12012 November 01

I sat up in the bed on the eastern side of the darkened room. I knew that something bad was happening here, and i was not sure what i should do. I knew that my father was going to kill us and leave. I was sitting on the bed, which was on the eastern wall of the room, near the northern wall. My father had just entered the room and was walking around to the western side of the bed. It was obvious that i was awake now, and i wondered what i should do. I felt that i had to escape and hide outside. I could not let my father find me. He was planning to shoot us and leave this place. I started crying, saying something about my mother. I knew that it would distract him for a moment. I then ran to the south, leaving the room before he could shoot me. I had to get out of the house, so i started running down the stairs. The stairs ran down in a tight stairwell just to the south of the room that i was in. I turned the corner several times as i passed the second floor. I thought that i would have to go down a few more flights of stairs, but, as i reached the bottom of the second story, i realized that the darkened door in the southern wall was actually the outside door of the house. I had started to turn back to the north to continue across the railing to the next flight of stairs, which started to the north of me, but i turned south and ran out the door. I started to head down the dirt driveway to the west, but paused when i realized that the car was parked in the end of the driveway, and that it was running. I could see the lights on the dashboard and ceiling turned on in the car. I was not sure what i should do. My father must have gotten the car ready so they could make a quick getaway. I had to get away, though. I ran to the west, past the car and across the street. It was dark out, and few other houses seemed to be in the neighborhood, but a small wooden house stood just across the street from us. I had to get out of sight before my father exited the house. I decided that i could hide behind the house across the street. I ran around the southern side of the house and crouched down. I felt panicked, and i knew that i had to stay out of sight. I was now to the west of the house, and i could see a row of smaller buildings behind it. It was cold, but i had to stay outside if i wanted to hide from the gunman. I carefully walked down the corridor between the house and the sheds, looking for a place to hide. A large white metal door was on the shed to the west of the house, and i could see into the window in the door, noticing the wooden walls and high benches. This was a sauna. I thought that it would be a warm place to stay, but i knew that it would not be turned on at the moment. The inside would still be warmer than the outside, but i knew that the white door would be locked. I continued to the north for a moment, but decided i should check the door anyway. I backed up a few steps and pulled on the lower part of the door, noticing that the door did not actually have a handle. The door was open. I quickly ran into the small bathroom inside and crouched down against the southern wall, just to the east of the toilet. It was warmer here, and i thought i would be able to sleep here for the night. By morning, i would be able to escape. I hoped that i did not snore when i was asleep, or my father could hear me as he searched around the buildings. I stayed here for a while, not quite sure what to do. I then decided that i was not quite in a comfortable place, so i scurried across the room, heading west. The exit door, which was now in the northern wall seemed to be just past the toilet, but the western wall of the room seemed quite a bit farther away. The room was only three meters wide. I ran all the way to the western wall, where a bed ran along the northern wall. I stopped near the bed, realizing that someone was sitting with his back to the western wall, on the bed. He seemed to be dark skinned, and i realized that was hiding here as well. I did not want to disturb him, so i curled up and sat on the southern side of the bed. I was not sure what i should do. I was still worried and upset, but i felt safer here.

I turned to the east as the others said something. The man came around the corner on the southern side of the small room and walked around the eastern side of me before heading to the west. He was Donald Trump, and he told the woman to the south of me that he would be flying the airplane. He seemed cocky and arrogant as he walked through the double doors to the west. I turned my attention back to the eastern part of the room. The eastern wall was yellow in color, and curved in a wide arc from the southern end of the western wall to the northern end of the western wall. Corridors seemed to run to the west from both ends of the western wall. I looked more closely at the eastern wall, noticing that it seemed to be made up of small tiles. The tiles were shaded around the edges with black gradients. A few people seemed to be sitting in chairs, facing the center of the eastern wall. They were wearing white pilot uniforms, and i thought that they were trying to control the airplane that we were in. The rounded eastern all was the front of the airplane. I realized that Donald Trump was flying the airplane now, so i did not really feel safe in the airplane. I looked at the dark edgings on the tiles to the southeast of me. Something seemed wrong about them, and they changed as the airplane tipped from side to side. I decided that it was not safe to stay here, so i followed the curve of the wall to the south, thinking that i would head to the back of the airplane. It seemed to be a safer place to be if the airplane crashed. I thought about this, thinking that it really would not be that safe, but i wanted to be in the rear of the airplane anyway. The female steward, who wore a white shirt and a black skirt, stood just to the north of the southern corridor. I passed her, wondering if she would try to stop me from moving to another area of the airplane. The corridor opened up to the west a little. Doors in the northern wall of the airplane led to the gambling rooms, but i wanted to head to the south, where i could get to a safer area. The southern wall of the hallway faced southwest, starting at the western wall and slanting to the west by about two or three meters. Three sets of double doors were in the yellow wall, and a man was sitting on a stool near the center set of doors. He seemed to be a bouncer, and i realized that the area beyond the doors might be restricted. I paused in front of the doors, not quite sure where to go. I started to the east, down the walkway to the south of where i had come from. I was now in an outdoor area, which seemed like a park or zoo. The cement walkway led to the east, just to the south of a line of small enclosures. People were wandering down the walkway on both sides of me. I was not quite sure where i should go, and i realized that i did not want to head too far to the east. Frustrated, i turned back to the west. As i turned, i bumped into a young woman who had been walking to the east. I apologized and continued on. She became angry with me, though. She had dark skin, and her hair was tied back into a small ball at the back of her head. She wore a tight purple sweater, which was stretched across her pointy breasts. She turned to the west and started scolding me. I realized that she was acting overly dramatic, so i continued to the west. The woman’s father, who had been walking behind her, turned and started following me. He was light skinned, with black hair. I was nervous about him, but i was not sure what i should do. I tried to ignore him, but he yelled after me as he followed me back to the end of the walkway. I started to turn to the north to follow the northern pathway to the east. The man turned with me, confronting me. I did not quite know what to say to him, and i started to feel annoyed with him. I stopped to talk to him, telling him something that seemed rather complicated and obscure. He seemed confused. I told him that i was not interested in his daughter, and i said something about the pilot of the airplane. I could see to the northeast now, but we seemed to be over the ground, on a ledge on the eastern side of a tall building. I could see out over the white grid of buildings to the northeast. Thin black lines ran between the buildings, and something about the perspective seemed to be changing, even though we were not moving. I spoke to the man, trying to explain what i was thinking. Something seemed to be changing around us, though.

12012 November 02

I moved around near the building, which seemed to be the garage at my parents’ house. The other people were to the south of the garage as i talked to them. It had something to do with time travel. I was trying to figure out the situation. Something kept recurring because of the way things moved backward through time. It seemed important to figure it out. I continued to think about as i left the others and headed to the west, looking down the street near the school. The street seemed to be $P1, and i seemed to me near $P71. The school was actually on the southern side of the road, and i looked to the southwest of where i was, across the grassy lawn. I knew that the road had originally run where the lawn was now. This had something to do with time travel. I passed over the lawn, telling someone that the road to the school had been different. I mentioned the school name, calling it $P203. I imagined traveling back in time to the fifties, where i could see the road as it was. I was still moving over the grass, and i focused now at the space area to the south, where i thought that the original road connected to the main street, which was to the south of me. The main road ran along the southern side of the grassy area, just on the other side of a short chain-link fence. The fence looked old and worn. I headed toward the area where the old driveway from the school seemed to connect to the main road. I saw the area where the curb on the street was lowered, and i realized that it must have been because of the driveway. As i headed toward it, i tried to picture how the asphalt drive came to the road. The driveway was running almost east to west here, parallel to the road. I stopped just to the north of an opening in the chain-link fence. The sidewalk was asphalt, and ran parallel to the road. The opening must be where the old entrance to the driveway was, and the asphalt sidewalk was part of the driveway to the school, which was to the east. It was narrow, but i knew that roads were narrower back then. I turned to the north, noticing that $P71 was just to the northwest of me. The old road entrance must have allowed people to drive into both schools from the same entrance.

12012 November 03

I moved to the east, toward the couch, which was on the southern wall of the rectangular room. The room seemed to be on the northern side of the small house. The other person was still standing in the doorway in the western end of the southern wall, to the west of me, as we spoke about the animal. I pictured it as a gremlin-like creature. It was only about a half meter tall, with gray skin. It had a squat wide head with large pointed ears and a long crooked nose. It looked like the imp from _Looking for Group_, but i referred to it as a gremlin when i spoke to the other person. The woman was describing it as an animal, and i pictured it for a moment to the north of me, reclined to the east on its left side. It seemed to have a red feather boa over its right arm. I then thought that the feathers were actually not part of clothing, but the feathers of the creature. I thought that no one actually knew what the creature looked like, so it could easily have had feathers. I reclined on the couch near the southern wall, imagining the gremlin curling up near me like a pet. It could have been related to birds. I remembered that the dinosaurs were related to birds, and could have had feathers. This idea seemed strange, though. This creature was not a dinosaur. I wondered how it could also be related to birds. I decided that it could simply have developed something like primitive feathers for warmth. The woman to the east of me said something about the creature, which started wandering around on the floor of the room. It now seemed like a cat. I sat on the couch, looking at the reflections in the darkened window in the northern wall. The window filled the entire wall. The woman was to the west of me, trying to pet the cat, but the gray cat ran underneath the couch that i was sitting on, heading east. The woman walked in front of me, to the eastern end of the couch. She tried to grab the cat, but it seemed anxious and scared. I saw it walk out the eastern end of the sofa. The woman sat down to the east of me and tried to pick up the gray tabby cat. The animal tried to run to the east, but could not get away. Something was upsetting the cat, and i started to feel sorry for it. The woman could not quite get the cat, and i reached out to try to pet it. It was distracted, trying to escape from the room. It ran to the door in the eastern end of the southern wall and tried to push through it. It was hiding in the corner of the room, afraid of the people here. I felt sorry for it, and i stood up to open the door and let it escape. The gray tabby had a white belly as it paced back and forth in front of the door. I wanted to hold it and comfort it, but i knew that it was too upset and would probably bite or scratch me. I opened the western end of the door a little and the cat ran out. I referred to the cat by calling it “Shiggy”, and the woman to the west of me seemed to be $A539.

I was driving the car to the east, down the rural road. The tan or yellow land around me was flat to the south, but had a steep short cliff just to the north of the road. The road seemed to curve, but i was always traveling to the east. I realized that my seatbelt seemed to be in a strange location across my chest. I tried to adjust it, but something seemed out of place. The brown seatbelt was suspended from two rectangular loops on the ceiling, one to either side of the steering wheel. The brown straps came from somewhere over my head, ran through the loops on the ceiling, and then came down across my chest. This configuration did not seem correct, and i did not feel comfortable driving the car this way. I realized that the straps did not actually separate me from the steering wheel. If i stopped suddenly, i would slide between the straps and hit the steering wheel. I looped my arms around the straps on the sides of me, getting them to cross my chest so that they would hold me in the seat. They seemed awkwardly spaced, and i was not quite sure i had them correctly. I felt a little nervous about driving like this. A car was approaching me from the southeast. It was heading straight to the west, but a curve in the road ahead turned to the southeast and then east. I passed the car carefully, but then decided that i would have to fix the straps on my chest. This was not correct. I was sitting in the driver’s seat of the car, which was now facing west. I turned to the north and then to the east. I was actually turning the car, which was actually in the driver’s seat of the car. I drove the car between the two front seats and into the back seat. I stopped in the back seat, facing south. I realized that the car i was in would not easily fit into the backseat of the car. I could no longer easily maneuver. I opened the door to the south of me and drove my car out of it. I was aware of traffic coming from the east and southeast. I was now in an urban area, with tall buildings around me. The wide multi-lane road came from the east, but made a sharp corner to the south about ten meters to the east of where i pulled on to the street. I felt nervous about cars coming from the east, so i quickly pulled into the middle lane and started driving west. I had been to this place many times before. I knew that i would have to turn to the north at the intersection, which was just to the west of me. I steered into the northern lane of the road, cautious of any cars that might be coming from behind me. The light seemed to be green, so i made the turn without stopping. I hoped that the light was actually green. I was not quite sure. I turned to the north. The street ahead of me made a sharp turn to the west about fifty meters ahead, but i knew that i would have to turn into a narrow passageway on the eastern side of the road. As i started to the north, i could see the tall red brick building with the tan stone archways on the bottom. The four square columns at the base of the building created three archways. I was supposed to drive in to the first archway on the south, but i had driven past it already. I seemed to be moving quickly, so i turned into the second archway. As i did, i saw a young boy running out of the archway. I felt very nervous, watching several other pedestrians walking from the east, out of the archway and onto the street. I felt as though i was going too fast, but i could not seem to slow down. I turned quickly to the north again and started driving through a corridor of archways. The building opened up to the north, and i knew that this was the train station. The trains would be stopped on the eastern side of the platform, which was somewhere ahead of me. I had come to this place in the past, and was doing it again.

