11996 November 01

I walked through the streets of the city and out across the large open lot. Kids were gathering there. They started to throw bottles and rocks down the parking lot. Then they started to throw the objects at me. One of the objects hit me. They just laughed. I tried to get out of the way. I ran into the house and across the basement. I was being held in the house. Others were upstairs, watching us. I walked through the basement, which was very much like the fraternity house. There was a broken television sitting on the stairs that led up to the main part of the house. The stairs were made of stone slabs, and ran up between walls of wooden paneling. I turned to the left and headed through the short narrow corridor that led back to the other side of the basement. $F15 was there talking to a girl. They were having an argument. I wandered around the outside of the room as they spoke angrily to each other. They stopped and walked back up stairs. I followed them up the wooden steps. $F15 was one of the men holding us. I came out in the back of the house, on the patio. I pretended that i did not notice where i was, even though i should not be out of the house. There were several wooden benched on the square stone ground. They were arranged in a rectangle. It was a kind of perimeter that i was not to go outside. $F15 told me not to hop over the fence. I asked him why, pretending that i did not understand. I hopped over the chairs anyway, hoping that i could get away. I dropped something as i came over. I pretended that i did not know what was going on as i walked away from the benches and headed towards the outside fence. $F15 picked up the object that i had dropped and headed back towards the house. He thought that he could lure me back to the house with the object. He walked into the large patio door on the back of the house. I continued on and hopped over the fence at the back of the yard. I had to report this to the police. The robot would come after me soon.

I was reading through the list of presidents that was printed on the paper. It was in Ziodeq, but i had no trouble reading it. $A16 was there as well. She was sick, though, and infected with a rash.

There was another guy with me at my parents’ house. I talked to him for a while in the back room. He started to make passes at me. I was uneasy about his passes. He stood very close to me in a light-blue shirt. He was rather skinny and had smooth skin. I looked at his neck and the upper part of his chest, which i could see above his shirt. We joked about things.

11996 November 02

I was upstairs in my parents’ house. I looked out the window at the back of the house and could see that the lights were on in the garage. Someone was in there, and they should not have been. I could see a couple of girls in the garage. They were about high school age, and were fooling around with the stuff in the garage. I went down stairs and started to head outside. I was going to stop them from damaging the stuff in the garage. The front door of the garage was open as i stepped outside. I felt uneasy. One of them was standing under the overhang off the side of the garage. Both of the garage doors were open. I ran around the side of the house and towards the garage. One of the girls ran off behind the barn. The other started down the driveway on a bicycle. The girl on the bike saw me coming and smiled mischievously at me. She knew that i could not stop her on the bike. She turned the bike and started to head away. I ran after her in order to tackler her. Then i started wondering what i would do next.

11996 November 03

I was out in the field. The grass was brown and dry. $A26 was following me. I jumped over the wire fence at the edge of the field near the low stone wall. $A26 tried to jump over the fence as well, but got his foot caught on the wire. He fell and cut himself. I went back to see if i could help him. He sat on the ground just on the other side of the fence. He was bleeding from cuts on his left arm and left leg. They were long cuts, but nothing serious.

I walked down the dark street of the suburb. The trees had summer leaves on them and moved slowly in the wind. The street lights were dim through the leaves. I walked down the corridor and through the door into the bedroom. $A27 was there. It was his room. I said hello as i walked in. I had not been here in a long time. It was somewhat strange to be back. The room was cluttered with boxes and loose paper, just like any high-school-aged boy’s room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, which had a blue bed spread on it. There were shelves on the wall behind the bed. They were wooden shelves and were filled with books and models and other trinkets. I noticed a pile of old record albums on the floor. I went over to look at them. They were all records from the late seventies. I looked through them for a little while, remembering many of the albums. $A27 sat at the counter in front of the shelves on the wall. He was making something out of grey clay. I looked at what he was doing. He was making was a clay man. The clay looked something like plastecine. He played with the clay doll on the molding board. The man had been flattened, and he was trying to reshape it. I found it interesting and wanted to help.

