12000 November 01

I drove with the others to the west, up the center of the large gorge. The stone walls on either side of us were tan and made of many layers of sedimentary rock. I watched the water underneath us flow as we drove. The other person mentioned that the water might flood. As the bus rounded a corner in the gorge and turned to the south, i could see a large wave of water pouring over a section of rock. The water was opaque and muddy. I quickly turned around and moved the bus back down the gorge. I wondered when the wave of water would hit us. I felt worried. The bus rounded the corner of the gorge and headed to the east. It seemed that we were safe. The water did not hit us. We moved to the south, along the east side of the highway. I could see the large water fall to the south of us as it flowed down to the lake.

12000 November 03

I was in the dining room of my parents’ house. There was something wrong. I looked out the windows to the east to see that the sky was very dark. The house was not shaped like my parents’ house, but was smaller, and had old wood siding. I thought that there was a tornado coming, but i was not sure. I felt tense and worried about the tornado. I knew that there was one coming, but i did not know where it was. I ran to the north side of the room and looked out. There was a large open field behind the house, and the sky was very dark. I then noticed a thin funnel cloud to the northeast. I felt anxious and thought that i should get to the basement. As i ran back into the house, i glanced out the west window. There was a large dark tornado moving toward the house. I had hoped that the house would be saved from the tornadoes, but this one looked as though it were heading straight toward me. I ran to the cellar stairs of my grandmother’s house. I then realized that my grandmother was watching the tornadoes in the northern sky. I looked out the window and noticed that the house was now surrounded with tornadoes. I told her to run down the stairs to the basement, but she panicked and became confused. I felt impatient with her and tried to push her in the direction of the stairs. She became terrified and froze where she was. I bent over and picked her up by the legs, letting her fall over my back. I hurried down the wooden stairs into the basement. The stairs were in the northeast corner of the basement. They started down to the north, but turned to the east at the brick wall. They then made a turn back to the west as the hit the eastern wall. I placed my grandmother down in the middle of the cement floor and looked around. I realized that there was a large glass window on the upper part of the northern wall. I thought that it would be dangerous to stay here because the winds could break the glass and send it flying into the room. I tugged my grandmother to the west, hoping to find a safer part of the basement, but i realized that there were windows everywhere. I looked to the north again to see a small alcove in the brick wall. The alcove was mostly below ground level, but it had very large glass windows on all three sides. I wondered how this basement could be safe in a tornado.

12000 November 05

I looked back at the water as we moved away from it. The other person was following me over the surface of the shallow water. I looked out over the still water of the wide stream and asked the other person what they thought of the swamp. I knew that they were not familiar with the english language. I tried to explain that the area we had just crossed was called a swamp. I looked over the surface of the water. I realized that the area was very narrow. I had expected the swamp to be wider. I could see thick clumps of green algae floating under the surface of the water. I turned away from the swamp to see the river on the other sided of us. It was very deep. The person jumped into the water. I was worried about them. I knew that there were alligators in the water. I tried to warn the person as i noticed the alligators creeping into the water from the right.

I looked up at the top of the stands to the north of the road. as i walked to the eat. I could see people facing the other way as i approached. I knew that they were at the rock concert, which was about to happen in the stadium. As i walked past some of the stands, i watched the people who were standing in the last seats. I could hear some music from inside the stadium. I wanted to get in to see the show, but i did not know whether the people would let me in. I turned to the south and walked into the square doorway in the large cement wall. There was someone standing to the right of the doorway. I thought that it was the person checking tickets. I quickly turned to the left and started walking down the cement corridor around the outside of the stadium. I realized that i had already walked past the people checking tickets at the front of the stadium. Now i only had to get into the main room to try to find a seat. I did not want to walk past any of the guards, though. There were pieces of red metal on the walls which seemed to be utility pipes. I turned into a small stairwell and started climbing to the next floor. I thought that i might be able to walk around the main entrances and get into the stadium. I passed several people as i started to float through the corridors of the stadium. I knew that people would be looking at me, but i knew that they would not be able to catch me. I felt as though i could hide my identity by doing something that others were not able to do. I landed on one of the upper levels of the stadium. I was not in the main auditorium, but in a set of atriums and hallways which were outside. The floor had an open atrium with walkways on all sides. The atrium was only about five metres across and was not perfectly square. I could see a man walking on the northeast side as i landed on the southwest. I started walking casually to the west, noticing the security guard jogging to the south. I thought that the guard might be looking for me. I Looked over the opening in the floor to see where the guard had gone. I knew that i could simply fly away if they spotted me. There was a cement wall on the north side of the atrium which seemed to have long windows which were tinted green. I stopped at the edge of the atrium, looking through the door to the stadium to the west. There was a security guard standing in the doorway watching people as they walked through. I turned around and looked over the edge of the balcony. I could see several levels down and seemed to be very high up. I listened as the guards talked behind me. I knew that i could escape if they decided to come after me. I then realized that i was standing at the edge of the floor where there was no railing. The railing around the edges of the floor were made of round shiny metal pipes and were covered with frosted glass, but there was a break in the railings where i was standing. I realized that this was normally a dangerous place to be standing. I thought that i must be in a maintenance area. I knew that the guards behind me had noticed me and were about to come over and question me. I leaned forward and fell over the edge, knowing that i could fly away. I knew that the guards would be shocked, thinking that i was jumping to my death. I felt amused knowing that they would be fooled. I had to fly away. I could not let them catch me. I flew down one of the halls of the stadium and then came back up through the atrium. The top level had large glass windows which looked out over a cement patio on the roof of the building. I in front of one of the large glass doors and walked out onto the patio, to the east. A man in a brown business suit eyes me with suspicion. I knew that i did not look like someone who was supposed to be here. This was the executive area. I smiled as i walked casually past him. There was a cement planter to the north of the door. It was filled with low dark green grass and tall light-grey plants. I walked past the planter and started to fly. I rose into the air, where no one would be able to catch me. The patio was on a small section of the roof of the larger building. I soared over the eastern edge of the building and dove toward the street. I had to land and try to look as normal as possible. There was a narrow drive which curved along the east side of the stadium. I glided over a patch of grass which was between the building and drive and landed. The road was heading up hill slightly as it rounded the building to the north. There was a round protrusion to the building to the north of the grassy area. It was dark brown and seemed to be covered with vertically laid bricks. I flew again, across the road to the paved basketball court to the east. There were several other people there. They cheered me on as i landed near them. I thought that i might be able to hid with them. If the guards thought that i was part of their group, then the guards might look elsewhere. I felt agitated, though, and continued to wander around the drive. Something was not right. I felt as though i had to get out of here, but i kept pacing over the grass. I started to feel anxious.

12000 November 07

I walked to the north, down the hallway on the second floor of $P7. $F4 was crouching near a doorway on the left side of the hall as walk toward the open staircase at the end of the hallway. I spoke to $F4, mentioning how the building had changed. I looked behind me, noticing how white the walls of the building were. I mentioned that they used to have large pictures hanging on them. Now they were bare and clean. $F4 stood up and walked with me as we moved to the north. We came into the open space at the end of the hall. There was a large glass window at the end of the hall where the stairway used to descend. I spoke about how the stairs used to go down on both sides of the hallway. The right side of the stairs were now closed, with a white wall covering the balcony which used to look over the stairs. The stairs on the left were still there. I spoke to $F4 as i moved to the right side of the hall. I could see the holes in the floor which had been filled with cement and stone filler. They were from the old stair case. I descended the stairs and started to move across the large room in the lower hall. There were many other people with us. I became aware that i was wearing my dress uniform. It seemed strange to be wearing it since i had left the school so long ago. I wondered whether i was the only person who was wearing it. I thought that it must be a spectacle for the current students. It then seemed that there were other alumni in the area. I thought that some of them might be wearing their dress uniforms. I still felt out of place. I told $F4 that i did not bring a change of clothing and thought that i would like to change. I felt uneasy in the uniform. I then said that i could stop at a store nearby and buy some real clothing. I seemed to remember doing this before. We walked into the room which was on the east side of the hall. Someone asked my about the uniform that i was wearing. He seemed to be someone with whom i went to school. I thought that i should have brought other clothing. I started to play with the white glove on my left hand.

