lights. The switch was on the northern wall of the room, just to the west of the door i entered. The lights did not work. I wondered if the power was out. I walked into the room. A window was directly to the south of me. It was night time out, and dim light from somewhere outside illuminated some of the features of the room. I walked around carefully, making a loop around the walls of the room. I tried a few different lights to see if they would turn on. Someone else was then in the room with me, on the eastern side. I said something to the person as i moved back toward the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. The lights in the room did not seem to work, and i wondered if it was a bulb or if the power was out. I had tried turning on a lamp that was on a surface in the center of the eastern wall, but it did not work. As i started back out the door, i looked at the lamp to the south of me. It seemed like a floor lamp with a tall hooked top. I could see the elongated light bulb sticking out the bottom of a small cylinder. The bulb looked like a coiled light bulb, but it was only about three or four centimeters wide. I wondered if it was burned out. I walked to the west in the hallway. Someone was again to the east of me, talking to me. I said something to the person as i stood in the small room at the front of the house. I now seemed to be on the lower floor of the house. I looked to the east, out a window. I could see the front of the house. A sign of illuminated letters was above the second floor, but the western end of the sign was dark. I could only see the letters of the eastern side. I knew that this sign was just above the room that i was sleeping in, and i wondered if power was out to only part of the building. The western end of my bedroom would be without power, but the rest of the house should be fine. I wondered how we could turn the power back on, and i wondered if it was a broken wire somewhere. The person to the west of me then started talking about the light from the room. He said that he was not able to sleep. I knew that he was in the dormitory with me before. The dormitory was the room in the center of the house. The light from the small bedroom must have been shining in through the door in the eastern end of the dormitory. It probably woke the man. I thought that it did not bother me because i was wearing a hat on my head, and i had pulled it down over my eyes when i was sleeping.

12021 October 08

I said something to the person to the south of me as i continued to drive to the west. I used to travel this road quite a lot, but i had not been back here in a while. I was driving home to a place where i used to live. We passed through a small town and would have to head southwest to get home. I was driving from the passenger’s seat of the car, and $Z was in the driver’s seat. As the road curved to the southwest, i noticed the road signs to the northwest of me. They were long narrow signs with white letters on black backgrounds. One of them seemed to point to the original road, and another mentioned the alternate version of the road. As we rounded the corner, i could see a second main road head off to the west. I thought that they must have builded an alternate route that ran along the northern side of the lake. As we turned, i could see the lake to the west of us. I then realized that the road to the south had water over it. We were already making the turn, and i noticed that i was a little too far to the west. I felt tense as i steered the car back into the lane. I heard the wheels hit the shallow water. The road ran straight for about a hundred meters, and the water of the lake had just started to wash over the western lanes of the road. I easily crossed the length of road, and i started focusing on the road signs on the other side. Instead of just heading to the southwest. The road continued to the south-southeast. An exit turned off sharply to the southwest, cutting between some white cliffs. I turned quickly down the road, but another road seemed to turn off to the west. I thought that i probably should have taken that road. I felt confused. I could not read the road signs quickly enough. I was traveling down a road that seemed to run down a narrow channel in the rocky ground. I thought that this was probably not the correct road. I then noticed the green road tags on the side of the road. I tried to read them, thinking that i should be on Route 32. I could not see the numbers on the tags, though. The weeds along the edge of the road moved quickly past us, and i noticed that we were passing quite a few road tags. I wondered if there were so many because the intersection was new and somewhat confusing. I tried to focus on the tags as they passed, trying to read the number at the top. I finally saw one that said that we were on Route 15. This confirmed that i should have made a second turn to head to the west at the last intersection.

12021 October 09

I walked to the west, down the central hall of the large building. The hall was very wide and had a tall ceiling. I stepped through a doorway, thinking that i had to get to someplace. I thought that i was looking for Gray Hall. I stopped just outside the door, in a breezeway between two buildings. I said something about Gray Hall as i looked to the south. A stone archway with decorative floral details near the top framed the grassy lawn to the south. Someone, who had walked with me through the door to the east, stopped on the stone step just before the door to the building to the west of me. A man was standing, silhouetted in the light of the archway. It was a gray day outside, but the light was bright. I could see the old stone buildings along the southern side of the quadrangle thought the archway. I suddenly realized that the man standing in the archway was $A821. I wondered if he thought i was talking about him when i mentioned the name of the building that i was looking for. I stood for a moment in the center of the small dimly lighted area, wondering where i should go. I felt that i had to get to a class, and i thought that i should head south to the building across the way. I took a few steps to the south, stopping just to the northeast of $A821. He was facing the other way, so i did not say anything to him. As he turned around, though, i greeted him as if i had just realized who he was. I said hello, referring to him by his last name. I then corrected myself, adding the title of “Coach” to his name. I congratulated him for taking over the coaching position of the team, and i asked him something about the season. I then wondered if the competition season had actually started yet. He smiled politely and greeted me. He then said that he knew who i was. He seemed older, with vertical folds of skin on the sides of his face. We spoke about the team, but i felt a little awkward, not quite sure what to say to him. I tried to say simple positive things about the team. He just stared at me as he replied. I wished him well, and he mentioned that wrestling practice was a very hard thing to do. I agreed with him. I then added that any competitive sport was hard to train for. I glanced to the south at the buildings, thinking that i should head to the buildings to get to the place that i needed to get to. Two young men then came from the northwest. One of them seemed to have been the man who was at the door to the western building. They seemed to be wearing heavier coats, and one of the jackets had a patch of red on the right chest. The two pointed at me, joking about something. I thought that they were pretending to pick on me for something, so i told them to stop. They seemed to be members of the wrestling team, and i did not want them playing jokes on me at the moment. I told $A821 that all the competitive sports i had done had been very hard to do. I said that it was just the nature of the game. $A821 glanced to the southeast, moving close to me. He said “Ithaca Gay Alliance”. I was not quite sure what he was referring to, and i looked to the southeast across the quadrangle. I then started walking to the southwest, down a path that crossed the quadrangle. I wondered if $A821 had thought that i was homosexual. I did not understand the reference to the homosexual organization. I thought about this as i looked at the bank of snow that was on the western side of the path. I ran my right hand through the snow and gathered a bunch in my palm. I squeezed it into a small snowball as i reached the road that ran along the southern side of the area. I looked at the city apartment houses as i crossed the street. They were three or four stories tall. I had to head to the office that was in a corner of the building. As i crossed the street, the street turned from the east to the northwest, making a small jog to the north before returning to the west. I had thought that the doctor’s office was here, but i did not recognize the small gray stone building to the southwest of me. It looked like a small two-story house, with white trim and a light-colored roof. To the south of me was a shopping cart, with a long red stick on the top of it. Something about the red pole seemed interesting. It was about two or three centimeters thick and hollow, and it had a black tube crossing the far end. I thought that the short black tube, which stuck out from the main pole about two centimeters and was about four or five centimeters around, was used for producing bubbles. I picked up the stick to look at it, thinking that i could use it for something. I was then aware that one of the men from the hall might have followed me across the quadrangle. I felt suspicious of them, wondering if they were still trying to play pranks on me. I put the long pole back down across the top of the shopping cart. The metal cart was standing against a plain brick wall, which was to the south-southeast of me. The wall was painted gray, and it was the side wall of a building to the east. The wall ran along an alley, which headed to the southwest. The shopping cart seemed to be full of new items, so i thought that someone might have purchased them a the store, which seemed to be down the alley, just out of site on the northern side. It seemed like an old five-and-dime store. I looked again at the small house to the west of me. It was not the office that i was looking for. I knew that the office was in a small corner on the side of the street. I started walking to the east, looking to see if the houses turned in such a way that might form the corner that i was looking for. I could not see a corner. I thought that it was probably down the street to the west of me. After a few steps to the east, i turned back around and looked to the west. I stepped to the north a little, into the street to see if i could spot the corner of the houses farther down the road.

