12022 October 01

I walked to the north, entering the bathroom in the upstairs of the house. This house seemed like my parents’ farmhouse, and i had been in my old bedroom on the upstairs floor. The room that i was in ran east to west and was a long rectangular room. I had been doing something in the house, and i had said something to my mother as i entered the room. It seemed that i had to do something here. The entry door seemed to be to the east of the center of the southern wall. The western end of the room seemed like the bedroom, but the eastern end was a small bathroom. A large wooden cabinet was against the northern wall. The eastern end was just to the west of the entry door, and it seemed to divide the sections of the room by forming a narrower walkway to the south of it. I walked to the northeast and reached into a gap in the northern wall. The recessed area was about a half meter wide and about a half meter deep. I knew that it was the toilet. The toilet bowl was in the bottom of the recessed area, facing west. I reached a leaver that seemed to pivot from the eastern wall and pulled it toward me. It seemed to be a flushing mechanism, and i thought that the water was in a tank near the ceiling. I backed away from the gap, realizing that it was strange that a toilet should be in such a small area. I turned to the east. The oval sink was in a counter that ran along the southern wall from the eastern wall. I moved to the eastern end of the counter and looked at the light fixture that was near the top of the wall. It was a tulip-shaped fixture, and it was facing to the northwest, toward the northern wall. I thought that it had not been bright enough, and the bulb did not seem to be glowing brightly. I tried to adjust the fixture, but the lights flickered out. Annoyed, i wondered if the fixtures would need to be replaced. I then noticed a small tan plastic cartridge below the fixture. I grabbed it between my fingers and twisted a little, thinking that it was some kind of light sensor. I wanted the light to be brighter so that i could see the things on the northern wall more clearly. I twisted the bottom of the cartridge, and the light fixture brightened, casting a bluish light. I realized that the dimmers of the light just had to be adjusted. I continued to adjust the cartridge, trying to get the light brighter. As the blue-green glow brightened, bluish-green leaf-like structures opened up along the sides of the light fixture. They contracted as the light dimmed. I continued to adjust the cartridge, trying to get the lights to brighten and the leafs to open. I turned the plastic bulb, and the green leafs bloomed and vines thickened around the fixture. I wondered if the fixture would expand too much, and i wondered if it was safe to be near it when it did. A second fixture was to the west of the first, and it was not bright either. I moved a little to the east, adjusting the small tan cartridge under that fixture as well. I did not get the correct setting immediately, but eventually, the bulb brightened into a bluish-green light. The two fixtures were attached to the top of a mirror on the wall, and as the bulbs brightened, vines thickened and grew between the fixtures. Vines also extended down from the fixture, and leafs opened up along the vines, forming a green frame over the top and sides of the mirror. I realized that the verdant frame was supposed to be lush and would only be thick once the lights were fully turned on. I turned back to the northwest. I now seemed to be in the room to the south of the bathroom. The northern wall to the west of the door was filled with shelfs. The shelfs were filled with VHS tapes and DVDs. I felt fascinated to see the old technology. I moved toward it, thinking that i was still looking for something. $K1 was to the west of me now, looking at the things on the shelfs. It was good to see her, and i said something about the videos to her.

12022 October 02

I was on the western side of the room, and the family was in the room to the east of me. They seemed like a formal family, and i felt a little cautious of what i said and did. I spoke, trying not to draw too much attention to myself. I had come for some event, but i wondered if the parents of the family wanted me here. I knew that i could act formal as well, so they might not realize that i was not of their class. I still felt a little awkward here, though. I walked to the east, through a doorway in the southern side of the eastern wall, entering a bathroom. A bathtub or toilet seemed to be to the north of me, but i walked to the sink, which was on a pedestal, against the eastern wall. I started washing my hands, thinking about the event that had been here. I felt awkward and out of place. I washed my hands. A window was above the sink, and it looked out into the back yard of the house. It was dark now, and i was standing in the back yard. I had been here before. I walked to the east, along the tall wood fence that ran along the southern side of the yard. It was night, but it as not really dark. The sky glowed with the orange lights of the city to the north of us, and it illuminated the large open yard. The yard seemed to be short-cut grass, and it formed a long rectangular area that stretched to the north of the house. The house now seemed to be to the south of me, and i was on the eastern side of the yard. Trees or shrubs surrounded the yard, creating a specific border. I stood near the wood rail fence, trying to remember something about the party that was here. It felt good to be here, but i still felt a little uncomfortable about something. I looked to the west. Two other people were to the west of me in the yard. I realized that they were in the pond, which now seemed to fill the northern half of the yard. I looked to the north, down the grassy strip along the eastern side of the water. I was trying to remember something from before. I thought that the water had risen from before. I knew that the water was rising all around the area. I could feel my feet getting cold, and i thought that i must have stepped into the shallow water at the edge of the pond. I tried to remember something, but i could not quite remember the party. I turned to the west to see the two other people floating on the water, talking casually. I realized that the water was actually up to my waist. The yard had flooded, and i was now standing in the water. It felt good to be here. The water felt warm, so i relaxed in it for a little while, trying to remember something about the family in the house.

12022 October 03

My mother said something about the birthday card as i walked to the south, into the eastern side of the dining room of my parents’ farmhouse. The round wooden dining-room table was in the center of the room, and several small boxes were stacked in the center of it. I looked at the gift card that was on the table in a yellow envelope. I thought that it was a birthday card, but i thought that i should not do anything with it yet. My mother had said not to open it. I leaned over the table to look at the cards and gift boxes. I felt good because of something that i had been doing. I still had to get it done, though, so i did not have time to pay attention to the cards. I moved around the house for a moment. I then turned to the north. I was now outside of the house, just to the south of a street. It was dark out, and two people were sitting in chairs on the street. They seemed to be in the front seat of a car, but i could not see the car around them. The man on the north was $A518, and the man on the south was $F7. They both slouched in the chairs as they talked to each other. $A518 had his right leg straight and his left leg bent. He sat with his hands resting on his thighs. $F7 hunched forward a little, with both feet on the ground. He waved at me with his right hand, looking up and forming a shallow smile. I said hello to both of them. It felt good to see both of them. I talked to them for a moment. I said that i had to do something to get ready to go with them. I moved to the west, to the back of the car. The car seemed to be a station wagon, and the back was open. The hatch swinged open from the top. The back of the car was empty, but i had put the cylindrical vacuum cleaner in it. The silver cylinder of the vacuum faced southeast to northwest in the northeastern corner of the truck. The long white tube curved to the south from the southwestern end. It ran back to the northwest, along the southern side of the vacuum, and then turned back to the southwest near the western end of the trunk. The tube had a long black plastic tube off the end of it, and i pushed the tube further in to the truck so that i could close the trunk. I still seemed to be talking to the others as i pushed the tubes into the car. I closed the trunk, but two thin cables still hung out, one on each side of the back door. The cables seemed to pull to tighten something. They had small round knobs at the bottom to make them easier to grab. I pulled on both cables, trying to shorten them so that they did not hang out of the car so much. I thought that they would secure the car a little more. I realized that i was standing on a plastic bin to tighten the straps. The bin seemed like a recycling bin, and it was just to the west of the car. I held one cable with each hand, and the car started moving. I was annoyed at the others, because they had started driving away without me. The bin that i was on had wheels on the bottom, and it rolled behind the car. I knew that it would be dangerous to ride on the bin, though. It would not be able to go as fast as the car and would eventually tumble. I was disappointed that the others had taken off and tried to leave me here. I called to them, but the car did not slow down. I let go of the cables so that i did not get dragged too far. I then realized that the car was not moving away from me. I was rolling to the east with the car. This meant that they had stopped accelerating. This seemed strange. I stood for a moment on the bin, expecting it to decelerate, but it seemed to keep up with the car. This did not seem right, and i waited for a moment, trying to picture how the bin would eventually slow down. I looked at the southern side of the road. I was then back in the building. I headed to the south, entering the dining room of my parents’ farmhouse. It was dark, but the light in the center of the room was on, shining down on the round dining-room table. The card was still on the table. I remembered seeing it from before. It was late now, though, and no one was awake. I thought that i would leave it until the morning. Someone was then to the north of me. I turned to the north, where a doorway was in the northern wall to the west of the doorway that i had entered through. The other door seemed to lead outside. I opened the door to see two men standing outside. I remembered them from before. They wore light-blue polo shirts with lighter-blue wide stripes across the chest. A blue logo was on the left chest of the shirt. The men were from a technology store, and they were here to solicit for their services. They had come before, and i had not wanted to talk to them. I thought that i would listen to them this time, though. I stood in the doorway. The shorter man moved to the northeast of me, smiling as he held his hands in front of his torso. He greeted me as told my why they had come. His shirt was tight enough that i could see he had developed chest muscles. The taller man was not as nice. He was to the northeast of me. A drive seemed to run along the northern side of the house, and a car was parked to the east, facing east. The taller man was leaning into the car from the north to get something. He stood up and walked toward me to join his friend. I did not really want to listen to these people, but i thought that i could listen to them to get rid of them.

12022 October 05

I drove to the east, up the steep hill in the suburban area. The road seemed like Buffalo Street, and it seemed to run along the southern side of the western slope of the hill. I had been up this road many times before. I remembered that the skateboarder would cross the road ahead of me as i reached the first crest in the road. I could see the crest at the moment, but i could not see the skateboarder. I remembered that the skateboarder had jumped over the road, so i had to be careful that i did not hit him or her as i passed over the first crest in the hill. As i reached the crest, i could see farther up the hill to the east. The sun seemed to be shining from the southeast, making the road seem high in contrast. A thick brown guardrail ran along the northern side of the street ahead of me. It seemed square in cross section, and the metal seemed rusted brown. I saw the skateboarder on the guardrail as i started up the hill. The skateboarder jumped in a high arc over the road, heading to the southeast and landing on the southern side of the street. This had happened before as well, which is why i knew that i would have to avoid the skater. As i reached the top of the hill, i seemed to be just to the south of the eastern end of the college campus. I was headed to my office, which was just to the north of me. I turned into a small lot, driving up the short steep entry from the road. Tower Road seemed to be to the north of me, across a small lawn, and the large modern building to the northeast of me seemed to be my office. I pulled into the small square asphalt parking lot to the west of the building from the opening on the western side of the lot. The building seemed tan or white and had thin dark vertical lines that ran up the sides. I turned to the south and parked on the southern side of the lot. I pushed a button on the car to do something, and the car rolled forward a little. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that the car should not have moved. I thought that the electric usage of the thing that turned on when i pressed the button had caused the car to roll forward a little. I hoped that it did not do that again, because i was already close to the southern end of the lot. I pressed the off button of the car, and the car again rolled forward a little. This time, it slided over the edge of lot and down a steep hill, which was covered with snow. I felt annoyed. The hill was about two meters high, and a small ditch was at the bottom. To the south of the hill was a paved driveway. I hoped that my car did not get stuck in the snow. I tried to drive it forward. It moved slowly as the wheels spinned in the snow. I waited as the car nudged slowly to the south. I hoped that it would move all the way to the pavement. One of the wheels then caught on the pavement, and i felt relieved, thinking that i would be able to drive out. The car drove out onto the pavement. I would now just have to drive to the west to get onto the access road that would bring me back to the north to the entrance of the parking lot that i had been in. I drove back to the lot to the north and pulled in, facing east. I was annoyed to find that several other cars had already parked in the lot. I could see that several of the parking spaces on the southern side of the lot were taken up, but i could still see a few open spots. I tried to turn to the south to get to them, but i realized that a number of cars had parked across the center of the lot, blocking my access to the spots along the south. I felt annoyed. I tried to maneuver my car around the other cars, but i found that my car was sliding again. It again slided to the south. I tried to control it, turning it to the north, but the car continued to slide to the south. I realized that i was sliding down the icy driveway, back to the street that i had driven up from the west. I felt frustrated and tense. I could hear my tires skidding on the ice, and i thought that i should probably buy winter tires for my car. I then thought that it would not be worth buying winter tires for such an old car. I would have to wait until i got a new car.

I walked to the east, along the southern side of the restaurant. I had ordered a pizza, and i was waiting for it to be brought to me. An opening in the southern end of the western wall seemed to lead to an entryway. I also thought that the kitchen was in that direction, so i thought that the female waiter would bring my food from there. Several tables were in the room around me, and i wondered if i should sit down at one of them. I realized that i would probably be staying here to eat, so i thought that i would need a table. I looked around at the tables near me, noticing that most had people at them. I wondered if i would need to have the waiter assign me a table. I moved to the east, where a long rectangular table was along the southern wall of the room. The southern wall seemed to have a short wall in front of it. The white blocky wall was about a meter from the exterior southern wall. I walked around the eastern end of the table and started to the west along the southern side. A woman, who was sitting on the western end of the northern side of the table, asked me if i wanted to sit at the table. I realized that the people at the table were not together. A man sat on the eastern end of the northern side, and two seats were on the southern side. The woman was motioning to the open seat on the eastern end of the southern side of the table, but i noticed that the two open seats on the southern side of the table had dirty dishes stacked in front of them. I thought that the two people who were sitting there had just gotten up to leave. I wondered if they would be back. I felt hesitant to sit where the woman suggested, so i moved to the southwestern corner of the table and remained standing. I noticed that the narrow table along the western end of the southern wall was still open, but the female water directed a few people to sit there. She wore black pants and a white shirt. I felt frustrated and awkward and was not sure what to do. The waiter then brought something from the east, indicating that it was food. I thought that my pizza had arrived, so i would not actually have to wait any longer. I could see that the waiter was carrying something rather wide and round, supporting it with her left hand. I told the woman at the table to the east of me that my pizza had arrived. The waiter set it down to the west of me. When i looked at it, though, i realized that it was not really a pizza. It was a large sheet of aluminium foil with a small cluster of roasted green peppers and onions on the northeastern side of it. I felt disappointed and confused. I was not sure what to do, so i walked back to the southeast to sit at the table to wait for my pizza. I thought about what kind of pizza it would be, and i thought that it would be a deep-dish pizza. I then thought that it was like a last meal, so it would have to be a special pizza. I imagined that someone had asked me what i would like for my last meal. I thought that i would say that i would like a Nine’s deep-dish pizza. I realized that it was something special and no longer obtainable. I then added that it would be a Nine’s deep-dish pizza with Pat Mitchell’s ice cream. The ice cream would have to be the strawberry with the chocolate chips. A man came from the west, toward me.

