11997 November 01

I was talking to the others in building. I looked at the index finger of my right hand. I could see the tiny square that was on the tip of my finger. It was a computer chip. It held codes which allowed me to do things. I then watched as the other two walked over to a door in the side wall. The wall was painted an off white. There was a service counter in a window in the wall to the left of the door. The door led into the service office. There was a dark-skinned, heavy-set woman sitting behind the counter helping customers. It seemed like a police station. The two men were having difficulty opening the door. The pushed on it a couple times before it opened. I knew that it was a security lock and wondered whether the chip on my finger would open it. I thought that they might have given me more access than they thought that i should use. I walked over to the door and looked at the latch. It looked old and had several coats of paint on it. The outer coat was a dark brown. The latch was square, with a rectangular button in the center of the top which pushed in. The top of the button was rounded slightly. I pushed against the button, but was unable to open the door. I decided that my chip did not give me access to the office. I then walked down the hall to the right. I thought about the chip and how it interacted with the human body. I remembered that it would be easily traced. Then i remembered the woman who had some implants. The chips could enhance human senses. I thought about how they could be used all over the body. I knew that the chips were being used under tight regulations. People were not allowed to have many chips. I spoke to the others about it. Then i mentioned the woman to them. Her name was Kelly. I told them how she had many chips in her body. They said that there could be no such person. The government was holding the chips. I told them that she was a prototype. She should be out in the world somewhere. They were surprised. We had to find her. I looked at the screen of the scanner and watched as the cross hairs moved around, searching for the signal of the chip. She could help us against the government. The others walked down the road towards the island city. I knew that the city was under tight police control. People had to be very careful not to get caught in the city. I walked down the street. I knew that they could not catch me. I had some special abilities. I flew down the sidewalk. Then i noticed the police officers rounding up several people to my right. I noticed that one of them was the older man whom i had been talking to earlier. He was thin and had grey hair. He was being arrested. I thought about how he was always getting himself in trouble. I flew towards the group and then turned around and bounced away. I knew that they could not catch me. I thought about flying over the roof of the long building in front of me. I flew down the hall of the building and into the long, narrow room. I realized that it was the bathroom. It had doors on either side of the corridor. The room was dimly lit, and had wood on all of the walls. The ceiling was a dark wood colour. The wood on the walls was nicely carved and looked like something from a victorian hotel. I passed two men who were in the hall, waiting outside of one of the stalls. I turned to the left and came into another long hall. This one seemed more decorative. There was dark green in the patterns on the stall doors. I noticed that the stall doors were higher from the ground. This dressing room must be for the richer people. I was still being followed, so i kept moving through the rooms, hopping to loose whoever was following me. I then came into the large open room. It seemed like a gymnasium. There were people talking in the room, so i stayed outside of the entrance door. I then moved down the corridor to the right and peeked into the room from the other door. The people were starting to leave the room. I did not want to let them see me pass. I waited until they left before i flew across the large, empty room. I then came into another empty room. I realized that one of the men was following me. He seemed oriental, and was wearing a black suit and vest. The suit was of a style from the late eighteen-hundreds. I had to loose him. I flew through several of the large rooms. The place seemed very disorienting. I then came into the hall. I looked to the right and noticed that there were two police questioning a third person. I was hesitant to pass them, but i flew towards them and around the corner to the left. I then thought about the chips that were in my hand. I would have to look up how they worked. I knew that they could be traced. I looked over the specifications for the chips on the computer screen. I knew that the technology was not to be public knowledge.

11997 November 03

I walked across the open space, which seemed like a campus. There was a single stone building sitting to the northeast. It had a cement path running in front of it. There were a few trees shading the front of the building. I walked in front of the long table which was sitting on the edge of one of the paths. The area around me seemed very open. There was a man sitting behind the table, and several people standing in front of it. I looked at the red and white book that was sitting on the table. It seemed to have something to do with cigarettes. I looked over the type on the cover of the book. The cover was red on the top half and white on the bottom, with heavy black text covering most of it. The text was black, narrow, and sans serif. It seemed very heavy, visually. I thought that the text invoked the idea of smoking. There was something about the text that reminded me of the cigarette industry. I placed the book on the table and started walking towards the west. I kept thinking of the cover design of the book.

I was in the small dark room. Moulder and Scully were sitting on opposite sides of a round dinner table from me. I was standing in the aisle of the dark diner. The head injury was strange in some way. It resembled a holy head injury. I could not quite explain it. The man started attacking the others in the room. He started firing his gun at them. I ran across the block to get away, but he was still following. I watched as i flew into the air. Then i saw the man in the golden armour fly away into the air. A bright blue exhaust streaked from the bottom of his boots. I saw the gunman look up at him and shoot his gun. He could not hit the man in flight, though. The man flew over the large, stone building, which seemed colonial in design. I watched as the man swung around and started heading for the gunman. I then noticed $A55 standing in front of the large stone building. It seemed like night out.