I was acting out part of the play in the small room. I walked in front of the bathtub and said my line, as i was supposed to. $A15 said that it was good, but i did not understand why. He asked me to start over and try again. I asked him if i was to start over from the positions in the script. He did not answer. I was confused as to where i was supposed to be and what i was supposed to be doing. $F21 was on the other side of the tub. She had been reading lines with me. $A15 demonstrated his point with her, but i still did not understand what he was trying to tell me. I read over the script. It was printed in a recursive set of boxed sections. I suddenly realized that i would have to read it and act it recursively. I thought about it a little and then decided that i probably would not be able to read it recursively. I turned in the parking lot and tried to figure out the script. I set it on the pavement of the parking lot outside the L-shaped building, which seemed like the church by my grandmother’s house. I was tense trying to figure out the play. There were boxes drawn around the text to show the recursion. Parts of the text were in red to distinguish several of the levels. I read through the first several boxes before flipping the page. There was only one box on the next page. The line of text at the top of the page was to be read before the four boxes that were in the center of the page; the boxes were not recursive, but one after the other. I picked up the small dog in my right arm, as i was supposed to do for the play. The dog urinated on my pant leg. It was not supposed to do that. In the play, it did not urinate on my leg. I put the dog down on the pavement. I would have to practice this some more to get it right. $X6 ran away from me and down the block. I followed her down the south side of $P1. She then turned and ran across the road. She ran just behind one of the cars on the road and in front of another. The second car swerved to miss her. It struck one of the cars parked on the right side of the road. I thought that the driver of the car would now be after $X6 to get her owner to pay for the damage she caused. I hoped that $X6 would stay out of sight so that the people could not find her. She ran down the street towards my grandmother’s house, but she did not know to which house she belonged. I could see her in my grandmother’s driveway, she was jumping up at $F1’s house, trying to get in. She did not know that the house was not hers. There was a water hose on the side of the house that she was jumping towards. The people from the accident started to come after her.

11996 November 04

I walked down the narrow streets of the city. All of the buildings were made of a dark stone and were only five or six stories tall. Flood water ran down the center of the street. Cars passed me as i walked, driving through the knee-high water. There were many cars in the streets, all trying to drive to higher ground. I came to the bridge across the channel and had to get across it. The water was muddy and brown, and getting higher. I held onto the railing as i slowly crossed the bridge, fighting the current, which was running from my left as i crossed the channel. I made it to the other side and continued down the street, trying to get to the higher ground. A truck passed very close to me as i walked. I yelled at him, trying to tell him that the bridge was out. The streets in the upper part of the city did not have much water on them, and were very curvy, with rounded buildings running along the sides. I walked across the intersection and out into the field. There were tall mountains just beyond the city, at the other end of the field. I walked into the school area. There were old gothic buildings surrounding the small quadrangle. It was a small private school campus. The buildings were made of a tan stone, and were very plane on the outside. The building to my right had an outside hallway under a row of arches. People walked down the corridor towards the busses. I had to get to a bus to get me back home. Other busses pulled into the school area. They were all school busses. Several high-school-aged children wandered around the bus area. I realized that most of the students were out for the vacation break. That meant that the busses were not running on their normal schedule, which meant that my bus would not be there. I have missed the early bus, and there would be no late bus. I had to find another way of getting home. I walked into the office at the center of the building behind me. I asked the people at the information desk which bus i could take back to the city. The lady there tried to help me. She made several suggestions as to what i could do. I walked out the building and down the stone-arch corridor on the outside of the building. I crossed the field of autumn grass. It was drizzling again. I headed towards the intersection where i would be able to catch one of the busses. Then i realized that there was a river running around the perimeter of the field, between me and the streets at the intersection. The river made a corner right at the corner of the field. I thought about how i could get across the water without getting wet. I realized that i would have to cross it in the wheelchair. I wondered how i did it the first time. I could not have crosses it before without getting in the water. I must have gotten me feet wet. I looked over the water to see if there were any shallow areas over which i could easily cross. I walked to the left of the corner to see if i could find the low spot. There was a shopping cart turned over in the water. Part of it was above the level of the water. It must be shallow there. Then i looked down the steep bank at the edge of the river from where i was. I could see a deep swimming hole in front of me. I would not be able to cross here.

11996 November 06

I drove down the road in the car. The speed limit was 35, but i was going faster. There was a police car on the right side of the road. I passed it, and it started to come after me. I moved to the right side of the street, which ran through a commercial district. Other cars were pulling off of the road as the police car flashed its lights. I realized that the police car was taking a while to get out of the parking lot where it had been waiting. I turned the corner to the right at the next intersection and pulled into a dirt driveway across from the field. The dirt parking lot was small and just behind a cinder block building, which was an electronics store. I saw the police car round the corner behind me. He was not sure where i had gone. There was another car parked in the lot in front of me. They were in a small bluish-green car. The policeman approached them as the man and woman got out of their car. They were unaware of the police officer walking in behind them. The police pulled his gun and pointed it at the couple. He fired the gun and hit the man. The man fell to the ground. I got out of my can and went to help the fallen man.

