11995 November 01

I was thinking about writing a movie. It would be in the Alien series. I could play the calm secret guy. I could see the corridor of the ship as i thought. I walked calmly down the corridor. The others were panicking. We were using blasters instead of bullets. I thought that it would be more appropriate. The aliens were running down the corridor and everyone was panicking as they fought. I walked casually by and shot the aliens as i went. Then i saw the acid hole in one of the gravity grids on the floor. The acid was leaking toward the hull of the ship. I walked down the corridor with some of the other humans and closed the airlock behind us. The hull then ruptured, and the other corridor emptied out into space. I turned and walked out across the driveway of my grandmother’s house. My mother got in my car and backed it out of the driveway. She then drove down the road. I then noticed $X4 walking across the driveway. He had a tear in his skin, across his back leg. I bent over and looked at it. There was ichor dripping from the wound. I could see flesh on the inside. I ran up the road to tell my mother. She was not up at the end house where i turned around, so i ran back and tried to find some towels. I could not find the right size of bandage for the wound. I was fretting and wondered where my mother was.

11995 November 02

I was part of the jewel heist. I stood in the center of the room by the jewel cases. I looked through the jewels. I found the white and blue stone. It was the important one. I knew that the cameras were watching. I made sure that they could not see me. I flipped the white carts into a book i was carrying and pocketed the jewels. Then people came into the room. They had guns. I was unsure whether they were robbing the place or not. There was a lot of confusion, and i slipped away. I walked down the hallway with the street on the right side. No one knew that i had the blue and white jewels in my pocket. The police were there, and then Batman and Robin came in. They were investigating the jewel heist. They were trying to find the people who stole the important jewels. I was slightly worried that they might figure out that i had the jewels. I slipped away and ended up in the house. The parents were in the living room, and there was a boy tied up outside. He was in his late teens or early twenties. The parents were punishing the boy for something. The investigator of the jewel heist was nearby. The parents thought that i was a very nice boy. I was hoping that they did not find that i took the jewels. They were watching the footage from the security camera. I was hoping that it did not show me taking the jewels. I walked out back to talk to the boy. He seemed like $F15. The younger brother came out. He tugged on his older brother’s rope, joking about his punishment. The older brother was nicely built. I wondered if we should untie him. Then the younger brother joked about wrestling. He asked if i wanted to. He said that he had not done it in a long time. I wanted to and was very interested, but i played myself as negative. I acted as if i would not be very good at it, but i really loved the physical confrontation.

I was following the boy up the creek bed. We climbed up the flat-rock falls of the creek as the water came don around us. There was a lot of ice under the water. It was a glacier. We climbed up the glacier toward the white wall. I lifted myself onto a shelf and slid my buttocks backward. I had sat in clay. It was thick, and my pants were all dirty. Then i noticed that my feet were getting stuck, and it was an effort to move.

I was working in the store. I felt sorry for myself. I had failed in file and was sentenced to work in this store. The manager came over and spoke to me. She was telling me that i was not that bad. I did not really want to hear it. She said that i did not smell, which was good. I wandered around the back section of the store. It was a clothing or department store, with many circular racks on the floor. There were a lot of groceries there. I walked outside and saw the baseball game being played. I would not be able to run with the others on the hill. I walked back toward the store. $A457 was with me. I walked into the houseboat and looked around. There were other people there. They were holding us captive. I had to get out of the boat. The inside was a large white living room, with smooth undecorated walls. A set of stairs went up the side of the far wall, running from the edge of sliding glass door to the loft. There was a red beanbag chair in the corner, under the stairs. The people were out of the boat for a while. I stepped out the glass door and looked for a way to escape. We were on a hidden cove of $P26. I could see the calm water and the mountains rising up in the background. I jumped from the deck of the boat onto the wooden dock. Then i saw the people down the corridor a ways. I was wondering if i should hide. I jumped back to the boat and then back onto the dock. I tried to crawl back into the window of the small white houseboat. I was leaning on the edge of the boat, trying to get my feet back into the window. Then the boat started to tip. I was too heavy for the one side of it. I tried to balance the boat, but it tipped sideway and started taking in water. I pushed against the protruding bedrock in the center of the room, trying to turn the boat upright again. The water was very shallow, and i could see the rocks and dirt at the bottom. The bottom of the boat was pink styrofoam, and it rose even after the water got in the boat. I got the boat to balance upright and slowly pulled myself out. The small dingy rose on its moorings and hovered over the water. It was made entirely out of pink foam. I climbed onto the dock inside of the dimly lighted boathouse and walked back into the main room of the apartment. I walked up the unfinished-wood stairs of the brown cabin room, toward the loft. I was wondering when i could hide. Then i heard the people coming. I ran up the stairs in the narrow hall and stopped at the top of the stairs. $F27 was with them. The people came up the stairs and started to walk into the apartment at either side of the short corridor at the top of the stairs. I thought that i recognized them, but i could not remember from where.

11995 November 06

My grandmother wanted to get some clam soup on our way back to $P3. We were driving in my car. We were in a small town with rows of shops on either side of the street. We decided to stop in a restaurant on the left side of the road. We were driving west. I was not hungry, so i sat at the table while my grandmother ordered. She got a dish of ice cream. She could not finish it. I started talking to the girl in the booth next to me. She was very attractive and charming. My grandmother asked the female waiter for a bag to take the rest of her ice cream home. I mentioned to the girl that the restaurant had very good pizza and ice cream. She agreed. I remembered the blue restaurant in $P25. I mentioned it to the girl. I told her that, if she was ever up there, she should go eat there. Then my grandmother and i left. We had to drive back to my parents’ house. I was very tired and had to sleep, and it was too far to drive to $P3. I sat in the back of the touring carriage as we started moving down the street of the small town. I watched the people on the street walk around us as we moved down the road. Every once and a while, people would look at us as we passed. I watched the people as they walked around our table. The table was a round white plastic table in the center of what looked like an airport lobby. The ceilings were very tall and it as somewhat dark. I stopped watching the people walking by and looked to my left. I was sitting parallel to the table, with my right arm on its surface. There was another table of english boys to my left. They were noticing that the table top had a map on it. It was the design of the table. One of them pointed it out and the others started to realize it. They all spoke with british accents. I wondered why they did not notice the map design earlier and wondered if they would notice that the carpet on the floor was also a map. I watched them as they started to go. I thought it interesting that i kept noticing things that others did not. As they were leaving, one of them painted out the map on the floor. I looked around the airport again.

