12007 November 02

I moved around the small room of the dormitory. There was a small bed in the center of the room that i had put sheets on. It was my bed. I felt agitated and tense as i arranged some things over the top of the bed. I then moved to the northwest, toward the door of the room. Other people were here with me, but i was not paying attention to them. I was concentrating on fixing my bed. I pulled the white sheets with thin blue and maroon stripes tight over the mattress, realizing that they fit nicely. The bed seemed to be well made. After a moment, though, i realized that this was not my bed. I had put the sheets onto another mattress. I lifted the thin mattress to see that the bed was resting on the stiff dark-green wood board of the small bed. I did not think that the board would be comfortable, and i thought that i could move the mattress somewhere else. I then turned back to the southeast, remembering that my bed was in the center of the room. The sheets were not quite on the bed, but i could tell that the bed was supported by sagging springs. I lifted up the top mattress to see that there was a second mattress underneath it. I thought that i could just grab the mattress that i had made from the green wooden bed and move it over to this bed. As i put the mattress down, however, i realized that this was not really my bed. I looked up to see $A409 standing on the eastern side of the bed from me. This was his bed. I apologized and moved to the north. My bed was sitting end to end with his. I had already made the other bed. I looked at the loosely fitting yellow-and-light-blue sheets on the mattress, remembering that i had put them there before. I still wanted the mattress that i had just made, which seemed so much neater and cleaner than the one i was standing in front of. I turned away, finding myself in a classroom. This place seemed like $P7, but the surroundings were not specific enough to see. There seemed to be a chalkboard on the northern wall, and the writing on it seemed to have something to do with chemistry. I then turned to the east suddenly, noticing the white lights in the sky. There were white vertical streaks in the eastern sky, about fourty-five degrees from the horizon, over the shadows of the tall pine trees, and to the south of the shadow of an overhanging tree. There seemed to be several streaks in the sky, but i focused on a short line, which moved slowly to the north, crossing over the top of another fainter line. I wondered what the lights were, thinking that they could be seen as UFOs or plasma effects. Before i had much time to think, though, the entire eastern sky flashed, and the pattern of vertical streaks intensified. There was a resounding explosion of thunder. This pattern was some kind of slow-plasma effect of the lightning. The sky flashed a few more times, more dimly than before, and i could see that the vertical streaks formed an overall round pattern on the sky, the northern and southern steaks being shorter than the ones in the middle. There was something special about this effect of the weather, and i tried to watch it to figure out what was happening.

12007 November 03

I told $Z that i was going to head back to the apartment and turned to the north, heading down the wide street in the center of the city. I had a key to the apartment, which was several blocks down the road to the north and then a few blocks to the west. I walked along the sidewalk on the western side of the city. There was very little colour in the area. All the buildings seemed to be the same shade of gray. I moved quickly over the pavement, wondering exactly where i should turn. I knew that i would remember the street name once i saw it. As i approached an intersection, i looked up at the street sign to the east of me. I recognized the name, but it did not seem like the right one to turn on. There was a large van parked in front of the sign on the street. I passed the sign and came to the corner, where i stopped for a red light. I then was aware that there were people watching me from the west. There was a group of men standing near one of the buildings. I felt uncomfortable having them watch me, so i pretended to back up and look at the street sign again. I walked back a few paces and looked for the sign, but could not see it immediately. I then spotted the green sign on the southern side of a post. I started to the north again, but had to stop at the intersection to wait for the red light. Many cars were passing through the intersection. I then realized that i could simply head over the top of the intersection by flying. I knew that it would draw attention to me, but i lifted into the air. There were many black wires running down the center of both streets in the intersection. I watched myself rise up above the wires, thinking that i could not get too high because there would be other obstacles that i would have to watch for. I thought that there might be a crosswalk over my head somewhere. Once i was above the cross of black wires, i floated to the north. I was going to descend on the other side of the intersection and continue walking on the sidewalk, but i decided to continue flying. I knew that i could simply fly into the apartment window. I flew down the street to the north, aware that several children had seen me fly and were following me. I turned to the west on a street and then back to the north. The children were still following me as i turned to the east, into a wide alley. The alley was filled with what appeared to be appliances, like washers, dryers, and stoves. They ran along both the northern and southern walls of the lot, with two rows back to back in the center of the area. I flew down the northern aisle, landing on something. The children followed me into the area, hopping up on the machines. The apartment window was on the southern side of the narrow lot, but i could not simply fly into it with so many people watching. I jumped from the machine and flew to a taller pile of equipment that was against the southern wall of the alley. As i started to land, i realized that these appliances were not as stable as the others. I looked down at the green machine under me, watching it wobble. One of the children ran over to me and tried to climb onto the machine. I warned him that it was dangerous, and he stopped. I descended along the southern side of the stack, looking at the support structure under the machines. They seemed to be on a wooden fire escape. I could see the old rotting wood at the base of the fire escape as i stood in the narrow alley between the building and the small line of sheds in the center of the lot. I was moving something out of the way, but i was weary of the wooden structure to the south of me. I looked up at the underside of the stairs, realizing that i could not see the main support beam that held up the structure. I could only see the cross boards on the underside of the narrow deck over me. They were painted green, but the paint was faded and chipping. I did not think that i should be under the deck when the wooden beam was gone. The deck would eventually collapse under the weight of the appliances above it, if it had not already. I was confused as to whether the deck had collapsed already or not. I then noticed that the main beam was still in place, but i felt that it was rotted enough that it could still collapse at any time. I flew down the alley again, heading slowly to the west. As i did, i noticed a man sitting in an open window on the northern side of the alley. I could not let him see me fly into the window of the apartment where i was staying, so i continued to the west. He was staring blankly to the side as i passed, and i realized that the scene in the window was very picturesque. With the brown background and his gray features, it made a great picture. I wanted to take a photograph, but i did not have my camera, and i thought that the man might find it a little strange for me to just stop to take a picture. I backed up to the window anyway and said hello to the man. He turned to me suddenly and smiled, talking to me in greeting. As i hovered outside the window, the man continued to chat with me, and i realized that he was somewhat aware of who i was. He also seemed to be distracted by random details of the area around us. I started of feel uncomfortable with him and wanted to get out of the conversation. I hoped that he would stop talking soon so that i could drift away.

I stepped on the skateboard and rode it down the path, to the west. $F45 was with me. I was surprised that i could balance on the skateboard and control its direction by leaning. I wanted to continue to ride it, but we had come to the entrance of the large building, and i knew that we would have to go through it to get to our car. I told $F45 that i was going to head around the building. He did not think it was a good idea, but he turned to walk into the building. I started away from the doors, thinking about heading around the southern section of the mall. I was aware of a group of men playing basket ball to the north of me, and i thought that heading north around the mall would be much longer than heading south. I pushed the skateboard to the south, heading down the narrow path that started around the mall. I realized that the distance around the mall was much longer than i had expected, and i would not be able to glide around most of it. The curving blue path under me was rough pavement, and the skateboard vibrated under me. An oriental man in a blue shirt was heading the other direction on the path, and he said something to me in a friendly voice. I did not acknowledge him as i passed. I then realized that his tone seemed rather friendly, as if i knew him. I wondered who he was as i continued to the south, up the slope of the hill. I could not ride the skateboard up this hill, so i bent over, picked up the frisbee, and tossed it to the south, pretending that i was playing some kind of game. The disk landed in a grassy area near a small tent, where a short squat woman was playing with her child. I ran over and picked up the frisbee, hoping that i did not disturb the woman. I tossed the frisbee to the south again, again running after it. I rounded the corner of the building and started to the west again. There were a few people talking at the edge of the parking lot to the west of me. I wondered if they were frisbee players because they were watching me as i tossed the red frisbee down the length of the building. I jogged to the edge of the parking lot. From here i would be able to ride the skateboard down the slope of the parking lot to where $F45 had parked his car. As i reached the edge of the lot, however, i realized that i did not have the skateboard with me. I must have left it on the other side of the building. I felt confused, wondering why i would have left it there when it was the reason for me coming around the building in the first place.

12007 November 04

I moved across the cafeteria, passing along the southern end of the room as i headed roughly to the west-northwest. Most of the round white tables were empty, but there were a few people scattered here and there. I sat down on the southeastern side of one of the tables and looked at the menu. A male waiter walked up to the western side of the table. He told me that i should make an order rather soon because it was 2:55. I realized that the cafeteria would be closing soon, and asked him if it closed at three. He said that it did, so asked him if there would be enough time to order. He sad yes, so i looked down at the menu as he walked away. I then stood up and walked to the northwest, to the xerograph machine. I had to make copies of the paper. I stood to the west of the machine, looking at he back of it. The machine was about a metre from the large white cement column in the center of the western part of the room. I could see the eleven-by-seventeen sheet of paper hovering in the air next to the copier as it got scanned. The paper fluttered as the red light flashed over its surface. The paper then fell to the ground and raised back up for the next copy. It did this several times, but i was concerned that it might misfeed. The paper then fell to the floor and did not move. It was not staying where it should in the copier. Annoyed, i picked up the paper and held it in place next to the side of the copier as the red laser light scanned over it and another copy was produced. I could see the copies feeding into a tray on the side of the tan copy machine. The last copy that came out was in colour, with a bright red border and type. I did not expect the copies to be in colour, and i was slightly annoyed that the machine was changing them. The sheet that i was holding fell to the ground again, and the copy machine scanned the air and printed out a blank sheet of paper. I picked up the page and held it again so that it could be scanned properly. Someone then said something about duplicate universes. I thought about parallel universes, realizing that they were only differentiated when decisions were made. The man then described the parallel universe theory as having to do with the concept of purgatory, heaven, and hell. I realized that the concept of karma or divine punishment for actions could be seen in the flow of the parallel universes. Which universe a soul moved through was determined by the actions of that soul. If the soul had bad karma, then that part of the soul would move into a universe where the conditions were bad for the soul. This concept would upset people who believed in heaven and hell from christian mythology. It complicated their beliefs. I knew that it had to do with the small knots that were used to demonstrate the tight curves of extra dimensions. I saw the tan tube that represented two dimensions. The tube was then looped so that there appeared to be a knot in it as the dimension of the tube shrunk. I was looking at a black line on a tan background with a tiny loop in it. As the loop was pulled tighter, no one would even notice that the knot was there as they passed down the string. That was how extra dimensions were hidden.

