12010 November 01

I was driving to the west on the road that curved along the northeastern corner of the area. I had come from the south and had to get the car back to somewhere. The road that i was on seemed to run around the perimeter of a large building, like a mall or industrial park. There was a grassy area to the south of me now, and an intersection just to the west. At the intersection, a narrow two-lane road ran north from the road that i was on, connecting the loop driveway to the main road, where there seemed to be a traffic light. As i approached the intersection, i noticed that there was something wrong with my car. I looked down at the black dashboard of the old Volkswagen as the car started to drive unevenly. The road i was on had split into two lanes in my direction, and i had shifted to the northern most lane, which was the turning lane. A car passed me on the right, coming to a stop at the stop sign with me. It was a dark car, and it would be traveling straight on the road. I looked behind me in the rearview mirror. There were no cars coming, so i got out of my car and walked around the back of it to see if something was wrong. I looked at the fender over the rear tire on the passenger’s side of the car. I could not see anything wrong with the tan vehicle, and that annoyed me. I felt a little pressured to continue on, thinking that there would be cars pulling up behind me. I got back into the car and started driving again. I had two cars in this area, and i had to drive this car back to the airport. I was still standing to the east of my car, which now seemed to be facing north on the eastern side of the intersection. I was aware of another car approaching me from the east, and i felt that i would have to get back into my car and move it out of the lane soon. There was a black keypad that seemed to be at the bottom of the door jam of the passenger’s door. I tried to type the directions into the GPS unit there so that it would tell me how to get the car back to the airport, but it was not working. I must have typed the address incorrectly the first time, so i tried again. I was aware of the other car coming from the east, and i had to get back into my car and move it out of the way. My car now seemed to be to the south of me, parked at the intersection, and i seemed to be working on the keypad of my second car, which was facing north, just to the north of my car. I could not get the GPS system to find the airport, and i started to feel frustrated. If i could program it to find the airport, then the car would be able to drive itself to the airport. As i pressed the buttons, i realized that this GPS system was actually too old to understand the directions to the airport. It was only programmed with certain address formats, and i would not be able to type in what i wanted. I was annoyed and headed back to my car. I would have to drive my first car back to the airport and then come back for this one somehow. As i started driving my other car back toward the stop sign of the intersection, i thought that my parents would come back with me to get this car. I then felt bad for asking them to do so, but then i realized that they were the ones who wanted the second car here. I turned to the north and then turned east at the traffic light, heading down the main road. There was a steep hill sloping up to the north on the northern side of the road. The hill seemed rocky, and there was snow over the slope. As i headed to the east, i realized that there was a huge mound of snow in the middle of the road. It must have slid down the hill from the hillside. The traffic coming from the other direction would have to drive around it. As i drove, the hill seemed to be a large building, and i was now heading to the south, down the eastern side of the city. I was heading back the way i had come, though i was starting to wonder whether i would be able to recognize the streets that i had just come down. I had turned to the south from the road i had been on, and i was driving down a long street that ran between old shops and businesses. Most of the building seemed white, and the land seemed to slope up steeply to the east behind the row of buildings. I looked at the signs of the stores on the sides of the road, trying to recognize something. I hoped that this was the correct way back. I did not remember it that well. I then noticed a sign for a record store on the western side of the street. The sign was white with red script letters. It was mostly rectangular, but had a round section in the center where a large red swirl made a decoration behind the letters. The sign looked familiar, so i thought that i was heading in the correct direction. I looked around at other signs as i drove down the narrow street. I would have to make several turns to get back to where i had come from, and i hoped i could do them properly. The street, which seemed like a large corridor in a mall, split into two corridors. One headed to the southeast and the other to the south. I followed the dark-colored corridor to the southeast, noticing the music shop on the southern side. There were guitars for sale in the window, and i thought that i remembered this store as well. As i started to pass it, though, i realized that the corridor ended only a few meters past the music store. There was a man and a woman sitting at a round cafe table on the northern side of the corridor, near the end. They looked at me as i approached in my car, which seemed to be a truck. I should not have driven my car into the mall area, and i hoped that i was not endangering anyone by being here. I backed up carefully, trying to avoid the other round tables of the cafeteria on the southern side of the corridor. As i turned around, i started walking to the south, between the round tables. I wanted to get to the other corridor, and i thought that i could cut through the restaurant area. The walls were dark and the area was dimly lighted. People were sitting at many of the tables in the area. Someone to the west of me enthusiastically mentioned that they were serving organs here. I felt disgusted by the idea and thought that i would not be interested in eating here. I tried to get out, heading to the west. As i came near the western end of the room, i noticed the metal buffet tables along the western wall. This must be where the organs were served. I had to get out and continue on my way.

12010 November 03

I looked to the west at the other people. They had just left the apartment that we had been staying in. This place seemed like a foreign country, and i thought that it might be Deutschland. The other two men had stopped on the sidewalk just outside the apartment to talk to someone on the sidewalk. The entire western wall of the large living room was made of a glass window, and it was right next to the sidewalk. The ceiling of the room seemed to be made of polished stained wood, and seemed to arch slightly toward the windows. The furnishings seemed white and tan and mostly low in the room. A woman was on the eastern side of the room, but she had to leave soon. I would be staying here. I paced north a little, watching the two men outside as they spoke to the person on the sidewalk, which was right outside the large window. The person had walked up the sidewalk from the south and seemed to be lost. The person asked the men where a specific street was. The men pointed to the northeast, saying that Market Street was in a few sections. They then continued to the south. The woman seemed confused and walked to the north, looking back and forth between the piece of paper in her hand and the street to the north. She was still lost, and i wanted to help her. I understood the problem with this street, and i knew that the men did not explain it well to her. I stepped forward as she came near me. She was an older woman, with her white hair covered by a scarf. She was wearing a dark dull-red wool coat. She asked for help finding Market Street, and i told her that the street was broken in a few sections. I described how the street was disjointed at some of the other streets to the north and south. She nodded in understanding. I then asked her what address she was looking for. She said that she was looking for 42 Market Street. I turned to the north, leading her down the street a little. I motioned to the northeast with my hand, saying that the section of Market Street that she was looking for was across the main road and to the east a little. We were then walking on the western side of a narrow courtyard that ran between two parallel streets. On the north end of the yard was a large stone cathedral. The dark-brown stones of the church had narrow rounded vertical features on the sides, reminding me of the cathedral in Barcelona. As we started walking along the western side of the small stone building, i thought that the other part of Market Street started across the east-to-west road to the north of us and was in line with the street that ran along the eastern side of the cathedral. The market used to be held in the courtyard of the cathedral many years ago. The woman had wandered away from me now, and i slowed to look at the stones of the cathedral. A young man suddenly appeared to the northeast of me, asking me questions. He seemed fairly friendly, but i thought that he might be a thug trying to rob me. I headed to the north, not saying much to him, but i realized that he was actually showing a strange interest in me. I stopped and looked at him, but he simply stood to the east of me as if he wanted to say something but was unsure what to say. I felt uncomfortable about this and turned to the west to head back into the house. I had entered through the door on the southern end of the eastern wall of the living room. The man stood in the doorway as i started in, so i said “Thank You” and closed the door behind me. It seemed that he was interested in me and wanted to talk to me more. This made me feel a little interested in him, but i was still wary of him, thinking that he might actually have wanted to harass me. I started walking to the north, along the eastern side of the room, which was the kitchen area. The kitchen had counters along the eastern wall and seemed to have a long island counter separating it from the living room. As i reached the northern end of the room, i realized that i had left the doors unlocked. This was how i was able to get into the house from the back side without a key. I had locked them now, but i was uneasy about the fact that i had not done so before. I then thought about the man outside again. I suddenly realized that he might have been trying to pick me up rather than trying to mug me. It all seemed very strange.

12010 November 06

I walked to the north, into the small living room of the house. There was an old console television on the floor to the south, just to the east of the entry door. The southern wall of the room seemed pale-blue and white striped, with a wide white wooden window frame in the center. $F43 was with me in the room. We had come here a little while ago. She sat next to the chair on the western side of the room, just to the north of the door. I looked out the window to the north. Time had passed and i felt suddenly uneasy about being here with $F43. $F45 would want me to do something with him, so i told $F43 that i had to leave. I felt suddenly bad as i started gathering my things. I glanced out the window to the north as i picked some things up. The land to the north was dark and seemed to be swampy. I turned back into the room. $F43 seemed upset that we would have to leave so soon. I did not know what to say to her. She wanted to spend more time with me, but i knew that i would have to get back to $F45 so that he would not be upset that i was not spending time with him.

12010 November 08

I started moving to the northwest, heading back home. As i reached the edge of the river, i lifted into the air and started flying. I immediately realized that i was still under the highway overpass and slowed my ascent, careful not to run into the bridge above me. I floated a little to the northeast before i started rising in elevation again. I had to get back to $P3, and i knew that it was across the river to the northwest. It was dark out, but i could see everything in the orangish sky glow of the small city. The lights of the tall buildings appeared on the northern shore, and it seemed very picturesque. I wondered what my grandmother would think of the view. I wanted to go higher, following a high arch over the river. I was suddenly aware that there was a bridge above me. I felt suddenly panicked and tried to slow down before i ran into the under side of it. It was the wide bridge that crossed the river across from $P143. I slowed down just before my head and arms hit the cement bottom of the bridge. Again, i floated to the northwest a little to get out from under it. As i rose along the eastern side of the bridge, i looked to the north, down the length of the bridge. The green plastic guardrail on the eastern side of the bridge was curved outward slightly. It was a solid translucent surface with rounded vertical ridges. It was illuminated from behind by the road lights of the bridge. There was no one on the sidewalk of the bridge, but i imagined that someone was watching me fly across the river toward the city to the northwest. I looked back toward the city as i crossed the water. The tall towers had small sodium lights on them. They seemed to be buildings. As i approached, i looked at the bottom of the buildings, noticing that the water was flowing around the base of the buildings. The river had flooded over the street and onto the ground floors of the buildings. I wondered how i would get into the buildings now. I walked to the west, looking at the doorways on the front of the building. There was an elevator at the northern end of the hall that i was now in, but the water was over the bottom of the elevator door. I would not be able to use the elevator to get into the building. I floated to the west a little, wondering how i was going to get into the building. I then realized that i would be able to take the stairs. I headed through a doorway and came out into a dark area behind the building. There was a large dumpster to the west of the door i had come out of, and there seemed to be a few other people with me at the moment.