12012 November 04

I had left the event, and was now relaxing. The event seemed to have been a lecture or presentation of some kind, but it was taking a break between sessions. I sat on the southern side of the large room, which seemed like a cafe. The gray ground under me was a ledge, and was about two or three meters above the ground. The ledge sloped down slightly form the southern wall. The walls of the room seemed dark, and the audience was standing to the north, on the lower level. A woman was kneeling on the ledge to the east of me. She had long pale blond hair and was singing. A spotlight shined down on her. She seemed to be Duffy, and she was singing the song “Mercy”. It sounded nice, and i started to sing along. I then realized that i was no the stage with her, so i started to feel uncomfortable for singing the song along with her. I looked out over the audience to the north. A man was standing below me in the crowd. He looked at me as though he was not quite sure what i was doing there. I backed up the slope of the ledge a little. At first, the ledge seemed to have extended from the upper level of the building, which was a regular floor to the south, but now it seemed to be a sloped ledge that was only three or four meters deep. I realized that the end was sloping rather steeply down toward the audience now. I must have been too close to the edge. The extra weight was making the foam ledge sink on the northern end. I leaned back a little, trying to get away from the edge. The young man was now to the west of me, on the ledge. He complained that i was taking up too much of the space. I had already decided that i would back up, so i slid backward up the slope, to the south. The man moved to the east a little, tipping the ledge farther down to the north. I could no longer prevent the slope from tipping by moving back because the others were simply adding too much weight to the ledge. I stood up and walked to the south, to the top of the slope, which met up with the second floor of the building. A short all ran across the western side of the ledge, and round vertical poles ran from the top of the wall to the ceiling. An open space was to the east of the short wall, and i walked through this space and into the large cafeteria to the south. $G4 were crowding around the tables of the cafeteria. We had just come from a large event, which seemed to have taken place to the south or southeast. I felt excited to be here, and i seemed to be running this event. People moved around, talking with each other. A man then jogged from the south, stopping on the eastern side of the area to chat with a woman and someone else. The southern wall of the room seemed to be the metal service counter of the cafeteria. To the east, the room had no wall. It instead spread out into a tan field of dry hay. The hazy blue sky made the scene very nice. The dirt road ran to the south, along the eastern side of the room. The man had jogged up the road from the south before he stopped to talk to the others. To the south, i could see an overhanging tent extending from the eastern side of the building. A woman sat at a desk under the sagging white tent roof. A woman suddenly stood up to the west of me, asking me if anyone had seen her father. I suddenly remembered that she had asked me about the man before. The older man had been with us on the trail that we were running. The woman asked if we had found him on trail earlier, but i had forgotten to check on him again. She stood on the western side of the long table to the west of me. She had chest-length straight blond hair, and she was very upset and worried about her father. I felt suddenly concerned myself. I turned to the south and headed toward the man, who had just come up the dirt road again with someone else. I asked them about the older man. We had come running from somewhere to the south. I worried that the older man could have gotten lost in the forest where we had been running. I asked the others if they had found him, but they did not answer. We had to go looking for the man. I felt bad for not remembering to check on him at the end of the run. We had to find the man. This situation seemed very urgent now. I started walking to the south down the road when i noticed the strange pale lines in the sky. An airplane seemed to be flying across the southern sky, to the southwest. It left a thin white vapor trail behind it, but i knew that it was not a normal vapor trail. As i looked at the strangely colored sky, i could see that the lines formed a grid across the sky. The colors of the sky seemed oddly glowing, as though the colors were being inverted to a negative image. I tried to focus on the sky, asking the others what was happening. Someone commented on the sky, saying that the fireworks had something to do with the election count. I noticed the white streaks of light reaching up into the air from the western side of the southern horizon. They formed columns of sparkling light, which burst into fireworks at the tops. I thought that each rocket marked a vote in the election.

12012 November 05

I stood over the water as the younger boys jumped into the lake. We were on the northern end of a lake, and the shore curved around the northern and western sides of us. The shore to the west was very close to us, and the northern shore seemed farther away. I looked down into the water to the southwest of me, seeing the details on the bottom very clearly. I seemed to be standing on a cement structure that stuck up from the water. I looked at a small patch of weeds growing on the sandy bottom of the lake to the southwest of me. The water seemed very clear, and i was interested in something about this area. The other boys seemed to be jumping into the water to the east and southeast of me, but they did not disturb the surface of the water that i was looking at. One of the boys climbed onto the platform to the southeast of me, saying something to me before jumping back into the water. I cautioned some of the boys not to dive. The water was rather shallow, and i knew that some of the structures were under water where the boys might be diving. I seemed to be a counselor of this group of boys. They seemed like Boy Scouts for a moment. I then realized that i had not been swimming and taking part of the fun. I wondered why i was not. I wondered why i was not swimming. It did not seem right. I started to think that i was not really part of this place. Something seemed strange about who i was here. I walked to the west, across the paved parking lot, to the south of the short building. The people here did not know exactly who i was. I seemed to be in a disguise. I had left the others and was walking back to the place that i was staying. I was wearing a black robe, which seemed like a bathrobe. It had a loose hood on it. I looked at my wrists, which were just outside of the robe’s sleeves. I noticed that i had thick bracelets on both of my wrists. The matching bracelets were mostly gold, with black jagged lines detailing them. The bracelets were formed of a round piece of metal, which had been curved into a C-shaped ring. The ends of the metal were rounded into drop-shaped knobs. Most of the band was about a centimeter round, but the middle of the C seemed to thicken into almost two centimeters. They had some significance to the character that i was portraying. I moved into the room on the northern side of the corridor, thinking that i should get out of the costume that i was wearing. The people here knew me as a man in drag, but they did not know who i really was. They were all fond of the female character that i was playing. I knew that they would not be able to recognize me if i did not have the costume and makeup on. I thought about the heavy blue makeup that i had on my eyes. It seemed to extend all the way up to my eyebrows, and seemed to be dark blue with silver details. I had the hood of the robe pulled up over my head as i continued to the west, passing a man. He stared at me as i passed. I hoped that the hood was covering the makeup so that he could not figure out who i really was. I had to get out of the costume. I pulled off some of the lighter jewelry that i was wearing. I looked down at my wrists as i took off the thin gold chains that i was wearing. I left the heavy gold bracelets on for now. I also seemed to be wearing many necklaces of different types. I would have to take all of them off. I looked at the heavy bracelets on my arms, thinking that they were actually very nice. Something seemed out of place here. I wondered why i had dressed like this originally. The character seemed odd, and i wondered why i had created the character in the fist place.

12012 November 06

I was in the small zeppelin with the others. This was the zeppelin i had imagined flying, and i was surprised to find that it was real. I chatted with the others as we flew to the east, over the continents. It seemed that we had taken off from Australia, and i tried to describe the flight to the others to the east of me. I knew that the zeppelin could travel very fast, and i tried to explain this to the other person. The man to the south of me then asked whether it could travel greater than mach one. I shook my head and said that it could not, adding that the air chamber above us would be unstable at those speeds. The man moved near the control panel, which was in front of the eastern wall. I explained how the zeppelin could move very fast, and i felt the acceleration as we started moving quickly to the east. We had passed over part of North America. I looked down to the northeast to see the hazy blueish-brown landscape move under us. We were actually quite high up. As we spoke, i realized that we had traveled across the ocean from Australia to North America in a short time. I thought that we should now be moving over Europe. I explained this to the person to the west of me, thinking that we really should be coming up on Asia. I looked down at the landscape, trying to figure out where we were. It should be somewhere near India or China. As we spoke, though, i thought that we were still somewhere near the eastern side of North America. The other person asked about how high and how fast we could travel. I looked to the west, noticing that we were actually flying low over some grassy hills. It seemed strange that we had come down so low. I then realized that we were following a long straight road to the top of the hill. The hill to the east of us was directly ahead of us. We would have to climb in elevation again to get over it. I started to feel worried, realizing that we were too low. I moved toward the control panel, telling the other that we would have to fill the air chamber with helium to lift us. Trees stood on both sides of the road we were moving over, and their tall twisted white branches reached over the top of the road. I felt afraid that we would run into them as we rose. I was nervous as i pulled up on the leavers, watching the front of the ship lift up. The trees still seemed to be over us, and i worried that we would run into them. I felt tense as i watched the branches of the trees moved closer to us. I started to wonder how we had gotten so low to the ground. I pressed the metal button on the small box to the east of me. The button seemed to be on the end of a ribbed flexible metal tube. When i pressed it, i could hear the sound of air rushing into the compartment overhead. I also felt the acceleration of the vehicle. We were climbing again. I let go of the button for a moment, and i felt that we were descending again. A second metal button was to the east of the first. The second button was flat on the wooden surface, while the first still stuck up a little at the end of a metal tube. I pressed the second and then let it go. When i let it go, i heard a hissing sound. The helium must be leaking out of the elevator ballasts. The button was not working properly. I told this to the others, feeling tense about the situation. I pressed the second button, holding it down so that we did not lose any more gas. I then looked out the window. We were still heading over the road that ascended the shallow hill to the east. The road was much wider now, and no trees were on the sides. We still seemed to be too low. I worried that we would not have enough gas to fly back to where we started. If it had been leaking out, we would no longer be able to fly above the ground. A tractor-trailer was driving down the hill, toward us. We were moving along the southern side of the road, so we were out of the tractor trailers way. I still felt nervous, thinking that we had to get the zeppelin back up into the air. As the large truck moved to the north of us, i imagined a wind pushing the zeppelin to the north. The long tail of the zeppelin turned to the north, crossing in front of the truck, which was still moving to the north of us. I imagined it hitting the front of the truck. I knew that this would cause the zeppelin to spin around in the other direction. I looked to the southwest, at the others in the control room with me. A house was on the southern side of the road near us. It was down a short hill of cut grass from the road.

I was in the room with the others as they talked. Something had been going on, and i was moving to the west, across the southern side of the room. The people here seemed like $G3, and i knew a few of them. I could not focus on the conversation though. I felt like i had done something i should not have done, and i was a little embarrassed about it. The person to the west of me mentioned the wind chimes. I was still holding them. I put them down on the table, trying to untangle them. The wind chimes formed a flat surface, which was shaped like a bell. The thin wire frame curved around the outside of the form, and also formed several smaller bell-shaped areas within. White oval chips hung from the frames. They produced the sound of the chimes when they hit together. I looked at the chimes on the table, and was then watching myself sit to the north of me, arranging the chimes on the table. It seemed that there were other sets of chimes, but i had to do something with this one.

I had just undressed in the locker room and had to take a shower. The corridor to the shower rooms ran from the northern end of the western wall, to the northwest of me. I seemed to be in the locker room earlier than normal, so i thought that the showers would be free. I heard someone else changing to the west of me, though, in another aisle of the locker room. I recognize the voice. He was one of the runners from $G1. I felt a little annoyed, knowing that they would take up the first shower room, which was on the eastern end of the northern wall of the corridor. I started toward the tiled corridor, hearing voices from the shower room. The white wooden door of the shower room was open a little. I walked past it and turned to the north, into the second shower room. I wondered if anyone would be in this other shower room. To my surprise, it was empty. I moved to the shower on the northern end of the western wall of the square room. The pale tiles of the walls seemed old and dingy. I turned the metal handle below the showerhead, and i felt water splashing on my back. I realized that the handle actually went to the showerhead in the eastern wall. I tried to hang my towel over the second showerhead from the north on the western wall, but the head did not seem to be there. Annoyed, i turned to the east and tried to adjust the shower. The water was not coming out quickly enough. This shower was not working correctly, and i felt annoyed with it. I turned it off and tried the shower in the middle of the eastern wall. It did not work, so i moved to the south. As i turned the next one on, i realized that i could see through the wall behind the showerhead. The showerhead was in the southern end of the eastern wall, and it was positioned in the middle of a round hole, where a fan blew air from the south into the room. The water only trickled out of the showerhead. A small chamber was just to the south of the southern wall, between the shower room and the corridor. It was an empty space, and fans were supposed to keep pressure in the area so that the air forced the water into the shower rooms. I looked through the dingy screen of the fan in the eastern end of the southern wall, seeing the gray dusty chamber beyond. The fans were not working properly, so the water was not flowing properly. I moved to the west to try another showerhead, but i noticed that it was in a hold with a fan as well. I knew that none of these would work. I felt annoyed because i could not find a showerhead that worked properly in this room. I thought that i would have to try the next shower room. I then seemed to find a working shower to the west. It was not great, but it would do.

