12013 November 02

I was in the cubical in my office, and i heard the voice coming down the outside hall toward me. I did not want people to know that i was in the office, so i tried to stay quiet. I crouched down a little so that i could not be seen by someone walking down the hallway, and then i moved out of my office and hid around the corner to the south. The voice was coming from the west, and the main corridor ran along the northern side of my cubical. I heard the voice come close and stop. It sounded as though the man was in my office. I moved close to the orange dividing wall of the cubical and listened for him. He seemed to be very close to me. I came back into the main corridor and looked into my office. The man was actually in the office just to the east. I moved back into my cubical and sat quietly at my desk. I could see the man moving between the two sections of the dividing wall. He passed by the narrow space a few times. I decided that he was someone that i should not worry about, so i turned my computer back on. It would make a noise to let the man know that i was here. The man walked into my cubical, stopping in the doorway. He was obviously upset, and he asked me if she was coming back. I did not know who he was talking about. I asked “Wife? Daughter?”. The man did not answer me. He stood with his shoulders slouching down, and he started to cry. I felt upset with him, and i stood up and hugged him. He wore a pink button-up shirt. He had a balding head, and he wore black classes. He talked about his neighborhood, describing the streets where the events happened. I tried to picture what he was talking about, but i could not. I knew that the main street through the neighborhood ran north to south, and the railroad tracks crossed the street to the south. I thought that i lived in the house on the southern end of the western side of the neighborhood. The man was near me. I moved around the house now, but this was not my house. It did not seem familiar to me. I thought that it must be a new house. The other houses on the street seemed to be old victorian places, but they were sided with wood, even though they looked like row houses. I thought that i would not be able to call them brownstones because they were not made of stone.

12013 November 03

I was in the flying car as we passed over the fairgrounds. The fair was set up in a large field, and i was flying east. I turned to the north as i started to pass over the fair. I had to be careful because many power lines seemed to run to the north of the fair. A road ran along the northern side of the grounds, near the power lines, and another ran along the eastern side of the field. I thought that i could land on one of the streets to the northeast of the fairgrounds. The other people were still doing something to the west, on the ground. I then started doing something in the car. I had forgotten something, and i felt annoyed with myself. I reached down into the car, looking for something. I would have to go back to get it.

I started to gather my things together in the house. I had to clean everything up so that i could get to my office at the college. I would then have to head to my house. It seemed as though i had a lot of things to do before i could get home, and i felt anxious. I reached under the table to the north of me and emptied out the small cardboard boxes that were under the table. I tried to gather all of the things together to take them. I then looked at some of the items in the boxes. They seemed like old DVDs and books from when i was a child. One of them was Cat in the Hat, and some of the DVDs seemed to be old Disney movies. I looked at other CD cases, wondering where all of the things came from. I then looked at my watch, seeing that it was fifteen o’clock. I did not have much time to pack up my things. I thought that i should stop cleaning up my things and go to my office. I had to do some work. I quickly cleaned up the last of my things, trying to hurry. I moved to the west, noticed a pile of clothes in the closet. On the southern side of the closet was a scattering of gray dirt, which looked like cat litter. I thought that $F10 would say that the house was clean, even though it was not exactly clean. I crossed the closet, heading to the southwest. A doorway in the other side led into another bedroom of the house. I imagined that i lived here, wondering what it would be like to decorate this house as i liked. I then thought that i could buy the house, thinking that it would be nice. I looked around the small bedroom and then headed back to the east. I noticed another small room between the two bedrooms. It had several couches in it, and i thought that it could be used as a television room. I looked to the east, noticing the other things in the house. I headed to the north, thinking that my parents were near me now. I asked my mother if i could get into the house through the roof. I imagine that the walls of the house were made of glass and were slanted. I talked to my father about the slanted walls as i stood on the ladder. I then turned to the north and walked down the dirt driveway, away from the house. It was getting late. I realized that it was already sixteen o’clock. I cursed, realizing that i was running out of time. The others were to the north of me, but i turned around and headed back to the south. I would have to tell my mother that i had missed work and would no longer be able to get to the offices at the college. I felt upset and depressed, wondering what i should do now.

12013 November 04

I had to get my things ready to leave, and i felt rushed and anxious. I was talking to my father, who was to the south of me. I hen headed to the west, passing under the stairs, which descended from the north. A small opening went under the stairs, but i did not want to go through the tight space, so i walked through the larger opening just to the north. I thought that i was going to be late. It was almost nine o’clock now, and i was going to be late for work. I thought that i should call $A548 and tell her that i would be late. I crossed the cellar to the west. I felt rushed and thought that i had not done everything that i should have done. I passed my hand over the top of my head. I then realized that i had finished shaving my head. I could feel hair near top of my back. This annoyed me. I looked around the room for the second razor that i had. I then sat on the couch that was in the center of the room. The couch was facing west. I thought that i could try shaving with the cheap second razor. I leaned forward, but i thought that i would get hair on the floor. I decided that i could clean up later. I then thought about how my mother would complain that i would be getting hair on the floor. She would be upset that i was doing it. I tried to cut the hair on the back of my head, but i was having difficulty. I pulled on the hair on the side of my head to try to get it straight. The iron was hot now, so i had to be careful how i used it on my hair. I pulled on the side of the iron, trying to be careful not to touch the metal surface. The corner of the iron pulled off. At first i worried that it was falling apart, but then i decided that this was the design of the iron. I looked at the small part of the iron that i had picked up. It had a small section of rounded blades in the center. This was the razor part. I tried to use it on my head to shave the short hair that i already had. I then started to worry that i was running late for work. I hoped that i would be ready in time. I moved the razor over the top of my head, but it got caught in my hair. I felt annoyed and pulled the small iron off of my head. I looked at it, wondering how to use this small part to cut my hair. I turned around and tried again, thinking that maybe i would have to pull the iron from the other direction. I felt frustrated with the object. I hunched over and tried to cut my hair again. I was in the back seat of the car as the other person drove to the west. I felt rushed, thinking that i had to get my hair cut quickly before we reached the destination. The car stopped and the people got out. They headed to the north, to the house. I had to hurry to catch up. I got out of the car and walked around it on the sidewalk. I still had to hurry.