12021 October 10

I talked with $F7 about the trail that we were setting for $G4. The others had already started setting the first part of the trail, and we were supposed to set the second part. It was a bright sunny day, and we were in a forested area. We seemed to be on the southern side of a large forest. We seemed to be in a valley, with hills sloping up to the east and west. $F7 said that we would have to drive to the second part of the trail, so we started moving to the west. I knew that the road ran northwest around the western side of the park, which seemed like an elongated area up the center of the valley. $F47 seemed to be one of the people setting the fist part of the trail. I looked at a map, noticing that the trail would end up at a small parking area on the southwestern part of the forest. We drove into a slight dip in the road, heading west. Just before the dip, a clearly worn dirt trail ran to the north from the road. A small wooden plank bridge crossed the ditch on the northern side of the road and met the trail, which crossed through a small grassy area before heading into the dense green forest. I commented that we could set from here, but i knew that we would be setting from a parking area a little farther up. The road on the other side of the dip sloped up steeply and curved to the northwest. I thought that $F7 and i would start at the parking area and set the trail back to the beginning. I then thought that the others were already running the trail. I spoke to $F7 about the trail as we drove. I then realized that i would need all of my things if we were going to be running the trail ahead of the others. I told him that i had left something back at my car. We were driving north, and the sun was very bright from the western sky. As we turned to the east into a parking area, i realized that i had not brought my socks with me. I felt annoyed. I had only brought what we needed to set the trail. I had not brought the correct clothing to run a trail. $F7 asked me what i wanted to do, and i told him that i would work with what i had with me. I thought that i could run without socks. I did have my sneakers with me. I then thought that the shoes were not really sneakers. They were my brown loafers. I thought people would find it funny that i had run the trail in loafers. As i got out of the car and moved to the west, toward the rear of the car, i asked $F7 if he had brought flour. I realized that i did not have any. As i opened the back door on the passenger’s side of the car, i realized that i was a little chilly. I had also not brought a heavier shirt with me. I reached into the back of the car to get things to set trail, though, and i realized that i had my windbreaker with me. I mentioned that i could put that on. I then wondered where we would be setting. I looked at the map. The white map showed the forest in the center of it, and the black lines around the outside of the forest showed roads. The other black lines that crossed through the forest were the hiking trails. We now seemed to be near the top of the map, on the northwestern side of the forest. We had been driving for quite a way. I suddenly realized that we were very far from the beginning of the run. My eyes followed the black line as it curved around the western side of the map. A little below halfway down, i noticed a dark gray area that represented a town. I remembered driving through the town. I remembered houses on the sides of the road, and i clearly remembered an old diner that had been to the west of the road. We drove past the diner, and the road curved to the northeast a little just past it. The diner seemed to be in a gravel parking lot, with a creek just to the west of it. Just past the diner, a road ran to the west, crossing an old metal bridge over the creek. We had passed the town a while ago. I realized that we had been driving for quite a while, and we really were a long way from the start of the run. I looked at the trails on the map. A wide trail of black dots that were backed with a light shade of gray ran mostly straight from the area at the southern tip of the park to the parking area near the western side of the northern tip, where we were now. This line seemed to mark a right-of-way, and i thought that the runners must have taken that part of trail. We would have to set on the forested trails that ran down the western side of the forest to get the runners back to their cars. It seemed like a long way to go. It was chilly out, and i realized that it was getting late. The others would have taken a long time to run the trails to this point. I thought that they were not yet here, and i wondered if they would be here shortly. I looked to the west. Some other people were getting things from their car in the large paved parking lot. The other car was to the northwest of us, and a man stood near the rear of it, to the east of it. The sun was shining brightly through the trees to the west. IT was very low in the sky, and it seemed close enough to the horizon that there would only be an hour of sunlight left in the day. I told $F7 that it would be dark soon, and i knew that we could not run the trails in the dark. We might have been able to run down the right-of-way, but it would be too hard for the others to run in the forest in the dark. I told him that we had to end the run here. I tried to sound definitive, saying that the run would end here. I then wondered how we would get the others back to the beginning of the run. We had one car here, so we would have to shuttle people back. I thought about this as we moved to the north. A visitor’s center seemed to be on the eastern side of the western end of the parking lot. I talked to $F7 about what we should do. I felt concerned about ending the run. I was worried about the others being out in the dark. It was dark already, and they had not yet come back. I wondered what we should do. I spoke to $F7 in the southern room of the building. Others moved around us, and i started to worry about where the others were. Someone then pointed out the others to the north. I looked down a long corridor that ran along the western side of the building. I could see a line of people walking to the east, across a room at the end of the corridor. The first man had his arms out so that one was in front of him and one was behind him. He wore a costume that looked like a fish, and his arms had square fins on them. Several other people followed him in a line, and they all seemed to be in some kind of costume. I thought that this was part of the run. We would have to tell them that the run was over and that we would have to take them back to the beginning. I headed to the north. The corridor was now closed off with a door, so i pushed it open and entered the narrow room that was the corridor. A woman was running toward me. Just as she started to pass to the west of me, she recognized me, and i recognized her. She had straight blond hair that was cut flat at her chin level. She wore a patterned dress or long coat that seemed to be tweed. She stopped suddenly, looking at me. I remembered talking to her at the beginning of the run. She was not a member of our local running group; she had been a member of another chapter who had come to visit us. I greeted her, and we both walked to the north. The others were sitting around a large room. I asked where $F47 was, thinking that he was the person who set the first part of the trail. I would have to tell them that we needed to end the trail here. I also wanted to know why we had come so far from the beginning of the run. I looked around the northern side o the room. People seemed to be sitting at a low table near the northern wall. I walked to the north of them, looking for the person who had set the first part of trail. A door was in the eastern half of the northern wall. I walked to it, pushing it open to the north and asking someone to the south of me where the people who set trail were. The person seemed to think that the person setting trail was somewhere here, but they did not know where. I realized that someone had headed to the south. I hurried to the south, down the eastern side of the building. I thought that i had to talk to the person who had driven me here before he left. We would need his car to take us back to the beginning. I worried that he had already left, and i felt upset that we would all be here without a car to get us back. The person seemed like $F47 for a moment. I pushed open a door on the southern side of the building and looked at the empty parking spaces along the southern side of the building. I felt annoyed. The person had already left. Someone was standing in the doorway to the north of me as i looked at the empty parking spaces. I wondered what we would do now.

12021 October 12

I sat in the chair, facing east. I was writing something in a notebook that was on my lap. Others around me seemed to be celebrating something at a party, but i was preoccupied with what i was writing. I felt upset about something, and i tried not to pay attention to the others around me. $A649 approached me from the southeast. She seemed to be acting more excited that she was, and she told me that she wanted to party with me. She was trying to get me to overindulge as the others at the party were doing. I felt bad, and i told her that i was not interested in joining the party. She seemed annoyed with me, and she became defensive. She snidely said “Well then you might as well leave.” I felt more annoyed with her, and i realized that i probably should leave. I knew that it would make her regret acting meanly toward me, but i did not care. I glanced at the pink thing that she was holding in her hands, and i closed my notebook and stood up. I headed to the north, looking for my blue bag. I had left it on the floor near the northern wall of the room. I had some trouble finding it. I seemed to be in my parents’ farmhouse, and i was somewhere near the dining room and on the northern side of the back room. My mother seemed to be to the east of me, in the kitchen. I wondered if she would try to stop me from leaving the party. I grabbed the blue bag and headed to the south. My mother stopped me as i started past the western end of the counter, which seemed to be the kitchen counter. She offered me some food. I did not really want any, but i took something from a plate that she offered me. I felt upset, and i continued to the south, walking along the eastern side of the small courtyard or quadrangle. The stone building to the east of me seemed to be part of a college. It seemed to be a modern building, which was built to look like an older building. A doorway was in the building to the south of me. A cement pathway led from the doorway, and short stone walls extended about a meter and a half from the building on either side of the walkway. The walls were about a half meter tall, and they had round metal railings on top of them. The wall ran down a short flight of stairs. I stepped onto the walkway from the north, and a man was to the east of me. I stopped walking, feeling annoyed that i had forgotten something. The man was suddenly standing very close to me. He wore a tan coat that extended below his waist. I remembered the man from before, and i felt annoyed with him. He had been bothersome to me, and he would not leave me alone. I felt that he was interested in me in some way, but i did not want to be near him. He made me uncomfortable. I headed back to the north. I thought that i had the thing i had forgotten, and i was walking back into the hallway that was in the stone building on the northern side of the courtyard. The hall was wide, and many people were moving down it. I had the blue bag slung over my right shoulder. The blue bag was a long tube. It was about two meters long, and it had a black strap attached near the ends. The strap was over my shoulder, and the tube was bent slightly as i carried it. A man followed me into the hall. He seemed to be someone i knew well, and i felt comfortable with him. He pointed out the tube and made a joke about it. I thought that he was referring to the bag as a phallic object. I smiled and made a reference to sausage. I was heading to a wrestling batch, which seemed to be in the large building to the north of me. I was not quite sure where i should go, though. The corridor seemed modern in design, with pale walls. A glass door crossed part of the corridor. I passed through it, noticing a wide opening in the wall to the east. It seemed to lead outside, but i had to head to the stadium to the north. I walked another ten meters or so and exited the corridor into a large room. The room seemed to be a pool room, but the bleachers were to the north of me, so i could not see the pool. I knew that it was just below me to the north, though. I could see people through the metal bleachers. The room beyond seemed to have pale blue walls. I turned to the east, thinking that i had to head back to the south on the eastern side of the room. I walked about ten meters before finding myself at another edge of the pool. Some men in swim suits were sitting on a metal bench to the east of me. I thought that they were members of one of the teams. They had blue suits with matching swim caps. I tried turning to the south, but i realized that i was actually in a smaller area under the metal bench that the team was sitting on. I could see the water to the east of me, and the feet of the men on the bench hung down into the water. I had managed to walk under the bleachers. I felt annoyed, and i tried to back out, but i found that the bleachers were low over my head. I had to be careful as i walked, but i felt frustrated that i could not get to where i wanted to go. I headed back to the south, again walking near the stone building on the eastern side of the quadrangle. I stopped where the alley ran to the east, between the buildings to the east. The man was standing to the east of me, a meter or so down the alley. He was the man who had been bothering me. He stood in the tan jacket, facing north, with his head hunched forward. He shyly smiled at me, and i felt annoyed with him. He spoke to me about something and then walked to the north. He stepped up onto the cement block that was just outside the door. The door was framed with thick wooden molding, which seemed to be painted a dark forest green. I thought that the door led into his apartment. Before he could disappear into the house, i turned and walked back to the west. I felt annoyed with the man and did not want to listen to him anymore. I then realized that i was still holding the man’s watch in my left hand. I thought that i should take it back to him, but i did not want to talk to him anymore. I continued walking to the west. I felt bitter toward the man. I seemed to be wearing a tan jacket that was similar to the man’s. I then heard a buzzing sound. I looked down into the paper bag that was slung over my left shoulder. The buzzing must be from the man’s watch. I thought that an alarm was going off. I felt angry with the man, but i stopped in the corridor. I decided that i had to go back. I looked to the east. I had just walked through a narrow section in the corridor. Brown walls extended from the south, leaving the passageway only about a meter and a half wide. The walls were about two meters apart, and a small compartment seemed to be between them. I started into the compartment, but i noticed a thin man standing on the other side of the compartment. He had started walking into the compartment, but stopped when he saw me entering the western side. He seemed unsure and shy. He had a narrow face, and his features seemed Central Asian. I backed up a step and let him pass through the narrow area. I then felt that i did not really want to head back to the west and deal with the other man. The thin man walked through the passageway, passing me to the south and continuing to the west. I thought about heading back down the corridor to the east. My view was suddenly dark, and i thought about just being back at the stairs without having to walk there. I thought that i could change the story so that i could simply drop off the watch without having to talk to the man. I pictured this idea in my mind, but i could only see a dark grayness. I visualized leaving the watch near the door. I then headed to the west. I had to get back to he stadium, where the match was happening. My parents would be at the stadium, and i had to meet them at the match. I had been with them there before. I walked quickly down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I seemed to be in an area that was in the southern United States. People were walking down the street around me, and the area seemed very wide open, though there were buildings near me. I headed west, down the long wide corridor through the center of the modern building, which seemed to be part of the stadium. I had to get back to the sports area. The walls of the corridor were brick. The corridor seemed to have shops on both sides, and i was not sure where to go. I felt hurried, so i asked someone where the stadium was. I had stopped just before a junction in the corridor, which seemed to have glass doors across it. The doors were now open, though. The man was not sure where the stadium was, but he motioned to the northwest with his arm, telling me that the theaters were in that direction. I looked out the wide opening in the northern side of the corridor. The opening ran for about three meters before ending. I could see the street beyond the opening, and buildings across the street, to the north. A wide set of white steps descended from the building that i was in to the wide sidewalk below. I realized that i had passed the cinemas previously. I thanked the man for pointing them out to me, and i told him that i was not looking for the theaters but that it would do. I remembered that the stadium was to the west of the cinemas. I headed out of the door and turned to the west. I headed down the white stone steps outside the building, thinking that i just had to walk down the sidewalk to get to where i wanted to go.

