11998 November 01

I was traveling north with the other person. We were trying to get to the town at the north end of $P24. It did not seem like i was traveling, but i knew i was as i looked over the maps. The place to which we were going seemed open and flat. It reminded me of the northern edge of Canada. We walked up the street of the small northern town. The air seemed very brisk, though everyone seemed to be in summer clothing. The person with me was looking for something in one of the stores. As we walked from the side street into the main street, the man mentioned that he remembered a shop which was on our right, near the corner. He mentioned the name of the store, using words like “knights” and “wizards”. I thought that the name sounded like a role-playing store. I told him that the dull yellow building on our right was probably the store for which he was looking. He was hesitant to believe me. I then pointed out the writing on the side of the building. It was in red script letters which imitated a calligraphy from the middle ages. The name was similar, but it was not exact. The writing said something about swords. My friend kept walking out into the main street. He told me that this was not the shop. He then told me the exact name of the shop that he was looking for. I turned around and read the name on the front of the store. The name in red letters on the front door was not the same as he had said, but there was a subtitle to the name in parentheses. It stated that the store had previously been called by the name that my friend was looking for. I pointed this out to my friend. He still did not seem interested in the store. I did not understand. We started to walk down the street. He mentioned that he was looking for a specific item and that the stores around the area did not have it. Another man on the street then mentioned that the small store on the corner to the north of us had the item. My friend ignored him and started walking to the south. I then realized that my friend was trying to avoid the small grey store. There was something wrong with it. I started to walk to the store. I was traveling to the north again. I had to meet up with the others. I felt uncertain about heading to the open place in the country. I drove up the dirt road to the west, which led to the camp site. The place was familiar to me, as though i had been there before. I drove the car up to the front of the old house, which was on the north side of the road. The house seemed unpainted, with dark, weather-stained wood. The roof of the house overhung the front. It was supported by thin poles of wood, creating a country-style porch. I walked past the front of the house towards the field to the west. I could not see into the field, as there was a line of trees coming from the north. The tree line separated the field around the house from the next field over. There was a gap in the line ahead of me. I could see the edge of the field as it sloped up the hill. The others were there. I could see some of them through the trees. I noticed someone who seemed like $A36. I walked into the field, carrying my sports clothing with me. I thought that i would have to change into them so that i could play with the rest. The hill of the field sloped to the northwest. I looked up the slope of the hill to my right as i walked into the field. There were many people on the grass-covered hill, arranged as if they were playing baseball. I knew that home plate was at the top of the hill. I thought that it would make the practice more difficult. I made a comment to the person near me, “The pitcher is on the top of the hill?” He acknowledged. I then noticed $A30 standing a on the edge of the field to the north of me. I thought that i should change into my shorts. I knew that no one would find it strange that i was in my underwear for a moment.

11998 November 02

I walked from the back room of my parents’ house into the dining room. I was carrying the plate of meat spread. $X4 was near me as i picked up the plate from the stone mantle of the back-room fireplace. He wanted a taste of the food and watched me eagerly. My mother had told me to feed the spread to the cats, but i did not want to. As i walked into the dining room, i noticed that the table was a small, round, green cafe table. Something had happened to the dining room table. That was why my mother wanted me to feed the paste to the cats. There was no room for it on the table. There was another woman sitting at the table across from my mother. She was company. I walked into the back room to grab the plate of pate. I did not want to give it to the cats. I still thought that it should go on the table. I was not going to do as my mother suggested. I walked north on the road in front of my grandfather’s house in $P4. I was on my way to the back room to get the pate, but the road was blocked off due to construction. I was annoyed with the situation. It seemed as though the construction might be over soon, but i still did not want to feed good food to the cats. Then i started to talk to the person on the right side of the road. I was on my bicycle. As i spoke, several people started passing me on the road. They were all children on bicycles. At first, i thought that they were just local children. Then i noticed that they were of different ages. A few of them caught my eye as they passed. One had a nicely detailed arm. I realized that i had dropped my bicycle on the ground as i was talking to the person on the side of the road and i bent down to pick it up. There were a large number of people trying to pass me in the road. I realized that this was some kind of fun ride. People were then walking past me as i stood up. I was in a narrow cement corridor. I looked around at the passing people when i noticed $A189 standing behind me. He was facing the other way, talking to someone else in the corridor. I was not sure whether i should say hello. I turned to face him. There was a woman with him, who was wearing a red business suit. She recognized me and said hello. I greeted her, remembering that i had met her previously and had gotten to know her rather well. I thought that i should invite them over to dinner. It would be an excuse to use the pate for people. I knew that i could not invite them to dinner, however, since the table was too small.

11998 November 03

I was riding on the tall sailing ship with the others. I was telling them where to go. We had to head in a certain direction to get to where we were going. We had been following the shoreline down the coast. I directed them to turn to the west, away from the coast. I leaned over the edge of the boat, watching the water. There was a green wooden post sticking up from the surface of the water. I wanted to make sure that the boat did not run into it as the boat circles. We were still heading towards the shore as we started to turn. I was worried that we might end up in shallow water. I looked up at the many houses which protruded from the water. They all seemed round and old, as if they were worn lighthouses. I did not want the boat to hit any of them. There was a tall narrow house to the left of the boat which started to pass very close to us. I watched it as we passed, making sure that we did not run into it. The walls of the building were covered with small white shingles that were dulled and cracked from age. The boat started heading out into the open ocean again. I told the crew to make sure to avoid the buoys as we passed through. I then looked back at the shore and realized that we were too far out now. It was getting dark, and we did not want to be out on the ocean in the night. We would not be able to see where the land was. I started to worry that we would not be able to find our way back. I looked at the crew as they sat around the camp fire. I felt uncomfortable and upset. Something was worrying me. I noticed that the crew had cooked the horse for dinner. I knew that we did not have any other supplies. The carcass of the horse was hanging over the small wood fire, roasting. I knew that it was $F14’s horse. I thought that she would be upset that they were eating her horse, but i knew that we did not have any other meat. I looked over the horse and could see that steam was coming from its mouth. It did not seem to be cut open, but simply cooked as a whole. I tried to open the horse’s mouth but i managed to get my hand stuck. I tried to pull it out but realized that i could not. I felt distressed. My hand then started to get hot and burn. The horse’s head had not cooled off yet. I picked up the horses head and walked it over to the sink. I was going to run it under cold water to cool it off before it burned my hand any further. I could also take it off there. I hoped that $F14 did not see. I knew that she would be very upset at the scene. She was already upset that her horse had been killed.

I was sitting at the round table which was set up on the edge of the sand dune on the beach. It was a bright sunny day and there were several other tables around the area. It seemed as though this was some sort of out-door restaurant. Modanna and Sinead were sitting on the other side of the table from me. We were having a dinner together. I felt very comfortable to be with them. The wind was blowing in from off of the ocean as we spoke. The waiter in the white jacket then placed a cup of tea down in front of me. I started to pour some of the Stolichnaya Vodka into the tea. The others at the table thought that it was strange, but i was amused by their curiosity. As i finished pouring the vodka, i suddenly wondered whether i had poured too much. I thought that i should not worry about it and took a sip of the tea. I placed the tall bottle back on the white table. The bottle was square in shape and had etched lines over its surface. It was filled with a tan coloured liquid.

11998 November 04

I woke up on the bed and looked around. I pulled the green comforter from the left side of the bed and realized that it was hot. I realized that the electric heat in my apartment had been turned on again. I thought that i would have to move everything away from the wall again as the heat might set something on fire. I looked over the left edge of the bed and noticed that there were several other things on the top of the base-board heater. There was a large piece of white cloth. I tossed the cloth off to my right as i looked down the side of the bed to make sure that nothing else was on the heater. I then noticed the piece of tissue which had been left by the workers several months ago. I started to wonder whether someone had purposely left flammable things on the heater to start a fire. I wandered around the small bedroom at my parents’ house. I thought that i was spending too much time doing things that were not necessary. I had to get to work. I started to collect my things. There was someone watching me from my parents’ old bedroom. I then remembered that i had not even made my lunch. I would have to hurry to get ready. I then saw my mother leaving for work in her car. I realized that i was very late, but i did not seem to be bothered. I felt very unfocused as i walked around the kitchen trying to gather my things. There was someone in the house whom i did not know. He seemed to be a guest, but i did not seem to acknowledge him at all. I was then in the car heading to work. I seemed to be on the road traveling east, heading up the hill just before $P67. There was a movie screen in front of me. I turned the wheel as we watched the movie. $Z was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car. There were two men on the movie screen. They seemed to be fighting. The image was old, and had been saturated with red from the aging film strip. The first man hit the second with a glass bottle, but did not seem to hurt him. The first man was then sitting behind a table and the other was standing to his left. The second man grabbed the first man behind the neck and forced his head into a large brown glass bottle that was on the round cafe table. The glass on the side of the bottle away from the camera shattered. I did not think that the man was too hurt, however. Then the second man turned on the blender, which was under the bottle. I could hear glass crunching. I started to wonder why the two men were not bloody and dying. $F13 was in the seat next to me. He was excited with the action movie. It was a silly movie, but it was fun to watch. I looked back to see the first man stab at the second with a broken green beer bottle. I was sitting on a couch with $F13 to my left. The movie was an action movie, and $F13 was very excited to watch it. We were facing west, towards the large television screen. $F13 was then on my right. He started nudging me in excitement. I thought that he was getting all worked up and thought about wrestling him. He then grabbed me in a headlock. I pushed back and tried to get out. He started to squeeze. I thought that he was getting out his excitement through a physical sport. I grabbed onto his arms and tried to get them off of my head. I then managed to slip behind him and grab him around the waist. I thought that i should get him in a headlock. I thought that he would want me to exchange moves. I moved around to his front and wrapped my arm around his head. I did not know how long i could hold him there, as i knew that he was stronger than me. I tried to grab his left arm with my right as i grabbed his head with my left. He started to struggle, but i got him on the floor before he could get out. I could not control his other arm, however, so i tightened my arm around his neck. He winced as he tried to escape. I then realized that my biceps was getting tired. I could feel the strain as i tightened my grip. He was getting away, however. I then realized that i did not have the strength to squeeze much longer. $F13 then placed his foot on the left side of my ribs and pushed away. He smiled at me, knowing that he could escape. We were both having fun wrestling.

