12002 November 02

I rode my bicycle to the northeast, across the intersection in the middle of the suburban area. I was heading toward $P7. As i pedaled across the street, i was reclined. The bicycle was one that you sad down in like a chair and pedaled the wheel in front of you. I rode down the drive in the front of $P7, but found myself rounding the north and west side of the school. I was looking for a place to park. As i reached the main road on the southwest side of the building, i thought about the field house behind $P7. I thought that i must have passed it, though i did not remember doing so. I was heading there for something athletic. I felt excited to get there. I realized that i had gone too far, though. I was now in the residential area to the south of $P7. I had to find a place to park. I pedaled by bicycle across the road and into the small parking lot on the other side. I knew that i could not park here, so i started to turn my tan car around to head back to the northwest.

I was running with the others to the east, along the south side of the double-lane road. The road seemed to be $P113. As i jogged just behind the woman, i realized that there were not too many people ahead of us. I must have started to quickly, because i certainly was not the fastest runner in the group. The others were part of $G1, and i thought that they should be catching up to me as we headed down the road. I was aware of same stores on the south side of the road which were set back from the road a ways. The road ahead of us seemed to be under construction where an overpass crossed. The overpass was elevated on both sides of the road on which we were running by earth. I realized that we would not be able to run under the bridge. This seemed very inconvenient, considering that we were in the middle of a race. I looked over the slope on either side of the bridge to see where the easiest place to climb might be, but i noticed chain-link fencing on the crossing roadway. There was also a cement retaining wall to the north of the bridge. The passageway under the bridge was covered over with a large white sheet of plastic. I thought for a moment that i should run to the south to climb around the blocked roadway, but then spotted a man running to the north. He seemed to be one of the better runners, so i thought that i should follow him, even though i knew that it would be easier to cross the barrier on the south side. I crossed the road along which i had been running and started up the side road. There was a short white building to the east of the intersection which seemed to be part of an old factory, or part of a junkyard garage. There was a tall metal chain-link fence around the cement yard to the south of the building. I wandered how we were going to cross the fence. The man was running past the building, but i was sure that there was a way to get through the fence. I decided that i should not follow the man after and looked over the fence to the south of the building for a hole. I noticed a gate in the middle of the fence. I thought that i might be able to get ahead of the other runners if i took the passage through the gate to get back onto the main road to the east of the closed bridge. I thought that i could find the odd shortcuts easier because i had been running with $G4 often. I ran through the gate in the fence and found myself entering the white cement building. I stopped at the door, though, noticing that there was a white trail mark on the ground along the building to the north-northeast. The front of the building was facing the west-northwest. I realized that the white mark was part of a $G4 trail. I looked to the north to see someone from $G4 running toward the building. I wondered whether i should leave the race and start running with $G4, but i turned and was in the room of the building. There was a dividing wall which ran a meter and a half from the west wall. It was supported by thin square poles which ran to the ceiling. The wall was half a meter off the cement floor and ended just below my eye level. At first i was to the west of the dividing wall, between the dividing wall and the outside wall. Then i was to the east of both walls. The dividing wall now seemed to be the outside wall, and there was a window in it. A man was looking in as i said something. The window then seemed to be in the white dividing wall again. The chipping white paint on the wall was greying, and the entire place felt worn. The man and woman in the window were speaking to me when i noticed someone run behind the, heading to the south. The man was smiling madly, as though he was up to some mischief. He poked his head through the square opening to the south, and quickly pulled it back. He ran behind the man who was talking to me, where i saw him duck down. He was running with $G4, and he was looking for something in the stalls of this building. I looked down, thinking that he would try to crawl under the wall to where i was. I could see the mound of pulped material in the ground as he dug under he wall. The man and woman the window backed up suddenly is surprise, looking down at the man who had sneaked under them. I watched the mound of stuff on the floor bulge suddenly as the man pushed his way through. He reminded me of Flea, and i wondered if he was. His face poked up through the dirt at the bottom of the stall, his grinning features covered with dirt. I laughed and backed up, noticing the step ladder just to the south of me. I was then aware of a woman behind me as she placed something on the top step of the ladder. I realized that she had placed a stack of money on the ladder. I tried to catch some of the bills as they fluttered to the ground near me, but i thought that i had to leave the money here. The people running with $G4 were trying to find it. I turned to the north and walked across the room. I was aware of the man near the ladder as i approached the door on the north end of the west wall. The door led back outside. I then imagined that i had to reach the door before the man did something. I felt suddenly afraid of the man as i hurried toward the door.

12002 November 05

I looked out the driver’s-side window from the back seat of the car as we rode to the west, traveling down hill, across the college campus. It was still early in the morning, and the sun was not up yet. I had woken up to go to the pool for a swim, and the people were driving me to gymnasium on campus. I knew that the person would not easily find parking on campus, and i wondered whether they would just drop me off in front of the pool. I then spotted the quadrangle to the south of the road with the gym in the center of it. The lights from the narrow vertical windows along the top of the building dimly illuminated the green grass around the base of the building. The hill of the quadrangle sloped up to the east of the building. I watched the building as we drove past and wondered why they were not stopping to let me out of the car. I decided that the man driving the car was simply looking for a place to park. We drove around the west end of the quadrangle, through an area which seemed to be lined with old wooden apartment houses. We were then driving back to the east, through a creamy orange corridor. We were now moving quickly through the corridors of the office. The white cement wall to the south of us was an outside wall of the building, but the creamy orange wall to the north separated us from a block of cubicles. The cubicle wall did not reach all the way to the white drop ceiling, which was not that far above us. As we came to the end of the corridor, we turned to the south, into the west end of a second large room. I remembered being in this office before. I said something to $A42, who was driving the car. I asked him whether this was the office in which his mother worked. He said that it was really his office, and that he had gotten his mother a job here as well. We walked to the south, into the small office where $A42’s mother was. I noticed the small notes which were hanging along the southern wall of the cubicle.