12021 October 14

We turned to the west and started walking along the southern face of the buildings. I was in the middle of the group of four or five people. I could see four or five other people in an empty room of the building to the northwest of me. They were standing near the window, talking to one another. A small brown dog was on the ground in the middle of the group. I remembered the dog from before. Its name was Toto. I walked slowly with the others as we started to pass the window. There no longer seemed to be any glass in the window, and the room seemed to be open to the outside. The room had dull white cement walls that had marks here and there from wear. I bent over as i passed the dog and said “Hello, Toto.” The dog wagged its tail and ran over to my leg. I bent low enough to let it lick my cheek. It felt good to see the dog again. I then mentioned the dog’s name again as i stood up. I started walking to the west again. The young woman who had owned the dog was to the northeast of me, and she told me that the dog’s name was not Toto. I felt confused. She was a thin woman, with long straight hair. She wore a loose white T-shirt that had stains here and there. I looked at the dog, asking her if she was sure it as not the same dog. The dog had thick dark hair that stuck out over the tips of its ears and nose. It looked more like it was part Chihuahua and part terrier. It now seemed squat as it sat with its back legs down and its chin resting on a white surface, facing southeast. I stared at the dog for a moment. It did not look familiar, but it looked interesting.

12021 October 15

I stood in the small room with the others. We were at a party, and it seemed like i had not seen these people in a while. They seemed to be from $G3. It seemed that we were on a boat, and i visualized the large round red wheel to the southeast of us. It was on the southern side of the boat, and it was supposed to be turning. I thought about how i could inform the man to the southeast of me. He was standing near the southern wall of the room. I had to say something to him that the others could not understand. I thought that i would have to refer to the wheel as a high-frequency thing. I then thought that the man might be The Flash. I would have to say “Not enough high frequency.” That would be a reference to The Flash that the others might not understand. I thought about this for a moment. I then contemplated how i would tell someone. I sat in a seat along the southern wall of the room. The wheel seemed to be to the south of me, on the outside of the wall. It was several stories tall. $A35 was sitting to the west of me. Several other were in the cushioned bus seats to the north of me. $A35 leaned against me, and i asked him if he remembered when i told him about the wheel. He said that he did remember.

I was in the room with the others, and we seemed to be at a party. I felt good here. The others seemed to be people that i knew in high school. We were all a bit older now. It had been a long time since i had seen these people. I was having a good time here. I turned to the west and walked into the other room. I was in a small compartment, which seemed like a shower stall. I stood on the western side of the stall, thinking about something. It seemed i had been here for a moment. I thought about the people in the party to the east. I stood up and combed the fingers of my left hand through my hair. I remembered that i had gotten a strange haircut. The woman at the barber asked me if i wanted a mohawk, but i told her that i did not want something as different. I knew that i had cut my hair in a very similar fashion, though. I looked in the mirror that was on the northern wall of the room. The black hair in the center of my head was long and fuzzy. It formed a line down the center of my scalp. Around the base of it was a dark patch of short hair. The sides of my head were shaved. I turned my head to the west to see the side of my head. I liked the way the haircut looked. My skin seemed darker than normal, and i pictured myself with African features. I liked the haircut, and i thought that the others i knew from high school would think that it was quite different that how i had dressed. I remembered dancing in the room, and i thought that i would seem different to these people. I would seem more social now that i had in high school. I headed to the east, opening the metal door to the shower stall, which was in the southern end of the eastern wall of the stall. I was now in a bathroom. A toilet was just to the north of the door of the shower, facing east. I moved around in the room, wondering what i should be doing. I had to get back out to the others. Something had changed, though. I looked back to the west, noticing that several turds were on the ground to the east of the toilet. I realized that someone had overflowed the toilet while i was in the booth to the west. I had not heard someone in the bathroom while i was in the shower stall. I thought that i must have fallen asleep in the stall. I wondered how this could have happened. I had to do something in the bathroom before i could head back to the other room. I stepped to the east, noticing the mess on the floor of the small compartment to the south. A small red fire extinguisher was still on its side in the center of the room, near the small pile of garbage that the others had spilled. Something had happened in the room, and i wondered how i had sleeped through it. I noticed a thin wisp of white mist rising from the nozzle of the fire extinguisher. I thought that the others must have sprayed the garbage for some reason. It did not make sense. I wondered what i should do. I then realized that i must have been asleep for a while in the stall. The others must have been making a lot of noise. I then wondered if they had known i was in there. I thought that they might have taken pictures of me asleep on the toilet to the west. I felt annoyed with them. I had to do something, but i was not sure what i should do.

12021 October 16

I hurried out of the building, heading to the south, into the small courtyard. I felt that i should not be in this area, and i was trying to get out without being seen. An elevated train track ran along the northern side of the courtyard. It seemed to be about a meter and a half off the ground, mounted on a wide thick cement platform that flared out from the ground. A train was on the eastern side of the tracks, facing west. On the western side of the courtyard, the tracks sloped down from the platform and curved to the northwest, heading toward a tunnel in the gray wall of the building. The front of the train car seemed to be stuck in the curve of the tracks. I passed over the tracks to get to the center of the courtyard, and i pushed the train to the west, thinking that i could get it unstuck. It started rolling slowly to the west. I was surprised that i was able to move it so easily. I then realized that it would make a loud noise when it ran into the building to the west. I quickly climbed over the tracks, heading south. I quickly looked at the other train cars to the east of me, making sure that they were not rolling toward me as i walked across the tracks. To the southeast of me, on the southern side of the elevated track was a series of round tube-like things. They looked like large tires on the ground. They stood almost as tall as the tracks, and they were about two meters in diameter, but the rubber rim was only about a half meter wide. I thought that they might actually be large fans in metal casings, but they did look more like tires. I hopped from the rail platform onto the rim of one of the round objects. I started running around the rims and hopping from tire to tire. They were now to the north of the tracks, and i was heading west, across the courtyard. I had to get out of this place. As i hopped over the tires, i noticed that some of them had metal ridges on the metal. The ridges spiraled radially across the outer rims. I hoped that no one noticed me. I thought that many windows were in the walls of the building around the courtyard. I then thought that someone was watching me from a window high up on the western wall. I reached the westernmost tire and jumped to the western wall. When i looked back, i could see the large rounded laboratory chamber. It had smooth gray cement walls, and the walls curved at the bottoms to meet the round floor. The room seemed like a large tank. I felt that i had to leave this place, but i could not easily see how to get out. Windows were on the southwestern curve of the wall and in the ceiling. The widows in the ceiling seemed to let daylight in. The ceiling had straight parallel braces running across the panes of glass. It looked somewhat like a cockpit canopy. I wondered where the exit was. I knew that there had to be one. I remembered that there were sinks and other lab equipment on the floor below me, so i knew that there must be some way into the room for people to get to the equipment. I thought that it would be at the level of the floor. I now noticed a rounded hatch in the middle of the northern wall. It was a white metal door that looked like a ship hatch. I jumped down to the door and opened it, exiting the laboratory and entering the hallway of the building. I ran to the west down the hall. I recognized this building. It was a college building that i had been in before. I hoped that none of the people here noticed that i did not really belong here. I thought that this laboratory building was supposed to be secure. I passed a long corridor, which ran to the north from where i was. I looked down the hall, which was only lighted from the far end. I thought that it might be the best way out of the building. I had passed it, though, and i came into a large atrium. I was on an upper level of the atrium, on a balcony on the northern side. The hallway ran to the east of me, and i could see another corridor running to the north from the western side of the atrium. I thought that we could head for that. I was now with a young man. He was to the west of me on the landing, and he seemed like $A822. Someone then asked why we were here. I felt nervous, but i did not want to talk to the person asking the questions. The man near us asked $A822 for his identification. I felt defensive, and i quickly said that he had left his identification in the car. I then wondered if the man would ask for mine. I thought that i could say “Why would i need it?”, but i realized that i would have needed the magnetic identification cards to open the doors of the building. I quickly headed to the west with the young man. It felt good to be with him. We ran across the grassy field. I thought that the other person would not follow us across the field. We were also able to run, and i thought that he might not be a runner. We turned to the northwest and headed up the hill on the northern side of the open field. The hill was about five meters tall. At the top, a line of trees grew closely together. We passed through the trees, continuing to the northwest in another open area. I thought that we could continue to jog up the hill to the northwest, which would make it harder for the others to follow us.