12007 November 05

I walked to the west, down the hall of the college building. The hall was stone and plaster, and seemed well polished. Near the end of the hall, a short set of stairs descended into the entrance of our office. I walked into the office, realizing that there was a bed set up with some dressers. We were moving into this room from the other one that we had set up. I was surprised that they would move us into a room that was on campus. Usually, these rooms were only for classes or offices. I started arranging my things in the room. I then walked to the other room, where i had been putting my things. It felt strange to be moving so soon after i got here, but i decided that things change suddenly. I took some of my shirts on hangers in to the new room and hung them in the large wooden chifferobe that was against the northern wall. $F9 was in the new room with me, standing near the southern side of the room. I looked at the chifferobe and decided that i really should have more dressers to put my things in. I looked around the room. It was slightly wider on the eastern end of the room than on the western because there was a small jog in the southern wall. The western end of the room had few furnishings, and i decided that we could take some of the wooden dressers from my old room and put them here. I decided to put them in the western section of the room, where there seemed to be only a metal desk and square white plastic trash bin. I thought $F9 would not mind if i put some dressers there.

12007 November 06

I left the others and was sitting in the audience of the large auditorium. The stage was to the east of me, and i was sitting in the center of the audience, just to the south of the center of the room. It was dark as the music started, and i realized that this was a performance of The Wall, by Pink Floyd. They had reunited for this tour. A spotlight focused on a large pair of white gloves on the ends of black square poles. I knew that this was one of the puppets that they used in the show. I wondered if most of the audience was old enough to remember what the show was like when it first ran. There then seemed to be a large pair of red shoes on the stage. They seemed like clown shoes, and they moved in time with the music. This character was acting out the early part of the show. I saw some of the wires that held up the gloves of the character motioned with its right hand. It was then very dark, and all of the lights went out. I could still hear the slow eerie music, and i knew that this was part of the show. The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard from the stage, and i imagined the red shoes clomping slowly forward. Someone in the audience to the northwest of me gasped in surprise. This show was effective, giving the sense of approaching danger. There was then a black silhouette of a person in profile against a red screen. The screen was in the northeast corner of the room, and the image was facing south, extending one arm in front of it as the other held the microphone in front of the mouth. I recognized this image from before. I then looked up at the man on the small round platform stage that extended from the northern wall. I thought that it was Roger Waters. He had gray hair and was wearing a light-coloured short-sleeve button-up shirt. He seemed old, and i remembered that his voice was no longer that good. He started singing to the music, and i realized that his voice was horse, but not that awful. He then started to smile and reached out to the crowd, singing what seemed to be a happy song. He repeated the chorus a few times: “Everybody needs some love sometimes”. He then reached out and started grabbing the hands of the audience members. Stepping off of the stage, he grabbed the hands of the man in front of me, but he kept smiling in my general direction. He then reached out for me, and i was surprised. I reached my right hand up for him, but i was lying on the floor with someone lying on top of my right side. Roger grabbed my right hand and held it for a moment as he started to walk past me. I expected him to let go quickly and continue on to someone else, but he continued to hold my hand, and i felt that there was something emotional in the contact. He bent over as he held my hand, and i tried to feel the sensation of the moment. After a moment, he stood back up and continued to the southwest, into the audience. He was signing autographs and shaking hands. I was standing by the round stage in the northern wall now, and the house lights were fully up. It was intermission, and Roger was moving through the crowd, saying hello to people. I sat down near the base of the stage. I had my book in my hands, and thought that i could start reading until the show started again. I looked to the southwest. The room was mostly clear now, and there were no chairs in the auditorium. People had been standing for the show. Roger then came back toward the stage, accompanied by several roadies in black clothing. I said hello to him as he approached, and he replied in a quick glance and smile. He followed the stagehands up onto the stage and back to the green room. This situation felt suddenly strange, as though we were watching part of the production getting ready for the next part of the show. My nose then felt stuffy, and i picked up the white object and started blowing my nose in it. My nose kept running, and i could not seem to get it clear. I looked at the white gauzy fabric, which seemed to be shaped like a pair of diapers or panties. I had to clean my nose, but it kept running, and i wondered if the tissue object would be enough clean my nose.

12007 November 07

I started running to the east, down the length of the room. I was taking a gym class, and everyone was supposed to be doing some kind of exercise. I felt that most of the people would be riding stationary bicycles in the other room, to the east, but i was still in the large room, trying to run. I could see the coach in the white polo shirt through the glass doors in the eastern wall of the room. I did not feel that i was getting tired, and i realized that i was not exercising like i should. Some of the others were running, but i was actually walking. I started lifting my legs up in front of me, thinking that i should be taking longer strides that i was actually taking. Something felt wrong about the motion. I could see my feet lifting up in front of me as i ran, and i noticed the effort it took to raise them, but i did not feel that i was getting any exercise here. I struggled to keep moving my feet, but i did not feel that i was doing the exercise that i was supposed to be doing. I reached the eastern end of the long hall and started to walk across the hallway to the next gym. We were going to continue exercising, but i felt that i was unable to do what i was supposed to do. I knew that i should be able to run, but i seemed unable to do it. I passed the coach, who seemed like $A3, and started to run around the large indoor track. I felt that i should be able to maintain a good running stride, but i could not seem to get my feet to move properly. They took very short strides and seemed to be unsteady. I started around the inside of the small red track. I followed the faint white lines on the surface. As i rounded the western side of the track, i was aware that two younger men came into the gym and were walking toward the center of the track. As i rounded the small curve at the inside edge of the narrow track, i realized that the men would be practicing on the track as well. I thought that they would be able to run much faster than i. I was not moving properly, but i thought that i should be able to. I decided that i would move to the outside of the track, where the corners were not as tight. I decided that i might be able to get a better stride with more straight lines. I turned back to the east, moving diagonally across the track, to the southeast, cutting in front of the men. I then realized that my motion must seem erratic to them. I wondered why i had run such an awkward course. I curved back to the west on the eastern end of the track. I wanted to start running properly, but thought that i might be too old to do it now.

12007 November 08

I walked to the east, across the southern side of the room. I was in what appeared to be a bedroom, on the second floor of the house. The walls seemed to be dull yellow, and there was a large bed in the center of the eastern wall that was covered with a dark-blue spread. I was waiting for the other man, who seemed like $A511. I was here to practice with him. He entered the room through the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall, which seemed to lead to a slightly higher level of the building. We started talking about wrestling practice, and i mentioned some of the other people i had trained with. He was not paying much attention as he collected some things from the bed. I joked that i was always getting pinned by the others, and that i was not as good at wrestling as i would like to be. He agreed with me, and then told me “Yeah, you suck.” He did not seem to be friendly in his tone, and i felt suddenly hurt by his comments. He walked back to the south to collect more of his things, and i felt upset. I then realized that he was not going to practice with me here. He was ignoring me. I could not stay here and started to gather my things. I felt that i had to get out of this place. I started to put my jacket on and then bent down to grab my shoes. I seemed to have trouble picking up my shoes, which seemed to be a pair of decorative tan cowboy boots. I felt terrible, and had to get out of this place.

12007 November 11

I had just been doing something with the other people, and i was now heading back up to my apartment. I stepped out of the small room on the eastern side of the corridor, which seemed to be an elevator. I had been standing there for a moment with the other person, waiting for the door on the western wall to open. As it opened, i noticed that the person standing to the south of me looked very much like $F37, but he seemed too young to be him. The man was wearing a white long-sleeve button-up shirt as he stepped into the hallway and started walking to the north. I followed him because i was heading in the same direction. I soon realized that he was $F37, and i spoke to him. He smiled back at me and responded as i stopped at the metal door to the elevator, which was in the eastern wall of the corridor. I had to head upstairs to my room. I had not chatted with $F37 in quite a while, so we spoke briefly.

I left the others and headed to the west, thinking about the special things that had just happened. I wanted to remember them. I skated down the northern side of the road, following the gentle curving down hill. There was a grassy hill sloping up steeply to the north of the road. Small trees were planted on the slope with rings of mulch around the bottom of them. I seemed to be following someone down the hill. We rounded a curve, and i was aware of a bus approaching us from behind. I hoped that i could reach the bottom of the hill before the bus caught up with me. I heard it coming as the grassy hill disappeared and i started gliding along the side of a tall white building. The person i was following had reached the intersection at the bottom of the shallow hill and rounded the corner to the north. I moved as close to the northern side of the road as i could so that the bus would be able to pass me. It approached and came along side me. I felt uncomfortable riding next to it, knowing that i did not have a lot of room to move between the bus and the wall of the tall cement building. I felt trapped here, but i reached the intersection quickly. The bus had to stop, so i was able to move ahead of it slightly. I swinged up at the intersection, lifting into the air as the bus started to turn the corner. I realized that i was swinging on a set of black straps that were attached to the tan building that stretched over the top of the road i had been traveling on. The eastern side of the second road, at the bottom of the hill, seemed to be one solid building, but i knew that there was a road coming from the east, where the bus was pulling out. I reached the apex of the swing and started to swing back down. I hoped that the bus would be out of the way by the time i came back into the intersection. I could hear it turning to the south below me, but something seemed wrong. It had stopped and backed up a little. I thought that i would be swinging down right into it. I looked back at the building to the east of me as i hovered in the air. I thought that i could simply have grabbed onto the straps as i skated by and swinged all the way up to the balcony of the building, which was above the point where the straps were attached. It was too late for me to swing up to the building and get out of the way of the bus, but i thought that i could have done it if i had known ahead of time that the balcony or window was there. I could have even flown up into the window. I then remembered something from a dream. I had to remember this dream. The details seemed important, and i though that i should write them down in my dream diary. A man then interrupted me from the west. I turned to look at him. He said something about the straps that i had wrapped around my wrists. I was still suspended from them. He had short blond hair and was wearing a dark suit. He seemed to be mocking the straps that straps that i was using to swing. He asked me about the ropes. I told him that i was “a wind”. I was thinking that it related to my ability to fly. I was born during a Zodiac sign that i associated to the element wind. I looked at the man, and there was something familiar about him. He seemed to be associated to the element water, but i was not sure if he had green eyes or if something else about him was green. I told him that he looked like a water. Moving toward him, i asked him when he was born. He seemed surprised and discomforted by the question, and backed away a little. I decided that i was a wind, so i should demonstrate what that meant. I had an easier time flying than others because i was a wind. I bent my legs a little, allowing my feet to lift slightly from the ground. I spoke to the nervous man about the wind, noticing that i was hovering slightly above him. He then realized that i was hovering. I thought that i should fold my legs as though i was sitting in the air, but i did not. The man was suddenly interested in what i could do, as were the two women who had been standing in the room with him. They wanted to see more, but they wanted to go to someplace more private. I moved to the south, into the stairwell. As i turned around to face the man, i looked up, noticing that the dirty walls of the cement room were rather tall. I told the man that i did not want to hit my head on anything in the room. He nodded in understanding, but seemed more focused on my ability to hover. I jumped into the air and concentrated on hovering. I froze in position, able to hover at the peak of my jump. I thought about rising higher, but i could not seem to do it. I could only hold myself in place from where i jumped. Something seemed strange about this.