12010 November 10

I had been sitting at the desk on the western side of the room, facing to the west. I had to get something from one of the computers in the room, but most of them seemed rather old. I had a thumb-drive with me, but i did not think that most of these computers would have a port for it. I turned to the west and started across the office. This place seemed like the offices of $G6. There were several desks running north to south across the room. They had computers on them. I came to a desk near the eastern end of the room, thinking that i would need to find a Macintosh computer for the drive. I did not think that it would run on a Windows computer. I walked to the eastern side of the northern end of the desk and looked at the tan computer monitor there. It was a large CRT monitor, and it was set back on the table, leaving an open space for papers. The tower computer seemed to be a Macintosh, and it seemed to be under the counter. I noticed a thin tan plastic device just in front of the monitor. It had several different types of ports on the front of it. I realized that all of the computers in the room probably had the same devices connected to them. This allowed many different thumb-drives to be attached to any of the computers. I really did not need a Macintosh computer after all. I was then moving in the room, and things were different. I joked with $F11 as we moved to the north. We were walking out of the building and starting down the street. We turned to the west and headed down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, which seemed like the road in front of $P63. There were buildings very close to the sidewalk, and we seemed to be passing to the south of some of them. At the western end of one of the buildings, which was to the north of us, the path sloped down suddenly. I slid on the snowy ground, keeping my balance as i neared the bottom of the slope. $F11 and i were joking about something and laughing. He suddenly slid into my back, starting to pass me on the packed snow of the hill. We laughed about this, and i mentioned that he must have been sliding faster down the hill than i was. I asked him if he had smooth soles on the bottom of his shoes. As he slid past me to the north, i looked at his torso. He was wearing a blue winter jacket with red trimming. He was still carrying the two clear-glass bottles of pale beer in his hands. He had taken them from somewhere along the way. I joked with him about the slippery slope and we both laughed. It felt good hearing his laugh, and i remembered how fun his laughter was. It felt good to have him around again. We chatted a little as we headed to the west. As we passed an open doorway, we were heading to the south. The doorway was to the west of us, and $F11 told me to go inside and grab the beer, which seemed to be sitting on a table. I felt uncomfortable about this since it was someone else’s house. I remembered that he had taken the beer he had with him from another house, though. I did not want to enter the house, but $F11 turned to the west and disappeared into the house. Reluctantly, i went back and followed him in. I could not see him in the house and though that he was simply walking through to the other side. He must have walked straight to the west to get through the house, but i felt uncomfortable about doing this. There was a young child standing in the middle of the room to the west of me. The child seemed confused and stared at me. The child seemed east asian, and seemed only a few years old. He or she was wearing a white shirt and had white fuzzy pants on. The room around the child was pale green, with a shag rug and a sofa on the northern side. I walked to the south, into the kitchen of the house. I decided that $F11 must have headed around the southern side of the house to get out. He must have gone through the rooms to the south and exited the house to the west. I came into the kitchen and turned west, but was disappointed to find that i did not come to an exit. The room to the west was pale green as well, and appeared to be a small bedroom. There was no exit door on the western side of the house, and i felt suddenly annoyed. I had been trapped in the house. I hurried back to the east to try to get out of the house undetected, but there was someone to the west of me as i came back into the living room. I pretended that there was something wrong with me, and i collapsed onto the ground. I woke up suddenly, finding myself on the couch on the western side of the room. The man was sitting to the southwest of me, and he was annoyed that i had been in his house. I realized that $F11 must have wandered off to the west without me. I was annoyed by this and wondered what i should do. The man in the white T-shirt started talking to me in a disappointed tone. He asked why i had come into his house. I felt a little confused and pretended that i was dazed. I told him that i had come here looking for my cat. He then started talking about others who had come here, and he described the cats that were living in the house. I realized that he was telling me that people had come here to take the cats that were living in the house. I looked at the man. He seemed mexican, and he seemed very upset with me. I clarified that i was looking for our cat, not trying to take one from this house. I told him that the cat was named $X12. The man seemed to understand, so i continued by describing the cat, saying that it was a european cat. I tried to think of the type, but said that it was a european mix and was part calico. The man nodded in understanding. He seemed disappointed with me, but realized that i was not here to steal from his house. He let me go, and i started walking to the west. He continued to talk to me as i started off, and i looked back at him. I wanted to leave, so i tried to end the conversation, but he kept talking about my cat. I told him to let me know if he finds a cat like mine. As i started across the bright green grass of the lawn, i looked back an noticed that the man was sitting on a wooden object. The object was on the western side of a large round area in the lawn and seemed to be made of brown stained slats of wood attached to a roughly square frame. The round area was gray and seemed to be covered with fine gravel. I looked to the west to see the green lawn stretching ahead of me. There was a willow tree at the edge of the lawn, and i wanted to get past it so that i count get away from the man and look for $F11. I then realized that i did not give the man a way to contact me about my cat. I had to be convincing and make them believe that i was still concerned about my cat. The wooden thing he was sitting on was now moving. It was attached to a long wooden beam that was over the man’s head. The beam seemed to pivot around a tall tower in the center of the gray area. He moved to the north around the circle as i spoke to him. His wife seemed to be doing something on the grass to the northwest of him. I did not want to give the man my e-mail address or contact information because i did not want him to know who i was, but i had to tell him something. I told him to contact the SPCA if he found my cat. This would be a good way to end the conversation. I then turned back to the west and headed under the willow tree, to the north of the tree. I cut diagonally across the neighboring yard, heading back to the road to the north. I wondered where $F11 was. He must have continued toward campus, which seemed to be to the northwest of us. I then thought that he might have gone back home. I was not sure. As i reached the sidewalk, i thought that i should turn back to the east and head back home to look for him, but i did not want the man to see me traveling in that direction. He would know that i was not heading where i said i was. I continued down the sidewalk to the west, moving awkwardly. I was bent over as i moved, as if limping. This had to do with the confusion that i was faking back at the man’s house. He was watching me head to the west, so i had to continue to limp along. I could not run after $F11 like i wanted to. After a little while, i glanced back to the east. I had gone around a corner in the road, and i could no longer see the man’s house. There was an old tan rounded pick-up truck just turning the corner now, and there seemed to be a car in front of it. I could see a line of tree running from the southern side of the road across a field. It was probably the line of trees i had walked through. I should go a little farther before i start walking normally. I continued to the west, limping down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. The black car that had been approaching from the east reached me and turned to the south, onto a driveway. I realized that i was far enough from the man’s house and stood more upright. I then heard the people talking from the southern side of the street. There was a man and a woman on the lawn to the southeast. The man was yelling to the west at the man who had just gotten out of the large black convertible. To the south of me, a balding man in a tan T-shirt had gotten out of the black convertible. He seemed like an old man from the fifties. He was pudgy, and he yelled back to the other man, saying that the rope was broken. I suddenly remembered that there had been a red rope stretched across the entrance to the dirt driveway. I had seen it as i was walking. I looked to the southeast again to see the bright red rope suspended by two thin metal poles. The man in the black car must have turned into the driveway and broken through the rope. The man on the lawn yelled back, accusing the driver of breaking the rope as he entered. I continued to the west, wondering how i could find $F11.

12010 November 12

I hurried to the north, trying to catch up with the others. They had already been exploring the grassy area to the north, which seemed like a special area. I came to the end of the dirt parking space and stepped over the mound at the end. The land on the other side was a meter or so below me, and it was covered with tall field grass. There was a shallow stream flowing from the northwest. It widened in front of me into a clam pool before it headed off to the northeast. The ground under the water was covered with small blocks of old ruins. I could hear the others to the north of me talking with excitement about the ruins. The ground was checkered with old rounded blocks that had been taken from ancient temples and buildings. This was the place where they had been discarded, but the carvings and writings on the stones were still visible. Some had moss growing over them under the water, and a few were still sticking up above the level of the shallow water. The blocks ranged from ashen-tan to dark gray. There were three dark gray blocks running to the northwest just to the north of me. They seemed rounded and had deep ridges carved into them. I felt excited about this area as well, thinking that there was something special about the discarded ruins. $F12 was to the north of me with the other two men. They were talking about the buried ruins as i looked over the scene, thinking how picturesque everything was. One of the men was excitedly talking about one of the rocks, saying that it was the actual rock where the queen had slept. I hopped to the northeast, onto one of the cubical blocks that was sticking up from the water. The blocks ran in a line from east to west. The man sounded amazed as he spoke of the rock, and i tried to imagine what these rocks had originally been used for. The men were still to the north of me, and $F59 seemed to be one of them. I wanted to join them and enjoy this area. I then realized that i should have brought my camera with me. It was a beautiful sunny day, and this place would have made some great pictures. I headed to the north, toward the small stone building. A narrow passageway led through the center of the building, and i thought about the queen’s bed as i passed through. I wondered where the stone for the bed would be. As i reached the dark center of the building, i noticed that the exit on the northern side seemed to be smaller or blocked by a piece of stone from the western wall. I wanted to take pictures of everything here, and i felt annoyed that i would have to go back for my camera. I thought about getting my camera for a moment, upset that i would have to leave this area to do it. I was in my grandmother’s house when i grabbed my camera and headed to the north again. It now seemed to be early in the morning, and the sun had not yet risen. I opened the back door of the house and headed to the north, where the stones were. The others seemed to be sleeping still. I wanted to take pictures of the beautiful stones as the sun was coming up. I thought that this would make a nice picture. As i opened the door and went out, thought, everything seemed dull and gray. The sky to the west seemed very gray, as though it was going to rain today. I was annoyed. The others seemed to be sleeping somewhere to the northwest of where i was. I was sad that i had missed taking pictures in the good weather yesterday. I aimed the camera at the water to take a picture of the submerged ruins, but i could only see hazy gray reflections from the surface of the water. The sun was high in the northern sky, diffuse behind a layer of gray clouds. It was reflecting off of the water, making it impossible for me to take the shot. I was annoyed and upset.