12013 November 05

I was talking with the others about something, but i left the group and headed to the north with $F45. We walked into the cafeteria, which was still open. The wide room that we were crossing was full of small round wooden tables. Many of the tables still had metal trays on them that had not been cleaned up yet. A man was to the northeast of us. He was grabbing the trays from the tables and throwing them around them room. I knew that he was a bully and that he was trying to show everyone that he was in charge. I wondered how i could get a tray from him so that i could go through the cafeteria line. I was just here to get ice cream. I walked to the eastern end of the room, trying to grab a tray form the end of the table, but the man had moved down the table and was messing with the trays. I then realized that the woman who worked for the cafeteria was standing to the north of me, near the service counter. She had several new trays. I took two from her and headed back to the south with ice cream in a bowl on the tray. The second tray was for $F45. As i approached a table, though, a large man in white walked toward me. He had a large blue duffel bag in his right hand. I sat down at the booth in front of the window in the eastern wall. The man sat down across from me. I felt a little nervous about him, but he told me that $F45 had told him to eat his portion of ice cream. This seemed very strange. I looked the man over, thinking that he might be well built. I then realized that i had no sauce on the ice cream. I asked the man if he wanted some, and he said he did not. I told him that i did and i stood up to get some sauce. I headed to the southern side of the cafeteria. I walked into the bedroom where the others were. The man followed me. I felt nervous about him. The man seemed intrusive. He also seemed older now. He then stopped in front of me, holding his right hand to his ear as if talking on a telephone, and he said something about listening. He turned and left the room, heading back to the north. I leaned on the bed to the east of me. The other person stood near me. The person started talking about how creepy the man was. I held a cell phone to my ear, mimicking the man, hoping that the woman would stop talking. She continued to speak, so i leaved forward and said that the man might be listening to her. We had heard him close the outside door of the building, but he might not have gone out. A young boy in the room then started to bother me. He kept pushing me as he stood on the bed, and he kept asking questions. I ignored him. He then put his hands through my hair. Annoyed, i pushed him back onto the bed. He crossed his arms and started pouting, telling me that what i did was not nice. I agreed, and told him that it was not nice, but i was referring to what he had done. He backed away across the bed. I felt a little bad for the boy, but i did not say anything to him. I moved to the north of the bed, looking out the large window in the eastern wall. The others in the room continued to talk.

12013 November 06

I was trying to get into the airplane before it took off. The airplane was sitting in the middle of the open field, and i was running underneath it, looking at the hatches on the bottom. I tried to open some of the hatches, but they did not work. I then heard an alarm go off, and i worried that the people in the airplane would know that i was still trying to get into the airplane. I could not get any of the doors open, though. I knew that i would have to not only get into the airplane, but i would have to get into the pressurized area of the airplane before they got too high into the air. I opened a set of doors to the east of me and stepped into the room. Laundry was in a bin by the door on the cement floor. I passed the bin and opened the a small door, surprised to see that it led up into the airplane. I talked to the woman about the airplane. She said that the bottom dumps out from some day to Thursday. I realized that this was a problem, and i started to be concerned about it. We were now inside part of the airplane, but we would not be safe if floor opened up below us. I thought that they were dumping people out of the airplane while the airplane was in flight. I could see the floor opening up, and i felt concerned that whey were going to drop people out to kill them. It was a way of disposing of the bodies.

12013 November 09

I was leaving this place, riding my bike with the other people. We were heading down the highway to the north. I thought that we would have to get off of the highway for something soon. I knew that one of the next exits would be an easy exit to get off on. I told the other people on the bikes about this. The other person was not sure that this was the correct way, thought. I thought that it would be an easy exit because we could just get back on after we were done. I turned off on the ramp, which was on the eastern side of the road. Large buildings were to the east of the highway. They seemed to be part of a mall or shopping center. The other person was to the east of me as we got off on the ramp. We then turned to the west on the main road. The ramp back on to the highway was just to the north of us. After crossing the highway, i turned to the south. The ramp curved, but did not go directly back to the highway. I thought that we had to get to the station. I told the other person that it was an easy ramp back onto the highway. We drove into the parking lot on the southern side of the road. A large bus was on the road ahead of us. IT was facing south, and the back end of the bus was to the southwest of us. People were getting on to the bus. I hoped that we were not to late. I then noticed that several bicycles were on the back of the bus. I moved toward the bus, but the woman from the bus said that the bus was full. I felt annoyed. I continued to the south, down the driveway. I felt that i would have to wait for the next bus. No one was around in the area now. A house was to the south of us. It seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. I felt anxious about being near it. I thought that my parents would be coming eventually, but i felt upset that i would have to wait until they got there. I had wanted to get on the bus. I moved around the house, felling alone. No one would be coming any time soon, and i knew that i would have to wait by myself.

12013 November 10

I crossed the outside area, heading to the west. A building seemed to be on the northern side of the area, and it seemed like a small pavilion from the fair. Cars were parked to the south of the building. We seemed to be in a fairground, and the main events were happening to the southwest of us. I walked toward the dark van that was parked to the south of the pavilion. The van was facing to the south, and the door on the eastern side was open. I looked into the vehicle, annoyed that $F47 was not there. She should have been there, selling things from the van. Frustrated, i looked around the area for $F47, but i could not see him. I though that he must be to the west with the others. I noticed that the large costume was still on the floor of the van. It had a large round white shape, which was worn over the torso. I walked to the northern end of the van, looking west to see if i could see anyone. $F10 was to the west, near the crowd. I looked back into the van, seeing the large round sign. I picked it up, trying to think of what i should do. I looked back to the west to see $F10 sitting in the willow tree. He was on the southern side of the tree, chatting with someone on the ground. I tried to fly to him, but it seemed hard to move quickly. I seemed to be struggling to move quickly toward him. I then stopped trying to move quickly, and i found myself back in the cafeteria. The others were sitting at the tables to the west of me. I walked up to the round table from the east. I still had the large round sign with me. I showed it to the others, saying that i had found it in the sales van. The round sign looked like a dial, with some black increments around the outer edge. It was part of the costume that the salesperson was supposed to wear. I flipped the dial over a few times, but could not quite figure out how it was worn. I asked the man near me how to put it on. I then saw the ribbon on the back of the round object, near one of the edges. I tried to put it on to see how it was worn. I then turned to the west and headed across the office. A crowd was already gathering at the western side of the office. I suddenly realized that i had never finished gathering the papers together. I felt nervous about this, thinking that i should have finished them before i had left. I moved through the office, trying to find $A643. I headed to the north, avoiding the crowd at the western side of the office. I felt disappointed that i had not finished the paper. I started to feel upset, thinking that i should have finished the papers before i left. Now that the crowd was here, it was too late to do anything with the papers. I needed the papers for this event. The forms should have been done already. I turned to the north and opened the folder on the table to the north of me. I was not sure what i should do. I felt that i had already wasted my opportunity. As i looked at the folder, i was aware that $A644 was watching me from the east.