12007 November 12

I sat in one of the front rows of the large auditorium as the people behind me talked. We were all being assembled in the chairs of this room, and i felt that some of the people here would be doing something to object to this treatment. The room seemed dark, and all of the chairs in the sloped theatre were covered with red velvet. There were a few women in the row behind me who stood up and started protesting the treatment. I looked back at them as they started dancing. I knew that the dance was benign enough that the officials would not dare to stop it. The audience started to stir, and i turned around to see many women dancing in the room. They had moved to the aisles on either side of the central row of seats and were doing something that looked like line dancing. The women were dressed in black gowns, which looked like clothing from the early 11900 century. The room started to become confusing, with people moving around. I was glad that this had occurred. I moved to the north, heading toward the stage as the crowd started to get involved with the protest. Someone approached me from the west, and started accusing me of being part of this protest. I told the man that i had nothing to do with it. I was happy that it was happening, though, and i knew that the women on the balcony were the main instigators. I backed against the northern wall of the room, looking around at the people. I was then standing on the northern side of the white meeting room. The others were gathered in the room, and we were waiting. It was cloudy outside, but the bright light shined in through the small window in the northern end of the western wall. I looked to the north, out another window, to see people standing along $P33, to the north of us. We seemed to be on the fourth or fifth floor of a modern building, about a block to the south of $P33. A narrow street seemed to run along the western side of our building and ran all the way to $P33, where it ended. There was a grassy area to the east of the intersection, allowing me to see a small crowd waiting along the main road. The area around us was filled with modern buildings that were plain in appearance. I thought that there was some kind of parade about to happen on $P33, which is why all of the people were gathered there. I wondered if it was the annual farm parade, but then i wondered if it was really the right time of year of such a parade. It seemed rather late in the year, near winter, and i had thought that the agriculture parade was in the spring. Something changed, and the people on the road started to move to the west. I told the others that the parade must be starting, but there was something strange about the movement. The crowd on the sides of the road was moving to the west, as though the event had just ended. I told the others in the room that the parade seemed to be ending rather than starting. I felt confused by what i saw. I then noticed that there were still portable metal traffic barriers standing across the cross street, but, when i looked again, i noticed that the barriers had been removed. The old rounded cars from the northern part of the intersection started driving across $P33. The tan and off-white cars seemed to be from the 11940s or 11950s. I turned back to the others in the room, telling them that the parade seemed to be over. They moved around, heading toward the windows. I turned back to the north, noticing that there was now a large about of traffic moving down $P33, heading to the west. The parade was supposed to be heading to the east, so it seemed that the parade was actually over, unless it was heading in the opposite direction. I watched some of the cars drive down the road. They seemed to be plain cars from the 11950s, so i did not think that they were associated with the parade. I then noticed a large horse-drawn wagon moving backward on the main road. The wagon was a part of the parade, but it was being backed up, so i decided that the parade must really be over. People started to move away from the intersection, and i realized that the event was ending. I turned to the south and followed $Z down the center of the narrow courtyard that ran between the two old stone buildings. The buildings seemed like dorms. There were many people moving in the same direction that we were, and it was now dark out. The area was illuminated by several street lamps. We walked down a long wide set of stairs at the end of the courtyard. I stopped on a landing in the center of the long staircase, realizing that i did not have any clothing on, while the others around me were fully dressed. I had taken off my clothes because of the event that we had just attended in the auditorium, but now i suddenly felt strange for not having any on. $Z continued down the stairs ahead of me as i paused on the landing, wondering what to do. There was a stone wall to the west of us, with thick leafy trees reaching over the top. A few younger men hurried down the stairs past me as i wondered what to do. To the southeast, there was a large open quadrangle in the center of some old dorm buildings. Several students were running around on the grass. They seemed to be playing frisbee. I came to the bottom of the stairs, which ended on a sidewalk on the northern side of a road. The road made a turn to the south, just to the east of me, but the sidewalk seemed to run straight to the east, along the northern wall of the dorm an the southern side of the quad. The large stone building to the east was the older part of the school. It was a tall stone building. I turned to the west and took a few steps down the sidewalk, stopping just before a mound of dirt. The dirt had been excavated from a small construction pit that had been dug into the sidewalk and a small area to the north. There seemed to be a backhoe on the southern side of the pit, covering part of the sidewalk. The pit was rather deep, and i could not go around it because of the yellow construction tape. I wondered what i should do. I had to get somewhere to change my clothes. My grandfather was with me, but i did not know what he was going do to, so i started to the south again, down the slope of the grassy hill. I was now in front of $P138, heading down the path toward the center of campus. I was aware that $P97 was to the east of me now. I sat on the sled and started to slide down the grassy slope of the hill with $Z, but i realized that the sled would not work that well after the storm. It slid across the grass, but headed for two small trees that were growing to the south of us. As we reached the trees, i knew that the sled should have headed down the path to the west of the trees. I told $Z this as i slid the sled over and started it moving again. It dragged slowly over the dirt ground. I then noticed the puddle of water ahead of us, and the sled stopped. The water had collected from the rain storm, where the dirt path crossed the other path. I did not want to get wet in the path. Then i noticed that the path that crossed ours had actually been washed out. The puddle was really a deep trough, running under the cement path that we were on. There was a cement part of our path crossing the small stream, but the land under it had been washed away. A man walked to the west of me, talking about the washed out area. He did not seem to think that it was that bad as he stepped into the water and pushed down on the cement path. He thought that it would hold. I then asked him to noticed how deep his right foot had sunk into the water of the gully. He looked down to see that the water was up to his thigh. He was surprised, as were several others that were on the shore with us. I told them that the land had been eroded by the heavy rains. I looked to the east, noticing that the shore of the lake was very near us now, and that the gully ran directly into it. The rains had created this gully and had washed out the shore of the lake until it was closer to the path. I told the others that the land under the road was washed out, and now there was only water under the bridge. I wondered how we could cross. I did not think that it would support our weight with only water under it.

12007 November 14

I spoke into the white plastic telephone as i walked to the east, across the large empty room. The room was on the northern side of a house, and there were windows in the eastern, western, and northern walls. The room seemed oddly shaped, the northern wall having short sections on either end that slanted out slightly, making the northern side of the room seem bowed. I was talking to $F55 on the telephone. He had told me that he had just arrived in his room. I was walking to the white exit door in the eastern side of the northern wall as i spoke. I told $F55 that i would see him in a little while, but i asked him about something before i hung up. He told me that he had been at the city. I recognized the name, which seemed to start with an A and seemed to be three or four syllables long. As i spoke and glanced out the window of the door, i noticed two small colts walking from the east to the western side of the window. A small calf was sitting on its side in front of them, part of the group. “Funny you should mention that”, i said to $F55, mentioning the name of the city. I confirmed that it was the city in southern Europe, on the Mediterranean, in France. I pictured it somewhere between Greece and Italy. $F55 said that that was correct. I then told him about the news story that i had heard that said there was a strange disease spreading in that area. As i spoke i noticed a large horse showing its face in the window of the door, so i turned to the west and walked across the room. I told $F55 that the disease was causing the animals to be unable to digest milk. I could not remember the name of the disease, but i knew that it could be figured out by the Latin words for milk. I then realized that the telephone was silent. I called into it, but could not hear any reply. I turned around, noticing that i had dragged the white chord all the way across the room with me, and i started to wonder if i had somehow pulled the chord from the wall. I walked back to the east, calling $F55’s name on the telephone. His voice then responded to me from another room of the house. I looked to the southeast, through the doorway of the room and into the hallway outside. $F55 said that he was in his room. I realized that he had just told me that on the telephone, and i had not payed attention. I felt suddenly silly, realizing that i was trying to talk to him on the telephone when he was in the same building as i was. I walked to the east to hang up the telephone.

12007 November 15

I watched the men as they rented the rowboat from the place. There was a structure to the north of me, which seemed like a parking garage, though the scale was smaller. The men took the boat from the western side of the building and headed to the southwest. One of them said that they were taking the boat to the slope, and i knew that they were going to use it for the big party on the slope of the large hill in campus. I was disappointed, knowing that they were going to ruin the boat and that they had no intention of returning it to this place. I thought that i should tell someone here that the men were going to ruin the boat and not return it. The man moved the pale-green aluminum row boat to the west, onto the water. I was with him. The boat had a rectangular bow, and i sat down in it as the other man reclined in the back of the boat. He was wearing shorts with no shirt, and he appeared to be enjoying the sun. However, we had gotten some water in the boat as we moved it from shore, and there was water splashing over the man’s shorts and abdomen. I pointed out the water to him and started splashing some of it out of the boat. I wondered if there was too much water in the boat to keep us afloat. I told the man that we should try to bail some of the water out of the boat, but i could not seem to get enough of it out to make a difference. The man stayed in the back of the boat, lounging against the stern. There was something attractive about him. I turned to the east, on shore again. $A381 was standing to the north of me, under the overhang of the large building, which still seemed like a parking garage. It was dark to the north and west of us, but the side of the building was open to the east and south. A man had just rented a boat from $A381. He handed her a pair of red boxer shorts and dragged the boat off to the south. I asked her in a surprised voice whether the shorts were the only thing she had taken as collateral for the rented boat. She said that they were, but then started to realize that it might not have been a good idea. I thought that the people were coming here to steal the boats. They had no intention of returning them. I told $A381 that the people would simply ruin the boats and never bring them back. She did not seem to understand why i was concerned, but realized that she shorts might not be enough collateral.

I left the place and started walking to the east, down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street of the small city. I had been to this place many times before, and i knew that this was $P57. I had to walk home. I knew that it was a long walk, and i realized that i did not feel like making the trip. I then remembered that there were busses that came through this area and wondered whether i should take one. The large building between the street and me was an old federal building, and i thought that it might be the post office. I thought that there was a bus stop on the street there. I looked for the signs, thinking that i could read the bus schedule from the sign and determine how much time i would have to wait for the next bus. I walked down the sidewalk, on the northern side of the building, but i could not see a sign for the bus stop. I was on the western end of town, and i knew that there was another stop to the east of me, several blocks away. I wondered if i should keep walking until i came to it. The area ahead of me looked more urban, with taller buildings and narrower sidewalks. As i moved to the east, i kept looking behind me to see if a bus was coming. I was worried that one might come at any moment and i would have to flag it down between stops. I then noticed a triangular intersection to the north of me, about half a block away. The street i was on continued to the east, but the road to the east of me was one way, heading toward me. I looked to the north, seeing that the main road ran along the northern side of the street i was on. It hit an intersection that had a round column in the center of it. A street ran off to the north, and another to the northeast. The main road came from the southwest, where it joined the road that i was on, a little way to the west of me, on the other side of the triangular intersection, and it continued to the east, behind the tall buildings on the northern side of the street i was walking on. There was a blue sign on the column in the center of the other intersection, and i realized that it was a bus stop. I wondered whether i should walk off of the road i was on to wait at the bus stop or continue to the next stop to the east. I decided to continue east. I then checked behind me again to see if a bus was coming. I spotted a small blue bus rounding the corner near the federal building here i had started. It came toward me, but turned to the north to make it to the other bus stop before i could make it back to the intersection to flag it down. I had forgotten that the small bus came by this area. I had been looking for the larger ones. I realized that i would not be able to catch the bus at the stop, and was disappointed. I started to run to the east, wondering if i could make it to the next stop before the bus got there. I was upset that i had missed the bus, and my feet did not seem to move fast enough to carry me down the street. I tried to run fast, but i seemed unable to.