I was on the tall tower of the building, but the man had thrown me off of the northern side. I looked at the tan modern building, which seemed art deco in design. It had a smooth windowless surface with curved edges that made the building seemed beveled. I had been on the roof of the building, which was a flat platform around a narrow central tower that rose another ten meters or so from the roof. I watched myself fall backward over the northern side of the room and start to fall. I knew that i would be able to fly, so i was not worried about falling from the building, but i was angry with the person that had thrown me over. I fell down the side of the tower, thinking about the man on the top. He had taken a group of people hostage on the roof and was throwing us over the side because his demands had not been met. I wanted to fly back up and pull him over the side with me. I would then let him fall to the ground as i hovered to safety. I headed back up the side of the tower, but i knew that the people with him had guns. I would have to find a way to sneak back onto the roof. I looked down at the city below me. I was now very high over the tower. The men on the tower would not be able to make me out in the sky, and i wondered how i could sneak down on them from above. I focused on the tower, which was now a tiny dark square in the center of a tan building far below me. It seemed strange, and i focused on keeping the view steady, but it vibrated as i tried to focus on it. I wanted to throw the bad man off, but i would have to be careful not to get shot by the others with guns, or to have them shoot the other hostages because of me. I then remembered thinking about falling off of a building before with a friend of mine. I could rescue him by grabbing him and slowing the fall until we reached the street. This was a memory from a while ago. I descended on the southeastern side of the roof. I dropped down into a narrow alley between some of the rooftop structures. There seemed to be a section of the brick building to the south and east of me, and a large metal object to the northwest that formed two corridors between the walls and itself. I wondered how i would get back to the hostages and the others. They seemed to be to the west of me. I started up the narrow corridor to the north for a moment. The metal structure to the west overhung the opening above me a little. It had rounded features and seemed like a very large air-conditioning vent. It was dark in the passageway, so i turned around and headed back to the south. This did not seem the correct way to go. The passage to the west was wider and open to the sky. There also seemed to be openings in the southern side of the large metal structure. I thought that there might be some kind of market in the metal area. As i started to the west, a group of people rounded the corner to the west of me and passed me, heading to the east. They seemed to be dressed in dull brown or gray colors, and were being led by a woman tour guide who was wearing a brown uniform. The tour guide stared at me questioningly. She knew that i should not have been wandering in this part of the museum, and i wondered if she suspected that i had sneaked in. I passed the group and reached the western side of the area, where the corridor turned to the north along the western side of the roof. I hoped that the tour guide did not report me. I had to get back to the other area undetected. Once the group was out of sight, i walked back to the west and into the wide area in the center of the southern side of the roof. There were glass doors leading into the building to the south of me. I wondered if i could head out of the museum by going down the stairs inside. Several people were moving around in the corridor on the other side of the doors. I looked to the north, where there were a few people coming out of the opening of the large metal structure. They were coming from the antique shop. I wanted to fly away, but there seemed to be too many structures over my head. I jumped up to the roof over the glass doors and grabbed onto the edge with my hands. I pulled myself up, aware that there were two more museum women in brown uniforms standing to the north of me, at the entrance to the gift shop. I wondered if they would yell at me for climbing on the roof of the building. I could see the slope of the roof to the south of me, and i wanted to climb onto it so that i could simply fly away. If i could reach the roof, i could simply jump upward and escape. One of the women in brown was watching me as i jumped up to grab the roof again. I thought that she would yell at me for climbing on the roof, but she did not say anything. As soon as i got to the higher roof i could fly away. That would surprise both of them because they would think that i was simply climbing on the roofs.

12010 November 13

I was in the house that seemed like $P19, and there were many other people gathered there. I turned to the south, where there was a window over a counter. $A559 was sitting on the other side of the counter, leaning on his elbows as he spoke to the man in front of me. He was crying about something, but i could not tell what. He referred to the man with me as $A185. I realized that $A559 thought that the man was $A185. The man was actually a friend of mine who had the same name as $A185, but was not the same person that $A559 knew. The man seemed to be a very close friend of mine, and i moved to his side as i tried to explain to $A559 that he was not who $A559 thought he was.

I was facing south and standing to the north of the small vehicle, which seemed to be my car. I was trying to think of what i should make for breakfast. $F10 was with me. I talked about making waffles for breakfast, thinking that this would be a good breakfast for a weekend. I then thought that i could eat the waffles for breakfast and then have a protein shake for lunch. This made sense, since i was not feeling that hungry and did not want to eat too much. $F10 was pacing to the north of me, and started talking about his work. He told us that he did things for space ships, and he seemed rather interested in it. I paced around the top of the metal structure, which seemed to be a small platform on a metal tower. There was water below us, and i thought about jumping from the tower into the water. My view then panned backward to the southeast, and i could see myself standing on the platform high over the water. There were several towers over the dark smooth water of the lake. The tower that we were on seemed to be the farthest to the east. The two or three others were scattered in no particular pattern to the east of the wide sandy shoreline. I imagined myself jumping off of the eastern side of the platform that i was on. I then wondered how far it was to the water and whether i would have to jump or dive.

12010 November 14

I was in the bedroom, which seemed like the upstairs room in my grandmother’s house. There was a mattress on the floor to the east of me, on the northeastern side of the room. $F12 was lying on the mattress, and i started talking to him. He then started pushing me and i started to wrestle him. I felt nervous about pushing him too much, thinking that he was not really interested in roughhousing, but he kept pushing me back, so i thought that he might actually want to wrestle. He was stronger than i was, but i pushed him down and pinned him on the mattress with his hands over his head. I felt nervous about wrestling him, thinking that he might get angry with me, but he did not seem to. He was not wearing a shirt at this time, and i looked at the light hair on his chest muscles as he tried to struggle out. I joked with him about the situation and then let him sit up. He now seemed to be wearing a dull orange T-shirt. He leaned back onto his elbows. He had his right ankle on his left knee in front of him, and i realized that he was trying to move his feet so that he could get me into a leg lock. He was wearing a pair of red plaid boxer shorts. I pushed his feet out of the way, thinking that it would be more interesting to get him wrestling in some other way. I was then standing on the western side of the bed. I noticed that the bed had separated in the middle, exposing some white objects and some piles of clothes on the floor. We should really clean the room. I still wanted to wrestle $F12, thought, but he had stood up and started to the north. He walked out the door and started to the east, saying that he had to pick up some coffee at “Delilah’s”. This must have been the cafe in the strip mall across the street. I felt suddenly disappointed that he left and wondered what to do.

12010 November 15

I sat in the northern section of the room of an office for $G6. I sat on the eastern side of a small table looking over the notebooks in front of me. I no longer worked here, but i was back doing something in the office. They were paying me for the time, but i knew that the work i was doing was actually unnecessary. I felt annoyed with the work and looked over the blue writing on the pages of the stenographer notebook. I headed to the south, thinking that i should take the work elsewhere. I felt angry and annoyed with $G6. There was a long table to the south of me with several people sitting on the southern side of it. $A261 was sitting on the eastern end of the table, and she asked me a question about the work that i was doing. I felt hostile toward her and answered her without actually answering her question. She was asking about the work that i was doing in the notebooks. She asked a question about my time, and i made a snide remark to her. I then noticed the two drinks in tall plastic cups on the shelf behind her. I had forgotten to take them with me when i had left before, so i leaned over the table and grabbed the drink on the east. It was in a clear plastic cup with a domed lid. The liquid looked like cola, and there was a straw sticking out the top. I thought that it was more like a fancy coffee from Dunkin Donuts. I said something else to $A261, acting rude to her because i knew that she was just trying to degrade me in front of the others. I knew that she did not have any power over me, though, so i was rather snotty in my responses.

I turned to the south and looked at the man, who was just putting on his costume. He had a mask that covered his entire head, and it looked like the face of a bird. $F58 stood to the east of him, and this seemed to be her party. I had wanted to do a bird costume, but had never gotten around to creating one. I felt upset that the man had done it before i did, because it meant that i could not do a bird costume now. I could not even do it next Halloween because people would remember the costume that the man had. I mentioned that i had wanted to do the bird costume, and i felt bad. The man twisted his head, and the feathers around the long black beak puffed up. The man pulled his head back and the feathers retracted. He must have been pulling the strings inside the costume to make expressions on the face of the bird. It was a rather well designed costume. The feathers on the top of his head were black, and his bill seemed both black and yellow. I thought that he was either a crow or a raven. The man seemed familiar, and he seemed to be wearing a black business suit. He moved something else in the costume and more feathers on the face lifted up. It was a nicely designed costume, and that made me feel worse.

