12009 November 01

I was with $F45 is this place. We were standing just to the north of a tan cement wall, and the telephone was ringing. I was nervous here, feeling that someone was out to get us. I picked up the telephone and listened for a moment. I could not hear anyone, but i knew that there was a man talking on the telephone to me. He was threatening me. I pretended that i did not know what he was talking about. I then spoke to him in a british accent, trying to fool him into thinking that he did not have the right room. $F45 was standing to the south of me, nervously listening in on the call. He was frightened because the men had been threatening us. We seemed to be in Australia, and there were some men from a local pub who started threatening us. They seemed to be angry with us because we were homosexual. I was afraid that the men would come after us, so i told $F45 that we would have to leave this area. I knew that the men were following us, though, and they would be waiting for us outside the hotel. We would have to sneak out so that they could not see us. I was scared of what might happen, and did not know what to do. I had a bag with me as i headed to the north, out of the room and into the dark street. The alley ran to the east, jogging slightly to the south around the corners of the brick buildings. I hurried to the east, telling $F45 to hurry after me. We had to get out of sight to the east before the men following us could see where we where. I turned to the south suddenly and ran down a corridor on the eastern side of one of the hotel buildings. I was carrying a duffel bag over my right shoulder. Once we were halfway down the side of the building, i ducked into an alcove in the center of the building. It seemed to be the entryway for the stores here, but everything was closed for the night. The walls to the west of us were glass, but they hid us from view from the south. The lights of a car passed down the alley to the south of the building, and i hoped that the people did not see that we had been here. As the car drove past, i stayed in the alcove of the building. I was then aware that we could be seen from the east. I looked to the east, across a small empty lot to a city intersection. A car drove toward us from the east and stopped at the intersection, which was slightly to the northeast of where we were. The lights of the car did not directly illuminate us, and i hoped that the people in the car would not be able to notice us in front of the building. The car stopped at the light, but then continued to the west, driving along the northern side of the building where we were hiding. I wondered what we should do. I felt threatened and knew that we had to get out of here or the men would kill us.

12009 November 02

I carried the folder of papers to the south, across the room of the house. This place seemed like $P19. I was walking along the western wall of a yellowish-white living room. I had entered through the door in the western end of the northern wall, and was headed toward the door in the western end of the southern wall. There was a wide doorway in the center of the western wall that opened into another room. There seemed to be a stairway leading up in the next room to the west. I spoke to someone to the east of me as i left the room to the south and came into the kitchen or dining area. There was a column in the center of the room to the west, and i turned to it and started taking some of the items out of the folder and placing them on the counter that ran around the column. I placed several pieces of paper on the counter and looked at them. I then started to pull wads of red rubber bands out of the manila envelope and dumping them on the counter. I had kept these papers in my things at home, and i had decided that it was now time to bring them back to the house. I pulled out a large sheet of white paper with black handwritten writing on it. The writing had some significance. I said something to the person to the south of me, who seemed to be $A157. I mentioned that i had found these papers in my things when i was cleaning out some old files. I did not want to tell them that i had known that they were in my things because they seemed to belong to $G3. I looked over the long paper that i had pulled out. I thought that it had some kind of significance to $G3, but, as i read it over, i realized that it was listing characters. The top section had a header that was underlined with three or four lines of text indented below it. The indented text listed something about a king and various rankings of king-related men. The next section had four or five more indented lines, listing titles that related to a queen and queen-like figures. This was a listing from a party. I did not understand why i had thought that this in formation was important to $G3. I then thought that this was a listing from an old party that $G3 had a long time ago. The characters listed were all played by officers of $G3, so the list actually had the names of the people involved in $G3 from that time period. That was the significance of the list. I placed it on the counter to the west and looked it over some more. I then pulled several other papers out of the folder. Some of this stuff had been here for a long time. I moved around the room, pulling things out of the folder and placing them on the counters. I was near the western end of the room when i pulled the lists out of the manila folder and placed them on the counter than ran along the northern wall. I then looked at the package of cheese that i had previously pulled out and placed on the counter. The cheese was round and looked like some kind of hard aged cheese. It was bumpy and discolored, but looked good. I then realized how old the cheese must be for me to have had it in the folder, so i looked more closely at it. The right edge of the cheese was darker yellow, and i thought that it must have dried out. I decided that the rest of the cheese was probably still good, and i placed the cheese on the counter. I then remembered how old the cheese must be, and i realized that it could not possibly be good any more. I looked closely at it, noticing that the discoloration in the center of the cheese was actually dry mold. I picked up the cheese, which was still wrapped in the original plastic packaging, and looked around the edges for the expiration date. The date was written on the clear plastic in white letters. It said that the cheese had expired in 1984, so i tossed it into the waste can that was on the floor under the counter, telling the other person the date. I then started pulling other things out of the folder. I found the long list of names again and turned to the south to hold it up against the wall. I was now standing on the eastern side of the room. I seemed to be in a small lining room to the northeast of where i had been. There was a doorway in the western end of the southern wall, and a couch against the eastern wall. I leaned the long cardboard strip up against the southern wall, looking at the yellow surface. It was a cake, and it had been in the bag a long time as well. The man was to the west of me as i leaned the long cake against the wall. The cake seemed to be a sheet cake. It was about half a meter wide and about three meters tall. It was mounted on a cardboard box. I remembered these cakes from a long time ago and told the person that they had probably ordered the cake for the party. He was fascinated by the cake and leaned toward it to get a closer look. He asked where it came from. I looked at the packaging receipt, which was still stapled to the top of the box. The receipt had faded pink and red boxes with text printed in them. The printing in the upper left corner told us that the cake came from P&C. I told the man this, saying that the cake came from that store. I then told him that there was nothing special about this store and that the cakes could be purchased from any store. I wanted to let him know that they were nothing special. I then read the rest of the tag, trying to figure out when the cake was made. There seemed to be a date in the lower left corner of the tag, but it only had a month and a day. It seemed to say “9 December”, but it also looked like November. It did not have a year on it, so i searched around the tag to see if i could find one. I thought that it would have to be from 1984, and i told this date to the man. I guessed that it was purchased for the same party that the cheese had come from. It was very old and rotting. 1984 seemed like a very long time ago.

