12011 November 01

I flew fast over the tall buildings of the small city. It felt good to see the city this way, and i liked flying. I passed over a long old stone building, which seemed like a college or church. I was heading to the north-northwest. To the northwest of the building was a grassy park with a playground. The park seemed large, and i looked down over the swing sets and play structures. I was still flying somewhat high up, even though the playground seemed rather close to me. I would have to stay high enough so that people did not obviously notice me. I could not let people know that i could fly around here. I passed over the flat roof of a modern building that was on the northern side of the playground and came down the northern side. I landed on the street, looking around to make sure that no pedestrians saw me make a landing. I had to be careful not to get caught. As i started walking to the east, i looked up at the metal utility poles along the southern side of the street. I noticed a camera hanging from one of the overhead lines, and i started to worry that someone might have spotted me flying.

I was doing something in the house as i moved to the east, into the small bright room. The walls of the room seemed white, and bright light came if from the large windows in the eastern wall. Dark fake-leather couches seemed to be arranged in a U-shape, facing the center of the room. The open end of the U faced south. I looked at the clear plastic coffee table in the middle of the couches. It seemed to have a large creature on it. I knew that the creatures were getting ready to leave the house, but i felt nervous about them. I could see the large black fuzzy animal under the plexiglas box. The animal seemed to be a large spider, with thick furry legs. I felt nervous about it, and tried to fix the case so that it was more secure. The case on top of the spider was keeping its fangs pointed down so that it would not be able to bite anyone. The spider was moving, and i started to feel nervous about holding the case. I did not want to deal with the spider getting out of the case and wandering around the apartment. I was afraid that it would bite me. I held the case down, thinking that it would keep the spider from wandering away. Holding the case did not seem practical, though, and i decided to put some of the items that i had been packing over the top of it. I then pulled the styrofoam packaging over the top of the case, to try to seal the spider in. I still felt nervous about the animal escaping, but i let go of the box, thinking that the spider should be trapped within the box under the packing material. I checked the box, though, to be sure that it was packed correctly. The glass jars were set into the round holes on the southern side of the top piece of styrofoam. I put a few more jars into the open holes, knowing that i would have to pack the container in the right way or the things inside could shift around, letting the spider escape. I grabbed two more glass jars from the counter to the southeast of me. As i turned to put them into the box, i realized that one of them was larger than the other. Looking back at the jars i had already put into the box, i could see that some of the jars were larger. The larger jars were not part of the original kit, but they would fit into the holes, so i used them. I arranged the jars in the round holes along the northern side of the box now. As i put a few more bottles in, i noticed that one of them was not quite closed. The metal lid, which looked like a lid to a canning jar, was loose. I tightened the lid to seal the jar. I then held up the jar, looking at the pale blue liquid inside. It seemed rather thin, like an alcohol, or some other liquid with low surface tension.

12011 November 02

The road ahead of us ran to the west, but curved up the hill to the southwest. The land was countryside, with rolling hills and open fields on the sides of the roads. A line of trees seemed to run along the southern side of the road, separating the road from a grassy field. I was helping the other person put the bed away, pushing it to the northwest. The bed had been in our way, so we had to move it across the small area, which seemed to be the room of a house, even though it was outside. I moved around the area for a moment, but then i was back in the car, on the road, heading west. $A548 was in the car with me. I told her about bed and how it was obscuring the road. It had somehow blocked the way. This story did not seem likely, though. The bed was not really big enough to block the entire view of the road. I changed the story to make it more believable, saying that the bed in the front room of the house actually folded out from the house, covering the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. The house was a small rustic house that seemed to be from an English countryside. It seemed to be covered with white plaster and a dark wood or thatch roof. The bed folded out from the front wall of the house. I knew that the bed was supposed to open into the room inside, but it had accidentally opened in the wrong direction. I then started thinking about the small town around us. It seemed old and quaint. We passed the house, heading west down the street, and then we turned to the south, into the open area near the larger buildings. As i headed, south, though, i seemed to be entering into an enclosed area. Other people were in this area, doing things. This was part of an office. I felt that i should be doing something here, so i headed to the south to clean out the small room i had been using before. I walked into the small modern room. The walls of the room were supported by thin square metal poles, and the area between them looked like metal or plastic. The room was mostly empty, with some furnishings near the southern wall. I then heard the others in the hall to the north of me. They were riding dirt bicycles down the hall. The hall ran across the northern side of the room, and then extended down the western wall. I walked to the west, crossing the hall and coming into the other small work room. This room had a similar design, with sparse furnishings, but it had windows on the upper halfs of the northern and eastern walls. I could see the people moving quickly down the halls. I realized that the bicycles in the halls were dangerous, and i imagined that the people riding them were purposely trying to attack others that crossed the hall. I started to feel uneasy here, thinking that the bikers would be waiting for me to come back out into the hall. I could not see them directly, but i knew that one of them was standing outside the window to the northwest of me. I felt weary of this person, thinking that they might be watching me and waiting for me to leave the room.

12011 November 03

I headed to the west, walking across the small room of the old run-down apartment. This place seemed to be the apartment in $P10, where i had lived. I moved around through the small rooms, looking the place over. I came to the east, stepping into a long narrow hallway on the eastern side of the house. A set of stairs ascended to the north of me, but they seemed to end at the ceiling. The house had been converted into apartments, so the old stairs were no longer used. I had to get up stairs, though, so i headed back down the hall, turning to the south. Another set of stairs was to the east of me. A wooden gate crossed over the bottom of the stairs, but the gate did not close properly. It was not intended to be in this space, and i though that the wooden enclosure had been taken from the upstairs doorway when the apartments were built. I set our bags down on the eastern side of the hallway, to the north of the stairs. I was still in the hotel, and we were getting ready to leave. I crouched down near the bags, arranging things in the blue duffel bag that was on the floor. I should have taken the wooden thing with me. I started wandering the halls again, leaving my bag and the wooden thing, which seemed like the gate, on the floor in the hallway. I was standing just to the south of the flight of stairs, which descended to the north, down the eastern wall of the hallway. Someone was coming from the other hallway to the west. I was nervous about the person, and hurried back down the hallway to the east before they could get a good look at me. This time, i took the stairs to the north, heading quickly down them, hoping that i would be out of sight before the other person came into view. The steps were rather fancy, and seemed to be made of red stone. The led down a long flight, and i started to wonder whether i was in the correct corridor. I came to the bottom of the stairs, looking back to the south. I could see the large sloping atrium in the middle of the building. The floor sloped to the south, toward the doorways to the conference rooms. More doorways on the eastern side of the hall led to other smaller rooms. I headed for one of them, thinking that i still had to get out of sight. I was still carrying the wooden object, which was a carved ornament from something. It was square now, and looked like a large antique book with a carved wooden cover. I started to pull some of the other things from my bag, which was on the floor near the eastern wall of the hallway. Several of the managers came out of the conference rooms to the south and were standing near me as i sorted through my bags. I had to pack everything in my bags so that i could easily leave this place. I realized, though, that the large wooden book would not fit in my bags. I would not be able to take it, and i suddenly realized that i did not want to. It was too heavy and would be too much of a burden to carry. I would have to pay extra baggage fees for such a heavy book. I then wondered whether i should take the wooden thing that was part of the book. As i stood up, i was in the hallway again, to the west of the stairwell, in the old house. This place was an old hotel again. I realized that my airplane would be leaving sometime soon, so i would have to hurry to get to it. I suddenly wondered why i was waiting here. Something did not seem correct. $F45 had already left the building, but i seemed to be waiting here for something. I decided that i had to leave to catch my airplane, so i hurried to the east to get my bags from the hallway. I started to feel panicked, and i did not know if i was late for my flight or not. I came into the pub, which was on the northern side of the area. $F45 had been waiting here, but he was not here anymore. He had already left. I felt disappointed. Several people from $G4 were around me. They were getting ready for a run. I wanted to go with them, but i remembered that $F45 had already taken my sneakers with him when he left. I felt upset and wondered what i should do. I did not want to wait here while $G4 went out on their run, but i might have to do that. I felt anxious, and i moved to the east, heading outside of the building to get my things from the car. I then spotted $F45 in his car driving past the building, to the west. He had not quite left, which made me a little happier. I realized that i could still get my running shoes and change for the run.

12011 November 04

I walked down the white hall of the large public building and turned to the west, into the bathroom. $A6 was near me, and he followed me into the bathroom. I felt a little nervous about him, wondering why he was following me so closely. It seemed strange. I walked to one of the urinals on the northern wall of the bathroom and tried to urinate. $A6 moved to the urinal just to the west of me. He seemed to be intentionally close to me, and it seemed very strange. I wondered why he was so close. I felt that he was interested in me, but it seemed strange. I had not known him that well before, so it was strange that he was suddenly interested in me now. He continued to stand very close to me, and i started to wonder what i should do. I wanted to speak to him and chat, but it did not seem an appropriate thing to do in this situation.

I was in the small cozy room of the house, and $F7 was standing just to the north of me. He was standing very close to me, and i felt comforted having him around. He seemed interested in me, and it felt nice, though i had not expected him to be so interested. He said that he was visiting me here because he had been to his parents’ house in Pennsylvania. I felt confused, saying that i thought that his parents were from Boston. I chatted with him for a moment, and he said that he liked being here with me. He then implied that he wanted to be with me, even though he already had a wife. I felt a little uneasy by this because i was friends with his wife. I was then aware of the woman in the next room to the northwest of us. She had heard the comment, and i knew that she was a friend of $F7’s wife. She commented in surprise, saying that she would pretend that she had not heard what $F7 had said. $F7 continued to talk to me, pretending that the woman had not said anything. This seemed strange, and i wondered why he had taken such an interest in me. We were sitting on the couch now, which was against the northern wall of the room. He was hugging me, and we were cuddling. I liked the feeling, but i was also hesitant to be fully relaxed in this situation. I did not know why $F7 was suddenly so interested in me, and i worried about his wife, who now seemed to be sitting on the western end of the couch near us. I felt very awkward here. $F7 turned to the west to say something to his wife for a moment, and i took the time to move my luggage to the south. I enjoyed being with him, but i felt uncomfortable with the situation. I pushed the brown paper bag through the small square opening in the southern wall. I would have to push all of my luggage through the opening and then head through myself to leave the room.

12011 November 05

I was in the kitchen of the house with $K5 and the other man. The kitchen was very narrow, with counters on the northern and southern walls. The man stood at a counter to the southwest of me, and i was looking at something in my hands. $K5 seemed suddenly concerned about something and started sniffing the air. I worried suddenly that i had farted, so i tried not to notice that anything was wrong. $K5 leaned forward and started sniffing to the north of me. She then started sniffing near my buttocks. I hoped that i did not smell and i moved to the west a little. I knew that i had not farted, but $K5 kept sniffing near me. I was wearing my gray pants that had double stitching down the sides of the legs. I asked $K5 what she was doing, and she said that she smelled something strange. I started to feel annoyed, hoping that i did not smell bad. I moved to the north, into the next room, feeling self conscious and not sure what i should do. I continued looking at the papers that were in my hands.

My grandmother drove the car to the west, down the slight slope of the hill. I knew that she had to make a turn to the north very soon, and i told her this. As we came over the top of the hill and started down the slope to the west, i noticed a brown police car sitting on the northern side of the road, facing us. I cautioned my grandmother, saying that the police officer was looking for speeders. She was driving quickly, so i thought that she would be pulled over. I saw the police officer start his car as we passed. Just to the west of the police officer, though, my grandmother turned sharply to the north, into the driveway leading to the parking lot. She was going too fast, and drifted over the cement median in the center of the driveway. She corrected herself and continued to the north as though nothing had happened. I slowed in the center of the lot; i was now in the car just behind my grandmother. My grandmother was driving an old tan car, which looked like a old BMW. We followed her slowly, realizing that the police car was coming into the lot after us. My grandmother pulled into a parking spot on the eastern side of the lot. The cars there were parked facing northeast, and she pulled into an empty slot a few from the northern end of the lot. The car just to the south of her was pulling out, so we waited to take the spot next to my grandmother’s car. I knew that the police officer would be stuck behind us, but i did not think that it mattered. As we waited, my grandmother pulled forward into a small driveway that ran north. Several cars were parked on the eastern side of the driveway, which ran to the street on the northern side of the parking lot. The street ran north through several old houses of a suburban neighborhood. As we pulled into the parking space where my grandmother had been parked, i saw my grandmother’s car pull off to the eastern side of the road on the driveway. I wondered if she thought it would be easier to leave the lot if she parked there. I then noticed the police car pull around the lot from the west and follow her up the drive, stopping just behind her. I said that the lights would be turned on any minute, but the lights on the police car did not get turned on. My grandmother got out of the car.

