12006 November 05

I felt nervous as i rolled the small ball of dough in my fingers. I was facing east, standing on the western side of the counter of the large restaurant kitchen. I felt nervous, knowing that the small roll of dough was an explosive. We were setting prank explosives in the area. I turned to the west and walked across the small courtyard in the center of the short light-grey stucco building. There were columns against the western wall of the courtyard, and someone had already put explosives at the bottom of the columns. I dropped a small ball of the tan dough on the ground near one of the columns. The person to the north of me watched me as i turned to head back to the east. He smiled. He was one of the people plotting with me. I walked back into the kitchen of the restaurant, wondering when the others would be detonating the explosives. The people to the east of me were dressed in white cook uniforms. I knew that they were all in on the plot. They were joking around. I looked to the north again as i walked from the western side of the courtyard. I could see that the explosives i had dropped had been hooked up to some wires. There were also small plastic trays under them which seemed to be the bottoms of milk jugs. I thought that flammable liquid had been put into the trays to cause a more dramatic explosion. I then walked into the kitchen where the others were joking. I felt nervous waiting for the explosion to occur. I turned to the north and walked through the room on the northern side of the courtyard. The walls of the room were made of dark wood paneling, and there were two people to the north of me, on the other side of a counter. They seemed like my friends. I tensed suddenly as i heard the blast outside. Acting surprised, i looked around as though i did not know what was happening. I then realized that i had seen most of the people involved in the planting of the bomb as i walked through the kitchen. They would all have an alibi, as would i, because we could all vouch of each other, saying that we were not at the scene when the bombing occurred. I knew that when we were questioned, we could honestly tell where we were and who was with us. I was then sitting at a small table that was against the northern wall of the restaurant. A woman was sitting across from me, on the eastern side of the table, and a police officer was standing to the south. The police officer had been asking us questions about the bombings. I though about what i would tell him as he and the woman talked. I thought of how i would tell him about who was in the kitchen and who was in the room to the north. I would mention my friends to show that they could not have been involved. I then noticed $F43 walking with some other people at the eastern end of the room. She saw me talking to the police officer and seemed upset. I thought that she did not understand why i would be talking to the police after the explosion. She must have thought that i was telling them who was responsible for the blast. She did not know that i would be telling them only where people were during the blast, which should make it seem that the people were not related to the bombing. I hoped that she did not say anything that would give us away. She seemed upset, though, as she turned to the north with the others and started up the stairs, out of the restaurant. The stairs ascended to the east along the northern wall. She started complaining to the other about what i was doing, trying to explain to them that i could be telling the police who was involved in the bombing. The police officer was talking to the woman across the table from me. I could almost hear what $F43 was saying, and i started to worry that she was speaking too loud. I thought that the officer might hear what she was saying and our story would be ruined. I wanted her to leave the room and let me tell the story to the officer.

12006 November 06

I stepped to the south, through the doorway and into the large gymnasium. I had been walking down the hall of the building, heading to the west. I stepped back out into the hall, contemplating whether i should continue down the hall or walk through the gymnasium. The hall was dimly lighted, with natural light coming in from somewhere to the west. I stepped back into the large room, which was well lighted, and started moving to the west, along the northern wall. At the western end of the room, directly in front of me, i could see a wrestler practicing some moves on the mats. He was very young, with short blond hair and no shirt. He was nicely built, and i felt that i wanted to watch him wrestle for a bit. I was aware of the coaches moving around him, though, thinking that my presence might be interruptive. I kept moving along the northern wall, thinking that i would simply head out the door on the other end of the room and back into the hall. One of the coaches had his back to me as i approached the western end of the room, where the wrestler was exercising. There was another coach near the western wall of the room, watching the wrestler practice. The coach near me moved to the side, stepping toward the northern wall and moving in front of me. I rode my bicycle close to the wall to slip past him. I passed him and stepped out into the hallway again. I continued to the west, but i was aware that the coach was following me. He was annoyed that i passed through his practice session, and he did not think that i belonged in this building. I tried to ignore him as i continued to the west, heading through the community center. There was a room to the south, which i entered. It seemed to be directly to the west of the gymnasium, where i had been. The room was long to the west, and it seemed crudely formed by temporary walls and shelves. There was a desk against the northern wall of the room. There was a large bookcase against the central part of the southern wall. The southern wall seemed to be made of thin sheetrock, separating this part of the room from the larger part to the south. An old couch sat in front of the bookcase. I looked over the books on the shelf, thinking about the wrestling match. I thought that some of the DVDs on the shelf were of old wrestling matches, and i wanted to watch them. I then started to worry that the others who run the center would not be happy if i was to watch the videos. I felt uncomfortable being here, but i wanted to see some of the videos. There was a television on the eastern end of the shelf, and i thought that i could watch the DVDs there. I flipped through some of the videos. I then realized that i had been sitting on the couch for quite a while. I pulled the knitted blanket from my legs and stood up from the couch. I had been distracted by the television and was simply flipping through channels without watching anything. I wanted to see more of the wrestling, but i realized that the videos were a waste of time. I moved back to the east, into the gymnasium. Another wrestler was now training with a coach. The new wrestler was wearing only shorts, and had his hands behind him as he suspended himself over the floor. He was then in a different position, his arm muscles tense as they held his weight. I thought that the detail on his upper arms was very nice. I then noticed that the wrestler was inside a clear plastic tube. He was bracing himself against the walls of the tube to support his weight. This was a balancing and strength training exercise. The coach moved to the south of me, and i realized that the wrestler was in a different position within the tube. This time, he was facing down. His feet were pushing out against the back of the tube, and i thought that it must be an easier way to support his weight. The coach commented that he had never seen anyone use that position in the exercise before. I wanted to watch more, but i turned to the west and stepped out the door and onto the steps on the outside of the building. I headed west, down the steps toward the street. It seemed cloudy and drizzly out, and the area across the street from me seemed to be a grassy area separating the street from a crossing highway.

12006 November 09

I was in the back seat of the van or SUV as my father drove down the road to the east. The land around us seemed rocky, with cliffs rising on the north of the winding road. To the south of us was a gorge. I was then aware of the sound of the air horn ahead of us. I could see a construction crew standing on the walls of the gorge to the east of us as we followed the road in a tight curve do the north. I remembered that people were blasting for the dam. I looked ahead on the road to see several construction workers in blue jeans and blue hard hats standing along the sides of the road, facing the construction site to the southeast of them. They were standing at a corner in the road where the road curved back to the east. My father slowed the car as we approached. He did not know about the blasting that was being done in the gorge. As we approached the corner, i noticed that there were several spectators standing on the shoulder of the road to watch the blasts. As we rounded the corner, i could feel the ground shaking under us. My father drove on, through a narrow pass of rocks and around another corner. We seemed to be very close to the cliffs as the road shook, and i felt worried that the rock under the road might collapse with the vibrations of the blast. I felt frightened of the vibrations, and i told my father to stop the car. After only a moment, i realized that he was not stopping, so i shouted again for him to stop the car. We seemed to be on an outcropping of the cliff, just to the southeast of the main construction area in the gorge. I left the car and walked down the gravel road to the south. I felt tense as i hopped over a small puddle in the right track of the gravel road. I was aware of my parents in the small car behind me as i walked to the south. There were bushes on either side of the road, which seemed to have lost most of their leaves, but the drive widened just to the southeast of me, opening into a small parking lot. I started toward the southeast when i noticed the large puddle in front of me. I cautiously stepped onto the large white plastic tray that was floating in the center of the puddle. It seemed the best way to step across, but i still hoped that it did not sink with my weight and allow water to get in my shoes. I made it to the other side of the puddle and started to the south again when i noticed that someone had left their things in the middle of the parking lot. There was a large black acoustic-guitar case. I wondered why anyone would leave their instrument in the road where it could get wet. I opened the lid to the case, which had been sitting in the middle of a puddle. As i lifted the electric guitar, water dripped from it. I felt that i should take the guitar and see if i could put it to any use. It should not be rotting here unused. I then started looking through the other things in the piles. I felt that i should not be taking these things, but i knew that they had been discarded. I felt uncomfortable taking them with me, wondering if someone would return for them, or if they would be viewed as trash that i was just rummaging through. I opened one of the suitcases and looked through the tee shirts there. I wanted to do something with them, but felt that they really should be trash. I then noticed that the front of on of the shirts mentioned Nittany Valley. It was a shirt from $G4. I had been to this place with $G4 and felt that i should, at least, keep this shirt. I started collection some things.

