11999 November 01

I drove south, along the east side of the college campus. The road circled around the campus as it headed down the hill. There was a large building at the top of the hill to the west of the road. It was made out of a grey stone and seemed to be a government office building. I thought that i had dropped something on the sidewalk on the left side of the road as i was coming down the hill. I did not pay much attention to it, thinking that i could walk back p the hill to pick it up once i had parked my car. I turned around and started walking up the path. I knew that i had to be in the center of the large grassy hill to the west, but thought that i should pick up the object that i had dropped. As i walked up the hill i realized that it was taking longer to cover the distance than i had thought. The area around me then seemed dark, as though light was only shining on the objects at which i was looking. I walked to the west and into the center of the quadrangle. There were some other people there with me. $F4 stood to the north of me, slightly up hill as we spoke. There seemed to be a white snake on the wall to the north of us. I remembered removing its head and putting a dull yellow paste on the cross-section of the body. It had something to do with the music. $F4 was part of the singing group. We were in the auditorium of the school, which seemed like $P7. I stood near the front of the audience. It seemed as though the group on the stage was rehearsing. There were a few other people walking around the audience, and there seemed to be a director sitting in the front row. $F4 started to play something on the piano that was sitting in front of the stage. I did not know that he was able to play the piano and wondered when he had learned. I felt sad that i was not part of the chorus. I wanted to do something, but did not know what.

11999 November 04

I walked through the high school, away from the room where the others were. I thought that i was supposed to be taking a test, but i wanted to wander around the school. The others were wandering around as well. I walked to the west, down the long narrow corridor with the tall ceiling. The walls were white, but i could not see most of them well. I walked around the north side of the large wooden table and continued down the hall. There was a hall leading off to the north that i wanted to walk down. I wondered whether i should be back in the class room studying. $A175 was to the east of me. I wondered whether he would say something to me about being out of the class room. I noticed a sign on the west side of the corridor to the north. It marked the entrance to an art area. There was a ragged white sheet hanging on the right side of the entrance to the area, between the door and the hall. The place seemed cluttered with white articles as i walked in. There seemed to be a table in the center of the area. I looked around at the flat ceramic objects on the tables and shelves. I thought that they must be plaster castings made from imprints in clay. I thought that it would be a good thing for elementary-school children to do. There was a sink on the north wall of the small room with several more plaster objects around it. I started to head to the east, back out into the corridor through the second doorway to the room, when i noticed the tall, vase-shaped object on the counter to the north. It was made out of woven white plaster and seemed crudely shaped around the edges. I thought that it must have been one of the things made from a mold by the children. I looked up and noticed that the area to the east of me was open. I was standing in front of a kiosk in a yard. Several other people were wandering around. They seemed like $G4. I then noticed $A148 was walking down the gravel driveway to the south of me, towards the building. I started towards the building when i noticed $F19 walking up the path form the south. She was wearing a dark jacket and seemed to be walking with very short steps. She then announced that she was going to have a baby. I knew that she had been pregnant a long time ago but did not remember how she became pregnant again. Some of the others came towards us as she walked over to the table. She stopped in front of me and said, “My water just broke. ” I looked down at her legs to see that she was wearing dark blue running tights. I thought that they must be we. In a joking manner, she then said, “I wet myself.” She walked past me, to the edge of the picnic table. She turned her back to the table and started to slid her hips onto it. I thought that it might be more natural for her to squat rather than lay down. She slid back onto her feet and said that it would be better if she stood. I walked around to the front of her. She lifted her black dress and started to push her hands into her groin. I thought that i saw the baby’s head starting to come out through her vagina. She turned towards me slightly as she continued to push the small metal object into her crotch. The object seemed to be a small pail. I asked her why she was pushing and said that the baby was trying to come out. She lifted her dress and i looked into the opening in her crotch. I could see a small face inside of her vagina. I stretched open the sides the opening to see the entire baby’s face. I thought that the baby should be coming out head-first and wondered why it was moving face-first. I then noticed that its face seemed to be deformed. The skull on the outside of its eyes was thick and bloated. I thought that it might be deformed from pressing against the edges of the lips to the opening. The face was very clean and appeared dry. Then the baby started to come out again, this time with its head forward. I pulled up on the loose skin at the top of $F19’s vulva, trying to free the baby’s head. All at once, the baby fell out into my hands. I handed it to $F19, who held it in her arms. I then wondered where all of the fluid was. I also thought that there should be an umbilical chord attached to the baby which would have to be cut. I thought that it was strange that it was not there. I then saw the chord coming out of $F19’s vagina, running to the baby. She asked what we could cut it with. I did not have anything with me, so i turned around and headed to the kitchen, which was just inside of the building to the south of us. I walked around the east side of the large wooden cutting table in the center of the room. On the south side of the cutting table was a tray of knives. I looked them over, but none of them seemed to be what i was looking for. I picked up a small paring knife, but thought that it would not do wither. I then turned back to the door to see $F19 walking in with the baby still in her arms. I told her that i could not fins a good pair of scissors. I wondered whether she really cared how good the knife was: as long as it cut.