I had just woken up, and i did not feel that well. I headed to the south, into the large building. I had been with the others in the small trailer on the northern side of the small parking lot, but i had to get to the lecture. I did not feel like going, and i felt that i had missed some of it because i had been sleeping most of the day. I stopped at the top of the stairs, turning east. The stairs ran down behind me, to the north of me. A doorway to the lecture room was directly to the east of me, but i did not think that this was the correct lecture room. My lecture room was probably down the steep set of stairs to the north, on the eastern side of the bottom of the stairwell. I opened the door to the east of me anyway, looking inside. The room was dark, and i could hear people lecturing. I was interrupting, so i backed out of the room and groggily headed down the stairs. I turned east into the other lecture hall, which was well lighted. The floor of the room sloped up to the south, and several people were already sitting in some of the seats. The lecture had not started yet, so this was probably my art class. One of the women there stood in the center of the room, and she asked me how i was handling my cold. I felt weak, and told her that i had been sleeping all day. I then continued up the stairs of the room to the south.

12011 November 06

I had been in the large building with the others, but something seemed to be wrong here. I felt tense about it and followed the others to the south, along the eastern side of the large stone building. The building seemed to be made of small gray or dull-red blocks of stone or brick, and it seemed to be a college dormitory. We were trying to escape from something in this building. The other person started to the south, but i turned to the west around the southeastern corner of the building. I stopped suddenly, noticing that the police had cordoned off the area to the south of the building with yellow caution tape. An officer was standing in front of the building, directing someone away from the building. I thought that they would arrest me if i came into their area. We had to get away before they realized that we had been in the building. I turned to the southeast and started moving across the flat area with the other. The people with me were talking about the danger, and i realized that we were on a boat that was moving across the water. We were still fleeing from something. Looking to the north, i could see the other small boat riding parallel to us. It was a small white motorboat. In the distance to the north, i could see something else on the water. I watched the small boat cut through the rough waves of what seemed to be the ocean. Something seemed strange about this scene, and i kept checking on the white object that was farther in the distance. I then looked down at the boat near us again. It looked like a huge passenger liner, but i knew that it was still a small boat. It was a model ship, made to look like a large boat. I could see rows of balconies and small lifeboats wrapped in dark-green covers along the upper decks of the ship. The large waves rolled along the sides of the small ship, making it seem like the ship was being hit by massive waves. This was the purpose of the model. The model ship dipped its nose into a wave, and the wave rolled along the starboard side, cresting over the top of the upper decks. The ship yawed and listed, and i started to worry that it would be sunk with the waves. I turned my attention back to the east as some of the others in my boat said something. We were now near a marina, and boats were lined up to the east of us, as if in parking spots or slips. The boats were all small motorboats, and they were all facing east. The others swimmed to the east a little, but i floated in the water, looking north. A line of boats was now to the west of us as well. We were moving through the marina, and the shore seemed twenty meters or so to the north. I felt that we should try to make it to shore because something seemed wrong. I looked back to the west at the large white ship, and i saw its nose dip under the water, pulling the ship below with it. This was not an ordinary ship. There was something scary about it. I decided that the ship was haunted, and that it was actually a threat to us. The ship had disappeared under the water, but i realized that it could come under us and sneak up on us. I warned the others, feeling suddenly frightened. I looked down into the dark-blue murky water but could not see anything. I started moving slowly to the north when i suddenly noticed the pale form moving from the west. It was the bow of the boat, it was moving under us and would try to surface under our boat, tipping us over. I yelled to the others to be cautious and started swimming toward the shore to the north. The dock on the shore seemed old. It was formed of thick wooden timbers that had turned dark gray and black with age. In moments, i was running across the timbers, careful not to fall because there were no longer any boards running over the heavy beams. I had to get away from the shore so that the boat could not get to us. I ran through the large building, which was only a wooden frame now. The ground under the timbers was swampy water, and thin round wisps of grass stuck up in small patches. We were safe from the creature to the southeast. I stopped on the western side of the building and looked back. We had made it to land, but this place was an island, and we would be trapped here. I felt nervous, not sure how we could get off of the island with the boat chasing us. The others gathered around me. I looked to the southeast, through the remains of the old building. Through the arched windows in the wooden wall to the southeast, i could see the remains of several boats in the marina beyond. I then noticed a searchlight skimming the dark water. It was dark now, though not actually night. A searchlight was coming from the south, and i saw a woman standing on the deck of a low boat. She wore a brown suit over a white shirt, and she seemed like a police investigator. She was searching the shore for us. I moved toward the shore, calling to the woman as the boat she was on moved more to the east of us. She could rescue us from the island. I then remembered that the creature was still out there, and i worried that the woman would be in danger. I wondered what i should do. The scene became suddenly scary, as though music had started play to enhance the tension. I focused on the opening to the south of me, where the white ship was framed in the center of it. The ship had its bow high in the air and seemed ready to attack. This was a dramatic part of the movie, and i was afraid that it would attack the woman who was trying to rescue us.

12011 November 07

I ran with $G4 through the suburban area. We seemed to be running along the eastern edge of a park, with small cement buildings here and there around us. Thick green bushes grew up on the sides of the buildings, and paved driveways ran from small parking lots. I turned a little to the northeast as some of the others stopped. We could not find the trail that we were supposed to run on, so i decided to start looking to the northeast. Some of the others had already wandered off to the northwest and west, into a small parking lot. The parking lot was surrounded by green grass and had a thick green median running along the eastern side, forming two driveways on the eastern side of the lot. I started following the path, which seemed to travel past some swing sets. A cement building was on the western side of the path to the north of me. I did not want to get too far from the others, but i wanted to see if i could find the correct trail. I was looking for marks on the ground. I realized suddenly that i was running over a cement walkway that ran along the riverside. The river flowed to the east of me, and the cement path was the upper part of the embankment wall. It seemed as though the sidewalk might have been closed at some point, and i felt a little nervous that it was still supposed to be closed, but i ran along it anyway. I passed a line of shrubs on the west side of the path, to the north of the cement building. Something about the path seemed attractive, and this area seemed familiar and pleasing to me. I passed under an overhanging tree, which was growing to the west of the path. I then started over an uneven section of cement, where the sidewalk blocks had lifted and tilted. I worried suddenly whether the land under the stones had washed away or not. I was aware that a cement channel was now to the west of me, and i thought that it was a waterway that emptied into the river, flowing under the sidewalk. I hoped that it had not washed out the dirt under the sidewalk in the last heavy rains and resulting flooding. I was nervous as i crossed over the cement, but came quickly to the northern side of the cement channel. I thought about this channel, moving across it again as i looked to the west, noticing a V-shaped canal of cement to the west of the raised path. The bottom of the canal was about two meters wide, and was four or five meters below where i was on the path. Green weeds overhung the edges of the path. I passed to the north, glad that the path had held and thinking that it might have been hollow underneath the cement because the flood waters had washed out the dirt. I turned to the west, down a paved path, heading back into the park. The others were to the southwest of me, still looking for the trail. I came to the northern end of a small asphalt parking lot, noticing $F58 and $F57 to the southwest. $F58 was looking at me as she pointed with her right finger and smiled, saying something mischievous to $F57, who was standing to the southwest of her. They had set the trail and were wondering if i had found it. I ran to the west, along the asphalt path to the north of the lot. I noticed a pink flour marking on the ground and i called out to the others. They had been running too far to the west. I continued jogging to the west, looking at the black and pink marks on the ground. I suddenly realized that the grassy ground was covered with writing and marks in the black and orange powders. They were not all trail marks. Someone else must have been writing things on the ground with these marks. A man with curly black hair made a comment about the marks, and i realized that we were supposed to figure out which marks were for $G4. I slowed to a walk, wondering where i should go. I decided just to head out across the marks until i saw something familiar. I then noticed a patch of hill to the northwest, just behind some leafless bushes. The writing on the ground there was in large white letters, and i realized that there were no other marks around it. I decided that these marks were separated from the rest because they were not part of the writing, so they must be trail marks. I started jogging toward them, hoping to find something that was obviously a trail mark. This must be what the man with the curly black hair had been referring to when he said that we had to figure out which marks were real.

I crouched on the cement floor of the basement of my parents’ house, packing several of the things back up into boxes. The cardboard box sat to the west of my as i faced south. I pulled the black plastic bag out of the box and looked at the pieces of toys inside. The bag was filled with the limbs and torso of a Shogun Warrior toy. It had been disassembled. It looked like the body of Mazinga with several pieces from Dragun. I started to worry suddenly that i might have packed the robot pieces in the wrong boxes. I could have disposed of them by accident, and i felt suddenly protective of them. I put the dark-blue plastic bag back into the box with several of the other robot parts. I pulled another bag from the box and looked into it, assuring myself that all of the robots were there. The bag contained the body of Raydeen, with the head separate in the bag. The head had yellow fins on the sides, as i remembered from when i as young. I lifted the box and moved it to the east of me, where i started packing some other things into it. Several notebooks were stacked on the cement ground to the east, which was about two decis higher than the floor where i was still crouching. I stacked the spiral notebooks a little neater, noticing the gray cover of the one on top. These notebooks did not have any real significance to me, and i thought that they were still blank inside, but i wanted to keep them. I felt defensive of the things i was packing here and i did not want to lose any of them. I tried to get everything together so that i could leave. I then looked behind me as i started backing to the west. I was in my car now, trying to get out of the parking lot that i had pulled into before. A small one-story building stood to the northeast of me. It seemed like a bar, though it seemed too small to have anything more than a small room inside. It was a cheap cement building with graying white paint on the outside. A building also seemed to be to the south of me, but i could not see it. I had intended to back up a little and turn to the north to leave the gravel parking lot, but i noticed that cars were now parked on the northern side of the lot. The cars had been parked facing the small building to the north, but there had been a gap of cars on the western side of the building where i could have driven through. It was daylight when i had seen the lot before, but it seemed dark now, and the lot now seemed very filled with cars. I did not see anywhere that i could pull through the row of cars to the north of me, so i would have to back all the way out to the west. I looked in the rearview mirror, nervous about what was behind me. It seemed that a car had just come from behind me and pulled into one of the spaces on the northern side of the lot. I realized suddenly that i was turning to the south as i backed out. I was already facing north, so i decided that i should simply turn the rest of the way around and drive forward to the west. I was nervous about how much space i had behind me, though; i did not want to hit any of the vehicles parked in the lot. I started moving to the west, walking across the gravel lot with the others. It was now daylight again, and everything in the area seemed gray or ashen-brown. The trees in the distance seemed barren, as though it was late fall. $A30 walked ahead of us, leading us to the northwest, to a small driveway which left the western end of the parking lot to the north. The driveway sloped steeply down hill toward the road, running down through a channel in the rolling arch of the hill, with dry grassy slopes to the east and west. I seemed to have a bicycle with me as i followed the others down the hill. A highway seemed to run across the bottom of the hill at the end of the driveway. I was weary of going onto it with my bicycle, but, as we approached it, i noticed that a thick asphalt sidewalk ran along the bottom of the hill on the southern side of the road. I thought that i would be able to ride my bicycle along the path to the south of the road. As i moved to the sidewalk, though, i realized that it was actually the top of a cement wall. The road to the north was actually a river, and the cement wall was an embankment wall. We were on the outside of a gentle curve in the wide river. The water did not seem that deep, though, and i thought that we could wade through it. We were going to take the river to the northeast. A bus stop was on the northern shore, just around the bend. I was walking down the slope again as i wondered if we could just float down the river to the city. I was not sure where the city was from here, though, so i asked the others which direction we had to travel to get to Philadelphia. $A30, who seemed to be wading into the water and heading northeast, motioned to the northeast, and a few others motioned in the same direction. The river seemed to be headed toward the city, so i thought that we could easily take the river there. I was not sure how to ride my bicycle there. I opened up the animal that was in my hands. It seemed like a small rabbit-like animal with very loose skin. I could not see the animal, but i knew that i could ride it in the water. The others did not have the same kind of animal, so i thought that i could impress them with mine. I held the animal in my hands. It seemed very limp as i stretched out the loose skin around its front arms. I came to the bottom of the hill and looked down the cement steps that led down the embankment. The others had stopped on the southern side of the river, not yet ready to cross, but i started down the steps, tossing the animal into the water. I still could not see the animal as it splashed in the water. Several swift eddies let me know that the animal had speeded a short distance to the east, down the center of the river. I patted my hand on the surface of the water as i waded in, calling the animal back to me. I was actually still standing a stone embankment that reached into the water from the southern shore. I stepped into the water to the east, not sure that the animal was actually under me. I felt something between my legs as i sat on the stone embankment, just above the water. The object felt like a wet short tree stump with a conical top. I straddled it, thinking that i would have to get over it to get into the water. I then decided that the log was actually the animal. It had come back to the shore for me. I pushed off from the embankment and started moving quickly through the water. I imagined that i would have to grab onto the loose folds of skin near the front of the animal to hold on and steer.