12013 November 11

I had been traveling with my parents, and we were in another place. I had left my parents at the hotel room to do something, and now i was heading back to them. It was dark out, and everything seemed quiet. I headed south down the old corridor, thinking that i would have to return the cars that we had been using. I could see the back of the large trailer truck on the eastern side of the corridor ahead of me. The cars we had taken were still on the trailer. The white police car was on the top of the trailer. I opened the rear door of the police car and climbed into the back seat. I thought that i could probably sleep here, but i thought that we would have to return the cars before people discovered that they were missing. I then remembered that the car i was in was a police car, and i wondered if it had a camera inside. It could have filmed us driving away in the car. I wondered about this for a moment. I worried that we might have been recorded, and i wondered how we could justify taking the car. I then realized that i still had many things to do before i went to sleep. It seemed very late at night, but i would have to get some things done. I would have to sneak back into the hotel room where my parents were sleeping. I moved to the west and opened the window of the hotel room. The room was on the western side of the corridor. The entry door and the windows were next to each other. I could see the key inside. My mother had left it on the table, and i had tied a string to it so that i could get it after i had sneaked out. I pulled the key on the rope toward the window. I realized that it would fall off of the table and clatter against the cement wall below the window. I thought that this would wake my mother up. I tried to drag it carefully, but it hit the window and made a metal noise. My mother did not seem to notice. I opened the door and moved into the room. I had to get my things together. As i walked across the dark room, i felt very tired. I wanted to sleep, and i thought that i should really shower so that i could get to work. It seemed to be almost dawn. I wandered around the halls of the hotel, thinking about this. I was not sure what i should do. It then seemed later. My parents were now awake and in the room to the north of me. I told them about the things that i had to do. I felt tired and complained that i had too much to do.

I headed to the south, toward my parents’ house. We were driving past houses, which seemed to be on the southern edge of a larger city. The place seemed rural. We had to get out of this area for some reason. My parents were with me as we traveled. We then came into the large parking lot, which was to the west of the mall. We continued walking down the middle of the lot, over the medians. My parents had planted plants in the median areas of the parking lot. I walked down the sidewalk of cement paving stones. I could see where my father had put plants in small square areas in the center of the walkway. Some where in the middle of the sidewalk, but most were around the edges. The patch of grass ahead of me looked tall and dry, but it seemed decorative in the walkway. I asked my father, who was walking behind me to the northwest, if he had dug holes in the bricks for the plants. As i approached the plant and move around it, it occurred to me that the plant actually seemed to be in the way. It was nice to look at, but it did not seem to be practical. I hoped that no one would dig up the plants because they were in the way. I continued walking down the path, feeling uneasy here. It was warm, and the air seemed different that i was used to. I thought that i was in the southern United States, possibly in Florida. My father was then in a car to the west, and he drove away, heading south. He talked about the mean people as he dug the plants before. I then realized that we had left the path and were now walking over cut grass. The wide area of grass ran to the south of the planted gardens. It seemed very strange that we had suddenly come here. I turned to the east a little, heading toward the mall and the paved part of the lot. My father drove the car to the east as well, cutting through the planted gardens to get to the paved lot. I then realized that the road from the paved lot was rough and torn up to the southeast of where i was. My father would be driving over it. I remembered that part of the mall was under construction. I told my father about this as we drove toward the parking lot. I could see large rocks on the dirt road ahead. I wondered if we would be able to get off of the road and into the parking lot beyond. The rocks seemed large enough to hit on the underside of the car. I warned my father about the rocks. I then realized that the path seemed a little clearer ahead. We continued to drive. Something else then seemed to block the road. Animals were in the road ahead of us. I named them, but i was having difficulty saying what they were. One was like a squirrel, but i pointed it out as an armadillo. We approached it, and my mother pointed to it as if she wanted to pet it. I felt uneasy, thinking that it was really a wild animal. The animal seemed friendly at first. Both of my parents bent over and started petting it. It rolled over to let them scratch it. It was furry now. It had a long snout with jagged teeth, like an opossum. It tried to bite my mother, snapping at her nipples under her blue shirt. I cautioned my parents that the animal might be dangerous. My mother tried to push it away. It was on its back with its head toward my mother. My father pet its belly but then pinched one of the animal’s nipples to get it to move away. Once the animal had moved away, we drove on. We tried to get away from the animal before it came after us, but it started chasing us. We tried to speed up, but it jumped onto the back of the chair tha we were sitting in. I thought that we could drive fast and push it off. I felt panicked and wondered what we should do. I then turned to the south and entered the hotel rom. I had given my mother the entry card for the door. I remembered that i had gotten the card a long time ago. It had money encoded into the card, which would allow us to enter the room. As my mother stuck the card into the door, i looked at the card. It looked like a two-dollar bill on the top, but it was smaller and had different proportions.

12013 November 12

I headed down the stairs from the classroom. This building was a school building. I thought that it was $P7, but it did not seem familiar to me. The stone hall had tan blocks on the northern wall. It seemed unfamiliar, but i thought that it should be familiar. I started walking to the east, but stopped to look around, trying to figure out where i was. A woman stood to the west of me, watching me. I nodded to her, pretending that i belonged here. I realized that this was the front part of the main hall. It had not existed when i was here. It must have been added on to the building after i left. I looked at the stairs that ascended to the east along the southern wall. They were black and metal, and they looked very modern. Someone near me then said something about finding a place in this building. I headed to the north, thinking that i would enter the older part of the building. I came into another hallway, which should have been the main hall. I thought that i should recognize this part, but i did not. Everything seemed new here. The woman was still near me. She seemed concerned that i was wandering around the building. She asked me if i needed any help. I ignored her and headed to the east down the hallway. As i walked, i was actually on a street. I still had the pepper in my left hand, and i had been taking bites from it. It was a cooked bell pepper. Something about it did not taste good, though, and i wondered if it was too ripe. I looked at it and could see red in it. Maybe it had started to spoil. I tried to take a few more bites as i continued down the northern sidewalk of the suburban street, heading east. I was aware of the others following me. They had seen me in the building, and they were suspicious of me. I thought hat the woman must have told them about me. I tried to ignore them and continued to the east. It felt good to be in this neighborhood. I was still walking through the house, even though i was on street. I thought that this house belonged to a famous person. I probably should not be wandering through it. I wondered how i could get out of the area without drawing too much attention. I though that the house might belong to Eddy Murphy. I came out the northern side of the large house and into a wide gravel yard, which seemed to have grass but also seemed like a parking lot. I tossed the pepper on the ground to the west of me and started heading to the east. I followed the sidewalk across the yard toward the street. The large house was on the northeastern corner of the block, and i wanted to get to the northern side of the block to leave the area. I thought that Eddy Murphy could see me walking across the yard from the windows of the mansion. Only two men were following me as i continued to the north on the sidewalk of the side street. I remembered that a school building was on the corner of the side street and the main street. I looked to the west as i approached the corner. An old brick school building stood. It was very large and impressive. The southeastern corner of the building had a arching portico that had been converted into an entryway. The building looked very nice, and i thought that something about the design of the old school buildings looked very nice to me. I passed into the building, heading down the corridor to the center of the building. A large gym opened up there. A sign on the wall to the north of the large arching doorway said “ayuta” in red letters on a white board. This seemed strange. I thought that this must be the area of the city that we were in. I did not recognize the name, and i thought that i would have to ask the others if this was really part of the city. It seemed like a strange name, and i did not think that it had anything to do with the building.