11999 November 06

I looked behind me as i stood in the middle of the autumn field. The grass was brown, and the other people were lined up in rows in front of me. There were white parallel lines on the field, and the people were lined along them. The lines ran north to south in the field. Two of the rows were facing me as i stood to the east of them. The third row was lined up with me and seemed to be facing west. It seemed that we were playing some kind of football. The man stood to the east of us. He was a coach, and was helping us play the game. I was distracted, however, by the car that was driving down the road which ran along the eastern edge of the field. I looked at the mid-sized american car as it swerved on the road and seemed to head towards us. I thought that it was charging us, but it suddenly hit the side of the road and started to skid. Its left front tire dropped over the edge of the pavement and skidded along the dirt. The car was stuck in the rut on the side of the road and made a grinding noise as it skidded to the north. It passed us and i thought that it was no longer a threat; it could no longer drive toward us. The coach then looked at the car as it continued to make the screeching noise of tires on pavement. As the car moved to the north of us, it swerved back onto the road and continued down the left lane for a little white. I knew that the driver was trying to get into an accident, however, and i watched as the car swerved to the right and ran over the side of the road. I heard the sound of a crash and knew that the car had hit a tree. I started to run towards the crash scene. I told one of the others, who was on my left, to call emergency. The coach started toward the accident as well. I then remembered that i really did not know any emergency techniques, but thought that i could help out. I then realized that i was barefoot as i ran across the grass of the field. I thought that i would have to put my shoes on before i went to the accident. I turned to the west and walked into the front room of the house. My parents seemed to be there with some of my other relatives. They spoke to me as i got several things together. I remembered that there had been an explosion, and knew that i had to get into town. $Z was with me as we left the house. I thought about the explosion that had occurred in the center of the town. I thought that the school was bombed on purpose. It seemed as though the resistance had blown it up because of the foreigners that had occupied it. I peered around the corner of the building, looking down onto the small town, which was on a rounded peninsula of the shore. The shore ran east to west, and the bulge in the coast protruded to the south. The town was made of small rectangular buildings which looked like miniature houses. I then noticed that the waves that were moving over the water seemed to be very simple and moving too fast. The entire city looked like a model. I wondered whether it was real. I knew that the high school was in the middle of the city. $Z and i had to sneak into the city and plant the rest of the bombs. I peered around the corner again to see the small bay on the east side of the city. The bay seemed to be an inlet bay and seemed to run down the side of the building around which i was looking. The waves moved into the bay and hit the shore. They did not look real. I peered around the corner again. The wall next to me seemed to be obscuring my vision. I thought that we would have to be careful when we sneaked into the city to plant bombs. I then looked down. I was in the tower of the old factory. We had been planting bombs in the factory. I remembered climbing up into the tower and thought that i would now have to climb down. My left foot was standing on a metal beam which slanted down across the center of the shaft in which i was. My right foot was standing on the top edge of a thick piece of wood which was attached to the west wall of the shaft. The board ran horizontally across the wall. There were several such boards climbing the face of the wall, and there were several beams which crossed through the center of the shaft from north to south. I had been staring out the window on the east wall, looking out over the city. I remembered that i had climbed up by alternating my legs between the series of boards and the series of beams, and now thought that i should get down the same way. I looked down the shaft and realized that i was four or five floors up. I felt uneasy and thought that i would not be able to jump down to the ground. I could see a rusted beam below me, near the ground and thought that i would get hurt if i fell. I then shifted my weight to my left leg and tried to slide my right foot down. I could not see anything in the shaft and realized that it had gotten dark. I wondered how i had stayed there so long. I slowly lowered my right foot, searching for the top of the next board down. My foot finally landed on the cement floor of the shaft and i turned to the north to head out. There was a small set of three stairs on the north end of the west wall which led up to an old wooden door. The door had been painted black, but the paint was chipping and i could see streaks of a light green primer on the door. I reached for the door handle, which was on the right side of the door and opened it slightly to see what was on the other side. I could see across the cement floor of a room. On the other side of the room was a corridor which was lower than the room. I could see a silhouette of a man walking to the south. It stopped and the man looked at the door. The man was wearing dirty denim pants and a dark blue denim jacket. He had long dark scruffy hair and a moustache. He had heard me open it, and he knew that i was there. I felt scared and quickly closed the door. I had to get away. I thought about running out the exit door on the north end of the small room, but thought that the man could easily chase after me outside. I then thought about running to the south, back into the abandoned factory. I thought that i could hide in the dark until they left.