12011 November 08

I sat up in the bed on the northern side of the room. It seemed more like a couch. $F45 was still sleeping in the bed, but i had put my feet over the southern edge as i sat on the eastern side of the couch. The animals had been doing something on the eastern side of the room, but the large snake was now sitting to the east of me as i looked through the book. I looked at something on the left hand page reading it aloud, and the cobra tipped its head forward, staring at a spot on the page. I realized that it was pointing to something on the page that it wanted me to see. I repeated the word, and the cobra stared at the same section of text. It could understand what i was saying and knew what it needed from the page. I was amazed by this and stood up, telling $F45. I had to leave the room to the west to get something. As i looked back, i could see the now baby cobras on the floor on the eastern side of the room. They opened their hoods as they faced south. They seemed to be playing. I still felt nervous about the snakes, and i decided that i should wake $F45 and get him out of the room. I could not trust the snakes and thought that they might bite someone if they were not handled properly.

12011 November 09

I moved to the south from the crowd of people. Something was happening and i felt a little tense. Buildings stood to the east of me as i stood on the eastern side of the outdoor area, facing west or southwest. The people had done something to the north, and they did not seem like normal people. They were different in some way. Four or five people were standing with me now. We were trying to get to someplace to the south, but we had to wait. Everyone was worried about the other people who seemed to have some special abilities. I thought that these special people were stronger that average, and that they might be androids. I turned to the south, noticing the security guards in dark-brown suits standing in the middle of the street. They were preventing us from heading to the south. I was waiting to see someone, and i remembered the man in the gray suit telling me to come to visit him. He had short wavy hair and he seemed urgent in his request. I knew that he was the senator, and i was now here to see him. I had followed him to the south, but he was now in the building to the south of me. The others with me were also waiting to see the political figures. As we stood waiting to the north of the security people, i was aware that the crowd to the north was panicking and moving through the square quickly. I felt nervous here, but waited with the others. The security men then moved toward us, telling us that we could not stay here. The men with me seemed disappointed, but i stayed where i was. When one of the guards approached me, i told him that the senator had requested my presence personally. The guard seemed skeptical, but turned to the south for a moment. He then seemed accommodating and motioned me to the south. I walked into the large building, coming into the large square entryway, which had stairs ascending the northern and southern walls. The stairs ascended to the west, and i started up the northern staircase. The walls on the eastern side of the room were glass, and i was aware of the crowd of people to the north of me as i headed up the stairs. I mentioned to the person in front of me that these special people seemed like cylons. I said that they were not like the cylons that we were familiar with. I told the man that i thought the cylons were now more like humans, but they were stronger. I was then aware of a truck traveling to the east, down the road to the north of us. It looked like a service truck: a large white vehicle with storage boxes on the back and cranes or antennas on the top. As we reached the top of the stairs headed to the south, i thought that these trucks could be related to the bad special people. It did not control them, but it would provide them with power to make them strong. As we headed down the corridor to the east, i glanced at one of the trucks on the street outside, telling the other what i was thinking. I told the guard that we had to watch these trucks because they could be supplying the special people with their power. We then entered the office on the northeastern side of the building. The office was illuminated with green-hued fluorescent lights, and seemed more like a classroom. I felt nervous about the trucks outside, and tried to make sure that they were not watching us through the large window, which covered the northeastern wall of the room. The room was long and narrow, and some people were sitting at a desk against the southwestern wall, just to the northwest of the entry door. They were trying to figure something out. I was here because i was suspicious of the special people and had some idea how they worked. I walked over to the window, looking out to make sure that the truck was not watching us. I could see the highway across a short patch of grass from the building. A leafless row of bushes seemed to run along the near side of the roadway. Several people were sitting on the grass just outside the window. One of them had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders. They seemed like homeless people, and they were staring at the television, which was just under the windows. I wondered if any of them were bad guys. I was suspicious, looking across the blue-tinted scene out the window. I then turned back to the others. We had to figure out what to do about the special people.

12011 November 10

I moved through the halls of $P7. I was trying to head somewhere to the northeast, and i passed through the corridors of the old brick building. The corridors seemed small and dimly lighted. I came into a stairwell and started climbing the steps on the northern wall of the well. I had already climbed several flights of steps and was now trying to head up another. I knew that i should not be in this area, but i knew that i could get to the upper floors this way. The metal stairs seemed like utility stairs rather than the stone or cement steps common in the building. As i headed up them, i realized that the narrow catwalk attached to the northern wall did not seem to be part of the stairs. I knew that i could climb up them, even though i was not supposed to do so. Someone seemed to be watching me from the southeast, but i did not care. I grabbed onto the southern edge of the catwalk, which was now over my head, and pulled myself up. The catwalk was a flat metal grating with a solid metallic square beam along the outer edge. I pulled myself up on the beam, noticing the green wall to the south of me. I quickly moved along the metal rack, realizing that the end of the catwalk on the east did not reach the wall. This set of stairs was incomplete. I would not be able to climb all the way to the top like i had hoped, but i kept going. I moved to the eastern end of the catwalk, now annoyed to find that the green plastic-like material of the southern wall closed around the catwalk to the east of me. A large open room seemed to be to the west, but i would not be able to get there because the green material was blocking the way. This had been done intentionally to prevent people from climbing up the utility stairs to get to the upper floors. I was annoyed and jumped from the southern edge of the stairs, floating back down the stairwell. I was now on the western side of the building, which seemed like $P7. I watched the levels of the building pass as i descended down the open space. The corridors to the east were tall, with vaulted ceilings, but all of the corridors seemed dark. The place seemed like an old factory. I tried to count the floors as i descended, thinking that i would have to head to the second floor. When i was low enough, i stared to head to the east, but found the corridor blocked with construction material. Sheets of clear plastic seemed to hang on the southern side of the tunnel near the eastern end, and small stacks of bricks or blocks were along the northern wall. A man in a yellow hardhat moved down the open spaces around the blocks, heading to the east. I dropped another level and started down the next corridor, thinking that the one above had been the first floor. I remembered that the first floor was under construction because they were rebuilding the main entry hall. I turned to the east and headed down the hallway on the lower level, thinking that this must be the basement level. The man with me asked about the weight room. I remembered seeing the gym previously. I stood in the classroom on the southern side of the hallway as the woman talked to the east of me. She was one of the teachers here, and i was here to visit her. She had been showing me around the classrooms. We had been in the large tan room to the west, but were now walking from room to room through the doorways that connected the rooms. The next room to the east was another large open classroom with no furnishings. The tan wood floor seemed brightly polished, and the northern wall of the room was covered with opaque window glass that let the yellowish light from the hallway into the room. The woman mentioned that the weight room was to the east. I remembered this as i walked down the main hall to the east, looking for the classroom doors on the southern side of the hallway. I told the man that the weight room was just past the classroom i was heading to. I then noticed that the corridor opened up into a larger room. We were in the main hall at the center of the building already. This could not be the first floor, though, because that floor was under construction. I looked around at the fine woodwork on the walls to the south of me. The vertical boards formed patterns around the tall rectangular door in the southern wall. We were not on the first floor of the school because i thought that the door was to the library. This would mean that we were on the second floor. I told the man that we must have passed the classroom already. I turned around and started walking back down the corridor to the west, looking at the old wooden doors in the southern wall. One of the doors near the central hall must be the door to the gym and weight room. I mentioned this to the other as i passed some doors and looked at the next door. I told the other that i was looking for room twelve, which i knew was the classroom that i had been in previously with the female teacher. The two big doors we passed must have been the gym and the empty classroom to the east of the one i had been in. When i saw the smaller square wooden door in the wall, i thought that it must be the classroom i was looking for. A small dark-blue vinyl plaque on the wall to the east of the doorway said “012” in small white letters. This was the classroom. I headed toward the door.

12011 November 11

I moved quickly across the area, heading to the southwest. I was flying down the long corridor, which could have been a city street. It felt good to fly, and i thought that it was something special. I also know that others would not like me flying. I saw myself hovering in the air for a moment, facing southwest. I was moving around to the southeast of myself, watching myself hover with my arms straight out from my shoulders and my feet hanging down. A wind seemed to be blowing from the southwest, creating a bluish aura around my body as it passed. It seemed like something dramatic or cinematic. I then turned to the west and started flying down the corridor. The people around me were running from something. We had created some kind of disturbance by flying. A man in a blue security uniform was chasing us from the east, but we easily flew away from him. We were moving quickly down the corridor in the mall. Whatever we had done had scared the people and caused them to evacuate the building. We had to get out of here before anyone realized that we had started the event. The guard was after us because of what we did. As we reached the western end of the building, the other man, who was flying with me, raced to the glass door on the northern end of the western wall. A female security guard in a dark-blue uniform moved toward him from the south, coming between the man and me. She turned to me with an expression of warning. I slowed, realizing that i could not make it to the door without running into her. She seemed satisfied that i had stopped, though, and turned back to the west to run after the other man, who was now flying out the second set of doors to the west. I did not want to be caught, so i turned immediately to the south and headed for the other set of doors in the southern wall. As i reached them, i saw the male security guard standing between the two sets of doors on the eastern side of the breezeway. He seemed to have been entering the building again after taking care of some of the panicked people. I moved to the northern set of doors and headed out of the building, but the man was too close to me. By the time i had reached the outside, the man had grabbed my on the right side of my collar. I could not stop, though, so i concentrated on flying upward. I could feel the man’s grip on my shoulder or neck, but i continued flying up. The man let go and i speeded quickly into the air. It must have been a surprise to him. The sky seemed orangish now, and i could see myself rising into the color.

I was in the small room on the eastern side of the building. We did not really belong here, but we were supposed to fit into this place. Our memories had been changed to accommodate this new situation, but i was aware of the fake personality i was portraying. The other man in the room seemed unaware of the change, though. He had come with us, but i knew that he was not one of us who had gotten a new personality. He should think that he was part of this place and not remember what had happened elsewhere. Only five of us had assumed new personalities. This man had come with us, but had not taken on a new identity. I thought that he was the tour manager or bus driver from the previous reality. He seemed upset as he stood to the northeast of me, and he started telling me about his memory lapse. I gazed past him, at the skyline of the white buildings of the city in the distance. They were illuminated by the sun, which seemed to be high in the western sky. The man told me that he had forgotten why he was here, and i thought that his false memory had stopped working. I quickly moved to the west, thinking that i should tell the others. It was a time that we should probably head back home to the other reality. I heard the others on the western side of the brown wooden door as i reached it. I knocked quickly and them pushed the door open, not waiting for them to tell me to come in. I hoped that i was not interrupting them. When i opened the door, i could see the recording engineer standing in a white button-up shirt to the southwest. He was facing the door, so i quickly realized that the other two must be behind the door. It seemed that they had been recording around the suspended condenser microphone, but had been pushed aside as i pushed open the door to the north. I realized this and swung the door back, imagining the man and woman as a young woman dressed like Princess Leia from The Empire Strikes Back. She and the man were prince and princess in this reality, and i referred to them as royalty. I told them that the other man had started to loose his memory of the fake reality. I felt concerned about this and explained to them the urgency of the problem. They also seemed concerned, but i headed back to the east, thinking about the other man. We only had five characters, so the man was an extra, and he had to let him forget what had really happened. He was now remembering, which would mean that we would have to change something in this reality. I hoped that we could give up these personalities and go back to the original realities. As i headed to the east, i looked at the symbol floating in the air in front of me. It looked like a white cursive W on a red background. I pictured it as the bottom of a soda-pop bottle, with two curved lobes forming the W. The right side of the W was much taller than the right side, but there was a straight vertical line drawn over the left side, making the image look like a plastic soda-pop bottle. It had something to do with the job that the man to the east had done. It was his symbol.