12000 November 08

I walked through the room of the small house. The place seemed like a fraternity, but i did not seem to be a part of the group. The house seemed old, with tall rooms. The walls were dull yellow. I walked to the north, through the main room. It seemed as though i had lived in this house a while ago, but was now only visiting. Some of the people in the room spoke around me, but i was not part of the conversation. I wondered whether i should have come back. I then thought that the men in the house were fooling around. They mentioned someone. I then noticed an older man in the room. The man stood in the center of the room as the others cleared out. He told me that he would like to speak to me. I felt somewhat uncomfortable, thinking that he would want to discuss the place with me. I thought that he would be asking me because i was one of the older people in the house. The man walked to the southeast and out the front door of the house. I followed him as he walked across the slate patio, turning to the south once outside. He started speaking to me as he reached the stone wall that ran from the corner of the house to the south. There seemed to be a very steep hill just beyond the short wall. I started to float as the man watched me. I felt uncomfortable near him. All at once, i was floating to the south of the patio, over the dark water of the swamp. It was dark out now, and there was a thin mist rising from the dirty water. The man continued to talk to me, but i did not feel like taking him seriously. He said that there was something special about me, but i felt agitated and did not want to hear any more. I glided back over the water and landed on the edge of the patio. The man was standing to the west of me, in a dark business suit with a matching black hat. He was tall and skinny. I reached out my right foot to catch the edge of the patio but lost control and drifted back out over the water. I became suddenly alert as i realized that i could not control my flight as easily as i thought i could. I moved again toward the patio, trying to land. I started to feel nervous and worried that i would not make it to dry land. Something felt wrong here.

12000 November 09

I walked down the length of the cement tunnel, pulling the long orange extension chord behind me. I had to plug something in. I felt as though i was trying hurry, as though someone was coming and i had to be set up before they got there. I pulled on the end of the chord as i reached the east end of the tunnel. $F12 handed me the white plug of the projector, and i tied it to the extension chord (i did not want the two chords to pull apart). I then plugged the projector into the extension chord. $F12 and i were in the small elevator. The walls of the elevator were white with light brown wood in the corners. I picked up the small film projector and pointed it to the blank spot on the ceiling as i sat down against the side wall of the room. $F12 sat down on my right. I remembered doing this before. I had been here in another version of this scene watching the movie before. As the image hit the ceiling, i noticed that the red cartoon rug was on the top of the picture. I remembered that the picture was upside down and would have to be reversed. I rotated the camera to correct the image. There was then a man in a business suit standing near us. He was watching the cartoon nervously. It seemed that he was worried about the presentation being perfect. The cartoon was of a cat running across a floor. It seemed almost like a Tom and Jerry episode. The man then turned to leave through the door of the room. I thought that i should follow the man out of the room. I turned to the man who was sitting on my right and said goodbye. It seemed that i was leaving for a long period of time. I leaned over to the man and came close to kissing him on the forehead. The man smiled at me warmly and said goodbye. I then moved to the second man, who was intently watching the movie. I leaned over to kiss him as well, but he dodged to the side. I knew that he felt uncomfortable about showing emotions in public. He made a joke about the kiss to help him feel more comfortable. I knew that he was homosexual and that such displays of affection made him nervous because someone might discover his sexuality. I moved over to kiss him again, but he moved out of the way again. This time, he scooped my right leg in his right arm and knocked me to the ground. I remembered that he was a wrestler. I told him that i had always liked the sport. He spoke about it for a moment. I then asked him whether he wanted to teach me more of the sport. I told him that i had wanted to get back into it. I sat up and pushed on him, trying to roll him over onto his back. I ended up with my arms around his torso, though, as though trying to put him in a bear hug.

12000 November 11

I watched the waves roll in over the wet sand of the beach to the west as i moved to the east. It seemed as though the sky was grey and about to rain. I had been in this place for a while, and it was now time to go. I turned around and walked across the plain white room of the old building. I knew that this place was a very old house and that it was open to the public for viewing. I passed one of the large windows on the outside wall of the building. There was a plastic shade pulled down over the window. I knew that it was a recent addition to the house. The original house would have had plain rectangular windows with no shades. There was no molding around the window nor anywhere else in the room. Everything was very plain, and all of the corners were sharp and unadorned. The wall around the window was a slightly different colour than the rest of the walls. It was a design common on many older houses. As i moved through the house, i was aware of someone following me. I walked along the wall of the house to the outside door. As i approached the door, i tugged at the shade that was pulled down over the tall narrow window on the right side of the door. The shade ran in a narrow track on either side of the window. As i pulled it, the bottom of the shade bulged out a little from the window. I let it go and continued out the door. It was grey and damp outside, but the ground seemed dry as i walked across the autumn lawn of the building. There was a large open field of dry grass to the east, in front of the building. There seemed to be a single country road running north to south in the middle of the field with a black power line running over it. I turned to the right and rounded the south end of the building. The man still seemed to be following me, but i no longer felt concerned with him. I had to get my things ready to leave this place. I started to walk to the west when the damp wind started to blow. I knew that there was a storm coming. I felt a few drops of blown water on my face. There was a row of small houses on the other side of the road from me as i crossed the dry grass to the edge of the pavement. The trees between the houses swayed with the wind. It seemed that the ocean was to the west. I thought that i had to get back to the room and pack my things. I looked to the north to see that there was a car coming farther down the road. To the left was a second car which had just passed me. I started to cross the road, thinking that i had enough time to make it in front of the car that was approaching. I started to swim through the air over the road. I then realized that the wind was very strong and slowing me down. I thought that i should turn and swim diagonally to the south so that the car approaching would not have to slow down too much to let me pass. I crossed the road and came into the hotel room. The room seemed cluttered with things. I had to pack my stuff. I knew that my parents would return later, and i thought that i should get everything packed foe them. The room was narrow north to south. I walked to the east end where the bed was and gathered a few things from the mattress. I carried them back to the west side of the room. The room seemed cluttered with things. I then walked back to the east side. As i turned again, i noticed the glass door to the patio on the north wall and walked through it. There was a chair just to the left of the door on the outside with a few things on it. I thought that i should take them in before it started to rain. As o bent over to pick them up, i noticed a small splatter of water on them where the rain had dripped over the edge of the roof. I picked them up in my arms and brought them back into the main room. There seemed to be a lot of things that needed to be packed. I wondered where i would put them all. I walked back out onto the patio and to the north end. I was actually in a narrow room. I gathered some more things and started back to the main room. There was an ironing board along the east wall with some things on it. I wondered how i would pack everything.

12000 November 14

I walked to the south, over the paved path at the northwest corner of $P69. I walked across the grass, thinking about walking with people in the past. I mentioned that this was the place where all of my friends departed from me. I explained that my friends were in the arts college and that they had to walk to the south from the corner of the quad. They would follow the straight path, while i had to head to the east because i was studying something else. I then wondered why i was not on a path. I wondered whether the grass under my feet was wet or not. I walked down the slight slope of the hill to the next paved path and turned to the southeast to head into the quad. I walked around a thick pine tree and spotted two people on the ground. They were wrestling with each other. I recognized the man who was on top and wondered why he was here. I then noticed two other people beyond them. They were also wrestling. None of the wrestling seemed serious. They were just having fun. I looked around at the small crowd that was gathered and realized that these people did this often. It was a sport for them. I became interested in the group. I looked again at the second set of wrestlers when i realized that the man on top was $A264. He was holding two other wrestlers to the ground. I looked back to the first one and noticed that he had pinned his man but was waiting for his man to submit. I thought that this was a very interesting group and wondered whether i could join in. An older man started talking to the group from the southwest. He was heavy set and had very dark skin. He seemed like Chef from South Park. He appeared to be the leader of the group. He said something and then the group started singing a song which was inspired by what the man had said. I knew that the song was one that the man had written. I started to laugh, realizing that this was a joke. The man had said something funny, but had not expected the other to start singing. I wondered whether i was the only one in the group who got the joke. I was then to the south of the area. I walked to the north to see if the wrestling group was getting back together. I thought that i could wander in and see if they asked me to wrestle. I was interested in joining the sport. I came into the large room which seemed to have a low stage to the east. There was a corridor that ran to the east on the north side of the east wall. I looked down it to see if anyone was there. It seemed early in the morning. I wondered whether i would get to wrestle someone. I felt excited about it.