12006 November 11

We headed back to the east, along the sidewalk on the southern side of the city street. We had just left a store and were about to leave the area. I remembered that we might have forgotten something at the hotel. I said something to $Z about the hotel, and i thought that we would need the security cards to get back into the exclusive sections of the hotel to get our things. I walked across the lobby of the hotel, heading south. I thought that i would have to go through the security door on the western side of the hall to get to the small pool, where we left something. I walked into a small white room, which had a pool in the center. The area that i was going to was still to the southwest of where i was. One of the hotel officials was standing by the eastern side of the pool, talking to a woman. They stood just to the south of me. I would have to ask him if he could let me into the restricted area so that i could find something. I then noticed the long blue object hanging on the eastern side of the northern wall. It looked like the flotation device that i was looking for. I waited to get the man’s attention for a moment, noticing that there was a doorway to the outside in the center of the northern wall. Once the lifeguard finished talking to the woman, i asked him about the flotation device. I told him that i had left one here, but he said that he did not know about a missing floatation device. I looked at the blue thing again. It was pill shaped with a long wing-like fin on either side. I wondered how it acted as a flotation device. It seemed that it would have to be strapped around the waist, but i thought that it would not be in the right location to properly balance a swimmer. I walked out of the room without taking the blue thing on the wall. I felt confused, but thought that i should gather some other things as long as i was back within the secure area of the hotel. I headed to the south, into the next room. The room seemed to be a small indoor garden with a cement tile bath leading to a small shack in the center. The room seemed steamy and filled with green plants. I followed the square paving stones of the path as they turned corners, wandering toward the shack. The shack was open on the southern side, and i approached it from the west. This place was a natural food market. I packed several grains and other foods into small jars. I felt that i could get discounts on these items because i was still in the hotel. These things were sold cheaply to guests. I carried several things to the north, around the eastern side of the large wooden table. I placed some of the food on the table, realizing that i had already placed several things on the table. I tried to arrange the bags of food that i had placed down so that they did not roll off of the table and so that i did not crush the bag of tortilla chips that was sitting in the center of the table. I picked up the jar of honey that i had just poured from the shed, noticing that there were a few bottles of soda pop on the ground under it. The two-liter bottle seemed to be filled with orange soda. I wondered if i could pretend that i did not notice it and put it into my bags. I knew that i was no longer a guest of the hotel, but i felt that i could sneak some of the food out with me and only pay for part of it. I was then in the car as we moved to the west. We were just leaving the hotel area, but i remembered that i had forgotten about the natural food that i had brought with me. I had packed it up and taken it out with me, but i had forgotten to pay for any of it. I was going to leave money for the honey, but i had left without paying for anything. $F4 was driving the car as we headed out of the parking area and turned north. It seemed as though we were just leaving a large mall in the center of a city. The mall was to the west of us as we headed down the city street. The road here seemed rough, though, and i started bouncing in my seat as we went. I felt suddenly uncomfortable as we headed down the hill of the narrow street. I reached for my seatbelt and quickly put it on, surprised that i had forgotten about it before. It took me a minute to get it latched. $F4 made a comment about the seat belt. I thought that there might be a police car following us, and i knew that not wearing a seatbelt would make matters worse. I told $F4 that i had forgotten to pay for the food, and i though that the police would stop us for taking it. $F4 suggested that we simply leave town. I looked ahead of us as we rounded a corner to the southwest. We were heading generally to the west, down a steep hill. The road seemed to be winding back and forth down the slope of the hill, which was covered with grass and trees. The other person in the car then started talking about the comet. I could see the image of a small burning ball in the dark-blue sky. It was coming toward us. The person described it approaching, but then said that it suddenly disappeared. I knew that this was part of a joke. The person paused dramatically, talking about how the comet was gone, but i knew that it had simply been blocked from sight. Elaine Bennett then dramatically said “And then, behind the cloud, they tell you that there’s another comet: a larger one.” I knew that the comet had been blocked and only appeared larger because it was getting closer. Cramer then streamed and ran away as part of the joke. The scene changed so that i was looking at the steep hill and the road winding down it from the side. I seemed to be to the south of the scene. The light-brown car jumped over the top of the hill and dove down the road. This was all part of the joke. It crashed on the hill. Cramer had been driving it. I was then back in the car, driving down the hill. Someone said that we were being followed, and i thought it might have to do with the comical car crash.

12006 November 16

I looked down on the reddish-tan rocks to the east of me. I seemed to be standing over a small structure, or floating over a large structure. I had moved from the west to get to this area, and i was looking at the raised area of the desert floor. $Z was still standing to the west of me, and he said that the racks were old buildings. I looked down into the open spaces of the structure on the north. The structure seemed to be formed of rocks from the desert floor, which had been carved into a large rectangular platform. There were roughly rectangular holes in the platform. I thought that there was something strange about them. $Z said that the holes in the platform were symmetrical. I felt that this statement revealed something special about the rocks. I looked at the structure on the south, noticing that there were two thin lines carved into the eastern edge of the structure. The lines formed chevrons at the edge of the carved surface. I looked at the carved tablet to the north, noticing the same two lines at the top of the stone surface. I then looked down the surface at the oddly shaped holes in the center. I was trying to figure out the symmetry, but i did not see it. The holes looked worn and partly collapsed. I felt that i did not understanding something. I then looked down at the bottom edge of the surface, noticing that there were long narrow channels cut into the rock. I realized that these rows were symmetrical to the rows cut into the top edge of the area, which seemed to be the eastern end of the low rectangular plateau. I backed away from the old fort, thinking that this was part of an old Hebrew stronghold. The desert land around us seemed to be filled with rock pillars and mesas. The two rectangular areas were old forts. I backed away to the west, looking down at the trench carved into the western end of the northern fort. I realized that this was part of the outer wall of the fort. They would have stacked tall trees into the trench to form the outer wall of the fort. As i backed away, i imagined that the trench must be thicker than it had seemed, because the trees would need to be very thick in order to prevent an attack. I thought about the thick branchless ashen trees of the outer wall. They must have been treated with something to prevent the attackers from burning them. I wondered if they were treated with some type of oil. I then though that oils might be flammable because the Hebrews would not have had synthetic preservative oils like we had today. I imagined that i could tell them that they would need to use creosote. I then wondered if creosote could be made of substances available in the ancient world. I thought that it might be made from pine tars. I moved to the east, thinking that i had to look things up in the ancient library. I though about the scrolls, but realized that i was now in a modern library. There was a table to the east of me, where the two plateaus had been. I was also aware of the tall metal bookshelf to the southwest of me. Someone said something to me, and i knew that i was moving into the old Hebrew fort in the desert. I had come here to read the old writings, but i knew that this place was restricted. Someone had told me to come here, so i had come, and i felt that there was something special about the invitation to come. I looked down at the fort from above, thinking about the books in the library there. They were like the books in many of the other hidden libraries. They had been hidden there to guard the old writings that people did not want to admit existed. I looked to the southwest, at the tall tan metal bookshelf that was against the western wall of the Vatican library. I had come to this place with special permission, but i knew that the permission was not granted by anyone here. I turned back to the east to see the large volumes of the encyclopedia on the table. I was supposed to go through each of the books is this library to take notes on the special things. I looked down at the books, noticing that the title on the large blue hardcover volume read “Encyclopedia of Religious” in fancy gold letters. I realized that this was a modern volume of approved religious knowledge and not what i was looking for. The books had come from the southern end of the bookshelf to the southwest. I waved my hand over the table, and the books were magically back on the shelf. The woman standing across the table from me stared blankly at the feat with her mouth agape. I could do these things here. I decided that i had to start finding the older books. I was looking for the original sources of these special writings. I walked to the southeast, thinking that i would have to go to all of the special libraries in the world to collect these books. I was looking for something specific and needed a wide range of data to get what i wanted. I imagined that the clergy of the Vatican would be unhappy having a common person like me reading through their sacred writings. I could see the yellow pages of the notebook where i had been taking notes. It was filed with pencil writing. I was amused that so many people would be unhappy having me uncover the old writings, and i felt that it was important to do so.