I woke up in the car. I was in the passengers seat, and had been riding with some people. We had stopped in the large dirt parking area. I looked around at the area. The scenery was very desert-like, with ashen red dirt that was spotted with small scrub brush. The hills rose around us, blocking our view of much of the area. To the left and right, the hills went up very steeply. In front of us, beyond the dirt cul-de-sac, the valley ran between the two mountains towards a rise in the distance. I thought that this might be Arizona. We had made it to Arizona already. I got out of the passengers side of the car and stretched my legs. We were on our way to Arizona. I thought that this could not be Arizona, because we should not be at our destination yet. This place must be either Texas or Oklahoma. It was very dry. The other man mentioned that he liked this type of area. He was speaking with a Texas accent. I talked to him for a little while, telling him that i liked this place as well. I was bare-foot as i walked over the ground. Then i felt the wire under my foot. I looked down to see that there were many wires running across the ground. They were all fence wire, without barbs. The wires were strewn all over the ground. My feet hurt as i stepped on them because they had absorbed the heat of the sun. I lifted my right foot. There was a wire stuck to it. It must have burned to my skin. I sat down on the ground and tried to remove the wire. My mother then started talking to the man. I said “ow” as i pulled the wire from my skin. My mother told the man that i tended to complain too much.

11996 November 07

I woke up in the back corridor. There were people in the front hall of the house. They were singers, and were warming up. I thought that they must be christmas carolers. I sat up on the floor as they passed. I acted happy and awake. I did not want them to see me sleeping in the hall, especially since i was upset. My clothes were old and worn. I tried to adjust them to make them look nice. I pulled my underwear down so that it was not so tight around my legs. My blue jacket was on the floor to the left of me. I picked it up. I did not want anyone to know that i had been living in the corridor. I turned around to see and old austral man standing near me. He was hunched over and shabby. He asked me if i was all right. I said that i was. My eyes started to water. I was not crying. It was the cold air affecting my eyes. I could not let the man think that i was crying. $F14 asked me if anything was wrong. I did not really want to talk to her about it. She was concerned over me. I lay down on the bed. She kept watching me. I know that she was watching my eyes, and i did not want her to, so i shifted in the bed so that my eyes were obscured from her view. I adjusted the dark blue blanket so that it hid my eyes. There was also a book on the bed, which blocked some of the view. I held the book a little higher than the bed level to block the view as i read it. I leaned back, trying not to be obvious that i was hiding my face. It should look like an accident. Other books that were piled on the right would block the view from the side. They were all books from my class. I talked to my mother about the classes. I told here about the two new classes that i had signed up for. They would be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That would make four classes that i am taking all together. I told her that i even have a term paper due the next day. It felt relaxing to have classes again. I even had a book report due. She said that i could use the old set of encyclopedia in the attic to do my report. The encyclopedia was old and came with the house. I opened the room to the left. The door was a piece of plywood that covered an attic slope space. The roof beams were exposed inside. I looked into the room and then decided that i might not even need the encyclopedia. I told my mother this. The young boy came into the room. I remembered him from my childhood. We used to wrestle together. He was younger than me at the time. He remembered the wrestling. He was older now, and was somewhat built. He was no longer a small boy. He kneeled down on the floor. I faced him and sat on his knees. I felt uneasy about doing this, as my mother was in the room. He hugged me hello. I tried to act surprised as i hugged him back. I did not want my mother to think that i had a relationship with him. I nudged him in the stomach. He wanted to wrestle. I asked him, “Now?” He said that we would need the stick. I asked him why we would need a stick. Then i remembered that we used to use it in wrestling to wrap the other up. I felt embarrassed and uneasy. I covered the boy’s mouth before he could explain and hugged him again, acting like it was all some kind of game. He was stiller smaller than me. I then saw the stick under the bed on which my mother was sitting, and in front of which we were sitting. I picked up the stick and told the boy that i still had the original stick that we used to use. I showed it to him.

11996 November 09

I was in the back room of my parent’s house. I looked out the window on the back side of the house. I could see along the back edge of the house, where a steep slope dropped off at the end of the house, exposing the cinder block foundation of the basement wall. There was a cinder block wall that was holding the slope up just below me, making a corridor to the basement wall. I sat on the top edge of the wall, looking down at the high drop-off. I walked along the edge of the wall. Then i looked out the window into the back yard. There was a roof extending overhead, and i could see a basement entrance below me. The basement wall was on the right side, and there was a small wooden window frame in the cinder block wall. Two young girls, of around high school age, were standing in the window below. There was a small dog with them, and the girls started playing with and petting the dog. I decided to go down stairs. I walked out the back door of the basement and came out by the ditch corridor outside. The small dogs barked at me. They jumped around and snarled. I then saw the small stone room in the basement. It had small stone arches around the walls of the circular chamber. There were symbols carved into smooth stone circles under each of the arches. They were symbols of power. I placed my hand over the symbols in the narrow, rectangular room. I could steal power from them. I had to be careful, though, because the symbols were set up to drain people’s power, even though they looked like power giving symbols. It was an evil plot. I sat down on the couch at the end of the room and looked over the round, thin sheet pizza. I was eating it. There was a child on the couch to my left. He was jumping up and down while watching the television that was against the right wall. He started throwing things around the room. I knew that he was just being rebellious. I told the child to stop throwing things. He did not. He threw some stuff onto the pizza. I pulled the objects off, but they had floor dust all over them and got it on the pizza. I pushed the child over in anger. He threw another piece at me, so i hit him and yelled at him. He was mad at me and ran out of the room. I was supposed to be watching him. I picked up a piece of pizza and rolled it in half the long way. The child was coming back. I tried to finish the pizza before he came back in. I would have to go when he returned.