I walked between the buildings of the college campus. It seemed like a bright sunny day, and i was in a good mood. The lawn was cut very short. The buildings seemed very close together, with the paths running between. The building to the south of me seemed like it was under construction. It was a square steel frame, and it seemed as though i could see through it. The steel beams were rather thick. I then started walking down the path to the west. I looked down suddenly, realizing that the cement path was cool under my bare feet. I wondered whether people would find it strange that i was wandering around without shoes. The lawn rose to a long mound on my right as i walked on the path. It seemed very pleasant outside, and there were other people wandering around on the campus. I looked my right. I could see the fence at the north edge of the campus. Beyond it was a highway. There seemed to be an overpass running above the highway. The area seemed like it was part of a downtown city. It seemed dirty, and the sky to the north seemed reddish from haze. There was an older woman walking just on the other side of the chain link fence. She was wearing as heavy, brown coat which seemed dirty and tattered. She walked with a hunch. I then looked back across the campus. The sky was a bright blue and it seemed like a warm spring day. It felt good to be walking outside with my shoes off.

11997 November 04

I walked across the bridge, which stretched over the deep, tree-covered gorge. Then i heard the heavy trucks coming across the bridge from behind me. I looked back to see them rolling towards me. I was walking on the right side of the bridge, on the sidewalk. I watched as the tanks rolled by. I was worried that the bridge would not be able to support their weight. It seemed like the bridge would collapse. I hurried across the bridge and turned to the right. I hopped over the railing near the end of the bridge and started walking away from the buildings. The ground was very swampy. I looked down at the green reeds that were growing through the mud. I was following $F10. I felt disoriented as we walked through the wet area. It seemed like a back alley which led through a section of old victorian houses. All of the houses were very large and formal. They were all made of brick, and seemed somewhat run down. It was raining out and the dirt road onto which we walked was muddy. There were sections of wet green grass along the sides of the road, and drooping willow trees hung overhead. The rain seemed cold. I could not remember where we were. I was following $F10 towards his new home, but something seemed familiar about the place. I then realized that i was on $P32, but i was having difficulty recognizing the place. It did not seem quite correct. I then wondered why i thought that this was $P32. I thought about my girlfriend’s old house. This did not seem like the place of her old house, but i realized that it was $P32. I knew that $F10 and i had lived here a long time ago. I looked up at the red brick house at the end of the dirt road. The house was 104 $P32. It was the house in which $F10 and i had lived. $F10 had bought the old house and had fixed it up. I felt disoriented, not quite sure that this place was where i thought it was. I walked across the swampy ground towards the front of the large victorian building. $F10 was ahead of me, and had already walked into the front of the building. I looked up at the front of the building, which towered over me. It seemed very grand, and i felt nostalgic to be back. I walked into the front hall of the building, which had clear plastic hanging from the left wall. The place was being reconstructed. It was a beautiful old house. I walked across the narrow board which crossed the water of the swampy ground and led to the stairs. I climbed the short set of stairs up to the platform of the main hall. I then turned to the right and started down one of the side corridors. There was more plastic hanging from the left side of the corridor. Light from outside seeped in from the cracks in the side wall where the temporary plywood had been used to patch a large opening. Everything seemed damp from the rain. The corridor was not well lit, and everything seemed under construction. $F10 was renovating the house. I followed the curve of the corridor to the right. I then came to the small lab. Everything seemed clean, and there was a glass cylinder sitting on the white counter. Light seemed to radiate from the edges of the counter. The room was very modern in design. I looked through the contents of the canister, stirring the liquid. I looked at something with a microscope. I then realized that $F10 had been working on a cure for AIDS. I realized that he had found the cure, but had not published his results. I wondered why he had not finished the experiments, and why he had not shared his findings. I looked over the glass canister. I realized that it was full of deionized water. This was a solution for the virus. It needed to be mixed for the cure to be found. I started the mixing process.