12006 November 19

I moved through the dense snow-covered forest, heading to the northwest. I had been through this forest before with $G4. I stopped at the crossing of a small creek, stepping on an old rotting log to cross over the soggy ground. The creek ran north to south. This place seemed like $P149. I felt that i had set a trail here some time ago, and that the trail had come through this small valley. I said something to $Z, who was standing just to the south of me, at the edge of the creek. I thought about $G4 as i looked to the west, noticing an old abandoned metal bin. The bin seemed like the back end of a wood trailer. The first thing i noticed was that there was a torso of an old mannequin in the truck. The torso had writing on it from a black magic marker. I immediately thought that it had been left by $G4. They used to use such things as awards. I walked over to the metal bin, trying to read the writing on the mannequin. At first, it seemed like gang signatures, but then i recognized the name of one of $G4. This was one of our awards. I felt as though i should set the trail so that it came by this place again. That way, i could bring $G4 back to the award. There now seemed to be several other small awards in the bin as well. I turned back to the east. Some time seemed to have passed, and $G4 was now gathered around this small valley. I could see $F47 and $F48 standing in the middle of the group near the creek, to the east of me. I knew that the awards were still in the bin and unnoticed by $G4. I walked into the group and announced that i had something for some people. I looked around at the people and asked the newer people to steep back, thinking that i only wanted to point out the people who would have been running with $G4 when we had last been to this area. I asked several people to step back, and they headed to the east, into the other room. $F7 was standing just to the northwest of me, and i told him that he should stay, even though i did not think that he had actually been here when we last ran in this area. As the others started to leave, i realized that $F47 and $F48 were no longer standing with the group. Only $F7 and i were left in the woods. This was not right, so i wandered to the east, into the next room to see where everyone had gone. As i rounded the wall, which extended from the east, i found $F47 and $F48 moving some things around on a table. They had been getting things ready while we were held the ceremony in the woods. I felt distracted and started to wander. This was a new place. I looked around the old run-down apartment as the others got ready for something. I then turned back to the west and crossed the street. This area was a run-down part of the city, and i felt that we had moved to a poor district. I started heading to the north, following the sidewalk on the western side of the road. A tall brick building with no windows shadowed the street where i had crossed. There seemed to have been a large advertising mural painted on the brick surface, but only a few traces of white paint were left. I walked to the north, feeling as though i had just been out jogging. There was a large store on the western side of the street, to the north of me. I thought that my mother was still in the apartment to the east, but i was heading to the second-hand store. I stopped just to the south of the store. I was still hot from running and i did not have my shirt on, so i paced around on the block a little. A man moved to the west of me as i turned back to the south near the southern wall of the store. To the west of me was a grassy alley with a chain link fence crossing over it. The man seemed to be a workman, and he opened the gate in the tall rusting fence and stepped through. I watched him round the building as i continued to pace and cool down. The wall of the building to the north of me seemed to be made of modern tan brick, but the western part of it was smooth and painted white. There was a set of stairs leading in to the side of the store. I then looked to the east, back across the street, noticing that there were several old men sitting on the eastern sidewalk, staring at me. They seemed to be disheveled and poor, and i felt that they were staring at me because i still had my shirt off. That idea made me uncomfortable, so i turned back to the west and pulled my shorts up. As i did so, i realized that my underwear had also been pulled down, so i pulled it back up as well. I put my shirt on and started to the west, thinking that i could enter the store from behind. I then remembered that the gate was across the lot and thought that i should not go through it. It had been there to secure the area, and the workman should still be behind the store. I looked at the stairs that led to a door on the eastern wall of the building. There was a red stripe painted along the base of the cement stairs. Several saplings grew up near the stairs, making the place seem abandoned. I also noticed that a fence followed the stairs toward the front of the building, but if i walked between the fence and the building, i would be caught in a dead end at the white wall of the building. I walked around the fence and back to the front of the store. I headed to the north, through the large thrift store. I felt that my mother would be in here. I then crossed the corridor of the apartment where $G4 had been gathering. The living room at the western end of the apartment was now empty. I stopped and looked at the small painting that was hanging on the wall directly to the north of me. It was red with black line drawings of hearts. There were faces and arms on the hearts. It seemed like modern art which i had seen somewhere before, and it seemed out of place in my mothers apartment. I crossed the tannish-yellow carpet of the living room, heading toward the closed door in the northern wall. The door led into the kitchen, where i though my mother would be.

12006 November 20

I looked to the southwest, down the shore of the lake, toward the large grey wood platform. There was a steep hill running up from the lake shore, to the northwest as i walked to the dock. Several of my family members were sitting on chairs on the wooden platform, which seemed to be a deck. I knew that this deck was actually the foundation of an old house. I felt that the house was being rebuilt, and i mentioned that we would have to drill anchors into the foundation under the deck. This seemed to be troubling to me, and i asked if it was really true. My father agreed, nodding to acknowledge that this was a normal procedure. I looked to the southwest at my other relatives, who were sitting on folding chairs on the deck. They seemed to be bundled up in winter jackets. I looked up the slope of the hill, realizing that the wooden deck ran up the slope. There was a sharp joint in the deck at the base of the hill. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that something was not right. I turned to the east as i thought about drilling into the cement blocks that were under the deck. This had been the foundation of an old house, and we were going to be building something on top it. I looked down at the lake shore below us, noticing the man who was now moving across the small dock toward us. The dock was square and painted gray, just like the deck. There seemed to be a small shed on the northeastern side of the dock. The fisherman walked into the center of the dock, looking at us as he carried a metal pail in his left hand and a fishing rod in his right. I felt weary of him. He asked something about the deck, and one of my relatives answered.