12000 November 15

I walked to the northwest, away from the others in the parking lot. The young girl was following me. I told her that we would have to go back the way that we came. I knew that we did not come from this direction, but we had to go this way. as we came to the edge of the parking lot, i noticed a set off footprints running to the north, up the steep hill. A stream ran along the west side of the steep hill. The others from the parking lot asked us how we had come from this direction. I did not answer them. I told the small girl that the footprints which headed up the side of the hill were from us when we had come down this morning. I knew that i was lying. I thought that i could tell her that the prints had been blown over during the day. They were almost wiped out with fresh snow. We headed back up the hill over the tracks. The others followed. The hill started to get very steep and sloped into the gorge of the stream to the west. I wondered how we had come down this trail before. The man was following us. He asked me how we had descended the falls farther up the stream. I imagined a lake at the head of the gorge with high cliff walls around it. I told the man that we had managed to come down it. He seemed skeptical as i looked over the steep dirt cliff in front of me. He stood to the northwest of me, in the frozen stream bed. He told me that the waterfall was not easy to descend and asked again how we had come down it. I then told him that we had managed to get lucky. I said that we had fallen down the falls. I thought that i could tell him about the ice at the bottom which happened to curve out from the cliff. I thought that it could divert our motion from the wall of the cliff. He did not seem to believe me, but i was more interested in climbing up the cliff. I told him that we had only fallen nine or ten metres. I thought, as i climbed, that my use of metric must be strange to the man. I reached the top of the cliff, aware that there was someone below be pushing up on my feet from below. I thought that i could turn around and help the others up. I climbed over the top of the cliff and onto the roof of the red car. I dropped through the sunroof of the car and looked around. I thought that i should help the others, but i realized that i had turned the engine of the car on. I backed the car away from the cliff. I looked over to the trees on the edge of the cliff to see the girl trying to climb up. I thought that the younger children should be passed up first because they would not be able to climb high enough for the people at the top to grab them. I quickly stopped the car and hurried over to the cliff to help the others. I thought that i would have to tell them that i was simply moving the car out of the way. I knew that they would not believe me. I walked over to the cliff and tried to help the woman in the yellow sweater. She was the wife of the man who had been asking me questions. She seemed annoyed that i did not come to help them immediately. I helped her the rest of the way onto the top of the cliff, even though she would have made it with little difficulty. The husband climbed up to the south with their two children. I wondered how long i had been in the car.

I was in the small crowded room which seemed like the back room of my parents’ house. My mother was standing to the southeast of me, as though she were on a set of stairs that was leading up. She said something to me as she handed down an object. I told her that the dogs were outside. I remembered that i had let the dogs out onto the front porch. I knew that the black dog would bark at things but never run away. As i was thinking about the black dog, i heard the dog bark at something. I realized that the sound of the dog barking was fading away at the end. I mentioned this fact to my mother and explained to her that it meant that the dog was running away from the house. I imagined that the dog was running up the short hill of green trees to the southeast of the house. I turned to the south and headed to the front room of the house. I thought that i would have to go after the dog. I looked out the screen door on the front of the house. I wondered whether i would see the dog running on the hill. As i looked down, i could see a black animal on the front porch. I moved closer to the screen window. It seemed that i was short; my eye level was below the middle of the door. The small wolf looked at me and curled its lips into a snarl. I thought that i should snarl back at it to show dominance. I knew that the wolf could not engage me through the screen, so i moved closer and howled. The wolf kept snarling at me through the screen. I wanted to make the wolf retreat so that it would not come back. I thought that i could spray it with a bottle off water. I moved to the left to grab glass of water. I thought that i would simply dump it on the wolf. As i looked out the door again, however, the wolf was gone. I could see a large black squirrel curled up with its back to me. It seemed to be eating something from the deck of the porch. I thought about squirting it with the white plastic bottle, but wanted to surprise the wolf instead. I wondered where the wolf went. The squirrel turned toward me, but did not move forward. I imagined spraying several animals on the front porch to keep them away from the house. I then thought that water might not work. I thought that i might have to get something which might sting their eyes to make them retreat. I wondered what i should use. I considered vinegar and alcohol.

12000 November 16

I took the large paint brush and dabbed the dark green paint onto my tee shirt. I was trying to match my tee shirt with the surrounding colour. We were trying to hid in the bushes. As i looked at my shirt, i could see that the blotches of different colours of green acted as camouflage against the nearby bushes. I felt as though we had to hurry. The man helped me paint myself. I then looked down at the paint tray. Something was not right. I could see a white oily liquid floating on the edge of the green paint. I realized that the paint was not mixed correctly in the man’s tray. He was not experienced with these things. I felt frustrated with him and thought that i would have to remix the paint.

I was wrestling with the man in the small room. I watched him as he struggled. It seemed that i was easily beating him. I thought that the wrestling match was really sexual. It seemed that we were both interested in watching each other struggle. I then realized that someone was coming. I sat up from where i had the man pinned on the floor at the foot of the large bed. He was wearing a white tank top, and i thought that he looked very attractive. He had a nice slender athletic build. I realized that he looked like he was only wearing his tee shirt, as though he had gotten undressed. I felt uncomfortable and told him to hide in the bathroom to the east. He quickly stood up and ran into the bathroom. As he passed the door, an old woman came in from the door in the north wall. She left a few things on the counter of the hotel room. I felt anxious and wanted her to leave. She did not belong here. I hurriedly picked up the groceries that she had left and took them to the large refrigerator, which was on the west end of the south wall. The woman then started talking to me. She told me that she was getting married. She seemed excited. I was not really interested in talking to her, so i took some of the things from the table in the center of the room and put them in a cupboard on the west wall. I was in the kitchen of my grandmother’s house.

12000 November 17

I was flying over the small suburban houses on top of the small sled. The land below me was covered with old, partially melted snow. I pulled on the right handle of the sled to turn myself to the right. I thought that this sled was special because it was able to glide through the air. It only hovered a few feet from the ground, but i knew that ordinary sleds could not hover. I thought that i had to be careful as i flew down the street. I could not let everyone see what i was doing. I knew that the people would try to stop me from using the sled. I then realized that there was a fire truck on the street below me. The firemen were watching me as i passed over .They were trying to follow me to see where i landed. I turned to the south and headed over some of the houses. I thought that i might be able to lose them if i crossed a city block and did not stay over the roads. I dove down between the houses so that they could not see me in the air above the houses. As i passed over a grassy hill behind one of the houses, i could see a wave of earth moving under me. It was as if i was surfing on the wave. It seemed like a gust of wind which was passing through the tall grass, but the grass was very short. I turned suddenly behind one of the houses and flew into a small white wooden shed. I thought that i could hide in here for a time until the fire truck went away. I felt tense and thought that i had to hide the sled so that i could walk down the street without being noticed. I flew low over a white wooden fence and landed on the ground on the other side. There was a large dark-green garbage dumpster on the other side of the fence. I quickly tossed the sled into the dumpster and walked to the west, down the narrow alley. I hoped that no one had seen me. I walked down the street, heading home. I had to act casually so that the police did not suspect that i was the one flying the sled.

12000 November 19

I walked away from the front of the house and across the lawn. The building seemed to be $P19. There was a short row of hedges along the narrow dirt road in front. I walked up to $F12, who was crouched down to the ground. There was a large turkey in front of him. He asked me if i wanted to start eating, but i thought that i should not eat the bird. He tore off one of the legs of the turkey and started eating. He seemed like $F1 for a moment. I walked to the south, across the front of the house. It seemed that i lived next door and that i was heading home. I felt somewhat disturbed by the turkey that the man was eating. I was then to the north of the man, on the side of the road by the hedges. There was a second turkey that i was trying to tear apart. I thought about the ligaments and muscle tissue that used to compose the animal.

12000 November 21

The area seemed forested, but the trees were leafless. The ground seemed covered with dry orange and brown vegetation. I walked around the east side of the large truck. There was someone on the top of the truck. They were fixing the power lines overhead. I thought that my car might be in the way. It was parked just in front of the truck. I asked the man whether i should move my car out of the way. He said that it might be a good idea. I looked at him and noticed that he was Kevin Sorbo. He was pacing around in front of the large work truck. I looked to the south. I could not back my car out past the truck, so i would have to drive it over the forest ground to get it away from the large truck. There was a clearing in the trees to the southeast where i could drive it. I also noticed that there was a larger opening to the southwest, but there was a large log blocking the way to it. I mentioned to the man that i would not be able to drive my car over the log, so i could not get it as far away from the work truck as i would like. He said that it would be good enough to have it in the smaller area to the southeast. I moved the car and started back toward the truck. There was a woman climbing on the top of the truck. She seemed to be on a small wooden step ladder. She was wearing a loose black dress as she climbed the latter. I then noticed that the two legs of the ladder which were on the west side of the truck were not standing on a solid surface. They were hanging off the edge of the truck. I warned the woman that the ladder might tip over as she started to climb. She looked at me, but did not understand what i was saying. I told her that the legs of the ladder were not on the truck. There was a man on another ladder at the back of the truck. The ladder with the woman on it then rolled off the side of the truck. The woman rolled in mid air and landed with her back on the ground with a dull thump. She seemed surprised, but did not seem hurt. I helped her up, trying to explain what had happened.