11997 November 05

I walked into the center of the basement of my grandmother’s house, where the others were sitting on a couch. We were hanging around together, but wanted something to do. They were talking about going to get some food. I thought about ordering pizza. Then the people started to leave. They were all going out to get the food. I wondered what we were supposed to be doing. I seemed confused and unaware of what was happening. I looked down the slope of the front lawn of the suburban house towards the road, where the car started to pull away. The people were leaving to get things. The driveway ran along the right side of the lawn and was dirt. There seemed to be an old chain-link fence along the other side of the driveway which separated the yards. It seemed to be covered with overgrown vegetation. The house was behind me as i faced the road. It was an L-shaped, one-level house with white siding and a dark grey roof. The path came up the hill from the lower part of the driveway, climbing up a set of cement stairs. My mother was to my left, working in a garden in front of the house. The garden was just to the left of the cement path that ran to the main door. It was a stand-alone flower bed that was elevated from the main lawn and surrounded by stones. I thought about getting things and walked over to talk to my mother. I told her about the Tom Cruise merchandise that i was thinking about getting. I was half joking and half getting her to ask me what i was talking about. She did not answer. I was anxious and wanted to talk about my interest in the Tom Cruise merchandise. She kept digging in the small circular plot that was atop the small stone wall. I looked at the bricks that formed the near side of the curved wall and noticed that they were loose. I shifted some of the bricks as my mother walked over next to the house to get something. I then walked into the house. The house belonged to $F19. She was having a party, and people were starting to arrive. I looked at some of the guests in the living room as i walked through. The people would be back soon with food. I walked around to the left and turned into the kitchen. $F19 was against the back wall. Wooden counters lined the back three walls of the kitchen. $F19 was upset and looked as though she had been crying. I walked over to her and asked her what was wrong. We started talking.

11997 November 06

I drove some of the brothers to the mall. It was dark outside. I pulled into the small gravel parking lot which was in front of the single-level building. The building seemed very small, and had bluish-grey siding on it. It had a slanted roof like a house. I was waiting for the others to come out of the mall. I wanted to leave, but i was the one who drove, so i had to wait for them to finish. The place seemed like a restaurant. There were no windows on the front of the building. $F13 was there with me. He was talking to some of the other brothers who were standing to the right of the car. It was getting late, and the mall would be closing soon. I then remembered that i had to get some shaving supplies. I decided to go into the mall and get them before the others returned. I walked through the main door of the building and turned to the left, down the hall. There were shop windows on either side, but most of them seemed to be closed. I was depressed, and i did not really feel like looking too hard for the supplies. I complained to the brother who was following me that i could not get what i wanted because the stores were closed. I did not even know in which stores to look. He told me to ask someone where i could find them. I was too depressed to want to follow his advice, but i headed for the open restaurant. I walked into the diner-style restaurant. It had a large horse-shoe-shaped counter which was covered with a pink linoleum. There were silver diner stools in front of it with chrome sides and cushioned tops. A service corridor ran behind the counter. On the left and right sides of the room, it ran between the counter and the dark grey walls. There was a waitress in a pink uniform on the left of the back side of the counter. She was clearing away dishes from the curved part of the counter and bringing them back to the kitchen. I could see a man moving from the kitchen. I leaned over the counter and asked the waitress if she knew where i could get some shaving supplies. She said that i should go into the mall. I walked out of the restaurant and down the hall. $A45 was still with me. I then noticed the drug store on the corner to the right. It was closed, but i knew that it would have shaving supplies. I then noticed the round vertical rack of shaving supplies just inside of the caged door. I pointed them out to the person with me. I then walked out the back door of the mall. It was still dark outside, and there did not seem to be any lights. I was in an empty space which ran behind the restaurant, which was on the end of the mall. I walked around the outside of the restaurant, noticing that the wooden deck was empty of people. The place must have been closing. I was alone as i walked around the side of the building to the gravel parking lot in front. As i reached the car, i noticed that the brothers were no longer there. I was upset again and wondered to where they had wandered off. I started to get in my car to drive home. The brothers were with me. They mentioned that they had seen the movie Gattica while they were waiting. I was upset that i did not get to go with them. I walked around by the building. I did not feel like dealing with them anymore. I thought that i should pack my things and head home. $F27 knew that i was upset, but did not say anything. He sat quietly in the back seat of the car.

11997 November 08

I was in the room with the others. We were all part of some performance. I was in the process of cleaning things up. Something seemed incorrect about what was going on. I was upset. I walked into the small area behind the screen. The man pointed out the area to me, and told me that i was supposed to get things from there. He pointed out the other person in the performance. I watched as the other person picked up a salad bowl from the buffet table. The bowl was in a metal holder which tipped from side to side. I was part of the crew that was supposed to carry things away. I realized that this was part of the performance. I had to act as if i did not love anything. I was simply supposed to walk through the scene and do my chores. I walked down the corridor which came out in the cafeteria. The room opened up to the right. There were buffet tables around the three walls to the right. The far wall had a corridor running down it at the far corner of the room. There were people in white uniforms preparing things at the tables, and the other man, whom i had been following, walked down the far corridor with his salad bowl. I was supposed to follow the woman to the kitchen, where i could clean up the stuff that i was carrying. I did not know where she had gone, however. I walked to the far wall of the room and looked down the corridor to the right, which led into the kitchen. I saw the woman walking towards me. Then i realized that it was not the same woman. This one was short, round, and was wearing glasses. The other walked up behind me. They were carrying things as well. I did not know where to go with the stuff. I did not really feel like doing manual labour. They told me where i was to put the food, but i was not interested. I had to make the ticket reservations.