12006 November 23

I carried the cylinder to the northeast, toward the cash registers of the store. I felt a little uncertain about buying it, because i knew that it was not a regular piece of merchandise from the store. It was part of something larger, but it was the only piece that i needed. There was something about the cylinder that made me think that it was being discarded. I wondered if the store would even sell it to me. I then noticed that it fit into the red piece of cardboard, which was in the bin to the north of me. There was a circular opening in the center of the cardboard, and i stuck the glass cylinder into it. I then remembered that i had been packaging these items before. I remembered putting together an entire box of things with this red cardboard filler. I started to walk back toward the registers to the northeast of me when i realized that the red piece of cardboard did not have a price on it either. It was still only part of a package. I returned to the bin and started pulling the rest of the red pieces of packing cardboard out of the bin. I wondered if i could put together the complete package. I then wondered if i actually wanted to buy the entire thing. I pulled several items out of the bin and started assembling them around the glass tube, thinking that they should all fit into a nice neat box. I said something to my relatives, who were standing just to the northeast of me, at the entrance to the hall that headed off to the north, leaving the main part of the store. There were also some friends of the family there. They seemed to be $F49 and his family. Something felt awkward about this situation. They were trying to get something here, but, as i looked to the west at the cardboard boxes on the floor, i knew that everything here was discarded merchandise from the store. We seemed to be in a back section of a store, where the walls were cinderblock. I was aware that the main section of the store was no the south of us, and that there was a wide space in the wall to the south of me, which led into the main part of the store. I moved to the west, between the dividing wall on the south and the main back wall of the building to the north. There were metal shelfs all the way to the ceiling on the southern wall, many of them packed with small cardboard boxes. Several large boxes sat in the middle of the floor between the two walls. I walked along the southern side of the boxes, just in front of the shelfs on the southern wall. I felt uncomfortable taking things from the store, but i was excited to see what good merchandise we could get. Everything in the boxes was not sellable because it was incomplete or broken. I walked to the west, looking at the boxes to the north of me, aware that the other woman with me was walking down the aisle on the northern side of the aisle, parallel to me. I then spotted the large box on the northern side of the pile. It appeared to have a superhero action figure in it, but it was a very large box. I wondered if it was in good shape. I walked to the north to look more closely at the box. It seemed rather large, and i wondered if the action figure was really that big. The northern wall curved back to the north just to the north of me, forming a customer-service area. There were counters along the northern wall with a few people behind them. I looked at the counters on the eastern side of this area, noticing that there was a display case with the action figure of Thor standing in it. It seemed like a mannequin, but it was posed in an active position, as though it was shouting at the sky. It was dressed in a brightly coloured costume. Two of the women behind the counter to the east of me watched as i looked at the man in the glass case. I continued to the north, where i could see several other versions of the same action figure in clear plastic containers hanging on the northern wall, just under part of the counter. These Thor dolls seemed to be smaller. I started to feel that the doll in the large box was not what i had thought that it was, and i felt disinterested in them.

I stood to the east of the round table in the dining room of $P19. There were a few objects on the table, and i reached out with my left hand and thought about one. The object moved into my hand. I grabbed it and put it back onto the table. $Z seemed to be standing to the south of me. I thought about what i had done and thought that it was the kind of telekinesis that i always imagined was possible. I then extended my left hand and tried again, pulling another object toward me. As the object landed in my hand, i suddenly realized that i was actually moving the object. I realized that i was awake. This was not part of a dream. I had always wondered if it was possible to move objects without touching them, and now i knew that it could be done. I reached out for the crystal pepper shaker, which was sitting on the opposite side of the table. I was aware that the others were watching me, and i wanted to demonstrate that this was possible. I breathed in as i pulled my left hand back, and the pepper shaker slid across the table and into my hand. I knew that the others might think that it was a trick, so i put the shaker back onto the table and tried pulling several other objects. I pulled my hand back, aware that i was breathing in with the motion and thinking that breathing was a way to focus the action. As i finished the motion, i could feel a tingling in my left hand. I did this several times, pulling things towards me. I then wondered if i could perform other actions. I pushed my left hand forward and tried to push an object away, but the sensation suddenly felt empty. Pulling felt as though i was doing some work, but pushing felt as though i was simply moving my and through the air. I realized that i was not able to push an object. I had suspected that, if i could generate a force, i would only be able to apply the force in such a way that i could attract or repel an object. I did not think that i could move an object in other directions. I looked down at the blue tupperware bowl under me. Its lid was resting on the southern side of the bowl. I focused on the bowl with my right hand and moved my hand to the side, trying to see if i could get the bowl to move to the north. Again, the movement felt lacking. I then wondered if the plastic of the bowl could not be manipulated. I reached for it with my left hand and breathed in again. The bowl slid across the table to me. I was simply not able to move objects in other directions yet. I was excited to know that i had figured out how to move things like this. I looked out the door to the west of me, noticing that it was raining heavily. I could hear the rain coming down on the sides of the house. I then noticed the woman walking from the back of the house. She came from the north, around the corner of the building and stepped onto the cement steps right outside the door. She seemed east asian, with long black hair. She was wearing a white shirt with a white dress, and she had a dull-yellow sweater over her shoulders. I opened the door as she approached, letting her in. She nodded to me as she passed through the doorway, and i felt happy that i was able to help her and make her feel better. I then tried to close the door, thinking that we should probable keep it locked because there was going to be a party in here. I pulled the door closed, but it tilted inward. I realized that it must have slid upward on its hinges and was simply not fitting in the door frame. I pulled at the handle of the door, trying to pull it back down, but the door only warped to fit into the frame, leaving a large gap at the bottom where someone could slip in. I tried several more times, but the door kept bending so that it was not fully closed. I felt frustrated. We had to get the door locked so that people could not sneak into the party from the back entrance. I hit the top of the door to move it down and then pulled the red metal door closed again. This time it closed, but it was bowed outward in the center. I felt annoyed that i could not get it to close properly. I looked out the door to see the front yard of the house. I was now standing by the door on the eastern side of the house. I was aware that the main door of the house was to the north of where i was. This was a side access to the kitchen. I knew that i had to get this door closed because it was more important to have it locked than to have the back door locked. More people would try to come into this door. I tried to keep the gray metal door closed, but i started to feel frustrated and turned to walk back into the house.

12006 November 24

I was driving down the country road, heading to the southwest. The road seemed long and straight, with a line of low pine trees to the southeast and open fields to the northwest. I was following a car down the road. The car ahead of me stopped at the intersection before continuing straight, but i drove through the stop sign, keeping up with the other car. I then realized that i had not been paying attention to where i was going. I was upset that i had passed through a stop sign without stopping. I wondered what was wrong with me that i was not paying attention to where i was going. I then noticed the lights of a police car behind me. I looked into rearview mirror to see the blue flashing lights of a police car coming toward me. I felt worried that they were going to stop me, and i was angry with myself for not noticing the stop sign. I looked ahead again and noticed that there was a red light at the next intersection. I thought that i should just slow down, hoping that the police were not coming for me. I then wondered where the police car had gone.

12006 November 25

I headed to the north, down the long corridor on the eastern side of the house. The corridor seemed to open up into on oddly shaped room at the northern end, just before it turned to the west, running behind a thick wall between the northern side of the room and the corridor. I followed the corridor to the west. There seemed to be a few bedrooms in the western part of the house, to the north of the corridor. I ran back and forth down the corridor a few times. I was then aware that there were some people at the front door of the house. I moved to the end of the north-south section of the corridor. I put my arms up and pressed myself against the wall so that the man and woman on the porch outside could not see me. The main door to the house was just to the west of me, just inside the western part of the corridor. The stained glass window in the top part of the door was yellow, and i could see the shadows of the people on the glass. I then turned and ran back down the hall to the south. The people were now in the house. I was at the southern end of the corridor, and the man was standing in the corridor to the north of me. I continued to head to the north, following the man down the hall. He seemed young and was wearing a dark-gray suit coat. I swimmed through the air, following him up the hall to the north. As i followed close behind him, i looked at the short dark hair on his head, noticing that it was filled with short gray hairs. I knew that he was the son of the two people who had come into the house, but he seemed too old. He must have looked older than he really was. I was then aware of the way that i was swimming through the air. I thought about the way i was pulling my arms over me in a crawl stroke. I had been swimming close to the man, so i had to adjust my distance so that i did not hit him with my arms. I pulled myself through the air as i rounded the corner of the corridor, which now turned at a fourty-five degree angle twice to make the turn to the west. I was aware that three was now a set of stairs, which ran up to the northwest, on the outside of the turn. As i started pulling with my arms around the last part of the corner, i was aware that the man was no longer in front of me. He had headed up the stairs to the second floor. I felt that a corridor ran along the top of the hall to the west before disappearing into the western part of the house. I continued to swim, but started to wonder why i was swimming through the air. I was flying, but i was mimicking a swim stroke to do it. This seemed strange to me.