I walked back across the empty rooms of the old house. I was in the attic area. As i started down the stairs, i ran into $F34. I spoke to her. She asked about the empty floor of the house and i asked her whether she had ever been up to it. I turned around and started walking back across the empty rooms. There seemed to be someone behind us on the stairs. I did not think that we should let them know what we were wandering through the attic of the house. It seemed as though someone might not want us here. I walked to the south along the east wall of the attic. The room was bare, and the floor was dry and unfinished. The walls had no paneling and i could see the support beams that were holding up the roof. I pulled on $F34’s arm hurriedly, moving her down the corridor to the west. I thought that we should get out of the way of the people coming up the stairs so that they could not see us. I turned to the south and walked into the smaller room on the south side of the upper floor. There seemed to be something special about this place. It was abandoned, but had several things in it. The small room seemed to be part of a store. It had tables of old merchandise along the south wall, just under the slope of the roof. There was a green box on the east end of the table. There was a door on the east end of the room. I remembered that it led outside. I walked over to it to see whether it could open. I thought about where it came out over the gravel driveway of the house. I imagined my mother walking up the driveway to the north. There would be a barn across the driveway from the old house. The door was a pale green. It was the only painted part of the old attic. I was then back at the east end of the smaller room. There was a second door on the east side of that room. I looked through the glass window on the door and noticed that the wooden screen door on the outside was open. I thought that it should not be and opened the inner door to close it. I realized that the doorway led into the kitchen on the lower level. I could hear the others in the west side of the house as i reached out to grab the screen door. I noticed that the door was falling apart. There was a piece of wood that was coming off of the inside of the door. I tried to pull the door closed before the others came back into the kitchen. I did not want them to know that we were wandering around in the attic of the house. As i pulled the screen door as close to the house as i could, i saw the man in the kitchen. He looked up at me curiously. I tried not to act out of place as i closed the inner door and walked back across the small room of the attic. I felt uneasy in this place, but felt excited to see it. It was a place that was not viewed by everyone.

12000 November 22

I moved along the south side of the small pool. The room around me was very small, and had small blue tiles covering the walls. This was all part of a performance that i was doing. I knew that i was still a good swimmer, and thought that i might be able to move gracefully through the water. I pushed off from the east wall and swam under water for a bit. I then surfaced, realizing that i was having trouble singing under water. I was afraid that i was out of shape and could not sing the long notes with a single breath while trying to swim. I came to the surface and tried to breath for a while. I felt frustrated and disappointed that i was not in shape any more. I told the director of the play that i was not able to sing the long note from the song. He seemed to be sitting on the northeast side of the pool. I then started to listen to the music again. I could hear it even when i moved my head under water. I was holding on to the south wall of the pool. There were many people standing around the edges of the pool now. They were all part of the show. Some of the people were getting into the water to do their parts. I started to sing to the slow song that i could hear. I swam into the center of the pool and flipped over under water. I thought about breathing from my lower abdomen in order to project my voice. I tried to listen to myself, thinking that my voice was really not that good. I hoped that it was good enough for the show. As i maneuvered through the water, i noticed that there was a woman on the east side of the pool who was watching me. She seemed to be concentrating as she sat in the chair. I wondered whether she thought my singing was bad. I hoped that i could do the performance floating in the center of the pool rather than swimming under water. It was easier for me to sing when floating. I then turned and swam into the middle of the pool. I started to stretch my left hand over my head when i bumped my head on the pink inflatable raft, which was floating on the water. I pushed the raft to the northeast and treaded water for a moment. I was aware of the pink chain that was wrapped around my head. It was part of the costume for the show. I was now finished with my part of the performance and swam to the south wall of the pool. Some of the other performers came into the center of the pool and started singing. I listened to the other song, which was faster than mine. I knew that the song i sang was a love song. As i listened to the other actors, i thought that they were good singers, but i wondered whether they were good actors as well. I remembered that i never liked actors in musicals who could sing very well but just stood around rather than act. As i listened to the song, i thought that it must be part of the next scene and not part of mine. It did not seem to fit into what i was doing. I then started to wonder how many songs i would have to sing. I felt unsure of my singing ability in the play. I then remembered that i only had two songs. I looked over the pool again to see that the cast was very spread out in the water. I wondered whether it was intentional. I turned again to face the south as i started to get out of the water. As i looked around, i saw a man walking on the side of the pool. He fell suddenly into a hole on the eastern end of the south side of the pool. I felt suddenly concerned and got out of the water. I noticed that there was a round metal grate on the floor next to the hole. I decided that the man must have kicked the grate and uncovered the hole accidentally before he fell. I called down into the hole, asking the man if he was all right. I could not hear an answer and started to feel more concerned. There were several people gathered around the top of the hole with me. They all seemed like young children from the play. They looked into the hole curiously. I crouched down and looked around the small work room at the bottom of the hole. There were several pipes running from north to south in the center of the room. I then noticed that the man was sitting against the southeast wall of the room. He was wearing blue denim pants and a white tee shirt. His hands were behind his back and his head was bowed down. I realized that he was tied up. Someone must have moved the grate intentionally and taken him hostage. I then noticed the men in grey jump suits. They were the band Devo. They were invading the pool area. I told the others about them, remembering that this was part of a video that they had done long ago. I remembered this scene from one of their earlier acts. The first member of the group climbed up the latter to the top of the hole. He was wearing a grey plastic jump suit without sleeves and a red flower pot on his head. I felt relieved a little that this was part of a performance and that the man was not really hurt when he fell. I held out my hand to help the band member out of the hole. He seemed very skinny as he stepped up to the floor around the pool. The others followed him out and they walked around the room. I then remembered about the man who was being held below. I told the others that $F4 was being held hostage below, but they did not seem to believe me. They pointed to a man sitting against the east wall, hunched over in a white tee shirt. I realized that it was $F4. I then wondered who was tied up down the hole. Something did not seem right about this situation. I knew that there was something deceptive going on, but i could not figure out what. I decided that there was a trick being played here. I looked back at the hole and noticed that three members of the band were standing around it, facing out. They had their hands behind their backs as if guarding the hole. A fourth member was climbing out. I thought that this really must be an invasion.

I looked to the northwest to see $A289 sitting at the picnic table. He with sitting with a few other people. I sat on the bench of another table, but did not have anyone to talk to. I was watching the people move around the grassy area. I was outside, and the sky seemed cloudy but bright. I wondered whether $A289 noticed who i was. I started to move, noticing the large stereo to the west of me. It was playing a song which seemed familiar. I started to do something. I now seemed to be in a small room, though the room had no walls. I thought that i might be under a pavilion. I continued doing something, but wanted to talk to $A289. I knew that i could not simply go over and talk to him. I had to let him notice me. I stood up from fixing something and started to walk to the west. There was a large mountain to the west of me which was made of brown stone. I remembered that there was a large oval gate in the side of the mountain. It was the entrance to a secret place. I could see the large grey door as i came to the north side of the small brown cliff. The rocks of the cliff seemed to be igneous. The large grey metal door slid outward, opening the entrance to the cave. I could see several carved towers and buildings inside. I knew that this was a special place. I wondered why it was opening. I felt special to be able to enter, but wondered whether it was coincidence that i was here just as it was opening. This was the place of the hidden city. I knew that the citizens of the city wanted to keep the city secret. As the large rock which was the door moved past me, i looked it over, thinking that it was very well designed. Someone would not be able to tell that it was a door unless they knew that it was there. I walked into the large front hall of the cave. The floor and walls were covered with brightly polished, dark grey marble. The roof of the hall was rough. It was the rock of the mountain, jagged and rippled where people had carved into it. I knew that the hidden city was to the west, down the roughly carved passage which led into the center of the mountain. The passage sloped down from the front hall. I turned to the south and looked down the polished corridor. The walls were illuminated and were carved from the mountain rock. The rock seemed red and tan with the reflected light. The floor was still grey stone. I looked back at the large glass doors which led to the mouth of the cave to the east. There were a few people trying to open the doors at the mouth of the cave. I knew that they wanted to get into the hidden city, but i thought that they should not even know that the city was here. I felt special for being able to enter the city. I then realized that the people must have seen me enter the cave. I wondered whether i would get in trouble for revealing the entrance to the city. I knew that i would have to keep it a secret. The people would simply think that they had come to a normal building which was locked. The guards from the city then came jogging down the hall from behind me. They ran to the large grey metal doors to the outside and sealed them. They had to keep the others out of the city. I walked to the south, down the hall and into the long room. The room seemed like part of an apartment, with a kitchenette to the west, behind a formica counter. To the east was a television. It stood in the corner of the room, just to the south of the hallway to the entrance. I could see a picture of a man and a woman on the television. They were doing something which i should was significant to the secret of the city. Behind the television was a large metal door. As i watched the television, i realized that it was embedded in the center of the door. The door was oddly shaped, with an arched top. I realized that it looked like the eastern gate to Eurivvonerga. I thought that there was some significance to the door, and i knew that it was important to keep the entrance closed. We could not let everyone know about the city.