I lay in bed, thinking of the owl that woke me up. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed the space between the walls and the rafters, where the eves hung over. That must be where the animal would get in. I covered my eyes with the blanket so that the owl would not claw me. I thought of blocking the holes with gas, but then realized that this would not be such a good idea. I quickly dispersed it with my mind. I woke up and got out of bed. It was very early in the morning, but there was someone else awake and walking around. I walked out of the master bedroom of the cottage at $P22 and headed toward the kitchen. The other person was wandering around in the living room. I decided that i would make some soup before i left to go back. I walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. There were quite a few ice cream containers on the shelves. I was looking for the containers of ice cream that my grandmother had taken from the restaurant. All i saw were several pints of honey blueberry ice cream. I took some of the plastic plates and a couple of cups from the refrigerator/cupboard and closed the door. I then started to drop things. I could not balance them well enough. I dropped a couple plates on the floor and they broke. A cup then slid from my arms. I caught it with my foot and balanced it before dropping it to the floor. Then my mother walked in. I asked her where the ice cream was. Then i told her that i had broken some stuff. She became furious and tried to hit me. I dodged and blocked.

11995 November 07

I was on the train when it derailed. The train was still on the tracks, and we were wandering around in the field near the tracks. On the other side of the tracks was a hill that ran up steeply from the rails. It was covered with green thinly treed forest. The tracks curved around the base of the hill and disappeared around the corner. There was a farming field around us. Then we saw the other train coming around the corner. It was moving very fast and could into stop in time. It ran into our train and derailed itself. The cars scattered down the field. I decided to go to town to get help. I crossed the field and started driving down the road. There was a lot of storm damage. There were some power lines don, and parts of the ground were washed away. Then i noticed that the road was blocked of. The area over the river had been washed away. I had to go around. I drove onto the back road, where the old unpainted barn stood in a tan filed of dry grass. I started driving toward town again. I came to a wooded area, where there were a couple of shops on the left-hand side of the road. As i passed the river on the right hand side of the road, i noticed that the land had been eroded. There was a dirt cliff right off of the shoulder of the road. A black drainage pipe hung out from the eroded sail near the small jump bridge over the tributary creek.

There were people outside of my apartment. They were in the back part of the driveway, talking. I looked out at them from the bedroom window. There was a family there, talking to $A16. They were talking about the apartment. The young boy, who was with them, kept shining his flashlight up the stairs toward the window. I ducked out of the way so that they could not see me. Then $A16 started coming up the stairs. I moved back into the bedroom, but then the telephone rang in the living room. I did not answer it because i did not want anyone to think that i was home. Then i heard the answering machine pick up. There was a voice talking, and then a song started playing. I remembered it as a Beatles song. It was from White Album. I walked into the furnished living room and tried to listen to the message, but it stopped. My roommates were there. They were on the upper level of the living room: a man and a woman. They walked into their bedroom. I went after them. I knocked on their door and asked about the song. They had received the same message as well. They said that the same message had been left on the machines several times before. They went back to talking to the doctor. He was telling them some disturbing news. They had several large medical bills, and did not know how to they were going to pay them. They walked into the living room where i was. I did not feel comfortable being in the middle of their conversation, so i went to take a shower. I walked down the hall and into my bedroom. I looked around my room for my clothes. Then i tried to remember the song that i had heard on the answering machine. I could not remember what it was. I remembered it being a Beatles song. I started out into the hall when i ran into Jerry Garcia. He lived in the apartment too. I asked him if he knew what the song on the machine was. I could not remember it. Then i was not really sure that it was real. The song seemed like a dream. Jerry looked at me with a questioning look. He thought that i was a little strange.

11995 November 08

I was walking in $P27 with my mother. I collected some stuff while walking through the aisles. I deposited it in a pile near the front of the store. I started to read some of the newspapers up front. I was a woman. I was standing by the counter. Then this man came by the register and started talking to me. I thought that he was trying to pick me up. I organized the CDs i had into the trays on the floor, and rearranged my pile of things. There was a stiff piece of cardboard in the bottom of the crate to keep the CDs from falling through. Then my mother came up front and asked me to come with her. I walked toward the edge of the balcony, which overlooked the main hall. I could see people dancing ballet below. The hall looked like the entryway to a building. It was a nonprofessional ballet, and they were doing Cats. None of them were wearing any costumes. I watched from the balcony as they danced on the red carpet. My mother made a comment that the dancers were beautiful and graceful. I tried to move down to a clear spot on the railing where i could see the dancers better. I moved more over where they were dancing. The railing was metal, with square metal banisters. There were some dancers up on the balcony as well. A girl had gotten annoyed when i moved into a clear spot on the railing. There were no people there so i could look over and get a clear view of the dancers below. The girl pulled me out of the way. She was worried that i would get in the way of the dancers on the balcony. I watched them for a moment, but did not think that they were as good as the ones down below. The girl asked me if i had heard of Cattown. It must have been part of the play. Then, the ballet was over. The dancers stopped and walked over to the side. They cooled down and got their towels. We should head back. My mother walked into the small carriage that hung off of the balcony. It was an open elevator. She started down to the lower level. I went back to the register and started bringing my stuff up front. I picket it up from the pile i had made and carried it to the register.

11995 November 09

I was in the doctor’s office, waiting to see the doctor. As i took my shoe off, i noticed that there was an extra toe on my right foot, which was to the left of my big toe. It was the size of my other toes. I put both of my feet on the floor and noticed the way that i was standing. My feet were not aligned properly. My right foot was pointing out to the right more than my left foot was to the left. The nurse walked over to me and asked me what was wrong. I showed her my feet. I had a small stub growing on my right foot, on the outside of my big toe. There was also an extra toe just inside of my big toe. On my left foot, i had three extra toes. Then i put my feet down and noticed that my legs were two different lengths. I was panicked with the problems. The nurse remained calm and acted as if nothing was wrong. She said that she would start me on some medications and handed me some red caplet pills. She said that they were steroids after i asked her. I was worried that they might be the anabolic steroids that cause a lot of problems, but then i realized that there are many different types of steroids. She then walked me downstairs to the other nurse at the reception counter. My mother and grandmother were there. They asked me how i was doing. I said that i would be okay. I said that i had to take steroids. I left the building and walked down the stairs, toward the back parking lot. The lot had apartments behind it, on a lower elevation, and looked very much like the lot near $P19. I got on my bicycle and started to ride away. The bicycle was too small for me. It was a child’s bike. I tried to ride it between two parked cars so that i could get out into the parking lot, but the space was too narrow. I got the front end of the bicycle stuck between the two cars. I pulled the bicycle out and noticed a yellow scratch of paint on the red car to my right. I hoped that no one saw me do it. I backed out and rode my bicycle down the sidewalk and into the parking lot. I thought that my mother might have been watching from the window. I rode around the parking lot to where the two cars were. I had to adjust the handlebars of the bicycle from the crash. They were crooked, and i had to stop the bicycle and align them with the front tire. I came to the back of the two cars and checked them to see if there was any noticeable damage. I did not see much, but i decided that i had better leave. I rode my bicycle out of the driveway and down the road. I decided that i had better go back. I started to turn the car around, but it skidded and then rolled over. It ended up on its roof in a snowy ditch. I closed the sunroof so that the snow and water did not get in. Then i got out and started to roll the Volkswagen Rabbit over. As i tipped it, slush from the ditch poured into the open side window of the Beetle. I finally rolled it over and then picked it up by the edge. The Rabbit folded into a sheet, and i started shaking out the water. I liked the way that the car unfolded into a flat sheet, and considered it a good standard car. Then my mother drove down the road after me. She was worried.

