12003 November 01

I stopped the car at the bottom of the driveway. The road ran north to south, and was to the east of the small house. The driveway met the road just south of the house, and then ran up hill to the north, parallel to the road. A large garage sat at the upper end of the driveway. $F10 was standing beside his white car in the driveway, right in front of the house. This house seemed to be my parents’ house, and i was driving in to get things ready for the gathering. There would be many other people coming to the house. An older man walked away from $F10 and headed to the south. He seemed to be $F10’s father. I backed my large white car out of the driveway and onto the road, hoping that there were no other cars coming from the south. I wanted to park my car in the garage so that it would be out of the way while the others came to the gathering. I started to drive the car forward, but is did not move that quickly. It had an automatic transmission, so it should not have stalled, but i knew that it needed some repair. I turned the steering wheel and tried again to get the car to move, wondering what $F10 would thing of the stall. I looked across the short green grass to the east of the driveway, thinking that i would have to drive across the lawn to get to the garage. I started the car forward and drove it into the garage. I started to walk back to the house from the garage when i realized that i had left my keys in the car, so i turned around and headed back into the garage, walking all the way back to the northern end of the open space. There did not seem to be a roof over my head, but there was an eastern wall, at the foot of which sat several pieces of machine parts. I stopped to look at the red metallic object, which seemed to have something to do with the repair of my car. I was aware that the man was now standing near me in the garage. I said something to him as we turned to head back to the house. Several other people were now around us. I had to open up the house for the party. A man to the east of me then said that he had the keys to the house. I looked at $A359 as he pulled a set of silver keys out of his left pants pocket and dangled them in the front of himself. I wondered how he had gotten a set of keys the house, but then i remembered that he was once the house manager of the house. He probably still had his old set of keys. There were a number of people with us as we headed to the south and into the house.

12003 November 02

I looked to the left as i traveled to the southwest, on the dirt road. The rural land around me rose slightly to the east. Most of the land seemed to be old farming fields, but much of it had been overgrown with trees and dense bushes. To the right, the land seemed to be covered with leafy vegetation, but to the left, it was mowed. There was a house on the hill to the left, with a wide lawn which stretched along the road. I then noticed the people on the southwestern end of the lawn, along the side of a wooden post fence. The fence ran at an angle to the road, running from somewhere behind the house to a point on the side of the road just to the south of the house. There was a woman walking backward on the grass. She tossed a handful of something white on the ground. Another person ran toward her, hopping over the white marker. I realized that this was a paper chase. The rest of the runners seemed to be to the northeast, but they would be here soon. I had known that there was a group in town which ran a paper chase, and i wondered if any of them had ever run with $G4. I then heard the runners coming from the woods to the east of the road. They started singing a song. I wanted to join them, but i had to meet $G4 at the start of their run. I turned off of the main road and started down the second dirt road, heading to the west. The start of the $G4 run seemed to be up the road to the west, on the south side of the road. There was someone running down the road toward the start of the run. I turned a few more corners, still hearing the songs of the other running group. They were all singing in tune, and i felt bad that i was not part of their group. They seemed better than $G4. I pulled into the dirt road of the country house and turned into the back of the house. I was riding a bicycle now as i headed down the corridor of the house. The land here seemed dry, with several wide lush trees shading the tan ground. I rounded the top of the stairs where the other two from $G4 were talking. The hallway made a U shape around the northern, eastern, and southern sides of the stairwell. I walked to the southern side of the stairs and dropped some objects on the floor. I wanted to drop off my things and hurry back outside, where i could hear the other runners. $A350 said something to me as i started back down the stairs. I felt bad for not wanting to hang out with $G4, but i wanted to hear the other runners singing. I could hear them doing one of their songs as they ran in the woods on the hill to the east. I said aloud that i wished $G4 could sing as well. I heard one of them responding, saying that $G4 had some good songs. I turned to the east and said “No. They really don’t.”