We walked to the south, passing through the gate on the eastern end of the long white wall. $A456 was with us, and it seemed as though we had just finished doing something significant. We had run into the other group of people, and i felt that they might be hostile to us, but the man was talking to us. He was trying to figure out if we were okay. I tried to convince him that we were good guys. The man then turned and started walking to the west. He was wearing a black jacket and black pants. The jacket seemed to have fine white details on it. He was a gypsy, and i thought that he was trying to see if we were a danger to his tribe. I knew that they would be hostile toward us if he did not like us, but i had said something to him that he appreciated. He had accepted us, and went to call the other gypsies to come and greet us. They had come from the south, through the gates in the canvas wall that ran along the south of the area and were assembling in a line to the north of us as we walked to the west. They were wearing tan and black loose clothing. Most of them were already assembled as we moved, but a few came running through the large arching gates in the canvas wall to the south to join the line. As i walked along in front of them, following the leader of the gypsies, i realized that everyone was waiting for the queen of the gypsies to arrive. I stopped just to the east of one of the large gates and waited for a moment. I was now part of the show, and we were waiting for the entrance of the gypsy queen. There was an uncomfortable pause, and i realized that the queen had missed her entrance. I put the brass bugle to my mouth and blew it again, hoping that the queen would respond. As i sounded the trumpet, i felt a burst of air blow out the side of the trumpet. I looked at the crude horn, which was patched with several ropes and tape. The bottom of the horn had been blown off, and i would have to fix it. I could not do this in the middle of the performance, though, so i made a joke about the broken horn, knowing that the audience was unaware it was an accident. I continued on, hoping that the joke would look good on film. I waited a moment, hoping that the queen would show up, but she did not, so i continued to make light humour, pretending to blow the horn again. I wondered if i could make jokes for the audience until the woman came on stage. After a moment, i decided that she was not coming out, so i made a joke and said aloud that i would go get the queen. I walked to the south, through the large gate and walked up the hill. There was a paved path curving up the grassy slope. A large wooden house sat at the top of the hill. There seemed to be few trees in the area, and the ones that stood near the house were tall and thin with arching branches. I walked around the house, circling from east to west along the southern side of the house. I knew that some of the film crew were stationed in the house, and we had been using the house to change in. As i came to the western side of the house, i wondered where the woman was. I then noticed a group of people walking down one of the paths to the east of me. Most of them seemed to be crew members, in dark shorts and short-sleeve polo shirts, but, in the center of the group, was the woman who was playing the gypsy queen. She had long straight dark-blond hair, and she walked with her head down. She seemed shaken, and was wearing a tan sweater with patchwork designs on the chests. It was unbuttoned in the front, but she was pulling it closed over her. I realized that something was wrong with her, and i moved toward her. I felt concerned, wondering if she was sick.

12007 November 16

I walked across the parking lot, heading to the west. There seemed to be rain moving across the parking lot, and i looked down at the small puddles as i crossed over the pavement. The lot was very large, and was divided by narrow grassy medians that had thin young trees growing on them. There seemed to be a modern brick office building to the northwest that was two or three stories tall. I stepped over some of the shallow puddles, noticing the heavy rain falling to the west of me. I looked up at the trees to the west of me. They were bright green, with tall thin trunks and ran along the western shore of the river. I was floating on the river in an innertube. I knew that the river was the Mississippi. It was bright and sunny outside, and i watch myself drift to the north on the narrow river. I then turned to the north, looking at the puddles in the parking lot. There was a narrow shower of heavy rain moving across the pavement in front of me. As i looked to the west, i could see several other narrow cascades of water falling across the ground. I moved to the northwest, heading for my car, which was parked in the lot to the north of the office building. The cars were parked along the western and eastern sides of the lot. Mine was in the middle of the westerns side. I was near it when i became aware of the man coming from the north. I had to be cautious of him. I knew that someone might attack us. The man swiftly passed by on a small two-wheeled single-axis vehicle, heading to the south. I realized that he could have hit me very hard as he passed, chopping off my legs. I wondered whether it actually happened or not.

I was inside the small farm house when i realized that the radio had gone silent. I knew that the telephone would not work either. I looked around, noticing that the lights were still on in the house. Only the radio signals had been blocked. Something was purposely blacking all transmissions through the air, preventing any communications from being exchanged. I walked out of the house and looked down the road to the west. I was standing to the south of the yellow wooden house in the middle of the red and tan landscape. I was out in the country, and felt that there was no way to find out what was going on around the country. All communications would be stopped unless they came across a physical line. I felt uneasy about what was happening, and worried that there was nothing that i could do. I then thought that a telegraph might still work because it was a simple signal over a physical line. I looked around. Nothing was moving in the area. There was something spooky about the silence, and i wondered what i could do.

12007 November 17

I was near the southern rim of the narrow gorge, watching the man make his way to the west, over the rocks in the bottom of the gorge. He was climbing over the large red rocks in the center of the stream, heading generally down the waterfalls of the gorge. I was excited to see the man climbing through the gorge, and imagined that i was doing it too. Someone was talking about the adventure as i focused on the tall boulders that stuck up from the shallow stream. The voice described the man as he climbed over the rocks. It then said that there was some difficulty with the trip. I zoomed in on the man, who was now on the top of a thin pillar of rock. The rock was tan, with dark-red and brown stripes across it. It had a wide top and slightly narrower bottom. I realized that the man had gotten stuck at the edge of the very tall waterfall, but he would have to push the rocks over the edge to produce the dramatic effect of scale on the fall. I could see the entire canyon around the man now. He was at the top of a very tall and very narrow fall, with a rounded amphitheater around it. The man seemed very small now in scale. The man pushed the small rock over the side of the waterfall. I watched it tumble down the side of the stone pillar, but it did not make it all the way down the waterfall. It got stuck near the streambed. I heard the announcers voice saying that the man would have to try again. The man climbed down the northwestern side of the column, which seemed to be made of loose sandstone. He grabbed the rock that he had tossed over the side and tried to push it back up to the top of the pillar, but the rock slipped on the crumbling surface. The rock was too big for the man to carry back up, but he kept trying. I remembered that the man would fall down the side of the cliff before he could get the rock back up the cliff. My view changed to a close-up of his foot on the side of the cliff. He was wearing hiking sneakers and white socks, which were bunched up against the top of his shoes. He did not have anything on his calves. I watched his foot push against the sandstone or shale cliff as he tried to climb, but the gravel gave out under it and he slipped. I moved along the northern side of the gorge now, moving around the falls. The eastern end of the gorge was rather shallow, and the waterfall was directly to the south of me now. The gorge opened up into a wider chasm to the southwest. There seemed to be more water moving over the steep falls now. I backed away from the edge of the gorge now, across the trimmed grass lawn of the large building. The building tot he north of me seemed to be stone, and i thought that it was a hospital. I started heading to the west, and seemed to be in the corridor of a building, though i could see the land around me clearly. I told the woman that we would walk to the parking lot, saying that it was easier than walking down the center of the gorge. I looked to the southwest, ahead of us. The land ahead of us had a raised level, and the parking lot was stretched out on the various levels. The parking lot seemed to be split into three sections. Two of the sections were on raised ground, to the southeast and northwest of the lower section. The raised ground had dark rocky cliffs separating it from the lower level of land. The cliffs were a metre or so tall. The center section of the parking lot seemed to narrow into a point between the two higher levels. The lower level stretched toward us. I looked to the southwest, noticing the ragged edge of the grass around the southern edge of the upper parking lot where the land hung out slightly over the deep gorge. I thought that our car was on one of the upper levels of the parking lot. There did not seem to be many cars in any of the lots. I followed the others down the hall, toward the lots, but we turned to the south and walked into the large room. There was a table just to the east of the entrance door of the room. I stopped to pick up one of the booklets from the table as the others disappeared in to the room. The people here were taking a test, but i had arrived late. I took the yellow booklet and looked it over. There were slots on the front of the book where pills could be inserted. I had to fill the slots with the correct pills as the first part of the test. I felt panicked as i looked over the booklet. I read the instructions on the top of the sheet of paper and then looked down at the small square plastic containers where the pills would go. At first, i thought the pills would be sorted by days, but then i realized that they would have to be put in by category. I read the instructions on the top of the paper again, but i could not seem to remember what i was supposed to do with the pills. I started to feel frustrated and thought that something must be wrong. I read the directions, but could not remember what they had said. I flipped over the pages, looking at the other sections of the form, but i could not remember what i was supposed to do with the pills. I was having a hard time processing the instructions, and could not remember what i just read. I tried to focus, but the instructions would not stay in my head. I started to the south, into the room, but i felt very frustrated and anxious, trying to determine how to put the pills in to the slots of the sheet.

I was in the classroom, and $A87 was teaching from his desk to the east of me. I looked over the white papers in front of me, trying to figure out what to do. There was a woman doing her work to the southeast of me. She said something to $A87, and he complimented her. I was surprised that he was saying something nice to the woman. It seemed out of character for him. I then realized that the class was over, because people were starting to leave the room. I packed up several of my papers in by black backpack. As i collected my things, i realized that not only was class over, but all of the classes were ending. I started to feel happier, realizing that an anxiety was being removed. I packed up by things in the large manila folder, but got the papers caught on the side of the folder. The folder tore a little, but i did not mind. I felt more relaxed now, realizing that things were ending. I headed down the hall to the south.