11996 November 12

I was on the roof top of the large city building. The roof was decorated with a garden. There were paths running between beds of small trees and shrubs. Everything was bright green. The area on the roof top was divided into several terraces which were raised to different elevations to give the sense of a hilly terrain. I was playing with a wheel chair on the top of the building. I rolled myself around on the paths of the garden. There was another person there. I thought about how easy it was to roll myself around in the wheel chair. It would be easier if the wheel chair had foot rests so that i could lift my feet from the ground. The black wheel chair did have small bars which acted as foot rests, but my wheel chair did not. The girl rode the other person around in the black chair. She rolled the person across the roof to the other side. I suddenly realized that she was going to kill the man in the chair. I suddenly started to worry about the man. I was with the other nurse in the small area where the bench was at one corner of the garden. There was a chain-link fence along the outside curve of the grass, just behind the path. It had the look of weather on it, and it lined one edge of the roof top. The path came in from both sides of the roof and widened into a semi-circle in front of the bench. I knew that the nurse wheeling the chair was going to kill the man, just as i had killed him before. I could not watch as she wheeled him near the edge. I remembered rolling someone off of the edge some time ago. I turned away. Then i heard the scream. I asked the second nurse about the man getting thrown off of the roof, and asked if the first nurse could be booted off. The second nurse was shocked. I then realized that the second nurse would be after me, because i knew what was happening, and i was involved from before. I ran downstairs. The lady followed me. I ran through the corridors of the hotel, but could not lose her. I saw her appear in the corridor behind me as i ran. I slipped into the back stairwell and headed down. I came out in a corridor and ran into the auditorium. I would try to lose her in there. It did not work. I ran out into the hall and she was still following me. I ran into the room where many people were gathered. I thought that i could lose her in the crowd. I then realized that i could dodge through the wall where she couldn’t follow. I passed through the wall to the right and came out in the back room. It was a long narrow room, with tables running from the right wall in rows. They were covered with what looked like slot machines. The people at the tables were counting money. It was not quite a legal operation. I tried to stay unnoticed. I flew over the machines and came down in the back isle of the room. There was a bar counter there with chips and money on it. Then i saw the woman come into the room from the door at the front corner on the long wall. She asked the man if he had seen anyone suspicious. She was asking about me. I stayed below table level so that no one would see me. I saw a bag of corn chips on the edge of the bar. There were dark blue chips. I grabbed them to have something to eat. Then i realized that they were for gambling. I looked up and saw the sign over the isles of registers. There were a couple of balloons floating over the registers as well. I flew out from the end of the back isle and tried to sneak forward. Then the woman saw me. I quickly flew over the tops of the tables. I landed just outside of one of the aisles. I thought that i would go through one of the walls again to get away. I hopped through the wall. I was actually invisible. I snuck around the corner in the hall outside and tripped over a man’s foot. He looked around for me nervously, but could not see me. I tried to get out of his way, but i could not move quickly. I was impeded by the invisibility. Then the woman came into the hall. She started to head in the other direction, but noticed the man looking for something in the hallway. Then i realized that the man was $F13. The woman realized that the man had probably noticed me, and she said, “He must be in this area.” They fanned their hands forward, trying to see if they could detect me. I tried to stay out of their way. Then i noticed the detail on the man’s arm. It was very attractive. I could not resist the impulse to touch his arm. I grabbed for it, but he had already pulled away. Then i jumped towards him and grabbed at his legs, tackling him. I thought that i would wrestle him to the ground.

11996 November 13

I was at the intersection in the middle of the open field. Field grass stretched away from me for miles around. I had just come out of the house to look at what was going on. There were people in the road. They were dumping buckets of broken glass over the surface of the road. They were terrorists, and they were blocking off the road so that the federal agents could not invade their land. I was worried about the growing confrontation. I realized that i should get back in the building where it would be safe, in case there was any fighting. My mother watched the men as well as they dumped another bucket of glass across the road. They pulled obstacles across the center of the main road to form a blockade. The troops were mounting against them. Then i remembered that the terrorists had a bomb with them. I ran into the small house. I yelled to my mother to come in with me. She started to turn, but was caught watching the action. I went over to her and pulled her back. She followed me into the bunker. A bright fireball lit the horizon just as we entered door. I quickly closed the door behind me and reached for the latch. It would have to be secure by the time the blast hit. The light still shone brightly through the windows from the blast. We would have to get underground. I ran through the bunker corridor. There were people gathered there. Then i wandered into the room. It was $K2’s bedroom. There was a large table in the center of the room. I would have to walk around it to get to the other side of the room. Then i noticed the small toy robot on the shelf. It was one of my toys. He had taken it from me. There was an extra arm on the robot, though. He must have added it.