11998 November 05

I stepped out of my car onto the gravel parking lot. There was a long grassy hill to the east which led down to a wide pond. I would be heading to the west, towards the one-level house. It was a modern-style house. $F4 seemed to be with me as we walked towards the house. I then realized that i would have to change my clothes before i went into the house. I would be doing some work, and i did not want to get what i was wearing dirty. I thought that i could simply change in the parking lot. I did not think that anyone would mind. I thought about having my pants off in the parking lot. I then started to wonder whether anyone would actually mind. It might seem strange for me to have my pants off in public. I saw $A42 at the edge of the house. I knew that this house was his cottage. It felt strange to see him again, but i had to change my clothes. I hoped that he did not mind. I walked towards the house. I seemed to be in a very large building. I then realized that i was in the main dining hall of the restaurant. The ceiling was very high, and seemed like an early-twenties design, with curved edges which were coloured with glossy blue and green semi-circles surrounded by black edging. I walked to the south side of the table and sat down. The table was wooden, with a stained mahogany-coloured top. The corners were rounded, and there were white doilies under the silver platters. I was sitting on the corner of the table against the wall. There was a woman sitting to my right. I looked at several other people who were sitting around the table as well. Everyone seemed to be here. The waiter stepped up to my left and placed the large salad onto the table. The salad was in an oval-shaped bowl. It was a mound of pinkish white material with thick, dark green leaves around the bottom. I started to eat from the portion that i had placed on my plate. Then i noticed the long brown bug which had crawled out from the center of the salad as the woman to my right was serving herself. I hoped that no one noticed because i did not want anyone to make a fuss. I thought that the bug was probably not that bad. The waiter then noticed the bug and everyone started staring at it. I watched as it crawled around the underside of the bowl, which was covered with wide green leaves. Then the woman, who had been sitting across the table from me, reached over and squeezed the bug between her fingers. As she withdrew her hand, i noticed that she had folded over one of the leaves around the bug. I wondered how she could have picked up the edge of the leaf without me noticing. The bug was covered with a white puss. It then started moving again. It seemed upset, and started spitting white foam from its body. I backed away from the table, taking my plate with me. I did not want the bug to get anything in my salad. The bug then started to foam, and continued to spit in all directions. I then noticed motion on my plate. The small black animal, which had been lying across the outside edge of my plate, started to move. I looked at it and thought that it looked like a flying squirrel. There was something wrong with it, however. Its body seemed to be decomposing. It was dark and decayed, but it kept twitching, as if it were getting upset. I felt afraid of the animal and dropped it onto the ground. I looked back at the bug and then to the black rat that i had dropped on the floor. I realized that there were several smaller rats around it. I wondered where they had come from. Something had to be done. I then noticed a small rat coming out of the larger one. I realized that the rat was giving birth. I told the others about this. Then i realized that the baby rats all looked too old to have just been born. They were coming out of their mother in a juvenile stage. The mother then started off to the right, taking her babies with her. She was leaving them to safety. There was one baby which stayed behind, however. I was suddenly worried that it would not survive by itself. The white cat walked into the room and over to the baby. It smelled the small animal. The baby rat then ran to the front of the living room, running under the baseboard heater. The cat chased after it, but did not seem able to catch it under the radiator. I wondered why the cat could not get it. There was nothing blocking the front edge of the heater. The mother cat then came back into the room from the door on the back wall of the room. She was looking for her other baby. I thought that she had probably already secured the rest and was looking for the final one. I wondered whether she would save her kitten.

I sat in the theatre watching the play. I woke suddenly, realizing that the play was in the last scene of the first act. I realized that i must have dozed off in the middle of it. I hoped that i had not been snoring. I then realized that the actors were doing something strange on stage. They had rearranged all of the furniture, pulling the large green couch to the back of the stage. I was suddenly confused. This was not what was supposed to be happening. I started to wonder why the actors were changing the last scene. Something did not make any sense. $F21 was on stage as part of the scene. Something felt very wrong to me. I then realized that the lights over the audience were on. I looked down the slope of the bleacher seats and saw several of the audience members standing up. They seemed confused. I suddenly worried that they did not like the play. I thought that they must be very uninterested in it to be getting up in the middle of the play. I then noticed that they were all gathering their things and leaving. It seemed very bad that most of the audience was preparing to leave the theatre just before intermission. I knew that they would not be coming back. There was an older man in a green sweater on the left side of the audience. I then noticed that most of the audience seemed elderly. I was upset that they were all leaving while the show was still running. The actors were still on stage. I stood up and headed towards the back of the theatre. I wanted to get out of the room and think. Something seemed very wrong. I then thought that the audience might have thought that the house lights were up because the act was over. They could have thought that the actors were practicing on stage. I remember looking at the stage to see a door on the back of the stage open. There was a figure silhouetted in the light from back stage. I turned and looked at the bleachers along the back of the theatre. I could see the audience walking out of the theatre on the other side of them. I watched the figures through the spaces between the seats. I then looked for a place through which i could walk. I noticed a small square opening in the bleachers through which i could crawl. There were horizontal slats which cut across the opening. I thought that they might block some of the audience members trying to get out. I pulled one of the slats out from the top part of the opening and slide it back into the lower part of the opening. It would make it easier to walk though. I then passed through the opening. There was a woman standing near the door. She seemed like a relative of mine. I walked over to talk to here. I knew that she was a critic for one of the newspapers. I hoped that she did not hate the show. I felt very bad about what had happened. I thought that the actors must be really upset. I walked around to the passenger’s side of the car as the woman started to get in the driver’s side. I asked her about the play. She said that she thought that i was a very good play. I told her that i was a little concerned with the performance this evening, but she said that it was pretty good. I could not understand why the audience had left. It seemed so strange. I felt very bad for the actors. Then i noticed $F32 walking down the side of the block. I wondered whether she was upset, as she was the director. The woman with me then told me to say something to the direction. I motioned towards $F32 and asked whether the woman was referring to her. The woman was wearing a tan trench coat which had a loose collar. Her hair was shoulder length and fluffy. I wondered whether i should go talk to $F32. I then noticed that someone else had gone over to her.

11998 November 07

I was in the fancy room of the hotel. The decorations were white with patterns of dull gold. There were large windows on the east wall and on the east end of the north wall. The hotel room seemed very fancy, but i felt uncomfortable here. There was something wrong. I felt disturbed and knew that something was going to happen. I looked out the window and noticed that the sky was red. I felt very strange. I walked closer to the window to get a better look outside. I could see out over the flat landscape. I then noticed the dark clouds across the sky. They had several funnel clouds protruding down from them. The tornadoes were heading our way. I felt scared and had to find shelter. I had to warn the others. I ran out of the room and down the hall, into the center of the hotel. I wondered whether i would be safe in the interior hallway of the hotel. I did not know how strong the building was. I could then hear the window outside of the building. I thought that i should go to a safer part of the building. I knew that the tornadoes should reach the hotel at any moment. I ran to the left, down the white stairwell to the basement. I hoped that i would be safe there. I then noticed that there were people still walking casually around in the white halls of the hotel. I wondered why they were not hiding from the storm. I suddenly ran out into a large open room. It was on the west end of the hotel, and seemed to be a large open dining area. The room was oddly shaped, with the north wall running at an odd angle to the others. The room was wide at the east end, but narrowed as it moved to the west. There seemed to be a bar along the north with a terrace overhanging it. There were leafy plants hanging from the dark, glass-green terrace, which arched from the north wall. There also seemed to be a green planter in the center of the room which divided the bar from the main dining area. The ceiling of the room was several stories above us, and the entire room was decorated in deep creamy greens. The people seemed to be celebrating a wedding, and were all nicely dressed. I thought that they were in danger from the tornadoes. I realized that the south and west wall, as well as the arching roof, were all made out of green glass, which was translucent. They could not see the storms outside. I thought that they would all be in danger is the tornadoes came through the hotel. I ran to the west end of the room, where there was a door to the outside. I looked out into the bright day. There was a parking garage to the right which joined the hotel. I could see the city beyond, with a clear sky above it. The storm had passed over us. I was relieved, but still felt very strange.

I was in $P55, in the room up stairs. I had just woken up, and felt very strange. I knew that i had stayed the night there because i had no place else to go. I felt uneasy and lonely. The room was open, and was painted a bright green. The floor seemed to be cement, and there was a window on the west wall with a small cot under it. I had been sleeping on the cot. I was depressed and had to do something. I then thought that i should take a shower before i went anywhere. Something about the situation did not seem correct. Things around me did not make any sense. I walked to the east end of the large room, which was the bathroom. There was a toilet against the north wall, and a shower curtain hanging in front of the north end of the east wall. I then heard people downstairs. They had just come into the front entrance of the building. I was not dressed yet, and was wearing nothing but a white towel. I thought that the shower was simply a spray head which hung out into the room. The water drained into the drain in the center of the green cement floor. I stepped through a puddle in the center of the floor as i walked towards the shower. I felt somewhat uncomfortable being here. It also seemed cold in the room. I thought that it would be chilly and awkward to take a shower in the center of the room. I then thought that i should not have stayed in $P55. I had an apartment of my own, which i should have gone back to.