12009 November 03

I looked up to the east to see the black jet descending vertically onto the roof of the building. It was dark out, but i could see the black plane as it slowly descended into the cloud of smoke from its engines. It looked like a modified Lockheed Blackbird, and i knew that it was the plane from the X-Men. Something was happening inside the large building to the east. I felt as though i should run into the building and join them, but i realized that i actually had no special powers. I felt anxious and wanted to do something. I then realized that i had lied to myself about my abilities. It was not really true that i had no special powers. I headed to the east, across the large square room of the building, toward the large multipane windows in the eastern wall. The others were already standing around the windows, trying to figure out what to do. We had to get to the roof to meet up with the X-Men, and i thought that we would climb up to the roof on the outside of the building. It would be easier than trying to make our way through the bad guys that were lurking in the building. One of the men in the ground looked up the side of the building and started to question whether we would actually be able to scale the walls. He became rather negative and said that we would not be able to do it. I looked up the side of the stone building and realized that the roof stretched beyond the wall by a good meter. I could see the wooden rafters supporting the overhang of the roof. I knew that i would have trouble with this. I was surprised to see the overhang there. It was not there the last time we ran this scene. We had simply flown or climbed up the wall to the roof. I told the others that i could only fly up or down; i could not fly side to side. I was able to make myself float, but i could not move to the side to get around the overhang. I wondered how we were going to play this scene this time. I then noticed that there was a lower roof to the building to the north of us. It ran out beyond the edge of the overhang, so i suggested that we could go to it first. I jumped out of the window, throwing myself to the roof. I knew that i could use my ability to fly to allow me to jump farther. The man in the window tensed as i jumped, not believing that i could make it. I grabbed onto the side of the building and started to climb around the northeastern corner. I was supposed to be in this scene to help the heroes. I knew that the X-Men would be in the airplane for a while. They were waiting for the bad guys to come to them. The bad guys would find the airplane on the roof and come to inspect it. This was the movie plot that i had seen before, and it was happening again. The bad guys would believe the X-Men to be dead, so they would come to inspect the plane, not realizing that the X-Men were waiting to ambush them. As i climbed over the northern edge of the roof, i noticed Nightcrawler standing to the west, along the northern edge of the roof. He was asking questions to someone, and it seemed that he did not understand something. He stood hunched over, facing south. I could not see if he was actually talking to anyone at the moment because the rest of my view was blocked my pieces of roof equipment. Alan Cummings was playing Nightcrawler, and he repeated the questions a few times. I remembered that there was a woman talking to him the last time this scene was done. I headed to the east, where there were windows back into the building. I climbed through the windows and entered the dark room. There were several men in the room, and they knew why i had come here. They did not interfere with what i had to do, so i tried to figure out what i had to do next. I would have to climb up into the attic to get to the plane. I started climbing the shelves that were against the southern wall of the room. The shelves were dusty. I looked down at the old white washing machines that were stacked near the bottom of the shelves. I had been climbing up them like stairs. They seemed to be old machines from the fifties, with rounded corners and chrome detailing. I liked the style of them. I looked back up at the white ceiling tiles. I would have to get through them to reach the attic, so i started pulling them down. Once i had enough of a hole in the ceiling, i looked through it to see that the floors above was made from several layers of wood stacked on top of the beams. I tried to push the white sheets of cardboard up, but i could not keep them up long enough for me to push through. I would not be able to get through easily, and i started to become frustrated. I felt that i had to hurry because the battle would be starting soon. This problem did not occur the first time.

I drove to the west, down the road in the middle of the open land. My car was making a strange noise, and i started to wonder if something was wrong. There was someone talking, and they said something about the gas. I looked at the gas gauge in the dashboard in front of me and noticed that it was dropping. It looked like i was losing gas quickly. I knew that the car was full. I stepped on the gas pedal and noticed that the gauge rose again. There was something wrong with the car. $F45 was sitting in the passenger’s seat, and i asked him about the voice that we had been hearing. He did something to the radio to play the voice again. The voice said that the gas pump was not working correctly. As the voice said this, the car started to slow down. We were now on a highway that ran through the southwestern side of the urban area. Tall buildings rose around us. They seemed to be apartment buildings, with short balconies. I started to feel stressed and wondered what we should do about the gas. I wondered if i could still drive the car, or whether it would simply stall. The highway was just coming into the central part of the city, which was to the southeast of us. There seemed to be a large body of water to the southwest, or a steep cliff at the edge of the city. I had been here before. This place seemed very familiar, though i did not recognize the buildings around me. I tried to pull off on the southwestern side of the road, taking an exit toward one of the apartment complexes, which looked like an old tenement. The car was now an old faded red pick-up truck as it turned the corner onto the side road. I quickly turned the truck back toward the main highway, realizing that there were no exits on this side of the highway. The only roads led into the apartment complex, and we would have no way to get back to the city. I felt a little weary of this place. I was just compensating for the sway of the truck when i turned off of the road here. I drove the red truck to the south, but realized that there was no way to get back to the highway. There was a tall cement wall between the highway and us now. I turned back and started following the road that ran parallel to the highway, hoping that it would lead us back to the highway. I felt nervous. There was a tall wall on both sides of the highway now, and we seemed to be driving down a very narrow corridor. It made me nervous. I knew that $F45 hated this place, and i commented to that effect as we drove. This place seemed like $P85.

12009 November 05

I was driving down the road through the rural area. I had come from my parents’ house and was now heading to the northwest. The land around me was covered with fields of tall grass. It was dark out, but i could still see the details in the fields very clearly. As i turned to the south and came to the top of a rise, i could see the land becoming flat in front of me. There was an intersection ahead where the road i was on ended on another road. There were two tall thin black towers on either side of the intersection, and they seemed very ominous. I was weary of them as i approached, wondering what they were doing there. They had not been at this intersection before and must be very new. I wondered if they were traffic sensors for accidents. I looked at the tall triangular pole as i turned the corner and headed to the west. There seemed to be something dangerous about the poles that made me nervous. I then saw another large pole ahead of me appearing from the haze of the sky. This one was green, and seemed to be much larger than the previous ones. All of the poles seemed to be at intersections, and i wondered what function they server. As i approached the other intersection, i noticed that the green pole had the word “MINER” written in white sans-serif letters down the side of the pole. I realized that the pole was a mine sensor. I then noticed the lighted towers of the large factory to the southwest appearing in the sky. They were to the south of the intersection that i was approaching, on the top of a grassy hill. I was surprised to see the factory here, thinking that it was very now. There were tall wide green metal tanks around the edges of the small factory, which now seemed to be simply a small drilling station. This was part of the natural-gas mine. It was strange to see this new mine here, and i realized that it was actually very close to my parents’ house. This worried me. I looked at the factory, noticing that it looked rather strange. The girders of the towers seemed to be drawn in pencil or chalk on the image of the sky. Behind the drawing of the rigs i could see large cement power-line towers arching across the horizon. I felt that this was dangerous, and i told my grandmother that it was very bad that these things had shown up. I told her that my parents’ well would go bad if they were mining in this area. I was upset by this idea, and i continued walking down the road to the south. The road now ran through a forested suburban area, with houses hidden behind the trees on both sides of the street. As i walked, a dog started barking from the western side of the road. I tried to ignore it, but the dog came out of the yard and walked after us. It was a large black dog, but it was wearing a red and yellow costume, which looked like a superhero costume. The dog barked several times as it followed along the west of us. I realized that the dog must be very hot in the costume, since it was rather hot outside. I told my grandmother that the dog’s costume was leather and was probably making the dog very hot. She was disturbed by this idea and went to release the dog from its leash and costume. The dog started running freely around the road, and it circled the small go-cart that we had been driving in. I rode the go-card down the road, letting it roll down the shallow hill to the south. I glanced behind me from time to time, seeing that my grandmother was walking behind me. She was falling behind, but she did not seem to mind. She walked briskly, glancing off to the sides from time to time. I slowed the cart. I would have to wait for her to catch up. The dog ran ahead of me to the south, into the yards. The road ahead was now heading to the west, down a residential street with larger houses than before. I suddenly worried that people would think that we unleashed the dog to take him. I came to the end of the road and was now with my parents. We continued down the hall to the south, through the main corridor of the run-down apartment building. This apartment building seemed to be an old house that was converted to apartments. I came to the end of the hallway, which had been the road, and turned to the east, into one of the last apartments on the corridor. The apartment seemed to be on the west side of the street that we had been walking on. The room was small, with a bathroom just to the north of the entryway. The entryway was a short corridor that opened up to the north into a single room. The room had plain white walls, and there was a bed in the northwestern corner and a television in the southeastern corner. The television seemed to be an old gray set with a bow-tie antenna attached to a long white antenna on the top. I started to play with the television controls, trying to get something on the television. My mother had turned it on, but she could not get any reception. I then realized that the television was making a lot of noise, so i moved back to the west to close the door to the apartment. I did not want the neighbors to hear that we had come into the room. This was not our room; we were invading it for the moment, and i worried that we might get caught here. I then walked back to the television and started playing with the control. There was a web page on the television screen that seemed mostly blue with white type. It was not the correct thing to be on the screen, so i tried to back out of this menu and get to the channels. I remembered that i had been at a login window, and i wanted to get back to that screen, but i was having trouble figuring out how i had done that. I panned through the login windows that were on the upper channels, but i could not figure out which one was correct, so i turned back to the lower channels. I told my mother that the lower channels were the networks. It was not exactly what i was looking for, but i told her that it would at least be a broadcast. My mother wanted to watch something and did not really care what it was. I pressed a button to try to get back out of the login screens. I then looked at the reference card, which was sitting on the table to the north of me. It was supposed list out the channels on the television, but the design of the login screen where i currently was looked more like the fire-alarm insignia on the reference card. I started to worry that i had accidentally turned on the fire alarm for this place. The people would now know that we were in the apartment. I told my parents that we had to go and headed for the door. I opened the door on the western side of the apartment to see that there was a woman walking down the hall outside. She seemed surprised to see me in the room, so i quickly closed the door. We had been seen, and i worried that she might call the police. I told my parents that we would have to take the fire exit and started to the east. There was a door on the other end of the room, which seemed to lead outside. I opened the door and looked out onto the porch only to see that there was a woman sitting in a cushioned chair just to the south of the door. She did not see me, and i realized that she was the owner of this apartment. She was wearing a long blue dress. I quickly closed the door again and headed back across the room. If she saw us, she would certainly report us as trespassers in her apartment. I quickly headed back for the hallway door. The woman from the hall was already banging on the door, asking for someone who lived here. I opened the door and told the woman that the woman who lived here was out on the porch. I then hurried past her and headed to the south, to the stairs at the end of the corridor. I had to get out of the building before the woman from the hallway could tell the woman in blue that we had been in the apartment. I hurried down the stairs and ran out of the building to the east, crossing the street in the suburban area. I was walking down the sidewalk on the western side of the city street, and i crossed a small side street that ran off to the west. As i reached the sidewalk on the other side, by father called to me from the southern corner, asking me where i was going. I felt confused, not quite sure where i was. I looked at the street sign at the intersection that i had just crossed. The small street was Third Street. I had thought that the main road would be Central Avenue in $P6. I realized that the house that we were trying to get to was to the southwest of where we were. The main part of the city seemed to be to the northeast. I pointed to the west, down the side street, indicating that this was the way we should go.