$X3 was running with me. As i ran down the narrow trail between the rows of bushes, i watched him follow me. I called his name a few times to make sure that he was following me. He paused on the left side of the trail, running behind some bushes. I continued on, looking back to make sure that he followed me. I then came to the end of the trail and out onto the main road. I paused on the road and looked back to make sure $X3 came out of the trail. I called his name a few times. The road wan east-southeast to north-northwest. It was fairly flat and had farming fields on both sides. On the north side of the road, to the west of me, was a large field which was fenced in with brown wooden bars. I could see several horses within the field. There seemed to be a wooden barn directly to the north of me which was stained dark brown. Farther down the road to the west i could see a white farm house. There was a woman and a man in the yard on the near side of the house. They were doing some yard work, and there was a young child running around near them. I called to $X3 a few more times as i walked down the road to the west. I then noticed that the large grey horse in the middle of the field was restless and blew air through its lips. The woman by the house called to it. She seemed much closer than she actually was. The distance seemed very compressed as i looked to the west. I thought that the horse was upset at me for calling out as i walked. I turned around and headed back towards the mouth of the trail. There was a white garage on the south side of the road just to the west of the trail entrance. I paused in front of the barn as i watched the trail. I wondered where $X3 was. I then noticed someone moving within the garage as i approached the front of it. There was a young man standing with his back to me. My vision of him was obscured for some reason, but i could tell that he was doing some kind of exercise. He was wearing a dark blue tank-top with yellow trim. He reached his hands over his head and started to pull something up. He then turned and pulled the other young man around him. I realized that they were working out together. I thought that they must be playing basketball because they were both wearing basketball tank-tops. I then noticed that there was a young boy with them. They lifted the young boy by the front of his shirt and pinned him against the wall. They were being mean to him. I said nothing but watched them as i waited for the $X3. They seemed to be threatening the boy. I wondered whether their mother, the woman from the house, could see them as she walked down the road to take care of the horse. They were unaware of me and might not noticed that she was walking towards the garage as well. I then notice that there was a group of young women to the left of the men. They were also doing something that they should not be doing, but they were not in the view of the men. I thought that the mother should see what was going on and stop it. The young boy then looked at me as the other two yelled at him. I felt interested in the events around me. $X3 then came running out from behind the barn and i turned to follow him down the road. I seemed to be running on a narrow path again. I knew that it came out on the main road about half way down the hill. I then spotted my grandmother walking the other way on the path. I slowed down and greeted her. My parents were with her. They had come to visit. I turned around and started walking to the south, down the road which wound down the hill. There was a steep forested hill rising up to the east of the road and scenic view of the small town and lake to the west. The place seemed like $P36. I jogged down the hill, thinking that i would get back to my car. I then wondered how my parents had found me since i had been out jogging. They said that they had been driving around the town and noticed my car. I jogged around the tight corners of the road as i headed to the south. I then passed the small brown-stained wood house which sat at the edge of the road on the west side as i started around the corner to the left. I then paused and tried to remember where i had parked my car. It seems that i had run past it. There were small houses along the road to the west which looked out over the valley. I started walking back up the hill through one of the corridors which ran between the small houses. The corridor was a stairway inside of one of the houses. I walked into the apartment and looked around. It was my apartment. My parents were ready to leave and started toward the door, which was on the west end of the south wall. I started after them but thought that i needed to get something. My father walked out the door last, and i told him that i would follow shortly. I needed my keys. I thought that i would have to tell my parents that i was locked out of my apartment because i did not have my keys with me. I pulled the small key ring out of my pocket and looked at it. It had three or four flat key-shaped pieces of metal on it, but they were not really keys. I did not have the keys to the apartment. I then realized that i had not yet left the apartment and thought that i should go back in and look for the keys. I walked to the east, into the bedroom. The house seemed warm and cleanly furnished. As i looked around the house, i noticed that there was a patio outside of a large glass door to the east of the room. I thought that it would be very cold out there was it was late autumn. I opened the glass door and felt warm air move into the bedroom. I realized that the porch was walled in. It had large windows around the south side which looked out over the valley. I could see the scenic view of the mountains and the hill-side village and thought that it would be very nice to relax in the porch with friends. There was a dull gold shag carpet on the floor and wood paneling along the east wall. I then realized that there was another room to the north. I wondered whether it was all part of my apartment. I wandered into it and looked around. There was furnishings in the room. I was excited to explore the rest of the house. I thought that my apartment was actually much larger than it appeared to be. As i looked around the small bedroom, i realized that there was a corridor to the west which led into another part of the house. I remembered the experience from before. I had been in a similar situation previously. I walked down the narrow passage and came out in a kitchen. To my left, to the south of me, was a doorway back into my apartment. To my right was a small kitchen. I wondered whether it was all part of my apartment. I was excited to think that there was more to my house than i had known. Then the other man walked through the kitchen. I realized that this side of the house was his apartment. I felt somewhat disappointed as i walked back into the living room of my side of the house. There was a chair on the east wall of the opening between the two sides of the house. The man walked over to me and stood in front of the chair as he started to speak. He introduced himself to me. I looked down at his tee-shirt. It was light blue and said “Atari” on the front. He seemed Indian. He sat in the chair as i wandered back into my half of the house. I felt confused. My father seemed to be in my kitchen as i walked into my living room.

11999 November 09

I started to feel upset and paced around the area. My parents were with me. We were with some of my relatives at what felt like a family event. I felt frustrated and angry and threw something from a shelf. I then started to walk away. I knew that i was not acting properly for the family, but i was very angry and did not want to be with them. I felt as though i would cry. My parents seemed concerned and followed me as i walked away from the rest of the family and into the back side of the house. My father walked near me with his head forward. He wanted to know how i was doing. I started to wander up the set of black circular steps. My father walked on my right side. I wondered whether they would follow me all the way up the stairs. I knew that it was a long way up. I knew that my mother would find the stairs unsafe because they had no railing on the inside edge. They seemed to be made out of plywood that had been painted black. They were shallow and sagged as i stepped on them. I thought that i should warn my father not to walk too close to the edge as we ascended.