12012 November 08

I looked down at my abdomen and noticed a strange bulge just below my abdomen, on the center of my pelvis. I thought that this might be a small area of fat, but, when i touched it, i noticed that it seemed more like a dense area under my skin. The area was round, and i started to worry that it was something bad. I pressed it, realizing that it was probably a cyst, and i thought it could be a salt deposit or water cyst. I rubbed it. It was about a deci wide, and i was annoyed that i had it. I wondered how i could get rid of it. I then looked farther down, into my groin. I noticed a red knob on the left side of my penis, near the base. I felt upset by this, thinking that it might be a tumor. I looked at it more closely, realized that it was actually on a small hanging piece of skin. The piece of skin stuck out from my body, but was not cut. It just looked like a bulge. All of this seemed very strange, and i wondered what it was.

12012 November 09

I was moving to the west as the man to the south of me talked about the land prices in Texas. He was talking about the theft that had occurred in the large bank. It seemed like something important, and he said that the land prices in Texas had fallen because of the theft. The prices of the land seemed to be very low now, and i thought that it would be a great time to buy land. I wondered if others would be buying land in Texas in order to make a profit. I then wondered if $A620 would take advantage of the falling land prices to move some investment money into Texas land. I thought about this as i moved around the patio, which seemed to be on a small hilltop to the west of urban area. The man to the south of me moved around the off-white hot tub, which was on the flagstones of the patio to the south of me. The lid was on the tub, and the man was putting small rocks on the center of the lid. As he stepped backward to the west, i noticed that he had also put stones on the bluish-white steps that led up to the tub. He was setting a trap. I knew that the stones would make the stairs hard to ascend. The stones would keep the other person from getting into the hot tub. I wondered if the stones would make the other person fall. When the other person stepped on the stones, the stones would slip out from under him, and he would fall back down the three or four steps of the stairs. The first man backed away, and the other man was coming. The second man chatted with me as he put one foot on the step. He then moved his right leg up and put it on the top edge of the hot tub, stepping over the rest of the steps. He did not seem to notice the trap, and he had stepped to avoid the problem. The man was wearing a black leather jacket and underwear. He did not have a shirt on underneath the jacket. He had smooth skin across his torso, and he seemed somewhat attractive. I was interested in him, thinking that he was actually someone famous. He walked into the hot tub and sat down, chatting with me about something. This was all part of a movie. He seemed nice to talk to, but i felt a little uncomfortable around him. I moved to the south, getting into the hot tub as well. I wanted to continue chatting with him. I continued chatting for a little while, aware that the others had started walking up the hill to the south. The man seemed to have walked left with the others too. I stayed in the water for a little while, wondering what i should do. I then moved to the east, leaving the small park area where the tubs had been and coming out onto the street. The area to the east of the street seemed to be urban, with apartment buildings lining the street. The street ran up a shallow hill to the south, and i could see the small group of four or five people reaching the crest of the hill, about a hundred meters away. I started swimming up the street to the south. I then paused for a moment, treading water on the western side of the street. The street now seemed to be very pale, and the ground to the west was white. I thought that snow might have fallen. A police car turned the corner near the crest of the hill to the south of me and headed toward me. I watched it drive down the street toward me. I then realized that the water i was swimming in was somewhat cold. It was the right temperature for swimming, because the motion would keep someone warm, but it was too cold to stand around in. I decided that i would have to continue swimming to the south to stay warm. I started swimming to the south again, up the slope of the street. After a moment, i was walking on the western side of the wide street, heading south.

12012 November 10

I jogged to the west with $A636. We were giggling about something as we ran up the narrow stairway and came out on the eastern side of the long narrow room, which seemed like the room in the top floor of $P19. $A636 stopped just inside the room, turning to the desk that was against the southern wall of the room. He put the green square object on the desk. I knew that it had something to do with marijuana. We had been eating brownies or cookies that had marijuana in them, and we were following the others on some kind of running event. Once he had put the food on the metal desk, we continued to the west a little before turning to the south and heading down the corridor. I knew that the other runners were running a more difficult course to the south of us. They were on a longer course because they were fast runners. I did not think that i could keep up with them, but i felt happy, and i wanted to jog on the longer course for a while. I turned to the west and started jogging along the road. The narrow road curved sharply to the south, just to the west of me. The land to the west and southwest was forested, and seemed to rise steeply to the southwest. The road ran uphill only slightly to the west, but i could see a higher part of the road to the west-southwest, about five meters above me, on the hill. $A590 ran around the corner on the upper part of the road. He was one of the fast runners. I knew that $F57 would be here as well. I jogged near them for a moment as we moved through the southern part of the building. We seemed to be turning to the south and then east in the forested area, but were in the damp basement. The cement room was poorly lighted as we ran down the length of it. This was in the same house that we had been in before. I thought about the drugs we had left on the desk upstairs, which seemed to be on the crest of a hill, where the dirt trail ran east to west. $A590 ran past me and headed up the long flight of steps that ran up the western wall of the room, near the northern end. I started after him, thinking that i should go to the top floor and get the rest of the brownie. I had only eaten part of it, and i thought that i should eat the rest so that i could get some intoxication effect before i ran too much farther. I then started to worry that $A636 might have eaten the rest of the brownies without me. I felt concerned about this. I should get up to the bedroom to eat the rest before i ran too much farther.

I moved to the center of the room, sitting down in the wooden armchair, which faced north. Some of the other people from the theater were with me. They seemed to be actors and stage people. $F42 stood to the north of me. He had a book open in his left hand, and he was reading something from it. He looked around at us and asked us what we thought the first myth was. Some people suggested some early myths, and i suggested the myth of Atlantis. I then thought the myth was not really that old. We could only trace it back to Plato. $F42 looked into the book, turning a few pages. He then said that i was incorrect. He read the book and mentioned the data 1818. I felt confused by this. The myth was older than Plato, but even Plato’s mention of it seemed older than 1818. $F42 continued looking at the book as he sat in the chair to the east of me. I felt confused, thinking that i should correct him and claim that the myth of Atlantis was older than 1818. I felt uncomfortable making such a definitive statement, though, so i only said that i did not believe that the book was quite right. $A461 was sitting to the northwest of me, in another chair. He smiled at me as i leaned back into the chair, feeling uncomfortable. The others continued talking, and i looked to the west, at the orange and black threads that were on the western wall of the room. The threads had various shades of orange and red, which formed the shapes of sail rigging between a two-mast ship. We were on a sailboat. I looked more closely at the strings on the wall. They formed the shape of a few dark masts, as well as the road that ran diagonally from the masts to the deck. The entire image gave the impression that we were near a tropical shore, in a docking slip. I focused on a set of threads that ran diagonally from the lower south to the upper north. Several of them ran parallel, and they formed a blurry image of a single rope, which was one of the rigging lines of the sailboat. I realized that the strings were colored to create a complete picture. More than one string was required to generate the gradients of the true image. If only a few strings were used, the image would seem to have sharp choppy edges where the lines crossed. I moved away from the image of the mast and rigging ropes again, thinking how the string art worked to create the illusion of a real shore. A woman then boarded the ship from the west, coming from the northwest of me. She stepped onto the deck and walked to the north of us. She had a large blanket, which she opened up and held up for us to see. She seemed to have a question about it as she showed it to us. The blanket seemed to be pale blue, with yellow bands running across the center. The banding reminded me of dresses from the sixties, with short and long bands of various thicknesses. Some seemed to overlap like wide loose ruffles. I thought i would joke about wearing the garment, saying that it sparkled. I then noticed a second woman standing to the northwest of the first. She was wearing a dull-yellow dress that had the same pattern design in white as the blanket. I pointed this out to the others, trying to make fun of the duplicate pattern. The others immediately started singing, as if replying to the statement that i had made. It was a form of joke, and they were reciting the joke song, which was triggered by what i had said. They all looked at me as they sang, and $F42 and $A461 were leaning in toward me, smiling as they sand. I felt that they were teasing me, and i started to feel uncomfortable. I did not feel like i belonged with these people, and this upset me. I leaned back into the chair, not sure what to do.

I turned to the south, following some of the other people, who were collecting to the south of me. Something felt wrong. I realized that i had turned black, and i had large round spots down the center of my torso. It had something to do with a contagion, and i worried that we had been infected. I looked at the people huddler to the south of me. Many of them were covered with tight black clothing as well, and many of the suits had brightly colored spots. All of us were infected with the disease. I looked at some of the other costumes that people were wearing. A woman to the southwest of me seemed to have the face of a cat on her head. Other costumes had other designs that i recognized. To the east, some of the people resembled brightly colored frogs or amphibians. I felt concerned about this. I then noticed a man to the southeast of me, who had a bright blue triangle spanning his back. It had stitching running out from the bottom point of the triangle, fanning across the wider end of the triangle as it went up the back. The suit the man was wearing had wings that stretched between his torso and arms. He had a wide glove on his left hand, which looked like the padded feet of a tree frog. A similarly stitched green triangle on the back of his hand emphasized the width of the glove. I then realized that the green triangle seemed to have a yellow gun in it, as if it were a holster. This now seemed very strange. I did not understand how a disease could have put a gun in a holster. If the disease transformed our bodies, it should not have formed things on our bodies that were not part of our bodies. I wondered if all of the elaborate colors and patterns were just part of costumes, and not really caused by the disease. The man, who had been facing to the southeast, talking to someone, looked over his left shoulder, noticing the weapon in its sheath on his left hand. He too now realized that something was strange about these costumes. He pulled a short knife out of his costume. The others around him started to realize that the effects of the disease were superficial and artificial. I asked the people around me why we did not simply take off the clothing. The people started peeling off the costumes, realizing with surprise that they could simply be rid of them. I looked down, noticing that the black webbing between my legs was easy to remove. I could see my bare legs under the costume as i tore it off. I worried for a moment that i would not have anything on underneath, thinking that it would probably be inappropriate for me to be walking around in my underwear. As i turned to the west and peeled off a layer of clothing, i noticed the bright-yellow swimming trunks that i was wearing under the costume. I commented on them to the woman who was standing to the south of me. The woman pulled off her costume. The people around us had started heading to the north, and only a few of us were left standing in the middle of the large department store. I turned to the north and started to follow the others out. A rounded man in a brown business suit came from the northwest, scowling at the people as he watched them wander north. He seemed flustered about something, and he asked what we were doing. The woman with me passed me on the east, telling the man that we were leaving the store. I knew that he was a manager here, and he was upset that we had decided to leave the store. He was angry with us, and said something to us. I felt annoyed with the man, and complained that he was grumpy. I knew my attitude would be insulting to him, and i intended it that way. The woman then told him that he would have no one for his store anymore, implying that it was his own fault. I turned back to the south and took a few quick steps to where i had taken off my costume. I had to grab something from the floor. I then hurried out to the north, thinking that i should take things with me. I looked at the items in my hand as i left the room and approached the round dinner table in the next room. A person was sitting on the western side of the table as i approached. Some of my relatives were in the room with me. I had a few exacto knives in my hand. I had taken them from where i was, and i wondered if i should really be taking them with me, because i knew that they were not mine. I thought that i should leave one here and only take one. The woman stood on the north side of the table as i approached. The table was covered with a white tablecloth, and it had a few items on it. I felt confused looking at the things in my hands. I thought that i would leave the extra pieces on the table as i left. I noticed the cutlery on the table, though. Two knives, which looked like nice silver knives with thick handles, were on the table. I felt confused, and said in a partial question that the knives should stay on the table. I then noticed the carving knives on the northern side of the table. I wondered if i should take them with me as well. I walked to the northeast, realizing that i was carrying the silverware and both the exacto knives with me. I rolled the items from my right hand into my left, trying to figure out what i should do with them. My grandmother started walking with me, saying that we should pack my things into the car. I had left some of my things with her. We walked north across her dining room. I looked out the window to the east, noticing a red van in the driveway. It seemed to be parked rather close to the house. My grandmother looked at it for a moment, and then said that enough room was between the van and the house for $K18 to drive her van in. I realized that my grandmother had moved my things to $K18’s house. This annoyed me. I did not understand why she simply did not leave them in her garage. We exited the house and turned to the east, to head to the front door of my grandmother’s garage. As i started to the east, i heard something behind me and turned to the west. $X3 was on a leash near the back porch. He ran to the end of the leash and barked for attention. He seemed concerned about something, and his bark sounded horse. I suddenly felt as though we had forgotten about him. He must have been tied up out here for a while. My mother was inside, and she must have forgotten he was here. I wondered if she had fed him. I would have to bring him food and water when we were done in the garage. I felt upset and agitated. I turned to the north, into the garage. My grandmother had been carrying a platter of something that looked like hamburgers. She complained about something on the plate, saying that it would all go. I was annoyed, thinking that i did not want all of the food on the platter. I did not want to have to take extra stuff with me when i packed my car. She seemed upset and threw out one of the items from the center of the tray. This made me upset at her. I felt very angry, and i pulled the rest of the food off of the tray, dumping it on the floor. I scolded her, saying that it was all wasted now, and i strode off to the south, leaving her in the garage.