12003 November 05

The car was moving very fast down the country road, heading to the east. I watched the grey pavement speed toward me. I swerved around the tight corners of the country road, using my fingers to pull the car forward. I used the index and middle fingers of my left hand to pull the road toward me, making the car go faster and faster. My hand was near my face as i pulled on the road. The pavement seemed to be soft and stretched as i pulled on it. I then started to think that i was moving too fast, so i pushed my fingers into the pavement in front of the car. I was on a read near $P110. I then slowed and turned into the driveway just beyond the curve of the road, on the northern side. This was the driveway of $A328. It had been a long time since i had been here. Just before i started up the dirt road which led up to the little red house, i noticed something moving just to the east of the mouth of the driveway. I thought that it might be an animal, so i stopped to look. It moved toward the road from the scruffy grass on the side of the driveway, stopping just short of the road before turning around and backing into the grass. It was a small man with a gnome-like hat on his head. As he moved out of the bushes a second time, i realized that there was a metal bar pushing from the back. The elf was mechanical. I was amused with it as i continued up the driveway. As i approached the house, a man in a dark-blue sweatshirt stepped out of the door to the east of the garage to greet me. I said hello as i walked into the garage. Once inside, i tried uncomfortably to talk to the man, not really sure what to say. It had been a long time since i had been in nursery school here, and i was not quite sure why i had come back to visit. The man stood to the east of me, near the door which led into the main part of the house. There was a white plastic lawn table in the center of the garage, between the man and me. We spoke a bit, and then a woman walked out of the house and greeted me. Both the man and the woman were smiling warmly, but i could feel that they were apprehensive as to why i had come. As i tried to say something to both of them, a young man came into the garage from the outside. He was a father here to pick up his child. He greeted the man and the woman for a moment. He had short blonde hair and seemed very attractive. He was wearing shorts, and i could see that he had nice muscle detail on his legs. I thought that he was one of the locals, though, and he would probably feel uncomfortable if he knew that i found him attractive. After a moment of greeting the man and woman, he headed into the house to get his child. I decided that the lack of conversation between the man and woman, and myself was getting too annoying, so i just handed the woman the check for one 144 dollars. It was a donation to the nursery. I had come here to deliver it. She looked at the check as she wandered around to the western side of the white table. She read “fourty-four and thirteen cents so i don’t have to pay taxes on it any more”. She was reading the comment i had made at the bottom of the check, but she seemed confused by my humour. I remembered writing the check a while ago, and i tried to explain that it was a joke relating to the add amount of change i had added on to the total of the check. Another man then came into the garage from outside. He was also here to pick up a child. Having delivered the check and not knowing what else to say, i decided that i should leave. I turned and walked out onto the front lawn of the house, heading to the southeast. I had left my guitar there while i was talking to the others. As i bent over to pick up the guitar case, i realized that i was still wearing my black leather gloves. I grabbed the handle of the case, watching my left hand in the glove. I thought that i must look strange in gloves on such a nice day. I wondered if that was why the man and woman felt uncomfortable near me. I then realized that there was a couch on the front lawn of the house. A mother had just come to pick up her son and was sitting on the couch, facing east. She greeted me. I said hello as she smiled at me. I did not know what else to say, though, so i turned to take my guitar back to my car.

I walked down the corridor of $P37, heading to the west. I rounded the corner of a place which seemed to be a locker room, but i found myself in front of the service counter. This was not the regular service counter, and i thought that they must have redesigned the building while i was away. It had been a while since i had been here. I asked the man for something, and he told me that i would have to pay a dollar and twenty-five cents for a lock. It was part of a new locker policy in the building. I told him that i already had my own lock, but i started to feel that they were trying to make everyone use their locks. He said something, and i started to feel uneasy. I told the man again that i had a lock on my gym basket, but he implied that i could not use it. I asked if they had taken away my gym basket, and he said something. I thought that he had said yes, and i started to feel worried that my stuff had been taken out of my basket. I wondered what i should do.