I wandered in front of the house. It seemed as though i were wearing my running clothes. I was with the rest of my family, but i felt upset and anxious. $K3 and $K4 were at the house. $K4 had just spoken to me before he wandered into the main room of the large wooden house. The outside of the house seemed to be stained a light tan. $K1 was with me outside, but i was annoyed with her. She was spraying people with the garden hose. She sprayed me as i walked in front of the house. I thought that i should open the windows to the house so that, when she sprayed me, the water would go into the house. I pulled down on one of the windows as she sprayed me with water. I felt angry towards her and thought that i should just hit her. The bottom of the window would not come up, so i pulled the top down. There seemed to be a very thin bush by the side of the house. I wandered to the right, to the west. $K1 sprayed me again and i felt very frustrated. I opened up one of the other windows on the house and $K1 sprayed into it. I then started to wander down the road. $K1 now seemed upset and started to walk with me. She was mad that she had gotten water in her house, but started talking about other things. She said that she had something to admit to me. I did not really want to listen to her, but i said nothing. She said that she had lied to my parents. I wondered what she was talking about as i headed down the long road through the woods. I knew that we were headed towards the gorges to the west. I walked up on the large rocks as $K1 walked to the north. I felt distracted but took an interest in the shape of the rocks. There was a rock to the left of me on which i climbed. It was ashen tan and rather steep. I propped myself against the rock to the right, which was also very steep. I then shifted my weight and grabbed onto the rock face on the right. I noticed that the rock resonated as i hit it with my right hand. I tapped a few more places and realized that the rock had different tones in different areas. I noticed that there were flat loops of rock on the surface of the boulder. I thought that someone must have made them as musical instruments. I tapped on several of them and started to generate a rhythm. $K1 wandered to the northeast of me. I then thought that the rocks were not permanent. They could be broken by some of the people who lived in the neighbourhood. I looked down at the wooden shapes that i was drumming on and tried to figure out how they made the sounds. I then picked up the man-made object and turned it over. I knew that it was designed to act as a chair when it was not being played. $K1 started to come over to where i was. I explained to her that the object was a chair. I rolled the tall object over. The main part of it was made of thick bamboo poles that were strapped together to form a flat surface. They were really the back of the chair. As i erected the object on the ground again, it was easy to see that it was a chair. There were several loose branches which swung over the surface of the chair. I thought that the chair was a good disguise for the instrument.

11999 November 10

I was in the back of the one-level house with the others. The house was really much larger, the but the ground on which we were standing was only one floor from the edge of the roof. We stood to the south of the white building, which formed an L to the north and east of us. The ground seemed to slope up to the east. I walked away from the rest of the group as they sat near the door to the house, which was in the center of the wall to the north. There was a woman standing outside of the screen door talking to the people who were sitting on the trimmed green grass. I then noticed that the ground seemed to be covered with small tan objects. I thought that they were potato chips, but realized that they were curly strips of fried potatoes. I thought about eating some of them, but wondered whether they would be any good. I then noticed that there was a small bird which had flown from the roof of the east wing of the house. It was circling low over the people, and had passed low over my head. I then noticed that it was defecating on the people as it passed. I thought that it was trying to defend its nest by attacking people that came too close. I walked away from the east part of the building and headed back towards the door. I then noticed that there seemed to be a great number of fried potato strips on the ground. They covered almost every area of the ground. I was hungry for some, but i thought that they would be dirty from the bird defecating on them. I walked toward the house and into the door. I came into the long kitchen, which seemed to take up the entire west side of the building. The kitchen was very long north to south and seemed to be an industrial kitchen. The floor was aqua blue and there were wooden counters on both walls. There seemed to be dish washing machines and a sink along the wall to the west. There was a woman standing in the kitchen. She had just prepared something and was waiting for some other people. I knew that this place was a cooperative living unit. There was a yellow, short-haired dog near the screen door which was in the center of the north wall of the room. I was heading towards the door, and stopped to say hello to the dog on the way. The dog was skinny and resembled a golden retriever. It had short hair and a very lanky body. I then walked out the back door of the house. I could see the city in the distance. I knew that the city was Eurivvonerga. I then thought that Deric, a character from Zamagna, was the one who would explore the city. I thought about his blue skin and his short body. He was an extraterrestrial, and i knew that he would be better as a main character in the city. I then thought that the story would be much better from his perspective. I thought about Deric walking through the old buildings of Eurivvonerga, exploring and discovering the sites.

11999 November 11

I was running with $G4 through the very large house. The house was a mansion, and seemed very clean and well-kept. I looked down on the ground to see the thin white marks on the floor. They seemed to be drawn in chalk. I followed one over an oriental rug and into a hallway. The hall was split into two levels near the end where it met a stairwell. The floor was polished wood and seemed very clean and bright. I flew to the north, into the stairwell. The west side of the stair well ascended to another level of the house, and the right side descended a single step to a platform. On the north side of the platform, to the west, another set of stairs descended to another level of the house below the first set. At the north end of the platform was a doorway which led into another hall. The other hall was at the same level as the platform. The wood floor of the platform reflected sunlight from a window on the other side of the door as i flew over the edge of the first step and into the other hall way. I turned to the right. I thought that this house was very expensive and wondered why we were running through it. I thought that the person who owned it must have set the trail that we were following. I then came into a large room. I looked down on the ground and noticed that the trail was set in spots of flour. The person who set it must have run out of chalk. I then came into a kitchen. There was a woman preparing something. I thought that she must be the mother of the person who had set the trail. I knew that she was helping prepare the food for the party at the end of the run. I ran to the other end of the kitchen. On the far wall was a large stone fireplace. There was a white mark at the base of the fireplace which meant that the trail went up the chimney. In knew that we could not climb up the chimney and decided that the trail must continue outside. I ran around the chimney, which was no longer in a wall. I slowed down and looked around on the grass outside for the next mark. There was a small stone fire pit ahead of us with some picnic tables around it. I thought that we would be heading for it, but i could not see the white marks on the ground. Then someone ran to the left of me. I noticed the marks between us and called out. I then followed them to the picnic area. I realized that we had come to the end of the run. I started to speak to the other man. He was $A230.