12002 November 07

I left the others and headed along the road to the west. To the north, i noticed the house on the hill, which belonged to $A328. I felt suddenly that i should visit the house to say hello, but then thought that it might be awkward to see them again. However, i turned impulsively up the driveway to the house. I felt nervous about seeing $A328 again as i approached the house, not knowing exactly why i was here. The red house had two levels, with a large white garage door in the west side of the lower level. The rest of the lower level was below ground. As i walked around the front of the car, a middle-aged man stepped out of the open white door to the east of the garage door. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that his dirty skin sagged around his chest, as though he had breasts. He stopped at the door and looked at me in surprise. I told him that i was here to see $A328, and then i told him my name. He smiled and nodded, as though he remembered me. I realized that he must be $A329. He looked a lot older now, and i thought that he was not in as good a shape as he had been in when i knew him. I followed him into the lower level of the house. I could not quite focus on what i was doing as i walked across the bottom floor of the house. I was then standing in front of $A328. She looked very old. She was tall and pale, with her wrinkled skin hanging loosely from her blank face. Her long white hair was uncombed and hung down to her shoulders. She was wearing a pale-blue nightgown. There seemed to be something wrong with her, and i remembered that she might have gotten sick. I said hello to her as she stared blankly to the east. She was standing to the northwest of me. $A329 introduced me to her, snickering as he mentioned my name. He did remember me, and i thought of how he used to pick on me when i was younger. He walked to the east and sat down in a chair, near the other woman as i spoke to $A328. She did not respond, but her body started to wobble, as though she was drunk. I worried that it was the sickness and that she might fall over. Then $A329 commented on something. He was joking about me to the woman with him. He casually referred to me as a homosexual. I was surprised that he was so comfortable with the idea, as i thought that he would be more prejudice. I told the woman that i actually never had sex, which seemed to be ambiguous. I then joked with $A329, rubbing by right hand on the left side of his neck affectionately. He smiled at the joke as the woman sat next to him, on the wide left arm of the white cushioned chair. I backed away as she spoke. I started to feel more relaxed here. It was very comfortable to know that they were not as bigoted as i had expected them to be.

12002 November 10

The chapel of the cathedral was very tall, with grey stone walls that rolled in thin decorative columns. I was standing on the north side of the church, facing to the west. The central chapel was very large, with a row of stone columns running down the center. The wooden pews filled the center of the room, all facing to the west. I was standing in an aisle, which ran toward the alter in the center of the west wall. The aisle ran between the large mass of pews in the center of the room, and the section of pews along the north wall. My mother was sitting in one of the seats to the north of me as i stood in the aisle, watching the others in the chapel. $A283 walked down the aisle to the southeast of me. I looked at him as he passed, catching his attention. He smiled as though he was happy to see me and turned to talk to me. I said hello to him as he walked up to me and took my left hand affectionately in his. It felt good to be talking to him like a friend again, but i felt a little hesitant to be holding his hand in such a public place. My mother then stood up from the bench to the north of me and started yelling at me. She was furious that i was holding hands with $A283. I felt puzzled at first, but then started to feel angry with her for making such a scene over nothing. $A283 did not seem to react to my mother’s outburst. He continued to talk to me in an effeminate manner as my mother scolded me.

I walked to the south, into the large white room of the hotel. I had just come from the conference with the others in the hall below. Something felt wrong, and i had to leave this place. I did not feel right here. I moved into the center of the room and paused at the foot of the large white bed. The bed was to the northeast of me. The south wall of the room was a large window which looked down from the second floor of the hotel, into the courtyard in the middle of the buildings. It seemed sunny out, and it seemed as though there should be palm trees around the courtyards. I grabbed a few piles of clothing that were on the bed and floor and tossed them into the open suitcase. $F38 was in the room with me. He was trying to convince me to stay at the conference, but i started to feel frightened here. There was something wrong with the other members of the conference. I thought that they might be dangerous. I had to leave.