12013 November 13

I tried to drive the car up the driveway to the north, but i stopped when i saw the large cat walking across the lawn from the east toward us. I had been nervous about the cat. IT was a pet of my parents, but it seemed dangerous. A small dog was following the cat, and i thought that the cat had killed some of the neighborhood pets. I wondered if it would kill the small dog. I thought that it was not good that the cat was attacking other pets, and i complained to my father about the cat. He said that he understood, but he did not seem to be able to do anything about it. I started walking to the east across the yard to the house. The cat started to follow me. I was nervous about it, thinking that the cat was trouble. It was too wild. We headed to the east, through the building. I was looking for someone, and i thought that i was chasing after him. I had been talking to the others on the telephone. I remembered the call, and i thought about calling them now. I moved down the corridor. This place was like $P7. I was on the upper floor of the building, but i was aware that it was not $P7; it just reminded me of the building. The corridor was very long, and it seemed illuminated by light from the rooms on either side. I reached the end of the corridor, coming into an open area with high ceilings. It was a wide stairwell with stairs running up both the northern and southern sides. The walls and floor seemed white. I tried to call the person on my cell phone as i ascended the stairs on the southern side of the small atrium. I told the others who were following me that i was calling for help. The bag guy was running away, and we needed help catching him. He ran down the corridor on the next floor, and we chased him to the west. I tried to catch him but could not quite catch up with him. He reached the atrium on the western end of the building. I started down the flight of stairs that ran along the southern wall. The man was not in sight, but i suddenly saw him descending the wide steps in the center of the atrium. I tried to reach the bottom ahead of him, but he ran out the exit door in the western wall before i could get to him. Annoyed, i tried to call to the others instead. I wanted to know why they were not helping chase the man. I paced to the north, into the center of the open area. Small round cafe tables were set up on the terrazzo floor. The man with me asked what i was doing, and i angrily told him that i was trying to get in contact with the others. I looked at my phone, seeing the names on the screen. I could not remember the name of the man who was with us. I felt irritated. I thought that his name was Conner, but the name looked like Cameron or Charlie. The man was then standing to the northeast of me. He must have just come out of the hallway from the east. I was angry with him, and i told him that i had been calling him. I then thought that the names on the telephone were probably not correct, so i might have been dialing the wrong person. We walked to the west, into the center of the open area. I looked up at the large brown domed ceiling. This place seemed very elegant, and it also seemed familiar to me. We talked about what we were looking for in this place. Someone then said that the door was on the back of the area. I remembered this description from before, and i looked to the northwest. I noticed that the corner of the room had a piece of plywood over the northern wall. The plywood blocked the corner, but i thought that there was actually an open area to the west of the plywood. The man with me asked directions to the north. I said that it was here and i headed for the plywood. The others followed me. I looked for a door in the wall. I remembered that the name on the door was not obvious, and it did not seem to make sense for where the door came out. I thought hat the name was Madam Trueau. I moved into the small alcove that had been hidden by the plywood and felt the northern wall. The alcove was surfaced with dark marble and was about three meters square. I thought that the door might be hidden in the surface of the wall. The others then said that they ad found a door in the western part of the alcove. I turned to see that they had opened a door in the southern wall of the alcove, where it recessed into the western wall. I opened the door and followed the others up the dark stairs beyond. I remembered that someone had said that this was a nice tour. I thought of the wax figures that were here. I then remembered that there had been a fire here. This would be a time after the fire, so maybe the plywood hiding the alcove was from the reconstruction project.

I was talking to the other person about something, but i realized that i had left something on the airplane. I had forgotten to take it out with me, and i would have to go back to get it. I felt annoyed. I was on the nose of the airplane, trying to eject the things from over the seats. The small compartments over the seats had small handles that clipped in, and i was trying to pull one out. I hoped that i was in the correct seat. I pulled the thing out, looking at the tab that was the handle. A voice then said that it was number four. I looked at the two tabs over the seat near me. They both said number four. These must be the correct tabs, but my thing might not have been in the blue pocket of the tray. I then realized that i was looking in the ash tray, which was in the center of the seats. It seemed strange that this airplane would have ashtrays on them. They were usually not in use anymore. I pushed the tray back into the seat. The airplane now seemed to be moving. I looked out the window near me. It was a large window, and i realized that i was on a bus. We were heading west, and i thought that it would take me to the airport. I moved to the front of the bus. The man in the front was trying to get the GPS of the bus to work. I looked at the small screen. It seemed to say “Albany”. I pressed the button to see if i could get the GPS to give directions, but it changed the city instead. I was annoyed. Now i would have to go through all of the cities on the list to try to get back to the first one. I kept pressing the button to get the cities to scroll. The man seemed impatient and said that he needed the directions. I felt nervous. The screen now said “Cincinnati”. I told the man that the list was still in the Cs and that i was trying to go all the way through to get back to the As. He turned a sharp corner. I asked if they were heading for the airport, adding that they could get on the highway. I told them to take a left ahead as we started to head south. I thought that this was the main road and that the highway was to the east of us. As we turned, however, i was not exactly sure. The road did not look like the road i remembered. The large buildings around us were cement. I looked at the green street sign. It said that the road was Prospect. I said that i hoped that the street was the correct one. The man did not hear what i had said, and he asked me what it was. I told him again. As we headed east, i then realized that the road ahead was blocked by construction. A woman near me commented on the directions. She was unhappy with my directions. I then realized that the driver was still heading toward the construction zone. He drove through the posts on the southern side of the street, stopping just before hitting the tall wooden wall to the south of us. The bus halted abruptly. I wondered what we should do now.

12013 November 14

I headed through the hallways of the school building. I was new here, and i was trying to find my class. Something about this situation seemed familiar, and i thought that this school was like a television program. The view of the students in the hallway seemed scripted. I was actually following a woman through the halls. We turned to the south and started walking down the upper floor of the building. I looked into the room on the southern side of the hallway, directly ahead of us. The hallway divided into a Y and ran down both the eastern and western sides of the classroom. I was not sure where i should go. I did not really know where my class was. I thought that i t was on the third floor. I headed toward the room to the south and asked the woman there where i should go. She simply said that i should not go here. I thought that my class might be to the east, so i headed down the eastern hallway. We were now in a car with the woman as we traveled down the hallway. I thought that it seemed very strange to have a car inside the building. The woman was driving us back down the hallway to the north. She then turned to the west, heading through a doorway and down a ramp. She said that it was not on this floor. The ramp curved to the east as we descended. I imagined that my class was actually in another building, which would explain why we were driving there. However, i knew that we were still in the corridors of the building. It seemed very strange. The buildings were separate, but all part of the same building.