I had a list of things that i was trying to arrange. I held the list to the north of me as i read the items on it. I had already done the first item, and i would have to work on the other items. I felt a little frustrated that i could not quite make out the list, and i felt hurried to get the things done. My mother was on the eastern side of the room, to the northeast of me, and i talked to her about the list. I said that i would start the rest of it soon.

I was putting the small model tank together on the table to the south of me. The tank seemed to be part of an advertisement that i was setting up. It seemed like a Sherman tank, with thick treads on the bottom. I turned the tank in my hands as i looked it over. Someone mentioned that we would like the sounds. This seemed like a strange comment, but i thought that the model must make noise when it was running. I moved the model, which seemed to be made of lead.

12021 October 17

I looked to the north, down the length of the channel. I was standing just to the west of it, and it ran north-northeast. It was a square duct, and the liquid moving down it was black. The liquid seemed to be moving rather fast. The boy was talking near me, and he stepped into the channel. I was concerned that he would be washed away, and i told the others to the west that he should be taken out before he gets caught on the northern end of the channel. I then turned to the west. Two people were lying on the ground with their weight propped onto their elbows. I told them something about the water, and we started talking. The young woman to the west of me seemed interested. She had a plain face, with no makeup, and her arms seemed rather thin.

12021 October 18

I stayed at the southern end of the large chamber as the man walked to the north, up the center of the room. The room seemed like the chapel of a church, but there were no seats. A balcony did seem to be over the northern wall of the room. As the man disappeared through the doorway in the center of the northern wall, i turned to the west. I seemed to be walking down a roped corridor. I thought about Christmas, and i felt suddenly anxious and upset. My chest started to feel tense with anxiety as i thought about doing something again. I did not want to think about these things again. I looked to the west, seeing stars on a dark-blue background. They were designs that seemed to have to do with the calendar. I continued to the west, feeling very upset and not knowing what to do. I passed through the opening, which seemed to be between a wall to the north and a set of shelfs to the south. I glanced at the shelfs as i passed, noticing a small white box at about my chest level. The shelfs of the wooden case seemed to be filled with used books and other things for sale. I recognized the design on the box as an old video game. The rounded thick lettering looked like the type that Atari used on their old packaging, but the white background with colored illustrations and stripes of color reminded me of something from an old Apple package. The word across the front of the box seemed to say “Pong”, but i knew that it as an old racing game. As i moved to the northwest of the box, i realized that the shape of the box probably meant that the video game was stored on old cassette tapes. I remembered when they would have to be loaded onto a computer. I picked up the box and looked it over. It seemed interesting. I then noticed that several other boxes of similar design were on the shelf. They must all be tape-cassette games. I wondered how old they were. I thought that the games must be from the early 1980s if they were still on cassette. I picked up a box and tried to read the type. It seemed very small, but i could see where the date should be. A small section of type on the side of the box seemed to list several dates. I thought that they were the release dates of the different versions. I knew that i would want the first line, but i was unable to read the date. I focused on it, thinking that it would not be easy to read something in a dream because the type would keep changing. I focused on the date, thinking that it should be early 1980s or late 1970s. I focused on the small section of text that i thought should have been the date, but i could not read it. It seemed too blurry and uncertain. I finally turned to the west and continued walking across the yard. It seemed cold out, and there was damp packed snow on the ground. A small stream seemed to run along the southern side of the yard, just to the south of me. I passed a small shed and turned north. My van was parked in the driveway, and i thought that i would have to leave in it. A small one-level house was to the northwest of me. It seemed to be yellow, with a wide sloping roof. I walked up the driveway that ran along the eastern side of it. A an old car was parked in the driveway just to the east of the house. It seemed like an early eighties American car, with a ridged fender on the western side of the front hood. I thought that i would have to ask $A604 to move the car. It seemed to be his car, and i thought that the house to the west was where he and $A532 lived. I walked down the eastern side of the car, but the snow seemed deeper her. I had to walk in the narrow tire track than was just to the east of the car. As i passed the middle of the car, it seemed that i was squeezing between the car and something else. I passed the car and stopped on the northern side of the street. I had to get my car out, but the other car was blocking it in the driveway. I would have to ask $A604 to move his car. I started back to the south, toward the house. I remembered that $A604 had a bedroom on the northern side of the house, just to the west of the entrance. The entry door seemed to be in the northern end of the eastern wall of the house. It led into a corridor that ran to the south. $A604’s room was on the western side of the corridor. I pictured it as a wide room with a low ceiling. It seemed to have black walls, and it seemed somewhat messy. The walls had white specks where the black paint had been chipped.

I stood in the center of the room with the other people, watching the scene to the west. A large vertical screen was against the western wall, and it was showing pictures of people floating in the air. They were answering questions about something. Each scene was short, and the people floating against the white background changed. One of the scenes had Captain Kirk in the center, wearing an old greenish-yellow uniform from the Star Trek series. I realized that the other people floating around him were also from the television show. Each short scene showed one of them in the center of the screen, answering a question from the lost list of tasks. The videos ended, and the others then started moving around the room. The room had white walls, and i knew that we had to split into groups and answer questions from the lost list. There were around a hundred people in the room, and they were splitting into three groups. I watched as they started walking in diffident directions. A large group headed to the south, into a doorway in the southern wall. Some more headed north, and the third group headed through a doorway to the west. I was not sure where i should go. Before i could do anything, i realized that the groups seemed full. I knew that each person in the group would be answering only one question from the lost list of questions on the white paper. I had to find a group where not all of the questions were taken. Only three or four people remained in the room around me. I started to walk to the southwest, toward the door in the southern wall. I looked through the glass window of the door. I could see the people moving around a large table in the room, and they seemed to have all spots on the table full. I was not sure where the openings would be, and i felt uncertain. I was aware of a man to the west of me. He seemed to be one of the people running the tests. He walked to the west, into the next room. I felt annoyed that i was one of the last people to join a group. I walked into the room on the west, looking around the large rectangular white table to see if there were any open spots. I noticed several pieces of paper on the southern part of the western side of the table where papers had no one standing near them. I started to walk there, but i then realized that a water bottle was near one of the papers. Someone had already taken that seat. I was unsure where to sit. The others in the room then motioned to the east. I turned to see a man standing near the door in the eastern wall. He was from one of the other groups, and the people here said that he had an open test. He seemed shabby. He had long greasy black hair and a white button-up shirt. He looked like the stereotype of an old computer programmer. I felt disappointed that i would have to join his group.

12021 October 19

I woke up again. I was still lying on the floor near the northern end of the room. I had been here a while, but i realized that i had fallen asleep for a long time. I had been napping before. I had a blanket over me. I could see $A822 sitting above me, on top of the boxes that were stacked against the northern wall. I thought that he must have been sleeping there. He seemed to be sitting with his back against a box that was to the east of him. I thought that he might be uncomfortable, and i wondered if he spent the entire night there. I then thought that he might have been watching me while i was asleep. I moved my upper body a little to the east, trying to get a better look at the man sitting above me. He had a red blanket over him. I felt interested in him, and i wondered how long he had been sleeping on the shelfs. I then turned around so that i was standing up, facing north. I watched $A822 as he moved to a seated position on the edge of the shelfs. He seemed to watch me, but he did not say anything. I felt attracted to him. I sat down on the surface to the south of me. I realized that i had not gotten dressed, and i was not wearing any pants. I still had an erection from sleeping, and i tried to make a dismissive comment about it. $A822 jumped down from the high surface and pushed me back. He seemed very intent, and i realized that he was sexually interested in me. I felt surprised and pleased with this, but i also felt hesitant. He abruptly pushed me onto my back and sat on my waist, as if pinning me down. He stared down at me. I said something to him. I was interested in him, but i felt uncomfortable, thinking that i was with someone else. He was leaning on his hands, which were near my shoulders. I put my hands under his and pet the back of his shoulders as he bent his face toward mine. I could feel his ribs under his skin. They felt very sturdy, but they also felt as though they had sharp corners. I pictured white plastic supporting braces. I thought about this for a moment. The feeling did not quite feel like ribs under skin, and i thought about how to describe it.