I spoke to the woman who was standing on the other side of the short brick wall. I was worried that someone might see us talking, but i felt as though i had to tell her something. The wall divided the two different parts of the city. I was on the cleaner side of the city, where there were many green plants growing from various planters. I looked to the north, behind me as i spoke, noticing the short buildings and flowering trees across the stone plaza from me. As i looked to the south, to the woman’s side of the wall, i could see tall corporate buildings, with tall glass-covered faces. The streets were narrow between the buildings, and the air seemed clear and bright. I liked her side of the wall, but i knew that she was not happy there. I wanted her to cross over the wall, but i knew that we might get in trouble. I noticed that everything on her side of the wall seemed elevated. All of the courtyards and plazas seemed to be above the level of the streets, as though suspended from the buildings. There was a woman walking across the stone courtyard around the small metal building. The beams of the building were exposed on the outside and seemed rusted. I looked over the short block wall to see that there was a gap between the wall and the ground where she was standing. I could see several storied down into the ground. I then started to speak to the woman about climbing over the wall. I thought that i might be able to hang onto the wall as i climbed to the other side. I was now on the south side of the wall looking north. I thought that i should easily be able to lift myself over the wall. I then wondered what the laws said about people who climbed over the wall. I grabbed onto the top of the white stone wall and let my feet dangle. The wall was now taller than me. As maneuvered myself so that i was facing away from the wall, but still facing north. I had to act casually so that no one would know what i was doing. A group of people passed by me, heading to the east. I then noticed $A119 walking past in the opposite direction. I did not say anything, but i knew that he had seen me on the wall. I was sure that i could pull myself up enough to get over the wall. I just had to wait for the right moment. I imagines the muscles in my arm contracting to lift me. I tried to picture the image, thinking that it should be easy to jump over the wall. I was then walking to the southwest. I came into the small room of the house. The woman had been killed. I wondered whether she had been found climbing on the wall. I thought that we would have to hide her body and cover up the evidence. We could not let the others in the city know that she had died. I looked around the room. I knew that this was a secure section of the city. No one would know what we did here. I glanced around the room to see if anyone else was here. The place seemed empty. I looked back to the television, which was on the east side of the room. It was showing the events that had happened. I felt anxious and paced to the west side of the room. I the turned around again, but realized that i could no longer see the television screen. The television was in the hallway which led from the north wall of the room. It led down the hall, to the entrance to the city. I walked to the hallway and started toward the television. The image on the screen was of a doorway. The door was finely decorated and had an arching peak on top. It looked like the doors to the city of Eurivvonerga. I thought that i must be watching some science-fiction show on the television. It was portraying the city as it had been in the past. The man and the woman on the screen talked about the city watching them. I thought that it was a strange situation, but i seemed to remember it from somewhere before. I knew that i was special because i had been in Eurivvonerga. I wondered whether the man and woman should really be talking about the city so openly.

12000 November 23

I was with the large number of people in the auditorium. There was a festival going on and we seemed to be watching some kind of a concert. The ceiling in the room was very high and had things hanging from it. I felt distant and thought that i should wander round. I started to walk to the east, into the next room. Some of the people around me seemed familiar, and i thought that they were some friends of mine. I walked into the kitchen of the building. Several people were working on thing to the north, behind a counter. I wandered out of the building and onto the grassy lawn outside. It seemed bight and sunny outside. I started to float over the ground slightly as i moved. I felt sad. I then realized that my ability to float was something special and that other people in the room might be wondering how i was doing it. I floated over the small mounds of the lawn and into the branches of the large tree that was on the east side of the small fenced in area off of the building. I started to wonder whether anyone would ask how i was able to float. I knew that it was a very easy thing to do, but i know that other could not do it as easily. I tried to hand still in the air. I was wearing a trench coat and thought that if i stretched my arms out to my side, it might look interesting to others who did not know how i was being suspended. I floated close to the branches of the tree, but tried to hover in one place. I was having difficulty staying in one place and kept moving laterally though the branches of the tree. I then realized that the band was done playing behind me. I rotated in the air to look back toward the house. There was someone standing near me, just below me and to the southwest. He seemed to be someone that i knew. I then noticed several people walking down the silver stairs on the side of the building. I thought that they might be the band members. They seemed to be wearing black jackets and blue jeans. They had long hair. I tried to float still so that they might be awed by the sight. I then decided that i should hover out over the rest of the festival. I saw the people on bicycles riding toward me. They were wearing tight racing clothes that were brightly coloured. The large crowd of bicyclists came from the west, down the enter of a dirt road that ran between two dry earth cliffs. there was grass growing on the top of the short cliffs. As the bicyclists reached me, they turned to the north. They were still on the race course. I watched one of the men on the north side of the pack as he rounded the corner under me. He was wearing tight blue short which had a white stripe down the side. Someone made a comment about me floating near the racers. I wondered whether i was in the way. I felt as though someone did not want me hovering so close to them. I floated higher as i followed the race. The raced to the north slightly before turning back to the west. I flew over them, watching them ride.

12000 November 24

I walked across the small room and lifted the thin window. It seemed to be made of a thin sheet of clear plastic with an aluminum strip at the bottom. It curved slightly as it slid up. I lifted my right leg and steppe through the opening and out into the woods. The sky was overcast, but it was bright out. The forest around me was relatively new. All of the leaves had dried up and fallen off of the trees. The ground was rust coloured from the foliage. I walked to the east-southeast, down the trail. It seemed as though i were heading back to someplace. I remembered that this trail led to the top edge of the gorge. I thought that no one else would be around. As i came near the gorge, the trail opened into a wide round clearing. I looked to the north as soon as i entered it and saw the man walking down the trail. I suddenly felt defensive. I did not expect anyone to be on the trail. I thought i could sneak away unnoticed. I walked to the eastern edge of the circle as the man walked past me. I then noticed a woman walking into the clearing from the south. She was wearing a dark blue parka. They watched me for a moment. I did not know where to go. I thought that i could not continue if they knew where i was going. I walked slowly to the north. I then looked back over my left shoulder to see that the man was handing something to the woman. I thought that the woman might be buying drugs. They both looked at me, so i turned around and continued walking to the north. I was worried that they would not like me being there. I walked around the north edge of the hallway. The hall was round and had an opening in the center which led to the lower level. There seemed to be a brown wooden railing along the outer edge of the hole. I could hear the woman walking up behind me. I did not trust the two people, so i looked back over my left shoulder again to see what she was doing. She was right behind me. She stopped just after i did to prevent herself from running into me. She then looked up at me and snickered before continuing past me. I realized that she found my suspicion of her to be humourous. As she passed, i noticed the white writing on her jacket. It looked like the name of $P7. I called to her had asked her what her jacket said. She turned and i could see that it was the name of $P7. I asked her if she went there. She said that she did. I pointed out that she went to the girls’ part of $P7. She continued walking down the hall to the west. I followed her.