12011 November 12

I headed to the south with the other person, leaving the resort area. We had been in the building, doing something, but i felt that we had to leave and get somewhere. I felt a little excited about leaving and hurried to the south, up the slight slope of the hill, following the narrow street that ran between the buildings. The street was filled with pedestrians, who were wandering around, looking at the sights. I came to the main street and turned to the west. I remembered being on the street before. Most of the stores and attractions were on this main street, and it seemed very busy. I felt nostalgic about this place, and enjoyed the way that it looked. It seemed like the Las Vegas strip in a way. As i passed down the street i looked at the bright lights, thinking that this was like Disney Land; it was some kind of resort where everything here revolved around the main theme of the resort. I stood about fifty meters to the east of the intersection i had passed through, on the northern sidewalk. I had come from the road to the north. I looked at the intersection for a moment, realizing that the bus i had been traveling on came from the south, crossed the intersection, and went north. The narrow drive to the north was one way, though, so the bus would not be able to come back up that road. This was why the bus had not come when i was waiting at the corner for it. It must have to drive around the corner. I pictured the bus turning to the east and heading down the main road where all of the shops were. The road curved to the northwest, and i thought that it would eventually go parallel with the drive to the north, so the bus would be able to get around. I would probably have to pick up the bus on the southern sidewalk on the southwestern corner of the intersection. There seemed to be a metal bus-stop shelter there, though i could not clearly see it. It seemed to be a brown metal frame composed of rounded poles with plexiglas over the sides.

12011 November 14

I had been waiting in the store for a while, and i suddenly realized that i should be heading somewhere. It seemed that i was waiting for my mother, but i thought that someone else was supposed to arrive to get me. I felt suddenly panicked, thinking that it was much later than i had expected. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. It was twenty-two o’clock. I had been here waiting for a very long time. Anxious, i headed to the south, down the length of the store and out the eastern end. The store was very narrow, and seemed to come to a point at the eastern end of a building that was wedged between two merging streets. I stopped just to the east of the building, on the gray city street. It seemed dark out, but everything was illuminated. I looked at my cell phone again as i turned to the north. I wondered why no one had called me to find out where i was. I realized that i had several messages on my phone. The second or third one was from $K29, and the one following that was from someone with a name like “Harry”. I felt very upset that no one had come to pick me up, and i wondered why i had not heard my telephone ring. $F45 had not called, and i was upset about this. I started up the sidewalk on the southern side of the street that was to the north of the store. My car had been parked along the street, but it was not working. This was why i had called the others. I stopped near the pale-green car, which looked like $F45’s car. The car had been locked, so i had called someone a while ago to come help me get into it. I called someone on the cell phone now, but no one was answering. I paced back and forth to the south of the car as i listened to the phone, speaking from time to time to no one in particular. The highway that ran to the north was elevated on tall cement pillars. One of the bridges seemed to run overhead. I looked down the southern side of the car, noticing that the front driver’s front fender seemed crumbled. The car was facing west on the southern side of the street, so the fender was against the curb. As i walked around the front of the car, the car seemed to be strangely distorted so that the front end was actually facing northwest. I then noticed a large chunk of ashen-yellow plaster on the passenger’s side of the car. Someone had smashed a rock against the car. Fine powder from the rock covered the front hood of the car. This rock must have fallen from the cement highway that passed over my head.

I was with my mother in the small room on the northern side of the house. I was very upset about something and not quite sure what to do. My mother stood near the northern end of the western wall, talking about something. She was upset, and i was trying to take care of her. Several of my relatives were in the house as well. $K3 came into the room from the south, and $K1 seemed to be behind her. I felt resentful of them, feeling that they belittled my efforts to take care of my mother. I was not sure what i should be doing here. I wandered to the southeast, into the kitchen to fix something for my mother.

I stood on the southern side of the crowded street. I was standing under the overhang of the old wooden porch, which spanned the northern side of the old wooden building. Something about this place seemed artificial, as thought it was part of a theme park. The street to the north was crowded with people moving east to west, and the porch around me also seemed to be dense with people, most of them watching the people on the street. We seemed to be near the western end of the street, where the street met another street that ran to the north. I was anxious here and felt upset about something. I felt that there was something that i should be doing, but i was not quite sure what it was. I turned to the south and pushed through the crowd, coming to the southern end of the open area. The uneven grassy hill sloped up steeply to the north, and i was walking along a narrow paved driveway at the bottom of the hill. A large brick or stone building rose on the southern side of the road. It seemed like a very old building. Most of the people were gatherer in the center of the hill to the west, and all were facing south, toward something. I was heading west along the hill, but i stopped to look at the people scattered on the hill near me. They were sitting in small groups, and i felt that i had to do something here. I was tense and anxious about something, but i was not sure what was happening. The grass on the hill seemed dark, and i realized suddenly that the wind outside was blowing. Something blew down the slope of the hill to the west of me and landed on the pavement just below where i was. I looked up the slope at a man who was crouched on the grass. He did not seem to notice the thing blow past him. Instead, he was obediently watching what was happening at the bottom of the hill to the southwest of him. I looked down the hill at the object that had blown over. It looked like a knitted sweater with a matching hat on it. The sweater was dark, with dark-red zigzagging stripes across it. I stepped down the hill to pick up the clothing, feeling upset about something that was happening here.

12011 November 15

I was with my parents in the large house that i was living in. It seemed that i was renting only part of the house, or that the house was really an apartment in a larger structure. I like this place, and it felt good to be here. I moved to the east, through the room on the northern side of the house. My parents were standing around me as i did something in the kitchen. A counter was on the eastern wall. I was aware of the room to the south of me, though, which seemed to be the kitchen of another apartment. I said something about the other kitchen to my father, looking into the larger room. The kitchen of the other apartment was larger than mine, and i felt that it was nicer as well. I noticed that the counter along the eastern wall had some things on it. The counter ended a few meters short of the northern wall, leaving space for a window in the eastern wall. A wooden rolling table with stood at the end of the counter. Its surface was covered with several wooden knife holders. The dark-wood handles of the knifes, spatulas, and other large kitchen utensils stuck up from the top of the wooden knife holders. Several flipping spatulas hung from the front of the cart. I mentioned that i liked the rolling cart, but then i realized that my grandmother was standing to the southeast of me. She seemed surprised to hear my comments, and i started to worry that she would buy me something similar to the cart simply because i had showed interest in it. I felt a little guilty for liking the cart now, and i moved to the south, into the other kitchen. It was much larger than mine, and i like all the extra space. I started showing my father around the kitchen as i moved through it. I pictured this kitchen and apartment to the south of mine. I suddenly wondered whether i would be able to move into this apartment. I knew that no one was living here, but then i realized that i could probably not afford the extra rent. This apartment seemed very bright and open, with natural light coming in from the windows to the west. When i looked to the west, i could see brown rafters sloping down to the west, and i thought that my apartment was actually under the rafters, at a lower level than this apartment. This apartment almost seemed to look over the living room of mine. I knew that mine was very small in comparison to this one, though. I moved through the area, wondering if i could rent this later. I then thought that there were too many bedrooms in this apartment. I knew that the apartment had several bedrooms downstairs, and there seemed to be a few bedrooms to the west of the kitchen, where i was. The dining area of the kitchen also seemed to be on the western side of the large white room. I started talking about the apartment, and i realized that the owners of the apartment had just died. The owner seemed to be $F1’s mother. I turned to the north, seeing $F1 sitting in the chair at the southern side of the table, to the northwest of me. I told him that his mother was actually the owner of this apartment. He did not seem to know this, and i felt awkward thinking about it now, knowing that his mother had just died. I said that someone would probably contact me about the apartment, and then clarified that it would probably be the management company that $F1’s mother had overseeing the apartments. I wondered who would own the apartments now. Her children would probably inherit the apartments, but i did not know whether $F1 or his brothers would want to manage the apartments. I wondered what i would do about living here. I headed to the west, into the large bedroom with my father, looking around at the things here. Many interesting things were left in this apartment when the people moved out, and i felt interested in many of them. As i turned around and headed back to the east, i thought that i could go through the items here to see what i could use before someone else moved in. I then thought that i had already gone through everything here, so there should not be anything of interest left in this apartment. I headed back to the north, thinking that i would show my father the lower floor of this apartment. I turned to the west on the northern side of the house, heading down the shallow slope of the long cement corridor, which seemed to be underground. I walked through a doorway and looked to the north, at the uneven cement wall in the northeastern corner of the corridor. I told my father that the corridor had recently been patched. I told him that it had been damaged during the flood in the back yard. He nodded, remembering that there had been some pretty heavy rains recently. I pictured the steep dirt hill to the north of the house. It sloped up steeply to the north. I then remembered that the land outside the building was actually a shallow slope of lawn curving down to the northeast. Both could not be correct, so my story about the flooded hill could not be correct. I knew that the corridor was damaged from the flood, and i wanted my father to know this so that he did not think that the wall was simply falling apart. We headed down the slope of the corridor to the west. I noticed that the rest of the northern wall of the corridor looked freshly painted and smooth. Near the end of the corridor, we turned to the south and headed through a doorway in the southern wall, coming into a large cement room with partly constructed walls in the center. The partial walls extended from the western wall into the room, forming three or four smaller rooms. Construction equipment seemed to be on the floor here, and the tops of the partial walls looked like jagged unfinished cinder-block masonry. My father wandered into the second room from the north, and i climbed onto the top of the wall just to the south of him. I told my father that this section of the house was unfinished. Many lights seemed to illuminate the room from all directions. They seemed like work lights and were very bright. The top of the wall in was on had blue electric plug outlets every meter or so, and i mentioned this to my father. It seemed useful to have so many plugs in the wall, and i thought that it would be good to plug things in near where you wanted them. As i stepped down from the wall, i told my father that i would put windows along the tops of the walls to finish the room. This would allow light from the different rooms to shine together. Turning to the east, i noticed the large chamber on the other side of a partial wall that ran across the east of this new cement room. The area beyond seemed older, with dirt floor and crude cement walls. It was not well lighted, and i remembered it being deeper that the room that we were in. I told my father about it, saying that it was designed to look like a buried temple. I remembered it as the room where the large temple had been buried. The temple seemed to be dull yellow in color, and intricate in surface detail. It also seemed to be in the northern wall at the eastern end of the large room.

12011 November 16

I turned to the south, heading into the small room of the restaurant. A couple people were with me, and we needed one of the smaller tables in the room. Several people sat around the round table in the center of the room, and i passed to the west of them. Two small tables were in the room: one near the western wall, and one near the southern wall. We would need three seats at the table, and the table to the south had four chairs. I thought that it would be our table, but i had to wait for the maitre d’ to officially give us the seats. He was standing to the north of me, facing north toward a small lectern. A crowd of people seemed to be waiting to the north of him. I was very close to him, and he was standing very close to the large table in the center of the room. I tried to push between the maitre d’ and one of the people sitting at the table, but i could not fit through the gap. The maitre d’ was wearing a green button-up shirt that had thin white and brown plaid stripes. I tried to move, but i realized that the maitre d’ had his right arm extended behind him. His arm was actually over my left shoulder and around my neck. I tried to move, but found i could not easily move out of the way. I started to get frustrated and pulled back to the southwest. I turned back to the south and headed for the table to sit. As i got to the eastern side of the table, i realized that several other people were just sitting down there. I felt disappointed about this, but did not know what to do. I sat down at one of the chairs on the southeastern side of the table. The others were sitting on the western and northwestern side of the table. They seemed like young adults, and one of them was a woman with long straight blond hair. She sat on the northwestern side of the table. We would need another chair for the people that had come with me. $F11 would be coming from the northeast with a tray of food. One of the other people grabbed an extra chair from the western wall. Two or three of the short stock wooden chairs were standing against the western wall, to the south of the other round table. $F11 came to the table and sat down on the northern side. As soon as he did, some of the young adults asked him for some french fries. This annoyed me, but i knew that it would happen. I felt uncomfortable with the other people at our table. A young woman then came from the east and stood near $F11. She told $F11 that she wanted a piece of his fried fish. I felt very uncomfortable here, and started to see the scene from a distance. It was like something i had watched rather than something that i was participating in. I remembered that the scene had featured The Beatles. Ringo had been the person with the food on the northern side of the table, and George was the person making fun of him from the northwestern side. As i backed away from the scene, i wondered where John and Paul were in the scene. I did not remember seeing them.