The man was walking to the west of me as i sat down on the eastern side of the auditorium. This was a lecture room for the university. I had not been here in a long time, and i felt that i knew something special about this place. The man at the front of the room noticed me as he spoke. He motioned to a large black case that was on the short stage behind him as he turned to check it. I remembered the case from before. It was roughly shaped like a large guitar case, but it had sharp corners. I could see several names written on the side of the case in large silver letters. Several other names were scrawled in smaller type. The people who got to write on the case were special, and i thought that my name should be on the case. The man inspected the eastern side of the case and said that my name was already written on the case. I looked at the case again and noticed that there were pictures on the side of the case. I thought that i had been talking with this group for a long time, and that the pictures on the case must be pictures of the older members. The signatures on the case were from some of the newer members, which is why i did not recognize my signature on the side of the case. This group of people in the lecture room was a political discussion group. They were sitting together in the seats in the centre of the lecture hall, but i was sitting apart from them, on the eastern side of the room. I then noticed one of the pictures on the side of the case. I leaned forward to see it. It looked like $F54, and i thought i should point out that i knew him. I then realized that i was referring to him by initials, and i thought that i could not easily explain to the group what the initials stood for, since they were his nickname. I thought that i could tell them his real first name. It started with an A, but it sounded as though it could start with an E. They might think that the initials really referred to that name. I stood up to leave as the others continued to discuss. A man to the west of me then said something to me. He was the geek of the lecture, but i got along with him. We spoke as we moved to the north, up the slope of the room toward the exit door. I chatted with him as he sat in his car, to the west of me. I was pulling things out of my backpack, looking for a pen. I wanted to write down something for the man. I was facing north as i dug through the contents of my backpack, searching for a pen. I pulled out a thin tan ink tube. It must have fallen out of the pen. I could use it, but it would not be easy to write with. I dug through my bag once again as i sat in my car. I started driving north, thinking that the man would be following me so that we could meet up later. I looked at the blue pen that i had taken out of my bag. It was a retractable pen, so i pressed the button to get the tip out. I tried writing with it, but it was out of ink. I thought that i could simply take the ink tube out of this pen and put in the one that i had found. I wondered if they were the same kind of ink tube. I drove up the road to the north, heading up the slight hill as i passed through the small urban town. I was not paying much attention to the road as i drove because i was still fooling around with the pens. I then realized that i had gone past where i wanted to go. I felt annoyed as i turned into the large parking lot on the western side of the road. I looked to the south to see that the man was still following me in his small silver car. The lot was long and ran up the side of the road, to the north of me. It was paved, but oddly shaped, as though it was made to fit the space between the buildings and the curving land to the west. There was another exit on the northern side of the lot, so i drove up the lot and stopped at the northern end. I pulled out the northern end of the lot and back onto the street. I noticed that the man following me had simply turned around in the first entrance to the lot and started back down the road. I was stopped at the intersection at the northern end of the lot, but pulled out and headed to the south, down the slight hill of the road. The man was driving a small brown car in front of me. I thought that he was $F55. I felt awkward about the situation, and thought that i really did not want to hang out with him. As i approached him, we turned to the west and walked into the front door of the diner. This was a small old restaurant and was a popular spot for the college people to hang out in. It was dark inside, and the room to the north of us seemed to be crowded. I had entered into a narrow corridor that ran down the southern side of the room. The wall to the north of me only came up to my chest, so i could see into the diner over the top of it. It ended at the western end of the room. There seemed to be a bar along the western wall of the room to the north of us, and it seemed that the lavatories were to the southwest, at the end of the corridor. I took the large red napkin and wrapped it around me as i stood at in the entrance at the southwest corner of the room. I thought that we had been here a while and were just about to leave. I wrapped the red napkin around my waist. I was thinking that i should wear it out of the restaurant, even though it was a napkin from the restaurant. I thought that i had to cover my skin as i walked out of the restaurant. The people i had been hanging out with had been very rowdy, and i did not think that i should be going outside in my shorts. I pulled the red tablecloth tighter around my waist so that i could tuck it in. As i adjusted it, it was now wrapped around my waist and hanging over my left shoulder. I wondered if i could be mistaken for a monk in the red cloth. It might make people less suspicious of me as i sneaked out to my car. I stepped out the door of the diner and started heading to the north, back up the sidewalk on the western side of the street. As i walked in front of the large glass window on the front of the diner, a woman walked past me from the north. She sayed that the police were near our cars. I felt worried that they were trying to arrest us for being in this place. I headed up the block, to the north. It was dark now, and i wondered if i could make it back to my car to get away. I wondered if the police were coming to the diner to take care of the rowdy people from $G4. I felt lucky that i had left when i did. I tried to tuck in the tablecloth that i was wearing around my waist so that it looked more natural, but i did not think that the police would like it. They would suspect that i was part of the rowdy crowd and question me. I thought about what i could say to them and thought that i could tell them that i was simply covering my wet clothing. I then realized that i would also have to tell them that the female waiter had said that it was okay that i take the tablecloth. I knew that the restaurant was closing, which was convenient because the police would not be able to confirm that i did not steal the tablecloth. I could also tell the police that i did not remember which waiter had said that i could take the material. I looked to the west at the storefronts of the short buildings. The buildings to the north of the diner seemed old, with large glass windows in wooden frames. The last building on the row seemed to have bluish-gray paint with light-gray trim. I had thought that the parking lot where i parked my car was just to the north of the diner, but it seemed to be farther away now. This confused me a little. I was now close enough to the northern end of the building that i could see the open space of the parking lot to the northwest of me. There were red and white flashing lights in the parking lot, and i knew that he police had already arrived. I walked past the parking lot, pretending that my car was not there. As i passed, i glanced into the parking lot to see what the police were up to. I had parked my black car diagonally in the southwestern corner of the lot, just to the west of the car of the woman who had come with me. I started to worry that i had not parked in a valid parking spot. I did not want my car to be towed. I then wondered whether i would be able to drive my car out of the lot, thinking that the woman’s car might be blocking me in. I glanced to the west and saw that the police car was actually parked right behind mine. I would not be able to sneak to my car and drive away. I continued walking up the sidewalk, pulling the tablecloth from my waist with my right hand so that the police did not notice me with it. Three were several other cars parked at the eastern end of the lot, right in front of the sidewalk. I walked past the cars to the northern end of the lot, where i crouched down behind a white truck, which was parked facing the large white house at the northern end of the lot. Something was happening here in the lot, and i did not want to be seen trying to get back to my car. I looked across the lot, but did not see any police in the area, so i sneaked back to the center of the lot. I was aware that the police were trying to catch the bad guy, who was sneaking around the lot too. He was sneaking from the northwestern side of the lot, which seemed to be a mechanic shop. The police were now on the southeast side of the lot. I started to float over the lot, trying to stay above the street lights so that no one would see me floating to my car. I watched the bad guy walking across the lot under me as he headed to the south. I hovered over the center of the lot, realizing that i could not get to my car right now without being seen by the police or the bad guy. I did not want the bad guy to see me and take my car. I thought that he might force me to drive him out of the lot. I moved to the southwest and landed on the roof of the small grey wooden house. I looked to see what was happening in the lot and noticed that one of the police officers in a dark-blue uniform was watching me. I knew that he saw me land on the building, but he turned away and walked out of the lot. I wondered if they knew that the man that they were after was walking by the back end of my car, which was right under me. I felt distressed, feeling that i was trapped here and that the police were aware that the man was here, but were allowing him to take some action before they caught him. The man then looked up at me and said hello. I backed away onto the roof of he house, trying to move into the shadows, even though he knew that i was here. I did not want the man near me. The roof of the house was facing northeast. It was covered with tar tiles and sloped down only a little below me. I stood with my back to the tall white wooden dormers as i watched the man below me wander to the west, across the base of the roof. I wondered if he was moving away from me. I jumped off of the upper roof of the house and landed below the wide dormer, onto the longer lower roof. I felt that i could escape into one of the windows of the house from here, whereas i would have been trapped on the upper roof. The man continued to speak to me in a relaxed yet threatening voice. I felt afraid of him, thinking that he was trying to get into my car so that he could escape. I did not want him to get me or the keys. I had to be cautious of him. I wanted to escape, but i did not know where to go. I looked to the west, behind