12012 November 11

I turned to the east and walked toward the others. They were rehearsing a play in the large room of this building. The man was talking about the necklace, which was supposed to be a prop in the play. He wanted to know how he was going to use it. He seemed annoyed with the necklace, and he did not want to use it as a prop. He said that we did not need it. He mentioned the script as he talked, saying that it was the author’s choice to put the necklace in the play. Others agreed that the author wanted the necklace to be included in the play. I was a little annoyed with the conversation, so i said that we did not need the necklace as a prop. I told $A638 that we would not use it as a prop. I said that we would have the actors only refer to it with their lines. $A638 liked that idea. I started to move around then, finding myself in an outdoor area. Many of the building around me seemed to be old stone structures, and several of them seemed to be very large churches or cathedrals. I remembered being near one before. I had been walking around this place, which i seemed to be visiting. I thought that i had come to this city for a conference. This city seemed to be in a foreign country. I then thought that the conference was being held in a building near on of the large churches. I thought about this city. It seemed to be a city in France, but i was not sure. I moved through the city now, moving to the northeast as i looked at the old building. I admired the nice architecture, but i thought that i had to get to the train station to catch our train. I felt a little rushed, thinking that we had been walking around the city until the last minute. However, $F45 did not want to go to the station to get the ticket right now. This seemed strange to me, so i followed him through the city streets. A large tan stone building was to the south of us now as we walked west. $F45 said that he wanted to buy the tickets with a credit card. He turned around as he walked ahead of me and handed me some money. It was american money, and i thought that it would not work in France. I felt annoyed with $F45. I just wanted to buy the tickets at the station so that i knew that we could get on the train. I was upset with $F45 for being so stubborn. I worried that we would miss the train, and i could not understand why we did not just go to the station to buy the tickets. We could easily buy them at the station. $F45 then turned to me and handed me a brown leather wallet. I looked at the wallet as i took it, noticing that it had foreign money in it. I would be able to use the foreign money, and i thought that i should use it to buy a ticket anyway. I felt upset with $F45 as we continued to the west. We then turned to the south, heading into the large building, which was the train station. We headed across the large room inside, which seemed to be where the platforms were. The train tracks ran east to west across the floor, and we walked across them to the to the southern side of the room. $F45 was angry with me for questioning him, and he grumpily told me to get off of the tracks. I was still walking across the black floor inside the station. White lines ran east to west across the floor, marking the spots where the trains would come. I moved to the south of the white line that marked the edge of the tracks, putting my bag down on the floor near me. This place seemed more like a subway station now. I leaned against the pale southern wall to wait for the train. I thought that we would have to pay for the train ticket on the train. I then remembered that this was not how it worked. We would actually have to get off at the next station to buy a ticket there before we continued. This did not seem like a good idea, and i felt frustrated by it. I wanted to go upstairs in this building to the main ticket office and buy a ticket for the train. I did not understand why we had to get on the train without getting a ticket here. I felt very upset, but i stood near the wall, waiting for the train.

12012 November 12

I walked to the south, down the central aisle of the large department store. Several others were walking with me as we walked through the old building. The walls in the distance of the store seemed dingy and worn. We came near the southern end of the store, and the floor sloped upward toward the glass doors in the southern wall. I felt rushed to get out of the store, because something was happening here. A panic seemed to be spreading through the crowd to the north, and i felt that we might not be safe here. We would have to get out of the building as soon as we could. The sloped corridor ran from the southern end of the store to the doors, and i moved along the western wall of the corridor as i reached the southern end. Someone to the south of me now seemed panicked, and he turned to the others in the hallway and told them to run. I felt suspicious of what was happening. I thought that someone might be setting a trap for all of these people. I thought that the bad guys were trying to capture people in the store to take hostages. Several people started running to the north, away from the doors and back into the center of the store. I climbed up onto the ledge, which ran near the top of the western wall. The ledge seemed to be a display shelf for some of the merchandise, but it was not being used in this part of the store. Others ran to the north under me. I then noticed the switches on the wall just to the south of me. They were set into a small square recessed area of the gray wall. I thought that they were part of the security system, and i turned some of them on and off, thinking that i would trigger an alarm. The sirens went off i the building. This would be a good distraction for the bad guys. The police then came in to the store from the doors to the south. I felt a little uneasy of them, but i moved to the south and ran out the door. I did not want to be caught here. I then realized that the police might be trapping people in the building to make the scene more dangerous. I worried that they wanted to cause confusion in the crowd and that they wanted people to panic and run into the danger. I could not let them stop me, so i ran out the door and then started to fly upward. They would not be able to catch me if i flew upward and over the building to the north. I hoped that i could get out of sight before they could start following me.

12012 November 13

Someone in the crowd was asking me about working as a writer. I felt a little confused, knowing that i had not been employed as a writer before. The person seemed insistent that i had been working as a writer in Cortland. I tried to remember any job application i might have applied to in Cortland, but i was not aware of any. I knew that Cortland was to the north of me, and i tried to think of any job that i had applied to in that area. I then told the other person that i was not experienced in writing, so i would not have applied to a job as a writer. I would not have a resume to show them.

12012 November 14

I was with my parents in the room of the house, but i was thinking of something else that was happening. Something seemed to be happening around me, and it seemed to involve a medical emergency. I felt curious, but then i thought about what i would have to do. I wanted to find out what was going on, but i had to get to my class at the university soon. I had been missing my classes, and i felt upset about that. I wanted to learn in the class, but i had not been there enough. I had to leave this room, so i walked to the west, across the college campus. The building around me were modern, but were made of stone. I walked through the narrow passes between the large building to the south of me and the smaller buildings to the north. I was upset about my classes and wondered why i had been missing them. I came across the second floor of my parents’ house. I stopped just to the east of my parents’ bedroom, looking in at the large room. The bed was against the northern wall. A dog was standing near the foot of the bed, looking at me. It seemed to be a small dog. I had not seen this dog before, and i thought that my parents had just gotten it. I looked at the bed, which as covered with a dull-orange bed spread. The old dog was sleeping on the bed with two cats. It looked like a smaller dog as well. I was surprised to see all of the animals here. I had not known that they had new animals in the house. I continued up the stairs to the north to get to my bedroom. My bedroom was on the third floor of the house. I turned to the west, heading into the northern side of the bedroom. I put my things down near the northern wall of the room, noticing a raised section to the southwest of me. This was a new section of room. The room was rectangular, but a rounded area filled the center of the western side. Walls surrounded the southern and eastern sides of the rounded area. This was a new section of the room, and i had not been here before. I stepped up the northern side of the area and walked in. A bed was in the southwestern side of the area, against the western wall. The furnishings here were white, and they all seemed very new. I noticed a new desk on the northern end of the western wall. I then noticed a guitar rack to the north of me, on the short northern wall that was to the west of the stairs. It had a guitar in it, and i was interested in the instrument. I walked over to it, admiring how new it looked. I then realized that it only had four strings, so i thought that it must be a bass guitar. It had a shiny red body, and i liked the way it looked. As i looked it over, i realized that it really only had three strings running up the neck. At first, i thought that it must be missing a string, but then i realized that the neck only had room for the three strings. This seemed rather strange. I realized that the top part of the neck was actually for the lower notes. The three thickest strings ran to the top of the neck. A fourth string started near the middle of the neck. This string seemed to be thin lightest string for the high notes. As i touched the guitar, though, i realized that it was not a real instrument. It was just for display. This disappointed me a little. I then noticed several of the other instruments here. I was relieved that several of them seemed real. I looked around the room. String instruments seemed to be everywhere. I noticed the mandolin on the eastern side of the white bed to the south of me. I thought that i should keep that one because the mandolin i had was not that good. I picked up the mandolin and looked it over. It had many strings on it. I strummed them to see what they sounded like. I then started plucking them with my fingers. The instrument was nice, and i wanted to keep it. I then heard my mother coming up the stairs from the northeast. I quickly put the instrument down. I would have to pretend to be doing something else. I thought that i should be sleeping here. Instead, i stood near the couch on the northern wall of the small area, where the instrument racks had been. I could hear my mother walking to the south in the room around me. I headed out of the small enclosed area, heading down the step to the northern part of the bedroom. I started to worry about my classes again. I had not been attending the lectures, and i felt bad about this again. I worried that i would get a bad grade in the glass because i had not been attending. I started to feel anxious. I had some exams coming up, but i had not prepared for them. I then started to worry that i had not read the books. I wondered if i should go to the exams without reading the books. It did not seem worthwhile, but i felt that i should do it anyway.

12012 November 15

I was with $A14 in the small office. He was talking to me about something as he turned to the north, motioning me to follow him. I walked to the north after him. He started talking about something, but the topic seemed strange and out of place. He stopped and looked at me as he spoke, standing to the west of me now. He started talking about other people, which seemed to be a suddenly different conversation than he had just been having. I started to feel worried and thought that something was wrong with him. His topics were becoming non sequitur, and i wondered if he had had a stroke. I felt very concerned for him, and i wondered what i should do. He turned to the north to talk to some others. I was not sure something was wrong, but i felt that he was not acting normally, so i wondered what i should do.

12012 November 16

I was talking to the children in the outdoor area, which seemed to be part of a campground. The patches of green grass and worn trails ran between the small brown buildings. The children were joking about something. The pudgy boy got upset suddenly about something that was said, and he headed to the north, into one of the buildings. I felt a little bad about this, but i started wandering around the area, looking at the buildings. The others i had been with headed to the west, leaving the large cabin that we were in. I headed out the emergency exit, which was in the eastern wall of the building. Outside, i started walking to the north, noticing the construction area around several of the cabins. A long low building ran to the west of me, and several small square buildings were arranged to the east. At the southern end of the grounds, a long building ran east to west. The building to the south and one to the east were surrounded by yellow caution tape. It marked the construction areas. The small building to the east was only framework on the southern and western sides, so i was able to see through part of it. I thought that these open cabins were really apartments. I looked at the apartments to the west, seeing that the eastern wall of the building was missing here as well, allowing me to see the furnishings in the small apartments. I continued to the south, heading into the larger building, which had just been finished. The small rooms of the apartment were to the east and west of me, and they still seemed messy from construction. Scraps of wood were scattered on the floor. I moved to the east, into a kitchen area. The counter ran along the northern wall, with a dull-orange stove on the western side. I stopped and looked at the stove for a moment. It seemed like something from the seventies, but i knew that it was new to this place. One of the burner grills on the top was still wrapped in white styrofoam. A young girl was following me through the rooms. I paused in front of the stove, turning one of the burners on to see if it worked. After i turned it off, i noticed that a metal stick, which had been on the western side of the stove, was still on fire. Someone must have been cooking something on the stick. I looked at the stick, thinking that it would be a good stick for roasting marshmallows. The girl with me seemed delighted that the stick was burning, and she said that she wanted to cook something else. I told her that we should not. I then moved to the west, coming back into the wide area where i had been before. The others were no longer here. The people i had been with were special. They could change their shape to blend in with others. I continued to the west, heading into the crowd of people. I became aware that a woman to the south of me was staring at me as i passed through the crowd. I thought that the woman who was with me had changed into someone that the woman to the south recognized. This seemed very strange. I started heading to the south, realizing that i remembered this scene from before. I remembered walking through the crowd in this way. A man stumbled to the ground near the fence on the southern side of the western wall. I looked at the bar that was in front of the southern wall. The man had taken the shape of someone who had been to the bar before, so he would get in trouble if the bartenders recognized him. If he headed into the bar and was recognized, he would be in trouble. The scene then changed, and i was now in the bar, standing in the middle of the crowd in the center of the room. The people here were afraid. I realized that the man had taken over the bar with a gun. He was holding another man hostage. I could see the hostage to the south of me, under the eastern end of the counter. He was cowering under the counter, and he had long blond hair. The man with the gun was sitting on the east, to the south of the counter, holding the gun casually in his lap. The man with the gut told the others in the room to do various things. I thought that he actually would not hurt anyone here. It was not part of the plot. he was really a good guy. I knew that everyone in the bar would be surprised by the outcome of the events.