12010 November 17

I turned to the east, looking across the large room on the eastern end building, which seemed to be a university or school building. The walls to the west of me were pale white, and the ceiling seemed to be covered with shellacked thin strips of wood. Thin metal beams also seemed to be exposed on the sides of the ceiling. I talked to the other person about the towers. He called them towers, but i knew that they were really spires. There were four of them, and i thought that the spire in downtown Dublin was one of them. They seemed to have a special function, and i wondered where the other spires were. They must be spread out across the world. I imagined the tall thin towers as pole like: very tall and rather thin. I turned to the east and stated moving through the area, which seemed like the eastern side of an old building. The walls of the room were very high, and they were made out of pale stone. This place seemed like part of a college, and the people moving around on the stone floor seemed like students. The center of the room had small round tables scattered around the floor, but few people were sitting at them. It seemed that the lunch hour had ended. I noticed that there were some dishes left on the tables, though. This annoyed me, and i stopped to look around the room. Many of the tables had dirty dishes left on them. The students did not take their own dishes back to the cafeteria, which seemed to be to the east of me, on the northern side of the long room. Annoyed, i moved some of the dishes aside, looking for something on the tables. As i slid some of the dishes out of my way, a woman to the southeast of me leaned forward and told me that i should put the dishes away. She was wearing a dull-red dress with padded shoulders. She thought that the dishes were mine. I told her that i did not know where i should put them. A second woman came up behind her and asked me in a patronizing voice where i would put the dishes at home. I felt annoyed with her and told her that i would put the dishes in the dishwasher at home, then i added that it would probably not be a good idea for me to do so here. The women told me in an annoyed tone that there were racks in the kitchen, and that i should take my dishes to the kitchen. I grabbed some of the plates and took them to the south, through the doorways. In the next room, i turned east and brought them into the kitchen. The large metal kitchen table had platters arranged over its surface, leaving no room to stack empty plates. Lunch was over, and they were setting up for a fancy dinner. I looked around for a moment, not quite sure where i should put my plates. I finally decided to put them on the western end of the counter that ran along the northern wall. I headed back out of the kitchen and into the dining room, feeling that i had forgotten something somewhere. It felt as though i should have had something with me that i did not have. I came out into the hallways, which were now crowded with students. They were all heading to their lectures. I pushed through the crowd, heading up the staircase on the eastern wall of the corridor, heading south. As i ascended the stairs, i heard the voice of the famous lecturer starting his class. I remembered him from before. The class had something to do with psychology, and i thought that i should have taken the class. I was interested in the subject, but i knew that i had others classes that i would have to take, so i could not. At the top of the stairs, i could see a small group of students studying archeology to the west. There was something special about this place, and i felt a little excited to be here again. I had been taking classes here, but i felt suddenly strange thinking about it. It did not seem like i fit in here anymore. I then thought that i was interested in the classes that i had been taking, but i had not actually been attending the lectures. I tried to remember if i had really gone to any of the lectures, but i could not remember. I had just finished lunch with $F4, and i was now suddenly heading to class. Something seemed to have changed suddenly. I had to get to my philosophy class. I headed through the double doorways in the stone wall on the southern side of the wide corridor. I had not been to this class in a while, and i felt a little hesitant coming here again. I thought that i could miss a few lectures and not miss much. I entered the room from the door in the southern end of the western wall. The male instructor was lecturing on the northern side of the room. This class seemed very familiar, but somehow distant in memory. I tried to think about the class, and felt that i was remembering something from long ago. It felt like the end of the academic year, and the people here were getting ready to graduate. I sat down in the middle of the room, at one of the long wooden tables that ran east to west in rows and columns. As i sat down, i started thinking about the spires again. There were four of them, and i wondered where they were. Other students were at the table around me, facing the instructor to the north. They seemed like the people i had gone to high school with. The boy to the east of me seemed to be $A494, and the person across the table from him, to the southeast of me, seemed like $A164. They were trying to study for the test, looking at the large object on the northern table of the room. I said something about the test, looking down nervously at the papers in front of me. Several sticks were sitting on the table in front of me. They were colored with dull faded chipping paint. The paint had been partly whipped off on some area of the sticks. This was part of eth archeology test. We had to learn how to wipe off the coatings on the sticks to discover the true color underneath. This was how we would be able to identify the different sticks. The sticks were scattered all over the tables all around the room, and the students were looking at the sticks in front of the. I commented on the artifacts to the others as i picked up one of the sticks, which had dull red paint on it. I then lifted up the sheet of paper in front of me, asking no one in particular what was under it. I caught a glimpse of something ancient egyptian in design. The others tried to stop me as i lifted the sheet, saying that i was not supposed to look ahead. I saw a long gray boat with egyptian wings on the sides right before i put the sheet back down. The others were concerned that i had looked under the sheet. $A164 asked about the tests, and i told him that they were very strange. It seemed that i would soon be graduating with these people, and i commented that people had life experiences. $A164 did not understand what i was talking about, so i explained. I told him that i had graduated after four years in this college. I then had worked for twenty years, but now i am back here graduating again. It did not make sense. I thought that time must have started to overlap or something. I felt concerned about this, but was then distracted by something to the west. The people started to move down the corridor to the west, leaving the room. We were on an airplane now, and i looked to the north to see gray jagged mountains outside the window. We were traveling west, and seemed to be very low to the ground. I looked down and could see a town at the southern base of the mountain. It seemed to be along the northern shore of a meandering river. We were too low, though, and the buildings were very distinct outside the window. Something was wrong. I looked at the wing of the airplane, which was out the window now. A small yellow tube hung from the bottom of the wing, and i thought that the pilot must be dumping fuel. I looked down at the town again, thinking that it must be Oneonta. A compartment on the side of the wing then opened up, and i thought that we must be dumping fuel in preparation for a crash landing. I started to feel tense, and then i thought that it was strange to dump fuel so low to a city. We moved through the buildings now of the small town. The captain of the airplane was now to the west of me, and i asked him what had happened. He said that we would be landing in the city. I asked him if it was Oneonta, stating that it was the only town on the way to where we were originally heading. The captain told me that it was a special town, saying that it was one of only four left. It also seemed that he had said only one of two. The world was in chaos, which was why we had come here. There were few safe places to go. I turned to the west and headed into the kitchen of my grandfather’s cottage at $P22. I walked across the kitchen, to the counter against the western wall. I noticed a pick sitting on the counter and picked it up. I had taken the last pick when i left this place a long time ago, but now there was another there. Something seemed strange and out of place about this, and i wondered if this was some kind of test. A man was with me, standing to the south of me, and i asked him who the captain was. He said that he was probably one of my relatives. He said that the man had given away all of the instruments. I felt suddenly bad, thinking that i would have liked to have one of the musical instruments. I then noticed the orange book sitting on the counter. Its design seemed to be from the seventies. The title across the top was in large rounded yellow letters, and looked like “Polpol Vu” in uppercase letters, but the second word looked like “PULU” or “PUNA”. A pale tan or yellow man was sitting on the second word as if meditating. This was a new-age book. The picture in the center showed orange mountains in the background. This was a book about the special city. It was a mystical place that most people could not find. I thought that it was like the four spires. I had found one of the spires in Dublin. It was tall and thin and made of metal. I then wondered how it stayed up. I thought that there must be stairs inside the spire so that people could climb to the top. I told the others about this, wondering if the four worlds around the tower had different styles. I thought that each spire would have a different design to match the corresponding world. It was like the four elemental realms, and i thought that it was also like Eurivvonerga. The book was about the special city, and only special people were welcome there. I then wondered why i was here. This place seemed to be part of the special city, and i did not feel that i was good enough to be here. I tried to focus on the book, thinking that it was very important that i remember what i had read in it. I turned to the south and walked with the man, asking about the city that we were in. I could see a large building to the south. It was a stone structure with a wide peaked roof and square towers at the corners. It looked like an old armory. The man said that there were only two towns left. The rest of the world had fallen into chaos. I thought that these towns should be noticeable targets to the people outside the cities. I wanted to know why people outside the cities did not attack and try to steal the cities resources. The man did not comment. I turned my attention to the east to see a black car approaching us. A child was driving toward us in the car. I told the man to warn him, but the child was still coming at us. I quickly hopped up onto the picnic table to the south, angry with the child for not paying attention to us. I threw the round bottle at the car. The black car looked like an old american car from the seventies. It was a convertible, and i heard the bottle clank as it fell into the back seat of the car. The child heard the noise and stopped the car suddenly to the north of me. I turned my attention to the east suddenly, feeling tense. The child was sitting near me on the eastern bench of the picnic table. I then turned to the south, where a green grassy lawn stretched away from us. A sheep was standing in the middle of the lawn. It was facing east, and it lifted its buttocks into the air and started to defecate. The feces coming out were very liquidly, and it poured onto the ground near the sheep. Something seemed strange and out of place here. This did not seem real, and i started to feel concerned. The sheep had fuzzy bright-pink fur, and the feces pouring out of it was also bright pink. The sheep lifted its head up into the air, but continued to defecate on the ground. I felt nervous about this place. It was all too strange and unnatural.

12010 November 18

I was taking a test in the small elementary school classroom. I was near the northern side of the room, sitting on the eastern end of a long wooden table near the eastern side of the classroom. I was supposed to fill in the names of the books that were on the table near me. I felt anxious, and glanced around the room. $A57 was giving us books, and we were supposed to know about them. I wrote something on the cover of one of the books. I turned to the north, looking at the table behind me, where there was a small blue booklet. I looked up from the booklet, noticing that $F4 was sitting on the other side of the table, writing answers on his books. I started to feel confused and wondered what i was doing. I then realized that the blue booklet on the table behind me was the answer book. I should not be looking at it, so i turned quickly back to the south and looked at the books on the small table in front of me. I tried to figure out the answers to the books on the table. I was now crouching on the ground to the northwest of the small coffee table. A red leather couch seemed to be to the west of me, and another couch was to the south, both facing the coffee table. I looked over the books on the table, trying to answer the questions, but i was having trouble figuring out what i was supposed to say. The question had something to do with a roc. I had to answer, saying what a roc is. I looked at the title of the book, noticing that the large word across the top of the page started with “SUPERROC”. It must be a more powerful roc. I shuffled through the large thin hard-covered books on the table, realizing that not all of them were here. Something was missing. I realized that someone must have taken the books, and i felt mad about this. I looked around the classroom. Most of the class was still in the larger part of the room to the west, but $A58 and $A584 were to the south of me. I thought that they must have taken the books, and i felt upset about it. I did not know what i could do. I started looking around the small living room for the books. The living room was a small sitting area to the east of the main classroom. The books were on the rounded table on the northern wall, which had a lamp on it. I shuffled around the books on the table, then started looking around the sides of the black leather couch that sat against the northern wall, to the east of the table, but i could not find the books that i was looking for. I only had three books, but there should be more of them. I could not find the books that i had written the answers on, and i felt very upset about this. All of the work that i had done was gone. I then noticed the answer book on the table. It had the answers by the teacher as examples of what we were supposed to write. I felt very upset that all my work was gone, and i felt like i could cry. I did not know what to do. The students were now moving along the southern wall of the room in a line. The test was over and the students were leaving. I did not know what to do because my answers had been taken. I would not be able to finish the test, and i felt distressed. The students had headed out to the east, and i felt that i had to follow them, so i walked down the street to the east, trying to find where they had gone. I could not really see them anymore. I moved along the sidewalk on the southern side of the city street, passing the storefronts. Everything seemed strangely orange or red, like it was illuminated by the light of the setting sun. I paused near the eastern end of the block, looking into the V-shaped entryway of one of the stores. The large glass windows on either side seemed empty, but there was an old porcelain pedestal sink on the eastern side. I passed through an opening in the glass and found myself inside the display window, looking at the sink. I had thought that this was the teacher’s office, but it really was not. I wanted to leave my exam books on the teacher’s desk, but this place seemed abandoned. I looked out the window to the east, realizing that this shop was on the corner and that i could see the students moving off to the east, turning down a side street to the south. They had already taken the busses and were leaving school, but i was still here. I felt very upset and frustrated. I was not able to find my books, and i did not think that i should leave without explaining what had happened. Everyone was leaving without me, though, and i did not know what to do.