12009 November 07

I sat in the large lecture room, listening to the presentation that was being shown on the screen to the north. There was a short black wide stage under the screen, and a man stood by a podium on the western side of it. He did not seem to be doing so well. He was stumbling through his words. A woman sat at the table in the center of the podium, and i knew that she was someone important. She might have been making the man nervous. I also noticed that $A261 was sitting farther to the east at the table. The man finally ended his talk by referencing money. This made the woman in change happy. She now seemed to like the presentation, and this surprised me. This scene seemed very strange to me, and i stood up to leave. I turned to the south and started heading through the village. The show had ended and i had to get back to my car. The village seemed like an old european village, or a well designed tourist attraction. The houses were made of stucco and looked tudor in style. As i was riding through the streets, i heard the sound of police to the east of me. I turned my bicycle to the east and rode my bicycle down the street to see what was happening. There was a modern building on the southern side of the street, on the eastern end of a paved parking lot. The cement-block building looked like a convenience store, but it was closed at the time. The police were in the apartment above the convenience store. I wondered what was happening as i looked around at the crowd of people gathering in the street. I finally decided that i should leave, so i headed back to the west, crossing the side street. I had to ride to the next intersection, where i would turn to the south to get to my car.

12009 November 08

I walked down the long empty hallways of $P7. It was the middle of the day, and there was light filtering in through windows from somewhere. It seemed sunny and warm outside. I came to the northern end of the northern wing of the building, into the stairwell. I was on the second floor of the building and would have to head down the stairs, but i noticed that there were strange holes in the floor. They were square, and seemed intentionally made. I realized that the levels of the stairs had changed since i had been here. They must have been trying to make the stairs look more interesting. A man approached from the south, and i did not want to make it seem that i was loitering in the halls, so i walked over the holes and headed toward the large window in the northern wall. I glanced out the window as he passed, trying to act as though i belonged here. After a moment, i realized that i was wearing a coatee. It was an old uniform that people no longer used, and i thought that i should take it off. It would make me stand out. I realized that i was in formal dress uniform. I pulled off the coatee and looked at the white pants and black shirt that i was wearing. The pants and shirt still looked out of place, but they were not as noticeable as the coatee. I then noticed that more people were moving through the halls of the school, so i started to wander to the south, down the stairs to the lower hall. I wondered if there would be anyone here that i knew. I then spotted $F4 coming up the stairs toward me. I watched him approach. He seemed friendly, but he also seemed hesitant of me. Something seemed wrong. He smiled at me, saying that he was busy, and then he passed and walked away. I felt suddenly sad, and started talking with the others who were on the stairs. I felt upset but did not really know what to do. I was then aware of music coming from somewhere to the north of me. I looked up the hall, thinking that it was music from Laurie Anderson. I could see into the classroom on the western side of the hall, and i could see a woman at the western side of the room singing. At first, i thought that it was Laurie Anderson, but then i realized that it was really a woman doing show tunes. This was part of a play. I became less interested and turned to the east, walking out into the sports fields behind the school. I was headed back toward the building, and i turned to the south in the long corridor, coming from the stairwell near the back of $P7. I had to get back up the stairs to the main level of the building, but i was not sure how to do it any more. I remembered that they had changed the floors of the building so that the stairs did not run as they used to. I was in a long hallway that ran east to west. The northern wall was made of exposed brick and seemed to be an old external wall that had been exposed in a recent renovation. There was a stairwell ascending to the east on the southern side of the hall, to the east of me. Several students were coming down it. I knew that there was a symmetric stairwell to the west of me as well. I had to get up the stairs, but it did not seem wide enough for too many people to fit, and there were students coming down the eastern flight. I moved to the west a little, but there were young children moving up the other set of stairs. They ascended the stairs backward, moving strangely, as though unsure of their steps. They all seemed strangely rounded and wore red and blue school uniforms. I looked back to the eastern stairwell, but there were still too many students descending for me to head up. I headed to the west to find the other stairwell. It was very narrow, and it curved along the western and southern walls. The walls were curved, and seemed to be made of a transparent plastic. The stairs spiraled around them, but were very narrow. I wondered how i would get up them. I started to jog a little, thinking that if i headed up the stairs faster, i might have a better chance of making it to the top. I started to feel self-conscious about jogging, thought. I was not able to run anymore. The started up the stairs, but they became very narrow. I remembered trying to climb them before, but i did not remember making it to the top. I was not able to get up the stairs now, and ended up standing in the hallway at the bottom of the stairs again. I was standing in the western end of the long brick corridor, but there was an opening in the southern wall, to the south of me, which opened into a large lobby or atrium. There was a glass window on the southern wall on the opposite side of the room, and there were students walking back and forth through the space. I wondered what to do about the stairs. I had to get up to the next level, and i started to feel frustrated. The students standing near me started talking of the fudge ice-cream machine. I looked at the large plexiglas cone in the center of the room, just to the southeast of me. It had a spiral decoration on the outside, and seemed to contain something in the center. I thought that it was a place to get ice cream. There was a long arm to the west that seemed to catapult people to the upper level of the building, and the students were waiting in a queue to get to it. The arm moved up and down periodically, as though it was a pendulum. One of the young boys in the queue got into the small basket at the end of the arm as it reached the floor. He stood there for a moment. He was wearing dark-blue shorts and a blue uniform blazer. I wondered if he knew that the arm would toss him into the top of the plastic cone that was in the center of the floor. I could not see though the walls of the cone anymore, but i knew that there was something inside, and i worried that it might be dangerous. The arm swung upward, and the boy went flying through the air. He landed in the cone, and i felt tense watching him. As he landed in the cone, he started throwing ice cream up into the air, showing everyone that he was all right. He would have to catch the ice cream on the way down the center of the cone. It was like a game where the boys would have to grab for their ice cream, and i thought that it was a fun way to get a sundae.