11997 November 10

I was with my parents in the car as we drove up $P36. My father was driving and i was in the passenger’s seat. As we rounded the first corner from the bottom of the hill, i made a joke about drug use. We had been talking about a similar topic. My parents then became mad at me. They accused me of taking drugs lightly. I walked up to the top of the hill and behind the fraternity house. I walked quietly so that no one would see me. It was dark out, and there was a large parking lot on the south side of the house. It was shaded by all of the leafless trees. There seemed to be several trees in the middle of the lot as well. I wondered whether the other brothers would see me. I was on the sidewalk that ran along the outside of the tree line. There was some old snow on the ground. I wanted to go into the place, but it did not feel right. Then i ran into some of the brothers. I said hello to them. It seemed like it was close to a holiday. I felt that they would all be leaving soon. I felt out of place with them. I walked back up into my bedroom at my parents’ house. I was home for the holiday. I was upset with them because they were not listening to me. I tried to explain to them what i had meant, but they did not want to hear. I knew that all of the rumours about me were not true. I walked back down stairs. I knew that i had never taken drugs, but they would not believe me. I then looked through the file that was in the bathroom. There was a salad on the dining room table which was for dinner, but i had found a bag of hemp in the file. I thought that i should just pour the hemp into the salad. I felt that it would be getting even with them. They would have to deal with it then. I was upset, and decided to do nothing. I went back upstairs. I could hear them yelling to each other about the hemp. They were very upset about it.

I walked along the south wall of the large, open room. I was heading to the west. It seemed like the inside of an old factory. Then i noticed that the military troops were climbing along the scaffolding that was in the center of the room. They were wearing green camouflage. The floor of the kitchen area had been removed. I realized that the next floor down was several stories below us. I became fearful of the height. The men were climbing very carefully along the scaffold, as the floor plates were loose. Then i saw one of the soldiers slip on a loose plate. The plate fell between the metal bars of the scaffolding and he fell into the hole. I could hear him hitting the support bars below as he fell. I was afraid of falling myself and moved vary carefully across the red floor. I moved along the south wall when i noticed that i was walking on the roof of the garage. This part of the red driveway was more stable. I then noticed that there was a seam around the secure area. I held onto the round clothing racks as i moved towards the edge of the building. The roof was stable here. I followed the edge of the building east down the grassy driveway. I was safe.

11997 November 14

The boy was being very annoying, so the girl tried to trap him under the bed. I did not think that the girl should be doing it, but i did not want to say anything. She started playing with the orange balloon. I walked into my bedroom and went to sleep. I felt sorry for the boy, however, and wanted to help him. I walked back into the room and called the boy’s name. He did not respond, and i could not find him anywhere. I wondered where the girl had hidden him. I lifted up the bed to look underneath. The girl became mad at me. She ran off to tell her boyfriend that i was picking on her. They both plotted against me from the other room. I went back up to my bedroom. I started to gather my things.

I walked across the shopping plaza and walked into the store. It was a music store, and there were many instruments around. I started playing the guitar. There was a woman there. I tried to teach her how to play some of the instruments. Then i found the old twelve-string guitar. I thought that it was a very good guitar. I tried to strum the strings but realized that it was not in tune. It was a stand up guitar, and was shaped like a cello. I tried to tune the pegs at the head, which was still leaning against the wooden pole in the center of the store, but the strings did not seem to tighten as expected. I then realized that the strings were separated in the center. There were strange black loops which were knotted around them just before they went into the lower bridge. It was some strange tuning method. I played with it for a moment, trying to get the strings to stay on the bridge. I realized how they would have to be wrapped around the wooden holes in the bridge. The black rings would catch on the other side. Then i realized that there were wads of cotton around the loops. The strings had not been used in a very long time, and were still in their original packing. I thought that it was a very strange string design. I looked over the copper beads that were on the ends of the strings. I wondered how i could get them to fasten to the bridge. Two other people walked up to me as i was trying to secure the strings. I talked to them about the instrument for a moment. The strings then began to come apart. I realized they were separated in the middle with a strand of purplish-orange elastic. It made them very easy to stretch, but made them hard to tune. I then left the store and biked back across the plaza. It was getting dark now, but i remembered the way back to the house. I crossed the parking lot and headed towards the base of the small hill. There were trees covering the slope. I rode the bike across the dirt driveway that ran through the corridor of trees. It seemed very dark and unnerving. I remembered that i could cross this area to get to my house. Then i noticed the police car following me down the dirt driveway. I wondered whether they would stop me for crossing someone’s property. I acted like i belonged there and they passed by. I rode my bicycle past the large white house. The building was wood, and had a black metal fire escape running down the back wall. The dirt driveway ran along the side of the house. I came to the back of the house and into the dirt parking lot. There was a set of stairs which ran from the parking lot up the side of the hill. They ran first to the right, then to the left, and then to the right again, up the hill. They were wood, and headed up to the mansion on the hill. This was the way i always used to travel to get home. I was headed for the mansion. It seemed dark and scary out. I was nervous about the area. The mansion seemed dark and deserted. I got off of my bicycle and climbed the stairs. I knew that the old lady was the only one left living in the mansion. She was standing to the left. I knew that she was no longer able to climb up the stairs. I wanted to tell her that there was a street which climbed the hill to the left, but i continued up the stairs. It was a short-cut, but it did not go all the way up. I walked into the registrar’s office. There were students wandering around as i sat in the hall. I then noticed some people looking for the bathroom. They walked to the right. I sat at the edge of the corridor, where it opened into the main entrance of $P7. I knew that the bathroom was to the left, but the people were too far away for me to give them instructions. Then i saw the child running through the hall with a mask on. I knew that i belonged here. This building was part of the fraternity, and i was a brother here. The others were just visitors who were wandering the halls.