12022 October 08

I stood on the northern side of the small room, which seemed to be in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. People were talking to the south of me, and one of them seemed to be my mother. She said that my grandmother was really alive. I looked to the east. I was standing about a meter from the northern wall, and i turned my torso to the east, leaving my feet facing south. I touched the dark northern wall with my right hand. I knew that $K3 had met my grandmother a few days ago, and she had told us that my grandmother had been alive all this time. It seemed that my grandmother had been dead for two years, but $K3 had discovered her somewhere. This seemed strange. I knew that it was not a mistake that she had died. I remembered seeing her body in the funeral home on the table. I wondered if the living version of my grandmother was a different woman. Something about the situation made me feel uncomfortable. I knew that my grandmother had died, so it seemed very unusual that she was alive as well. I thought that the living person might be an impostor. I turned to the south. Some of my relatives were walking to the north, passing to the east of me. My grandmother was then to the south of me. She said hello and reached to hug me. I reached out to hug her. As i got close to her, i noticed that her hair was dark blond and longer than it had been when she was alive. I looked at her face, noticing that it looked like my grandmother’s face, but something seemed different. I hugged the woman for a moment and then stepped back. The woman moved to the northeast of me and continued to the north. She turned to speak to me over her left shoulder. She wore a reddish-orange dress. I watched her as she slowly walked away, trying to study her features to see if she was really my grandmother. I noticed her legs, which were exposed below the dress. Her calfs were rather large. This did not seem correct. My grandmother had thin legs, but this woman had rounded calfs, with loose skin and small dimples from fat layers. I also noticed dark-blue lines of a tattoo, which was just above the inside ankle of her right leg. This woman did not seem like my grandmother. I thought that she might be impersonating my grandmother. Others seemed to be gathering to the south of me for the event. I felt a little uncomfortable. I thought that i should go for my run before the event started. I remembered that my knee was bothering me, so i knew that i should not be running too far, but i thought that i had planned on running a long loop that i had done previously. I was outside now, and a low wall or shrub ran to the north of me. The area to the south of the divider was covered with short grass, but it also seemed like the dining room of my grandmother’s house, though the room had been remodeled to be a gathering hall. I still felt anxious wondering how my grandmother could still be alive. I thought about the run, though. The path seemed old and familiar to me. It seemed to run to the northeast, and i pictured part of it running along the northern side of a stream or gorge, heading roughly east-northeast to west-southwest. I thought that i would actually have to cut the run short because of my knee. A man came from the north. He stopped to the east of me, staring down at me as though judging me. He seemed to know that i was going running, and i thought that he was displeased that i would go running when the event was about to start. I thought that i wanted to go running before the event. I walked past the man, now heading north on the western side of the driveway, which was to the east of my grandmother’s house. I wondered if i would really have enough time to go for a run. I knew that i would have to shower and dress before event as well. I was heading south, crossing the bridge over the river, which seemed like the Old Vestal Bridge. I pictured the road that ran to the west from the bridge. It curved slowly to the southwest, but a small side road ran to the west along the southern side of the river. This was a familiar place. I remembered the location to the south of the side road. I knew that my run would go down the side road and then turn south and head up the hill before heading back. I knew that i would have to cut the run short so that my knee did not bother me. I thought about this as i wondered if i would be back in time for my grandmother’s event.

I stood in the field on the southern side of the road with a few other people. We were here for the event, which seemed like a run of $G4. The flat land around us seemed mostly like farming fields. We were on the northeastern side of a long rectangular field that ran to the south from the road. The road ran east to west to the north of us. An old worn-down barn was to the northwest of us, along the road. The dark brown wood was weather worn and bare. I spoke to the few people who were still to the southwest of me. Most of the group of runners had headed across the road to the north. The road seemed like a narrow country lane. Someone from the north then started yelling to us. Something was wrong. I turned to see three or four people in the tall grass of the small field to the north of the road. They were calling to us, alerting us that a dog had gotten in a fight with another animal. I knew that the runners had headed down the road to the east, and i thought that the dog had followed the others. I imagined them in a field on the southern side of the road, about a hundred or so meters down the road. I looked to the southwest. $A350 seemed surprised, and he walked to the north. I knew that the dog was his. The lot to the east of us was filled with thin trees, which seemed leafless. I started to the north, looking at the people to the north of us as they approached the road. They motioned to the southeast, to where the dog had been attacked. We headed down the road to the east. A dirt lane ran through the grass to the south, near where the others had been. As i walked past the northern end of the dirt drive, a dog was walking slowly to the north. It seemed to be a golden retriever. It walked low to the ground, as though something was wrong. It was not the dog that had been with us, and i thought that it must have been the other animal in the fight. Its hair was matted down and seemed oily. As it got close to me, it lowered its head and growled. I continued walking to the east, trying to get out of the dog’s way. I wondered where the other dog had gone, and i worried that it would be hurt. I thought that it was $A350’s dog. I headed to the south, looking at the ground to the east of the dirt path. The grass was cut short around the dirt path, but it grew taller to the east. The grass was flattened in some areas, but i did not see any signs of the other dog. Several people were round me, a few to the south and some to the north. I walked to the southwest, noticing footprints on the dirt road. They were bloody, and they were shaped like the paws of a dog. They trailed behind the dog that had walked up the road. The dog was now to the north of me as i stepped on to the road. I followed the prints to the south. They drifted to the southwest, off of the road, and ended in a patch of high grass. A long elliptical patch of grass was flattened and covered with red blood. I thought that the dogs must have fought here. I could not see the other dog, though, and i felt worried. A narrow trail of blood seemed to run to the south, but it tapered out and stopped. I looked around, noticing some footprints in the dirt of the road to the east of me. I walked across the road, but i noticed that the dog footprints in the road were heading to the northwest, heading toward the bloody area. I slowed, thinking that i should go in another direction, but i then noticed a muddy area in the taller grass to the east. The muddy area had many prints running in all directions, so i thought that i should look at the area. I noticed how clean and clear the prints of dog pads looked, though. They seemed perfectly formed. I then noticed a large heart-shaped print that was split in half. It was the hoof of a deer, but it seemed rather large. A woman was to the southeast of me, and she said something about the prints. I pointed out that the deer print was very large. It seemed to be at least a deci from font to back. That would have been from a very large deer. I mentioned this to the woman. She stopped and looked at me, her feet facing south, but her torso turned to the west, toward me. She was shorter than i, and she wore a tan heavy hunting vest. She had frizzy chin-length blond hair that stuck out a little from her head. She said that she could lead me to the dog. I felt a little uncomfortable about her offer, though. Something about her seemed unpredictable, and i thought that she was trying to imply that we should hunt something. I just wanted to find the dog. The woman seemed insistent, but i felt cautious of her, thinking that she had other interests than the dog. I was with several other people now. I was aware that the sky was very gray now, and the trees in the distance seemed leafless and dry. We seemed to be standing in a line that ran roughly north to south. I still felt uncomfortable as i talked with the others, and i thought that we still had to find the wounded dog. I worried that it was bleeding and hurt. A flash of light filled the area. I looked up to the east, noticing a lighter patch of clouds. I thought that lightning must have flashed in the clouds. The others with me looked to the east with me. I said something about the storm. The man to the south of me then moved close, putting his right arm over my left shoulder. He pressed his body against me, pushing his knee between my legs from behind. I thought that he was trying to joke about something. I turned to look at him. He was $A65. He stood close to me. He was looking to the west, smiling at something. The woman or someone else who seemed to be in charge of this place moved to the southwest of us. I thought that $A65 was trying to tease my by putting his knee in my lap, but i did not really mind, so i let him stand next to me. I felt concerned about the storm, though, and i scanned the sky, looking for storm clouds. I panned from east to northwest. I noticed dark clouds low over the horizon to the northwest of us. An old barn was to the northwest of us, and the dark clouds were to the north of the edge of the barn. I could then hear someone screaming in the distance. I focused on the dark clouds, noticing several tubes running down from the clouds. I realized that tornados were moving in the distance. A dark cone reached down from the dark cloud to the darkened ground below. Everything seemed to be in silhouette. Several other tubes reached down from the cloud. They did not seem to be tornados, though. The shapes were strange. I noticed several other shapes below the clouds, moving generally east, toward the silhouette of a large farmhouse with peaked roofs. Three of the objects were moving to the east, connecting the black clouds to the black ground. The clouds were far enough in the distance that i could not tell if they would pass to the north or south of the house or if they would hit it. I thought that the screaming might be someone in the house, screaming about the tornados. Three of the dark objects separated from the clouds, moving independently of the other vertical dark objects. The three objects did not seem like tornados, but i could tell that they were cylindrical whirls of wind. They were shaped like barrels, with small knobs on the top and bottom. I could see individual wisps of wind twisting across the barrel shape, but the knobs at the top seemed to be dense toruses of wind that were tight and dense. The knobs seemed to be a third of the width of the tops of the barrel shapes. The three shapes moved as a unit, and before they reached the house, they swooped suddenly up into the air to the west. They rose high and stopped. I could still hear the screaming, though. I realized that it was a long drawn-out sound. It sounded like an old woman with a rough voice yelling out, but the sound did not taper off. I thought that it must have been coming from the three objects. The objects hovered for a moment, then darted to the east and stopped suddenly. I watched them as they hovered for a moment before darting to a now location in the sky. They stopped to hover a few times. I realized that i could still hear the wailing sound, and i wondered if it was coming from the three objects. I felt fascinated in the objects as they shifted position in jerky motions. I wondered if they could be something supernatural. It seemed unusual to see supernatural things, so i felt good seeing it, but i wondered what the event really was. I was aware of the person standing to the north of me as i watched the objects hover in the air to the west and northwest. I could still hear the screaming, and i thought that the objects might be what used to be referred to as banshees. The scream seemed to be a continuous tone. I looked at the objects with the other person, commenting: “Wailing like a banshee.” I was aware of another person to the north of us who seemed to be in authority here. I then noticed that i could no longer see the three objects, but i could still hear the wailing. A house was to the north of us now, and it blocked most of the northern sky from view. I thought that the objects might have moved east or northeast and gone behind the house. I continued to talk about the objects with the other person as i stepped to the west to see around the house. The sky was dull tan, with streaks of gray and dark brown, but i could not see the black whirls anymore. I could still hear the sound, and i wondered where it was coming from.