12011 November 17

I looked to the west of me at the large poster that the man was holding up. It was a drawing of the top of a very tall building. The paper was off-white, and the drawing was in light black lines. The building had many vertical lines along the side, and i pictured it as one building of a pair. The pair seemed to be represented in the background of the picture. I focused on the main drawing, though. The building was hexagonal, but it looked mostly rectangular on the top because the angles on the sides were so wide and the ends were narrow. The top of the building sloped down to the front left of the image so that i could see the details of the rounded machinery on the rooftop. The man said that there were boulders on the top of the building. I noticed the rounded geodesic spheres on the roof. Four or five of them ran down the center of the roof, the smallest in the foreground and the largest in the background. The largest was almost the full width of the roof and seemed to be near the center of the roof. These spheres were the “boulders” that the man was referring to. The building design seemed very elegant, and i liked looking at it.

I sat in the chair at the front of the lecture room, facing north. $Z sat to the east of me. The lecturer came from the east and walked up to me, holding open a book with a large map of the United States on it. Small blue checkmarks were on several of the states on the map. The professor motioned the book toward me and wanted me to do something with it. I looked at the map, noticing that New York State had a checkmark on it. Several other states around it, like Vermont and Ohio, also had check marks. I thought that he wanted me to mark a state, but i was not sure why. I guessed that i would mark the state that i was from, but i was not sure, so i asked $Z. I then drew a second mark in New York State anyway. The professor moved on to the west, but ended up to the east of me. The northern side of the room had a wide space where the professor could pace in front of the room. I decided that the professor was trying to find out which states that the students were from so that he could xerograph maps of those states for the students. I realized that i already had the textbook with the maps in it. I looked at the white textbook in my lap, opening it to the center to try to find the maps. I flipped past a section of maps, but did not see any maps of New York State before i reached the end of the book. As i grabbed the pages and started to flip backward through the book, i noticed that the center of the book had darker page edges that the rest of the book. This is where the images must be. I flipped through them, seeing the black and white line drawings of animals. This was a biology textbook, so it had several detailed illustrations of animals in it. I flipped forward in the book, coming to a section that was mostly text. I then noticed the small round piece of paper with the illustration of a chameleon on it. It looked like a coaster, but i recognized it as something i had seen before. There were three or four other pieces of paper with the round coaster at the front of the book, and i realized that one of the square pieces had my name written on it. I was surprised to see these, and i realized that this was a book from $A14. $A14 had owned the book, but he had me take it to the library for a donation with several other books. I closed the book and looked at the white cover with the thin-line drawing on it. I remembered taking the book in for donation, but i had purchased this book from the bookstore. The store must have been reselling the donated books. I felt annoyed by this, thinking that i had spent money on something that i did not really need. I told $Z about the book, and then i tried to show him the papers that i had found. I opened up the book and started flipping through the small papers that were inside the front cover, but i could not find the paper with my name on it. I felt annoyed and focused on the papers, putting the book down on the low table that was against the northern wall of the room. We were now at the front of the room, away from our seats, and the professor was somewhere on the eastern side of the room. I looked through the pieces of paper, trying to find the right one, but i could not. The papers seemed like small torn pieces of napkin, now. It annoyed my that i could not find the correct one. I was then aware that the students in the room were now clearing out of the classroom, heading to the east, into the area that seemed like a cafeteria.

12011 November 18

The area around me was warm and bright from the sunshine, and i was moving to the east along the northern shore of the body of water. I followed the dirt road to the north of the old victorian houses. This place felt special, and i felt that i enjoyed it here. I had been here with the others. I followed the dirt road as it curved to the northeast, realizing that i was now in a narrow ravine. As i moved to the northeast, the dark-brown wall of the ravine blocked my view to the north. I was coming to the camp here, but, as i moved to the east of the rocks, i could see that the camp ahead of me was not the camp i had thought that it was. Through the rocky passage, i could see the valley open up. It was yellow and brown, and a small wooden cabin sat to the west of the road. The cabin was in the center of a square patch of dirt, and a cable ran over the top of it from east to west. The eastern end of the cable seemed to be attached to the large wide tree on the eastern side of the road. A rounded object hung from the cable directly over the cabin. It looked like a metal light fixture, but i knew that it was something else. I felt a little nervous about this place, realizing that it was not where i supposed to be. I moved to the northeast of the cabin, finding myself at an intersection of the two dirt roads. The land sloped into a round grassy hill to the northwest, and the second road curved off to the west, along the bottom of the hill. The dirt roads formed a large dry dirt area where they met. The sun still seemed warm and bright here, but i felt nervous about something. This place was different than it was supposed to be. Something had changed. Others were gathered around the cabin, doing chores outside. I turned to the northeast and started walking along the path. Something then changed again. The tall weeds around the sides of the path were dull green, and the sun was no longer bright in the sky. I headed up the cleared path, ascending the shallow hill to the northeast. I knew that i had jumped in time. It was no longer the middle of summer. Looking at the paleness of the weeds, i thought that it must be early autumn. I wondered why i had jumped to a different time, and i wondered what the significance of this was. As i thought this, though, i noticed that the weeds had changed again. They were now tall and green, as though it was mid summer. It was dark out now, but i was able to see very well as i made my way through the thick weeds. The path was now overgrown, and i thought that i had jumped far enough ahead in time that this path was no longer taken care of. As i pushed through the weeds, i realized that they were catching on my clothing. It became difficult to move, but i pushed forward, looking at the dark-purple flowers at the top of the stalks. The stalks were almost as tall as i was, and the flowers looked like closed rose buds, with bristly purple hairs radiating from the top. These plants looked like thistle, but i complained to someone, saying that they were burdocks. I heard my voice as if it were coming from someone else. Pushed through the flowers, thinking that they don’t really look like burdocks at all. I then came to the cabin in the open area again. I recognized it by the object hanging over the top of it. It looked different this time, and i was approaching it from the northwest. Something significant had changed, and i thought that it had to do with the plot of this story. I came into the formal pub, which seemed like an old victorian house on the outside. It was very fancy on the inside, with intricate decorations on the walls and surfaces. The room i came into was very narrow north to south, and i turned to the west to head into the other room. A rectangular black counter stood in the center of the small room. It seemed to be made of plastic and had gold lacy designs dripping down the sides of it like a victorian cloth pattern. Several people had placed their cocktail drinks on the top of it. A few women stood on the southern side of the counter in what appeared to be pink and white flapper dresses. I realized that my character had died some time ago. These people were in the future of where i had been, so they all thought that i had been dead. I was in another time period, and i was also in another body. These people would not recognize me. As i came into the white room, i noticed two women standing near the southern wall. I recognized both of them as characters from when i was part of this story. They would not know who i was, though, and would probably be surprised to see me. I had entered the body of an older man, and there was some significance to him in the story. I circled the bar and headed back to the east, back through the rooms. The two women i had known were in charge of something now, and they realized who i was supposed to be. They seemed shocked and upset. I had something to do with the founding of the company that they were trying to run. I was back now, so i could upset their plans. I felt nervous being here, though. I pictured myself as a tall man with wrinkled skin and balding white hair. I wondered whose body i was in. I looked at the southern wall, where there was a mirror, but i could not see myself. The mirror was smoked and covered with gold braded patterns of bows of rope. I headed to the east again and turned to the south, into the restroom at the end of the room. A small square mirror was on the western wall of the small black room, but it was actually more of a metal reflective surface. The reflection was clear enough for me to realize that i was no wearing any clothing, though. I could see my pinkish skin. Another man was in the restroom with me, to the southeast. He seemed to be in a stall, and i seemed to be standing in the doorway of the stall, looking at my reflection in the western wall. I turned my body a little, noticing that i had a nice muscle build on my chest. I also seemed to have a rather attractive face. The people would think that i was the grandfather of the women. I had started the business, which had some importance in the story. I looked to the east, noticing a larger mirror on the eastern wall, inside the stall, but i looked back at myself in the reflecting surface on the western wall. I was actually a man from another scene of the book. I thought i looked very attractive in this body, but i was naked and would have to do something about that.