me, noticing that there was a door on the northwestern end of the dormer, which led into the house. I thought that i could escape into the house if the situation became too dangerous here on the roof, but i realized that i did not know who owned the house. I looked at the dark doorway and started to wonder whether the person had entered the house and was able to come out onto the roof to get me. I was nervous and did not know what to do. The woman then wandered back across the bottom of the room, speaking to me again in the calm threatening tone. She was trying to convince me to let her use my car, but i did not want to have anything to do with her. I was scared and thought that i should be back on the upper roof so that i was farther away from her. I turned to jump up to the next roof, but felt indecisive and remained on the lower roof. I could not decide what i should to do get away. The woman then climbed up onto the edge of the roof in front of me. I felt nervous and did not know what to do. I then spotted the man coming across the lot from the east. He was her brother. I suddenly felt angry with the woman, and told her that i did not like her and did not want to be with her. She was tall and thin, with thick black hair, and she seemed like Veronica from the Archie comic strip. She was the one who was always causing trouble in the comic. I stood in the doorway that led into the room as she approached me. I told her that i would hit her if she does not leave me alone. She seemed excited about the idea and told me to hit her. I felt uncomfortable with the situation. She then said that she had been waiting to hear that i wanted to hit her. She seemed sexually interested in the act. I turned my attention to her brother, who was walking to the south, into the center of the building. I was standing in the doorway to the small room, which was inside the larger house. There seemed to be a set of stairs ascending to the south along the western wall. The entrance door to the house was to the north of me, and the daylight from outside illuminated the room around us. The brother had walked to the southeast, into the center of the building. The woman was standing too close to me as she encouraged me to hit her, so i pushed her back against the western wall. She told me to hit her. I felt frustrated with the situation, thinking that she was taunting me because she did not think that i would actually strike her. I punched her in the stomach with my left hand, but i did not hit her squarely, and i thought that there was probably not much force behind the punch. I wanted to elbow her in the jaw to show her that i was serious, but i was not in the correct position to hit her with this either, so i moved back a little so that i could do it with my right arm. She seemed amused by this. I turned back to the northeast and left the building. As i came back into the parking lot, it was daylight, and i thought that i could hear the police nearby. I did not want to be here any more, so i headed down the length of the parking lot, to the south, to get my car. It was daytime now. The parking lot seemed very long north to south as i floated over it. I knew that my car would be parked at the southern end of the lot. As i floated, i started to notice that there were a lot of people walking to the southeast below me. I thought that there must be some kind of event going on to the southeast. I make a jingling noise with what was in my right hand, and a couple of people turned to look up at me. I continued to float, but noticed that the two young men who had looked at me were now snickering to each other. I thought that they were making fun of me. I could hear the jingling noise again. I kept making it, but i did not intend to do so. An older dark-skinned man was walking below me in a group of other people. I heard him comment about the noise to his friend. I felt annoyed with them, and started speaking other languages as i flew, thinking that it would seem dramatic to do so. The man was obviously uneasy about the words. He turned up to me and told me “Don’t you start speaking that.” I turned my attention to him and spoke the same words again in spite. I felt angry with the people. I speeded up and passed over the people as i reached the southwest corner of the lot. I was disappointed to see that my car was not in the lot where i expected it to be. I looked to the west, out over the small bay of water. There was a crowd gathering on the grass on the southern and eastern sides of the water for some event. I wondered where my car was as i flew out over the water, searching for my car. The water seemed shallow, with thin wisps of reeds poking through from time to time. I then realized that the crowd could see me searching. I felt nervous here and turned to the north to search the area again. My car was not parked in this area, so i thought that it must be to the north. I flew up the western side of the narrow water channel. The grassy land to the west of the water had bleachers set up on it, and the crowd was starting to fill them. I was flying low over the water, and swerved to avoid some people who were walking in the water in front of the bleachers. One of the men was wearing a ragged black tee shirt with the sleeves torn off. As i passed him, i could hear him calling to another man who was just ahead of me. He called to him by name, and told him that bottles were not allowed here. The man in front had long blond hair and seemed like a biker stereotype. I thought that i had a bottle in my left hand, but i could not just get rid of it. I ignored the men and flow out over the center of the water, remaining very low to the water. I moved to the eastern shore as i flew, trying to get away from the people that were seated on the western shore. The lake itself seemed to be crowded, however. A large blue car backed out of a driveway on the eastern side of the lake just to the north of me. I slowed down so as not to hit it. I started to pass the car, making a point of looking around the lake for my car so that the people would not think that i was just flying around. The car started to drive to the north, but i did not want to follow it too closely because it seemed to be putting out a lot of exhaust. I did not want to have to breath the smell in. I flew up the lake to the north, hoping to find the parking lot where i had parked my car The land to the east of the water channel rose steeply up the face of a forested hill. The trees were green with leaves. There was an intersection where a second water channel came from the east and joined the one i was following. As i passed the intersection, i noticed a small wooden boat rounding the corner from the east to the south. It had an enclosed cabin with a small window. The main part of the boat was brown, but the upper surface on the front and roof was white. The small boat seemed to be sinking, with its bow just under the water. The man in the window of the cabin seemed surprised as he continued to ride the boat around the corner. I passed the intersection, but turned back to watch the boat. The water in the channel seemed murky, but i could see the top of the boat under the surface of the water. I wondered why the boat had sunk if the man in it was okay. I thought that something must be wrong. I wondered if the back of the boat had filled with water from a wave. I then noticed that the water to the southeast of me was rising suddenly into a large wave. The hills around the water channel were very steep, and the wave seemed to focus the wave. The tall wave crested near me, and, in a panic, i floated up quickly to get out of its way. I felt worried about the wave, thinking that it would be very dangerous to the area. I watched it as it rolled to the north, into the marina on the northern side of the intersection. There was a small brown log building to the northeast of the intersection with a wide yard around it. I then noticed that the boats in the marina were stacked up in a vertical pile. They shifted slightly as the wave rolled into them, but did not move. I though that the stack of boats diffused the power of the wave and only damaged the boats slightly. I was still worried, and wondered where the wave had come from. It was windy, but not windy enough to cause such high waves. I looked around at the rounded mountains to the east, which were covered with green forest. I thought that i was in $P24. I thought that there must have been an earthquake here. My parents were in a cottage to the northwest, and i thought that they must have felt the quake. I then thought that i would have to be on the land to actually feel the quake, but i thought that the earthquake probably did not happen. I looked at the small lot on the side of the water, realizing that it was empty now. I realized that my boat was not in the lot, where i had left it. I wondered if the police had taken it. I then thought that my parents might have taken it. They come into town a lot and might have driven it home. I felt annoyed and wondered how i would get home. I could fly home, but i thought that i probably should not do so. I stood on the road where the water channel was and stared walking south. I thought that i could run down the road at a very fast pace. It was an ability similar to flying, but would not be as obvious to people. I could simply move from one point on the road to another. I looked down the long road running through the forested landscape and realized that i had a long way to go. This made me feel disinterested in the journey. I would have to move fast for a long distance, and i would have to slow down as others on the road saw me. I had special powers to move this fast, but my parents did not want me to use them. As i moved, i worried that i should not have speeded home in this way. I looked to the southeast as i headed down the corridor, noticing the man in the glass cage. The doctor walked in front of me now, and he was showing the man to me. He said that the man in the cage was crazy because of me. I watched the man in the glass booth as i passed. I then noticed the man in the tuxedo in the next cage to the south. He was banging his head on the glass wall of the cage, but the glass bounced back into place, as though it was part rubber. This man was also driven mad by my powers. The fact that i was a superhero with special powers made people angry with me. I suddenly felt upset, realizing that i had caused this madness in them. The doctor leaded me down the hall. He was the psychiatrist that i had seen at the beginning of the movie. I realized that his character had been well established at the beginning of the movie to be the father of the superhero in this film. The doctor opened a heavy metal door in the southern wall, and i walked through. I was shocked to see that there were many glass cells in this dingy building. They were filled with people who were standing around. We turned a corner and started heading to the east, down a long corridor with cells on both sides. The cell to the north had many people in it. They appeared to be casually standing around a bar on the northern wall. I could see Joker and Catwoman talking in the center of the cell as they leaned on the bar, drinks in their hands. Many costumed villains were here, and i caused all of them. I felt bad about this.

