12004 November 03

I saw the scene of the people on the side of the street. I felt stressed and knew that something was very wrong. The people seemed to be in a city, near a grassy park with fences around it. I saw a group of three people standing on the small island of sidewalk on the eastern side of the intersection. They had to cross, and the young girl ran out into the street, heading to the west. The man ran after her. I knew that the bus would hit them, and i waited for the disaster to occur. I watched as they reached the sidewalk on the other side just as the swiftly moving traffic passed behind them on the street. I then focused on the woman, who did not make it across the street. She was standing on the sidewalk on the western side of the street by herself as the traffic passed. She was wearing a blue skirt and business suit with a white shirt. She stood with her knees bent, as though ready to jump, but i could tell by the look on her face that she was frantic and scared. Someone walked past her on the street. She quickly stole the white crutch that the man was using and started walking toward the street. The crutch was really a white metal walker. I felt that she should not have taken the man’s crutch. Then the man seemed angry with her, and i knew that he was part of a powerful group. He would have the other members of his group kill the woman. I felt that this was the wrong thing to do. The gangsters should not be after the woman with guns. They should have tried to find out what happened. I then saw a man standing in front of a crude reed house holding a large rifle in front of him. He had shot the young girl and the rest of the family, but had not found the man who had wronged them. I saw the bodies of the bleeding victims on the ground behind the man. I felt frightened. Something was terribly out of control. I ran to the south, through the narrow hall of the house. I had shot myself in the head, but i could not seem to figure out what was happening. I looked to the west at the end of the hall to see my body lying on the floor of the bathroom. I had come down the hall and pulled the bullet out of my skull. I then wondered how i had made it all the way down the hall if i had shot myself it the forehead. I decided that i was not really dead, and i felt relieved, though there was still a suspicion that i may have killed myself. I was aware of the door to the east which led outside. It seemed that the dead bodies of the family were just outside the house, along with the men who were hunting them. I still felt uncertain as to whether i had shot myself in the head, and tried to convince myself that, if i was in the hall and able to move around, i could not be in the bathroom, dead on the floor. I still felt very uncertain, convinced that i had killed myself, even though i knew that it was something that i would never do. I looked back into the bathroom again, moving closer so that i could see the body on the floor. The face was turned away and there was bright red blood flowing from the small hole in the head. The scene then focused on the bloody bullet which was lying on the floor. It had been pulled out of my brain. Something still did not make sense.