11995 November 10

I had moved into a new apartment. It was a very fancy place and had a plain white interior. The building was white, and i stood on the balcony looking down over many paintings on the walls of the building. People walked across the balcony, pasting the paintings. One of the men was wearing a semiformal suit. I was board with the party, and i started to fly out over the deck below. The house was on an uneven cliff face, with various outdoor terraces. There were many other houses just like it. There was a very large party on the decks of the house i was in. I could see the ocean at the bottom of the cliff. I flew over the party. The white house was missing the front wall, and the party extended from the living room out onto the many terraces of the cliff. I was wondering what the people would think if they saw me flying overhead. I hovered overhead for a little while. There was a can on a table at the edge of one of the terraces. It stared at me wide-eyed, ready to run away. I flew over my parents. MY father was reclined in a lounge chair, with his knees pointing to one side. My mother was talking about a dream that my father had. It was of a concert in Iowa. I listened as i flew over the house and sanded in the parking lot. The lot was very large and had many cars in it. There was a tour bus to the north of us. The people near me were talking about the big concert. It was the last one that the band would do. People talked of how the concert had sold out within twenty-four hours, and how they had packed a three-level stadium.

I was on the train with the rests of the class. The train was moving east to west and passed by the station several times. It was supposed to go south, where i wanted to go. The train returned to the station several times before it started on its southward journey. The back of the train turned north, up the track, through the woods. Then the train finally started heading south. It passed very close to the station this time. The station was an old brown and olive-green building. I leaned back into the train so that i would not hit the building. We headed south. I was not sure how far we had gone. One of the passengers had a book of sights. I flipped through the pictures. One of the children on the train had a small red ball. He had dropped it from the train by the row of shops. The train went along the river, by the side of the white cliffs. The photo book had shown that the cliff-side buildings were town by New York City. We looked out the windows of the train to see the houses overhead. I did not think we had gone that far south. I looked at the picture again. It could not be the same place. The picture had palm trees in them. There were no palm trees by New York City.

11995 November 12

I had to take a class. I was not too thrilled with it. I sat in the large auditorium lecture room. $F26 was there. He suddenly got violent. He had a gun and started shooting people in the front rows. He was holding us hostage. Several people tried to resist him, but he had some special powers. Then we were out in the field. Some people tried to shoot back at $F26. They could not do it. $F26 was on a bicycle, riding by. A man with a machine gun started firing at him. The bullets all missed. Then i knocked the man with the gun over. The gun fell into the snow. The others tried to fight the other man, who was holding us hostage. I tried to get the gun that had fallen in the snow. Another person grabbed me and tried to get it for himself. I could not find the gun. The girl that was attacking me did not want me to get the gun. I spun around and stabber her in the head with the medical scissors i had. I wrestled with $F26 for the gun. I could not let him get it. Then i fell back. The others were still fighting, but the hostage takers were losing. I ran outside to get some help. I went out of the college building and ran down the length of the quad. There were two police officers at the end of the building, and many students wandering around outside. It was between classes. I told the police what was happening in the lecture hall. We ran back into the lecture hall, but a new class had come in. I could not see any of the bad guys or any other familiar faces. The police thought that i was joking. I asked one of the girls about the gun fight. She was scared and said that she did not know what i was talking about. The police were skeptical of me and thought that i was joking. I went to another girl and asked her. They all seemed afraid of the bag guys. The second girl asked if i was talking about the shotgun oil. It had something to do with the bad guys. The police realized that i was telling the truth. Then some other people started talking. I walked toward the front of the auditorium when i spotted $F5 through one of the exit doors to the main hall. He was the one who had shot up the students, and he was walking with the other bad guys. He was wearing dental headgear. The police went after him and caught him. Then they brought him back into the lecture room. There was a procession of student witnesses who had seen the shootings. They now had the courage to come forward. I floated up over the room and up the stairs at the end of the hall. The hall upstairs was part of an office. There was a receptionist’s desk at the top of the stairs on the left of the hall. The hall was covered with very dark wood and was decorated in an art-deco decor. There was a men’s room on the right side of the hall. I bumped into the door to try to get in. It did not open at first, so i pushed it again. The door was deep maroon.

11995 November 13

I was the driver of the bus, but i was not very good at it. I pulled up in the circle outside the school. I ran into a metal pole at the center of the drive on the inside of the circle. I backed up and pulled up to the curb to let the people out. $F7 was there at the stop. I was glad to see him and we talked.

I was with my father in the small car. We were driving over the rough forest path. We drove along the side of the tall bamboo wall. There were people on the other side. We followed the path as it went up over the bump and headed over a high arching bridge. We realized that we did not want to cross the creek, so we backed back onto the hill with the tree on it. Then we drove back down through the jungle. Then we noticed the tiger in the trees overhead. We tried to ignore it, but it was following us. I grabbed a tree branch and tossed it at the tiger. I was hoping to scare the tiger off, but it started playing with the branch. We took off while it was occupied.

I was sleeping in $F12’s bedroom. It was dark, and there was a light coming in through one of the windows. There was a lot of noise coming from the house next door. It was the fraternity. They were arguing and having a loud party. I tried to look out the window at them, but i could not see them. I went downstairs to see if i could find $F12. I came to the bottom off the stairs and turned into the living room. The room was small and crowded with furniture. The couches were new, though, and pale yellow in colour. There was a large one along the back wall and a loveseat to the left of the door. I saw the yellowish light coming through the blinds in the window. I realized that i could not hear the people next door from down here. I peeked out.