12006 November 28

I walked to the west, across the small courtyard and along the southern edge of the public swimming pool. There were a lot of people here, and i thought that there was a party going on. It was sunny out, and the people were moving around to the north. The courtyard seemed to be surrounded by modern colonnades, which seemed more decorative than practical. $Z was walking ahead of me, and i said something as we crossed to the western side of the area. I felt that this was a public place, like a park or club. I then looked to the north, realizing that the people were changing the area around. The pool was gone. The floor had been closed over the top of it, but it was being opened up again for the party. I stepped to the south side of the short dividing wall, which was on the southern side of the large room that housed the pool. The wall was moving back with the floor as the pool opened up, but i realized that people had left their sneakers and shoes on the floor behind the wall. They would get in the way of the moving wall, so i told the people to move their stuff to make room. I grabbed several of the shoes and started moving them to the west, out of the way of the wall. After a moment, i looked back into the center of the room, realizing that the pool was covered up completely. They were not really opening up the pool after all. I looked across the wooden floor of the room to see that the people were just hanging around chatting. This was the party that they wanted. I turned to the east and walked to the side of the room. Tables were set up along the southern end of the eastern wall. People were sitting around the tables, talking to each other. I noticed that there was a lot of food on the tables, including large cakes and pies. The people around the table had large pieces of pie on their plates. Some of the pies appeared to actually be slices of pizza. I mentioned to $Z, who was standing to the west of me as i stood to the south of the long picnic table, that i was surprised at the size of the pizzas that the people had on the tables. I looked around at the people at the tables. I was interested in this party, but i felt as though i was not really part of it. I felt as though i was simply observing. I moved back to the west, seeing that there were several people gathered in the center of the open room to the north of us. They were gathered in a small circle and were playing drums. I liked drum circles, and wanted to join in the celebration. There was something special about this kind of music, and i enjoyed the energy of the people here. My mother was to the east of me, and she said that she did not want me here. I knew that she was afraid of the drummers because she did not understand their point of view. They were the new hippies, and she felt uncomfortable around them. She was worried and told me that too many people here were doing bad things. She was referring to the drum music. I knew that she related the drum music to sexual activity. She then said that the people here did things like drugs. I was surprised that she would say something like that, since there was really no relation between the music and drugs. I felt annoyed with her comments, and facetiously replied to her, saying that i wanted to be a part of this culture.

12006 November 29

I was in the pub with the rest of my class. The place seemed dark, and i was standing on the northeastern side of the group, drinking red wine. My view then panned out, and i was watching the group standing at the northern side of the dark bar. The area around me was large, and the room ran down the slope of the hill, descending to the east. The wooden floor slanted slightly, but had steps to compensate for the slope of the hill. The room seemed to cover the entire slope of the hillside, and, though it was very wide, i knew that it was all still indoors. I was then back by the bar with the others. The lecture had ended and the people who had been in the class with me were gathering around the bar. I though that i needed another drink. I moved along the northern side of the bar until i met the other person. He was standing to the northwest of me, near the northwest corner of the rectangular island bar. I greeted him and we spoke for a while. After a few minutes, i realized that the others i had come with were no longer at the bar with me. They had wandered off somewhere, and i felt a little disappointed. I remembered that i was still looking for a beer, and i said something to $Z about it as i moved back down the bar, heading to the east. I tried to think of what i had tasted and what i would like. I then looked at the ceiling, where the beer menu was. There were many beers listed there, but i could not remember what i had ordered and what i had liked. $Z said something to me as i tried to figure out what i was doing. He was standing to the southwest of me, near the bar. He seemed to be an old friend of mine whom i had not seen in quite a while. I had just met him here in the bar by coincidence. I told him that i had been with several other people from my class as i looked around the bar. I could not see any other large groups in the bar and i wondered where they had gone. I told $Z that i did not know where they went, and i felt somewhat awkward that i had told $Z about them but could not see them. The male bartender then told me that the group had gone upstairs to get some food. I looked around the bar again. The wood of the walls seemed old and worn, but it was darkly stained, and it was dark enough in the bar that i could not see the details. I decided that i should get my cup of tea and go upstairs to find the others. I walked to the north, where there was a long counter running parallel to the bar. I picked up one of the cups from the counter and put some of the leaves into it. The counter was open on the southern side, where there were shelves of dishes and kettles. On the top of the western end of the counter were several black coffee carafes. I knew that i wanted to find some tea that would interest me, but i could not decide what to do. I looked at the several containers on the counter, but i could not figure out what tea i wanted for my cup. Something seemed confusing. I remembered putting spices in my cup before, along with a few small rocks for flavour. I then looked into the cup of tea that i was holding in my left hand. I could see green flecks of something floating on the sides of the cup. I decided that the cup was not clean. I had taken a dirty cup from the counter. I felt confused, and emptied the cup into the trash bin. I would have to find a new cup for tea. I said something to $Z as i moved along the counter, to the east. I then realized that i was not holding a cup anymore. I must have set it down somewhere. I felt that i had lost it on the counter. I looked for it, but could not figure out where it went. I decided that i should just look for another. I looked to the east, where the counter turned to the south, turning around the corner of the bar. I noticed the metal tea pots on the bottom shelf of the counter. I felt confused again. The kettles were too large for tea. They were probably water pitchers. I could not figure out where the tea pots were. I remembered getting them here before, but i could not see them on the shelves. I then noticed the blue ceramic pots to the south, but realized that they were too big for a single serving of tea. I could not figure out what to do.