11998 November 08

I was staying at someone’s house. It felt strange to be here. I walked through the basement room, heading out the side door of the house. I had to collect my things to leave. It felt good to be here, however. I had enjoyed the conversation i had been having with the friend of mine. The house seemed to be in a forested area. I felt very close to my male friend, and felt very comfortable being with him. I walked back into the house. Something was not quite right. I felt as though i had to leave. There were older people in the room. They seemed like the parents of my friend. I did not seem comfortable here anymore. I sat down in the bench in the large room. I had to leave, but i felt as if i was enjoying myself. I was interested in the place. The man who was sitting in the row in front of me turned around and started talking to me. I was worried that some of the other people might hear what we were saying. I felt somewhat comfortable with the people here, but i knew that my discussion might upset some of them. There was a woman sitting to my right, about two metres down the bench. I was uncomfortable about her listening to our conversation. I felt attracted to the man in front of me, but was unsure about engaging him. He then placed his hand on the left side of my chest, sliding it under my shirt. He asked whether i had shaved. I wondered why he was able to feel the stubble so soon. I told him that i had just shaved earlier that day. I motioned for him to take his hand out of my shirt. I was worried about the woman watching us. I was sitting in the pew of the large church, sloughed down so that my head was resting on the cushion along the back of the bench. I felt uncomfortable, and wondered whether anyone else in the room could hear what we were talking about. I then realized that someone was walking by, collecting money for the ministry. I stepped out of the aisle and dropped a few coins in her basket. I felt ashamed that others might have heard our conversation. I then knelt down at the edge of the bench to dig coins out of my black jacket, which was hung over the armrest of the bench. I thought that i should give some change for myself. I thought that the change that i had placed in the basket was from the older woman on the bench. My grandmother was collecting the money in the baskets. I dug through the pocket of my jacket and pulled out some coins. I did not want to use all of my quarters, as i needed them for laundry. I dropped several coins in my grandmother’s basket. I then wondered whether i had accidentally dropped my black pick into the basket. I remembered that it was in my jacket pocket. I turned around and walked back to my jacket. I looked into the pocket and bound the guitar pick.

11998 November 10

I walked through the wooded area where the family was having a picnic. They were sitting on the picnic table to the east as i walked from the south into the clearing. The trees were heavily leafed, and it was a bright summer day. There seemed to be a creek to the north of us which curved around the picnic area. I decided that i wanted to fly. I knew that the others might find it strange that i could fly, but i wanted to. I started to lift into the air, brushing the small branches aside. The family was watching me. They seemed like the family from a television show. I curved to the west, floating up through one of the clearings. Then i curved around to the south, where the old barn was. I flew into the large opening. The barn had not been used in many years and seemed run down.

I flew quickly down the road, trying to get back to the house. IT was dark out, and i could not see the scenery around me. I knew that i was in a grassy field near the edge of a swampy area. This was the road which branched from the main road and headed towards the cottage. I seemed to be glowing as i flew. I then passed a figure on the road. I did not get a good look at it, but it seemed like a dark figure in a black cloak. After i had passed it, i thought that it did not seem to be illuminated by the light that i was casting off. I imagined that it was a dark figure that absorbed all light around it. I thought about soaring up into the air and circling back to see the figure. I thought that i could swoop down and light up the area. I then imagined that the figure was some evil creature that might attack. It charged at me. I flared into a brilliant light to expose the details of the creature, but it did not reflect any light. It kept charging at me. I realized that it was very strong and could simply absorb the light.

I was hiking with the group of children. $F32 walked on my right as we passed from the woods and into the long corridor. It was about time for us to sleep for the night. We were leading the group of children through the woods. There were four children walking in front of us as we headed for the rooms. I was talking to the other people. We would be sleeping in the rooms for the night. I felt disappointed about sleeping in the rooms again. I told the children that they had better watch out for the hippies. They did not know what hippies were. I thought that they might worry about them and think that they were some kind of forest creature. I found the comment humourous. The children turned into the room on the right side of the hall. The other counselor took some of the other children farther down the hall. I walked into the room on the right. $F32 followed me. There was a bunk bed on the right wall of the room as we walked through the door. There also seemed to be a dresser on the wall just to the right of the door. I then realized that i would be able to sleep in the bed. The children would sleep on the floor of the cabin. $F32 placed her stuff on the top bunk of the bed. I looked down at the lower bunk. The space between the upper and lower bunk seemed very narrow. The bed was made of a black metal frame that was formed from round pipes. The mattresses were covered with dark blue sheets. $F14 placed her stuff on the top bunk and walked into the center of the room as i crawled into the lower bunk. She mentioned that she gets in a cranky mood when she hears something bad in the morning. I laughed and told her about the time that she was fussy all day because she had heard something bad on the Howard Stern show one morning. She smiled as she approached the bunks. I rotated in the bottom bunk so that my head was sticking out the bottom. The bottom bunk was slightly longer than the top.

11998 November 11

I walked into the small store. It seemed crowded, like a country store. There were many shelves around the sides of the store. I had come in to buy a boat. I thought about the small black motor boat. It was on a shelf at the back of the store. I was excited about buying the boat. I thought that i could finally get to have one. I had to buy some pants as well. Then $K15 said that i could not buy the boat. I turned around to see him sitting in a lawn chair on the right side of the store. There was someone else sitting in another chair on the left side. They seemed like two old men who had come to hang out in the general store. I did not understand why i would not be able to buy the boat. $K15 told me that it was too expensive. I asked the man behind the counter how much the boat was as i started to take money out of my leather wallet. He said that it was four thousand dollars. I paused for a moment in disbelief. It seemed like such a small boat, but then i realized that it was a black motor boat. I could not afford to spend that much money. I was disappointed and sad that i could not get the boat. I felt confused and wandered away. I realized that the boat was a luxury, and that i was not meant to have luxuries. I walked across the lawn at the front of the house. The house was to my north, and the grassy lawn sloped down slightly to the road on the south. There was a large pine tree at the west-front corner of the house. I had to get dressed. I was not wearing any pants. I did not feel uncomfortable about it, but thought that i should put some on so that i could go somewhere. I started to put on the pair of green work pants. I then started talking to the person in the entryway to the house. It was Ponch, from the television show CHiPs. He stood in his uniform, looking at the motorcycle in the hall, talking about something that had occurred. I disagreed with him. He nudged me on the shoulder, pretending that he was picking a fight over the discussion. I thought that it would be interesting to engage him, but i was hesitant. I pushed back a little. Then, the two-layer cake, which was on the table in the room, started to make noise. I knew that there were firecrackers in the cake. They started to go off. As they exploded, pieces of the cake were blown away. It was a special effect. The police officer did not know about it, and thought that someone was firing a gun at him and hitting the cake. The explosions simulated rapid gun fire from an automatic rifle. I thought that it was meant as a diversion so that i could get away. I watched as the officer ducked to the ground, trying to get out of the way of the bullets. The cake kept exploding. More than half of it had been blown away as i watched. The cake seemed to be chocolate on the inside with a white frosting on the outside. The frosting was decorated with fine lines of blue and green, and there was a red gel on the inside, like a berry filling. The cake then stopped exploding and settled onto the tray, the gaping hole facing to my left and away from me. I turned around and started walking across the lawn of the large white house. The house was to my north, and there was a tall pine tree on the west side. I could see the garage door, which was on the basement of the house near the center. It had just closed as the small car pulled out. $A139 was on his way to work. It was early in the morning, even though the sun seemed to be in the western sky. The trees were full of leaves and it was warm. I thought that i should get the thing from $A139’s house while he was not there. I walked around the east side of the house and over to the wooded barbecue pit. There was a box on the top of the stone grill. I reached into the manila box and took out a stick of dynamite. There was also a black folder and a few other items in the box. I wondered for a moment whether $A139 would notice that i had taken the stuff. I need it for something, but i did not want him to know that i had taken it. I was going to use it for something. I walked to the other place, where i needed to use the dynamite. I looked at the tan stick in my hand. It was wrapped in a paper-bag material. I realized that i would not be able to use it here. It was no longer necessary. I spoke to the other as i walked to the south end of the office. There was a desk in the small alcove area. I sat at the front of the desk as $A139 talked to the other person. I had the dynamite in my back pocket. I did not want $A139 to know that i had the stick with me. I would have to sneak it back to his house later. I sat at the desk and tried to slide the stick of dynamite into the drawer on my left. I thought that i would get it later and take it back to the house. I had to hide it for now, however, so that no one would suspect that i had it.

11998 November 12

I was talking to the others in the outdoor area. There was an elevated platform on which we stood, looking around at the dark grassy ground. The sky seemed to be red with dark black clouds over it. I spoke to the other person as we stood by the ropes, which ran along the edge of the platform as a railing. There was a broken steeple leaning against one of the ropes next to me. I mentioned it to the other person. I felt that it was something wrong. I felt as though it were our fault that it was there, but that i was not sorry for what had happened. The steeple was green on top and very narrow. I felt that it might break.