I stood in the small area. We had to leave this place to head to some other place. $Z was to the northwest of me, and he seemed like $A822. We had been talking about something. We seemed to be dressed in autumn coats that were made of canvas. He walked past me, saying that we should go to get coffee. It seemed as though we had just woken up in the place to the west. It felt good to be with him. As he started to turn to the north, i thought that he would drink coffee with the others. I did not like coffee, but i thought that i could have black tea while the others had their coffee. A small building then moved in from the southeast, turning sharply to the north, just to the east of us. $F47 was driving the small building, which seemed like a small shed. It was a wood structure, and it was designed to have a small porch on the front. It was surfaced with unfinished wood that had been painted. The plain frame around a window on the left half of the front of the structure was white. A white porch pillar came down at the corner of the building. The porch seemed to run across the entire front of the small building. The building was about three meters tall, two meters deep, and about four meters wide. The porch seemed to be only a meter wide at the front of the long side of the building. I knew that $F47 had rented the vehicle so that he could drive us. He leaned out one of the widows near the front of the building, which was the narrow end facing north, and said something with a wide smile. The building stopped to the northeast of us, with the front porch facing south-southwest. $F47 stepped out of the front door of the house, which as on the eastern side of the southern face of the shack. Just as he swaggered onto the porch, the dog that had been standing to the east of me got very excited and sprinted into the building. It ran past $F47 and jumped up onto a small couch, which was against the northern wall of the inside of the building. I saw the dog hit a picture that was hanging above the couch, and the glass on the picture cracked. The picture fell from the wall. $F47 was surprised and ran to grab the dog and the picture. I felt bad that the glass had broken, and i realized that $F47 would probably have to pay for repairs to the picture, because he had rented the house. I thought that we would have to pay him for the loss, but it did not seem that we would pay him. $Z walked into the house to help $F47, and i moved into the doorway. A window was directly to the north of the door, and the picture seemed to be to the west of it. $F47 and $Z did something with the picture frame. I glanced out the window to the north, at the large plain building to the northeast of us. We seemed to be near the northern end of a parking lot, and the building was about a hundred meters from us. Tall dry grass and weeds ran between the parking lot and the building. A shallow drainage ditch seemed to be under the weeds, running along the northern side of the lot. I backed up a little, noticing the brass latch to the main door of the house. The door was open to the east of me, and the thick black hook seemed to be slightly deformed. I thought that it should hook over a ring that as on the side of the porch, but the hook was bent so that it would not quite latch. I pushed the hook into the ring, thinking that the weight of the door would bend the hook back into place. I held the hook in the center of the ring for a moment, watching the force of the door bend the hook over so that it caught on the ring.

12021 October 21

I walked to the west, along the southern side of the large room, which seemed like a gymnasium. I had been doing something with the other people, and it seemed to have something to do with the house, but i was supposed to meet some of the people here. Bleachers were sent up in the center of the room, facing east. I walked along a set of bleachers that was on the southern side of the room. They seemed to run from the western wall to the center of the room, and they had a low metal wall to the north of them, separating them from the main floor of the room. I walked to the northwest, into the bleachers that were in the center of the room, on the western half of the room. My mother seemed to be there, and others were around her. I sat down, thinking that my mother and i had been staying at $F1’s house. This seemed strange, and i thought that we had to go back there. Something about this place then seemed like the IBM Country Club. Something felt very familiar about the people and the circumstances. I sat down to the south of my mother and glanced over my left shoulder at a woman who was sitting in the row behind us. She seemed to be in her late twenties or early thirties, and she wore pants and a long-sleeve shirt. She had long straight hair. A dog was to the south of her on the bench. I seemed to know the dog, and i said hello to it. The woman watched as i scratched the dog’s neck and pet it. Something seemed very familiar about the dog. It seemed to be a German shepherd. As i thought about the situation, though, it also seemed to be a great dane. My vision pictured a great dane trotting toward me in the darkened space. The dog was well illuminated, but the space around it was dark gray. I thought that the dog was $X26. I moved and was walking to the north. I was in $F1’s house. It seemed early in the morning, and i had been sleeping upstairs. I knew that $F1’s family no longer lived here, and i hoped that they would not mind that we had been staying here while something was happening. I was aware of my grandmother’s house, to the west. Something seemed to be happening there. I wondered if my mother was in the kitchen. Everything here seemed dim, and the kitchen’s hue was a faded greenish gray. As i passed through the doorway to the kitchen, i did not think that my mother was in the kitchen. The kitchen seemed to be empty. The small kitchen opened up to the east, and i could see that no one was there. I thought that my mother might be in the dining room to the west. I continued to the west, passing through the door in the northern end of the western wall of the kitchen. My mother was sitting on the northern side of a round wooden table, which was in the center of the dining room. I walked along the eastern side of the table and headed toward a cushioned chair. There were two cushioned chairs to the southeast and southwest of the table. I sat in the southeastern chair, crossing my legs over each other as i sat. I greeted my mother, saying something about the house. She responded, and then i said that the house still had the familiar smell to it. Something about this house felt very nostalgic.

12021 October 22

I stood in the southwestern part of the room as the others talked and moved around. I faced north, and the others were characters from MASH. Hawkeye was sitting on a bed just behind me and to the southeast. A few other characters were standing on the eastern end of the southern side of the room. They had been talking to each other. A man walked from the southeast of me to the north of me. He looked back over his left shoulder as he walked, talking about his role on the show. He said that he would be the doctor that the audience loved, and he spoke of his charming characteristics. I knew that he was Trapper, and i remembered that the writers did not give him enough of a chance to express his character. He was written as a sidekick to Hawkeye. Trapper sat on the bed, talking excitedly about what he would be on the show. I knew that he would not be able to do it. I thought about this for a moment, and then i moved to the northwest. The scene changed suddenly, and i was standing on the southern side of a narrow room. A small brown dog moved to the north of me from the southeast. It was sitting atop a cream-green canister, which seemed like an old vacuum cleaner from the sixties. The dog seemed to be some kind of beagle mix, and it looked up at me with sad eyes as it passed. The green canister was about a meter tall and about two-thirds of a meter wide. It was roughly bullet shaped. Where it started to curve to a point, one side had a narrow triangular section that did not curve as quickly, making the canister look like a vacuum. Something was written in white on the triangular section. The small dog sat opposite the writing, with one paw over part of the logo. The object stopped just to the north of me, and i reached out with my feet to hold on to it. I was sitting in a chair, and i wanted to recline. I tried putting my feet up on either side of the canister, which now seemed like a bucket. It did not feel comfortable on my ankles. The dog continued watching me, but i thought that it was now in the bucket. I pulled the bucket close, but the weight of my feet kept pushing it away from me, forcing me to slouch deeply into the stiff chair that i was in. I did not feel comfortable. I shifted the position of my feet, trying to find a better position on the upper sides of the large white tub, which now seemed like a plastic bathtub that was on wheels. I realized that the dog had defecated in the tub. The tub was about two meters long and about a meter wide, with rounded ends. As i adjusted my feet, i tried not to get my ankle on part of the eastern edge of the tub, where the dog seemed to have splattered his feces. I could see a brown stain on the inside of the tub, just under my right foot. I tried to avoid it as i shifted to get more comfortable. I pulled the tub toward me, but it kept rolling away. A man was then standing to the east of the tub. He was one of the characters from the television show. I thought that he was a worker for the army. He wore plain baggy pants and a white T-shirt. I could see tattoos on his left biceps, sticking out from the sleeve of his shirt. He spoke cheerfully to the dog, asking it some questions about the feces. He was a happy person, and i knew that his character was of a strong soldier who had a kind nature. He held a mop in his left hand as he spoke to the dog as if the dog were a child. He then said that he would clean the tub, and he moved a metal hose, which had been handing from the ceiling, over the tub with his right hand and sprayed water into the tub. I had moved my feet back to watch. I seemed interested in the man as he spoke to the dog. He was demonstrating how to wash out the tub, and he described the steps as he performed them. The dog now seemed to be to the north of the tub. “Then just add some soap.”, the man said as he held up a bottle of green dish detergent in his left hand and turned it upside down over the tub. A thin stream came out. He seemed charming, and i wondered if he would be killed in the series because he was not a main character but he was very likable.

I was on the western side of the room as the others started moving around. The others seemed to be $G4, and we had been here on a rest stop for a large run. I was in a smaller section of the room on the western end. The main part of the room seemed to be really wide, with picnic tables in it. As the others started to head to the south, i thought that we should get the food started so that it would be ready when we returned. I said something to a woman to the north of me, who seemed to be $A815. I moved to the west, between two tall counters, which seemed to be part of the kitchen area. A stove was to the south of me, facing east in the middle of the western side of the room. Boxes and crates of supplies were on the ground to the east of the counters. I bent over to pick something up from the ground. Others were leaving for the run, so i thought that i should hurry. I held the vessel, which seemed to have a stew or soup in it. A counter was to the west of me, and i had to bring the soup to the south to heat up on the stove. I had trouble maneuvering the large container of liquid. I held the container in my right arm as i crouched down to grab a large pot from under the counter to the west of me. I started pouring the liquid into the pot, but i realized that the pot was not large enough. I felt annoyed, thinking that i needed a larger pot, but i was not sure where it was. I adjusted the container in my right arm. It seemed like a large curved horn made of brass. I held it so that the bell end was facing up on the northern side of the horn. The soup was in the horn. I had to put the horn down so that i could find the better pot, though. I put down the smaller pot that i had poured soup in and tried to balance the horn on top of it. I was not sure that it would balance though. I had set the pot down on the ground to the north of me, and i slowly let go of the horn to see if it would balance. It did not seem balanced. I felt annoyed. $A601 was then to the south of me. I said something to him about the soup. I stood up and started talking to him. I felt frustrated that we could not get the food started. I thought that i had to get things ready so that i could start out on the run. I knew that people would be ahead of me, but i thought that i could catch up. I would have to follow the marks by myself. I wondered how far behind the others i would be. $A601 then mentioned something to me as we moved to the northeast. He had said that he was doing something, and he asked me if i wanted to have some. I stopped near the chairs near the northern wall. Others were gathered around. $A601 was standing to the southeast of me, and he had a needle that was hooked up to an intravenous tube. He asked if i wanted to take a dose of the medication. I knew that i did not need the medication, but i thought that it probably would not do me any harm. I told him that i could have some. I sat down in the chair as he inserted the long needle into the right side of my right shin. I put my feet up on something low in front of the chair. $A601 sat to the south of me. I thought that the medication was for chemotherapy. As i sat, i wondered if the drugs would make it hard for me to run the trail. I started to worry that i was getting too far behind the others. I sat for a while, though, as the drugs dripped into my system. I started to wondering why i had said that i would take the drugs. I knew that i did not need them, and i wondered if they would do anything bad to me. The needle had been in for a while, so i reached down and pulled it out of my leg. It left a small red mark on my skin. I handed the needle and hose back to $A601, who was to the south of me. As i stood up, i wondered if i would have to put anything over the small hole in my leg. I knew that the trail might go through swampy water, and i wondered if the water would infect the wound. I realized that the hole in my leg must go all the way down to a vein. If the hole got infected from muddy water, i thought that the infection could easily get into my blood stream. I started to get my things together to go on the run. I then wondered why i had taken the chemotherapy drugs. It no did not seem like a good idea. I felt worried about what it could have done to me. I started walking to the east, noticing that my sneakers were loose and not tied. I headed to the south. I was not ready to go on the run. I still needed to get my running shoes. I moved to the southwest and stopped near the counters. I turned to the east and tried to adjust my shoes. I felt flustered and unsure of what i was doing.