I walked out onto the back porch of my apartment. $A16 was there. She had fixed the porch up. She apologized for everything that was going wrong with the house and said that she would fix it. The porch was now painted grey. It even had the roof on it and was all clean. I looked off of the back of the porch to see the small barn in the back yard. Then i saw a car on the road on the other side of the field. It slowed to a stop. It was watching us again. Then i noticed the boxes of rotting vegetables on the edge of the porch. $A16 had brought them up. She normally recycled them and wondered if i could use them. I was annoyed and did not know what to do with them.

11996 November 14

I followed my grandmother to the stairs. She had to get to work, which was at the top of the stairs. We were in $P3, near the $P15 section of town. The stairs ran up the hillside. They were rather old and run down, and stretched up the hill for quite a way. They used to lead up to an old occidental area, but now were just used in everyday travel. They were run-down now. I wondered what could be done to repair the trails and make them look better. They could simply be repaired, along with the trails that led through the old occidental areas. It was raining out, and it was cloudy and grey. We started up the stairs on the side of the hill. My grandmother had to get to work at the hospital-like building near the top. I climbed over the side of the trail and hid under the railing. There were rocks below the stairs, and a wooden deck above where the stair platform formed a small terrace. The deck could be refinished. I did not want to do it, however. I used the excuse that it was too old and rusty and might crumble. Then i noticed that the opening in the rock behind it was dark. I remembered the other dream that i had. There were monsters hiding in the darkness, across the roof top, inside the darkness of the barn-like structure. I walked up the stairs and into the restaurant. I sat down in the seat by the window which looked out over the city. My mother spoke about the guests that were supposed to be coming. I remembered the man from before and thought that he was cute. Then i remembered that he now had a son. The restaurant was a spinning restaurant, and the windows were supposed to be passing over the view of the city. My mother started talking about the man’s son and the costume he was wearing. I remembered that the costume looked something like a pumpkin. Some dark trees passed by the outside of the window. I wondered why the restaurant was spinning so fast. Then i noticed the playground outside. We were by $P16 golf course. The restaurant stopped so that i was facing the playground in the small grass clearing. I thought about the centrifugal force of the spinning as i walked around the rim of the restaurant. There was a magic show on the floor-level stage to the right. The magician leaned forward to perform his tricks to the children. I wondered how hard it was for him to do his tricks while the restaurant was spinning. Then the magic show ended, and the children started to disperse. There was a young girl with me. A man in the room asked her to dance with him, but she was shy. I was weary of the man, because i knew that he just wanted sex from the little girl.

11996 November 17

I drove down the road along the edge of the cliffs. The road curved back and forth as it followed the edge of the cliff. It was dark outside, and it was raining heavily. The driving conditions were very poor, and i was worried about how safe it was to drive. I followed the rest of the military convoy. We crossed the bridge near the forest and headed over the wooded hills. The pine trees around us were very dark from the night. I came to the crest of the hill on the road. Everything felt very strange.

We drove down the highway towards the T-section interchange. We would have to take the highway to the left to get where we were going. I told the others about the mall that was just down the highway to the right. It had this very large wall near it. They did not know what i was talking about. I described to them what i had meant. There was a small mall just off of the highway, with a parking lot running down both sides of it, but there was this large wall which stretched for several hundred meters in all directions which stood at the edge of the highway. There were small holes in the lower part of the wall where cars could drive into the tunnels that passed through the mountains. The walls surrounded the mall. I joked about the builders of the wall trying to keep the wilderness away from the mall. Everything within the wall was urban. I had to hurry down the sidewalk outside of the mall, though, as i had to catch the bus. I jumped up on the bus behind the driver. There were others sitting on the bus. I tried to sit in one of the seats just behind the driver, but i realized that the seats were too close to the ceiling. It was one of the portable folding seats, and was not put in properly. I had to duck a little as i sat. My head still brushed up against the ceiling. The bus driver turned off the radio and put in a good tape. We no longer had to listen to soft rock. The tape was country music.

11996 November 18

I rode my bicycle over the rough dirt road that went through the middle of the dry grass fields. There was a fire in the fields off to the left. Smoke hovered along the ground on the other side of the tree-lined hill. The fire crews rushed to it. I hurried along the road. I had to get back to the university. I came to a section where the road had some large bumps in it. There was a swampy pond to the right of the road and a hill on the left. A truck came from the road that joined into the dirt road from the right. The truck was black, and closed on the back. It pulled into the corn field and got slowed down by the mud. The trucks were here because of the fire. They saw me riding my bike, and i wondered if they suspected me. I flew over the fields and away towards the university. I passed over the golf course that sat near the edge of the ocean. The ocean stretched out to the right. There was a line of trees along the right edge of the golf course, and small ponds dotting the middle. I wondered for a moment whether i was flying in the correct direction. I turned slightly to the left to adjust my course so that i was heading along the coast towards the college. Ms. Drudge was with me. She walked on the air along the side of me as i flew towards the school. I came down in the room, which was decorated in a country/victorian style. I wound the grandfather clock that was standing against the wall to my right. Then i wandered around the room looking for an object that would help Ms. Drudge fly. There was a double bed protruding from the back wall of the small room, with a green and wood chifferobe to the right of it. I opened the front doors of the chifferobe to see if i could find the flying object. There was a broom there. I could use that, i supposed, but i continued to look around for something better.