11999 November 13

I walked to the north, away from the group of people. I seemed confused. It seemed as though a great deal of things had occurred, but i could not remember what they were. I walked up the driveway which was to the east of the house. The house seemed to be a farm house bade out of stained wood boards. It seemed modern in design. There were many bushes around the house and to the east of the driveway. My father was in the car that was heading down the driveway to the south. He had to go get something. He spoke to me as i passed. I thought that something was not correct, but i did not know what. I then remembered about the animals that were around the fields. I walked towards the barn, which was on the north end of the driveway. I thought that there was something wrong with the animals. My father wanted me to get something from the barn for them. I did not really want to get the stuff. I felt scared. I stopped before entering the barn and looked to the west. There seemed to be several animal pens on the south side of the barn which were covered by an overhand from the barn. The overhand extended quite a way from the barn. There was a gravel road down the center of the area under the over hand and pens on both sides of the road. The pens were surrounded by a fence made of two strands of barbed wire. There was a small calf wandering down the path in the center of the two pens. The pens seemed very large and i realized that they were fields. It seemed dark, though, as if i were still under the overhang. I then realized that many of the animals were laying down. I felt hesitant as i walked down the path. I could hear the buzzing of flies and wondered what they were doing around the animals. I then decided that the animals were dying. They had all been sick from the disease. I could see some black cows standing on the edge of a hill ahead of me and to the right as i wandered north. I wondered whether any of the corpses were rotting. I could still hear the flies as i moved my hand in front of my face. I could not see any of the insects. Then i noticed that the air around me was getting cloudy. There were small white particles floating in it. I tried to avoid them as i walked. I then turned around and looked behind me. I thought that i had seen one of the insects flying through the air. It was actually a small fish. It was waving its tail and it hovered in the air. There was a slightly larger fish next to it. I wondered how the fish were able to float in the air. I thought that they might have really light air in their air bladders. I thought that it might be helium. I passed by them as i started walking back to the east. I watched the fish as i walked past them. They did not seem to notice that i was there.

11999 November 14

I wandered southward through the city streets. It was a bright grey day. It seemed that i had come to the large city to get away from something. I remembered being in this place. It seemed like New York City. I thought that i was on the northern end of the central section of the city. I had just arrived here, but i did not know what to do. I wondered where i would stay. I decided that i would get a hotel room somewhere in the city. I realized that i would have to walk to the south end of the city where i knew the places. I was on the main road, which had many of the old stores. This was the shopping district. I remembered walking through the city before. I had spent some time walking through the stores in this section of town, but i knew that i had to get to the southwest section to be safe. I would need to find a place to sleep. I wondered whether any of the hotels in this area were safe. I thought that they all might be infested. I turned to the west, thinking that i was entering the lower section of the city. There was someone else with me as i stepped onto the narrow bridge which crossed over the shallow pond in the center of the square. I passed $Z on the bridge and looked at the cliff which rode from the other side of the bridge. I could see the thing grey cables which held up the suspension bridge. The cliff was covered with green slime which would prevent us from climbing up the rocks. I knew that we would fall is we tried to scale the rocks. I turned around and headed back across the short suspension bridge. I then realized that there was a green cliff wall on the other side as well. We were trapped. I felt anxious, and thought that we would be trapped on the bridge. I walked over to the dark stone wall at the end of the bridge and looked carefully at the stones. I seemed to be at the east end of the bridge. The slime that was over the rocks was thick. I knew that we would be unable to climb it. I then walked to the center of the bridge. I then remembered this from before. I thought that it was some strange plot. I knew that the other person was my brother, and i remembered that he had trapped me on the bridge in order to kill me. He would let me fall from the bridge. I walked to the center of the bridge and stood up as tall as i could to try to see over the edge of the pit in which we were. I thought that we should call out fro help. I tried calling out, but i could not hear myself. The other person just stood in the center of the bridge. I thought that if we could get someone to come to our aid, that person could pull us up from the side of the pit with a rope. I started to swing the bridge from side to side as i called out. As the bridge reached the upper end of its swing, i started to see the ground around the square pit. I called out. I then noticed someone to the east of us. The bridge ran from north to south. He was wearing a dark jacket and turned to come to our aid. I stopped swinging the bridge and walked to the south end. There was a metal structure being lowered from the edge of the cliff. It was a set of stairs that would allow us to climb out of the pit. There were several people who crowded onto the bridge to help us. They seemed to be workers who were preparing the bridge for another event. I then focused on a younger man who was climbing down the metal stairs as i started to ascend. He was pudgy, and i thought that he looked like a nerd. He paused and said hello to me. I knew that he was the older brother in the scene that i had just played. He smiled at me and told me that he was going to bring his brother onto the bridge. He said that the scene that i had just been in was the first part of the event and that the real event was about to happen. I was confused for a moment, thinking that i had witnessed the scene before i had played through it. I realized that i was actually the first enactment and that he was the real event. He was going to trap himself and his brother on the bridge so that he could kill is brother. He smiled to me as i climbed up the stairs and out of the pit. The stairs were withdrawn and i looked back at the bridge. I thought that we should touch up the edge of the cliff near the bridge so that the other brother could not climb out. There was someone else with me as i leaned over to spread the green slime along the top of the cliff. I moved a small triangular scrap of sheet metal to the edge of the cliff so that it would be difficult to get a grip on top of the rocks. The metal had slime smeared over the top of it. I then turned and walked down the hall of the house. $A98 was walking ahead of me as we headed down the narrow hall of the top floor of the house. I felt bad as i left, realizing that i was taking part in the murder of the brother. I did not want to turn back, though, and wondered whether i would be stained by bad karma. I tried not to think about it as we looked for the stairway down to the lower level of the house. The corridor was crowded with mattresses. I knew that this part of the house had not been used in a while and thought that there was an old abandoned stairwell which descended along the right side of the corridor. The ceiling above us was not insulated, and i could see the wooden beams holding up the roof. There was a door on the left side o of the corridor which was closed. There seemed to be a light coming around the edges of the door. I thought that it was the door to a small bathroom. I thought that there must be someone in the bathroom. The person in front of me then moved the mattresses that were against the right wall and uncovered the stairs. We descended. I pushed my arms against the walls of the stairwell to help me balance as i stepped over the blankets and pillows that had been thrown down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs was a door to the left. The other person tried to open it, but there were things in front of it on the other side. I thought that there must be mattresses piled in the hallway. No one knew that the door existed any more.