12011 November 19

I lay in the bed on the northern side of the large room. There were several beds along the northern wall of the room, and people were sleeping in several of them around me. I was lying on the bed with my feet facing north, and i seemed to be on the lower bunk of a bunk bed. When i lifted my head to look to the north, i could see $F4 lying on the mattress above me. He had his head facing south. $A283 was sitting on the eastern side of the bed with $F4, and i realized that they were starting to get intimate. $A283 seemed rather interested in $F4, and i felt a little jealous about this. I had wanted to be sexual with $A283, but had never been good about talking to him. I thought that he must have decided to chat with $F4 because $F4 was not as aloof. $F4 was lying on his stomach, and $A283 grabbed both of his arms by the wrists with one hand, lifting $F4’s arms over his head. I watched $F4’s shirtless torso bend backward, stretching out his chest. $F4’s face changed to an expression of surprise. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that $A283 was going to hurt $F4, but, in a moment, he let him back down, commenting on the stretch, saying that $F4’s lower back would pop now and feel awkward, but in a few moments it would feel really good. $A283 then moved over the top of $F4, and they started humping each other. I could feel the quick oscillation of them moving over me. I realized that they were actually resting on my left leg. I was now lying on the southern end of the same bed that they were on, and i wondered how i had gotten onto the upper bunk with them. I still felt upset because i had never gotten to be intimate with $A283. I wanted to join them, but i knew that i could not. They then paused and looked at me all of the sudden. $F4 complained that i was actually in their way. I felt upset and left the room, heading to the southwest through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. I felt a little distressed, but i continued through the rooms. This camp seemed to be filled with $G4. They were renting this space. $A612 had been in one of the beds to the northwest of me, and $F58 seemed to be to the west of me now as i told them that i needed to find my clothing. I had taken it off when i went to bed, but could not find it now. I was wearing blue jeans at the moment, but i thought that i would have to find my jacket and shirts. I paced to the east for a moment, feeling the wallet in my back left pocket. I did not wear my wallet in that pocket and wondered what it was doing there. As i turned back to the west, i reached into the pocket to pull it out. I had some difficulty getting it out of the tight pocket. As i pulled it free, i realized that the jeans were very tight on me. I looked at the wallet in my left hand, noticing that it was silver. It had a beaded cloth side on the back and a smooth curved metal front. It was not my wallet. I stopped on the western side of the southern room, just to the south of the doorway that led to the north, into the room where all of the beds were. $F58 was still standing to the west of me, and i told her that this was not my wallet. I opened it to look at the ID inside, but could not easily find it. I walked to the north, into the bedroom, but realized that all of the beds had been moved out. The room was now mostly empty. A metal coat rack stood near the eastern end of the room. It was on wheels so that it could be rolled out. Some of the coats had been put on it, but i did not know where my jacket was. I needed to find my pants and light-blue flannel button-up shirt as well. I thought that i had gotten undressed when i got in the bed, but the beds had now been moved, so my clothes must have been taken somewhere else. I felt annoyed by this and felt upset that i would have to find them. I turned to the west, finding myself stepping out onto the porch on the northern side of the building. I realized that $F4 and $A283 were sitting on a wooden bench on the western side of the porch, just to the east of the main door. $F4 leaned forward, noticing that i was there. I felt as though i was intruding on them. I wanted to be part of their relationship, but i felt out of place and intrusive here, so i turned back to the east again. I could see out across the grassy lawn to the northeast of the house. I moved along the front of the house for a bit, thinking that i needed to find my jacket and pants. I then wondered why i thought the jacket i was wearing was not mine. I reached into the pockets of the black peacoat and found a black hat in the right-hand pocket. I pulled it out, realizing that it was my black felt hat. This was my jacket, so i only had to find my pants. I stopped in the doorway on the western end of the northern room again. I was standing to the south of the room, and i stepped to the north to look into the room. Looking down the length of the long room to the east, i could see that the people here had set up hospital beds for the people here. White sheets hung from the ceiling, separating the northern side of the room from the rest, and several nurses in white uniforms were writing things on metal clipboards. Some doctors pushed something through the curtains to the east, and i realized that one of the men was wearing a white hazmat suit with a pale-green gasmask. The people here were getting sick and the doctors were trying to contain the problem. I felt very concerned, but did not want to get stuck in the medical situation. They were trying to prevent the spread of the cold. I paced back to the east, wondering what i should do about my pants. I moved to the east, following the others into the grassy area to the north of the main road. Everything seemed serious here, and the people were dressed in black clothing. One of the men asked me how i had know the old man who had died. I told the man that i had known him from when i was very young. I mentioned the date 1972, telling the man that i was four at the time. This did not seem to be right, tough, so i told the man that i was actually two when my mother knew the man. I then told the man when i was born and tried to figure out the dates. I corrected myself, telling the man that i was actually two when my mother knew the man, so i could not have known him that well. The man was younger than i, and he seemed to be the son of the old man who had died. I wondered suddenly why i had come to this funeral. A younger man in a dark suit came up to us from the west. He was one of the children of the older man as well, and he seemed uncomfortable with me. I realized that the brothers might think that i was a son of the man as well. They might think that my mother had slept with the man and i was, therefore, one of their brothers. The younger brother paced around me, seeming untrusting. I felt nervous here, but the older brother stood to the southeast of me and tried to comfort me. He leaned his forehead against mine. It felt good to be with him. I also found the brothers somewhat attractive, and i was interested in them, but i was also uncomfortable being here at the funeral of someone i really did not know. The people then started moving in a wide circle to the northwest. They younger people seemed to be jogging around the small group of white fold-up chairs that were in the center of the grassy area. I started following the three brothers around the circle, uneasy about joining in on this tradition but feeling like i should be a part of it since i was here. I kept thinking about how the others felt toward me. I worried that they thought i was related to the old man who died. I then started to think that they might think my younger sibling was actually a relation of the man who died. I came around the northeastern side of the area again, jogging with the others to the west again. A young girl in a dress skipped a few people ahead of me. I seemed to be wearing black with a bright yellow stripe on it. It had something to do with a bumblebee, and i knew that the brothers were looking at this pattern as some kind of symbol of my relation to the man. It had something to do with the fact that the man had slept with my mother and then left us to return to his family. I should not have worn the bright yellow and black colors, but i did not know what i could do about it now. Facing east, i felt very uncomfortable with these people and regretted coming here. I thought again about the bumblebee symbol as i looked down at the small fuzzy thing on the ground. It was something i had been wearing. It was about the size and shape of a mouse, but it was black with two or three thick yellow stripes around it. It was the symbol that made the brothers suspicious of me. I stepped on the fuzzy thing, thinking that i should not have worn it and that i should separate myself from it. I then turned to the west and started heading down the road. I had left the funeral party in the small field on the northern side of the main road and was now heading down the road to the west to get my car. I seemed to be driving a car, though. I thought that the others had taken my car to the west to park it, and i was going to get it. I felt a little confused about this, wondering why i was driving their gray car to get mine. As i came back down the road to the east, i wondered why i was coming back. I looked at the dirt road to the south. It ran to the southeast from the road that i was on, and there were many cars parked along the southern side of it. I could see my black car parked between a red car and a large black SUV. I then wondered what car i was driving. I looked at the dashboard in front of me, noticing the white fluffy thing resting on the dashboard over the steering wheel. I was actually driving my car already. The car sitting on the road was not mine. I did not have to come back here. I turned my car to the south, onto the dirt road to the east of the cars. The road ran south before curving to the west, into the road where all of the cars were parked. I was going to turn around here. I felt very uncomfortable and thought that i should get out of here before the people from the funeral came after me. I did not want to be around them anymore. As i started driving up the dirt road, however, i realized that the people from the funeral were already waiting by the cars. I would have to say that i came back to shuttle them to their cars, which still seemed to be someplace to the west. I stopped my car and pulled into the line of parked cars, to the east of the people. I now felt very uneasy with them and did not want them to see me again. I would wait here until they got in their cars and left. As i sat facing south, though, i could hear the narration that i was speaking, saying that, as i waited for a half, the mother and some of the others had switched position. I could see the woman in the rose dress and matching hat standing on the southern side of the dirt road with other people in black suits. They seemed to be standing on the front steps of a small wooden church. Where they were standing had something to do with their social position, so i thought that the mother was vying for position with the three brothers. The narration then said that i had waited an hour and they were still there. I felt very uncomfortable, so i drove to the west. I knew that i had driven past them, and that they would be upset that i did not stay with them. They were anxious about me because of the bumblebee pattern and the relationship it made them think i had with their father, so they wanted to get to know more about me, to keep me under control. I felt unsafe here and wanted to flee. I drove down the country road to the west, following a small blue hatchback. I had to get away from these people. As i reached the end of the road and came to the Y intersection where the dirt road merged onto the main road, the car ahead of me slowed suddenly to a stop. A large truck was coming from the east on the main road. I could not stop quickly enough and felt worried. I passed around the northern side of the small car, sliding into the main road, but i veered to the south, running through a set of metal posts that marked the triangular area on the outside of the merging lane. I knocked over several posts as i came to a stop. The truck slowed but passed me. I felt very scared of the people and had to get away. I did not want to stop here, knowing that they could easily come after me. I started riding my bicycle to the west again, along the southern side of the road. The cars were driving to the west just to the north of me as we crossed the short bridge. Tall metal structures rose on both sides of the road, and i stayed to the southern side of the lane, where white stripes marked out the shoulder of the road. I was having trouble pedaling now, feeling like i was staining to move. I crossed over a raised area where the short white stripes turned to blue. It seemed to be a joint in the bridge deck. As i came to the other side, i was still having trouble getting the bicycle moving again, but i knew that i had to get away. I felt a little safer on this side of the bridge. I then realized that i was turning a set of pedals near the handlebars with my hands. I was turning them relatively fast, but the bicycle was not moving that fast. They were not as efficient as if i had pushed the other pedals with my feet. A biker came from the west on the same side of the road as i, and i thought that he should really be on the northern side of the road because he was going against traffic. I was then on a sidewalk, approaching the corner of the other paved road. Another biker came from the north, turning to the east toward me on the southern sidewalk. I thought that i was not far from the intersection, and that i would turn north and cross the bridge into $P3. I still felt tense and upset about getting away from the people, and i still had to get away.

I moved a little to the east. I was in the pool, near the northern edge. $A46 was to the west of me, instructing several other students on how to swim. I moved toward the treadmill, which seemed to be just under the surface of the water along the northern wall of the pool. It was a white conveyor belt and had a section marked with two heavy black bands and a blue triangle. Someone said that the area had to be used for swimming, and i thought that the students were supposed to hop onto the treadmill and try to swim in the area as the treadmill turned. I pulled on the white belt, rotating it so that the area moved off to the east. It went around the rollers at the end of the pool, but i kept pulling, trying to get it back to the center of the conveyor belt. As i pulled, $A62 was to the east, instructing some of the students how to do the treadmill. One of the students was in the water with me as i pulled on the white cloth. I then noticed the black and blue marks circling past us. They went too far to the east again. I was annoyed and commented on this to $A62, saying that i had pulled it too far. I grabbed the end of the conveyor belt, which now seemed to be a piece of long cloth, and stated swimming to the west. The end had a black heavy binding with a hook in the middle. I had to latch the hook around something at the western end of the pool. I pulled the cloth to the west until i reached the western side of the pool. I started to feel a little tired with the effort, but i got the cloth hooked at the end of the pool. As i started back to the east, the conveyor belt now seemed like a large brown tube, which was floating on the water. The students would be swimming through the tube. I started swimming back along the side of the tube, but i started to feel tired and strained. I was drifting to the south slightly and started to worry that i could not make it back. I then realized that i was wearing the heavy inflated suite, which looked like the tube. I had put it on to do what i did, but now it was restricting my movement. I felt concerned and struggled back to the east. As i reached the eastern end of the tube, the students were already gone. I was walking now, and i realized that the large suit had been unzipped around me. It still covered my head and the northern side of me, but it was open to the south and east. Most of the students had headed to the west, into the tube, which was now sitting on the grass of the large area to the west of me. The ground to the south of the tube seemed to be a gravel parking lot. A female teacher was talking to one of the students to the west of me, directing the students into the end of the tube. I would have to hurry to catch up with them. I opened the driver’s door of my black car, which was sitting to the southwest of the tube, facing south. I was surprised that it was unlocked, and i noticed the keys on a large keychain sitting near the stick shift in the center of the car. I had wanted to lock them in the car, but was now unsure whether i still had the key to the car in the other place. My plan was to have the car locked with the set of keys inside, knowing that i had the other key to unlock it later. I realized that it would be difficult to lock the car with the keys inside because the driver’s door would not lock. As i stepped back out of the car and closed the driver’s door, i looked at the passenger’s door, thinking that i could lock the doors from that side. I then wondered whether i really had my single key in the other place. I felt nervous about this as i headed to the west, into the open end of the tube.

I headed to the west, across the driveway just to the north of the open garage. The man was to the west of me, and he was going to take me and the other boy somewhere. He asked where $F45 kept the rollerblades. I remembered that they were stored along the northern wall of the basement, and i turned to the east to look for them. I would have to get the good pair. I noticed two pair on the ground, but realized that they were not the proper pair. I then remembered that i had just put the good pair on the western side of the garage with my bicycle helmet, where i had just seen the man walking with the younger boy. I turned back to the west and started to follow the man, but realized that the car trunk under me was open. I stopped in the entrance to the driveway, looking down at the orange metal lid of the box that was open. I had thought that it was the trunk to the car in the driveway, but the car was to the north of me, and the metal lid seemed to be part of a box that was set in the ground. I seemed confused about this for a moment, but decided that the lid was definitely not part of a car and was part of a box in the gravel floor of the garage. Several small objects were sitting on the ground to the south of the box. The man must have been looking through the box for something. I pushed the lid closed, hearing it click shut, and then i walked to the southwest, toward them an. As i stood up from closing the door, i glanced to the west, noticing a metal stake on the ground at the edge of the garage. The ground in the doorway to the garage was uneven. The driveway seemed to be almost a deci higher than the ground in the garage, and the gravel sloped up steeply from the garage floor to meet the driveway. The metal stake was resting with its top buried in the gravel near the western side of the doorframe. I said something about the things on the ground, and the man stopped on the western side of the garage to ask me what i had said. I pointed out the metal stake on the ground to the northwest of me, looking at it again and noticing the strange patterns of texture on the greenish metal stake. Most of the stake was smooth, but there was an area of rougher texture with small vertical squares of smooth metal set into it, forming a pattern near the top of the stake. I headed into the garage, thinking that almost had everything together to go rollerblading. I turned to the southwest and picked up part of the green garden hose. I looked at the yellow rectangular patters along its length, using them to count out distance along the hose. I seemed to be counting in feet, and, when i came to the correct length, i cut the hose. As i stood up from cutting it, the mother was standing to the southeast of me. She had just come out the door of the house, which as in the southern end of the eastern wall of the garage. She seemed concerned about her husband, who was the man trying to get the boy and i to go rollerblading. The woman was worried about something. I moved to the south where the rest of the garden hose was. I would have to remove the threaded end form that part of the garden hose and put it on the end i just cut. I started to do this as the woman stood next to me.