I pet the small kitten in the room. Then it attacked me. It wrapped itself around my hand and started biting me. My mother did not want her kitten to be hurt, so she came to take it from me. I unwrapped the kitten from my hand and pried it loose. I had to work its mouth off of the side of my hand. My mother took the kitten. I looked at the injury on my hand to see that one of the kitten’s teeth had been lodged in the knuckle of my ring finger on my right hand. I pulled the tooth out of the joint. White puss ran out from the wound. The area had gotten slightly infected. I had to go see the doctor before the joint got infected. The doctor did not seem worried about the injury. I was in a foreign land, and this doctor was helping me. We were at the station where the trains came in. Then the men attacked. The doctor was shot. His wife worried whether he would be all right or not. I remember seeing this before. All of these events had occurred someplace else. The wife was wearing a long tan jacket, which might have been a dress. She counted the money that she had left in her wallet. I knew that the money would do her no good now that her husband was dead. She could not use the money in this country. I remembered the plot. She will wander the country. She took a small amount of food with her. The country was at war, and she would become a vagrant and wander around for the next several years. She left the station with several jars of jam under her coat. It was all that she had. I did not want to be like this. I let a couple of the jars of jam drop to the sidewalk. They shattered. The plot would continue without me. She will become a beggar, wandering around in rags from place to place. I would simply continue as i was.

11996 November 19

I was riding on my bicycle when the runners passed me from the other direction. $A10 was one of the runners. I thought that i would follow them. Some of the runners turned off of the road. I thought that i might as well follow them. They were doing 400s. $A10 wanted to do a long run into the woods. I followed him through the woods at the edge of the park. I rode the bicycle up next to the bushes at the edge of the woods where the dirt trail passed through a set of bushes. I thought that i could just hide my bicycle in the undergrowth while i ran. I passed another group of runners as i tried to hide the bicycle where no one would see it. I came to the edge of the park and lifted the bicycle over a small set of bushes. The runners had run down the trail that went through the center of the wooded area, which was rich with growth. I could not hide my bicycle here, because i was at the edge of a ravine, and the drop was too deep to toss my bicycle into. I climbed over the edge and started to climb down into the ravine. I held onto tree branches to keep myself from falling. I had to climb down to where the running trails were at the lower end of the park.

11996 November 20

I met $F7 on the street. I had not seen him for a long time, and hugged him warmly. He hugged me as well. We stood there for a moment. I then leaned away and started to pet his face. I was nervous because there were others around.

11996 November 25

They were all looking for the man, but they did not know where to find him. I remembered that i had seen his picture in a book before. The man was a spy from Canada. I had found his name on a list, and was now trying to locate a photograph of him. I went over to the stack of books that i had left on the edge of the desk. The yearbook was on the bottom of this pile, and not on the shelf like it had been before. I remembered placing it under the stack before. I pulled it out and started looking through it for the photograph that i remembered. I remembered that it was a picture of the man playing soccer. I reminded the girl with me of the man’s nice legs, and how they came from playing soccer. The photograph was supposed to be on page 92. I turned to page 92, but there was nothing but text on the page. The picture had to be here somewhere. I searched for it.

I climbed up the narrow outside staircase that wound back and forth up the side of the building. The stairs were metal, like an old fire escape. At the top of the stairs, i stopped on the platform and looked down. There were men fighting below me. They were fighting in martial arts fashion. I looked around the porch upon which i was standing. It was a high balcony at the top floor of the barn-like house. The house was painted a dull bluish-grey and had vertical siding. Then i noticed a shuriken stuck in the side of one of the wooden crates that sat along the edge of the balcony, just inside the railing. I pulled it out of the box that was sitting on the outside edge of the balcony. It had come from the fight inside. The swinging window behind me had been open and the shuriken must have been tossed out of it by accident. I looked over the edge of the porch. I could see a small group of men trying to push in the door on a lower landing of the stairs. They were all oriental, and looked as though they were from a martial arts movie. I thought that i could drop the shuriken into the group, and could possibly hit one of the men. It would all be part of the fight. It would also kill whomever it hit. I realized that i would have to pick up the shuriken with my shirt so that i would not get finger prints on it. My shirt was green. The shuriken already had my finger prints on it, though, as i had already picked it up. Then i noticed that there were several people inside of the house to my right. They moved around in the room, preparing for the invaders to come in. Then i noticed a man coming up the stairs towards me. I pretended that i did not notice him. I went to get the kitchen stuff from one of the crates at the top of the stairs. He would not attack right away if he thought that he could sneak up on me. I slid the second, lower, blue bin of kitchen stuff out, so that it folded down over the stairs. The back end was tipped up so that the man could not climb up the stairs. I pretended that i still did not know that he was there, but that i was just getting kitchen supplies from the blue plastic bins. I could see a large baking-bag funnel at the edge of the bin. I shuffled things around in the bin. Watching the man from the corner of my eye as he tried to get around the bins. He could not. Then he started climbing over the railing and on to the upper deck. I did not expect him to do that. I said “hello” to him and acted naturally, as if he had not been out of place here. He told me to move over by the railing. I paused for a moment. He then said that he was going to push me over. I told him that i did not want to be pushed over the railing. He moved toward me and tried to toss me over. I grabbed his legs and tried to knock him off balance. It was all a joke to me.