I bent over to look into the white wooden shelves which were on the front of the garage at my parents’ house. I was sitting in a chair that i had rolled over to the wooden structure. My father seemed to be standing behind me. I looked into the open spaces of the shelves, which now seemed to be drawer holes. The thin white wood frame did not have any sides. It formed the frame around the drawers and cabinet doors, but did not have any walls inside. I then noticed a small snake moving from the dirt at the top of the cabinet. It was curled around one of the wooden beams which separated the drawer space. It seemed like a garter snake, but i was still uncertain about it. The snake was pale green, with darker green on its back and a white underside. It slipped down from the top of the cabinet and started to slither along one of the thin wooden beams, toward me. I tried to back up, but realized that i could not move. I started to feel frightened of the snake. I looked behind me to see that my chair had rolled off the edge of the packed-dirt driveway. I could not back up because the wheels were rolling down the steep slope toward the open spaces in the wall of the building. I forced the chair back up onto the driveway and looked back at the cabinets to see where the snake had gone. I could see it inside one of the square openings in the wall. Its pale body was now coiled around one of the vertical beams inside the structure. It lifted its head over the top of its coil and flicked a tongue at me. I felt unsure about being here and turned around to leave. My father then said something to me from where he stood on the driveway, just to the southeast of me. Stepped over the dirt ground, which seemed to have been freshly dug, as though construction was taking place on the buildings here. The cubbyholes in the building to the north now seemed like places where coffins would be stored. I looked down at the long rectangular cement holes in the ground. A thin wall of cement separated the holes, which were side-by-side, running to the west. There seemed to be a mound of dirt to the north of the holes. I stepped across the holes, using one the top of one of the separating walls as a footing. Something felt wrong with this area. I turned to the east to say something to my father. He did not seem well. I knew that something bad had happened in the world, and i had to get things ready. My father seemed sick as he moved something to the southeast of me. I was worried about him, but i picked up the metal canoe from the ground and tried to move it over to the large blue truck, which was to the north of me. We were in a remote area now, and i had to get supplies together to head back into town. Something was wrong, and i was worried about what we would need to survive. I said something to my father as i moved the thin green canoe to the west of me. The canoe now seemed to be a flat piece of fiberglass which was cut into an odd shape. There were a few pieces of leather chord looped through some holes on the far end of the shape, and i thought that the canoe had come unfolded. It was supposed to flatten out for storage. I moved it to the east and placed it to the south of the wood cabin. I then turned and headed back to the cab of the truck. The large blue truck faced east, and i climbed up into the passenger’s seat. I felt as though i could not be caught getting supplies here. I had to get to safety. $Z said something as he stood to the east of me. I turned to the west. I was now in a train car. The two men in suits walked past me, heading to the west. They had just taken over the train. I felt that we had to escape, but i could not say anything to $Z because the agents would know that i was aware of their presence. The other people in the train car did not seem to be aware of what was happening. I walked to the east, to the back of the car and looked out the door. We were on the last car of the train. The land around us was open prairie, with tall light green grass. There were short trees and shrubs growing along the sides of the raised railroad bed. We should jump from the train and escape, but i thought that the train was moving too fast for us to do so. I stepped out onto the black metal platform at the tail of the train and looked around. I wondered how much i would get injured if i jumped. I then realized that i could not stand too near the sides of the small platform because the men who had taken over the train might see me from one of the front cars. If i jumped, i would have to quickly get into the bushes before they could get a good shot at me. I thought it would be better to wait until the train was moving through a town; it would be going slower, and there would be able to run behind a nearby building and quickly get out of range. I turned to the west and walked back into the train can with $Z, wondering what to do. We walked up the stairs to the upper level of the car and came back down at the front of the car. I looked at the door to the west which connected the car to the cars in front of us. I was very worried about what to do. We had to get away before the train was taken to somewhere that we would not be able to escape. We could not follow the hijackers. I then realized that the train had stopped and reversed direction. We were moving backward. I walked with $Z to the end of the car, curious passengers in business suits looking annoyed at us for moving around so much. I thought that we should warn them about the danger, but considered that they might panic and alert the agents to our escape attempts. I decided not to say anything to them. They would have to figure out what was happening by themselves. I opened the back door of the train and could see that we were heading back up the slope of the hill. The hill was to the north of us, and we were traveling northeast, up and across the slope. The train would not be able to maintain its speed up the hill. I thought that it might be moving slowly enough that i would be able to jump. I looked out the back and noticed that we were now heading through the wooded college campus. There was a large white building to the north, and a smaller white building down a shallow hill to the south. The ground around us was covered with ground ivy and looked rather soft. The train was now moving slowly, and i felt that i could not stay on it any longer. I looked at the ground to the north of the train and then to the south. If i jumped, i would have to find a place to hide quickly. I was then jumping off the southern side of the train, thinking about the men in the cars ahead of us. They would be able to see me, and would start shooting at me if i did not take cover.

12004 November 05

I turned around, carrying the long weight bar in my hands. I was about to do some exercise with the bar, but realized that something else was happening in the room. As i turned around, i realized that there were two metal chains attached to the end of the weight bar with diamond-shaped weights hanging on the ends of them. The weights swung out to the sides when i turned, and i realized that i would have to be careful when i moved the bar. There was a young woman sitting on the weight bench to the south of me. I handed her the bar, making an expression of mock seriousness to indicate that i was surprised about the danger of the weights. She was wearing a black sweater over a light-coloured shirt. There was another woman walking to the west of us. I felt that there was something wrong with her, though i did not really know who she was. I moved the bar so that the metal weight at the right end of the bar swung out to hit her. She seemed to be somewhat fat, and the chain tangled around her legs and tripped her. As she fell, her weight pulled on the chain, pulling me over. I stumbled to the west and fell. I then felt bad for tripping her, and acted surprised that it had happened. As i landed, i realized that i had stumbled over a cubical cinderblock which had been standing in the middle of the floor. I acted as though i had twisted my ankle on the block. I knew that my ankle did not hurt, but i rolled over onto my side, pretending that it was very sore. The younger woman tried to help me. I felt bad for faking an injury, but i felt that i had to keep up the act to be consistent. I lifted up by leg and propped it on top of the cinderblock, telling the woman what had happened. I said that i must have stepped on the block and lost balance. I made it seem that it was the other woman’s fault for pulling me over.