12002 November 11

I moved across the dining room of my parents’ house, heading to the southwest. There were two people in the room to the northeast. They had been taken over by extraterrestrials, and i felt that they were dangerous. I had to get out of the house, but i had to make it seem that i was unaware of the aliens. I was then in a room on the west side of the house. I hurriedly packed several of my things together in a large backpack, rushing to get out of the house before the two men found what i was doing. I then realized that they were finished with whatever they had been doing in the back room and were coming into the main section of the house. I did not feel ready, but i had to leave. I quickly tried to grab all of my things, but i could not pick up both of my bags in time. I rushed out the front door of the house, hoping that they would not see me leave. I had to warn people about the invaders. As i crossed the front lawn to the south, however, i was aware that the aliens were aware of me and were following. There was a bus on the road to the south which had just stopped. I ran to it, thinking that i could urgently tell the bus driver to drive away. I would have to say that someone was following me. I could tell him later about the aliens which have possessed the humans. I sat down in a seat along the right side of the bus, facing south. The seat was along the wall of the bus, facing inward. As i sat, i saw the two young men enter the bus after me. They had been possessed by the creatures, so i had to act as though nothing was wrong. They sat down to my left, on the blue and grey cushioned seat at the back of the bus. The older of the two had bushy blonde hair and was carrying a green army backpack, which he placed in his lap as he sat down. He looked very much like $F10 and seemed to be in his early twenties. I thought that me looked very attractive. The boy with him seemed to be in his mid teens. The boy sat on the seat to the left of the man. I tried to act casually, as though i did not notice them. I got off the bus at one of the stops. This place seemed like the medical center in $P6. I thought that this would be a good place to hide from the creatures. I walked down the corridor to the east, thinking about the many white buildings of the hospital around me. I should be able to lose the possessed people in the maze of corridors and halls. I also thought that i had to get help. My concentration seemed fuzzy, though, and i could not easily picture where i was. I felt suddenly aware, though, as though there was something going wrong to the north of me. There were two doors on either side of an alcove in the north wall. The door to the east was open. I had come here no warn someone, but, as i stepped into the doorway of the room. I saw that the creatures had arrived before me. They had killed the man in the room and had taken over his body. They needed to switch bodies so that no one knew who they were in a crowd. I looked down the length of the narrow apartment to the north to see the old decorations in the dim light of a table lamp. Someone was sitting in a large cushioned chair against the west wall. The older man, who was standing in the center of the room, pointing a gun at the man in the chair, was possessed by the aliens. He was going to shoot the man in the chain so that there would be no witnesses. There was a younger man standing to the east of the man with the gun. He seemed not to be paying attention to what was going on, but i knew that he was with the creatures. I backed out of the room in shock, wondering what to do. A white-haired old woman stepped out of the door on the eastern side of the alcove. She looked surprised and curious. She stepped toward the door that i had just backed out of and peered into the room. She must have heard the sounds from murder. I wondered whether she would think that i was involved with the killing. I felt confused and wondered what i should do. I then ran back into the room where the creatures were. They had brought my other bags with them. I quickly grabbed the blue nylon backpack from the floor and ran out of the room. I had to get away. I walked down the hall to the west, aware that someone was following me. I had to lose these people. They seemed like the young man with blonde hair and the boy again. As i reached the end of the hall, i thought that i had to turn to the south to get out of the building, but i then noticed that there was a large room full of cardboard boxes to the west of me. This was the maintenance section of the hospital. I thought that i should get rid of some of the things in the backpack. They could be used as evidence against me, so i had to make sure that no one could blame me for the deaths. I reached into the bag, which i had lowered from my right shoulder, and pulled out some papers. I wondered whether i should really be putting the papers in with the cardboard boxes. I knew that the boxes were going to be recycled, and i thought that paper really should not be in the same bin. I then decided that it did not matter. The boxes would be chopped up by the shredder anyway. I pulled another stack of paper from my bag, aware that the young man and the boy were getting closer to be. They seemed to be walking with no urgency down the hall. As i pulled some more paper out of my bag, i realized that some of the styrofoam peanuts from the bag were falling into the cardboard stack on which i was standing. I thought that i should clean them out, since they were not recyclable. I was aware of several people moving around the maintenance room around me. I had to hurry so that i could escape the creatures.

12002 November 12

I walked with the others down the dirt road, to the west. There was a tall metal chain-link fence at the end of the road. It seemed that we should not be crossing the fence, but i knew that we were going to go on the other side anyway. I started hopping, thinking about the best way to climb over the top of the fence. I thought that we were really kangaroos, and that we should be able to hop over the top of the fence. I then looked at the wires on the top of the fence again. They were not folder over, and i thought that they could easily catch the kangaroos as we tried to hop over. I might me better to simply try to climb up onto the roof of the fenced-in house. Some of the others had already started to climb. These people seemed to be part of $G4. I stepped back and looked at the dark grey house onto which the others were climbing. I knew that no one was home. We knew the owner of the house, so the owner would not be upset at our presence, but i thought that others passing by in the neighbourhood might think that we were breaking into the place. I looked at the others who had climbed onto the low roof over the side porch of the house. The house was tall, and stood to the north of us, but it had a wide porch which extended to the south. The roof of the porch was supported by round white wooden columns. As some of the other people, who had been kangaroos, climbed up the front of the roof, i realized that there was a mound of damp grassy earth on the back side of the porch. The top of the mound was just below roof level, and it would be easier to simply walk up the dirt to the roof. As i thought this, two people from our group climbed up the dirt and onto the roof. I would have to climb up as well. I was then aware of a car behind me, driving out of a road to the southeast. I looked around, across the dead brown grass of the short lawn at the woman in the car. She looked curiously at us as the paused at the intersection. We seemed to be in a housing development. The house on which we were climbing was at the western end of one of the reads through the complex. There seemed to be a hill behind the house which sloped down into the woods, and a small grassy lawn wrapped around the south side of the porch and continued to the intersection. Tall pine trees blocked the view to the south, but i thought that there must be more pine trees beyond them. There was a gap in the trees not too far to the east where a narrow road emerged from the south side of the development and ended on the main street. The women it the car had come from this road. She turned to the east, onto the main road, and drove away. I wondered whether she would report us to the police.