12007 November 20

I walked to the eastern end of the parking lot with $Z. We had to drive to the west again to get back to the house, and i knew that our car was here somewhere just to the east of us. I stopped as i noticed that the gray truck just to the west of us was starting to move. I knew that it was not our car, but i could see $F45 driving it. I wondered why he was driving it, and then i realized that he intended to take it to drive us back home. I thought that it was $K28’s truck, and i thought that $F45 might have asked to take it. I got into the truck and we started driving down the road to the west. There were several tools in the truck, and the bed of the pick-up truck seemed to be filled with supplies. There was a ladder on the top of the truck that was running across the width of the car. As $F45 drove the car, i started to feel unsafe, thinking that he was going too fast. I warned him that he should slow down. I then realized that the ladder was sticking out the windows of the car, and i worried that it might catch on some of the passing trees as we rounded a turn to the left, heading west again. I called $F45’s name, warning him that he should slow down. I told him that he had to be careful about the ladder, but he did not seem to pay attention. I called his name again, feeling unsafe and telling him to slow down. I then started to feel uneasy because i was criticizing him too much. I felt very nervous here, and stepped out of the truck as $F45 stopped at one of the corners. I thought that he would be angry with me, but he continued driving to the west. The ladder flew off of the truck, smashing on the northern side of the road. I was angry with $F45 for driving away, but upset that i had been nagging him about his driving. I looked down at the side of the road. The pieces of the metal ladder had shattered on the sides of the road, right where the short black driveway headed into the garage that was to the north of the small plain house. I started to pick up the square metal pieces, which seemed like folding chairs. They were shaped like the seats of metal chairs, made of a shiny aluminum-like material, and they had a tube frame around them. At first, i was not sure that these were really part of the ladder. I wondered if they were actually chairs that had been put out for sale in front of the small house, which was to the west of me, but i finally decided that they were the individual pieces of the ladder after the ladder had fallen apart. I remembered that the ladder seemed to have a lot of joints in it when it was on the truck, so it must have been composed of many small pieces. I gathered the pieces together, putting them on the ground. I remembered the red sections of the ladder on the truck, and looked to the ground to the northeast of me to see the square sections of the ladder. They now looked like small lawn mowers with the black metal frames folded over the sides of the mower. There was something yellow in the center of each section. This looked right from what i remembered of the ladder on the truck. I pushed them together near the entrance to the carport, which was attached to the northern side of the house. I hoped that the people in the house did not mind me being here. A woman was then to the south of me, saying something about the ladder. I felt more relaxed, realizing that she had confirmed that i was actually collecting pieces of the ladder. I looked to the west, across the back yard of the house, toward the road that ran north to west, just to the west of the lawn. This now seemed to be the front yard of the house. I talked to the woman about the ladder, complaining about $F45 for dumping it off of the truck.

12007 November 22

I looked at the narrow black things that were hanging from the wall just to the south of me. They were tubes, with a slit running down the top side of them and a fin-like structure on the top end. The tubes were a few centimetres in diameter, and i thought that they were supposed to be rolled up so that something could fit in them. I looked at one of the people near the tubes to see that she was using one of the pegs sticking out from the wall to try to roll up one of the plastic tubes. The thin dark-gray pegs had deep notches in the ends, allowing the woman to slide one side of the tube into the forked peg and use the peg as a grip to try to roll the tube into a smaller diameter. I thought that the tubes had to be inserted into something narrow, which is why they were being rolled up. My parents were to the northwest of me, and i realized that they were anxious to leave. I had been holding them up by watching the people try to put the tubes away. I focused on the tubes, trying to figure out how they were correctly stored. The festival around us was ending, and people were trying to pack everything up. I took one of the objects and tried rolling it up so that i could insert it into the tube. I could not figure out how to roll it up properly. There was a black plastic wing nut on one side of the metal object, and i thought that it would have to be turned so that it would fit into the black plastic object as well. I fooled with the metal object for a moment, trying to make it long and narrow so that it would fit into the tube. I looked at the wing nut, realizing that the metal screw that it was on was turned perpendicular to the rest of the object. I knew that the screw could be rotated on the joint so that it was flat with the rest of the object. Once i turned it, i started folding down the wings of the wing nut so that they would fit into the tube as well. I thought i had finally figured out how this thing worked. A man then stood to the west of me as we stood on the northern side of the table. He showed me that the long metal chord was placed in the center of the black plastic tube, and then the tube was closed around it. I realized that this was much easier than i had realized. I put the metal chord along the top of the opened tube, where there was an indentation for the rope. The bulbous end of the chord, where the wing nut used to be, stuck out the near side of the black plastic. As i closed the L-shaped plastic object, i realized that there were several holes on the bottom of the right hand side where something should hang out of the plastic. I realized that this is where the keys would stick out, but my chord did not have any keys, so there was nothing to stick out. I closed the plastic and asked the man if it looked correct. I noticed that there was a small blue cylinder on the near end of the chord, and the man asked me to keep the key to the cylinder with the chord and tube. The cylinder was a lock, and i had just put the key down. I told the man that the key was right here as i looked through the scattering of metal pieces on the table under us. I could not see the key immediately, but i knew that it was here. I picked up one of the keys and tried it in the lock, but it did not fit. I told the man that i did have it here and looked around on the table for the small key. I finally found one that looked right and put it into the lock. I was relieved, and turned to look to the north. My mother was standing on the northern side of the empty table that was to the north of me. She seemed upset and glared at me with an exasperated expression. I reacted defensively, opening my hands and scowling at her. I turned back to the table to put the black tube away. I then started to the north, following my parents to the northeast. There were still many people moving around in the large room, but i knew that they were all clearing out because the festival was now over. As i started toward the exit, i noticed a newspaper on the table to the north of me. It had a large colour photograph of me on the cover. Someone had taken a picture of me as i was working at the festival. I seemed to be wearing a red-and-white striped jacket with a matching bandana on my head. There was some blue to the bandana, making the clothing seem like an american flag. I noticed some other pictures on the table. The others who worked here were also dressed in american colours. I started to move to the east again, to head around the side of the table, when i looked closer at one of the smaller photographs. It showed a group of people sitting in chairs, facing to the left. The line of chairs was against the wall of a tent, and curved slightly, so that you could see all of the people. The photograph was taken from a high angle as well. I was sitting on the near end of the people, looking up at the camera and still dressed in the colourful clothing. I felt uncertain about the pictures, feeling both pleased that they were showing me so much attention and uncomfortable because they had published so many pictures of me. I continued to the north, rounding the end of the table to head toward the exit.

12007 November 23

I hurried into the large room of the train station. There was a train loading near us, but i knew that it was not going to the right place, so i walked to the eastern side of the room and rounded the tail of the train. A line was starting to form just to the south of the blue train, and i knew that this was the correct platform for my train. There were some businessmen ahead of me in light-gray suits. I was unsure about being in this line, so i asked one of the men whether i needed a ticket or whether i could purchase one on the train. The man turned around and said that i could buy one on the train. He had short white hair and a round face. I felt a little embarrassed about asking the question. We started to move to the west, between the blue train and the open set of tracks to the south of us. It seemed that we were getting on the train. There was a set of small cars here that were open. They looked like luggage carts. They were bluish-gray and had a raised section in the center of the cart. I did not know whether this was the correct train, so i asked one of the porters, who was standing on the eastern side of the room, whether this was the train to Germany. He said that it was, so i turned and headed to the south. I then noticed a short train right near me. It was made of tan plastic cars that had indents where people could sit. I realized that this must be the train that the man was talking about, since it seemed more like a train that a human could sit in that the other. I sat on the end of one of the cars just as the train started moving. I felt suddenly unsure about being here, though, and thought that i should jump off. I did not think that this was the correct train because it was leaving too soon. I felt like jumping off as soon as the train started into the tunnel to the west, but i did not. Instead, i looked up at the sign on the end of the train. The train said that it was going to Kent. This was the wrong train. I asked some of the people in the car with me if this train was going to Deutschland. I realized that the man sitting just to the left of me was $A103. He said that the car was going to the London area. I felt upset, realizing that i did not have time to take this train all the way to its destination and then head back. I would miss the train to Germany that i was supposed to catch and have to wait a long time for the next one. I was upset and wondered what to do. I started to wander around the area, mad that i would have to waste so much time here. I was on the sidewalk to the east of the small bar or restaurant. The building was old, with a large glass window on the front. I entered. The wood floor was bare, and the green paint on the walls seemed old and chipping. This place seemed like an old general store that had been converted to a cafe. Several people moved around the empty room, and i sat down at one of the tables near the western wall. $A85 was to the north of me, doing something in the bar. I felt comfortable with these familiar people. As i waited, i realized that $A44 was there. I turned to the west and walked across the lawn of my parents’ house. I would have to clean this area while i was waiting. It seemed foggy and damp outside as i made my way through the thick bushes. I was doing something to clean up the yard. I looked to the east, noticing that there was a small pond between the trees. I did not have to trim any of the lawn over the water. I started to back to the east, between the thick growth of bushes. I thought that i would have to trim the bushes to the north of me so that there was a lawn around them rather than weeds, but, as i looked down, i noticed that i was stepping over the edge of the water. This place had been part of the pond. I realized that my feet were not getting wet and decided that the water must be frozen. I stepped backward, heading to the east until i was standing on the grass again. I then looked at the bush to the north of me, realizing that there was very little undergrowth here. A thick willow tree grew just to the north of me, and all of the green undergrowth was actually sprouts from the tree. I did not need to clean any of the lawn in this area. I stepped back to the east, looking at some of the other clumps of green. I then noticed the large piece of clear plastic sheeting that had been wrapped to the north of one of the bushes. I had been trying to cover the bush, but i did not really need to put the plastic here. I tried to pull the plastic evenly over the bush, but it kept getting stuck on the branches. I felt annoyed with is as i tried to pull the plastic off of the northern side of the bush and take it west. As i pulled, the plastic caught on the leafless branches in the center of the bush. I had to go back and carefully pull the plastic from the branches so that it would not tear. I complained, saying that plastic was difficult to work with on these trees. I then rounded the south of the bush and started to the east again, dragging the sheet of plastic behind me. I walked over to the wheelbarrow, where i had been putting the supplies away. I felt that i had finished what i was doing and should start putting the things away. I stacked several things in the wheelbarrow, but realized that i could not fit everything in one trip. The wheelbarrow was full of stacked dark-gray things with two lighter gray things on top of it. There were two other light-gray block-like things on the ground to the east of the wheelbarrow. I would have to leave them for the next trip. I picked up the end of the barrow and started to moved to the north when i noticed the car moving down the road to the east of me. The SUV skidded a little on the dirt path as it speeded toward me. It was driving too fast for the driveway, and i was annoyed with the two men in it as they speeded past me, heading toward the barn. They drove past the barn and around the corner. I wondered what they were doing on my parents’ land. I carried my things to the barn, where i would have to put them away. The others were in the barn. They were the same people i had been with in the bar.

I stood in the bottom room of $P55. $A512 was sitting near the back of the lower floor, against the western wall. He was talking to the other person, who was standing in the center of the room. I realized that the red walls were bare and thought that the clocks were no longer here. This building must have been sold, and now it was free to be turned back into a theatre again. I felt excited at the idea of creating a community theatre again with this building, and i wondered if we could build a better theatre space than the one that used to be here. I wondered how we could move the stage around so that it was better. I walked to the east, into the old room of the next building over. The room had bare wood floors and the walls were painted green. The paint on the walls seemed to be chipping. I then wondered if this building could be used as part of the theatre. We could expand the stage into this area and increase the size of the audience. I then wondered whether the structure of the building would be able to support a large room that crossed the two buildings. I then realized that there was no building to the east of the old theatre, so there should be nowhere to extend the building. I was excited about reopening the theatre, however, and wondered if we would be able to buy out the empty lot next to the old theatre and build a new theatre.