12013 November 17

I headed back down the corridor to the west. I had just left the hotel room, where i had been staying with my parents, but i had to return to get something. My parents seemed to be continuing to the east as i walked back to the west. I thought about the thing that i had to get. I then felt the pockets of the pants that i was wearing, wondering if i had remembered to bring the key to the hotel room. I worried that i did not have it with me. I would have to tell the people at the front desk to let me in, but i was not the one who made the reservations for the rooms. I thought that i would have to show them my ID and then hope that they noticed that my last name matched the last name on the reservation. As i came to the junction of the corridor, where the small corridor ran off to the north, i noticed a maid’s cart in the hallway to the north. I turned the corner and wondered if the maid was heading into our room. She was taking something from the cart at the moment. She wore a black and white maid outfit. She was tall, with shoulder-length black hair, and she seemed oriental. I looked beyond the cart, to the north, noticing that the red corridor curved to the northwest just beyond the cart. Two doors seemed to be in the western wall of the hall, and i thought that mine was the second to the east, but i was not entirely sure. My parents’ room should have been the first. As the maid opened the door and walked in, i looked into the room. A long narrow corridor led into the room. I remembered this from when i was in the room before, and i thought that the existence of the corridor had something to do with the fact that the doorway was just before the curve in the outside corridor. I walked into the room. The maid had disappeared into the bathroom, which was on the southern side of the room. I paused just inside the entry door. I felt a little uneasy heading into the room while the maid was here. I then thought that i had to grab my camera from the bedroom. I looked around, noticing my camera case hanging to the south of me. I stepped a little to the west. Looking around again, i could see the black camera case hanging from the eastern wall of the room. The door to the room now faced north and swung to the east. The camera case seemed to be hanging on the doorstop where the doorknob would be prevented from hitting the wall. I wondered if the doorknob had hit the camera as i removed the case from the wall and headed to the west, into the main room. The maid was still to the south, in the bathroom. She was not aware that i had come into the room. I walked around to the western side of the large bed, which was against the northern wall of the room. A doorway in the northern wall was just to the west of the bed. I had several things on the bed, and i started looking through them. I played with the camera for a moment. A digital voice then said “I have only fourty-percent battery power.” I realized that i had switched the camera on, and it was telling me that it was not fully charged. I said that it would have to be charged to no one in particular. I started digging through the bags on the bed, looking for the charging cables. I seemed to be looking for the cables to my cell phone. I then grabbed the black bag of the camera case and turned it over. The cables for the camera were in the front pocket of the bag. $K17 then seemed to be to the southwest of me. I explained what i was doing to her as i fiddled with the plugs. The maid was now standing in the doorway to the bathroom, looking out at us. Her mouth was open slightly and she seemed confused and a little concerned with our presence in the room. I continued to do something with the things on the bed, but i started talking to the other person that was with me. I had to get going, and i turned to the north to leave. Something had changed, and it now seemed darker. $F45 was standing to the southwest of me, and he seemed annoyed that i was leaving. I told him that i was going to run with $G4. I drove my car to the northeast, down the corridor, which was really a road between two dark objects. I knew that the $G4 run was in either $P153 or Syracuse. I thought that it would be in $P153, but then it would be in Syracuse. I turned to the north onto the road, which ran by the grassy park. I looked to the west, over the dark grass, noticing some white marks near the side of the road. They were from the run. I thought that the $G4 run must be near, which was good, because i did not know where the run would have been in Syracuse. I headed up the road a little farther and then turned around. I headed back to the south but slowed down so that i could see the marks. I thought that i should have brought something to do before the run. I seemed early. I was moving over the side of the road now, wondering where i should go. I then spoke to the others, who seemed to be near me. I was in the large room on the western side of the road. The others were driving. We slowed as we formed a queue on the southern side of the room. I then realized that the others were in handcuffs. Something was strange here. They had been arrested for drunk driving. I felt bad because i was not driving. I was not drunk, so i should have been driving the others. I then wondered if i should really be here. I thought that i might get in trouble just because i was associated with the others. I saw the officer to the west, so i headed back to the north to leave the room. I stressed that i was not drunk. I then headed down the stairs to the north. I felt strange. Something seemed wrong, and i wondered if i really was drunk. I suddenly felt as though i had to use the bathroom. My stomach hurt. I tried to continued down the stairs, but i was moving awkwardly. I started to worry that something was not right. I then tipped over the railing to the west of me. I looked at the railing as i slowly rolled over it. It seemed strange. It was metal, but it was oddly shaped. The rounded top seemed uneven and too wide for a handrail. I turned to the west, trying not to act drunk, and i moved to the west over the stairs. I then realized that this was not real. I had fallen over the railing but was now moving over the stairs without stepping on them. I then realized that i was actually handing from the underside of the stairs above me. I was not really floating. I then decided that this was not correct. The stairs ascended to the south over me, and i was holding on to the back of the steps, which were open. I knew that this was a dream, though. I would no t be convinced that i had been floating simply because i was holding on to the stairs. I let go of the stairs and did not fall. I felt reassured that this was definitely a dream. I turned to the northeast and walked around the parking lot. I liked that i had control of the dream, but then i wondered what i should do. I turned to the south, walking into the small room. I thought that i wanted to be on the ocean, so i closed my eyes and focused on being an a beach, with the ocean to the south of me. I opened my eyes, looking at the blue hues and other ocean colors. For a moment, i thought that i had changed the dream, but then i realized that the colors were just from the paint on the walls in front of me. This was not quite right. I looked around, realizing that i was in a small room with no doors or windows. I had changed locations, but was not where i wanted to be. I then realized that i could not simply walk out. I wondered if i was trapped here. Why could i not control the dream. I headed to the west, into my parents’ house. My mother mentioned people in jail. It had something to do with the room i had been in. I mentioned the details of the jail before she could, adding that i knew about it. I asked her if she wanted to know how i knew about it. I thought that i had jumped in time, so i knew the details of the jail, which had happened before to me. She was not interested, however, and i felt disappointed. I then looked around, realizing that many people were eating around us. They sat around the small round tables on the southern side of the area. My parents were cooking in a small kitchen to the north. I said the details of what had happened before, which had not yet happened here. I then realized that many people were eating in the small diner. I wondered when my parents had opened this diner. Something did not make sense. This did not happen before in my time line. I thought that i must have jumped two years. This seemed strange. I looked at the young girls eating at the table to the south of me. Something was out of place. I looked around, noticing that i did not see two of the people i had been in the queue with. I turned to the north and headed into the kitchen. I tried to tell my parents that i had been traveling, but my mother seemed upset with me. I then noticed my father had a gray beard. When i looked again, however, it was actually black. It changed quickly, and i pointed out that he was dying. It was different now that i looked at it directly. Something was wrong here. I felt confused and could not figure out where or when i was. I asked my parents when they opened up the restaurant, but they were mad and did not want to talk to me. I stood on the southern end of the living room, feeling frustrated. I grabbed the pipes from the east of me, thinking that i would swing them around and hit things in the room out of frustration. I then realized that the gold pipe was hot. It had been resting against the furnace. I dropped it to the floor. I headed to the north to get things from the house. I could see the things that my mother had brought on their trip. I had to get the things from our hotel room. I looked at the piles of clothes on the large bed to the west of me. I then noticed the life vests. My mother must have brought them on the airplane because she was worried about flying. I then noticed the nose plugs sitting near the life vests. I laughed, thinking about my father having to deal with the excess junk in my mother’s suitcase.