12003 November 06

I stood in the hallway outside of the classroom, watching the tight crowd of students practicing their martial-arts forms. The students stood with their back to me, on the other side of the glass wall, to the north. They all moved at roughly the same time, but i noticed that some of them were doing different moves that the others. I looked to the east, where there was another glass wall. I could see into the other section of the gym where other students were doing the same forms. They all shifted position, moving their right legs behind them and putting their left arm up in a block. There was a woman on the south side of the crowd, right in front of the window who continued moving after the others had stopped. She seemed to be doing a slightly different form. I then noticed the man in the center of the crowd with the dark-red uniform. He turned around and changed his position to do something different as well. I realized that they were all doing slightly different versions of the same patterned exercises. The man was wearing shorts, and i could see the muscle detail on his legs. He had medium-length dark hair, and i recognized him from somewhere. I watched him for a moment as the entire class moved into a different position. There was something attractive about him. I then became interested it the motions that everyone was doing. I looked back to the east, not recognizing the pattern that they were doing. It looked very interesting, and i wondered whether i could learn it. The people around me were then talking to me about what the class was doing. The man to the east was young and had light-blonde hair. He smiled as he described the form to me. I wanted to learn it, but i felt uneasy letting the man know that i knew any martial arts. He described the moves, and i nodded, telling him that i was familiar with the terms. The woman to the south of me then said something, and i replied. I felt nervous around them, but i continued to talk, trying not to let them know that i practiced martial arts. I smiled and looked down as the man excitedly described some of the moves to me.

12003 November 07

I walked to the east, down the length of the long room as i watched the water roll in to the ocean beach to the south. The sky to the south was grey, as though it was twilight. There was a strong wind blowing from the southwest. I knew that there was a storm coming. I thought that i should tell someone about the storm, so i hurried as i walked. The south wall of the room was glass, with thin black metal supports between the panes. The tan sand of the beach seemed dark and ominous. I passed a dark-blue and green heavily cushioned couch. This room was a lounge in the hotel. I suddenly started running to the east, thinking that i had just left someone in the lounge. I had to tell the others about the coming storm. I then came to a corner of the corridor. The floor of this section of the hotel was brightly polished and seemed to be made of black stone. There were shops on either side of the corridor, and a doorway to a ballroom to the south of the corner. The corner turned to the north here. There was a man and a woman standing just outside the doorway of the ballroom. I stopped to talk to them. I felt very happy and joked with them. The man said something to me and i laughed. Then the woman poked fun at me. I laughed at her joke and started down the hall to the north. I then yelled over my shoulder, back to the woman; “That’s not what you were shouting at the party!” She laughed loudly, and i suddenly felt good that i could relate so well with the others. I then wondered why i had such a hard time getting to know these people when i seemed to have a good sense of humour that they all liked. It seemed strange to me. I turned to the west and started down the hall, remembering that i had to tell the others about the storm. I looked to the south, up the two stairs to the upper section of the hotel.