12010 November 20

There was someone outside my parents’ house, so i walked to the back door to see who they were. There was a woman standing on the porch, and there seemed to be several other people in a car that was running in the driveway. I said something to the woman, and she started telling me about the poison that was leaking from their yard. She described how they had been using a chemical in their yard. I wondered if it was some kind of pesticide. She said that she lived on a road, and told me the name, which ended with “Hill Road”. I recognized the name, thinking that she lived to the south. I nodded as if i understood where her house was, but i could not understand how chemicals from their yard would leak into our yard. There was a valley between my parents’ house and the road on the next hill. I clarified the name of the road, saying that it was just off of $P59. The woman did not seem to respond, but she motioned to the northwest, telling me where her house was. I realized that she was on the other side of my parents’ house. It seemed that it might be uphill from my parents’ house, to the north, which is why the chemicals would leak down the hill. The woman showed me a sheet of paper with the chemical listed on it, but i did not quite understand what it was. I walked back into the house, coming into the dining room. I stood on the eastern side of the room, facing east. There was a sink to the east of me with a curved metal faucet. The water was running from the faucet into a large glass beaker. I stared typing on the surface of the water, just under the stream. I typed in “chemocide”, which seemed to be the name of the chemical that the woman said. It seemed strange that the name would start with “chemo” because it made it sound like a generic chemical. I also thought that the “cide” ending made it sound like some form of killing. There seemed to be a thin black keyboard just under the surface of the water, and i typed on it where the thin stream of water from the faucet poured down. I could not find the chemical name in a search. I walked back to the porch, looking at the white sheet that the woman was holding in her hand. I then glanced to the truck that was parked in the driveway to the southeast of me. Her family seemed to be sitting in the truck. They were of several generations and seemed to be dressed in shabby plaid clothing. I started to feel nervous about the people. The woman motioned to the northwest, moving up the driveway to the north. I followed her, thinking that she was referring to her house, which seemed to be up the hill from my parents’ house. I then thought that they must be on the road that ran along the other side of the block. I wondered how a chemical could run from their house to ours; there was a creek in between the two areas that should divert the chemical. I pictured the land on the northern road as open land with a swamp to the east of the road, just to the west of the tree line. I glanced to the east at the woman who had been talking to me. I realized suddenly that she was naked. She was slightly fat, and i felt suddenly uncomfortable seeing her vagina in front of me. I wondered she was naked. I then realized that her husband was standing to the northeast of her. He was naked as well. His body was also fat, and it had short dark hair all over. I then noticed that his penis was erect, but oddly shaped. It seemed conical, and his crotch seemed very wide, as though it was a drawing or comical representation. I felt uncomfortable and turned back to the house. I went inside, nervous about the family outside. I worried that the farm family from the truck might invade our house, and i peeked out the windows to the east to see them. My mother then came down from upstairs, entering the dining room from the west. She had been asleep. I told her what was happening here, thinking that she would be upset about it.

My mother had been sleeping in the room to the south of me. I was looking around the darkened area to get food. I felt nervous here, though, thinking that there were animals outside in the darkness. I could not exactly see them, but i thought that they were to the north of me somewhere. The cars were parked to the north of the small cabin, facing north on the dirt ground. I noticed something shiny on the ground and bent over to pick it up. They were small brassy coins, and some of them were just under the side of the car. As i bent over, i noticed the wolf cub to the north of me. I felt nervous about the animals and backed into the building. I was looking out the large glass window to the north, worried about the animals. Something then moved above me. A large animal was above the window, and i felt nervous about it. I backed into the room, telling my mother about the animal. It seemed like a sloth, but i knew that it was more dangerous. The animal then came into the house. It seemed like a bear. We had to get out of here, so the woman and i ran to the south, into the trailer. Once we were through the door on the northern side of the trailer, we were safe. It seemed like a great relief to be here. $G4 was inside the building, and they cheered for us as we made it into the building. We had missed the run with $G4, but we had made it to safety in the building. We did not stop here, though. We turned to the east and headed through the garage of the small house. The garage was filled with machinery and metal equipment. I could hear the motors running on something as we passed though. As we ran through the doorway, we came into the large open room, which looked like a work bay. This place used to be scenic, with great views of the forested land to the north, but it seemed dingy and dark now. The water to the northwest of us was dark. We ran across the cement platform on the southern side of the room until we came into the other outdoor area. This place seemed very similar, but the area to the north was less desolate and dark. I remembered this place from before. The rolling hills around us were green with grass, and a river flowed from the northwest to the southeast, curving slowly past us. A boat channel was marked down the center of the artificial waterway with white poles that stuck up from the water. Everything here seemed beautiful, and i liked the way the land looked, even though there seemed to be something artificial about it. We passed over the river, heading to the northeast. We would pass over the land beyond and keep going.

12010 November 21

I turned from the south and started moving to the west. The parade was still moving through the streets to the south of me, and i felt that there was something wrong with the people here. I had been confronted by some people in the parade, and i felt very uncomfortable about it. They seemed to be threatening to me. I walked to the south. Two other men were with me. As we headed down the corridor, i told them that there was a problem with some of the people in the parade. The two men stopped in front of the closed wooden door on the southern end of the hallway. The door was on the eastern end of the southern wall, and it was an old wooden door with a wire-mesh window in the upper part. The glass was frosted, but i knew that it was the police department. The two men stood in front of me now. They seemed to be wearing tan trench coats with hats. They asked me what was wrong with the people in the parade. I started to tell them, but i felt uneasy saying the words. I wanted to head to the south and tell the police what i had suspected, but i felt suddenly nervous about the people here. The two men pressed me for an answer, but i was not quite sure how to tell them. I felt that the Nazis had come back and were spreading their views through some people in the parade. I stumbled on an explanation, starting to feel that these two men were sympathetic to the Nazis. I felt uncomfortable, but i told them that i thought that the Nazis had returned. They repeated what i had said. An officer in a white uniform shirt came out of the doorway and proceeded to the north. I realized that the two men with me were supportive of the Nazis, and that made it unsafe for me here. I pretended that i did not know this and started to walk back to the north. I jumped into the air as we were speaking, grabbing on to one of the metal girders on the western side of the corridor. I slipped the round chip with the number on it on top of the beam, hoping that the two men did not notice what i was doing. I could not let them get the small card. As i descended, i stuffed some of the papers back into the envelope in my left hand, hoping that they did not realize that i had left the round tag on top of the beam. I then wondered how they could not suspect something, since i had been so obvious about it. I felt threatened by these men. They supported the Nazis, which meant that they would be hostile toward me. I headed to the north. One of the men seemed to disappear to the east, and i hurried out the glass door on the northern end of the hallway. The other man suddenly realized that i was trying to escape and called after me. I had to get away or they would turn me in. I hurried down the shallow cement steps on the northern side of the building. $F45 came from the west, and i cautioned him, saying that there were Nazis coming behind me. I jumped into the air, trying to get out of sight before the man exited the building. $F45 jumped up with me, but he fell back down to the ground in front of the door as i landed on top of the thick marquee over the doorway. He was wearing a pale-blue polo shirt. As he landed, the man would have been coming out of the door and seen him. He had to get away some other way. I turned to the south and started climbing up the shallow white slope of the roof of the marquee. I stayed on the western side of the roof, aware that the man in the trench coat was running to the east, following $F45. He was looking around, though, and might see me if i stood up. There was a man standing at the top of the shallow roof above me. He had been folding clothes on the small balcony and seemed surprised by my appearance here. He looked around to see the others running on the street, and he asked me what was happening. I told him that the Nazis had returned. He seemed shocked. In disbelief, he repeated the phrase “The Nazis are back?”. He then turned to the east a little, continuing to fold his clothes as though nothing was happening. I knew that the man in the trench coat would be looking around for me. I stayed low and crept up the side of the roof toward the balcony. The man folding laundry complimented me on my stealthy movement, saying that i had maneuvered just right to stay out of sight of the man. I was glad to have someone who sympathized with me.

I stood to the east of the house. I had been in the low small narrow house, but someone outside had drawn my attention. There were people moving to the north. They seemed to be construction workers. I said something to them, unsure what was happening. The large man stumbled toward me. He was wearing a white T-shirt over his pear-shaped body. He also wore a pair of blue jeans with a dark tool belt over his waist. His face was long and unattractive, with dark curly hair on top of his head. He seemed to be bleeding from the left temple. The other man to the north said something, and i realized that the first man had been injured. I felt concerned for the man and decided that i should do something. I moved him into the narrow hallway in the center of the black building to the west of me. There was a bathroom to the west, but it was narrow and seemed unfinished. There was something special about the bathroom. I told the man to wait near the shower door as i went to the south to get some first-aid supplies. The bathroom seemed cramped. The southern end of the room had the same black and white tiles as the shower area. It seemed to be a narrow set of corridors. The corridor to the east was short and led to the sinks, and the corridor to the west seemed to open up into a small toilet stall. I grabbed something from the south and turned back to the man. I felt uncomfortable in such close quarters with him, but i tried to help. He now did not seem to be wearing a shirt, and i felt that he was sweaty and unclean. He moved suddenly to the west, squeezing through the narrow opening in the tile wall. He said that he was going to move into the shower. I did not want him to be in the shower, and i was upset that he had gone there. I tried to get him out. I was then distracted my some of the other men to the north. There was too much happening here. I moved around the large room to the north as the man and woman came. I felt upset that the bathroom area had been discovered. I grabbed the woman around the shoulders and tried to get her to go to the south with me. I told her that something was wrong and pushed her into the tile wall of the shower, which was to the south of us. The white plastic curtains pushed aside and the black and white tile wall started to recede. It was a secret passageway. I then realized that we should not let others know about this. As we came into the narrow corridor to the south, i realized that this scene was actually a set on a stage. I felt as though i was being aggressive with the woman, and i pushed her to the west, into the shower. I spoke in a loud insistent voice, pointing out that the set had a shower with a secret door that you could push in. I said it in a way so that the man behind us would simply think that i was explaining the set, but i wanted the woman to realize that the set was modeled after the real bathroom. The woman and i both knew about the real place, and we did not want others to know about it. I worried that someone had discovered our secret hiding place.