12009 November 09

I stood on the northern side of the street in the dark area. This place seemed to be rural, but there were houses along the street, making it seem like a small-town neighborhood. There was an open grassy park to the south of me that had several paths crossing it. I stood just to the north of the northwestern corner of the park. A woman appeared to the west of me, out the front door of her small blue house. It was dark now, but the sodium streetlights illuminated all of the houses and the park. The woman started to complain that she had lost her wallet. I could hear her talking to someone, and i remembered that she had been in the park to the southeast. I thought that she must have dropped it in the grass there. I thought about helping here, but then i realized that she really did not like me, and would probably accuse me of taking her wallet. I headed to the north, into the small cheaply constructed house. I then backed out of the door again, carrying my flashlight. I thought that i would help the woman look for her wallet anyway. I started walking down the street, staying out of the streetlights so that the woman did not think that i was helping her. I crossed the street and started walking around the grass of the park, looking on the ground near the paved paths. The park was actually well lighted, so i really did not need my flashlight. I thought that i would make it seem that i was simply walking casually, but i would really be looking for the wallet. I then left the house that i had been in and headed to the south, taking the flash light with me. The stoop of the house seemed to be a single level of cinderblocks, and the front walls seemed to be made of particleboard. I headed to the east, following the gravel street along the front of the houses. The green grass in front of the trailer homes was growing tall, and i started to fly over it as i moved. It felt good to fly. As i lifted into the air, i noticed the shallow valley to the north of the houses. It was dark and empty of dwellings. It seemed forested, and there seemed to be a swampy stream running down the center of it. I was then aware of the power lines that crossed the valley and road ahead of me. I would have to be careful not to fly into them. I flew higher to make sure that i went over them as i passed. I then noticed the flowers in the valley to the west. I turned to fly over them, noticing that they filled the grassy filed just to the south of the wandering stream. They seemed to be yellow or orange, and they stretched farther across the valley than i had thought. I had only seen them from the road before, which ran along the southern side of the valley. I flew to the north a little to pass low over the flowers. The field seemed very wide, and was dense with the lily-like flowers. The valley seemed beautiful, and i thought that it would be a great place to set a run for $G4. I could bring them across the field to the east of the houses and then down into the valley, through the flowers. I though about how to do this as i passed over the flowers, looking at the red and yellow patterns on the ground below me. The valley narrowed to the west, ahead of me, and i remembered that the old steel girder bridge crossed the stream here. The trees got thicker around me as i approached the bridge in the dark. I had been here before, and remembered the feeling of being on the old bridge. It seemed comforting because it was so forgotten in the woods. I flew low over the water, passing under the arches of the bridge. The water seemed shallow here, with large stones sticking up through the water. I then wondered where the deck of the bridge was. I could not remember what the bridge had looked like. I flew up a little to try to find it, hoping that i did not bang my head on it. I could not see it well in the dark. There seemed to be two levels to the bridge. The upper part was only girders and did not seem to have a deck, so i flew back down, looking for a lower level. I remembered being on the bridge before, but i could not see the deck now. I came back to the water and realized that it must still be above me. I flew up, looking at the green rusty girders near the top of the bridge. I held out my arms, careful not to hit the girders in the dark. I then remembered that i had my flashlight with me, and i shined it to the north, but there was nothing there. I wondered where the bridge had gone. I then looked down, noticing the green circles of girders below me, with light-green tanks in the center. I had flown much too high and was now way above the level of the bridge. I was looking at an old storage yard, which must have been somewhere near the bridge. I was much higher than i thought, and started to float around. I was more relaxed now, and i looked out over the ground. I could see pink reflections in the water to the west, and the entire landscape around me seemed to be picturesque. It felt very good to fly here. Even the air felt nice around me.

12009 November 10

I was suddenly distressed because the man poured the hot liquid, which looked like hot cider, onto $X14. The man seemed to be to the north of me. I angrily pushed them an away from the cat, knocking over the tall bucket which was suspended in a tripod. The rest of the liquid spilled from the bucket onto the floor. The man stumbled away to the east as i picked up $X14. I felt very bad for the cat and wanted to comfort him. The man was seriously wounded, and i thought that the cat might have scratched him in the eye. I was still angry with the man, and felt that he deserved to be wounded for what he did. I felt like beating him and hurting him more, but i held the cat instead, trying to make him feel better. I was very upset.

12009 November 12

I moved to the west, down the dark street that seemed to run to the south of the gorge. I seemed to be at $P52, and i walked into the classroom to the west. The room sloped up to the west and had wooden armchairs facing east in straight rows. I moved up through the chairs. There was another person in the room, sitting in the southeastern section of the seats. He was hunched over writing something. I did something in the western side of the room, and the man seemed upset about it. I thought that it was funny, but i knew that i should not have done it. The man complained to someone else about me. I started walking to the east along the southern wall of the room. I should leave through he doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall before i got in trouble. The man was still telling others what i had done as i left the room and headed across the area. It still seemed that it was night, and i was still on the roadway that ran along the northern side of the area, just to the south of a creek gorge. I headed to the west, across the room where the others had gathered. It seemed that it was late, and it was time to go. I had been hanging around with $G4 here, but people were starting to leave, and i felt that i should too. $F45 walked to the north, out of the area, which seemed to be a yard between buildings or walls. There was a dark-gray building to the south of us, up a shallow hill, but the wall to the east seemed to be an interior wall. $F45 walked out ahead of me. There was a building to the north, but the driveway that we were following jogged to the west a little and ran down the western side of the building. I stopped as $F45 walked down the side of the building. I had forgotten some of my things and turned back to the south to get them. I started collecting things from the ground just in front of the building to the south of me, which was to the southwest of the house by the driveway. The wall to the south of me was dark and seemed to be made of cement. Some of the people were still hanging out to the southeast of me as i bent over to pick up my sneakers. I knew that $F45 was waiting for me and i knew that he was impatient, so i tried to hurry. I stood up and looked to the north. As i looked up, i noticed several tips of a branch of lightning appearing from the top of the window in the western wall, to the northwest of me. I mentioned the lightning to the people who were sitting in the room to the north of me, saying that a storm might be coming. I waited a little as i gathered my things, wondering if i would hear thunder. I did, so i bent over to grab more of my things. I had to head out of the room to the north and cross the square gravel driveway to get to the car that $F45 was going to drive. I pictured the large leafless tree on the western side of the lot, which was the same tree that i could see out the western window. I bent over and grabbed several things from the ground, but i realized that they had gotten wet from the rain. I reached in to the plastic U-shaped container on the ground to the west. It was tipped to the east. I had placed some things in the container to keep them out of the rain, but i could now see that the rain had collected in the lower part of the container by running down the lower wall. There was a puddle around my things, and i was annoyed. I pulled out my sneakers and some other things. I then grabbed the tan fake-leather rectangular object, which seemed to be a hand-held mini tape recorder. It had been sitting in the puddle, and i hoped that it was not ruined. I gathered the objects in my arms, trying to keep all of them together as i stood. I had to get to the car before the storm came. I looked down at the bundle of dark colored things, which included a pair of navy-blue sweatpants. I could see the tan case of the recorder in my left hand. Water was still dribbling out of it. I was annoyed, but tryed to hurry anyway.