12003 November 09

I sat in the back seat of the car, watching the scenery as we headed to the south, along the western shore of the inlet. The others were talking about the place to which we were heading. I saw the sign in the can which mentioned the radio telescope. It was a white sign with large tall thin letters along the top. We were going to visit the large radio dish. I knew that the dish was not as big as the radio telescope at Aracebo, but i felt excited to get to see it. The car then stopped, and i looked out the window to the southeast. I could see the long deep bay running to the east of us with many small white objects floating on the water. I thought that this was part of the dish. I realized that the dish could be in the natural curve of the bay. It could be filled with water because the radio waves would pass right through the water. “Cool!”, i said in an excited tone. The man in the driver’s seat turned around to look at me questioningly. I then realized that the white objects in the water were not part of the dish array. They were simply boats on the water. The man stared at me with an annoyed expression, and i felt that he thought i was stupid. I tried to act casual, as though i had been excited by the scenery, but i knew that there was really nothing special about it, and i started to feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. I looked down at the black box which contained some of the experimental equipment. I was standing outside of the truck now. The others had already started to the south, down the dirt trail toward the antenna. I bent over to pick up the equipment. There was something metal in the black plastic carrying case. As i reached for it, i thought that i could still discuss things scientifically. I still knew a lot about physics, and i thought that i could carry on an intelligent conversation with the others which would make them think that i was not as ignorant as they thought. I stood up with the box, saying something to $Z, who was standing just to the southeast of me. There was a crumbling brick building to the west of us which seemed to be part of an old factory. Weeds grew up in front of the building and along the dirt trail to the south. The weed-covered land on the western side of the trail rose a meter or so into a thinly forested plain. The area right around the trail was covered with pale-green grass, which seemed to be short from trampling. I turned with $Z to head up the trail to the south, but then i heard the voices of the others who were ahead of us. They were on their way back to the car. I looked to the east and noticed that a thin fog had formed over the water. It was thick enough to block the view of anything on the water. It must have rolled in from the ocean to the south. We would not be able to go out to the telescope because the fog would simply block the view. A heavy cloud of white mist then rolled in from the south, filling the air and making it harder to see. I walked to the north with $Z, disappointed that we would not be able to see the dish telescope. There were tables set on the eastern side of the path, and i walked up to one of the tables on the northern side of the room. I sat down on the eastern side of the table and spoke to $Z, who sat across from me. The table was covered with a white tablecloth, and this seemed to be a fancy restaurant. I was aware of the people at the table to the south of us. I still felt embarrassed about thinking that the bay was part of the radio antenna. Something then seemed to change, and i felt as though i had to leave. I stood up from the table, thinking that i had just finished dinner. I was not comfortable here, and i had to leave.

12003 November 12

I stopped at the eastern end of the block in the suburban area. I was on the southwestern corner of the intersection on what appeared to be the middle of $P1. I stood very still, as though i was frozen in position, not really part of this scene. There was a young man walking across the street from the east. I was standing just to the south of the sidewalk, on an elevated section of lawn. There was a short row of thick green hedges between the sidewalk and myself. I watched the young man with the yellow and blue varsity jacket reach the sidewalk and continue to the west, on the sidewalk to the north of me. The sleeves of his jacket seemed to me bade of fake vinyl. He was wearing a tight pair of blue genes, and his light-blonde hair seemed to be in a fluffy short eighties style. He stopped suddenly just to the northwest of me. There were two other men approaching from the west who had blocked his way. The one directly in front of the first man was taller, and i thought that he might be a high school senior. He was picking on the younger man, telling him that he could not pass. The tall man with short black hair held his hands in the pockets of his dark-blue sport jacket. There were two yellow stripes across the front of his coat which started at the shoulders and ran down to the center at the bottom, forming a V. He taunted the younger man, who turned and started back to the east. The younger man then started running around the corner to the south. He was trying to get around the older boys without having to fight. I felt that he should not have run because it let them know that he was scared. I felt aggressive toward the older boys, and stood on the corner of the yard watching them pass. The tall boy stopped at the corner and looked at me. He asked me in a challenging tone what i was looking at. I did not answer. I simply stood still, as though the people around me had no real affect on what i was doing here. I then noticed that there were many children walking from the west. The school must have just let out, and they were all on their way home. They walked around the older boys, not even noticing that anything was happening. I was leaning against the corner of the shrubs, watching everything that happened around me. The older boy stood close to me, trying to intimidate me, but i ignored him. I was then aware that a young girl was standing to the west of me. She started talking to me, finding me interesting. I concentrated on my stance. I was now leaning forward into the bushes, and i could feel the thick branches under my chin. The tall man walked on. I started to feel that i had accomplished something here by standing my ground. The young girl talked to me, interested in what i was doing.