12002 November 14

It was dark in the basement of $P19. I walked through the room looking for something. It seemed as though some event had just ended. I looked around the dark room for something, and then i was in the entrance hall at the back of the building, on the ground floor. There were people standing around me, cleaning up from the event. $F24 walked over to be and started dancing around me, holding my hands affectionately as he passed. I was humoured by his antics, but felt slightly embarrassed as the other watched. They would not approve of such public displays of affection. I let $F24 take my hand and spin around me, but i started to feel uncomfortable with his closeness. I smiled and casually pulled away, walking to the east, into the dorm room on the second floor. I needed a place to sleep for the night. Since i did not live here anymore, i was looking for a place to sleep. It now felt very good to be here again. I walked through the door to the south, into the room. Someone motioned me into the room, saying that i could stay on the bed to the west of the door. The single bed was wedged between a desk and the north wall of the room. It had a white sheet over it and did not looked used. I laid down on the bed. I then started to think that someone might already be using this bed. I stood up as the other people came into the room. They stopped in the doorway and looked around, seeming surprised that i was there. I thought that i must be using their bed. I pulled my sleeping bag off of the bed and stood up. I then remembered that i there were some things on the bed. I looked back at the table where the sleeping bag had been spread. There was a cluster of white candles in the center of the table, but the drinking glass that was on the table was no longer there. I knew that there were several other things which used to be on the table. I realized that i must have picked them up with the sleeping bag. I looked down at the blanket in my left hand. The water glasses had been full and would have spilled into the sleeping bag as i picked the bag up. I bent over, noticing the wet spot on the bottom end of the bag. I opened up the bag and pulled the empty glass out. I was annoyed that i had gotten the bag wet.

12002 November 15

I waked around the front of the house, which seemed to be $P19. I had been inside talking to someone, and was now walking to the west, from the front door. There was a cluster of blue flowers in the bed just to the west of the door. I knew that the flowers were for someone whose name sounded like “Pavarti”. I knew that he had killed himself. I felt bad for him. There was something wrong with the situation. I knew that the flowers were significant, and i thought that others would want to know about the suicide. It felt like something significant.

12002 November 16

I walked into the hotel room through the door at the eastern end of the south wall. The woman followed me into the room. She was here to copulate with me, though i did not really feel interested in her. I left her in the main room as i walked into the bathroom, which was to the north. I did not really want to copulate with the woman, and wondered why i had let her follow me into my hotel room. I thought about what i should do now that she was here. I felt as though i would have to have sex with her. I unzipped by black dress pants and pulled them down before i walked back into the bedroom. The large bed was against the south wall, in the center of the room. I got into the bed with the woman and started to caress her. I started to think that she was a prostitute. She was not here because she actually wanted to be with me, but because she had to have sex with me. I looked at her naked breasts as she started to kiss me. Her breasts were round, but there seemed to be something odd about their shape. I then looked over her shoulders as she leaned into me. Her skin was dark and slightly wrinkled. She seemed to be very skinny, and i could see that she had a slight muscle tone in her shoulders. I tried to enjoy the sensation of touching her, but i kept thinking about how ugly her form seemed. Her fuzzy hair stood out slightly as she leaned in to kiss me. I felt very uncomfortable with her, and did not want to even try to copulate with her. I finally told her that this was not going to work and stood up from the bed. She seemed to accept my decision without argument and left the room. I could hear the manager of the hotel speaking to her outside as i started to gather my things to the west of the bed. I wondered what he would think of me having a prostitute in the room. I suddenly remembered that prostitutes were illegal, but i felt justified in bringing the one into by room. I picked up my pants form the floor to the west of the bed, wondering suddenly whether my wallet was still inside. I felt the pockets and then started packing things into the trunk. I was getting ready to leave.

I walked through the people, to the north, along the dry grassy hillside. There was something on the ground which stung my toe as i walked. I looked down to see a tiny brownish-grey snake sinking its teeth into the big toe of my left foot. I pulled it off quickly, wondering whether it was poisonous. It seemed to have brown markings along its back. As i continued to the north, i spotted a larger snake partially coiled on the slope of the hill ahead of me. It was bright green, and stood out against the dry broken grass. There seemed to be people at the rounded crest of the hill, just past the snake. I thought that this snake was large enough to be dangerous if it had venom. I then felt something stinging the toe of my foot. I looked down to see a tiny brownish-grey snake biting the end of one of the toes on my left foot. I pulled the snake off my foot, wondering whether it was poisonous. I suddenly realized that the entire ground was covered with small snakes. I had to be careful where i was walking. I could get bit easily if i was not careful, and i was concerned that the snakes were venomous. I then looked at the ground around me and realized that it was covered with hundreds of small toads. They were all packed together in rows and columns across the ground. They seemed glossy, and were purple and yellow. The colours of the toads alternated across the grid pattern on the ground. I thought that the small toad-shaped tiles were actually very interesting, though i did not understand how they would work as a ground covering. I supposed that the tops of the toads might seem flat when someone walked on them simply because there were so many of them. I then thought that the rough edges would wear too fast from people walking on them. I also knew that the tiles would be hard to clean once dirt got between them, but i really liked the way that they looked. I tried to think of a place that i could put them in my house. I thought that a vertical surface might be better for them, but i did not have any rooms that would be suitable for the tiles.