12009 November 13

I drove the car down the driveway of my parents’ house, but i noticed that there was something at the bottom of the driveway. There was a man standing just to the west of the end of the driveway trying to warn me of something in the driveway. The passenger of the car i was in said that i should be careful of the snake on the ground. As we got closer, i could see that three was an oddly shaped brown object on the ground, on the western side of the driveway. It only seemed to be a few decis long, and it lifted its oval head up. I thought that it was probably a garter snake again, but, as we got closer, i realized that it was much larger. I stopped just in front of it. It was about three centimeters thick and had sharply defined large hard scales on its head. Someone said that it was a rattlesnake. The snake moved its head toward us as it started to stretch out. I backed the car up toward the house and got out. I complained to my mother about the snake as i turned to the east in the garage to look for a broom. There were two against the side wall among the other tall poles: one had a yellow handle and stiff straw bristles and the other had a square white head and pole with polyester bristles. I grabbed the straw broom and headed down toward the house. I noticed that the snake was already in front of the house, and i was rather annoyed that the man at the bottom of the driveway had been chasing the snake toward the house. I complained to him about it as i swinged the bristle end of the broom at the snake, trying to get it to move away. The dark brown snake turned to the west and started to head under the house. I could not grab it and pull it away because it would bite, so i tried to swat at it with the broom to get it to come out. I slapped it on the tail with the bristles. The snake turned around again and came back out onto the driveway. My mother had started to head into the house, and i called to her, trying to warn her that the snake was headed back toward her. She was wearing red pants and stepped awkwardly over the flowerbed that was on the side of the house. She was too slow to be chasing the snake because she would not be able to get away if it came after her. I tried to get it to head to the east, into the woods, but it did not seem to want to go. It seemed to be chasing us. I thought about the thick scales on its face and thought that the rounded head shape did not seem like a rattlesnake. It seemed to be something similar to a desert snake from Africa. It should not have been here. I swinged the broom at it, trying to get it to move to the east, but i was worried that it might come after me. I hoped that i could stay ahead of its head it if did.

12009 November 18

I was walking to the east with the other person, through the narrow streets of the city. I stood to the west of myself and watched myself approach down the gray alley. There were shops on both sides of the road, with metal or cement fronts and glass windows. I felt concerned about something as i continued on, turning to the north. I was traveling with several other people, and they seemed to be part of a tour. We then seemed to be on a bus, and i felt that this had something to do with high school or college. Many of these people seemed to have gone to the same community college that i attended. Someone was talking about something on the bus, and i commented on how out of place it seemed to be arriving at this place. This place seemed to be the school that we had attended. We walked to the northwest, across a large stone courtyard, which appeared to be the entrance to the building. There was an overhanging roof stretching from the building to the north of us, and it reached the small circular drive on the northeastern side. Some of the others had walked ahead of me and entered the building before i did. The people here were alumni of many ages, but the people around me seemed to have attended when i did. Someone started joking about something, and it seemed to have to do with our class. I felt a little nervous, thinking that the people would draw attention to us. I was aware that many of the people walking around here were still students in the college, and i did not want them focusing on us because of the foolish way that some of the people in my class were acting. I moved to the northwest, toward the glass door in the northern wall of the large room. The people i had come with were chuckling as they left the building. I hoped that we were not making too much of a distraction.

12009 November 20

I was with a small group of people on the side of the street, where we had parked the car. I started pulling things out of the car from the back seat. The car was to the north of me, facing west on the street, and i moved things from the back seat to the front seat for a moment. There seemed to be something wrong with the car, and i was trying to fix it. The others stood close to me, watching what i was doing. We had to get the car running again. I did not feel stressed or worried about it, though. I moved to the driver’s door and looked at the large metal gears that were in the front seat of the car. I pulled some out and adjusted them. I moved back and forth between the front and back seats, taking things out and putting them back in different places. I pulled some stuff out of the back seat and put it into slots in the front, telling the others that i could fix this. I felt that we had to leave fairly soon. I then hear shouting from the west. The car was now to the west of me, in the driveway of my parents’ house. It was facing south. I heard the yelling from the house. My father was shouting at my mother in a very angry and high voice. He said something about a divorce. I felt suddenly awkward. The people around me would hear my parents arguing, and i that made me feel uncomfortable. I did not understand what was going on, because they had never had arguments like this before. I started to feel bad about and worried about what had gone wrong. I continued to get stuff out of the trunk of the car, trying to get things together to leave. I did not want to have to comment to the others on what was going on. I then looked to the northwest, where a small group of young men were approaching us from over the rise. They looked like children from early high school, wearing white button-up shirts and dark pants. They also had white and blue bandanas around their necks. I knew that these colors had some significance to who the men were. They were her to rescue the thing and make things right. The blue and white had something to do with a jewish reference. The scene started to change, and i was moving down the street to the west, moving with the young men. This seemed to be a different area of the city, and i noticed the men approaching us. The came over the rise from the east, and i noticed that they were wearing the same blue and white checkered cloths, but this time they were wearing them as turbans. It was strange to see this, and i wondered if they were from a gang that might have conflicts with the first group of men. They approached us and looked questionably at me. I did not quite understand what was going on. I hoped that the two groups of men did not start fighting. The second group seemed more curious, though, as if they did not quite recognize us.