12003 November 14

I walked on the dock to the east of the large wooden boat. I grabbed onto the boat, but realized that my father was on the other side of the small craft, and he was pulling the boat away from the dock that i was on. I held on to the railing around the bow of the boat as it moved away from the dock, pulling myself up onto the polished wood surface just in front of the boats short windscreen. I looked over the boat, which seemed very narrow now, to see my father crouched down on the dock to the west. He was pulling on the lines, but he looked up, surprised to see me on the boat. I slid to the south, toward the back of the boat. I then realized that my father had let go of the boat. It was now drifting away from the dock. I sat up in the center of the boat and started to paddle to the north with the double paddle that was now in my hand. My father stood on the dock to the north of me, in front of the large wooden boathouse. The old wooden dock formed a U around the narrow channel that i was now floating in. I had to paddle the boat back to the boathouse, but, as i looked down in front of me, i could see that the nose of the pale-green fiberglass motorboat was now under water. I had been sitting too far forward on the boat, and my weight had tipped the front end into the water. I slid my weight back and continued paddling. There was a boat ramp right in front of me, and i thought that, if i got enough speed, i could slide the boat up it without too much effort. I watched the ramp approach. The small boat hit the ramp, but it did not slide up it too far. I had to get the boat farther up the ramp or we would not be able to pull it out of the water. I looked to the north, where my father was standing. There was now a tall wooden boathouse around us, which seemed very much like a large barn. A set of narrow wooden stairs led up, to the north, along the eastern wall of the room. I looked down again, realizing that the boat was now full of water. It seemed very small, and i guessed that i was too heavy for it. I said something to my father about the boat as i walked along the dock, heading to the north. He followed me as we spoke.

12003 November 19

I waved at $F4, who was in black car to the south of me. He was leaving, and i knew that i would miss him. I smiled as i waved, but then i turned to the east and pouted. I had to act as though i was disappointed about $F4 leaving. I then turned to the south again to see that the black SUV in which $F4 was riding. It had backed up to the east to turn around and was just about to start to the southwest. I waved again to $F4, who waved back to me from the back seat of the car. As the car pulled away, i turned to the east, thinking that i would have to leave soon to get back. There seemed to be snow on the ground here. I then looked to the south. I had just woken up from a short nap. I was in the back seat of the limousine. The car was heading to the southwest, down the rural road. I had been traveling from the spot where i had said goodbye to $F4, but i had been sleeping while the car was driving. I felt suddenly concerned, aware that i had always slept on the trip home as the car drove. I had never seen this part of the country before, and i was mad that i was missing it now. I knew that i would probably never get a chance to come back this way again.

12003 November 22

I walked into the large room, looking north from the entrance on the west end of the southern wall. The tall walls of the room were white, and the bare floor was grey cement. An ice rink filled the northern end of the room, and my attention was drawn to a skater on the northeast corner of the rink. She sped into the center of the rink, but seemed to trip over something. I thought that the trip would affect her score. As two men ran to help her, she recovered as best she could and slid to a stop in the center of the rink, raising her hands as she faced the judges, who were along the northern wall. She was wearing an orange stretch suit with a black bottom. Her knee-high socks were white, and i noticed that her left skate was missing. Her skate was still on the ice on the eastern side of the rink. There were several others standing around it, including the two men who had rushed to help the skater. I turned to the south and headed back out of the room.