12013 November 18

I was leaving the apartment with the others, heading south out the doorway and into the lobby. It seemed to be very early in the morning. I started across the lobby when a person came out of an apartment to the west. The man seemed to be wearing a blue wrestling singlet under a winter jacket. He seemed nicely built. It seemed as though he was going to exercise, so i asked him if he was going to go jogging. The person looked at me, and i realized that it was actually a woman. She had dark skin and a muscular build. She said that she was going to her classes. Others came out of the rooms as we continued down the hall to the south. I came out of the building and stopped on the street. I wondered where i should head from here. I felt as though i did not have everything ready for the day. The others turned to the west and headed down the street, disappearing into the crowd of people already walking the sidewalks. I was in the middle of a city, and an intersection was just to the west of me. I noticed the building on the northwestern corner of the intersection. It was pale gray and had a rounded front. A metal overhang fanned out over the main doorway, curving over the doorway, which faced the corner. It looked like the bill of a baseball cap. I headed to the west, walking down the street. The street was actually a pedestrian walkway, and this place seemed like $P35. Most of the area was under construction, though. I passed under some scaffolding on the northern side of the street. The scaffolding formed a long corridor with plywood sides. I then realized that the cement on the ground seemed wet. I tried to avoid it. Men were working around me as i continued to the west. The ground sloped upward now. I had just walked up this hill, but i was now walking up it again, again trying to avoid the wet cement. I thought that i should not be stepping on the newly paved sidewalk. Instead, i should be flying over this area. I looked ahead of me, noticing that the path i was following was unfinished. I looked out across the pedestrian area, noticing that the ground was covered with wooden forms that would eventually become the sidewalk. No cement had yet been poured into them. The area looked run down, and everything seemed in disrepair. I was not sure that i should be walking over this area. I turned to the north, heading up an alley. I started flying over the area, trying to get out of the construction. I was annoyed that everything was being torn apart. I looked down at the men of the construction crews as they worked on the alley. I hoped that they did not see me. They might alert someone that i was flying around the area. I slowed over a group of men in reflective vests and hardhats. They were arguing about the scaffolding. I looked ahead of me to the north at the scaffolding. The men were complaining about the safety. I thought that the scaffolding looked shaky. The old pipes were stained and the boards looked water soaked. I thought that the crews must have been cutting corners on construction costs. I wondered if i should push the scaffolding over while no one was on it. The men would think that it just collapsed, and they would then have to get new structures. I moved down he alley to the south, turning into a small square space at the end. I turned to the west. A man was working on scaffolding just around the corner from me, to the northeast. I floated near part of the scaffolding. The men did not know that i was here, and i felt mischievous. They thought that no one was here. I thought that i should clang things together. They would not know where the sound came from. The men might think that the sound came from nowhere, like ghosts were around. Clear plastic sheeting hung ragged from some of the scaffolding. I hit the metal pipes of the scaffolding with a metal pipe. I tried to get the attention of the man working, but he did not seem to notice. He did not come around the corner to see what was making the noise. I then flew away and came back to the sheltered alley. I thought that i would have to hide here. I looked to the west. A large blue and dark-gray bird was on a window sill of the brick building on the southern side of the alley. Others were talking about it as though they were on a television documentary. The bird looked around for a moment, eying things in the alley. It then shook, fluffing up its feathers. When it stopped, it looked white with red details around the head and shoulders. I then thought that the feathers formed a warm coat. I thought that i should do this, thinking that i could nest here in the alley and the workers would not know that i was here. A woman then commented on the bird, asking how it could cover itself entirely. I leaned back against the wall, but i was now in an open area. I looked around at the golf course around me. This place seemed like the place that the bird had been in when i saw the bird on the television screen. I thought about the tubular feathers and how they could surround me and disguise me. If i shook them out to get them to fluff up, they would cover my features and make me look like something else. This would help me hide here.

12013 November 19

I walked along the rocky beach, which was to the north of the row of small houses. The small brown house to the south of me seemed like my parents’ cottage. $A59 was walking on the beach near me. He was to the northeast of me. I watched the small waves roll over the large flat granite rocks of the shore. $A59 picked up a small black rock and threw it into the water to the north of him. The rock skipped and then fell into the waves. I joked with him about breaking the shore. He said that he would just get another. I told him that there were no other black rocks on the beach. They wash away too easily. It was very rare for one to be here. I then said that he could probably find some in the large cracks of the granite rocks that made up the shore. I thought that they might have gotten caught there when they were washed ashore. The waves started rolling onto the shore. They now seemed like ocean waves, and they seemed to be coming from all directions. I looked to the east along the beach. Many other people were walking along the open shore, watching the waves. The shore was wide, like an ocean shore, but this still seemed like the shore of the river near my parents’ cottage. $A98 was then there. He joked with $A59 about something. I thought that he was being reckless. He picked up a large flat rock and used it as a sled. He slided down the short rocky slope of the shore into the water. This did not seem safe, and i was worried that he might get hurt. I told him that he was going to hurt himself doing that, but he did it anyway. He started to slide again, but the rock rolled underneath him and he hit his hand on one of the stone outcrops on the shore. I felt annoyed with him. He had gotten hurt even though i warned him that he might. I did not want to say anything to him, though. I headed to the south, into the basement of the house. I did not want to deal with $A98 at the moment. I descended the stone steps into the room. $A98 came down the stairs after me. He headed to the west, to a large basin sink that was against the cement western wall. He washed the wound on his hand. I felt concerned. $A59 came into the room and went to take care of $A98. I walked over to the sink and asked to see his hand. He showed me. He had a hole in his finger. It looked deep, and i thought that it actually went through the bone. I was still angry with him for being so foolish, so i turned and walked away for a moment. I then went back to the sink and asked him if i could take a closer look. I thought that he should be taken care of, and i worried that the bone might be damaged. He seemed annoyed with me. He held out his hand as he rolled his eyes. I looked at the wound, but i could no longer see into it. Blood had filled the hole. He then waved his hand over the sink, pretending to shake the blood away. He was showing his displeasure with me. He was being mean. I turned to leave, heading to the southwest. I walked through the large doorway in the cement wall, ducking under the metal shade that hung over it. I thought that i would have to make sure that the cottage was locked for the night. Too many college people were on the beach here, and i thought that many of them would be doing reckless things as well. I worried that they would vandalize the cottage. I told $A59 to take $A98 to the hospital, adding in mocking tone, “if he doesn’t pass out”. I said that he probably broke his arteriole. I felt upset, and i tried to explain this to someone. I was not quite sure what to do here.