I was in the hotel with the other person. He seemed like $A58. We both walked away from the front desk. I started up the stairs that were on the west side of the building. They were metal stairs that were painted brown and ran south, up to the second floor. I spoke to $A58 as we ascended, looking for our rooms. I read the letters on the doors of the rooms as we walked up, asking $A58 about where he was staying. I then mentioned that we were staying in the same room. I acted surprised, even though that is what i had expected. We reached the third floor, which was the top floor. The letters only went up to G. I then realized that we were on the wrong side of the building. $A58 did not understand the lettering sequence and asked where out room was. I knew that it was a higher letter. I told him that it was on the other side of the building and that we would have to take the other stair well. I grabbed onto the rectangular metal loop which was hanging from the ceiling between the flat corridor and the flight of stairs to our left. The stairs were going down, and the corridor ran between flights. I swung out over the stairs and started walking down them. It was a short cut. I then wondered whether the man would think that i was showing off. As we reached the bottom steps, i noticed white letters painted on the brown steps. The lowest step was wider than the rest and had a hatched steel pattern over it. The white writing said had the room letters with several arrows pointing in different directions. I realized that H through J were not in this wing of the building as i stepped over the lower step. I backed up to look at the letters again, just to make sure where they pointed. The arrow for H through J pointed out into the lobby. I walked out into the lobby and started up the stairs in the center of the building. I noticed the other person standing at the front desk of the hotel talking with the manager. I walked up to the second floor and towards the door in the center of the hall. The building seemed old and worn. As i pushed open the door to the large bedroom, i listened to the people talking downstairs. They were discussing the prices of the rooms. I then thought that i had paid quite a lot for the room that i had. I wondered what $F32 thought of my room. I knew that she was renting the space, and that other people could only afford the smaller rooms. I felt good about getting a good-sized room. I walked in and closed the door behind me, pushing the large black bag aside. I knew that i should not spend a lot of money on a room, but i felt that i was justified in spending what i did for a good apartment to live in.

11998 November 13

I was at the bar with the others. $F32 had invited us there for a drink. I had to leave the bar soon. $G4 had gathered there, but i had to go do something. I did not have my pants on. I had taken them off for something, but had not put them back on yet. I hoped that no one thought that i was strange. I stood up from the square table and tried to get my pants back on. $F30 spoke to me for a while.

11998 November 14

I was in the living room of the house with the other person. He was annoying me, and i was trying to ignore him. It felt as though the situation were serious, however. He had a gun and was threatening me with it. I told him that i did not know the answer to his question. He did not believe me. I sat down on the dark yellow couch, which was against the north wall of the room. The man then turned and walked to the east and walked out the doorway of the room, which was in the north wall. He was going outside to get the answers himself. I thought that i had to beat the man in this game. I could not let him get something, and i had to trick him into giving himself up. The man walked back towards the door. I wondered what i should do. I then noticed that there was a poster on the back side of the door, in the center of one of the panels. It was the picture of a comic-book hero. I thought that it was the Mantis. I remembered the television show. It seemed silly, and i knew that was why it went off the air. I then wondered why the main character in the show was able to walk. I then noticed that the man was standing in the doorway again. I quickly hid behind the couch where he would not be able to see me. I hoped that he did not come into the room. I did not want to be discovered. I could hear the sound of someone taking out their keys out in the hall beyond the door, which was now closed. I thought that it was the neighbour coming home. I got up from behind the couch and ran to the back of the house. I came into the large bedroom, which seemed pale green. This was where the girl had died. I felt strange being here. There were large round windows on the front wall of the room, which faced out over the front of the house. I stood in front of one of the windows and wondered why no one would have noticed that the girl was dead. I then noticed that there was music playing in the room. I looked to the right, which seemed to be the west, and saw that there was a cheap black stereo on the top of a dresser against the wall. I walked out of the room and back down stairs. I wanted to figure out why no one had noticed the girl before. I looked back up the stairs and realized that the door in the hallway at the top of the stairs was blocking the view from people outside. I then looked around the room in the lower part of the house. I could see out over the hill, which ran down from the house. There was a large window on the wall of the room, which looked out over the hill. I wondered again why no one was able to see into the house. I thought that someone must have seen into the house. I turned to the right and started across the room when i noticed the man in the small window. There were white curtains hanging on the left side of the window, but i could see the man peering into the glass. He looked like Lerch, from The Addams Family. I quickly jumped behind a chair in the living room. I did not want him to see me in the house, but i knew that he noticed me. I peered out from behind the chair to see if he was gone. He was standing outside the window talking to a woman. He glanced back at me. I knew that he could see me. I felt uneasy. I had to get away. I started to run for the stairs, which were in the center of the house. The man came into the house and started after me. I thought that i could run through the gate that was across the top of the stairs and close it behind me, making an obstacle for the man. When i got to the gate, however, i realized that it opened towards me. I would not be able to run through it easily. I could not open the gate quickly enough, and the man grabbed me from behind. I looked behind me. There was an opening in the wall which looked into the other room. On the other side was a counter with kitchen knives on it. I grabbed one of the knives and stabbed at the man with it. The knife did not puncture his skin. I looked at the knife and realized that it was a butter knife. The man backed away in surprise. He did not expect me to do anything violent. I reached back through the opening, trying to get the other knives. I realized that i was off balance, and hoped that i did not fall down the stairs.

I was in the apartment. It was quiet and it was in the morning. The others had left for the day. The girl had left with them. I felt safer that she was gone. $A107 was with me. He was lying in the bed next to me as i sat on the edge. I started poking him. I we had been joking around with each other earlier. He was hesitant, and did not want to get rough. He did not like me pushing on him and told me that he did not want to wrestle. I was disappointed, but decided not to annoy him. I started to pet him across his back. He enjoyed the sensation, and shifted in comfort. I thought that hat the situation was strange. I would not have thought that he would be interested in such adoration. I felt challenged by him, however, and wanted to wrestle him. I decided that i should not and kept petting him. I tried to relax for a moment and then went back to petting him. I thought that he could challenge me later. I looked down his body and noticed the shape of his legs. I thought that he had nicely built legs. I then stood up from the bed, thinking that i should open a window. As i started towards the window, i realized that the curtains were open. I could see the next-door neighbour with a video camera. I was suddenly worried that she had filmed my and $A107. I looked back and saw that $A107 was sitting on the couch. I knew that his wife was asleep in the other room. I thought that she would not have known that i was petting him, and would not be upset. Then the person asked about it. I did not know what to say, and told her that i was cleaning up my apartment. My relatives were visiting and i had to clean up everything in the apartment. I picked up the bowl of ice cream and started eating from it. I could taste the vanilla. It was not real vanilla, but an artificial flavour. I opened the freezer and looked in. I had to put away the bowl of ice cream. There was a large block of ice cream in the freezer. I asked my mother why there was a large block of ice cream in the freezer and she told me that she was cleaning the freezer out. I was annoyed. I then noticed that there were things on the top of the refrigerator. My mother had taken them out and placed them up there so that she could put the block of ice cream in. I was annoyed and opened the freezer to place the small cups back into the freezer, but the freezer was full. I put the ice cream sundaes in the freezer where i could because i knew that they would melt first if i did not. $K2 then said that he would eat some of the sundaes so that they would not be wasted. I thought that the sundaes should be kept frozen. I then noticed the large box of doughnuts on top of the refrigerator. My mother had bought me another box of doughnuts, even though she knew that i did not like them. I was annoyed with her. I ignored the doughnuts and tried to fit everything else back into the freezer. I then remembered my dish of ice cream. I did not understand why my mother had purchased the large block of ice cream when i already had so much.

11998 November 15

I was in the basement room with the other people when i realized that i had to get my things together and head up stairs. I was part of a play, and it was my time to go upstairs and read my lines. It had been a long time since i had done this play. It seemed as though we were learning the play again. I then realized that i did not know where my props were. I had to have a scroll in my hand which would be a message for someone. I noticed several scrolls on a shelf as i spun around to my right. I pulled one from the shelf and opened it. It was an old xerograph of a poster. There were more scrolls on the shelf, but they all seemed to be xerographs of old promotions. My scroll had lines of writing on it. I was anxious, and knew tat i had to go up soon. I looked around the room as i started for the wooden stairs on the north wall. The stairs ran up to the east along the side of the wall. I looked back, remembering that i need to have a set of old golf clubs with me as well. I did not know where they were. I could see a single golf club leaning against a microphone stand as i looked back across the basement. The other person in the basement looked around, a blank expression on his face. I could hear the woman upstairs speaking as i stood at the bottom of the steps. She ended her line with “escape”. I was supposed to enter on that line. I hurried up the stairs, but did not know what my lines were. I had forgotten them after all this time. I walked into the scene and said “I’m sorry, but i don’t remember my lines.” $A146 was in the kitchen as i entered. The woman seemed disappointed that i did not know my lines. I looked around the crowded kitchen. I told $A146 that i needed to find my props. None of them were downstairs. I turned to the east and walked along the wall. There was a table along the wall to my left. I noticed that there was a scroll on it. I picked it up and unrolled it. It had words written across it. It was my scroll. I placed the one i had down on the table and took the other one. I then looked around the cluttered room. I seemed to be outdoors at the edge of a terrace. There were green well-kept trees around us. $F4 was with me in the outdoor place. I looked to the west, over the forested suburban area. The sky was a light blue, and it seemed to be evening. It seemed as if a storm were coming. Then i noticed a flash of light on the left side of the view. I thought that one of the power transformers down the road had exploded. Something felt uncomfortable. Then i saw another flash as another one of the transformers exploded. I realized that the power was being disrupted. I thought that the lights would go out and we would not be able to continue the play. Then everything went dark. All of the lights in the city were out. I suddenly realized that it was dark enough that i could not see anything. I wondered whether we hand any flashlights in the room.