12012 November 17

I stood on the western side of the darkened bedroom, which seemed like a dormitory. A light was shining from a lamp on the western end of the southern wall, and i was moving my hands in the light, noticing the pattern that it was making on the eastern end of the northern wall. I moved my hands and saw that the light formed the shape of a skull on the wall. This was something special. I thought that i was supposed to shine the light in a specific direction. I moved to the northern end of the room, which was now the upstairs bedroom at my grandmother’s house. $A103 was lying on the bed that was against the eastern wall, with his head to the south. I shined the light at his face, trying to form the skull again. The light shined across his eyes, but it did not quite form the correct shape. I then wondered how i was able to shine the light in two different directions. A separate beam of light seemed to be shining to the west. I focused on the beam that was shining at $A103. I moved my hands until i got the light to from the shape of a skull. I knew that he would recognize the figure, but then i wondered how he would be able to see the skull in my hands when i was forming the figure in the light that shined across his face. He should only be able to see a glare of light in his eyes. I knew that he would see the skull, though. He opened his eyes and jerked in surprise as he saw the skull. I was wearing my bath road, and i stood up, pulling it over my face so that he could not see who i was. In a deep voice, i said “You have been marked.”, trying to sound mysterious. I then ran down the stairs, which descended to the east along the northern wall. I had to get away before he could see who i was. as i ran down the stairs, i could hear the robe flapping behind like a cape. I turned to the south downstairs and ran across the dining room and into the kitchen. I felt excited, and i thought that i had to hide before $A103 came down. I could not let him know that it was i. I then heard $A103 starting down the stairs behind me. I would not have time to get out of the room, so i took off the robe and stuffed it in the back of the lower shelf of the cabinet that was against the eastern end of the southern wall. $A103 could see me in the kitchen now, so i stood up, trying to pretend that nothing strange was happening. I hoped that he had not seen me putting the robe away. The kitchen now seemed to be on the southern side of the house. I looked back to see $A103 standing at the bottom of the stairs. He seemed to know it was i who had shined the light at him, but i pretended that it was not. He seemed rather upset, though, but i tried not to let him know that i had actually done it. It then seemed to be later, and i was walking to the east along $P86. $A103 was walking near me, and he said that i should have told him what i was doing. He seemed upset with me, but i tried not to admit to doing anything.

12012 November 18

I chatted with the person as i continued to the east, across the room of the house. It seemed that i had been talking to the other people for a while. I then heard the strange sound of people crying out in surprise and fear. I looked to the south to see the image of the feet moving across the rocks. The rocks were tan, and they seemed to be in a dry desert area. The feet shuffled carefully across the rocks, crossing narrow gaps between the stones. Snakes were hidden in the cracks, and the people were trying to cross the area without being bitten. Something about the scene seemed ceremonial. The people let out another set of cautious moans, and i could see something moving under the rocks. The person to the west of me said something, and i turned my attention back to the room. We were getting ready to leave the house. Someone from the north passed a phonograph to the person to the west of me. I could see that it was The Magical Mystery Tour. I remembered the album from a long time ago. I then heard the sounds of people gasping again, and i turned my attention back to the screen. I could see the feet moving over the cracks again. This time, i was looking up from a crack as a bare foot passed over. I could see that the toes of the feet had been painted to look like snakes. The snakes seemed like cobras. I felt worried for the people, thinking that the poisonous snakes would bite them. The camera angle changed again, and i was looking at the feet from the side as they shuffled toward me from the west. I then saw a view of a foot from the crack again. I was looking up, hearing the hissing sound of snakes as a foot shuffled over the crack from the west. The front of the foot passed over the crack, and i could see the head of a snake where the toes should be. The snake appeared to be a cobra, but it was a crudely formed one. The snake was green, and the head was misshaped. A white forked tooth stuck out from the top of the snake’s open mouth. The people had decorated their feet to look like snakes so that the snakes in the rocks would not be so inclined to bite them. It was all part of the ritual. I was then looking at the feet from the side again, watching them move to the west of me. I still could not see any snakes, but i was worried about them. $A14 now seemed to be the person to the north of me, and he moved to the east. I had been looking at a screen to the south of me. I turned my attention to the east, where $A464 was standing in the small white entryway of the house, saying goodbye to one of the guests. The man handed her a large white booklet as he left. She held it to the west of her, and i could see that it was the insert for the album The Magical Mystery Tour. It had a white cover with black print on it. The design fanned upward from the center of the cover, and outlines of the four Beatles were in the center. They stood in a row, and their bodies seemed to form the letters in the center of the design. Someone had used crayon to draw designs in the open spaces that would have been the bodies. A purple bikini had been drawn over the right-most figure. $A464 held up the plastic bag, in which the large square booklet was contained. She asked me if i had ever seen it before. I knew that it was rare. I took the bag and opened the top of it, looking at the thickness of the book. I told her that it was the full twenty-four-page book from the album. I then added that i had a copy in one of my albums. She said something about it, and i told her that this was one of the original booklets. I said that they had been included in the first round of albums, but that they had not been included in albums after that. I looked down at the pages for a moment. I then looked back to the west, hearing the people gasp again as they moved over the rocks. This time, i saw a thick green object shoot up from one of the cracks. It stopped, but the head of it was out of the frame. I thought that it must be one of the snakes, but, as i looked at it, i noticed that it really looked like a segment of a crawling cactus. Two segments were sticking up from the rocks, stretching from the rocks to the northern edge of the frame. They did not seem like animals, and i was confused by their appearance. One of them then started moving again, as though being pulled farther up. It did not seem right. It was not a snake; it was a plant. I had expected to see some kind of asp or cobra.

12012 November 19

I moved to the north a little, thinking about the beach area where i was visiting. I had come here to see something. The area seemed dull and dark, looking like an over-exposed sepia photograph. I thought about the waves that were coming ashore. I could see the ocean to the east of me. It seemed that i had just left my relatives place to come here, so i thought that this was a beach in the southern United States. I turned to the south, looking at the beach. A wave was moving toward me from the ocean to the south. It seemed to wash quite a way up the shore toward me, and i thought that i might get my feet went. I backed to the north to stay out of its way, watching a small patch of seaweed roll over the sand in the foam. I turned back to the north, noticing that the ocean was also coming in from the east as well. Something had happened. The water had come in enough that i seemed to be on an island. I looked around the circular arena around me. I could see a ring of palm trees on the edge of the small sandy area. The ocean was washing in toward the trees from the north as well. I started to feel worried, thinking that the ocean had surrounded this place. I then decided that this area would not have been built so that the ocean could come over it during a high tide. This place seemed to be a park. The circular spot was designed so that the ocean surrounded it. I thought that i had come from the south, but i realized that the ocean was to the south of me. I started to wonder how i had gotten here. I looked to the west, noticing that the land sloped up toward a parking area. I must have come from that direction. I headed back to the west. Other people were walking around the area now. As i turned to the north, i seemed to be indoors, heading down a cement corridor on the eastern side of a building, which seemed to be an athletic facility. People passed me in the hallway as i walked to the north, thinking that i had something to do. I glanced to the west as i walked, looking into the rooms. This place seemed old and worn down. I came into an old locker room, thinking that i would need to find the toilets. The gray metal lockers on the walls of the room seemed dirty and worn. I then realized that this was really a woman’s locker room. I felt uneasy and a little embarrassed.

I carried the thing across the store, which seemed like a department store. The store seemed very open, and the checkout lines were on the northeastern corner of the store. I was not sure what i should do with the things i was carrying. I noticed that others were walking through the white vertical gates and heading out of the store to the northeast. I packed up the box that i had put down on the counter to the north of me. I was near $A14’s small white car, which seemed to be parked on the northern side of the store. This was where people would pick up their purchases. I glanced into the car, noticing a small black and white furry dog inside. I commented on the dog, saying that it was a duplicate. I then headed to the east, carrying the packed red plastic shopping basket with me. I had filled it with the things that i was trying to carry across the store, but they did not quite fit. The basket was awkward to carry, and i wondered how i was supposed to carry it down the street. I was heading to the east now, along the northern side of the building as i walked on the sidewalk to the south of the street. I thought that i would have to continue to the east, crossing the large college area. My house seemed to be a long way from here, to the northeast. I felt exhausted thinking about this. It was a long way to walk, and i did not really feel like doing it right now. I thought that i should call $F45 to come pick me up, but then i thought that he probably would not do it. I continued to the east, into the building. $F45 now seemed to be walking with me as we headed down the corridor. We seemed to be on the second or third floor of the building. We came out into an atrium, following the corridor along the southern side of the atrium. A short glass wall with a wooden railing above it ran along the northern side of the corridor, separating it from the opening to the floors below. I was still having a difficult time carrying the object with me, and i decided that we would have to get out of the crowd that was around us. I told $F45 that we would have to go all the way to the top floor to get clear of the people. I turned to the north, heading up the stairs that ascended to the north, over the opening of the wide atrium. The stairs seemed closer to the eastern side of the opening. Several other people were heading up the stairs as well. I carried the long thing under my left arm as we turned to the south up a second flight of stairs. We then turned back to the north on the last flight before the landing. A queue of people was waiting near the top of the flight, and we had to stop in the middle of the stairs to wait for them to move. I felt frustrated, realizing that the crowd was also trying to get up the stairs. I tried to position the long thing in my arms so that it did not hit anyone. As we waited in the crowd of people on the stairs, i suddenly remembered that a restaurant was on the top floor of the building, to the east. The people must be here for the brunch. I was annoyed and waned to get out of the crowd. I knew that $F45 would be upset with me because i had accidentally turned us into the waiting queue. The queue moved slowly up the stairs. A man in a black suit was checking the people at the top of the stairs. I hoped that he would let us pass. I walked past him, following an older woman in a dark brown coat as we turned to the east and headed down the hallway at the top of the stairs. The woman was walking too slowly, though, and i felt frustrated. I passed her, but realized that i would have to assemble the sword that i was carrying before i brought it much further. I moved to the northern side of the hall. A set of double doors was recessed into the northern wall, and i moved in front of the doors, placing the object on the floor. The others continued to the east. I pulled the cloth back on the sword parts that i had, hoping that people would not mind that i was putting it together in the hallway. A man in a uniform approached me from the west. I thought that he was one of the two security people who had been standing at the top of the stairs. I knew that he might not trust me with the object, but i told him that it was a gift that would have to be assembled. I told him to watch me assemble it so that he would know that he would trust me. I felt annoyed with the situation, but i continued working on the object.

12012 November 20

I was in the apartment at $P2. I ran to the east across the apartment, and then came back to the west, crossing the kitchen as i headed toward the back door. The kitchen was long and narrow, and the floor seemed to be light gray. I stopped on the western end of the kitchen, where a small hallway was just off the main room. The hallway was square, with a door in the northern wall. I looked to the north, seeing the top of the stairs that led down to the west. The door had been left open, and i worried suddenly that $X14 might have gotten out of the house. I hoped that he did not go down the stairs to the west. I knew that he was still in the apartment to the east, and i hoped that he never got into the stairwell. I closed the door to the stairs so that he could not get out. I felt worried about him.

12012 November 21

I walked with the others to the south, down the corridor that ran through the center of the building. The walls of the building seemed very smooth and solid. Diffuse light came into the corridor from the glass doors on the southern end. we stepped through the doors, finding ourselves in a small entryway, with glass windows on the east, west, and south. We turned to the west, heading out the door and onto a wide balcony. The rounded balcony was light gray and seemed to be made of cement. It formed a semicircular shelf around the cubical entryway, stretching about five or six meters in radius. Narrow grooves in the pavement ran along the radius at wide intervals, possibly dividing the semidisk into four to six pieces. The surface of the balcony sloped down slightly toward the edges, and i felt very uneasy as we walked to the south a little, toward the edge. A gorge ran along the southern side of the building, and the balcony overlooked the water, which seemed far below. I could only see the rocky cliffs on the sides of the gorge. I made a comment about the balcony to the others, but they did not react. I looked back at them. The older man now seemed to be standing near the door. He looked annoyed with my comment. I felt that he was an important man from this place, which now seemed to be a foreign culture to me. I realized that this place was actually an important place to these people, and i worried that i had said something wrong. I looked again at the large doorway on the western side of the cubical area that extended from the wall of the building and on to the center of the disk. The outside of the small cubical section was dull red and looked like iron-rich rock. The door to the entryway had a square arch around it, and it looked rather formal. I moved away from the edge and toward the building on the western side of the entryway door. I realized that this disk shaped area was actually used for sacrifices. I felt very uncomfortable now, thinking that i had said something wrong about a sacred space. I then thought that the grooves in the surface of the disk were for blood to flow over the edge and into the gorge. People would come here to sacrifice themselves. I did not want to be here anymore, and i started heading back toward the door.