12004 November 08

I turned to the south and started moving over the paved parking lot on the college campus. The lot was very narrow, and seemed to be surrounded by trees. I stepped down the glassy slope between the sections of the lot, heading toward the tan stone building to the south. There was something unsettling, and i spoke to the other person about it. It seemed that we were doing something. He mentioned the wall, and i looked down and the foundation of the building which was buried under the dirt. There was something important about the old walls of the building. $F42 was standing to the southwest of me as i looked down at the steep mound which stretched to the west. Someone dug into the mound with a shovel, exposing the edge of the old wall. The center section of the wall seemed to be made of packed dirt or old cement, but it was bordered on either side by a lining of square red bricks. As the person lifted the dirt in the center of the wall, however, the bricks tumbled into the space created. The small square thick tiles were not held together with mortar. They were simply piled on top of each other on either side of the dirt wall. I walked to the south a little, following $F42 along the wet grassy ground at the ends of the long walls. We came to another wall and i dug a shovel in to the center of the wall, trying to see if we could find what we were looking for. The red brick tiles were loose here as well. I felt as though we were trying to defend ourselves from the others by repairing this place. It seemed like an old fortress. I told the others that the bricks were not meant to be unearthed. They were put in place with the dirt around them, so they could not easily be unearthed and remain intact. I then thought about the invaders. They would try to dig under the walls on top of which we were now standing. I thought that they would be digging through the earthy walls to reach the inner section of the fortress. I wondered whether we could use the old defenses of the fortress to keep the invaders out. I remembered that they used to dump hot oil and scalding water on the invaders. I asked whether we would be able to do that if the invaders were in the tunnels under us. I then remembered that there were tubes which went through the dirt walls and into the tunnels. Even if they dug out the tunnels, the tubes would still reach all the way down. I thought that we could pump the steam into the tunnels. I then decided that it would be better to dump the hot oil down into the holes because the steam might cool off too quickly.

I was heading north on the road, traveling to the east of the steep forested hillside. The trees were leafless. There was another car on the road near me, and there seemed to be a stream and another steep hill to the west. I realized that there was snow on the ground on the eastern side of the road. It had finally snowed. It seemed that people had been predicting snow all season, but none had come yet. I moved swiftly along the road, thinking about the snow-covered hills around me. I remembered a show that i had seen about the making of Lord of the Rings. It showed a man trudging across a snow-covered hillside. I wondered how many times they would have to film the scene on different hillsides. Once the man had broken the snow, they could not use the same hillside again. I looked to the east at a hillside that was covered with snow. There were tan rocks sticking out. I then thought that there might be someone following me. I looked ahead. I was running through the thin forest. I realized that someone might be able to follow my footprints in the snow. It would be fairly easy to follow me as long as i kept making tracks. I moved to the east slightly, over the top of a small mound in the forest. The rocks protruding from the top of the mound were light tan and seemed to be highly fractured. The mound had exposed ground across the top of it, and i thought that i could stay on the top of the exposed ground to hide my tracks. I wondered whether the ground would be muddy enough that my feet would sink in and leave tracks anyway. I scanned the area in front of me, thinking about staying on the dry ground. I then noticed that the ground in front of me was covered with black iron grave markers. I was now in a cemetery. There were very few trees on the rolling, exposed ground, but there seemed to be a forest to the north, with green trees. The ground here was covered with snow, and the cast iron loops of the grave markers stretched out in front of me. One of the hills in front of me had a dense green willow on it. I looked down at the ground around me, aware that every inch was covered with one of the wrought-iron crosses. I worried about stepping on some of the metal frames, which formed the outlines of tombstones, but took up less space. I thought that it might be considered a desecration to walk on the graves, but i decided that it did not really matter that much. I stepped through the markers, trying not to step on any. Looking down at the slope of the hill descending to the northwest, i could see that the markers had been tipped back along the slope of the hill, as though they had started to slide down the slope. There were so many markers packed into such a tight space that it made the cemetery seem overused. I then realized that the iron marker on which i had been leaning bent suddenly to the north. I did not think that the metal should be so easily deformed. I grabbed the top of it and pulled it back into a standing position, hoping that it would not break off. I then looked ahead of me, to the north, thinking that i did not have far to travel to get to the edge of the cemetery. I felt as though i was heading in a direct route toward somewhere and would have to cross woods and hills to get there. I scanned the area as i turned to the west, noticing that there was a paved road running along the western side of the cemetery. I could have taken the main road to avoid running through the tangle of metal grave markers. I then looked behind me and spotted a man standing on a path just to the south. He was wearing a white tee shirt and a long pair of brown pants. He seemed angry with me, and i knew that he was after me because i was trespassing in the cemetery. I felt panicked. I thought that i would have to run to the end of the cemetery to escape. I turned and started running, wondering how far i would have to go to get away.