12021 October 23

It was dark, and we were moving down the street, heading west. I was with someone. The area around us seemed to be residential, and most of the buildings were houses. A van was to the south of us now, and something seemed wrong. We had to get the attention of the people in the van, which seemed like a camper. It had a large design of concentric squares with rounded corners on the northern side of it. The squares seemed to be of different shades of blue, and the inner square was off-white, like the maid body of the van. My grandfather, who had been to the south of me, grabbed the ladder that was on the eastern side of the van, the rear of the van. The van then started moving. I felt worried. The van was moving quickly down the street to the west, and i was moving with it, though i did not seem to be following it. My view was following the van as i stayed still. I saw my grandfather hanging on to the ladder near the top of the van, his legs dangling from side to side as the van maneuvered on the street. I felt concerned for him, and i felt worried that we would not be able to do what we were supposed to do.

I moved around the empty room of the house. The room seemed to be a living room. The walls were covered with unfinished plywood, and the floor seemed to be bare wood planks. I had jut purchased this house, and it felt good to be here. I wondered what i should do with the building. I thought that i should start fixing up the area, and i tried to imagine what it would look like. The house was much smaller than the one i had been living in. I wondered what i would do with all of my furniture. I moved to the northern side of the large living room. The framework of a wall was to the west of me, dividing the living room from a narrower room. I then looked to the east, noticing that the floor of the room had the black metal frame of a trailer. I thought that this house was actually built on a double trailer-home. The black frame of the trailer could still be seen under the floor. I remembered that a similar white trailer was to the west of me, under the western section of the house. This made the house seem cheap to me, and i wondered why i would buy something that was not as sturdy as a house with a foundation. I then noticed that the northern end of the black trailer had caught on the plywood of the northern wall. Part of the plywood had been bent away from the wall at the bottom. I grabbed the end of the trailer and pushed down a little, trying to get the horizontal wooden beam at the bottom of the plywood off of the trailer. As i push, it seemed that the wood was not actually resting on the trailer. I thought that it must have been deformed by resting on the trailer and was now just sticking out from the wall. I thought that i would be able to fix i later. I would have to get the trailers out of the house first. I started moving to the west. The rest of the house seemed open and unfinished as well. I imagined how i would describe it to my father. He would be interested in helping me redo the building. I could see some of the other houses outside. The area around me seemed a little run down, and i seemed to be on the eastern side of Freeze Road, with the creek just to the north of the house. I could see some trees about four meters from the house on the northern side of the lawn. I started moving to the south along the western wall of the house. My father was to the west, and my mother seemed to be somewhere with him. I pointed out the section of plywood where the trailer had caught on the northern wall, looking at it again. I was still on the southwestern section of the room as i spoke to my father. He asked what i could do with the building. I thought about redoing the wood floors so that they looked polished. I could also do woodwork on the walls and ceiling. I stopped on the southern side of the room. My father was to the northeast of me. I noticed the small closet area to the southwest of me. A wall extended from the western wall about three meters. It started just to the south of the entry door in the western wall. The wall separated a room with plywood walls from the rest of the house. The small area was packed with boxes and clothes. A pink and green plastic thing was on top of one of the southern stacks. I thought that the previous tenants left these things. I wondered if i could use any of them. I then wondered if i should wait to see if the tenants come to take any of the things back. I thought that they would not want to abandon their belongings. I felt suddenly uneasy here. This place did not seem as good as the place i had been living in. It now seemed that i still owned a house to the north of here. I thought that this would just be a small place that i could come to from time to time. I then wondered why i would have two places. I still felt excited about the possibilities of this place, but i felt unsure about the quality of the place. It was still unfinished, so i thought that i could make it nice, but it seemed so small. I moved around more quickly now, looking to the west as i stopped on the southern side of a room in the center of the house. I was uncertain why i bought this house. It seemed that i did not need it. I did not actually need to move my things into a smaller house. This house would just be something extra. It sounded interesting, but it also seemed excessive. I felt anxious and worried about what i could o with this place. I then moved to the north and stopped on the lawn. I turned to the house. The small house now seemed to be to the southwest of me, but i could not see it. I saw instead the larger pale-green farmhouse that was to the south, on the southwestern part of the property. I thought that the small house i had purchased must have been a small garage or extra building on this property. I remembered something about the house. Another large house was to the east of the green house. I thought that this house was well kept. I headed to the east, thinking that i had to get back to my car. I walked into a door in the center of the western face of the house. The room inside was not lighted, but light came in from the small windows in the northern and southern walls of the entryway. The house was very nice, and the entryway seemed full of furnishings and decorations. The walls seemed to have nice woodwork along the bottom parts and curving wooden molding arcing across the ceiling. The ceiling was painted dull-green. Everything seemed clean and well kept. I knew that this house belonged to wealthy people. I remembered passing through it before. I turned to the right and headed south, passing through a small room. I thought that i would have to exit through the southern side of the house to get to my car, which seemed to be in a parking lot to the south. I had expected this room to lead to the other entrance to the south, but it seemed that i still needed to pass through this room and turn to the right to head south. This room was small, but the furniture and walls had nicely polished wood details. A fireplace seemed to be in the northeastern wall of the room, to the left of me. The directions did not makes sense. It seemed that i had turned to the right and should be heading in the correct direction, but i had not quite come to the small entryway on the southern side of the house. I headed out the doorway at the opposite end of the room from where i had entered. I came into a corridor that ran east. At the end of the corridor, i could see what looked like a kitchen, opening up to the north. To the south of me was the entryway that i was looking for. When i turned to the south, though, i entered another living room of the house. I entered through a doorway in the western end of the northern wall. The room was well decorated and dimly lighted. A leather sofa ran along the western wall, and it had a coffee table to the east of it. Book shelfs seemed to be on the lower part of the southern wall and along the short eastern wall, which was on the southern side of the room. A wall of orange bricks ran diagonally from the northern wall to the center of the eastern wall. It started about a meter from the door where i had entered. The shape of this room seemed strange. A large flat-screen television was in the center of the southern wall, and i thought it disappointing that it became the focal point of the room. I then thought that it would be hard to watch because none of the seats in the room faced it. I liked the decoration of the room, though, and felt very good seeing it. A wooden rocking chair was to the northeast of me as i stood in the center of the room. It seemed to be just off the brick wall. The brick wall had a fireplace in the center of it, and something about the eastern end of the wall seemed to create strange angles in the room. It seemed like a narrow triangular space was formed between the brick wall and the eastern wall. I moved to the blank space, where no furnishing was. I thought that it would be a good space to put a Christmas tree. Something seemed strange about the space, and the brick wall seemed a little out of place here. I thought that the brick wall was a nice feature of the room, though. It made the house nice, and i wondered if i could do something similar in my house. I walked back out of the northern side of the room and started to the east, down the narrow hall to the kitchen. I noticed that the southern wall of the hall was brick as well. A rectangular orange adobe door with rounded ends stretched across the center of the brick wall. I knew that it was used as a bead and baking over. It seemed very nice. The house had been well designed. The kitchen to the east had black walls with white detailing. The large modern table in the center seemed featureless and square. Some people were in the kitchen. Everything in this house seemed elegant. I wondered if i could do something like this with my house.