I walked into the empty bedroom of the old house. The room was narrow and had dark wood paneling. There was a set of shelves in the wall. They were made of yellow string. I played with the string, which was held between a metal bar and the wall. There were no furnishings in the room. I walked out of the room and down the hall. I walked into the large white room. It was filled with toys. The walls were white, and there was a large white rack in the room parallel to the back wall. I walked in and looked around. All of the toys were from the seventies. I walked into a closet on the back wall of the room. The back wall of the closet was unfinished, and i could see the back part of a radiator covered with a wood grating. It was the back of the other smaller bedroom. I could see the ends of the metal bars, which were from the shelf, poking through the wall. I looked oven the shelf at the left side of the closet. There were several books there. I recognized them. They were old kid books. I was interested to look though them. Some were comics. Several of the books fell over as i looked at the magazines that were lying down behind them. There was a ragged doll on the shelf. I picked it up. It was an Alfred E. Neuman doll. I walked back out into the other room and looked around. I wondered why all of the toys were old, from when i was young. I noticed the boxing game on the bottom of one of the shelves. I showed my mother all of the old toys that had been left in the abandoned house. Then a group of children came in with their parents. They were cheerful to see the toys and walked around looking for Barney. I was disappointed and left the room. I got in the car and drove down the road, toward the lake. We came to the end of the road at the lakeshore. The lake had flooded and wall flowing over the road, which ran up and down its shore. I looked to the right at the intersection. I could see the main part of town and some shops around the lake. There was a line of buoys where the swimming area used to be. We turned left and headed down the lakeshore. There were several cars driving through the shallow water on the surface of the road.

11995 November 14

I followed the campers down the trail, through the woods. The woods were thinly treed and the dirt path was wide and well worn. We passed by some campsites and walked over the rise. We came to a brook where the trail crossed. The students stopped to test the water. I opened up the map on the first side of the stream to see where we were going. It looked like a topographic map of Utah. I followed the roads as they curved along the edges of the mountains. I was looking for a flat trail. Then i noticed that the roads were going over the top of the buttes. That could not be correct. $A482 was looking at the map from the other side. He picked it up and started to fold it. We were trying to figure out what it was a map of. We thought for a moment that it was of Arizona, but eventually determined that it was not. Then we noticed the picture of the planets on the side of the map. I pointed out how they were in proportion to each other in size. I felt happy that i could share my knowledge about these things i knew with others. I pointed out how i was always impressed with the size of the sun. I was having trouble making out the small planets, however. We folded up the map as the students started to leave. They were performing biology experiments with the water. $A14 had something to do with it. I followed the campers across the stream. They were reading the instructions as they went. The instructions were printed on paper packets, which they carried on their clipboards. I followed the campers up the small hill and around the curve. We walked out of the woods and down the road by the parking lot. The lot was to our right, and was separated from us by a strip of grass. A large car started across the parking lot towards us. It was the person in charge of the hike. I knew that the person in the car would be mad that i was in the hike, but i did not care. I felt defiant. I started jogging across the lot, away from the car. Others started jogging with me. It was a joke. We came o the side of the building. There was a stairway going down the outside of the building. I ran down it and tried to go into the door. It was locked, so i started back up the stairs. There was a dumpster, which had rolled down the stairs. I started to roll it back up. I was afraid that it might fall back down. I made it to the top of the stairs and let go of the dumpster. The black plastic dumpster fell back down the stairs. It crashed with a loud bang. I walked into the building, where all of the tires were. It looked like a garage, but it was actually a bindery. There were large rubber blocks pushing against a metal table. This was how the books were bound. I wondered how the California earthquake had affected this place.

11995 November 15

I was in the small white house. There were ambulances up the road. There had been an emergency. It was a house on fire. I came home from watching the fire. I had to pack my things. I heard a car outside and looked out the window. A truck pulled into the driveway. I wondered for a moment whether it was blocking me in or not. I continued packing my things. I wondered whether i should bring my bass along with me or just my guitar. The room reminded me of the guest room in my grandparents’ house at $P12. I walked down to the kitchen, which was along the front right of the house. My maternal grandmother was there. We talked about eating food. I was not really hungry, but i thought about cooking popcorn. We left the house and walked along the porch. There was a single wooden rail on the outside of the porch. My maternal grandfather was there. He was my father. I walked with him and my grandmother off the edge of the porch and across the gravel driveway. We started down the narrow road with no shoulders. He mentioned a dream that he had once had about my maternal grandfather. He said that it had occurred the night of the emergency. He said that my grandfather had told him that we had to watch out. I then told him that i had had a dream about my grandfather as well. I was excited. I told him about the dream in the car with my grandfather, and how he had told me that something was wrong. We turned around and headed back to the house. I went in the front door and walked up the narrow stairwell. It was the master bedroom of my paternal grandparents’ house. My mother was there, packing clothes. I told her about the dream that i had. She started to cry. She mentioned that people were out to get us. She said that it was part of a family feud. I remembered that this was what the emergency was about. The fire had something to do with the feud. I went out to the road and started jogging toward the spot where the emergency had been. The storm had ended, but there might be more bad weather coming, which could cause other emergencies. I was fully dressed as i jogged. I hoped that my knee would not hurt. I then saw someone that looked like $A478 down the road. I jogged closer and realized that it was not $A478, but a man with a toupee. He only looked like $A478 from a distance. I jogged to the station, where the other kids were hanging out.

11995 November 16

I walked down the hiking trail. It was a sandy trail in the reddish-brown soil. There was grass on the forest floor, and the trees were pine and thinly spaced. I followed the tail up and down the steep rises. There was a group of people on the hill near me. They had taken the other trail. I walked down the hill toward the grassy area and found a trail leading toward them. It had a sign across it that saying “posted”. I could follow them, but i did not want to get caught. There was a main road on the other side of the hill from me. I ran over the hill and came out by a dam. There were people swimming in the water. The water formed a small pond to my right, and poured through a cement channel over the top of the dam. It then fell into the gorge. There was a lot of water pouring over the dam. I figured that it was probably from all of the rain. One of the men dropped his hat in the water and it started to float toward the falls. A woman moved into the heavy current and grabbed the hat. The swimmers were older people, and the woman was overweight and wearing a flowered one-piece suit. I was worried that she might go over the falls. Then i wondered how she could stand in such strong current. A man then stood in the heavy current. He was swimming against it. Then he slipped. He was carried over the falls and into the gorge.