I stood up from the chair on the southern side of the small living room. There was a small television on the floor in the center of the northern wall, and two chairs on the southern wall, facing it. The walls and carpeting were off white. This was the house of $P1’s parents. I wondered suddenly why i was here. I stood up and headed for the door, which was in the eastern end of the southern wall. There was a set of stairs going up along the eastern wall of the room, and i wondered if $A425 was upstairs. I did not want to disturb her and i felt awkward about being in her house, so i hurried out. I ran across the front yard, to the west, but ended up running across the back yard, to the east. I was having trouble moving quickly because the grass was so thick. It had been a while since i had cut the grass, and i thought that my feet were sticking in the deep grass, preventing me from running quickly. It had been cold enough that the grass was not growing, so i had not bothered to cut it in several months. I had not realized how tall it had actually grown. I ran down the eastern side of the back lawn, noticing that the northern end of the yard was covered in a garden. As i turned to the west along the southern edge of the garden, i noticed that there were some plants just starting to rise from the soil. I looked at them closely as i ran, noticing that the dense lines of growth were actually clover. I wondered if they were growing the clover for honey, but then i realized that there were no bee hives in the suburban area. They would have been noticed because people would have to stay away from them. As i continued to the east, i noticed that the types of clover varied. The pedals got larger and squarer on the ends, and the plants were not growing as densely.

12007 November 24

I stepped to the south, into the center of the white room. I felt as though i had just come back from classes, and this was my room from college. I liked this place. There seemed to be very little furniture in the room, but it had everything i would need. I turned back to the north as i thought about changing my clothing. I then went to the eastern wall and pulled open one of the shades on the wide rectangular window. This room seemed to be partly below ground, and i could see the driveway of the house out the window. There was something that felt comfortable about the view, so i opened the second shade on the northern part of the window. I then turned to the south, where there was a desk against the wall, just below another window. I felt nostalgic about this place, and thought that i had to get ready for something. I knew that i had just come back from class, but i did not feel good about the class. I felt as thought i was not doing well in the class because i could no remember them. I decided that i should take a shower and get ready to go. I turned to the east as i started to rub the thick cream rinse into my hair. As i moved, my hair started to feel greasy, and i wondered if i had put too much in. I walked up the street of the neighbourhood that i had seen out my window, and turned to the north, into the driveway of the house. The house was to the east of me, and it seemed like a white tall modern cement house with many square glass windows. I had to take a shower, but i remembered the exams that i had just taken and i felt as though i was failing them all. I could not remember whether i had gone to class or not as i walked down the hall to the east, heading for the bathroom. Several other members of $G3 were there. One of them seemed to be $A56. I thought about where i had to go today. It seemed to be a Tuesday, and i knew that i had philosophy as my first class, but i did not think that i had been going to that class. I would have to take the final exams soon, and i felt as though i would no be able to pass them. I had not been in class. I imagined that the teacher would ask me what had happened in one of the classes to see if i had been there, but i would not know what to tell him.

I walked toward the old wooden house, which was split into two sections. The main house stood to the northwest of the smaller house, but they were both connected by a common roof. The realtor was showing us this house. I walked into the smaller section of the house, entering into a small corridor that was surrounded by rooms. Three was a large kitchen to the east of me, and a crowded living room to the west. To the south were a few smaller rooms. A man moved around the living room, looking at me as we came in. He and his husband did not quite have the house ready for viewing. He was still preparing something in the kitchen. I stood outside the house for a moment, looking at the faded-green square gothic trim around the windows and eves. The small house was too small to live in, but it had a doorway in the western side of it that led into the larger house via the short walkway between the two buildings. The eastern part of the larger house also belonged to the same apartment, so the men had a larger space to live in. I was back in the smaller building, looking at the kitchen. I was not sure whether i should be walking around here, but i looked over the living room and rounded the southern rooms of the house. I spotted a slice of pizza that had been dropped on the dark carpet of the living room and picked it up. I continued heading around the rooms of the house until i was standing in the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall of the kitchen. The kitchen covered the entire eastern side of the smaller building, and i noticed that the center of the eastern wall of the kitchen was filled with black shelves that seemed to be part of cookie or pizza ovens. The large black stove stood to the north of me, against the eastern wall. There were several sheet pizzas on the stove. I looked at the small piece of pizza that i had found on the floor and placed it on the green formica counter on the south wall, where there were several other sheet pizzas. The men who lived here were experimenting with ways to cook pizza. They might have been trying to open a restaurant and were playing around with recipes. I walked to the west, now in the larger part of the building. I wanted to see the rest of the house. I followed the small group down the corridor to the west, but felt that i did not want the people living here to see me walking through their house. I opened the door at the end of the corridor and headed into the stairwell. I told $Z that i might not be as interested in this house as i could be. I told him that the kitchen was not really designed for a regular meal. I then asked whether he had seen the pizza ovens in the kitchen. He said that he had not noticed them. I started moving down the stairs faster, looking down at the steps as though following a trail on the ground. The woman and the realtor were following me as i descended several floors. I wondered which door i should go out, but i was following $Z. I rounded one of the landings and noticed that we had come to the bottom level, so i followed $Z out the door and down the long tan corridor. When i came to the end, there was a doorway to the north that led into a room slightly to the east of the end of the corridor. The woman spoke to me, telling me about what i would need to do to stay here. She was the caretaker of this place, and she told me that i should only paddle on the right side. I looked out over the long narrow lake to the east as i sat in the canoe. $Z was sitting behind me, and i started paddling with the double paddle to the east. I paddled only on the right side of the boat, and held the left side of the paddle high out of the water as we moved swiftly over the water. There seemed to be something special about this place. I paddled again, watching the water move swiftly past us. I then paddled on the left side, to keep the boat heading in a straight line. I touched my chest with my left hand, making sure that i was wearing a life vest in the canoe, because i seemed to be quite far from the western shore now. The shore to the east was approaching quickly, and i could see the lighter coloured soil just under the water where the beach started. We started to slow down as we approached the shore. I turned the canoe around and started to paddle back across the lake. The lake was still narrow, but now seemed much shorter east to west. I quickly came to the western shore, but it was much different than when i had started. The shore was narrow, and had high sand cliffs on either side. The front of the canoe ran up onto the sandy bank and headed down the narrow stream a little way. I suddenly felt uncomfortable, realizing that this was not the shore that i left. I worried that i would not be able to return to the room in the hotel that i had left, but i admired the beauty of this stream bed. It was not that deep, but it looked like a large canyon, with many small pillars of sand. The sand had stripes around it, looking like strata of rock. I had moved farther in to the canyon, looking at the details of the miniature canyon. I took the scenery in, amazed at the detail in the eroded towers of sand on either side of the dry creek bed. I then looked to the west, realizing that there was a steep waterfall of wet sand at the end of the canyon. I would not be able to get out of the gorge this way, and i wondered how i was going to get back to the hotel area. I pushed the canoe back out of the canyon, noticing that it slid easily over the wet sand. I paddled to the east again, wondering if i should still only be paddling on one side of the canoe. I thought that the rowing technique might affect the area, changing it to this special area. I paddle on the right side of the canoe, and noticed that the shore change. I headed to the west, noticing that the shore was now wider, with no signs of the sandy gorge. I stepped out of the boat and came to the shore. I wondered if the woman would be there, but her husband was there instead. He was walking back and forth in the corridor, taking care of something. I recognized him as $F15, but he did not seem to recognize me. He looked into the room momentarily as i stated to get out of the clothing that i had worn in the canoe. He said that dinner was ready, and i greeted him, mentioning his name. He did not seem to hear. I tried to pull off my pants, but noticed that my blue shorts had fallen down. I tried to pull them back up over my green plaid boxer shorts as i spoke to $F15. I wanted to talk to him, but could not get my clothes on in time to catch him in the hall. I was still not sure that he recognized who i was, although i was a little worried that he was not interested in talking to me.

12007 November 25

I moved some of my things around in my room. This room was part of $P19. It felt very good to be back here, even though i felt that i was now too old to be here. There was a man to the southwest of me. He seemed to be $A432. I enjoyed his company. I turned to the northeast, trying to get my things together. I felt that i had to get dressed. I had just come from the shower. It felt good to be here again, but i was not sure that i really belonged here.

I sat down on the couch that was against the eastern wall of the small white room. There seemed to be other simple furnishings around the room. $A14 walked to the western side of the office to pick up a book. He had been talking about the ancient place that was referenced in his old book. I recognized the place as the stronghold that the Hebrews had used to defend themselves against the Romans. I asked $A14 about the place, trying to remember the name. I asked him “This is Masada, right?” He seemed unsure and went back to the western wall to look something up. I then said “I think i saw that.” I thought about the television movie that had the same name, realizing that i had made a reference to it. I tried to explain that i had seen the reference somewhere so that it did not seem that the only reason i knew about the place was because of a television movie. He had left the large red volume sitting on the arm of the metal armchair just in front of me. I picked up the book, thinking that it was some kind of encyclopedia, and tried to look up the word “Masada”. I then realized that this volume only contained the As, and i wondered if it would be in here as “Al Masada”. The book fell open to a large picture near the end of the book. It was a simply line drawing of a fortress on top of a tall butte. I thought that this was the correct building, but there were many names on the top of the page, and i could not see the word “Masada” there. Most of the names did start with the article “Al” and seemed to be long multiword names. On the top left side of the page was a translation of the arabic name saying “Fortress of the Lamb of God”. I remembered that “masada” probably meant “fortress”, and i wondered if these other names were the actual names of the place. I told $A14 about what i had found, trying to explain something to him. It seemed confusing as he moved to the east of me and sat down on the couch with another book. I told him that i had found a description of a fortress on top of a hill, but that it was not quite what we had expected. There was other writing on the page, and i tried to focus on it, to get a better description of what i was looking at. I explained to $A14 that the word “masada” might mean simply fortress, and that the actual place might have a more complex name. I opened the volume again, looking for the article. The book opened to a page full of text, but there was a manila document envelope stuck between the pages. I turned the envelope over to see the writing on the front side. There were several lines of notes about the fortress, and i realized that they were in $A14’s had writing. He had looked this up before in this book, so i must have the correct article. I turned the pages forward again, looking for the large picture. At first, i did not think that i could find it, but, after a few pages, i saw the large image of the towering rock column with the jagged top. I thought that i should remember the name i had seen in the book. I pictured the hand written capital letters that formed the name, but it took me a moment to remember “Fortress of the Lamb of God”. I then thought that the term “Lamb of God” was more of a christian term. I wondered how it could have related to the jewish fortress.