12004 November 09

I spoke to my parents as we sat in the seats of the large vehicle. This vessel seemed like a cruise ship. There was a crowd of people around me as we prepared for launch. It seemed as though the ship should be headed into the Pacific Ocean, but i thought that we were on a smaller sea. I said something to my parents as i started walking to the east, down the length of the ship. They were left sitting in the large blue chairs in the center of the boat. As i walked to the east, toward the bow of the ship, i noticed that the seats in the center of the room were divided up into sections. The large blue padded platforms held about twenty or thirty seats, with walls around the edges to prevent the passengers from falling out. The platforms seemed like sections of a large carnival ride. There was a large raised area in the center of the ship which seemed to be the center of the control area. The silver sides of the platform sloped inward toward the center, where several tall structures or beams stood. The raised area had a control booth in the middle of it, on the western end, and there seemed to be long white or yellow hydraulic arms stretching from the platform to the long blue platform of seats. The oval-shaped platforms slid back and forth across a smooth floor around the base of the platform. There seemed to be three blue platforms along the length of the southern side of the central platform. It seemed that there were three on the northern side as well, but i could not see them. The room in which we were was very large, with a white wall to the south and a black ceiling far above. As i left the platform on the western side of the room and started heading to the east, i realized that the platform from which i had come was starting to move toward the center of the room. My parents were still seated in the platform. I know that all of the platforms would be pulled to the center of the room to prepare for launch. I thought that i should probably not be wandering while the ship is getting ready, but i felt that i could head to the other side of the ship. I moved to the southern side of the middle platform so that i would not be between it and the central column as it was pulled to the center of the room. I said something to $Z, who was walking with me. I saw the thin metal stairs which ascended to the small door in the middle of the eastern wall. I was then on one of the upper levels of the ship. There was then an announcement from somewhere which said that the ship was launching. Something said that we were heading to the west, across land. I said that i was surprised that the ship would be moved across land, but the idea excited me. I pictured the large ship moving along a narrow white track as it rose out of the water and started up the green hillside. It seemed that we were near the Panama Canal, and that we were headed upriver so that we could come down to the sea. I thought that this would be a much better cruise than had thought. I climbed over something in the middle of the room, which seemed to be near the control booth on the central platform. I thought that i wanted to be on the deck so that i could get a better look at the land around us as we moved. I stepped over the wide yellow counters which ran to the west like steps until i was able to see the mountains to the west. They were green and rounded. The boat was still sitting in the scenic bay, with several small boats moored to the west, just off shore from a small rustic town of white and tan stucco houses. This place seemed tropical. I was standing in a bar on the upper deck, and there was a counter to the north. Behind the counter stood a bartender in a back dinner jacket. I walked to the west, and lifted myself up onto the other bar to look out the window. I felt that i should enjoy myself here and get something to drink. I then turned to the west and opened the black curtain to see the room behind. I was looking into a fancy dining room where many people were standing in formal dinner dress. I thought that this was the upper-class dining room. Someone objected to me opening the curtain, and i thought that this place was for first class passengers only. I was not allowed to be here. I turned around, thinking that i was supposed to be on the lower decks of the ship, but i felt rebellious and wanted to make a scene. I looked to the east, down the length of the long room where the blue platforms were moving toward the center column. I had just stepped around the outside of the middle platform and was looking at the people on the eastern end of the room. There were several people loading a small white boat onto the top of the small car. The boat seemed like a lifeboat, but it was only large enough for a few people to sit on. It was very flat and shaped like a manta ray, with a shallow keel down the center. The others lifted the boat over something, and i turned back around to the west. I was standing on the shore, looking up the dry tan ground which ran up the steep hill to the west. The ocean seemed to be to the east of me, at the bottom of a steep cliff. We had to pack our things to head out onto the boat trip. I turned back to the east to see the small car sitting in the middle of the dirt drive, just to the east of me. The others were lifting the small boat onto the top of the car. The dull-yellow car seemed like a Beetle with a sunroof. I felt impatient, and thought that we had to get our things together quickly if we wanted to make it to the boat on time. I grabbed my bags from the south and walked them to the trunk of the car. We had to get going.