12011 November 20

I walked with the others to the northeast, toward the large college building, feeling strange to be back here again. The building was white, and it seemed more like a community college or high school. I knew that i had to pick up several things in the bookstore, so, as the other students wandered to the northeast, toward the end of the building, i headed to the north, coming into the open area which seemed to be the store. I knew the people here, and it almost seemed as though i worked here. The room did not seem to have any walls, but a white ceiling was above us. I moved toward the white pedestal near the northern wall, where the cash register was. I had bought something, but i knew that i still had to pick up some art supplies. I took the green piece of paper over to the register, telling one of the men standing near the register that i was filling out the forms to pay for the pens that i just bought. I should have gotten all of my supplies at the same time so that i could pay for them together, but i decided that i would just take the green sheet of paper with me. If i did not sign it here, i would not have completed the sale for the pens, so i would be able to use the same green sheet to buy supplies in the area to the southeast. I talk to the other person about this, not sure what i was going to do. The ground around us seemed to be grass, even though some kind of structure was around us. I thought about the things that i had here as i started moving through the area. I continually came back to the white counter where the register was, and i looked over several of the papers. I then started moving to the east, noticing some of the people moving to the north of me. A young girl was dancing, and i realized that it had something to do with Chinese music. I now seemed to be in a formal palace, and i thought that i was in China. The people here would expect us to be as cultured as they were. The young children of this culture were trained to do arts like dancing and music. I knew that our children could not do anything as amazing. I started to feel a little uneasy about this, thinking that my daughter would not be able to dance. I then decided that she should show the Chinese how she does ballet. I wondered if she could actually do it, but then i decided that it would be something that she should do to make the story interesting. The Chinese would know their traditional dances, but they might be fascinated by the music and style of ballet, which was totally outside their cultural art. I thought about this as i walked to the east, thought the large rooms of the palace. The walls here were intricately carved and seemed to be covered with gold. I then decided that i preferred music to dance. I would tell the people here that my two sons, and i imagined the young blond haired boys to be twins, were musicians. I looked down over the railing of the balcony, looking at the two young boys in blue ruffled formal clothes that seemed to be from the 11700s as they ran to the east. They carried violins, and they had pale-tan hair. They would play beautiful music that was of a style that the Chinese had not yet heard. I enjoyed the idea of exchanging cultural ideas, and i thought that i could learn a lot from the Chinese style of music. I tried to listen to it, thinking that the instruments they used were actually tuned differently. I wondered if i could get one of the instruments. I imagined that the king here would give one to the young boy as a gift. I then thought that instruments had to be hand made in this age, so they were probably not as common as they would be in the future. I looked at the oval shaped string instrument that the boy was holding to the east of me. It was pale tan and had six or eight strings up the neck. Some of the metal strings seemed to be thicker than others in the middle of the neck; they did not seem to run from thick to thin like instruments that i was used to.

12011 November 23

I came to the bottom of the stairs on the eastern wall of the room and turned to the north. $F45 and i were living in this new place now, which had something to do with a foreign country. I stopped in the room just at the bottom of the stairs as $F45 continued to the north. I was a little excited about being in this new place, and i thought about running with $G4 here. A pool table was to the east of me, against the wall under the stairs. It had poles around the edges that held up a wooden top over the pool table. I started removing the poles from the southern side of the table, pulling the top up a little so that the poles could be taken out. I wanted to put the top back down on the table. I realized that this was a strange thing to do, and i knew that i was doing it because we had just come back from Australia. I moved to the northern end of the table, but became concerned that the people in the pub to the north would not like the fact that i was taking apart the pool table’s upper section. They could still play pool, but it would be different. I could tell them that i was in Australia when they convicted the man. This conviction would mean that the design of the pool table that he had come up with would be dismantled. I noticed that several tree-like racks were attached to the top of the pool table. I had taken them down, but i could put them up to the north of the table to hang things on. I knew that the people might be upset when i changed the table, because they would not be able to store their things on the top of the table like they had done, but i knew that they would be able to put them on the racks in their new locations. I looked at the dark-red surface just to the north of the table. It seemed to be attached to the table, and it looked like metal with concentric beveling rising in a low dome. In the center of the dome seemed to be a hole. I reached out with my left hand and stuck a finger in the hole to make sure that it had enough depth to stick the bottom end of the racks in. Before i could set up the new racks, though, or take down the wooden poles on the northern side of the table, men came into the room from the bar. They seemed upset that i was altering the pool table, and i felt uneasy here. I explained that i had just come from the area where the trial was held, but i knew that they would not care. They would simply be upset because i had altered their pool table. I moved back away from the table and headed back to the south, toward the bottom of the stairs. As i did, $A437 came down the stairs and walked toward me. It was good to see him, and i said hello. He was wearing a black shirt and matching shorts. The shirt had pink and yellow splotches across the front, streaked in a diagonally direction across his chest. He said that he was just going running and said that we could get together for dinner when he got back. He passed me and headed to the north. It was good to see him, and i wanted to hang around with him, but i felt uncertain about what i should do. I wanted to go running as well, and i had been planning to go soon, but i realized that, if i did, i would be out running when he got back and would not be able to meet up with $A437 for food. I was indecisive. I seemed to have walked up the stairs, through the bedrooms, and was now back in the room where the pool table was. The men had gone from the pool table, so i finished taking it apart. Once i pulled the top off of the table, i realized that it was really not that different from when i started. The men should not be upset about the change because all of the pieces were still here, just in different places. I felt anxious, thinking that i really wanted to spend time with $A437. I then headed to the north, into the other room where the party was being held. $A437 was still here. He was talking to people at the party. I could not decide what to do, so i wandered to the west, heading out the door. I thought that there was an outdoor porch to the east. I thought that people had probably come out to the porch to smoke tobacco or marijuana. It was dark in the next room, which did not turn out to be a porch. The small room had a couch against the northern wall, and four or five women were clustered together in the center of it, chatting. They paused and looked up at me as i entered the room. I felt a little nervous. They probably did not think that i was part of their party crowd and wanted to know why i was there. I moved quickly through the darkened room, coming out onto the small balcony to the west. The balcony faced north, over the darkened city. I glanced back to the east, noticing that $A437 was crossing the room, coming toward me. I had something to do, but i was not sure what i should do. I turned to the south and headed through the glass doors and into the small room beyond. I wanted to talk to $A437 or a while, but i was unsure about something.

12011 November 24

I followed $F57 to the south, up the shallow hill on the eastern side of the park. We were riding bicycles in the event, and it seemed like we had a ways to go in the ride. As we reached the southeastern corner of the grassy area, i realized that i had forgotten to pack some things for the trip. I mentioned this to $F57 as we turned to the west, following the city street along the southern side of the park. We moved slowly because we would be turning to the south down one of the streets just to the west of us. I told $F57 that i had forgotten my headlamp. I knew that it would be getting dark soon, and that we would have to finish the race in the dark. I said that i had a headlamp and a tail light for my bicycle, but i said that the batteries had died. I would have to get new batteries because i did not have any batteries for the lights. I wondered what i should do about this. I started to feel worried about not having what i needed for the ride. I then started to wonder if i would be able to keep up with $F57 on the ride. I knew that he was in better shape than i was. I did not want to fall behind. We moved generally to the southwest. It was now daylight, but the light from the gray sky was very dim, as if it were near dusk. I remembered that there was on old bridge here, and i mentioned it to $F57. We came to a small body of water, and i thought that we were actually a little more to the west than i had thought that we were last time. The large black metal bridge seemed to be to the east-northeast of us. The area around us was mostly open, with a large low building to the northeast of us. We stopped on a narrow street that ran to the east, and the building was on the northern side of the road. The water ran along the southern side of the driveway. The dull landscape to the south seemed flat, with trees and bushes around the edges of the wide yard. We moved to the east a little, near the center of the building, and we stopped just to the north of the small black metal structure that was a bridge across the water. I remembered coming this way before, and i told $F57 that we had crossed this bridge in the past, but that we had come from the northeast the last time. I looked across the narrow span of the bridge, noticing that the deck of the bridge was missing. The bridge had been partly disassembled, and there were cement stairs descending into the water just off the shore, in the center of the deck. The old cement steps seemed worn and crumbling around the edges. I felt uncomfortable about heading into the water, but i followed the other down the steps. As i chatted with the others about this place, i noticed a person on a bicycle riding to the east on the drive to the north of the water. The bicycle then turned to the south along the eastern edge of the rectangular pool and passed under a large willow tree, heading south on the road. The biker was taking the road around the water rather than heading through it like we were. As we walked carefully through the shallow water, heading to the southeast, i realized that this was actually the remnants of and old building. Walls now seemed to border the rectangular pool to the south and east. This old building seemed like a warehouse, and the shallow pool seemed like an old cement floor. Someone said that these buildings were part of an old prison and a storage house. The woman stood on the northern shore of the room as we walked across the pale broken rubble of the recessed floor. Water was no longer covering the floor. I said that this building was probably the old prison, but then i felt that this was probably not correct. It made me uncomfortable to think that this was the old prison, but it seemed like an interesting idea. I turned to the north to see the woman in the brown suit coat and skirt standing on the higher grassy ground outside the building. She seemed to be the tour guide for this area, and i asked her if this really was the prison. She agreed that this could be the prison. The man to the west of me then mentioned some of the other buildings in the area. I looked at him as he motioned to the south, saying that some of the buildings around us were factories and stockades. The woman to the north said that the stockades were to the south. The man thought about it a moment, and then raised his eyebrows as he suddenly figured out where things were. He had thought that the stockades were to the southwest, but they were really just behind the building we were in, to the south. The directions had seemed skewed because of the way the buildings are normally viewed. The large yellow barn that was the stockade was actually very close to us now.

12011 November 25

I was with the other children moving through the back yard to the south of the house. We seemed to be in a preschool. I ran to the south, through the tall dull-green grass, aware of the tall old chain-link fences surrounding us. The other children ran with me, and i turned back to the north to get back to the house. I ran northward on the eastern side of the area, moving through the tall weeds. As i turned to the south again on the northern side of the room of the house, i noticed that some of the weeds were actually long strands of wild roses or raspberries. The long brown twigs had thorns on them that snagged my clothing. I had to be careful walking between them, and i carefully pushed some of the vines away. I felt nervous about them, and i was suddenly aware that a young boy with blond hair and a round face was watching me from the west. He seemed to be grinning to himself as he watched me malevolently. I felt nervous about him, thinking that he wanted to hurt me with the vines. I continued to the south-southeast, across the room or yard, trying not to get cut by the thorns.

I got in the car and started moving to the north, down the side street in the suburban neighborhood. The area seemed mostly wooded, with houses in the middle of large yards. As the car rolled to the north, i suddenly realized that i was not in the front seat. This made me suddenly nervous because i would not be able to reach the pedals. I could not use the brakes. As the car rolled toward an intersection, i realized that i would not be able to stop it at the stop sign. I felt very nervous, wondering what i should do. There was no time for me to climb over the seat, so i looked down the road to the west, thinking that i had to turn to the east to get to the house. I could not see any cars coming, which was good. I could not stop the car at the intersection, so i let it roll through the stop sign as i turned it to the right, to the east. The house seemed to be only a short distance down the road on the southern side. I would have to turn the car quickly into the driveway. Once there, i felt that i would be safe. I saw the driveway ahead of us, but we were moving too quickly for me to turn into it. I felt tense and nervous, wondering what i should do. I continued past the driveway, hoping that the car would slow down on the main road. The area to the south of the road had a grassy stripe of lawn between the road and the sidewalk. I could let the car roll onto the grass once it slowed down, but the road to the east seemed to be tipping down hill slightly, and i worried that the car would pick up speed again. I then realized that the emergency brake was between the seats, and i pulled it on. The car still rolled forward. I tried to decide if it was slowing down, but i could not really tell if the emergency brake was doing anything. I was worried, and i wondered what i could do to slow the car.

I was driving the large bus up the shallow hill to the north. The bus turned to the east at the end of the road and started up the curving road to the east. The road rose slightly up the steep hill to the northeast. The bus was automatically steering itself around the corners. This made me a little nervous, but i watched it turn around the tight corners. We then turned to the north again and came to an intersection. The bus again turned to the east and started up the long straight street to the east. I realized that construction trucks were stopped in the middle of the street. Several men in reflective orange vests were standing near potholes in the center of the street. The bus shifted to the south, going around the trucks. It recognized the stopped vehicles and avoided them, but it was driving up the sidewalk on the side of the road. I felt a little nervous about this. The bus turned to the north and came to a stop in the small area, which seemed like a room. I walked to the north a little in the middle of the small room, wondering suddenly how the bus had come here. I turned to the west and then back around to the south. Someone was standing in the southeastern side of the room, and i asked him how the bus had come into the room. I looked around the bare stained cement walls of the old small room. An opening in the southern wall led to a landing atop the stairwell. The stairs descended to the west from the landing. The bus could not have come up the stairs because i knew that it could not make the tight turns at the landings. The woman stood with me in the room now. I asked the man to the east how the bus had come up the stairs of the building. I then realized that an elevator was in the western end of the southern wall. It must have been wide enough for the bus to fit in, and i mentioned this. Something did not seem right about this, though, and i started to feel uneasy here. The man to the southeast had been doing something here that seemed like a scientific experiment. I was nervous about what he was doing and thought that it might be dangerous to me. I moved a little to the west, thinking that this place was very much like $P19. Some of the people here seemed to be $G3. I did not know what to do here.