11996 November 26

I drove down the road on the island. I was following the tour route on the road that crossed over the green grassy hills. I looked out over the valley to the right. I could see part of the ocean shore between the mountainous ridges. The hills were very steep. The voice of the tour guide described the off-shore islands. They were just beyond the edge of the bay. I looked out and noticed the storm coming in. There were heavy waves coming along the ocean shore. There was a thick white haze over the ocean, which was the approaching rain. The storm was a hurricane. I would have to get to a shelter. I walked into the front room of the restaurant. I looked out the window at the storm. Then i noticed the aluminum frame that the large plate glass window was in. This would not be a good place to wait out the storm. The window could shatter and the aluminum would be dangerous as a flying object. We could not stay here. We should move all of the people elsewhere. I walked around the side of the restaurant and looked out the back window. There was a small stone church across a small grass lawn. There were deciduous trees around the church, and the sky was light. I walked around to the back of the church. There was a modern cement addition off the side of the church which created an L-shape around a parking lot. There was water flooding the old lot as the wind blew leaves from the lower lawn behind the church. We should move all of the people to the new buildings behind the church. That should be a safe place to stay. It was an old structure, but it would be able to withstand the winds of a hurricane. I walked back past the old stone church. I remembered being in the chapel here a long time ago.

I stood on the roof of the old cement factory. The roof was cracked and in bad shape. I thought that i should rewrite some of my old stories. They could be edited to make better tails. I could just touch them to fix them up. It was the magic of the computer age. I looked out the window of the abandoned factory and down the outside wall of the cement building. I could see the bulge where the wall was starting to sag outward with age. I walked back across the roof, wondering whether the building would collapse. It was so old. I thought that someone with powers could touch the building and heal it. If they were in contact with the cement structure, they could reshape the molecular structure of the building and fix all of the problems. Then people could actually live in the buildings. I walked across the roof to the other side, where i could look out over the lake. The water was muddy, and flowing rather swiftly over the shore of the lake. I knew that it should not flow at all in a lake. There must be a flood which was overflowing the north end of the lake. I then looked around to the front side of the factory. There was water running across the gravel parking lot. We were trapped on the buildings. $Z was with me. He seemed like $F10, but i was not sure. I wondered how we could get off of the buildings and cross the water to get back to the high ground. We had to get across. I noticed that the water flowed downward over a small gravel bank. It looked pretty shallow there. I tried to get across. We could cross to the main land there. I jumped over the water and headed down the street of the small town. There were buildings along the street on both sides of the corridor of the downtown section. There was a school to the left in an old, nineteenth-century, dull red building that looked like a stone firehouse. I could hear gospel music coming from within the building. We were on the west end of town, in the bad neighbourhood. Young people were playing on the street ahead of us. I told $Z that we could not have been in the cement factory. This place was not near enough to the factory. This place was somewhere else, and we could not have traveled so far. I wondered how we could have traveled from the cement factory, which was quite far from town, across all of the dirt roads through the country, and into the west end of the city. We seem to have been jumping from place to place. Things were shifting around us. I looked into the church in the row of buildings just to the left of us. There were people singing inside. As i looked over them, i realized that they were from all different races. There were orientals in red robes, boreals in blue robes, and australs in black. I had expected everyone in the church to be austral, as it was before. Things were different. I continued down the hall of the institute, passing by the room where all of the people were singing. This place was an old hospital, with early twentieth-century designs inside. It was somewhat dark and had the feeling of being run down. I walked into the front lobby of the place, which was very much like the $P7 lobby. I realized that i should leave this place. I should not be here anymore.