I walked into the small room of the building from the doorway that was on the south end of the west wall. This place seemed to be an antique store and had many tables of merchandise. I stopped just inside the door way to talk to the other people when i noticed a red pitcher on the table to the north of me. The pitcher seemed very old. I lifted it from the table. It was pale red and had white streaks in the glazing. It was cylindrical and had a small lit, like a fancy coffee pot. I thought that it must be very old and wondered whether it was worth anything. I thought that i should buy it and was surprised that no one else had purchased it before. I thought that they might have overlooked it. I thought that i could buy it for my mother. I knew that she liked old things like this. I lifted the small lid and placed it back onto the ceramic bottle. I turned to the south and started walking as i spoke to the others. I walked down the hill toward town. I watched the store fronts on the right side of the road pass as i walked on the sidewalk in front of them. I seemed to be focusing on the details of the stores and restaurants as i passed. I was filming everything through a camera. I thought that this was interesting, and i tried to watch all of the details on the objects as i panned over them. My vision turned to the right and passed over the glass front of the restaurant. There were signs in the windows, but i was moving too fast to be able to read them. I then looked down at the sidewalk and then to the left. There was a grey metal post in the center of the sidewalk. The sidewalk curved to the left around the front of another restaurant. The front of the restaurant was red, and the metal post seemed to be a round old-fashioned mailbox. I looked closely at the writing on the side of the metal cylinder as I passed. I continued down the street until i was past the restaurants. I looked to the right again to see tops of the trees that were growing on the steep hill which ran down from the road. It seemed that i could look out over the town at the bottom of the hill. I was then aware of the restaurant which was across the road from me to the left. I walked across the main room of the restaurant and to the round table in the center of the room. The others were already there. I said hello to the people as i sat down. $F14 and $F30 were sitting on the west and southwest sides of the table. Ii felt strange to see them together again. I felt that there was something special about them. I spoke to the others as i sat on the north side of the table. The two other men at the table seemed familiar to me, but i could not see them directly. It seemed that i was speaking to them for a while. I wanted to get to know $F14 and $F30 better. I felt very close to them, but i knew that i did not really know them well. The people at the table then started to leave. They had somewhere to go. I felt strange and started to gather my things. I noticed that it was dark and stormy outside. I thought that it might be raining heavily. I remembered being outside in the rain. It also seemed as though it were getting dark. I walked to the north to leave the restaurant, but i then remembered that i had other things with me. I walked to the south wall of the restaurant where the long leather bench was. I picked up a jacket from the seat of the bench. I then noticed that my camera was sitting on the bench, but it had been taken apart. I picked up the black camera and noticed that the back was missing. I wondered whether i had any film in the camera. I felt frustrated and annoyed that my camera was broken. I looked through the doorway which was on the west end of the south wall. There was another room to the south. It was narrow and seemed to have polished wood paneling on the walls. The restaurant seemed cheap. I stepped backing into the main room of the place. I felt upset and did not know what to do. I started to walk to the north again to exit the restaurant. I passed a man to the left of me. He was standing along the west wall of the restaurant peeling something. He was wearing a white apron and seemed oriental and skinny. He said something to me and i replied that i was upset about my camera. I headed out of the restaurant.

I sat down at the large round table in the middle of the chinese restaurant. The table was in the middle of a large room and was covered with a nice white table cloth. There was already someone at the table, sitting on the southeast side. There was a large plate of food in front of the person. Flowers sat in a vase in the center of the table. I had come late to meet the person, but there was still some food coming. I said something to the waiter as he moved some of the food around on the large place. I told him that i would eat some of the food that was coming, motioning to the large platter of mexican food. I watched as the waiter moved some of the meat from the large plate onto a smaller china plate. There was green leaf lettuce spread in rays from the center of the large plate. It was decorative, and had ground beef and various vegetables and toppings scattered around it. I wanted to take most of the food on the large plate with me, but i felt strange telling the waiter. I thought that he might think that i was being skimpy by collecting all of it in the plastic take-out tub. I motioned to the tomatoes that the waiter was lifting from the plate. I did not think that he would include them in with the meat, but i thought that they would be good with the left-overs. The waiter handed me the plastic case. I leaned over to pull some of the sliced black olives off of the plate. The person who was sitting to my left said that the olives were good. I asked him whether he wanted any. He said that he did, and i scooped up some in my hand and handed it to him. I then put some of them into the clear plastic container. The other person then got up to leave. I picked up the white slip of paper that was on the table. It was the check. I was supposed to pay for my meal. I remembered that i had eaten some other things while the person was here. I had just finished the plate that was in front of me. I looked over the check, but it seemed to be very expensive. It was a little over one hundred dollars. I wondered whether i had actually eaten that much food or whether the restaurant was overpriced. I looked at the three lines at the bottom of the check. I had to sign it and fill in a tip. I thought that the service in the restaurant was not that good. I knew that eleven dollars was only ten percent of the check, so i thought i might leave only a few dollars more. I then i thought that the check must be too high. I did not remember eating too many things. I read the items on the check and did not recognize some of them. I wondered whether i was paying for the others that were at the table before me. I felt agitated and wanted to ask why i was being charged so much. I felt that i should protest the amount of the check. I kept looking over the check, but did not know what to do about it. I then stood up from the table and started to walk away. I thought that i would not pay the amount. I was then in the room of the house. I walked to the west, in front of the couch. My father was lying down on the couch. He asked me something, but i was still thinking about the check. I then realized that i did not have the check with me. I had left it in the restaurant. I sighed and thought that i would have to go back to the restaurant to get it. As long as it was there, they could still charge me for the meal. I turned to the southwest and found myself in front of the table again. The dishes had been cleared from the table, but the white and yellow receipts from the check were still sitting at my place. I sat back down and looked them over. The items on the check were not familiar to me, and i did not think that they were dishes that i had ordered. I considered that they might have been given to me at the beginning of the meal, but i decided that they were simply wrong. I had to speak to the waiter to find out what the charges were for. I then saw the man in the tuxedo walking toward the table from the west. I asked him about the check but quickly realized that he was not a waiter. He was carrying a white plastic tub in front of him and was reaching over the table for some of the dishes. He backed up as i spoke to him and bowed slightly to me. I wondered whether he knew that i was asking. H said something to no one as i waved my right hand in the air in dismissal. The man who was sitting on the southeast side of the table then asked me what was wrong. I told him that i did not think that i had ordered everything on the check. He asked what was on the bill and i read out the first two items. He said that i must have had the fluff. “Everyone has fluff.”, he explained.

I drove to the east, through the center of the city. I was looking for a specific building. It seemed that i had been in this city before. I remembered coming here with $F24, bit i wondered whether i would be able to find my way without him. I did not think that i was coming from the same direction as i had come with $F24. All of the buildings in this area of the city seemed to be short, only four or five floor tall. Some of them were made out of brick and seemed old. I turned right and started to head south. I then drove through an intersection and through a street surrounded by tall buildings. The buildings cast a shadow over the street. The sun seemed to be in the western sky even though it felt like morning. The air still seemed chilly from the night. The sidewalk seemed wide here, making the city seem open and cold. I then noticed a building ahead of me. It looked familiar and i wondered whether i had come this way before. I thought that i might be near the environmental building that i was looking for. The buildings on the block ahead of me seemed to be official city buildings. I turned right at the intersection and drove along the front of the buildings. They were not quite right, but i did recognize them. I then realized that i had come here before. I looked ahead of me to see a dark orange building on the south side of the road. It had white stone trimming around the corners of the building. It was the environmental building, but i was not on the correct street for the front entrance. I thought that i would have to take the left on the side of the building to come at it from the direction that i had traveled with $F24. I drove past the corner, though, and looked ahead of me. The road ended in a shaded section of town. There were trees growing along the sides of the road. I thought that i should drive to that intersection and turn left, heading into the residential section of the town. I turned left at the corner and started to ride my bicycle down the sidewalk on the left side of the road. I then noticed a black lap-top computer with brown keys in the front window of one of the cars that was driving toward me. The small blue car passed. I remembered that $F24 had a computer that looked just like the one in the window and wondered whether $F24 was driving the car. The man in the front of the car was skinny with black hair, but he was too short to be $F24. I continued down the shaded sidewalk when i noticed that there was a computer sitting on the side of the road. As i looked down, i saw two lap-top computers next to the sidewalk, on the side of the road. The first one looked like a normal computer, but the second was black with dark brown keys. I thought that it had to belong to $F24. I walked slowly to the west along the sidewalk. There was a fancy white house to the south of me. It was at the bottom of a steep lawn just off of the road. The house seemed to be made of painted brick, and it was well shaded by the tall trees in the area. I wondered whether $F24 was around. I was following an older man down the sidewalk. I realized that he was an inspector, and i was supposed to be working with him. I then looked to the right to see a man working on the steep lawn of the hill. He was not facing me, and was wearing a tattered black trench coat and tight black pants. It was $F24. I called to him, but he did not respond. I wondered whether he was trying not to get caught talking to me while he was working. He shoveled something from the cement trench which ran directly down the slope of the hill. I walked toward him and called to him again. I knew that he could hear me, but he was avoiding talking to me. He did not seem to be angry with me, so i wondered whether he was simply not allowed to talk to me. I then thought that it might be because i was with the other inspector. I remembered that construction workers were not supposed to associate with inspectors. The other worker moved over to $F24 from the right. He told $F24 that i was trying to get his attention. $F24 looked over his right shoulder at me. He seemed shy, but i could see his eyes through his long black hair. He then went back to his work. I thought that his face seemed very pale and young. I did not feel as thought there was anything wrong with $F24’s actions. My boss then walked along the sidewalk to the west. I walked past $F24 to talk to him. He asked me what i had thought. I told him that the drain that we had put in did not seem to be draining all of the water. I said that there was a ridge along the seam of the drain which was allowing some water to pool in front of the drain. He asked me where it was, and i told him that it was across the street. My boss then mentioned that it could be a problem. I told him that we could simply file the edge off of the drain, but he said that two of our drains were placed into the time capsule. I pictured two short round pipes made out of a ceramic material. They had a noticeable seam down their sides. My boss then disappeared behind one of the walls on the west side of the corridor. We seemed to be in the front of one of the fancy houses on the street. I opened the door and admitted that the drains that were placed in the time capsule were not filed down like they should have been. He then walked across the street, asking me to show him where the drain was that i saw. I felt uncertain and thought that i had exaggerated the problem. I looked at the drain that we were approaching and thought that i could make something up to fit the problem i had described. He then stepped over the train at the curb of the road. I looked at the metal drain as i passed over it. I then realized that he was moving to the larger drain that was closer to the sidewalk. I had made a mistake. The drain by the curb was not ours. I felt confused and told him that i had been talking about the drain in the street. I did not know which one we had put in.