12002 November 17

The man stood to the west of me as he read the small paper in his hands. I was to the north, watching the man read the paper to the small crowd to the south of me. I could also see myself standing apart from the small crowd, to the east. I had written the article on the paper, though it was not about what i had wanted to write about. I felt as though i had not been entirely serious when i wrote the article. The article was a reply to an advice column, but i had written about bourbon and life. The man finished the article smiling. I watched myself watch the man from the east. I then moved to the east and looked at the man. He told the others that he had liked the article, and he expanded on the thoughts that i had started. I listened to what the man said, thinking that i could write a longer article based on the idea. I could even use the ideas that the man was introducing. I felt excited and encouraged about the article as i turned and walked to the northeast. I knew that i had made up the article. The man was unaware that the question to which my article was replying was not real. I had made up the question for the advice column, so i could not publish the article in the advice column “Dear Uncle Ezra”. Someone would know that the question was not real. I thought about this as i turned to the north, leaving the street and driving into the lot of the gas station. There were tall pumps to the west of me, and the paved ground seemed to crest and slope down to another street to the north of me. I thought that i could not write the article for “Dear Uncle Ezra”, but i might me able to use it in a fictional story. I was then reclined, looking off of the gray roof to the north of me. Me feet were to the north of me as i rested on my right side, my right hand supporting my head. $F31 was reclined on the roof of the next dormer to the east of me. He smiled as he spoke of the article that i had written. He referred to it of an analysis of nice legs. The article had described the nice legs of seniors on campus. I thought that i should still do the article, even though i did not know any of the seniors. I stood up to go back into the house. The dull-yellow apartment building to the south of me seemed worn. There was a white wooden screen door on the bottom floor, right in front of me. This place was a fraternity. I joked about the article to $F31 as i approached the door. I then noticed that the next door to the west was a sorority. For a moment, i was not sure which door i was about to go through. I thought it might be funny if i to walk into the sorority as if by accident. I opened the screen door and walked into the kitchen of the fraternity. The room seemed dingy and yellow. There were cabinets on the west wall and a small square table in the center. I complained about the women as i passed the table, pretending that i had been too sleepy and accidentally walked into the sorority. I complained about women being up to early as a joke. They chuckled as i feigned sleepy incoherence. I then heard the telephone ringing in the next room, to the east. I walked through the door to the next room as the telephone stopped ringing. I stopped in the middle of the room and stared vacantly to the east.

12002 November 19

I was lying down, with $F12 on top of me. He was facing away from me, and i was hugging him. I felt that he was uncomfortable, but i continued to put his chest. I started to feel that i was taking advantage of him. I rubbed my left hand over his chest muscles, which seemed rather large. He flinched in discomfort, but i continued to try to relax him.

12002 November 21

I was lying on the bed, as though i had just woken up. For a moment, i was looking down at myself in the bed. The top sheet was blue, but the lower sheets and pillowcases were white. The head of the bed was against the east wall of the room. I seemed to be above the covers, lying on my back with my hands under my head. I was then aware that my mother was sleeping to the right of me, under the covers. She said something to me, and i stood up from the bed. There was something in the other room that i had to do. I walked to the east-southeast, through the door of the bedroom and came into the large empty room. The ceiling of the room seemed to be level with the ceiling of the second floor, and there seemed to be a stairwell on the west end of the room which led up to the balcony around the west and north sides of the room. I was heading to the west, to do something, but my attention was drawn to the door in the south wall. I wondered whether the door was properly locked for the night. I felt nervous that someone might come into the house. I opened the wooden door and checked the knob on the outside. It was locked, so i closed the door again. The door did not latch, however. I looked at the latch and realized that the door would no longer fit into the frame. It seemed to have tilted down so that the top of the door was outside the frame. I thought that the door must have come loose on the hinges. I tried to lift it a little so that it would go back into the frame, but it fell off the wall all together. I felt frustrated as the door fell to the ground. It was dark outside, and the cold air was coming into the house. I tried to prop the door back up but could not get it to stay on the hinges. I could see the long triangular hinges still attached to the frame. It seemed that there were pins still in the hinges. I wanted to put the door back onto the hinges, but i did not think that i could do it. I woke up my mother and asked her to help me. I would need someone to hold up the door while i screwed the hinges back on. She was out of the room helping me as i looked at the screws that were still in the hinges. I was glad that they were there, because i did not think that the pins would hold the door. I stood back up from looking at the hinges, a couple of the screws in my left hand. I though that i could simply get some match sticks and put them in the old screw holes so that the screws would tighten. My father was then in the doorway. He was helping me put the door back together as my mother watched. I knew that he would be able to fix it.