11995 November 17

I was in the house. There was someone else in the house who was not supposed to be there. We should leave. I quickly searched through the pile of junk for my swim goggles. Then we got into the car and drove away. We came to a diner, where we stopped for food.

11995 November 18

I was in the cellar of my parents’ house. There was something going on in the back part of the cellar. The smugglers were packing boxes and loading them onto pallets. I sneaked behind one of the stacks of cardboard boxes and tried to get a closer look. They were replacing the good cardboard boxes with the stuff they were smuggling. Then i heard the police coming. I had to hide so that i would not be caught with the rest of the smugglers. I walked back into the main part of the cellar and started to head up the stairs. Then i noticed the injured man. He stumbled from the stairs and leaned against the brick wall. I was concerned, and went over to take care of him. I felt some closeness to him. I told him to lie down. He was bleeding from his abdomen. I tried to take care of him, but i needed a first-aid kit. I went up stairs to the kitchen and looked through the drawers under the sink. My mother was there. I asked her about the kit and she showed me where it was. Then she went back to the stove and continued cooking. I opened the first-aid kit and found it to be empty. No one had replaced the stuff after they had used it. I went into the bathroom to check the medical supplies in there. There was nothing but gauze. I needed to find some disinfectant. I headed down the dirt road to see if i could get some. There was a large field to my right, with uneven grass. To my left was a line of trees, as if the start of the forest. The road was a dirt path, with a little grass growing between the tire tracks. I followed the road up the side of the field. I stopped on the path. There was a large machine in the road. It was some type of construction vehicle with a hydraulic claw on the front. The claw resembled two forklift teeth that closed together. The machine was taking apart a steel desk. It flattened the desk between its hands and then started to remove pieces from it. The desk fell apart into flat gray metal pieces. The machine tried to pick it up, but was having problems. I hid in the bushes at the side of the road so that the machine would not see me. I hoped that i would not get hit by any of the falling pieces. Then the machine picked up the car and rolled it on the ground. It lifted it and dropped it. The car rolled my way. I stood up and backed away from the bushes. The machine could now see me. I turned to run. There was another man standing in the field, watching. He had something to do with the control of the machines. I ran back across the golf course, trying to get back to the house. There were other smaller machines scattered across the golf course, through which i was running. I dodged them as i ran. They were all small machines, made of silvery or yellow metal with hydraulic joints. I ran over a rise and across a hole. On the other side of the hole, there was a spider-like machine sitting in one of the sand traps. On the other side of it was a small brook, which meandered along the edge of the course. I jumped past the machine and across the brook. I thought about how the machine was just part of a dream. I knew that i would have to remember this dream so that i could write it down. I thought of the spider machine and tried to remember it for when i got up in the morning. On the other shore of the brook, the grass was cut and it extended in a lawn toward some buildings. As i landed on the ground, i noticed a nickel sitting on the grass. I picked it up and looked it over. I walked toward my aunt, who was sitting with a couple other people, just behind the house. I mentioned that i had found the nickel. She was interested, and told me i had better hold on to it. The nickel was very old. I looked over the back of it and noticed that some of the detail on the long building was missing. I compared it with another nickel. The older one did not have the fine detail around the wings of the building. I flipped the coin over and found that the image was double sided. Then i realized that the image was actually a three-dimensional representation of a building. I turned it partly on its side and noticed how the edges of the building narrowed. The building was actually a hotel. There were three round modern glass towers rising over the top of the building. I looked up at the real hotel to compare the towers with the image on the coin. They were a good match if you were standing where i was. Then i walked back into the house, passing my aunt and the two other people, who were sitting on the slope behind the house. I had to go back inside to help the man. I looked him over to see if i could find out where he was hurt. He had his shirt off, and i noticed that his stomach was bleeding. I felt around his torso and noticed that his ribs were loose and floating. He must have a couple of broken ribs. I wanted to move him to a better place. I reached under his arms and tried to lift him. His arms were well built. I started to lift, but he winced in pain. Then i noticed that he had folds of skin across his stomach and center chest. I felt them to see if they were wounds and noticed that they were slits in his skin. He had gills. The gills opened and i noticed small white spines on the inside. He was actually a pinkish-red fish, with spiny gills in the center. He was rather small. Then he jumped at me. I blocked him and threw him back down to the ground. I had to get him to a safe place, but i did not want to touch him. I slid a pillow under him and carefully lifted him up.

I walked across the edge of the parking lot by the tennis court. The parking lot was at the edge of the mall, and i could see the mall off to my front right. The tennis courts were to my left. I walked along the edge of the courts, watching some people play. The man and the woman had just finished a game and were on their way out of the courts. They were both wearing white T-shirts and shorts. I walked into the first row of cars and opened the hatchback of my car. I tossed in my backpack and removed my winter jacket. I was getting hot. The snow seems to have melted and the temperature had gotten warm. It seemed odd for this time of year, but i liked it. I closed the back of the truck after i put my jacket inside. I looked through the window of the crown on the back of the truck. I could the older truck inside. It was stored in the larger moving van. I closed the door of the van and got in. I pulled into the parking lot and drove toward the back of the mall. I pulled out onto a main road from a small drive and turned right. There seemed to be a lot of slow traffic on the road. After a couple of blocks, i took another right on a smaller road. The road went between some homes and was narrow. I passed the first set of houses when i came to a parking lot. The lot was gravel, and had cars parked on both sides. I realized that the cars were too close together for me to get through to the next street. I would have to go back. I started backing up with the truck. I looked out of the driver’s window to see the white picket fence of the old woman’s house pas. It was very close to the truck, and she was watching from her porch to make sure that i did not damage it.

11995 November 19

I was in the living room of my grandmother’s house. There was a party going on. People wanted me to put on some music. I had a CD and i took it over to the stereo. I put in the CD and tried to get it to play. There was no sound coming out. It had worked previously, but it would not work for this CD. My grandfather was watching me, and i was nervous that he would make some suggestions. I fiddled around with the knobs for a little while, but nothing happened. The people started to leave the room because there was no music. I wondered why the Beatles CD did not work. I pressed the monitor button and the sound started to come out.