12013 November 22

I stood on top of the high area of land. The dirt was bare where i was, and the ocean was to the south of us. Several other people were standing around me, and i was talking to them. It seemed as though we were here to help people. I looked to the east. The land sloped up to the north of us, and we seemed to be on the side of a steep hill. the hill turned into a cliff to the east, and trails ran from where we were along the cliffs to the east. I heard a voice from somewhere. As i listened, i could hear that it was coming from below us. I wondered if it was one of us. I thought that someone must be on the lower trail. I could not see them because of the way the cliff sloped. The man’s voice was talking about the flooding. I thought that he was talking about waves coming into the shore from the ocean. I felt concerned about this. I looked over the edge to the south of us, but i could not see the man, so i moved a little to the south until i could see him. The others moved with me toward the edge. The man was talking about the flood, and i thought that he was referring to a tsunami. I talked to the man to the north of me about it. I was worried that it might happen. We then turned and moved up the stairs to the upper floor of the house. The party was in the eastern room of the house, but we were in a hallway area near the top of the stairs. My mother seemed to be in the room to the east. I continued to talk to the man, looking out the windows to the south. We seemed to be higher above the water now, and i thought that a tsunami could not actually happen here. The land was not the type of land where tsunamis happened. I still felt worried about it, though. I looked all around, noticing that water was all around us now. I became concerned, thinking that the house was flooding. The tsunami must be here. I wondered if the passing water would move the house. I moved to the north and grabbed the wall, feeling it to see if it was shaking. I felt the house sway. I worried about the people at the party downstairs, and i hoped that the water was not high enough to affect them. The water then started to recede. I walked carefully down the stairs to the south to see if the people at the party were all right. As i came out into the lower floor, i could see that the house had been torn up and the people were gone. I was upset, and i wondered what to do. I wandered through the empty house, looking at the tattered walls. I thought that the building would be evacuated by now. To the north, i could see construction vehicles moving around in the yard. They were cleaning up the mess. I knew that they would not tear down the house, but i worried that they might get mad that i was here. They would not condemn the house, but they would claim that no one could be in it because of mold contamination. I looked around at the walls near me, noticing that the house was still attached to the white cement foundation. I wondered how the house had tipped when i was feeling it. It should have separated from the foundation in order to tip. This did not make sense. I walked to the north. Large buildings now surrounded me. I was here to talk to the officials. They were the insurance people, and i did not feel at ease here. The tall buildings were modern, and a large paved plaza was in the center of them. I descended the steps that were the edge of the plaza, descending into the lower area of the plaza. Someone with me mentioned the view behind us. I turned around to see a large face peering over the tops of the buildings. It was a model of Mr. Peanut, and it was looking down at the plaza. It seemed very strange. I made fun of the design, but the others did not seem to realize how silly it looked to have a cartoon character with the modern buildings. I then noticed the Disney-like statues that were scattered across the plaza around me. This was like a children’s theme park. I headed to the north to leave, annoyed at the artificial cheer of the place. I thought that the statues actually represented insurance land. I knew that the insurance that i had came from the large square gray building that was at the southern end of the plaza. The statues around me represented other insurance companies that were here. They were made to look like friendly characters. It was the companies’ way of pacifying people who might think negatively of the insurance companies.

I headed up the stairs in the building. The stairs ascended a square cement well which seemed to be on the northeastern corner of the building. This place was a national monument, and i was traveling with several other people to this place, where we were visiting the sites. I glanced to the south as i passed one of the floors. I could see across a modern lounge with large widows on the eastern wall. A man in a suit walked to the east and laid down on a couch that was against the eastern wall. The couch seemed to be covered with leather. I continued up the stairs, heading toward the viewing deck. When i reached the upper floor, i was surprised to see that no one was there. I wondered where the people i was traveling with had gone. I looked around the cement deck, but i started to feel uneasy. I felt as though we should leave this place. It was getting late, but i did not want to leave without the others. I headed back down the stairs. I stopped in the lounge, but it was now empty. The double entry doors on the southern end of the room were now closed. I felt uneasy, wondering if the monument had just closed while i was in it. I headed south into the lounge, looking around for the others, but i could not see anyone. I decided that i should head back to the car to see if they had left. A group of young people was now moving around in the southern part of the room. They had come to visit this place. This meant that the place was still open. They were wearing white T-shirts with blue and yellow stripes down the sides. they also wore soccer shorts. I wondered why they were here. As they got close to me. I said hello to a young blond man in a soccer uniform. I asked about “football”, but then corrected myself and said “soccer”. He said “Yes.” We talked about the sport for a moment as he walked slowly to the north. I was interested in him and wanted to ask more questions. I pretended that i was getting things around my truck as i spoke to him. The room was now like a gas station, with pumps to the north of me. I was standing to the west of my truck, to the rear of my truck. I looked through the glass window in the back of the truck to see $X14. I thought that i could sleep in the back of my truck until the others came. I opened the door of the truck and got into the driver’s seat. I tried to move around in the vehicle, trying to get into the back seat. I looked down at the floor of the passenger’s seat, where $X14 was sleeping. He was hard to see in the dim light inside the vehicle. I was doing something inside the truck now, and i felt impatient waiting for the others to return. The truck was then moving to the east. I felt suddenly panicked, realizing that i had not been steering the vehicle. I looked to the east at the road ahead of us. The truck followed the road around a curve to the northeast. I wondered how cars always seemed to follow the curves of the road when i was not steering. I hurried to the driver’s seat to try to get back in control of the car and to stop it. I grabbed the steering wheel now, but i did not have my feet on the pedals. I then saw the roadblock ahead and started to feel panicked again. I should stop for the blockade. I then realized that it was actually a detour. I remembered taking this road before. I turned the car to the north as i tried to get my feet down to the pedals. I watched the road as i made the turn, recognizing the scenery. We had come this way on our tour earlier. I slowed the car as it came into the small room. I turned to the west, trying to turn the car around. A thin panel stood in the center of the room, separating the eastern side form the western side. I circled around the panel and headed back to the south. I thought that a tourist stop was off to the west of the room. I looked to the west as i continued toward the exit of the room. I could see signs for the orchards. I could see into the room to the west, and i started to slow down. I could see the others in the room. I walked into the room to the west and chatted with the others about the apple farm. I looked around at the signs and plaques around the tourist stop.