12022 October 09

The event had just ended, and i was walking with some others to the north, toward the doors in the northern wall. A crowd of people was moving through the room with me, and they were moving from the southeast toward the many doors in the northern wall of the room. As the doors opened, i could see people standing near the gates to talk to the people as they came out. It seemed that we would have to wait in queue for one of the people at the doors to let us through. Some of the doors in the western end of the wall opened, and i thought that we could head to them so that we could get to one of the gates before the crowd. Some of the people with me moved to the northwest, though, moving in front of me. I stopped a few meters from the western doors, thinking that i should wait for one of the people to become free. The people at the gates were wearing black pants and shirts. They seemed like ticket-takers at a theater. Just after i stopped, a man at the western end of the row of gates motioned me forward. I realized that the other person in front of me had already passed through the gate. I walked forward and greeted the man at the gate. He seemed young, and he seemed to have curly hair. He asked me a question, and i answered him. I felt humored by one of the questions, and i smiled at him, replying and making a joke about the response. The man did not seem to understand what i had said. I tried to explain to him, but he did not seem amused. I felt confused, and i asked him what he was talking about. He told me that i would not be able to do something. I thought that i would not be allowed to travel across the border. I felt upset by this. I asked the man why he was rejecting me, but he would not respond. I was distressed, and i was not sure what to do. I then realized that i still had passport at my house, so i would still be able to travel later, but i wondered if the man would make sure that the passport was taken from me when i tried to travel later. I tried to ask the man what was wrong, but he would not answer. He expected me to leave. I was not sure where to go, though. I stood in the northeastern corner of the room now. The man was behind a desk to the north of me. The stone walls of the room seemed dark yellow, with dark brown or black streaks. I looked to the east, noticing a woman sitting behind another small wooden desk. She smiled at me smugly, saying that she guessed that i would be here a while. I felt upset with her as she turned to the man and chuckled. I was not sure what to do. I thought that i had to get approved by these people. I told them that i would need to go to visit my parents, and i asked them how i was going to get to their house. I added that they were in Canada. I realized that this was not true, but i thought that i could say that they were in Toronto. It seemed plausible. I was very upset, and i turned to the east and started walking. I was now outside, and i was walking across a stony ground, which seemed to be elevated a little form the surrounding landscape. It seemed as though i had just exited a building, and i was walking across a small area of rock that formed a platform to the east of the door. I thought about the young boy. He was special in some way. He was part of a story, and the story seemed very interesting to me. I knew that he could not be moved quickly, because something would happen. Thus, he was restricted to walking or traveling slowly across land. I thought that he would not be able to travel at warp speed, so he would not be able to travel on a spaceship. That was why he and his mother were trapped on the planet in the story. I then thought that they would be able to travel by wormhole to another place. This had something to do with the story, and it seemed like an interesting story. I then saw the young boy to the southeast of me as i walked to the southeast. They boy had thick glasses and shaggy hair. As i passed to the west of him, i noticed that he was sitting in a round object, which seemed like an inner tube. I thought that this object must be a ring to generate a wormhole. Others were gathered around the boy as the gray inner tube hovered in the air about a meter from the ground. The boy sat cross-legged, facing northwest. He smiled with glee as he prepared to travel somewhere. I knew that something was wrong with the situation. The inner tube was not actually capable of generating a wormhole. I thought that the older boys were teasing the young boy. I felt concerned for him, and i stopped to see what was happening. I noticed a square yellow frame to the southeast of the boy. It seemed crudely constructed, with yellow tape around it. I realized that it was some kind of view screen. The older kids had set it up to film the young boy as he failed to travel. I felt bad for the boy, and i moved toward him. A young girl then appeared inside the frame, which now seemed to be connected to the southeastern side of the inner tube. I thought that the rest of the class was watching from the other side of the street, but the young girl was someone that the boy liked. The boy turned to look at the screen with surprise. He realized that he was part of a joke. The inner tube tipped to the east and fell, and the young boy was upset. I moved to the inner tube as someone to the north of me picked it up. I noticed the girl in the frame. She was still there, staring out from behind a thin curtain. Something seemed strange about her, though. I realized that i was not looking at an image. The girl was a three-dimensional figure on the other side of the frame. The frame was now on the ground, and the torso of the girl lay underneath it. The girl was a doll, wearing a shirt that had thick horizontal strips of dark green and dark blue. This was surprising. It was not the girl, but the doll had been created during the embarrassment of the boy. I pointed the doll out to the man to the north of me, saying that it was actually something significant. It had not been there before, but the boy must have created it during his ridicule. He had not brought the young girl to him, but he had created something like the girl in the local area. This was part of the boy’s ability. I continued to the east, across the flat rocky area as i thought about this. The area seemed enclosed by a short stone wall. The landscape still seemed rocky and flat. As i crossed a road or drive, which headed north to south, i thought that the story of the boy would make a great story. I was interested in it, but i then thought that Stephen King already had a book about it.

I sat on the ground on the eastern side of the small outdoor area. This seemed to be part of $P9. I sat on the flat paving stones of the small courtyard. A modern white building was to the southwest of us, and another was to the east of us. Tall round columns seemed to run across the southern side of the area, supporting a high partial roof, which overhung the buildings and ran along the southern side of the area. My mother sat on the ground to the southwest of me with some other young people that i knew. It was sunny, but the roof to the south blocked the sun. A man then came from the northwest, passing through the center of the group that i was talking with. He seemed to be dressed in a business suit. As he passed to the west of me, i realized that i recognized him. He was $A43. He started walking to the south, but i stood up and called his name. He turned around and smiled at me. I said hello and greeted him. He moved toward me. I reached out my hand to shake his, but, to my surprise, he opened his arms and moved to hug me. I hugged him back. He seemed very happy to see me. He was talking with a melodic soft voice, which seemed unusual. It was not how i remembered him talking. I asked him a few questions, and he responded with a smile on his face. I then realized that he did not quite know who i was. I asked him if he remembered me, but he did not. I still had my wallet in my left hand, so i opened it up and showed him my license. He looked at the name on it, but he did not seem to acknowledge that he realized who i was. I told him who i was as he walked to the west. He stopped to the west of me, saying that he had come here for an appointment. He suggested that it was for a doctor, and he told me that he was here to see a doctor about a condition. He said something that started with “mono” and mentioned a few other medical terms. I felt confused, not quite sure what he was talking about. He tipped his head as he smiled, and he spoke as though he were relating some gossip to me. I wondered if he had come see a psychologist about a mental condition. I stared at him as he chatted. He then paused, considering me with his head tipped slightly forward and looking up at me. He wobbled his head from side to side and said “turtle”. I realized that he was referring to his penis, and i thought that he was trying to tell me that he had a small penis. I felt a little uncomfortable about the conversation. I was sitting on the northern end of the eastern side of a square brown wooden table. $A43 was sitting to the west of me. He continued talking about his issues, and i felt a little uncomfortable about it. My mother was sitting to the south of him, on the southern end of the western side of the table. To the south of me seemed to be $K3. I thought that they might be uncomfortable with $A43’s conversation as well. I then noticed that $A43 was standing over the back of his chair, and he started rubbing his groin on the back of the chair. I glanced at my mother. I realized that i could see her crotch above the level of the table. She was wearing denim pants, which had a tear down the center of the crotch. A small pink fold of flesh stuck out of the small hole in the pants. Her shirt seemed to be light and puffy, like something from the late seventies. I looked at $A43. He wore a pair of blue-jean shorts that were torn down the center of the crotch. A small pink penis poked out of the hole. I then realized that i could not have seen a penis on my mother, because she would not have had one. $A43 continued talking as he rubbed his groin on the chair and edge of the table. He seemed to be wearing a tight half-sleeve T-shirt with some kind of netting over the top of it. The situation seemed very strange, and i was not sure what to do.

I stood on the flat area, which seemed to be on the western end of a steep rounded hill. The hills were covered with short brown grass, and several ran to the west of where i was. I had been talking with the others in the small area that was on the northwestern side of the hill. It seemed to be a flat paved area with tall thin round pillars on the southern side. I was talking to my family, who seemed to be around me. I looked to the west to see the man walking up the narrow path, which headed up the next hill to the northwest. He wore a white shirt, and i thought that he was $A43. We were walking away, and my mother, who was to the southwest of me, said something about him. I thought that we should not let him leave. I would have to go after him to stop him from leaving, but i was saying something to my relatives, who seemed to be to the south of me. I could see the man in the white shirt about fifty meters to the west-northwest of me. He was walking up the crude narrow stairs, which had been cut into the stone of the hill. I thought that i would have to chase after him, but i knew that i would not catch up. He would get farther and farther away. I said something to the people near me, and then i looked back to the west, feeling anxious to head after the man. I said something to my mother, who was to the south of me, and then i headed to the western end of the paved area. The hill that we were on seemed to be very narrow north to south, and it rose steeply to the south of us. I also sloped down steeply just to the west of us. I ran to the western end of the ridge and turned to the east, heading up a narrow set of steps that ascended toward the crest. I stopped only about five meters up. I felt that i should be doing something else. I looked down at my family, and i said something to them. I told them about the narrow staircase, but i thought that i really should have headed to the west to do something. I backed down the stair, still saying something. A man was to the northwest of me. He asked me a question about the other person to the west. I was standing on the western side of a large hall or atrium. Tall vertical features ran up the southern wall of the room, which seemed to be a window. Others were gathered in the eastern side of the room, but the man was urging me to come to the west to help him. He said that the other man had to be let into a room of the hotel. I sighed and turned to the west to follow the man down the hall. He seemed to be in an old bellhop uniform, with a small hat. He was shorter than i, and he seemed concerned about pleasing the man to the west. I walked with him. I told him that i could let the man into the room, but i wondered if the man really should have access to the room. I thought that the man was wealthy, but i wondered if he was overstressing his importance or if he really had to have access. The bellhop told me that he was a board member. We turned to the south, heading toward a door that was recessed into the dark-gray southern wall.

12022 October 10

The other person asked me about something as we walked to the east. We seemed to be heading out of the city, but we were also to the southern side of the city. To the north of me, i could see a narrow valley that ran east to west. I thought that Endicott was in the center of the valley. I told the other person about the neighborhood that was up the hill to the east of town. I referred to it as Endicott Heights. I then realized that this neighborhood was actually on the relatively level area on top of a low hill to the east of the city. A taller hill still rose to the east of the city, and more houses were on that hill. To the south of me, i could see a road that had just reached the top of the hill. It seemed to head to the west-northwest, merging with several other roads and some railroad tracks in a narrow part of the valley. This was the part of the valley where the land started to turn into rural fields and forests. A plain pale-gray cement building seemed to be to the north of me. It seemed like a factory. I continued talking to the other person as i walked across the small area, which now seemed like the attic of a house. A staircase descended to the south along the eastern side of the attic, and i seemed to be standing to the southeast of it. I knew that a radio signal from the valley to the east was being broadcast due to something that we had done. I felt concerned about this. The attic room to the west of me seemed enclosed, but i could tell that pink fiberglass insulation was exposed on the floor and walls. The walls seemed to be made of plywood, and they enclosed the southwestern corner of the attic, taking up most of the attic space. The door to the room seemed to be on the northern side of the room, and it exited to a small space to the north, which seemed to be about three meters north to south. Just to the east of the door to the room was a square cinderblock chimney, which extended up from the floors below. It formed the northeastern corner of the room. I knew that we had some radio equipment in the room, and i thought that we had to do something to activate it. My mother had walked down the stairs a little while ago, and i was talking to the other man. I thought that we had hidden the transmitter in the insulation of the floor on the southern end of the western side of the room. We had to get back to the transmitter to make sure that it was working. The other signal from the valley would be broadcast at certain times, and we had done something that caused it to be broadcast. Because of this, we had created the transmitter to jam the first signal. I thought that it would have to detect the original signal and then send out a stronger signal of static to cover up the first signal. We had to hide our original signal. I then wondered if the transmitter we had here actually did what it was supposed to do. I thought that i had never listened for the original signal to see if it was broadcasting and getting blocked. I thought about how this would work as i tuned to the east and entered the kitchen of my parents’ farmhouse. My mother seemed to be in the room to the north, and it seemed to be late at night. The peninsula counter to the east was full of plastic containers and others things. Some trays of food seemed to be out on the counters to the north. I thought that i had to make something, but everything seemed to be messy. I opened the cupboard on the eastern end of the northern wall to get a glass, because i was thirsty. I reached for a glass, but i realized that everything in the cupboard was made of thin plastic. I did not want to drink out of the cheap plastic cups. I wondered what i should do. $F71 came from the east. I pointed out the cheap glasses to him as i took one from the shelf.

I gathered some of the things near the northern wall of the room. I was standing in a recessed area on the eastern side of the northern wall. Someone was with me, to the east of me. It seemed that we had just gotten back from somewhere, and i was trying to put away my equipment. The large room to the south of us had a high ceiling and cement walls. It seemed to be a storage room. I felt a little hurried, and i said something to the man with me as i turned to the south and stepped back into the room with something i had in my right hand. A bicycle was standing against the northern wall of the room, just to the west of me. I hung the yellow towel over the center of the bicycle. I then noticed the thin woman standing just to the south of the bicycle, wearing blue bicycle shorts and a tight riding shirt. She had come from the south and was reaching for the bicycle. A man was walking to the southwest of her. I realized that the bicycle was her bicycle and not mine. I apologized and pulled the towel off of the bicycle. I thought that i would have to put my skis somewhere else. I had just taken them off in the small alcove in the northern wall. I tried to arrange my things and put them away, but i felt distracted. The others were to the south of me, and i said something to them as i walked out into the room to the south. Several crates were stacked near the southern wall in the southeastern side of the room. We had to put our things into storage here now that we were done with them. I then wondered where my things were. I came out of the room to the south. A few of my friends were standing to the south and southwest of me. A small section of the building was to the west of them. It seemed like a small cement breezeway with a door on the eastern side. They faced east, and i thought that we had to head to the southeast. $A601 was standing in the group, and he said something to me. I was standing on a rolling thing, and i said that i would head to the southeast. It was dark out, but the paved drive to the southeast was illuminated by bright streetlights. I rolled to the south, rolling over the low curb and onto the drive, where the others were standing. I realized that i was actually in a thick black wheelchair. The chair rolled over the curb and turned abruptly to the southeast. I started rolling down the drive, which sloped down to the southeast. I thought that i could easily coast down the pavement. As i rolled, however, the wheelchair skidded to the north, pivoting to the south. It seemed that the drive had let out onto a road, which headed to the east-southeast. The road seemed like University Avenue. A stone embankment wall was on the northern side of the road, and the road curved gently to the east a little way down the hill, to the southeast. I tried to adjust the position of the wheels so that they were facing down the hill. I then started moving to the southeast again. This time, i seemed to be on skis that had wheels.