I walked through the halls of the old building, wearing my black pee coat. The walls of the building were white and seemed to be hard plaster. I was aware that there was something different about the coat that i was wearing. I though that it would draw attention from the others walking past. I thought that this coat was something from my school. I was in a school building now. I was now standing in a hall on the bottom floor of the building. The hall stretched to the south. There was a door to the outside just behind me, to the west, and there was a set of doors to the north, at the end of the hall. The doors to the north seemed to lead into the west end of an east-west corridor in the other wing of the building. I watched the students in dark uniforms marching rather casually down the hall to the north. They seemed interesting to me. I looked some of them over as they passed. One of them, who was walking to the south, was wearing short uniform pants. I looked at his skinny legs as he passed, thinking that he was too young to have any development in his legs. I then looked at one of the young men approaching me from the south. He looked back at me suddenly. He looked very young, with curly brown hair. He seemed confused as he stared back at me. I started moving again, heading to the sound down the corridor past the door to the outside. As several women walked through the doors form the outside. As the doors opened, i could see a small stone breezeway and another set of doors. I then focused on the women walking in front of me. They were wearing blue winter capes over their white uniform shirts. They were teachers here. The one who crossed right in front of me had long brown hair which fluffed out from her shoulders. I thought that her narrow face was very attractive, and i thought about the pee coat again. My coat would stand out in this place because it was part of a uniform from somewhere else. I felt distinct. I then thought that there was something wrong. The students were moving out of the doors to the west of me, evacuating the building. I heard a gun shot from somewhere in the building. I thought that this place was under attack. I looked to the east, down the steep flight of marble stairs to see two teachers crouching on the ground. There was a doorway to the south, at the bottom of the stair. Moving quickly, i grabbed one of the teachers and ushered her up the stairs and out of the building. I wondered whether i was putting myself in danger, but decided that i would not get hurt here. This situation then seemed fictional, as though it was part of a movie. I would be the hero who saves the people from the building with my special powers. I imagined myself running across the auditorium of the school and jumping up the wall at the end. I was aware that this was my imagination, and the images seemed to blur by. I was then on the balcony to the west of the auditorium, right next to the gunmen. I was suddenly aware that they could shoot me. I kicked the man nearest me over and dropped to the ground. The balcony was strewn with debris. Another gunman was to the west of us, just beyond the woken doors which led out into the hall. I fell over onto my left side and pretended that i was seriously wounded. I still had my left hand in the air as the man come into the room, however. I had to play delirious so that he would not shoot me. I was aware of the man near me stirring. He was the man that i had knocked out. I started to worry that he would tell the man with the gun about me, and i would not be able to lure him close enough to knock him unconscious. I stood up suddenly, thinking that i could fool the man near me, who was now the man with the gun. He sat up on his right knee and pointed the pistol at me. I was worried that he might actually shoot me, but i kept staring at him as i slowly got to my feet. He seemed unsure of himself, and seemed to be slightly frightened of me. I approached him slowly, projecting fear into him. Once i was close to his outstretched hand, i snatched the gun from him and pointed it back at him. The gun was small, but it seemed to be an automatic weapon. I cautiously walked to the door in the west wall and slipped out of the balcony and into the hall. I ran down the hallway, keeping the gun pointed at the man through the wall. I knew that the man would pull out his pistol and try to shoot me as i ran down the hall. I edged to the south, keeping my gun pointed at the spot on the wall where i thought the man was. There was another door to the theatre just to the south. I stopped just before it, thinking that the man would try to shoot me as i passed. The wooden door was closed, but i could see the man moving through the cracks in the wood. I felt scared, and was sure that he was going to shoot at me. I thought that the man might shoot me if i ran to the south. I pulled the trigger of the gun in my hands, which i was still pointing at the man through the door. The gun did not fire, so i pulled the trigger even harder. Nothing happened. The gun must have been out of ammunition. I realized that the man could not have shot me with the gun on the balcony. I pulled the top of the gun open and pulled the bullet magazine out of he handle. There were still bullets in the magazine; i was not out of ammunition. I put the magazine back in the gun, wondering why the gun did not fire. I ran to the south, hoping that the man did not come after me.

12002 November 22

We returned to the house. I was visiting some friends in this city. $F4 was with me as we walked through the lower floor of the house. This place seemed to be owned by $A42. The main room of the house was very tall, extending up two flights. The others stayed by the door at the west end of the lower floor while i walked upstairs to get my things. The stairs led up to the south, into a room which seemed small and confined. The walls of the room were covered with light-coloured stained wood. This place seemed as though it was designed in a traditional northern-european style, with all sorts of decorative trinkets hanging from the wall. I felt peaceful here, collecting my things from the room. I was staying in one of the rooms here, and i had to get something from my bag before i left with the others. My mind drifted as i thought about this place. I was then standing on the edge of the balcony, looking over the room from the west. I remembered that i could fly, and i felt happy. I jumped off the balcony and floated out in to the room. I paused at the east end of the room glided back to the west. I was aware of someone else walking in the room below. I thought that they might me amazed by my ability to fly. As i started moving back to the west, i noticed the shelves along the second floor of the south wall. The shelves were at the base of a half wall which separated the bedrooms and the main open room. There were fancy coloured bottles of various sizes along the shelf that i looked at as i passed. They were very interesting, and i thought that i remembered this place from someplace before.

12002 November 27

I looked over the cover of the old book. It was decorated with many shiny trinkets and old jewelry. They had been glued to the book long ago by someone. I had had this book since i was young, and i was looking over the cover to find were the small jewel had fallen from. I then lifted the cover of the book. The cover was attached along the upper edge of the book. I had forgotten that there were other pages inside the book with trinkets attached to them. I looked over a page which had several fake-gold broaches on in. They were arranged around a vertical line in the center of the page and seemed to have glass jewels in them. I flipped a few more pages and came to a page which has some stream-rounded rocks glued to the left side of the page. I could see a spot of dried glue on the page where one of the rocks had fallen out. I wondered whether i could glue one of the glass rocks i had onto the page. The glass rocks came from the same apartment that the book had come from. I looked over the page and realized that the large black glass rock in the upper left corner was too large to let the book close properly. I wondered how i could have closed the book before.