I stood in the small room on the southern side of the building. Others were with me, looking out the large windows to around us. The windows were in the eastern, western, and northern walls of the room. I could see the forested landscape to the south, which seemed to run along the upper part of a cliff. The building was on the northern edge of a narrow gorge, and we could see out into the opening below from this viewing room. I looked to the west to see the waterfalls cascading down from the higher rocks to the west. The ground was spotted with lighter colored patches, which could have been dried mud on the rocks. The view was very beautiful, and someone said that it was nice. I backed into the room, which seemed to be a small apartment. It was like a hotel room, and the southern end of the room hung out over the gorge. This was some kind of resort. $F45 and i had been staying in this room. I looked around the well-decorated room as i headed back to the north, down the length of the room. It felt very good to be able to stay in such a nice place. I continued to the north. I could still see the water in the gorge below. I stopped to look at it. The river below flowed over the rocks. I now seemed to be on a narrow suspension bridge, which i thought was part of the entryway to the apartment. The others continued to the north as i looked at the water for a moment. This gorge seemed bigger than the gorge that was to the south of the room, but it still looked very nice. I thought about this place as i continued to the north, after the others. We seemed to be staying at a resort in a foreign land. I turned to the west, heading down the corridor of the building. $F43 had been walking with us, and she turned to the south, heading into her room. She was looking for something that she would need to take with her. I felt uneasy and anxious for some reason. I continued down the hall to the west a little, still waiting for $F43 to come out of the room and join me. My parents were in the hallway to the west, waiting for us. I walked into the doorway at the end of the corridor and looked into the room. The room seemed very tall, like the bedroom that we had been in to the south. Its walls were plain, and it seemed to have furniture crowding the central space. my parents seemed to be waiting for us, and i felt nervous. I wondered if it would be awkward for $F43 to join us. I then thought that maybe she should not come with us, but i did not want to leave her here. I walked a little farther into the room, but i looked back out into the hallway for $F43. I could see into her room to the south. The room seemed like part of the corridor that opened up to the south. A coffee table and couch were set up just to the south of the doorway that i was standing in. $F43 was searching for something in the dresser, which was against the western wall of the room. She was almost directly to the south of me. A man was then near her. I felt weary of the man because i remembered him from before. He had been bothering $F43. He stood near her and asked her some questions. I looked into the room where my parents were. My grandmother was sitting on the southwestern side of the round table that was on the western side of the room. They seemed impatient, and i felt that we were all waiting for $F43. I felt uneasy, but i was not sure what to do.

I had to go with the tour group as we moved to the west, across the cafeteria. They had been eating their breakfast, but i was still not ready. Some of the people were waiting in the queue on the northern side of the room. A glass-covered service counter ran along the eastern side of the northern wall, with metal rails in front for cafeteria trays. The others were standing in line, waiting for pancakes and eggs, but i decided to head to the tables to get things set up. I walked to the south of the queue, heading west across the room. As i left the queue, i suddenly wondered if they could run out of food. I thought that they might because it did seem rather late to be eating breakfast. The round tables were set up along the southern half of the room, and people were seated around most of them. I moved to a table near the southwestern part of the room where i knew some of the people sitting there. This table seemed like a picnic table, with benches on the eastern and western sides. The others here were part of my tour group, and they were already eating their breakfast. I felt anxious, thinking that i should get my food from the counter. I walked around the southern side of the table, looking for a plastic cup that i could use for a drink. Several boxes of supplies were in the center of the table, but i could not see any cups. I then noticed a cup sitting on the edge of the table. I was not sure whether it belonged to someone, so i asked the people there if the cup was theirs. As i asked, i realized that the cup had a small bottle inside it. The bottle was of a drink, so it must belong to someone. The woman sitting on the southern end of the western bench said it was hers. I walked to the north, to the next table, thinking that i would need the cup so that i could get milk. I then wondered if this was true. I felt unsure why i really needed the cup. I looked at the picnic table to the north of me, which was on the small side street than ran to the north of the small plaza where the tables had been set up. I could see several clear-plastic cups on a cardboard box on the southern end of the table. I pulled one from the stack and headed back to the east, toward the food counters. When i looked at the heating trays in the glass display cases, i noticed that they were empty. The food had already been taken. I became upset, and i asked the chef if there was any more food. He said that there was not. I walked to the east and then to the north, around the eastern side of the counter. The counter ran up the eastern side of the small building, which seemed to be a wooden restaurant. The service window in this part of the building was also empty of food. I was annoyed that i had missed the breakfast meal, and i wanted them go give me food. The people behind the counter on the eastern side of the building were still cleaning up. I was not sure what to do, and i started to feel helpless. I asked the man what food i was supposed to get, telling him that i was part of the tour. The tour guide would have arranged food for us. The man cleaning up behind the counter did not seem to care. This made me feel more upset. I walked back to the south side of the building, where the counter still has some selection of prewrapped food. The main trays on the eastern side of the service area were empty, but the glass case on the west still had cups of yogurt and plastic dishes of premade salads. I did not want to eat these, but i felt that i had to eat something. I felt impatient, and a woman was standing in front of the glass case on the western side of the counter, trying to decide what to get. I felt hurried because i still had to catch up with the rest of the tour. I finally ignored the woman and told the man behind the counter that i would have the Thai salad that was in the case. The man behind the counter wore a white shirt. He was East Asian, and he had short black hair. I looked at the salad in the tall plastic cup as i ordered it. It seemed to be mostly red cabbage. The man said that the salad was actually high in some chemical, and asked whether i was sure that i wanted it. I told him that it was high in sugar, and i said that i would take it. I felt that i did not have many other choices, and it seemed to be the best thing in the case. The man said that he would get it ready for me. I paced around in front of the counter, upset. I thought that i would have to pick it up at the window on the eastern side of the building. I then thought that i would not pay for the salad because the tour guide should have paid it for. I imagined that the man would ask me for money. I felt obstinate and thought that i would refuse to pay because i was supposed to have a free breakfast. I started to feel impatient, thinking that i would have to catch the bus with the rest of the tour. I hoped that i was not too late. I then thought that $F45 was probably already on the bus. I hoped that it had not left yet. I started to the west again, but then realize that i still had not picked up my food. Frustrated, i was not sure what to do. I had several things in my hand as i walked back to the east, to the counter on the southern side of the building. The people there were doing something behind the counter, and none of them seemed to have my food ready. I thought that it should be easy to get ready since it was already in a plastic cup in the display. I then thought that i would have to go to the counter to the north, on the eastern side of the building, to pick it up. I walked around to the eastern side of the building, seeing the East Asian man at the side counter. He noticed me approaching the window from the south, and he handed me a small cup. I took it and then asked for a fork and napkin. The man said that he did not have a fork, but he handed me a spoon. Annoyed by this, i took the spoon and then reached for the napkin dispenser on the counter. The metal dispenser was on the southern side of the top of a glass case. I tried to quickly grab a napkin, but i could not easily pull one from the dispenser. I was frustrated, but i finally pulled a few napkins out. I hurried to the west, thinking that i would have to catch the bus. I was driving a truck down the road. The truck seemed to be a pick-up truck. I felt hurried, but a big truck was driving ahead of me on the road, and it seemed to be going slowly. The road was a four-lane street, with many cars traveling in both directions. I tried to drive faster, thinking that i had to get to the bus quickly. I wondered when it left the place where we had been staying. I hoped that it did not leave already, and i felt very anxious. I had to travel down the highway a short distance and then turn to the south. The bus would pick us up near the hotel on the southern side of the street. I looked at the road as i drove, trying to remember where i should turn off to get to the hotel. I tried to remember when the bus left the area in Firenze. I remembered that we had crossed a bridge and headed to the south. The people in the truck behind me then distracted me. The front cab of the truck was crowded with three or four people. My attention was then focused on the truck in front of me, which had stopped suddenly. I felt very annoyed and pressed the brakes of my truck to come to a stop. The truck behind me stopped abruptly as well, but not before coming very close to the back end of my vehicle. I then noticed that a long object was hanging over the front of the truck behind me. It seemed like a ladder, or some other long object. It could have hit my truck from the top. I felt very annoyed with the situation, and i wanted to get out of the traffic. I then realized that i was not actually sitting in the front seat of my truck. I had been driving from the back seat by reaching over the front seat to grab the steering wheel. This felt unsafe. I realized that i did not have my feet on the pedals properly, so i would not be able to slow the vehicle. I tried moving forward as the car started moving to the west again. I felt suddenly worried, thinking that i had to get into the front seat before we reached the intersection ahead. The intersection had a traffic light, which was red, so i would have to be in place to use the brakes. I hurried over the seat, but the front seat had moved forward, and i could not get it to move back in place so that i could sit in it. I tried to squeeze my feet down between the seat and the front of the car, but i could not get my feet to the pedal. I felt frustrated and tense. I looked again at the red light ahead of me. I had to stop the car. I pulled the emergency brake, which was to the right of the driver’s seat. The car seemed to slow a little, but did not seem to be stopping. I pulled it on further, trying to get the car to stop, but it only slowed down a little. I was too close to the intersection, and i rolled through the intersection, under the red light. Fortunately, no cars were coming from the side directions. I felt tense and panicked. I swerved to the northern side of the road, trying to pull off to the side to slow down. I then realized that i was actually in Australia, so i should have swerved to the other side of the road. I thought that i should turn the car onto the side road to the south. Instead, i pulled the car over to the northern shoulder of the road and came to a stop. Annoyed, i pulled the seat back in the car and sat down. I then decided that i should get out my cell phone to call $F45. I had to find out when the bus would leave. I reached into the back seat of the car on the driver’s side, where my bag was sitting on the seat. I pulled my phone from the dark-green bag. I tried calling on the phone, but the cell phone did not seem to be working. I looked at the screen of the smartphone. It looked strange. It was not the normal screen of my phone. I felt disappointed, thinking that the phone must be damaged. I held down the power button on the top of the phone, thinking that it might work properly if it was reset. I waited a few moments, but the telephone would not shut off. I pressed the button on top again, finally getting it turned off. I then turned it on again. The strange screen came up again. I felt very upset and frustrated now. The screen was solid, with text in the center, and i could not get rid of it. I wondered how i would be able to dial without seeing what numbers i was dialing. I leaned into the back seat, trying to push the back seat upright. I had pulled it forward so that i could reach my bags. I had several bags in the truck of the hatchback car, and they were starting to come over the top of the back seat. I pushed the top part of the seat up and into place, but it would not stay in place. I wondered if the bags were interfering with the latch. I pushed the seat back, trying to push it in place. I was then surprised when a man sat up in the truck of the car. He looked at me with surprise. He must have been hiding in the back seat. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that his body was nicely muscled and detailed. He seemed short, and somewhat thin. He seemed austral, with very dark skin and a flat face. I was surprised to see him there, and i asked who he was. I then thought that he must be from the cafeteria. This thought annoyed me because i did not want to have to take the man back to the cafeteria. I felt that i did not have time. $A556 then sat up in the truck of the car as well. He had been hiding there with the other man. I realized that he must have been copulating with the man in the truck. I knew $A556, and i felt that i would have to take him back to the cafeteria area. I was now standing on the eastern side of the car, which was facing to the southwest, on a side road. The land seemed to slope down to the south, and we had just started down the hill. The area around us now seemed open, with few buildings. I had come a way from the city, and i was annoyed that i would have to drive $A556 all the way back. I complained about my cell phone not being correct. I then thought that it might actually be $A556’s cell phone. I asked him if it was his, and he started digging for something among the items that were stuffed in the trunk. I reached into my green duffle bag, feeling the things inside, trying to find my phone. I then thought that i had my phone, but i looked at the gray cell phone in my left hand and realized that it was not shaped like my phone. The screen now had shapes on it, which looked like music keys with a volume meter. I wondered what i should do, and i felt frustrated.