11997 November 15

I was at my parents’ house. $K3 and my grandmother were there, along with several other relatives. Something was unsettling about the situation. I walked across the dining room from the other side of the house. There was no food for me. They were going to celebrate, but they did not want me to join in. I left the house and rode my bicycle down the road. I felt very strange. It was warm outside and the trees had deep green leaves on them. It seemed that i was traveling very far. I then came to the intersection. The road on which i was traveling ended on the main road, which ran approximately north and south. The intersection was in the center of a very wide valley. There was a hill to the west-southwest. It was very rounded and had farm fields stretching up to its base. The road to the south followed the valley along the side of the hill. I turned left on the other road and headed south. There was something strange about the road. I felt as though something were wrong. Then i noticed the truck with the orange flashing lights pass me. It was a utility vehicle. Something was wrong ahead. I was riding my bike through an area where there were several houses. There were double story houses on either side of the road, and they looked very rural. It seemed that there were things in the front yards of some of them. There was a yellow wood house on the right side of the road. The hill seemed to start right behind the houses on the right. Then i noticed that the telephone poles on either side of the road had transformers on them. I realized that they must have caused the emergency that got the trucks out. There was some kind of power surge going on. I was suddenly worried that they would explode while i was driving by them. I could hear them humming loudly. There was something wrong with them. Then i saw one on a fence post on the left side of the road start to smoke. I rode my bicycle cautiously, afraid that one would explode while i was near it. I knew that one was burning to the south. Then one on the left side of the road sparked and popped as i rode by. I quickly drove by and headed down the hill on the other side of town. I rounded the corner to the left and started heading up the hill towards the factory. It now seemed to be getting dark. I knew that the sun would set soon, and i realized that i would have to get back home soon. I turned around just inside the factory yard. There was a large white cement building to my left as i started out of the yard. The other person was with me. The drive of the factory lot was gravel, and there were weeds and bushes growing along the side of the building. The other person started to follow me out of the factory yard. I knew him, but was hesitant to talk to him. I felt very uneasy. Then we were in the building. It was already dark, and i would not be able to ride my bicycle home. I did not have any lights. I wondered what i should do. I had no other way of getting home, and i did not want to call my parents and have them pick me up. They would be upset and worried that i had traveled so far. I talked to the other two people in the room. They said that i should have no problem getting home. The room we were in was long and narrow, with the door in the middle of the long wall on the front of the building. There seemed to be a couch along the back wall. I then started playing the guitar. It was my blue guitar. I thought that what i was playing was not really that interesting. I was simply playing several chords. I then remembered the classical music that i had seen and tried to imitate it. I played the F chord and then switched to a C. I was playing fingered arpeggios. It sounded interesting to me.

11997 November 16

I was in the small room. $A14 was with me. There were several snakes moving around on the floor. I was not afraid of them, but i did not want them near me. I worried that $A14 would get bitten. I knew that several of the snakes were poisonous. Then i noticed the cobra slithering across the floor. It moved to the left of me and opened its hood. I was nervous about being in the same room as the snakes.