12009 November 22

I moved around the small bathroom of the area, trying to get ready to go. Others were near me: a man and a woman, both of which seemed to be young. We were getting ready to head to a gym class, which seemed to be off to the southeast. I was standing in front of a counter on the western wall. The other two turned to the southeast and walked away, but i turned to the east and started urinating into the stall. The gray fake-stone wall of the outside of the stall was about a meter from the ground, and it was supported on either side by metal poles. I was urinating under the wall, but i had left my running tights hanging on the northern side of the wall, and i had started urinating on them. I quickly turned my penis to the south to urinate into the center of the stall. I was annoyed that i had gotten my gray pants wet. I would have to wash them with water. The stain would be noticeable, so i would have to tell people that i had splashed water on my leg while i was washing my hands. I thought about how to wash away the stain while i urinated. I then turned to the west and started washing my hands, thinking about how to rinse the pants without getting too much water on them. A man approached me from the southwest. I had been leaning forward over the sink, but was now standing up straight near the northeastern wall of the room. There was a man standing to the southeast of me. Both of the men were shirtless, and they seemed to be nicely built, though not well detailed. The man to the east joked about something from his sitting position on the bench. The large man from the west then moved very close to me, as if challenging me. I did not feel threatened by the men, and simply stood up and looked at the large man. He was taller than i was, so my eye level was even with the lower part of his neck. I started to feel aroused by his challenge, but did not do anything about it. He moved closer, and i did not back down. I had my left hand in the air, over the man’s right shoulder as he pushed against me. I was amused by his confrontation, knowing that he was not going to really hurt me. I took the black pencil with the red cap eraser on the end from over the man’s shoulder, wriggling my arm to get it free from his. I then held the point of the pencil in front of the man’s right nipple, letting him know that, if he leaned in any closer, he would get pricked with the sharp point. The man continued to push into me, but he did not seem to be pushing into the pencil. I realized that the heel of my left hand was pressing against his chest, and the pencil point was lightly touching him near the tendon to his right arm. I moved the point so that it was in front of his nipple again and was surprised when he pressed into it. He was not afraid to feel a little pain if it meant that he did not back down. I realized that he might actually hurt himself, so i told him that he should stop. He moved away from me, and we both looked down at the ground. The pencil was on the ground now with the point up. The man was going to drop onto the ground and let the pencil stab him. I felt suddenly concerned and grabbed his left arm, telling him not to do it. I worried that he might anyway.

12009 November 23

I traveled to the east on the northern side of the area. Some of the people with me were moving ahead of me. The ground seemed dusty and tan, and i noticed the small brick buildings on the northern side of the factory yard. They were built in an art-deco style and had white stone trimming on the stepped roofs. I was immediately attracted to them and mentioned to the others how nice i thought they were. They seemed to be abandoned and run down now, though. I then noticed the large stacked disks of a ceramic electrical insulator that towered behind the small buildings. I looked over the buildings to see the tall towers of the modern buildings in the haze above the old parts of the factory. The smaller buildings were part of generating houses for the electric company, but they had been replaced by the modern metal towers that ran the charge through the lines. I commented to the others that the old power buildings had been ruined by the modern transformers, which were put up behind it. I mentioned that the power plant was part of General Electric. I then turned my attention to the east as i continued across the dusty lot between the old small buildings. I realized that we were heading deeper into the factory and would probably get caught in the complicated tunnels and corridors of the buildings. I remembered that people had come here and gotten lost in the maze of buildings. I wondered how we would get out of this place as i turned more to the south, following the others. They headed east again down the length of a long corridor. Factory workers were doing something to the southeast of us on the southern side of the corridor, on a large black table. I realized that there were exit signs around the room, but i knew that they did not really lead out of this place. They were designed to lead into more and more confusing places. I followed the others as they followed the exit signs to the south. They opened a thin white metal door in the southern wall and stepped through. The door seemed rather small and i imagined that the exit doors would become too small to pass through, making them useless for humans. The man then started opening small panels in the southern wall, which got progressively smaller and smaller until he was opening one than was less than a deci tall. It was simply a trap. The doors did lead to an exit, but no one could actually fit through the doors to use it. I felt a little frustrated.

I walked with the group of people to the east, down the large hallway of the building, which seemed to be some kind of school. The others were here for school or college. I had been joking around with a young man, whom i thought was rather attractive. He was shirtless and had a nice build. He had been pushing me before, but now he was on my back, as though i was giving him a piggyback ride. It was part of a joke. I started running down the hall to the southwest, but i realized that the man’s legs were touching the ground and mine were not. I was supposed to be carrying him on my back as part of the race, so i focused on putting my feet on the ground instead. I looked down at our feet, trying to get mine to start running. This was an interesting race. We had turned to the west and were heading down the long corridor. As i looked up, i noticed that we were going through a tunnel in the building, following the railroad tracks. I was in the front seat of a small train car, which seemed like an amusement ride. Other people were in the other cars as well. I watched the track ahead as we passed into the dark shadow of the building. We were all heading to some kind of school game. I swinged my left arm off the side of the train as it rounded the corner to the west. There were several round train lights forming a wall on the corner. Some of them seemed to be illuminated. It must have been a sharp corner for the train, even though we were not that close to the lights and we did not seem to be turning that sharply. The metal girder supports for the building above us seemed to be just behind the curving row of lights. I pulled my arm back into the train, thinking that i might get hit by something passing us. The train passed back into the bright sunlight on the western side of the large white factory building and slowed to a stop. There were yellow school busses to the south of us, lined up along the southern side of the road. The busses were facing east or west, and the crowd of people seemed to be gathering to the south of them. I got out of the small train car and started walking to the south. I felt that there was something that i had to do. I had to get somewhere to the south, and i had to figure out how to get there.

12009 November 24

I was clearing out some stuff at the fraternity, but it did not seem that i still lived there. Something was rather strange, and i could not focus on the situation. I took the half-gallon plastic container out of the silver refrigerator that was against the southern wall of the large kitchen. I poured myself a small glass and drank it. The milk tasted strange, but i poured another glass and started to drink it, looking around at the people around me. I should not be here, but there was something i was trying to do. I was in the back of the bus as i drank the second glass. The bus was facing east, and i was in the western end. I realized that the bad taste was stale milk. I looked at the plastic container, which was on the wooden table to the south of me. The purple writing around the top of the container said that the milk expired on October 1st. The milk was over a month past its expiration, and i was disgusted that i had drinked it. I started to wander around the room, which was very large and empty. People were still cleaning things out of the room to the west and northwest of me. I was near the doorway in the center of the eastern wall. This place felt like a gymnasium, and the people around me were in a gym class. I looked at the old dingy brick walls of the room around me, and then i heard the sound of rain from somewhere. I immediately looked up to the south, at the windows high in the southern wall. The windows seemed modern and looked over the lower roof to the south. They seemed to be framed with thick metal rectangular white bars, which had rounded edges. It was raining to the south, and i wondered suddenly if the storm was coming. I thought that there was a tornado coming, and felt tense about it. I stepped out the door to the east and looked to the southern sky. There was a parking lot to the south of the old brick building, which seemed like $P191. On the other side of the lot was a cement highway overpass. The white clouds in the southern sky seemed fluffy and thin, and the sky behind them seemed hazy blue. I was disappointed that the storm was not here, as i felt it should be. I then noticed a thin wispy cloud high in the sky over me. It had a thin white finger reaching down into the center of the parking lot. I realized that this was a tiny tornado, with a white gossamer funnel about a deci thick. It writhed a little as it made its way to the west, across the aisle on the southern side of the lot. I focused on it, trying to figure out whether it would develop into something more threatening. I thought that it would simply pass by the building and head to the west, but, as i watched the dusty bottom of the tornado sweep around the western end of the parking lot, i realized that it was turning back to the north and heading toward the building. It rounded the cars in the parking lot as though it was traveling in the aisles. I ran back into the building, which seemed like $P191. I looked around at the cubical room, which had dark sooty brick walls. The walls seemed to shake with the force of the storm, and i tried to warn the others inside, even thought i suspected that the storm was not strong enough to damage the building. I imagined that it was and thought about how to hide from it. I imagined that i could jump into the bleachers on the eastern side of the gymnasium and hide between the seats. I stood in the aisle between the two sets of bleachers for a moment, waiting for something to happen. I then realized that nothing was going to happen, and i wondered why i was standing there. I started to feel foolish, realizing that i was only imagining the tornado coming. I walked back to the east a little, toward the bottom of the bleachers. As i reached the end of the aisle, i noticed three people sitting on the bleachers to the north of me. One of them was $F41. I said hello and talked to him. We started walking to the south. There was a large event happening here in the gymnasium, and there now seemed to be many people to the east. I talked with $F41 about it. I was not happy with the way the event was running, and i told him this. $F10 was then walking to the west of me. He had a liter jug of milk in his right hand, and he took a swig from it. I realized that it was the jug of milk from our apartment, and i told him that it was expired. I pointed out the date on the container, which said that the milk had expired on October first. I then said that i had taken a drink of the milk earlier and noticed that the flavor was bad.