12012 November 22

I was lying on the western side of the bed in my bedroom, and something seemed strange in the room. I knew that it had to do with spacial distortion. I tried to focus on the area around me, feeling the air with my hands. I them moved my arms as if i was drawing an archery bow. It was a martial arts stance, and i thought that it would help focus my senses so that i could feel the spacial distortion in the air. I waved my hands to the south of me, trying to sense the pulsing sensation of bending space. I then felt something on my hands. It felt light and tickled a little. My eyes were closed as i focused. I tried to see, but everything was still dark. I concentrated on the sensation in my hand, deciding that it was probably the cat playing with my hand. I turned to the left to face north. I was now on $P39, standing. I stretched my arms out to the north, pointing to the large academic building of the college campus. The building has a spacial distortion to it. I looked across the northern side of the quadrangle, seeing the two buildings with an open space between them. The open space was where the building had been. It could no longer be seen because of the way space was curving around it. I knew that the college was trying to hide the fact that this was happening. They did not want the bad press, and they denied that it was happening so that people would not be frightened. The college would say that the building was taken down. I wanted them to know that they would not be able to build in the area, and i said this to no one in particular. I thought that they would build something new on the distortion, though. This was a bad thing, and i thought that the stones in the building should have evidence of the distortion. They would have to remove the old building to put up something new, but the old building would have stones that had been distorted. If they were examined, it should be obvious that some stones were getting larger and out of proportion. I thought about this as i moved through the open space to the north. I did not feel safe here, and i thought that i should get out of the quadrangle. I passed through a group of students, near the northern end of the area. I was floating over the ground as i moved to the north. I headed north, out of the wide grassy area. I came to a set of stairs that descended a steep short hill, just to the north of the buildings. I floated above stairs as i descended, thinking that i should stay elevated. I then remembered that a gorge was to the north of me. A bridge crossed it, but i was not sure that i was floating toward the bridge at the moment. I would have to be careful that i did not go over the edge of the gorge. I was not sure that i would be able to float over the narrow ravine. I looked at the flat stone that i was holding in my hands. I was using it to fly, and i tipped it in various directions to control my flight. The brown stone was shaped like a keystone, with a central extension on the narrow end. I tipped it down to descend. I did not want to float as high as i had been floating because i was afraid that i might drift over the edge of the cliff of the gorge. A tall chain-link fence ran along the upper edge of the gorge. I turned to the west and started following the fence, thinking that i was heading toward the gray metal bridge. I had to get to $P73 by crossing the bridge.

12012 November 23

I was standing to the north of the modern house when i started talking on my cell phone. I had been talking to $F42 and some of the other theater people. I felt good about being with them, but i had to do something that related to the telephone call. I had called $A623 to ask about the program for the next theater show. I looked down at the pages of the program, which were printed black on white paper. I felt nervous about something, feeling that there was something that i should have been doing that i had not done. I listened to $A623 as i looked at the left-hand page of the first spread. Two shows were printed in the program i had created, and i was looking at the first one. The titles of the plays were written side by side on the page, one in each column. The one i was looking at was in the left column. Something seemed strange about the title. I moved my hand to make a correction to the title, but i suddenly noticed that $A623 was yelling over the telephone. She seemed suddenly irate and hysterical. She started screaming at me, cussing from time to time. I felt suddenly confused, not quite sure what had happened, but i worried that i had done something to upset her. I tried to say something, but she continued to yell at me. She said “fuck” several times, and her voice was becoming more and more shrill. She then said that she would “fucking call the police or the fucking fire department”. She screamed a few more remarks and then hung up the telephone. I was not quite sure what had happened, and i was not really sure what i should do about it. I looked to the west, where the others were still sitting. $F45 was with them. I wanted to tell him what had just happened, but i knew that he would probably dismiss $A623 as being crazy anyway. I was not sure what i should do. I wandered to the north a little, feeling somewhat dazed. I did not want to call her back. I then started walking to the south, heading back toward the house where i had been gathered with the others. I felt that i probably should not have been here with the others. $A623 probably felt that i should be doing something theater related. It was dark out now, and the air seemed thick with fog. I knew that the house was to the south of me, across the flat ground. I could see the paved path running between the areas of short grass. As i walked, however, i noticed that the grass on either side of the path seemed white. I bent over to look at it as i passed. It seemed to be covered with a fine powder, so i thought that it must have snowed. Something about the whiteness seemed strange. I tried to get a closer look, brushing my hand through the grass on the western side of the path to see if the snow or dust could be knocked off of the leaf. I could not feel cold from snow, and the white did not seem to fall off the blades of grass. After i passed my hand through it, the white still seemed to be on the grass. I could not tell what it was, though. I approached the modern house, which was a tall flat wooden structure. It had a protruding section on the north, which i knew was an entryway. I remembered being here before, but it seemed like a while ago. I would have to go into the entryway and head to the east, as i had done before. When the party was going on, i had come in with many other people, but it seemed very quiet now. I thought that the others had quieted down a little. I hoped that i could still get into the house. I thought that it might be locked. The entryway was large, and seemed to extend to the second floor of the building. The wall to the south was tall and plain, with no obvious windows. It seemed to be bluish-gray, with vertical striations. The ceiling of the entryway seemed to be at the level of the roof of the building, and light came in from large windows in the northern wall. The doors to the apartments were plain, with large windows on either side. I moved toward the eastern door. I was then walking to the north, down a corridor of the house. I pulled open a door, surprised that it was unlocked. I then realized that i had already come through the main door of the house, which would have been locked. I moved a little to the west to continue down the corridor to the next room. The room was very large, and the corridor came into the eastern side of the southern end of the room. The southern end of the room was a few steps up from the main part of the room to the north. A counter ran along the rounded northern edge of the higher part of the room, which was directly to the west of where the corridor came into the room. A woman and a few other people were standing near the counter. $F42 and $F46 were in the room, somewhere on the northern section. They were still here from the theater party. I felt uneasy because i was still upset about the telephone call. I wanted to tell someone, but i was not quite sure what to say. I started to feel guilty about being here. I moved around the room, thinking about what i should do. I was then standing on the eastern side of the room. A curved dividing wall was to the west of me, and $F45 was standing to the south of me, leaning on the wall. I told him about the phone call. He rolled his eyes when i mentioned $A623. I then told him that the phone call seemed very strange. I described how $A623 had yelled at me, saying that she had started screaming, and then that she was screeching. He did not seem interested.

12012 November 24

I moved through the building, feeling upset. $F45 was angry with me, and i was not interested in dealing with him. He said something to me as i started down the hallway to the west. He was complaining about something, trying to be demeaning in his tone. I yelled back at him, angry with him for being so selfish. I came to the western end of the hall, yelling again at $F45. $A540 was in the living room that opened up to the south from the hallway. $F45 was already in the living room, and he said something to her. He was trying to insult me and make me feel bad for something. I felt angry with him, and i clarified to $A540 that she was not actually the problem. I told her that she was just in the middle of the argument. She was sitting on a couch in the center of the room. The white cushioned couch was facing east, and $F45 was on the eastern side of the room. I walked to the south, leaving the room. As i headed out, i heard $A540 complaining to $F45, saying that he should relax this time. She seemed to imply that he was being unreasonable, which made me feel better, but i did not understand what she meant by “this time”. I then wondered why i had continued the argument.

I was lying in the bed in the bedroom of my grandmother’s house. The bedroom seemed to be the upstairs bedroom, but it also seemed to be on the first floor of the house. A corridor ran around the eastern and northern sides of the bedroom. Doors were in the eastern end of the northern wall and northern end of the eastern wall. Outside light came in through the glass windows in the upper halfs off the doors. This room actually seemed to be the dining room of my grandmother’s house, but the bed was in the center of the room. i was reclined to the north on the bed, facing south. A man then came into the room from the east, walking to the south of the bed, which was now against the northern wall. I felt interested in the man as he walked across the room. I watched him, still leaning on my grandmother, who was lying in the bed to the west of me. The man sat down on the western side of the bed, on the other side of my grandmother. He had an attractive body, with nice musculature. He was wearing a loose white tank top, and i could see the details in his shoulder and chest muscles. I felt very interested in him and wanted to be near him. He stared at me for a moment, and then he glanced down at my grandmother, who was lying between us. He looked back up at me and started intently at me for a few moments. He then started petting my grandmothers left arm, which was on top of her (she was lying on her right side). This seemed very strange, but i still wanted to be near him, so i moved toward him. My grandmother was then no longer in the room. She had left, and i thought that she had done so because she realized that we wanted to copulate. I moved to the edge of the bed, and the man kneeled in front of me. I felt awkward about this, thinking that the man should not do this. I motioned him to get up, and he sat next to me instead. He sat just to the south of me on the western edge of the bed. He was $F12. I still felt strongly attracted to him, but i knew that he was married, so i should not do anything too sexual with him. I started to pet his face and neck, feeling more emotionally toward him now and less sexual. I did not understand why he was acting so sexual. I said that he was attracted to women. He told me that he had a new attraction now. I did not understand, so he showed me a magazine, which he had in his left hand. Two men were on the white cover of the magazine. I recognized them as Anthony and Flea of Red Hot Chili Peppers. They were both shirtless in the black-and-white photograph, which had a solid white background. $F12 pointed to the man on the left, which was Anthony, letting me know that this is what he was attracted to. This surprised me. I turned the pages of the magazine to look at the pictures. In one of the spreads, a large picture of Anthony and Flea filled most of the spread. The background of the black-and-white photograph was dark, and a wire ran across the lower part of the image. The two were reclined in opposite directions on the wire, with their heads on opposite ends of the photograph. They were again shirtless, and they both seemed nicely detailed. I was surprised that $F12 liked men now. It seemed very strange. As i looked at the magazine, $F12 reclined on the bed and started masturbating with his left hand. This seemed a strange thing for him to do, and i was surprised that he was doing it. I still felt attracted to him physically, but i would rather hold him and caress him than do anything so copulatory. I watched him for a moment, not quite sure what to do. I was not at all interested in watching him masturbate; it did not arouse me. After a moment, $F12 ejaculated. He was acting very erotic, which i thought was very strange. He slipped off of the bed and moved to the chair, which was on the northern wall, just to the west of the bed. He had gotten some ejaculate on the arm of the chair, and he knelt down in front of the chair to lick it off. I felt uncomfortable with this, and i moved to stop him from doing it. I thought that he was trying to be erotic to impress me, but i was simply not interested in it. Instead, i hugged him and started kissing his lips. I tried to be erotic in a different way with him to show him that he did not have to be so adventurous. I pushed him back onto the bed. He layed down and started flexing his arms and chest for me. I found this attractive, and i move closer to kiss him. I kissed his chest, moving from spot to spot. As i kissed his nipples, he tensed in pleasure. I moved my legs over his and started rubbing my groin onto his legs. I continued kissing his chest, moving down toward his abdominals. As i got lower, though, i thought that he might expect me to fellate him. I was uncomfortable doing this. I then realized that he still had semen in his groin area. I was uneasy about this, so i moved back up his body. I enjoyed being erotic with him, but i did not want to copulate in the way that he probably expected i would.

I walked to the north, into the small room of the house. The house was empty now, and i felt anxious being here. The minimal furnishings seemed run down, and i knew that this was my apartment. I shared this place with other people, but they were not here at the moment. I wanted to do something. I moved to the room on the southern side of the house. The room seemed mostly empty, but a large mattress sat on the floor near the southern wall, just under a small window. I looked through the window, seeing the street outside. The street seemed to run down the eastern side of the building, heading south. People with flags were coming onto the street from the east, appearing from between the large brown buildings, which seemed like $P204. This street seemed to be $P34. I was to the north of $P33, and the people were heading to the south, toward $P33. I looked down the street to see the intersection of $P33 in the distance. Parade floats were starting to move through the intersection. A big gathering was starting to happen on the street, and i thought that i should be out with the people. I was ready to head out of the house to head to the street when i noticed two men walking up the street from the intersection. I focused on the man in the knight costume. He wore a white shirt with a black eagle on the front of it. He was very attractive, and i felt that i knew him. The other man followed him as they approached the house that i was in. They entered the house though the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. They seemed to live in this run-down apartment as well. I moved back into the center of the house so that i could greet them when they came into the main living room. I felt very interested in the men. As they walked through the front door, they spoke to each other, continuing a conversation about “pot”. The man in the knight costume moved to the western side of the room, saying something about marijuana. The other man had stopped in the doorway. The second man glanced at me as they talked. I knew that this second man was a sexual friend of the first. He was not attractive, though. The second man was older and pudgy. He wore a T-shirt with a low collar, and i could see that he had thick black fur on his chest. I commented on the conversation, saying that marijuana was not an issue in this town. Very few people cared whether you took it or not. I then clarified that certain people would still not do it, trying to imply that i was talking about myself. I felt nervous, but i wanted to joint the two in conversation. I was interested in the one man, and i wanted to get to know him.