I picked up the telephone and started dialing a number. I was calling $F4. As i dialed, i could hear someone on the other end of the telephone dialing. I realized that they had picked up the telephone just as i had called them. I could hear the touch-tone beeps as they pressed the buttons. I then started to press the buttons on my end, to let them figure out what was happening. They paused for a moment. I said hello. $F4 replied. I was surprised that he had answered the telephone. I expected someone else in his family to have answered. I spoke to him for a moment. Then i heard my voice talking. I thought that it sounded rather low. I remembered that i had been talking with a lot of breath to try to get a clear tone for the radio. I thought that it did not sound that bad. I then turned to leave. I had to get back to the place. I left $F4 standing by the road as i turned around and started away. I held a milk carton in my hand. I had been using it to help me steer. I had been showing $F4 how it acted as a turning device. I looked down at it as i rounded the corner. I then realized that i had it turned the wrong way. The mouth of the empty milk carton was facing forward. It was catching the water rather than diverting it. I rotated the carton so that the mouth was facing me, with the sealed section of the mouth facing down. I knew that the water flow around the end of the carton would make the narrow seal act as a rudder to help me steer. I started to speed up around the tight corner of the road. I seemed to be on a bicycle, closely following someone else. I leaned to the left as i rounded the corner in the forested suburban area, which seemed like $P17. I was driving down the road. I was on the bus with the others. My grandmother was with me. I sat in a seat near the back of the bus, on the left side, next to a window. There was a woman sitting to my right with a young girl in her lap. The girl had fallen asleep and had her head leaning across my lap. I felt slightly annoyed with the situation, but then the woman and the girl got up to go. I felt relieved. I noticed, however, that the girl’s bead necklace was lying across my lap. I thought for a moment that i should ignore it, but then i decided that i should take it to the girl. I told my grandmother that i was going. She was in the seat behind me. I stood up, but noticed that the woman and the girl were getting off of the bus through the front entrance. I ran after them, ringing the stop bell as i got off so that the driver would know that i would be right back. I stepped off of the bus and called to the fat woman with the child. She had started walking to the left, down the sidewalk toward the dark brown building. The girl was walking to her left. They stopped as i approached them. I handed them the necklace and started back to the bus. Just as i got there, the driver closed the doors. I knocked, but the driver shook her head. She was also a heavy woman. I knew that she was not allowed to pick up people unless they were at designated stops. I was annoyed that she did not realize that i had just gotten off of the bus. The bus started to drive down the road towards the brown building. I knew that the road ended in a cul-de-sac in front of the entrance to the building. There seemed to be a roof covering the road over the entrance. I crossed the road, stepping over the dry ground of the median. It seemed to be late fall, and the lawn around the building was dry and grey. I thought that i should walk down the center of the other lane so that the bus could not pass me. I was annoyed. I noticed that the bus stopped in front of the building. I walked over to it and stepped on. I knew that the driver would ask me to pay the fare, but i walked past her and started down the aisle. She called to me, rather annoyed. She said that i had to pay two dollars. I turned and remarked, “other than what i did pay” as i pulled the manila ticket out of my left shirt pocket. She acknowledged it and nodded her head. I started back to my seat. I noticed my grandmother sitting in the window behind my seat. I realized that we had both wanted window seats, so we got them in separate rows. Bright green trees passed by the window. It seemed like a nice summer day as the bus drove on down the country road. I looked out the window on the let side of the bus and noticed only green trees. I then caught a glimpse of a stream bed out the right-hand window of the bus. I looked to the left and saw where the railroad tracks crossed under the road. There was a brown stripe through the green rolling hills. It formed a deep valley where the tracks were set. I noticed the telegraph lines running along the side of the track. I then noticed that there were several sets of lines running in a row. I thought that it would make a good photograph. I then realized that i had thought that looking down the center of the rows of power lines would make a good picture. As i watched the rows pass over and over again, i realized that it would make a better picture if i was viewing the rows from off to one side. The angle of the poles vanishing into the distance seemed better. I thought that i would have to come back to this road sometime to take pictures. I then realized that i did not know exactly where the road was. It was somewhere in the country to the south of $P4, but i did not know exactly where. We had been driving over a hill to the west, and were now coming down along the overgrown thicket fields. I asked my grandmother where we were. She smiled in reply. I then realized that there were more power lines on the small wooden poles running across the road. There seemed to be many groups of power lines. I started to wonder where they were all coming from. I asked what was out here that drew so much power. I wondered whether there was a secret government factory hidden out here. Then i thought that it was simply a power plant. I could see some tall cone-shaped spikes in a V-shape on the top of small dark grey boxes. I said that this was a power transfer station. I was thinking that it was a voltage step-down station. The hills on the side of the bus were then open, with thick grass and very little trees. It seemed like a lush meadow. The hill in front of us then started to descend as we drove to the west, and i could see the hill behind it. Then i noticed the large white building in the valley between the two hills. It had a small square smoke stack that was alight with a hot white flame. I realized that this was probably a power plant. As we drove past the building, i noticed another vent on the roof of the factory-looking building which was radiating a great amount of heat. I could see the heat as visual distortion in the air. The distortion drifted to the west, over the front of the building. I thought that it must keep the ground on the front of the building very warm, even in the winter. I then noticed that there were cows grazing in a pasture around the front and near side of the building. There was an old red barn on the front of the building which had a white overhang off of it. There was a dairy cow standing in the center of the dark green grass near the opening of the overhang. I thought that they overhang was where the cows would go to get their feed. The other cows were out in the fields around the building. I wondered what the building was using as fuel for power. I thought that it might be cow manure, but i did not think that they could generate enough power from it. I watched the barn with the large white building off the back of it as it passed behind us. I kept wondering what it was being used for. I did not understand how they were generating that much energy. I then wondered whether it was a pet project of a local farmer. I then noticed that the bus was stopping in front of the white farm house. There were thick trees all around the farm house, and there was a large black bull standing in the driveway on the left side of the house. The bull had rounded horns which wrapped down the sides of its head. It glanced at the bus curiously, but did not make any motions. It merely chewed the grass in its mouth. I then realized that i would be dropping my grandmother off somewhere. I would have to take the bus all the way back to $P3. I suddenly realized that it might take a long time. I wondered how long it would be, and took out the white schedule to check. I knew that it would get back to $P4 eventually, but thought that it might take a couple hours. It had something to do with the image of me driving down the road with the milk carton. It seemed that the bus would reach $P4 again at 6:00. It seemed like a long time from now, and i did not want to wait. It seemed like i was wasting my day.

11998 November 16

It was dark outside. I was standing on dry ground in the center of a clearing in the forest. It seemed warm and dry outside. There were large lizards all over the ground, and several camp fires in the area. My vision seemed to be confused with the images. The lizards had something to do with the fires. It was a ceremonial thing. The images seemed to flash in front of me. There were men all around me who were stoking the blazing fires. They kept throwing meat to the lizards to lure them into the fires. I thought that the lizards had come from the fire, but knew that they would be sacrificed on the fire. The area seemed to be filled with lizards. I saw one of them snap at one of the men as the man tried to reach for its head. I wondered how the lizards were able to stay on the fire without getting burned. I tried to back away from the scene. I could not focus on what was happening and felt uncomfortable about it. I looked at the large screen which was projecting the images. I was watching the large square window on the end of the room with the others. It seemed to be the opening of a booth. There was a snake that started to crawl into view from the right side of the window. It seemed larger than life, as if we were watching it on television, but i knew that it was coming into the same room with us. The snake had black red and yellow stripes. I looked at the striped and realized that the red and yellow stripes were together. It was a dangerous snake. I told the others that it was a pit viper as i backed away from the snake. I realized that i had said the wrong word. It was shaped like a viper, with an angular head and large body, but i knew that it was actually a coral snake. The woman who stood up to my left told me that it was not a pit viper. She did not think that it was dangerous. I told her that she was wrong. The snake crawled into the room, and everyone backed away. I told them that it was a coral snake. $F32 was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room. I thought that the snake had been captured and under control, but it landed on the floor near $F32. I was worried that she might get bitten. The snake started to lift itself from the ground near her left leg. Then i realized that she had a large plastic bag. It seemed like a sandwich bag. The snake had started to crawl into the bag. I thought that they were going to capture it and wondered whether their idea would actually work. I could see the head of the snake as it reached the end of the bag. It turned and started to head back out. The woman closed the end of the bag. I thought that the snake would be dead from suffocation. They then threw the snake into the large hole in the floor. I knew that the hole was from the well. I looked down into the damp chamber and saw the round hole with water in it. I thought that they should not throw the snake into the well because it would start to decal and spoil the water. I looked into the small hole next to the well and could see the dead body of a cat below the surface of the water. I realized that they had thrown the animal into the other hole. I thought that it was a good idea not to use the well. I looked up through he round grating. I could see another person in the room above me. I thought that i should climb out now that i knew that animal was not going to harm the water. I asked the other person to lift up on the grate as i pushed up on it. I knew that it was heavy, but i knew that it could be lifted. I then thought that i would have to stand over the small hole where the animal had been thrown. I hoped that the snake was really dead and did not jump out of the water to attack me. I climbed up and sat on the floor of the room. The person then asked about the cat in the large bowl of water. I told the person that $X4 had died, and that he had been placed in the water. I then looked at $X4 in the water. I felt sad and noticed a red spot along his side. The person lifted his head from the water. I then realized that $X4 was moving very slowly. He was not quite dead after all. I thought that he had been in some kind of accident and my father had placed him in the water, thinking that he was dead. I wondered whether he was going to be all right. I asked the doctor how the car was going to be. Doctor Bashir was in sin the room with me, so i asked him about $X4. He hesitated and would not answer me. I was frustrated with his hedging and hit him on the shoulder. He then admitted that there was little change that $X4 would survive. He said that $X4 had a serious head injury. I looked back at the bowl on the table behind me but found that there was a young kitten in it. I wondered where it had come from and where $X4 had gone. Something seemed strange. I thought that $X4 might have moved into the younger cat. He would be happier in the younger cat. The person said that the older cat would have a new life. Then the people said that they were going to let the older cat outside. They attached a leash to the cat’s collar and let it out of the room. The younger cat pounced after the people. I was worried that the younger cat would get hurt. It should not yet be allowed outside. I was worried that it might get in an accident. I tried to catch the kitten when i noticed the small black spider on the floor. I was hesitant of the spider. The spider had a round black body and bright red legs. I realized that it was a black widow. I approached it slowly and tried to hit it with my shoe. I then realized that there were many black widow spiders all over the wood floor. I suddenly wondered why no one had ever gotten bitten by one. They were everywhere. I realized that there were many more hiding under the blue carpet in front of the couch. I thought that there were too many to kill.