I ran with $G4 down the path. We came to the river. It seemed very wide, and i had to jump across it. I knew that the water was very cold and wondered whether it would be dangerous if someone fell into it. I hopped over the fast moving water and landed on the grassy shore on the other side. My feet got wet, but i had made it across. I knew that not everyone would be able to make the long jump, however. I turned around to look at the people behind me. There was a woman in a black running suit. She seemed older and more concerned about the jump. I watched her as i walked down the stream to the point where the trail crossed again. A person ran across the shallow rocks of the stream ahead of me as i watched the woman to my right. I did not think that she would be able to make the jump, and i knew that the water near her was very deep and cold. She then took off her shirt, exposing her black sports bra. Her breasts were large and sagging. She then dove head-first into the water. She quickly swam across the river and climbed up on the shore. I turned and ran across the water in front of me. When i came to the other side, i stopped. There was a woman on the other side who was playing with her dog. As i walked past her, she grabbed the dog’s head and pushed it downward. I thought that she was teasing the dog by dunking its head under the water. She wanted to get the stick from the dog’s mouth. The dog barked and she let go. She then picked up the stick and started tempting the dog. The dog wagged its tail excitedly. I then noticed the small black dog who was walking near me. I bent over to pet it as it swam through the shallow water near us. I thought that the water was very strange because it was not flowing away on the land. I stepped back towards the creek and out of the water. The water was a little more than half a metre tall and rippled as i stepped out the side of it. I looked at the wall of water that was suspended. I then reached my hand into the bottom of the water, tempting the second dog. The dog looked down through the water to see my hand tapping on the rocky ground. It was following the sound. I then grabbed a stick that was under the water, thinking that i could play fetch with the dog. As i pulled the stick out the side of the water, i watched the liquid ripple around it. I wondered how it was able to keep its shape. I thought that it must be flowing really fast on the side. I then said that it looked somewhat like a water bed without the plastic wrap.

11999 November 16

I walked into the upstairs bedroom at my grandmother’s house. There was someone else with me. I thought that i should lay down and sleep for a while, but i was interested in the other person. He was a relative of mine, and sat quietly watching the television in the northwest corner of the room. I walked close to him. I felt very attracted to him, but was shy about what he might think about me being physically sensual. He had long black hair which curled down his face. I tried not to act too forward, but felt very drawn to him. He then removed his black sweater to get ready for bed. I thought that he did not really have an impressive body, but i was still attracted to him. His skin was smooth but not well toned. I walked close to him and wanted to put my hands on his shoulders, but he seemed frightened, so i backed away. I laid down on the bed and wondered what i should do. I then got back up and walked to the window on the west wall of the room. When i turned around, i could see that the man had curled up under the dark covers of the bed. I walked to the edge of the bed and spoke to him. I pulled back the top of the covers to see his face. He was laying on his side and i thought that he was masturbating. I pulled the covers back up. I wanted to pet him, but i decided that i should not. I walked back to the west window and looked out. There were some people in the back yard of the house next door. A woman and her children walked around from the far side of the house and into the back door. They were followed by a man. I knew that he was the father of the children. I recognized him. He was $A85. I was excited to see him and wanted to walk over and say hello. I felt as though i should tell the man i was with that i was going over to say hello. I thought that i could greet $A85 as though he were an old friend.

11999 November 17

I moved through the open room, trying to avoid the person who was attaching me. I felt tense and concentrated on his movements. The floor of the room was wood, and the walls seemed to me made of vertical slats of lightly stained wood. I thought that i should try to escape, but i had to engage the man. He swung at me with something, and i deflected his blow with the long red object that i had in my hand. I then struck his large round stomach. I realized that he might be pregnant, but it seemed strange that a man would be pregnant. I hit him again, but did not seem to have any effect. There was a second man standing to the right, near the first man. I backed up. I thought that i should defend myself from a safer location. I then realized that the first man might be a queen drone. I thought that they were part of some sort of insect colony. There was a difference between a queen drone and a queen worker. I knew that the workers acted only out of instinct, but the drones were more dangerous because they knew how to fight. I wondered whether the man was simply a worker. I thought that hitting him might not do any good since he was so big.

11999 November 18

I was in the large room which seemed like part of a factory. There was a large table in front of me which was piled with various things. I looked over the items. Everything looked expensive. I felt happy, as though i were allowed to rummage through the items and take what i wanted. I saw many pieces of expensive jewelry. Something seemed strange, though. I knew that this stuff was taken from someone. I remembered this scene from before. It was part of a movie. I then realized that the items were artifacts from an old nazi cache. They were things which had been stolen from the war. I wondered what would happen to them.