12003 November 23

I got out of the car and crossed the gravel driveway, heading toward the large brown building. The building looked like an old bavarian chalet with white trim around the decorative spires. I had been traveling with my relatives in this foreign land, but my grandmother wanted to stop here for some ice cream. I stopped in the doorway of the small diner. There was a red and white L-shaped counter which stood in front of the northern and western walls. This place seemed very clean, but there was something strange about it. At first it seemed that there were many tables in the center of the room, but then in seemed that most of the people in the diner were standing in the middle of the floor. The dark wooden counter was then an small U-shaped serving station against the western wall of the room. I wondered whether this place really had milk shakes. I tried to concentrate on this place, but i could not focus. The room then changed again, and it seemed that my grandmother was sitting at a table along the eastern wall. I knew that she was eating a diner-style meal on a white plate. I was then sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car as we drove to the south, across the wide flat countryside. The land to the east was covered with rich green grass which seemed to be a rice field. There were tall mountains towering over the northern side of the field. My mother was driving the car. She said that there was something special that we were going to see nearby. I felt frustrated, though, and was not interested in traveling anymore. We were heading to the south, passing several wide flat-topped trees on the side of the road. My mother smiled, happy that she had a surprise for me. She said that we were going to see a special place that i had wanted to see. I felt uncomfortable here. This was a foreign land, and it felt unsafe. I thought that we were in china. The road then made a right-angle turn to the east. There were many trees to the south of the road, where the farmland ended. I wondered suddenly about what we had done in the diner. I could not remember eating, but i thought that i had a milk shake. My mother then pointed to the south. I looked to see a yellow train car sitting along the side of a building. This was the special place that my mother was talking about. I remembered this place. It was a famous spot in China. The train car was on the eastern side of a narrow parking lot. The lot was the main entrance drive to a small old factory. The building across the lot from it was constructed with cinderblocks and had an overhanging oriental tile roof. As we continued to drive, i wondered why we were in China. I felt very strange here, and something did not make sense. I was then aware that something here was not real. I opened my eyes and looked to the front of the car. We were still facing east, but we were stopped in an alley between two tall brick buildings. It was night, and the walls seemed damn. We were being programmed. I looked to the left to see two men it dark jackets pulling my mother from the can. They were programming our minds. I felt angry and suddenly aggressive. I yelled and lashed out at the men. Before i could crass the driver’s seat to reach my mother, however, one of the men in the dark suits pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head. I acted confused, as though i was still under their spell. I had to act as though i was not in control of my actions. I stared vacantly at the open drivers door, hoping that the men would think that i had only momentarily snapped out of their control. I pretended to fall asleep again, letting my head drop into the driver’s seat. I had to wait until i could take advantage of them. I woke up suddenly, realizing that i had been put back asleep. The car was traveling to the east again, and it was daylight. We were being programmed again. I felt frustrated and angry. I then realized that my mother was not it the car with us. Someone had rewritten reality. I felt scared and angry. I had to do something, but i did not know what i could do.

12003 November 27

I pulled my way through some of the trash which was piled on the floor, thinking that we would have to go back in time a little in order to find anything interesting. I wondered if we would be able to find any old plates or anything. I was on the eastern side of the northern end of the pile. There was a ledge just to the north of me which was about a metre tall. $Z stood to the west of me, leaning on the ledge as he watched me dig through the pile. I spotted a large glass bottle at the bottom of the pile and pulled it out. It said “Grolsch” on the side in raised letters. I showed it to $Z, thinking it was something old. I placed it in a cardboard box to the east of me and reached into the pile for another bottle. The second one was clear glass as well, but had a label on the front. It was also an alcohol bottle. I looked at it excitedly and placed it in the box as well. The third bottle that i pulled up was made of brown glass. The label said something about hard liquor. $Z said “And it still has prohibition labels on it.” I put it in the box and pulled a fourth from the pile. The fourth was also brown glass. It had a yellow label of a man standing on the right side. I recognized the man from modern bottles of alcohol, but the label seemed to be old, with lots of small writing on it. I turned the bottle to see four or five small green labels to the right of the main label. They were the prohibition stickers, labeling the bottle as approved or condemned. I placed the bottle in the box, which was now to the west of me, and looked through the pile for other things. I pulled up a small package of a food product, made a comment about it to $Z, and then tossed it to the southwest. I then reached down and grabbed the round cardboard cylinder which was at the bottom of the pile. $Z asked about it, but i rolled it around in my hands and could not find the main label. The container was covered with multicoloured text in red and blue. I then looked at the top of the cylinder to see a picture of oatmeal on the can. I pulled the lid open and looked inside. There was still some dry oatmeal in the canister, but it had been broken into a course powder. “There’s still some food in it”, i said as i put the lid back on. “Ew”, replied $Z. I tossed the can back into the pile and stood up to turn around. I wondered how we could get this stuff back to our time. We had slipped back in time to be able to get some of the nice things while they were still in good condition. I turned around to face the northeast, thinking that we could burry the objects in a box somewhere where no one would discover them until we had returned to the future to dig them up. I decided that they would have to be placed in a sealed lead box so that water would not get in and ruin them. As i turned around, i looked over the small lead box that i was carrying in my hand. The lid had come open. We were now back in our time. I turned around to face the south as i placed the box on the ground and lifted the lid. The lead seal did not work. The box had broken open and there was water in it. I pulled an old oak leaf from the box and looked at the contents. I then realized that i had dropped by plastic bottle of medication into the box. It still had a white and yellow label with my name on it. If someone else had found the box, they might have been interested in the anachronism and thought they had something special. I pulled the pill bottle from the water, realizing that the pills were ruined. They had dissolved and i could see the white casings at the bottom of the bottle. I dropped the pill bottle back into the small box and started to pull out the other things. I then realized that the box was rather small and could not have contained the bottles that we had found. Something was strange here. I hoped that the broken fragments on the right side of the box were not all that remained of the bottles. I wondered what i would do for my pills. I would need them. I then noticed that a grey liquid was leaking out of my medication bottle, into the water of the box. I pulled the pill case out and tossed it aside, looking at the broken contents of the box. I was disappointed in our results and dumped the rubble from the lead box onto the ground. I would have to sort through it once i got all of the water out.