I was at the formal party with the other people. The boy in front of me was eating black widow spiders from one of the plates. The other people did not seem to pay attention to him, but i thought that it was very strange. I wondered how he could stomach the poison. I sat down at the large table in the big dining room. The table was covered with a white table cloth and assorted decorations. I felt out of place here. It seemed as though i did not belong in such a formal environment. The others started to talk about the man who was coming to the party. They did not like him and seemed to fear him. I drank some liquid from the glass in front of me. As i set the glass down again, i asked whether i know about the man. I did not know about whom they were talking. The people accused me of knowing about the man but not wanting to admit. They said that he was a very bad man. They were afraid of him coming to the party. I did not understand what was happening. I stood up and walked away from the table, taking my glass with me. I wanted to get more juice. I walked around the large table to the other side of the room. The people said that when the man came in, bad things would happen. I picked up the carton of orange juice from the small table against the far wall of the room and poured some into my glass. I thought that the carton of juice was almost empty, but it filled the glass and still had more in it. I put the carton down and drank from the glass. I then realized that something had happened. The people in the room were all leaving. They were panicked. I wondered what had happened. I placed the glass down on the table and walked out across the parking lot. The lot was full of many fancy cars. It was a gravel lot with patches of grass between the rows of cars. I knew that the cars belonged to the rich people at the party. I then noticed a guitar sitting by one of the cars. I walked over to it. It was a very fancy guitar and was nicely crafted. I thought that i should take the guitar and keep it. I liked instruments. I realized that someone had broken into the large black car and had spilled all of the instruments on the ground just outside of the car. I thought that the owner of the car would think that the guitar was stolen by the person who broke into the car. I noticed that the ID tag was missing from the front windshield of the car. Someone must have broken into the car to steal it. It would allow that person into special places. I knelt down and picked up the guitar. I placed it over my right knee and started to play it. It only had two strings on it, but it sounded very nice. I then noticed that the neck did not have a head on it. There were two metal rods sticking out the top of the neck of the guitar where the head should be. I realized that the guitar had been broken. I then started to wonder how the strings were held on without the head. It was broken, but it still sounded good. I then noticed that there was a mandolin in the back seat of the car, sitting on the seat. I could see it through the open door on the driver’s side. I thought that i should take the mandolin as well, as i did not already have one. I then stood up and walked away from the car. I quickly noticed the guard in the parking lot. I hope that he would not find me suspicious. I knew that all of the other people were still running from the main room. They were all afraid. The two security guards in light blue uniforms then walked up to me and started asking me questions. The one of the right asked me what i was doing in the lot. I seemed to be standing near the west edge of the lot. There was a line of cars on the outside of the lot and many aisles of cars which ran east to west. I told the security office that i was heading back to my car. He was grumpy, and did not want to listen to my excuses. I pointed to my yellow car and walked over to it. It happened to be very close to me. I stepped inside the car as the guards walked away. I wondered what i should do. I felt mischievous and thought that i should check through the other cars in the lot to see whether they had any good items in them. I walked down the aisle of cars. There was a large silver van to my right as i started down the aisle. I was heading back towards the dining area. I then noticed the tornado on the other end of the lot. It was very large and seemed very dusty. I remembered the bad man that the people were talking about and realized that the tornado was part of his entrance. I thought that i should hide so that i did not get caught in the wind, but something seemed strange about the tornado. I thought that it did not look real. I looked closely at it when i realized that it had moved to the edge of the lot. I then realized that there was a second tornado behind me, at the other end of the lot. There were three tornadoes in the area, and they would all come together to form a single funnel cloud. I knew that the bad man was controlling the weather. He was very dangerous.

11998 November 17

I was in the parking lot of $P19. I was packing my things to leave. I had my three cars in the parking lot, though, and would have to bring all three of them with me. I wondered how i would do it. $F4 was near me in the parking lot. I had carried several of my things down from my room and was starting to pack them into my Honda. I looked to the left and noticed that i had left my guitar out on the sidewalk. I thought that i should not leave it there for too long as it might rain. I did not want the guitar to get ruined. I then headed away from the house. I had to get out of the area. I felt as though i were escaping from this place. I ran down the narrow tunnel, climbing down the metal ladder which led to the lower levels. It seemed as though i were in a submarine, even though i knew that i was not. The tunnels were cramped and dark, and i felt uncomfortable in them. I started to climb up the ladder to get away. I was worried that someone might catch me as i climbed. I could not move as fast on the ladder as i could on the ground. I then came out into the open area and started running. There was someone chasing me, but i could not see who it was. I thought that i would have to escape down the tunnel, but i remembered how cramped it was before and i did not feel comfortable down there. I started to climb down the metal ladder of the tunnel anyway. As i started, i dropped the paper that i had been carrying in my hand. I tried to catch it in the air, but it drifted down into the tunnel. Then one of the people who were climbing below me yelled up that they had caught the paper. I was relieved. I looked at the cassette tape which was still in my hand. I thought that i should be careful not to drop it as well. I placed it in the back left pocket of my pants and continued down the ladder. I came out in the lower level of the parking garage. I followed the others towards the blue cement stairs which ran up to the next floor. I thought that we were underground somewhere. $F4 was with me as we ran. Then one of the other people said that we would have to run downward. He said that the exit to the building was on the lower levels, not above us. It was the best escape route. I turned around as i reached the top of the stairs and slid down the metal stairs. It seemed much easier to slide down than it had to climb up. I realized that i had gotten tired climbing up. I thought that we would have to continue running, however, in order to get away. $F4 still ran after me as i continued across the open area of the parking lot towards the stairwell which went down.

11998 November 19

I backed my car out of the slot and tried to align it a little better. I then noticed that i was very close to the grey car on my right. I watched the grey car as i moved forward. I then realized that i was too close, and had probably hit it. I pulled out and looked at the car. It had several dents in the side. I decided that i should probably park somewhere else in the lot. I drove out into the center of the paved lot and looked around for another parking spot. I noticed one across the aisle from me so i tried to drive into it. I realized, however, that the space was too narrow. There was a car on the left, with a truck on the right. They were not parked parallel to each other. I hoped that i did not scratch my car as i backed into the center of the lot again. I then noticed that there were many cars driving around me. They were all driving into the parking spots. I suddenly realized that there were no spots left. The lot had been virtually empty before, but was not filled with cars. I wondered whether the people had just started to get into work. I stopped in the middle of the parking lot and looked around. I seemed to be underground. I was in a long corridor with cars parked on either side. I then spotted a section of empty spots just to my left as i stood against the right wall of the parking garage. I quickly realized that the spots were small and were for motorcycles. That was why they were still empty. The cement ground in the motorcycle area was arched upward slightly, and was enclosed within a short cement wall. There were bright yellow lines on the curve of the cement to mark individual places for motorcycles. I then turned around and looked down the corridor to the west. The corridor ended, but i could see the other aisle of the parking garage to the south. The paved road rounded the end of the garage and headed down the other section. The part that i was in seemed fairly level.

11998 November 20

I was heading up the long street in the center of the big city. The man had told me where to find something, and i had to get there. It seemed as though i was after money. There was a large amount of money at the bank that was on Gotham Street. I knew that there was not a Gotham Street in the city, however. I thought that the name might actually mean something else. I traveled down the street. $A190 and $A191 seemed to be with me. It was night out and the streetlights cast an orangish glow as i drove the large bus up the street. I had to have the bus to get the money. There was some importance in it. I was getting impatient and did not want to stop at all of the lights. We had to get to someplace before the others got there. I thought that we would check all of the banks on the right hand side of the street as we drove northwest through the city. I drove the bus along the sidewalk so that i would not be interfering with traffic. There seemed to be people running along the right side of the bus. I thought that they might think that i was a regular city bus. They were trying to get me to stop so that they could get on. I decided that it might be dangerous to pedestrians to drive on the sidewalk, so i thought that i should swerve back onto the road. I started to move to the left, back onto the road. As i did so, i looked behind me to see if any other traffic was coming. There was a regular city bus just behind me which had stopped at the corner to pick people up. I looked ahead as i passed down the outdoor corridor. Daylight seemed to be shining into the hall around the edges of the green canopy. I started up the ramp which led into the rooms. There were several aisles running up the slope. They were divided by aluminum railings. I thought that the space between the railings might be too narrow for the bus, but i remembered that it had fit through he previous railings. I wondered whether this space was narrower. I was walking down the aisle against the right wall. There was green artificial turf on the wooden ramp. I hoped that the bus could fit between it. I was carrying some long object which was the length of the bus. It seemed to be a ladder. I spoke to the person to my right as i came to the end of the aisle. There was a railing running across the top of the ramp, forcing us to turn either one way or the other. I wondered whether the bus would be able to fit around the turn. I remembered that we had made it around another before. I turned the corner and walked into the back room of the house. I continued through the room and ran out into the back yard. I noticed that there was someone sleeping on a couch in the room as i passed through. I hoped that it did not wake him. I had to get my things from the back yard and bring them back through the house. I hoped that i did not disturb the person as i gathered my things and tried to sneak back into the room.