12022 October 12

I stopped on the street to the south of the store. I had been with $A682 earlier, to the northwest. We had been on the street to the north of the one that i was on. The street to the north was much lower in elevation than the one i was currently on, and it seemed to curve to the northwest. The streets seemed old, and the buildings reminded me of old stone buildings in London or Colonial United States. The building to the north of me seemed to be a restaurant, and it was two stories tall from the street i was on. I knew that another floor was below the one that i was on, and it was level with the street to the north. To the west of the building, on the street to the north was a row of stores, where the road curved to the northwest. $A682 had gone into one of the stores in the gray stone building on the southwestern side of the road on the curve. I thought about something as i looked to the east, down the road that i was standing on. I had to do something before i headed back to $A682. Several people then started walking past me, heading from the southeast into the building to the north. A woman was with them, and she stopped to ask me something. She seemed upset about something, and she asked me if i could take her someplace. I felt a little concerned for her, and i told her that i would bring her to the restaurant. I thought that we could go to the pizza restaurant on the lower street, which was near where $A682 was. I thought that i would call $A682 and tell him that we should do lunch in the pizza place. I pictured the store that he had gone into. It seemed to be in the center of the curve in the street. It was a narrow store with several floors, and i thought that it was F. A. O. Schwartz or just Schwartz. It seemed like a toy store, but i knew that it had fashionable things for adults in it. I headed to the north, walking with the woman through the first floor of the restaurant. The room was not well illuminated. Most of the light seemed to come from a window in the northern wall that let in daylight. Stairs were on the northern side of the building, and they led down to the lower street. I headed to the east, into a small rounded parking lot to the east of the building. The people had gathered there. I stopped, looking down the street to the northwest. I could see the stores where $A682 was. I thought that i should call him to tell him that we should get pizza. I held my cell phone in my left hand. I then wondered where the woman had gone. I looked to the west, over the crowd. They stood in a general cluster down the center of the small lot. A tall narrow structure stood to the north of the center of the lot, to the northwest of me. Directly to the north of me, the entrance of the lot sloped down steeply for about two meters to the road to the north. I could not see the woman in the crowd. I stepped to the south to look down the southern edge of the crowd, but i could not see anyone i recognized. I wondered if i could actually recognize her at the moment. Several of the people seemed to be wearing knit hats, though they were only wearing light jackets or vests. I felt confused, wondering where the woman had gone. I then thought that it was probably good that she had left, because i would then not have to arrange lunch with both her and $A682. I was still looking to the west when i noticed two people in front of me who were hugging. A woman with shoulder-length frizzy red hair was facing west as she hugged a larger man with short dark hair to the southwest of her. The man turned his head to look at me as the woman looked at me over her left shoulder. She was the woman i had been talking to. She said “Thank you.”, letting me know that she no longer needed my help. I felt some relief that i did not have to lead her to the restaurant, but i also felt a little disappointed that she had suddenly abandoned me. I headed to the north, toward the entrance of the lot. I would walk to the west down the street to the west.

12022 October 14

I entered the small park, which seemed like a campground, from the northern end of the western side. People were sitting on the grass to the southeast of me. I seemed to be in the center of the park as i watched myself turn to the south and drive down a narrow lane that ran along the western side of the park. I was then in the car, looking at the people on the grass around me as i drove. The park seemed only about twenty-five meters square, and had a drive around its perimeter. To the west of me, i noticed a young boy sitting on the northern side of a family, playing with his cell phone. Something about him seemed familiar, and i thought that he was related to $A149. I realized that several of the people in this small campground seemed like people i knew. I turned to the east on the southern side of the area and moved slowly down the drive. A road ran to the north, up the center of the park, and i walked up it. I looked around at the people who were sitting on the grass. I thought that $A149 might be on the eastern side of the lane with some other people, but i had to keep moving to the north. I thought that i would have to come back to find him and say hello. I wanted to get an idea of who was in the park first. I reached the northern end of the central road and turned west, along the northern lane. I noticed a picnic table to the north of the drive, with people sitting on both sides. I recognized $F9, who was sitting in the center of the western side of the table. He did not seem to notice me as i walked past the table, but i stopped a little to the west and headed back. I stopped at the southern end of the table and waved at him. $A466 was also sitting at the table, in the middle of the eastern side. She waved at me and said hello. I was then standing in the corridor, which ran north to south. The cement walls were dark and seemed dingy. $A466 stood to the north of me, talking to me excitedly. The others had stood up to the north of her, and she was trying to organize them for something. She told me that i should pose for a picture. I realized that they had already taken a picture of the group to the north. $A466 moved to the northwest of me and held the camera for a moment, and then she waved toward me, but she was looking at someone just to the south of me. She was taking pictures of more people, and i thought that they would be cropping the separate people into a single large picture. I was amused by the idea, and i was interested in the picture.

I had left the area where the people, and i was walking to the north on the western side of a short street, which seemed to be in the Fall Creek neighborhood. I had come from an event to the west. I reached the northern end of the street, where it met an east-to-west street, and i stopped on the corner, deciding where to go. It was dark, but the street was lighted. I heard the south of people to the west of me, and i turned to see a small group of young men walking toward me. Others were to the east of me, but i could not quite see them in the dark. I could hear the voice of a young woman, and another voice seemed to be an older woman. The young men passed to the north of me, crossing the street to the east. I watched them as they walked. They were wearing shorts and T-shirts. They seemed attractive, and i felt interested in them. As the boys walked past, though, i realized that they were very young. I thought that they might be in high school, in their late teens. I then heard someone from the east talking about snakes in the bushes. The young woman seemed to be afraid of snakes that would hide under bushes near the sidewalk and attack people as they walked past. I realized that she might be talking of other people on the street. It was easy for people to not be seen in the darkness of the street. I then realized just how dark the street was. The area around me was illuminated, because i was standing under a street lamp, but the street to the east of me was much darker, and i could not see the people on the sidewalks. I headed to the northwest, crossing the street and turning east onto the northern sidewalk. The young men were walking to the south of me. They came from the west and passed me on the southern side of the street. I looked across the street at them, watching as they carried large rubber mats over their heads. The mats were long and padded, and they were brightly colored. The first boy was carrying a red mat, the second was carrying a white mat, and the last was carrying a blue mat. I wondered if the mats were gymnastic mats. I thought that the boys must have been taking the mats from the large event to the west to a smaller event to the east. I felt interested in what they were doing, but i did not feel interested enough to follow them. They walked faster than i, though, and they disappeared down the street. As i continued down the street, i noticed a small fenced-in area on the northern side of the street. The small yard seemed to be to the west of a school building. The men had put the mats on the ground in short stacks and were sitting on them, talking to each other. I glanced at them as i walked past. They seemed excited about something. I looked back to the east as i continued on. I was now in a corridor of a large open building. I seemed to be near the northern side of the building, and the area inside the large open room was sectioned off with thin walls or fences. Walls extended from the northern wall, separating the room into small storage areas, which had chain-link fences across parts of the southern sides. I could hear some other people talking to the northeast of me, but i could not see who they were. I thought that this building must be a place where the high-school students hung out. I was amused, and i felt that i wanted to join them, but i knew that i was too old to hang out with high-school students. I stopped near the eastern end of the building and turned back to the west. As i passed the stall where the boys with the mats were, i noticed that they had changed positions. One of the boys was leaning against the northern end of the eastern wall, with his right knee up and his left leg straight. A second sat to the south of him and leaned against him so that his head was on the first boy’s shoulder. The third boy was lying on the mat that ran along the northern wall. His head was to the east, near the first boy’s lap. I realized that there was nothing sexual in what they were doing, but they still enjoyed being close to each other. This amused me, and i felt envious, because such actions would have been dissuaded when i was in high school. I turned to the north and exited the building through a large square hole in the northern wall. I then turned to the east and walked along the outside of the cement building, which seemed to arc to the south. I started flying as i reached the eastern end of the building, and i flew up over the green grass of the playing fields to the east of the building. The fields stretched to the north, and they seemed to have a short chain-link fence around the eastern and northern side. A fence also seemed to run along the western side of the field, separating the filed from the lawn around the cement storage building. As i flew, i started to sing a song. It felt good to sing. I had made up the song as i sang it. It was about relationships, and i thought that the lyrics were very good. I tried to remember what i had just said, though, and i was disappointed that i could not remember it. I wished that i could remember the lyrics so that i could write them down. I looked down at the town around me. A forested lot was to the east of the field, and a main street ran east to west, passing to the south of the school building. I knew that the center of town was to the east of me. I pictured The Common running north to south almost directly to the east. I thought that the street to the south of me would run directly to The Commons. I thought that i would have to get back to The Commons, because that was where i had parked my car. I flew over the houses of the neighborhood, heading east. I noticed the taller buildings about a half kilometer ahead of me, and i headed for them. As i approached a long white brick building, i noticed a window open on the top floor. I thought that i could go through the building to get to the center of The Commons. I hovered outside the window for a moment, not sure if i should pass through. I thought that this building was a store, but the window had small plants in colored plastic cups. It seemed like a kitchen of an apartment. I quickly past through the window and stepped onto the floor of the small kitchen. A green linoleum counter ran along the eastern wall, with tall lightly stained wood cabinets above and below it. The cabinets and other things in the kitchen seemed old and worn, but well cleaned and maintained. A small white stove was just to the north of me, against the western wall of the room. A small black dog was sitting on the counter to the west, wagging its tail. It was excited to see me. I reached out with my left hand to scratch its head, but i knew that i could not stay in the apartment. I worried that someone else might be here. I would have to get out. To the south of me, a cat stood by the counters on the southern end of the western wall. It stared up at me with its tail up and curved. Doorways were in the northern and southern ends of the eastern wall of the kitchen. The southern doorway was closer to me, so i headed for it. I hoped that i could get through the apartment quickly. I glanced back at the dog, noticing the bowl of fruit on the counter to the south of it. I wondered if the dog would eat the apples or bananas in the bowl. Across a narrow hallway i could see a wide opening into the northern side of a living room. The room seemed square, and it was nicely furnished. I was nervous, hoping that i did not run into the owner of the apartment. I stepped into the living room. The apartment seemed quiet. I wondered if the pets had been left for a long time. Furniture was around the walls of the room, and a large tan ottoman was to the east of me, in front of a maroon leather couch. The room seemed cozy. I noticed a door to the southeast of me, near the center of the southern wall of the room. The eastern end of the southern wall was inset, and the door faced west-northwest. I reached the door and reached for the handle, but the lock on the door was tipped at an odd angle, facing slightly down. Something seemed strange about this. I wondered if it was some kind of security feature of the door latch. The latch was a flat panel that folded into the door at the bottom. I had to tip the panel up in order to pull the latch open. As i pulled the latch, i heard a loud click that seemed to be more than the latch opening. I thought that i might have tripped an alarm. I could not hear anything, but i worried that an alarm might have gone off. I walked down the short corridor on the other side of the door, hoping that no security cameras were in the building. I kept my head tipped down so that a camera could not easily see my face. I had to get out, and i felt rushed. At the end of the short hall, the hall widened, and a door was to the east and a hall ran to the north. I did not look north, but i thought that the hall must go somewhere else i the building. I had to get out, so i continued to head to the east. I pushed open the door, noticing a narrow stairway descending. I hurried down the stairs, aware of the door closing behind me. The spiral stairs curved sharply to the south and then to the west. At the bottom, i was facing west, and another door was closed at the bottom. I reached for the door, but i realized that it did not have a door handle or latch. I feared that it might be a security door. I hurried back up the stairs, but the door i had come through had closed, and it also did not have a latch. I realized that i had been trapped, and i felt upset.

12022 October 15

I headed to the west, descending the stairs into the building. The stairs descended along the northern side of the building, from the east. The cement building was plain and white, with no windows. A cement wall stood along the northern side of the stairs and seemed to be holding back dirt. I thought that the building was a gymnasium, but i had come here for work. I seemed to be working with $G6. A man had started walking down the stairs just ahead of me. He seemed taller than i was. I caught a glimpse of his face, and i seemed to remember him as a man that had worked for the athletics department in this building. I thought that he worked at the service counter. As i descended the stairs, i started to pass the man. He said hello as i passed him, and then he mentioned that he was always finding his towel or gym clothing in various places around the office. I commented that i was always forgetting my clothing. I reached a landing and looked down at the stairs as i started down another flight. The stairway seemed long, with several narrow landings. As i stepped on the stairs ahead of me, i was aware of the man walking just to the northeast of me. I watched the steps, though, as i landed on them. I seemed to be moving quickly from step to step, and i hoped that i did not slip on any steps. The steps looked like white tile, but some of them were pale yellow. I took several quick steps down the last part of a flight, saying something to the man. At the bottom, we both turned to the south and entered the building. I stopped near the entrance, about to head to the east. The man started heading to the south, but he turned and asked me if i would be here for a while. He said that he would come back to talk to me. I told him that i would be in the office to the east. He acknowledged me and turned to walk into the center of the building. I headed to the east. The short entry corridor led into a reception area. A service counter was in the southern wall. I looked through the window as i continued to the east. The office on the other side of the window had several desks in it, and a few people were working. Just beyond, i passed through a doorway and came into a larger room, which opened up to the south. The white walls of the room were plain. I remembered that my workspace was on a counter on the eastern end of the southern wall, but when i entered, i could see that the desks and counters had been removed from the room. Two people were sitting in a row of four or five folding black chairs that were in the eastern half of the room. They were facing west. To the south of me, on the western half of the room, a young girl and another young child were being directed to do something by an older woman. The girl wore a white knee-length dress that puffed out at the bottom. Black theater lights were on stands on the sides of the room, and they lighted the children. The office had been turned into a crude studio. The people in the chairs glanced at me as i came in, but i realized that i would not be able to work here, so i quickly turned around and headed out. I wondered if my section of the office had moved somewhere else. I stopped at the service counter in the reception hall. $A835 sat at a desk just to the south of the counter, facing west. I asked him where the offices might be. He pointed to a map that was on the counter, indicating the offices and where we were. The drawing on the map showed the floor that i was on, and i realized that the floor seemed very narrow north to south. I said that i was surprised that the building was so narrow north to south. The office that we were in seemed more near the center of the building, with two large open rooms to the east, which took up the entire north-to-south width of the building. I thought that they must be athletic areas. The area that i needed to get to was to the southwest of where i was, on the southern side of the building. I remembered that the man had asked me to meet him here. I thought that i could go out into the entry hall and wait for him. $A835 handed me the map, and i started to the north with it. I then realized that he had handed me several large maps, which were folded over. I knew that he had not intended to give me the entire stack of maps, so i took the one he had written on and tried to put the others back. A woman had moved to the window and was now just to the south of me. I said “Excuse me.” and pushed the maps onto the counter to the west of her. She backed up a little as $A835 grabbed the maps from me, but then she turned back and continued talking to $A835. She was shorter than i, with rounded shoulders. She wore a pink sweatshirt and had straight black chin-length hair. I started to head to the west again, but i noticed that i had a short yellow pencil in my left hand. It was the pencil also belonged to the service counter. I did not want to interrupt the woman’s conversation again, so i just pushed the pencil onto the counter to the west of her and started to the west. I thought that i would wait in the entryway for the other man to come back from his office.