I had been talking about something, and i imagined that i was on the stage in the auditorium of $P7. Someone else was with me. I imagined that we had jumped back in time. We were looking for information on the fortress that i had seen it the book with $A14. I was now looking at the stage as the people gathered in the auditorium behind me. I was aware that $Z and myself were hiding behind the curtain of the stage as the assembly formed. There were teachers on the stage. The man with me was $A118. We were hiding right behind the teachers, but thought that the teachers would have to know that we were there, so i thought that we should be whispering to each other. The scene had to play out so that we were exposed to the audience. This would mean that i would mention $A118’s name, which would alert the audience that he was the same person as the younger version of himself that was now sitting in the audience. I imagined that $A48 could hear the whispers and would be suspicious of students hiding behind the stage. He would get up and discover us. I would then call out $A118’s name, which would alert the audience as to who we were. He would also have to mention my name so that i could be identified in the audience. I thought about this as i walked to the north, down the corridor of the northern wing. I realized that i was walking through the corridors, and i realized that it seemed suddenly strange that i had simply walked away from the auditorium. I looked around at the rooms around me, noticing that they seemed different than i had remembered. It had been quite a long time since i had been here. I stepped out the door on the northern side of the building, finding a round parking lot right outside of the door. There were cars parked just to the east of the door in the circular lot. I thought that this was probably the reserved lot for the teachers. I then looked to the south, noticing the large white sign that mentioned that the lots were reserved. At first, the sign seemed to be right at the edge of the sidewalk that ran around the eastern side of the lot, but then it was a very large sign standing in front of the building, to the east of the door. The black letters of the sign were styled to seem like they had been written with a large magic-marker. The sign was broken into four sections, each with a bold header on the left. The top header implied that the category was for the male teachers. The second, which seemed to say “Hers”, was for the female teachers. I felt suddenly surprised by this, wondering why they would segregate the teachers by sex. The next two categories seemed to refer to student parking. I glanced up at the building to the southeast of me, noticing that there was now a parking lot nestled into the corner of the building, between the wings. I decided that enough students must be driving now that they would need more places to park. I turned to the west, looking down the driveway that ran along the northern side of the building. It seemed to run from the main road to the east. Several students were walking across the drive from the north. I noticed a building on the northern side of the driveway, just inside the green metal chain-link fence. It had a glass front. I remembered it being a tool shed, but it now seemed to be part of the school. They must have needed to expand the facilities. Things seemed to be so different now.

12007 November 26

The man asked about the Euphrates River, asking whether or not it was the river to the west. I thought about it and told him that it was the river on the east and that the Tigris River was on the west. I looked down at the table to the north of me, where the map was layed out. The man moved from the west to look at the map as well. It showed the bay to the south with the two rivers running from the north, near the top of the map. The rivers joined near the center of the map, and the short combined river ran into the bay. Where the two rivers ran next to each other, i looked at the labels, noticing that the Euphrates was on the east. I talked about the city that was in the gulf, at the mouth of the combined river. The man looked at the map, pointing to the combined river, saying uncertainly that it was the Euphrates. I looked at the map, thinking that this must be wrong. I told him that the Euphrates was the river above the junction. I then noticed that the combined river below the junction was labeled as “Tigris-Euphrates”. I thought that it was an appropriate name for the river, but wondered if it was correct. I looked down the map, noticing that the combined river had been dammed up near the mouth of the river. A large lake had formed to the north of the dam, just to the north of the ocean bay. I looked around the map, trying to figure the location out. The river ran down the center of a long peninsula, which seemed to have ocean water on the sides. I looked at one of the other maps, thinking that my map was older than the map the man had. Mine showed the dam, but it was not as extensive as it was on the map i was looking at. The lake on my map was smaller. I noticed that there were now several lakes on the newer map, and i thought that they must have built a more complex dam system over the years. I looked at the man’s map, noticing the image of the tower drawn in the center of it. It was drawn in greenish-gray, and i thought that it was the world’s tallest building in Phnom Penh. I then remembered that this was near the southern tip of the triangular land mass, and i remembered that the rivers of Mesopotamia ran here, so i realized that it could not be Phnom Penh, which would have been in southeast Asia. I asked what city this would really be as i tried to figure it out on my own. I though that it must be in Iran, but wondered if it was really in Iraq. It seemed like a capital city, so i thought that it must be Tehran. I looked around at the land, deciding that it could not be Tehran. That was a central city, and this was on the ocean. I then thought of “Bahrain”. I remembered the phrase “port city of Bahrain”, and it sounded correct. I decided that the city here must be Bahrain. I looked at the round lake again, which was just to the north of the label for the city. The tower was in the center of the large round lake, and there seemed to be circular rings of land forming islands around the sides of the lake. This all looked familiar. I looked up from the map, to the north, to see the ashen stone buildings of the surrounding plaza. To the northeast of me was a large fountain, with water cascading down steps on the near side. We were in the foreign land that was depicted on the maps. I walked up the steps on the eastern side of the fountain, following the others. I was slightly uncomfortable in this country. I felt uncertain here, as though i was not quite sure what to do or whether i was really safe here. There were cement ponds all around us, and i felt that they were part of the large round lake structure that was on the map. I talked to the others about the lakes and how they related to these ponds and fountains as we headed to the north. I felt that we were headed up the center of the peninsula to some special location. I looked to the north, toward the front of the airplane. I was sitting in the back row of the airplane, watching the scenery move past in the window to the east of me. I felt uneasy here, as though i was not sure about this trip. Out the window to the east of me, i could see dense pine forests moving past the window. There seemed to be a layer of snow on the ground between the trees. We were flying very low over the ground. I realized that this was because we were flying up the steep slope of the mountains. He had to get to the tallest mountain, so the plane would not be flying high above the ground here. The airplane tipped up, and i was pushed back into my seat as we continued up the steep slope of the hill. I looked at the map again, noticing the very long triangular peninsula. It pointed down on the map, and reminded me of India. The river ran down the center of the peninsula, from the tall mountains in the north. Many long lakes had formed in the center of the peninsula along the course of the river. There was something interesting about them, and i thought that they must have been formed by dams or natural dips in the river. I was then looking at a three-dimensional map of the land, and my view moved to the southeast of the tip of the peninsula. The land rose in the center of the peninsula at a steady rate, heading to the jagged white mountains on the northern edge of the map. These mountains were the tallest mountains in the world. The raised portion of land seemed like a steady slope, rising at an even rate from the ocean at the tip of the peninsula to a point just before the tall peaks of the mountains. The land on either side of the slope dropped off suddenly, heading back down to the eastern and western shores of the peninsula. The slope was coloured from green to yellow on the slope, fading eventually into white near the top, showing the type of terrain there. I focused on the lakes than ran down the steep slope, and i wondered how the water could form into lakes. I wondered what prevented the water from running down the hill rather than staying in the lakes. I then noticed the thin lines in the water on the map. They could represent dams. That would help hold the water in place on the slopes. I looked out the large window in front of me. It seemed more like a view screen, but it was showing the land that we were flying over. We passed over the calm waters of a small lake. The view seemed like a beautiful picture, with the leafless trees on the lake shore to the north and east of where we were. There were small sheds on the eastern shore ahead of us. As we passed over, they seemed to be part of a small farm house. The small houses were made of sticks that had been bound together. The scene was very picturesque, and i wished i had brought my camera fro the trip. These scenes were very rare because they were in such a secluded part of this country. I would have to remember what they looked like. The plane passed over the land on the northeastern side of the lake, but quickly started passing down the length of another long lake. We passed low over the calm waters of the long lake, which was surrounded by forested land. As we crossed over the water, i noticed that there were ropes stretched across the water. They were floating on the surface of the water because there were small dirty white floating beads along the length of the rope. The ropes were bowed in the center, and i realized that it was because of the heavy current of the long lakes. I thought that the ropes must trap floating debris that was caught in the heavy current. The current must have been so heavy because the lakes were on the steep slope of the land, so they must be tipped down hill. We passed over one row of string that was bowed heavily, and i could see the swirls of heavy current flowing into the rope. We then passed over some trees, and the view disappeared. The cabin of the plane was dark again, and the large screen ahead of me flickered. I looked out the window again, noticing only the trees outside. They were tall mountain pines. The plane tipped up steeply again as we climbed up the slope of the hill. The captain announced that we were jetting to the top of the mountain, so i thought we must be near the end of our journey. Someone then mentioned that only fourty percent of the people can breath the thin air on the top of the mountain. I wondered if the rest would pass out before the airplane reached the top of the mountain. I felt that i had to stay awake in order to see where we were. I looked at the three-dimensional map again. Mount Everest stood wide and tall on the northern side of the map, and the land sloped steeply up to it from the south. I looked at the peak of the land that was just before Everest. The land climbed steadily toward the mountain, but then dropped off suddenly in a steep valley just before the white slope of Everest. The top of the rise to the south of the mountain seemed to level off a little, and i knew that this was where the plane would be landing. There was a small city there. I looked at the land, noticing that the drop off to the north seemed almost like a vertical cliff. I thought that the top of the rise would be a great place to build a house because it would have a great view of the mountains and the steep valley between the rise and Everest. I imagined a house on the western side of the mountain, looking off to the north west, over the great valley to the west of Everest. I then thought that it would probably be impossible to build a house there, thinking that the rich people probably already bought up all of the land and put mansions on it. My view then moved away from the three-dimensional representation of the land, and i felt that this country was not the safest place for me. This country seemed like China, but i remembered that the land looked like India. Something about this place seemed imposing, though, and i felt that i would have to be careful here. I looked to the north again. The view screen had just turned back on and it was showing the snowy slope of the mountain ahead of us. I ten noticed the tall gray figure looming over us. It was a mushroom cloud, thick, but pale against the white sky. I was nervous, and thought that it must be a volcano. I tried to focus on the image, but everything was cloudy, as though the gray clouds around us were passing in front of my vision. The view then cleared, and i could see Mount Everest ahead of us. It was amazing. It was so tall and imposing that it had looked like a plume of smoke from a volcano. I looked out the side window of the plane to see that the airplane was still climbing. I leaded back into the seat, feeling the weight of the climb pushing me into the cushioning of the chair. I was reclined, even though the seat was vertical with respect to the airplane. I tried to relax, but i felt nervous and uncomfortable. The steep angle at which we were flying made me nervous, and i wondered when the plane would stop its ascent. Then the airplane tipped down, leveling off, and i thought that we must have reached the plateau on the top of the southern heights. I looked around to see more pine trees. I expected to see the streets of the small city that was on top of the mountain, but still only saw forest. The plane slowed down, and i realized that we were on the ground already. There was black pavement under us, and thick trees lined all sides of the narrow road. The plane turned to the south and then to the west, following the curve of the road. As it followed the curve back to the north, i realized that the trees and thick bushes were just outside my window. This did not seem right. They were too close to the plane. I wondered where the wing had gone. It would not be able to pass over the bushes so easily, and obviously did not go through them. The long bus that we were riding in continued to the north, turning to the east at the crest of the hill. The land around us was now more open, and it was night. I could see the lights of the small city to the north of us as we rode along the ridge, heading east. This bus was a tourist bus, and i was traveling with the others over the uneven road. This place felt uncertain, and i felt that it had been part of the old Soviet Union. I had never been here before, and was a little uneasy about being here now. I felt that i would have to be cautious of the people around me so that i did not get into trouble. I looked to the east, out the window of the car. There was another short tourist bus traveling just in front of us as we passed down the dirt road in the night. The busses seemed more like off-road vehicles, with multiple levels of seating. I was sitting on an upper level, looking over the top of the lower part of the vehicle to see where we were going. I said something to the other man, who was sitting in a seat in front of and below me. I then looked back out the window, noticing that the cars were turning to the southeast, down another dirt road. The road dipped down suddenly, just after the intersection. I looked down at the dirt below us to see that it was covered with loosely packed yellow brick pieces. This was a temporary road over a gully that was created by a construction team. The bridge was being repaired, so they made a temporary one for the cars. We continued to the east, through the small cluster of European-style houses. I spoke to the others about the area, noticing that we were now in the lobby of a large gift shop. The shop was to the north and northeast of us. It seemed worm here. I looked at the tops of the tall buildings of the city to the north of us, noticing that some of them had Sanskrit words on the tops. I thought that this country must be Tibet, and i wondered if i could travel here as an American without being scorned. Some of the others were wandering through the gift shop as i sat near the entrance and spoke to $Z, who was standing to the north of me. I looked at a woman to the northeast who was standing to the north of a round counter in the center of the store. She was bundled up in a thick brown short winter jacket. A thin woman in a plain dark-green vest and brown dress was standing in the center of the rounded glass counter, handing a plastic bag of something over the counter. I then remembered that i would have to get money out from the bank. I did not bring any cash to exchange, so i though that i would have to go to an ATM machine to take out money. I wondered where i could find one in the city. I then heard the woman behind the counter ask for a dinar from someone. I remembered that i had some old currency in my coin collection from my grandfather. There were some dinars there that i did not need, and i thought that i should have brought them. I mentioned this to the man to the north of me, explaining that it was older money. I felt that he was curious as to where i would have gotten the money. I then stood up and walked to the northeast, into the store.