12004 November 11

I sat down in the large class room. The chairs of the lecture room faced the small podium at the eastern end of the room. I was sitting with someone. The walls of the room seemed to be pale yellow, and the seats were brown fake leather. I said something to the person to the south of me. I felt out of place here. It had been a long time since i had been in a class room, and i was coming back for the first time. I was not sure why i was here. I then noticed that the lecturer who was now unpacking some folders from a leather document bag was $F14. She was wearing a dark-coloured sweater and had long black fuzzy hair. It felt strange to be here with her. I said something to the other person, thinking that i should probably not have come to the class. I was out of place here and no longer belonged to this world. I then looked back to the southeast to see $F14 lying on the wooden floor. She was lying on her stomach and looked up as she recognized me. She smiled and said hello. I greeted her. I felt strange to be here.

12004 November 18

The woman was walking toward me from the east. I seemed to be at a party, and i was thinking about the language from the Eurivvonerga. I remembered that i would have many phrases running through my head which i did not understand. As the woman approached, i said “di shaom”, which was a greeting. I did not expect here to understand what i had said, but, as she started to pass me to the north, she nodded her head and a wide smile appeared on her face. She seemed surprised and delighted at what i had said. I realized that i had not pronounced the statement correctly. The woman seemed Indian, with chin-length black hair and a wide face. She bowed her head slightly in thanks, looking at me as she passed. She stopped just to the west of me. I turned to speak to her as she said “salam” to me. I remembered that the word meant “peace”. I then realized that what i had said must have sounded to her like “salam”, the Arabic word. I spoke with the woman about the word for a moment. I then wondered if “shaom” and “salam” were related words.

12004 November 19

I was with the other people as we spoke in the house. There seemed to be a pool to the east of us. There was another man in the house. He was dangerous, and i knew that he had mental problems. He was violent. The others talked to him for a moment, but i was worried about him. I was then in the front hall of the old house as the others spoke to the man. I could see into the house from the doorway in the southern side of the western wall. I could see myself standing in the northeast section of the room as the others moved to the southwest. There seemed to be a wooden staircase running along the southern and eastern walls. The wood of the stairs seemed to be darkly stained. The others were then outside, and i felt relieved that the dangerous man had left. Something seemed wrong here, and i was worried about being near him. I was then outside on the patio, to the west of the large yellow house. The house was two stories and ran along the northern and eastern sides of the patio. The ground of the patio was covered with cement paving tiles. The others had moved to the northwest, but i was standing on the patio. The crazy man was with me. I felt uncomfortable with him, but talked to him. I paced to the south and back as i spoke, trying not to provoke him. I thought that he would only become violent when he felt angry. I turned my back on him, realizing that it would be an opportune time for him to attack me. As i turned back around, i thought that he was not attacking me because he understood a relationship between us. I wondered whether he thought that i was just as insane as he was. I thought that i could keep him believing that i was mentally unstable so that he would not attack me. Something then seemed significant in this situation. I could not focus on what was happening, but i felt as though i had something special which would protect me from the man.