12009 November 26

I moved through the open area with $F45. I was angry with him as we passed through the crowd of people. He had been complaining about something, and i was getting frustrated with his complaints. He was simply not listening to what others were saying, and he was assuming the worst. I decided not to talk to him until he stopped insulting others and complaining about what was happening.

12009 November 27

I moved across the large rooms of the enormous mansion. The walls seemed very tall, and did not quite reach the floors. I moved to the east, crossing from one room to another by walking across a narrow wooden bridge. Bridges connected all of the rooms here. They actually seemed like platforms that were suspended in the air under a large ceiling. There was something attractive to this place. I was then aware that something was dangerous here. I thought that the dinosaur here was actually alive. I was moving through the rooms trying to avoid it, but i worried that it was in one of the corridors. I hoped that it was not that dangerous, and though that it was probably a small theropod. As i turned to the north and then back to the east, i thought that the creature was actually an iguanodon. An iguanodon would not come after because it was a plant eater. I stopped suddenly, realizing that the large dinosaur was standing to the north of me, in the center of the large hallway. It was not an iguanodon, but a tyrannosaur. It was facing east with its head near the floor. It had not yet seen me, but it knew that we were here. I had to hide before it got me. I ran to the west where there was a large round padded object in the southwestern corner of the room. It looked like a tall cylinder with small meter-long protrusions on the tops of the sides. There was very little space between the object and the wall, so i hoped that the dinosaur would not be able to squeeze between them to get me. I had to stay out of sight from the animal, but i did not know how to do so.

12009 November 28

I was riding my bicycle back to the northwest, heading back toward work. I seemed to be somewhere to the southeast of $P52, heading toward my office at $G6. As i turned down the long road and started to the west, i suddenly realized that i would not be able to park in the large lot here anymore. I could see the large paved lot now on the northern side of the road. I did not actually work here anymore, so i would not be allowed to park in the lot. I felt annoyed that i had not thought of this earlier and turned around in the parking lot. There were two lots on the northern side of the road, between the road and the steep hill that dropped off to the north. The eastern-most lot, where i had started turning around, seemed to be a few meters higher than the western lot. I pulled back out onto the road and started driving to the southeast. I was frustrated and did not want to park too far away from $P52, because i knew that i would have to walk back. After only a short time on the road, i came to an intersection with the other main road. I realized that the city streets might start on the other side of the intersection, which meant that i could park there without a permit. This would not be too far to walk back to the college campus. I started driving down the city street, which was shaded with thick deciduous trees. I did not know where to go, though, and looked around for a spot to park. There was a large brick building to the southeast of me, which seemed to be an old factory that had been converted into an apartment. I tried to drive across the intersection, but my car would not accelerate any faster. I realized that i had not fully shifted it into the next gear and tried again, but it would not shift. I felt frustrated. I looked up, realizing that i was now in the right lane of traffic, the lane that turned to the right. This was not correct, since i wanted to go straight, across the intersection. I crossed the intersection slowly, becoming more and more frustrated with the situation. There was a car right behind me, and i started to feel pressured to do something. I then realized that there was a metal gate on either side of the road ahead, and there was a large white sign with red letters on the southern side of the gate. The sign said “ENTER HERE”. I drove through the doorway on the eastern side of the road, trying to get out of the way of the cars trying to head to the northwest. I felt frustrated and wondered where i was headed. I found myself in a long tunnel that ran through the old brick building. The corridor was very narrow, but i was driving a very narrow go-cart. I knew that i was on a sidewalk running through the building, but it was okay because i was not in a real car. I crossed through the building, heading to the northeast, and i quickly came out on the other side, on the wide city street. This street ran east to west and seemed to intersect the street that i was on less than ten meters to the west. I started following the other road to the east-northeast, heading in the direction that i should have been traveling. To the northwest of me was a large white building, which i knew was the hospital. I looked at the parking meters on the side of the road, realizing that i could not park here because i did not have any change. I stopped my car on the side of the road anyway so that i could think. I felt frustrated and could not figure out what to do. The road to the northeast rose up a steep hill, and i noticed some nurses in old-fashioned white uniforms walking down it. I did not know what i should do, and i waited for a moment on the side of the road.

12009 November 29

I was looking down at the rows of white and brown objects, which were aligned in rows and columns. They were roughly square, but seemed oddly shaped. These were rooms or cubicles in the building, and i knew that i was wandering through the halls between them trying to get to the east, to someplace specific. The rectangular area tipped below me as i looked at the rows of objects. They seemed like small square cookies on a tray. I wondered how i could follow this map to where i had to go. I was then in the northeastern corner of the large building, looking at the map of cubical offices in the interior of the floor. There was a tall window to the east of me, and i could see out over the large city from a great height. This place was the World Trade Center, but i knew that this could not be correct. I remembered the World Trade Center being in ruins in 12002. I felt confused, looking around the office space, trying to figure out where i was. A woman approached me from the south, asking me if she could help. I dismissed her, pretending that i was simply looking around the area. I wandered to the west again, looking around the building. This place should now be the new Freedom Tower, but it looked like the old World Trade Center. I had gone back in time a little, before this place had been destroyed. I looked up at the cement ceiling above me, noticing the yellow construction vehicle on the floor above taking down part of the roof. This building was being purposely dismantled. The cement walls now seemed like subway walls, and they were in a state of construction. I headed to the west, down the corridor, which was now crowded with people heading from one place to another. The ceiling seemed to be missing over the northern side of the corridor, and the northern wall had several white tiles missing. The corridor opened up to the south, and i turned to the south, heading across the wide atrium, which seemed near the main entrance to the building. I looked down at the red tile floor, which was dull and worn. The tiles were breaking away from the floor because of the construction. A man ahead of me bent over and pulled up one of the small dull-red tiles from the floor, carrying it with him to the south. He knew what was going to happen to this building, and he was taking the tile as a souvenir. I suddenly realized that everything here would soon be gone, and i paused to look around. This building had not been destroyed, but it soon would be. I felt upset by this, and i turned back toward the center of the corridor, thinking that is should take something as well to remember it. I looked down at the red tiles on the floor, which were wedge shaped with a series of wedge-shaped ridges running along them. I wanted to take one of those tiles, but i was nervous about simply breaking the tile off of the floor. I then looked at the curved wall to the southeast, noticing the metal details that curved over the white ceramic tile surface. I moved closer to the wall and reached up for one of the white tiles. The metal tiles ran across the top of the wall, and formed a leafy texture near the ceiling. I grabbed on to something in the air and swinged up to grab one of the tile. It pulled off very easily. $A551 was then sitting on the wooden platform of the scaffolding just to the north of me. He had seen me take one of the old metal tiles and asked about them. I turned over the green tile in my hand and told him that they were bigger than they looked. The tile was still in nice condition, though. It was made out of tin, but it had not corroded or bent. I headed to the south, taking the tile with me. I started to feel bad here, knowing that all of this would be destroyed. I thought about where i was at this time and determined that i was actually in high school when this thing happened. I wondered what i should do here. I came into a different section of the lobby where the room opened up to the west. There was a television lounge with a large flat-screen television hanging on the southern wall. Bob Newhart was in frame on the screen, and he was saying something. This was one of his sitcoms, and i wondered if it was the new show from the eighties or the old one from the seventies. I was still not sure what time this was. I wanted to see the new show. As i approached the lounge, though, the scene changed, showing Bob talking to Carol in the office. Coral was a fuzzy redhead who sat behind the large desk at the doctor’s office from the old show. I was disappointed to see that this was the old show, and i continued to the west, turning up the corridor to the north on the other side of the lounge. Just as i entered the corridor, i noticed $A283 talking to a woman to the south of me. They were discussing something that seemed serious. I turned back to the south, wondering if he would notice me in this timeline. If i had met him in this time, i would look much younger than i do now. The woman glanced my direction and seemed to recognize me. I realized that she was the counselor for this place. She asked what i needed and i started talking to her. I did not want to actually talk to her, but i felt that i had to say hello. I was more interested in speaking to $A283.