11996 November 27

I flew down the road in the suburb area near the old school building. I came to the black chain link fence at the edge of the $P16 golf course. There was a white house on my right as i moved to the north, away from the street, and headed for the fence at the edge of the elementary school grounds. The yard was narrow around the house, and the black chain-link fence stretched over the back yard like a pen, enclosing all sides and the top. There were green vines growing over the side walls of the fence. I could not get through to the playground this way, so i flew back out and tried the next yard to the left. I still could not get through to the school yard. I could see the back side of the school as i faced east looking into the school yard. There were military men falling into formations in the yard. I was not sure what they were doing, but i knew that they should not see me. I teased them anyway, flying past them and into the small house. I hovered in the small house for a while, feeling confident that they could do nothing to me. Then the major walked into the house. There were young men sitting around the front room of the house. I floated around the room as if i did not notice them. Then the soldiers locked the front door of the house. I tried not to worry, and floated casually into the back room. There was no way for me to get out of the house. I tried to think of what i could do. Then i noticed the small panel in the wood floor of the back room. It was well hidden, blending into the surrounding wood floor, but the sharp light from the other room made it visible. It was too small for me to escape through, though. I drifted back into the main room, where the soldiers were waiting. All of the windows to the room were boarded and locked. I was trapped with the soldiers. I decided that i should just sit down on the couch and pretend that i was not worried. I sat down next one of the boys, who was wearing a white tee shirt. Everyone in the room was watching me. They thought that they had caught me, and were waiting for me to give up. I looked over the boy next to me. He was somewhat attractive. He put his arm around me and leaned over. I lifted his dead body and carried it into the back room of my parents’ house. It was $F13’s body. I knew that he would need the body back, so i had to be careful of what i did with it. I thought that it was very strange that i should have his body. I looked it over. He was nicely detailed and well built. I held it up high over my chest as i walked. It was empty. It was just dry skin that had been stuffed so that i could look at it. I had to hide it so that no one would know what happened. I wondered where i could get rid of it. I walked out the back door and across the driveway. Then the skin started to crumble on the body. I shook the body in my arms and it started to crumble into pieces. I decided that i would spread the pieces over the grass on the other side of the driveway. That way, no one would be able to find it. It would just decay into the soil.

I pushed the small boat from the shore. I was pretending to be a spy. It was not my real job, but i thought that i could do it, just like in the movie. The man who normally does this job was dead. I thought that it might be Tom Cruise. I paddled the boat down the narrow city channels, where the old stone houses rose on all sides. I could be a spy on my own, i thought. This was the real thing now. I paddled down the canal. I wondered if i could do this by myself. It was not going like the movie went. It was nighttime now. I quietly maneuvered the boat under the wooden deck that hung off of the back of the building. There was a man on top of the deck acting as look out. I had to be quiet so that he did not spot me. There was a stone foundation under the deck that was just below the water line. It was a bed of large-grade gravel held together by a wooden form. I checked it for traps. I stopped at the edge and felt around. I thought of a clever idea to elude the traps as i searched for trip lines and pressure pads. There was a bright blue tarp spread over the loose rocks. I pulled on the tarp. Then i put on my glasses to check the tarp again. I wanted to make sure that everything was all right. There was a light coming in from the right. I lifted my glasses slightly from my eyes and realized that there was no light. My glasses were allowing me to see better in the dark. I still had to be quiet as i pulled the flat boat under the deck. The man above knew that i was there. I did something wrong. I lay on my side so that my profile was smaller. The man started shooting through the deck at me. I hide from his line of fire, trying not to get hit. I quickly rolled out of the way and walked across the finely decorated room. It was decorated in victorian style. The other operatives had already gathered there. I told them of the gunman. They told me that the other spy, whom i was replacing, was dead. I looked out the large window that overlooked the old city. The glass was a single pane and came almost to the floor. The city was filled with narrow buildings with spires, and had canals running down the streets. It was a very decorative old city. I wondered what i should do about the spy business.

11996 November 29

I looked over the guitar that i was playing. It had a name on the head which looked like “VOX”. I looked more closely, and noticed that it just said “PV”. It was a peavey guitar. I stood on the balcony playing. It was all part of a play for a movie. I was acting the part of the guitarist on stage. I hoped that i would get my lines correct.

11996 November 30

I flew near the sandy shore of the lake. The shore was just off to my left. The water was calm. I landed on a log that was sticking up from the edge of the water. I was just off of the shore in the middle of the swamp. There were reeds on the other side of the small water channel from me. Then i noticed the boat wake that cut across the water in front of me. The wake traveled under me and splashed over the top of the log. I tried not to get my feet wet as the water splashed around the soles of my shoes. I knew that the people on the boat would come back, though. Then i saw the cottage on the shore to my right. $F12 was there. I was excited to see him, so i ran to the cottage to say hello. I entered the small wooden building and said hello, but i soon realized that it was not $F12. It was someone else that i knew. I talked to him as if i had known it was he all along. Then the others came into the room. I recognized some of them. I would have to say hello, even though i was not sure who all of them were. I had to pretend that i knew all of them, and remembered them from some time before. I was relieved that some of them actually did know me.