12022 October 16

I was in the long rectangular room of the restaurant, which seemed like a fast-food restaurant. The service counter seemed to be along the northern wall, and the entrance seemed to be in the western end of the southern wall. This building seemed to be in a large city. I felt frustrated by the people here, and i tried to move to the north to get something. $A682 was in the room. It felt awkward to see him. I thought that he had shown up unexpectedly and was accompanying me as i did things. I knew several other people in the room, and some seemed to be friends of $A682. I shifted position several times along the western side of the room, thinking that i needed to do something. I was not sure what to do with the others here. I noticed the man to the south of me. He was someone that $A682 had dated. It seemed a little awkward that he was here. $A682 was to the northeast of me now, talking to some of the others in the crowd. I felt annoyed that he had invited himself to hang around with me. The other man to the south seemed somewhat interesting, and i felt somewhat attracted to him, but i did not want to be bothered by having him around. I moved around in the area, trying to do something. We then seemed to be in a long narrow apartment, which seemed to be my apartment. $A682 and some of the others had come to the apartment, and i felt a little annoyed with them. I moved to the northern end of the room to do something. It was dark now, and we had been sleeping. $A682 stood up from where he had been sleeping and walked to the south, carrying a blanket over his shoulders. I was still trying to clean up after the other people had left, and i thought about his friend, who seemed to be nicely built. The friend had left as well, but i still thought about him. $A682 stopped in front of the entry door to the apartment, which was in the center of the western wall of the room. He was talking about something, and he opened the door, saying that it should stay open. I felt annoyed with him, and i walked toward the door to close it. $A682 lay down on the floor in front of the door. I thought that he was trying to wait for something. The door swinged open to the north, and i pushed it shut, just as a black cat came from the south and stopped near the door. I told the cat that it could not go out, and then i told $A682 that he could not keep the doors open. I said that the cats could not get out of the house. I then moved to the southeast, finding myself in a bedroom to the north of the room i had been in. My bed was on the northern side of the room, on the eastern wall, and $A682 had been sleeping in another bed that was on the southern side of the room. I felt uneasy having him here again. I moved to the southern side of the southern bed and started pulling the covers over the bed. As i grabbed the heavy blanket that was over the top of the bed, i noticed that it was not one of mine. It had fine patterns of green and blue. I thought that $A682 must have brought his own blankets. I pulled it up over the small bed anyway. I then noticed several small light-blue paper bags on the square table to the south of the head of the bed. They seemed like fast-food bags. I was annoyed that $A682 had left them there, and i grabbed two of the bags to pick them up. They seemed to be stuffed with trash. As i turned one over in my hand, though, i could see several candy-bar wrappers through the clear plastic stripe on the side of the bag. I thought that the bags might actually be filled with candy. I wondered if they were candy bars or just the wrappers from candy bars, so i felt one of the bags. I could feel the stiffness of a chocolate bar. A few larger bags were to the west of me on a surface. I was surprised that $A682 had brought so much candy. I felt a little pleased that there was so much candy, but i then thought that i did not really want so much candy around the house. I continued to clean up several things.

12022 October 17

I followed the small group of people to the west, into the center of the large open room of the building. The building seemed like a warehouse, with corrugated metal walls and expose beams and rafters. The walls seemed rusted, and the dirt ground had several small stacks of things here and there. I knew that we had sneaked into this area, and i thought that we had to be careful to stay out of sight. The roof seemed to be about five or six meters above me. The people with me seemed to be outlaws, and one of them was wearing a long riding coat. I was then aware of others coming from the east. They were the bad guys. I knew that we could not be caught here. The others ran to the west. They gathered into a group. I thought that they would be able to easily get away. One of the men on the eastern side of the group had a thick white chord of rope with him. He fired it up toward the ceiling. I knew that it had a grappling claw no it that would grab on to the ceiling. The others rose up to the ceiling. They were now attached to one end of the rope, and the man who had fired the rope was still on the ground, holding on to the other end of the rope. The rope had a large galvanized metal clip on the end, which looked like a crampon. I thought that the others would pull him up once they were on the ceiling. All of them were then gathered on the ceiling in the center of the western side of the room, but the grappling clip had been fired to the north, and it caught on a metal beam that ran along the northern wall. I thought that the man with the rope would try to pull it back, but the clip would not let go easily. The bad guys were coming into the room now, and there was no time for the man to join the others. The other retreated to the west, leaving the room. The man with the rope was still on the western end of the rusted beam that ran along the northern wall. He lay down along the beam, trying to get out of sight of the bad guys, who were coming in from the large door in the center of the eastern wall. The bad guys started searching the building for the others. I thought that i had to hide, but i was moving through the building unobserved. I headed to the west and then to the south. I seemed to pass around a small room in the southwestern corner of the building. The room seemed like a small square space that was enclosed with bare wood walls. I had come down a narrow corridor to the west of the room, and i entered into a wider corridor on the southern side of the building. A man came from the north. He was searching for the others. I stood to the southwest of the small room as the man stated to the east in the large corridor. He then seemed startled by my presence, though he did not seem to really notice me. He gasped in shock and sat down suddenly. He was in front of the narrow doorway that led into the small room. He cursed at his shock, exclaiming “Jesus Christ!” He held his chest with his right hand, trying to catch his wits. An older man then appeared in the doorway. I had seen him in the small room before. The older man had dark skin and white hair on the sides of his head. He scowled down at the man in the doorway and admonished him for cursing. Something about the situation seemed stereotyped. I moved to the north again, passing along the small room. The small room seemed to be the entry room of the barn of my parents’ farmhouse. I could see the older man in the room as he talked to the bad guy. A third man was crouching down in a corner right in front of me. I seemed to be looking through the wood walls, and two small stalls were off to the west of the small room. The stalls seemed like parts of a chicken coop. The third man was one of the good guys, and he was hiding in the stall. He crouched down in the southern stall, watching the people to the north of him. Something else seemed to be in the northern stall. I moved to the south again, rounding the southern side of the room. The older man was sitting in a chair near the northern wall of the room. The doorway to the northern stall was to the west of him, and the doorway to the southern stall was to the southwest of him. The bad guy was walking between the stalls. The bad guy told the old man that something strange was in the stalls. I entered the southern side of the room as the bad guy looked into the southern stall. I looked into the stall. A shelf was halfway up the western wall, and it was covered with hay. A large cat lay on the hay, curled up. The cat’s head was to the south. Its long white fur had a strange oily texture, and it seemed to have matted brown fur on its head. I realized that the others were not able to see the man; they could only see the cat. I thought that the cat was a camouflage. It was some kind of visual disguise, but the oily texture was smearing. The camouflage was breaking down. I wondered if the cat in the northern stall looked the same. The bad guy told the guard that something was wrong with the cat. The man’s disguise was breaking down, and he would be revealed soon. The man and i suddenly ran to the west, and the bad guys started following us. The man seemed clumsy and out of shape. I ran ahead of him, down a corridor. I was aware that several bad guys were following us. They seemed like a gangsters. We turned to the west, now outdoors and running down a narrow area between vegetation. I glanced behind me. The man with me was wearing a blue polo shirt and blue pants. He had a round face and large belly. His skin was dark, and he had a short afro. He seemed to waddle a little as he ran, and i knew that he was out of shape. I hoped that he did not get caught. I also wondered how we were able to keep ahead of the bad guys. I then thought that he bad guys probably had guns, and i wondered why they did not just shoot at us. They seemed very close to us. I thought that we just had to make it from the barn to the next property to the west, which seemed to be my parents’ farmhouse. It suddenly seemed strange that we would be safe as soon as we crossed the property line. To the west of me, i could see the garage of my parents’ farmhouse. The southern face of it was directly to the west of me. I had been running with the group of good guys. I knew that they would get away to the west, so i jumped up toward the garage roof, to the northwest. I thought that i would have to go somewhere where the bad guys would not be able to follow me, though. I decided to fly up past the roof and land on the higher roof, which now seemed like a few stories above the first. I thought that this was my power. The other good guys had powers that would save them, and mine was to fly. The bag guys stopped below me, surprised. I watched myself land on the roof just above a narrow gable. The roof over the gable was concave and seemed to be covered with corrugated metal. I landed on the roof and ran to the northwest, along the main roof of the building. A tall part of the building stood off the northern side of the western end of the building. I was floating to the southeast of the building as i watched myself run over the roof to the taller part of the building. I could see the bad guys under me, circling the building, trying to get the me who was running. I watched myself lay down on the roof, trying to get out of site. The bad guys ran around the northern side of the building, their guns held high in their right hands. I then noticed that the northern side of the gable that i had landed on was at the same level as the green grassy hill to the north of the building. A deer was standing just to the north of the roof. It looked up at me as it chewed a mouthful of grass. One of the bad guys then came from the north to where the deer was, and the deer was gone. The bad guy asked if it was safe to walk on the roof. As he stepped on the roof over the gable, his foot went through the boards of the roof. I was glad about this, because it would keep the bad guys off of the roof.

I walked into the empty room to the north. I felt cautious here, thinking that i was probably not supposed to be wandering in this section of the building. I wandered around the room. It was a large room, with a high ceiling, tall multipane windows, and cement walls. It reminded me of a classroom in an old school building. The eastern part of the room seemed to be a step or two higher than the western side. I had entered the room through the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall, and i walked in a wide counterclockwise arc in the center of the room. The room seemed to be filled with easels and other art supplies. Many of the easels seemed to have paintings on them. A narrow shelf ran along the northern wall, at the bottoms of the windows. Small easels sat on the shelf here and there. This room felt very nice, and there was something very familiar here. I looked to the west, noticing that this room was actually a balcony of a much larger room. The western wall of the room was very short, and it opened up to a larger room. I could see part of the room below, which seemed to be a dining room. The chairs in the room did not seem to face any specific direction, though, and people were gathering to sit in the chairs. I thought that they were on some form of transit. I looked around the upper room again. The lower room seemed to be gathering more and more people, but the part of the room that i was in was still empty. I suddenly wondered if i was in a reserved part of the room. I then turned back to the southeast, noticing that people were starting to enter the room that i was in. The center of this room now had round tables in it, and i sat down on the western side of one of the tables on the western side of the room. I wondered if the people coming in would notice that i did not belong here. I thought that the room was reserved for people with more money. The room filled quickly with people. I then realized that most of the chairs in the room were facing southeast. I thought that a play was going to be performed here. I noticed that the elevated eastern side of the room now seemed to have a stage on the southern end. I stood on the southwestern side of the crowd as they gathered together in the chairs, facing east. A corridor between the people was formed as others came into the room from the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. I was standing on the western side of the aisle, which seemed to curve from the southeast toward the center of the room. I then realized that the people who were coming into the room did not seem like the audience. They were wearing older clothing, and they seemed dressed up. I realized that they must be the actors of the play. A man stopped just to the southeast of me and stared at me for a moment. Surprised, i backed up a little. He asked me to clear the aisle. I realized that i was not standing as far back as the others, so i took a step back to the west to let the other actors enter. I felt very interested in the actors, and i wanted to see them. As i stopped near the crowd, i realized that the man was still staring at me. He was older, with a shabby black coat. His thin gray hair seemed unkempt. The man seemed gruff, and i felt annoyed with him. I moved to the north, into the crowd. I then realized that the audience to the west of me was facing west. I looked over the edge of the balcony to see the people below. I leaned on the edge of the balcony to look over. I then turned to the south, noticing $A746 standing in the crowd near me. He wore a dark suit and seemed to be watching others uncomfortably. I sayed hello to him and waved. He smiled at me but did not say anything. He seemed nervous, and he wandered to the east, into the building across the paved area that we were in. I walked away from the cluster of seats that was on the western side of the open outdoor area and followed him, wondering where he was going. The paved area seemed to be a small square in the middle of an old city. I crossed the square. A narrow street ran to the east from an intersection that was just to the northeast of me. I crossed the street, heading north on the sidewalk on the eastern side of the area. I could see $A746 sitting in a window on the second floor of an old apartment building, which was just to the north of the street. The building seemed to be on the corner. It was an old wooden apartment building, and it was painted in bright oranges and yellows, with a dark trim, but the paint was old and chipping, exposing faded weather-worn wood. The widows were large multipane windows, but they did not seem to have any glass in them. I could see $A746 in a window in the center of the western side of the building. I walked to the center of the first floor, where scaffolding seemed to be erected. The first floor had a large blank panel in the center. I thought that $A746 must have climbed up the outside of the building, so i looked for a good place to climb. I grabbed on to a curved white molding with my left hand, trying to pull myself up to the level of the scaffolding platform above me. I looked for another handhold with my right hand, but i realized that there was no easy way to climb the building. I tried to find a new handhold, but i decided that it would be too difficult to climb up. Discouraged, i stepped back down onto the sidewalk and looked up at the building, wondering how $A746 had climbed into the second floor. I called up to him, asking him how he had gotten up. He leaned toward the window and looked down at me. He said that stairs were inside the building. I looked at the blank panel of raw wood to the east of me. I did not see any windows or openings into the building, but the southern end of the western face seemed to have a niche in it. I walked along the first floor, noticing that the wood here was bare, as though it had been stripped. The niche was an inset entryway. I stepped into the niche, looking through the open door to the north of me. I could see a small entryway with openings to the east on the northern end and to the north. To the north, i could see some pool tables. I decided that this place was probably an old pub. I wondered where i would have to go to find the stairs. I stepped in to the entryway, deciding that the stairs were behind the wall to the east of me, ascending to the south from the opening to the east. I could not see them, but i thought that they had to be there. I continued to the north, heading for the openings, but i became interested in the old building. It was being renovated. The opening to the east leaded into a small alcove. A door to the north seemed to lead to a set of stairs that descended to the basement. Everything here looked interesting. The original building had been nicely designed. I then noticed that the floor in the alcove had a round design on it, with radiating features in the wood. Two letters, which seemed to be “EV”, were in the center of the circle. I thought that they were probably the initials of the organization that originally ran this building. I then noticed that i could see some light shining through the cracks between some of the pieces of wood in the floor. The wall to the east also seemed to have holes in it, and i could see plaster slats and people moving in the room beyond. I then noticed that the ceiling to the north of me was not flat. It had an indent on the northern side, which i realized was a set of stairs ascending from the north. I had not noticed it before, but i realized that it had been hidden from my view until i was in the alcove. I backed out of the alcove. A man then came from the southwest and entered the alcove. He wore denim overalls and seemed to be working no the wood here. He started doing something with the design on the floor, and i felt annoyed when i realized that he seemed to be writing over the letters to try to change them. I turned to the north and headed into the pool area, thinking that the bottom of the stairs might start here. The eastern wall of the pool room was open, and i realized that the room to the east was very large. The northern wall of the pool room was flush with the northern wall of the open room. The room seemed to extend all the way to the southern side of the building, and the ceiling was two floors up. The walls were dark, and the center of the room was filled with tables that had white tablecloths over them. Light came in from high windows on the eastern wall. A narrow balcony seemed to run around the eastern and southern wall, around the level of the second floor. A large bar ran along the center of the northern wall. It also seemed to be a stage, but it seemed to be in use as a service counter. Metal objects on the western end of it seemed to be warming trays. A woman approached me from the east, smiling politely. She seemed very happy. I greeted her, and she spoke brightly to me. She told me that she was redoing the space, and i told her it looked wonderful. I asked her what she planned to do with it, thinking that it would be a good venue for a pub or nightclub. She sayed that she wanted to make it a restaurant. I had walked to the center of the northern side of the room as i spoke to her, and i was looking around at everything. I headed to the north, toward the bar, looking at the chaffing dishes. I asked her if she had a good chef, adding that it was always important to have a good chef for a successful restaurant. She started to tell me about the place, and i followed her to the south, into the center of the room. It felt very good here.