12009 November 30

I wandered to the east, across the parking lot. I had been with some other people, but now i was by my self as i sat down in the middle of the lot. It was sunny, and the blue sky was dotted with small fluffy white clouds. I then noticed a strange cloud to the north, just over the top of the trees. The trees were filled with green leaves, as though it was a summer day. The cloud to the north seemed taller than normal, with pink hues along the fluffy rolls at the top. I could not see it well because a tree blocked the bottom part, so i stood up to get a better view. I thought that it might be elongated because it was part of a thunderstorm. I moved to the east to get the tree out of the way, and i saw that the cloud was elongated top to bottom. As it came into clear view, i realized that it was a tall mushroom-shaped cloud, with a long black stem. This was not good, and i thought that the lower part of the cloud must have been cause by a bomb. I wondered if it was a nuclear bomb. I watched it for a moment, wondering if it would change to a dark black cloud, or if there would be a brilliant flash of light from the bottom. I quickly decided that the flash of light would have to precede the cloud, so it would not happen now. There was a second spurt of dark cloud rising from the ground, though. It shot up along the stem of the tall cloud, enlarging it and making the mushroom bloom outward. The base of the stem was widening into a pale-gray haze. I knew that there was a shock wave spreading out from the bottom of the cloud. I started to worry that i might have been too close to the blast and that the shock wave might reach me soon. I watched several more bursts of cloud erupt upward into the mushroom cloud, expanding it in the sky. I then looked again at the thickening base. I could see a white cloud fanning out over the ground under the cloud. It was the shock wave, and it must be expanding very fast. I had to get into a ditch before it hit so that it did not affect me as much. I looked around the parking lot. I was standing in the center of the large empty asphalt lot. There was a line of trees along the north of the lot, with a peninsula of thin trees reaching from the northern side into the middle of the lot, just to the northwest of me. I could run for the ditch that might be under the line of trees, but i did not want to run toward the blast. I looked to the south, noticing the long low shopping plaza on the southern side of the lot. There were more trees at the end of the plaza to the southwest of me, and i decided to start running toward them. I did not move quickly, though. I felt dazed and was not sure what to do. I did not think that i would make it to the back of the plaza before the shockwave hit. I thought about standing behind the plaza, but realized that, if the wave was strong enough, it would simply knock over the buildings on top of me. I would have to find a ditch. I was not moving quickly, though, and felt lethargic. I wanted to simply drop down in the middle of the lot and see what happens.

I was driving the car to the west, thought i seemed to be on the right side of the car. We headed down the long road, and i could see the tall bridges in front of us. The others talked in the front seat, which was in front of me. I now seemed to be driving from the back. I chatted with them about some things as i drove. I then noticed that the highway bridges, which seemed very narrow, lifted into the air on thin white pipe legs and started out across the open water, where they vanished into the white haze off shore. I remembered this bridge from before. It ran across the bay, which seemed like a large ocean. I felt scared of these bridges and the water under them, and i remember something happening here before. As we got closer, i realized that i could not see the roadway on the bridges because of the fog. I could not tell where i was driving, so i looked down at the ground under the car. I could see it moving past us. I felt very nervous and put my hands on the railings of the model bridge, which seemed to be made out of white straws and string. I tried to steady the car on the road, but it kept moving from side to side as the bridge started to wobble under us. I could not control the car well enough, so i pulled off onto the gravel onto the southern side of the road, where there was a wide parking area. The gift store near the border was just to the south of us. I felt a little more comfortable here and realized that i actually had some books that i had to return to the store. I walked into the large gift store, heading south. There was a rounded set of display shelves on a pedestal against the western wall. It seemed to have clothing and other small items on it. There was also a set of shelves in the middle of the floor to the east of the main aisle. I walked to the counter, which ran near the southern wall. The cash register seemed to be on the eastern side of it, and there were display racks on both the eastern and western sides. I was going to buy something else here, but i had forgotten about it now. I placed the plastic bag that i was holding in by left hand on the counter and pulled the GI Joe doll from it. I looked over the doll for a moment and then put it back into the bag. I was waiting for the queue to start so that i could take the doll to the register. I then turned to the north, noticing the shelf of merchandise just to the north of the counter. I had wanted to get the book or DVD that they were selling here, but they seemed to be out. I was upset about this, thinking that i could only return what i had bought elsewhere because i could not exchange it for what i wanted. I turned back to the south and noticed that the GI Joe doll was out of the bag on the counter. I felt annoyed and went to get it. The doll was dressed in gray camouflage and had short black hair. The man to the west of me, behind me in line, said that he was very interested in the doll, commenting that it seemed to be in good condition. I put the doll back in the bag, not really interested in a conversation. He pointed out some details of the doll and then told me that he would be interested in buying it. I told him that i had other GI Joe dolls from the seventies. I pointed out that this one had black hair, and said that i also had one that had brown hair. I then told him that i did not have the one with blond hair. I did not look at him as i spoke because i did not really want to talk to him. I felt stressed here and upset, and i did not really want to interact with anyone anymore.

I was standing on the southern side of the large open grassy area, which seemed to be on a college campus. There were small low buildings surrounding the quadrangle. It was be night out, though the quadrangle was illuminated with bright white lights. A large mass of students was gathered to the north of me on the field, and i was walking toward them, heading down the western side of the area. The students seemed to be protesting something, and i felt that they would feel animosity toward me. I shouted a joke to the crowd to the north of me as i approached them. They were behind a low orange plastic barrier and seemed angry. They were shouting things toward the building to the north. I joked with them, saying that i could trump their vehicles with a tank. As i said it, i realized that it might sound like a threat, but i thought of it as a funny joke, stating that i could only beat them if i had a tank. I then wondered if the students would actually take it as a threat. I decided that i did not really care what the students thought about me and i continued to the north, ignoring whatever reaction they might have. The man to the north of me told me that the general wanted to talk to me. I changed my direction and headed to the northwest, through the gap between two of the buildings at the northwestern corner of the field. I was shirtless and thought that this might give the general a bad impression, but then i decided that i did not care about that either.