I was walking along the south side of the courtyard with $A6. The building around us was stone, with archways over the corridors along the outsides of the building. I had greeted $A6 warmly when we met in this place. It had been a long time since i had seen him, and i felt as though he was an old friend. I spoke to him as we walked to the east, through the corridor of the building. I wondered why we were going back inside. The main corridor of the building was dark, with a high arching ceiling and glittering walls. We walked to the north until we reached the door on the east wall, where the man was standing. $A6 into the room as the man held the door open for us. I followed him. The chamber inside seemed small, but was decorated very ornately. It looked like a french baroque parlour, with gilded walls and a white arching ceiling. The room seemed very elegant, and i wondered whether we were supposed to be in here. The tightly curving floral patterns on the walls and ceiling were clean and well taken care of. We then walked to the northwest, into a second, darker room. It felt like a special treat to be in these rooms, as though we were looking at things only the rich got to see. $Z was to the north of me as i walked to the western side of the room. As i turned around, i saw him playing with one of the chandeliers which hung low in the room. The ceiling of this room seemed even lower than in the previous two rooms. There were tulip-shaped metal bulbs hanging from the underside of the lights. $Z was holding one of the bulbs in his hand as i approached him in the northeast corner of the room. I though that the bulbs must easily detach from the lights in some way. The main frame of the light was a simple flat metal bar which was bent into curing designs. I though that the bulbs which held the lights must attach to the bar by magnetism. I moved to the light and took the loose bulb. We had to put the lights back together before we left. I held the bulb up to the metal bar, feeling the magnetic pull as the bulb got close. The bulb stuck to the bar at the correct place. This was an interesting design for the light, but i wandered how the lamp got power to the bulb. There were no wires connecting them. Something seemed suspicious as to how the light worked.

12002 November 28

There were two men talking to each other in the middle of the room. They were talking to each other when the third man walked up. The third man referred to one of the other men as “Milton”. I knew that his name was not really Milton. One of the men was John F. Kennedy. I thought that the other might be Robert Kennedy, though he did seem more like Ted Kennedy. John commented at the name “Milton”. It seemed to be a code name for him. There was something important about this conversation. I walked to the north, across the farmyard, as i listened to these people. I felt interested in what was going on here. It was something special. There were several other buildings near where we were. I looked to the west at the old shed that was on the property. Is seemed to have an open east wall. To the north of the shed was a structure with something draped over it. As i started to pass by, i could see that the south end of the structure was supported by a horizontal crossbar which was supported by two wooden poles. There was a wooden slat fence draped over the bar. The fence wan stretched to the north, where it covered a tractor extension. The extension looked like a seeder. There seemed to be something important in everything about the farm. I stepped back for a moment, trying to learn what i could from the events going on around me. I then noticed the hole in the ground in front of me. It was important. It was in the middle of the open structure which seemed to be part of the shed. The hole the ground meant something, but i did not know what.

I was standing to the southwest of the playing field, which seemed to be part of a small park in $P24. There seemed to be a building or stadium to the north of me. There was a road running along the south edge of the park. The road seemed to make a sharp turn just to the east of the park, at the base of the forested hill. There was a wet grassy lawn to the south of the playing field, between the field and the road. The lawn sloped toward the road, with an indent in the center where water drained. There were some people in the playing field whom i knew. I had to head home, and i though that i should fly. I jumped into the air and flew to the south. I knew that the people in the field would be able to see me as i flew. I thought that it might be impressive to them, but i started to fall in the middle of the wet field. I was unsure that i would be able to fly, and thought that it might not be too impressive to the others if i landed too soon. I felt that i wanted to show $F12 what it was like to fly. He seemed to be one of the people in the park. I imagined that i could merge with him in order to show him what it was like to fly. I wondered whether i would be able to do it. I jumped to the east and started to fly again, but there seemed to be something different about me. As i flew, i was aware that there was a white wooden board attached to my feet. It had something to do with $F12, and it made my flight difficult. I jumped into the air and floated for a moment. There was a white wooden door to the south of me, and i was now inside what seemed to be a garage. I thought that i could do some trick flying and sail through the horizontal opening in the door. I tipped my head down and started through the door. Once i was on the other side, i was standing up, looking at the beautiful tree to the south of me. The sun was shining on it, and the green bushy leaves looked lush and full. I pointed out the tree to $Z, who was standing to the left of me. The sky over the tree seemed blue and clear. I was amazed with the tree, thinking that it looked very beautiful. I thought that it might me the Mother Tree. Then something changed, and the weather seemed darker. I looked to the east to see the sky covered with dark grey clouds. The darker clouds were moving quickly, only a few metres from the ground. Suddenly, a mass of dark swirling clouds came around the corned of the building, which was to the north of me. The whirling cloud raced across the street, to the south, and disappeared over the field. I felt nervous now. This weather was not good. To the east of me, i could see a thick oily cloud only a metre off the ground. It seemed to be as thick as a liquid, and i though that the pressure must have changed so suddenly that the water in the air must have condensed into floating pools. Everything suddenly seemed dark. It would be impossible for me to fly home. If i flew too high, i would not be able to see the land below be, and would not know where i was flying. I started to fly to the east, feeling that i had to get home. I suddenly could not see where i was going. Everything was foggy. I landed on the ground and started walking on the left side of the road. If i could feel the edge of the pavement under my feet, then i would know that i am headed in the correct direction. Everything in front of me was grey, and i was not really sure where i was going. I tried to wipe off my glassed as i moved, but the left lens seemed to fog up quickly. I could not keep it clear. I hoped that there was not something in front of me in the thick fog. As i wiped my glasses, i realized that they were getting loose on my face. I tried to push them on better, but they were wobbling, as though the hinges were loose. I realized that the screws on the hinges were starting to come out. I stopped and took off the glasses, looking over the gold-coloured frames. There were small nuts around the hinges, and i could see that they were coming loose. As i knelt to the ground to inspect the glasses more closely, the screws started to come apart. There were hinges on both sides of the glasses, as well as on each side of the nose piece. I tried to tighten the screws again. A woman walked over to me from the west. I now seemed to be in a room with doorways on all sides. This room was just off the south side of the road, in an area which seemed to be residential. A man and another woman followed the first woman out. The first woman had given me something which seemed like a screwdriver. The tool had a very soft blade which wobbled as i picked it up. I did not think that the blade was strong enough for me to use on the glasses. I fished through the other tools on the ground as the man crouched in front of me and the second woman stood behind me. The first woman was still to the southwest of me, to my left. I picked up another tool from the ground. It looked like the blade to a jigsaw. It was white with teeth on one side. I wondered if it would be stiff enough to use to tighten the screws on the glasses. I brought it to the glasses, thinking that i could use the back of the tool, but i realized that it had been sharpened like a knife. I could not use it. The narrow part of the blade would crack. The man offered me another tool which seemed more like a screwdriver. I took it and tightened the screws on the glasses. I thanked the man, feeling interested in him. He seemed to be somewhat attractive, though i could not really see him. The woman around me simply watched as i fixed the glasses.