12022 October 18

I was on the northern side of the small area, where the others were gathered. The man had said something about the area, but he was only talking about one side of it. I thought that he was referring to the western side. I thought that both sides would be the same, but i remember that someone had changed the eastern side. A woman was sitting on a low surface to the north-northeast of me, with her legs facing south. She was looking over her right shoulder at something that was printed on the stone surface behind her. The symbol seemed to be made in red, and it seemed to be a letter A in a circle. She moved to do something with the symbol, and i felt annoyed that people were changing the area. I thought that it should be preserved. The man then continued talking to me as he walked to the west. I followed him, walking along the tall rock wall, which was to the north of us. We seemed to be in a canyon of tan stone. The man stopped to pet a large gray wolf as he turned over his shoulder to speak to me. He seemed to be a park ranger, and he wore a stereotypical tan short-sleeve button-up shirt and matching shorts. His face was rounded, and he seemed to have curly blond hair. He reminded me of Steve Irwin. The wolf trotted off to the east, passing to the south of me, and the man continued to the west, turning into a narrow passage to the north. I followed him into a small chamber, which seemed to have no ceiling. The man was petting another wolf, but this one had a rounded nose and fuzzy fur. It had a spot of red along the left side of its snout. The man said that the wolf was coughing up blood, and he commented that something was wrong. I felt bad for the wolf, and i felt concern for the area. I knew that this was not a single instance, and i worried that it was something that could affect the entire park. I told the man that we had seen deer earlier that had been bleeding and that we had reported it. I then thought that we had not really reported it. The man took a few more steps and followed a shallow stream to the west, deeper into the narrow canyon. I looked down at the water, which had a brown hue to it. I thought that the water might be polluted. I tried to mention this to the man, but it seemed that we had already been talking about it. He seemed to motion to the ground just to the southwest of me. I looked down to see a narrow flow of water along the southern side of the stream. He had something in his right hand, and i thought that he was going to take a sample of the water. As i looked at the man, a stream of water suddenly fell from overhead. It seemed like a spout had been turned on. The water seemed to fall on the man, but he did not appear wet. He nodded slightly with a knowing smile of acknowledgment, indicating something with the water. I thought that the water might be polluted and i wondered how we could test it. I then thought that it was affecting animals now but that it would affect humans eventually. Humans were just too big to show the effects at the moment.

12022 October 19

I stood on the western side of the small rectangular room, which ran east to west. A simple stage ran along the northern wall, and a punk band was playing on the stage. I had come with some people to see this concert, and the show was almost over. I talked to a man to the east of me. I then seemed to know someone else in the audience. He seemed to be $F7. I wanted to say hello to him, but i watched the show for a moment. The show was then over, and people started to leave the room. I turned to the south to say hello to $F7. I was now on the eastern side of the room, and a second long narrow room ran to the south of me. I spotted $F7 sitting on the eastern side of a long rectangular table, which was along the western wall of the room. He was sitting with several other people, and he was talking animatedly to someone to the west of him. The people on the eastern side of the table seemed to be sitting on a bench, and $F7 seemed to be the second person on the bench from the north. As i moved to the table, i noticed $F18 sitting on the western side of the table, across from $F7. Another person was sitting in a chair on the northern end of the table. As i approached the table, $F18 looked in my direction and waved. I waved back and moved toward her, happy to see both of them again. Before i reached the table, though, a woman, who had been standing off the northeastern corner of the table, moved quickly around me, passing around the north and west of me, and move toward $F18. I realized that she was probably the person that $F18 was waving to. I stopped and waited for a moment, and then i said hello. $F18 suddenly realized who i was, and she called out my name. I smiled and moved toward her as she stood up, opening her arms to hug me. It was good to see both of them again. $F7 stood up on his side of the table and walked around the northern end, toward me. I wondered if i should hug him or if he would prefer to shake hands.

12022 October 20

I stood on the stage with the others. Most of them were to the west of me. A band was playing music, and i stood listening to them as i looked out over the audience, which was to the south of us. The audience seemed to be rather large. Risers and stands seemed to be along the southern wall of the very large room. I walked to the east, across the stage. As i crossed, i suddenly thought that the band was playing in honor of us. The group of people that i had been standing with and i were being honored for something here. We had come to this formal concert for a special event, and we were wearing tuxedos. I could hear the music that the band was playing. It sounded like gamelan music, but i realized that the tune they were playing was the national anthem from my country. I felt suddenly nervous, realizing that i had walked away from the rest of my group. It would have been very obvious to the audience that i had purposely walked away, and i suddenly worried that they might find it insulting. I hoped that i had not offended anyone. A woman was then to the northeast of me. She seemed to be wearing a red dress that came down just below her knees. She seemed to be managing the group that i was with. She said something to me as she smiled. She did not seem upset that i had walked away from the rest of the group. The group approached me from the east. I thought that we would have to drive back to our hotel. We seemed to be in a foreign city, and we were staying at a hotel somewhere to the west. I drove to the north, down a dark lane. I was aware of the buildings around me, but i could not see them. They seemed to sit back from the road a little. I thought about something that related to this city or the road. I was trying to picture the number fourty-seven in Latin. I thought about this as i noticed the walls on both sides of the road. As i reached an intersection, i realized that i was in the wrong lane. I passed a turn to the west that i should have taken. Annoyed, i turned at the next intersection, thinking that i would have to get back to the road that i needed. I turned on to a very wide street, which ran between gray stone buildings. The building seemed to be all three or four stories tall, and the fronts seemed very plain and uniform. I stayed in the southernmost lane of the road so that i could turn back to the south. It was night, but the street was well lighted. Few cars seemed to be around, and there were no pedestrians. I turned back to the south. The side street was very narrow, and the buildings seemed very close to it. I noticed that the building had vertical details on them, and they all seemed similar. To my disappointment, i could see that the street ended not far ahead of me. It seemed to run the length of a block, but it did not seem to come out on the other street that i had been on. I would have to turn around and head back. I continued to the south, looking for a space wide enough to turn around in. The buildings seemed very imposing, and i thought that they were all banks and financial buildings. As i reached the end of the street, i looked up at the flat gray building that crossed the street on the south. It seemed to match the modern style of the other buildings in this area. The end of the narrow lane had a small section that ran to the east. I turned the car to the east, into a small parking area of the building. A door was open in the building to the east of me, and people inside turned to look as i stopped the car in the narrow area. The light from the doorway seemed bright compared to the dark gray outside. The people seemed East Asian. One man was leaning against the southern white wall of the room. He wore blue jeans and a blue button-up shirt that had rolled up sleeves. The other man was just to the north of him, and the second man leaned to the south to look out the door. The men seemed to be in the kitchen of a building. I felt nervous here, realizing that i was out of place in this area. I started to back the car to the west so that i could turn around. I looked at the mirror on the driver’s door to the north of me, realizing that it was narrow and surrounded by a bright-yellow casing. I was driving a yellow sports car, and i realized that it would stand out in a place like this. Nervous, i thought that i should leave quickly. I turned around as fast as i could, cautious of the walls around me. I did not want to damage anything here. I drived back to the north, up the narrow lane. I worried that i would be followed, because it was obvious that i did not belong here.

The woman to the east of me was wearing a red dress, and she was talking to me about something. She said that the man would have to wait five minutes before he could do something. I felt nervous about this, but i was not sure i could do anything. I was waiting for the man, but i did not want to wait. I was not sure what else i could do. The woman said that the man could not come out now. It had something to do with the vagina.