12004 November 21

I was watching the animated scene. Everything was coloured in shades of brown. People were falling from some height, landing in the soft tan ground. The man landed in the midground of the scene, landing on his feet. He was wearing a long dark trench coat, which seemed to be darker than the coats of the other people. Several of the other people hit the ground headfirst and sunk in up to their waists. I knew that this was phony. They would have been killed by the fall in reality. A woman landed in the foreground with her feet sticking up from the ground. Her light-coloured pantyhose showed from under her trench coat. I thought that the man should help her and the others out of the ground. The man walked around casually, with sharp animated motions. I wondered why he did not help the others. If this was real, they would be suffocating in the dirt, unable to breath underground. I wondered why the man did not help them out.

12004 November 23

I walked to the east in the confined area. There were boxes piled to the south of me, and it seemed as though i was in a basement. I thought about what we had just done. I was practicing a play. The character i was thinking about was Mr. Dahak. I thought of him as Joshua. He was one of the main characters in the play, and the other person was portraying him. I wondered if the others knew what Joshua represented. I turned to the south and moved toward something on the wall, which seemed like a fuse box. I continued to think about these things, wondering whether i would be able to remember all of the lines for the part. I then turned to the north and walked into the open area of the room. The other person was there already. He was the actor playing Dahak. I had to practice some lines from him. We stood a few metres from each other, facing north. The man said his line, which seemed to be a greeting, and i replied with my line as we both bowed formally to the north. A female actor in a light-coloured dress walked across the stage to the northwest of us as we practiced. The lines we were practicing were near the beginning of the play and seemed to be in Middle English. I said my line again and then started talking about the situation as i took another bow. Dahak was passing on some knowledge to my character. I listened to the lines carefully, but then realized that there was a gap in the conversation. I waited for some response from someone, but then realized that the next line might have been mine. We had only been practicing the main characters, but i realized that we would also be playing some of the minor characters in the play. I felt worried that we did not have time to learn the rest of the characters. I walked to the west with the others, thinking that i did not do enough to learn all of these lines. I thought that i would have to spend the weekend focusing on the actions in the scenes because i did not think that i understood them well. I mentioned my uncertainties as i picked up several of my things from a prop table. $F42 was looking at me from the west as he arranged some of the things on a table. I mentioned that i was worried about learning the lines for the minor characters. He did not seem to react to my comments, and i realized that i was worrying about things unnecessarily.

I walked to the south, along the side of the tall building. I had left the work that i was doing and started to head somewhere. I then realized that someone had left the dirty red lawnmower on the side of the house. I turned to the west, to face the white cement-block building. There was a narrow strip of uneven dry ground with tan patches of grass amidst the dirt. The lawnmower had been left in the middle of the grass, so i pulled it back onto the cement sidewalk and pushed it to the north. As soon as i rounded the northeastern corner of the building, i gave the lawn mower a shove and pushed it into the back yard. It rolled down a shallow mound and into a trench. My father watched me from the northwest. I watched the small red truck as it came to rest in the valley between two mounds of dirt. I then decided that i should not leave it there and walked over to it. There were some other people around me now as i looked over the truck. I was now inside a house, which seemed to be my grandfather’s house at $P12. I looked at something to the west of me, in the fireplace. Something had changed about this place.