12012 November 26

I ran through the large house, trying to get away. The evil queen was to the south of me somewhere, and i had to do something to prevent her from continuing her plot. I moved through the stone rooms of the house carefully, trying to stay hidden from her. Others were in the store area, which was somewhere along the eastern side of the large area near me. I seemed to be in the courtyard of an old stone building. The area to the south of me was lower than where i was currently standing. I hurried down the stone stairs, which descended to the east, along the northern side of the courtyard. At the bottom of the stairs, i came into a corridor on the eastern side of the courtyard, and i headed to the south. The western wall of the corridor seemed to be archways that led out into the courtyard, but they were closed with window glass. To the east, the corridor opened up into a low area, separated from the corridor by a series of columns and arches. The metal machines in the room looked like breaker switches for an old electric plant. They controlled the power to this building. I thought that i should shut down the power to the building to prevent the queen from doing what she wanted to do. I moved in to one of the aisles between the switch boxes, looking the control panel to the south of me. I opened a switch box, looking at the leavers and switches inside. I realized that two tabs were on the top of the box. The tabs were blue and white. I pulled the tabs forward to shut off the power to the castle. The queen would now know that i was here. She would suspect something and i would not be able to get back to where i was in time. I ran back to the west, thinking that i would have to hide from the people that would come to investigate. I did not want them to know that i was the one who had shut off the power, even though i knew that they would suspect me and would find that i was not where i was supposed to be.

I was at $P7, getting ready to exercise. I stood in a small room on the eastern side of the building, waiting for the exercise class to start. Not many people were around me at the moment. I walked to the north, along the eastern side of the pool. I had been in the smaller room to the south. When i turned to look back to the south, though, i noticed that the room was now dark. Someone had turned the lights off. The lights were then turned off in the room that i was in. I realized that someone must have been trying to close this area. I moved back to the south, toward the locker rooms. A man from $P37 was moving along the southern wall of the large room, locking the doors. I felt nervous, thinking that he was going to lock all of the doors to the room, which would prevent me from leaving. I headed back into the locker room. The pale-orange lockers lined the walls of the room. The man had already put locks on most of the lockers, but mine was still unlocked. I would be able to open it to get my things out. I felt nervous, thinking that i had to hurry to get my things and leave before the man came back. I felt very tense. I stood in front of my locker, but i could not remember the combination. A large dial was in the center of the locker, and it had numbers around it like a combination lock. I knew that the dial would tell me the combination to my locker. I would have to turn the dial to the locker number, and the dial would tell me the first number of the locker combination. The other two numbers of the combination were listed above the dial. I tried to open my locker, thinking that i had to hurry. I then headed down the hall to the east, but realized that i had forgotten something that i would need for running. I headed back to the locker room, looking for my locker again. I could not remember my combination again. I looked again at the sign over the locker, which said that the last two numbers of the combination were “50” and “50”. I tried to open the lock, but realized that i could not stop the dial on fifty. I felt very annoyed and wondered what i should do. I should have gone to the gym to lift weights, but i did not have something that i would need to do that. Instead, i wanted to go running. I felt frustrated, and i left the locker room again. I headed up the stairs on the eastern side of the gym. As i headed up the stairs, i passed a man. I thought that he might recognize me. I came to the top of the flight of stairs and turned to the north, heading into the large gymnasium. I commented to $A499 that i could go running. He was in the room to the northwest of me, getting ready for a run. He chatted with me for a moment, and i thought that i could go jogging with him for a moment. I then felt uncertain whether i would be able to jog. I was not sure what i should do, and i felt tense thinking about it.

12012 November 28

I was with $A1, $A58, and $A2 in the old worn room of the small country house. Everything here seemed run down, and the light from outside seemed like a humid summer day. I talked to them about something as i headed to the south, looking for something. I felt a little uncomfortable here. I did not want to stay with these people, and i thought that they knew here i lived. I started to ride my bicycle to the south on the country road. The field grass was tall on both sides of the road, and the day felt very heavy and slow. Small bushes spotted the fields around me. I remembered this place from before. I turned to the east to head for the other road, which seemed to be across the grass field from me. I thought that the house that the others were in was actually on the others side of the grassy area, on the other dirt road. I pictured a small worn wooden house that seemed to be in disrepair. I knew that i had never been to the house before, but i thought that i would recognize it from the pictures that i had seen. I seemed to be heading for the outskirts of the small country town. I turned to the north on the other road and started looking for the house. Several old small factories and storehouses were on the sides of the road now. This place seemed in disrepair. I could not see the house, but i was heading toward an intersection of another road. I thought that the house might be to the south, on one of the other roads. I thought that i would tell the others that i remembered the house, and that i was fairly sure that we had not passed it. I then pictured $A1, $A58, and $A2 on the dirt road. They were to the north of me, walking on the road. This was a scene from before because they still at the other house. They had not yet headed to the house that i was going to. I realized that $A584 was not with them. This was significant, because something important had happened to $A584. I was watching an alternate version of the same scene again, but the difference was the significant detail.

$F45 was driving the car to the west, and i was in the back seat. My mother was in the passenger’s seat. The radio was playing, and my mother was trying to listen to the song that was being played. I recognized it as a song from the eighties, and i thought that it was “Major Tom”. The song was not yet playing, thought. I thought that it was somewhere on one of the tapes that i had in the car. I then heard an electric guitar in the music. This was not the song that i had thought that it was. I realized that i did not really recognize the song. $F45 then pressed a button to skip the song. I leaned forward to listen to it, trying to figure out what it was. My mother and $F45 were talking about the music, and $F45 commented on the song. He started describing details about it to my mother. I felt annoyed with him, thinking that he was not paying attention to the road. I said that he should drive the car. I then became more annoyed when i noticed that the car was straying to the north. I listened to the new song that was just starting. I could hear the melody and synthesized instruments. I then opened my eyes suddenly, realizing that we were parked at the place that we had been traveling to. I was surprised that we were already there. A new song was starting on the radio now. I must have fallen asleep. It then seemed very strange to me that i had just fallen asleep like i did. I looked out the window to see a large building to the southwest of us. The others were getting out of the car. I recognized this place as the building where several of our homosexual friends lived. I thought that we might see them here. As we entered the building from the north, walking into the entryway, i could see our friends to the south of us. They were crossing the entryway, heading east. They must be leaving the building down the stairs on the other side. I thought that we had jus missed them. I then though that i really did not know them that well. Another man was with them, though, and i thought that i recognized him. We walked to the west, into the room where the people had just come from. Several square tables were set up on the northern and southern sides of the room. The tables had items on them that were for sale. This place looked like a flea market. I moved to the south, looking over the old items on the tables. They did not seem interesting to me, but i knew that we had come here for some animals. This place was like an animal shelter, and we had come to pick up some animals. I looked around the room as i thought about this, wondering where the animals were. I thought that this place should be like the SPCA. I turned to the south and headed to the east, through a doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall, coming into a smaller empty room. $F45 was sitting in a chair in the center of the room, facing south. He was very disappointed that no animals were here. I commented to him as i looked at the things on the desk, which was just to the to the east of the doorway, on the southern wall. I pulled open a drawer of the desk, noticing a quarter inside. I was surprised to see it. It looked new, and seemed to be a state quarter, with a picture of a state that i had not yet seen. I wanted to keep the quarter, but i thought that had better not take it because it was here at a rummage sale. I thought that someone had left it in the desk by accident, so it really was not part of the sale, but i felt uncomfortable keeping it, so i felt it. I then noticed the orange marbles in the drawer near the quarter. I thought that i could play with the marbles by bouncing them on the floor. I thought about this for a moment, but then started to feel uncomfortable in this place. I paced around the room, not sure what i should do. $F45 stayed sitting in the chair in the center of the room. I felt nervous, aware that a woman from the rummage sale was watching us from the southeast. I was not sure what we should do, and i felt that the people here wanted us to leave.

12012 November 29

I watched myself enter the building from the south. I was standing somewhere in the middle of the building, and i saw myself enter from the eastern end of the southern side of the building. This place was special, and i had come here by accident. I knew that i would feel nervous about being here, since i would not be sure how i had come to this place. I moved through the rooms of the building, trying to find a way. I did not know yet that this building had strange distortions that caused time to cross back over itself. This was a good story, and i became very interested in it. The version of me that had just entered the building was coming here for the first time. I knew that he would be unaware of the time changes. He would run into people who already knew him from future events, but he would not understand what was happening yet. I felt excited to watch the story unfold. I had started exploring the building, and i knew that i had climbed up several flights. I was suddenly uncertain where i was in the building. I was standing just to the northwest of myself now, as my other self turned to look at me. He seemed confused and annoyed. I looked over his head as i said something to him, noticing the solid tan cement wall to the east. Square cement columns ran up the wall at regular intervals, fanning out widely as they reached the ceiling. The fanned tops of the columns were decorated with diverging grooves. We were in the basement of the building. The room we were in seemed to be a library. Wooden bookcases filled the room to the east of us. I could see over the tops of them as i looked at the eastern wall. The ceiling seemed to be twice as high as the bookcases. We stood in a long aisle of the room, which ran north to south. The other me then turned to the south, noticing someone in a denim jacket and blue jeans walking into the aisle from the west. The man was at the other end of the room, and seemed to be headed south. I knew that it was the future me, who was just on his way out of this building. The other me, who had just entered, might now figure out that this place had confusing time. This was the point in the story where i would realize what was happening here and start to meet the other people. I turned to the north, walking away from my other self. I was now in a small area between the bookcases on the western side of the main corridor. A long wooden table filled the center of the room, and people were standing or sitting around it. They were the inhabitants here. I felt uncomfortable by them. They did not yet realized that i was new to this area. They were assuming that i was the version of myself who had known them already. I paced clockwise around the table, ending up to the north of it. The others were talking about me, but i was unsure what i should be doing.

I talked to the other people from the farm. Something had happened, and we were collected on the large farm. Some of the people on the farm seemed dangerous, though. I thought that they were vampires or zombies. They were not bad people, though. They had been very nice to us, so we did not have to defend ourselves against them. We still seemed to be skeptical of them, thought. They had found a dead cow on the farm, and they were living off of it. This would supply them with food so that they would not have to kill us. They let us go without a fight, and we moved to the south, into the next farm. I looked to the west, at the people on the porch of the farm with me. They seemed concerned about something. I knew that the people to the north would run out of cow to eat. They would then be starving again, and i worried that they would feel impelled to come after us. They could not help themselves. The people with me seemed to be concerned about this as well, and they were getting ready for an invasion. I ran to the north, up the road that ran to the east of the two farms. The farm to the south had a small brown wooden house on the property, and the people were gathered on the front porch, which was recessed into the front of the building, under the dark-brown roof. I moved to the north, watching the tall weeds and thicket to the west of me. As i came near the farm to the north, i could see a wide rolling field to the west. The crops had been cut, and the field was dry, like autumn. I scanned the field for something, and my vision zoomed in an out. I knew that the people from the north were walking across the field to the south because i had heard someone tell me that from the south, but i could not see them. I then focused on the thin figures of zombies stalking over the ground. They looked like stick figures as they strode stiffly to the south. I ran back to the south along the road. When i came to the field to the south of the house, i saw the others getting ready to fight the zombies. The people from the southern farm were dressed in overalls and straw hats, and they held rifles to their chests. I thought that the dead people would have guns as well, since they had them before. The situation seemed suddenly strange.

12012 November 30

The other person then mentioned the eyes that were in the plant. I was sitting in the classroom, near the western wall of the room. The other two people were sitting to the northeast of me, chatting with each other. I looked to the north of me to see the large pot on the floor. It was filled with dirt, and i could see the dry stalks of old plants sticking up over its white plastic rim. I knew that the eyes were in the pot, but i could not see them from the chair that i was sitting in, so i stood up. Once i could see over the rim of the plastic pot, i saw two eyes in the soil. They looked like human eyes, and they had blue irises. They were aligned north-northwest to south-southeast, and they stared straight up from the pot. The other two people talked about them for a moment. I leaned forward to look at them. They seemed discomforting. The other person made a comment on how they could stare, implying that they were alive. I tapped my hand on the southern side of the pot, and both eyes shifted to look to the south. The other person then said something, and the eyes turned to look to the northeast. I wondered if a face was actually buried in the dirt. I knew that the eyes did not really belong to anyone. They were some kind of trick. I waved my hand over the western side of the pot to get the eyes to stop staring to the northeast. They turned to the west instead. I stood up and moved around the room as the others continued to talk about the eyes. I knew that the eyes were some kind of gimmick, and i looked back to the south at the potted plant. One of the people near the pot sayed that they were going to dig up the eyes and do something with them. I looked back at the pot, which was now to the south of me, and i could see part of a black metal ring in the pot. The other person must have started to dig up the eyes. They were not part of a buried face. The black ring was some kind of apparatus that contained the eyes. The top of the ring was to the west of the eyes, on the edge of the pot. I turned to the northeast and started to wander across the classroom.