11997 November 18

I was on the top of the long narrow building, which seemed to be the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. There were grey storm clouds moving overhead. It was raining very heavily, though we were not getting wet. I watched as the clouds moved from the west to the east over our heads. There were several large trees near us, and the clouds seemed to move through them. The clouds were very low. There were some other people with me. The day seemed very bright. I then looked to the east, across the yard next door. I watched the rain clouds pass through the tall elm trees. I then realized that the tops of the trees were above the clouds, and did not get wet by the heavy rain. I told this to the other person. I was excited to discover such a fact. I walked over to the top of the beech tree and touched the leaves from the top of the tree. They were dry. The other person with me was surprised that they did not get wet either. We both walked across the roof of the tall building. Nothing on the roof was wet. It had been above the clouds. I looked down at the dry dirt on the ground. It seemed that the ground on the top of the building had not gotten rain for quite some time. I was very captured by the idea. I then looked out to the south, where i could see the rest of the suburb. I remembered that i had climbed up the long flight of stairs on the side of the hill to get here. There was a large stone building to our right, with cement paths crossing from its doors to the sidewalk on which we were walking. To the south was a small set of streets and a neighbourhood. All of it was on top of the hill, and thus, never experienced the rain that the lower town got. I told this to my mother, excited that i had realized this fact about the small neighbourhood. She was displeased. She complained that i always acted so interested in such unimportant details. She thought that it was foolish of me. We continued walking back towards the stairs. We entered the west wing of the large stone building, which curved in front of us. We would have to cut through it to get back to the stairs. I was unhappy. I walked across the floor of the fancy department store toward the door on the opposite wall. There seemed to be suits hanging in the store, and the large room was lit with a dull yellow light. My mother strayed off to look at something.

11997 November 20

I rode my bicycle through $P25, heading northeast. I realized that i would have to turn around soon. I was on the back roads just outside of town. I had to get back to the main road so that i could head back. I read the brown road signs. They pointed to the local attractions. I realized that i did not want to follow them, as they led to the olympic sites around town. I drove through the suburban road, which had trees growing over the sidewalks. The day seemed cold and tan, but the sun seemed hazy and bright. I wondered whether i could remember the correct way back. The roads did not seem that familiar. I came to an intersection of a larger road. The road ran from the north-northeast to south-southwest. I seemed to remember the road. I knew that the main road, which went east into town, was to the south of me. South was to my right on the intersection. I looked at the street signs across the T-intersection from me. There was a brown sign with tan letters which pointed to the ski mountain to the left. I did not want to go that way, as i knew that it would lead away from town. I then saw the main road ahead of me and to the right. It was on the other side of a narrow lawn. I turned to the right and started driving toward the main road. I was on a road which rounded the side of a plaza parking lot. I could see the main road off to my left as i drove. The road around the parking lot curved to the right. I would have to make a left turn at the entrance to the lot. I realized that the main road was part of the shopping district outside of town. It was not the road i had thought it was, but i did need to get onto it in order to get back to where i was heading. I then saw the entrance to the parking lot ahead. The road i was on, however, seemed to curve to the left rather than merging with the exit road. I thought that i could just pull into the exit road. I then saw a white police car pull forward on the exit road and start out of the parking lot. I thought that i could just drive after him anyway. I could claim that i thought that it was the way out. Then i noticed the curb which ran from the guard rail on the right to the side of the road on my left. It divided the drive on which i was from the exit road. I would have to turn right with the drive. I quickly turned right and headed into the Burger King parking lot. I thought that i could quickly turn around and head back up the road. Then i noticed that the narrow entrance of the Burger King lot was blocked with cars waiting to use the drive-thru. The curb on my right was painted a light blue. I tried to sneak around the other cars on the right side. I managed to do it and tried to circle around the building. I could see the two drive-thrus on either side of the building. They had red signs on posts at the entrance of the drive-thrus with yellow arches over them. I pulled out onto the main road on my big wheel and started pedaling home. I looked down the road and noticed all of the bright lights from the store fronts. I realized that i was in the shopping district. I then started having problems with the big wheel. I pedaled the front tire, but it started to slip. I stopped and looked it over. I soon realized that the axle that went through the center of the wheel was slipping. It was no longer attached to the main wheel. I tried pedaling again, but could not get the wheel moving as fast as i was pedaling. I realized that i would not be able to pedal all the way back home. I wondered what i should do. I thought that i would have to call my parents and have them come to pick me up. I wondered what i should do. I was saddened that i would not be able to ride all the way home. My legs felt good after all the pedaling i had done, and i wanted to go farther. I was upset.