11998 November 21

I was on the small boat in the middle of the swiftly moving river. The river seemed very narrow but had deep water and was flowing from west to east. The sky seemed red but bright. I was with the pirates on the small boat. The commander of the pirates stood at the front of the boat, dressed in a red jacket of mid-1700s style. We had to get away from the pirates. Then, two of the men on the boat with me jumped from the back of the boat into the water. They were trying to escape. I thought that i should escape with them. The commander of the pirate boat commanded the crew to turn the boat around and chase down the others, but i knew that the current was too swift. They would never be able to paddle the boat against the current. I decided that i should jump off of the boat myself while the pirates were distracted. I could swim to shore before they could adjust the boat in the current. I hunched down as i scurried across the grassy field to the south of the narrow river. I swerved from side to side to that the pirates could not shoot at me. The field was covered with tall dry grass. I ran into the courtyard on the south side of the field and tried to hide from the pirates behind some of the large stone structures. They stones seemed to be ruins of an old building. I thought that the pirates would be after me. I tried to keep the stone structures between them and myself so that they could not shoot guns at me. I circled to the west, thinking that i would head down the river to meet up with the other two people who had jumped from the boat. I ran through the more modern stone structure which was at the edge of the small town. I headed back toward the river, hopping over the large, rough, dark grey rocks on the beach. I looked around for the man and woman who had jumped off of the boat. I ran across the small courtyard where the people were gathered. It seemed that they were unaware of the pirates on the river. They seemed to be in a large room which looked out over the river. There was a bar along the left wall of the room along which people were gathered as the bartender served drinks. I then noticed $A121 on the north end of the room. She was standing in front of the large window which looked out over the red-lighted landscape. I walked over to her and said hello. I talked in a hushed voice about the escape as i looked out the window and across the marsh at the narrow river. I could see the water moving very swiftly down the narrow channel. I wondered how she was able to swim up stream to get to the shore. I asked her how she was able to swim in the heavy currents. She told me that there were down currents in the water which hid her from the pirates. I then noticed the strange current in the water. The river rounded a corner just to the left as it passed around an island. I could see the water swirl from the end of the narrow island and curl towards the shore. The water and the thick grass on the island seemed to be tinted red. I asked $A121 where $A34 was as i looked around the room at the other people. I then noticed that the pirates had entered the room from the south entrance. They had found $A34 in the crowd and confronted him. $A34 defended himself, but did not start an all-out fight. I sneaked around behind the leader of the pirates as he verbally challenged $A34. I grabbed a glass from the bar and threw it at the lead pirate, striking him on the back of the head. I then thought that i had wasted good rum in the glass. The pirate was upset that i had hit him, and mentioned the good rum. He then started to chase me around the room. I thought that i should have a sword to defend myself. I ran out of the bar and into the kitchen of my grandmother’s house. I had escaped from the pirates and could hide here. They would not think of looking for me here. My parents were in the kitchen, and my father asked me about the homosexual comic book. I realized that my father had read the comic books that i had bought. I pretended that i did not know what he was talking about, however, and asked him to which books he was referring. He then mentioned the name of a character in the book. It was a foreign name. I remembered the character as the hero of the book. I then realized that i was floating in the middle of the room. I mentioned to my father that i was floating. I seemed somewhat surprised. He was interested in my ability. I floated around the room, thinking about how i was flying. I could tip my body to maintain elevation, but found that it was harder to propel myself when i tipped. I then thought that i was able to do this while i was awake. I remembered that i was always able to fly in my dreams, but i had never been able to do it when i was awake. I thought that i was now awake and still able to fly. I wondered whether i was really awake, remembering that i had thought that i was awake in several of my dreams. I then thought about how i was hovering again. I thought that my abilities were getting better. I floated up the stairs of the house and into the small bedroom. I then floated down the other set of stairs and into the gymnasium. I then saw the group of people on the other side of the gymnasium. They were standing by the door, getting ready to leave for a run. They were $G1. I floated over to them when i noticed that $A11 was with them. I shook his hand and said hello. It was good to see him. I then let them go for their run while i got undressed in the locker room. I had to take my shower and get going. I was undressed and walking towards the showers on the back side of the locker room when i noticed the logo on the shoe which was on the floor. I thought that it was the new Disney logo. I looked over the white basketball shoe at the logo. It did not seem as fun as the old logo. I thought that it did not have the shape of mouse ears. It was a circle with brown and purple swirl patterns inside of it. It did not seem as interesting to me.

Someone was talking about a problem in America. They said that “the blacks becoming brown”. I knew that it had to do with the loss of pigment colour in austral people who lived in the United States. I then heard of the emergency. Something was wrong. I ran down the street of the urban area towards the small river. There was a highway overpass to the right as i ran to the river edge. I was a police officer. There were some people dragging the body from the water of the river. They placed it on the ground. I was interested in the situation and watched as the others circled the body with chalk. There seemed to be several other people wandering around the area. I felt slightly curious about what was going on. Something did not seem correct. One of the men who was looking over the body pulled a long black object from the body’s chest. It was a black metal snow scraper. The indian man, who had pulled the scraper from the body, held it up. I took the black object and thought that i should wrap it up as evidence, but i noticed that it was already in a clear plastic evidence bag. I had latex gloves on my hands. The other men started to wrap the body in a large black plastic bag. I thought that we would have to take two cars back to the station. I felt unsafe, as if something was not right with the body and the evidence. I told the other investigator that my car was out front. I then said that we would take the bodies back to the station in the trunk. The man was suspicious. He thought that i might do something with the bodies. I walked past the cars which were parked on the right side of the narrow drive. I asked my partner to open the door of my car. I then noticed that the door to the car had already been opened. It was left ajar. Something was wrong. I was annoyed at my partner for leaving the doors open. Then my partner suddenly ran away from me. He disappeared in front of a large truck which had been sitting on the left side of the road. I put the bodies down on the ground near the back of my car. I realized that i might get caught transporting them and get in trouble. I thought that i should be safe, but knew that i had to get the bodies into my trunk where no one would be able to see them. I was in the supermarket, standing on the right side of one of the aisles. A man walked past me as i tried to find the correct key. I thought that i should be safe here. No one would recognize me. I then knocked the white object from the shelf near me onto the floor. It rolled the down the short set of stairs that descended to the floor from the raised door was between the two refrigerator shelves. I then noticed that the white object turned orange. I thought that it might glow in the dark, as if it were some type of chemical which glowed once it was broken. I quickly tried to slide the large black bundles under the white shelf which was the stairs and which was part of my trunk. The other person to my left was watching me as he shopped. I was nervous and worried that i would be discovered.

11998 November 22

I was riding down the road on the bicycle. The road seemed very narrow, and there were three people walking in front of me. One of them was a woman, who was naked. She had a medium figure. She talked to the others as she walked. I anted to pedal past them, but there was no room on the road to get around them. I became annoyed. I had followed them all the way through town and wanted to continue on my way without being slowed down by walkers. They then turned to the right on the other side of the own and started to walk across the grassy lawn. They finally were out of my way, so i started to accelerate as i left the town. I turned the corner to the right and started to head up the hill. There was a lake on my left with a small town near it. I moved swiftly down the highway. I was then in the room of the small house with $A271. She was upset that the people would come. I knew that the people from $G3 were supposed to come. $A271 was worried that her family would not like the people from $G3 and thought that they get upset with her. I knew that she was not getting along with her family. I looked out to the front of the house, across the large green lawn. I thought that there was enough space between the road and the house that we could see her parents coming in time to hide everyone. I floated out over the front lawn of the house. The road leading up to the house below me was curved to the right. I thought that it would be very easy for us to see anyone coming to the house.

I was in the small area, which seemed to be inside of a space capsule. I knew that i was moving through outer space. I thought that it was very strange. I did not feel as though i were falling. I seemed to be floating, but did not feel weightless. I looked out the small round window in the wall to see blackness. I felt unsure of my situation. Someone told me what was happening. The voice said that we were going to another planet. Then it said that something hit us. My view suddenly changed. I could see myself floating in the center of the small capsule. I could then see the outside of the ship. I thought that something should change. This was not correct. If something hit the ship, then the environment in the ship should be different. There was no power in the ship. It was very dark. I suddenly wondered what it was like to be trapped in the small capsule for a long period of time. I knew that the temperature would start to drop and that i would eventually freeze. I felt lonely and desperate. I wondered how one could kill oneself before they die of the environment.

I was in the room of the house trying to figure out the bills. I thought that everything was paid for, but i still had to do the bills. I knew that someone would complain about the charges. I told $Z that i did not care if someone complained. I was not interested in doing the paperwork. I thought that everything would be taken care of by itself.

11998 November 23

I was in the large grocery store, walking into the room in the center of the store. I had to get something in room. As i entered, i noticed that there was photographic equipment on the right side of the room. I started to wonder whether $P68 had opened up their own film developing area. I noticed that there was a counter on the left sided of the room, just around the square column in the center of the room. They did have a film developing area. I walked towards the counter, thinking that i could drop off my three rolls of film. I then realized that i probably did not have the rolls with me. I swore; “Fuck!” The man behind the counter looked at me in confusion as i felt the left side of my jacket for the rolls. I then realized that they were there. I pulled them out of my pocket and placed them on the counter. Several other people started to walk up to the counter behind me. The man behind the counter was short, and walked with a strange limp that made him shift his weight unevenly as he walked. He took the three rolls of film and a piece of paper and walked away from then counter. I waited for him to return, but it seemed that he did not. I wondered whether i would get a receipt for the film. Something seemed wrong. Other people started to line up behind me at the counter, but the man did not return.