11999 November 19

I was in the car as we drove to the west down the highway. It seemed dark out and my vision was obscured by a grey fog. My father was driving the car. I remembered that we had traveled down this highway only a few days earlier. We were in California. It seemed to be on our way back from where we were. There was a thin grassy median in the center of the road which had a metal guard rail running down the center of it. There seemed to be a mountain to the north of us, but i could not see it through the fog. All o could see were leafy branches of the passing trees. I then noticed the men on the highway ahead of us. I remembered them from before. We had passed by them before. They were hitch-hiking. There was something dangerous about them. I was weary about driving past them. We then seemed to be heading east on the same road. I could see the men standing on top of one another on the south side of the road. They looked like circus acrobats. They were wearing purple tights and seemed well built. They were performing a balancing act which allowed them to form an archway across both eastbound lanes of traffic. I was cautious of them and warned my father. They should be avoided. I was worried that this was not normal. It seemed that we had just passed them. They should not have been here.

11999 November 22

I walked down the road with the others. We seemed to be in $P51. I remembered the people from a long time ago. I had worked with some of them before. I turned right into the driveway and walked into the building. One of the young men started talking to me. I felt friendly with him, even though i knew that the others did not really like him. Something strange was happening at the construction site. I was glad that i no longer worked there. I then started to wonder whether i was working there. I walked down the long corridor, away from the others. The young man was with me as i reached the end of the corridor. He was talking to me, but i did not seem to be paying attention. Something was not running correctly with the job site. I felt as though i could advise the others, but i did not want to work on construction again. Then, $A84 was standing with us. He wanted to talk to the young man. I walked to the right of the stairs to talk with the others. I thought that i should not be listening in on the conversation between $A84 and the young man as it seemed private. $A84 seemed to be lecturing the man, and i thought that the man would be fired. The others then told me that the man was getting fired. I felt amused because the man was seen as laughable by the others.

11999 November 24

I walked across the town at the top of the hill. It seemed to be $P30. There was something about to happen. We had to get to the bottom of the hill where it would be safe. I knew that there would be a sudden fire at the top of the hill and that a lot of water would be needed to put it out. I also knew that the explosion would not occur for a few minutes. Everyone was headed down the hill to the safe area. We collected into the modern building at the bottom of the hill. I then wondered where the other people were. It seemed that they should be with us. I thought that be probably only had a few minutes before the bombs exploded. I left the building and started back up the hill to look for the others. As i started to walk up the steep sidewalk between the old apartment buildings, i noticed a sheet of water coming down the road. It spread across the road as it flowed. I realized that the bomb must have exploded already. I had to get back to the safe area. I wondered whether the water would rise quickly enough to prevent me from reaching safety. I turned to the left and headed into one of the tall apartment buildings on the side of the road. The building as tall, narrow, and painted dark brown. I ran into the front door to find that others were hiding inside. The water outside started to rise quickly. I felt the building move. I had hoped that the water would not be strong enough to damage the building, but the building started to tip as it rotated out into the main flow of the water. I moved to the wall to my right, hoping that i could stay on top of the building. I started to climb along the side of the wall. I looked up to see a cloud of smoke rolling down the hill from the top. I thought that the bomb must have exploded. I then noticed the cement building in front of me as i carefully walked over the grass. The water was rising near me. The cement building was owned by a rich person. I knew that it was the safe building where everyone was hiding. I waded through the water toward the large open window. The older man was watching me as i grabbed the lower sill of the window. The water came up around me chest, but i pulled myself into the building. I was then on the other side of the house, looking out over the driveway. It seemed safe. I thought that this place was high enough that the water could not get to it. There was a car driving out of the gravel driveway. I could see a bed of flowers on the far side of the driveway, and the lawn had thick green grass. There was a tall tree to my right which cast a shadow from the golden sun. I walked down the road, looking out over the narrow gorge which cut into the side of the hill.

11999 November 25

I walked across the lower floor of the cement building. The walls on the inside of the building were bare, and i could see the lines of the cement blocks which made up the wall. This place was a new house that i was considering buying. I felt excited to be in the place and thought of things that i could do with it. The building was divided into two sections. I knew that the other person lived in the other section. I felt concerned about someone else living in the same building. Then i remembered that i already had a house of my own. I wondered whether i should keep it or sell it when i purchase the new one. I looked back at the new house as i stood at the corner of the lawn. The lawn seemed lower than the surrounding area and seemed to have a thin layer of snow over the center part. As i stood on the west side of the lot, i could see that the north and west edges of the lawn sloped up suddenly to meet the surrounding land. The hill to the north was covered with green trees. There seemed to be red flowers growing in the forest around me. I turned to the east and looked across the room. We were on the second floor of the building. I thought again about buying the place, but seemed hesitant. The person in front of me started down the stairs which descended through the center of the floor. As i started to follow the person down, i noticed several boxes of musical instruments on either side of the stairs. I realized that they were all string instruments. I was excited to see them and thought that i could keep them if i bought the house. I pulled a small lute out of the cardboard box to my right as i stood part of the way down the stairs. I thought that it was in pretty good condition. I then wondered whether i would be buying the new building. I knew that i still had a house, but i was disappointed with it. I turned and walked across the lower level of the cement building. I thought that the other apartment of the building must be on the second floor. I felt confused and frustrated that i could not decide what to do. There were others in the room with me. The room was large and had very high ceilings. The building seemed to be part of a warehouse, with translucent windows near the roof. Some of the others then started to climb the metal stairs which ran to the south, up the back wall. I knew that the steps led out of the building. I told the others to come down. I said that we had to leave the building. I felt unnerved. I thought that the house was inhabited by vampires. This did not seem logical. I was confused but felt as though we should leave. I then thought that there was really nothing that they could do to me. I felt that they were no real threat to me, but i still felt afraid of them.