12007 November 28

I was walking across the campus when i noticed the white lines on the grass to the north of me. I was walking down a sidewalk between two modern science buildings at the back end of campus. I wondered if the marks were left by $G4. I started to follow them to the west, and i realized that there were several other people following the marks around me. They seemed to be part of a class, and i thought that this could not really be part of $G4. They walked quickly from mark to mark. We then came to a large circle on the ground, and i realized that this group was using the same symbols as $G4. The group headed off to the southwest as i looked at the mark on the ground, which was just to the southeast of the southeastern corner of a low cinderblock building. The grass around us seemed to be dry but green, as though it was late fall. I wondered what inspired this group to try setting their own version of a running trail like $G4. I followed them to the west, hoping to figure out why they were setting their trail and where they were headed. In the center of a grassy area was a dry flowerbed, surrounded by thick wooden beams. The marks ran along the beams, so i walked on top of the beam, balancing as i went. I bent over to pick up a long stick, which i thought i could use as a walking stick. As i reached the western end of the flowerbed, one of the older men in the group asked me who i was. He was tall, with balding gray hair and wearing a dark suit. I thought that he was one of the professors from the class. He must have realized that i was not a student in his class and wanted to know why i was following the class on their exercise. There was another professor near me. He was shorted and rounded, but he did not seem to care that i was following the class. He laughed at the taller professor as we moved to the west. I felt that the shorter professor was very inviting and more open. The taller one seemed more reserved and uncomfortable with change. I jogged after the others, using the stick i had picked up as an improvised cane. I headed to the south, across the area of uneven ground. I realized that there were several obstacles in the area. The trail leaded the people across gaps in the ground, where they would have to jump, and up onto the docking bays of the buildings. This seemed more dangerous a run than $G4 would have done. I felt a little uncertain about the run, but realized that these people were simply inexperienced at setting trails and did not realized that some people would not be able to follow the trail without getting hurt. I thought that it was more fun to take risks, but better not to when you do the same types of trails over and over. I came to the large obstacle and tried to climb over it. It was very hard to get over. I stepped back and looked at the truck. Several other people were with me, trying to figure out how to get over it. I looked up, noticing that the trunk reached all the way to the ceiling of the dark bar. We would not be able to go over it, but that was really what we were supposed to do. I then realized that the trunk was really a tall polished wood cabinet. The others tried to turn the cabinet as i walked around to the south of it. It was too difficult to climb because it had no features, but then i noticed that there was a set of steps curving up the western side of the cabinet. I looked around the room. There was a long bar running down the southern wall of the pub. Like the rest of the woodwork in the room, it was darkly polished wood. The bartender was standing behind the bar at the eastern end of the room, watching us as we tried to figure out the trail. I looked at the steps on the western side. The others rotated the cabinet so that the steeps were more exposed, and i started to climb them. I could not see where they went, but i climbed up into a small opening in the ceiling. There was a small rectangular opening in the ceiling that led into a closed compartment of the floor above us. The compartment was surrounded by stained glass walls, and i could tell that there was an empty dining area outside. I wondered how we followed the trail up here. There was a small door in the southern end of the compartment, but i could see that i would not be able to open it. There was a table and chair just outside the door that would prevent me from pushing it open. I started climbing back down the side of the cabinet, thinking that i would not be able to get to the upper floor from here. As i descended, my foot hit something on top of the cabinet and knocked it off. I heard the glass shatter as it hit the floor. I stepped down to the floor and looked at the pink shattered glass. It seemed rather old. I bent over to pick up the pieces, feeling bad that i had broken the antique glass object. The bartender seemed upset. I moved around, realizing that i had to shower after the trail. I was in the large empty room on the southeastern side of the house. The room seemed to be part of a locker room, but i knew that it was actually the bathroom of the house. The walls of the room were covered with small green tiles, and the floor was cement. I started to undress. The shower was simply a showerhead in the northern wall of the room. The tile around the base of the shower seemed to be black and made of larger squares than the rest of the room. I took off some of my clothing, but realized that i still had my towel with me. I turned to the southern wall to look for a spot to hang it, but the white ceramic hooks no longer seemed to be where they should be. I looked along the seam in the wall, which ran horizontally at my chest level. Something was not quite right here. The seam separated the smooth white plastic bottom of the wall from the blue sheetrock top, and i remembered that there used to be hooks just below the level of the seam, but none of them were there at the moment. I lifted my blue housecoat to the wall, thinking that i could hang it on one of the thin outcroppings from the wall. I then turned back to the north. Water was spraying from the showerhead in the northern wall, but it was splashing water all over the black tile floor. This did not seem right. I then turned to the east, noticing a car coming through the large window. I was now standing outside the house, just to the south of here i was, watching the cars approach down the alley between the house and the other cinderblock research buildings. The cars rolled over the dirt driveway, pulling up just to the south of me. I thought that it was the students coming back from their class trip. They were part of the research class who had followed the trail. I guessed at which class they were, thinking that i could remember them from before. I then noticed a man in the passenger’s seat of the leading car, which was a large american car from the 11970s. He seemed to be $A380, or $A428. I thought that the others in the car were form $G3. I knew them and greeted them as they pulled up. They stepped out of the car and we spoke for a moment. I sat down in one of the seats along the southern wall of the room. We were in the bar with the darkly stained wood all around. There were more people here now, and i heard a woman speaking from the east. She said something about the broken glass. The female bartender acknowledged her and then pointed it my direction. She was telling the group of people that i was the one who had broken the glass object. I felt bad.

12007 November 30

I moved down the dark road to the east. There seemed to be trees on both sides of the road. Many of them seemed to be pines, the rest seemed to be leafless. The land on the southern side of the road seemed to slope down steeply. The ground seemed to be covered with snow, but it did not seem to be cold. I pushed the bicycle down the road, though it seemed like a skateboard with handlebars. The back wheel of the bicycle was wobbling, and it seemed hard to push the bicycle back down the street. I felt a slight urgency to get the bicycle to the east, aware that the others were behind me. I was moving with $Z, but we had left the others behind us, because they were walking. I tried to push the bicycle faster, but it broke, and the back wheel came off. I turned the corner to the west as the walkway got narrower, passing between the tall building on the south and the half wall to the north. We still seemed to be outside, but we now seemed to be moving down a wooden deck along the side of the house. I picked up the pieces of the bicycle and started to carry them up the steps. Looking down, i realized that the front tire of the bicycle looked thin and floppy. I looked around for the rest of the bicycle, but i could not find the rear tire of the bicycle. I felt annoyed and thought that i would have to go back, even though i was still weary of the people on the road. I continued down the corridor to the west, into the room at the end. I had to drop the stuff off before i headed back out. I walked into the large white room, where he people were gathered for the party. Several people were walking into the door at the same time that i was, and they were carrying something large, which seemed like a dark-gray loveseat. I helped the three young men carry the couch into the room and place it near the western side of the room. I then stood for a moment among the party guests. I felt anxious here, not quite comfortable being at this party. I noticed the people to the west of me, passing around a tray with martini glasses that seemed to be filled with margaritas. I thought that they might offer me one, but they did not. I started to feel that i was not welcome in this place, and i felt that it was because they thought i was too old to want to hang out with them. I uneasily started to wander back to the east, heading for the door. I left the house, feeling disappointed and confused.

I walked to the west, down the corridor of the modern building, which i thought was a dormitory of the university. There were doors on both sides of the corridor. I reached the western end of the corridor and walked through the metal door. I exited the stairwell on the upper floor of the building. I came into a large open room, which seemed to be a dining hall. There were many long rectangular tables, and i walked to the nearest table. The table ran parallel to the northern wall, with one other table between it and the wall. The table seemed to be filled with students, and i sat down near the eastern end of the southern side of the table. I looked for the others in the room, but i did not see them. I felt distracted and uncomfortable here, but i tried to pretend i was just another student getting some food. I then noticed that the table to the east of us was filled with people from a meeting. I noticed $A513 in the center of the northern side of the table. She smiled to someone across the table from her. They must be having a meeting lunch in this place. I felt uncomfortable knowing that they were here, and i thought that i should leave. A man seemed to be lecturing to the group from the northern wall, pointing to a chart on the screen on the wall. No one at the table seemed to have noticed that i was in the room, and i hoped that i could avoid their notice. I was nervous about them, however, and thought that i should leave. I then noticed that the rest of the room was almost clear of students dining. It was the end of the dining hours, and most of the tables had been emptied. Only the table of the meeting and the two tables around me had any people at them. I decided that i should slip out before i got caught in an uncomfortable situation. I walked back into the stairwell to the west and came out in the corridor below. The western end of the building had two corridors meeting at it, one from the east-northeast and the other from the east-southeast. Both seemed to curve to the east farther down the building. I started to head down the northern corridor, looking at the doors of the dorm. I felt out of place here, thinking that i was no longer a student any more.