12013 November 24

I was in the small room of the house, trying to get things put together. $X14 was to the south of me. I looked at him, noticing that he was covered with a white paste. He must have gotten into a container of yogurt. He had it all over his face. I commented on this to my mother, who was in the room near me. I felt annoyed, and i picked up $X14 and took him to the shower. I started washing him off. I was in the small bathroom of the house. I felt annoyed that $X14 had gotten in the yogurt. Someone must have left the yogurt out where $X14 could get to it. $F45 came into the bathroom. I was leaning over the side of the bathtub, washing off $X14. I suddenly realized that i was still naked from the shower that i was going to take. I felt more annoyed that i had been interrupted.

I stood in the narrow hallway, which ran to the east. A stove was to the north of me, on the western end of the hallway. I headed toward it, stepping over the small white plastic trash can that was just off the southeastern corner of the stove. I had something that i wanted to throw away. I looked down the corridor to the east. $F45 was walking down the hallway, but he turned to the north, heading into the store. The glass door of the store swinged open to the west. I started to the east, dropping something in the white trash can before i moved. The walls of the narrow hallway seemed very solid and plain. I stepped off of the bus in the open area, with the large parking lot stretching out to the south and east. I started walking to the west, where my car was parked. As i walked, i heard the bus start to pull away. I realized that $F45 was still on the bus. He must have not been paying attention. I hoped that the bus would come back very soon so that he could get off. I came to my car, which looked like a small red hatchback. I stopped near the rear of the car, which was parked facing west on the western end of the lot. I wondered suddenly how i would open my car. I did not have the keys with me. I also thought that my cell phone was not working. My cell phone was still in the bag that i was carrying. I felt frustrated. I got into the car and pushed it to the south. I thought that i might be able to start the car by rolling it. A man to the east of me talked to me about something. The car started, but the car was still rolling to the south. I felt suddenly anxious, afraid that the car would hit the parked cars at the southern end of the lot. I quickly got my feet into the car so that i could step on the pedals and stop the car. The engine was still running. I turned the car to the east, heading across the southern side of the lot. I remembered that $F45 was still on the bus, so i thought that i should call him to remind him to get off at the parking lot. I would have to charge my cell phone before i could use it. I opened the glove compartment of my car and looked for the charger as the woman continued driving to the east.

12013 November 26

I headed to the south, across the darkened room. I was talking to someone who was on the northern side of the room. I was on an elevated surface, which seemed to be a catwalk near the ceiling. The metal platform led to the doorway in the southern wall, which led to the next room. I could see light from the other room spilling out onto the end of the catwalk. I then noticed a man in the kitchen below me. He was standing to the south of a black marble island counter doing something. I started talking with him. He chatted for a moment. The northern wall was covered with metallic kitchen equipment, like an industrial stove and grill. This place seemed a little greasy, as though it was not always cleaned thoroughly. I thought that it was like the kitchen of a diner. I then stood up and headed back to the north, talking to the other people in the room with me.

I stood outside the small house in the suburban neighborhood. The street through the neighborhood ran north to south, and the house was to the west of me as i stood on the western side of the street. The grass of the yard seemed to run all the way to the street. I then noticed a small gray cage in the street to the north. $X14 was in the cage. I wondered why his cage was so far down the street from the house. It seemed strange. I headed to south for a few steps. The land to the west of me sloped slightly up toward the house. I stopped in front of the house, feeling suddenly uneasy that $X14 was so far from the house. I decided that i should go get him and bring him into the yard. I headed to the north. A few people were walking a dog on the eastern side of the street. The dog was barking at the cage, and i felt concerned for $X14. The cage was now in a garage as i approached it. I stopped heading toward it, realizing that the homeowner was actually watching over the cage to make sure that the dog did not get too close. I waited a moment before heading back to the south to make sure that $X14 was really okay. I was standing in a room now, and people were leaving the room, heading to the east into the next room. I started to the east, following them. Two doorways were in the eastern wall, and a man was sitting on a bench between the two. I asked the man which of the doorways the others had gone through. I thought that they went to two different places. He did not really answer me, and i was not sure that i knew how to get to where the others went. I thought that i would have to climb over things to get through the doorway. I then realized that a set of stairs ran up behind the music stand to the southeast of me. I followed the stairs up and found the others in a small room, playing instruments. I thought that i would like this place, and i wanted to play the instruments with them. I was standing in the doorway on the northern wall of the room. Someone was sitting on the large old white couch that was against the southern wall. The man had a guitar and a harmonica. The room seemed very small, but i managed to squeeze in, heading to the eastern wall. $A192 asked me how to play the notes. He described the notes by saying that the fingers would be on the strings. I realized that he was talking about playing harmonics on the guitar. I told him that they were called “harmonics”, and i told the man to the east about how the string oscillates. I said that i touch the string with my finger but i don’t press down. A man asked me which was the easiest oscillation to do. I told him that the easiest oscillation was the one with no finger on the string. It was plucking the open string. I then talked about putting your finger halfway down the string. This was the next oscillation. The man to the east described how the string oscillates, and i listened. I then talked about the oscillations with the fingers on the fifth fret and on the third fret. The man was surprised to hear about these oscillations. He did not know that they were possible.

12013 November 30

I sat to the north of the table, looking at the piece of paper that was in front of me. I kept glancing to the east, where the three men were. I saw the three symbols from the paper hovering in the air in place of the men. The symbols had something to do with the men. The symbols were roughly shaped like black squares. The right symbol was a complete square, with a thin line cut across the upper left corner. The center square had two triangles cut out of the sides, giving it an hourglass shape. It also had two short divergent lines coming from opposite sides of the top, making the entire square look like a crude representation of a halter top. I looked back down at the paper in front of me, knowing that the images had something to do with the men. I then said something to the woman on the southern side of the table. She had just stood up to go somewhere. She seemed oriental, but she was $A634. She stopped suddenly at the question, and her face took on an angry look. I asked her how she was doing, and i mentioned Kansas. I had thought that she had moved to Kansas. She seemed offended by the question. The others sat around the table now in silence. I felt that i had asked a question that insulted $A634, but i was not sure what it was. The oriental woman slowly started to move to the west, staring at me in anger as she went.