I walked to the west, heading across the short paved walkway that led to the water. I seemed to be in $P151, in the middle of the long narrow lake. I looked at the steep hills that sloped down to the water here. The coast was lined with small white houses, and the view seemed very picturesque. This place reminded me of a mediterranean town. I looked to the north, noticing some of the small islands that were just off shore. This place seemed very beautiful. I seemed to be several stories above the water, standing on a white man-made structure. I looked to the northwest to see the sun setting over the water. I thought that this would be a nice place to buy a house because it was very nice. I looked to the north, wondering what i could see up the length of the lake. I was on the upper deck of a boat now, looking down the lake. The boat was white, with a white roof that was supported by many thin white metal poles. I then noticed that there was a large wave of water coming toward the boat from the west. It pushed the boat to the side. We were moving to the east-southeast, heading down the length of the lake. I realized that the wave was a tidal wave and that it was very dangerous to us. I felt scared as the wave rose taller than the boat. I could hear the captain warning us of the wave as he spoke to the others on his crew. He was talking on the radio, asking permission to outrun the wave. We headed east, trying to stay ahead of the wave so that it did not swamp us. I looked off the side of the boat. The wave was still following us, hitting the side of the boat and pushing it slightly. I thought that we could out run the wave but would eventually run out of water at the eastern end of the lake. I wondered what we could do. We would have to get out of the boat once we reached the land and try to run for higher ground. I looked at the shoreline ahead and noticed the cement highway overpasses that ran along the shore. I jumped from the boat and ran through one of the tunnels, under one of the overpasses. We had to climb as high as we could to get away from the water. I headed up the slight slope of the pavement as i headed through the cement columns of the overpasses. The wave was still too tall. We would have to get to much higher ground. I then spotted the stairs to the southeast, running up to one of the upper levels of the bridge system. I pointed them out to the others as i headed toward them. $Z was with me as we ran into the large lobby of the modern building. The walls of the building were made of polished dark stone. The corridor of the building was narrow and had many small corners in the walls. We still had to get higher. I came to the back of the corridor, feeling panicked, and i asked the people there where the stairs were. They seemed confused by my urgency. I noticed that one of the elevators in the eastern wall was open, but the door was just closing. I headed toward it, but the door closed before i had taken a step. I headed down the corridor, following it to the north and west again. I kept asking where the stairs were, but no one seemed to understand why i was upset. I thought that i should tell people, but realized that they would just panic. I looked at the doors around the corridor, but did not see any that looked like stairs. I then noticed the officer in the white shirt who was standing to the west of me, down the corridor. He looked at me disapprovingly, and i knew that he did not understand what was happening. An elevator door then opened on the western wall behind me. The wall turned from the northern wall of the corridor, but was very short because the corridor ran to the south of it, continuing to the east, where the main elevators were. I thought that this was a special elevator, but i knew that we had to take it in order to get away. I ran into the elevator with a few other people. I turned to press the buttons on the inside of the elevator, noticing the officer standing in the doorway just as the door closed in front of him. There were only two buttons on the panel. The bottom one said “18”. I pressed the button for eighteen and looked to the eastern wall, where there were brass bulbous things. I told $Z that the brass things were optical scanners for the elevator. I hoped that the elevator would run without out having a scan. I felt that this place was part of $P132. I thought that this elevator was going up into one of the towers. I could feel the elevator heading up at a very quick rate, and i hoped that we would be high enough to miss the water. I looked at the digital display on the top of the western wall of the elevator, to the north of the door. The dial said that we were on the 374th floor. That did not seem right. I thought that it was just old and broken. I stepped out of the elevator and into the corridor. The corridor ran to the west, into an open room where outside light came in through large windows. The corridor was dark, with dark-grey carpeting and poorly lighted walls. We were at the observation deck of the building. I had been here a long time ago, and i seemed to remember the place. I told the others of the wave as i walked to the east to see out the windows. The western side of the room was curved and covered with windows that stretched from the floor to the ceiling. The windows were slanted outward at the top. I felt nervous, and told the others here about the wave that was coming. I looked out the windows, to the west. I could see the large wave rising across the western sky. It seemed taller than the building that we were in. I looked to the south, noticing that the water was still retreating out of the bay near the city. I turned back to the center of the room and told the others what was happening. There was an oriental couple standing just to the north of me in dark blue business suits. I told them about the tidal wave, but they did not seem to understand. I then remembered that the word “tsunami” would be more recognizable to them, so i said it. I then saw the water coming into the center section of the room through the glass windows in the western wall. The central section of the room was oval, and recessed into the floor so that it was a meter lower than the rest of the room. It had a metal railing around it and several support beams running at regular intervals. The water must have completely covered the plaza below us, since we were still up high in one of the towers. I looked out the window to the east, realizing that i was still standing at plaza level. The plaza around me did not seem to be damaged by the water. I looked down the slope of the small alley to the southeast of me. There was a tall white cement building on the southern corner, near me, which seemed to be an old factory or warehouse. I could see the dirty paved street of the alley as it ran down to the shore of the river. The water in the river was just coming in. I watched the shallow wave roll up the street, carrying a cluster of litter with it. It splashed against the side of the white building as it got caught in the narrow trench of the gutter on the southern side of the street. The water then receded. I thought that this was just the first wave, and that the next wave must surely be bigger, but the water did not splash as high again. I was still anxious, but not much happened, and i started to feel disappointed.

I felt tense as i walked across the back side of the large theatre. The main stage seemed to be to the south of me, but i could not easily see it because i was in a long hallway that was separated by a wall from the main theatre. The black chairs of the audience sloped down toward the slightly rounded stage. I had been doing a play with the man i was talking to. We had done the play a while ago, and we were now being brought back in to do it again. I was unsure whether i was prepared for this play. I felt that i had not had proper time to rehearse. I hurried back and forth across the room trying to figure out what i needed to do. There was a woman kneeling down in the eastern part of the room, near a small wooden set of shelves. She was working on some of the costumes, which seemed to be made of clay. They were masks for the show. I worried that i was not ready for this play, and wondered what i should do. I felt that i had to do something, but i could not remember what. I said something to the man with me. I felt close to him and thought that i had some type of close relation with him. I wanted to talk to him some more, but i felt that it was getting close to my time to go on stage, and i was worried that i did not know my lines well enough. I did not know what to do. I started to feel panicked.

12006 November 30

I was with the Iraqi soldiers in the small area. We seemed to be indoors, but there did not seem to be a ceiling over our heads. Something felt wrong here, and i realized that the other soldiers were coming. The men came from the south, through the opening in the wall. They were members of the Taliban. I felt suddenly frightened, realizing that the Taliban had invaded the house and were taking over the place. I did not know what to do. I looked around at the soldiers who had entered the room. They were wearing gray camouflage uniforms and were carrying assault rifles. I was scared. I tried to think that this was not really happening, and that this was not a serious thing, but they were still coming into the room and taking over the place. They threatened us as they moved about the room. I felt that the others in the area had to be warned that they were coming, but i did not know how we could warn them. We had already been captured, and i felt that our fate was now to be killed. I started to walk to the north, aware that the Taliban soldiers wanted me to do something. They could not do it, so they were forcing me to do it. I walked up the corridor, which seemed to be within a larger office building. There were large glass windows to the east, and it seemed that we were on the second floor. I had left the office where the people were being held captive. It seemed to be on the eastern side of the corridor, with the exit door facing north. I did not want to do what they had asked me to do because i knew that it would put everyone else here at risk. I knew that i had to stop them from taking over. I turned to the west at the end of the corridor, thinking that no one was following me. I wondered if i could slip away into the office and warn the others that the bad guys were holding hostages in the small room. I wanted to warn everyone before things got out of control, but i was afraid that they were watching me. I turned to the south, heading down the other corridor on the western side of the building. The walls seemed orangish yellow. I thought that i should call emergency to report the hostages. There were two small offices ahead of me, on the eastern side of the hall. They were used as small meeting rooms, and i thought that they might have telephones in them. The doors to the two rooms were next to each other. I turned to open the door to the first one, but realized that the room was filled with people. I could see them through the tall thin window just to the north of the first door. I looked into the window of the second room, which was just to the south of the door, and saw that it had people in it too. I would not be able to enter the rooms without creating a disturbance that the bad guys might notice. I felt nervous and wondered what i should do. I started walking on, desperately thinking of where i could find a room to hide in and use a telephone. I was then aware that someone was following me from the north. The man must have followed me from the main office. I tired to act as though nothing was wrong. I wondered what i should do. I could no be seen making a phone call or the man would know that i was trying to get help. The situation seemed hopeless, and i felt desperate for a solution.