I drove down the road by the railroad tracks. It was very much like $P127. The road ran along the north side of the tracks, and was rather rundown. There were old brick buildings falling apart to our left as we followed the tracks on the right. Then a trolley passed us on the tracks. We were heading into the downtown section. Everything looked dirty and old. It was night now, and i decided to turn around and head back. I turned up one of the blacks in the city and started down a dirty street. I took a left at the next corner and started heading back the way i had come. There were tall buildings on either side of the street. They were stone or brick buildings, and had very few windows or doors. There were several structures that crossed over the road. We drove under them. The street was lighted by various shades of streetlights. Some were yellow and some were off white. Down one of the streets, we could see some kids playing. They were teenagers, and they were playing some sort of game on a court. $K1, who was in the car with me, was getting nervous. She did not like being in this part of the city at night. I turned at the next intersection and drove down the country road. There were shrub brushes on both sides of the road. There was a fire in the blush off of the path. We walked back to the car and dove home. I walked into the house. The fire was outside. I remembered droving down the curvy road on the countryside when we passed the fire. There was smoke in the field to the left of the road. We saw the firemen moving toward the scene as we walked down the sidewalk. There were buildings up ahead on the left: a few white houses. We turned around and started walking back toward the edge of town. The fire was burning off in the distance of the left side of the road. It was near where my house was. We got into the car, which was parked by the curb, and drove home. I got out and went into the house. I was in the front room, watching the fire in the distance from one of the windows. Then a boy came into the room. I knew he was guilty, so i arrested him. He did not put up a fight as i started pulling things out of his pocket. A lottery ticket fell to the ground from one of his pockets. It was a forged ticket. I used to think that the boy was all right, but now i could not trust him. I removed his wallet and other things from his pocket. Then i felt his pockets and his shirt to see if he had anything else.

11995 November 20

I drove over the hill and down into the valley. There were a few houses along the open fields around me. At the bottom of the hill was a small town, with a few large buildings. I stopped at an intersection in the middle of town. Across the road, to my left, was a university. It was a small university, with blockish modern buildings. I walked in front of one of the buildings, which had balconies stretched along the outside face. There was a sport game going on around me. I looked up to the surrounding hillside. I could see the road on which i had driven in. I could see the dormitories on the opposite side of the valley from me. I was in the middle of a small college town, and the college was scattered around the community. I walked up the city street at the edge of the campus. I looked at them map with an overhead view of the street i was on. I was just past the college dorms and was walking down past the residential houses. Everything was owned by the college, and students lived in all of these houses. According to the map, the house i was in was up the street on the left-hand side. The street turned slightly to the left, about where i had been standing. I was in the house, which was kept by a woman. I did not want to stay there and had to get out. The woman was in the kitchen, so i sneaked down the stairs and across the entry hall. The house was well decorated and nicely kept. I made it to the front door and stepped out. I was on the porch, which was indented into the house. It was cold and snowing outside. I was not dressed for the weather, so i had to go back inside. I was disappointed. The woman would hear me coming in. I walked across the entry hall and into the living room. The woman asked what i was doing outside. I told her that i had gone out to look for the paper. She was unsure if i was telling the truth. I really wanted to leave, and could not tell her. I went up stairs in the hallway and started packing my things into my big blue duffel bag. I had to get out of here.

11995 November 21

I was in the cafeteria at $P7. There was an alumni lunch taking place. The tables were arranged around the sides of the room with food on them, and people were standing around in business suits, talking to each other. I walked past the table at the front of the cafeteria, which was covered with cups and bagged food. $F4 was sitting at one of the tables, so i sat down to talk to him. $F14 was there. She was wearing a tie-died shirt. Lunch was over, and people were moving away. I walked past the table up front, which was covered with small cups of ice cream. They were running out of the good flavours. I walked past them. I wanted to stay and talk with some of the people, but i had to find my shirt. I had taken it off and could not find it. I started to walk out of the cafeteria to see if i left it in the art room down the hall. $A164 started to speak to everyone. I went out in the hallway to look for my shirt. Then i realized that i was wearing it. I walked down the new hallway of $P7. It had been newly remodeled. There was a man standing near by, watching me. I looked over the art display in the glass case. It was of northern occidental artwork. Then i saw $A218 running down the hall. He was out for a jog. I watched him run as he approached. I made it to the bottom of the hill, where i met up with him. We started talking.

I was on the bus. There were several other people riding with me. The bus drove through a shallow covering of water on the surface of the road. I sat down at the picnic with the other people. They were all on the bunk beds, eating their lunches. We were in the fraternity house at the picnic, but the house had fallen off of the hill. I started talking to $A223 as we ate lunch. The other members of $G3 were gathering in the parking lot and were playing a game.

11995 November 22

I answered the telephone. It was one of the students calling. He wanted to know how he could reach the professor. Since i was a teaching assistant for the course, he was hoping that i had the professor’s number. I did not really want to deal with the student, but i tried to look up the professor’s number in the phone book. There were a lot of advertisements in the phone book. One of them was for Alfonze. There was a phone number following. I could see the advertisement from a box of cereal. I flipped through the pages, but could not find the professor’s telephone number. Then i realized that i was looking under the wrong category. I then flipped the phone book over and placed it upon the table in the lunchroom. The “cool” people were watching me from one of the other tables. They did not like me.

I was painting the side of a house with my father. It was a large white house with only one story where we stood. It had wooden siding, and there was a smaller building behind us with some siding. My father had a large fluffy brush he was using to apply the paint. It was shaped somewhat like a wide-spread pinecone. I noticed a spider moving under one of its levels. Then i realized that it was a black widow. I tried to warn my father, but he had already touched it. He dropped the brush and the spider ran away. I hoped that my father would be all right.

11995 November 26

I was in the cinema with $F4. It was some sort of auditorium where a movie was showing. We were sitting in the back now, by the decorative wooden window frames. They were stained dark brown and had cream-coloured radiator covers below them. A couple of girls were sitting near us. They started talking to $F4. One of them asked him out. He was annoyed by their giddiness. He got up and walked out of the cinema to get a drink. I followed him. I wanted to talk to him and try to calm him down. I grabbed a glass of the green slurpy from one of the drinking fountains and drank it. It was very sweet. I thought that i should probably have some water. It would take a lot of water to digest the slurpy. I went back to the fountain and tried to get a drink. The water was very warm. I tried adjusting the faucets to get it colder. Then i drank some water. I walked back into the cinema, following $F4. All of the people were coming out of the movie. It was intermission time. I tried to talk to $F4 again, but there were too many people pushing past us. I walked into the front room of my parents’ house. Out the front window, i could see a news van parked on the side of the road. I asked them what it was about. The van was from ABC. Then i noticed a group of people along the side of the road. They had large white bags and silver poles. They were collecting the trash along the roadside. I walked to the front hallway on the other side of the house to get a better view. Then i heard the drill coming through the ceiling. I looked up to see a large drill bit poke through. I ran upstairs and found a man standing in the room with a power drill. He was tall and thin and hand bright blond hair. I yelled at him. My voice had a very awkward pitch as i yelled “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I grabbed him and pushed him to the top of the stairs. He suddenly pushed back. I tried to push him away, but he resisted. We locked arms and pushed each other. I swept his legs out and pushed him to the ground. I grabbed the chest of his shirt and dragged him down the stairs on his back. I was very mad at him. Then he got mad at me and fought back. He grabbed me and pulled me to the ground.