12022 October 22

I was running with $G4, and we seemed to be running near North Campus. I headed up the road to the east. Risley seemed to be to the southeast of me, across a lawn from where we were. I was jogging up the sidewalk, and i seemed to be near the front of the pack. The land sloped down to the south. It was covered with cut green grass, and a row of trees ran along the bottom of the hill. The others had cut diagonally across the grass, heading to the southeast, but i thought that the trail might head to the south. I headed to the south, toward a small shed that was against the tree line. The shed was longer than wide, and it had a large opening in the western end of the northern side. I thought that the others would be coming back this direction to head south, so i slowed to a walk, entering the western side of the shed. I thought i would simply wait until the others returned. It would be easier than following them until they ran into a dead-end trail. The others then started heading back. Someone to the north of me was calling them back in this direction. I moved to the east so that i was behind the wall of the shed. I did not want the others to see that i had skipped ahead on trail. Another opening was in the eastern end of the northern wall of the shed, and i could see a few people walk back up the hill to the northwest. I had been carrying something with me on the run, and i thought that i should leave it here for when we returned. I did not want the others to know that i had it with me. I was not supposed to have it until later in the run. I leaned back against the northern wall, trying to stay out of sight of those returning. A man then stepped into the eastern end of the shed and moved to the east. He stood in the northeastern corner, just out of the doorway. He had a bottle of alcohol in his left hand, and he hid it on the ground near the eastern wall of the shed. I realized that the man was $A836. He stood for a moment looking at the bottle. He wore a short green dress, and he stood with a slight hunch as he looked at the bottle. I realized that he could not see me here. I was also wearing a green dress, but mine was long and covered most of my skin. The dark green color hid me against the northern wall of the room. We were on a green dress run. I then realized that the dress might not come all the way to the ground. I looked down, careful not to make any sudden movements that might give me away. I could see my white sneakers sticking out from the edges of the dress. They looked new, but i knew that they were not. I thought that the runners from Albany might try to accuse me of having new sneakers, but i could easily show them that i did not have new shoes. I stood for a moment as $A836 turned and headed back out of the shed. I thought that i could stay here and drink as i waited for the others to come back in this direction. I thought about this place, remembering that i had traveled to do this run. I was not from this area. I then realized that it was taking the others a long time to show up. I wondered where they were. I turned around to the west and looked out the doorway in the northern wall. The others were headed back to the west and were not returning. A man was walking from the southeast with two women. He noticed me and said that we were supposed to go to the radio tower. I was surprised. The radio tower was a long way away. I pictured it across the valley from where we were. I felt annoyed. The man said that he had to tell us not to run off. I was disappointed that we would have to run for such a long distance without marks. My leg did not feel that well, but i wanted to do the run. I did not think that i could do the entire run across the valley, though. I turned back to the south to get my things from the shed. The southeastern corner of the shed was now at a lower level than i was, and a large mattress was in the center of it. I reached down to get my bag, but it was now tangled in the heavy dark sheets that had been bundled up no the bed. I tried to pull my backpack free, but it seemed to be trapped under part of the sheet that i could not get to. I felt frustrated as i tugged at the fabric. I finally pulled the last part of the green sheets from the backpack and pulled it to me. I then noticed that other items from $G4 were along the northern edge of the recessed area, just below me, to the south of me. One of the T-shirts was blue, so i knew that it came from another chapter of $G4. I thought that i should take it with me. I then found several things from my chapter. They had our logo on them. I then noticed an object that had many long tassels that came in many different colors. They seemed rainbow patterned. Text was written across the side of the bag. I thought that this bag belonged to $A601. He must have left it here. I gathered it up, thinking that i would take it back with me. $A601 was now to the west of me, just outside the shed. I told him that he had left his things here. I then thought that he might have left them somewhere else and the college had cleaned them up and put all of our things here. I showed $A601 what i had found in the shed, and he took several of the things. He said that he knew whom the blue shirt belonged to and took that as well. I felt disappointed that i did not get to keep the shirt. I then realized that my things were now gone. I had left a red shirt here, but it was no longer in the shed. I felt upset. $A601 had left, and i thought that he had taken my things with him. I headed to the southwest, thinking that i would have to tell him that he had taken my things. I passed the northern end of an old stone building and started across the grassy lawn to the southwest, but i suddenly realized that a large puddle of water was across the lawn. This surprised me. I had thought that $A601 had come from this direction, but i could see that he did not go through the water. The stone building ran to the east and southeast of me, and another structure seemed to be to the northwest. The lawn was flat to the southwest, but sloped down a steep hill to the west. I moved to the edge of the water, realizing that it was pooled over a cobblestone patio. A narrow white strip of plastic ran from the edge of the water to the southwest. The northeastern end stuck up from the ground a little. I thought that it was attached to the drain that was just under the water to the southwest of me. I stepped down on the end of the strip, thinking that it would probably do nothing because the drain seemed to be clogged from the storm water. I noticed a small whirlpool forming over the drain to the southeast of me, though. I must have opened up the drain by stepping on the white stick. I was aware of two or three people to the west of me, standing to the south of the stone building. I looked at the drain. The water had drained off of the cobblestones, and the ground now seemed clear. I started to the south, but it was dark now. I saw $A601 running to the south of me. He was quite a way away, but i called out to him to get him to stop. He did not hear me. I felt annoyed. I thought that $A601 must have run through the building to get to the south without going through eth water. I headed to the east, passing through a sliding glass door in the building. The walls of the building were covered with layered stone, but the upper parts were glass. I saw a door to the south of me, down a short corridor, but it did not seem to be an exit door. I thought that it was probably an elevator door. I decided that i could not easily go through the building from here, so i backed out into the yard. Glancing to the north, i noticed some of the shop keepers standing in front of the clothing store, which was in the building, just to the north of where i was. I headed to the south, calling $A601 and running after him. A large parking garage was on the southern side of a street to the southwest of me, and i headed for it. The lawn just to the north of the parking garage was about a meter and a half above the first level of cars. Cement pillars held up the second layer above me. I pulled open a glass door in the western end of the northern side of the building and stepped down to the parking level. I wondered where $A601 had gone. The aisle inside ran to the east, and cars were parked on both sides, facing north and south. I heard the sound of a truck starting and beginning to pull out of one of the parking spaces to the south of me. It was in a second aisle to the south, which seemed to slope down to the east. I thought that it was probably $A601’s truck, and i started running to the southwest, where the opening between the two aisles was. I yelled at him to stop. As i rounded the end of the aisle, i saw $A601 standing in the aisle to the southeast of me. He was talking to someone to the west of him. I felt desperate, and i ran up to him and hit him on his right arm with the metal hanger that i had in my hand to get his attention. I yelled at him, but he said that he did not have my things. I then noticed that he was starting to bleed from where i had hit him. I felt very upset about what i had done, and i felt very frustrated that i could not get things right. I wanted my things back, and i told $A601 that i wanted to do things. I yelled at him, saying that i wanted to do thing but i never get them done. I thought of running to the radio tower as an example. I felt so upset that i was about to cry. I turned back to the northwest and started walking away. I realized how awkward this must seem to the others. I left the building and headed to the west, down the grassy slope from the building. A large playing field was to the west, and teams were gathered on it. I started across the field no the southwest. A group of men in blue suit coats was marching toward me. They walked in a small phalanx, and they wore green costume heads over their heads. The heads reminded me of frogs. I thought that the colors of the frogs and jackets must be the school colors for the team. Something about this seemed strange. Someone then warned against ray surfing. I thought that they were referring to something to the north of me, but i looked to the south, across the grassy field. A ray of light seemed to stretch down the center of the field. A man was surfing over the ground, passing back and forth over the ray of light. The land now seemed to be a desert with low rolling hills. The man passed to the east of me, speeding to the north. I turned to look to the north, noticing that the land sloped down a long shallow hill. I had not expected to see such special effects in this setting. This scene seemed out of place. I then heard the warning again. I yeti yelled at the surfer as he passed down the light ray. The yeti jumped back to the east to get out of the way, cursing the surfer. The yeti then moved to drive back the surfer. I had moved toward the bright spot to the north of me, where the yeti was. He stepped back through the opening in space that was in the light ray. I then looked to the east, seeing the scene as a picture from a comic book. The background was a bright fan of purple and orange radiating from the lower center of the picture. The yeti stood near the left side of the image, holding up his hands to defend against a light coming from the right side of the picture. Two shorter extraterrestrials with large round heads stood in front of the yeti, also holding up their hands to hold the surfers back from the rift. The extraterrestrial closest to the yeti stood upright, with his left hand more forward than his right. The second extraterrestrial stood a little forward and lower than him, with his head tipped forward in determination. This was all part of a story, and it seemed interesting. I turned to the west, still feeling upset about the situation. I walked into the small office in the old brick building of the college. $A14 was to the west of me in the room. The northern wall of the room was glass, and it looked out over a steep grassy slope that descended to the north. A large oak tree was in the center of the slope, and the leafs seemed orange. People were walking down the slope from the building. I seemed to be three floors from the ground. I thought about electrons and negatrons. I then thought that the words themselves seemed strange. “Electron” seemed like an unusual word, but i thought that it was probably named because it related to electricity. It then occurred to me that i was incorrect. “Electron” was not an unusual word, but “negatron” was. People usually did not use the word “negatron”. I knew that a negatron and a proton were opposite pairs. The negatron was the antiparticle of a proton. I then wondered where the neutron fit in. This seemed confusing to me. I started walking to the east, ascending stairs that ran along the glass window. At the top, i walked through a door that seemed to lead outside, to the grassy slope.

12022 October 23

I was on the northeastern side of the room as i moved some things around. Another person was to the south of me, in another room, which seemed like a kitchen. Cats were moving around on the floor, but i noticed a smaller animal to the east of me. I was standing about two meters from the eastern wall, and a chair seemed to be just to the northeast of me. The animal passed just to the east of me and headed south. The animal had done something on the back of the chair, which had caught my attention. I crouched down to see the animal as it headed to the south, passing under the keyboard of a stand-up piano, which was against the eastern wall. The animal had a very narrow long face and a thin body. I thought that it might be a squirrel, but it was too small. It stopped under the piano and sniffed the air to the west. I called to $F71, who seemed to be the person in the kitchen, telling him about the animal. I said that it might be a rat, but i was not sure. Its nose seemed too rounded for a rat, and it had a bushy tail, though not as bushy as a squirrel’s. I asked him what kind of animal it was. The animal ran to the south but then turned east and ran around the southern end of the piano. I could not see it clearly, so i stood up and tried to see where it went. I moved to the east to look behind the piano. The animal was running along the wall, back to the north, but i could not get a good look at it. One of the cats then seemed to be following the animal behind the piano. I thought that we would have to catch the animal so that it did not get away. The animal ran out from behind the piano and passed behind the red leather cushioned chair, where i could not see it. I moved to the east so that i could get a better look behind the chair. $F71 was still walking toward me. I told him that i thought the animal might be a squirrel. As i walked even with the back of the chair, which was facing west, i could see the animal siting in the middle of the pane of glass in the window. The pane had a curved pattern of wood across it, and the squirrel had perched in the center, facing north. I could see now that it was obviously a squirrel. I thought that we would have to catch it to get it out o the house before the cats attacked it. I thought that we would need a net, and i wondered where the net on the pole was.

I was standing very close to the man as we talked about something. He was to the southwest of me, and we seemed to be in an outdoor place. I told him about something, and he seemed to understand. I then heard the change in music, and i backed a little to the east. Three or four people were standing near me as we started to dance to the beat. I crouched down a little, but i realized that the others to the west were standing stiffly, dancing in a pattern. I stood still for a moment, looking to the southwest at the man i had been talking to. He stood still, facing north, with his shoulders slightly hunched. Four or five people stood around him, and he was on the northeastern side of their group. I felt interested in the man. I then noticed the group of dancers to the west of me. The music shifted again, and i thought that i would have to start dancing again. I crouched down and started moving side to side. Some of the others around me started doing this as well, but after only a moment, they moved to the northwest of me, to the western side of the thick metal post. I stood up, remembering that the dance for this part of the music was supposed to be stiff and somewhat robotic. To the west, i could see the group of people moving with their legs wide from position to position. I was now standing on the eastern side of a street, with a thick utility pole just to the northwest of me. The button for the crossing signal was on the southern side of the post. The people with me had moved to the western and northwestern sides of the pole. The man i was interested in was standing on the western side of the street, in a large open area, and the group of dancers was to the northwest of him and to the west of me. The scene seemed picturesque now. The background was a blue gradient and featureless. The blue near the ground had a hint of white, and it darkened to a pale blue near the top. A yellow band hovered over the dancers. It had faded edges, with a longer fade on the bottom edge. Something seemed interesting about this scene.

12022 October 26

I sat to the south of the small desk in the cubicle in the office. The walls seemed pale. A small computer was on the counter to the north of me. I felt hurried, thinking that i would have to shut down the computer so that i could leave. I was waiting for something before i could shut down the system, though. The teacher was in the room to the southwest of me. I fidgeted with something to the east of me, preparing to leave. The teacher then asked if her computer was fixed. I told her that it was not ready yet. I continued to try to clean up the area.

I stood to the north of a lunar landscape. I was watching a scene. The gray rocky surface had a secret base hidden in it, and this was something special. Someone was to the east of me, saying something about the base. I then mentioned a man called Jeff Lee. He had something to do with the secret base. I could now see the round metal base floating in space. It looked like an old model of a spaceship, and it seemed to be to the northwest of me.

12022 October 28

I was wandering through the halls of the university building. I remembered this building from when i used to be in this place. I was heading generally to the south through the building, trying to get out. I thought tat it as lunchtime, and i was thinking about where i should go to lunch. I realized that it was Friday, so i thought i should have a special lunch in Collegetown, which seemed to be to the southwest of me. I felt uncertain about going there, though. I was not sure what i wanted to do for lunch. Other people were wandering through the halls of the building, and i followed some of tem as they turned to the west, passing through a doorway and entering a large hall. This did not seem quite right, so i turned to the east and started up the stairs. As i neared the top of the flight of stairs, i realized that i was in the entryway of a lecture room. The room stretched to the east of me, with a steeply sloping floor that descended to the east. The stairs i was on led from the entry door to the upper level of the lecture hall. This was not where i wanted to be, so i turned back to the west and headed back for the black wooden double doors that led into the hallway. People were starting to come into the lecture hall, though, and i had to squeeze down the stairs to get through them. The corridor around the stairs seemed very narrow here, and there was not enough room for people to pass easily in both directions. They seemed surprised that i had interrupted their dazed walk to the class. A man stopped in surprise just to the west of me. He was East Asian, and he had short black hair and was tall and thin. His face was round, with a narrow jaw. I nodded to him and moved to the north a little to let him pass. He and some of the other people looked back down at the stairs as they tried to squeeze past me. I had been carrying some food with me, but i could not hold it in front of me or it would get tipped over by the crowd that was pushing to the east. I moved the tray to the north of me and rested it on one of the wooden folding seats of the lecture room, stepping up on the arm of one of the chairs to try to get out of the way of the crowd. I felt a little annoyed that i could not get back to the hallway as easily as i had come into the room. A man then bumped into me, spilling the red sauce on his white shirt. I seemed to be a special canvas shirt, and i was disappointed that he got sauce on it. I then looked down at my white denim pants, noticing that he had splattered some on the cuff of my right left. Annoyed, i waited a moment for the people to pass, and then i headed down the stairs. Once in the hall, i turned to the south. No one was around at the moment, and i headed down the hall for a few meters. I then realized that this was a dead end hall. Double metal doors with glass windows in the upper halfs were at the southern end of the hall, leaning into an office. Several other doors were on the eastern and western walls. I remembered this place from before. I thought that it was the government department of the school. I then thought that this office was actually a government agency. I thought that i shouldn’t be here. The offices to the south would be restricted-access areas. I turned back to the north, but the scene had changed. I was now standing in the government wing of the building. The double doors to the south of me were bluish-cream, and the walls had paneling on them. Everything seemed old, but it looked very new. I thought that the style of the office seemed to be from the sixties. A man was to the southwest of me, looking at me questioningly. I told him that i had just been here, and that i had left. I felt confused, and i told him that i was not sure why i had come back. The man asked me some questions, and i started to feel nervous. I said something about the dead end hall. I then said that i had been headed south to get to the cafe, but i had realized that i was in the wrong area. I looked out a large window to the southwest of me, seeing the road that led to the southern part of campus. It led to Collegetown, where i had been headed. I wondered how i would get there. A woman was then to the southeast of me. I knew that she had come out of the office to the south, but i had not seen her approach. She wore a brown tweed jacket over a white shirt. She had shoulder-length brown hair that was frizzy. She moved close to me as she asked me questions, staring into my eyes. I looked back at her eyes, realizing that they seemed strange. She seemed to have contacts over her tear ducts. She continued staring intently at me as she asked me where i was from. I felt nervous, thinking that she was one of the government agents and was trying to find out about me. I said that i was from the south, knowing that she would recognize my accent. I thought that she was testing me, and i felt awkward. I knew that my accent was not from a specific place, so i wondered if it sounded more like a Texas accent or a Virginia accent.