12003 November 28

I walked along the northern side of the store, carrying the plastic gallon of milk with me. I pulled the light-blue plastic cap off of the milk jug and poured some of the milk into the tall plastic cup that i was carrying in my left hand. I glanced to the east, back up the length of the long narrow store. The eastern part of the store was at a slightly higher level than the rest of the store. The glass refrigerated cabinets seemed to be along the eastern and northern walls of the upper level of the store. The cashiers counter was on the southern wall of the store, just in front of the stairs which led to the upper level. The store seemed old and cluttered with grocery items. I smiled to someone on the western end of the store as i walked out the front door. The man seemed to look at me strangely, but i did not pay much attention to him. I sipped from the plastic cup, but realized that there was not much left in it. I must have drank most of the milk already. I started to pour more from the jug, but realized that the half-gallon jug had only a little bit of milk left. I had to save some milk for something else, but i thought i could pour a little more into the cup. I then started to wonder why the man at the door had looked at me strangely. I suddenly wondered whether i had paid for the milk. I would not have simply walked out of the store without paying, but i could not remember being at the counter, paying the man. I realized that i must have simply walked out with the milk. I felt that i could not go back, though, so i continued walking to the south, down the narrow alley of the urban area. The tall brick buildings on either side of me were dark and dirty. I started to take another sip from the tall plastic cup, but realized that there was no milk in it. Something was wrong. I was heading to the north, now, somewhere east of the store. I looked down at the plastic cup in my hand and realized that there was a crack in the bottom. I had not really been drinking the milk from the glass. I had simply been pouring the milk from the jug into the cup and having it all leak out. I looked at the half-gallon jug in my left hand and noticed that there was only a thin layer of milk in the bottom. I must have poured all of the milk in the glass, thinking that i could drink a little and have some left for later. I had to go buy another jug of milk. I felt confused and frustrated. There felt mad that i did not realize that i was pouring milk into a broken cup. I thought that i should blame the store for giving me a broken cup.

12003 November 29

I walked to the west, along the northern edge of the playground. A tall metal chain-link fence stood just to the north of me. I felt very uncomfortable here. The other children were older, and there were a lot of bullies here. I turned to the south as the large boy in the blue tee shirt walked over to me and started picking on me. I tried to ignore him, but he kept hitting me on the shoulder. I pretended that he was not there. He laughed at me as he turned to the west, talking to the other large boys. I started heading back to the east, toward the carrousel in the center of the field. I felt angry and wanted to get out of here. I knew that i had my dog here, and that it was better than the dogs of the other children. I headed toward the southern side of the carrousel when i noticed that there were younger children chained to the wheel in the center of the ground. It seemed that they would pull the roundabout around. I felt that the younger children were being controlled by the bullies. I ran over the chains on the ground, cutting through the lines of chained children as i rounded the eastern side of the carrousel. I had my dog with me as i jumped over the chains and started around the northern side of the carrousel. As i cleared the group of younger children i started to run to the west again. The young tan dog jogged along the north side of me. I had to get out of this area. I could hear the bullies calling after me, but i did not stop. I had what i needed and i kept going.