I was running through the snowy field, out in the country. There were people chasing me. I was carrying what they were looking for. There was a house in front of me. It was up a hill, at the edge of the forest. I ran around the side of the house and ducked into the entryway on the front. The entryway was shielded with cross slats of wood. The superheroes after me would run right by. I closed the door to the enclosure until they were past. I came out in a little while. I looked for footprints in the snow. They would have followed my false tracks into the forest and not have noticed that i slipped into the house. I came out and started back across the field. Then i noticed a small bird that had been nested in the field. It must have just woken up. I took a closer look at it and noticed that it was a butterfly. It was a very large butterfly. I walked through the snow, across the field. Then i noticed some more butterflies. They were all black and white. I looked around the field and saw that they were everywhere. They were sitting on the surface of the snow. Then i noticed the patterns on one of the butterflies closest to me. It was in the shape of a buffalo head. I picked up the doll. It had a black and white buffalo face with fur around it. The fur was very light and speckled gray, like a timber wolf’s coat. It was the doll of the buffalo spirit. I placed the doll back in the glass and started walking around the field. Then i noticed $A14 in the distance, by the road. I walked over to him. He had been out collecting specimens in the field. He had a small red car on the dirt road that went up the hill. I told him about the butterflies. He was interested and wanted me to show them to him. I walked back into the field to point out the butterflies, but i could not see any. The field was brightly coloured, as if the crops were being readied for picking. There was a disturbance in the smooth surface of the field. I went to check it out, hoping that i would find one of the nesting butterflies. There were several loose feathers sticking out of the red part of the grass. The feathers were themselves red. Then i realized that the entire field was made up of feathers. They were in lines of various colours. They were red where i was, but yellow just beyond. Then i saw the field workers coming my way. I was worried that we were trespassing in their area. Then i recognized some of them. I walked over to greet one of them. We started to poke at each other and then started wrestling. I got on top of him and pinned him to the ground. Then i noticed $F7 there. I told him to get the other one. He did. We all got up and greeted each other again. I hugged $F7 hello.

I was in my old bedroom in my parents’ house. There was someone else downstairs. They were coming upstairs. I ran to the back of the room and hid. There was a hiding space just behind the wall. I closed the small door to the hiding place and crept up to the top edge of the wall. The hiding place overlooked the room below. I could see the man coming up. It was $F5. He walked around the room, looking down at the floor. I waited until he was near me, then i jumped down and surprised him. I said hello. We walked around to the other rooms of his apartment. Then $F7 walked in. I said hello to him and talked to him for a while. $F5 had moved, walking into the other room of his old apartment. I walked across the open room with the white tile floor. $F7 pointed out the black stripes on the tile floor that were used for traction. Then he started pushing me to see how i would slide. We started joking and i pushed back. Then we started wrestling. I pulled $F7 down to the floor and held him for a moment. Then we stopped. We knew that $F5 was upset because we had ignored him. E had better check on him.

I walked up the hill. I was near a farming field. There were tall stalks of artichokes growing in the rows along the side of the field. The plants had small purple flowers on the tops of them, and the leaves were deep pine green. I walked through vegetation around me. It had grown up to my waist. I walked through the small patch of green near the side of the white house. The flowers on the trees, which used to be artichokes, were now small red leaves on the waist-high bushes. A little girl pointed me out in the middle of the bushes and asked what i was doing there. I walked out of the bushes and onto the sidewalk. The father and the little girl walked on. I could not get through the bushes the way i was going, so i walked around to the other side of the patch. I came around to the back side of the off-white house. It had a large garage door on the back side. I walked in. The room had no furniture and a bare cement floor. There was a bare wall to the right of the door, and a washer, dryer, and a set of shelves along the left wall. There was a fish tank and a fish bowl sitting on one of the shelves. The owners had been away for quite a while. I decided that i should feed the fish. I could see the large bags of cat food. The room was filled with many hungry cats. They all wanted some cat food. There was a small black fluffy cat that walked along the shelves. One of them was gray and had a snake-like tail. I watched the tail weave back and forth like a snake. There were a couple of mice in a cage and a hamster. All of the pets had been left unattended. I wondered how many of the pets had gone wild. There was a cat with a small yellow head and a bell around its neck.

11995 November 27

I was on a long straight country road. There were power lines running along the side of the road. I moved down the road and then turned into the woods. I stopped on the trail. I had a dog detector in my hands, and i was waiting for it to work. Mine would not work. I looked to the girl, who was with me. Hers was working .I wondered what was wrong with mine. We walked through the gorge by $P170. We were with a large group of people. They were all runners. We walked up the steps of the flat rocks under the thin layer of water, looking for an “s”. The water was freezing, but we did not mind. We waited for a moment at the edge of the water. We were waiting for a shoe holder to come. We finally left. I was sitting in the chair in the parking lot when everyone went by. The surf was coming in on the sand. Then a big wave came in and washed over my feet. I realized that the tide was coming in again. We would have to leave. My mother arrived as i reached the side of the pool. A boat drove by the side of the pool. There was a white car, out of which i stepped. My mother was cleaning the white tile pool. All of the water had been drained out of the pool. She went to clean the large square hole in the center of the pool when she disappeared into it. I was worried about her so i went to help her out. I pulled fuzzy muck out of the hole and helped her up. We should go home. One of the guards by the pool was upset that we got to go home early. We walked into the basement of my parents’ house. We started to unpack a silver toaster out of a cardboard box. We were getting rid of some stuff. Then i found a pair of my baby shoes in one of the boxes. They should not have been thrown out.