I walked through the dark room. The man with me seemed to be my mother’s father. We were walking around in the dark room. He was trying to catch something which was near the ceiling. I looked up and could see the white fish swimming over the rough texture of the ceiling. I tried to scoop it up in the net that i had in my left hand. I missed. The man tried to catch it as well. I walked around the square table that was in the center of the room. The table seemed to have a porcelain top which was tan or off-white in colour. I then noticed that there was a large white fish swimming near the ceiling. I realized that it was the fish my grandfather was trying to catch. I looked around in the dimly lit room for it when i spotted it near the ceiling. I swiped at it with the net i had, but the fish seemed to vanish into the air. I thought that i was only able to catch the smaller fish, but that was not the one that we were trying to catch. I searched the darkness again for the faint image of the fish. I swiped at it again, bringing my net down to the floor, but the fish was not inside of it. I wondered whether the fine mesh of the net was stopping me from grabbing the fish. It would have more resistance in the water and prevent me from moving the net very fast. I saw the smaller fish swim across the ceiling, but i ignored it. I was looking for the larger one. Then i saw it hovering. I was sure that i could catch it. I swung at it with my net. It seemed to be trapped within the net, but after i finished the stroke with my left arm, i could see that there was no fish in the net. I wondered again how much better a net with a wider mesh would be. I looked over the net i had. I realized that it only had a small opening. I was too small to actually catch the large fish. I stuck my finger in the opening and made it wider. The opening had been long and narrow, but widened into a square opening. It would still not be good enough. The net was still too small to catch the fish. I decided that i did not want to stay around here any more. I walked out the front of the small yellow building, which seemed like a small room of a resort hotel. There were other buildings around the dirt lot. I took off my shirt and walked towards the pool. I did not want to go swimming, as it was too cold. I knew that the woman was watching me from the small house behind me. There were a few people ahead of me, near one of the other trailers. I thought that i should look nice with my shirt off. I thought about sitting on the picnic bench next to the square pool. The water seemed shallow and dirty. I thought that sitting on the edge of the picnic table might seem too depressing. I walked back around the table. I was in the large library room at the station. My mother sat at the edge of one of the long rectangular tables. I wondered how much longer we would have to wait in the station. I then realized that we were near $P25, and that $F12 would be here. I was excited. I asked my mother how much longer she would be here. She said that she was almost ready to leave and asked my why i wanted to know. I told her that i wanted to try to find $F12. She sighed but did not mind. I walked away from the table to the south side of the room. There was a service counter along the back wall. On the left side of the counter was a telephone. I walked over to the phone and looked on the shelf that was to the right, against the side of the counter. I could see the yellow telephone books on the shelf. There was someone on the telephone. I asked her to excuse me while i pulled one of the telephone books out. She moved so that i could get by. I opened up the telephone directory when i realized that it might be an old version. I looked at the cover, but i could not find a date. There was a section of small type in the upper right corner of the cover. The number 1397 was printed. I thought that it could not be a date. I looked over the rest of the book, but could not find any date. I knew that the number was somehow related to the version. I then remembered that i had looked at a book the last time i had been here and remembered not being able to find a date. I realized that this might be the same book. If it was, it was too old to be of any use. I decided just to wander into the back section of the building, hoping to run into $F12. I walked across the front of the counter and down the narrow hall that ran onto the back of the building from the left of the counter. The walls were made of cement block and were painted black on the left and light blue on the right. The fluorescent lights overhead seemed to glow yellow. I remembered that the lab where $F12 worked was off to the left down a corridor. I looked down one of the corridors. I could see heavy lab doors on the right side of the corridor. I did not know whether it was the correct corridor. I started past it, but decided that it was the correct way to his lab. There were several other people wandering the halls in lab coats. I started down the hall when i noticed the open door on the computer room to the left, just past the start of the hall. I looked in as i passed and noticed $F12 sitting on the back side of the room looking at a monitor which was on the left wall of the room. I stopped and walked into the room. The room was long and narrow. There were several other people on the right side of the room at terminals. All of them were facing to the left of the room. I walked to the back of the room and sat down in the chair next to $F12. He was leaning forward as he looked at the monitor. He was wearing dark clothing, which seemed to have blue across the top of it. He looked up and smiled at me. He was happy to see me as well. We hugged each other hello. I was very happy to see him.

11997 November 22

I was in the small room of the house. I then realized that there was a snake crawling across the floor of the room. I stood in the doorway on one side of the room, watching the snake. I knew that it was dangerous. I then realized that $F1 was in the bathroom, which was behind the door on the right side of the room. I was worried that he might come out of the door and run into the snake. I called to him and warned him that there was a snake outside. He opened to door to investigate and saw the snake anyway. He then ran back into the bathroom as the cobra lifted its head and opened its hood. I told the others about the snake, wondering what we should do. They were not sure that i was aware of what was going on. They thought that the snakes were probably harmless. I told them that i had seen the cobra raise its hood. I then wondered how the snakes got into the long room. I walked down the length of the cafeteria. It was the dining room of my grandmother’s house. There were people placing plywood along the walls. I remembered that my grandfather had done the wood on one side of the room, while $K10 had done the wood on the other. They both met at the back of the room. I wondered how even it came out. I knew that it had not come out in the same place, which annoyed my grandfather. I then noticed that some people were spackling the walls on the left side of the room. I walked over to the wheelbarrow from which they were getting the spackle. They had mixed it in the wheelbarrow. It seemed rather soupy to me. It was much thinner than i thought it should be. It was also a tan colour, unlike any spackle i had ever seen. They were using it to put the paper upon the walls. I told the man who was spackling about my grandfather and uncle. Then i noticed the people on the far wall trying to pull one of the long cafeteria tables down from the wall. I realized that the entire room had tilted up for storage. The men were trying to bring it back to the ground.