12000 November 25

The man was saying something about the snakes. I watched as the small green snakes slithered out of the small holes. They moved slowly and cautiously. First they would poke their heads out of the hole and look around, then they would start to crawl out and across the floor. I seemed to be watching this from a video. I could see the eyes of the snakes and noticed that they were vertical slits. I knew that the snakes were poisonous and thought that it was a good thing that i was not close to them. The larger snake was then sitting next to me on the couch. Its head was near mine and it told me that the boy was in danger. I stuffed its mouth with the cereal that i had in the bowl in my left hand. The snake’s head hovered in mid air near me as it continued to speak. It said that the boy was trying to protect himself from the snakes, but the protection would fail. I scooped another spoon full of cereal into the snakes mouth thinking that the snake would not be able to bite me. It seemed like a fake snake. I The scales around it’s mouth were wrinkled and the eyes were missing, as thought the animal had been stuffed. I stood up and walked to the southeast, into the other room. I saw the young man handing the grey bag from the north end of the bed. He then wrapped the white chord around the second bag and hung it from the south end as well. I knew that this was some protection from the magic of the snakes. I moved toward the south end of the bed and focused on the top of the grey bag. It was not sealed tightly and i could see the head of a snake pop out. It looked around cautiously and then started to slither over the green arm of the couch. I knew that this was the danger that the brown snake had mentioned. The boy did not tie the bags tight enough and the poisonous snakes were escaping. I stepped in the head of the snake as it started to slither from the bag. I thought about the heavy boots that i was wearing and realized that the snake could not bite through them. I stepped on the snake’s head again and pulled my boot to one side, rolling the snake over. As i removed my boot, the snake tried to pull itself back into the bag, but it had a crook in its spine. The snake then crawled farther out of the bag and started to coil on the wide arm of the couch. It was mostly a greyish green with a wide grey stripe around its body. The grey stripe was framed by two bright yellow stripes. I thought that the colouring of these indicated that the snake was dangerous. I stepped on it again to try to kill it.

12000 November 26

I walked to the east through the narrow room. There was a small crowd of people to the north of me who were watching the two men on the stage. The background of the stage was a dull yellow. The men were standing behind podiums and seemed to be discussing something. The background then seemed to be moving, as though we were on a train. I could see the rain on the large glass window behind the men as the dark blue scenery slowed to a stop. A third man walked onto the stage from the right. He started talking, but he was actually continuing the speech that the candidate on the right had started. I realized that he had the same idea as the candidate on the right. The idea was not unique. It would be an embarrassment for the candidate to have someone else speaking the same idea as himself. I continued to the east. I spoke to the others with me as we walked along the side of the train. We moved quickly over the cement platform of the station and then came to a stop. I looked at the wall to the east and thought that we would have hit it if we did not stop soon enough. I spoke to the boy to my right as i looked at the wall. I noticed that the main section of the train would have gone through the tunnel to the left of the wall, but we would have hit the wall. I then looked to the right on the wall to see a train pass through the wall. As it finished passing through, the hole in the wall suddenly appeared to be covered with a black plastic door. I thought that the door must have closed over the entrance very fast. It was only pushed aside as the train rushed through it. I started walking to the east. I knew that we had only stopped for a little while before we continued our trip to Europe. I wondered where we were. I thought that we might be in New England. I then decided that we should be farther than that. I decided that we were at the last stop on the american coast, which would be in Canada at Nova Scotia. I looked around the cement walls of the station until i spotted a small blue sign at the top of one of the hallways. It said “NOVA SCOTIA” in white letters. My mother was with me as we moved down the hallway to the east. The hall then turned to the northeast. There was a store on the corner which seemed like a souvenir shop. There were many brightly coloured stacks of sweatshirts and clothing on the tables at the front of the store. Most of the piles were bright green, but some of them were blue. I stepped down the steps of the split-level floor of the shop. The floor, walls, and all of the trimming in the room was made of bright polished wood. I told my mother that we were in Nova Scotia. She said that i could show her on the map. I remembered that there was a large map in the hallway. I walked back up the steps and out into the hall. I spotted the map on the outside of the corner where the hallway turned to the northwest. I walked over to it. The map had several panels, showing different sections of North America. As we approached the map, my mother asked me where Chijuajua was. I wondered why she was interested in places in Mexico. I knew that it was in one of the bottom panels of the map, but i wanted to look at the northeastern section of Canada. My mother then said the name again, but mispronounced the first j in it. She made it hard, like the sound of an x. I mumbled the correct pronunciation as i looked over the map. As i did so, a woman to our left chuckled at the mispronunciation and corrected her as well.

I walked up to the third floor of the house. There were many people around, and this place seemed familiar. I thought that this might be a fraternity. I felt as though i knew several people in the house. I spoke to one of the men who was in the room on the top floor. Then, there seemed to be something wrong. I felt close to the person to whom i was speaking. He seemed like $A266. It seemed as though i were friends with him. A second person came up, though. He started talking to us. He said that they would be changing the house. He said that they wanted the homosexuals to move out of the house. I knew that he was referring to $A266. I felt upset and disappointed that the house had become so bigoted. I did not want to stay here any more and started to leave. I thought that i should leave, but i was wet and thought that i should shower first. I walked down the stairs and down the large hallway of the house. The house seemed very large. The hall ran around the outside of a square balcony that looked down into the main hall of the first floor. I seemed to be on the second floor. I walked to the west side of the house and looked around. The wood in the house was clean and polished, and the walls were white. I thought that i should find a lavatory, but i no longer knew where they were. A woman walked past me, and i asked her where the showers were. She motioned down a corridor to the north. I could see several doors on the west wall, all of which were at strange angles to the main part of the wall. I thought that any of them could be lavatories. I expected a sign to be on the door. I turned to the left into one of the rooms that the woman had pointed out. There seemed to be a light blue sign on the door, but i could not make out what it said. As i stepped inside, i saw the large glass door of the shower room directly ahead of me. I started to remove my shorts and underwear as i walked across the tan tile floor of the outer room. As i opened the door, however, i noticed that there was already someone in the shower. I noticed that the woman in the shower was wearing fish-net stockings which garters that came up high on her thigh. I backed out of the room and closed the glass door. I thought that i must be in the wrong room. I then wondered whether they simply had women using the same shower room as the men normally used. I tried to put my shorts back on, but they were wet, and i had trouble getting them on over my feet. I could hear the women talking in the shower. I apologized for entering and said that i would be leaving. I had to find another shower room. I could not get my underwear back on, though. They were too wet to slip on over my shoes.