I stood to the east of the low black house as the people came from the north. $X14 was running across the ground with them. I grabbed him and took him inside. I felt concerned about him because it seemed that we had been away a while. I picked him up in my left arm and cradled him carefully. I felt doting and pet him as i held him close. I said something to the others about the cats, and i bent over to pick $X13 up as well. I was going to take them to the other room to feed them. They were small enough that they fit in the palms of my hands. As i carried them to the northwest, i noticed that $X13 had a small white thing wiggling under the fur on his side. I looked carefully at him. His fur seemed thick, like rounded white spines. The small white worm was poking out from under one of the layers of spines. I realized that the cat must have worms boring through his skin. I felt very concerned and brought the cats into the room to the north, placing them on the white bed. I focused on $X13 now as he lay on the bed. The white worm seemed to be poking out from several places on his body. I wanted to grab it and pull it out, but i did not have a pair of tweezers. I looked around on the floor for something to use, but i could not see anything. There seemed to be several dark objects on the ground. I had fed the cats, and $X13 was eating from his bowl. I wondered if i should simply grab the worm with my fingers and pull it out. I then worried that i would break the worm off. I had to get it out, but i did not know what to do. I looked at the cat. He seemed very hungry, and i realized that he must need more food because he had worms in him.

12010 November 22

I picked up several things from the house and headed to the west, following the other person back to the car. I had unpacked all of my things from the car and was now supposed to pack all of the stuff i wanted back into the car. I had two easels over my left shoulder and a box of things in my arms. I wondered how i would fit all of my instruments and other boxes back into the trunk of the car. It seemed that there was too much for me to pack. I turned to the north, following the other person up the paved path. The easels tipped a little, and i tried not to drag the legs on the ground. It felt awkward to carry all of these things. I approached the car from the east. The trunk was open, and i noticed that there was only a small cardboard box left in it. I pulled out the box and tried to repack the trunk. I worried that i would not be able to put all of my things back into it. The people were sitting on the bench or couch to the north of me as i started shuffling things around. $K5 seemed to be on the dark fake-leather couch next to a man. I pulled a cassette tape case out of the small cardboard box, noticing that it was one of only two or three things in the box. I commented to the people to the north that the only things i had left in the car were the cassette boxes. I was only unpacking the stuff that i would be keeping and would discard the rest, but i decided that i could keep the cassette tape since it was such a small thing that i could pack it in easily. I should not have any trouble repacking the trunk.

I walked down the hall of the school to the west. The walls were white, and they seemed to be open to the south into classrooms. $K5 stood to the east of me. She had stopped in the hallway with some other students while i walked a little to the west. I glanced into one of the classrooms, noticing a row of lockers on the southern wall of the room. One of the tan metal lockers was open, and i could see a small diorama set up inside. I glanced back at $K5, who was smiling at me, motioning with her head to the south. She must have set up the diorama in the locker and wanted me to see it. The inside of the locker was painted white, and there were cardboard towers set up on the sides, with black string arching toward the center, where a cardboard cutout of a ballerina with red clothing stood, arms raised. I started walking back toward $K5, but she seemed disappointed that i did not go into the room. She gasped at me with an exasperated expression, letting me know that i was supposed to enter the room and look at what she had done. I backed up a little and then turned into the room to the south. There were students gathering in the chairs of the classroom, and i wondered if i would be interrupting them. I looked at the white tile wall on the southern side of the classroom. There was a doorway in the wall that led into a small shower room. The opening i had seen before was actually the shower room, and not a locker. There were chairs and cardboard cutouts standing in the small shower room as part of the full-size diorama. I turned back to the north, noticing that $K5 was in the room with me. I pointed out the diorama, but she motioned to the southeast. I turned to look behind me, noticing a large light-purple sign with sparkling letters. I suddenly realized that $K5 had made the sign for me, and not the diorama. I told her that it was a nice sign. We started walking to the north, toward the parking lot. We were then driving to the east. Someone else was driving the car. $K5 started talking about something i had said in the room. She said that she had admired what i had said earlier. I wondered if i was telling her something i had known as a fact or something i had known as a possible fact. I wondered what i had said. As we drove down the highway to the east, $K5 mentioned the proteins. I told her that the proteins were very hard to create. I said that there were basic building blocks of proteins, and that larger proteins could be made from smaller proteins. I hoped that this information was correct, because i did not want to say something that was not fully true. I said that the proteins could not easily be made from scratch. If you tried to break apart the proteins, you would end up with atoms, which would be harder to assemble back into full proteins. $K5 seemed amazed by this information and started talking about it as we drove down the hill to the south. The highway curved to the east along the side of the steep hill that overlooked the narrow lake in the valley below.

12010 November 23

I left the others and headed to the south. We had been discussing something, but something changed. I was to the north of my parents’ house, and was heading to the southeast, around the side of the house to the back door. As i started across the grass, i remembered the black bird, and thought that i was disguised as a black bird. The image had come from something that the others had said when i was with them. I had always liked the black bird, and thought that i should be a crow. I then remembered that i like the raven better because it was a Norse symbol. As i reached the northeastern corner of the house, i thought that my dreams from before really only had black wings. There was no bird specified. I was supposed to be a crow, but i could say to people that i was really a raven. It did not matter. I started down the driveway along the side of the house when i realized that i could fly. I wanted to fly up and pretend to be the crow. I opened my arms. A car passed on the road to the south of me. It was night now, but i could see myself standing to the south of me with my arms spread in the light of the passing car. I was wearing a light-blue long-sleeve T-shirt that seemed a little too large for me. My right leg was lifted off the ground to the west of me. I felt suddenly nervous about being seen by the car, so i ran back to the northern side of the house. I stopped on the grass, facing west, and lifted my arms. I was the crow and started to float into the air. Just as i left the ground, i heard a buzzing sound from the west. It did not seem too far away, and seemed like the sound of several party horns being blown. There was probably a group of people on the western side of the yard, just beyond the dry leafless bush to the west of me. I could startle them when they saw me rise from the ground in my black coat. As i floated up into the air, the buzzing stopped, and there was rustling in the dry weeds. I looked down through the darkness at the tan and gray dry weeds in the tall grass. Several things were moving through the tall dry stalks of thistle head, but i could not tell what they were. They were retreating to the northwest, and i decided that they must be the animals that had made the buzzing noise. I felt nervous about them.

The person was to the north of me, and i was describing the golden ration to him or her. I held up my left hand with my thumb out to the side. The person had said something about the ration of the thumb not being right, but i looked at the joint and thought that it should be measured from the lower part of the joint, like it is on the finger. The thumb should be one-third of the length of the finger. When i compared them, however, that did not seem right. I moved the thumb next to the finger and realized that it was actually two-thirds of the finger. This was the correct proportion for the golden ratio. There was an importance to this proportion, and i tried to explain it to the other person. I started comparing several other things, looking at the distance of the eyes on the face. There was great significance to the two-thirds proportion.

12010 November 24

I held the telephone receiver up to my left ear as i moved to the north, jumping over the top of the row of buildings on the southern side of the street. I was talking to someone on the other end of the telephone, and i seemed cheerful about it. I crossed the street, aware that i was pulling the coiled telephone chord behind me. I wondered how far it would stretch. I moved to the northeast, entering the small open lot in the center of a triangular median of an intersection. I was stretching the telephone chord far, and i did not want it to get too tangled in everything. I finished the conversation with the other person and turned back to the southwest. There was a man in the street looking at the pink spiraled telephone chord that was stretched diagonally across the street. He seemed to be wearing a brown suit with a white shirt. I said something to him as i started pulling on the chord, pulling myself back to where i had come from. The cable stretched as i pulled, but i thought that it was springy enough to pull me back the way i had come. I passed the man and crossed the line of business-like buildings on the southern side of the street. On the other side, i came out into a street with residential houses on the southern side. The houses were close together, and the pink telephone cable stretched to the southwest. I was looping the cable in my hands as i pulled myself back, and was a little disappointed to notice that the cable was not coiling back up as i had expected. I wanted it to suddenly pull me to the south so that i could fly over the buildings again. As i came out onto the street, still pulling the cable, i noticed two children hanging onto the cable to the southwest of me. They must have grabbed it when it was street level and tried to pull it. They were now smiling with excitement as they hung on to the cable, which was three or four meters from the ground. I pulled on the cable to move myself to the west. The chord went slack for a moment, and one of the children fell off and landed on his back on the ground. He seemed unhurt, and both children laughed about the situation. I continued to pull on the cable, pulling myself past the children, gathering the pink cable as i moved. Just past the children, the cable went up over the roof of a building, which seemed like a bank in a city building. I started pulling myself upward. I hoped that the chord was strong enough to support my weight as i pulled myself up the side of the building. I suddenly realized that i was rather high over the ground. I turned to the west. I was on the western side of the building because the cable had curved around the northwestern corner of the building. There was a billboard sign on the side of the building that overlooked an open car lot to the west. The sign seemed to be made of black metal bars that curved around a bulb-shaped area. The bars were flat, and the cage reminded me of a lamp guard made of cast iron. I grabbed onto the bars to the west of me. I was now standing on part of the metal structure near the top of the building, and i became aware of just how high off the ground i was. I was uncomfortable with the height and worried that i might fall. I did not feel scared at the moment, but i knew that i should not look down. I started to look down, but looked to the west instead, audibly telling myself not to look down. I felt nervous, even though i was aware that i was not frightened of the height as i should be. I leaned back against the building, telling myself not to look down and wondering what i should do. A man was then standing to the south of me. He told me that i could simply step off of the sign, and i realized that there was a small booth just to the south of where i was standing. The man had been in the control booth. I moved to the south, into the small compartment of the booth. The interior of the booth seemed pale green, with many switches and panels all around. I said something to the man.

I sat on the northern side of the long table in the middle of the restaurant. The walls of the restaurant seemed run down, but the place seemed clean. There was a doorway in the western end of the southern wall that seemed to lead to the kitchen. Someone put a pizza down on the eastern end of the table. $F10 was standing just to the south of the pizza, and he sprinkled some grated cheese on the top of it. I felt a little uncomfortable here. The other people started moving, and i turned to the west. There was a bed against the northern wall, and this was a place that i had been staying in. I had not been here in a long time, and i felt a little out of place. I was then lying on the eastern side of the bed against the northern wall. I sat up and walked to the west. Something was bothering me, and i felt agitated. I was upset about something as $F10 approached me from the east. He walked to the south. I remembered that he had come back after a long time, and we had been close to each other again. I now felt distant from him, as if he was upset with me. We should not have been so close after so long. It seemed strange. I then wondered when i would have been close to him after he had left the first time. I remembered being close recently, but i could not remember whether it was real or just a dream. Something seemed strange about it.