11997 November 23

I was lying in bed with $F12. We were hugging each other. I felt a little nervous about doing it, but i felt very close to him, and wanted to be affectionate. He was on his back, and i lay on top of him. I lay my head on his chest. He was not wearing a shirt. Then, he started to talk. He was nervous about speaking. I looked at him as i wrapped my arms around his torso and caressed his back. He then told me that he was homosexual. I thought that i should act surprised, but it did not bother me. I smiled at him and hugged him again. I told him that i was homosexual as well. I then started to caress his chest. He was unsettled, and sat up quickly. He was upset. I asked him what was wrong, but he stood up from the bed and walked away.

11997 November 27

I walked through the narrow aisles of the library. It did not seem as though i should be here. I knew that i would have to work on the instruments, however. I was the only one who was still maintaining them. I walked over to the edge of the corridor. The corridor ran to my left, across the short stretch to the other side of the building. In front of me, it ran along the right side of a drop off. The machines were lined up on the left side of the balcony, hanging over the edge. They ran the system. I walked past then, thinking that it was my job to take records of how they were operating. I did not want to do the job, but i did not seem to have any choice. I felt disturbed by the idea of having to maintain the equipment by myself. I looked over the round white pumps as i walked down the corridor. They all seemed to be running properly. I knew that they ran in sequence. The last one in the row ran first. If it needed more help pumping the water, then one of the others would kick in. I turned around and headed back along the catwalk. When i came to the first pump by the door i looked it over. I noticed that it was a new pump. There was a long thin arm which projected from the back of the motor over the large pool of water. Each motor had its own pool. The levels in the pools had to be kept down by the motors, but i noticed that the water was near the top of the last tank. I wondered whether the motor was running properly. I pushed down on the arm a little to see if the motor would engage. Water started running through the plastic tubes around the motor. The process disturbed me. I felt uneasy about what the motors were being used for. It was some kind of secret experiment. I did not want to be a part of it, but i did not seem to have a choice. Then the warning lights went on. I wondered whether they would know that i had been paying with the motors. I tried to act like i belonged there. I could hear the guards talking on the upper level. They were searching for intruders. I thought that i might be stopped as one. No one should be in the lab this late at night. I circled around the platform and came out on the lower level. I walked through the aisle of round cylinder-shaped machines. They seemed to be large washing machines. I heard the guard call to me from above, but i pretended that i did not hear him. I had to get to the door on the lower level. I could not run, though, or they would know that i was not supposed to be there. I felt very nervous and afraid. I had to get out of this place. I was not supposed to be here.

11997 November 29

I was in $P27 with my mother. We were trying to steal food. I had food in my cart that i did not pay for, and we were going to roll the carts past the registers and out the front door. I pushed the cart out the front door, but then felt strange. I turned around and went back into the store. I pushed the cart down the produce aisle and around the back of the store. I then wondered why i had come back in. I had already made it out of the store with the food. I was safe, but then i had to bring it back in. I turned down the second aisle and walked to the end. I was looking for tofu, which i knew was on the right side of the aisle. The shelves seemed rather bare. Then my mother came back into the store. She wondered what i was up to.

11997 November 30

I was on $P1, standing in front of my grandmother’s house. It was late in the evening, and there seemed to be something wrong in the neighbourhood. I looked east down the street. I noticed a bicycle coming towards us. $F13 rode the bicycle past us to the end of the road. I wanted to speak to him, but i did not get the chance before he had passed. I thought that i might get the chance when he came around the block again. Then i saw the fire in the neighbourhood. A house across the street was burning. There were several people gathered out in the street watching it. It seemed to have something to do with the biker, but i did not know what. I was sure that there was something going on, but i did not know what it was. I ran around to the back of the house. I then realized that there were targets on the houses. The robots were aiming for the houses, but they had been fooled. They had started the fire in the wrong house. I then noticed the two boys fooling around.

I was in a class room in the school near my grandmother’s house. $K1 was there. There was something wrong with all of the children. They were all suffering from mental anguish. This should not have been happening. Something was wrong with the way they were being cared for. I was concerned, because they were too young to be disturbed. The woman walked me into the small classroom. It had a wood floor, and there were several blocks on the floor which acted as chairs. I then saw the little girl sitting on the edge of the rug. She was someone i knew, and i started to play with her. She was about the size of a cat, and i pet her as she lay on the floor. Then i started moving her around on the floor. I dragged her over the rug. The rug was better, because it scratched more, and the girl liked that. I thought that the girl was too small. She seemed almost miniature. Then $K1 came into the room. I told her about the abnormally small girl, but she had gotten larger. I realized that she was larger because $K1 was there.