12011 November 28

I sat at the counter along the northern wall of the room. $A14 was standing to the east of me as typed something into the computer. I was trying to print something out, but i was having difficulty. I heard the printed roll out a sheet of paper, and i turned to the northwest to see a piece of paper come of the top of the white printer. I had been trying to print the page of a book. I lifted the sheet from the top of the printer and turned it over to look at it. It was darker than i expected. Most of the surface was covered with a rendering of a picture, which looked like part of a web page. I noticed that the bold printing in lowercase Courier at the bottom of the page said “1 of 14”. I was disappointed. I told $A14 that this was not the correct page. I was also annoyed that it was printing out something so long. I quickly reached toward the printer to cancel the rest of the pages before they were printed. I felt tense. We had been trying to print something for a while, and i had been unable to do it. Now the printer was printing something that would waste paper. I felt frustrated. $A14 was also frustrated, and he walked out of the room to the east without saying a word. I felt upset that he was so upset, and i tried to get the printer to print what it was supposed to.

I moved into the small alcove on the northern side of the cave as the man and woman entered from the east. They came into the main room of the cave, and i hid behind a short rock wall that blocked the alcove. The man and woman seemed to be talking about something intensely, and i did not want the woman to know that i was here. I had been here with the man, and i had seen the white writing that was on the rock. I looked at the white writing on the flat dark-gray rock to the south of me. The main outline was in the shape of a giant cursive letter F. The top of the F was drawn in a shallow S-curve, and the bottom curved into a hook that faced right. In the center of the F was something that seemed like a crest. I moved closer to it, noticing that the crest was divided into two parts with a white line down the center. The left part, which was now away from me as the tablet tipped to the south, had two or three symbols that looked like flowers. They all had heart-shaped tops with a line coming down from the bottom point of the heart and a short bar crossing the line. They were gathered into a small ground, looking like a small bouquet of flowers. On the right side of the vertical line was “93”, drawn with loopy letters. I moved closer, focusing on the symbols. I wanted to remember what they were because they seemed important. The left side was actually a letter K, with the ascending leg attached near the bottom of the vertical stem, and the descending leg attached to the ascending leg about a third of the way from the stem. The symbol was familiar, and i looked again at the “93” that was printed on the right side. I realized that it was not actually a digit, but a loop with a line coming out of the bottom. The line came out to the lower left of the image, and what i had thought was a three was actually an additional loop on the upper right of the main circle. It was not a ninety-three at all. I focused on the circle now, realizing that the circle was actually complete. It was a perfectly round circle, with a line descending to the lower left. I had to remember this symbol because i felt that it was important. I then realized that the ground was vibrating. This must be an earthquake. It surprised me, and i looked over the gray rock to see that the whole cave was shaking.

I sat in the wooden armchair in the center of the classroom. I was in the second row of students who were all facing to the north as $A48 lectured in front of the large blackboard. $A48 referred to the board with his right arm as he faced west. He was wearing a brown coat, and he said something about ninety-three. He had mentioned this before, and he seemed to be making a point about it. I looked down into my notebook, noticing that i had written some notes about it on the previous pages, in the left side of the spiral notebook. I tried to figure out what was significant about ninety-three, but i did not write detailed notes about it. It did not seem to have been significant at the time. I knew that there was something important about it, and i felt stressed, thinking that i had to figure it out. I flipped forward in the notebook, noticing a circle with a line drawn from it. The circle was on the left-hand side of the notebook page, and the line came out just a little low, to the right. The line had several dots along it, and i realized that it was from the dream i had had. It somehow represented ninety-three. This was significant, and i wanted to know what it was. I raised my hand and asked $A48 about the number. He seemed distracted by my question and brusquely smiled at me, saying that he was not going to discuss the number. He seemed upset with me and crouched in front of my armchair, just to the northeast of me. I felt uncomfortable having him so close, and i noticed that i was actually now in the first row of students in the class. He said that i should remember what it meant, and he asked me what i have written about the number. I did not want to flip back in my notebook and show him what i had written because i did not want him to see how i had not taken notes on that subject. I had thought that he was just mentioning it in passing. I felt that i had to show him my notes, though, since he was the teacher and he was asking about them. Before i could show him, though, he was standing back up at the front of the room. I flipped the pages back on my notebook, noticing that the writing in the book was rather sparse. The writing in pen seemed very thin, and only five or six lines were spread out on the pages. This did not seem right. I flipped through the book again, now noticing that there were black and white illustrations in the book. I seemed to be farther forward in the book than i had been. I had drawn several drawings of a human in a row across the middle of one of the pages. The figure seemed to be a stylized ninja with white boots and a white stripe across his upper torso and face. The person was in several poses across the page. I flipped through the notebook, noticing more illustrations. I started to flip through the pages faster, looking for the notes i had just seen on ninety-three, but i could not find them. The notes had been on a left-hand page in dull-red ink, but i could not see them in the book anymore. As i flipped forward in the notebook, i noticed a spread of photographs. The large photograph on the right-hand page was of me and another man. It was in black and white, and the man and i were standing together in the center of the photo. We seemed to be sitting, with our feet away from the camera and our torsos turned so that we were facing each other. The other man was much shorter than i, his head coming up to my chest. We seemed to be shirtless, but i was wearing a dark jacket. The man had a very attractive face, and i remembered him. I had taken the picture with him a long time ago. I felt suddenly sad that i had not stayed in touch with him. I felt attracted to him, and i now wanted to get in touch again, but i knew that i no longer knew him that well. We had never stayed in touch. I flipped through several other pages of photographs and pictures. These seemed to be old pictures, and i felt a little reminiscent of them. I flipped backward through the book, to the front, where i found notebook pages of notes. Most of the writing was near the front of the book, but it was not the writing that i had been looking for. I suddenly realized that i was reading through the wrong notebook. I closed the book to see that it had a blue binding. This was not the notebook i had used for math; it was one that i had written my poetry in. I looked down at the open book bag on the floor to the northwest of me. The small red notebook that i used for math was sitting, tucked in the left side of the gray duffel bag. I looked up, noticing that $A48 was standing near me, to the northwest, leaning toward the student to the west of me as he pointed out some things in the math textbook on the armchair. I had been leaning to the east, on the arm of my wooden chair. I suddenly realized that $F4 was sitting very close to me on the east. My chair was close to the row of chairs to the east of me, and i felt a little nervous about it, thinking that $A48 would be upset that i was so close to $F4 again. I pulled my chair back to the west, to the center of the aisle between the two rows of chairs. My seat seemed to be the only chair in the aisle. I felt anxious and confused here, wondering what i should do. I started looking around, and then started pacing. I was now on the roof of the building. The surfaces around me were dark gray, and a wall stood to the north of us. I asked the other person about something. He was to the north of me. I then turned to the east and started pacing back across the roof, heading roughly northeast. Metal bars were set into the wall to the north. They looked like the metal bars of a grill, and ran parallel with each other on a horizontal surface, running east to west. The bars were square in profile, with rounded corners, and they were about two or three centimeters wide. The tops of the bars were dull metal, as though they had been weathered, but the sides seemed darker. I pressed the first bar about a third of the way from the eastern side. It seemed like an instrument, though i wondered why the bar was not divided into keys like a keyboard. I commented on the instrument to the other person as i pressed on the bar, which did not move. I wondered if the different bars were different notes on the instrument. I then thought that it had been out in the weather for a while. It must be worn. As i pressed the bar, i noticed a splatter of brownish-white material on the eastern end of the bar. The splatter covered a few of the other bars to the north of the first bar. It was bird feces, and the other person pointed this out. I pulled my hands away from the metal bars, saying that the instrument should have been covered from the weather. I turned to the southwest, talking with the other person about the instrument, saying that it was actually tuned in Swiss tuning. I explained this as we headed south, toward the top of the stairs on the southern side of the roof. I said that the keys were a little different from normal tuning, but realized that this could be misinterpreted as saying the scale uses different key intervals. I tried to clarify by explaining that the scale intervals were not different: just the pitch of all notes. We turned to the west and headed down the narrow flight of stairs, coming to the outside corridor. I remembered the discussion of ninety-three in the class, and i felt that i should get back to the class. The class was in the classroom to the north of me, which seemed like a college lecture hall. I headed back toward the class. I had to get answers about the ninety-three. There was something important about this that i had to understand. As i entered the glass doors, coming into the hallway outside the lecture room, i stared to take off my winter gloves. I seemed to be wearing a heavy dark-blue parka, and i thought that i should take it off before i came into the classroom so that $A48 did no think that i had been outside. I could see $A48 through the large glass window to the north of me. He was standing at the northern end of the lecture hall. The hall seemed dark, with only the stage up front illuminated. I opened the doors and walked into the classroom.

12011 November 29

I walked down the road to the east, along the southern side of the large area, which seemed like an airport. It was dark, and i had been talking with the man. He warned me to be careful as i headed away from him, to the east. I noticed suddenly how dark the road was that i was walking on. It seemed like a highway. No other structures were around me, but an elevated road or ramp bordered the northern side of the road. I walked quickly, feeling nervous but knowing that i was safe here. I then realized that there was another man watching me from the elevated walkway. He seemed to be dressed in a loose dull-green army jacket, but i could not see him clearly. He was mostly in shadow, and i could only make out his hooded head and his arms stretched out from his sides as he leaned forward on the railing, looking at me. I thought that the man i had been talking to must have warned me about this road because people were getting mugged on it. I felt a little nervous, but realized that i was actually walking rather fast. I could now feel a breeze on my face as i moved, but i was aware that my feet were not moving that fast under me. I seemed to be walking at a normal pace, but moving swiftly over the ground. I then noticed several people to the east of me and started to worry. Several people suddenly seemed to be around me. I was being attacked, but i knew that i could defend myself. I imagined that i could defeat them, and i turned back to the west to get away, but there were more people running toward me from the west. I thought that i was actually a police office, so i lifted my gun and shot three of the approaching people from the west as i ran toward them. I ran to the west, into the large open room, which seemed like a maintenance garage. I was standing on the top of a large dump truck, which was parked near the entrance at the eastern end of the room. The room had a smaller room built into it, in the northeastern corner. The cement walls of the large room were blue at the bottom, and white near the ceiling. The southern wall of the interior room formed a corridor on the southeastern side of the larger room, and the corridor ran to the large garage door in the southern end of the eastern wall. The dump truck i was standing on was just inside the door, facing west. Several other people were in the room to the north and northwest of me. They were also police officers, and several were rescue workers. I felt upset about killing the people like i had done, but i knew that i as a police officer, so i was justified in killing them. The others in the room would be talking about the killings. This seemed to be quite a bit later in time, and the people here were already talking about what i had done. I walked over the top of the truck that i was standing on and looked at the other two trucks in the room. One was parked to the north of me, facing north, and the other was parked to the northwest, facing southeast. I jumped to the northern truck, aware of the people below me. I felt nervous that people would punish me for what i had done. The people below were discussing what i had done, but i felt safe in the station here because i was a police officer. I also felt defensive, thinking that the people had attacked me, so i had every right to kill them.

I moved to the north, into the western end of the long rectangular room. The other person was sitting cross-legged on the floor near the northern side of the room, and i walked to the center of the room to chat with him and the other person, who was in the center of the room, to the east of me. Ducks seemed to be on the dry brown mounds of grass that grew up from the damp floor. Someone mentioned that it was rather cold here for the duck eggs. The person behind me, who had followed me into the room, joked about eating the duck eggs, but said that they would have to be boiled to make them cold again. This did not quite make sense to me, but i understood that the duck eggs would be too cold to produce babes, so they could safely be eaten. I noticed a nest of faded brown sticks on the ground to the northeast of me, to the east of the person sitting on the northern side of the room. An orange tabby kitten was playing around in the nest, but a brown mallard duck came from the east and stole the eggs from the nest. I thought that the duck would eat the kitten’s eggs. Someone was then talking again, and i noticed that the kittens were gathering to the east of us, on the grassy lawn. They hopped around as if they were playing, but i felt that they were conspiring about something. They were upset about the missing eggs. They now seemed to be lion cubs, and they were gathering to the east as if discussing something. All at once, they ran off to the south, and i felt that they were up to something. I hoped that they were not after another cat in the house. I did not want them to hurt another animal. I sat against the southern wall of the room, on the bed. $F45 was lying on the bed to the east of me. I asked him which other cats were in the house. A few of them were with us on the bed, but i worried that another one might be in the house, and i did not want the cubs attacking it. I then heard the sound of cats fighting upstairs, and i felt worried. The sound stopped and i could hear a cat coming down the stairs somewhere to the south. It meowed in a stressed tone as it walked to the west of the bed. I felt upset for it, and thought that it was $X12. I called his name, feeling upset.