12010 November 25

I was with my mother in the narrow forested valley, heading down the road to the west. It was a sunny day, and we were heading across the grass just to the north of the road. I hopped over the rope fence, heading to the south, toward the road. The fence seemed rather loose, and i wondered if the cows in the field to the north might be able to escape their pens. As i thought this, i noticed that one of the cows had wandered into the road to the east of us. I turned to the west and followed the child down the stream, over the rocks in the water. The child hopped from rock to rock, and i followed him, trying not to get my feet wet in the shallow water. The rounded rocks were brown, and the water seemed very calm and smooth. I came to the bottom of the stairs, which ascended the steep rock wall to the north. $F38 and $A190 were climbing the stairs. As i watched them for a moment, i noticed that the stone of the stairs was crumbling beneath them. I tried to warn them that the stairs were unsafe, but they did not hear me. I could not reach them, so i headed across the ledge on the southern side of the creek gorge. I was following my family, and i followed them to the south, into the room. The room was shabby and seemed to be a combined living room with a small kitchenette in the southeastern corner. The small white dirty stove was sitting against the eastern wall, and the burners were turned on. My family had left the burners on to heat the room, but they would turn them off when they got too hot. I was annoyed that they were using the stove to heat the room and i went to the stove to turn the burners off. I hit the reset button on the front of the stove. The burners were off, but lighted suddenly. Something was strange about the way they lighted, though. I told the woman, who was to the north of me on the orange couch against the eastern wall, that the burners were lighting strangely. She came to look at the stove. She grumbled about something and fixed the stove, saying that i should not mention this to the others because it would alarm them. She pressed the button and the burners lighted again, and again they flared up with blue sparks before continuing into a yellow flame. The woman said that we should just put out the fire in the room. I realized that the sudden flaring of the stove had sent sparks into the room, and the sparks had started the small orange cushioned chair in the northeastern corner of the room on fire. I could see small flames burning in the center of the chair. I rushed over to the chair and padded out the flames on the cushion. I then noticed that there were small red embers burning on the rope rug in the center of the room. I stamped out the rug, but still felt tense about the entire situation. I then realized that the chair was still on fire. The embers were smoldering in the cushion, and i could not actually put them out. I was just padding out the flames that were visible. I told the woman that the orange chair was burning too much. I could even hear the cushion of the chair crackling from the flames inside the chair. I was worried about this and wondered what we should do. I thought that we should take the chair out doors so that it did not set the house on fire. The door to the west led outside. The heavy woman stomped over to the chair and lifted the front of it us. Something had fallen from the bottom of the chair. It looked charred but liquid. The woman said that the chair was on fire. The woman decided that we should turn off the left burner of the stove so that the chair did not get burned any more, since the chair was closest to the left burner. I did not think that this was the best solution, and it did not help us put out the flames in the chair. I looked back to the chair, which was to the east of me, against the wall. The top of the chair had burned away and was now an empty ashen-gray and black frame. I felt nervous about the chair, thinking that it could still be burning inside and might set the house on fire.

12010 November 26

The airplane had been flying over the grounds of the large building, which could have been a school, but looked more like a modern apartment building. I looked at the driveway on the northern side of the brown brick building. There were green leafy trees to the north of the driveway. A man explained that the airplane should land in the driveway, but something seemed wrong about where it was landing. The dirt driveway seemed worn in a certain spot, where the dirt seemed to have been scraped away a little. It also seemed like the remnants of and old puddle. The others stood in front of me as i sat in the back seat of the toy plane. The white airplane looked like a fighter jet, with a long white nose and small white wings on the sides. The person in front of me wore it like a costume around his or her waist. The plane turned with the person, and, as the person talked with the older man, the nose of the airplane hit something on the side of the building, which was to the south of us. The person had been facing east, but scraped the right side of the airplane against the large metal dumpster on the side of the building. The older man had said that the airplane did not land in the correct spot, and i thought that the person controlling it must have landed it on the northern side of the building. I was floating above the building now, to the southwest of the building, looking down at the western side of the dirt driveway that circled the building. The old man had wanted the airplane to land on the western side of the building, but the person controlling it had only flown it over the western side and did not land the airplane until it had reached the driveway on the northern side of the building. This is what had caused the airplane to crash. There must have been a problem with the wing of the airplane to cause the crash, because i knew that the wing had been crushed against the dumpster. I thought about this as i turned to the northeast and headed through the large building, which was actually a school. There were children playing to the northeast of the building, in the field on the other side of the row of tall bushy trees. I was taking classes in this school, but i seemed distracted my something. I had been in the room to the north before, but had wandered to the south to go to a lecture. I was now returning, but i did not seem to have been at the lecture. I felt despondent. There was an old television sitting on a shelf in the northern wall, and it was turned on. I had been watching the television with $F43, but she had gone to the south, into the next room. I knew that she would return, and i felt nervous about leaving the television on. I did not want her to think that i had been wasting my time watching the network programming here rather than doing my work for the classes. She would have to go to class soon too. She was sitting on the plastic milk crate that was on the floor in front of the television when i had left for the lecture, but i thought that she was now standing to the southwest of me, in the doorway to the room. I tried to turn the television down, so that i would not disturb her. I turned to the southwest to see her, but she had gone back into the other room. I felt guilty for having the television on. Something about this place upset me and made me feel depressed. $F43 would have to go to class soon. I did not know what to do, and i felt lost.

12010 November 27

I stood to the south of the train, and $F45 was standing to the west of me. We had to get on the train to get into the city, which seemed to be to the east of us. We were not sure if this was the correct train, though. The train seemed to be mostly silver with some red on the side. I walked to the front door of the train and asked the driver something, but, as i looked to the west, i could not see $F45 any more. I felt rushed, and i thought that he had gotten on the train already in one of the back cars. I was unsure what to do, so i got onto the train, saying something to the driver at the front of the first car. I looked to the west as the train started moving. $F45 was not on this train. I felt disappointed and decided that i would have to get off at the next stop. I then asked the driver if this train stopped at Paris. He said that this train did not stop there and that i would have to get a local train. I got off at the next stop and let the train continue on. There were people standing in a short queue to the east of me, near large wooden sign that seemed to be the bus stop. The sign had train schedules on the northern face of it, but the people were standing in line to the north of the sign. I tried to read the schedules, to figure out which train went to Paris. It seemed like a nice day, but something about this place made me feel uncomfortable. It was as if there was something out of place here. I moved a little to the north, now aware that a second train was coming toward us. There were lighted maps on the bottom of the sign that showed the stops of each train. I tried to read the red, yellow, and green lights on the illustrated track diagram, but there was something blocking the sign from view. I moved a little, but could not see which train went where. I then looked up at the train that was pulling into the stop near us. The train now seemed like a tram, with the tracks set into a paved surface. This train was mostly silver, with a blue stripe down the side. I could see $F45 in the window of the train. This must be the one that i would have to get onto.

I was in the room that was crowded with people. There seemed to be some kind of performance happening, and we were all watching. I was with some friends on the northern side of the room, facing south. I then had to do something, so i turned suddenly to the west and headed across the room. The people in the room were standing around the outsides of the area, facing in, where there was an opening in the people. A line of people sat in chairs along the eastern side of the area. Just behind them was another section of the pub, the wooden floor of which was about two decis higher than the rest of the pub. I headed toward the higher section. As i started through the line of people standing in front of the railing that separated the two sections, i realized that the man just to the southeast of me was Bill Murry. He looked at me, realizing that i had recognized him. I waved my right hand and smiled as i passed. He looked at me cautiously, pretending to not understand that i had recognized him. He had curly black hair, and, as i passed him, i noticed that he was wearing a bright yellow summer dress with small black or brown flowers in a pattern across it. I walked past him into the other area, thinking that the dress was a disguise so that other people would not notice him. On my way back to the center of the room, i looked at the yellow dress again.

12010 November 28

The man was digging through the dirt walls of the small cavern with the yellow machine that fit around him like an exoskeleton. He talked about the machine as he moved across the ground, crouching down on hands and feet like a cautious animal. I stood to the southeast of him, and there was a woman in dark red to the north of me. She seemed dangerous, and i knew that she had attacked the man. She had done something to burry him in the tunnel. I felt upset and tense watching the situation. The man moved around on the western side of the domed cavern. He said that combat was not allowed in the suits. As i started to wonder why he said that, he said that it would get too hot in the caves to move around so quickly in the machines. I thought that if two people were fighting with the suits, they would generate a lot of heat that would be trapped in the confined space of the cave. The woman had attacked the man though, and buried him in the cavern. She had caused the dirt ceiling to cave in over him. I was suddenly worried about the man, thinking that the woman had killed him. I moved around the area, hoping that the man could be dug out of the collapsed cave. I thought that he would not be found in time, though. It was the woman’s fault. This was a big scandal, and it upset me.

$F4 moved around to the north of me. I realized that he was no longer with his wife, and i wondered what had happened. I remembered that he had been with her the last time i had spoken with him, and i guessed that they must have been divorced. He seemed upset about something, and moved around the western side of the area looking moody and pensive. He said something to the other people in the room, some of whom seemed to be his brothers. $F4 said that he was disappointed in himself, and he talked about what he had been doing with his life. I approached him as he leaned back against the railing on the western side of the room. He seemed depressed, so i tried to encourage him. I told him that i had not done much with my life either, and i tried to get him to cheer up.