12004 November 24

I sat forward in the back seat of the car, speaking to the driver as we moved down the roads. There was something about this place which made it seem out of synch with time. I felt as though i had shifted to another reality. My mother’s father was driving the large car, and i leaned on the back of the wide tan front seat of the car as i talked to him. I explained the strangeness of the situation. I looked out the windows, but everything seemed to be foggy, and i could not seem many details. We were traveling to the east, and there was a steel truss bridge ahead of us. The bridge was dark in colour. We were traveling across it when i mentioned the strangeness of this place. I described the scenery to my mother’s father, thinking that he was new to this place. I could not see the water below the bridge, but i knew that it was rushing. I told my mother’s father that the creek below was swollen because of the large amount of rain that had fallen. I tried to see the streambed below, but could barely see the ground. It seemed that the rapidly flowing muddy water filled the entire gorge of the streambed. We crossed the river and continued to drive to the west, over the mountain pass. The land around us was covered with snow. To the south of us was a steep hill descending into a valley. I could see many sharp tree-covered mountain peaks stretching into the distance. The pine trees were covered with a thick layer of snow. I thought that the snow was very heavy, but it was not on the road yet. I then realized that we were crossing the mountain pass, heading to the coast in California. The temperature on the ocean side would be warmer, and i suddenly worried that the roads would be dangerous on the other side of the peak. I leaned forward and started explaining to my mother’s father that the roads might be icy on the other side of the mountain. He did not say anything, but i knew that he already knew of the danger. It could be raining on the other side of the hills. I then started to feel comfortable with my mother’s father here. I remembered that he was dead, and it had been a very long time since i had seen him. I felt glad that he was here. There was something comforting about this situation.

The man said something as i sat in the middle of the room with the others. He was talking about the new restaurant. We seemed to be sitting to the east of the restaurant, on a raised cement porch. I turned to the west to see the red and green sign which was over the large glass window at the front of the store. It seemed to be a long word in white decorative uppercase letters, ending with “omo”. The man who was speaking then said that the restaurant was called “Ossomo”. I realized that the sign said the same thing. I then turned around to see some women to the south of me stand up. They were wearing heavy plaid dresses. The man was introducing them as the new waiters. I knew that the new building had a theatre in it, and that the women were running some kind of catering business in the space to try to make money. Something felt strange here. I was glad that all of these people were cooperating to make this business work. I looked at my watch to see what time it was, feeling as though i had to be somewhere. My watch said that it was a little before nine o’clock. I thought that i had to deliver pizza, and i was worried that i was late. I knew that it could not be nine o’clock already, but i could not focus on what the clock actually said. I then looked at the clock on the wall, noticing that it was still early in the evening. I thought that it must be around five o’clock, but i could not figure out why my watch said something different. I was then sitting on a chair as the others started to move. I felt frustrated about being here, and did not want to deliver pizzas for this place. The job felt boring. Someone called me from the west and i turned to look into the door of the restaurant. Two of the chefs were standing down the corridor, near the door to the kitchen. They said that it was time for me to make some deliveries. I felt unhappy here.

12004 November 26

I was standing in the back yard of the house with the others. The back yard was a wide field which descended a rounded hill to the east. I could just barely see the house over the crest of the hill to the west. It seemed like a brown ranch-style house. The others were sitting on the slope in a small group to the east of me. This place seemed like the hill in the back yard of my grandfather’s house at $P12. This place had changed, but it still felt very familiar. The sky had scattered clouds across it, and it seemed to be a windy day. I turned to the north to see the wide valley around us, with rounded hills on the northern and eastern sides. The wind was blowing steadily from the north-northeast. I felt as though something was out of place here. There was something strange about the wind. I looked at the others, noticing how the tall field grass on the slope of the hill was blown over to the south-southeast. I looked down the valley to the south, noticing a thin column of smoke rising out of the center of the valley. I suddenly worried that it might be a tornado. I moved to the south, trying to see over the curve of the hill to the valley below. At first, the bottom of the smoke seemed to be dispersed, as though the dark cloud was from a fire, but, as i moved no see the lower part of the cloud, i could tell that it was really a smooth funnel cloud. The long thin tornado stretched from the clouds above to the tree-covered hill on the western edge of the valley. It was moving rather fast, and i could see that it was heading almost directly west, up the steep side of the hill. I shouted to the others that there was a tornado. I told them that the tornado would not strike the house, but i felt that there might be more tornados coming from the storm. We should head to the basement of the house. I then considered the shape of the basement and realized that only part of the basement was in the ground. I seemed to remember thinking the basement of my house might not be safe in case of a storm.