11999 November 26

I walked down the north hall of $P7, heading back into the main lobby. I had not been here in a long time, and it felt uncomfortable to be back. I had just left the room there the others were gathered. They seemed like people i had known in high school, and i felt happy and excited to see them, but i also felt hesitant to be back here. It seemed as though i did not belong here. I wondered what i should do.

11999 November 28

I walked west, into the small area. There were two rows of about six chairs each set up to the north of me. They were for the meeting. I noticed that the second row of chairs was filled with mannequins. I then noticed that there were a few more chairs to the west, in the center of the area. $A54 was sitting in one of the chairs. I walked past the two people who were sitting on the east end of the rows of chairs. Then i noticed the crude dummy in the last chair on the west end of the back row. The dummy was made of small branches which were tied together with twine. A dull aqua-green shirt was tied around the back side of the torso of the dummy, and a tan burlap sack was placed on the top to act as a head. The sack was tied at the top and had a crude smile and eyes painted in black. I thought that it was the dummy of $A54. Each of the people who had been part of the event had a dummy made for them. The dummies sat in the back row of chairs, while the people themselves sat in the front row. I was part of the group that had done the event, and i felt special to be able to sit in one of the chairs. As i started to sit in the second chair from the west, $A54 called my name. I paused in the process of sitting down and looked at him. He was seated in his chair at the west side of the room, waving me forward. I thought that he wanted me to lead the ceremony, but i was unsure. It did not seem appropriate for me to do so. He motioned to the south again, and i asked him whether her wanted me to lead. I then felt strange about asking, thinking that i might be assuming too much. $A54 assured me that he wanted me to lead, so i stood back up and walked to the south side of the room. When i reached the other two people who were sitting on the south side of the area, i turned around to face the crowd. There were five or six rows of chairs in the audience. I felt nervous as i started to recite the vow which started the ceremony. I said the first line, but then could not remember the rest. I felt uneasy reciting the vow and turned to the man on my right. He was $A86, but he seemed shorter and his skin seemed darker. He was the leader of the group, so i told him to recite the rest of the vow. He walked through the north, through the crowd of people. I remembered that the vow was to be said at the front side of the room. We all started to recite the vow again, but were distracted by the people on the west side of the room. Then some of the people in front of me turned to the west. I remembered that we were supposed to face the flag when we read the vow. I spotted the two large flags on the side wall of the room. They were the fraternity flags and were divided into two sections. The top section was pale-blue and the bottom section was creme-tan. There seemed to be some symbol in the center of both flags. Then some of the people in front of me turned to the north again. There was a break in the crown in front of me through which i could see a small flag billowing. It was the flag to which we were supposed to take the vow. I felt confused, but faced the north again. I thought that the two billowing flags were gifts from $A54. He had brought them up from his trip to Key West. The larger statue seemed to be on a table that was made of red coral. The table was square and had thick square legs under each corner. I could see the black and white, mottled patterns in the coral. On top of the table was a sculpture of a sailboat with large tan sails. The sail was divided into four areas by a red horizontal band and a red vertical band. There seemed to be a fleur-de-lis in one of the areas, and a red cross in another. I knew that it was the more formal flag of the fraternity. I then looked at the smaller version of the sailboat. It had the same tan flag. We were supposed to say our vow to the small flag. I then noticed that the larger ship was no longer there. I turned to the right and started talking to $F4 as the group of people milled around. I turned and walked across the large open quadrangle in which we were standing. The crowd of people started to talk loudly behind us and i turned to see what they were doing. They had lifted one of the men from the crowd up into the air. They seemed to be celebrating something by honouring him. The man smiled as they carried him. He was wearing shorts, and i could see the detail on his legs. He was nicely muscled, and i thought that he looked nice. I did not know why they had picked him up. They started to carry him away, and i turned to $F4 and asked what was going on. I felt interested in the man. We followed the crowd across the quadrangle. There were people splashing water on him as he passed. I thought that they were taking him to the dump as part of a prank. I then noticed that the man was being carried in a cage. He no longer seemed happy. I moved closer to him and noticed that he was older. I could see that he had lost his hair. Something seemed different. I wondered what had happened to the ceremony. I stopped and watched as the others walked down the long cement tunnel. There was a vehicle on the right side of the tunnel. Some of the people started to lift it. I thought that they had become vandals.

I walked across the small room toward the woman. She was someone that i worked with. I spoke to her of the meeting, this place seemed to be her house, and i felt strange about asking her about the meeting while we were not at work. There were many other people in the room with us, as though we were at a party. I then realized that this place was a record store. I knew that the woman did not have a very large record collection. I thought that i could look around the store for something i was interested in. I knew that $A192 was outside of the store. He worked here, but he was on a break at the moment. I thought that he was probably outside smoking. I looked around and realized that all of the people in the room were from $G4. They seemed to be everywhere. Someone mentioned the water in the lower floor. I realized that there must be a problem. I thought that the bathroom must be leaking.