I was standing behind $P19, looking down the hill to the west. There was a large tree growing just off of the corner of the house. The house was to my right. Someone said that they should cut down the tree because it was too near the house. I remembered how quickly the trees had grown and wondered why this one was planted so close to the house. I looked up at the tree to see that the top of the tree was already missing. It seemed like a young tree, but the top was shaped like a older man with white hair. I told the person that the tree should not be so close to the house because it would start to grow into the foundation. I then looked back up at the old man who was the tree. He said something to me. I did not think that he was really that old. I then remembered that these trees would only grow very large in their natural habitat. This place was too cold for them, so they would not grow as big as they normally would. The old man said something me which seemed important, but i did not know what it was. I turned to the north and started to walk toward the garage. There was a large tree that had been cut down on the west side of the garage. I thought that the old man must be upset that they had taken the tree down unnecessarily. I stepped over the front end of the tree, noticing that my black sweater was still draped over the end of the tree. Someone called me back to the house. I thought that i had to get indoors, but i wanted to get my sweater. I climbed up onto the branches of the tree to the south of me to try to pull my sweater free. I noticed that both of my black sweaters were on the tree. I pulled the first one free, but noticed that the second was higher on the tree branch. I had thrown it over the branch earlier, but i had not noticed that the locus tree had large thorns. I could not easily pull the sweater down without tearing it. I climbed up onto a thick branch and tried to lift it off carefully. I wondered whether i would be able to get high enough to simply pull the sweater free. I placed my hand on the sweater and felt a thorn poke through the thick glove that i was wearing. It did not prick me. I suddenly realized that i was very high from the ground. I did not seem scared of the height, but it seemed strange that i was so far up. I looked down at the gravel driveway so far below and wondered whether i was really that safe here. I thought that i could easily fall of the branches shifted. I tried to pull the sweater free.

12000 November 28

I walked to the east along the south side of the street. I seemed to be near our old house at $P2. There was a man with me. He was austral and had very dark skin. His hair was long and braided into many tiny braids. We walked toward the apartment house on the corner. We were going to go out jogging. It seemed that he was part of the military program of this university. I started jogging to the west. The woman was jogging in front of me. I wondered what had happened to the man and decided that the woman had some relation with him. She austral and seemed somewhat heavy. Her long hair was tied tightly back behind her head. She was wearing a lavender pair of stretch sweats on her legs and a dark blue hooded sweatshirt on her torso. She jogged evenly, moving her arms in short jagged motions in front of her. I followed behind her as she ran to my left. I soon realized that i would have to speed up in order to stay with her. I wondered whether she would be jogging this fast for the entire run. She did not look as though she were able to keep up the pace, but i remembered that she was in the military, and might be in better shape than she looked. I hoped that i would be able to keep up with her. I then remembered that i had forgotten to bring my watch. I had wanted to time all of my runs to make sure that i was out for a certain period of time. I thought about the silver watch and wanted to go back to get it before we ran too far. I then thought that we had already started, so it would be a waste of time to run back to the house now. We were then running to the east, back toward the house. The woman was still in front of me as we crossed the street at the intersection. The road that we had been on ended, and we were turning to the north on the other street. There was a large open lawn to the east of us, with a large building set back on it. The building seemed to be part of a school. As i jogged over the curb and started to turn north on the sidewalk, i noticed that there were many students walking along the sidewalk in front of the building. I thought that this was part of the college. I spotted one of the students walking toward us from the south. He had light red hair and looked very familiar. I could not remember where i had seen him before, though. I looked to the north to see where i was jogging, but i slowed down a little to look around. The woman continued to the north. I knew that we would be turning to the east again at the edge of the school lawn. There was another street which continued back toward the apartment there. I looked back to the south again. The ground sloped up hill slightly. The lawn on front of the school seemed very long and open, with only a few trees. It was autumn, and there were many orange and brown leaves scattered on the dull green grass. I looked back at the man walking toward me. I was sure that i knew him, but i could not remember from where. I decided that i should continue back to the house. I came to the corner and turned east. I looked to the east to see a long road back to the apartment building. It ran through the suburban area. I then realized that the woman was not in front of me. I stopped and turned around to look over the crowd of students that were walking along the street. I could not see her anywhere. I was already about fourty or fifty metres from the corner. I wondered whether i had really passed her. I could not see her in the crowd. I knew that she could not have jogged far enough ahead to be out of visual range. I thought that i would recognize her easily. There were many more students walking on the sidewalk, though, so it was herder to spot someone through the crowd. I then focused upon a man who was jogging down the side of the street toward me from the west. He had very dark skin and thin braids in his hair. I remembered that he was the man that i was supposed to go running with. I then realized that he was really the woman. He had changed his appearance. He was wearing tight blue stretch shorts and a dark blue sweat shirt what was unzipped part way in the front. I waited for him to catch up with me. We both started running to the east. As we passed down the street, though, it seemed that we were driving. We were not in a more urban area. There was a large cement structure to the south of us. It seemed like part of a hospital. I thought that it was a parking garage. We turned off of the road and started to go through the garage. I separated from the man, but still spoke to him. I felt some tension between us. I disagreed with something that he was trying to do. I ran into the small area of the garage when i came to the stairs. The room was small and square and had a set of stairs running up to the north from the center of the room. The sides of the room were formed out of many wide steps which were separated from the step below by a short tan dividing wall. I thought that i would have to climb the staircase in the middle to get to the other part of the building. As i approached the bottom of the narrow stairs, i realized that the steps which circles the room were really an access ramp for people in wheel chairs. I imagines a young child running up the ramp, yelling in excitement as he circled the room. The ramp would eventually come out at the upper level. I started to climb the stairs, but i realized that they spanned a deep hole in the floor. I became afraid of the height and crouched low to the steps. I was very nervous about climbing them. I did not want the other man to know that i was frightened, though. As i made it to the other side of the hole, i noticed that the stairs climbed through the center of the ramp. I realized that there were openings in the ramp at each level to let the stairs pass through. I climbed through the small doorway and into the next room. The room was small, and all of the walls were made of damp cement. The other man was walking toward me from the west. As he came to me, i spoke to him. I looked over the short wall that was near me and down the narrow space between the levels of the stairwell. I then noticed someone walking directly under me. He was wearing a grey speckled jacket. I realized that the man was another version of myself. I acted surprised. The dark-skinned man asked me what was concerning me. I told him that there was someone else here. I then looked through the small doorway to see the other man approaching. It was me. I wondered how this had happened and what the austral man might think.

12000 November 30

I flew up from the lawn and along the smooth side of the tall building. I had been talking to some people before, one of whom seemed to be my mother. I had the thing in my hand as i flew. I thought that i should put it back into the apartment while the owner of the apartment was away. I lifted the manual lawn mower over the short wall of the building. The wall separated the end of the hallway of the building from the outside. I was still floating in the air when i looked over the wall myself. I could see the white walls and red carpeting of the hallway as it stretched away from me, into the center of the building. The place looked very seventies in style. There was an apartment to the left which had windows along the ceiling. I could see into the apartment because the wall that i was looking over was the same height as the wall on the outside of the apartment. I swung the lawn mower over the hallway, over the wall of the apartment, and dropped it just inside. It landed between the kitchen counter and the wall, hitting the light-green plastic trash can and sending a piece of trash flying. The orange and yellow piece of trash flew back over the wall and landed in the hallway. Just as it landed, i noticed $A170 walking down the hall toward me. He had his keys out and was about to open the door to the apartment when he noticed me watching him from over the wall. He then noticed the garbage bag that had bounced over the wall. He picked it up. I explained that i had accidentally knocked it out of the apartment. I then started to float away from the building. I thought that i would see $A7 down on the ground in a few minutes. I swooped down over a tree that was on the front lawn of the building. I was aware that there were people watching me from the building. I knew that people could not normally fly, so my actions were somewhat of a spectacle. I felt amused that people might be watching me fly. I circled in the air and made my way to the ground. I realized that the ground was not as far down as i had thought that it was. I joined the group of people who were hanging around on the ground in front of the building. One of the men started joking around with me. I kept flying over the ground, hopping from spot to spot. I soon realized that i was mock-fighting with the other man. We were playing martial arts.

I drove across the long straight road in the middle of the tan desert area. The road was paved, but seemed like an unused highway. I was heading to the east, thinking that there was a turn off to the north which would take me back to the main road. I thought that this place was in Texas. I felt worried and wondered whether it would be safe to travel the entire loop at once. It seemed hot here, and i thought that i might not be in shape to make the full loop back to where i had started. I knew that it was about fourty miles. I looked around at the snort hills on either side of the road. I knew that there was a mountain to the north which i would have to climb. I was worried that i might not be able to make it. I felt unprepared and did not know what to do. I continued walking to the east. This area did not feel safe. I felt as though someone could find me here, as though i was in danger. I stopped suddenly and started to walk around on the side of the dirt road. I walked to the west, noticing that the turn to the north was just to the west of me. The dirt road rose slightly to the west as it went over a short hill and disappeared from view. I thought that i would have to take the road to the north. I then realized that there was a large dense green forest to the northwest of the intersection. I wondered whether i could find shelter from the dry air near the forest. As i looked, though, i noticed large green transformers hidden among the trees. Something was wrong with this place. I did not feel safe. I paced in circles for a moment, wondering what to do. I felt desperate, as though i was running out of solutions.