11998 November 24

I walked across the shower room. I felt agitated or annoyed with something. I seemed to be at $P7, in the gymnasium locker. I was on my way to take a shower. I then heard the people talking off to the left side of the room. They were looking for $A193. He was not at the showers to help them. They needed to get something. I walked towards the showers. I knew that i had everything that i needed to take my own shower. The showers were in the wall on the north end of the room, which was covered with white tiles. There was a narrow corridor which ran from the room. The shower room was on the right side, but i headed straight. I had to use the toilet. I then realized that someone was calling to me from the shower room. They thought that i was trying to take a shower. I walked into the toilet stall, which was on the right side of the corridor. Its door faced south and opened away from me. I walked in and tossed my towel over the bar on the ceiling. I then took off some of my clothing. I knew that there was something that i had to do before i took my shower. The other person in the shower, however, assumed that i had meant to go to the showers, but did not remember what to do. I was annoyed and impatient with him. I walked out of the stall and headed for the showers. $A194 was standing in the doorway to the showers. He informed me that the showers were in the direction that he was. He then told me how to go about using the showers. I frowned at him and told him that i could remember how to use the showers by myself. I walked into the room. I then started thinking about the layout of the building that i was in. I could see a digital cut-away of the structure. I ran after the other people down the side of the parking lot. There were trees around us with orange and brown leaves. We had been following the rest of the class, but they were now out of our sight. I heard $A1 shouting as he wan down the circular staircase at the edge of the garage. I quickly followed the sound of the voices. $Z was with me. We did not want to loose the rest of the class. I hurried down the cement stairwell and came out at the bottom of the building. I could then hear the voice of the teacher near me. The boy who had run in front of me ran into her. We had beaten them down the stairs. The teacher, $A57, told him that she was surprised that we were able to get down the bottom quicker than they did. I came out at the bottom of the parking lot and rounded the corner, rejoining the rest of the class. $A57 was surprised to see me and asked in surprise how we got here ahead of everybody else. I told her that the stairs were a quicker way down than the way the class came. I seemed very young. The class then walked out into the fields. We were in a country setting, and all of the trees had autumn leaves. We walked through a thinly treed area and came out into a large field. I was talking to $Z as we walked. I looked to the north to see an open field up a hill. It seemed very open out here. The woman then started talking to the class. She was the tour guide, and told us that we would be hiking to the top of the hill. She pointed to the hill to the northeast, telling us that it was only a twenty-three foot climb. I had hoped that we would go up a higher mountain than that. I then realized that it was only the beginning. The woman pointed to the west, across the valley to the hills on the other side. I said “cool” and told $Z that we would be going through the town. It would make for an interesting hike. I then started to picture the symbols that would represent the houses and buildings. I could see the white background with the black line symbols drawn on them. Some of them seemed to be computer rendered. The symbols appeared in both two- and three-dimensional representation. I could see a green square next to a green cube. They both represented public buildings. The university buildings were in blue. The shape of the top of the symbol was also important to tell which type of building the structure was. The symbols shifted through my vision as if i were looking down a piece of paper. I thought about the different colours and shapes.

11998 November 25

I was on my way to Europe on the boat. Everything seemed very confusing. I had to catch a train to get to where i was finally going. I walked down the narrow corridor of the large boat. I was going to be late. I was upset that i had not been packing my things earlier. I was talking to someone instead. I rushed into my cabin to get my things. I realized that there was too much to pack. I would never make the train. I was upset. I paced around the bedroom. I wanted to give up and fly back home. I would not be able to make it to where i wanted to go. I paced around my room, mad that i had missed my train. I thought that i should call my parents. My mother would be surprised that i was still here. I felt upset and wanted to talk to someone.

11998 November 27

I was at $P87. There seemed to be some kind of sporting event going on. I walked through the crowd of people. It seemed that i was with a group of people, but that i had left them. I then noticed the group of runners. They ran past me as i walked through the woods. I wondered what i should do. It seemed as though i should be doing something. I walked to the end of the woods, following the dirt path. The man then started talking to me about gambling. He said that he had been to one of the casinos and described his trip. I realized that he was $A272. He was wearing a tank top, and i looked down at his left shoulder as he stood in front of me, facing to my left. I thought that the muscle tone on his shoulder was very nice. $A272 mentioned that he enjoyed gambling. I told him that i never gamble because the game was never in my flavour. I could never win. He laughed at the idea and suggested that i “turn the rainbow around”. I thought about the expression and knew that he was referring to luck. I remembered the slot machine that i had played at. This time it came up all sevens. I won a little bit of money. I started to think about the rainbows and wondered what it meant. It seemed significant, but i could not quite figure out the concept.

11998 November 28

I was working for the theatre, trying to get all of the people into the building. There were many people in the street, and everything seemed very chaotic. I tried to tell people where to go, but the crowd seemed out of control. It was dark outside and very cold. I kept thinking that we had to get all of the people indoors. I spoke with the $Z as i tried to direct the people. I was worried about the play that was to be held inside of the theatre. The play was being held in the smaller theatre at the back of the building because of the winter conditions. I did not think that it would be as good in the small theatre. Then $F32 announced that the play would be delayed. I knew that it was delayed because of the large crowd of people who were still not in the theatre. I continued to help people into the theatre. I opened the side door of the theatre and some of the people started to come in. I told them that they could not use the side entrance and that they would have to use the front entrance. I then noticed the person in the wheelchair. He had come to this entrance because he could not get through the crowd at the front entrance. I remembered that he had been having trouble. I told him that there were stairs which led into the theatre from the side entrance. I moved to the right side of the doorway and showed the man the set of stairs which descended into the dark theatre from the door. The man started away from the door and i walked back into the theatre. I wondered whether the movie would be starting soon. I walked back to the group of people with whom i had been talking. I started talking to them again. I told them about the actors that were in the play. I started to tell them how one of the actors had fallen asleep during one of the warm-up exercises. I visualized the woman in the back room of the theatre. She had fallen asleep during the vocal exercises. I then remembered that $A273 was in the room as well. I had to wake him up for something, but i could not remember what. I asked $Z why i had to wake $A273 up. $Z said that $A273 had to leave early.

I was concerned about the ferret that was lying stomach-up on the table. It was brown, with a white stomach. It was attached to several medical machines, but the machines said that it was dying. I felt upset, but did not believe that the ferret was dead. I pet the animal on the stomach. I thought that i should comfort it until it was dead. I felt attached to it. It was lying with its front arms stretched out from its sides. I then felt its heart and noticed that it was still beating strongly. The machines were wrong. I pet it to see whether it would wake up. The other person in the room with me started to pet the ferret on its head. The ferret started to move. Its black head twitched and started to move from side to side. It opened its mouth and started to lick the other person’s fingers. It then mouthed the fingers gently as it continued licking. I placed my hands near its head and it did the same to me. I knew that it was a sign of affection. I could still feel its heart with my other hand. It seemed fine. I thought that we should give it the pills to make it well. I opened the bottle and looked at the small pink pills. They were round tablets. I wondered whether they were pain killers. I then noticed that some of the pills at the bottom of the bottle were cut in half. I wondered whether i should give the ferret half a pill or a whole one. I then wondered whether the pills were pain killers. I asked the other person whether i should give the ferret the diamond shaped pills. I then noticed that there were several other strange shapes in the bottle. I thought that $K17 might have put them in there. I told the other that the pills in the bottles were in the shapes of hearts and stars. I thought that i should put the pill in the small piece of green melon that i had cut on the table. I then noticed that the ferret was missing. It had jumped off of the table. I also noticed that the piece of melon that had been on the counter was also missing. I also noticed that the pill was missing. I wondered where the ferret had gone. I looked under the table and noticed the ferret chewing on something. I thought that the small boy must have taken him down there. I thought that i would need more melon to feed the ferret.

11998 November 29

I was standing in front of the counter in the large room. The place seemed like a bank. I spoke to the woman who was on the other side of the wooden counter. She was doing something for me. I told her the zip code for $P14. I thought that i was telling her the zip code for my parents’ address. I then realized that i had told the woman the wrong zip code. I told her that i had given her the wrong information. She was confused. I told her that i had given her the wrong zip code for my parents’ house and then told her the correct one. She did not understand what i was saying. I felt frustrated with her. She then started to leave because she could not figure out what was going on. I followed her into the break room of the bank. I wanted to finish the transaction. I told her the correct zip code again, but she could not understand what i was talking about. I then got frustrated with her and turned to leave the room. I was mad that i could not get anything done. I walked into the back hall of the building and paused. I tried to relax.

11998 November 30

I was in the small classroom area reading the text book, which was on the desk in front of me. It was a calculus book. I was trying to figure out one of the questions in the problem set that i had to complete. The instructor was talking at the front of the room. I spoke to the person to my right. I was not paying attention to the instructor. I asked the person next to me about the problems in the book. Then thought that i should be reading the book. I had to finish the problems on the paper before the end of the class. The instructor mentioned that the book was new. He said that it was printed just for this class, and that it still had some errors in it. He pointed out that there was one error in the chapter that we were supposed to have read. I felt as though i should have read the chapter. I started to worry that the instructor would ask me questions about the book. I thought that i had to finish the problems. I wandered along the edge of the table, thinking about the problems in the book. I was walking across campus to meet someone. $F4 would be there. I thought about the problems as i approached the area where the public telephones were. They stood on the north side of the path, surrounded by old wooden stalls. $F4 was talking on one of the telephones. I decided to walk back to the bench to wait for him. I sat down on the long wooden bench, which seemed to be part of a picnic table. I then noticed the man who was running by. He was $A274. He was wearing a pair of white running shorts as he passed. I said hello to him as he passed. Then i noticed that $F4 was starting away from the telephones. I quickly stood up and called to him. I walked over to him and we left together. We were headed to my apartment. I thought that this new apartment was not as good as my previous apartment. I knew that it was quite ratty, like the one i had lived in a while ago. I ducked under the black metal bar which hung across the doorway to walk into the apartment. I felt bad about the condition of the place. I did not like the place. $F4 then left and i started to unpack my things. I was in a small bedroom which was cluttered with items. The room was narrow in the east-to-west direction and had dingy white walls. There were two people standing to my right as i bent over to unpack some of my duffel bags. $A56 and $A275 were standing in the doorway on the north end of the room. I said hello to them as i continued to unpack my things. $A275 mentioned that i had gotten a good room at the house. I was not happy with the room and told them that i was simply staying here for a while. I told them that something had happened to my apartment. I knew that it was not true, but i did not want them to think that i had moved back into the house for any other reason. I felt uncomfortable and depressed.