I was in the room with several other people. Someone had asked me something, and i started to reply, telling them what i was thinking on the subject. My mother interrupted me, telling me not to say anything. I was angry that she told me not to speak my mind. I complained that she never let me speak my mind to anyone. I said aloud that she was always telling me to be silent. My mother scowled in shock. She objected to what i had said and told me that she had never told me not to speak. I reminded her how she had always silenced me when i tried to speak to $A29. I was angry with her, remembering the many times myself. We were then in the car, moving to the north. The car was then on the road, standing still, facing north. We had just gotten into the car, and i was still pulling the clear-plastic grocery bags into the rear driver’s-side door. I told the driver to wait as i pulled the bag across my lap. The car then pulled away. I spotted a black cap on the ground and realized that it had fallen out of the bag. I told the others in the car that the black plastic lit to the travel mug might have fallen off outside the car. My grandmother then looked out the back window. She spotted said that she spotted the black cay on the ground. I looked out the back window to see the cap on the ground. I worried that it would get crushed under an on-coming car. I told the other that we would have to go back to get the cap.

12002 November 29

I walked to the north through the corridor of the canyon. The corridor seemed to be man made, though i knew that it was part of a natural canyon. I stepped carefully over the sandy shores of the small creek. There were plants and small bushed growing around the edges of the corridor, which had smooth reddish-brown vertical walls. I crossed the stream and walked on the eastern side of the hall. There was a small waterfall ahead where the water poured over a man-made block. I realized that the canyon was blocked off in front of me. I had been hiking only a short time and thought that i could not have made it all the way to the end of the canyon. It had taken me such a long time to reach the end of the shorter arm of the canyons, but i had only been in this canyon for a few minutes. I viewed the map in my mind, suddenly. I could see the two crescent-shaped canyons on the map. They formed a Y, with the top parts of the Y curving toward each other, the longer arm curving over the shorter arm. I had already hiked up the short side, which was to the west on the map, and now i was starting up the eastern arm. There seemed to be several poles crossing the corridor ahead of me. Something must have happened in the canyon ahead. I though that there might have been a rock slide. I then heard a hissing noise to the right of me. I looked at a small grey sand dune to see a spout of steam rise from the small hole in its top. I backed away quickly, realizing that this entire area contained hot springs. I looked around, noticing several other mounds around the waterfall. I had to be cautious that i did not get burned.

I was aware that something was wrong to the north of me. It was night, and the neighbourhood seemed very dark. I looked to the north. I was standing on the street in front of my neighbours’ house when i saw the car lights moving across my front lawn, which was to the north of me. The car drove from the north side of the lawn all the way to the south side and disappeared behind my neighbours’ house. I wondered whether the car belonged to my neighbour or to the house next door to them. I walked to the north, looking around the back of both houses. I then spotted the red fifties-style car in the gravel parking area that was behind the house two doors down from my house. A young oriental woman with long black hair got out of the car and walked toward the house. I looked back at my front yard, which was illuminated by the street lights to the northeast. I could see the tire tracks that crossed my lawn. There was a circle right in front of the front door, where the cement apron spread out and the path curved to the south, toward the driveway. I was annoyed, and thought that i should report these people. I walked to the west on the street in the daytime light. There was a red car parked on the front lawn of the small wooden two-level house to the west of me, on the north side of the street. Its license place number had three digits which were followed by the number “62202”. I would have to remember this so that i could report it to the police. I then looked up at the house number to see that it was 339. I thought that it seemed like the correct address, since it was only a few houses from mine. Then i wondered why the house was on the north side of the road. This was not my street. Something was wrong here.