11995 November 28

I was in $A40’s class. A test was being handed out. The students seemed to be wandering around the classroom very casually. I felt that i did not belong here. I looked over the test. There were questions on species and genera. It was a zoology test. I was not prepared for it, and did not really know any of the insects it was referring to. I got up from my chair and went into the bathroom, down the hall. There were two older boys in the bathroom, standing by the sink. They were quite heavily built and were out of proportion muscularly. They had a couple of needles with them. One of them took a needle and injected it into his arm. They were pumping up on steroids. The other kid injected his friend in the deltoid. I left the bathroom and went back into the classroom. $A40 was mad at me and wanted to know where i had been. I told him that i was in the bathroom watching the two drug users shoot up. He was surprised and went out into the hall. He confronted the two graduate students about their drug abuse. The students were mad, and wanted to know who told on them. They looked into the classroom. I said nothing. I leaned back in the chair. The other students were looking around the room. I woke up on the couch against the back wall. $A52 was in the room. I told her how i was sick and vomiting. I got up and walked out through the snow. After going a little ways, i turned around and headed back. I pulled the bicycle into the shed so that it would not get all wet from the snow. There were men on the shed, fixing the roof.

11995 November 29

I was worried about the ghost list. I was afraid that someone might steal it. It was originally entrusted to my brother, but now i was getting it. I had to keep it safe. I hooked up the printer to the computer. The girl was there to make sure everything was working properly. The man, who was there, wanted to know what was in the system. I should not show him. I moved the computer around on the desk, which was facing the southern wall of the house. The front of the house was open, and i could see out into the valley through all of the woods. I rode my bicycle down the road. I came to the intersection at the side of the mountain. It was dark out. I did not know whether to take the road up the hill and around the switchback to the right, or to follow the road straight along the edge of the hill. I turned upward and rode around the switchback. I came into an enclosure, which was part of a mountainside house. I always wanted to ride my bicycle to work, but i never got the chance. I walked around the enclosure, which seemed like a garage. It was very narrow, and had the right side open. I looked out over the valley from through the thickly treed forest around the house. I saw the microwave sitting on the counter at $P19. The time on it said 6:04. I had to be on my way to work. I walked off of the porch of the house and down the path, which led into the side of the garage. I walked through the garage and rode back along the road. I started up the hill. There was a trail off to the left. I thought that i should take it, but then i noticed that it went down the gutter of the lower road. There was a culvert in the gutter. I road my bicycle up the hill and over the top. I came to an intersection. There was a nun in the other car, which was a seventies-green colour. There was a police officer on the side of the road. He signaled me to continue. I rode over the top of the hill to the east and started down. There was a town in the valley below. I could see a police officer driving in the road below. I stopped my car and waited for him to pass. I did not want him to see me. The man at the barbeque grill was talking about how the meat was not as sweet as it should be. He tasted the other meat. It was from a larger bird. I walked down the road of the arid country landscape. There was a farm for large birds to my left. Smooth hills rose up on either side of the relatively flat valley. I wanted to leave this place. I did not like working for this place. The restaurant across the street served strip chicken and meat. I was unhappy.

11995 November 30

I was at the train station when some of the engines pulled in. They pulled up to the side of the station and then shifted to the side to get into place. I watched them drift sideway, toward the station. Then my train finally started moving. I watched the scenery go by. There were a lot of trees around the station. We were heading south. I had never been this way before. I had been down this track before on other runs, but never to where i was headed. I had to ride all of the other routes before the train finally started heading south to where i was going. My grandmother was packing stuff in the cabin. I was getting some of my stuff ready. I folded a set of sheets and some other things. Then i left and headed down the hall. The hall was long and narrow, and had a couple of sifts in it. As i walked, i passed the people who were sleeping on the floor. One woman on the floor was curled up like a cat. She was wrapped in a cream-coloured blanket. Another woman was sitting is one of the corners of the hallway, holding her child. She watched me as i walked by. I came to the end of the hall and went down the stairs into the entry hall. The stairs followed the wall of the entry mall to the left. The door was ahead of me as i came through the doorframe at the edge of the hallway. I walked down the stairs and straight into the living room. There was a horse sleeping on the floor to the right of the entrance to the living room. It had its bluish legs pointing into the air. The floor was polished wood. There was a fireplace along the near side of the right wall, and a couch on the far side. There was a piano or some other large object across the room from the door. I walked over to the couch and kneeled on it to look out the window. It was nighttime outside. I could see the quiet street of the suburb. There was a slight decline to the road on both sides, and cars parked in the street. I walked back into the room and over to where the fireplace was. I turned on the stereo softly. I could hear soft static in the speakers. Then i heard a creaking upstairs. Someone was coming. I had been playing with the latch hole on the doorway and had put one of my fingers in it. It got stuck. I had to get it out before anyone came. I could still hear someone coming. I finally managed to pull my finger out and ran to the couch, where the stereo was. I pulled some of the throw blankets over my head and hid.

I dug through the bags in the parking lot of $P7. I could see water running at the bottom of the hill. It looked like there might have been an overflow. I checked through my bags. I was not sure that i had brought the right stuff. I put the rest of my bags in my trunk. I was late for the race. I had just had a slow swim. I started running along the top of the levee wall. There were pine trees on both sides of the levee wall, and some snow on the ground. Some dry field grass stuck up through the snow. There were two other men right in front of me. I passed one of them as we started down the narrow trail on the levee. I followed the man in front of me. We were on cross-country skies. I worried about my knee as i went. I tried to keep it in a straight line. I tried to keep it from bending outward as i skied. I also tried to keep my skies pointing forward. We passed out of the snow and onto the grass. I was surprised and relieved to find that the skis glided so well over the grass. Then we crossed a couple of sidewalks. I again paid close attention to the skies on the rough surface. I was right behind the man in front of me. We went around the fence as we crossed a blacktop court. The man in front of me was trying to doge me. We entered the cafeteria. I dodged under a table as we passed. The people eating lunch were watching us. Then we hit the black matted floor on the other side of the cafeteria. I passed the man as we neared the door to the cafeteria. I went out the door first and started down the hall of the school. Then i realized that this was the end of the race. The finish line was just down the hall. I could hear the people down the hall as i approached. I pushed my self with my arms as i followed the black mats down the hall. I ran into the large room, and it was crowded with people who were cheering. Then i realized that i was the first one to finish the race. The people cheered as i crossed the finish line. I was surprised and happy. I then joked about going back. $F11 was there. I went over to him in the crowd and said hello. People started gathering around me. “Hello handsome”, someone said from behind me as they put one arm around my waist. I turned around to see $F12. We hugged hello. I needed to get my regular clothes. I was confused with all of the commotion. $F11 brought me my large duffel bag. I dropped it on the floor and started going through it.