The people moved to the north, following the gravel driveway along the eastern side of the large building. We looked to the west at the modern brown brick building, noticing that there was a yellow backhoe in the center tearing out the insides. The rebar on the inner walls of the building were exposed where the cross beam had supported the second floor. The northern wall was standing, but a bunch of green rebar stuck out from the remains of the cross beam, bending down as though they had been pulled from the ceiling. I remembered that the building had only been missing a wall on the bottom floor the last time i had seen it. Now most of the interior was missing. I joked about this, telling the others how the building project had been messed up. I said that it had started with a simple project. A doorway in the northern end of a dividing wall on the first floor had been a little two short. I acted out the part of the worker trying to figure out the door as the others watched. I said that the door was supposed to be taller because someone had changed the ceiling. In order to fix the door, they had to adjust the ceiling in the room, but that made the workers realize that the ceiling itself was not properly set at the right height. The workers first took out the interior wall on the first floor to fix the doorway, but then had to take out the floor between the first and second story to correct the ceiling height so that the wall could be properly fixed. I made it seem that the construction had been totally bungled from the beginning. The others chuckled at this as we continued northeast. There was a well-worn dirt patch of ground between the northern side of the building and a tall cement structure to the north. The tall structure to the north seemed to be a stack of large cement beams, and it reminded me of a parking garage. The others headed toward the bottom of the structure, where there was an opening between two large cement beams, which ran north to south and were supporting a large east to west cement beam. A large constriction vehicle with a crane on top was parked in front of the building, and several men in yellow hard hats were standing near the vehicle, trying to figure out what to do. I became suddenly nervous about the vehicle and the large cement beams. They seemed to be crudely stacked on each other, and i was nervous about going into the structure that was created by them. The crane seemed to be placing more beams on top of the pile, and i worried that they might knock the entire thing over. I looked up at the beams, noticing how immense they seemed. I focused on the beam on the top of the pile. It seemed to be twenty or thirty meters tall, with a slightly wider top than bottom. It was very long, and hung off the eastern end of the structure. I walked around the eastern side of the building, noticing that the eastern end of the beam had a large cement loop on it, with a block through the loop on the lower end. The loop seemed to be fifty or sixty meters tall, fading in the haze of the distant height. It was fantastically large, and i felt unsafe near it, thinking that it might tip over and fall. I walked back along the southern side of the structure, heading west. The crane had been removed, and the construction workers were now gone. It was near the end of the day, and i felt a little safer now knowing that the pile would not be shifted accidentally by adding more beams. The others, who now seemed like a cartoon investigation team of teenagers, had run into a narrow tunnel in the structure. I ran up to the tunnel, calling into it. I could hear their voices from inside the building. I moved to the east again, thinking that i could go around and find another way into the structure. I could not see anything, thought. There seemed to be many cars parked to the east of the tunnel, in an open area under the first level of the structure. The areas under the building were oddly shaped, and the cars were not parked in any particular order. I moved between the cars, but suddenly realized that i would not be able to make it all the way through. Some of the old american cars were packed too closely together, and i was having trouble squeezing through them. I was on the eastern side of the area now, heading to the north, but it became very dark in the room. I had gone too far in, and there was no light to see. I would have to get a flashlight to find my way to the others. Annoyed, i turned back to the south and headed out from under the structure. I went back to the west a little, where the north-to-south beams formed a small tunnel that the others had crawled through. The tunnel was dark now, and i shouted for the others, hoping that they could still hear me. I thought that the sound should travel better through the tunnel than it would through the other areas of the building. I could still hear their voices, and i thought that i might see one of their lights as well. I then noticed some people moving to the northeast of me, at the back of the area where the cars were. A woman with long straight orange hair was walking cautiously along the pale-green cement wall, heading to the southeast. She had a flashlight in her hand that she held out like a torch. They were the teenage detectives that i was trying to rejoin, so i headed toward them, walking back through the crowd of oddly parked cars. As i approached the group, i realized that we had come into the break room in the center of the structure. I would be working here with the others, and he we had to get this place set up for a long-term stay. There seemed to be a sink on the eastern wall of the dingy dull-green room. Fluorescent lights glowed dimly overhead, making the entire place seem eerie. The woman moved to the northern wall, where there were several old worn refrigerators mounted on the wall. She said that she had moved them here and set them up so that we could put food in them. The foreman probably would not like that we were taking such initiative with the work, but we had to get these things set up so that we could live here while we performed the construction work. The woman pulled the metal handle on the front of the old rounded white refrigerator, opening the door to show me where some of the food was.

12010 November 30

It seemed as though i had just entered the small house on the eastern side. There was a party starting here, and i walked to the south, down the stairs on the eastern side of the small building. Many of the people around me seemed to be from my high school, and i felt comfortable here. $F45 also seemed to be with me, following be down the stairs and then to the west, across the basement room. The room at the bottom of the stairs was small, with gray walls, but i headed to the west, down a corridor that was flush with the southern wall of the room. This event now seemed like a wedding, and i thought about the bride and groom, who seemed to be outside the back of the house, to the west or southwest of me. The larger basement room had only a few people in it, but there seemed to be a table of food against the southern wall. The room was old and a little dingy, but it was lightly decorated for the festivities. There was a round metal serving tray to the west of me, and i picked it up and moved it to the east of me, holding it in the air. The tray was polished metal and had two handles on opposite sides of the tray. The handles were wrapped with a black grip material. I held the tray in the air, but told the other person that it was a hovering tray. I knew that it was magnetically suspended. I let go and watched the tray float. It could hold hors d’oeuvres. There were two men sitting to the northeast of me, one against the middle of the northern wall and one on the eastern wall, just to the south of the entrance door that i had come through. The man to the east had a beer in his left hand, which he rested on the left inside thigh of his dull-blue pants. I described the tray to them as i put the large glass of beer on top of it. The glass was two or three decis wide, and had glass sides that seemed two or three centimeters thick. The sides were shaped into the common concave sections of a glass beer stein. The glass seemed short for its width. I placed it on the tray and looked down at it. The tray sunk under the weight, so i grabbed on to the handles to support it. I wanted to let go of the tray, but i was not sure that the floating tray would support the weight of the beer. I also thought that the weight might cause the tray to tip and dump the beer onto the floor. I looked around the room, noticing that there were several other trays hovering in the air. They were crudely designed, and i knew that they were not programmed well enough to balance heavy things on them. The levitating projectors would need to be designed with better circuits to compensate for changes in mass on top of the trays. This would prevent the trays from tipping over. I comment on this as the woman to the southeast of me was placing some cheese on a tray. For a moment, it seemed that the tray had tipped to the side and the wedge of cheese was hanging from the side. The woman glanced at me in annoyance at the tray. I looked down at the small green and silver keg of beer that i had been balancing on the tray to the northeast of me. I then stepped back to the southwest and watched the empty tray hover in the air. I commented that the tray could carry beer for the party. I then said that the hovering mechanism was actually very revolutionary. I felt suddenly proud of myself for creating in, even though i had gotten the idea from other people. I told the two men sitting to the north and northeast of me that the mechanism would revolutionize transportation. I then admitted that i had stolen the idea from somewhere else. The man, who had been standing to the southeast of me in a tan sweater, spoke up in surprise, asking whether he should be upset at the idea that i stole the idea. He was the man who was trying to produce these hovering devices based on my designs. It seemed that he was a business partner of mine. I was nervous of what i had said, hoping that he was not upset and distrusting of me. I admitted that someone else had not come up with the floating device, but that i had gotten the inspiration for the device from another source. The two men to the northeast of me were listening to the conversation as well. I started telling them that i had been looking through documents from UFO fanatics. I said that the fanatics were from the fifties and sixties, and had created many designs for antigravitational devices. I described how i had looked through the designs, noting that each were impossible designs. I commented that one was “crap”, thinking about the cone-shaped magnetic design that i had seen on a television show. I then described how i had seen the parabolic-dish design, acting out turning the pages with my hands. I made the comment that the design would probably not work and mimed turning the page. I then acted as though i was reconsidering the design, turning the page back. I turned it forward again, saying that it would not work, but again i acted out reconsidering and mimed turning the page back. I told the others that the design might actually have possibilities. I knew that i had done all of the actual experimentation to get the parabola working, like testing the different frequencies. I started moving through the room. The room still seemed empty, though i did remember it being full of people. Most of the people now seemed to be outside the house, to the west. There seemed to be tall windows in the western wall of the room, but they were covered with drapes at the moment. I headed back to the east, back through the corridor toward the stairs. $F45 was following me, and there suddenly seemed to be many people crowding into the room. Everyone seemed cheerful and chatting. Two men to the west of us started talking to us, and i turned to look at them. The man on the southern side had long black hair and a green long-sleeve shirt. They held something in their hands in front of their chests. The object seemed to be a large white joint or smoking pipe. Gray smoke rose from the marijuana. $F45 was standing to the south of me, and he backed away from the smoke suddenly. I knew that he was nervous about marijuana smoking. I also backed away because i did not like the feeling of breathing the smoke in. We turned and headed to the east again, but quickly ran into $A34. We greeted him as he passed us, but $F45 stopped him as he started to head to the west. $A34 was holding something green in his hand, and i knew that it was a branch of marijuana. He also had a tall cigarette, which seemed partially unrolled at the top. $F45 asked $A34 whether he had any marijuana for eating. I was surprised that he had asked, thinking that he was usually afraid of such things. I started to wander to the northeast. I was now outside, in the wide dirt parking lot in the middle of the forested area. People were camped all around me for the party, and i started toward the large green tent on the northern side of the area. The pale-green tent was set up under a large tree, to the west of the tree. A medium-toned SUV was sitting to the southwest of the tent, facing north. The party seemed to be wearing down, and people were starting to head back to their tents. Someone seemed to be sleeping in the tent to the north of me. I moved to the northeast, to the south of the tree, where i dumped out the liquid in my mug, which was in my right hand. The liquid, which i thought was milk, spilled onto the twisting roots of the dark tree. The roots ran down the steep drop off just to the east of me, which descended about a meter to a lower level. I wondered if anyone would mind that i had dumped my drink on the roots of the tree, but then i thought that it would probably wash away the urine of the people who had urinated on the roots of the tree.

I was traveling to the east, in the back seat of the car. I felt groggy, and i was coming from the party. I was not really paying attention to where i was going. I then realized that i was not driving the car. It was simply heading where it should go. I wondered if i should be driving, but thought that the car could stay on the road without me. I then started to focus more on the situation. It did not seem right. I knew that this car did not have GPS in it, so it would not know where it was going. I then realized that it should not be able to drive well even if it did have GPS. I sat up and looked at the road in front of the car. We were heading across a country area with rolling hills. I had just passed through an intersection. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that i should be driving the car and not letting it go where it wanted. The car seemed to be staying it its lane as another car passed us in the other direction. This scene seemed familiar. I suddenly remembered being in the back seat of a car before that no one was driving. I felt anxious, realizing that i should be in the front seat of the car driving, but i did not act. Looking at the road ahead, i started to feel that i should at least put by feet forward so that they could reach the pedals. The road ahead dipped into a shallow valley just past the intersection. As it rose on the eastern side, it curved slowly to the southeast. I felt concerned that i was not in control and wondered what i should do. I was upset by the fact that this situation had happened before.