12004 November 30

I was in the fancy apartment on the top floor of the very tall building. There seemed to be several people in the building. I could see the sprawl of a large flat city out the large western glass wall of the apartment. I felt strange here, as though something were out of place. As i moved across the fancy room, i started to feel the room moving around me. I thought that this building was very tall and was swaying with the wind. I suddenly felt unsafe here, wondering whether the building was safe. I moved through the party, but i seemed to be the only one concerned about the swaying of the building. There was a man standing to the northwest of me in a dark suit and white shirt. He was slightly overweight and had short black curly hair. I thought that he was the owner of the building. I said something as the building started to shake again rather than just sway. The man seemed concerned. I realized that this was an earthquake. I thought that i was in California, and the city outside was very near the coast, where all the earthquakes occur. The walls around me were now white, and i was standing in a corridor which ran north to south. I was still on the top floor of the tall building, and the man was still standing to the northwest of me. His bodyguard was now to the north of me, and $Z seemed to be standing to the east of me, down a side corridor. I asked the man if the building was really safe against earthquakes. I said that we should leave here before the aftershocks start. I thought that we would have to get out of the building quickly, before the next tremor started. I asked if the elevators were operational, but the man said that they would have been turned off when the power went out. I wondered if we could run down the stairwells fast enough to make it out in time. I pictured the square stairwells which descended near the corners of the building. The building then started to shake again, but, this time, the tremor was more intense. I could feel the top of the building starting to swing in a circle. I held on to the white walls of the corridor as the building swung spun around in a horizontal circle. I could not focus on the surroundings, but i felt a jarring movement in the swing. I thought that the building might have snapped in half. I could not tell if the building was still swaying, but i was afraid that it had broken and was now falling. I pushed the black leather couch to the southern wall of the living room, which was nicely decorated. $Z and i now seemed to be on the upper floor of the apartment. We had to hold on to something in case the building started to topple. I pulled out the long butcher knife and walked to the center of the room, where the dark-red oriental rug was. The rug was actually a decoration painted onto the wooden floor. I could see the lines of the board cut through the decorative patterns of blue and orange on the side of the rug. I stabbed the knife into one of the spaces between the boards. I then grabbed onto the knife with my right hand and used my left hand to stab the other knife into the floor. I told $Z to hold on to one of the knives so that we did not slide across the floor. As i said this, i was aware that the building had stopped shaking. Everything was quiet. I pointed this out to $Z and said that we should leave this place. I then stood up and looked to the east. I realized that we were not in the building anymore. The building had collapsed, and we were in a section that had landed on the street. I could not see the area around me much at first, but, as i looked to the north, i could see part of a street and an alley which used to be between two buildings. The two dark buildings seemed to be standing still, but the area in front of them was covered with rubble. The street was still about ten metres below where i was standing, and i could see a group of people gathered at the edge of the alley. They seemed to be awed by the collapse of the large building. I looked up to see the upper floors of a skyscraper resting against one of the dark buildings. There seemed to be a large pile of crumpled building to the west of me, on which the intact upper floors sat. They reminded me of the photographs of the World Trade Center as it was collapsing, but i realized that there was no motion. As i thought about this, though, i could see smoke and debris falling from the windows of the building, as though the building was dissolving. I walked to the south to get my camera as $Z moved to the west. There was a building to the southeast of me which had a large section of its northwest corner gouged out. I could see the collapsed floors within. I reached for some of the floors to the east of me, remembering that i had left my camera on the dresser which had been against the eastern wall of the fancy apartment at the top of the building. As i reached, small pieces of debris tumbled off of the slanted slab of rubble and rolled toward my face. I quickly moved to the north, catching the metal shape of my camera, which had rolled off the dresser with the debris. I then wondered whether the rest of the debris could have been dangerous to me. As i looked back to the southwest, i could see a police officer in a black uniform trying to direct people away from the area. He talked sternly to me for going near the debris. I knew that it was dangerous. I looked up to see that i was really in a huge cavern which was formed by the tumbling building propping against the nearby skyscrapers. To the east, i could see the sky between the large building to the southeast and a building farther to the east. There were people all around the perimeter of the artificial cavern. The ones to the north and east were awestruck by the devastation, while the rest seemed to be rushing to get out of the area. I realized that we should leave the area before the rest of the building collapsed on top of us. I had to move quickly.