12022 October 29

I stopped near the top of the hill and talked to the other person. I had been thinking about the event that had happened near the house on the southern hill. The house seemed to be in a rural area on the northern slope of the hill, to the south of a road that ran east to west. I thought that a run had gone to that hill, and i was explaining the run to the man, who was standing to the northeast of me. I said that i did not really want to do the run, because it was too long. I thought about where it went, and i told the man that the house was on the southern hill. I knew that we were near Cornell, and i told him that we would first have to run down to The Commons and then back up to Ithaca College. It seemed like a very long way, but the house i was thinking of did not quite seem to be near Ithaca College. It actually seemed to be on the western hill. I tried to figure out where the house was. I was then standing on the narrow gravel road, facing west. The house was to the southwest of me. It seemed to be a simple doublewide design. The area around us was full of trees, and they were bare for the winter. They also seemed damp, though the ground did not seem so. Something was to the west of us on the road. I wondered if it was a bear. I could not see it, but something to the west made me cautious.

12022 October 30

I had been talking to my mother in the small room of the house, but i left and headed to the east. I walked down the corridor, which seemed to run along the southern side of the house. I had to leave to travel home. It seemed to be very early in the morning. I thought that i would have to travel to the east, toward Albany. I glanced out a window in the southern wall as i passed. I stopped, realizing that the ground was now white. I backed up a little and looked out, seeing snow on the ground. I remembered that i had seen a light layer of snow previously, so i thought that it must have snowed all night. A drive ran south from the house, and it had two tire tracks down the center of it. A man was moving around in a driveway to the west of the drive, a few hundred meters to the south of the house. The land to the east of the drive seemed to be filled with pine trees, which were very dark at this time of morning; the sun was not yet up. I was looking down at the landscape, as though i was in a window on the second floor of the house. I continued to the east. I thought that it might be difficult to drive home in the snow, but i thought that i would do it. I would have to get my things gathered together and packed so that i could go. I looked at the doorway in the northern wall ahead of me. This was the room i had been staying in. This place seemed like $P19. As i approached the room, it seemed a little strange that i had been staying here again. I did not think that i was supposed to be staying here this long, so i would have to leave eventually. The wooden door to the room seemed worn. In was painted white, but the paint was chipped around the edges and scuffed. I stood to the southeast of the door now, noticing that the light in the room was on. I could see it around the western edge of the door. I wondered if someone had been staying in my room. I pushed the door open to see that no one was in the small room. A large bed was on the northern wall of the room, directly to the north of the door. I moved to it, noticing that something had been scattered over the bedspread. Someone had dumped puzzle pieces on the bed. I felt a little annoyed that someone had been playing in the room. I moved to the bed, noticing that the puzzle pieces were oddly shaped. Some were shaped like a jigsaw puzzle, but others were polygons of various shapes. Each piece was a solid color, and all of the colors were pastels. I moved to the eastern side of the bed, looking down at the pieces. None of them seemed to be connected or assembled into a larger puzzle, but a few on the northwestern side of the group seemed related to each other. I felt a little annoyed as i started to sweep the pieces to the south. I then noticed that someone had gotten grass and dirt on the bed as well. I felt annoyed, thinking that it should have been obvious that the bedspread was mine, so the person should not have gotten it dirty. I wondered if a child had been playing in the room.

I was talking with the other people in the small room. My mother seemed to be to the southwest of me with some other people, and i was looking down at the pile of things in my hands. The pile comprised several small pieces, some of which seemed to be rings or cubes. I noticed that the pieces were all brightly colored. The people to the southwest were talking about it, and i looked at the pieces in my hand, saying something about them. I then thought that there was only one blue piece. I looked at a red torus, noticing that it was the same bright red color as a disk in the center of my right palm. The disk looked somewhat like an Oreo cookie. I thought that all of the pieces matched up, but smooth blue object did not seem to have other pieces that were the same color. The blue piece was on the southwestern side of the group. As i thought this, though, i noticed other blue pieces in the center of the pile. I realized that the blue pieces were not as different from the rest of the pieces. I was now aware that i was in a room in the center of the building. My relatives seemed to be in the room near me. I had been visiting them. I headed to the west, looking to the south, across the room. The walls of the room seemed to be open, allowing me to see outside. As i moved, the room also seemed like an outdoor area under the roof. I passed through a doorway and came onto a patio. Other people were on the patio, which also seemed like a room of the house. An island counter was to the southeast of me, and a woman was standing to the east of the counter, doing something on the counter. To the south of me, a man stepped into view from the west. He had a round face and a thick black mustache. I knew that he was my father, and he seemed to be working on something to the south of him. The object was a frame, and it extended to the west, into a wide doorway in the wall of the house. I moved to the east a little more, noticing a man who had stepped out of a doorway between the doorway i had come out of and the wide doorway where my father was working. The man was younger, and he seemed to be wearing a tan uniform shirt. I thought that he might be a police officer. I wondered why he was here. The others were moving around and did not seem to notice him. The man was then not there, but he reemerged through the wide door near my father. He asked my father something about the thing that he was working on. He said something about the rails. I thought that he was here because of a zoning dispute. My father, who had dark hair, told the officer that he had the correct permits for the things he was building. I looked to the southeast. I thought that the dispute was about a building being too close to the property to the east. I was not sure what the officer was calling “rails” though. I thought that my father had been working on a structure. I noticed dead grass to the southeast of me. I knew that the lumber and plywood had been lying on the ground there for a little while. I could see two large rectangular patches where the lumber had been on the grass. The grass still had some green in the patches, but much of the grass was yellow. Two thin stripes of brighter yellow ran roughly southeast across the larger patches. The two stripes were disjointed between the two patches. I thought that thin pieces of lumber had been put under the piles to keep the flat things off of the grass. I wondered if the two stripes could have been considered rails. I then thought that the officer should have realized that the wood was only near the property line on a temporary basis. The city should not have been concerned about zoning. It seemed strange that the lumber would have alerted the authorities, especially because it was no longer there. My father said something to the officer. I turned back to the southwest. The yard now seemed to be fenced in with a wood plank fence, which seemed to be about a meter and a half tall. The yard seemed oddly shaped. The fence ran straight along the western side, but had several odd jogs on the southern side. I thought that a body of water was to the southwest of the fence. My father was now standing near a frame, which seemed like the metal frame of a boat trailer. The metal had a dull color, like galvanized metal. The parallel sides of the frame ran east to west, and my father stood near the eastern end of the southern side. The eastern side of the frame curved in a little, but the end pieces curved back before they touched so that they still ran east. The officer was standing to the southeast of my father. My father asked him about a measurement. The officer did not have time to answer before my father asked him if he had come here in a canoe. The officer said that he had come aboard in a boat. That fact seemed to give the officer a reference for answering his own question. The man who was my father seemed a little annoyed, and he took out a tape measure and started measuring the frame. He was trying to convince the officer that the officer was not correct. I turned to the southeast and started away. I could not see anything now, but i thought about the man who was measuring the boat. He did not look at all like my father, and i wondered why i thought that he was my father.

12022 October 31

I stood to the south of the large stone building, which seemed somewhat like a college building. The people were in the building to the north of me, and i knew that they were part of a special government project. They were time travelers, and they had gone back to a different time. I thought that i was in the past now. I thought that it was in the fifties or sixties. I walked to the north, into the building. I was not a part of this group, but somehow they did not notice my presence. I knew that someone was coming to attack this group, and i felt worried. I thought that an assassin would be sent back in time to invade this office and destroy them. I felt worried. I walked to the west, into the other part of the building. I came into a large room on the northern side of the building to the west. I realized that i would be here when the assassin came, so i thought that i should hide so that the assassin did not find me. I would not be able to escape back to the eastern section of the building. I felt worried. Few other people were here with me. I walked to the south, through a doorway and into an empty room. The cement walls of the room where white and seemed thick. The room seemed like a basement room, but i knew that it was on the first floor of the building. A refrigerator was on the northern wall, just to the east of the doorway that i had entered through. The room was empty of all equipment, and i wondered where i could hide. I hurried to the eastern side of the room, thinking that i could get out of sight of the doorway. I thought that the bad guys might not look too closely around the room, because the room was usually empty. The eastern end of the northern wall was recessed a little and seemed to have a sink near the eastern end. A mop bucket and mop were near the corner where the recessed area started. I thought that i could hide in the recessed area, though i wondered if i would be able to get far enough out of sight from someone who entered the room. I worried that the person would kill me, and i thought that i had to find a better place to hide. I wondered if i could hide in the metal cabinets that now seemed to be on the northern wall. I was now standing in the southwestern part of the room, looking north at the metal counter that ran to the east of the refrigerator. It had stainless-steel cabinets under it. $F80 then came in the door. He paused just inside the eastern side of the door, and he leaned against the eastern frame. He had held his right at his hips, as though hold a cup of liquid. I felt a little annoyed that he had shown up. I would have a better chance of hiding if it were just me. Having two people here might attract more attention. I moved toward him and said hello. As i talked to him, i was still glancing around the room, looking for a good place to hide. The room was then filled with other people. $F80 had moved to the east of me as we spoke. The room was filling with people. I could see the front door of the western side of the building out a small window that was in the upper half of the northern end of the eastern wall. A set of stone steps ran up to the door of the academic building, and i could see a woman in a blue dress walk up the steps. I was not sure that she was the bad person, but i worried that she might be he assassin coming back to destroy this place. She was not quite as i remembered, but i knew that she was close in appearance to the woman who would come back to cause the destruction. I was uncomfortable, thinking that i had to get away. I started to feel desperate. I would have to tell someone that the bad guys had come from the future operations center to destroy this place. I knew that they would kill everyone here. An older woman was standing to the north of me. She was about my height, and she had short wavy hair. I called her name, addressing her as “Maggie”. I glanced out the window again. This time, i saw a short thin woman in a plain sleeveless red dress climbing the stairs. I quickly recognized here as the bag guy. She looked like the correct person. She had long dark hair that hung over her shoulders. I told Maggie about the woman that had come to attack this place. Maggie was still facing west from talking to the other person, but she seemed surprised as she heard what i had said. Before she could turn to me, a man was to the east of us. He pushed the muzzle of a black handgun into the left side of Maggie’s neck. I felt panicked, but i could not do anything. Several bad guys were in this place. They had already taken over. I felt upset. There seemed to be nothing more i could do. I stood still, not sure what to do. I looked down at the ground, and the area around me now seemed dark. I could hear the bad guys threatening the others in the room. They were trying to collect the others up to take them somewhere. I stood for a moment, thinking of something that i could do, but i knew that there was nothing i could do. A counter or railing was now to the east of me. It seemed to be a low barrier. It was a round metal tube that was pale yellow, and round white posts supported it. Both the posts and the railing were about a deci in diameter. To the east of me was a park. The bad guys had lined us up along the railing before they marched us somewhere. The short cut grass of the park sloped down slightly to the east of us. The land rose to a low hill to the north of us and down to the south. I turned to the south, suddenly aware that i was by myself. I could hear the bad guys talking to the others as they marched them to the south, but they had forgotten me. I was surprised and relieved. A street ran north to south, just to the west of us. The people were now far to the south, walking along the sidewalk on the western side of the street. The land slope up on the western side of the street, and the low hill was filled with houses and trees. I wondered if i could get away. My hands were together on the railing, as though bound, but i did not feel bound here. I looked to the north as i heard someone else. Far up the street, i could see a man in white yelling to the others. He realized that i was here, and he started running down the road toward me. I had to get away, so i ran to the south, down the western sidewalk of the street. I could hear the man running after me, but i knew that he was still quite a ways away. I started running, and i wondered if the man would think that i was trying to catch up with the other. I knew that i could not catch up with them. I would have to go somewhere else. I could not see the others anymore, though. I wondered if they had turned to the west and headed up the side street. I ran past the side street. As i ran, i looked up the hill to the west, noticing large open farm fields. I focused on the short dry corn crops in a near section of the field. The field was divided by patched of trees. I thought that i could run up through the country to get away. As i passed a small pale-blue house, i noticed that the steep hill to the west of the house was covered with black plastic. Vegetables were growing up through holes in the plastic. I knew that i could run up the black patch and head for the fields to the southwest. I would be able to run into the trees there. This would be a good way to escape. I continued moving to the south, though, watching the fields as i thought about were i could go. I wondered if i could get far enough into the fields before the man started up the hill. I would need to make it to the trees with enough distance to hide in the forest. I could hear the man following. He said “We don’t want to have to worry about you as a loose end.” I then thought that i could also turn north and pass around the pale-blue house. I could then run diagonally back behind the houses and into the forest there. That would help confuse the man more. I then wondered if he was good at tracking on bare ground. I still seemed to be traveling to the south as i thought of this.