I followed the hallway to the north. It seemed to run along the western side of the large building, which had many rooms. This building was part of the film festival that i was attending. I had not been here in a very long time. I remembered that $A682 used to come to these film festivals as well, and i wondered if he was here at this one. I felt suddenly anxious, thinking that i might run into him. I hoped that i did not see him, but i worried that i would. The wide corridor of the building turned to the east. I continued to the north, moving into one of the stores off the sides of the corridor, which seemed to be part of a small mall. I moved among the racks of the store, wondering if i could be out of sight here. $F4 was to the east of me. He had followed me into the store. I looked at some of the things on the round shelf to the north of me. $F4 said something, and i turned to look at him. He had put a mask on that seemed like both Darth Vader and Batman. He thought that it was humorous, and i smiled in response as he showed it to me. The mask seemed to have thin details on the sides that looked like rows of beads. I told him that he could be called “Bat Vader”. I then made a comment that it could also be “Darth Man”, but that would not be as interesting. I turned to the north, looking over something. We then headed to the eastern side of the store, where a short queue was waiting to enter the area to the north. Two people were standing near an opening. A dark table was on the eastern side of the opening, and a pole with dark velvet ropes ran on the western side of the opening. A woman stood in front of the table, and she was checking people as they passed through. She asked to see our bracelets. I showed her the plastic bracelet that i had on my right wrist. $Z stood to the east of me as the woman checked my arm. We then started walking to the north, down the corridor of the mall area, which now seemed to be a narrow street between old buildings in a shopping area. It seemed chilly out, and i looked down the road to the north. The sun shined into the alley, casting an orange light on the eastern wall. The street, which seemed to be brick or cobblestone, dipped down very slightly as it ran to the next street, which seemed to be about one hundred meters away. I could see people sitting at cafe tables on the other street. This place seemed very nice, but i knew that i did not plan my stay here. I would still have to find a hotel to sleep in. I felt concerned about this, and i wondered what i would do. I then though about running $A682 again. It would be nice to talk to him, but i did not want to meet him here. I imagined that i would try to keep the conversation short, and i would not let him know that i had no place to stay here. I continued to the north, crossing the street to the north and entering the small diner. I entered through a doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. A large glass window seemed to be to the west of the doorway. I moved to the center of the room, and people i knew seemed to be to the east of me. They were talking, but i was not paying attention to them. Something to the north was drawing my attention. The scene then seemed to change. I turned to the east to see the mottled gray metal wall of the space station. I was floating to the east of the wall. I had to do something.

12021 October 24

I had been following the others up the shallow hill to the east. We were walking in the center of a road, which seemed to be a drive along the northern side of shops. The main road seemed to be to the north of us at a lower elevation. It was dark out. I slowed to a stop and watched the person to the east of me continue on. I was not sure where we were heading. The person to the east of me then turned around and asked me about the area. I thought that we were supposed to be heading to some place specific. The others around me were still walking to the east, passing me. The person to the east of me had said something about a restaurant, and i thought that a Burger King used to be on this road. I could see the building on the southern side of the road, with something orange on it, but i know that it was no longer open. I could also see a large green billboard at the top of the low hill to the south of the road to the east. It had large yellow letters, and seemed to say “Salad Garden”. I remembered that it was a very old restaurant chain, and i mentioned it to the man. It did not seem like what we were interested in, though. I continued to the east, glancing to the north. It was now daylight, and a narrow river flowed to the west just down a steep hill from us. The river was about five meters below us and about five or six meters away. The shore on the other side of the river was pale, and a large white building was on the other side. A group of people was running along the blank white face of the building, which seemed to be the back side of a large store. They seemed to be dressed in costumes that were pink in hue. They were $G4. I thought that they were on the other part of the trail that we were following. Our trail would eventually merge with theirs. They had taken the shorter trail, but we reached this point at about the same time. I turned to the north to cross the bridge that would lead us to the other side. Several people had reached the bridge before me, and they were stopped at the entrance to the narrow metal suspension bridge. A woman in black stretch running shorts and a tight matching running bra was stopped at the entrance to the bridge. We had to step up onto the bridge and cross. She had her left foot up on the deck of the bridge, and she was bent over so that her hands were on the bridge. I realized that she was uncomfortable about running across the bridge. The others who were running with me reached the bridge behind the woman and stopped to wait for her to cross, but she seemed too uneasy to cross. I wanted to cross so that we could catch up with the others, but the woman did not seem to be moving. She was blocking the others from crossing. I started to feel impatient, but i knew that there was nothing i could do. I then noticed a pair of pipes crossing the narrow water channel just to the east of the bridge. I ran to the pipes, thinking that they were wide enough to walk on. I jumped onto the flat surface on the top of the pipes and walked carefully over the canal, which had vertical cement walls on the sides. I reached the northern side quickly. I then realized that i was still on a surface that was higher than the surrounding ground. The area to the north of me seemed like a factory yard. It was open, but the ground seemed to have a metal surface with thing mechanisms standing up from it. I looked to the west, noticing that a catwalk ran along a narrow raised surface. The raised surface had square corners and seemed cement or metal. I started walking down the ridge and down the catwalk. As i reached the western end, i was suddenly aware that a boxy tower was just to the north of me. Two men were in the tower, and they seemed surprised to see me pass in front of them, but they did not seem to be concerned with me. At the western end of the elevated area, i stopped and crouched down so that i could jump to the ground below. The others were on the ground, heading west. I ran to the west, rounded another elevated structure and turning north and then east. Others were near me now as i jogged down a corridor to the east. I slowed to a walk as some of the others continued. I could see a gathering of people at the eastern end of the corridor, in what seemed to be a large atrium. This place seemed like a casino, and the hall that i was in seemed to have hotel rooms on either side. I tried to run again, but my legs hurt, and i was having difficulty. I felt annoyed that i could not run anymore. I started to feel bad, thinking that i could not enjoy myself like i wanted to.

12021 October 27

I felt hurried by the other people, and i was frustrated as i got in my car. The car was facing west. The narrow road seemed to run along the top of a flat open hill, which sloped down to the south. I started driving, feeling that i had to get out of the way. I had the dog with me, though. It was in my lap, and i tried to move it so that it was not in my way. I stopped the car on the road, feeling impatient. I was then aware that the car was rolling to the west. I was aware of a car behind me, and i thought that i had to get out of its way, but i wanted to stop my car so that i could deal with the dog. The car rolled down the dirt road, heading west. I pressed the brakes, but the car only slowed down. I felt annoyed with the car, and i had to put the object into the passenger’s seat so that i could pay attention to the driving. I grabbed the steering wheel and looked ahead of me. The car was now traveling to the south, and i seemed to be on Warren Road near the golf courses. It was twilight out, and the light from the sky seemed to be hazy orange. I pressed the brakes of the car and came to a stop. I noticed the archway ahead of me, and i managed to stop just before it. I knew that the thick structure marked the entrance to the country club. The archway was a thick blocky structure with a smooth opening that had a semicircular top. Flowering vines seemed to be growing over the top of the opening, reaching across the plain flat surface of the archway from the west. The flowers seemed small and pinkish white. The front of my car had stopped just in the archway. I was aware of a car behind me, but i thought that i could not continue through the archway, so i would have to back up. I then saw a car approaching from the south. It had come from the west and turned to the north on the curved drive to the south of me. It was heading toward me. I had to get out of the way and turn around. I backed my car up and started to turn the car to the west. The road was not wide enough for me to make a K-turn in the road, so i had to back off the western side of the road, onto the grass. As i stopped with just the front of my car on the pavement, i realized that the grass around me was bright green and was part of the fairway of the course. I felt annoyed, but i hoped that no one would be upset at me driving on the golf course. I was a little to the northwest of my car, looking at the taillights of the car as it stopped on the grass. The back wheels were on very short grass, which seemed like a green. I hoped that i did not do any damage to the golf course. The dull red car, which seemed to be of eighties design, drove past me, heading north on the road. I started to turn around. I started walking north on the road, letting the small dog pull me. I was holding the dog’s leash with my right hand. I was now traveling to the west on the narrow road. The man who had been in the car behind me was now standing at the small table, which as across the road. I tried to slow down, but the dog kept pulling me. I stopped abruptly in front of the table. The man walked around the northern side of the table and started looking over the dog. I crouched down, talking to the man about the dog. The man pet the dog as the dog turned around. The dog faced to the northeast. It had a large brown head, which was cartoonishly boxy in shape. Its mouth was very large, and it held its mouth open slightly as it panted.

I backed up to the west. My mother and father were still to the east of me, and we were in the grassy area. The grass was cut, and a dirt drive circled around the southern and eastern sides of the area. My father headed off to the northeast, and my mother turned to head to the east. I took a step backward to the west, stumbling over the thing that i had forgotten was on the ground. I looked down to see the wooden dividers that were buried in the ground. A wooden box was inset into the ground, and it had thin dividers forming square holes. The holes were about half a deci wide and about three-fourths of a deci deep. I started to step over the box when i noticed that someone had dumped some items into one of the holes. I bent over to get a closer look, and i could see two gold-colored class rings in the northwest corner of one of the compartments. A few other items were in the compartment with it. I wondered why someone would discard a ring here. I reached down to pull out the rings, but my hand did not fit easily into the opening. I had to slide it in slowly to squeeze my fingers down to where they could grab the rings. My mother was then coming back toward me. I felt guilt for trying to get the rings now, and i felt as though i should try to pretend that i was not doing anything. I then wondered why i would feel that way. I grabbed the two rings with my fingers and pulled them out of the box. I thought that someone must have dropped them in the grass here, and that someone must have had them together, or they would not have fallen into the same compartment. I put the rings in my left pocket as my mother approached. As she neared, i motioned to the compartments, telling her that things had been left here. I showed her a thick fold of money. She seemed surprised to see these things, but she did not seem to think that i was doing anything out of the ordinary by collecting it. I wondered why all of this money had been left here. I bent over and pulled out another thick fold of bills. This time, they were printed with blue ink. I knew that they were foreign currency, and i thought that they might be from Canada. I had several folds of bills together in my left hand, and i showed them to my mother. She was not sure what i should do with them, but she told me to hold on to them. I was relieved that she did not think that it was bad that i was keeping the things that i had found here. My parents then moved to the south, into the large building. I still felt uncomfortable, and i looked down at the compartments in the crate. I saw another fold of cash, so i reached in and took it as well. I left some of the other items that did not seem to be cash. I moved to the south. Something felt wrong. I pulled the two rings out of my pocket and looked at them. Something about the rings seemed significant. I then remembered the man i had seen with rings before. The rings he had were silvery and had corners where they extended to a large square mount on the top. I stood in the open area near the sidewalk. The road seemed to be to the east of me as i faced south. The young man stopped to the east of me, and he held up the two rings as if showing them to someone to the south of him. The rings both had the same black designs around the large mount. I thought that this memory was at the beginning of the story, and that this formed a circular plot with the rings that i had found.

12021 October 29

I left the area and walked to the west, along the northern side of the building, which seemed to be an academic building. I was on the college campus. The wide grassy lawn stretched to the northwest of me, and an area of lawn seemed to stretch to the southwest, along the western side of the pale-gray stone building. Several people were doing something on the grass to the west of me. They ran into view from around the northwestern corner of the building, stopping just short of the cement path, which i was walking west on. A tree was just to the northwest of them, on the southern side of the path. A man with brown hair emerged around the corner first. He seemed tall and muscular, and he ran just into view before slowing to a walk. He was doing some kind of exercise with the others. A shorter man with short blond hair ran past him and stopped to turn around at the path. A third man was following them. They seemed to be part of a sports team, and i thought that they were practicing something on the grass. It was a nice sunny day, and i thought that they had to get ready for something. The three of them ran back to the south as i rounded the corner of the building. I wanted to do something in the middle of the quadrangle to the southwest, and i thought that i could watch the men practice for a while. I walked to the south, walking along the western side of the building. As i passed the southwestern corner of the building, i could see the men doing something to the east, south of the building. I thought that i would sit down and watch them for a little while. I sat down on the sandy ground in the center of the quadrangle. The quadrangle seemed to run to the west, with buildings on all sides and an opening to the northern quadrangle in the eastern half of the northern side. I glanced to the east as i sat down, facing north. I suddenly realized that i had nothing to do in the quadrangle, and i wondered if it would seem strange that i was just sitting here. I looked east to see the shorter man with blond hair running around as the others moved more slowly. I suddenly felt uneasy, thinking that it might seem like i was staring at them. I sat with my knees up and my feet to the west of me. I thought that i should have brought a book to read. The sun was high to the southwest of me, and i was aware of it on my left shoulder. I hoped that i did not get too much sun sitting here. I was wearing a hat with a wide rim. I looked down at the sandy ground between my legs. I thought that i could pretend that i had brought a book with me. I should have brought a notebook so that i could do more writing. I looked down at the pale sandy patch of ground under me, where the grass had been worn away. I thought i could stare at the ground and pretend to read. The men to the east of me would not know that i did not have a book between my legs. I reached down and squeezed the white ball of putty with my right hand. I had been playing with it. I set it on the ground in the middle of my legs. It had a granular texture. I stared at it for a moment, thinking that i should be doing something with it. I then started breaking the putty into small pieces and scattering the pieces on the sand in front of me. I would leave them here for a moment to gather some sunshine. I thought i could then collect them back together into a single wad. I thought about this as i moved to the north again. I was in a corridor now. I had been here earlier. This was a place that i had worked. It seemed to be a weekend, though, so no one else was here. This place seemed to have something to do with a library. Two gray metal doors were closed over the northern end of the hallway. I pushed them open, seeing the large storeroom beyond. The room was full of shelfs, and the shelfs had books on them. I let the door close behind me, wondering if it was okay for me to be here when the offices were closed. I stopped just inside the door. A tall set of gray metal shelfs rose to the north of me, running to the east and ending just to the northwest of me. I thought that i could grab a book from one of the shelfs and head back out to the quadrangle. I could read the book while sitting in the quadrangle. I wondered which book i should read. I felt indecisive, and then i felt that i did not really want to read any book. I was just getting one to read to occupy time. I looked at the hardcover books on the second shelf up to the north of me. The book on the end was dull pale yellow, and the one to the east of it was a pastel blue. I then noticed the books on the bottom shelf. They were laying in stacks on their sides rather than standing up like the other books. I recognized the covers of the books on the bottom. They were all publications that i had worked on for $G14. The stack on the western end of the shelf had only four or five books on it, and the top one had a large picture of the lizard wrapping around the spine. It had a tan background. I was not sure what to do. I walked to the west, past the end of the shelfs. An aisle ran to the north, but i continued to the west, passing through another set of metal doors. I stopped on the other side. I was then lying down on the cement floor just beyond the doors. I felt indecisive. I wanted to rest for a while longer. I thought that someone else might be moving in the room to the east now, but i continued laying on the floor. I reached my hands over my head to the east, hoping to block the door should it open. I would have to go back out to the quadrangle to get the putty. I walked to the north, talking to the person to the east of me. I was to the east of the gray stone building on the quadrangle. Other people were now walking on campus. The sun was not as high, and i thought that we were heading someplace. Some men came around the corner of the building to the northeast of us. They seemed to be part of the same team that i had seen practicing before. I looked at one of the men as we rounded the corner. He was heading the other direction. He wore a light T-shirt, and i thought that he was on the wrestling team. I felt interested in him, and i wanted to wrestle again. I talked to $Z as we turned the corner and headed east along the northern side of the building. We then turned to the south and started down the long flight of stairs that descended into the rectangular patio area. The long set of stone steps descended along the eastern side of the building. The stairway had a stone wall along the eastern side, and it seemed to be broken into three flights, with short landings between them. Many people were heading up the stairs in the other direction. I knew that they were heading to the wrestling match. It seemed that we were heading to the match as well. I noticed that several of the people coming up the stairs were wrestlers on the local team. I recognized several of them. They seemed excited as they made their way up the stairs. They were wearing T-shirts, as though they had just finished warming up. One of the men had a white T-shirt with a rounded logo in the center. The logo seemed to have yellow curving over the top. The man’s face was round, and he had short straight blond hair. He grinned mischievously as he looked up the stairs. He seemed anxious to move faster, but the people walking up the stairs were in his way. I reached the bottom of the stairs and headed east, across the cement flagstones of the patio. The patio was in a rectangular area that was recessed in the ground. The wall to the west seemed to be glass, separating a corridor from the patio. To the north, a door seemed to be in the center of the wall, leading into the building. I thought that a door was to the west as well.

12021 October 31

I headed north, leaving the other two. We had been walking together, but i felt that we had to get to someplace quickly, and i felt that i had to do something urgently. It seemed as though we had been outside for a long time, and we had to get back to where it was safe. Something seemed wrong. The other two were walking slowly, and i decided that i could go ahead and get something ready. The land around us seemed open, but i thought that we might be in the forest in the mountains. I hurried ahead on the trail. I thought that he opening was less than five hundred meters away. The area ahead seemed more open; more light seemed to be coming into the area. I came into the area where the steep valley ran east to west. This was the spot that we needed to get to. It was dark out, but the valley seemed dimly illuminated, as if by moonlight. I picked up the small light with my left hand and turned it on. It was a small rectangular box, about two by four by five centimeters. The back was along one of the long narrow sides and seemed to be black plastic. The front was covered with an amber plastic, but when turned on, the light was bright white. I tried not to look at the light so that i did not get blinded. I put the light on the ground in the center of the wide trail, which ran east to west down the floor of the valley. I thought that the others would be able to see it. I turned and looked to the south. The valley sloped up steeply, and i could see the white snow on the steep forested hillside. The thin trees had no leafs. I spotted two people walking down a trail that ran diagonally across the hillside, descending from the southeast to the northwest. One man was helping the other, who wore a red jacket. The man in the red jacket seemed to be injured or having some other trouble. They were the people that i had been walking with. They could see me through the trees now that the light was shining brightly. Someone was to the northwest of me. He seemed to be coming down another trail toward me. He suggested that i should not have turned on the light. He seemed to be warning me. I wondered if having the light on would draw unwanted attention. I looked to the north. The land to the north also sloped up, but not as steeply as the land to the south. Directly to the north of us, a stream valley ran toward us. It seemed to have a trail running north-northwest from where i was, along the western side of the stream. I thought that we would have to go that way, but i thought that the man who had spoken would be coming down that trail toward us. The trail seemed to be red, as though marked on a map.

I hurried to the west, down the center of the gorge. It was a bright day, and the wide flat surface of the bottom of the gorge had a slowly flowing stream spread out over the flat rocks. I had to get somewhere, and i looked to the west to see what was ahead of me in the gorge. The gorge seemed to turn slightly to the northwest and then back to the north. I could not see the northern side of the gorge, but i could see the southern side of a tall waterfall ahead. I thought that the trail ran along the northern side of the gorge and ascended a set of steps along the northern side of the falls. I felt tired, and i did not really want to struggle up the steps. I wanted to stop walking for a while, but i felt that i had to continue. Some people were siting in the gorge, and some tall weeds poked up between the rocks that were in the middle of the water. As i neared the turn in the gorge, i was closer to the northern wall, and i lost sight of the waterfall. As i rounded the corner, i suddenly seemed to be heading east. The rocks stepped down in front of me, and i realized that $F71 was sitting on the step with his back to me. He wore a grayish T-shirt, and he stared to the east, with his shoulders slouched a little. Someone said something as i approached him. I was then able to see around the corner of the gorge. The gorge dropped down a few steps, and then it seemed to end in a rounded ledge. The water poured over the ledge to the east. To my surprise, the gorge did not continue to climb here, but it descended into the valley. I felt relieved that i did not have to struggle ahead. It would be easier to hike down from here.